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Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)
There are 15 short incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D .Choose the b est o ne to complete t he dialogue and
mark your answer on the
ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
1. Speaker A: Would you please pass the salt
Speaker B: But don’t put too much of it in the soup.
A. Here you are.
B. There you go.
C. I sure do.
D. My pleasure.
2. Speaker A: Good evening, George. Come in. How have you been?
Speaker B: .
Speaker A: O h, reasonably well.
A. Just fine, thank you.
B. Well yes, thanks.
C. Could be better, thanks.
D. Nice, thank you.
3. Speaker A: I’d like to have my phone disconnected?
Speaker B: _________
Speaker A: W ell, I’m moving to California for a new job there.
A. Give me a reason!
B. You do?
C. Why is that?
D. May I ask why?
4. Speaker A: Is Mrs. Johnson joining us for dinner?
Speaker B: Why did you ask?
Speaker A:I’d like her to try some Chinese food.
A. Not as I know.
B. Never mind.
C. Not that I know of.
D. She is not.
5. Speaker A: By the way, do you know how to use chopsticks?
Speaker B: That’s easy.
Speaker A: ________
Speaker B: I was stationed in China for five years, you know.
A. It is amazing!
B. Why did you say that?
C. It was impossible.
D. How did you learn to use them?
6. Speaker A: Are you ill?
Speaker B: . I’m just tired.
A. It’s all right.
B. Exactly.
C. Not really.
D. Don’t mention it.
7. Speaker A: Are you hungry?
Speaker B: Hungry?
Speaker A: S o let’s go to the Italian restaurant near here.
A. I’m starving.
B. I don’t know.
C. Not yet.
D. It’s not my topic.
’s lecture?
8. Speaker A: How about the professor
Speaker B: I find it very difficult to follow. ________
B. It’s beyond me.
A. It’s so inspiring.
D. It’s not my topic.
C. It’s so interesting.
9. Speaker A: Let’s go to the movies in Prickly tomorrow.
Speaker B: Ok, where should we meet?
I’ll pick you up.
Speaker A: _________ ---name the place and
A. I’ll let you know.
B. I’ll tell you what.
C. You know what.
D. You just say it.
10. Speaker A: Were you planning to stop by the supermarket?
Speaker B: Yes. Would you like me to get you anything?
Speaker A: A loaf of bread, ________.
A. if any
B. if you like
C. if I were you
’t mind
D. if you don
11. Speaker A: Do you have any job openings?
Speaker B: N o, but if you fill out an application, ________.
A. we can keep it on file for a year
B. we can put it on notice
C. we’ll see what happens
D. we’ll call you when we have time
’t be
12. Speaker A: Hi, Russ. We are having a bit of trouble with the car, so we won
I’m really sorry.
able to make it tonight.
Speaker B: .
A. That’s good. I’m busy at the moment, too.
B. Well, sorry to hear that. Want me to come get you?
C. Don’t worry about it. See you in a while.
D. Ok, great. Sorry about the inconvenience.
13. Speaker A: Why did you tell the whole world about my past?
Speaker B: .
’t help.
’s done now. I can
A. Oh well, it
’t matter that much.
B. I guess it doesn
C. Well, I apologize. I got all excited.
’t complain to me.
D. Sorry. You shouldn
14. Speaker A: Sorry about all the inconvenience.
Speaker B:
A. Ok. With great pleasure.
B. Don’t worry about it.
’s ok.
C. Oh, really? That
D. I’m sorry to hear that.
15. Speaker A: Good morning, Dr. Hampton. May I come in?
Speaker B: Good morning, Gretchen. Of course.________
’d like to invite you especially.
Speaker A: W ell, we’ll have a dinner party, and we
A. What do you want to do?
B. Do you have anything to say?
C. How can I be of help?
D. Can you tell me why you are here?
PART II Reading Comprehension (40 points )
Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by 5
For each of them there a re 4 choices m arked
questions or unfinished
A,B,C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the
with a single line through the center.
