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I would be glad to hear your opinion of …我很乐意听听你对……的意见。

Are you of the same opinion as I? 你与我的看法一致吗?
I was wondering where you stood on the question of…我想知道你对……问题怎么看。

Another point is that …另一点是……
Another way of looking at it is …看这个问题的另一个看法是……
I forgot to say / tell you that…我忘记要讲…...
That’s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。

Do you agree? I’m sure you agree. 你赞同吗?我相信你是赞同的。

As you said…像你所说的那样……
But didn’t you say that…?但是,难道你没说过……吗?、
If I understood you correctly, you said that…要是我理解正确的话,你说过…….
I’m not sure really.
Do you think so?
Well, it depends.
I’m not so certain.
Well, I’m not so sure about that.
I’m inclined to disagree with that.
No, I don’t think so really.
I disagree.
I disagree with you entirely.
I’m afraid I don’t agree.
I’m afraid you are wrong there.
I wouldn’t accept that for one minute.
You can't really mean that.
You can’t be serious.
1.stating an opinion陈述观点
a.in my opinion…我的意见是……
b.personally I think……我个人认为……
c.I believe that……我相信……
d.I think that……我觉得……
e.the point is that……关键是……,要点是.....
f.if you ask me……如果你问我……
g.I’d like to say this:……我会这样说…
h.I’d like to point out that我想指出的是……i.speaking for myself站在自己的立场上说……
j.as far as I’m concerned,…就我而言,……
k.in my experience…根据我的经验……
2.challenging an opinion质疑某种观点
a.that can’t be true那不可能是真的。

b.but what about…?但关于……方面呢?
3.clarifying a point阐述观点
a.what I said was...我刚才说的是……
b.what I mean to say was…我的意思是说……
c.let me repeat what I sai

