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1st the Medieval Period中古英语时期
1.The Middle Ages中世纪
European history: the 5th century AD --- the end of the 15th century
The Anglo-Saxon period: 446AD --- 1066 + 400 years
盎格鲁- 撒克逊时期:446AD---1066+400年
一.The major literary forms一,主要文学形式
1. Epic --- Beowulf贝奥武甫
Epic, a poem that celebrates in the form of a continuous narrative the achievements of one or more heroic personages of history or tradition史诗,一首诗,庆祝连续叙述形式的历史和传统中的一个或多个英雄人物的成就
—— Basic information基本信息
1)the national epic of the Anglo-Saxon and English people 盎格鲁- 撒克逊和英国的民族史诗
2)a long poem of about 3,000 lines(2)一首长诗约3000线
3)a folk legend brought to England by the Anglo-Saxons from their continental home. (3)一个民间传说带到英格兰的盎格鲁- 撒克逊人从他们的大陆的家。

(1)The use of alliteration (certain accented words in a line beginning with the same consonant sound, generally 4 accents in a line, three of them showing alliteration. 1)在一条线上,使用头韵(某些重音单词开头的辅音相同的声音,一般4口音在一条线上,他们三个显示头韵。

(2)The use of metaphor 2)使用隐喻
(3)The use of understatements 3)使用低调陈述
三.Major writer: Geoffrey Chaucer—the founder of English poetry杰弗雷.乔叟
1. Chaucer’s literary career。

Three periods 三个时期
(1)France --- works translated from the French, “The Romaunt of the Rose”(meter, language and subject)
(2)意大利---改编自意大利,“特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达”的作品(显示出了他的创造性,通过借来的主题)(2)Italy --- works adapted from the Italian, “Troilus and Criseyde” (showing his creativeness through borrowed themes)
(3)英国---纯英文,“坎特伯雷故事集”(他自己的选择题目,自己掌握的性格和他自己的用词和情节)(3)England --- purely English, “The Canterbury Tales” (his own choice of subject, his own grasp of character and his own diction and plot)
2. “The Canterbury Tales” (1307 -1400)《坎特伯雷故事集》
--- Chaucer’s masterpiece and one of th e monumental works in English literature. ---乔叟的杰作和英国文学的不朽作品之一。

1“heroic couplet”, the rhymed couplet of iambic pentametre (五音步抑扬格) (his chief contribution to English poetry --- introducing from France the rhymed stanzas of various types) 1“英雄双面体”,抑扬pentametre(五音步抑扬格)的押韵的对联(他的主要为英语诗歌的贡献---从法国引进各种类型的押韵的诗节)
2 Doing much in making the dialect of London the foundation for modern English speech 2做多在使伦敦方言为现代英语演讲的基础
2nd the Elizabethan Age伊丽莎白时期
一.Renaissance, humanism一,文艺复兴时期,人文主义
1 Renaissance 1文艺复兴
When: the 14th century --- the 17th century; 时间:14世纪---17世纪;
Where: Italy, all over Europe; 地点:意大利,整个欧洲;
What features: a thirsting curiosity for classical literature; the keen interest in life and human activities; What effects: leading to the flowering of painting, sculpture, architecture and so on; 哪些功能:一个渴慕的好奇心古典文学,在生活和人类活动的浓厚兴趣;
Key-note: humanism; Humanism means a shift from the divine element to human element. 关键提示:以人为本,以人为本是指从神圣的元素转移到人的因素
Mark: a period of transition from the medieval to the modern world. 标记:一个过渡时期,从中世纪到现代世界
2 Historical and cultural background of the English Renaissance历史和文化的英国文艺复兴的背景
(1)Renaissance in the mainland Europe; (1)在文艺复兴时期的欧洲大陆;
(2) the religious revolution: Henry ⅧEdward ⅦMary Elizabeth(2)宗教革命:亨利Ⅷ爱德华Ⅶ玛丽·伊丽莎白
(3) the continuing development of trade, the growth of the middle class, the education for lay people, the centralization o f power, the widening horizons of exploration, printing introduced into England(3)贸易的不断发展,中产阶层的成长,教育的平信徒,中央集权,探索拓宽视野,印刷引入英国
二.Major achievement in English literature二,主要成就在英国文学
1. Renaissance poetry 1。

