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摘 要: 鉴于列车接近时预警缺失会使现场作业人员面临安全风险,并且现存的人工三点防护方法、基于雷达的车 辆接近预警方法及其他方法并不完善,同时为实现对现场列车的准确检测,现提出一种基于光流法检测来车的轨 旁作业人员安全防护策略。该策略利用光流法的视频检测方法检测铁路现场防护区段车辆的运动情况。算法采 用两级判别结构,首先利用光流法捕捉视频中的运动物体,其次根据不同运动物体在视频中同一位置的不同面积 占比,辨别视频中的运动物体是否为钢轨上行驶的列车。由铁路现场拍摄的视频实验可得,在现场视线较清晰的 条件下,该防护策略能够准确检测到铁路防护区段行驶的列车,可为轨旁作业人员的安全提供技术保障。 关键词: 铁路防护; 光流检测; 光流场; 视频处理; 图像处理 中图分类号: U298. 1+ 2 文献标识码: A DOI: 10.13238 / j.issn.1004-2954.201802050004
Tactics of Trackside Operation Safety Protection Based on Optical Flow Method
ZHOU Rui-hong1,2,LIN Jun-ting1
(1.School of Automation & Electrical Engineering,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China; 2.Gansu Provincial Engineering Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and
Computer Graphics & Image Processing,Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou 730070,China)
Abstract: In view of the safety risks of the trackside workers due to the lack of train approaching warning,and the imperfection of the existing artificial three-point protection method,radar-based vehicle approach warning method and other methods,a protection strategy is proposed to realize accurate detection of the train on the spot. The strategy is based on the optical flow method to detect the approaching train and to warning the workers in advance. Video detection method of the optical flow method is used to detect the movement of the train. The algorithm uses two levels of discriminant structure. Firstly,the optical flow method is used to capture moving objects in the video. Secondly,the moving objects in the video are distinguished according to the proportion of different objects in the same position in the video. The video experiment conducted on the railway site shows that this protection strategy can accurately detect the train running in the railway protection zone under the condition of clear line of sight,and it can provide technical support for the safety of the trackside workers. Key words: Railway safety protection; Optical flow detection; Optical flow field; Video processing; Image processing
收稿日期: 2018-02-05;修回日期: 2018-03-07 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(61763023) ;长江学者和创新团队发展计 划( IRT_16R36) 作者 简 介: 周 瑞 鸿 ( 1993—) ,男,硕 士 研 究 生,E-mail: 1657199581 @ qq.com。 通信作者: 林俊亭(1978—) ,男,副教授,主要从事列车运行控制和作业 安全防护技术研究工作,E-mail:64811676@ qq.com。
第 63 卷 第 1 期 2019 年 1 月
文章编号: 1004-2954(2019)01-0153-05
Vol.63 No.1 Jan. 2019
周瑞鸿1,2 ,林俊亭1
(1. 兰州交通大学自动化学院,兰州 730070;2. 甘肃省人工智能与图形图像处理工程研究中心,兰州 730070)
业时,没有可靠的防护和预警系统。管理部门已经制 定了严格的上线作业规范,但是在特殊情况下,如违规 作业中,现场工作人员的安全很难得到保障。