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与此同时,他们中的许多 人开始选择养猫狗,这使得宠 物经济蒸蒸日上。 3 依据中国宠物行业协会 发 布 的 一 份 2021 年 白 皮 书, 城镇地区猫狗宠物的数量在
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per cent higher than 2018, according to a 2021 whitepaper released by China Pet Industry Association.
“An interesting discovery during our trips is that our foreign clients regard pets as good friends, but most young Chinese pet owners like to treat them as ‘sons or daughters’,” he said. “My parents also call my two dogs grandchildren.”
“They are my children and I would be very sad no matter which one left me,” the 36-year-old said.
In the end, they decided to take one each.
“I think I will get another small dog or cat soon, I don’t want my ‘son’ to feel lonely, and I think my ex-wife will very likely feel the same way,” He said. 2 A growing number of young Chinese are choosing to marry later, delay parenthood, or simply abandon both altogether, due to rising living costs and the demands of work life.
“延迟他们的生育计划”。 卞 说:“ 中 国 年 轻 人 结
婚 和 生 育 的 年 龄 越 来 越 晚。 二三十岁的年轻人一致认为压 力太大,生活成本太高,工作 时间太长。”他的平台拥有 3 万多名会员。 6 中国共青团去年 10 月采 访 了 2905 位 年 龄 在 18 至 26 岁之间的未婚城镇居民。调查 显示,43.9% 的女性没有结婚 的打算或不确定是否会结婚。 该数字比持同样观点的男性数 量高 19.3%。
“Most of our 30,000 members are aged between 25—39, and 71.2 per cent of them are female,” Bian said, adding 60 per cent were unmarried or single, and 45.8 per cent of married members had no children.
The white paper forecast that China’s pet market would see a compound growth rate of 14.2 per cent over the next three years and be worth 445.6 billion yuan (US$70 billion) by 2023. 4 China’s new breed of pet owners have several things in common: they are young, well-educated and earning a high income.
At the same time, many of them are choosing to raise cats or dogs, creating a thriving pet economy. 3 The number of pet dogs and cats in urban areas exceeded 100.8 million in 2020, 1.7 per cent up on 2019 and 10.2
Nearly 90 per cent of them have a college degree or above, the white paper said. Some 46.7 per cent have a monthly income of 4,000—9,999 yuan (US$628—1,570) and 34.9 per cent earn at least 10,000 yuan each month. More than 46 per cent were born after 1990.
Just over half of those surveyed by the association had owned their pet for fewer than three years, highlighting the new-found fondness for animals among young Chinese. 5 Jack Bian, the founder of Hangzhou-based Lang Xiao Zhua, which translates to Waves and Paws, a popular social media platform for pet lovers, said as more young Chinese opt to live
卞说“:我们的 3 万名会员, 年龄大多介于 25 岁至 39 岁之 间,其中 71.2% 是女性。”他补 充表示,其中 60% 未婚或单身, 45.8% 的已婚会员没有孩子。
“我们在组织携宠旅行时 发现一个有趣的现象:我们的 外国客户将宠物视为好朋友, 但大多数养宠的中国年轻人都 将宠物当作‘儿子或女儿’。” 他说,“我父母也把我养的两 条狗称作‘孙子’。”
2020 年 超 过 1.008 亿 只, 比 2019 年增长 1.7%,比 2018 年 增长 10.2%。
养宠人士总数从 2019 年 的 6280 万 增 长 到 2020 年 的 6294 万, 中 国 城 镇 宠 物 市 场 规 模 高 达 2988 亿 元(460 亿 美元),远高于 2015 年的 725 亿元。
with pets, it could “delay plans for giving birth”.
“Young people in China are currently marrying and having children at a later age. The general consensus in their 20s and 30s is that stress and the cost of living is high, and working hours very long,” said Bian, whose organisation has more than 30,000 members. 6 A survey of 2,905 unwed urban residents aged 18—26 by the Communist Youth League in October last year found that 4ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้.9 per cent of women had no intention of getting married or were unsure if it would happen. That was 19.3 percentage points higher than their male counterparts.
聚焦宠物产业 29
China’s Pet Economy Booms
文 / 何惠风(音译) 译 / 陈丽
By He Huifeng
He Qi, an English teacher from Guangzhou city, divorced last month. He and his ex-wife split their properties quickly and amicably, but could not escape a big quarrel over their two dearest possessions—the pet dogs.
