
英语演讲稿布什每周电台演讲附原文(2008THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. One of the most important jobs of any President is to find good men and women to lead government agencies, preside over our courts, and provide vital services to the American people. So I have nominated talented individuals for these positions. Unfortunately, the Senate is not meeting its responsibility to consider these nominees in a timely manner. More than 180 of my nominees are waiting for confirmation. Some have been waiting for more than a year. As a result, careers have been put on hold, families have been placed in limbo, and our government has been deprived of the service of these fine nominees.On Thursday I stood with many of these nominees at the White House. They are decent and talented people. The Senate needs to confirm them to address important issues, from the economy to public safety to national security.One of the most important institutions for America’seconomy is the Federal Reserve. The Fed decides monetary policy, and it sets key interest rates that have an impact on homeowners and businesses across our country. Yet the Senate has been delaying three of my nominations to the Fed for nearly 9 months. My nominees have valuable experience and skills, and I urge the Senate to confirm them as soon as possible.Another important institution is the Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA plays a vital role in keeping you safe when you fly. In October I nominated Bobby Sturgell to lead the FAA. Bobby has nearly 20 years of cockpit experience from his time as a Navy fighter pilot, Top Gun instructor, and commercial airline pilot. He’s committed to addressing problems that have caused airline delays, and I urge senators to put politics aside and confirm him to office.In this time of war, we need a strong Department of Justice. Yet the Senate has not voted on nominations for seven senior leadership positions at the department. One of those vacancies is for Deputy Attorney General. The Deputy Attorney General helps lead efforts to detect and prevent terrorist attacks at home.I’ve selected an outstanding nominee for this position: Judge Mark Filip. This former prosecutor has earned areputation for being fair-minded and dedicated. Several years ago the Senate confirmed him unanimously for a lifetime position on the Federal bench. Now I ask senators to confirm him once again so he can help keep our nation safe.As senators confirm these nominees, they must also confirm judges to the Federal bench. I have nominated highly qualified individuals who will rule by the letter of the law, not the whim of the gavel. Unfortunately, the Senate continues to delay votes for 28 of my judicial nominees. Three of my nominees for the Court of Appeals have waited nearly 600 days. These delays are irresponsible, they undermine the cause of justice, and I call on the United States Senate to give these nominees the up or down vote they deserve.When men and women agree to serve in public office, we should treat them with respect and dignity, and that means giving them a prompt confirmation vote. When the Senate fails to give nominees a timely vote, it leaves important positions in our government vacant, and it makes it harder for Presidents of both parties to attract good men and women to serve in these vital posts.By working together, Republicans and Democrats can chart a better course. We can bring every nomination to the floorfor a vote, and give the American people the kind of public servants they deserve.Thank you for listening.。
美国总统布什每日发言 美国总统每周电台演讲

美国总统布什每日发言美国总统每周电台演讲(2007-05-19)THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This week, my Administration reached an agreement with Republicans and Democrats in the Senate on immigration reform. I thank the leaders in both parties who worked hard to produce legislation that will secure the border, restore respect for the law, and meet the legitimate needs of our economy.This legislation includes all the elements required for comprehensive immigration reform. It will improve security at our borders. It will give employers new tools to verify the employment status of workers and hold businesses to account for those they hire. It will create a temporary worker program. It will help us resolve the status of millions of illegal immigrants who are here already, without animosity and without amnesty. And it will honor the great American tradition of the melting pot by strengthening our efforts to help new arrivals assimilate into our society.Here's how the bill works: First, it will require that strong border security and enforcement benchmarks are met before other elements of the legislation are implemented. These benchmarks include completing our plan to double the number of Border Patrol agents, improving border infrastructure, and maintaining enough beds in our detention facilities so that all those apprehended at the border can be held and returned to their home countries. We will also improve work site enforcement by implementing an effective system to verify worker eligibility using tamper-resistant identification cards, and by imposing stiffer penalties on companies that knowingly violate the law. Once these benchmarks are met, they will trigger other provisions of comprehensive reform.The legislation will create a new temporary worker program. Such a program will help our economy and take pressure off the border by providing foreign workers with a legal and orderly way to enter our country to fill jobs that Americans are not doing. To ensure that this program is truly temporary, workers will be limited to three two-year terms, with at least a year spent outside the United States between each term. Temporary workers will be allowed to bring immediate family members only if they demonstrate that they can support them financially, and that their family members are covered by health insurance.This legislation will also help resolve the status of illegal immigrants who are already in our country without amnesty. Those who come out of the shadows will be given probationary status. If they pass a strict background check, pay a fine, hold a job, maintain a clean criminal record, and eventually learn English, they will qualify for and maintain a Z visa. If they want to become citizens, they have to do all these things, plus pay an additional fine, go to the back of the line, pass a citizenship test, and return to their country to apply for their green card.This legislation will also strengthen our efforts to help new immigrants assimilate. The key to unlocking the full promise of America is the ability to speak English. This bill affirms that English is the language of the United States. And it provides new opportunities for immigrants to learn English and embrace the shared ideals that bindus as a nation.In addition, this legislation will clear the backlog of family members who've applied to come to our country lawfully, and have been waiting patiently in line. This legislation will end chain migration by limiting the relatives who can automatically receive green cards to spouses and minor children. And this legislation will transform our immigration system so that future immigration decisions are focused on admitting immigrants who have the skills, education, and English proficiency that will help America compete in a global economy.I realize that many hold strong convictions on this issue, and reaching an agreement was not easy. I appreciate the effort of Senators who came together to craft this important legislation. This bill brings us closer to an immigration system that enforces our laws and upholds the great American tradition of welcoming those who share our values and our love of freedom.Thank you for listening.美国总统布什每日发言美国总统每周电台演讲(2007-03-17)THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. In times of war, Congress has no greater obligation than funding our war fighters. And next week, the House will begin debate on an emergency war spending bill.The purpose of this legislation should be to give our troops on the front lines the resources, funds, and equipment they need to fight our enemies. Unfortunately, some in Congress are using this bill as an opportunity to micromanage our military commanders, force a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq, and spend billions on domestic projects that have nothing to do with the war on terror.Our troops urgently need Congress to approve emergency war funds. Over the past several weeks, our Nation has begun pursuing a new strategy in Iraq. Under the leadership of General David Petraeus, our troops have launched a difficult and dangerous mission to help Iraqis secure their capital. This plan is still in its early stages, yet we're already seeing signs of progress. Iraqi and American troops have rounded up more than 700 people affiliated with Shia extremists. They've also launched aggressive operations against Sunni extremists. And they've uncovered large caches of weapons that could have been used to kill our troops. These are hopeful signs. As these operations unfold, they will help the Iraqi government stabilize the country, rebuild the economy, and advance the work of political reconciliation. Yet the bill Congress is considering would undermine General Petraeus and the troops under his command just as these critical security operations are getting under way.First, the bill would impose arbitrary and restrictive conditions on the use of war funds and require the withdrawal of forces by the end of this year if these conditions are not met. These restrictions would handcuff our generals in the field by denying them the flexibility they need to adjust their operations to the changing situation on the ground. And these restrictions would substitute the mandates of Congress for the considered judgment of our military commanders.Even if every condition required by this bill was met, all American forces -- except for very limited purposes -- would still be required to withdraw next year, regardless ofthe situation in Iraq. The consequences of imposing such an artificial timetable would be disastrous.Here is what Secretary of Defense Robert Gates recently told Congress: Setting a fixed date to withdraw would "essentially tell [the enemy] how long they would have to wait until we're gone." If American forces were to step back from Baghdad before it is more secure, the scale and scope of attacks would increase and intensify. A contagion of violence could spill out across the entire country, and in time, this violence would engulf the region. The enemy would emerge from the chaos emboldened with new safe havens, new recruits, new resources, and an even greater determination to harm America. Such an outcome would be a nightmare for our country.Second, the bill would cut funding for the Iraqi security forces if Iraqi leaders did not meet rigid conditions set by Congress. This makes no sense. Members of Congress have often said that the Iraqis must step forward and take more responsibility for their own security -- and I agree. Yet Members of Congress can't have it both ways: They can't say that the Iraqis must do more and then take away the funds that will help them do so. Iraq is a young democracy that is fighting for its survival in a region that is vital to American security. To cut off support for their security forces at this critical moment would put our own security at risk.Third, the bill would add billions of dollars in domestic spending that is completely unrelated to the war. For example, the House bill would provide $74 million for peanut storage, $48 million for the Farm Service Agency, and $35 million for NASA. These programs do not belong in an emergency war spending bill. Congress must not allow debate on domestic spending to delay funds for our troops on the front lines. And Members should not use funding our troops as leverage to pass special interest spending for their districts.We are a Nation at war, and the heaviest responsibilities fall to our troops in the field. Yet we in Washington have responsibilities, as well. General Petraeus was confirmed by the Senate without a single vote in opposition, and he and his troops need these resources to succeed in their mission. Many in Congress say they support the troops, and I believe them. Now they have a chance to show that support in deed, as well as in word. Congress needs to approve emergency funding for our troops, without strings and without delay. If they send me a bill that does otherwise, I will veto it.Thank you for listening.美国总统布什每日发言美国总统每周电台演讲(2007-03-10)THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Today, Laura and I are in Latin America, where we are visiting five countries: Brazil, Uruguay, Colombia, Guatemala, and Mexico. These countries are part of a region that has made great strides toward freedom and prosperity in the past three decades. They have raised up new democracies. And they have undertaken fiscal policies that have brought stability to their economies.Yet despite the progress we have seen, many citizens in our hemisphere remain trapped in poverty and shut off from the promise of this new century. Nearly one out of every four people in Latin America lives on less than $2 a day. Many childrennever finish grade school. Many mothers never see a doctor. The fact is that tens of millions of our brothers and sisters to the South have yet to see improvements in their daily lives. And this has led some to question the value of democracy.Our Nation has a vital interest in helping the young democracies in our neighborhood succeed. When our neighbors prosper, they create more vibrant markets for our goods and services. When our neighbors have a hopeful future in their own countries, they can find work at home and are less likely to migrate to our country illegally. And when our neighbors feel the blessings of liberty in their daily lives, the appeal of radicalism declines, and our hemisphere becomes more secure.The United States is doing its part to help our neighbors in Latin America build a better life for themselves and their families. We are helping these young democracies make their governments more fair, effective, and transparent. We are supporting their efforts to meet the basic needs of their citizens -- like education, health care, and housing. And we are increasing opportunity for all by relieving debt, opening up trade, and encouraging reforms that will build market economies, where people can start from nothing and rise as far as their talents and hard work can take them.On Monday, I will meet a Guatemalan citizen who has experienced the power of open trade and free economies. His name is Mariano Can . Twenty years ago, he was an indigenous farmer whose land provided barely enough corn and beans to feed his family. No one in his family had ever been to college, and most of the people in his village never got past the sixth grade. And his own children's prospects for prosperity looked just as bleak.Mariano was determined to do better for his family. So he organized an association of small farmers called Labradores Mayas. He persuaded his fellow farmers to switch their crops to vegetables they could sell overseas -- high-value crops like lettuce, carrots, and celery. Soon they were selling to big companies like Wal-Mart Central America. Today, the business he helped establish is thriving, and it supports more than a thousand jobs. It also has supported something else: a college education for Mariano's son.Mariano is showing what the people of Latin America can accomplish when they are given a chance. We must help others like him gain the opportunity to build a better life for their families. The generosity of the American people is helping our neighbors in Latin America build free and vibrant economies. By doing so, we will increase living standards for all our citizens, strengthen democracy in our hemisphere, and advance the cause of peace.Thank you for listening.。

