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1. Bills of quantities
Bills of quantities shall fully describe the materials and workmanship and accurately represent the work to be executed; work which by its nature cannot be accurately measured shall be described as provisional.
Provisional items or sections shall represent the work to be carried out as accurately as is reasonable possible.
2. Principles of measurement
This Standard Method of Measurement, whilst aiming at providing uniform units of measurement and standard allowances, etc., is a definition of principle rather than an inflexible document. In particular and exceptional case the Surveyor is expected to use his discretion and to adopt special methods, provided the principles of measurement laid down are observed and the intention in made clear to Estimator.
If it is in the interest of accurate and practical estimating, he may give more detailed information than is demanded by strict adherence to this document.
3. Applicability of methods of measurement
The methods of measurement laid down shall be applicable to the preparation of Bills of Quantities before the work in commenced equally with measurement of fished work.
4. Units of measurement
a. The following units of measurement shall, except as hereinafter provided, be adopted
(1)Items given by weight - kilograms
(2)Items given cube - cubic meter
(3)Items given super - square meter
(4)Items given run - linear meter
(5)Items enumerated -number
b. Each measurement shall be taken to the nearest 10 millimeters (i.e. 5 millimeters and over
shall be regarded as 10 millimeters and less then 5 millimeters shall be disregarded). This rule shall not apply to any dimensions stated in descriptions.
5. Drawings and Specification
The drawings form which the Bills of Quantities have been prepared shall be listed and reference shall be made to any Specification on which the Bills of Quantities descriptions are based.
6. Units of billing
a.Where the unit of billing is the meter, quantities shall be billed to the nearest whole unit.
Fraction of a unit less than half shall be disregarded and all other fractions shall be regarded as whole units.
b.Where the unit of billing is the kilogram, quantities shall be billed to the nearest whole
unit. Fractions of a unit less than half shall be disregarded and all other fractions shall be regarded as whole units.
c.Where the application of this Clause would cause an entire item to be eliminated, such
item shall be billed as one whole unit.
d.When billing items of variation or remeasurement in adjustment of accounts, omissions
and additions of items where the unit of billing is the meter shall be billed to the nearest one tenth of a whole unit, and where the unit of billing is kilogram shall be billed to the nearest whole unit.
7. Work measured net
Unless otherwise stated, all work shall be measured net as fixed in its place.
8. Order of dimensions
In giving dimensions the order should be consistent, and generally in the sequence of length, width and height.
9. Costs held to be included in items
Each item shall, unless otherwise stated, be held to included:-
bor and all costs in connection therewith.
b.Materials, goods and all costs in connection therewith (e.g. conveyance; delivery;
unloading; storing; returning packings; handing; hoisting; lowering).
c.Fitting and fixing materials and goods in position.
e of plant.
e.All cutting and waste.
f.Establishment charges. Overhead charges and profit.
10. Minimum deductions
Where minimum deductions of voids are dealt with in this document they shall refer only to openings or wants detached from the boundaries of she space measured.
Openings and wants caused by projections from the boundary of the space measured shall always be the subject of deduction, irrespective of size.
11. Grouping of pipe sizes
Pipes or tubing (which terms shall be synonymous for these rules of measurement) shall be described by their internal diameter unless otherwise stated.
Where required by the rules of this document pipes shall be grouped together within the following limits and described as:-
a.Small pipes (pipes not exceeding 55 millimeters diameter).
rge pipes (pipes exceeding 55 millimeters but not exceeding 110 millimeters diameter).
c.Pipes exceeding 110 millimeters (diameter to be stated).
12. Circular work
Where circular work is required by rules of this document to be kept separate it shall be grouped together within the following limits and described as being to:-
a.Small radius – any radius not exceeding 300 millimeters.
b.Medium radius – any radius exceeding 300 millimeters but nor exceeding 1.5 meters.
rge radius – any radius exceeding 1.5 meters.
132. Provisional and Prime Cost Sums
The use of the terms Provisional and Prime Cost Sums shall be made in conformity with the following definitions unless otherwise provided in the conditions of contract.
a.The term “Provisional Sum” shall mean a sum provided for work or costs which cannot be
entirely foreseen, defined or detailed at the time the tending documents are issued.
b.The term “Prime Cost Sum”shall mean a sum provided for work or services to be
executed by a Nominated Sub-Constructor or for materials or goods to be obtained from a Nominated Supplier. Such sum shall be deemed to be exclusive of any profit or attendance required by the Main Contractor and provision shall be made for the addition thereof. 14. Work under reservoir, river or sea water
All work executed in or under reservoir, river or sea water shall be given separately stating the levels of high and low water where applicable.