(5)Our fate is linked to our attitude rather than pre-determined.
--Good morning ,honorable judges and my fellow debaters, in my opinion,i support the view that our fate is linked to our attitude rather than pre-determined.it is evident that we should put emphasics on how we can succeed in the future instead of complaining of our fate.How can so many excellent people who came from poor families be seen as model if they accept that their fate is just pre-determined ?
--Yes, our side supports this view.according to my parnter’s view ,i would like to add some more opinions.For one thing,it is we human beings that can have a good cantrol of our life.we are not animals who can only adapt to the enviroment ,instead , we can change it.For another thing,once
right attitude is employed,many unimaginable things can be achieve by us.Consistance,persistance and many other qualities not formed in birthright.and without them can we succeed?
1 Helen Keller was born with serious hinder,but she turned out to be remembered by all of us.
2 Stephen William Hawking,who suffered from so much,have influnced from generation to generation.
(6)GM Foods should be banned.
-Good morning ,honorable judges and my fellow debaters, in my opinion,i support the view that GM Foods should be banned. GM Foods have already raise many concerns and consequences.Though proponents of GM foods ensure that these foods are safe for human consumption, critics argue that their effects have not been studied long enough or thoroughly enough. Some peer-reviewed research studies have indicated that consuming GM foods could have negative effects on our bodies. Some studies showed that rats who regularly consumed GE corn developed liver and kidney problems, which may have been caused by the higher metabolic rates from their GE diet. By so precise date how can we set our mind at rest when we eat it?
--Yes, our side supports this view.according to my parnter’s view ,i would like to add some more opinions.Genetic engineering poses untold risks to the environment, like the creation of superweeds or super-pests that are resistant to herbicides and pesticides. This has already started to occur, and results in the use of stronger, more toxic chemicals to keep weeds and pests away. This could eventually lead to pest and weed takeover that kills off the crops themselves, leading to a food crisis. One biotech company, Syngenta, predicted that herbicide resistant weeds will infest a quarter of U.S. cropland by 2013.
1 A study in 2007 suggests that Bt may not be safe, after finding impaired liver and kidney functions of the rats on a Bt corn diet. The research on whether Bt is harmful to humans has not been satisfactorily completed. Italian researchers found evidence that biotech genes may be able to survive pasteurization in a study on milk from dairy cows, which would put the hormones into consumers bodies.
Allergens may be introduced into foods where they do not occur naturally. Some scientists have studied the effects of splicing cross-species proteins, and found they caused allergic reactions in test mice.
2 The potential long-term risks are still unknown, and critics of genetic engineering believe that there is not sufficient scientific evidence or testing to conclude that GM foods are safe to eat.
3 Other environmental issues are the possibility of contaminating natural and wild types of the crops, and ruining biodiversity. Pesticide-resistant insects as well as crops that are full of pesticide can harm the beneficial insects as well, like ladybugs and bees.
4 Genetically engineered foods are regulated by three different government agencies: the USDA, FDA, and EPA.But the system does not address the actual safety of the food – instead, it relies on self-reported research submitted by the biotechnology companies themselves.
5 Difficulties in keeping GE foods separated from traditionally grown foods have caused numerous problems like this, including in US exports to foreign countries. The Government Accountability Office identified six incidents of contamination between 2000 and 2008, which have had adverse effects on international trade. For example, StarLink corn, a type of GE corn used as animal feed not human food accidentally made up 70 percent of a shipment to Japan, despite making up less than 1 percent of U.S. corn crops. As a result, Europe banned imports of corn from the United States, costing the US agriculture industry up to $300 million. A similar incident involving GE rice caused Japan to stop imports from the United States, and led to more regulations on trade with the European Union, potentially costing the US rice industry $1.2 billion.
(7)Nature plays a more important role in a person’s growth than nurture. -Good morning ,honorable judges and my fellow debaters, in my opinion,i support the view that Nature plays a more important role in a person’s growth than nurture.firstly,It is indeed important to recognize that nature in the form of inherited traits does exist.A preson maintains his mantal ability only based on what he is born with genetically.secondly,when considering the biology of hereedity,it is obvious that genes provide humans with their own physical equipment,which is in essence,their basis.
--Yes, our side supports this view.according to my parnter’s view ,i would like to add some more opinions.for one thing,Nature is responsible for the growth of a person from the fetus level until development into a normal adult. The genetic makeup of a human being is responsible for their sex, skin color, color of their eyes and hair as well as distinguishing features which are inherited.for another thing, Nature can only assist in the growth of a fetus into a normal well-developed adult who may have inherited some special talents. Thus it can be concluded that nature uses the genetic coding to help in physical development and does impart some positive or negative traits to an individual.
1 In traditional society most parents encourage their kids to take part in extracurricular activities like learning music, dance or sports in accordance with the child’s talents and interests. These talents have been given all by nature.
2 if nurture plays a more important roal in a preson’s growth,there comes two results in all probility.Be well educated and have high EQ or Be well
educated with lower EQ.That’s to say,nurture is a way that fulls of risks.On the contrary,when nature plays a more important roal,one can grow up out of his own character and come closer to his wiilings.
(8)Is it worthwhile for men to improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery?
-Good morning ,honorable judges and my fellow debaters, in my opinion,i support the view that it is worthwhile for men to improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery.firstly,almost everyone dreams of one day to be more beautiful,no matter you are a woman or a man.secondly,our society has already accepted cosmetic surgery one of the common operation.and it is not only quick developed but also safely assured.Then why not go to a surgery if we have enough money?
--Yes, our side supports this view.according to my parnter’s view ,i would like to add some more opinions.From phychological perspective,men are also willing to be admitted by other people.And cosmetic surgery can help them bild their canfidence,For another thing,Sometimes appearance turns to be discussed through the lifetime.through cosmetic surgery protect their self-esteen too.
1 many famous stars especially in korea have cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance and they still have many fans and also lead a normal life
2 a recently report told that the number that men have cosmetic surgery has already exceed from the number of women.。
