美式英语英式英语常用单词对照表美式英语英式英语常用单词对照表British English英式英语American English美式英语a bit (少量) a littleabout (到处) aroundabroad (在国外) overseasadd sign (加号) addition sign aeroplane(飞机) airplaneaim (目标;目的) goalall in one go (突然) all at onceall-round (全面的;多方面的)all-around afterwards (后来;然后) afterwardair hostess(空中小姐) airline hostess American Indian(美国印第安人)Native American amongst (在……中间) amongangry(生气的) mad anticlockwise(逆时针的) counterclockwise any more (不再;再也不) anymore anywhere(无论何处) anyplaceapart from (除……之外) besidesbilliard room(台球室) poolroom〔pool hall〕billion(万亿) trillionbin (废纸篓) wastebasketbiscuit(饼干) cookie〔cracker〕blackboard(黑板) chalkboardbook(预订) reservebooking office(售票处) ticket office bookshop(书店) bookstore boots〔wellies〕(雨靴) galoshes bottom drawer (嫁妆) hope chest braces(吊带;背带) suspenders brackets (括号) parentheses break(课间休息;学校假recess期)bricks (积木) blocks bridesmaid(伴娘) maid of honor bum (屁股) fannybyway (小路) back road cab rank(出租车停车处) taxi stand calendar (一览表) cataloguecall box(公用电话亭) phone booth call in to (顺便逛) go〔run〕by camp bed(行军床) cotcamp fire (篝火;营火) campfire candy stick (甘蔗) candy cane carat(克拉,宝石的重量单karat位)caretaker〔porter〕(门janitor房;看门人)carriage(车厢) carcar park(停车场) parking lotcashier(出纳员) tellercontent (目录) cataloguecentral reservation(安全岛)median strip〔divider〕certainly(当然) surechairman (主席;会长;董事长等)presidentcharteredaccountant(注册会计师) certified public accountantchat show(访谈节目) talk show cheap (廉价的) inexpensive cheeky (无耻的) nervy chemist(药剂师) druggistchemist's shop(药店) drugstore 〔pharmacy〕cheque(支票) check Christian name(名字) given name choosy(好挑剔的) picky cinema(电影院) movieclamber (攀登;爬) scramble classified ad(分类广告) want adclimbing-frame(攀缘架) jungle gym clingfilm (保鲜膜) plastic wrap clothes-peg (晾衣用的衣clothespin夹)cock(公鸡) roostercode number (电话区号) area numbercoffin(棺材) casketcomic(漫画书) comic book commercial traveller(旅traveling salesman 行推销员)concertina (手风琴) accordioncooker (炉具) stoveco-operate (合作) cooperateco-ordinate (协调) coordinatecopper〔bobby〕(警察) c opcosy(舒适的) cozycot(婴儿床) cribcounty town(县城) county seatcrisps(炸薯片) chipscross (生气的) angrycrossroad(十字路口) intersection 〔junction 〕 cul-de-sac(死胡同) dead-end cupboard(碗柜) closetcurrent account(活期存款账户)checking accountcurriculum vitae 〔c.v.〕(简历;履历) resumecurtains(窗帘) drapes cutting(剪报) clipping expensive (昂贵的) deardeposit account(储蓄存款账户)savings account despatch (派遣;发送) dispatch dialling code(区号) area code dialling tone(拨号音) dial tone dinner jacket(小礼服) tuxedo disc(圆盘;唱片) disk dish(碟) platedishonour (丢脸;不光彩) disgrace distancelearning course (函授课程)correspondencecoursediversion(绕路) detour division(区) district drainpipe (排水管) downspout draper's shop(纺织品店) dry-goods storedrapery(纺织品) dry goods draught (散装啤酒) draft draughts (国际跳棋) checkers drawing pin (图钉) pushpin driving-licence(驾驶执照)driver's license dual carriageway(双行道) divided highwaydustbin 〔rubbish bin 〕(垃圾箱)garbagecan〔ashcan,trash can 〕dust cart(垃圾车) garbage truck dustman(清洁工) garbage collector〔sanitation worker 〕dyke (排水沟) dike dynamo (发电机) generator ear ache (耳痛) earache earth wire(地线)ground wireelastic band(松紧带;橡rubber band皮筋)engine(发动机) motorescalator(电梯) moving staircase 〔moving stairway〕estate agent(房地产经纪人)realtorestate car(旅行轿车) station wagon everywhere(到处) everyplace exclamation mark(感叹号)exclamation point exhaust pipe(排气管) tailpipeexhaust silencer (消音器)mufflerexpress deliverypost(特快专递)special delivery mail ex-serviceman(退伍老兵)veteranextra time (加班时间) overtimefacecloth〔face-flannel〕(洗脸毛巾)washclothfall ill (生病) get sickfall over (跌倒) fall downFather Christmas(圣诞Santa Claus老人)fete (汇演;庆祝活动) festivalfilm(电影) moviefilm star(电影明星) movie starfind (发现) discoverfire brigade(消防队) fire department firework(烟火) firecrackerfirstly (首先) firstfirst floor(第二层) second floor fishmonger's(鱼店) fish store flashlight (摄影闪光灯) flashbulbflask(暖瓶) thermosflat(公寓) apartmentflat battery (废电池) dead batteryflat-out(以最高速) all-outflex(电线) electric wireflick knife(弹簧刀) switchblade knife flick through (浏览;快速leaf through翻动)flight ticket (飞机票) plane ticket flipper(鳍) finflyover(立交桥) overpassfog lamp (汽车的雾灯) fog lightfootball(足球) soccerfootpath〔pavement〕(人sidewalk行道)forename(名) given namefor ever (永远) foreverfork-lift (铲车;叉车) forkliftFrench window(落地长French doors窗)fridge(电冰箱) refrigerator〔icebox〕fridge-freezer(电冰箱) refrigerator-freezer friendly society(互助会) fraternal society fringe(刘海) bangsfrontier (边境;边界) borderfruit machine(吃角子老slot machine虎)full stop(句号) periodfuneral parlour(殡仪馆) funeral homefun fair(游乐园) amusement park funnel(烟窗) smokestackfurther education(成人adult education教育)gangway (过道;狭长通道)aislegaol(监狱) jailgaolbird(囚犯) jailbird gaoler(监狱看守) jailergarage〔petrol〕station(加油站)gas station garden party(游园会) lawn party gearbox(变速箱) transmission gearing(传动装置) leverage gear lever (变速杆) gear lift gents〔gent's〕(男厕) men's roomget on with someone(相处融洽) get along with someoneget the sack (被解雇) be dismissed〔fired〕girl guide(女童军) girl scoutglasses(眼镜) eyeglasses glowworm(萤火虫) lightning buggoods lift(公务电梯) freight elevator goods train(货运车) freight traingoose pimples(鸡皮疙goose bumps瘩)go-slow(减速) slowdown graduate(大学毕业生) alumnus gramophone(留声机) phonograph greaseproof paper(蜡wax paper纸)grey(灰色的) graygrocer's(杂货店) grocery store ground floor(第一层) first floor groundnut(花生) peanut conductor(售票员) guardguildhall(市政厅) city hall gumboots(橡胶高筒靴) rubbersgundog(猎犬) bird doggym shoe(运动鞋) sneakerhand lens (放大镜) magnifying glass hairdresser (理发师) hair stylisthalf-time (中场休息) halftimehalf-way (中途;半路上) halfwayhallo〔hullo〕(喂;嘿;哎) h ellohall of residence(学校公dormitory寓)handbag(手提包) purse〔pocketbook〕hang about (无聊地空等) w ait aroundhave a go (尝试) take a turn〔give something a try〕have a lie-in (睡懒觉) sleep inhave an early night (早早就寝)go to bed early headlamp (车前灯) headlighthigh street(大街;主要街道)main street hire car (租用汽车) rental car homelike(亲切的) homeyholiday(假期) vacation holidaymaker(度假者) vacationer homework(家庭作业) assignment homosexual (同性恋者) faghood (车顶;引擎罩) roofhooter (汽笛) horn〔siren〕hotchpotch (大杂烩) hodgepodge ice lolly(冰棍) popsicleill〔unwell〕(有病的) sickindustrial estate(工业区) i ndustrial parkinfrared (红外线的) infra-redin future (今后;从今以后) i n the future inland revenue(国内税internal revenue 收)inquiry agent(私人侦探) private detective interval(幕间休息;时间间intermission 隔)inverted commas(引号) quotation marks invigilate(监考) proctorjam(果酱) jellyjersey〔jumper〕(运动衫) s weaterjoint-stock company(股stock company 份公司)journalist(新闻记者) newsmanjug(大水罐) pitcherjump a red light (闯红灯) r un a red light jump the queue (插队) cut in line junction(十字路口) intersection keen (渴望的) avid〔eager〕kerb(路边石) curbkennel (狗窝) doghousekiosk(报刊亭) newsstandkitchen paper (纸巾) paper towel knockout (淘汰赛) practice session label (标签) taglace (鞋带) shoelaceladies(女厕) ladies' roomlast but one(倒数第二) next to last lastly (最后) lastleader〔leading〕article(社论)editorialleft-luggage office(行李房) baggage room〔check room〕leisure centre (体育活动中心)sports complex leisure park (游乐场) amusement park let(出租;租赁) lease〔rent〕letter box(信箱) mail slotlife belt(安全带) life preserverlife saver(救生员) lifeguardlift(电梯) elevatorlightning lightning rodconductor(避雷针)limited liabilitycompany(有限责任corporation公司)litterbin(废物箱) litterbaglittle finger(小指) pinkielodging house(公rooming house 寓)loft (阁楼) atticlodging (寄住宿舍) rented room lollipop(棒棒糖) lolly〔sucker〕longsighted(远视farsighted的)loo(厕所) johnlook after (照料;照take care of 顾)look in on (顺便拜drop by访)look-out (岗哨) lookoutlook over (检查;查look at看)lorry(载重卡车) trucklost property office (失物招领处) lost and founddepartment lots of (许多) a lot oflounge suit(西装) business suit luggage(行李) baggage luggage van(行李车)baggage carmackintosh 〔mac 〕(雨衣) raincoatmad(疯狂的) crazy main road(公路;干线)highway maize(玉米) (Indian) corn make-up (化妆;补考)makeup marching orders(逐客令;免职通知) walking papers mark (防守;盯住) guard mark (分数)pointmarriage lines(结婚证书)marriage certificatemarrow (西葫芦)squashmash(土豆泥) mashed potatoes match(比赛) gamemaths(数学) mathmatron (护士长) senior nursemean(卑鄙的) stingymeat pie(肉馅饼) potpiemegaphone(扩音器) b ullhornmend (修理) fixmiaow(猫叫) meowmilliard(十亿) billionmind (密切注意;戒备)watch〔watch out for〕miss a go (错过一次机会)lose〔miss〕a turn miss out (忽略;不包括)leave outmonkey nut (花生) peanutmotion-picture(电影)moviemotorcar(汽车) automobile〔auto〕motorway(高速公路) thruway 〔expressway,freeway,superhighway〕moustache (八字胡) mustache mouth organ(口琴) harmonica mudguard(挡泥板) fendermusical box (八音music box盒)multiple shop(连锁chain store 店)mum(妈妈) mom〔ma〕nail varnish(指甲油) n ail polish napkin〔nappy〕(尿diaper布)nasty(下流的;肮脏mean的)national service (兵military service 役)near by (在附近) nearbynewsagentnewsstand 〔bookstall〕(书摊)news cutting (新闻news clipping 剪辑)nib(笔尖) pen pointnightdressnightgown 〔nightie〕(女睡衣)non-stop (直达的) nonstop normal (普通的;正常standard的)note(账单;票据) billnote pad(便签簿) scratchpad notice board(布告bulletin board 牌)nought(零) zero nowadays〔thesetodaydays〕(现在)nowhere(无处) noplace number plate(车号license plate 牌)nursing home(疗养private hospital 院)office block (办公大office building 楼)off-license(白酒店) liquor store outdoor toilet(户外outhouse厕所)outhouse(外屋,指车库、谷仓等)outbuilding overtake(超车) passpacket(小包;盒子) packpale ale(浅色汽水) light ale pancake-roll(蛋卷) egg rollpanda car(巡逻警车)paddy wagon pants(短裤) shortspaper carrier (纸袋) paper bag paper handkerchief(纸巾)tissueparcel(包裹) package passage〔passageway〕(通道)hall〔hallway〕past (过……) afterpay packet(工资袋) paycheck〔pay envelope〕pedestriancrossing(人行横道)crosswalk pedlar(流动小贩) peddlerpen-friend(笔友) pen palpeep(窥视;偷看) peekpenknife (小折刀) pocketknifeper cent (百分比) percentpetrol(汽油) gas〔gasoline〕petrol station(加油站) gas〔filling,service〕stationpickaxe(镐) pickpictures(电影) moviespig(猪) hogplait(辫子) braidplaysuit(运动装) jump suitplough(犁) plowpost(邮递;邮件) mailpostal code〔postcode〕(邮政编码)zip codepostal van(邮车) mail carpostbox(邮箱) mailboxpostgraduate(研究生)graduatepostman(邮递员) mailman〔mail carrier〕potato crisps(土豆片)potato chips power point (电源插座)outlet〔socket〕power station(电厂;发电站)power plant prefect(班长) monitor presenter (主持人) hostpresently(不久) soonprimary school(小学)grade school pub(酒馆) barpublic convenience(公共厕所) public toilet〔comfort station〕public school(公立学校)private school purse〔wallet〕(钱夹)billfoldput through (接通电话)connect pyjamas(睡衣) pajamasquay (码头) dockqueue(行;列;排) linequite〔rather,very〕pretty(很;相当;非常)racecourse(赛马场) racetrackrailway(铁道) railroadrailway engine(火车locomotive头)railway station(火车train station站)rapids(急流) white waterrear〔bring up〕(养raise育)rear-view mirror (后rearview mirror视镜)reckon (假定;认为) figurerecord player(电唱phonograph机)recreationplayground ground(操场)redcap(宪兵) military policemanrestaurant car(餐车) d ining car〔diner〕return trip(来回程) round trip reversing light (倒车灯)back-up light revise (复习) reviewring off (挂断电话) hang upring road(环行路) beltway rocking chair(摇椅) rockerroundabout (旋转木马) merry-go-round 〔carousel〕rubber(橡皮) eraserrubbish(垃圾) trashrucksack (背包) backpackrugby(橄榄球) footballrun riot (撒野;闹事) run wildsack(解雇) firesafety belt (安全带) seat beltsaloon(轿车) sedan salutation(致意) greetingsarnie(三明治) sandwichsea (海洋) oceanseason ticket(月票) commuter ticket season-ticket commuterholder(上班族)secondary〔middle〕high schoolschool(中学)seesaw(秋千) teeter-totterset square (三角板) triangleshareholder(股民) stockholdershare out (分发) distributeshares(股份) stockshivery (颤抖的) shiveringshoelace(鞋带) shoestringshop(商店) storeshop assistant(店salesclerk〔store clerk〕员)shopkeeper(店主) storekeepershopping centre(大shopping mall型购物中心)shopwalker(商店巡floor walker视员)shortsighted(近视nearsighted的)sick(恶心的) nauseoussingle ticket(单程one-way ticket票)singlet(汗衫) undershirt sitting room(起居front room 室)skipping rope(跳绳) jump rope sledge(雪橇) sledsleeper(枕木) railroad tie smack (掌击;掴) slapsmart (穿着讲究的) well-dressed somewhere(某处) someplace sort (种类) kind speciality (专业;特specialty 长)staff (大学的全体教faculty员)standard lamp(落地floor lamp 灯)stave (五线谱) staffstorey (楼层) story streetlight(街灯) streetlamp subeditor(助理编辑;copy editor 文字编辑)subway(地下道) underpasssum (算术题) math problem supply teacher(代课老师)substitute teacher sweet(糖果) dessert sweetshop(糖果烟杂店)candy storeswop (交换) swaptake up (吸收) absorbtap(龙头) faucettax-free(免税的) tax-exempttea-towel(擦碟干布) dishtoweltell off (责骂) scoldtelly(电视) television〔television set,TV〕term (学期) semester tidy (整齐的) neat tights(女用连裤袜) pantyhose timber(木料) lumber timetable(时间表) schedule tin(罐头) cantitbit (趣闻;轶闻) tidbittoffee 〔toffy 〕(太妃糖)taffy toll road(收费公路) turnpike torch(手电筒)flashlight town hall(市政厅)city hall trade union(工会) labor union traffic island(交通岛) safety island traffic light(红绿灯) stoplight tram 〔tramcar 〕(有轨电车)streetcar 〔trolley 〕 trousers(裤子;长裤) pants 〔slacks 〕 truncheon (警棍) nightsticktrunk call(长途电话) long-distance telephone calltube(地铁)subway tyre(轮胎) tireunderground(地铁) subway underpants(内衣裤) shorts upside-down (上下颠倒的) upside down veranda(阳台;走廊) porchvest(背心;马甲) undershirt wages clerk (在职职payroll clerk员)waggle (来回摇动) wigglewander about (闲wander around 逛;游荡)warder (监狱看守) guard washbasin(脸盆) sinkwashing line (晾衣clothesline绳)washing powderlaundry detergent (洗衣粉)way in (入口) entranceway out (出口) exitwee (撒尿) peewhore(娼妓) hookerwild flower (野花) wildflower windscreen(风挡;挡windshield风玻璃)window sill (窗台) windowsillwing (挡泥板) fenderwireless(无线电;收radio音机)witness-box(证人witness stand席)work outsomething (计算;算figure something out 出)works(工厂) factory〔plant〕yoghurt (酸奶) yogurtzebra crossing (人crosswalk行道)zip(拉锁;拉链) zipperzoo-keeper (动物管zookeeper理员)。
ground floor
nursing home
[ˈnɜ:sɪŋ həum]
private hospital
[ˈpraɪvɪt ˈhɑspɪtl]
[of ˈlaɪsns]
iquor store
[ˈlɪkɚ stɔr]
drawing pin
[ˈdrɔ:ɪŋ pin]
dual carriageway
[‘dju:əl ˈkærɪdʒweɪ]
divided highway
[dɪˈvaɪdɪd ˈhaɪˌwe]
[bæŋk nəut]
Fall [fɔl]
Bank note
[bæŋk nəut]
1、I'd like to hang thedrapestonight. Do you have time
2、We took theelevatorto the 10th floor.
