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语义中的文化指文化的内涵。这种内涵是通过语言在语义系统中的载入 反映出来的。
1. A word, in different kinds of language, shares the same literal meanings, but it will be different in cultural connotation. For
• Eg:(1)You are a red ,red rose.你像一朵红玫瑰 可能是真的,它属于明喻,而说你是一朵红玫瑰 则一定是假的。它属于暗喻。
• Eg:(2)Lili is a big monkey.丽丽像只大猩猩可 能是真的,它属于明喻,而说丽丽是只大猩猩则 一定是假的。它属于暗喻。
• Eg:(3)He is a pig.他像一头猪可能是真的,它属 于明喻,而说你是一头猪则一定是假的。他属于 暗喻。
2.Metaphor is the main body and explains the body also to appear, between them in formally is the relations which coincides, said that the armor (main body) is (explains word) the second grade (to explain body). Explains word by Was, is, becomes, has become, turns and so on table judgment words and expressions to act as. The metaphor is called the metaphor.
l.习语(idiom)分为两种含义: (1)language of a people or country ;specific
character of this language (一个民族或国家的语言,这种语言的特殊特点)
(2)(grammar)succession of words whose meaning is not obvious through knowledge of the individual meanings of the constituent words but must be learnt as a whole
• 暗喻是本体和喻体同时出现,它们之间在形式上 是相合的关系,说甲(本体)是(喻词)乙(喻 体)。喻词常由:”是” ”就是” ”成了” ” 成为” ”变成”等表判断的词语来充当。暗喻也
Here is two opinions about Metaphor:
(1) 塞尔同意用“是”和“像”来区分隐喻和 明喻。塞尔基于他对隐喻/明喻的区分的理 解为隐喻提供了一个公式:说者说S是P时 意谓的是S是R。
语言结构中的文化指语言领域中的文化特征。该领域包括词汇、短语、 句法、语篇。换言之,不同的文化背景产生不同的表达方式。
1、Take the English-speaking people as an example, they would like to tell the address from small areas to larger ones, and also, to express time, they tend to from hour, day, month till year. While, in China, we have a completely opposite way. Therefore, teachers should help students to know some special expressions, which are different from Chinese.
(2) 戴维森对这一思路提出了强烈的异议。 他提出:“隐喻完全依赖于这些语词 的通常含义。如果说隐喻所用的词儿 另有一个〔隐含的〕意义,那么,隐 喻本身就会消失。
• Eg burned up(发火)无非是说他很生气, 但我们会想像成某人生气时着火冒烟的样 子。
ⅱThe significance of cultural teaching and learing(文化教学与学习的重要性)
B. Culture in semantics
The culture in semantics refers to the cultural connotation, which is reflected by language loaded in the semantic system.
• The definition of intercultural communication • The importance of intercultural communication • The purpose of intercultural communication
ⅰCultural-related idioms、proverbs and metaphors(暗喻)
3) Cutural overlap and diffusion(文 化重叠和文化传播)
• The definition of culture overlap • The definition of culture diffusion
Intercultural communication(跨文化交 际)
2. Let’s see another example. A: Won’t you come? (你不来吗?) B: Yes, I will. (不, 我去。) No, I won’t. (对, 我不去。)[5:200]
3. There are also structural differences in sentence — making.
example, wheel, in Chinese, only means lúnzi(轮子), but in “He
is a big wheel.” it means that he is an important figure in one group or some field. Also, potato, in Chinese, is a kind of
• 6. Murder will out.谋杀终必败露,引申为“纸包不住火” • 7. When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.希腊人
相 遇希腊人,定有一场好斗,引申为“两雄相争,其斗必烈”。
• 8. Every man has a fool in his sleeve.人人袖子里都装着个傻瓜, 引申为“人人都有糊涂的时候”。
2、The of culture teaching 文化教学重要性
• A. Culture in language structue in language structure refers to the cultural traits in linguistic points, which are from words, phrases, syntax and discourse. In other words, different culture background results in different ways of expressions.
