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易混比较 stand for/represent
stand for 代表
VIP stands for very important VIP代表非常重要的人物 represent 代表
(个体代表整体) represent my class代表我班
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子 ①This indicates that there is a certain way quantity is __r_ep_r_e_se_n_te_d__
(represent) in their brains. ②Next, she tied several chopsticks together, _r_e_pr_e_se_n_t_in_g_ (represent) a
family. ③The President _w_a_s_r_e_pr_e_se_n_t_ed_ (represent) at the ceremony by the Vice-
注意:“努力”“疼痛”等词,从汉语角度,我们易误认为它们是 不可数名词,但事实上effort, pain既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可 数名词,学习时要特别注意。
提示:as reported是一个省略形式=as it is reported 此类情况还有: ①as expected=as it is expected ②as known to all=as it is known to all ③as told=as it is told等等
即学即练 单句语法填空 ①People often __g_re_e_t _ each other (particularly women) with light cheek
kisses. ②My mother sends her _g_r_e_et_in_g_s_ (greet) to you all. ③She is always greeting us ___w_i_th___ a sweet smile.
Part Ⅳ Lesson 2 Special Occasions
wedding, greet, beer, teenager, studio, appropriately,
学 习 目 标
课时词汇 specific, neat, suit, jeans, effort, represent, extend, fortunate make sure, pay attention to, in general, look ahead to,
②有些电视节目针对特定年龄段的观众。 Some television programmes are aimed at _s_p_e_ci_fi_c_a_g_e_g_ro_u_p_s_. ③这钱将用于某种特定用途。 The money is to be used for a _s_p_ec_i_fi_c_p_u_rp_o_s_e _. ④她是我一个特别的朋友。 She is a _s_pe_c_ia_l_f_ri_en_d__of_m__in_e_.
It is appropriate that... ……是合适的。
It's appropriate that he (should) arrive tomorrow. 他明天到比较合适。
即学即练 单句语法填空 ①Jeans are not _ap_p_r_op_r_ia_t_e (appropriate) for a formal party. ②The government has been accused (控告) of not responding a_p_p_ro_p_ri_a_te_ly
易混比较 suit/match/fit
suit 多指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位、场合等
match 多指色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配
即学即练 单句语法填空 ①There are also varieties developed t_o_s_u_it (suit) specific local conditions. ②Would it now be a __s_ui_ta_b_le__ (suit) moment to discuss my report? ③I would like to invite you to join, since you are good at table tennis,
4 neat /niːt/ adj. 整洁的;整齐的;简洁的,灵巧的 整齐地
keep neat 保持整洁 look neeat and tidy 干净整洁的 a neat answer 简洁的答复 a neat desk 整洁的课桌 a neat piece of work 精致的产品 write neatly 整齐地写
(appropriate) to the needs of the homeless.
3 greet /ɡriːt/ vt. 问候,欢迎;打招呼 greeting n. 问候;招呼;(pl.) 问候的话;贺词
greet sb. with... 用……和某人打招呼 greet my guests 迎接我的客人 greet sb. at the airport 在机场迎接某人 greet sb. warmly 热情地迎接某人 offer greetings to sb. 向某人致意 greeting card 贺卡 Christmas/birthday greetings (圣诞/生日贺词)
2 appropriately /ə'prəʊpriətli/ adv. 合适地,适当地 appropriate
adj. 合适的,适当的
dress appropriately
act appropriately 举止得当
an appropriate measure/method/response
即学即练 单句语法填空 ①More _ef_f_or_ts_/_ef_fo_r_t (effort), as reported, will be made in the years ahead to accelerate (加速) the supply-side structural reform. ②A lot of _e_ff_o_rt_ (effort) has gone into making this event a success. ③I don't get lonely now because I make the effort __to_s_e_e_ (see) people.
第一版块|重点词汇 1 specific /spə'sɪfɪk/ adj. 具体的,特定的;明确的
易混辨析 specific/special (adj.) 均有“特别的,特定的”之意,均无比较级和最高级。
6 suit /sjuːt/ n. 套装 vt. 适合;使适宜 suitable adj. 合适的,适宜 的
a suit of clothes 一套衣服 suit...to... 使……适应 be suited to/for 适合于……;适宜于…… be suitable to/for sb./sth. 适合某人/某物 be suitable to do sth. 适合做某事
President. ④他称自己是专家。
He _r_ep_r_e_se_n_ts_h_i_m_s_e_lf_a_s_ an expert. ⑤我代表每个在这里的人,祝愿你们假期愉快。
neatly 整洁地;
即学即练 单句语法填空/完成句子 ①Over time, Kate got ___ne_a_te_r__ (neat) and I got messier (凌乱). ②他穿着黑色的礼服,坐在她干净整洁的客厅里。
He was wearing a black suit, sitting in her __n_e_at_a_n_d_t_id_y__ living room. ③于是他们把她一个人留在整洁的小房子里,只有记忆陪着她。 So they left her in _t_h_e_n_ea_t_l_it_tle__ho_u_s_e_, alone with her memories. ④整理好你的外套让它看起来更整洁。 Pull your covers up and make them _l_o_ok__n_ea_t_.
Ⅱ.阅读单词拼写练习:请根据所给的单词和词性写出词义 1.studio n. ______录_音__室_______ 2.appropriately adv. __合__适__地__,_适__当__地___ 3.jeans n. ______牛__仔__裤______ 4.extend vt. _____提_供__,__给__予____
specific+抽象名词 ·special+具体事物的名词
即学即练 完成句子 ①为你的听众考虑,限制问题的时间,并且用明确的信号结束演讲。
Do your listeners a favour by setting a time limit on questions, and close your speech with a _s_p_ec_i_fi_c_si_g_n_al_.
常用短语 have fun, as far as, for example, on time, make an effort, take up
it做形式主语 祈使句
Ⅰ.核心单词拼写练习:请根据所给的词性和词义写出单词 1._____w__ed_d_i_ng______ n. 婚礼 2._______gr_e_et_______ vt. 问候,欢迎;打招呼 3._______b_e_er_______ n. 啤酒 4.______te_e_n_a_ge_r_____ n. 青少年,十几岁的孩子 5.______s_p_ec_i_fi_c_____ adj. 具体的,特定的 6._______n_e_a_t ______ adj. 整洁的 7._______s_u_it_______ n. 套装 8._______ef_fo_r_t ______ n. 努力;力气 9._____r_e_pr_e_se_n_t_____ vt. 代表 10.______fo_r_tu_n_a_te_____ adj. 幸运的
and you are the most __s_ui_ta_b_l_e _ (suit) person.
7 represent /ˌreprɪ'zent/ vt. 象征;代表;呈现 represent...as... 把……描绘成…… represent oneself as/to be... 自称是…… represent sth. to sb. 向某人说明某事 be on behalf of=represent 代表
5 effort /'efət/ n. 努力;力气;费力的事 effortless adj. 不费力的; 容易的
make efforts/an effort to do sth. 努力做某事 make every effort to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事 with effort 费力地 without effort 毫不费力地,轻松地 spare no effort 不遗余力 put effort into (doing) sth. 对(做)某事付出很大气力