新视野大学英语1期末复习词句篇-To work or Not to Work -That is the Question
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sth. else 指示物;指示者
• Age alone is a poor indicator of a person’s capability, so we must consider other aspects.
• 单看年龄不能说明一个人的能力,因此我 们必须考虑其他方面。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• decrease v. become less or go down to a lower level, or make sth. do this (使)变小;(使) 减少
• In the evening, one’s body temperature begins to decrease in preparation for sleep.
• contrast n. [C, U] a difference between people, ideas, situations, things, etc. that are being compared 差异;差别 The book presents a very interesting contrast between life now and life 100 years ago.
• 由于警察的巨大努力,过去几年的犯罪率呈下降 趋势。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• assess vt.
• 1 make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it 评价;评定
• A reliable employee does his/her job with minimal error.
• 一个可靠的员工工作起来错误最少。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• Her dark hair contrasted sharply with her pale silk gown.
• 她的黑头发和她的浅色丝绸礼ork or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• 这本书把现在的生活和100 年之前的生活进行了 十分有趣的对比。
• Harry’s house is big and decent. In contrast, the house just next to his is small and shabby.
• 哈利的房子又大又体面。相反,就在他边上的那 座房子却又小又破旧。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• academic a. (usu. before noun) relating to education, esp. at college or university level 学术的
• indicate vt. 2 say or do sth. to make your wishes, intention, etc. clear 表明(意向等)
• Professor Smith has indicated his intention to retire at the end of the year.
• 这个图书馆拥有大量的图书,比我预想的 要多得多。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• reliable a.
• able to be trusted or depended on 可信赖的;可 靠的
• stake n.
• 1 (~s) [pl.] the things that you can gain or lose by taking a risk, e.g. in business or politics 赌注;风 险
• They finally rejected the idea of building a shopping center in the small town because the stakes were high.
• Someone is trying to undermine the relationship between you and me.
• 作者在文中就当前的经济危机和十年前的经济危 机进行了对比。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• contrast vi. (of two things) be different from each other, often in a noticeable or interesting way 形 成对比
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• undermine vt.
• gradually make sb. or sth. less strong or effective 逐渐削弱;逐渐损害
• 夜晚,人的体温开始下降,为睡觉作准备。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• decrease n. [C, U] the process of becoming less, or the amount by which sth. becomes less 减少;减少 的量 Thanks to the great efforts made by the police, crime has been on the decrease in the past few years.
• The analyses indicate that in aircraft accidents, the system is most often at fault, not the operator.
• 这些分析表明,在飞机失事事故中往往是系统出 了问题,而非操作人员出现失误。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• 史密斯教授表示打算今年年底退休。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• indicator n. • [C] sth. that can be regarded as a sign of
• The traditional academic disciplines are less popular among students, who now prefer subjects such as business studies.
• 传统的学术科目在学生中不太受欢迎, 如今学生们 更喜欢商科等科目
• 他们最终还是放弃了在小镇上建一座购物中心的 想法,因为风险太大了。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• stake n.
• 2 [C] money that you risk as the result of a horse race, card game, etc. (赛马、牌局等的)赌注, 押金
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• numerous a.
• many 许多的;很多的
• The library has numerous books, more than I have ever expected.
• 该房屋估价为100 万美元。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• alter v.
• change, or make sb. or sth. change (使)变化; (使)改变
• For a dollar stake, you can win up to $1,000,000. • 押一美元的赌注,你最多可以赢一百万美元。 • 3 [C] the part of a business that you own
because you have invested money in it 股份 • He holds a 30% stake in the firm. • 他在这家公司拥有30% 的股份。
• contrast vt. • compare two things, ideas, people, etc. to show
how different they are from each other 使成对比; 使成对照
• In her essay, the author contrasts the present economic crisis with the one 10 years ago.
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• indicate vt. 1 show that a particular situation exists, or that sth. is likely to be true 表明;显示
• They are conducting a survey to assess the impact of advertising on people’s consumer behavior.
• 他们正在进行一项调查,测评广告对于人们消费行为 的影响。
• 2 calculate the value or cost of sth. 估价;估计 The value of the house was assessed at one million US dollars.
• If it rains we’ll have to alter our plan for the holiday.
• 如果下雨,我们将不得不改变假期的计划。 • The city center has altered beyond recognition. • 市中心变得都认不出来了。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• Age alone is a poor indicator of a person’s capability, so we must consider other aspects.