3、Would you like to see amovietonight
4、Have you seen Tim's newapartmentyet It's very nice.
reverse charges
call collect
road surface
[roʊd ˈsə:fis]
traffic circle
[ˈtræfɪk ˈsɚkəl]
美式英语英式英语常用单词对照表British English英式英语American English美式英语a bit (少量) a littleabout (到处) aroundabroad (在国外) overseasadd sign (加号) addition signaeroplane(飞机) airplaneaim (目标;目的) goalall in one go (突然) all at onceall-round (全面的;多方面的) all-aroundafterwards (后来;然后) afterwardair hostess(空中小姐) airline hostessAmerican Indian(美国印第安人) Native Americanamongst (在……中间) amongangry(生气的) madanticlockwise(逆时针的) counterclockwiseany more (不再;再也不) anymoreanywhere(无论何处) anyplaceapart from (除……之外) besidesapartment house(公寓大楼) apartment buildingat university (在大学学习) in college〔school〕autumn(秋天) fallaxe(斧头) axbackwards (向后) backwardbackwards and forwards (来回地) back and forthbad-tempered (脾气暴躁的) grumpybandage(绷带) gauzebank note(钞票) billbarber's shop(理发店) barbershopbarman(酒吧招待) bartenderbeauty parlour(美容院) beauty shop〔beauty salon〕beckon (示意) signalbe made up of (由……组成) be made ofbank note (纸币) billbill (账单) checkbilliard room(台球室) poolroom〔pool hall〕billion(万亿) trillionbin (废纸篓) wastebasketbiscuit(饼干) cookie〔cracker〕blackboard(黑板) chalkboardbook(预订) reservebooking office(售票处) ticket officebookshop(书店) bookstoreboots〔wellies〕(雨靴) galoshesbottom drawer (嫁妆) hope chestbraces(吊带;背带) suspendersbrackets (括号) parenthesesbreak(课间休息;学校假期) recessbricks (积木) blocksbridesmaid(伴娘) maid of honorbum (屁股) fannybyway (小路) back roadcab rank(出租车停车处) taxi standcalendar (一览表) cataloguecall box(公用电话亭) phone boothcall in to (顺便逛) go〔run〕bycamp bed(行军床) cotcamp fire (篝火;营火) campfirecandy stick (甘蔗) candy canecarat(克拉,宝石的重量单位) karatcaretaker〔porter〕(门房;看门人) janitorcarriage(车厢) carcar park(停车场) parking lotcashier(出纳员) tellercontent (目录) cataloguecentral reservation(安全岛) median strip〔divider〕certainly(当然) surechairman (主席;会长;董事长等) presidentchartered accountant(注册会计师) certified public accountant chat show(访谈节目) talk showcheap (廉价的) inexpensivecheeky (无耻的) nervychemist(药剂师) druggistchemist's shop(药店) drugstore〔pharmacy〕cheque(支票) checkChristian name(名字) given namechoosy(好挑剔的) pickycinema(电影院) movieclamber (攀登;爬) scrambleclassified ad(分类广告) want adclimbing-frame(攀缘架) jungle gymclingfilm (保鲜膜) plastic wrapclothes-peg (晾衣用的衣夹) clothespincock(公鸡) roostercode number (电话区号) area numbercoffin(棺材) casketcomic(漫画书) comic bookcommercial traveller(旅行推销员) traveling salesmanconcertina (手风琴) accordioncooker (炉具) stoveco-operate (合作) cooperateco-ordinate (协调) coordinatecopper〔bobby〕(警察) copcosy(舒适的) cozycot(婴儿床) cribcounty town(县城) county seatcrisps(炸薯片) chipscross (生气的) angrycrossroad(十字路口) intersection〔junction〕cul-de-sac(死胡同) dead-endcupboard(碗柜) closetcurrent account(活期存款账户) checking accountcurriculum vitae〔c.v.〕(简历;履历) resumecurtains(窗帘) drapescutting(剪报) clippingexpensive (昂贵的) deardeposit account(储蓄存款账户) savings accountdespatch (派遣;发送) dispatchdialling code(区号) area codedialling tone(拨号音) dial tonedinner jacket(小礼服) tuxedodisc(圆盘;唱片) diskdish(碟) platedishonour (丢脸;不光彩) disgracedistance learning course (函授课程) correspondence coursediversion(绕路) detourdivision(区) districtdrainpipe (排水管) downspoutdraper's shop(纺织品店) dry-goods storedrapery(纺织品) dry goodsdraught (散装啤酒) draftdraughts (国际跳棋) checkersdrawing pin (图钉) pushpindriving-licence(驾驶执照) driver's licensedual carriageway(双行道) divided highwaydustbin〔rubbish bin〕(垃圾箱) garbage can〔ashcan,trash can〕dust cart(垃圾车) garbage truckdustman(清洁工) garbage collector〔sanitation worker〕dyke (排水沟) dikedynamo (发电机) generatorear ache (耳痛) earacheearth wire(地线) ground wireelastic band(松紧带;橡皮筋) rubber bandengine(发动机) motorescalator(电梯) moving staircase〔moving stairway〕estate agent(房地产经纪人) realtorestate car(旅行轿车) station wagoneverywhere(到处) everyplaceexclamation mark(感叹号) exclamation pointexhaust pipe(排气管) tailpipeexhaust silencer (消音器) mufflerexpress delivery post(特快专递) special delivery mailex-serviceman(退伍老兵) veteranextra time (加班时间) overtimefacecloth〔face-flannel〕(洗脸毛巾) washclothfall ill (生病) get sickfall over (跌倒) fall downFather Christmas(圣诞老人) Santa Clausfete (汇演;庆祝活动) festivalfilm(电影) moviefilm star(电影明星) movie starfind (发现) discoverfire brigade(消防队) fire departmentfirework(烟火) firecrackerfirstly (首先) firstfirst floor(第二层) second floorfishmonger's(鱼店) fish storeflashlight (摄影闪光灯) flashbulbflask(暖瓶) thermosflat(公寓) apartmentflat battery (废电池) dead batteryflat-out(以最高速) all-outflex(电线) electric wireflick knife(弹簧刀) switchblade knifeflick through (浏览;快速翻动) leaf throughflight ticket (飞机票) plane ticketflipper(鳍) finflyover(立交桥) overpassfog lamp (汽车的雾灯) fog lightfootball(足球) soccerfootpath〔pavement〕(人行道) sidewalkforename(名) given namefor ever (永远) foreverfork-lift (铲车;叉车) forkliftFrench window(落地长窗) French doorsfridge(电冰箱) refrigerator〔icebox〕fridge-freezer(电冰箱) refrigerator-freezer friendly society(互助会) fraternal societyfringe(刘海) bangsfrontier (边境;边界) borderfruit machine(吃角子老虎) slot machinefull stop(句号) periodfuneral parlour(殡仪馆) funeral homefun fair(游乐园) amusement park funnel(烟窗) smokestackfurther education(成人教育) adult education gangway (过道;狭长通道) aislegaol(监狱) jailgaolbird(囚犯) jailbirdgaoler(监狱看守) jailergarage〔petrol〕station (加油站) gas stationgarden party(游园会) lawn partygearbox(变速箱) transmissiongearing(传动装置) leveragegear lever (变速杆) gear liftgents〔gent's〕(男厕) men's roomget on with someone(相处融洽) get along with someone get the sack (被解雇) be dismissed〔fired〕girl guide(女童军) girl scoutglasses(眼镜) eyeglassesglowworm(萤火虫) lightning buggoods lift(公务电梯) freight elevatorgoods train(货运车) freight traingoose pimples(鸡皮疙瘩) goose bumpsgo-slow(减速) slowdowngraduate(大学毕业生) alumnusgramophone(留声机) phonograph greaseproof paper(蜡纸) wax papergrey(灰色的) graygrocer's(杂货店) grocery storeground floor(第一层) first floorgroundnut(花生) peanutconductor(售票员) guardguildhall(市政厅) city hallgumboots(橡胶高筒靴) rubbersgundog(猎犬) bird doggym shoe(运动鞋) sneakerhand lens (放大镜) magnifying glass hairdresser (理发师) hair stylisthalf-time (中场休息) halftimehalf-way (中途;半路上) halfwayhallo〔hullo〕(喂;嘿;哎) hellohall of residence(学校公寓) dormitoryhandbag(手提包) purse〔pocketbook〕hang about (无聊地空等) wait aroundhave a go (尝试) take a turn〔give something a try〕have a lie-in (睡懒觉) sleep inhave an early night (早早就寝) go to bed earlyheadlamp (车前灯) headlighthigh street(大街;主要街道) main streethire car (租用汽车) rental carhomelike(亲切的) homeyholiday(假期) vacationholidaymaker(度假者) vacationerhomework(家庭作业) assignmenthomosexual (同性恋者) faghood (车顶;引擎罩) roofhooter (汽笛) horn〔siren〕hotchpotch (大杂烩) hodgepodgeice lolly(冰棍) popsicleill〔unwell〕(有病的) sickindustrial estate(工业区) industrial parkinfrared (红外线的) infra-redin future (今后;从今以后) in the futureinland revenue(国内税收) internal revenueinquiry agent(私人侦探) private detectiveinterval(幕间休息;时间间隔) intermissioninverted commas(引号) quotation marksinvigilate(监考) proctorjam(果酱) jellyjersey〔jumper〕(运动衫) sweaterjoint-stock company(股份公司) stock companyjournalist(新闻记者) newsmanjug(大水罐) pitcherjump a red light (闯红灯) run a red lightjump the queue (插队) cut in linejunction(十字路口) intersectionkeen (渴望的) avid〔eager〕kerb(路边石) curbkennel (狗窝) doghousekiosk(报刊亭) newsstandkitchen paper (纸巾) paper towelknockout (淘汰赛) practice sessionlabel (标签) taglace (鞋带) shoelaceladies(女厕) ladies' roomlast but one(倒数第二) next to lastlastly (最后) lastleader〔leading〕article(社论) editorialleft-luggage office(行李房) baggage room〔check room〕leisure centre (体育活动中心) sports complexleisure park (游乐场) amusement parklet(出租;租赁) lease〔rent〕letter box(信箱) mail slotlife belt(安全带) life preserverlife saver(救生员) lifeguardlift(电梯) elevatorlightning conductor(避雷针) lightning rodlimited liability company(有限责任公司) corporationlitterbin(废物箱) litterbaglittle finger(小指) pinkielodging house(公寓) rooming houseloft (阁楼) atticlodging (寄住宿舍) rented roomlollipop(棒棒糖) lolly〔sucker〕longsighted(远视的) farsightedloo(厕所) johnlook after (照料;照顾) take care oflook in on (顺便拜访) drop bylook-out (岗哨) lookoutlook over (检查;查看) look atlorry(载重卡车) trucklost property office (失物招领处) lost and found departmentlots of (许多) a lot oflounge suit(西装) business suitluggage(行李) baggageluggage van(行李车) baggage carmackintosh〔mac〕(雨衣) raincoatmad(疯狂的) crazymain road(公路;干线) highwaymaize(玉米) (Indian) cornmake-up (化妆;补考) makeupmarching orders(逐客令;免职通知) walking papersmark (防守;盯住) guardmark (分数) pointmarriage lines(结婚证书) marriage certificatemarrow (西葫芦) squashmash(土豆泥) mashed potatoesmatch(比赛) gamemaths(数学) mathmatron (护士长) senior nursemean(卑鄙的) stingymeat pie(肉馅饼) potpiemegaphone(扩音器) bullhornmend (修理) fixmiaow(猫叫) meowmilliard(十亿) billionmind (密切注意;戒备) watch〔watch out for〕miss a go (错过一次机会) lose〔miss〕a turnmiss out (忽略;不包括) leave outmonkey nut (花生) peanutmotion-picture(电影) moviemotorcar(汽车) automobile〔auto〕motorway(高速公路) thruway〔expressway,freeway,superhighway〕moustache (八字胡) mustachemouth organ(口琴) harmonicamudguard(挡泥板) fendermusical box (八音盒) music boxmultiple shop(连锁店) chain storemum(妈妈) mom〔ma〕nail varnish(指甲油) nail polishnapkin〔nappy〕(尿布) diapernasty(下流的;肮脏的) meannational service (兵役) military servicenear by (在附近) nearbynewsagent〔bookstall〕(书摊) newsstandnews cutting (新闻剪辑) news clippingnib(笔尖) pen pointnightdress〔nightie〕(女睡衣) nightgownnon-stop (直达的) nonstopnormal (普通的;正常的) standardnote(账单;票据) billnote pad(便签簿) scratchpadnotice board(布告牌) bulletin boardnought(零) zeronowadays〔these days〕(现在) todaynowhere(无处) noplacenumber plate(车号牌) license platenursing home(疗养院) private hospitaloffice block (办公大楼) office buildingoff-license(白酒店) liquor storeoutdoor toilet(户外厕所) outhouseouthouse(外屋,指车库、谷仓等) outbuildingovertake(超车) passpacket(小包;盒子) packpale ale(浅色汽水) light alepancake-roll(蛋卷) egg rollpanda car(巡逻警车) paddy wagonpants(短裤) shortspaper carrier (纸袋) paper bagpaper handkerchief (纸巾) tissueparcel(包裹) packagepassage〔passageway〕(通道) hall〔hallway〕past (过……) afterpay packet(工资袋) paycheck〔pay envelope〕pedestrian crossing(人行横道) crosswalkpedlar(流动小贩) peddlerpen-friend(笔友) pen palpeep(窥视;偷看) peekpenknife (小折刀) pocketknifeper cent (百分比) percentpetrol(汽油) gas〔gasoline〕petrol station(加油站) gas〔filling,service〕station pickaxe(镐) pickpictures(电影) moviespig(猪) hogplait(辫子) braidplaysuit(运动装) jump suitplough(犁) plowpost(邮递;邮件) mailpostal code〔postcode〕(邮政编码) zip codepostal van(邮车) mail carpostbox(邮箱) mailboxpostgraduate(研究生) graduatepostman(邮递员) mailman〔mail carrier〕potato crisps(土豆片) potato chipspower point (电源插座) outlet〔socket〕power station(电厂;发电站) power plantprefect(班长) monitorpresenter (主持人) hostpresently(不久) soonprimary school(小学) grade schoolpub(酒馆) barpublic convenience(公共厕所) public toilet〔comfort station〕public school(公立学校) private schoolpurse〔wallet〕(钱夹) billfoldput through (接通电话) connectpyjamas(睡衣) pajamasquay (码头) dockqueue(行;列;排) linequite〔rather,very〕(很;相当;非常) prettyracecourse(赛马场) racetrackrailway(铁道) railroadrailway engine(火车头) locomotiverailway station(火车站) train stationrapids(急流) white waterrear〔bring up〕(养育) raiserear-view mirror (后视镜) rearview mirrorreckon (假定;认为) figurerecord player(电唱机) phonographrecreation ground(操场) playgroundredcap(宪兵) military policeman restaurant car(餐车) dining car〔diner〕return trip(来回程) round tripreversing light (倒车灯) back-up lightrevise (复习) reviewring off (挂断电话) hang upring road(环行路) beltwayrocking chair(摇椅) rockerroundabout (旋转木马) merry-go-round〔carousel〕rubber(橡皮) eraserrubbish(垃圾) trashrucksack (背包) backpackrugby(橄榄球) footballrun riot (撒野;闹事) run wildsack(解雇) firesafety belt (安全带) seat beltsaloon(轿车) sedansalutation(致意) greetingsarnie(三明治) sandwichsea (海洋) oceanseason ticket(月票) commuter ticketseason-ticket holder(上班族) commutersecondary〔middle〕school(中学) high schoolseesaw(秋千) teeter-totterset square (三角板) triangleshareholder(股民) stockholdershare out (分发) distributeshares(股份) stockshivery (颤抖的) shiveringshoelace(鞋带) shoestringshop(商店) storeshop assistant(店员) salesclerk〔store clerk〕shopkeeper(店主) storekeepershopping centre(大型购物中心) shopping mallshopwalker(商店巡视员) floor walkershortsighted(近视的) nearsightedsick(恶心的) nauseoussingle ticket(单程票) one-way ticketsinglet(汗衫) undershirtsitting room(起居室) front roomskipping rope(跳绳) jump ropesledge(雪橇) sledsleeper(枕木) railroad tiesmack (掌击;掴) slapsmart (穿着讲究的) well-dressedsomewhere(某处) someplacesort (种类) kindspeciality (专业;特长) specialtystaff (大学的全体教员) facultystandard lamp(落地灯) floor lampstave (五线谱) staffstorey (楼层) storystreetlight(街灯) streetlampsubeditor(助理编辑;文字编辑) copy editorsubway(地下道) underpasssum (算术题) math problemsupply teacher(代课老师) substitute teachersweet(糖果) dessertsweetshop(糖果烟杂店) candy storeswop (交换) swaptake up (吸收) absorbtap(龙头) faucettax-free(免税的) tax-exempttea-towel(擦碟干布) dishtoweltell off (责骂) scoldtelly(电视) television〔television set,TV〕term (学期) semestertidy (整齐的) neattights(女用连裤袜) pantyhosetimber(木料) lumbertimetable(时间表) scheduletin(罐头) cantitbit (趣闻;轶闻) tidbittoffee〔toffy〕(太妃糖) taffytoll road(收费公路) turnpiketorch(手电筒) flashlighttown hall(市政厅) city halltrade union(工会) labor uniontraffic island(交通岛) safety islandtraffic light(红绿灯) stoplighttram〔tramcar〕(有轨电车) streetcar〔trolley〕trousers(裤子;长裤) pants〔slacks〕truncheon (警棍) nightsticktrunk call(长途电话) long-distance telephone call tube(地铁) subwaytyre(轮胎) tireunderground(地铁) subwayunderpants(内衣裤) shortsupside-down (上下颠倒的) upside downveranda(阳台;走廊) porchvest(背心;马甲) undershirtwages clerk (在职职员) payroll clerkwaggle (来回摇动) wigglewander about (闲逛;游荡) wander aroundwarder (监狱看守) guardwashbasin(脸盆) sinkwashing line (晾衣绳) clotheslinewashing powder (洗衣粉) laundry detergentway in (入口) entranceway out (出口) exitwee (撒尿) peewhore(娼妓) hookerwild flower (野花) wildflowerwindscreen(风挡;挡风玻璃) windshieldwindow sill (窗台) windowsillwing (挡泥板) fenderwireless(无线电;收音机) radiowitness-box(证人席) witness standwork out something (计算;算出) figure something outworks(工厂) factory〔plant〕yoghurt (酸奶) yogurtzebra crossing (人行道) crosswalkzip(拉锁;拉链) zipperzoo-keeper (动物管理员) zookeeper。