Passage one
Plastic bags are fast c hoking our planet. They are expensive f or not only
consumers but also the environment; the need of the hour is therefore to come up wit eco-friendly bags.
Environment friendly bags are the latest and most fashionable to bit the market Environment friendly people want to be associated and seen with natural fiber bags.
Multicolored patch work bags and printed b ags are everyone’s favorite.
These bags are very comfortable and elegant.
eco-friendly bags are made of cotton.
They are not only attractive but also long lasting.
A cotton bag is a simple and stylish way to eliminate waste and make a fashion
Cotton bags with unique patterns and designs a re simple a nd stylish to
carry around. Cotton fiber is soft-touch and most comfortable. Finishing processes o
’s tremendous range and combination of colors
cotton are numerous, reflecting today
and special qualities. The bags are reusable and represent a sustainable alternativ traditional materials.
Introducing this exciting n ew message of environmental s ustainability
Kariwala G reen Bags, which makes a vast r ange of environment f riendly bags. I ts
is s uit all n eeds and situations:
cotton b ags are simple yet elegant. The collection
beach bags, wine bottle bags, shopping and gift bags, promotional bags, and fashion bags.
The company, with its special emphasis on quality, has taken steps to carry the message to the world ready to embrace a brighter ecological future. environmental
With its strong presence in over 42 countries worldwide, the company has
transformed the simplest cotton bags into a revolution in the Western world.
Be the one to make a resolution to reduce the strain on Mother Nature and look good in the process. To make the earth a better place t o live in and to know more
about long-lasting and fashionable eco-friendly bags, please visit
” (Paragraph 1) means
16. T he phrase “to come up with
A. to replace
B. to purchase
C. to produce
D. to ban
17. Cotton bags are becoming popular because they are _______.
A. strong and easy to keep
B. less costly and washable
C. eco-friendly and fashionable
D. light and convenient to carry
18. K ariwala is probably ________.
A. a new material for making bags
B. a manufacturer of bags
C. the name of a bag store.
D. an advertising agency
19. By “revolution” (Paragraph 5), the author probably refers to the _______.
A. great reduction of white pollution
B. a brand new style of bag design
C. a new way to promote cotton bags
D. widespread use of eco-friendly bags
20. The primary purpose of the author is to
A. promote Kariwala cotton bags
B. advocate the advantages of cotton bags
C. highlight the importance of bag designs
D. persuade people to follow the fashion
Passage Two
A review of more than 160 studies of human subjects has found “clear a nd
---happy people tend to live longer
” that---all else being equal
compelling evidence
and experience better health than their unhappy peers.
The study is the most comprehensive r eview so far o f the evidence l inking
happiness to health. Its lead author ED Diener analyzed long-term studies of human
and studies that e valuate the health s tatus of
experimental human trials,
people stressed by natural events.
types o f studies,” Diener said. “And the general
“We reviewed e ight d ifferent
conclusion from each type of study is that your subjective well-being---that is, fee positive about your life, not stressed out, not depressed---contributes to both long
and better health among healthy populations.
for more than 40
followed nearly 5,000 university students
A study that
as students tended t o die
for e xample, f ound that those w ho were most pessimistic
younger than their peers. An even longer-term study that followed 180 Catholic nuns from early adulthood to old age found that those who wrote positive accounts of thei lives in their early 20s tended to live longer than those who wrote more negative on
There were a few exceptions, but most of long-term s tudies the researchers
of enjoyment of daily activities and reviewed f ound that anxiety, depression, a lack
pessimism are all associated with higher rates of disease and a shorter life.
While happiness might not by itself prevent or cure disease, posive emotions and enjoyment of life do contribute to better health and a longer life, Diener said.
“Happiness is no magic bullet,” he said. “But the evidence is clear a nd
compelling that it changes your chances of getting disease or dying young.
21. The word “compelling” (Paragraph 1) means
A. direct
B. convincing
C. adequate
D. conclusive
22. According to Paragraph 2, Ed Diener
A. studied the health c onditions of the subjects
B. conducted e xperimental
human trials
C. made long-term studies of human subjects
D. review other r esearchers’
23. According to the studies on university students and Catholic nuns, who are more
likely to live longer?