布什演讲稿英文版THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This is a challenging time for families across our nation. I know many families are worried about rising prices at the pump and declining home values. So this week my Administration took steps to help address both these challenges.To help address the pressure on gasoline prices, my Administration took action to clear the way for environmentally responsible offshore exploration of key parts of the Outer Continental Shelf, or OCS. Experts believe that these areas of the OCS could eventually produce nearly 10 years' worth of America's current annual oil production. So on Monday I lifted an executive branch prohibition on exploration in these areas. Unfortunately, a full month has passed since I called on Congress to lift a similar legislative ban, and Congress has done nothing. This means that the only thing now standing between the American people and the vast oil resources of the OCS is action from the United States Congress. Bringing OCS resources online will take time, and that means that the need for congressional action is urgent. The sooner Congress lifts the ban, the sooner we can get these resources from the ocean floor to the gas pump. Democratic leaders need to show that they have finally heard the frustrations of the American people. They should match the action I've taken, repeal the congressional ban, and pass legislation to facilitate1。

Bush's presidency began with the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil and ends with the worst economic collapse in three generations.
Bush appeared content — grinning at times — as he summed up his presidency and prepared to be relieved from the burdens of the Oval Office.
The bottom line, Bush said, is there have been "good days and tough days" during his term.
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"These are very tough times for hardworking families, but the toll would be far worse if we had not acted," he said.

The SEC and Justice Department are the referees of corporate conduct. Under my
budget, they will have every resource they need to enforce the laws that punish
are made, 92 million Americans will keep an average of $1,083 more of their own
And for America's 84 million investors, and those who will become investors, I
positions in the FBI, including 56 agents. In addition, 94 new people will be
hired to serve in the U.S. attorneys' offices and legal divisions across the
In my budget for the coming year, I will also propose major increases in funding
for the prosecutors of corporate crime. My 2004 budget funding for the
the extension of unemployment benefits into law this week.
For Americans who face the greatest difficulty finding work, I propose special

President Radio Addresses on the Third 9/11AnniversaryGood morning. This is a day of remembrance for our country. And I am honored to be joined at the White House today by Americans who lost so much in the terrible events of September the 11th, 2001, and have felt that loss every day since. 早上好。
Three years ago, the struggle of good against evil was compressed into a single morning. In the space of only 102 minutes, our country lost more citizens than were lost in the attack on Pearl Harbor. Time has passed, but the memories do not fade. We remember the images of fire, and the final calls of love, and the courage of rescuers who saw death and did not flee.We remember the cruelty of enemies who murdered the innocent, and rejoiced in our suffering. We remember the many good lives that ended too soon -- which no one had the right to take.And our nation remembers the families left behind to carry a burden of sorrow. They have shown courage of their own. And with the help of God's grace, and with support from one another, the families of terror victims have shown a strength that survives all hurt. Each of them remains in the thoughts and prayers of the American people.The terrorist attacks on September the 11th were a turning point for our nation. We saw the goals of a determined enemy: to expand the scale of their murder, and force America to retreat from the world. And our nation accepted a mission: We will defeat this enemy. The United States of America is determined to guard our homeland against future attacks. As the September the 11th Commission concluded, our country is safer than we were three years ago, but we are not yet safe.So every day, many thousands of dedicated men and women are on duty -- as air marshals, airport screeners, cargo inspectors, border patrol officers, and first responders. At the same time, Americans serving in the FBI and CIA are performing their daily work with professionalism, while we reform those agencies to see the dangers around the next corner. Our country is grateful to all our fellow citizens who watch for the enemy, and answer the alarms, and guard America by their vigilance.The United States is determined to stay on the offensive, and to pursue the terrorists wherever they train, or sleep, or attempt to set down roots. We have conducted this campaign from the mountains of Afghanistan, to the heart of the Middle East, to the horn of Africa, to the islands of the Philippines, to hidden cells within our own country.More than three-quarters of all Qaeda's key members and associates have been detained or killed. We know that there is still a danger to America. So we will not relent until the terrorists who plot murder against our people are found and dealt with. The United States is also determined to advance democracy in the broader Middle East, because freedom will bring the peace and security we all want. Whenthe peoples of that region are given new hope and lives of dignity, they will let go of old hatreds and resentments, and the terrorists will find fewer recruits. And as governments of that region join in the fight against terror instead of harboring terrorists, America and the world will be more secure. Our present work in Iraq and Afghanistan is difficult. It is also historic and essential.By our commitment and sacrifice today, we will help transform the Middle East, and increase the safety of our children and grandchildren.Since September the 11th, the sacrifices in the war on terror have fallen most heavily on members of our military, and their families. Our nation is grateful to the brave men and women who are taking risks on our behalf at this hour. And America will never forget the ones who have fallen -- men and women last seen doing their duty, whose names we will honor forever. The war on terror goes on. The resolve of our nation is still being tested. And in the face of danger we are showing our character. Three years after the attack on our country, Americans remain strong and resolute, patient in a just cause, and confident of the victory to come.Thank you for listening.。

THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Earlier this week, more than 120 million Americans went to the polls and voted for a new President and Congress. No matter how we cast our ballots, all Americans have reason to be proud of our democracy. Our citizens have chosen a President who represents a triumph of the American story -- a testament to hard work, optimism, and faith in the enduring promise of our Nation.When I called President-Elect Obama to congratulate him on his historic victory, I told him that he can count on my complete cooperation as he makes his transition to the White House. Ensuring that this transition is seamless is a top priority for the rest of my time in office. Our country faces economic challenges that will not pause to let a new President settle in. This will also be America's first wartime presidential transition in four decades. We're in a struggle against violent extremists determined to attack us -- and they would like nothing more than to exploit this period of change to harm the American people.So my Administration will work hard to ensure that the next President and his team can hit the ground running. For more than a year now, the White House and agencies throughout the Federal government have been preparing for a smooth transition. We've provided intelligence briefings to the President-Elect, and the Department of Justice has approved security clearances for members of his transition staff. In the coming weeks, we will ask Administration officials to brief the Obama team on major ongoing policy issues, ranging from the financial markets to the war in Iraq. I will keep the President-Elect fully informed on important decisions during this critical time for our Nation. Taken together, these measures represent an unprecedented effort to ensure continuity throughout the executive branch.A successful transition is just one of the many important tasks remaining for my Administration. Yesterday we learned that America's economy lost jobs in the month of October, and I will continue working hard to return our Nation to the path of prosperity and growth. To help address the globalfinancial crisis, my Administration will host an historic international summit inWashington on November 15. We will also keep urging Congress to approve America's free trade agreements with Colombia and Panama and South Korea. We will continue working to defeat the terrorists and extremists abroad, to keep the American people safe here at home.Americans expect their President to conduct the people's business. I will continue to uphold this solemn obligation for as long as this office remains in my trust. In the meantime, I join the American people in wishing President-Elect Obama every success. Laura and I wish the Obama family as much joy and happiness as our family has found in this wonderful house.Thank you for listening.欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!。