15. Work in compressed air
All work required to be carried out in compressed air shall be given separately.
16. Generally
Each Sub-Section of a Trade shall be read in conjunction with the General Rules and Principles detailed in “Clause 1. Generally” of that Trade.
1.Employer, Architect and Quantity Surveyor
The names of the Employer, Architect and Quantity Surveyor shall be stated.
2.Description of works
A general description of the works comprised in the Bills of Quantity shall be given. The
size of the building and height above and below ground level shall be stated together with the number of stories.
3.Site an inspection
a.The position of the site shall be described with any particulars as to access and to any
limitations as to extent and position of the working space. Attention shall be drawn to
any adjacent or abutting building.
b.Contractors tendering shall be advised to visit the site and inspect holes (if any) and
shall be informed where keys may be obtained, if they are required, and where the
drawings and other documents may be seen.
c.Any stipulation as to use or disposal of sand, gravel or rock that may be found on the
site shall be stated.
4.Division of the work into sections
a.Where possession of the site is to be given in sections at different dates, particulars
shall be given.
b.Where the works are to be executed in any specific order or in sections, particulars
shall be given.
5.Form of contract
a.The form of contract and conditions shall be stated and a schedule of the clause
headings to be used shall be set out in the Bills of Quantities.
b. A copy of the full conditions shall be supplied to the contractors or made available for
their inspection.
c.Any items affecting price which are incidental to or amplification of such clauses
shall be fully described.
6. Particulars to be inserted in Appendix of Conditions
The particulars which will be inserted in any Appendix to Schedule of Conditions shall be given in tabulated form.
The conditions under which the contractor may sub-let portions of the work.
8.Artists or Tradesmen not Sub-Contractors
Permission for execution of work by Artists or Tradesmen who are not Nominated Sub-Contractors and who may be engaged by the Employer.
9.Injury to persons and damage to property
Responsibility of the contractor for injury to persons and damage to property including public or private rode.
10.Insurances, etc.
a.Insurance against or allowance to be made in respect of the following:-
(1)Fire and extraneous perils.
(2)Injury to persons and property.
(3)Workmen’s compensation.
(4)Any other items of insurance or guarantee required by the Conditions of Contract
or the Employer.
b.Special requirements in respect of minimum acceptable limits of liability and
excesses shall be state.
c.Where insurances are to be extended to cover professional fees, particular shall be
11.Provisional and Prime Costs sums
Provisional and Prime Costs (P. C.) Sums and the method of adjustment. Where the cost of cartage, unloading, storing and returning packing material is be added by the Contractor it shall be so stated.
12.Conditions of payment
Conditions of payment.
13.Surety or bond
Surety or bond required by the Employer.
Care of Works generally, employment of watchmen and protective lighting.
Items shall be given in respect of the following unless they are already covered in the Schedule of Clause Heading given in accordance with Clause 5a hereof.
15.Working hours, rates of wages, etc.
a.Any special stipulations as working hours of conditions.
b.Any conditions that may be imposed as to rates of wages and prices of material.
16.Plant, tools, sheds, etc.
a.Plant, tools, scaffolding and staging. Special scaffoldings if required for Nominated
Sub-Contractors work.
b.Offices, sheds, messrooms, accommodation and attendances, and other welfare facilities.
c.Sanitary conveniences, their maintenance and removal.
d.Temporary screen.
17.Notices and fees
Compliance with Labor Departments’ notices required by any Act or Ordinanc e of Government, Regulations and Bye-laws of any Local Authority and any Public Service Company or Authority and paying of and indemnifying the Employer against any fees or charges legally demandable thereunder.
18.Safety precautions
Compliance with L abor Departments’ construction Sites (Safety) Regulations 1973. 19.Industrial Training levy
Payment of the levy legally demandable under the Industry Training (Construction Industry) Ordinance.
20.Setting out
Setting out the works and provision of all instruments and labor required by the Architect for checking this work.
General Foreman and his attendance on the works.