The greatest innovators:,Edmund Spenser --- displaying the ornate, somewhat florid, highly figured style; 这两个最伟大的创新:埃德蒙斯宾塞---显示华丽,有点红润,高度想通风格;
Metaphysical poet --- John Donne; 形而上学诗人---约翰·多恩
John Milton --- revealing poetic power and grace under the control of a profound mind; 约翰·弥尔顿---揭示了深刻的心灵的控制下诗意的力量和恩典
2. Renaissance drama2。

Most of the plays were in an elaborate verse style and under the influence of classical examples. 大多数戏剧都是在一个精心制作的诗歌风格和经典范例的影响下。

Christopher Marlowe, beginning the tradition of the chronicle plays, and establishing blank verse in plays; 克里斯托弗·马洛,拉开了历史剧的传统,在戏剧建立空白的诗句;
William Shakespeare, depictions of world-shattering characters that strive to go beyond the normal human limitations. 威廉·莎士比亚,即努力超越正常人类的局限世界惊天动地的人物描写。

3. Late Renaissance and the 17th century3。

Ben Johnson, carefully plotted comedies written in a more sober and careful style (the character of the later Restoration comedy); 本·约翰逊,精心策划编写一个更清醒和谨慎的风格(后来的恢复喜剧的人物)的喜剧;
The King James Bible, vocabulary, imagery and rhythms国王詹姆斯圣经,词汇,意象和节奏
四.Major writers: Francis Bacon, William Shakespeare, John Donne主要作家:弗朗西斯·培根,莎士比亚,约翰·多恩
1 Francis Bacon (1561 --- 1626)弗朗西斯.培根
(1)Points of view
His belief: people are the servants and interpreters of nature; truth is not derived from authority; knowledge is the fruit of experience;
His contribution: to logic the method implicative inference(1)点的看法
(2)Major works
1The Advancement of Learning (1605)《学问的演进》
2 Novum Organum (1620)《新工具》
3Essays (1597 --- 1625)
4The New Atlantis(1627)《新大西岛》
(3)Selected readings
“Of Studies”
one of the shortest yet the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays;
Analyzing the use and the abuse of studies, and how studies exert influence over human character;
Revealing typically the prose style of Bacon; “论读书”
2. William Shakespeare (1564 --- 1616)威廉.莎士比亚
(1)Points of view
一Humanistic ideas: 人本理念:
1. Affirming the importance of the feudal system in order to uphold the nation’s unity and social order;

2. Being against religious persecution and racial discrimination, against social inequality and the corrupting influence of gold and money 2。