布什就职演说(英文版)Chief Justice Rehnquist, President Carter, President Bush, President Clinton, distinguished guests and my fellow citizens, the peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country. Witha simple oath, we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings.As I begin, I thank President Clinton for his service to our nation.And I thank Vice President Gore for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace.I am honored and humbled to stand here, where so many of America's leadershave come before me, and so many will follow.We have a place, all of us, in a long story -- a story we continue, but whose end we will not see. It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old, a story of a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom, the story of a power that went into the world to protect but not possess, to defend but not to conquer.It is the American story -- a story of flawed and fallible people, unitedacross the generations by grand and enduring ideals.The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born.Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws. And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course.Through much of the last century, America's faith in freedom and democracywasa rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root inmany nations.Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn h ope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along. And even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel.。

iUnit 1 Section CItem 2Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf says Pakistan and India are both optimistic about resolving their dispute over the Himalayan region of Kashmir, which both countries claim. In an exclusive interview with the Associated Press, General Musharraf says he hopes to settle the issue with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh while they’re both in power. Mr. Singh and General Musharraf are expected to try to move their peace dialogue forward when they meet next week in New Y ork at the United Nations General Assembly meeting.Item 3North Korea is demanding that Tokyo immediately lift sanctions imposed on Pyongyang in response to its test-launch of missiles. A North Korean envoy to Japan says his country will retaliate with stronger measures if the sanctions are not lifted. After North Korea test-fired seven missiles, Tokyo barred a North Koreans ferry from Japanese ports for six months and banned North Korean officials from entering the country. South Korea today rejected Pyongyang’s request for military talks, saying they were inappropriate at this time. But it said ministerial talks will go ahead as scheduled next week.Section D Item 2The State Department says V enezuelan police failed to protect the U.S. ambassador there as demonstrators threw eggs and food at his car. Spokesman Sean McCormack said V enezuela’s ambassador to the U.S. was summoned to the State Department to hear the U.S. complaint. A spokesman for the U.S. embassy in Caracas said groups of motorcyclists attacked the car carrying Ambassador William Brownfield. He said V enezuelan police escorts did nothing to stop the demonstrators who pounded on the car and chased it for miles. The embassy spokesman said the attack appeared to have been organized by the Caracas May or’s office. A spokesman for the mayor denied that charge. The U.S. has been at odds with V enezuelan President Hugo Chavez for several years.Item 3Russia has expressed regret for the killing of a Japanese fisherman today when a patrol vessel fired at a warning shot at a fishing boat near the disputed Kuril Islands. But Russia’s Foreign Ministry says in a statement that Japan is at fault for the incident because it does not curb Japanese fishing in Russian waters. Japan has launched a strong protest as we hear from VOA’s Steve Herman in Tokyo.“A diplomatic row broke out between Japan and Russia on Wednesday following the shooting death of a Japanese fisherman in waters claimed by both countries. The incident took place ear the island chain the Russians call the Kurils and the Japanese call the Northern Territories. The islands were seized from Japan by the Soviet Union in the closing days of world War II and have been under Russia control ever since, but Japan still claims them. Foreign Minister Taro Aso af ter summoning Russia’s deputy ambassador told reporters in Tokyo that the killing of the Japanese fisherman was an outrageous act. Steve Herman, VOA News, Tokyo.”Unit 2 Section CItem 2And a meeting in New Y ork between the foreign ministers of Guatemala and V enezuela has failed to resolve the deadlock over which country will represent Latin America and the Caribbean as a non-permanent member on the United Nations Security Council. In a BBC interview after the meeting, the Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro blamed Cuatemala for the ongoing impasse. He said it had shown no interest in agreeing to a compromised canidate.Item 3Africa’s first female elected leader met with President Bush at the White House today. Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf met with Mr. Bush in the Oval Office and then the two had lunch together in the White House’s East Room. Among the issues the two discussed, there is a request for Nigeria to hand over former Liberian President Charles Taylor, who is wanted on war crimes charges. She told reporters today that she asked Mr. Bush for help. Taylor has been living in exile in Nigeria. Many Liberians blamed him for fueling a civil war that ravaged the country.Section D Item 2Environment ministers and officials from more than 20 countries have ended four days of informal talks in Greenland in efforts to deal with global warming. Danish environment Minister Connie Hedegaard, the meeting’s host, called on participants to stop blaming one another for global warming and take concerted action. Participants of the meeting in Greenland’s Arctic town of Elucigot included the United States, China and several European countries. They focused on possible action after the first phase of the Kyoto Protocol, an accord on reducing global warming. It expires until 2012. U.N.studies show that global warming could melt polar icecaps and push thousands of species close to extinction.Item 3G-8 leaders are gathering near Edinburgh, Scotland at this hour for a summit that will focus on aid to Africa and protecting the environment. They are expected to endorse a write-off of more than 40 billion dollars in debt owed by 18 African countries mainly in the sub-Saharan region. On a stop in Denmark en route to Scotland, President Bush said he would emphasize the need for African nations to commit to good government to get the increased aid. In villages near the G-8 conference site demonstrators smashed car windows and fought with riot police. Some tried to storm barricades surrounding the conference site and dozens were arrested.Unit 3 Section CItem 2The United Nations relief agency says an attack on a displaced persons' camp in Sudan's western Darfur region has reportedly left 29 people dead and 10 seriously injured. A spokeswoman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees told VGA it' s the first time that a displaced persons' camp has been attacked in more than two years of civil war. The spokesman says up to 300 armed Arab men on horses and camels attacked the camp on Wednesday.Item 3The United Nations World Food Program has appealed urgently for donations of more than 150 million dollars to prevent a food crisis in southern Africa. It warned that almost 10 million people across six countries—Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, Lesotho and Swaziland—urgently needed food aid. The shortages are blamed on drought and the effects of HIV/AIDS and chronic poverty. A BBC correspondent in southern Africa says that in Zimbabwe, children in rural areas have already started to show signs of malnutrition. She says some eat only once a day. Section D Item 2Despite U.S. objections, the United Nations General Assembly today overwhelmingly voted to create a new human rights council to improve the UN's ability to deal with human rights offenders. The council replaces the discredited UN Human Rights Commission based in Geneva. U.S. ambassador to the UN John Bolton told the Assembly today that UN made some improvements but they are not enough. Bolton told the Assembly that rules for the new council are too weak to prevent human rights violators from obtaining seats. Under the resolution adopted today, the old commission will be abolished June 16th, and the new council will convene three days later.Item 3The United Nations has welcomed new pledges by donor countries of nearly 600 million dollars to fund relief efforts after the South Asian earthquake. But the UN's chief relief coordinator Jan Egeland said it was not clear how much was for immediate emergency relief and how much for longer-term work. Pakistan says 79,000 people have died and Mr. Egeland had early warned that hundreds of thousands more could die without an immediate big boost in funds. Winter snow is expected in the earthquake zone within weeks. A top Pakistani relief official, General Farooq Ahmed, told the BBC that an extra 30,000 troops were in the area to help. Unit 4 Section CItem 2British officials in Iran have denied allegations of any British involvement in violence in the southwestern province of Khuzestan where at least four peop le were killed in two bomb attacks on Saturday. The British embassy in Tehran condemned the attacks and said Britain rejected allegations linking it to terrorist outrages. Several Iranian Officials have made statements implicating British troops stations across the border inside southern Iraq in the bombings and in previous attacks earlier this year which killed 10 people.Item 3For the first time, President Bush has said it could be accurate to compare the recent escalation of violence in Iraq to the 1968 Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive marked a strong downturn in public support for both the Vietnam War and the President Lyndon Johnson Mr. Bush spoke in an ABC interview in which he addressed increased violence in Iraq. The comparison of the insurgency in Iraq to the Tet Offensive in Vietnam was made in a column by Tom Friedman in the New Y orkTime.Section DItem 2.South Korea and Japan say they have not detected any radioactivity to confirm North Korea’s claim that it conducted an u nderground nuclear test on Monday. Late Friday unnamed U.S. officials said U.S. aircraft have detected trace in the air samples collected near the suspected North Korea test site, but they stressed no final determination had been made. Word of the latest findings comes as the UN Security Council members continue to hammer out details of a draft resolution was excepted Saturday. The UN draft resolution includes economic and weapons sanctions againstNorth Korea, including a travel ban and financial restriction.Item 3Russian President Vladimir Putin says he will not allow foreign powers to dictateRussia’s energy policy or interfere in any of its internal affairs. In an interview broadcast from Saint Peterburg today, Mr. putin told BBC News that recent Western criticism of Russia is a mix of cold war and colonialist thinking. Mr. Putin singled out U.S. President Dick Cheney’s recent criticism of Russian energy policy in which Cheney accused Russia of using its vast oil and gas resources as tools of intimidation. Putin compared those comments to an errant gunshot by Cheney that wounded a companion on a hunting trip earlier this year. The Russian leader host President Bush and other world leaders later this week in a summit of the G-8 industrialized nations. Mr. Putin said Russian is ready to hear well-intentioned criticism from foreign leaders, but said he will categorically reject what he called interference in Russia’s internal affairs.Unit 5 Section CItem 2A Peruvian airliner carrying 100 passengers and crew members has crashed in a northeastern jungle town, killing at least 40 people. Officials say the TANS Air Flight 204 went down Tuesday while attempting an emergency landing during a severe storm. Police at the scene say foreign nationals are among the dead, including at least one Italian and an American. Officials say at least 52 people survived the accident with most being treated at area hospitals.Item 3Officials in Japan say the train crash near Osaka in western Japan has killed as many as 57 people, injured more than 400. A commuter train carrying around 580 passengers during morning rush hour Monday smashed into an apartment building near Amagasaki, about 400 kilometers west of Tokyo. Workers are still trying to reach some of the passengers trapped in the wreckage. The accident was Japan’s worst in more than four decades. Investigators say speed and driver inexperience may be factors in the crash.Section DItem 2A small aircraft has crashed into the 20th floor of a high-rise apartment building in New Y ork City, killing at least two people. The plane burst into flames on the impact and fire spread through several floors of the building. The White House said all the indications were that the crash was an accident. Investigators are at the scenegather ing evidence, but the authorities don’t believe the incident was linked to terrorism. The BBC’s Gitto Harry was at the scene shortly after the incident and sent this report.“Fire engines, police cars, ambulances completely blocking the avenue, people having been pushed onto the sidewalks. All they know at this stage is that either a plane or a helicopter has crashed into a building. There are helicopters circling above. There is smoke in the air. There are police running around. The are is being cordoned o ff.”There authorities in New Y ork now say that four people were killed in the plane crash in Manhattan. Reports from the United States say the plane was being piloted by the New Y ankee’s baseball pitcher Cory Lidle, who died in the incident.Item 3Thousands of victims of Hurricane Katrina are still being evacuated from New Orleans. More than 10,000 people already have been taken by bus to an emergency shelter at a sports stadium in Texas more than 550 kilometers from New Orleans. Rescuers in New Orleans are working to evacuate thousands of additional flood refugees in and near the city’s former convention center, a large building without power, water or toilet facilities, overflowing with crowds calling for food, water and other assistance. Meanwhile President Bush is to visit the devastated area today. He is schedule to visit parts of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana that were wrecked by the powerful hurricane.Unit 6 Section CItem 2The biggest ever international conference on malaria has begun in the West African state of Cameroon to discuss the latest scientific findings on the disease which kills more than 1.5 million people worldwide each year. 75% of those victims are African children. Of the 2,000 delegates meeting in the capital Y aounde, 80% are from Africa. The disease costs the continent more than 12 billion dollars in lost GDP each year. The latest research suggests that 41% of the world’s population live in areas where malaria is transmitted.Item 3The Food and Drug Administration is investigating whether more than one food company is responsible for an outbreak of E. coli bacteria. Officials have linked bad spinach from NaturalSelection Foods as one source of the E. coli. The company says the products are sold under the brand name Earth Bound Farm. Doctor David Atchison with the FDA says natural selection Foods has voluntarily recalled the spinach. The FDA advises shoppers to get rid of any fresh spinach in bags or other containers. At least one person has died. Dozens of others have gotten sick in at least 19states.Section D Item 2A week after a toxic waste scandal brought down the government of Ivory Coast, teams of Ivorian and French experts are still trying to establish exactly what the material was composed of. Tons of waste from a ship were dumped in leaking drums in at least 11 open air locations in Ivory Coast’s biggest city Abidjian. Ourcorrespondent James Copnall is there. The latest health ministry figures show that the health situation is deteriorating just as rapidly, however, a state of panic seems to have set in. meanwhile, teams of French and Ivorian experts were attempting to find out what exactly the toxic waste was composed of.Item 3The White House has issued an updated version of its strategy for dealing with a possible influenza pandemic. The plan warns cities, states and businesses that they should prepare now to keep operating on their own and not count on federal help, and says that a flu pandemic could make up to 40% of the workforce too sick to work for two weeks at a time and that the infection could remain active in a community for up to two months. In the worst case, the report says, a pandemic could cause as many as two million deaths in the United States. Influenza pandemics tend to break out when a never-before-seen strain of the virus starts passing from person to person. Scientists are currently worried that the Asian bird flu might mutate into that kind of virus.。