22.Protection of public property, etc.
Maintenance and protection of public property and the property of the Public Utility Service Companies and the making good of or paying for the making good of all damage thereto.
a.Protection of the work and materials from weather.
b.Casing or covering up and protecting.
24.Treasure trove, coins, etc.
Disposal of any treasure trove, coins or objects of antiquity.
25.Variations and methods of measuring and valuing
a.Particulars relating to variations and the orders for and the method of measuring and
valuing the same.
b.Particulars relating to daywork accounts.
Submission of samples.
27.Testing of materials
Conditions relative to the testing of materials.
Water for the Works, including that for Nominated Sub-Contractors and necessary temporary plumbing and storage.
29.Lighting and power
Lighting and power for the Works, including that for Nominated Sub-Contractors and any necessary temporary wiring and meters.
a.General attendance of one trade upon another.
b.General attendance upon Nominated Sub-Contractors; this shall be give particulars of
any unloading, storing, hoisting, special supply of power, placing in position of materials, clearing away rubbish and the like, protecting, cutting away for and making good after
Nominated Sub-Contractors and other facilities to be afforded by the Contractor. Any
other Contractor’s work in connection shall be measured in detail or covered by
Provisional Sums.
31.Hoardings, etc.
Provision of hoardings, fans, planked footways, guard rails, gantries, lighting and the like may be required.
Any special requirements shall be described and the conditions regarding advertising rights shall be stated.
32.Works by Public Authorities
Works to be carried by Government Departments or Utility Companies which shall be dealt with by means of Provisional Sums, e.g.:-
(1)Taking up and relaying the paving of public roads and footways.
(2)Forming permanent crossings.
(3)Connections with water, gas, electric mains and the like.
33.Temporary roads
Temporary roads and crossings where required with all relevant particulars.
34.Drying the building
The provision of fuel and attendance for drying the building, if required.
35.Removal of rubbish
The removal of rubbish and debris, clearing up and cleaning.
36.Defects after completion
Making good defects appearing within the Defects Liability Period, and extant of such period.
1. Generally
a.The location of demolitions and alterations shall be given in the description of the
b.Shoring and scaffolding incidental to the demolitions and alterations shall be given in
the description of the items. Other shoring (e.g. to old building left standing) shall be
given in accordance with Clause 10 hereof.
c.Old materials arising form the demolitions and alterations shall become the property
of the Contractor unless otherwise stated. Clearing away such old materials shell be
held to be included with the items. Provisions shall be made in the Bills of Quantities
for credits.
d.Old materials required to remain to the property of the Employer shall be so
described. Setting aside and storing such old materials shall be given in the
description of the items.
e.Old materials permitted to be re-used in work measured as new shall be so described.
No adjustment shall be made to the measured quantities of new work in which such
materials are re-used.
2. Demolitions
a.Demolitions individual structure (or part thereof) shall be given as items, except that
clearing the site of all structure may be given as an item. The lowest level of
demolition shall be stated (e.g. down to the top surface of concrete at the lowest floor
b.Where whole structure shall be demolished, a description of the structure shall be
given, stating the overall dimensions, number of storeys, nature of the general
construction and any other relevant details.
c.Leaving parts of old walls temporarily in position to act buttresses shall be given in
description of demolition items.
3. Alterations generally
a.Alteration work which would be most conveniently priced on the site shall be
grouped together and given under an appropriate subheading.
b.Alteration work shall be described or grouped according to location.
4. Cutting openings
Cutting opening in old structures shall be given as items stating the nominal finished size of the opening, the type and thickness of the old structure and the treatment around the opening (e.g. inserting trimmers, lintels, arches, sills and the like; quoining up jambs).
Extending finishings and making good all work disturbed shall be given in the description. New doors, windows and the like shall be measured in detail in accordance with the appropriate rules.
5. Blocking up openings
Blocking up openings in old structures shall be given as items stating the size of opening and the nature and thickness of the new work. Taking out thresholds, arches, sills and the like , bonding or otherwise securing the new work to the old structure, extending finishings on the new work and making good all work disturbed shall be given in the description.
6. Pulling down parts of structure
Pulling down walls, partitions, floors, roofs, staircases and other parts of old structure shall be given as items.
Where practicable quantities and dimensions shall be given in the description.
