2023年牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit8 Speak up study skills课件

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6. 洗澡
take showers
7. 刷牙
brush the teeth
8. 学生的数量 9. 用纸的两面 10. 回收空瓶子 11. 关灯 12. 做一个调查 13. ……的结果 14. 保护环境
number of students use both sides of the paper recycle empty bottles turn off the lights do a survey the result of … protect the environment
n. 木板 n. 工作日(星期一至星期
五的任何一天) n. 头痛 n. 牙疼 n. 乡村,农村 n. 家务活
单词的来源大致上分为五种: 1)基本词 (base) 2)合成词 (combining words) 3)缩略词 (shortening words) 4)拼缀词 (blending words) 5)转类词 (shifting words)
Translate the sentences.
1. 用一条湿毛巾捂住你的嘴巴和鼻子。 Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel.
2. 坐在铁路上是很危险的。 It’s very dangerous to sit on railways.
3. 如果房子着火了我们应该怎么做?
countryside 乡下,农村
do the housework 做家务
n. 烙饼,薄饼
n. 烧伤,烫伤,灼伤
n. 女儿
n. 儿子
granddaughter n. (外)孙女
n. (外)孙女
board weekday
headache toothache countryside housework
1. What has been a serious problem all around the world? Pollution has become a serious problem all around the world.
1. 几乎没有学生带他们自己的袋子去超市。
Few students take their own bags to the supermarket. 2. 这是调查的结果。
Here are the results of the survey. 3. 调查表明学生为帮助保护环境正在做许多
事。 The survey shows that students are doing a lot to help protect the environment.
合成词 包括派生词(derivation)和复合词 (compounding words)。 是将两个或者两个以上的词按照一定的 次序排列构成的新词。我们只要认识作 为成分的基本词,再结合上下文的语境, 就不难推测出新词的意义。
e.g. rail + way = railway earth + quake = earthquake pan + cake = pancake snow + ball = snowball
gas n. 气体;煤气
make pancakes 做煎饼
son 儿子
daughter 女儿
grandfather grandmother
grandson (外)孙子
granddaughter (外)孙女
board 木板
blackboard 黑板
headache 头痛
toothache 牙疼
Speak up & Study skills
Translate the phrases and sentences.
1. 关掉水龙头
turn off the tape
2. 少于
less than
3. 扔掉
throw away
4. 依靠
depend on
5. 自然资源
natural resources
Now we've learnt a lot about what we can do to protect the environment. Can anybody tell us some other ways to protect the environment? Sandy and Kitty are also talking about how to protect the environment. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions.
1. bookshop = book + shop 2. classroom = class + room 3. countryside = country + side 4. gentleman = gentle + man 5. housework = house + work 6. newspaper = news + paper 7. pancake = pan + cake 8. supermarket = super + market
black notice week
head tooth
daughter son
day end ache
granddaughter grandson
blackboard noticeboard
weekday weekend
headache toothache
Sometimes we can remember words more easily by separating the compound words into two words. Divide these words.
What should we do if our house is on fire?
4. 我们要遵守交通规则。
We should follow the traffic rules.
dust n. 灰尘
harmful adj. 有害的
soil n. 土壤
coal n. 煤
oil n. 石油;原油;食用油