affliction, but with our help, they will not face it alone. America has a
in Southern Africa and the Horn of Africa, particularly Ethiopia. Hunger,
sickness and grief have left people across the continent even more vulnerable to
the cost of health care. We will make America less dependant on foreign sources
of energy by speeding up development of pollution-free cars that run on
sustained growth so that every person who wants to work can find a job. We will
modernize Medicare to make sure that seniors can choose the coverage that fits
the effects of AIDS.
Across the earth, America is feeding the hungry. More than 60 percent of
international emergency food aid comes as a gift from the people of the United
W.Bush speech weekly2009-01-17

【美国总统电台演说】2009-01-17发布时间:2009-01-19,作者:布什每周电台演讲来源:点击: 52083【美国总统电台演说】2009-01-17President's RadioAddressDownload mp3THE PRESIDENT:Good morning. Forthe last eight years, Ihave had the honorof speaking to theAmerican peopleSaturday mornings through this radio address. In hundreds of broadcasts, I have talked to you about important issues affecting our security and our prosperity. And today, in my final address, I want to send a simple and heartfelt message: Thank you.Eight years ago, Laura and I left our home in Texas to come to Washington. Through two terms in the White House, we have been blessed by your kind words and generous prayers. We have been inspired by those of you who reach out to feed the hungry, clothe the needy, and care for the sick. We have been moved by the courage and devotion of those of you who wear the uniform. Serving as your President has been an incredible honor.Like every individual who has held this office before me, I have experienced setbacks. There are things I would do differently if given the chance. Yet I've always acted with the best interests of our countryin mind. I have followed my conscience and done what I thought was right. You may not agree with some tough decisions I have made. But I hope you can agree that I was willing to make the tough decisions.The decades ahead will bring more hard choices for our country, and there are some guiding principles that should shape our course. While our Nation is safer than it was seven years ago, the gravest threat to our people remains another terrorist attack. Our enemies are patient, and determined to strike again. America did nothing to seek or deserve this conflict. But we have been given solemn responsibilities, and we must meet them. We must resist complacency. We must keep our resolve. And we must never let down our guard.At the same time, we must continue to engage the world with confidence and clear purpose. In the face of threats from abroad, it can be tempting to seek comfort by turning inward. But we must reject isolationism and its companion, protectionism. Retreating behind our borders would only invite danger. In the 21st century, security and prosperity at home depend on the expansion of liberty abroad. If America does not lead the cause of freedom, that cause will not be led.As we address these challenges -- and others we cannot foresee today -- America must maintain our moral clarity. I've often spoken to you about good and evil. This has made some uncomfortable. But good and evil are present in this world, and between the two there can be no compromise. Murdering the innocent to advance an ideology is wrong every time, everywhere. Freeing people from oppression and despair is eternally right. This Nation must continue to speak out for justice and truth. We must always be willing to act in their defense -- and to advance the cause of peace.Eight years ago, on a cold January morning, I stood on the steps of the United States Capitol, placed my hand on the Bible, and swore a sacred oath to defend our people and our Constitution. On that day, I spoke of "our Nation's grand story of courage and its simple dream of dignity."Next week, my term of service will come to an end -- but that story and that dream will continue.On Tuesday, Laura and I will join all Americans in offering our best wishes to President Obama, his wife Michelle, and their two beautiful girls. And later that day, we will return to the love of family and friends in Texas. I will depart office proud of my Administration's record. And I will spend the rest of my life grateful for the opportunity to have served as President of the greatest nation on Earth.Thank you for listening.。

