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“35 cents!” she replied abruptly. The boy counted his money again and said: “Please get me a simple ice-cream!”
因为那个服务员还需要招呼其他客人, 她有点儿不耐烦,大声地回答“35美 分!”那男孩又开始数钱,并说道 “那请给我一份普通雪糕。”
Third Lesson 第三课
The waitress served him the ice-cream and his bill. The boy ate his ice-cream, paid his bill at the cash counter and left.
When the waitress went to clean the table she began to cry… for there, in the corner of the plate, were 15 cents… her tip.
那男孩不吃圣代,只吃一份普通的雪 糕,仅仅是为了给她小费。
If you have never experienced the danger of war or the solitude of imprisonment, the agony of torture and hunger, you are much ahead of the 500 million people who live in this world.
“当然!”教授回答到:“在一生中, 你会遇到许多人。他们或多或少对你 都是有影响的。
First Lesson 第一课
They will deserve your attention, even if it is a simple smile or a simple hello".
他们也值得你留意,即使是一个简单 的微笑或一声招呼。”
如果您冰箱里有食物、有衣服可穿、 有床可睡、有房子住,那您比这世 界上75%的人富有。
If you can go to your place of worship without being threatened, arrested, tortured or killed, you are luckier than the 3000,000,000 persons of this world.
如果您可以去做礼拜,而不必担心 受到威胁、被捕或被谋害,那您比 这世界上30亿人幸运。
If you have money in your bank account and your wallet and some loose change in some little box, you are one of the world’s 8% well-to-do population.
我没回答最后一道试题就交了试卷。 快下课时,另外一个学生问教授最后 一题是否计分。
“Certainly!", the professor replied. “You will meet many people in your life. All of them will have some degree of importance.
他将她送到一个安全的地方,打电话叫了 汽车修理工人,还为她召了辆出租车。那 位妇女看起来很赶时间,但她还是很礼貌 地谢了那位男子,并记下他的地址。
Second Lesson 第二课
Seven days had already passed when someone knocked at the door of the young man.
Third Lesson 第三课
“Well, how much does a simple icecream cost?".
There were other people waiting to be served, so the waitress began to get a little impatient.
很久以前,雪糕还不是这么贵的时候, 一个10岁的男孩到一个雪糕店。他坐下, 问雪糕店的服务员:“一份圣代多少 钱?” “50美分。”服务员告诉他。
The boy took out his money from the pocket and began counting it.
身为一个好学生,除了最后一道,我 很快就答完所有的试题。那题目是 “学校里做杂活的阿姨的洗礼名叫什 么?”
First Lesson 第一课
I handed over my test paper, leaving the last question unanswered. Just before the lesson ended, another student inquired if the last question would be marked.
two, you are not one of those 2000,000,000 people who are illiterate!
如果您能读这些文字,您是双重的 幸运:
二,您不是文盲(世界上现在有20 亿人仍目不识丁)
Somebody said at some time: 曾有人这样说 :
60s, stopped to help her.
一个白人青年男子不顾那时蔓延全美的种 族矛盾,停下车来帮她。
He conducted her to a safe place, called a mechanic and hailed a taxi for her. The woman seemed too much in a hurry, but did not forget to thank him and take down his address on a piece of paper.
To his enormous surprise, it was a courier with a huge packet to deliver – a big colour TV along with a note: “Many thanks for helping me on the road that night.
在您出现之前,我浑身湿透,几乎要 绝望了。因为您的帮忙,我才及时赶 去见了我丈夫最后一面。谢谢并愿上 帝保佑您!金·科尔太太。”
Third Lesson 第三课
Sometime ago, when the ice-creams were not so expensive, a ten-year old boy went to an ice-cream parlour. While sitting at the table, he asked the waitress, “How much does a Sundae cost?” “50 cents,” she replied.
一个暴风雨的晚上,一个“有色”妇 女站在路边,浑身湿透。她的车坏了, 急需帮忙,正在焦急地向过路人求援。
Second Lesson
A white young man, as if unaware of the
racial conflicts that tore apart America in the
First Lesson 第一课
... after some months at the faculty of medicine, the professor gave us a test.