7. Taking down fittings and fixtures
Taking down fittings and fixtures (e.g. doors, windows, sanitary appliances, counters, cupboards) shall be given as items stating the size.
Those required to be set aside for refixing shall be so described.
8. Refixing fittings and fixtures
Repairing, adapting and refixing old fittings and fixtures shall be given as items stating the size.
9. Temporary screens and temporary roofs
Temporary screens and temporary roofs shall be given super or enumerated as may be appropriate. Weatherproof screens and dustproof screens shall be so described. Temporary arrangement for dealing with rainwater, temporary doors, temporary windows and the like in screens shall be given in the description. The description shall include for erection, maintenance, alteration and adaptation as necessary during the Contract and the subsequent clearing away and making good of all work disturbed.
10. Shoring
Timber shoring (other than that incidental to demolitions and alterations) shall be given cube stating the position and type of shoring and the nature of the structure to be shored.
Erecting, maintaining, clearing away, cutting holes in the structure and making good all work disturbed shall be included in the description. Obtaining licences and paying fees and providing all necessary nails, wedges and bolts shall be held to be included with the items.
1. Generally
a.The following generally information, where available, shall be given:-
(1). Ground level in relation to high and low water bables and Ordinance Datum.
(2). Soil investigation reports, nature of strata and details of any bore tests.
(3). The various levels form which piling frames will operate.
(4). Conditions under which Contractors will be permitted to carry out their own soil
investigation during the tender period.
(5). Details of special provisions in respect of noise suppression, noisy working, time
limitations and vibration limitations other than to meet Statutory requirements.
(6). Any particular requirement regarding phasing or sequence of driving piles or
constructing caissons.
(7). Set required for driven piles and any limitations or driving methods.
b.Providing and assembling the equipment on the Site and the subsequent dismantling
and removal shall be given as an item for each type of piling or caissoning.
c.Movement and piling frames into position and about the site, any necessary
excavation or filling required to place the frames, raising or lowering the frames and
any staging, barges or the like required to support the frames, shall be held to be
included in the items of driving the piles.
d.Driving raking piles shall be kept separat
e.Redriving or intermittent driving necessitate by lengthening piles, or by the removal
of obstructions under piles or other causes including moving and repositioning the
piling frame shall be held to be included in the items of driving the piles.
f.Cutting off head of piles to required levels shall be enumerated. The size of cross
section of the pile and requirements for disposal of debris, and cleaning,
straightening and bending any projecting reinforcement shall be stated in the
g.Excavation for and removal of underground obstructions together with all work in
connection therewith shall be given as an item in respect of each type of piling.
Alternatively measured items may be given in respect of such work.
h.The test loading of piles or caissons shall be enumerated stating the type of pile or
caisson and the test load to be applied. Temporary pile caps and provision of all
anchors, platforms, loading materials and the like shall be held to be included in the
item. The test loading of first and subsequent piles or caissons shall each be given
2. Steel sheet piling
a.Supplying, handing, transporting and pitching steel sheet piling shall be given super
measured the area in plane (not developed) elevation along the centre line of the
piling. The design length, size of the cross section of each pile and the thickness,
substance, section modulus or manufactures’catalogue reference shall be stated in
the description.
b.Driving steel sheet piling (measures from formation level of the ground to the bottom
edge of the piling when driven) shall be given super measured in plane (not
developed) elevation along the centre line of the piling. Initial trenching, strutting
and waling for driving, and any jointing required to extend piling vertically shall be
held to be included in the item.
c.Corner piles, junction piles and other special piles shall each be given run as extra
over the supplying and driving items respectively of the steel sheet piling in which
they occur.
d.Cutting or burning through steel sheet piling shall be given run in plane (not
developed) elevation along the centre line of the piling.
e.Cutting or burning holes for pipes and the like through the steel sheet piling shall be
enumerated and fully described.
f.Withdrawing steel sheet piling shall be given super measured in plane (not developed)
elevation along the centre line of the piling.
g.Requirements in respect of ownership and disposal of offcuts, whole piles, and
withdrawing piles shall be stated and provision made for credits.
h.An item shall be given for strutting and shoring to steel piling during subsequent
excavation and foundation work stating the length and height of the piling face to be
upheld and any special requirements. Alternatively such strutting and shoring may be
measured in detail.