该白皮书预测,中国的宠 物市场规模将在随后 3 年实现 14.2% 的复合增长率,并将在 2023 年 达 到 4456 亿 元(700 亿美元)。 4 中国的新一代养宠人士具 有几个共同特点:年轻、受过 良好教育、高收入。
白 皮 书 显 示, 近 90% 的 养宠人士拥有大专及以上学 历;约 46.7% 的人月收入介于 4000 元 至 9999 元( 约 合 628 至 1570 美 元 ) 之 间,34.9% 的人月收入超过 1 万元;超过 46% 的人出生在 1990 年之后。
宠物行业协会采访的人群 中,逾半数养宠时间不到 3 年, 说明对宠物的爱好是新近几年 才在中国年轻人中流行起来的。 5 “浪小爪”是一个颇受欢迎 的宠物爱好者社交平台,总部 设在杭州。它的创始人杰克·卞 (音译)表示,越来越多的中 国年轻人选择养宠物,这可能
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聚焦宠物产业 31
卞说,宠物不仅能给主人 的生活带来乐趣,还不需要像 养孩子那样花费高昂的教育成 本。他预计今年“浪小爪”的 会员数将增长 10 倍。 7 依据上述白皮书,更确切 来 说, 中 国 日 常 生 活 的 压 力
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this year. 7 More specifically, the pressures of daily life in China have given rise to a cat economy, because Generation Z do not have the time or means to care for dogs, according to the white paper. In 2020, the number of pet cats exceeded pet dogs for the first time in China’s cities. 8 Growing pet ownership in China has not been lost on property developers and local governments, who are investing in pet theme parks and even petthemed towns.
何其( 音 译 ) 是 广 州 市 的 一 位 英 语 教 师, 上 个 月 离了婚。他与前妻迅速而友好 地分割了财产,却不可避免地 为两人最珍贵的拥有物——两 只宠物狗——而大吵了一架。
“它们是我的孩子,不管 哪一个离开我,我都会非常难 过。”36 岁的他如是说。
最终,他们决定一人带走 一只。
“我想我会很快再养一只 小狗或小猫。我不想让我‘儿 子’觉得孤单,估计我前妻肯 定也这么想。”何其说。 2 随着生活成本增加和工作 压力加大,越来越多的中国年 轻人选择迟婚晚育,或者干脆 拒绝结婚生子。
Pets not only bring joy to their owners’ lives, but they do not come with high children-rearing costs, like education, Bian said. He expects membership at Waves and Paws to increase tenfold
The number of pet owners reached 62.94 million in 2020—up from 62.8 million in 2019—while the value of China’s urban pet market was 298.8 billion yuan (US$46 billion), growing from 72.5 billion yuan in 2015.
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30 聚焦宠物产业
per cent higher than 2018, according to a 2021 whitepaper released by China Pet Industry Association.
“An interesting discovery during our trips is that our foreign clients regard pets as good friends, but most young Chinese pet owners like to treat them as ‘sons or daughters’,” he said. “My parents also call my two dogs grandchildren.”
“They are my children and I would be very sad no matter which one left me,” the 36-year-old said.
In the end, they decided to take one each.
“I think I will get another small dog or cat soon, I don’t want my ‘son’ to feel lonely, and I think my ex-wife will very likely feel the same way,” He said. 2 A growing number of young Chinese are choosing to marry later, delay parenthood, or simply abandon both altogether, due to rising living costs and the demands of work life.
“延迟他们的生育计划”。 卞 说:“ 中 国 年 轻 人 结
婚 和 生 育 的 年 龄 越 来 越 晚。 二三十岁的年轻人一致认为压 力太大,生活成本太高,工作 时间太长。”他的平台拥有 3 万多名会员。 6 中国共青团去年 10 月采 访 了 2905 位 年 龄 在 18 至 26 岁之间的未婚城镇居民。调查 显示,43.9% 的女性没有结婚 的打算或不确定是否会结婚。 该数字比持同样观点的男性数 量高 19.3%。
“Most of our 30,000 members are aged between 25—39, and 71.2 per cent of them are female,” Bian said, adding 60 per cent were unmarried or single, and 45.8 per cent of married members had no children.
The white paper forecast that China’s pet market would see a compound growth rate of 14.2 per cent over the next three years and be worth 445.6 billion yuan (US$70 billion) by 2023. 4 China’s new breed of pet owners have several things in common: they are young, well-educated and earning a high income.
At the same time, many of them are choosing to raise cats or dogs, creating a thriving pet economy. 3 The number of pet dogs and cats in urban areas exceeded 100.8 million in 2020, 1.7 per cent up on 2019 and 10.2
Nearly 90 per cent of them have a college degree or above, the white paper said. Some 46.7 per cent have a monthly income of 4,000—9,999 yuan (US$628—1,570) and 34.9 per cent earn at least 10,000 yuan each month. More than 46 per cent were born after 1990.