英国英语美国英语中文意思anyhow anyway 总之,无论如何at weekend on weekend 在周末autumn fall 秋天banknote bill 钞票bill poster 海报biscuit cookie, cracker 饼干bookshop bookstore 书店centre center 中心chemist pharmacist 药剂师cheque check 支票chips French fries 炸薯条cigarette cigaret 香烟cinema movies 电影院colour color 颜色cottage cabin 小屋dialogue dialog 对话everywhere everyplace 到处Father Christmas Santa Claus 圣诞老人film movie 电影first floor second floor 二楼football soccer 足球grey gray 灰色的ground floor first floor 一楼guard conductor 列车员handbag purse 手提包honour honor 荣誉letterbox mailbox 邮箱lorry truck 卡车neighbour neighbor 邻居penfriend pan pal 笔友programme program 节目、程序railway railroad 铁路refrigerator icebox 冰箱rubber eraser 橡皮rubbish garbage 垃圾seaside beach 海滨second floor third floor 三楼shop store 商店single-way ticket one-way ticket 单程票sitting room living room 起居室stone rock 石头sweets candy 糖果telephone box telephone booth 电话亭term semester 学期term year school year 学年tyre tire 轮胎。
英美式英语单词对照表看完上面的单词对照表,我们来个小测试吧:American to British English QuizReplace the American English word in italics with a British English word。
1、I'd like to hang the drapes tonight。
Do you have time?2、We took the elevator to the 10th floor.3、Would you like to see a movie tonight?4、Have you seen Tim's new apartment yet?It’s very nice。
5、Run down to the drug store and buy some aspirin please.6、Let's go to the bar and get a drink。
7、I'll take the garbage out before I leave tomorrow morning.8、Take the second exit at the traffic circle。
9、Let’s get have some potato chips with lunch。
10、Could you hand me the flashlight so I can take a look in the closet? British to American English QuizReplace the British word in italics with an American English word。
1、We need to find a public toilet soon。
2、Let's get the pram and take a walk with Jennifer。
英国英语与美国英语的词汇差异(在线收听)1 公寓apartment flat洗洗手间间bathroom/restroom toilet罐头can tin糖果candysweets洋芋片chips crisps饼干cookie biscuit玉米corn maize对方付费电话collect call reverse charge call婴儿床crib cot尿布diaper nappy电梯elevator lift橡皮擦eraser rubber一楼first floor ground floor手电筒flashlight torch薯条french fries chips垃圾桶garbage can dustbin汽油gas, gasoline petrol果酱jelly jam汽车的引擎盖hood bonnet生气mad angry数学math maths餐巾、擦嘴巾napkin serviette丝袜panty-hose, pantihose tights薯片potatochips crisp手提包purse/pocketbook handbag足球soccer football来回票roundtrip return人行道sidewalk pavement炉子stove cooker毛衣sweater jersey, jumper卡车truck lorry汽车后面的行李箱trunk boot假期vacationholiday考古学archeology archaeology目录catalogcatalog ue文明civilization civilisation颜色color colour马路牙子curb kerb抵抗defense defence草稿draft draught最爱favorite favourite荣誉honor honour珠宝jewelry jewllery组织organization organisation练习practice practise轮胎tire tyre英国英语和美国英语在词汇上的差异美国英语是在英国对北美进行殖民开拓的过程中逐渐形成的一种区域性的英语变体 ,英国英语和美国英语在词汇上的差异主要有以下的方面:1.1.同一事物使用不同的单词来表示英国英语和美国英语所使用的词汇的意义大多数是一致的,但也有一些词汇在词义存在着较大的区别。
a little a bit (少量)around about (到处)overseas abroad (在国外)addition sign add sign (加号)airplane aeroplane(飞机)goal aim (目标;目的)all at once all in one go (突然)all-around all-round (全面的;多方面的) afterward afterwards (后来;然后)airline hostess air hostess(空中小姐)Native American American Indian(美国印第安人) among amongst (在……中间)mad angry(生气的) counterclockwise anticlockwise(逆时针的) anymore any more (不再;再也不) anyplace anywhere(无论何处)besides apart from (除……之外) apartment building apartment house(公寓大楼)in college〔school〕at university (在大学学习)fall autumn(秋天)ax axe(斧头)backward backwards (向后)back and forth backwards and forwards (来回地) grumpy bad-tempered (脾气暴躁的) gauze bandage(绷带)bill bank note(钞票)barbershop barber's shop(理发店)bartender barman(酒吧招待)beauty shop〔beauty salon〕beauty parlour(美容院)signal beckon (示意)be made of be made up of (由……组成)bill bank note (纸币)check bill (账单)poolroom〔pool hall〕billiard room(台球室)trillion billion(万亿)wastebasket bin (废纸篓)cookie〔cracker〕biscuit(饼干)chalkboard blackboard(黑板)reserve book(预订)ticket office booking office(售票处) bookstore bookshop(书店)galoshes boots〔wellies〕(雨靴)hope chest bottom drawer (嫁妆) suspenders braces(吊带;背带)parentheses brackets (括号)recess break(课间休息;学校假期)blocks bricks (积木)maid of honor bridesmaid(伴娘)fanny bum (屁股)back road byway (小路)taxi stand cab rank(出租车停车处) catalogue calendar (一览表)phone booth call box(公用亭)go〔run〕by call in to (顺便逛)cot camp bed(行军床)campfire camp fire (篝火;营火)candy cane candy stick (甘蔗)karat carat(克拉,宝石的重量单位) janitor caretaker〔porter〕(门房;看门人) car carriage(车厢)parking lot car park(停车场)teller cashier(出纳员)catalogue content (目录)median strip〔divider〕central reservation(安全岛)sure certainly(当然)president chairman (主席;会长;董事长等) certified public accountant chartered accountant(注册会计师) talk show chat show(访谈节目)inexpensive cheap (廉价的)nervy cheeky (无耻的)druggist chemist(药剂师)drugstore〔pharmacy〕chemist's shop(药店)check cheque(支票)given name Christian name(名字)picky choosy(好挑剔的)movie cinema(电影院)scramble clamber (攀登;爬)want ad classified ad(分类广告)jungle gym climbing-frame(攀缘架)plastic wrap clingfilm (保鲜膜)clothespin clothes-peg (晾衣用的衣夹) rooster cock(公鸡)area number code number (区号)casket coffin(棺材)comic book comic(漫画书)traveling salesman commercial traveller(旅行推销员) accordion concertina (手风琴)stove cooker (炉具)cooperate co-operate (合作)coordinate co-ordinate (协调)cop copper〔bobby〕(警察)cozy cosy(舒适的)crib cot(婴儿床)county seat county town(县城)chips crisps(炸薯片)angry cross (生气的)intersection〔junction〕crossroad(十字路口)dead-end cul-de-sac(死胡同)closet cupboard(碗柜)checking account current account(活期存款账户) resume curriculum vitae〔c.v.〕(简历;履历) drapes curtains(窗帘)clipping cutting(剪报)dear expensive (昂贵的)savings account deposit account(储蓄存款账户) dispatch despatch (派遣;发送)area code dialling code(区号)dial tone dialling tone(拨号音)tuxedo dinner jacket(小礼服)disk disc(圆盘;唱片)plate dish(碟)disgrace dishonour (丢脸;不光彩) correspondence course distance learning course (函授课程) detour diversion(绕路)district division(区)downspout drainpipe (排水管)dry-goods store draper's shop(纺织品店)dry goods drapery(纺织品)draft draught (散装啤酒)checkers draughts (国际跳棋)pushpin drawing pin (图钉)driver's license driving-licence(驾驶执照)divided highway dual carriageway(双行道)garbage can〔ashcan,trash can〕dustbin〔rubbish bin〕(垃圾箱) garbage truck dust cart(垃圾车)garbage collector〔sanitation worker〕dustman(清洁工)dike dyke (排水沟)generator dynamo (发电机)earache ear ache (耳痛)ground wire earth wire(地线)rubber band elastic band(松紧带;橡皮筋)motor engine(发动机)moving staircase〔moving stairway〕escalator(电梯)realtor estate agent(房地产经纪人)station wagon estate car(旅行轿车)everyplace everywhere(到处)exclamation point exclamation mark(感叹号)tailpipe exhaust pipe(排气管)muffler exhaust silencer (消音器)special delivery mail express delivery post(特快专递) veteran ex-serviceman(退伍老兵)overtime extra time (加班时间)washcloth facecloth〔face-flannel〕(洗脸毛巾) get sick fall ill (生病)fall down fall over (跌倒)Santa Claus Father Christmas(圣诞老人)festival fete (汇演;庆祝活动)movie film(电影)movie star film star(电影明星)discover find (发现)fire department fire brigade(消防队)firecracker firework(烟火)first firstly (首先)second floor first floor(第二层)fish store fishmonger's(鱼店)flashbulb flashlight (摄影闪光灯)thermos flask(暖瓶)apartment flat(公寓)dead battery flat battery (废电池)all-out flat-out(以最高速)electric wire flex(电线)switchblade knife flick knife(弹簧刀)leaf through flick through (浏览;快速翻动)plane ticket flight ticket (飞机票)fin flipper(鳍)overpass flyover(立交桥)fog light fog lamp (汽车的雾灯)soccer football(足球)sidewalk footpath〔pavement〕(人行道) given name forename(名)forever for ever (永远)forklift fork-lift (铲车;叉车)French doors French window(落地长窗) refrigerator〔icebox〕fridge(电冰箱)refrigerator-freezer fridge-freezer(电冰箱)fraternal society friendly society(互助会)bangs fringe(海)border frontier (边境;边界)slot machine fruit machine(吃角子老虎)period full stop(句号)funeral home funeral parlour(殡仪馆) amusement park fun fair(游乐园)smokestack funnel(烟窗)adult education further education(成人教育)aisle gangway (过道;狭长通道)jail gaol(监狱)jailbird gaolbird(囚犯)jailer gaoler(监狱看守)gas station garage〔petrol〕station (加油站) lawn party garden party(游园会) transmission gearbox(变速箱)leverage gearing(传动装置)gear lift gear lever (变速杆)men's room gents〔gent's〕(男厕)get along with someone get on with someone(相处融洽) be dismissed〔fired〕get the sack (被解雇)girl scout girl guide(女童军)eyeglasses glasses(眼镜)lightning bug glowworm(萤火虫)freight elevator goods lift(公务电梯)freight train goods train(货运车)goose bumps goose pimples(鸡皮疙瘩) slowdown go-slow(减速)alumnus graduate(大学毕业生) phonograph gramophone(留声机)wax paper greaseproof paper(蜡纸)gray grey(灰色的)grocery store grocer's(杂货店)first floor ground floor(第一层)peanut groundnut(花生)guard conductor(售票员)city hall guildhall(市政厅)rubbers gumboots(橡胶高筒靴)bird dog gundog(猎犬)sneaker gym shoe(运动鞋)magnifying glass hand lens (放大镜)hair stylist hairdresser (理发师)halftime half-time (中场休息)halfway half-way (中途;半路上)hello hallo〔hullo〕(喂;嘿;哎)dormitory hall of residence(学校公寓) purse〔pocketbook〕handbag(手提包)wait around hang about (无聊地空等)take a turn〔give something a try〕have a go (尝试)sleep in have a lie-in (睡懒觉)go to bed early have an early night (早早就寝) headlight headlamp (车前灯)main street high street(大街;主要街道) rental car hire car (租用汽车)homey homelike(亲切的)vacation holiday(假期)vacationer holidaymaker(度假者) assignment homework(家庭作业)fag homosexual (同性恋者)roof hood (车顶;引擎罩)horn〔siren〕hooter (汽笛)hodgepodge hotchpotch (大杂烩)popsicle ice lolly(冰棍)sick ill〔unwell〕(有病的) industrial park industrial estate(工业区)infra-red infrared (红外线的)in the future in future (今后;从今以后) internal revenue inland revenue(国税收) private detective inquiry agent(私人侦探) intermission interval(幕间休息;时间间隔) quotation marks inverted commas(引号) proctor invigilate(监考)jelly jam(果酱)sweater jersey〔jumper〕(运动衫) stock company joint-stock company(股份公司) newsman journalist(新闻记者)pitcher jug(大水罐)run a red light jump a red light (闯红灯)cut in line jump the queue (插队) intersection junction(十字路口)avid〔eager〕keen (渴望的)curb kerb(路边石)doghouse kennel (狗窝)newsstand kiosk(报刊亭)paper towel kitchen paper (纸巾)practice session knockout (淘汰赛)tag label (标签)shoelace lace (鞋带)ladies' room ladies(女厕)next to last last but one(倒数第二)last lastly (最后)editorial leader〔leading〕article(社论) baggage room〔check room〕left-luggage office(行房)sports complex leisure centre (体育活动中心) amusement park leisure park (游乐场)lease〔rent〕let(出租;租赁)mail slot letter box(信箱)life preserver life belt(安全带)。