美国总统布什就职演讲稿英文Thank you!Chief Justice Rehnquist, President Carter, President Bush ,President Clinton, distinguished guests and my fellow citizens, the peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet common in our country. With a simple oath, we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings.As I begin, I thank President Clinton for his service to our nation.And I thank Vice President Gore for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace.I am honored and humbled to stand here, where so many of America's leaders have come before me, and so many will follow.We have a place, all of us, in a long story -- a story we continue, but whose end we will not see. It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old, a story of a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom, the story of a power that went into the world to protect but not possess, to defend but not to conquer.It is the American story -- a story of flawed and fallible people, united across the generations by grand and enduringideals.The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant person was ever born.Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws. And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course.Through much of the last century, America's faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations.Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along. And even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel.While many of our citizens prosper, others doubt the promise, even the justice, of our own country. The ambitions of some Americans are limited by failing schools and hidden prejudice and the circumstances of their birth. And sometimes our differences run so deep, it seems we share a continent, but not a country.We do not accept this, and we will not allow it. Our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders and citizens in every generation. And this is my solemn pledge: I will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity.I know this is in our reach because we are guided by a power larger than our selves who creates us equal in His image.And we are confident in principles that unite and lead us onward.America has never been united by blood or birth or soil. We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds, liftus above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens. Every child must be taught these principles. Every citizen must uphold them. And every immigrant, by embracing these ideals, makes our country more, not less, American.Today, we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility, courage, compassion and character.America, at its best, matches a commitment to principle with a concern for civility. A civil society demands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness.Some seem to believe that our politics can afford to be petty because, in a time of peace, the stakes of our debates appear small.But the stakes for America are never small. If our country does not lead the cause of freedom, it will not be led. If we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism. If we permit our economy to drift and decline, the vulnerable will suffer most.We must live up to the calling we share. Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment. It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of community over chaos. And this commitment, if we keep it, is a way to shared accomplishment.America, at its best, is also courageous.Our national courage has been clear in times of depression and war, when defending common dangers defined our common good. Now we must choose if the example of our fathers and mothers will inspire us or condemn us. We must show courage in a time of blessing by confronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations.Together, we will reclaim America's schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives.We will reform Social Security and Medicare, sparing our children from struggles we have the power to prevent. And we will reduce taxes, to recover the momentum of our economy and reward the effort and enterprise of working Americans.We will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge.We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors.。

名人演讲稿布什演讲稿(中英对照)Thank you!Chief Justice Rehnquist, President Carter, President Bush, President Clinton, distinguished guests and myfellow citizens, the peaceful transfer of authority is rare in history, yet mon in our country. With a *** oath, we affirm old traditions and make new beginnings.As I begin, I thank President Clinton for his service to our nation.And I thank Vice President Gore for a contest conducted with spirit and ended with grace.I am honored and humbled to stand here, where so many of Americas leaders have e before me, and so many will follow.We have a place, all of us, in a long story -- a story we continue, but whose end we will not see. It is the story of a new world that became a friend and liberator of the old, a story of a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom, the story of a power that went into the world to protect but not possess, to defend but not to conquer.It is the American story -- a story of flawed and fallible people, united across the generations by grand and enduring ideals.The grandest of these ideals is an unfolding American promise that everyone belongs, that everyone deserves a chance, that no insignificant pe ([!--t资/料来.源,于:/网 ]布什演讲稿(中英对照).fwJIa.com】 rson was ever born.Americans are called to enact this promise in our lives and in our laws. And though our nation has sometimes halted, and sometimes delayed, we must follow no other course.Through much of the last century, Americas faith in freedom and democracy was a rock in a raging sea. Now it is a seed upon the wind, taking root in many nations.Our democratic faith is more than the creed of our country, it is the inborn hope of our humanity, an ideal we carry but do not own, a trust we bear and pass along. And even after nearly 225 years, we have a long way yet to travel.While many of our citizens prosper, others doubt the promise, even the justice, of our own country. Theambitions of some Americans are limited by failing schools and hidden prejudice and the circumstances of their birth. And sometimes our differences run so deep, it seems weshare a continent, but not a country.We do not aept this, and we will not allow it. Our unity, our union, is the serious work of leaders andcitizens in every generation. And this is my solemnpledge: I will work to build a single nation of justice and opportunity.I know this is in our reach because we are guided by a power larger than our selves who creates us equal in His image.And we are confident in principles that unite and lead us onward.America has never been united by blood or birth or soil. We are bound by ideals that move us beyond our backgrounds,lift us above our interests and teach us what it means to be citizens. Every child must be taught these principles. Every citizen must uphold them. And every immigrant, by embracing these ideals, makes our country more, not less, American.Today, we affirm a new mitment to live out our nations promise through civility, courage, passion and character.America, at its best, matches a mitment to principle with a concern for civility. A civil society demands from each of us good will and respect, fair dealing and forgiveness.Some seem to believe that our politics can afford to be petty because, in a time of peace, the stakes of our debates appear small.But the stakes for America are never small. If our country does not lead the cause of freedom, it will not beled. If we do not turn the hearts of children toward knowledge and character, we will lose their gifts and undermine their idealism. If we permit our economy to drift and decline, the vulnerabl ( [!范;文,之.家网布什演讲稿(中英对照)(2))hTTp://wWw.fWJia.cOm } e will suffer most.We must live up to the calling we share. Civility isnot a tactic or a sentiment. It is the determined choice of trust over cynicism, of munity over chaos. And this mitment, if we keep it, is a way to shared aomplishment.America, at its best, is also courageous.Our national courage has been clear in times of depression and war, when defending mon dangers defined our mon good. Now we must choose if the example of our fathers and mothers will inspire us or condemn us. We must show courage in a time of blessing by confronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations.Together, we will reclaim Americas schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives.We will reform Social Security and Medicare, sparingour children from struggles we have the power to prevent. And we will reduce taxes, to recover the momentum of our economy and reward the effort and enterprise of working Americans.We will build our defenses beyond challenge, lest weakness invite challenge.We will confront weapons of mass destruction, so that a new century is spared new horrors.The enemies of liberty and our country should make no mistake:America remains engaged in the world by history and by choice, shaping a balance of power thatf avors freedom. We will defend our allies and our interests. We will show purpose without arrogance. We will meet aggression and bad faith with resolve and strength. And to all nations, wewill speak for the values that gave our nation birth.America, at its best, is passionate. In the quiet of American conscience, we know that deep, persistent poverty is unworthy of our nations promise.And whatever our views of its cause, we can agree that children at risk are not at fault. Abandonment and abuse are not acts of God, they are failures of love.And the proliferation of prisons, however necessary, is no substitute for hope and order in our souls.Where there is suffering, there is duty. Americans in need are not strangers, they are citizens, not problems, but priorities. And all of us are diminished when any are hopeless.Government has great responsibilities for public safety and public health, for civil rights and mon schools. Yet passion is the work of a nation, not (此资料转贴于范-文,家网布什演讲稿(中英对照)(3) )just a government.And some needs and hurts are so deep they will only respond to a mentors touch or a pastors prayer. Church and charity, synagogue and mosque lend our munities their humanity, and they will have an honored place in our plans and in our laws.Many in our country do not know the pain of poverty, but we can listen to those who do.And I can pledge our nation to a goal: When we see that wounded traveler on the road to Jericho, we will not pass to the other side.America, at its best, is a place where personal responsibility is valued andexpected.Encouraging responsibility is not a search for scapegoats, it is a call to conscience. And though it requires sacrifice, it brings a deeper fulfillment. We find the fullness of life not only in options, but in mitments. And we find that children and munity are the mitments that set us free.Our public interest depends on private character, on civic duty and family bonds and basic fairness, on uncounted, unhonored acts of decency which give direction to our freedom.Sometimes in life we are called to do great things. But as a saint of our times has said, every day we are calledto do small things with great love. The most importanttasks of a democracy are done by everyone.I will live and lead by these principles: to advance my convictions with civility, to pursue the public interestwith courage, to speak for greater justice and passion, to call for responsibility and try to live it as well.In all these ways, I will bring the values of ourhistory to the care of ourtimes.What you do is as important as anything government does.I ask you to seek a mon good beyond your fort; to defend needed reforms against easy attacks; to serve your nation, beginning with your neighbor. I ask you to be citizens: citizens, not spectators; citizens, not subjects; responsible citizens, building munities of service and a nation of character.Americans are generous and strong and decent, not because we believe in ourselves, but because we holdbeliefs beyond ourselves. When this spirit of citizenshipis missing, no government program can replace it. When this spirit is present, no wrong can stand against it.After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: "Weknow the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwindand direct{布什演讲稿(中英对照)(4)欢迎您访问范,文,家[!--titleurl--]}s this storm?"Much time has passed since Jefferson arrived for his inauguration. The yearsand changes aumulate. But the themes of this day he would know: our nations grand story of courage and its *** dream of dignity.We are not this storys author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose. Yet his purpose is achieved in our duty, and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another.Never tiring, never yielding, never finishing, we renew that purpose today, to make our country more just and generous, to affirm the dignity of our lives and every life.This work continues. This story goes on. And an angel still rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm.God bless you all, and God bless America.尊敬的芮恩奎斯特***官,卡特总统,布什总统,克林顿总统,尊敬的来宾们,我的同胞们,这次权利的和平过渡在历史上是罕见的,但在美国事平常的。