A. Well-educated people.
B. Optimistic people.
C. Open-minded people.
D. Religious people.
24. What is NOT mentioned as relevant to a shorter life?
A. Depression and anxiety.
B. Lack of enjoyment.
C. Constant lack of sleep.
D. Stress and pessimism.
” (Paragraph 7), Diener means that
25. By saying that
“Happiness is no magic bullet
happiness .
B. is not easy to obtain
A. is not ever lasting
D. is not a guarantee of health
C. is not a good treatment of diseases
and long life
Passage Three
Cold weather has a great effect on how our minds and our bodies work. Maybe
“cold”. For centuries the
that is why there are so many expressions that use the word
body’s blood has been linked c losely with emotions. People who show no human
emotions or feelings, for example, are said to be cold blooded.
Cold-blooded people act in cruel ways. They may do brutal things to others and not by accident. For example, a newspaper says the police a re searching for a
or because h e
murdered someone not in self-defense
cold-blooded killer.
The killer
was reacting to anger or fear. He seemed to kill for no reason and with no emotion a ’s life meant nothing.
if taking someone
Cold can affect other parts of the body, the feet, for example. Heavy socks ca warm your feet if y our feet are r eally cold. But there is a n expression “to get cold
feet” that has nothing to do with cold or your feet. The expression means being afrai to do something you have decided to do. For example, you agreed to be president of an organization, but then you learned that all the other officers have resigned. All
get c old f eet
You are likely to
your responsibility.
work of the organization will be
about being president when you understand the situation.
A cold fish i s n ot a fish. It i s a person. But it i s a person w ho is u nfriendly,
unemotional and shows no love or warmth. A cold fish does not offer much of himself
to anyone else. Someone who is a cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone else. Someone who is a cold fish could be cold hearted. Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy. S everal p opular s ongs in recent years w ere about
cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who without feeling broke the hearts of their lovers.
“Out in the cold”means not getting something t hat everybody else h as got. A
raise that he was left out in the person might say that everybody but him got a pay
cold and it is not a pleasant place to be in.
26. T he focus of the passage is
A. the meanings of expressions with
B. the influence of cold weather on our mind and body
C. why people are unhappy with cold weather
D. how some people become cold blooded
27. A cold-blooded killer may take the life of another person
B. for no reason
A. by accident
D. in self-defense
C. out of fear
”, he or she may feel a little
28. If a person
“gets cold feet
A. angry
B. puzzled
D. frightened
C. disappointed
29. A cold fish is a person who _______.
A. is indifferent to others
’ sufferings
’ help
B. tends to turn down others
C. remains cool in emergency
D. prefers to stay all alone
30. Which of the following expressions may mean
B. Cold feet.
A. Cold face.
D. Out in the cold.
C. Cold heart.
Passage Four
The New York Times has reported on a problem that many of us have but are not aware of—Internet addiction. According to reporter Tara Parker-Pope, millions of us
are addicted to being online. She says this is a growing problem that is m aking us
more forgetful and impatient. Ms Parker-Pope writes about various reports
highlighting h ow technology is changing people. In one, she quotes
“More and more, life is resembling
cyber-psychologist Dr. Elias Aboujaode who says:
”, which is negatively
the chat room.” He said w e are living in “virtual lifestyles
psychologist from
Nicki Dowling, a clinical
affecting our real-life
recent study that ten
concluded in a
per cent o f
in Australia,
Melbourne University
“Internet dependence
young people had what she called
Tara Parker-Pope quizzed experts in this field on what the signs of being overl absorbed i n technology are. She came up with seven signs o f “tech o verload”. The
you check y our e-mail before doing other things. Another sign is if first is whether
— a sure sign of dependence and
you always look forward to your next online visit
when someone
a few more minutes”
The third point i s i f y ou say, “just
Pope found one’s communication with others also says a lot about wants you. Parker-
how important the Internet is compared with family and friends; do you lie about how much time you spend online or choose to surf the Internet instead of going out wit others? Other indicators include the
” that stops
you being unhappy, and
“online lift
others’ complaints about you always being online.