“Each of the broadcasting companies is linked to approximately 200 affiliated stations to which it provides major entertainment programs which they could not produce if they were obliged to depend local resources.”(每个广播公司下面都联系有大约200个附属广 播站, 由公司向这些广播站提供主要文艺节目, 这些节目主 要靠各站就地取材是难以编排出来的。)[5:201] On the contrary, Chinese sentence structure is relatively casual and loose.
([语法]连串之词表示整体意义而不表各词单个的意义)。此 习语包括谚语(proverb)、俚语(slang)、俗语 (colloquial)等。
FOR example:
• 1. apple_pie order(苹果派的次序),但又引申为整整齐齐。 Before her guests arrived, the hostess had put her house in apple-pie order.在客人到来前,女{主人将房间收拾得整整齐齐。
2)The significance of cultural teaching
and learing
• Basic function of culture 文化的基本功能 • The significance of culture teaching 文化教学重要性 • The significance of culture learing 文化学习重要性
3.Thesignificanceofculturelearing(文 化学习的重要性)
1)Cultural-related idioms、proverbs and
• The definition of idiom 习语的定义 • The definition of metaphor 暗喻的定义
1、Basic functions of culture
✓ We are not born knowing what clothes to wear , what games to play, what foods to eat, which gods to worship or how to spend our money or our leisure time.It is culture that teaches us all.
✓ Culture has now envolved to the point where they are people’s primary means of satisfying three types of needs
⑴ basic needs (food、shelter and physical protection) ⑵ dderived needs(organization of work distribution of food、 defense、social control ) ⑶ integrative needs(psychological security 、social harmony purpose in life) 文化现在已经演变成了一个满足人们最基本的三种需要的领域。
• 2. God help those who help themselves. 自助者天助。 • 3. cat’s paw 猫爪子,引申为“被人当作工具使用”或“受人愚弄的
• 4. Cats hide their claws.(知人知面不知心)。 • 5. In fair weather prepare for the foul.晴天要防阴天,引申为 “有
common vegetable tǔdòu(土豆), but in the sentence “I’m a
potato.” It means I’m not famous, or I don’t play a significant role. These two examples show the special connotations adding to the cultural background. In contrast, we Chinese don’t have the same expressions. 2. The inequality of cultural connotation exists. Let’s take the word wine as an example. In English, it only refers to some drinks
1. A word, in different kinds of language, shares the same literal meanings, but it will be different in cultural connotation. For
• Eg:(1)You are a red ,red rose.你像一朵红玫瑰 可能是真的,它属于明喻,而说你是一朵红玫瑰 则一定是假的。它属于暗喻。
• Eg:(2)Lili is a big monkey.丽丽像只大猩猩可 能是真的,它属于明喻,而说丽丽是只大猩猩则 一定是假的。它属于暗喻。
• Eg:(3)He is a pig.他像一头猪可能是真的,它属 于明喻,而说你是一头猪则一定是假的。他属于 暗喻。
2.Metaphor is the main body and explains the body also to appear, between them in formally is the relations which coincides, said that the armor (main body) is (explains word) the second grade (to explain body). Explains word by Was, is, becomes, has become, turns and so on table judgment words and expressions to act as. The metaphor is called the metaphor.
l.习语(idiom)分为两种含义: (1)language of a people or country ;specific
character of this language (一个民族或国家的语言,这种语言的特殊特点)
(2)(grammar)succession of words whose meaning is not obvious through knowledge of the individual meanings of the constituent words but must be learnt as a whole
• 暗喻是本体和喻体同时出现,它们之间在形式上 是相合的关系,说甲(本体)是(喻词)乙(喻 体)。喻词常由:”是” ”就是” ”成了” ” 成为” ”变成”等表判断的词语来充当。暗喻也
Here is two opinions about Metaphor:
(1) 塞尔同意用“是”和“像”来区分隐喻和 明喻。塞尔基于他对隐喻/明喻的区分的理 解为隐喻提供了一个公式:说者说S是P时 意谓的是S是R。
语言结构中的文化指语言领域中的文化特征。该领域包括词汇、短语、 句法、语篇。换言之,不同的文化背景产生不同的表达方式。
1、Take the English-speaking people as an example, they would like to tell the address from small areas to larger ones, and also, to express time, they tend to from hour, day, month till year. While, in China, we have a completely opposite way. Therefore, teachers should help students to know some special expressions, which are different from Chinese.