《【布什精彩演讲稿(中英对照)】布什总统竞选成功演讲》摘要:Rq,rrr,rBrl,ggllz,lrrrrrr,rrl,rlrkbgg,lrzrr,rbr,v,rrbrrlblglrrrbrrrr,r,br,r,b,qr,k,rvrrr"r布什演讲稿(英对照)k!Rq,rrr,rBrl,ggllz,lrrrrrr,rrl,rlrkbggbg,krlrrvrkVrGrrrgrrblr,rr"lrvbr,llllvl,ll,lgrr,bllrrlbrlbrrl,rlvlgbrvr,rrrlrb,bqrrrrlllbll,rgrbgrrglgrllgrrvrblg,vrrv,grvrbrrrllrrlvrlgrl,l,llrrrglr,r"rrrkrgg,kgrrrrrrr,brr,lrrb,rbrlgvrrl5r,vlgrvllrzrr,rbr,v,rrbrrlblglrrrbrrrr,r,br,llllr,r,rrklrzvrgrllgllrkblglrkrrbrgbrlrgrrlvrqlgrrllrrvrbbblrbrrlrbblvbrbkgr,lbvrrbzvrlbgrlvrzlvrgr,bgl,krrr,l,r,rlvr"rrgvl,rg,rrr,b,rlrrvlvlrgllr,rlgrgvblvrlrbb,,krbrllBkrrrvrllrrlr,llblrrlrrklgrr,lllrgrrlrrrl,vlrblllr lvllgrvlrrrvr,vr,k,rlr,b,lrgrlrgblrrr,ggrrgxlrrrllrrrgblgbrgrblgrgrgr,llrlr"l,brgrlrglvllrrlrr,rgrlrrrgglvrrvllrx,rvrrrrrrrrkgr布什演讲稿(英对照)llblrbllg,lkvllgllrr,rrrrrlbrrrlkkrrggrlbrb,gblrvrrllrllrrllrrrgllggrbrlvrgll,llkrvlgvrbr r,b,qr,k,rvrrr"rvrrv,grlrrkrlbbrG,rlrlvrlrr,vrr,brrrrlrrrg,rrrrgr,rz,rbl,brrllrrlGvrgrrblrblbll,rvlrglrk,gvrrrlllrr"rr"rrrr,ggqlrr,llvrlrlrlrrkvr,bllgrglrvlrrr,llrr,b,lrrlrblvlxrggrblrrg,llgrqrr,grlllllll,blrrrrblrrvrr,vlbbr,,rgvrrrlrllgrgBr,vrrllllggrlvrkrrbvrlllvlbrlvvvl,rblrrg,krgrr,llrrblrlvllll,llgvlrrrrrggvrkkgbrr;rrgk;rvr,bggrgbrkbzz,r;z,b;rblz,blgrvrrrrgrrg,bblvrlv,bblblbrlvrzg,gvrrgrrlrr,rggrlrg,Vrggrr"krrblrgkglrrlrr?"rrrvrgrrglBlkr"grrrglrgrr"r,llrrrvr,rlllrvrvrrg,vrlg,vrg,rr,krrrgr,rgrlvvrlrkrgglllrrlrrGblll,Gblr谢谢尊敬芮恩奎斯特法官卡特总统布什总统克林顿总统尊敬宾们我胞们布什演讲稿(英对照)这次权利和平渡历史上是罕见但美国是平常我们以朴素宣誓庄严地维护了古老传统开始了新历程首先我要感谢克林顿总统这国作出贡献也感谢副总统戈尔竞选程热情与风这里我很荣幸也有受宠若惊我前许多美国领导人从这里起步;我也会有许多领导人从这里继续前进美国悠久历史我们每人都有己位置;我们还继续推动着历史前进但是我们不可能看到它尽头这是部新世界发展史是部浪推前浪历史这是部美国由奴隶制社会发展成崇尚由社会历史这是强国保护而不是占有世界历史是捍卫而不是征世界历史这就是美国史它不是部十全十美民族发展史但它是部伟和永恒理想指导下几代人团结奋斗历史这些理想伟是正慢慢实现美国承诺这就是每人都有身价值每人都有成功机会每人天生都会有所作美国人民肩着种使命那就是要竭力将这诺言变成生活和法律上现实虽然我们国追实现这承诺途停滞不前甚至倒退但我们仍将坚定不移地完成这使命上世纪部分里美国由民主信念犹如汹涌海岩石现它更像风种子把由带给每民族我们国民主不仅仅是种信念而是全人类希望民主我们不会独占而会竭力让分享民主我们将铭记心并且不断传播5年了我们仍有很长路要走有很多公民取得了成功但也有人开始怀疑怀疑我们己国所许下诺言甚至怀疑它公正失败教育潜偏见和出身环境限制了些美国人雄心有我们分歧是如深似乎我们虽身处陆但不属国我们不能接受这种分歧也无法容许它存我们团结和统是每代领导人和每公民严肃使命我郑重宣誓我将竭力建设公正、充满机会统国我知道这是我们目标因上帝按己身形创造了我们上帝高切力量将引导我们前进对这些将我们团结起并指引我们向前原则我们充满信心血缘、出身或地域从将美国合起只有理想才能使我们心系处超越己放弃人利益并逐步领会何谓公民每孩子都必须学习这些原则每公民都必须坚持这些原则每移民只有接受这些原则才能使我们国不丧失而更具美国特色今天我们这里重申新信念即通发扬谦恭、勇气、情心和性精神实现我们国理想美国它鼎盛也没忘记遵循谦逊有礼原则明社会要我们每人品质优良尊重他人人公平和宽宏量有人认我们政治制是如微不足道因和平年代我们所争论话题都是无关紧要但是对我们美国说我们所讨论问题从都不是什么事如我们不领导和平事业那么和平将无人领导;如我们不引导我们孩子们真心地热爱知识、发挥性他们天分将得不到发挥理想将难以实现如我们不采取适当措施任凭济衰退受害者将是平民姓我们应该刻听取代呼唤谦逊有礼不是战术也不是感情用事这是我们坚定选择批评声赢得信任;混乱寻统如遵循这样承诺我们将会享有共成就美国有强国力作盾将会勇往直前萧条和战争期我们人民困难面前表现得无比英勇克我们共困难体现了我们共优秀品质现我们正面临着选择如我们作出正确选择祖辈定会激励我们;如我们选择是错误祖辈会谴责我们上帝正眷顾着这国我们必须显示出我们勇气敢面对问题而不是将它们遗留给我们代我们要共努力健全美国学校教育不能让无知和冷漠吞噬更多年轻生命我们要改革社会医疗和保险制力所能及围拯救我们孩子我们要减低税收恢复济酬劳辛勤工作美国人民我们要防患然懈怠会带麻烦我们还要阻止武器泛滥使新世纪摆脱恐怖威胁反对由和反对我们国人应该明白美国仍将积极参与国际事力世界力量衡让由力量遍及全球这是历史选择我们会保护我们盟国捍卫我们利益我们将谦逊地向世界人民表示我们目标我们将坚反击各种侵略和不守信用行径我们要向全世界宣传孕育了我们伟民族价值观正处鼎盛期美国也不缺乏情心当我们静心思考我们就会明了根深蒂固贫穷根不值得我国作出承诺无论我们如何看待贫穷原因我们都必须承认孩子敢冒险不等犯错误放纵与滥用都上帝所不容这些都是缺乏爱结监狱数量增长虽然看起是有必要但并不能代替我们心希望人人遵纪守法哪里有痛苦我们义就哪里对我们说要助美国人不是陌生人而是我们公民;不是担而是急救助对象当有人陷入绝望我们都会因变得渺对公共安全和众健康对民权和学校教育政府都应有极责任然而情心不只是政府职责更是整国义有些要是如迫切有些伤痕是如深刻只有导师爱抚、牧师祈祷才能有所感触不论是教堂还是慈善机构、犹太会堂还是清真寺都赋予了我们社会它们特有人性因它们理应我们建设和法律上受到尊重我们国许多人都不知道贫穷痛苦但我们可以听到那些感触颇深人们倾诉我发誓我们国要达到种境界当我们看见受伤行人倒远行路上我们不会袖手旁观正处鼎盛期美国重视并期待每人担起己责任鼓励人们勇承担责任不是让人们充当替罪羊而是对人良知呼唤虽然承担责任味着牺牲人利益但是你能从体会到种更加深刻成就感我们实现人生完整不单是通摆我们面前选择而且是通我们实践实现我们知道通对整社会和我们孩子们尽我们义我们将得到终由我们公共利益依赖我们独立性;依赖我们公民义庭纽带和基公正;依赖我们无数、默默无闻体面行动正是它们指引我们走向由生活有我们被召唤着做些惊天动地事情但是正如我们代位圣人所言每天我们都被召唤带着挚爱做些事情民主制重要任是由每人完成我人处事原则包括坚信己而不强加人公众利益勇往直前追正义而不乏情心勇担责任而不推卸我要通这切用我们历史上传统价值观哺育我们代(胞们)你们所做切和政府工作样重要我希望你们不要仅仅追人享受而忽略公众利益;要捍卫既定改革措施使其不会轻易被攻击;要从身边事做起我们国效力我希望你们成真正公民而不是旁观者更不是臣民你们应成有责任心公民共建设助社会和有特色国美国人民慷慨、强、体面这并非因我们信任我们己而是因我们拥有超越我们己信念旦这种公民精神丧失了无论何种政府计划都无法弥补它旦这种精神出现了无论任何错误都无法抗衡它《独立宣言》签署弗吉尼亚州政治约翰S佩齐曾给托马斯S杰弗逊写信说"我们知道身手敏捷不定就能赢得比赛力量强不定就能赢得战争难道这切不都是上帝安排吗?"杰斐逊就任总统那年代离我们已很远了光飞逝美国发生了翻天覆地变化但是有他肯定能够预知即我们这代主题仍然是我们国无畏向前恢宏故事和它追尊严纯朴梦想我们不是这故事作者是杰斐逊作者人伟理想穿越空并通我们每天努力变现实我们正通努力履行着各职责带着永不疲惫、永不气馁、永不完竭信念今天我们重树这样目标使我们国变得更加公正、更加慷慨验证我们每人和所有人生命尊严这项工作必须继续下这故事必须延续下上帝会驾驭我们航行愿上帝保佑愿上帝保佑美国。

