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Lesson 28 No parking禁止停车
What is Jasper White's problem?
Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths. he has just bought a new house in the city, but ever since he moved in, he has had trouble with cars and their owners. When he returns home at night, he always finds that someone has parked a car outside his gate. Because of this, he has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once. Jasper has put up 'No Parking' signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect. Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa, the Gorgon. jasper hopes that she will turn cars and their owners to stone. But none of them has been turned to stone yet!








1) adj. 稀有的,罕见的,不寻常的(rarer, rarest)
not often happening or seen, unusual
eg. He is a rare person. 他是个少见的人。

a rare book 珍本
a rare plant 珍稀植物
a rare butterfly 一只罕见的蝴蝶
a rare visitor 稀客
a rare edition 珍藏本
It is rare + for (sb) + to do sth 某人很少做某事
eg. It is rare for him to be absent. 他很少缺席。

2) adj. (气体等)稀薄的,稀疏的 thin
the rare air of the mountains 山里的稀薄空气
3)adj. 半熟的,煮得嫩的
I’d like my steak rare, please.我要的牛排要三、四分熟。

half-done 半熟
well-done 全熟
rarity ['re?r?ti:] n. [c] 珍品,奇事 [u] 稀有
rareness n. [u] (空气等)稀薄,稀有
rarely adv. 不常(否定含义) not often, seldom
I rarely eat in restaurants. I often cook myself.


ancient adj. 古代的,古老的
old adj. 老的,旧的,先前的
an old lady 一个老太太
an old church 一个古老的教堂
an old friend 老朋友
my old job 我以前的工作
senior ['si:nj?] adj. 较年长的,资深的
junior ['d?u:nj?] adj.年少的, 较年幼的;资历较浅的, 地位较低的
senior citizen 老人,退休的人
the senior partner 大股东
aged adj. (正式)年老的,体衰的(人)
an aged gentleman 一位老人
ancient adj. (仅物)远古的,古代的
an ancient civilization 古代文明
an ancient history 古代历史
antique [?n'ti:k] adj. (仅物)古旧的,珍贵的
antique furniture 古董家具
an antique coin 古钱币
myth n. 神话

the Greek myths 希腊神话
the Roman myths 罗马神话
legend ['led??nd] n. 传奇,传说
Legend in the Fall 《秋天的传说》
story n. 故事/ tale
novel 小说
folk-tale [‘f?ukteil] 民间传说
fable n. 寓言
Aesop’s ['i:s?p] Fables 伊索寓言
mystery ['mist?ri] n. 神秘的事物,谜,秘密
the mysteries of nature 神秘感
an air of mystery 神秘的气氛
mythical ['m?θ?k?l] adj. 神话的,神话式的,虚构的
mythical heroes 神话中的英雄
1) n. 麻烦
have trouble with sb / sth 与…有摩擦
eg. Yesterday I had some trouble with a traffic policeman.

eg. Jasper White had trouble with cars and their owners.

eg. Thank you for your trouble. 谢谢你费神。

eg. No trouble at all. 哪儿的话,不麻烦。

2) n. 困难,苦恼,苦恼的原因,麻烦的人
eg. What’s the trouble?怎么了?
family troubles 家庭纠纷
political troubles 政治纠纷
eg. Her heart was full of troubles. 她非常苦恼。

have trouble in doing sth 做某事有困难,有麻烦
have some trouble in doing sth 做某事有一定的难度
have great trouble in doing sth 做某事有很大的难度
have a little trouble in doing sth 做某事有一点困难
(原讲课内容为:have little trouble in doing sth 有误,现已改正)
have no trouble in doing sth 做某事没有困难
have difficulty in doing sth
eg. With my help, you won’t have trouble in driving.

ask for trouble 自讨苦吃 look for trouble
be in trouble 有麻烦
make trouble 惹麻烦
The trouble is …糟糕的是,问题在于……
3) v. 使某人苦恼,麻烦,烦劳
eg. That student sometimes troubles the teacher with hard questions.

eg. She was troubled by the news of he r mother’s illness.

eg. Sorry to trouble you. 不好意思,打扰你了。

trouble about 为某人担心 trouble over
eg. Don’t trouble about that.别为那件事担心。

trouble to do sth 特意做某事
eg. Don’t trouble to see me off at the station.你不用特意去车站送我了。

troubled adj. 混乱的
eg. Fish in troubled water 趁火打劫,浑水摸鱼
绕口令:Don’t trouble troubl es until trouble troubles you.

effect [i'fekt]
1) n. 效果,效应,影响
have effect on sb / sth 对某人/某事产生影响
eg. Did the medicine have any effect on patients? 这药对病人有效果吗?
eg. The teacher’s words had a great effect on him.老师的话对他产生巨大的影响。