31. Which of the following can be the title of this passage?
A. Internet Addiction
B. Virtual Lifestyles
C. Indicators of Net Dependence
D. Importance of the Internet
32. A ccording to Tara Parker-Pope, millions of people
A. have realized the problem of Internet addiction
B. cannot get rid of their habit of staying online
C. have become more patient and careful online
D. welcome the changes brought about by technology
33. What does Dr. Elias Aboujaode think of the virtual lifestyles that we are living
A. They make people eager to talk to each other.
B. They make people more dependent on the Internet.
C. They have a negative effect on real-life relationships.
D. They get more people interested in online studies.
34. Which of the following is NOT a sign of Internet addiction?
A. Checking e-mail before doing anything else.
B. Expecting all the time the next online visit.
C. Surfing the Net instead of going out with others.
D. Arriving late for important appointments.
” (Paragraph 2) mean in the passage?
35. What does “tech overload
A. Over-absorption in the Internet.
B. Over-dependence on e-mail.
C. Over-interest in technology.
D. Over-interaction with friends.
PART III Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)
There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there Directions :
are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence Mark your answer on the
ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
other activities.
36. The girl learned to like the country dances almost
A. so much as
B. as much as
C. as many as
D. so
many as
this year.
37. T he turnover capacity of the harbor has increased
A. by two fifth
B. by two fifths
C. to two fifth
D. to
two fifths
38. It won’t be long our city can solve the problem of water pollution.
A. after
B. before
C. since
D. when
39. All information has been as carefully as possible to ensure t hat i t i s
A. saved
B. downloaded
C. deleted
D. checked
him of something he had to explain to his students.
40. The note was to
A. inform
B. warn
C. remind
D. notify
41.Research opportunities in a wide range of pure and applied
A. rise
B. exist
C. happen
D. stand
for me to return all the books now because I still need some of 42. It is not
them for my research.
A. convenient
B. necessary
C. urgent
D. advisable
43. For travelers, the dramatic combination of old and new makes for a journey unlike
C. one another
A. any other
B. each other
every other
44. The manager first introduced himself t o the new employees and then went on
the company regulations.
A. with explaining
B. explaining
C. to explain
being explaining
into films in the past
45. Many of the world
’s greatest novels are reported
few years.
B. to be made
A. to have been made
D. having made
C. having been made
to persuade him to take the risk of starting his own 46. There is no point
B. in trying
A. to try
D. for trying
C. of trying
47. He heard someone when he happened to be passing t hrough the
A. scream
B. to scream
C. screaming
D. screamed
to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.
48. I really appreciate
A. you to offer
B. that you offer
D. you offer
C. your offering
49. After several rounds of talks, both sides regarded the territory dispute
A. being settled
B. to be settled
C. as being settled
D. as
50. I wish to be understood that what he did has nothing to do with me.
A. it
B. that
C. this
D. there
51. the bad weather, no shipment will arrive this week.
A. On account of
D. In front of
B. By means of
C. In spite of
reason to believe that we are able to solve this problem on our 52. There is
A. all
B. each
C. any
D. every
53. He her as soon as he came back from his business trip.
A. called in
C. called on
D. called to
B. called at
a famous painting.
54. While wandering in the yard sale, I
A. came across
B. came to
C. came at
D. came for
55. There are some remote areas i n the world that r emain _______ by modern
A. unconcerned
B. untouched
C. unobserved
56. Contrary to the prediction of the opposition, so far Mr. Modale has played large
______ the rules.
A. for
B. in
C. with
D. by
department w as accused of failure to ______ the troops t o a
57. The intelligence
possible enemy attack.
D. alert
B. warn
C. dictate
A. instruct
58. We need someone really _______ who can organize the office and run it smoothly.
D. efficient
C. effective
B. realistic
A. cheerful
59. Valentine’s Day (February 14
th) is the day ______ sweethearts exchange gifts or go out to dinner.
