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• assert oneself: act in such a way as to show one's power or authority. 坚决维护自己的意见
• poetic justice: an outcome in which vice is punished and virtue rewarded.理想的惩罚
1) exuberant: [iɡ'zju:bərənt], wild and excessive.adj. 繁茂的;生气勃勃的,充 溢的 2) withal: [wi'ðɔ:l, -'θɔ:l], together with this,besides adv. 而且,加之;同样 ; prep. 用,用以 3) bland and genial: composed and gracious.
Most gladiators were prisoners of war, but some of them were convicted criminals, or occassionally, Christains. Gladiatorial combats were fought one to one as a rule, but occassionally mass battles were fought. Shows in the arena at Rome lasted all day. In the morning there were mock, bloodless battles. In the afternoon the true fights began to accompaniment of music. Trainers stood by their gladiators and urged slaves with whips to drive them on.
The Lady, or the Tiger? Part 1
Frank R. Stockton
2 Pre-reading Questions
Dictionary Work
Frank R. Stockton
Frank R. Stockton was one of the most famous American writers of the 1880s and 1890s. Known for his fantastic settings, realistic characters, and sly humor, he has been compared to Mark Twain as an
Tousands of gladiators died annually in amphitheatres of the Roman Empire. Gladiatorial combat was probably the cruelest sport ever widely accepted in an advanced civilization.
When a gladiator fell, the provider of the games had to decide whether he would be permitted to live. “Thumbs up” from the sponsor meant that the man would live; "Thumbs down" meant his death. The sentiment of the crowd was usually the decisive factor.
American humor.
• When The Lady, or the Tiger? was first published in the popular magzine Century in 1882, it was resounding success. Although Stockton had published a novel and some other stories and would continue to publish for many years, "The Lady, or the Tiger?" remained his most famous story.
The text is a story about how justice is administered by a semi-barbaric king.What way do you suppose the administration of justice can be related to the title of the story?
I don't think so. The title here is only a symbolic of irony. This semi-barbaric king was obviously a brutal, tyrannic and ignorant administrator. His judging system is a typical symbolic of his unreasonable administration. It's none of the business of justice.
Gladiators were armed fighters performing for the public in ancient Rome. Throughout the history of ancient Rome, it remained fashionable to commemorate the dead with a gladiatorial fight. Gladiatorial games became so popular that by the first century B.C. they werEmpire many times a year to celebrate holidays. Many Romans believed that gladiatorial contests promoted the ideals of toughness and courage.
• emanate:['eməneit] ,come out from; 发出,散发
• wend one's way: travel over a distance, especially slowly.
• air: tune, melody, 曲调 • hilarious: [hi'lεəriəs],joyous, jubilant 兴高采烈的