3. Fearing anarchy, hating rebellion and despising democracy; 3。

二Literary ideas: 文艺思想:
Literature --- a combination of beauty, kindness and truth; ---文学之美,善良和真理的组合;
Literature --- reflecting nature and reality; 文学---反映自然和现实;
Literature --- reaching immortality by reflecting nature and reality; 文学---通过反射自然和现实达到不朽; (2)Major works (3 plays + 2 long poems + 154 sonnets)
1. The First Period (1590-1600)
1590: Henry Ⅵ, Part ⅠHenry Ⅵ, Part Ⅱ.
1591: Henry Ⅵ, Part Ⅲ.
1592: Richard Ⅲ.The Comedy of Errors.
1593: Titus Andronicus. The Taming of the Shrew.
1594: The Two Gentlemen of Verona. Love’s Labour’s Lost.《爱的徒劳》
Romeo and Juliet.《罗密欧与朱丽叶》
1595: Richard Ⅱ.A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream.《仲夏夜之梦》喜
1596: King John.The Merchant of Venice.《威尼斯的商人》喜
1597: Henry Ⅳ, Part Ⅰ.Henry Ⅳ, Part Ⅱ.
1598: Much Ado About Nothing. Henry Ⅴ.The Merry Wives of Windsor.《温莎的风流娘们儿》
1599: Julius Caesar.As You Like It.《皆大欢喜》喜
1600: Twelfth Night. 《第十二夜》喜
2.The Second Period (1601--- 08)
1601: Hamlet.哈姆雷特》悲
1602: Troilus and Cressida. All Well That Ends Well.《终成眷属》
1604: Measure for Measure. Othello.《奥赛罗》悲
1605: King Lear.《李尔王》悲Macbeth.《麦克白》悲
1606: Antony and Cleopatra.《安东尼与克里奥佩特拉》
1607: Coriolanus.Timon of Athens.《雅典的泰门》
1608: Pericles.
3.The Third Period (1609 --- 12)
1609: Cymbeline.《辛白林》
1610: The Winter’s Tale.《冬天的故事》
1611: The Tempest.《暴风雨》Henry Ⅷ.
四大悲剧:Hamlet.哈姆雷特King Lear.李尔王Macbeth.麦克白Othello.奥赛罗
四大喜剧: A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream.《仲夏夜之梦》Twelfth Night. 《第十二夜》The Merchant of Venice.《威尼斯的商人》As You Like It.《皆大欢喜》
(3)Selected readings
1“The Merchant of Venice” (1596)
1 Justice vs. Mercy
All men should be merciful.
Human mercy should follow the example of Divine mercy.
Injustice is revealed in the Christians’ treatment of the Jews.
2Appearance vs. Reality
Variations on this theme: superficial or external beauty vs. moral or spiritual beauty or truth; the letters of law vs. the spirit of the law
3 Commercial or Material Values vs. Love
True love is much more worthwhile than money and material values. 一主题




二Character analysis二性格分析
夏洛克- 在剧中最具争议性的人物
波西亚- 女主角,见着她的美貌,活泼智慧,机智和高尚的道德严肃性
Shylock – the most controversial character in the play
Portia – the heroine, renowned for her beauty, lively intelligence, quick wit and high moral seriousness 2“Sonnet 18”
Theme: In immortal poetry you become even with time主题:在不朽的诗你变得更加随时间

3rd the Restoration复辟时期17世纪背景复杂,社会动荡混乱
一.Major writer: John Milton, John Bunyan
1.John Milton (1608 - 1674)约翰.弥尔顿
(1)Points of view
A humanist: his passionate belief in free belief, his zeal for knowledge, his respect for truth; 人文主义:他在自由的信仰热情的信念,他的热情,对知识,他尊重真理;
God --- representing power and love, the rule of reason in the universe and in the soul of man; his wishes --- “contribute to the progress of r eal and substantial liberty, which is to be sought for not from without, but from within 他的愿望---“贡献的真正实质和自由,这是要寻求不从没有进展,但是从内
(2)Major works
1. Lycidas (1637)
2. Paradise Lost (1667) 《失乐园》
A twelve-book epic in blank verse;
The original story: Genesis 3: 1-24 of the Bible;
The theme: “fall of man”;
The central conflict and contrast: good vs. evil --- heaven and hell, light and darkness, order and chaos, love and hate. humility and pride, reason and passion. 一个十二本书史诗空白诗句;


3. Paradise Regained (1671)《复乐园》
A four-book epic in blank verse;
main idea: Based on the Gospels, it shows Christ in the wilderness withstanding Satan’s temptation, thereby proving his fitness for his ultimate trial and, in his human role, showing what humankind might achieve through strong integrity and humble obedience to the divine will.一个四本书史诗空白诗句;

4. Samson Agonistes (1671)《力士参孙》
Partly in blank verse, partly in unrhymed choric verse of varied line length;
Main idea: It depicts Samaon, betrayed by Dalila and blinded by the Philistines, defeating his captors at the cost of his life.部分无韵诗,部分在不同的线路长度的无韵诗合唱曲;