• 单看年龄不能说明一个人的能力,因此我 们必须考虑其他方面。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• decrease v. become less or go down to a lower level, or make sth. do this (使)变小;(使) 减少
• In the evening, one’s body temperature begins to decrease in preparation for sleep.
• contrast n. [C, U] a difference between people, ideas, situations, things, etc. that are being compared 差异;差别 The book presents a very interesting contrast between life now and life 100 years ago.
• 由于警察的巨大努力,过去几年的犯罪率呈下降 趋势。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• assess vt.
• 1 make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it 评价;评定
• A reliable employee does his/her job with minimal error.
• 一个可靠的员工工作起来错误最少。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• Her dark hair contrasted sharply with her pale silk gown.
• 她的黑头发和她的浅色丝绸礼ork or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• 这本书把现在的生活和100 年之前的生活进行了 十分有趣的对比。
• Harry’s house is big and decent. In contrast, the house just next to his is small and shabby.
• 哈利的房子又大又体面。相反,就在他边上的那 座房子却又小又破旧。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• academic a. (usu. before noun) relating to education, esp. at college or university level 学术的
• indicate vt. 2 say or do sth. to make your wishes, intention, etc. clear 表明(意向等)
• Professor Smith has indicated his intention to retire at the end of the year.
• 这个图书馆拥有大量的图书,比我预想的 要多得多。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• reliable a.
• able to be trusted or depended on 可信赖的;可 靠的
• stake n.
• 1 (~s) [pl.] the things that you can gain or lose by taking a risk, e.g. in business or politics 赌注;风 险
• They finally rejected the idea of building a shopping center in the small town because the stakes were high.
• Someone is trying to undermine the relationship between you and me.
• 作者在文中就当前的经济危机和十年前的经济危 机进行了对比。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• contrast vi. (of two things) be different from each other, often in a noticeable or interesting way 形 成对比
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• undermine vt.
• gradually make sb. or sth. less strong or effective 逐渐削弱;逐渐损害
• 夜晚,人的体温开始下降,为睡觉作准备。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• decrease n. [C, U] the process of becoming less, or the amount by which sth. becomes less 减少;减少 的量 Thanks to the great efforts made by the police, crime has been on the decrease in the past few years.
• The analyses indicate that in aircraft accidents, the system is most often at fault, not the operator.
• 这些分析表明,在飞机失事事故中往往是系统出 了问题,而非操作人员出现失误。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• 史密斯教授表示打算今年年底退休。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• indicator n. • [C] sth. that can be regarded as a sign of
• The traditional academic disciplines are less popular among students, who now prefer subjects such as business studies.
• 传统的学术科目在学生中不太受欢迎, 如今学生们 更喜欢商科等科目
• 他们最终还是放弃了在小镇上建一座购物中心的 想法,因为风险太大了。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• stake n.
• 2 [C] money that you risk as the result of a horse race, card game, etc. (赛马、牌局等的)赌注, 押金
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• numerous a.
• many 许多的;很多的
• The library has numerous books, more than I have ever expected.
• 该房屋估价为100 万美元。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• alter v.
• change, or make sb. or sth. change (使)变化; (使)改变
• For a dollar stake, you can win up to $1,000,000. • 押一美元的赌注,你最多可以赢一百万美元。 • 3 [C] the part of a business that you own
because you have invested money in it 股份 • He holds a 30% stake in the firm. • 他在这家公司拥有30% 的股份。
• contrast vt. • compare two things, ideas, people, etc. to show
how different they are from each other 使成对比; 使成对照
• In her essay, the author contrasts the present economic crisis with the one 10 years ago.
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases
• indicate vt. 1 show that a particular situation exists, or that sth. is likely to be true 表明;显示
• They are conducting a survey to assess the impact of advertising on people’s consumer behavior.
• 他们正在进行一项调查,测评广告对于人们消费行为 的影响。
• 2 calculate the value or cost of sth. 估价;估计 The value of the house was assessed at one million US dollars.
• If it rains we’ll have to alter our plan for the holiday.
• 如果下雨,我们将不得不改变假期的计划。 • The city center has altered beyond recognition. • 市中心变得都认不出来了。
Section A: To work or Not to Work -That is the Question Text Study: New words and Phrases