在医学院学习了几个月后,教授让我 们做一个测验。
Being a good student, I quickly answered all the questions… albaptism name of the maid of our institute?
如果您没有经历过战争的威胁、牢 狱之灾或饥饿折磨之苦,那您比这 世界上5亿人幸运。
If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes to wear, a roof on your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than the 75% of the people who live on this Earth.
I never forgot this lesson… and went on to learn that the baptism name of our maid was Marianna.
我永远也忘不了教授说的这一番话。 后来,我了解到我们做杂活的阿姨的 洗礼名是玛丽安娜。
Second Lesson 第二课
Work as if you have no need of the money. 忘我地工作,就像你不需要钱一样。 Love as if nobody ever made you suffer. 尽情地去爱,就像你不会受到伤害一样 Dance as if nobody is watching you. 欢快地起舞,就像没人旁观一样 Sing as if nobody is hearing you. 放声地高歌,就像没人在倾听一样 Live as if the Paradise were on this Earth. 享受生活,就像你生活在天堂里一样。
七天后,有人来找该年轻男子。出乎 他的意料,是来给他送包裹的――一 台大彩电!随附的卡片上写道:“非 常感谢您那天晚上的帮忙!
Second Lesson 第二课
The rain had completely drenched me and my soul when you appeared. Thanks to you I was able to reach my dying husband just in time. God bless you for having helped me. Sincerely, Mrs. King Cole"
如果您银行里有存款、钱包里有现 金、还有零钱,那您是这世界上占 总人口8%的比较富裕的人之一。
If you are able to read this message, you have just received a double blessing…
one, someone is thinking about you…
On a rainy, tempestuous night a “coloured” woman was standing on the roadside. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed help. Wet to her core, she signalled to the passers by.
那服务员给他上了一份普通雪糕。那 男孩吃完雪糕后,在柜台付了钱离开。
刚才那服务员来清理男孩坐过的桌子 时,她忍不住哭了,因为在雪糕碟的 旁边有15美分――那是男孩留给她的 小费。
Third Lesson 第三课
The boy took a simple ice-cream instead of a Sundae so he could leave a tip for her.
因为那个服务员还需要招呼其他客人, 她有点儿不耐烦,大声地回答“35美 分!”那男孩又开始数钱,并说道 “那请给我一份普通雪糕。”
Third Lesson 第三课
The waitress served him the ice-cream and his bill. The boy ate his ice-cream, paid his bill at the cash counter and left.
When the waitress went to clean the table she began to cry… for there, in the corner of the plate, were 15 cents… her tip.
那男孩不吃圣代,只吃一份普通的雪 糕,仅仅是为了给她小费。
If you have never experienced the danger of war or the solitude of imprisonment, the agony of torture and hunger, you are much ahead of the 500 million people who live in this world.
“当然!”教授回答到:“在一生中, 你会遇到许多人。他们或多或少对你 都是有影响的。
First Lesson 第一课
They will deserve your attention, even if it is a simple smile or a simple hello".
他们也值得你留意,即使是一个简单 的微笑或一声招呼。”
如果您冰箱里有食物、有衣服可穿、 有床可睡、有房子住,那您比这世 界上75%的人富有。
If you can go to your place of worship without being threatened, arrested, tortured or killed, you are luckier than the 3000,000,000 persons of this world.
如果您可以去做礼拜,而不必担心 受到威胁、被捕或被谋害,那您比 这世界上30亿人幸运。
If you have money in your bank account and your wallet and some loose change in some little box, you are one of the world’s 8% well-to-do population.
我没回答最后一道试题就交了试卷。 快下课时,另外一个学生问教授最后 一题是否计分。
“Certainly!", the professor replied. “You will meet many people in your life. All of them will have some degree of importance.
他将她送到一个安全的地方,打电话叫了 汽车修理工人,还为她召了辆出租车。那 位妇女看起来很赶时间,但她还是很礼貌 地谢了那位男子,并记下他的地址。
Second Lesson 第二课
Seven days had already passed when someone knocked at the door of the young man.
Third Lesson 第三课
“Well, how much does a simple icecream cost?".
There were other people waiting to be served, so the waitress began to get a little impatient.