(3)Special features
Style ---the rich and complex texture,
---the multiplicity of its classical (Biblical and mythological) references,
---the wealth of ornament and decoration.
Subjects --- lofty and magnificent,
Endings --- lifelike,(3)特殊功能

2. John Bunyan (1628 - 1688)约翰.班扬
(1)Points of view
A devout Christian, a firm non-conformist of the Anglican Church;
The best way of life --- adherence to the Biblical doctrines;
Man’s final salvation --- achieving by one’s own spiritual struggle.一个虔诚的基督徒,坚定不循规蹈矩的圣公会;

(2)Major works
1. The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》
In allegorical form;
Condemning the vices of sloth, hypocrisy, arrogance, indulgence in pleasure-seeking, falsehood;
Eulogizing perseverance, firmness in belief, unyielding will, unfading courage;
Urging people to abide by Christian doctrines and seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weakness and all kinds of social evils.以寓言的形式;

1. Paradise Lost
Satan addresses to Beelzebub, his second-in-command, a speech of proud rebellion. God may have proved Himself the stronger, but Satan will not repent, nor will he cease to defy God. Though the field is lost, he will plan revenge. In spite of the great loss they have suffered, Satan’s forces are still strong and still immortal. And their experience has made them wiser. 1 。






2. The Pilgrim’s Progress
“The Vanity Fair” is a well-known section. Here the writer’s condemnation of the vices of his society is most strongly expressed. The Vanity Fair allegorically refers to the real world where people have become so degenerated that all they are concerned about is to buy and sell everything they can. By making the truth-seeking pilgrims suffer at the hands of the people of Vanity Fair, the author makes his readers conscious of the prevalent political and religious persecution of his time, the hard lot of the simple, honest people, their spiritual sufferings at a time of great changes, and their aspiration for a better life.
2 。





4th the Enlightenment Period启蒙主义运动时期第二次大繁荣
一.The enlightenment movement
1.When: the 18th century,
What: an intellectual movement, 一个思想运动,
The essence: an expression of struggle of the bourgeoisie against feudalism, 反对封建主义的资产阶级斗争的一种表现
The aim: fighting against class inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism, 对阶级不平等,停滞,偏见和封建主义残余等战斗,
Attempting to place all branches of science at the service of mankind.,试图把科学的所有分支在人类服务
2. The English Enlighteners英国启蒙
Striving to bring the bourgeois revolution to an end by clearing away the feudal remnants and replacing them by bourgeois ideology 力争通过扫清封建残余和资产阶级思想代替他们把资产阶级革命结束
3. Definition of the Enlightenment
一A progressive intellectual movement, with France in the vanguard, celebrating reason (rationality), equality, Sc ience and human beings’ ability to perfect启蒙运动的定义一渐进的智力运动,与法国的先锋,庆祝的理由(合理性),平等,科学和人类的完善能力themselves and their society,
The basic theories:
John Locke --- materialism,
Lord Shaftsbury --- Deism,
George Berkeley --- immaterialism,
David Hume --- skepticism基本理论:
乔治·伯克利--- immaterialism,
二Holding the common faith in human持有人的共同信仰
Rationality and the possibility of human理性与人类的可能性
Perfection through education, 完美通过教育,
reason --- yardstick for the measurement of human activities and social relation --- superstition, injustice, privilege, oppression --- “eternal truth”,“eternal justice”, “natural equality”,inalienable rights of men.