英语演讲稿布什每周电台演讲附原文(2008THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. This Thursday, Laura and I returned from an inspiring visit to Africa. In Benin and Tanzania, we met leaders who are fighting HIV/AIDS and malaria -- and people whose lives have been saved by the generosity of the American people. In Rwanda, we saw a nation overcoming the pain of genocide with courage and grace and hope. In Ghana, we met entrepreneurs who are exporting their products and building a more prosperous future. And in Liberia, we saw a nation that is recovering from civil war, led by the first democratically elected woman President on the continent. Laura and I returned to Washington impressed by the energy, optimism, and potential of the African people.Members of Congress will soon be returning to Washington, as well, and they have urgent business to attend to. They left town on a 10-day recess without passing vital legislation giving our intelligence professionals the tools they need to quickly and effectively monitor foreign terroristcommunications. Congress’ failure to pass this legislation was irresponsible. It will leave our Nation increasingly vulnerable to attack. And Congress must fix this damage to our national security immediately.The way ahead is clear. The Senate has already passed a good bill by an overwhelming bipartisan majority. This bill has strong bipartisan support in the House of Representatives, and would pass if given an up or down vote. But House leaders are blocking this legislation, and the reason can be summed up in three words: class action lawsuits.The Senate bill would prevent plaintiffs’ attorneys from suing companies believed to have helped defend America after the 9/11 attacks. More than 40 of these lawsuits have been filed, seeking hundreds of billions of dollars in damages from these companies. It is unfair and unjust to threaten these companies with financial ruin only because they are believed to have done the right thing and helped their country.But the highest cost of all is to our national security. Without protection from lawsuits, private companies will be increasingly unwilling to take the risk of helping us with vital intelligence activities. After the Congress failed toact last week, one telecommunications company executive was asked by the Wall Street Journal how his company would respond to a request for help. He answered that because of the threat of lawsuits, quote, “I’m not doing it ...I’m not going to do something voluntarily.”In other words, the House’s refusal to act is undermining our ability to get cooperation from private companies. And that undermines our efforts to protect us from terrorist attack.Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell recently explained that the vast majority of the communications infrastructure we rely on in the United States is owned and operated by the private sector. Because of the failure to provide liability protection, he says private companies who have “willingly helped us in the past, are now saying, ‘You can’t protect me. Why should I help you?’”Senator Jay Rockefeller, the Democratic Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, puts it this way: “The fact is, if we lose cooperation from these or other private companies, our national security will suffer.”When Congress reconvenes on Monday, Members of the House have a choice to make: They can empower the trial bar -- or they can empower the intelligence community. They can helpclass action trial lawyers sue for billions of dollars -- or they can help our intelligence officials protect millions of lives. They can put our national security in the hands of plaintiffs’ lawyers -- or they can entrust it to the men and women of our government who work day and night to keep us safe. As they make their choice, Members of Congress must never forget: Somewhere in the world, at this very moment, terrorists are planning the next attack on America. And to protect America from such attacks, we must protect our telecommunications companies from abusive lawsuits.Thank you for listening.。

布什英文演讲稿Ladies and Gentlemen,。
It is my great honor to be standing here today, addressing such a distinguished audience. Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of leadership and the role that the United States plays in the world.As a nation, we have always strived to be a beacon of freedom and democracy. We believe in the power of individual liberty and the rule of law. We believe that every person, regardless of their background or circumstances, should have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.In recent years, we have seen the rise of authoritarian regimes and the erosion of democratic values in many parts of the world. It is more important than ever for the United States to stand firm in our commitment to promoting freedom and human rights.We have also faced significant challenges on the global stage, from terrorism to climate change. These are not easy problems to solve, but we cannot shy away from our responsibilities. We must work with our allies and partners to address these issues head-on, using all the tools at our disposal.At the same time, we must also be mindful of the need to lead by example. We cannot expect other nations to follow our lead if we do not live up to our own values. This means addressing the divisions within our own society and working to create a more just and equitable world for all.I believe that the United States has a unique opportunity to shape the future for the better. We have the resources, the talent, and the will to make a real difference in the world. But we must also be humble enough to listen to others and learn from their experiences.In conclusion, I want to reaffirm our commitment to being a force for good in the world. We will continue to stand up for what is right, even when it is difficult. We willcontinue to work with others to build a more peaceful and prosperous world for future generations.Thank you.。
演讲致辞-布什励志英语演讲稿 精品

