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别获取土体在低吸力段及高吸力段的土-水特征曲线;收缩曲线可以用分段函数表示;膨胀土在吸水过程中体积发生了很大变化,不考虑这种体积变化将会高估膨胀土的体积含水率,且吸力越低,这种误差越大;采用van Genuchten 模型对试验结果进行了曲线拟合,得到了试验土体考虑体积膨胀的土-水特征曲线拟合参数值:a=40.21, n=1.52, m=0.09;土样的初始干密度越大,同一吸力对应的含水

%In order to study the soil water characteristics of expansive soil taking into account of vol -ume change , the theoretical relationship between volumetric water content and gravity water content was analyzed, and a method to obtain the soil water characteristic curves (SWCC) considering vol-ume change was proposed .By taking Hefei expansive soil as a study object , the relationship be-tween gravity water content and matrix suction was measured with the osmotic method and filter pa -per method , and the relationship between void ratio and gravity water
content was measured by the shrinkage test .The soil water characteristics of Hefei expansive soil considering volume change were obtained according to the method proposed in this paper .The results showed that SWCC in low and high suction sections could be obtained by the osmotic method and filter paper method , respectively . Volumetric shrinkage curve can be described by the piecewise function .The volume of expansive soil changed dramatically during the process of absorbing water .The volumetric water content can be overestimated if the volume change was ignored , and the error become larger in lower suction part . Fitting parameters a=40.21 , n=1.5, and m=0.09 were obtained when the SWCC with considera-tion of volumn chang was fitted with the van Genuchten model .The water content under the same suction increased with the increase of initial dry density of the soil sample .
【作者单位】合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院,安徽合肥 230009;合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院,安徽合肥 230009;合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院,安徽合肥 230009;合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院,安徽合肥 230009
1.考虑干密度和压实含水率影响的弱膨胀土土水特征曲线研究 [J], 李保华
2.考虑体积变化的非饱和膨胀土土水特征 [J], 周葆春;孔令伟
3.考虑体积变化修正的红黏土土水特征曲线试验研究 [J], 陈浩
4.废弃秸秆灰渣改良膨胀土的体积变化特征研究 [J], 张德恒
5.考虑体应变及干湿循环的黑龙江膨胀土土水特征研究 [J], 赵佳敏;张爱军;牛丽思;于宁;程旨辉;赵双权