Just over half of those surveyed by the association had owned their pet for fewer than three years, highlighting the new-found fondness for animals among young Chinese. 5 Jack Bian, the founder of Hangzhou-based Lang Xiao Zhua, which translates to Waves and Paws, a popular social media platform for pet lovers, said as more young Chinese opt to live
卞说“:我们的 3 万名会员, 年龄大多介于 25 岁至 39 岁之 间,其中 71.2% 是女性。”他补 充表示,其中 60% 未婚或单身, 45.8% 的已婚会员没有孩子。
“我们在组织携宠旅行时 发现一个有趣的现象:我们的 外国客户将宠物视为好朋友, 但大多数养宠的中国年轻人都 将宠物当作‘儿子或女儿’。” 他说,“我父母也把我养的两 条狗称作‘孙子’。”
2020 年 超 过 1.008 亿 只, 比 2019 年增长 1.7%,比 2018 年 增长 10.2%。
养宠人士总数从 2019 年 的 6280 万 增 长 到 2020 年 的 6294 万, 中 国 城 镇 宠 物 市 场 规 模 高 达 2988 亿 元(460 亿 美元),远高于 2015 年的 725 亿元。
with pets, it could “delay plans for giving birth”.
“Young people in China are currently marrying and having children at a later age. The general consensus in their 20s and 30s is that stress and the cost of living is high, and working hours very long,” said Bian, whose organisation has more than 30,000 members. 6 A survey of 2,905 unwed urban residents aged 18—26 by the Communist Youth League in October last year found that 4ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้.9 per cent of women had no intention of getting married or were unsure if it would happen. That was 19.3 percentage points higher than their male counterparts.
聚焦宠物产业 29
China’s Pet Economy Booms
文 / 何惠风(音译) 译 / 陈丽
By He Huifeng
He Qi, an English teacher from Guangzhou city, divorced last month. He and his ex-wife split their properties quickly and amicably, but could not escape a big quarrel over their two dearest possessions—the pet dogs.
该白皮书预测,中国的宠 物市场规模将在随后 3 年实现 14.2% 的复合增长率,并将在 2023 年 达 到 4456 亿 元(700 亿美元)。 4 中国的新一代养宠人士具 有几个共同特点:年轻、受过 良好教育、高收入。
白 皮 书 显 示, 近 90% 的 养宠人士拥有大专及以上学 历;约 46.7% 的人月收入介于 4000 元 至 9999 元( 约 合 628 至 1570 美 元 ) 之 间,34.9% 的人月收入超过 1 万元;超过 46% 的人出生在 1990 年之后。
宠物行业协会采访的人群 中,逾半数养宠时间不到 3 年, 说明对宠物的爱好是新近几年 才在中国年轻人中流行起来的。 5 “浪小爪”是一个颇受欢迎 的宠物爱好者社交平台,总部 设在杭州。它的创始人杰克·卞 (音译)表示,越来越多的中 国年轻人选择养宠物,这可能
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卞说,宠物不仅能给主人 的生活带来乐趣,还不需要像 养孩子那样花费高昂的教育成 本。他预计今年“浪小爪”的 会员数将增长 10 倍。 7 依据上述白皮书,更确切 来 说, 中 国 日 常 生 活 的 压 力
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this year. 7 More specifically, the pressures of daily life in China have given rise to a cat economy, because Generation Z do not have the time or means to care for dogs, according to the white paper. In 2020, the number of pet cats exceeded pet dogs for the first time in China’s cities. 8 Growing pet ownership in China has not been lost on property developers and local governments, who are investing in pet theme parks and even petthemed towns.
何其( 音 译 ) 是 广 州 市 的 一 位 英 语 教 师, 上 个 月 离了婚。他与前妻迅速而友好 地分割了财产,却不可避免地 为两人最珍贵的拥有物——两 只宠物狗——而大吵了一架。
“它们是我的孩子,不管 哪一个离开我,我都会非常难 过。”36 岁的他如是说。
最终,他们决定一人带走 一只。
“我想我会很快再养一只 小狗或小猫。我不想让我‘儿 子’觉得孤单,估计我前妻肯 定也这么想。”何其说。 2 随着生活成本增加和工作 压力加大,越来越多的中国年 轻人选择迟婚晚育,或者干脆 拒绝结婚生子。
Pets not only bring joy to their owners’ lives, but they do not come with high children-rearing costs, like education, Bian said. He expects membership at Waves and Paws to increase tenfold
The number of pet owners reached 62.94 million in 2020—up from 62.8 million in 2019—while the value of China’s urban pet market was 298.8 billion yuan (US$46 billion), growing from 72.5 billion yuan in 2015.