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1.What is the name of the fairy tale character who had a red cape?
A. Cinderella
B. Little Red Riding Hood
C. Snow White
D. Belle
2.The ____ has a shiny shell and is found in gardens.
3.My grandmother has a __________花园. (美丽的)
4. A chemical reaction can produce ______, gas, and heat.
5. A ______ is a fascinating underwater animal.
6.The kids are ___ outside. (playing)
7. A ____ is a curious animal that loves to explore its surroundings.
8.The chemical formula for silver nitrate is __________.
9.The dog is ______ (chasing) a squirrel.
10.What color is a stop sign?
A. Green
B. Yellow
C. Red
D. BlueC
11. A ____ is known for its bright colors and beautiful plumage.
12.The kangaroo uses its powerful legs to ______ (跳跃).
13.I have a pet that is very ____.
14. A __________ is formed by the accumulation of sediment in a coastal area.
15.This ________ (玩具) is made for everyone to enjoy.
16.My favorite book is about ________.
17.What do you call a place where you can see stars?
A. Planetarium
B. Museum
C. Zoo
D. AquariumA
18.The flowers are _____ in the garden. (growing)
19.The _____ (garden) brings joy and relaxation.
20.I have a toy _____ that can make sounds.
21.What is the capital of the Philippines?
A. Manila
B. Cebu
C. Davao
D. Iloilo
22.My uncle is a __________ (建筑师).
23.The _____ (种子库) preserves genetic diversity.
24.The ______ of a daisy is made up of many tiny flowers. (雏菊的花盘由许多小花组成。

25.I have a ______ (cat).
26.The garden is _______ (filled) with butterflies.
27.What do we call the part of the plant that attracts pollinators?
A. Petal
B. Sepal
C. Stamen
D. PistilA
28.Which instrument has keys and is played by pressing them?
A. Guitar
B. Piano
C. Drums
D. Flute
29.She is _______ (cooking) dinner for her family.
30.The raccoon has a black mask around its ______ (眼睛).
31.The _______ blooms in the spring.
32. A barometer measures ______ pressure.
33.The Pacific Ocean is to the ________ of the Americas.
34.I like to explore nature and learn about different ________ (植物) and ________ (动物).
35.The seal barks loudly like a ______ (狗).
36.The _______ of a plant helps it to grow straight.
37.My sister enjoys __________ (参与) in school activities.
38.My dad's name is . (我爸爸的名字是)
39.Many people enjoy _______ to plants in their gardens.
40.The ________ (生态旅游) promotes conservation.
41.I enjoy drawing pictures of _______ (我喜欢画_______的图画).
42.We have a ______ (丰富的) educational system.
43.My mom is a great _______ (厨师).
44.I want to _____ (become) a scientist.
45.The wolf is known for its strong ________________ (嗅觉).
46.What do you call a vehicle that travels through space?
A. Car
B. Rocket
C. Airplane
D. BoatB
47.What is the capital of Switzerland?
A. Zurich
B. Geneva
C. Bern
D. BaselC
48.What is the name of the bear species that lives in the Arctic?
A. Grizzly Bear
B. Polar Bear
C. Black Bear
D. Brown BearB Polar Bear
49.How many sides does a square have?
A. Three
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
50.I like to ______ (参与) in sports teams.
51.The stars are ________ (闪耀).
52.An electric current flows in a _______.
53.What is the capital of Greenland?
A. Nuuk
B. Sisimiut
C. Ilulissat
D. QaqortoqA
54.The ancient Romans had a complex belief in ________.
55.My friend is a talented __________ (演奏家).
56.What do you call a story that is made up?
A. Biography
B. Fiction
C. Non-fiction
D. HistoryB
57.What do you call a house for birds?
A. Nest
B. Cage
C. Coop
D. AviaryA
58.The children are ______ a story together in class. (reading)
59.Which season comes after winter?
A. Spring
B. Summer
C. Autumn
D. FallA
60.The rabbit loves to nibble on _________. (蔬菜)
61.My dog loves to dig _______ (洞) in the yard.
62.She has long ________ hair.
63.My dad is ________ a car.
64.The cockatoo can dance to _____ music.
65.The ocean is ___ (deep).
66.The __________ is known for its beautiful coral reefs.
67.What is the main ingredient in chocolate?
A. Milk
B. Sugar
C. Cocoa
D. VanillaC
68.Which animal is known for its long neck?
A. Elephant
B. Giraffe
C. Dog
D. HorseB
69. A single atom of oxygen can bond with two _____ atoms to form water.
70.Which animal is known as the "King of the Jungle"?
A. Elephant
B. Lion
C. Tiger
D. Bear
71.What do you call a person who studies the weather?
A. Meteorologist
B. Climatologist
C. Geologist
D. Environmental ScientistA
72.Which bird is known for its colorful feathers?
A. Sparrow
B. Peacock
C. Penguin
D. CrowB
73.My aunt loves to share her ____.
74.I love spending time with my _____ (家人).
75. A ____ is a friendly animal that enjoys being around other pets.
76.What is the capital of Uganda?
A. Kampala
B. Entebbe
C. Jinja
D. Gulu
77. A __________ is a natural reservoir of water.
78.The law of conservation of energy states that energy cannot be ______.
79.__________ (物质循环) describes how elements move through the ecosystem.
80.He is an _____ (企业家) inspiring others to innovate.
81. A solution that is neutral has a pH of _______.
82.What is the name of the dinosaur with a long neck?
A. Tyrannosaurus Rex
B. Stegosaurus
C. Brachiosaurus
D. VelociraptorC
83.The process of extracting metals from ores is called _______.
84.What is the color of an apple?
A. Purple
B. Red
C. Yellow
D. All of the above
85.The Earth's rotation takes approximately ______ hours.
86.plants can lead to advancements in ______ (农业). Sublimat
87.She has a beautiful ________.
88.What is the name of the popular game played with cards?
A. Chess
B. Poker
C. Scrabble
D. Monopoly
89.My ________ (玩具名称) is very old but still works.
90. A prism bends light to create a ______.
91.Which instrument has keys and is played with fingers?
A. Guitar
B. Drums
C. Piano
D. ViolinC
92.What do we call the largest type of bear?
A. Grizzly Bear
B. Polar Bear
C. Black Bear
D. Kodiak BearB
93.The chemical symbol for germanium is __________.
94. A ____(species extinction) reduces biological diversity.
95.What is the capital of Argentina?
A. Buenos Aires
B. Santiago
C. Montevideo
D. LimaA
96.The Earth's crust is constantly being ______ by tectonic forces.
97.My cat loves to play with _______ (纸球).
98.How many wheels does a bicycle have?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five
99.What is the name of the famous red fruit that is often used in salads?
A. Tomato
B. Pepper
C. Cucumber
D. LettuceA
100. A ______ (骆驼) can survive without water for days.。