【英式-美式英语单词对照表】下面给大家分享一个超全的英美式单词对照表( A-Z 字母表顺序,吐血整理、史上最全哦!)(r)]药店Chemist's[ ?kem?st 's] Drug store [dr ?ɡ st ?:]薯片Chips [t ??ps] French fries[fr ?nt? fra ?z]电影院The cinema[e ??s?n?m? ] The movies [e ? mu:v ?z ]避孕套Condom[ ?k?nd?m] Rubber [ ?r ?b?]巡逻者Constable[ ?k?nst ?bl] Patrolman[p ??trolm ?n]炉子Cooker[?k?k?(r)] Stove [sto ?v] 麦子Corn [k ?:n] Wheat [wit]小床Cot [k ?t] Crib[kr ?b]棉线Cotton [ ?k?tn] Thread [ θr?d] 失事crash[kr? ?] wreck [r ?k]十字路口crossroads[ ?kr ?sr ??dz] intersection [ ??nt ?r ?sek ?n]窗帘curtains['k ?:tnz] drapes [dreps]跳棋draughts[dr?fts] checkers [ ?t ?ek?rz]图钉drawing pin[ ?dr ?: ?? pin]thumbtack[ ?θ?m?t?k]复式车行道dual carriageway[ ‘dju: ?l ?k?r ?d?we?]divided highway[d ??va?d?d ?ha??we]镇静物dummy [ ?d?mi] pacifier [ ?p?s??fa ??]垃圾箱dust-bin['d ?stb' ?n] trashcan ['tr? ?k?n]清洁工dustman Garbage collector[ ?d?stm?n] [ ?ɡɑ r?bd? k ??l ?kt ?]发电机dynamo generator [ ?da?n?m??] [ ?d??n??ret ?]发动机engine[ ?end??n] motor[ ?mo?t ?(r)]火车司机engine driver[ ?end?in ?draiv?]engineer[ ?end???n?r]电影film movie[f ?lm] [ ?muvi]公寓flat [fl?t] apartment [ ??pɑ :rtm?nt]立交桥flyover[?fla ???v? (r)] overpass [ ?o?v?rp?s]院子garden yard[?gɑ :dn] [j ɑ:rd]男毕业生graduate[ ?gr?d ?u?t] alumnus [ ??l ?mn?s]烧烤grill[gr ?l] boiler [ ?b??l ?]一楼ground floor[ ɡ raund fl ?:] first floor [f ?stfl ?r]橡皮gumshoe rubbers[ ?g?m?u:] ['r ?b?z]运动鞋Gymshoes sneakers[d??m ?u: ] ['sni:k ?z]钱包handbag purse[ ?h?ndb?g] [p ?:rs]广告牌hoarding billboard[ ?h?:d ??] [ ?b?lb ?:rd]假期holiday vacation[?h?l ?de?] [ve ?ke??n]吸尘器hoover[ ?hu:v ?(r)] vacuum cleaner [ ?v?kju ?m ?klin ?]生病的ill[ ?l] sick[s ?k]间隔interval intermission [ ??nt ?vl] [ ??nt ?r ?m??n]毛衣jersey sweater [ ?d??:zi] [ ?sw?t ?]大水罐jug pitcher[d ??g] [ ?p?t ??]电梯lift elevator[l ?ft] [ ??l ??vet ?]货车lorry truck [?l ?ri] [tr ?k]行李,包袱luggage baggage[?l ?g?d?] [ ?b?ɡ?d?]雨衣mackintosh raincoat [ ?m?k?nt ??] [ ?re ?nko?t]疯狂的mad crazy[m?d] [ ?krezi]玉米maize corn [me?z] [k ?:rn]数学maths math [m?θs] [m?θ]吝啬的mean stingy[mi:n] [ ?st ?nd?i]高速公路Motorway freeway[ ?m??t ?we?] [ ?fri ?we]尿布nappy diaper[ ?n?pi] [ ?da?p?r]险恶的nasty vicious[?nɑ :sti] [ ?v???s]任何地方都nowhere noplace不[ ?n??we?(r)] ['no ?ple ?s]私人医院nursing home private hospital[?n?:s ?? h?um] [ ?pra ?v?t ?hɑsp?tl]验光师oculist optometrist[??kj ?l ?st] [ ɑ :p?tɑ:m?tr ?st]酒类商店Off-lisence[of ?la ?sns] iquor store [ ?l ?k? st ?r]煤油paraffin kerosene [ ?p?r ?f ?n] [ ?k?r ??sin]人行道pavement sidewalk [ ?pe?vm?nt] [ ?sa?d?w?k]偷看peep peek [pi:p] [pik]汽油petrol gasoline [ ?petr ?l] [ ?ɡ ??s?lin]邮件Post [p ??st] mail [me?l]邮箱Postbox mailbox [ ?p??stb ?ks] [me?lb ɑ:ks]邮递员postman Mailman [ ?p??stm?n] [ ?melm?n]土豆片potato crisps Potato chips婴儿车pram baby carriage[pr?m] [ ?bebi ?k?r ?d?]酒吧Pub [p?b] bar [b ɑ:r]公共厕所public toilet[?t ?ilit ?t??l?t]rest room [r ?strum]刺孔puncture blow-out[ ?p??kt ??(r)] [blo ?a?t]手推车Push-chiar stroller[p?? t ?e?(r)] [ ?stro ?l ?(r)]排队queue Ine[kju:] [la ?n]铁路railway railroad[ ?re ?lwe?] [ ?re ?lro ?d]铁路车厢railway carriage railway car[ ?reilwei ?k?rid ?] [ ?rel ?we k ɑr]卷棉reel of cotton[ri:l ?v ?k?tn] spool of thread [spul ?vθr?d ]往返车票return[r ??t ?:n] round trip [ra ?nd tr ?p]对方付费reverse charges call collect 涨薪rise raise[ra ?z] [rez]路面road surface pavement [ro ?d ?s?:fis] [ ?pevm?nt]圆环roundabout traffic circle [?ra?nd?ba?t] [ ?tr?f ?k ?s?k?l]橡皮擦rubber eraser [ ?r ?b?(r)] [ ??re ?s?r]垃圾rubbish garbage [ ?r ?b??] [ ?gɑ :rb?d?]轿车Saloon Sedan[s ??lu:n] [s ??d?n]透明胶带sellotape Scotch tape[?sel ?te ?p] [sk ɑt? tep]商店shop Store[??p] [st ?:(r)]消声器silencer muffler [ ?sa?l ?ns?(r)][ ?m?fl ?]单程Single one-way[ ?s??gl] [ ?w?n?we]在某处Somewhere someplace[ ?s?mwe?(r)] [ ?s?m?ples]扳手Spanner wrench[ ?sp?n?(r)] [r ?nt?]全体教职工Staff faculty[st ɑ:f] [ ?f?k ?lti] 油底壳Sump oil pan[s ?mp] [ ??l p?n]甜食sweet dessert[swi:t] [d ??z?:rt]糖果Sweets Candy[swi:ts] [ ?k?ndi] 水龙头tap Faucet[t?p] [ ?f ?s?t]出租车taxi cab[ ?t?ksi] [k?b]抹布tea -towel Dish- towel [ti: ?tau ?l] [d ?? ?ta ??l]学期term semester[t ?:m] [s ??m?st ?]女士连体袜tights[ta ?ts]panti-hose时间安排timetable schedule[ ?ta ?mte?bl] [ ?sked?u:l]罐头tin [t ?n] Can [k?n]收费高速公路toll motorway turnpike[ ?t ?:rnpa ?k]手电筒torch flashlight[t ?:t ?] [ ?fl? ??la ?t]流浪汉tramp hobo[tr?mp] [ ?ho?bo?]裤子trousers pants[?tra ?z?z] [p?nts]袖口turn-ups cuff[t ?:n ?ps] [k ?f]地铁underground rai subwaylway [ ?s?b?we]内裤underpants shorts[ ??nd?p?nts] [ ??:rts]道路边缘verge Shoulder[v ?:d?] [ ??o?ld ?]背心,马甲waistcoat vest[ ?we?sk??t] [vest]衣柜wardrobe closet[ ?w?:dr ??b] [ ?kl ɑ :z?t] 洗手wash your hands wash up挡风玻璃Windscreen[ ?w?ndskri:n] windshield [ ?w?nd??ild]叶子板wing fender[w??] [ ?f ?nd?]拉链zip zipper [z ?p] [ ?z?p?]看完上面的单词对照表,我们来个小测试吧:American to British English QuizReplace the American English word in italics with a British English word.1、I'd like to hang the drapes tonight. Do you have time?2、We took the elevator to the 10th floor.3、Would you like to see a movie tonight?4、Have you seen Tim's new apartment yet? It's very nice.5、Run down to the drug store and buy some aspirin please.6、Let's go to the bar and get a drink.7、I'll take the garbage out before I leave tomorrow morning.8、Take the second exit at the traffic circle .9、Let's get have some potato chips with lunch.10 、Could you hand me the flashlight so I can take a look in the closet?British to American English QuizReplace the British word in italics with an American English word.1、We need to find a public toilet soon.2、Let's get the pram and take a walk with Jennifer.3、I'm afraid I had a puncture and had to get it fixed.4、Could you bring in that tin of tuna over there?5、He puts his trousers on like any other person.6、She's very mean with her money. Don't ask her for any help.7、I generally don't wear a suit with a waistcoat .8、We should ask a constable for help.9、Let's go to the off-license and get some whiskey.10 、Get on queue and I'll get us something to eat.【第一组答案】1、curtains 2 、lift 3 、film 4 、flat 5 、chemist's6 、pub7 、rubbish 8、roundabout 9 、crisps 10 、torch【第二组答案】1、rest room 2 、baby carriage 3 、blow-out 4 、can5 、pants 6、stingy 7 、vest 8 、patrolman 9 、liquor store 10 、line。
美式英语英式英语常用单词对照表British English英式英语American English美式英语a bit (少量) a littleabout (到处) aroundabroad (在国外) overseasadd sign (加号) addition signaeroplane(飞机) airplaneaim (目标;目的) goalall in one go (突然) all at onceall-round (全面的;多方面的) all-aroundafterwards (后来;然后) afterwardair hostess(空中小姐) airline hostessAmerican Indian(美国印第安人) Native Americanamongst (在……中间) amongangry(生气的) madanticlockwise(逆时针的) counterclockwiseany more (不再;再也不) anymoreanywhere(无论何处) anyplaceapart from (除……之外) besidesapartment house(公寓大楼) apartment buildingat university (在大学学习) in college〔school〕autumn(秋天) fallaxe(斧头) axbackwards (向后) backwardbackwards and forwards (来回地) back and forthbad-tempered (脾气暴躁的) grumpybandage(绷带) gauzebank note(钞票) billbarber's shop(理发店) barbershopbarman(酒吧招待) bartenderbeauty parlour(美容院) beauty shop〔beauty salon〕beckon (示意) signalbe made up of (由……组成) be made ofbank note (纸币) billbill (账单) checkbilliard room(台球室) poolroom〔pool hall〕billion(万亿) trillionbin (废纸篓) wastebasketbiscuit(饼干) cookie〔cracker〕blackboard(黑板) chalkboardbook(预订) reservebooking office(售票处) ticket officebookshop(书店) bookstoreboots〔wellies〕 (雨靴) galoshesbottom drawer (嫁妆) hope chestbraces(吊带;背带) suspendersbrackets (括号) parenthesesbreak(课间休息;学校假期) recessbricks (积木) blocksbridesmaid(伴娘) maid of honorbum (屁股) fannybyway (小路) back roadcab rank(出租车停车处) taxi standcalendar (一览表) cataloguecall box(公用电话亭) phone boothcall in to (顺便逛) go〔run〕 bycamp bed(行军床) cotcamp fire (篝火;营火) campfirecandy stick (甘蔗) candy canecarat(克拉,宝石的重量单位) karatcaretaker〔porter〕 (门房;看门人) janitorcarriage(车厢) carcar park(停车场) parking lotcashier(出纳员) tellercontent (目录) cataloguecentral reservation(安全岛) median strip〔divider〕certainly(当然) surechairman (主席;会长;董事长等) presidentchartered accountant(注册会计师) certified public accountant chat show(访谈节目) talk showcheap (廉价的) inexpensivecheeky (无耻的) nervychemist(药剂师) druggistchemist's shop(药店) drugstore〔pharmacy〕cheque(支票) checkChristian name(名字) given namechoosy(好挑剔的) pickycinema(电影院) movieclamber (攀登;爬) scrambleclassified ad(分类广告) want adclimbing-frame(攀缘架) jungle gymclingfilm (保鲜膜) plastic wrapclothes-peg (晾衣用的衣夹) clothespincock(公鸡) roostercode number (电话区号) area numbercoffin(棺材) casketcomic(漫画书) comic bookcommercial traveller(旅行推销员) traveling salesmanconcertina (手风琴) accordioncooker (炉具) stoveco-operate (合作) cooperateco-ordinate (协调) coordinatecopper〔bobby〕 (警察) copcosy(舒适的) cozycot(婴儿床) cribcounty town(县城) county seatcrisps(炸薯片) chipscross (生气的) angrycrossroad(十字路口) intersection〔junction〕cul-de-sac(死胡同) dead-endcupboard(碗柜) closetcurrent account(活期存款账户) checking accountcurriculum vitae〔c.v.〕 (简历;履历) resumecurtains(窗帘) drapescutting(剪报) clippingexpensive (昂贵的) deardeposit account(储蓄存款账户) savings accountdespatch (派遣;发送) dispatchdialling code(区号) area codedialling tone(拨号音) dial tonedinner jacket(小礼服) tuxedodisc(圆盘;唱片) diskdish(碟) platedishonour (丢脸;不光彩) disgracedistance learning course (函授课程) correspondence coursediversion(绕路) detourdivision(区) districtdrainpipe (排水管) downspoutdraper's shop(纺织品店) dry-goods storedrapery(纺织品) dry goodsdraught (散装啤酒) draftdraughts (国际跳棋) checkersdrawing pin (图钉) pushpindriving-licence(驾驶执照) driver's licensedual carriageway(双行道) divided highwaydustbin〔rubbish bin〕(垃圾箱) garbage can〔ashcan,trash can〕dust cart(垃圾车) garbage truckdustman(清洁工) garbage collector〔sanitation worker〕dyke (排水沟) dikedynamo (发电机) generatorear ache (耳痛) earacheearth wire(地线) ground wireelastic band(松紧带;橡皮筋) rubber bandengine(发动机) motorescalator(电梯) moving staircase〔moving stairway〕estate agent(房地产经纪人) realtorestate car(旅行轿车) station wagoneverywhere(到处) everyplaceexclamation mark(感叹号) exclamation pointexhaust pipe(排气管) tailpipeexhaust silencer (消音器) mufflerexpress delivery post(特快专递) special delivery mailex-serviceman(退伍老兵) veteranextra time (加班时间) overtimefacecloth〔face-flannel〕(洗脸毛巾) washclothfall ill (生病) get sickfall over (跌倒) fall downFather Christmas(圣诞老人) Santa Clausfete (汇演;庆祝活动) festivalfilm(电影) moviefilm star(电影明星) movie starfind (发现) discoverfire brigade(消防队) fire departmentfirework(烟火) firecrackerfirstly (首先) firstfirst floor(第二层) second floorfishmonger's(鱼店) fish storeflashlight (摄影闪光灯) flashbulbflask(暖瓶) thermosflat(公寓) apartmentflat battery (废电池) dead batteryflat-out(以最高速) all-outflex(电线) electric wireflick knife(弹簧刀) switchblade knifeflick through (浏览;快速翻动) leaf throughflight ticket (飞机票) plane ticketflipper(鳍) finflyover(立交桥) overpassfog lamp (汽车的雾灯) fog lightfootball(足球) soccerfootpath〔pavement〕(人行道) sidewalkforename(名) given namefor ever (永远) foreverfork-lift (铲车;叉车) forkliftFrench window(落地长窗) French doorsfridge(电冰箱) refrigerator〔icebox〕fridge-freezer(电冰箱) refrigerator-freezer friendly society(互助会) fraternal society fringe(刘海) bangsfrontier (边境;边界) borderfruit machine(吃角子老虎) slot machinefull stop(句号) periodfuneral parlour(殡仪馆) funeral homefun fair(游乐园) amusement parkfunnel(烟窗) smokestackfurther education(成人教育) adult education gangway (过道;狭长通道) aislegaol(监狱) jailgaolbird(囚犯) jailbirdgaoler(监狱看守) jailergarage〔petrol〕 station (加油站) gas stationgarden party(游园会) lawn partygearbox(变速箱) transmissiongearing(传动装置) leveragegear lever (变速杆) gear liftgents〔gent's〕(男厕) men's roomget on with someone(相处融洽) get along with someone get the sack (被解雇) be dismissed〔fired〕girl guide(女童军) girl scoutglasses(眼镜) eyeglassesglowworm(萤火虫) lightning buggoods lift(公务电梯) freight elevator goods train(货运车) freight traingoose pimples(鸡皮疙瘩) goose bumpsgo-slow(减速) slowdowngraduate(大学毕业生) alumnusgramophone(留声机) phonograph greaseproof paper(蜡纸) wax papergrey(灰色的) graygrocer's(杂货店) grocery storeground floor(第一层) first floorgroundnut(花生) peanutconductor(售票员) guardguildhall(市政厅) city hallgumboots(橡胶高筒靴) rubbersgundog(猎犬) bird doggym shoe(运动鞋) sneakerhand lens (放大镜) magnifying glass hairdresser (理发师) hair stylisthalf-time (中场休息) halftimehalf-way (中途;半路上) halfwayhallo〔hullo〕 (喂;嘿;哎) hellohall of residence(学校公寓) dormitoryhandbag(手提包) purse〔pocketbook〕hang about (无聊地空等) wait aroundhave a go (尝试) take a turn〔give something a try〕have a lie-in (睡懒觉) sleep inhave an early night (早早就寝) go to bed earlyheadlamp (车前灯) headlighthigh street(大街;主要街道) main streethire car (租用汽车) rental