布什励志英语演讲稿everyone can be a president人人都能成为总统美国第43任总统乔治布什在耶鲁大学的演讲(中英文)to those of you who received honors, awards, and distinctions, i say, well done. and to the c studentsi say, you, too, can be president of the united states. 对于那些表现杰出、获得各种奖项和荣誉的同学,我要说,你们真棒!对于那些c等生,我要说,你们将来也可以当美国总统!remarks by the president in mencement address yale university new haven, connecticut listen to the presidents remarksthe president: president levin, thank you very much. dean brodhead, fellows of the yale corporation, fellow yale parents, families, and graduates: its a special privilege to receive this honorary degree. i was proud 33 years ago to receive my first yale degree. im even prouder that in your eyes ive earned this one.i congratulate my fellow honorees. im pleased to share this honor with such a distinguished group. im particularly pleased to be here with my friend, the former of mexico. senor presidente, usted es un verdadero lider, y un gran amigo. (applause.)i congratulate all the parents who are here. its a glorious day when your child graduates from college. its a great day for you; its a great day for your wallet. (laughter.)most important, congratulations to the class of XX. (applause.) tothose of you who received honors, awards, and distinctions, i say, well done. and to the c students -- (applause) -- i say, you, too, can be president of the united states. (laughter and applause.) a yale degree is worth a lot, as i often remind dick cheney -- (laughter) -- who studied here, but left a little early. so now we know -- if you graduate from yale, you bee president. if you drop out, you get to be vice president. (laughter.)i appreciate so very much the chance to say a few words on this occasion. i know yale has a tradition of having no mencement speaker. ialso know that youve carved out a single exception. most people think thatto speak at yales mencement, you have to be president. but over the years,the specifications have bee far more demanding. now you have to be a yale graduate, you have to be president, and you have had to have lost the yale vote to ralph nader. ( applause.)this is my first time back here in quite a while. im sure that each of you will make your own journey back at least a few times in your life. if youre like me, you wont remember everything you did here. (laughter.) that can be a good thing. (laughter.) but there will be some people, and some moments, you will never forget.take, for example, my old classmate, dick brodhead, the acplished dean of this great university. (applause.) i remember him as a young scholar, a bright lad -- (laughter) -- a hard worker. we both put a lot of time in at the sterling library, in the reading room, where they have those bigleather couches. (laughter.) we had a mutual understanding -- dick wouldnt read aloud, and i wouldnt snore. (laughter.)our course selections were different, as we followed our own path to academic discovery. dick was an english major, and loved the classics. i loved history, and pursued a diversified course of study. i like to think of it as the academic road less traveled. (laughter.)for example, i took a class that studied japanese haiku. haiku, for the uninitiated, is a 15th century form of poetry, each poem having 17 syllables. haiku is fully understood only by the zen masters. as i recall, one of my academic advisers was worried about my selection of such a specialized course. he said i should focus on english. (laughter.) i still hear that quite often. ( laughter.) but my critics dont realize i dont make verbal gaffes. im speaking in the perfect forms and rhythms of ancient haiku. (applause.)i did take english here, and i took a class called the history and practice of american oratory, taught by rollin g. osterweis. (applause.) and, president levin, i want to give credit where credit is due. i want the entire world to know this -- everything i know about the spoken word, i learned right here at yale. (laughter.)as a student, i tried to keep a low profile. it worked. last year the new york times interviewed john morton blum because the record showed i had taken one of his courses. casting his minds eye over the parade of young faces down through the years, professor blum said, and i quote, i dont have the foggiest recollection of him. (laughter.)but i remember professor blum. and i still recall his dedication and high standards of learning. in my time there were many great professors atyale. and there still are. theyre the ones who keep yale going after the mencements, after we have all gone our separate ways. im not sure i remembered to thank them the last time i was here, but now that i have a second chance, i thank the professors of yale university. (applause.)thats how ive e to feel about the yale experience -- grateful. i studied hard, i played hard, and i made a lot of lifelong friends. what stays with you from college is the part of your education you hardly ever notice at the time. its the expectations and examples around you, the ideals you believe in, and the friends you make.in my time, they spoke of the yale man. i was really never sure what that was. but i do think that im a better man because of yale. all universities, at their best, teach that degrees and honors are far from the full measure of life. nor is that measure taken in wealth or in titles. what matters most are the standards you live by, the consideration you show others, and the way you use the gifts you are given.now you leave yale behind, carrying the written proof of your success here, at a college older than america. when i left here, i didnt have much in the way of a life plan. i knew some people who thought they did. but it turned out that we were all in for ups and downs, most of them unexpected. life takes its own turns, makes its own demands, writes its own story. and along the way, we start to realize we are not the author.we begin to understand that life is ours to live, but not to waste, and that the greatest rewards are found in the mitments we make with our whole hearts -- to the people we love and to the causes that earn our sacrifice.i hope that each of you will know these rewards. i hope you will find them in your own way and your own time.for some, that might mean some time in public service. and if you hear that calling, i hope you answer. each of you has unique gifts and you were given them for a reason. use them and share them. public service is one way -- an honorable way -- to mark your life with meaning.today i visit not only my alma mater, but the city of my birth. my life began just a few blocks from here, but i was raised in west texas. from there, yale always seemed a world away, maybe a part of my future. now its part of my past, and yale for me is a source of great pride.i hope that there will e a time for you to return to yale to say that, and feel as i do today. and i hope you wont wait as long. congratulations and god bless. (applause.)。
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乔治布什每周电台演讲,英语听力【美国总统电台演说】xx-04-29xx-04-30 布什每周电台演讲点击: 5317 【美国总统电台演说】xx-04-29President's Radio Address 此处下载收听THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. Last weekend, the people of Iraq formed a national unity government. This is an important milestone on the road to democracy in Iraq, and it marks the beginning of a new chapter in America's involvement. Last Sunday, I talked to the President, Prime Minister-designate, and Speaker of the new government. And this week, I sent Secretary of State Rice and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld to Baghdad to meet face-to-face with the new Iraqi leadership. We've all been impressed by the Iraqi leaders' mitment to maintain the unity of their country and effectively represent the Iraqi people.The new Iraqi government will face manychallenges. Iraqi leaders agree that the newgovernment must continue to build up theIraqi Security Forces to defeat the terroristsand must establish control over militias. Theyalso agree that the new government mustrebuild critical infrastructure, strengthen theIraqi economy, and ensure that all Iraqisbenefit as their nation grows in security and prosperity.During their meetings in Baghdad, Secretaries Rice and Rumsfeld made clear that Iraq will have the continued support of America and our coalition partners, as we begin the new chapter in our relationship. We will help the new Iraqi government assume growing responsibility for the nation's security. And as Iraqis continue to make progress toward ademocracy that can govern itself, defend itself, and sustain itself, more of our troops can e home with the honor they have earned.The terrorists clearly recognize the threat that the new unity government poses to their dark plans for Iraq and the broader Middle East. This week the terrorist Zarqawi, leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, released a video in which he denounced the new government and promised further acts of terrorist violence. Zarqawi lashed out at what he called "this rotten play of democracy" and declared that Iraq's new government will bee "a poisoned dagger" in the heart of his plans for the Muslim world.On Wednesday, Iraq's leaders united to strongly condemn Zarqawi's statements. One Iraqi official declared that the terrorists and insurgents, quote, "are feeling this might be the last chance they have to survive. They're fighting everyone in Iraq -- every Iraqi. I think that shows how weak they are." End quote. A newly appointed first Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi parliament said that Zarqawi fears the new government will unify Shiites and Sunnis and Kurds. He said, quote, "I believe that Zarqawi was caught off guard by the new government takingshape because it will be a very strong one representing all Iraqis." End quote.The new leaders of Iraq are showing great courage in the face of terrorist threats. In recent weeks, terrorists have assassinated three siblings of top Iraqi politicians -- but the new leaders of Iraq remain determined to lead their nation toward a future of democracy and peace. These brave leaders deserve our continued support -- and I have told them they can count on America to stand with them.The enemy is resorting to desperate acts of violence because they know theestablishment of democracy in Iraq will be a double defeat for them. First, it will deny the terrorists their immediate aim of turning Iraq into what Afghanistan was under theTaliban -- a safe haven where they can plot and plan more attacks against free nations. Second, in the long term, a democratic Iraq will be a major blow to the terrorists' hatefulideology because it will send a powerful message across the region that the future of the Middle East belongs to freedom.There will be more tough fighting ahead in Iraq and more days of sacrifice and struggle. Yet the enemies of freedom have suffered a real blow in recent days, and we have taken great strides on the march to victory. Iraq's leaders now have laid the foundations for a democratic government of, by, and for the Iraqi people. By helping the Iraqi people build their democracy, America will deal the terrorists a crippling blow and establish a beaconof liberty in the Middle East -- and that will make our Nation and the world more secure. Thank you for listening.ENDPresident Bush:Vice President Hu, thank you for your words of wele. I am grateful for your hospitality, and honored by this reception at one of China's great universities.Tsinghua University was founded, with the support of America, to further the ties between our two nations. I know how important this place is to the Vice President, who earned his degree here and even more important, met his gracious wife Liu Yongqing here.I also thank the students here for this opportunity to meet with you, to talk a little bit about my country and answer some of your questions. The standards and reputation of this university are known around the world, and I know what an achievement it is to be here.My wife Laura and I have two daughters in college, one at Yale and the other at the University of Texas. We are proud of our daughters just like I am sure your parents are proud of you.My visit to China es on an important anniversary. Thirty years ago this week, an American President arrived in China on a trip designed to end decades of estrangement and confront centuries of suspicion. President Richard Nixon showed the world that two vastly different governments could meet on thegrounds of mon interest, and in a spirit of mutual respect. As they left the airport that day, Premier Zhou Enlai said to President Nixon, ``Your handshake came over the vastest ocean in the world twenty-five years of no munication.''During the 30 years since, America and China have exchanged many handshakesof friendship and merce. And as we have had more contact with each other, the citizens of our two countries have gradually learned more about each other. Once, America knew China only by its history as a great and enduring civilization. Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family, scholarship, and honor. And we see a China that is being one of the most dynamic and creative societies in the world as demonstrated by all the knowledge and potential right here in this room.China is on a rising path, and America weles the emergence of a strong, peaceful, and prosperous China.As America learns more about China, I am concerned that the Chinese people do not always see a clear picture of my country. This happens for many reasons, some of them of our own making. Our movies andtelevision shows often do not portray the values of the real America I know. Our suessful businesses show the strength of American merce, but the munity spirit and contributions of those businesses are not always as visible as their moary suess. Some of the erroneous pictures of America are painted by others. My friend, the Ambassador to China, tells me that some Chinese textbooks talk of Americans ``bullying the weak and repressing the poor.'' Another Chinese textbook, published just last year, teaches that special agents of the FBI are used to ``repress the working people.'' Neither of these is true and while the books may be leftovers from a previous era, they are misleading and harmful. In fact, Americans feel a special responsibility for the poor and the weak. Our government spends billions of dollars to provide health care and food andhousing for those who cannot help themselves and even more important, many of our citizens contribute their own money andtime to help those in need. American passion stretches way beyond our borders. We are the number one provider of humanitarian aid to people in need throughout the world. As for the men and women of our FBI and law enforcement, they are themselves working people who devote their lives to fighting crime and corruption.My country certainly has its share of problems and faults; like most nations we're on a long journey toward achieving our own ideals of equality and justice. Yet there is a reason our nation shines as a beacon of hope and opportunity, a reason many throughout the world dream of ing to America.乔治布什9.11演讲“晚上好,今天,我们的同胞、我们的生活及我们珍视的自由受到了 __分子的蓄意攻击。