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HUANG Yuanxutng,ZHAO Shenglan,MA Yage,ZHU YuUn
Abstract A new type of Cantonese style sausage with low heat energy and sodium salt was devel­
oped. Soybean texturized protein was selected to partly replace lean meat, and erythritol was selected to partly replace sugar, and potassium chloride was selected to partly replace sodium chloride. On the basis of single factor, the orthogonal experiment was adopted to design the formula, and new type of Cantonese style sausage with low heat energy and sodium salt was optimized. On the basis of maintaining the basic flavor of Cantonese style sausage, the optimum proportion of Cantonese style sausage with low heat energy and low sodium salt was that the addition amount of soybean texturized protein ( wet texturized protein) (based on meat) was 7. 0% , and the addition amount of erythritol ( based on sucrose) was 30% , and the addition amount of potassium chloride ( based on sodium chloride) was 45%. The content of fat decreased by 7. 55% , and the content of total sugar decreased by 26. 57% , and the content of protein increased by 2.14% , and heat energy decreased by 8.13% , and the content of sodium ion decreased by 40. 23%. Under the condition of the optimum formula of new type of Cantonese style sausage with low heat energy and sodium salt, the heat energy value and the content of sodium salt was reduced, and the basic flavor of the original sausage was maintained, and the overall acceptability of the product was improved.
*由制品加Leabharlann 与新产品开发*肉.如业MEAT INDUSTRY
2019年第8期 总第460期
低热能低钠盐广味香肠的配方 优化及其质构特性研究
1•昆明高上高食品有限公司 云南昆明650502 2.云南中医药大学中药学院云南昆明 650500
摘 要 研制新型低热能低钠盐广味香肠。选用大豆组织蛋白部分替代瘦肉、赤尊糖醇部分替代白砂糖、氯 化钾部分替代氯化钠,在单因素基础上,采用正交试验设计对新型配方低热能低钠盐广味香肠进行优化。在保持 广味香肠基本风味的基础上,低热能低钠盐广味香肠的最优配比为大豆组织蛋白(湿组织蛋白)添加量(以总肉量
香肠是一种利用古老的食物生产和肉食保存技 术,将动物的肉绞碎成条状,以猪或羊的肠衣灌入调
2019年第8期 总第460期
好味的肉料干制而成的食物。香肠中主要是蛋白 质、脂肪和碳水化合物,可以起到开胃助食,增进食 欲的作用⑴。在我国有着悠久的历史和文化 ,约创 制于南北朝以前,始见载于北魏《齐民要术》的“灌 肠法”,其法流传至今,是中华传统特色食品之一。 传统肉制品将香肠分类为川式香肠和广式香肠⑵o
计)为7.0%、赤聲糖醇添加量(以蔗糖计)为30%、氯化钾添加量(以氯化钠计)为45%。其脂肪含量降低了 7. 55%,总糖含量降低了 26. 57%,蛋白质含量提高了 2. 14% ,热能值相应的降低了 8. 13% ,钠离子含量降低了 40.23%。在新型低热能低钠盐广味香肠最优配方的条件下,减少香肠热能值和钠盐含量的同时,保持了原有香肠
Key words Cantonese style sausages ; low heat energy ; low sodium salt.
作者简介:黄元相(1985 -),男,中级工程师,硕士,研究方向为食品深 加工技术及企业经营管理。E-mail:414380262@ qq. com *通讯作者:马雅鸽(1983 - ),女,副教授,博士研究生在读,研究方向为 药食同源原料的研发及动物蛋白研究。E - mail:pigeonma@ 126. com
的基本风味,提高产品的总体可接受性。 关键词 广味香肠 低热能 低钠盐
Study on optimization of formula and texture characteristics of Cantonese style sausage with low heat energy and low sodium salt