carhomelike(亲切的) homeyholiday(假期) vacationholidaymaker(度假者) vacationerhomework(家庭作业) assignmenthomosexual (同性恋者) faghood (车顶;引擎罩) roofhooter (汽笛) horn〔siren〕hotchpotch (大杂烩) hodgepodgeice lolly(冰棍) popsicleill〔unwell〕(有病的) sickindustrial estate(工业区) industrial parkinfrared (红外线的) infra-redin future (今后;从今以后) in the futureinland revenue(国内税收) internal revenueinquiry agent(私人侦探) private detectiveinterval(幕间休息;时间间隔) intermissioninverted commas(引号) quotation marksinvigilate(监考) proctorjam(果酱) jellyjersey〔jumper〕(运动衫) sweaterjoint-stock company(股份公司) stock companyjournalist(新闻记者) newsmanjug(大水罐) pitcherjump a red light (闯红灯) run a red lightjump the queue (插队) cut in linejunction(十字路口) intersectionkeen (渴望的) avid〔eager〕kerb(路边石) curbkennel (狗窝) doghousekiosk(报刊亭) newsstandkitchen paper (纸巾) paper towelknockout (淘汰赛) practice sessionlabel (标签) taglace (鞋带) shoelaceladies(女厕) ladies' roomlast but one(倒数第二) next to lastlastly (最后) lastleader〔leading〕 article(社论) editorialleft-luggage office(行李房) baggage room〔check room〕leisure centre (体育活动中心) sports complexleisure park (游乐场) amusement parklet(出租;租赁) lease〔rent〕letter box(信箱) mail slotlife belt(安全带) life preserverlife saver(救生员) lifeguardlift(电梯) elevatorlightning conductor(避雷针) lightning rodlimited liability company(有限责任公corporation司)litterbin(废物箱) litterbaglittle finger(小指) pinkielodging house(公寓) rooming houseloft (阁楼) atticlodging (寄住宿舍) rented roomlollipop(棒棒糖) lolly〔sucker〕longsighted(远视的) farsightedloo(厕所) johnlook after (照料;照顾) take care oflook in on (顺便拜访) drop bylook-out (岗哨) lookoutlook over (检查;查看) look atlorry(载重卡车) trucklost property office (失物招领处) lost and found departmentlots of (许多) a lot oflounge suit(西装) business suitluggage(行李) baggageluggage van(行李车) baggage carmackintosh〔mac〕(雨衣) raincoatmad(疯狂的) crazymain road(公路;干线) highwaymaize(玉米) (Indian) cornmake-up (化妆;补考) makeupmarching orders(逐客令;免职通知) walking papersmark (防守;盯住) guardmark (分数) pointmarriage lines(结婚证书) marriage certificatemarrow (西葫芦) squashmash(土豆泥) mashed potatoesmatch(比赛) gamemaths(数学) mathmatron (护士长) senior nursemean(卑鄙的) stingymeat pie(肉馅饼) potpiemegaphone(扩音器) bullhornmend (修理) fixmiaow(猫叫) meowmilliard(十亿) billionmind (密切注意;戒备) watch〔watch out for〕miss a go (错过一次机会) lose〔miss〕 a turnmiss out (忽略;不包括) leave outmonkey nut (花生) peanutmotion-picture(电影) moviemotorcar(汽车) automobile〔auto〕motorway(高速公路) thruway〔expressway,freeway,superhighway〕moustache (八字胡) mustachemouth organ(口琴) harmonicamudguard(挡泥板) fendermusical box (八音盒) music boxmultiple shop(连锁店) chain storemum(妈妈) mom〔ma〕nail varnish(指甲油) nail polishnapkin〔nappy〕(尿布) diapernasty(下流的;肮脏的) meannational service (兵役) military servicenear by (在附近) nearbynewsagent〔bookstall〕(书摊) newsstandnews cutting (新闻剪辑) news clippingnib(笔尖) pen pointnightdress〔nightie〕(女睡衣) nightgownnon-stop (直达的) nonstopnormal (普通的;正常的) standardnote(账单;票据) billnote pad(便签簿) scratchpadnotice board(布告牌) bulletin boardnought(零) zeronowadays〔these days〕 (现在) todaynowhere(无处) noplacenumber plate(车号牌) license platenursing home(疗养院) private hospitaloffice block (办公大楼) office buildingoff-license(白酒店) liquor storeoutdoor toilet(户外厕所) outhouseouthouse(外屋,指车库、谷仓等) outbuildingovertake(超车) passpacket(小包;盒子) packpale ale(浅色汽水) light alepancake-roll(蛋卷) egg rollpanda car(巡逻警车) paddy wagonpants(短裤) shortspaper carrier (纸袋) paper bagpaper handkerchief (纸巾) tissueparcel(包裹) packagepassage〔passageway〕(通道) hall〔hallway〕past (过……) afterpay packet(工资袋) paycheck〔pay envelope〕pedestrian crossing(人行横道) crosswalkpedlar(流动小贩) peddlerpen-friend(笔友) pen palpeep(窥视;偷看) peekpenknife (小折刀) pocketknifeper cent (百分比) percentpetrol(汽油) gas〔gasoline〕petrol station(加油站) gas〔filling,service〕 station pickaxe(镐) pickpictures(电影) moviespig(猪) hogplait(辫子) braidplaysuit(运动装) jump suitplough(犁) plowpost(邮递;邮件) mailpostal code〔postcode〕(邮政编码) zip codepostal van(邮车) mail carpostbox(邮箱) mailboxpostgraduate(研究生) graduatepostman(邮递员) mailman〔mail carrier〕potato crisps(土豆片) potato chipspower point (电源插座) outlet〔socket〕power station(电厂;发电站) power plantprefect(班长) monitorpresenter (主持人) hostpresently(不久) soonprimary school(小学) grade schoolpub(酒馆) barpublic convenience(公共厕所) public toilet〔comfort station〕public school(公立学校) private schoolpurse〔wallet〕 (钱夹) billfoldput through (接通电话) connectpyjamas(睡衣) pajamasquay (码头) dockqueue(行;列;排) linequite〔rather,very〕 (很;相当;非常) prettyracecourse(赛马场) racetrackrailway(铁道) railroadrailway engine(火车头) locomotiverailway station(火车站) train stationrapids(急流) white waterrear〔bring up〕 (养育) raiserear-view mirror (后视镜) rearview mirrorreckon (假定;认为) figurerecord player(电唱机) phonographrecreation ground(操场) playgroundredcap(宪兵) military policemanrestaurant car(餐车) dining car〔diner〕return trip(来回程) round tripreversing light (倒车灯) back-up lightrevise (复习) reviewring off (挂断电话) hang upring road(环行路) beltwayrocking chair(摇椅) rockerroundabout (旋转木马) merry-go-round〔carousel〕rubber(橡皮) eraserrubbish(垃圾) trashrucksack (背包) backpackrugby(橄榄球) footballrun riot (撒野;闹事) run wildsack(解雇) firesafety belt (安全带) seat beltsaloon(轿车) sedansalutation(致意) greetingsarnie(三明治) sandwichsea (海洋) oceanseason ticket(月票) commuter ticketseason-ticket holder(上班族) commutersecondary〔middle〕 school(中学) high schoolseesaw(秋千) teeter-totterset square (三角板) triangleshareholder(股民) stockholdershare out (分发) distributeshares(股份) stockshivery (颤抖的) shiveringshoelace(鞋带) shoestringshop(商店) storeshop assistant(店员) salesclerk〔store clerk〕shopkeeper(店主) storekeepershopping centre(大型购物中心) shopping mallshopwalker(商店巡视员) floor walkershortsighted(近视的) nearsightedsick(恶心的) nauseoussingle ticket(单程票) one-way ticketsinglet(汗衫) undershirtsitting room(起居室) front roomskipping rope(跳绳) jump ropesledge(雪橇) sledsleeper(枕木) railroad tiesmack (掌击;掴) slapsmart (穿着讲究的) well-dressedsomewhere(某处) someplacesort (种类) kindspeciality (专业;特长) specialtystaff (大学的全体教员) facultystandard lamp(落地灯) floor lampstave (五线谱) staffstorey (楼层) storystreetlight(街灯) streetlampsubeditor(助理编辑;文字编辑) copy editorsubway(地下道) underpasssum (算术题) math problemsupply teacher(代课老师) substitute teachersweet(糖果) dessertsweetshop(糖果烟杂店) candy storeswop (交换) swaptake up (吸收) absorbtap(龙头) faucettax-free(免税的) tax-exempttea-towel(擦碟干布) dishtoweltell off (责骂) scoldtelly(电视) television〔television set,TV〕term (学期) semestertidy (整齐的) neattights(女用连裤袜) pantyhosetimber(木料) lumbertimetable(时间表) scheduletin(罐头) cantitbit (趣闻;轶闻) tidbittoffee〔toffy〕(太妃糖) taffytoll road(收费公路) turnpiketorch(手电筒) flashlighttown hall(市政厅) city halltrade union(工会) labor uniontraffic island(交通岛) safety islandtraffic light(红绿灯) stoplighttram〔tramcar〕(有轨电车) streetcar〔trolley〕trousers(裤子;长裤) pants〔slacks〕truncheon (警棍) nightsticktrunk call(长途电话) long-distance telephone call tube(地铁) subwaytyre(轮胎) tireunderground(地铁) subwayunderpants(内衣裤) shortsupside-down (上下颠倒的) upside downveranda(阳台;走廊) porchvest(背心;马甲) undershirtwages clerk (在职职员) payroll clerkwaggle (来回摇动) wigglewander about (闲逛;游荡) wander aroundwarder (监狱看守) guardwashbasin(脸盆) sinkwashing line (晾衣绳) clotheslinewashing powder (洗衣粉) laundry detergentway in (入口) entranceway out (出口) exitwee (撒尿) peewhore(娼妓) hookerwild flower (野花) wildflowerwindscreen(风挡;挡风玻璃) windshieldwindow sill (窗台) windowsillwing (挡泥板) fenderwireless(无线电;收音机) radiowitness-box(证人席) witness standwork out something (计算;算出) figure something outworks(工厂) factory〔plant〕yoghurt (酸奶) yogurtzebra crossing (人行道) crosswalkzip(拉锁;拉链) zipperzoo-keeper (动物管理员) zookeeper。
美式英语英式英语常用单词对照表British English英式英语American English美式英语a bit (少量) a littleabout (到处) aroundabroad (在国外) overseasadd sign (加号) addition signaeroplane(飞机) airplaneaim (目标;目的) goalall in one go (突然) all at onceall-round (全面的;多方面的) all-aroundafterwards (后来;然后) afterwardair hostess(空中小姐) airline hostessAmerican Indian(美国印第安人) Native Americanamongst (在……中间) amongangry(生气的) madanticlockwise(逆时针的) counterclockwiseany more (不再;再也不) anymoreanywhere(无论何处) anyplaceapart from (除……之外) besidesapartment house(公寓大楼) apartment buildingat university (在大学学习) in college〔school〕autumn(秋天) fallaxe(斧头) axbackwards (向后) backwardbackwards and forwards (来回地) back and forthbad-tempered (脾气暴躁的) grumpybandage(绷带) gauzebank note(钞票) billbarber's shop(理发店) barbershopbarman(酒吧招待) bartenderbeauty parlour(美容院) beauty shop〔beauty salon〕beckon (示意) signalbe made up of (由……组成) be made ofbank note (纸币) billbill (账单) checkbilliard room(台球室) poolroom〔pool hall〕billion(万亿) trillionbin (废纸篓) wastebasketbiscuit(饼干) cookie〔cracker〕blackboard(黑板) chalkboardbook(预订) reservebooking office(售票处) ticket officebookshop(书店) bookstoreboots〔wellies〕 (雨靴) galoshesbottom drawer (嫁妆) hope chestbraces(吊带;背带) suspendersbrackets (括号) parenthesesbreak(课间休息;学校假期) recessbricks (积木) blocksbridesmaid(伴娘) maid of honorbum (屁股) fannybyway (小路) back roadcab rank(出租车停车处) taxi standcalendar (一览表) cataloguecall box(公用电话亭) phone boothcall in to (顺便逛) go〔run〕 bycamp bed(行军床) cotcamp fire (篝火;营火) campfirecandy stick (甘蔗) candy canecarat(克拉,宝石的重量单位) karatcaretaker〔porter〕 (门房;看门人) janitorcarriage(车厢) carcar park(停车场) parking lotcashier(出纳员) tellercontent (目录) cataloguecentral reservation(安全岛) median strip〔divider〕certainly(当然) surechairman (主席;会长;董事长等) presidentchartered accountant(注册会计师) certified public accountant chat show(访谈节目) talk showcheap (廉价的) inexpensivecheeky (无耻的) nervychemist(药剂师) druggistchemist's shop(药店) drugstore〔pharmacy〕cheque(支票) checkChristian name(名字) given namechoosy(好挑剔的) pickycinema(电影院) movieclamber (攀登;爬) scrambleclassified ad(分类广告) want adclimbing-frame(攀缘架) jungle gymclingfilm (保鲜膜) plastic wrapclothes-peg (晾衣用的衣夹) clothespincock(公鸡) roostercode number (电话区号) area numbercoffin(棺材) casketcomic(漫画书) comic bookcommercial traveller(旅行推销员) traveling salesmanconcertina (手风琴) accordioncooker (炉具) stoveco-operate (合作) cooperateco-ordinate (协调) coordinatecopper〔bobby〕 (警察) copcosy(舒适的) cozycot(婴儿床) cribcounty town(县城) county seatcrisps(炸薯片) chipscross (生气的) angrycrossroad(十字路口) intersection〔junction〕cul-de-sac(死胡同) dead-endcupboard(碗柜) closetcurrent account(活期存款账户) checking accountcurriculum vitae〔c.v.〕 (简历;履历) resumecurtains(窗帘) drapescutting(剪报) clippingexpensive (昂贵的) deardeposit account(储蓄存款账户) savings accountdespatch (派遣;发送) dispatchdialling code(区号) area codedialling tone(拨号音) dial tonedinner jacket(小礼服) tuxedodisc(圆盘;唱片) diskdish(碟) platedishonour (丢脸;不光彩) disgracedistance learning course (函授课程) correspondence coursediversion(绕路) detourdivision(区) districtdrainpipe (排水管) downspoutdraper's shop(纺织品店) dry-goods storedrapery(纺织品) dry goodsdraught (散装啤酒) draftdraughts (国际跳棋) checkersdrawing pin (图钉) pushpindriving-licence(驾驶执照) driver's licensedual carriageway(双行道) divided highwaydustbin〔rubbish bin〕(垃圾箱) garbage can〔ashcan,trash can〕dust cart(垃圾车) garbage truckdustman(清洁工) garbage collector〔sanitation worker〕dyke (排水沟) dikedynamo (发电机) generatorear ache (耳痛) earacheearth wire(地线) ground wireelastic band(松紧带;橡皮筋) rubber bandengine(发动机) motorescalator(电梯) moving staircase〔moving stairway〕estate agent(房地产经纪人) realtorestate car(旅行轿车) station wagoneverywhere(到处) everyplaceexclamation mark(感叹号) exclamation pointexhaust pipe(排气管) tailpipeexhaust silencer (消音器) mufflerexpress delivery post(特快专递) special delivery mailex-serviceman(退伍老兵) veteranextra time (加班时间) overtimefacecloth〔face-flannel〕(洗脸毛巾) washclothfall ill (生病) get sickfall over (跌倒) fall downFather Christmas(圣诞老人) Santa Clausfete (汇演;庆祝活动) festivalfilm(电影) moviefilm star(电影明星) movie starfind (发现) discoverfire brigade(消防队) fire departmentfirework(烟火) firecrackerfirstly (首先) firstfirst floor(第二层) second floorfishmonger's(鱼店) fish storeflashlight (摄影闪光灯) flashbulbflask(暖瓶) thermosflat(公寓) apartmentflat battery (废电池) dead batteryflat-out(以最高速) all-outflex(电线) electric wireflick knife(弹簧刀) switchblade knifeflick through (浏览;快速翻动) leaf throughflight ticket (飞机票) plane ticketflipper(鳍) finflyover(立交桥) overpassfog lamp (汽车的雾灯) fog lightfootball(足球) soccerfootpath〔pavement〕(人行道) sidewalkforename(名) given namefor ever (永远) foreverfork-lift (铲车;叉车) forkliftFrench window(落地长窗) French