A. in which
B. for that
C. on which
D. by that
60. Economists estimate that prices next year will be much higher than _______ we
are today.
A. how
B. when
C. what
D. where
you’ve completed your
61. Have you got any definite plans for your future
graduate studies?
D. so that
C. in that
A. now that
B. but that
62. It was ______ that all of us were eager to express our views.
A. so interesting topic
B. such interesting topic
D. so interesting a topic
C. such interesting a topic
63. People under a lot o f may experience headaches, minor pains, and
sleeping difficulties.
B. exposure
C. nervousness
D. illness
A. stress
of wealth.
64. Many social problems are obviously caused by uneven
A. development
B. management
C. distribution
65. He should what he’s good at, and not switch t o something h e knows
little about.
A. take on
B. stick to
D. live on
C. go after
little more than the clothes he stood up in.
66. His total possessions
A. amounted to
B. settled for
C. turned up
equaled to
more than two thousand stamps.
67. B y last month my cousin
B. has collected
A. had been collecting
D. had collected
C. would have collected
“I nternet” has become one of the _______ words.
68. In recent years,
A. family
B. home
C. house
D. household
but is
69. The of older p erson is relatively
low in developing c ountries, growing faster than in the West.
C. ranking
D. ratio
B. percentage
A. statistics
70. Vicki never worried or hesitated about anything; she whatever she
wanted and almost always got it.
A. went over
B. went through
C. went for
D. went without
’t enough
71. Millions of people in the world go hungry today, not because there isn
to the food.
food, but because they just have no
D. right
A. access
B. means
C. possibility
72. When energy is converted from one from to another, some energy is always lost as
h e a t.
________, no energy conversion is 100% efficient.
B. In other ways
A. In other terms
D. In other conditions
C. In other words
the most precious memory of my
73. Fishing in the company of my father is
B. by far
A. at times
D. in general
C. since then
74. In social dancing, the participants
dance for t heir own pleasure rather than for of the audience.
A. that
B. one
C. those
D. ones
electricity less expensively from
75. S cientists are now looking for ways to
renewable sources.
D. transform
A. generate
B. manufacture
C. construct
Part IV Cloze Test (10 points)
Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passag . For each numbered blank , there are 4 choices marked A,B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.
and other o rganizations
maintain a library to Many businesses, associations,
77__ libraries fall into the
76 the special needs of their workers and members.
general category of special libraries.
78 is the library of a bank,
The library of a newspaper is a special library.
of an advertising agency, or of a company that makes airplanes.
The New York Times,
79 , maintains a special library for the use of its editors and researchers.
Some spend Special libraries
80 from tiny r ooms to huge buildings.
The 81 of special
millions of dollars each year providing library services.
they support. In fast-developing
depend on the needs of the organization
may rely
may include few books. T hese libraries
special library collections
82 on journals, electronic resources, newspaper clippings, and research o r
government reports.
Most special libraries 83 helping their u sers keep up with rapid
developments in a particular field o f knowledge. Many of these users are
84 need up-to-date information to make important decisions. professionals
general topics. Therefore, Most special libraries
have 85 information on
special librarians make extensive use of other sources of information, such as on-li databases, government agencies, research libraries, and university libraries.
B. recognize
C. serve
D. consider
76. A. stress
77. A. Some B. Such C. The other D. Many other
78. A. Also B. So C. Likewise D. Too
D. for the time
C. for example
79. A. at first
B. at last
C. extend
D. range
80. A. differ
B. stretch
B. texts
C. subjects
D. details
81. A. contents
B. instead
C. still
D. readily
82. A. rarely
D. focus on
C. allow for
B. inquire into
83. A. go through
84. A. who B. whoever C. whose D. which
85. A. much B. little
C. many
D. few
Part V Writing (15 points)
“What I am
Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic of
write about.
proud of doing in my work OR my study”. Note: Choose only one to
Your writing may be based on the Chinese outline give below:
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