三Significance: Providing theory for French evolution in 1789 and the American War of Independence in 1776.意义:提供了理论在1789年法国的演变和独立于1776年的美西战争。

二.Neoclassicism, features of the neoclassical literature新古典主义文学,新古典主义,功能
(1)The definition of neoclassicism
what: applying to the classical tendency dominating English literature;
when: the last decades of the 17th century and the first half of the 18th
how: the result of reaction against the fires of
passion having blazed in the late Renaissance, esp. in the Metaphysical
origin: the artistic models in the classical literature of
ancient Greek and Roman writers and in the contemporary French writers;
focus: the classical artistic ideals of order, logic, proportion, restrained
emotion, accuracy, good taste and decorum;
significance: influencing literature of the coming generations in its
clarifying and chastening effect upon English prose style;
establishing the importance of certain classical graces, such as order, good form, unified structure, clarity, conciseness, and restraint.新古典主义(1)的定义


(2).Features of the neoclassical literature
1. taking the ancient Greek and Roman classical works and
contemporary French ones as the literary model;
2. in style: polite, urbane, witty, and intellectual;
3. literature being heavily didactic and moralizing – a very popular
means of public education;
4. following some fixed laws and rules;
5. poetry: elegant in structure and diction; noted for its
seriousness and earnestness in tone and constant didacticism;
novels: giving a realistic presentation of life of the common English




文学是充满了说教与道德理念- 一个非常受欢迎的



三.Major writers: Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift, Samuel Richardson, Joseph Addison, Samuel Johnson三主要作家:丹尼尔·笛福,斯威夫特,塞缪尔·理查森,约瑟夫·艾迪生,塞缪尔·约翰逊
1. Daniel Defoe (1660 -1731)丹尼尔.笛福
(1)Points of view
Valuing the Puritan ethic,评估的清教伦理,
Believing in diligence, self-reliance and fortitude, 相信勤奋,自立和坚韧,His duty, working for the welfare of all the people 他的职责,努力为全体人民的福祉
(2)Major works
1. Moll Flanders (1722)
2. Robinson Crusoe (1791)《鲁宾逊漂流记》
Celebrating the 18th-century Western civilization’s material triumphs and the strength of human rational will to conquer the natural environment.庆祝18世纪西方文明的物质的胜利和人类理性的意志的力量来征服自然的环境。

3. A Journal of the Plague Year (1722)
(3)Special features
An anti-feudal, anti-romantic realistic writer,
The Puritan virtues of self-reliance, diligence, patience, fortitude and thrift,
Exploitation, poverty, moral degeneration, corruption, cheating, desertion,
His language: smooth, easy, colloquial, but never coarse,
His sentences: short, crisp and plain; long, rambling without strong pause.
2.Jonathan Swift (1667 -1745)乔纳森.斯威夫特18世纪最伟大的讽刺作家
(1)Points of view
politically, neither conservative nor radical, not committing to any party politics;
having a deep hatred for the rich oppressors and a deep sympathy for the poor and oppressed;
liberal-minded, a fighter for truth, justice, equality, and freedom;
Holding the opinion that human nature was seriously and permanently flawed. 在政治上,既不保守也不激进,不承诺任何政党政治;