doorsfridge(电冰箱) refrigerator〔icebox〕fridge-freezer(电冰箱) refrigerator-freezer friendly society(互助会) fraternal society fringe(刘海) bangsfrontier (边境;边界) borderfruit machine(吃角子老虎) slot machinefull stop(句号) periodfuneral parlour(殡仪馆) funeral homefun fair(游乐园) amusement parkfunnel(烟窗) smokestackfurther education(成人教育) adult education gangway (过道;狭长通道) aislegaol(监狱) jailgaolbird(囚犯) jailbirdgaoler(监狱看守) jailergarage〔petrol〕 station (加油站) gas stationgarden party(游园会) lawn partygearbox(变速箱) transmissiongearing(传动装置) leveragegear lever (变速杆) gear liftgents〔gent's〕(男厕) men's roomget on with someone(相处融洽) get along with someone get the sack (被解雇) be dismissed〔fired〕girl guide(女童军) girl scoutglasses(眼镜) eyeglassesglowworm(萤火虫) lightning buggoods lift(公务电梯) freight elevator goods train(货运车) freight traingoose pimples(鸡皮疙瘩) goose bumpsgo-slow(减速) slowdowngraduate(大学毕业生) alumnusgramophone(留声机) phonograph greaseproof paper(蜡纸) wax papergrey(灰色的) graygrocer's(杂货店) grocery storeground floor(第一层) first floorgroundnut(花生) peanutconductor(售票员) guardguildhall(市政厅) city hallgumboots(橡胶高筒靴) rubbersgundog(猎犬) bird doggym shoe(运动鞋) sneakerhand lens (放大镜) magnifying glass hairdresser (理发师) hair stylisthalf-time (中场休息) halftimehalf-way (中途;半路上) halfwayhallo〔hullo〕 (喂;嘿;哎) hellohall of residence(学校公寓) dormitoryhandbag(手提包) purse〔pocketbook〕hang about (无聊地空等) wait aroundhave a go (尝试) take a turn〔give something a try〕have a lie-in (睡懒觉) sleep inhave an early night (早早就寝) go to bed earlyheadlamp (车前灯) headlighthigh street(大街;主要街道) main streethire car (租用汽车) rental carhomelike(亲切的) homeyholiday(假期) vacationholidaymaker(度假者) vacationerhomework(家庭作业) assignmenthomosexual (同性恋者) faghood (车顶;引擎罩) roofhooter (汽笛) horn〔siren〕hotchpotch (大杂烩) hodgepodgeice lolly(冰棍) popsicleill〔unwell〕(有病的) sickindustrial estate(工业区) industrial parkinfrared (红外线的) infra-redin future (今后;从今以后) in the futureinland revenue(国内税收) internal revenueinquiry agent(私人侦探) private detectiveinterval(幕间休息;时间间隔) intermissioninverted commas(引号) quotation marksinvigilate(监考) proctorjam(果酱) jellyjersey〔jumper〕(运动衫) sweaterjoint-stock company(股份公司) stock companyjournalist(新闻记者) newsmanjug(大水罐) pitcherjump a red light (闯红灯) run a red lightjump the queue (插队) cut in linejunction(十字路口) intersectionkeen (渴望的) avid〔eager〕kerb(路边石) curbkennel (狗窝) doghousekiosk(报刊亭) newsstandkitchen paper (纸巾) paper towelknockout (淘汰赛) practice sessionlabel (标签) taglace (鞋带) shoelaceladies(女厕) ladies' roomlast but one(倒数第二) next to lastlastly (最后) lastleader〔leading〕 article(社论) editorialleft-luggage office(行李房) baggage room〔check room〕leisure centre (体育活动中心) sports complexleisure park (游乐场) amusement parklet(出租;租赁) lease〔rent〕letter box(信箱) mail slotlife belt(安全带) life preserverlife saver(救生员) lifeguardlift(电梯) elevatorlightning conductor(避雷针) lightning rodlimited liability company(有限责任公corporation司)litterbin(废物箱) litterbaglittle finger(小指) pinkielodging house(公寓) rooming houseloft (阁楼) atticlodging (寄住宿舍) rented roomlollipop(棒棒糖) lolly〔sucker〕longsighted(远视的) farsightedloo(厕所) johnlook after (照料;照顾) take care oflook in on (顺便拜访) drop bylook-out (岗哨) lookoutlook over (检查;查看) look atlorry(载重卡车) trucklost property office (失物招领处) lost and found departmentlots of (许多) a lot oflounge suit(西装) business suitluggage(行李) baggageluggage van(行李车) baggage carmackintosh〔mac〕(雨衣) raincoatmad(疯狂的) crazymain road(公路;干线) highwaymaize(玉米) (Indian) cornmake-up (化妆;补考) makeupmarching orders(逐客令;免职通知) walking papersmark (防守;盯住) guardmark (分数) pointmarriage lines(结婚证书) marriage certificatemarrow (西葫芦) squashmash(土豆泥) mashed potatoesmatch(比赛) gamemaths(数学) mathmatron (护士长) senior nursemean(卑鄙的) stingymeat pie(肉馅饼) potpiemegaphone(扩音器) bullhornmend (修理) fixmiaow(猫叫) meowmilliard(十亿) billionmind (密切注意;戒备) watch〔watch out for〕miss a go (错过一次机会) lose〔miss〕 a turnmiss out (忽略;不包括) leave outmonkey nut (花生) peanutmotion-picture(电影) moviemotorcar(汽车) automobile〔auto〕motorway(高速公路) thruway〔expressway,freeway,superhighway〕moustache (八字胡) mustachemouth organ(口琴) harmonicamudguard(挡泥板) fendermusical box (八音盒) music boxmultiple shop(连锁店) chain storemum(妈妈) mom〔ma〕nail varnish(指甲油) nail polishnapkin〔nappy〕(尿布) diapernasty(下流的;肮脏的) meannational service (兵役) military servicenear by (在附近) nearbynewsagent〔bookstall〕(书摊) newsstandnews cutting (新闻剪辑) news clippingnib(笔尖) pen pointnightdress〔nightie〕(女睡衣) nightgownnon-stop (直达的) nonstopnormal (普通的;正常的) standardnote(账单;票据) billnote pad(便签簿) scratchpadnotice board(布告牌) bulletin boardnought(零) zeronowadays〔these days〕 (现在) todaynowhere(无处) noplacenumber plate(车号牌) license platenursing home(疗养院) private hospitaloffice block (办公大楼) office buildingoff-license(白酒店) liquor storeoutdoor toilet(户外厕所) outhouseouthouse(外屋,指车库、谷仓等) outbuildingovertake(超车) passpacket(小包;盒子) packpale ale(浅色汽水) light alepancake-roll(蛋卷) egg rollpanda car(巡逻警车) paddy wagonpants(短裤) shortspaper carrier (纸袋) paper bagpaper handkerchief (纸巾) tissueparcel(包裹) packagepassage〔passageway〕(通道) hall〔hallway〕past (过……) afterpay packet(工资袋) paycheck〔pay envelope〕pedestrian crossing(人行横道) crosswalkpedlar(流动小贩) peddlerpen-friend(笔友) pen palpeep(窥视;偷看) peekpenknife (小折刀) pocketknifeper cent (百分比) percentpetrol(汽油) gas〔gasoline〕petrol station(加油站) gas〔filling,service〕 station pickaxe(镐) pickpictures(电影) moviespig(猪) hogplait(辫子) braidplaysuit(运动装) jump suitplough(犁) plowpost(邮递;邮件) mailpostal code〔postcode〕(邮政编码) zip codepostal van(邮车) mail carpostbox(邮箱) mailboxpostgraduate(研究生) graduatepostman(邮递员) mailman〔mail carrier〕potato crisps(土豆片) potato chipspower point (电源插座) outlet〔socket〕power station(电厂;发电站) power plantprefect(班长) monitorpresenter (主持人) hostpresently(不久) soonprimary school(小学) grade schoolpub(酒馆) barpublic convenience(公共厕所) public toilet〔comfort station〕public school(公立学校) private schoolpurse〔wallet〕 (钱夹) billfoldput through (接通电话) connectpyjamas(睡衣) pajamasquay (码头) dockqueue(行;列;排) linequite〔rather,very〕 (很;相当;非常) prettyracecourse(赛马场) racetrackrailway(铁道) railroadrailway engine(火车头) locomotiverailway station(火车站) train stationrapids(急流) white waterrear〔bring up〕 (养育) raiserear-view mirror (后视镜) rearview mirrorreckon (假定;认为) figurerecord player(电唱机) phonographrecreation ground(操场) playgroundredcap(宪兵) military policemanrestaurant car(餐车) dining car〔diner〕return trip(来回程) round tripreversing light (倒车灯) back-up lightrevise (复习) reviewring off (挂断电话) hang upring road(环行路) beltwayrocking chair(摇椅) rockerroundabout (旋转木马) merry-go-round〔carousel〕rubber(橡皮) eraserrubbish(垃圾) trashrucksack (背包) backpackrugby(橄榄球) footballrun riot (撒野;闹事) run wildsack(解雇) firesafety belt (安全带) seat beltsaloon(轿车) sedansalutation(致意) greetingsarnie(三明治) sandwichsea (海洋) oceanseason ticket(月票) commuter ticketseason-ticket holder(上班族) commutersecondary〔middle〕 school(中学) high schoolseesaw(秋千) teeter-totterset square (三角板) triangleshareholder(股民) stockholdershare out (分发) distributeshares(股份) stockshivery (颤抖的) shiveringshoelace(鞋带) shoestringshop(商店) storeshop assistant(店员) salesclerk〔store clerk〕shopkeeper(店主) storekeepershopping centre(大型购物中心) shopping mallshopwalker(商店巡视员) floor walkershortsighted(近视的) nearsightedsick(恶心的) nauseoussingle ticket(单程票) one-way ticketsinglet(汗衫) undershirtsitting room(起居室) front roomskipping rope(跳绳) jump ropesledge(雪橇) sledsleeper(枕木) railroad tiesmack (掌击;掴) slapsmart (穿着讲究的) well-dressedsomewhere(某处) someplacesort (种类) kindspeciality (专业;特长) specialtystaff (大学的全体教员) facultystandard lamp(落地灯) floor lampstave (五线谱) staffstorey (楼层) storystreetlight(街灯) streetlampsubeditor(助理编辑;文字编辑) copy editorsubway(地下道) underpasssum (算术题) math problemsupply teacher(代课老师) substitute teachersweet(糖果) dessertsweetshop(糖果烟杂店) candy storeswop (交换) swaptake up (吸收) absorbtap(龙头) faucettax-free(免税的) tax-exempttea-towel(擦碟干布) dishtoweltell off (责骂) scoldtelly(电视) television〔television set,TV〕term (学期) semestertidy (整齐的) neattights(女用连裤袜) pantyhosetimber(木料) lumbertimetable(时间表) scheduletin(罐头) cantitbit (趣闻;轶闻) tidbittoffee〔toffy〕(太妃糖) taffytoll road(收费公路) turnpiketorch(手电筒) flashlighttown hall(市政厅) city halltrade union(工会) labor uniontraffic island(交通岛) safety islandtraffic light(红绿灯) stoplighttram〔tramcar〕(有轨电车) streetcar〔trolley〕trousers(裤子;长裤) pants〔slacks〕truncheon (警棍) nightsticktrunk call(长途电话) long-distance telephone call tube(地铁) subwaytyre(轮胎) tireunderground(地铁) subwayunderpants(内衣裤) shortsupside-down (上下颠倒的) upside downveranda(阳台;走廊) porchvest(背心;马甲) undershirtwages clerk (在职职员) payroll clerkwaggle (来回摇动) wigglewander about (闲逛;游荡) wander aroundwarder (监狱看守) guardwashbasin(脸盆) sinkwashing line (晾衣绳) clotheslinewashing powder (洗衣粉) laundry detergentway in (入口) entranceway out (出口) exitwee (撒尿) peewhore(娼妓) hookerwild flower (野花) wildflowerwindscreen(风挡;挡风玻璃) windshieldwindow sill (窗台) windowsillwing (挡泥板) fenderwireless(无线电;收音机) radiowitness-box(证人席) witness standwork out something (计算;算出) figure something outworks(工厂) factory〔plant〕yoghurt (酸奶) yogurtzebra crossing (人行道) crosswalkzip(拉锁;拉链) zipperzoo-keeper (动物管理员) zookeeper。
英式英语 vs 美式英语1. 人行道:(B) Pavement;(A) sidewalk2. 垃圾: (B) Rubbish;(A)trash3. 足球:(B)football;(A)soccer4. 地铁(B)Tube(A)subway5.饼干:(B)biscuit;(A)cookie6.糖果:(B)sweets;(A)candy7.句号:(B)full stop;(A)period8. 秋天:(B)autumn;(A)fall9.公寓(B)Flat;(A) apartment10.电梯(B) Lift;(A)elevator11.炸薯条(B)chips;(A)fries12.汽油(B) Petrol –(A)Gas13.高速公路(B)Motorway –(A)highway14.果冻 (B)Jam –(A) jelly15.电影院(B) Cinema –(A)movie theatre16.裤子(B)Trousers –(A)pants17. 停车场(B)Car park –(A)parking lot18.毛衣 (B)Jumper –(A)sweater19.节假日 (B)–(A)vacation20.邮政编码(B)Post code –(A)zip code美国英语单词大全与英式英语单词对比词汇大全,美国英语单词和英国英语单词在拼写和发音方面有许多区别,下面的词汇列表,列举出了英国英语和美国英语单词中的差别,具有差别的英语单词大全。
汉/英/美飞机 aeroplane/ airplane航空邮件 air-post/ air-mail对……(人)生气 angry with/ angry at垃圾箱 ash-bin (dust-bin) /ashcan秋 autumn /fall面包店 bakery /bakehouse纸币 (bank-)note/ (bank-)bill理发厅 barber"s shop/ barber shop浴盆 bath /bathtub浴室 bathroom/ bath寝具 bedclothes/ covers饼干 biscuit /cracker百叶窗 blind /shade公寓 block of flats /apartment house宿舍 boarding house/ dormitory预约 booking/ reservation售票处 booking-office/ ticket-office长筒鞋 boot/ shoe圆顶黑色高帽 bowler/ derby裤子的吊带 braces /suspenders小憩时间 break /recess中途下车 break one"s journey /stop over 白洋布、印花布 calico/ printed cloth旅行队,篷车 caravan/ trailer客车 carriage /coach游览车 charabanc /sightseeing bus药局 chemist"s shop /drugstore支票 cheque /check衣柜 chest-drawers/ bureau教名 Christian name/ first name电影院 cinema /picture house寄物处,衣帽间 cloakroom /checkroom光头 close crop/ crew out衣夹 clothes-peg/ clothes-pin公共汽车 coach/ bus雄鸡 cock/ rooster棺材 coffin /casket魔术师 conjuror/ magician蒸汽锅 cooker /stove谷物 corn /grain棍棒 cosh/ blackjack领带 cravat /(neck)tie十字路口 cross-roads/ intersection碗柜 cupboard/ closet窗帘 curtain /drape煎报 cutting /clipping骑自行车的人 cyclist /cycler舞厅 dancing saloon/ dance ball死者,故人 deceased/ decedent无尾礼服 dinner-jacket /tuxedo抹布 dish-cloth /dish towel老资格,老前辈 doyen /dean绸缎店 draper"s shop /dry-goods store 西洋象棋 draughts /checkers客厅 drawing room/ parlor睡衣 dressing-gown /bathrobe酒类饮料 drink /liquor偶然拜访 drop in/ drop by垃圾箱 dust-bin /ashcan公司的休憩时间 elevenses /coffee break雇佣 engage/ hire机车,车头 engine /locomotive过分 excessively/ overly快递 express delivery post/ special delivery mail 战争 fighting/ combat消防队 fire-brigade/ fire-department二楼 first floor/ second floor鱼类,海味 fish /sea food鱼贩 fish-monger/ fish-dealer花线,皮线 flex /electric cord人行道 footway /side walk空格表 form /blank二星期 fortnight /two weeks句点 full stop/ period橡皮套鞋 galoshes/ rubbers监狱 gaol/ jail再见 good-bye/ good-by货车 goods train/ freight train卡车 goods waggon /freight car食品杂货店 grocer"s shop/ grocery store一楼 ground floor /first floor车掌 guard /conductor长筒橡皮套鞋 overshoes /gum boots大炮 cannon/ gun争价,还价 haggle/ dicker一半 half a / a half门厅,回廊 hall/ hallway长筒靴 high boot/ boot休假 holiday /vacation旅馆的侍者 hotel page/ bellboy有病的 ill /sick旅馆主人 innkeeper /innholder演出休息时间 interval/ intermission 铁器店 ironmonger"s/ hardware store 水罐 jug /pitcher街道的边石 kerb/ curb邮票,印花税票 label /sticker标签 label/ tag化妆室 ladies" cloakroom /powder room 地崩,山崩 landslip /landslide厕所 lavatory/ washroom电梯,升降机 lift /elevator铁路 line/ road寄宿者 lodger /roomer卡车 lorry /truck西装 lounge suit /sack coat行李 luggage /baggage主要街道,大路 main road /highway玉米 maize /corn汽车 (motor)car /auto(mobile)市政厅 municipal office/ city hall音乐厅,演艺馆 music hall/ variety house 棉布 muslin /calico零 naught, nought zero通讯社 news-agent/ news-dealer单据夹 note-case /billfold告示 notice/ bulletin校友 lod boys (girls)/ alumni大衣,外套 overcoat/ topcoat(纸牌的)一组 pack (of cards) /deck内裤,短裤 pants /shorts小包,包裹 parcel /package挂布 pelmet/ valance婴儿车 perambulator/ pram baby carriage也许 perhaps /maybe汽油 petrol/ gasoline电影 pictures/ movies邮筒 pillar-box /letter-box(电器)接头 point /outlet转辙手 pointman /switchman职业的 professional /career公共电话 public call-box/ pay station酒馆,酒店 public house /tavern(车胎等)爆坏 puncture /become flat钱包,皮夹 purse/ pocket-book睡衣 pyjamas/ pajamas赛马场 race course /racetrack铁路 railway/ railroad火车站 railway station /depot电冰箱 refrigerator/ icebox来回车票 return ticket /round-trip ticket 挂断电话 ring off/ hang up打电话 ring up/ call人行道 roadway/ pavement圆环 roundabout rotary, traffic circle垃圾堆 rubbish-heap/ trash heap围毯 rug/ robe解雇 sack/ fire大麦饼 scone/ biscuit海 sea/ ocean定期票,长期票 seaon ticket /commutation ticket 抵押 security/ collateral鞋子 shoe/ oxford擦皮鞋 shoe-black /boot-black商店 shop /store店员 shop assistant/ clerk女店员 sjpp-girl /salesgirl颊发 side-shiskers/ sideburns单程车票 single ticket/ one-way ticket地基,地点 site/ lot枕木 sleepers /crossties袜带 suspenders /garters律师 solicitor/ lawyer螺丝起子 spanner/ wrench眼镜 spectacles /eyeglasses毕业典礼 speech day /commencement教员 staff /faculty公立学校 state school /public school停留 stay /stopper石头 stone/ rock地下道 subway / underpass日出 sunrise/ sunup餐后甜点 sweet/ course dessert糖果 sweets/ candy燕尾服 tail-coat /cutaway水龙头 tap/ faucet终点 terminus/ terminal大公寓,大杂院 tenements /flat神秘小说,侦探小说 thriller/ mystery story 领带夹 tie-pin/ stickpin截止期限 time-limit /deadline时间表 timetable/ schedule罐头食品 tinned goods/ canned goods手电筒 torch /flashlight城市 town/ city电车 tram car street car/ trolley长途电话 trunk call /long-distance call裤子 trousers /pants地下铁路 tube /subway裤管的反折 turn-ups/ cuffs标准文案地下铁路 underground /subway傧仪业者 undertaker/ mortician 贴身内衣 underwear/ undershirt 杂项表演 variety /burlesque阳台 veranda /porch贴身内衣 vest/ undershirt名片 visiting card/ calling card 背心 waist-coat/ vest洗礼日 washing day/ wash-day酒店 wine merchant/ liquor store 无线电 wireless/ radio工作时间 working day /workday工厂 works /factory大全。
Chips [tʃɪps]
French fries
[frɛntʃ fraɪz]
The cinema
[ðəˈsɪnəmə ]
The movies
[ðə mu:vɪz ]
ground floor
[ɡraund flɔ:]
first floor
[fɚst flɔr]
tin [tɪn]
Can [kæn]
toll motorway
Garbage collector
[ˈɡɑrbɪdʒ kəˈlɛktɚ]
1. 人行道: (B) Pavement;2. 垃圾: (B) Rubbish;3. 足球: (B)football;4. 地铁(B)Tube5.饼干: (B)biscuit;6.糖果: (B)sweets;7.句号: (B)full stop;英式英语 vs 美式英语(A) sidewalk (A)trash(A)soccer(A)subway(A)cookie(A)candy(A)period8. 秋天: (B)autumn; (A)fall9.公寓(B)Flat; (A) apartment10.电梯(B) Lift; (A)elevator11.炸薯条(B)chips; (A)fries12.汽油(B) Petrol – (A)Gas13.高速公路(B)Motorway – (A)highway14.果冻 (B)Jam – (A) jelly15.电影院(B) Cinema – (A)movie theatre16.裤子(B)Trousers – (A)pants17. 停车场(B)Car park – (A)parking lot18.毛衣 (B)Jumper – (A)sweater19.节假日 (B)– (A)vacation20.邮政编码(B)Post code – (A)zip code美国英语单词大全与英式英语单词对比词汇大全,美国英语单词和英国英语单词在拼写和发音方面有许多区别,下面的词汇列表,列举出了英国英语和美国英语单词中的差别,具有差别的英语单词大全。
汉/英/美飞机 aeroplane / airplane对……(人)生气 angry with / angryashcan秋 autumn / fallbakehouse纸币 (bank-)note barber shop浴盆 bath /寝具 bedclothes百叶窗 blind // (bank-)billbathtub/ coversshade航空邮件 air-post / air-mailat 垃圾箱 ash-bin (dust-bin) /面包店理发厅 barber"s浴室 bathroom / bath饼干 biscuit / cracker公寓 block of flats / apartmentbakeryshop//house宿舍 boarding house reservation售票处 booking-office圆顶黑色高帽 bowler suspenders/ dormitory 预约 booking / / ticket-office 长筒鞋 boot / shoe裤子的吊带 braces /小憩时间 break / recess 中途下车 break one"s journey / stop over白洋布、印花布 calico / printed cloth 旅行队,篷车 caravan / trailer客车 carriage / sightseeing bus药局 chemist"s shop衣柜 chest-drawers name电影院 cinema / /checkroom游览车 charabanc / / drugstore 支票 cheque / check/ bureau 教名 Christian name / first picture house 寄物处,衣帽间 cloakroom/ derbycoach光头 close crop/ crew out公共汽车 coach/ bus棺材 coffin /casket蒸汽锅 cooker /stove棍棒 cosh/ blackjack十字路口 cross-roads/ intersection 窗帘 curtain /drape骑自行车的人 cyclist /cycler死者,故人 deceased/ decedent 抹布 dish-cloth /dish towel衣夹 clothes-peg/ clothes-pin 雄鸡 cock/ rooster魔术师 conjuror/ magician谷物 corn /grain领带 cravat /(neck)tie碗柜 cupboard/ closet煎报 cutting /clipping舞厅 dancing saloon/ dance ball 无尾礼服 dinner-jacket/tuxedo老资格,老前辈 doyen /dean绸缎店 draper"s shop /dry-goods store 西洋象棋 draughts /checkers 客厅 drawing room/ parlor 睡衣 dressing-gown /bathrobe 酒类饮料 drink /liquor 偶然拜访 drop in/ drop by垃圾箱 dust-bin/ashcan雇佣 engage/ hire过分 excessively/ overly delivery mail战争 fighting/ combatfire-department二楼 first floor/ second floor鱼贩 fish-monger/ fish-dealer人行道 footway /side walk二星期 fortnight /two weeks橡皮套鞋 galoshes/ rubbers再见 good-bye/ good-by卡车 goods waggon /freight car grocery store一楼 ground floor /first floor 公司的休憩时间 elevenses /coffee break机车,车头 engine /locomotive快递 express delivery post/ special消防队 fire-brigade/鱼类,海味 fish /sea food花线,皮线 flex /electric cord空格表 form /blank句点 full stop/ period监狱 gaol/ jail货车 goods train/ freight train食品杂货店 grocer"s shop/车掌 guard /conductor长筒橡皮套鞋 overshoes /gum boots争价,还价 haggle/ dicker门厅,回廊 hall/ hallway休假 holiday /vacation有病的 ill /sick演出休息时间 interval/ intermission hardware store水罐 jug /pitcher邮票,印花税票 label /sticker化妆室 ladies" cloakroom/powder room厕所 lavatory/ washroom铁路 line/road卡车 lorry /truck行李 luggage /baggage大炮 cannon/ gun一半 half a / a half长筒靴 high boot/ boot旅馆的侍者 hotel page/ bellboy 旅馆主人 innkeeper /innholder铁器店 ironmonger"s/街道的边石 kerb/ curb标签 label/ tag地崩,山崩 landslip/landslide电梯,升降机 lift /elevator寄宿者 lodger /roomer西装 lounge suit /sack coat主要街道,大路 main road/highway玉米 maize /corn市政厅 municipal office/city hall house棉布 muslin /calico通讯社 news-agent/ news-dealer告示 notice/ bulletin大衣,外套 overcoat/topcoat内裤,短裤 pants /shorts挂布 pelmet/ valancebaby carriage也许 perhaps /maybe电影 pictures/ movies(电器)接头point /outlet 汽车 (motor)car /auto(mobile)音乐厅,演艺馆 music hall/variety 零 naught, nought zero单据夹 note-case /billfold校友 lod boys (girls)/ alumni (纸牌的)一组 pack (of cards) /deck 小包,包裹 parcel /package婴儿车 perambulator/ pram 汽油 petrol/ gasoline邮筒转辙手 pointman /switchman职业的 professional /careerstation酒馆,酒店 public house/tavernflat钱包,皮夹 purse/pocket-book赛马场 race course /racetrack火车站 railway station /depot来回车票 return ticket /round-trip ticket 打电话 ring up/ call圆环 roundabout rotary, traffic circle heap围毯 rug/ robe大麦饼 scone/ biscuit公共电话 public call-box/ pay (车胎等)爆坏 puncture/become睡衣 pyjamas/ pajamas铁路 railway/ railroad电冰箱 refrigerator/ icebox挂断电话 ring off/ hang up 人行道 roadway/pavement垃圾堆 rubbish-heap/ trash 解雇 sack/ fire海 sea/ ocean定期票,长期票 seaon ticket /commutation ticket 抵押 security/ collateral 鞋子 shoe/ oxford擦皮鞋 shoe-black/boot-black商店 shop /store女店员 sjpp-girl /salesgirl sideburns单程车票 single ticket/ one-way ticket枕木 sleepers /crossties律师 solicitor/ lawyer眼镜 spectacles /eyeglasses/commencement教员 staff /facultyschool停留 stay /stopper地下道 subway / underpass餐后甜点 sweet/ course dessert燕尾服 tail-coat /cutaway 店员 shop assistant/ clerk颊发 side-shiskers/地基,地点 site/ lot袜带 suspenders /garters螺丝起子 spanner/ wrench毕业典礼 speech day 公立学校 state school /public石头 stone/ rock日出 sunrise/ sunup糖果 sweets/ candy水龙头 tap/ faucet终点 terminus/ terminal/flat神秘小说,侦探小说 thriller/ mystery story 截止期限 time-limit /deadline罐头食品 tinned goods/ canned goods城市 town/ citytrolley长途电话 trunk call /long-distance call地下铁路 tube /subway地下铁路 underground /subway mortician贴身内衣 underwear/ undershirt/burlesque阳台 veranda /porch名片 visiting card/ calling card大公寓,大杂院 tenements 领带夹 tie-pin/ stickpin时间表 timetable/ schedule 手电筒 torch /flashlight 电车 tram car street car/裤子 trousers /pants裤管的反折 turn-ups/ cuffs傧仪业者 undertaker/杂项表演 variety 贴身内衣 vest/ undershirt 背心 waist-coat/vest洗礼日 washing day/ wash-day store无线电 wireless/ radio/workday工厂 works /factory 酒店wine merchant/ liquor 工作时间 working day。
汉/英/美飞机aeroplane/airplane航空邮件air-post/air-mail对……(人)生气angrywith/ angry at垃圾箱ash-bin(dust-bin) /ashcan秋autumn/fall面包店bakery/bakehouse纸币(bank-)note/ (bank-)bill理发厅barber"s shop/ barber shop浴盆bath/bathtub浴室bathroom/bath寝具bedclothes/covers饼干biscuit/cracker百叶窗blind/shade公寓block offlats /apartment house宿舍boardinghouse/ dormitory预约booking/reservation售票处booking-office/ ticket-office长筒鞋boot/shoe圆顶黑色高帽bowler/derby裤子的吊带braces/suspenders小憩时间break/recess中途下车breakone"s journey /stop over 白洋布、印花布calico/ printed cloth旅行队,篷车caravan/ trailer客车carriage/coach游览车charabanc/sightseeing bus药局chemist"s shop /drugstore支票cheque/check衣柜chest-drawers/ bureau教名Christianname/ first name电影院cinema/picture house寄物处,衣帽间cloakroom /checkroom 光头close crop/crew out衣夹clothes-peg/ clothes-pin公共汽车coach/bus雄鸡cock/rooster魔术师conjuror/magician蒸汽锅cooker/stove谷物corn/grain棍棒cosh/blackjack领带cravat/(neck)tie十字路口cross-roads/ intersection碗柜cupboard/closet窗帘curtain/drape煎报cutting/clipping骑自行车的人cyclist/cycler舞厅dancingsaloon/ dance ball死者,故人deceased/ decedent无尾礼服dinner-jacket /tuxedo抹布dish-cloth/dish towel老资格,老前辈doyen/dean绸缎店draper"s shop /dry-goods store 西洋象棋draughts/checkers客厅drawingroom/ parlor睡衣dressing-gown /bathrobe酒类饮料drink/liquor偶然拜访drop in/drop by垃圾箱dust-bin/ashcan公司的休憩时间elevenses /coffee break雇佣engage/hire机车,车头engine/locomotive过分excessively/ overly快递expressdelivery post/ special delivery mail 战争fighting/combat消防队fire-brigade/ fire-department二楼firstfloor/ second floor鱼类,海味fish/sea food鱼贩fish-monger/ fish-dealer花线,皮线flex/electric cord人行道footway/side walk空格表form/blank二星期fortnight/two weeks句点full stop/period橡皮套鞋galoshes/rubbers监狱gaol/jail再见good-bye/good-by货车goodstrain/ freight train卡车goodswaggon /freight car食品杂货店grocer"s shop/ grocery store 一楼ground floor/first floor车掌guard/conductor长筒橡皮套鞋overshoes /gum boots大炮cannon/gun争价,还价haggle/dicker一半half a / ahalf门厅,回廊hall/hallway长筒靴high boot/boot休假holiday/vacation旅馆的侍者hotelpage/ bellboy有病的ill /sick旅馆主人innkeeper/innholder演出休息时间interval/ intermission铁器店ironmonger"s/ hardware store水罐jug/pitcher街道的边石kerb/curb邮票,印花税票label/sticker化妆室ladies" cloakroom /powder room 地崩,山崩landslip/landslide厕所lavatory/washroom电梯,升降机lift/elevator铁路line/road寄宿者lodger/roomer卡车lorry/truck西装lounge suit/sack coat行李luggage/baggage主要街道,大路mainroad /highway玉米maize/corn汽车(motor)car/auto(mobile)市政厅municipaloffice/ city hall音乐厅,演艺馆musichall/ variety house 棉布muslin/calico零naught,nought zero通讯社news-agent/ news-dealer单据夹note-case/billfold告示notice/bulletin校友lod boys(girls)/ alumni大衣,外套overcoat/ topcoat(纸牌的)一组pack(of cards) /deck内裤,短裤pants/shorts小包,包裹parcel/package挂布pelmet/valance婴儿车perambulator/ pram baby carriage 也许perhaps/maybe汽油petrol/gasoline电影pictures/movies邮筒pillar-box/letter-box(电器)接头point/outlet转辙手pointman/switchman职业的professional /career公共电话publiccall-box/ pay station酒馆,酒店publichouse /tavern(车胎等)爆坏puncture /become flat钱包,皮夹purse/pocket-book睡衣pyjamas/pajamas赛马场race course/racetrack铁路railway/railroad电冰箱refrigerator/ icebox来回车票returnticket /round-trip ticket挂断电话ring off/hang up打电话ring up/call人行道roadway/pavement圆环roundaboutrotary, traffic circle垃圾堆rubbish-heap/ trash heap围毯rug/robe解雇sack/fire大麦饼scone/biscuit海sea/ocean定期票,长期票seaonticket /commutation ticket 抵押security/collateral鞋子shoe/oxford擦皮鞋shoe-black/boot-black商店shop/store店员shopassistant/ clerk女店员sjpp-girl/salesgirl颊发side-shiskers/ sideburns单程车票singleticket/ one-way ticket地基,地点site/lot枕木sleepers/crossties袜带suspenders/garters律师solicitor/lawyer螺丝起子spanner/wrench眼镜spectacles/eyeglasses毕业典礼speechday /commencement教员staff/faculty公立学校stateschool /public school停留stay/stopper石头stone/rock地下道subway /underpass日出sunrise/sunup餐后甜点sweet/course dessert糖果sweets/candy燕尾服tail-coat/cutaway水龙头tap/faucet终点terminus/terminal大公寓,大杂院tenements /flat神秘小说,侦探小说thriller/ mystery story截止期限time-limit /deadline时间表timetable/schedule罐头食品tinnedgoods/ canned goods 手电筒torch/flashlight城市town/city电车tram carstreet car/ trolley长途电话trunkcall /long-distance call 裤子trousers/pants地下铁路tube/subway裤管的反折turn-ups/ cuffs地下铁路underground /subway傧仪业者undertaker/ mortician贴身内衣underwear/ undershirt杂项表演variety/burlesque阳台veranda/porch贴身内衣vest/undershirt名片visitingcard/ calling card背心waist-coat/vest洗礼日washingday/ wash-day酒店winemerchant/ liquor store学而不思则惘,思而不学则殆无线电wireless/radio工作时间workingday /workday工厂works/factory。