3. Precast concrete pile
a.Supplying precast concrete piles shall be given run stating the size of cross section
and the number. Piles permitted to be cast on site shall be so described. Moulds shall
be held to b included in the items.
b.Reinforcement shall be given in accordance with the rules for reinforced concrete in
Section VI hereof.
c.Heads, shoes and rock shoes shall be enumerated and fully describe
d.Handling, transporting and pitching the piles shall be enumerated stating the size and
length in stages of 2.00 meters.
e.Driving piles shall be given run (measured from the shoe point in contact with the
ground when pitched to the shoe point when driven) stating the size of pile.
f.Dollying piles below ground level shall be given run as extra over the driving stating
the number.
g.Lengthening piles in position shall be given in detail. Connections shall be
4. Cast in-situ piles
a.Supplying, handing, transporting, pitching, diving and withdrawing shall be given
run (measured from the shoe point in contact the ground when pitched to the shoe
point when driven) and the number stated. The internal size of the casing and
requirements regarding the disposal of any spoil shall be stated in the description.
b.Shoes and rock shoe shall be enumerated and fully described.
c.The in-situ concrete pile shall be given run (measured from the bottom of the casting
to the cut-off level of the piles) and the number stated. The mix of concrete and size
of across-section shall be stated in the description.
d.Formation of enlarged bases shall be enumerated as extra over the length of the piles.
e.Reinforcement shall be given in accordance with the rules for reinforced concrete in
Section VI hereof.
5. Bored piles
a.Boring the pile holes shall be given run (measured from point of entry into ground
to the bottom of bore) and the number of bores stated. Requirements regarding
disposal of spoil shall be stated in the description.
b.The concrete filling shall be given run (measured from the bottom of the bore to the
cut-off level of the pile) and the number stated. The mix of concrete and size of bore
cross-section shall be stated in the description.
c.Formation of enlarged bases shall be enumerated as extra over the length of boring
and concrete filling.
d.Reinforcement shall be given in accordance with the rules for reinforced concrete in
Section VI hereof.
6. Steel piles
a.Supplying steel piles shall be given run stating the size of the cross section of each
pile and the weight., thickness, substance, section modulus or manufacturers’
catalogue reference an number.
b.Handing, transporting and pitching the piles shall be given run stating the size and
c.Driving piles shall be given run (measured from the point in contact with ground
when pitched to the point when driven) stating the size of the pile and the
number.Strutting and bracing for driving, use of driving caps, and any jointing and
connections required to extend the pile shall be held to be included in the item.
d.Dollying piles below ground level shall be given run as extra over the driving stating
the number.
7. Contractor designed concrete piles
a.Contractor designed concrete piles shall be enumerated stating the load to be carried,
the length of concrete shaft cut-off and the depth of the top below ground level.
Alternatively where the onus of designing the length of the pile is to be placed on the
Contractor the piles shall be enumerated stating the load to be carried and the depth
of the top below ground level after cut-off.
b.Particulars shall be given of any restrictions regarding type of piles or method of
driving and requirements regarding the disposal of any spoil. Shoes, rock shoes and
reinforcement shall be held to be included in the items.
8. Trial piles
a.Trial piles shall be measured in accordance with the rule for production piles.
b.Where plant is required to be left on site but delay is anticipated between completion
of trial piles and commencement of production piling, a provisional number of days
shall be given for rig idling time.
9. Generally
a. A preamble item shall be given stating requirements with regard to ventilation of
shafts, precautions against noxious gases, lighting and access to shafts, lifting
appliances and any other safety of special precautions.
b.It shall be stated whether or not blasting is permitted and any special restrictions
regarding same shall be given.
10. Caisson excavation
a.Setting up each caisson shall be enumerated.
b.Shaft excavation including disposal of surplus excavated material shall be given run,
measured in stages of 1.50 meters from commencing level to founding level and
stating the effective design diameter required to accommodate caisson linings which
do not form part of the effective design diameter and to allow for construction or
sinking of linings shall be held to be included in the item.
c.Excavating enlarged bases shall be enumerated as extra over the shaft excavation
stating the size of the base.
d.Shaft excavation shall be held to include for excavation through any material other
than rock. Removal of rock shall be measured cube as extra over the shaft
e.Keeping each shaft free of water during excavation and construction of the lining
shall be held to be included in the items of shaft excavation.。