(2)Major works
1.A Tale of a Tub (1704)《一个木桶的故事》
2.The Battle of Books (1704)《书战》
3.A Modest Proposal (1729)《一个小小的建议》
4.Gulliver’s Travels (1726)《格列佛游记》
(3)Special features
a good style: “proper words in proper places”,
his language, precise, simple, clear, vigorous, economical and concise,
being unsurpassed in writing of simple, direct and precise prose,
a master satirist,
his satire, being masked by an outward seriousness and earnestness in tone and an objectivity
and detachment on the part of the author良好的作风:“适当的词在适当的地方”,
(4)Selected reading
1.Robinson Crusoe by Defoe
2.Gulliver’s Travels by Swift
5th the Romantic Period浪漫主义时期
一.Romanticism, features of the romantic literature浪漫文学的浪漫主义,功能
1 Expressiveness: the object of the artist, the expression of the artist’s emotion, impression or be lief, poetry, “the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”; 1表现力:艺术家,艺术家的情感的表达,印象或信仰,诗歌,“强烈感情的自然流露”的对象;
2 Imagination: emphasizing the creative function of the imagination, art, a formulation of intuitive, imaginative perceptions;2畅想:强调想象力,艺术,直觉,想象力的看法配方的创新功能;
3 Singularity: a strong love for the remote, the unusual, the strange, the supernatural, the mysterious, the splendid, the picturesque, the illogical;3奇点:远程,不寻常的,奇怪的,超自然的,神秘的,灿烂的,风景如画的,不合逻辑的强烈的爱;
4 Worship of nature: nature, a revelation of Truth; the natural world, the dominant influence in changing people’s sensibilities; nature, a source of mental cleanness and spiritual understanding;4崇拜自然:自然,真理的启示,自然世界,改变着人们的情感的支配性影响,自然,精神清洁和精神理解的源泉;
5 Simplicity: subjects: the humble people and the everyday life;5简单:科目:不起眼的人,每天的生活;
materials: the commonplace, the natural, the simple;材料:司空见惯,自然,简单;
language: everyday language spoken by the rustic people;语言:由质朴的人使用的日常用语;
6 An age of poetry
二.Major writers: William Blake, Robert Burns
William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge
George Gordon Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, John Keats
Jane Austen主要作家:威廉·布莱克,罗伯特·伯恩斯
1William Blake (1757 - 1827)
(1)Points of view威廉·布莱克
1 Politically, criticizing the capitalist’ cruel ex ploitation, cherishing great expectations and enthusiasm for the French Revolution;1在政治上,批评资本主义“残酷剥削,珍惜很大的期望和热情的法国大革命;
2 Religiously, the Bible, the causes of many errors, religion, outlawing the body and cutting off the mind from the real source of its energies (evils);2宗教上,圣经,许多错误,宗教,取缔体,并从它的能量(罪恶)的真正源头切断心灵的原因;
3 literarily’ showing contempt for the rule of neo-classicism, opposing the classical tradition of the 18th century, treasuring the individual imagination.3文采飞扬“表现出对新古典主义的统治,反对

(2)Major works1) Poetical Sketches (1783)
a collection of youthful verse with notes of joy, laughter and love
2) Songs of Innocence (1789)
a volume of poems, presenting a happy and innocent world, breaking completely with the traditions of the 18th century, introducing bold metrical innovations
3) Songs of Experience (1794)
a volume of poems, painting a world of poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone
4) Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790)
marking Blake’s entry into maturity,
a satire as well as a revolutionary prophecy,
exploring the relationship of the contraries,
marriage, the reconciliation of the contraries.

(3)Special features
1) major topic: political tyranny, economic exploitation, other evils of the reality in his day, fight for freedom;
2) language: plain simple, direct;
3) nature: visionary imaginative;
4) feature: symbolism3)特殊功能
(4)Selected readings
1.The Chimney Sweeper” (from Songs of Innocence)
Main idea
The chimney sweepers get support for their position or situation from the dream of Tom Dacre, which supplies a vision of liberation.
confinement ---open spaces
dirt --- cleanliness
darkness --- light
the absent father --- a benign and resent God;
the role of religion: to drug the people, to supply them with a sort of “illusory

2.London” (from Songs of Experience)
Main idea
After the French Revolution, the British government pressed down the democratic activities at their most. London city then was a world of misery, poverty disease and war. On the other hand, the city was under the full control of the capitalists. Even the beautiful Thames was dominated by chartered companies.伦敦“(从经验之歌)




2.Robert Burns (1759 - 1796)
(1)Points of view
1) Politically, supporting the French Revolution,
calling on the people to fight for a happy life,
showing sympathy for the miseries of the Negro slaves,
satirizing the parasitism of the lackeys of the ruling class;
2) Religiously, satirizing the hypocrisy of the church leaders;
3) Literarily, the Scottish dialect on a variety of subjects.