【英式-美式英语单词对照表】下面给大家分享一个超全的英美式单词对照表(A-Z字母表顺序,吐血整理、史上最全哦!)(r)]药店Chemist's[?kem?st ' s]Drug store [dr ? gst ?:]薯片Chips [t ??ps] French fries [fr ?nt ? fra ?z]电影院The cin ema[e ??s?n?m?]The movies [e ?mu:v ?z ]避孕套Condom[?k?nd?m]Rubber [?r?b?]巡逻者Con stable[?k?nst ?bl] Patrolma n [p ??trolm ?n]炉子Cooker[?k?k?(r)] Stove [sto ?v] 麦子Corn [k ?:n] Wheat [wit]小床Cot [k ?t] Crib[kr ?b]棉线Cotton[?k?t n] Thread [9r?d] 失事crash[kr? ?] wreck [r ?k]十字路口crossroads[?kr ?sr ??dz]in tersect ion[??nt?r?sek?n]窗帘curta ins ['k ?:tnz] drapes [dreps]跳棋draughts [dr?fts] checkers [?t ?ek?rz]图钉draw ing pin[?dr?: ?? pi n]thumbtack [?9 ?m?t?k]复式车行道dual carriageway[‘dju: ?l ?k?r?d?we?]divided highway[d ??va?d?d ?ha??we]镇静物dummy [?d?mi] pacifier[?p?s??fa ??]垃圾箱dust-b in['d ?stb' ?n] trashca n ['tr? ?k? n] 清洁工dustma n Garbage collector[?d?stm? n] [?ga rbd? k??l ?kt ?]发电机dyn amo gen erator [?da? n?m??] [?d??n??ret ?]发动机engine[?en d??n]motor[?m(?t ?(r)]火车司机engine driver[?end?in ?draiv?]engin eer[?end???n?r]电影film movie [f ?lm] [?muvi]公寓flat [fl?t] apartme nt [??p a :rtm?nt]立交桥flyover[?fla ???v?(r)]overpass[?o?v?rp?s]院子garde n yard[?g a :dn] [j a :rd]男毕业生graduate[?gr?d ?u?t] alu mnus [??l ?mr?s]烧烤grill [gr ?l] boiler [?b??l ?]一楼ground floor[g raund fl ?:] first floor [f ?st fl ?r]橡皮gumshoe rubbers[?g?m?u:] ['r ?b?z]运动鞋Gymshoes sn eakers[d ??m ?u:] ['s ni:k ?z]钱包handbag purse[?h?ndb?g] [p ?:rs]广告牌hoard ing billboard[?h?:d ??] [?b?lb ?:rd]假期holiday vacati on[?h?l ?de?] [ve ?ke??n]吸尘器hoover[?hu:v ?(r)]vacuum cleaner[?v?kju ?m ?klin ?]生病的ill[ ?1] sick[s ?k]间隔in terval in termissi on [?? nt ?vl] [??nt?r?n??n]毛衣jersey sweater [?d??:zi] [?sW?t ?]大水罐jug pitcher [d ??g] [?p?t ??]电梯lift elevator[l ?ft] [??l ??vet ?]货车lorry truck [?l ?ri] [tr ?k]行李,包袱luggage baggage[?l ?g?d?] [?b? g?d?]雨衣mack in tosh rain coat [?m?l? nt ??] [?re ?nko?t]疯狂的mad crazy [m?d] [?krezi]玉米maize corn [me?z] [k ?:rn]数学maths math [m? 0 s] [m?0]吝啬的mea n stin gy [mi: n] [?st ?nd?i]高速公路Motorway freeway[?m??t ?we?] [?fri ?we]尿布n appy diaper[?n ?pi] [?da?p?r]险恶的n asty vicious[?n a :sti] [?v???s]任何地方都no where n oplace不[?n? ?we?(r)] ['no ?ple ?s]私人医院nursing home private hospital[?n ?:s?? h?um] [?pra ?v?t ?h a sptl]验光师oculist optometrist[??kj ?l ?st] [a :p?t a :mtr ?st]酒类商店Off-lise nee[of ?la ?sns]iquor store [?l ?k?st ?r]煤油paraffi n kerose ne [?p?r?f? n] [?k?r??si n]人行道paveme nt sidewalk [?pe?vm? nt] [?sa?d?w?k]偷看peep peek [pi:p] [pik]汽油petrol gasoli ne [?petr ?l] [? g ???lin]邮件Post [p ??st] mail [me?l]邮箱Postbox mailbox [?p??stb ?ks] [me?lb a :ks]邮递员postma n Mailma n[?p??stm? n] [?melm?n]土豆片potato crisps Potato chips婴儿车pram baby carriage[pr?m] [?bebi ?k?r ?d?]酒吧Pub [p?b] bar [b a :r]公共厕所public toilet[?t ?ilit ?t??l?t]rest room [r ?st rum]刺孔pun cture blow-out[?p??kt ??(r)] [blo ?a?t]手推车Push-chiar stroller[p ?? t ?e?(r)] [?stro ?l ?(r)]排队queue Ine[kju:] [la ?n]铁路railway railroad[?re ?lwe ?] [?re?lro ?d]铁路车厢railway carriage railway car[?reilwei ?k?rid ?] [?rel ?we k a r]卷棉reel of cott on[ri:l ?v ?k?tn]spool of thread [spul ?v0r ?d ]往返车票return[r ??t ?:n]round trip [ra ?ndtr ?p]对方付费reverse charges call collect涨薪rise raise [ra ?z] [rez]路面road surface paveme nt [ro ?d ?s?:fis] [?pevn?nt]圆环roun dabout traffic circle [?ra? nd?ba?t] [?tr?f ?k ?s?k?l]橡皮擦rubber eraser[?r ?b?(r)] [??re?s?r]垃圾rubbish garbage [?r ?b??] [?g a :rb?d?]轿车Salo on Seda n [s ??lu: n] [s ??d?n]透明胶带sellotape Scotch tape[?sel ?te ?p] [sk a ? tep]商店shop Store[??p] [st ?:(r)]消声器sile ncer muffler [?sa?l ?ns?(r)] [?n?fl ?]单程Si ngle on e-way[?s??gl] [?w?n?we]在某处Somewhere someplace[?s?mw@(r)] [?s?n?ples]扳手Spanner wrench[?sp? n?(r)] [r ?nt ?]全体教职工Staff faculty[st a :f] [?f?k ?lti]油底壳Sump oil pan[s ?mp] [??l p?n]甜食sweet dessert[swi:t] [d ??z?:rt] 糖果Sweets Can dy[swi:ts] [?k?ndi]水龙头tap Faucet [t?p] [?f ?s?t]出租车taxi cab [?t?ksi] [k?b]抹布tea -towel Dish- towel [ti: ?tau ?l] [d ?? ?ta ??l]学期term semester [t ?:m] [s ??n?st ?]女士连体袜tights [ta ?ts]pan ti-hose时间安排timetable schedule [?ta ?mte?bl] [?sked?u:l]罐头tin [t ?n] Ca n [k?n]收费高速公路toll motorway turnpike [?t?:rnpa ?k]手电筒torch flashlight[t ?:t ?] [?fl? ??la ?t]流浪汉tramp hobo[tr?mp] [?ho?bo?]裤子trousers pan ts[?tra ?z?z] [p? nts]袖口turn-ups cuff[t ?:n ?ps] [k?f]地铁un dergro und rai subwaylway [?s?b?we]内裤un derpa nts shorts[?? nd?p? nts] [??:rts]道路边缘verge Shoulder[v ?:d ?] [??o?ld ?] 背心,马甲waistcoat vest[?we?sk??t] [vest]衣柜wardrobe closet[?w?:dr ??b] [?kl a :Z?t] 洗手wash your hands wash up挡风玻璃Win dscree n[?w?ndskri: n] wi ndshield [?w?nd??ild]叶子板wi ng fen der [w??] [?f? nd?]拉链zip zipper [z ?p] [?z?p?]看完上面的单词对照表,我们来个小测试吧:America n to British En glish QuizReplace the American English word in italics with a British English word.1、rd like to hang the drapes tonight. Do you have time?2、We took the elevator to the 10th floor.3、Would you like to see a movie tonight?4、Have you seen Tim's new apartment yet? It's very nice.5、Run down to the drug store and buy some aspirin please.6、Let's go to the bar and get a drink.7、ril take the garbage out before I leave tomorrow morning.8、Take the second exit at the traffic circle .9、Let's get have some potato chips with lunch.10、Could you hand me the flashlight so I can take a look in the closet?British to America n En glish QuizReplace the British word in italics with an American English word.1、We need to find a public toilet soon.2、Let's get the pram and take a walk with Jennifer.3、I'm afraid I had a puncture and had to get it fixed.4、Could you bring in that tin of tuna over there?5、He puts his trousers on like any other person.6、She's very mean with her money. Don't ask her for any help.7、I gen erally don't wear a suit with a waistcoat .8、We should ask a con stable for help.9、Let's go to the off-license and get some whiskey.10、Get on queue and ril get us something to eat.【第一组答案】1、curtains 2、lift 3、f ilm 4、f lat 5、chemist's 6、pub 7、rubbish 8、roundabout 9、crisps 10、torch【第二组答案】1、rest room 2、baby carriage 3、blow-out 4、can 5、pants 6、stingy 7、vest 8、patrolman 9、liquor store 10、line。
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【英式-美式英语单词对照表】下面给大家分享一个超全的英美式单词对照表(A-Z字母表顺序,吐血整理、史上最全哦!)含义英式英语美式英语天线Aerial[ˈeəriəl]Antenna[ænˈtɛnə]生气的Angry[ˈæŋgri]Mad[mæd]任何地方Anywhere[ˈeniwer]Anyplace[ˈɛniˌples]秋天Autumn[ˈɔ:təm]Fall [fɔl]账单Bank note[bæŋknəut]Bill[bɪl]律师Barrister[ˈbærɪstə(r)]Attorney[əˈtɜ:rni]饼干Biscuit[ˈbɪskɪt]Cookie[ˈkʊki]兜帽Bonnet[ˈbɒnɪt]Hood [hʊd]靴子Boot[bu:t] Trunk[trʌŋk]吊带Braces[b'reɪsɪz]Suspenders[sə'spendəz]看门人Caretaker[ˈkeəteɪkə(r)]Janitor[ˈdʒænɪtɚ]药店Chemist's[ˈkemɪst’s]Drug store[drʌɡ stɔ:]薯片Chips [tʃɪps] French fries [frɛntʃ fraɪz]电影院The cinema[ðəˈsɪnəmə ]The movies[ðə mu:vɪz ]避孕套Condom[ˈkɒndɒm]Rubber[ˈrʌbɚ]巡逻者Constable[ˈkʌnstəbl]Patrolman[pəˈtrolmən]炉子Cooker[ˈkʊkə(r)]Stove[stoʊv]麦子Corn [kɔ:n] Wheat [wit] 小床Cot [kɒt] Crib[krɪb]棉线Cotton[ˈkɒtn]Thread[θrɛd]失事crash[kræʃ] wreck [rɛk]十字路口crossroads[ˈkrɒsrəʊdz]intersection[ˌɪntərˈsekʃn]窗帘curtains drapes['kɜ:tnz] [dreps]跳棋draughts[dræfts]checkers[ˈtʃekərz]图钉drawing pin[ˈdrɔ:ɪŋpin]thumbtack[ˈθʌmˌtæk]复式车行道dual carriageway[‘dju:əl ˈkærɪdʒweɪ]divided highway[dɪˈvaɪdɪd ˈhaɪˌwe]镇静物dummy[ˈdʌmi]pacifier[ˈpæsəˌfaɪɚ]垃圾箱dust-bin['dʌstb'ɪn]trashcan['træʃkæn]清洁工dustman[ˈdʌstmən]Garbage collector[ˈɡɑrbɪdʒ kəˈlɛktɚ]发电机dynamo[ˈdaɪnəməʊ]generator[ˈdʒɛnəˌretɚ]发动机engine[ˈendʒɪn]motor[ˈmoʊtə(r)]火车司机engine driver[ˈendʒinˈdraivə]engineer[ˌendʒɪˈnɪr]电影film[fɪlm]movie[ˈmuvi]公寓flat [flæt]apartment [əˈpɑ:rtmənt]立交桥flyover[ˈflaɪəʊvə(r)]overpass[ˈoʊvərpæs]院子garden[ˈgɑ:dn]yard[jɑ:rd]男毕业生graduate[ˈgrædʒuət]alumnus[əˈlʌmnəs]烧烤grill[grɪl]boiler[ˈbɔɪlɚ]一楼ground floor[ɡraund flɔ:]first floor[fɚst flɔr]橡皮gumshoe[ˈgʌmʃu:]rubbers['rʌbəz]运动鞋Gymshoes[dʒɪm ʃu: ]sneakers['sni:kəz]钱包handbag[ˈhændbæg]purse[pɜ:rs]广告牌hoarding[ˈhɔ:dɪŋ]billboard[ˈbɪlbɔ:rd]假期holiday[ˈhɒlədeɪ]vacation[veˈkeʃən]吸尘器hoover[ˈhu:və(r)]vacuum cleaner[ˈvækjuəm ˈklinɚ]生病的ill[ɪl] sick[sɪk]间隔interval[ˈɪntəvl]intermission[ˌɪntərˈmɪʃn]毛衣jersey[ˈdʒɜ:zi]sweater[ˈswɛtɚ]大水罐jug[dʒʌg]pitcher[ˈpɪtʃɚ]电梯lift[lɪft]elevator[ˈɛləˌvetɚ]货车lorry[ˈlɒri]truck[trʌk]行李,包袱luggage[ˈlʌgɪdʒ]baggage[ˈbæɡɪdʒ]雨衣mackintosh[ˈmækɪntɒʃ]raincoat[ˈreɪnkoʊt]疯狂的mad[mæd]crazy[ˈkrezi]玉米maize[meɪz]corn[kɔ:rn]数学maths[mæθs]math[mæθ]吝啬的mean[mi:n]stingy[ˈstɪndʒi]高速公路Motorway[ˈməʊtəweɪ]freeway[ˈfriˌwe]尿布nappy[ˈnæpi]diaper[ˈdaɪpər]险恶的nasty[ˈnɑ:sti]vicious[ˈvɪʃəs]任何地方都不nowhere[ˈnəʊweə(r)]noplace['noʊpleɪs]私人医院nursing home[ˈnɜ:sɪŋhəum]private hospital[ˈpraɪvɪt ˈhɑspɪtl]验光师oculist[ˈɒkjəlɪst]optometrist [ɑ:pˈtɑ:m ətrɪst]酒类商店Off-lisence[of ˈlaɪsns]iquor store[ˈlɪkɚ stɔr]煤油paraffin[ˈpærəfɪn]kerosene[ˈkɛrəˌsin]人行道pavement[ˈpeɪvmənt]sidewalk[ˈsaɪdˌwɔk]偷看peep[pi:p]peek[pik]汽油petrol[ˈpetrəl]gasoline[ˈɡæsəˌlin]邮件Post[pəʊst]mail[meɪl]邮箱Postbox[ˈpəʊstbɒks]mailbox[meɪlbɑ:ks]邮递员postman[ˈpəʊstmən]Mailman[ˈmelmæn]土豆片potato crispsPotato chips婴儿车pram[præm]baby carriage[ˈbebi ˈkærɪdʒ]酒吧Pub[pʌb]bar[bɑ:r]公共厕所public toilet[ˈtɔilitˈtɔɪlətrest room[rɛst rum]]刺孔puncture[ˈpʌŋktʃə(r)]blow-out[bloʊaʊt]手推车Push-chiar[pʊʃ tʃeə(r)]stroller[ˈstroʊlə(r)]排队queue[kju:]Ine[laɪn]铁路railway[ˈreɪlweɪ]railroad[ˈreɪlroʊd]铁路车厢railway carriage[ˈreilwei ˈkæridʒ]railway car[ˈrelˌwe kɑr]卷棉reel of cotton[ri:l əvˈkɒtn]spool of thread[spul ʌvθrɛd ]往返车票return[rɪˈtɜ:n]round trip[raʊnd trɪp]对方付费reverse charges call collect涨薪rise[raɪz]raise[rez]路面road surface[roʊd ˈsə:fis]pavement[ˈpevmənt]圆环roundabout[ˈraʊndəbaʊt]traffic circle[ˈtræfɪkˈsɚkəl]橡皮擦rubber[ˈrʌbə(r)]eraser[ɪˈreɪsər]垃圾rubbish[ˈrʌbɪʃ]garbage[ˈgɑ:rbɪdʒ]轿车Saloon[səˈlu:n]Sedan[sɪˈdæn]透明胶带sellotape[ˈseləteɪp]Scotch tape[skɑtʃtep]商店shop[ʃɒp]Store[stɔ:(r)]消声器silencer[ˈsaɪlənsə(r)]muffler[ˈmʌflɚ]单程Single[ˈsɪŋgl]one-way[ˈwʌnˈwe]在某处Somewhere[ˈsʌmweə(r)]someplace[ˈsʌmˌples]扳手Spanner[ˈspænə(r)]wrench[rɛntʃ]全体教职工Staff[stɑ:f]faculty[ˈfækəlti]油底壳Sump[sʌmp]oil pan[ɔɪl pæn]甜食sweet[swi:t]dessert[dɪˈzɜ:rt]糖果Sweets[swi:ts]Candy[ˈkændi]水龙头tap[tæp]Faucet[ˈfɔsɪt]出租车taxi[ˈtæksi]cab[kæb]抹布tea -towel[ti: ˈtauəl]Dish- towel[dɪʃˈtaʊəl]学期term[tɜ:m]semester[səˈmɛstɚ]女士连体袜tights[taɪts]panti-hose时间安排timetable[ˈtaɪmteɪbl]schedule[ˈskedʒu:l]罐头tin [tɪn] Can [kæn]收费高速公路toll motorwayturnpike[ˈtɜ:rnpaɪk]手电筒torch[tɔ:tʃ]flashlight[ˈflæʃˌlaɪt]流浪汉tramp[træmp]hobo[ˈhoʊboʊ]裤子trousers[ˈtraʊzəz]pants[pænts]袖口turn-ups[tɜ:n ʌps]cuff[kʌf]地铁underground railwaysubway[ˈsʌbˌwe]内裤underpants[ˈʌndəpænts]shorts[ʃɔ:rts]道路边缘verge[vɜ:dʒ]Shoulder[ˈʃoʊldə]背心,马甲waistcoat[ˈweɪskəʊt]vest[vest]衣柜wardrobe[ˈwɔ:drəʊb]closet[ˈklɑ:zət]洗手wash your hands wash up挡风玻璃Windscreen[ˈwɪndskri:n]windshield[ˈwɪndˌʃild]叶子板wing[wɪŋ]fender[ˈfɛndɚ]拉链zip[zɪp]zipper[ˈzɪpɚ]看完上面的单词对照表,我们来个小测试吧:American to British English QuizReplace the American English word in italics with a British English word.1、I'd like to hang the drapes tonight. Do you have time?2、We took the elevator to the 10th floor.3、Would you like to see a movie tonight?4、Have you seen Tim's new apartment yet? It's very nice.5、Run down to the drug store and buy some aspirin please.6、Let's go to the bar and get a drink.7、I'll take the garbage out before I leave tomorrow morning.8、Take the second exit at the traffic circle.9、Let's get have some potato chips with lunch.10、Could you hand me the flashlight so I can take a look in the closet?British to American English QuizReplace the British word in italics with an American English word.1、We need to find a public toilet soon.2、Let's get the pram and take a walk with Jennifer.3、I'm afraid I had a puncture and had to get it fixed.4、Could you bring in that tin of tuna over there?5、He puts his trousers on like any other person.6、She's very mean with her money. Don't ask her for any help.7、I generally don't wear a suit with a waistcoat.8、We should ask a constable for help.9、Let's go to the off-license and get some whiskey.10、Get on queue and I'll get us something to eat.【第一组答案】1、curtains 2、lift 3、film 4、flat 5、chemist's 6、pub 7、rubbish 8、roundabout 9、crisps 10、torch【第二组答案】1、rest room 2、baby carriage 3、blow-out 4、can 5、pants 6、stingy 7、vest 8、patrolman 9、liquor store 10、line。