(2) 戴维森对这一思路提出了强烈的异议。 他提出:“隐喻完全依赖于这些语词 的通常含义。如果说隐喻所用的词儿 另有一个〔隐含的〕意义,那么,隐 喻本身就会消失。
• Eg burned up(发火)无非是说他很生气, 但我们会想像成某人生气时着火冒烟的样 子。
ⅱThe significance of cultural teaching and learing(文化教学与学习的重要性)
B. Culture in semantics
The culture in semantics refers to the cultural connotation, which is reflected by language loaded in the semantic system.
• The definition of intercultural communication • The importance of intercultural communication • The purpose of intercultural communication
ⅰCultural-related idioms、proverbs and metaphors(暗喻)
3) Cutural overlap and diffusion(文 化重叠和文化传播)
• The definition of culture overlap • The definition of culture diffusion
Intercultural communication(跨文化交 际)
2. Let’s see another example. A: Won’t you come? (你不来吗?) B: Yes, I will. (不, 我去。) No, I won’t. (对, 我不去。)[5:200]
3. There are also structural differences in sentence — making.
example, wheel, in Chinese, only means lúnzi(轮子), but in “He
is a big wheel.” it means that he is an important figure in one group or some field. Also, potato, in Chinese, is a kind of
• 6. Murder will out.谋杀终必败露,引申为“纸包不住火” • 7. When Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war.希腊人
相 遇希腊人,定有一场好斗,引申为“两雄相争,其斗必烈”。
• 8. Every man has a fool in his sleeve.人人袖子里都装着个傻瓜, 引申为“人人都有糊涂的时候”。
2、The of culture teaching 文化教学重要性
• A. Culture in language structue in language structure refers to the cultural traits in linguistic points, which are from words, phrases, syntax and discourse. In other words, different culture background results in different ways of expressions.
“Each of the broadcasting companies is linked to approximately 200 affiliated stations to which it provides major entertainment programs which they could not produce if they were obliged to depend local resources.”(每个广播公司下面都联系有大约200个附属广 播站, 由公司向这些广播站提供主要文艺节目, 这些节目主 要靠各站就地取材是难以编排出来的。)[5:201] On the contrary, Chinese sentence structure is relatively casual and loose.
([语法]连串之词表示整体意义而不表各词单个的意义)。此 习语包括谚语(proverb)、俚语(slang)、俗语 (colloquial)等。
FOR example:
• 1. apple_pie order(苹果派的次序),但又引申为整整齐齐。 Before her guests arrived, the hostess had put her house in apple-pie order.在客人到来前,女{主人将房间收拾得整整齐齐。
2)The significance of cultural teaching
and learing
• Basic function of culture 文化的基本功能 • The significance of culture teaching 文化教学重要性 • The significance of culture learing 文化学习重要性
3.Thesignificanceofculturelearing(文 化学习的重要性)
1)Cultural-related idioms、proverbs and
• The definition of idiom 习语的定义 • The definition of metaphor 暗喻的定义
1、Basic functions of culture
✓ We are not born knowing what clothes to wear , what games to play, what foods to eat, which gods to worship or how to spend our money or our leisure time.It is culture that teaches us all.
✓ Culture has now envolved to the point where they are people’s primary means of satisfying three types of needs
⑴ basic needs (food、shelter and physical protection) ⑵ dderived needs(organization of work distribution of food、 defense、social control ) ⑶ integrative needs(psychological security 、social harmony purpose in life) 文化现在已经演变成了一个满足人们最基本的三种需要的领域。
• 2. God help those who help themselves. 自助者天助。 • 3. cat’s paw 猫爪子,引申为“被人当作工具使用”或“受人愚弄的
• 4. Cats hide their claws.(知人知面不知心)。 • 5. In fair weather prepare for the foul.晴天要防阴天,引申为 “有
common vegetable tǔdòu(土豆), but in the sentence “I’m a
potato.” It means I’m not famous, or I don’t play a significant role. These two examples show the special connotations adding to the cultural background. In contrast, we Chinese don’t have the same expressions. 2. The inequality of cultural connotation exists. Let’s take the word wine as an example. In English, it only refers to some drinks