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备注 Remark
岗位职责 Position responsibility
岗位名称 Position 直接上级 Superior
所属部门 财务部
Acco untan t
Department Financial department
总经理 General manager
certificate, statistics certificate and other related documents. 7、 完成上级交给的其他任务 Finish other works which order by higher authority.
学历要求 QUALIFICATION: □初中 Mid. school □高中/中专或技校 Senior Mid./Polytechnic school ■大专 Junior college □本科 Undergraduate college □硕士及以上 Master or more □无要求 No requirement
tax policy and responsible for communicating with rax office 3、 定期核对往来账款及时清算应收应付款 Check current account regularly and liquidate
payable and receivable in time. 4、 负责向公司总经理汇报财务状况和经营成果 Responsible to report the financial status to
general manager and operation result. 5、 编制年报、季报、财务预算表及管委会等政府机构的统计报表等,做好经济活动分析;Prepare
yearly report, season report, financial budget and the statistical statements for
岗位名称 Position 直接上级 Superior
出纳 Cashier 总经理 General manager
所属部门 Departm ent
直接下级 Subordinates
财务部 Financial department
1、 负责日常报销、付款以及各项现金、银行业务 Responsible for daily reimbursement, payment and other cash or bank business
直接下级 Subordinates
总经理室 General Manager Room
岗位职责 Position responsibility
1、 协助总经理完成企业具体管理工作的布置、实施、检查、督促、落实执行 Assist general manager to finish the work for company management: layout, implement, inspection, supervision and monitoring.
4、 做好会议组织工作和会议纪录。Organize the meetings and record the meetings. 5、 负责上级领导机关或兄弟单位等的接待、参观工作 Responsible for the higher authorities or
units reception and visit. 6、 完成上级交给的其他任务 Finish other works which order by higher authority.
直接下级 //
1、 负责会计核算工作;编制各种财务会计报表,组织公司日常会计核算工作及稽核工作
Responsible for accounting work; prepare financial and accounting reports, organize the
daily accounting work and audit work 2、 依照国家税收政策及时申报纳税;负责进出口的税收筹划,及时办理税收免税退税事项;掌握
岗位名称 Position 直接上级 Superior
总经理 General manager 董事会 Administration board
所属部门 Departm ent
直接下级 Subordinates
总经理室 General Manager Room 部门经理 Department manager
税收政策,负责与税收机关的协调 According to the national tax policy to pay tax in time;
Responsible for import tax and export tax planing, processing of tax refund in time; master
专业技术 PROFESSIONAL TECHNOLOGY: 会使用 ER P 记账;网上申报;核销;收付汇;出口退税 持证要求 CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENT: 会计上岗 证,会 计电算 化证, 会计职 称
其他要求 OTHER REQUIREMENT: 熟悉国家 新会计 准则,税 收法规 等相关 政策, 具备良 好的职 业素养 与职业 道德,敬 业、诚 信、务 实; 办事细心 、作风 正派严 谨、对 工作认 真负责
2、 负责总经理和各部门之间的沟通工作,做好会议翻译、文件翻译等 Responsible for the communication between general manager and departments; do the trans late for meetings and documents
3、 协助总经理调查研究、了解公司经营管理情况并提出处理意见或建议,供总经理决策 Assist genera l manager to investigate and know the status of company operation and management and to give suggest for general manager to do the decision
岗位职责 Position responsibility
1、 组织实施董事会的各项决议,对各项决议的实施过程进行监控,发现问题及时纠正,确保决议 的贯彻执行 Organize and implement the decision of administration board meeting; Monitor and control the implement process; correct the problem in time to make sure the decision can be implementing well.
备注 Remark
岗位名称 Position 直接上级 Superior
Байду номын сангаас
总经理助 理 General manager assistant 总经理 General manager
所属部门 Departm ent
factory and knowledge of products. 7、 其它事关公司全局的工作 Other things relate with overall work in company
任职要求 Position requirements
学历要求 QUALIFICATION: □初中 Mid. school □高中/中专或技校 Senior Mid./Polytechnic school □大专 Junior college ■本科 Undergraduate college □硕士及以上 Master or more □无要求 No requirement 工作经验 EXPERIENCE: □无要求 No requirement □6 个月以下/Less than 6Monthes □6 个月~1 年/6Monthes~1year □1~2 年/1~2years □3~4 年/3~4years ■5 年以上/more than 5years 英文水平 ENGLISH LEVEL: □无要求 No requirement □一般水平 Common level ■熟练水平 Skill level 计算机水平 COMPUTER LEVEL: □无要求 No requirement ■一般水平 Common level □熟练水平 Skill level 专业技术 PROFESSIONAL TECHNOLOGY:
学历要求 QUALIFICATION: □初中 Mid. school □高中/中专或技校 Senior Mid./Polytechnic school □大专 Junior college ■本科 Undergraduate college □硕士及以上 Master or more □无要求 No requirement
government; analysing the economic activity 6、 负责营业执照、税务登记证、代码证、统计证等企业相关证件的年检及换证工作。Responsible
for yearly audit and replacement for Business license, tax registration certificate, code
英文水平 ENGLISH LEVEL: □无要求 No requirement ■一般水平 Common level □熟练水平 Skill level
备注 Remark
计算机水平 COMPUTER LEVEL: □无要求 No requirement □一般水平 Common level ■熟练水平 Skill level
计算机水平 COMPUTER LEVEL: □无要求 No requirement ■一般水平 Common level □熟练水平 Skill level 专业技术 PROFESSIONAL TECHNOLOGY:
任职要求 Position requirements
2、 提出公司组织机构设置方案 Propose the organization set plan. 3、 负责安全生产和消防安全相关工作 Responsible for safety production and fire safety 4、 负责审核公司经营费用支出 Responsible to approve company business expense. 5、 决定公司各部门人员的聘用任免 Decide appoint and dismiss staff for every department 6、 负责厂内设备和产品知识的培训 Responsible to do the training related equipments in
工作经验 EXPERIENCE: □无要求 No requirement □6 个月以下/Less than 6Monthes □6 个月~1 年/6Monthes~1year □1~2 年/1~2years ■3~4 年/3~4years □5 年以上/more than 5years
任职要求 Position requirements
工作经验 EXPERIENCE: □无要求 No requirement □6 个月以下/Less than 6Monthes □6 个月~1 年/6Monthes~1year □1~2 年/1~2years ■3~4 年/3~4years □5 年以上/more than 5years
英文水平 ENGLISH LEVEL: □无要求 No requirement □一般水平 Common level ■熟练水平 Skill level