2) n. 结果
cause 原因
cause and effect 因果
eg. His stomachache is an effect of overeating. 他胃疼是吃多了的结果。

stomachache [‘st?m?k,e?k] 胃痛;腹痛
personal effects 私人财产,随身携带的物品
put sth into effect 使某物产生效果 bring sth into effect
in effect 实际上
eg. The vice-president is, in effect, the leader of the company.

affect [?'fekt] v. 对…影响,发生作用
affect sb 影响某人 affect sth 影响某事
eg. Their opinion will not affect my decision. 他们的观点不会

eg. The ‘No Parking’ sign didn’t affect those drivers.

eg. The possib le gossip of the others couldn’t affect her.

eg. Smoking affects health. 吸烟影响健康。

affect v. 假装
affect sickness 假装生病
affect indifference 假装不关心
eg. She affects not to hear me. 她假装没听到我。

Medusa, Gorgon




I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim. 我刚收到我弟弟蒂姆的来信。

just 刚刚
I have not seen Tim since last January. 自从去年一月我就没再见过蒂姆。

I have not seen Tim for three years. 我已经三年没有见过蒂姆了。

Up till now he has won five prizes. 到现在为止他已经赢得五项大奖了。

up till now 到现在为止
I have been to New York three times so far. 迄今为止我已经去过纽约三次了。

so far 到现在为止
Have you seen this film? 你看过这部电影吗?
just; already; ever; never; recently; lately; yet; so far; for six months

now; today; this week; this month; this year
The rain has stopped now. 雨终于停了。

now 相当于at last
I have lived here for five years now. 到现在为止我住在这儿已经五年了。

now 相当于so far
Have you seen John today? 今天你见过约翰吗?
It has rained every day this week. 这星期每天都下雨。

3.have been与have gone含义不同。

I have been to the library. 我去过图书馆。

He has gone to the library. 他去图书馆了。




I have bought a car. 我买了一辆车。

I have had the car for 3 weeks. 我买这辆车已经3周了。

I haven’t bought anything for three months.我已经三个月没有买任何东西了。

I haven’t touched beer for a whole week.我已经一周没沾过啤酒了。


What have you done ! 你干了些什么!
Now you have done! 这下你可闯祸了!

二、定语从句一般是由关系代词(who, that, which, whose, whom)或关系副词(when, where, why)引导的。

Do you know the man who came to see Xiao Yang this morning?
At the time when I saw him, he was well. 我看见他的时候,他很好。


1. 限定性定语从句修饰的词代表一个或一类特定的人或东西,如果拿掉了定语从句,剩下的部分就会失去意义,不能成立或意思不清或不能说明问题。

Those who want to go please sign their names here. 那些想去的人请在这里签名。

The letter that I received from him yesterday is very important.

The students who went to see the film were very


She was very fond of speaking French, which indeed she spoke well.

I have many friends, some of whom are painters.



The people _____ you were talking to were Swedes. (who/that/whom/空)宾语
He is a man _____ you can safely depend on. (who/that/whom/空)宾语
Here is the ma n _____ you’ve been looking for. (who/that/whom/空)宾语

Is there anyone in your class whose family is in the northeast?
3)限定性定语从句如果修饰“物”,用关系代词that或which (但在从句中做主语时不可省略)。

The parcel that/which came just now was for Tom. 刚刚到的包裹是给汤姆的。

The train that/which has just left is for Xi’an.刚开走的火车是


Is there anything you need? 有你需要的东西吗?
Anything I can do for you?我能为你做些什么?

The tool with which he is working is called a wrench.
/the tool that he is working with is called a wrench.

5)当限定性定语从句修饰一个时间的时候,常用关系副词when 来引导定语从句,在很多情况下还可以不用或用that来表达。

There are moments when I forget all about it. 总有一天我会忘了的。

Come any time that you like. 你喜欢的话随时都可以来。

She made me feel at home the moment I arrived.


I know a place where we can swim. 我知道一个可以游泳的地方。

Is there a shop around where we can get fruit? 附近有没有能买水果的商店?