(2)Special features
1) the national poet of Scotland
2) his peasant origin aiding him in capturing the simplicity, humor, directness and optimism (3)Selected reading: “A Red, Red Rose”友谊地久天长
4.Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772 - 1834)塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(1772年至1834年)
(1)Points of view
1) politically, an enthusiastic supporter of the French Revolution, “Pantisocracy”
a fiery foe of the rights of man,
a government, based upon the will of the propertied classes only
2) religiously, a pious Christian,2)宗教,一个虔诚的基督徒,
3) artistically, art, the medium between man and nature,
poetry, the flower of all human knowledge, thoughts, passions and feelings,
art, the only permanent revelation of the nature of reality,3)艺术,艺术,人与自然之间的介质,诗歌,人类所有知识,思想,激情和感情之花,
4) philosophically and critically, opposing the limited and rationalistic trends of the 18th-century thought,
advocating a more spiritual and religious interpretation of life.4)从哲学和批判,反对18

(2)Major works
1) “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
2) “Kubla Khan”1)“古舟子咏”
(3)Special features
1) a lyrical poet and literary critic of the first rank,
2) the demonic group, mysticism and demonism with strong imagination,
the conversational group, an allied theme: the desire to go home, to “an improved infancy”
3) giving close critical attention to language,
maintaining that the true end of poetry is to give pleasure “through the medium of beauty”.

(4)Selected reading
“Kubla Khan”
Main idea, a poem about poetry,
a pleasure-dome and elaborate gardens: a type of the artist,
the glorious creation, a balanced reconciliation of the natural and the artificial,
reflecting Coleridge’s subconscious ruminations on poe try, paradise, and the heights and the depth
of his own unfathomable intellectual and spiritual being.
5.George Gordon Byron (1788 - 1824)乔治·戈登·拜伦(1788年至1824年)
(1)Points of view
1) politically, a strong passion for liberty, an intense hatred for all tyrants, appealing for the liberty of the oppressed nations, exalting the great fighters for freedom in history;政治上,强烈的激情自由,强烈的仇恨所有暴君,呼吁被压迫民族的自由,高举自由历史上伟大的战士;
2) artistically, continuing in the tradition of classicism advocating by the writers of the enlightenment in the 18th century, showing contempt for the commonplace and vulgarity of the “Lake Poets”.气韵,由启蒙于18世纪的作家继续在古典主义崇尚的传统,表现出蔑视司空见惯和“湖畔诗人”的超凡脱俗
(2)Major works
1) Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage恰尔德·哈罗德游记"
2) Cain该隐
3) Don Juan唐璜
(3)Special features
1) exerting great influence on the Romantic Movement:
attacks on “cant political, religious, and moral”,
the novelty of his oriental scenery,
the romantic character of the Byronic hero,
the easy, fluent, and natural beauty of his verse;1)施加巨大影响力的浪漫主义运动:
2) diction: having a freedom, copiousness and vigor;
3) descriptions: simple and fresh;2)用词:具有自由,丰裕和活力;
4) the glowing imagination of the poet rising and sinking with the tones of his enthusiasm, roughing into argument, or softening into the melody feeling and sentiments;4)诗人的想象力泛着上升,并与他的热情,粗加工的色调沉入参数,或软化成旋律感觉和情绪;
5) employing the Ottva Rima (Octave Stanza 八行诗节) from Italian mock-heroic poetry.来自意大利的模拟英雄诗歌采用Ottva玛(八度诗节八行诗节)。

(4). Selected reading
“She Walks in Beauty”
6.Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 - 1822)珀西·比希·雪莱
(1)Points of view
1) politically, a revolutionary, a democrat,
fighting all his life against cruelty, injustice, authority, institutional religion and the formal shams of respectable society在政治上,一个革命者,一个民主主义者,
2) literarily, a triumphant praise of the imagination, exalting the role of poetry, poetry alone could free man and offer the mind a wider view of its powers,文采飞扬,想象力的胜利的赞美,颂扬诗歌的作用,单独诗歌可以自由的人,并提供心灵的权力更广泛的观点,
poetry “is a direct representation of the actions and passions of our internal being”.诗“是我们内部存在的行动和激情的直接表示”。

(2). Major works
1) Prometheus Unbound (1819)
2) “Ode to the West Wind” (1819)
3) In Defence of Poetry (1822)1)解放了的普罗米修斯(1819)