很久以前,雪糕还不是这么贵的时候, 一个10岁的男孩到一个雪糕店。他坐下, 问雪糕店的服务员:“一份圣代多少 钱?” “50美分。”服务员告诉他。
The boy took out his money from the pocket and began counting it.
身为一个好学生,除了最后一道,我 很快就答完所有的试题。那题目是 “学校里做杂活的阿姨的洗礼名叫什 么?”
First Lesson 第一课
I handed over my test paper, leaving the last question unanswered. Just before the lesson ended, another student inquired if the last question would be marked.
two, you are not one of those 2000,000,000 people who are illiterate!
如果您能读这些文字,您是双重的 幸运:
二,您不是文盲(世界上现在有20 亿人仍目不识丁)
Somebody said at some time: 曾有人这样说 :
60s, stopped to help her.
一个白人青年男子不顾那时蔓延全美的种 族矛盾,停下车来帮她。
He conducted her to a safe place, called a mechanic and hailed a taxi for her. The woman seemed too much in a hurry, but did not forget to thank him and take down his address on a piece of paper.
To his enormous surprise, it was a courier with a huge packet to deliver – a big colour TV along with a note: “Many thanks for helping me on the road that night.
在您出现之前,我浑身湿透,几乎要 绝望了。因为您的帮忙,我才及时赶 去见了我丈夫最后一面。谢谢并愿上 帝保佑您!金·科尔太太。”
Third Lesson 第三课
Sometime ago, when the ice-creams were not so expensive, a ten-year old boy went to an ice-cream parlour. While sitting at the table, he asked the waitress, “How much does a Sundae cost?” “50 cents,” she replied.
一个暴风雨的晚上,一个“有色”妇 女站在路边,浑身湿透。她的车坏了, 急需帮忙,正在焦急地向过路人求援。
Second Lesson
A white young man, as if unaware of the
racial conflicts that tore apart America in the
First Lesson 第一课
... after some months at the faculty of medicine, the professor gave us a test.
在医学院学习了几个月后,教授让我 们做一个测验。
Being a good student, I quickly answered all the questions… albaptism name of the maid of our institute?
如果您没有经历过战争的威胁、牢 狱之灾或饥饿折磨之苦,那您比这 世界上5亿人幸运。
If you have food in your refrigerator, clothes to wear, a roof on your head and a place to sleep, you are richer than the 75% of the people who live on this Earth.
I never forgot this lesson… and went on to learn that the baptism name of our maid was Marianna.
我永远也忘不了教授说的这一番话。 后来,我了解到我们做杂活的阿姨的 洗礼名是玛丽安娜。
Second Lesson 第二课
Work as if you have no need of the money. 忘我地工作,就像你不需要钱一样。 Love as if nobody ever made you suffer. 尽情地去爱,就像你不会受到伤害一样 Dance as if nobody is watching you. 欢快地起舞,就像没人旁观一样 Sing as if nobody is hearing you. 放声地高歌,就像没人在倾听一样 Live as if the Paradise were on this Earth. 享受生活,就像你生活在天堂里一样。
七天后,有人来找该年轻男子。出乎 他的意料,是来给他送包裹的――一 台大彩电!随附的卡片上写道:“非 常感谢您那天晚上的帮忙!
Second Lesson 第二课
The rain had completely drenched me and my soul when you appeared. Thanks to you I was able to reach my dying husband just in time. God bless you for having helped me. Sincerely, Mrs. King Cole"
如果您银行里有存款、钱包里有现 金、还有零钱,那您是这世界上占 总人口8%的比较富裕的人之一。
If you are able to read this message, you have just received a double blessing…
one, someone is thinking about you…
On a rainy, tempestuous night a “coloured” woman was standing on the roadside. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed help. Wet to her core, she signalled to the passers by.
那服务员给他上了一份普通雪糕。那 男孩吃完雪糕后,在柜台付了钱离开。
刚才那服务员来清理男孩坐过的桌子 时,她忍不住哭了,因为在雪糕碟的 旁边有15美分――那是男孩留给她的 小费。
Third Lesson 第三课
The boy took a simple ice-cream instead of a Sundae so he could leave a tip for her.