This is the reason (why) I did it. 这就是我为什么做这件事的原因。


That’s the way I look at it.那就是我看它的方式。

That was the way she looked after us. 那就是她照顾我们的方式。

Exercise 1: 用正确的动词填空
1. Up till now we _____ (plant) over 24,000 fruit trees. (have planted)

2. I ___ just ___ (receive) an invitation to the party. (have, received)

3. So far we _____ (discuss) the first five chapters. (have discussed)

4. I _____ (not hear) much of him recently. (haven’t heard)

5. _____ you ever _____ (see) each other before? (Have, seen)
Exercise 2: 在需要的地方填上who,which,whose,that,when,where或why。

1. The only games _____ I play are football and tennis. (that/which)
2. That’s the way _____ I look at it. (that/in which)
3. He is the only student _____ understands English well. (that/who)
4. He is a writer _____ books are seldom read. (whose)
5. This is the hotel at _____ we are staying. (which)
6. This is the hour _____ the place is full of children. (when)
7. Let’s think of a situat ion _____ this idiom can be used. (where)
8. That’s the horse _____ won the race. (that/which)
9. This is the reason _____ I did it. (why)
10. Is she the girl _____ sells flowers? (that/who)
Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in
ancient myths.
定语从句修饰Jasper White
believe in 信仰,信奉
She believes in ancient myths. 她相信古代神话。

I believe in God. 我信奉上帝。

I believe in Jesus ['d?i:z?s]. 我信耶稣。

/I believe in Jesus Christ [kraist].
believe 相信
I believe you forever. 我永远相信你。

I don’t believe th is story. 我不相信这个故事
One of+ n. 复数
One of my friends 我的一个朋友
He has just bought a new house in the city, but ever since he moved in, he has had trouble with cars and their owners.

have trouble with sb/sth 与…产生摩擦
When he returns home at night, he always finds that someone has parked a car outside his gate.Because of this, he has not been able to get his own car into his garage even once. because of +n. / pron. /doing由于
because+ 从句
Because it was raining, I had to stay at home.
/Because of the rain, I had to stay at home.
even once 甚至一次(否定句中)
Jasper has put up 'No Parking' signs outside his gate, but these have not had any effect. put up 张贴;搭起
put up a notice 张贴通知
put up a tent 搭起帐篷
have not had any effect/have had no effect 没有任何效果(现在完成时)
Now he has put an ugly stone head over the gate. It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen.
This is the best film I have ever seen. 这是我所看过的最好看的电影。

He is the noisiest person I have ever met. 他是我所见过的最吵闹的人。

It is the most expensive car I have ever driven. 这是我所开过的最贵的车。

This is the worst photo I have ever taken. 这是我所拍过的最难看的照片。

What a pretty girl! I have never met such a pretty girl before!
What a good meal! I have never had such a good meal before!

What a silly story! I have never read such a silly story before!

What bad luck! I have never had such bad luck before!

It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I asked him what it was and he told me that it was Medusa, the Gorgon.
I asked him what it was 宾语从句
He told me that 宾语从句
Jasper hopes that she will turn cars and their owners to stone.
turn sth into/to sth 把…变成…
The witch turned the prince into a fog. 女巫把王子变成了青蛙。

turn to 翻到
Please turn to page 20.
turn to sb 向某人求助,依赖
I turned to him for advice. 我向他求助意见。

But none of them has been turned to stone yet!
none of 没有
none of之后的名词前一定要接the,this,my,your,等修饰限定成分。

None of the students could answer the question. 没有学生能够回答这个问题。

He did none of his task. 他没有完成任务。


None of us have/has ever been abroad. 我们中没有人出过国。


None of the money was paid to me. 一分钱都没有付给我。


neither of 指两者中没有一个
none other than 不外是,就是
none the less 然而,尽管如此
1. The re is always a car outsi de his gate. _____ he can’t get his own car into his garage.
A. For this
B. Because
C. That’s why
D. Because of
C. 那就是为什么,表示原因或理由,表示前面提到的事情是原因,而后面是结果:
A. 这个搭配是错误的,通常说for this reason;
B. 引导一个原因状语从句,而题干前面是原因后面是结果:
D. Because of也引导一个原因状语,后面加名词或名词短语做宾语。

2. It is one of the ugliest faces I have ever seen. I’ve never
seen _____ .
A. an ugly one
B. an ugliest one
C. the ugliest one
D. an uglier one
A. B和C. 都与前面句子矛盾。


3._____ of them has been turned to stone.
A. no one
B. not one
C. no
D. even one

B. 最符合语法;A. 独立作主语,后面不跟of短语:
C. 不符合语法,应该是none of them;
D. 不符合题意。

4. Once out of the earth’s gravity, the astronaut is _____ by the problem of weightlessness.
A. affected
B. effected
C. inclined
D. related

A. 影响;
B. 多用做名词,have an effect on表示“对……影响”:作动词时,意为“引起,产生”
C. 倾斜,弯腰,点头;
D. 与…相关。

1. A rose by any name would smell as sweet.

2. A stitch in time saves nine.
