Lesson 1China CustomsEXERCISESI. Oral work1. What are the major functions of the Customs General Administration?1. To draft and enact the policies and principles on Customs work; to participate in drawing up and amending the Customs Import and Export Tariff;to enact other statutes on Customs operation;and to 1nspect,supervise and direct the enforcement of them by the Customs offices throughout the country;2. To participate in drafting international treaties and agreements on Customs affairs;3. To conduct the unified handling of tariff reductions and exemptions;4. To organize and guide the preventive work of the Customs offices throughout the country;5. To examine applications for reviewing disputes on duty payments and applications for reviewing Customs decisions on penalties:6. To compile Customs statistics;7. To administer organizations,staffing,vocational training and appointments and removals of directors of Customs Offices throughout the country;and to exercise leadership in Customs schools and colleges;8. To organize the work of research and development, introduction and management of Customs technological facilities;9. To administer,audit and supervise all Customs financial affairs,equipments,fixed assets and capital construction;10.To strengthen ties and co-operation and external exchanges with overseas Customs Services,international Customs organization and other international organizations concerned.2. Why does Customs General Administration set up its sub-office in Guangzhou?Considering there are so many Customs offices and its heavy workload in Guangdong Province,the Customs General Administration has set up its sub-office in Guangzhou to assist it in administering the Customs Offices in that province.This sub-office is named Guangdong Regional Customs Office.3. Where are the Customs establishments set up?Besides the Customs General Administration in Beijing,the State sets up Customs establishments at ports opening to foreign countries and at places which call for concentrated Customs operation.4.Do the Customs establishments exercise their functions independently?The customs establishments exercise their functions and powers independently in accordance with the law,and are responsible to the Customs General Administration.5.State the four main tasks of China’s Customs.China Customs is responsible for the supervision and control over means of transport,goods, luggage,postal items and other articles entering or leaving China's territory,the collection of Customs duties,taxes and fees,the prevention of smuggling, the compilation of the Customs statistics and dealing withother Customs matters.II. Substitute the underlined words by choosing a suitable one1.One of the main tasks of China's Customs is to exercise supervision and control over inward and outward goods and means of transport.a.import and export b.inside and outsidec.home made and foreign made2.China's Customs is a state organ responsible for the supervision and control work.a.official newspaper b.organizationc.monthly magazine3.Its major task is to lead local Customs offices in the correct enforcement of Customs laws.a.1eadership b. administeringc.carrying out4.Another one of its main functions is to participate in drafting international treaties and agreements on Customs matters.a.drawing up b.administeringc.compiling5.Customs establishments are set up at ports opening to foreign countriesa.Customs Houses b.Government officec.Customs departments6.China's Customs General Administration has the right to enact policies and principles on Customs work.a.make and pass b.choosec.take out7.The Customs decision on penalty will be reviewed by higher authority.a.completed b. considered and judgedc. stipulated8.One of its tasks is to prevent and counter smuggling.a.disagree with b.strike backc. deal with9.China's Customs often extends exchanges with foreign Customs administrations and organizations.a.continues b.expressesc.offers10.The Administration has set up two branches to assist it in handling general matters.a.asset b.helpc.forceIIl.Put the following Chinese sentences into English1.中华人民共和国海关是国家的进出关境监督管理机关。
ReferencesUnit 1 An Introduction to Business LogisticsPart II. Exercises for Dialogue 1Answer the following questions according to the dialogue.1.Logistics means to supply the right product at the right time in the rightquantity in the right condition at the right place for the right customer at the right price.2.It includes the procurement, maintainance, distribution and replacementof personnel and material.3.These two concepts are the same meanings. Logistics is general meaningand includes military definition and business definition. Businesslogistics stresses special term on a trade or business・Exercises for Dialogue 21.(Opening)2.(Opening)Part III. Practical ReadingsExercises for Text 1I.Answer the following questions:1.Business logistics means to be defined as a business-planning framework for the management of material, service, information and capital flows.2.Business logistics involves the following activities: demand forecasting, procurement, materials handling, packaging, warehouse and inventorymanagement, ordering processing, logistics communications, transport, customer service and so on.3.The role of logistics is to maintain the balance between the minute details and the main elements involved in a product.11・1 •商务物流管理有不同版本的不同定义2必要资源的利用3.逆向货物的搬运4.人员和材料的补充5.复杂信息6.现代的商业环境7.需求预测&设施场地选择9.公司最重要的财富10.公司战略抉择走势评定III.definitions一heart■一output—service■一strategyIV.1.这一非常宽广的物流观点把单一的供应链与贸易公司的方方面面整合在一起。
《报关与报检实务》(第三版)习题及参考答案(汇总)第一章报关基础知识一、单项选择题1.请指出下列哪种说法不正确( D )。
D.专业报关企业具有进出口经营权2.根据我国《海关法》的规定,报关行为又可分为自理报关和代理报关,其中通常情况下下列哪一主体不得办理代理报关( C )。
C.进出口货物收发货人3.中华人民共和国海关是国家的进出境监督管理机关,其基本任务是对进出境运输工具、货物、物品进行监督管理、征收关税、( B )和编辑海关统计。
B.查辑走私4.海关行使下列哪些权力时不需经直属海关关长或者其授权的隶属海关关长批准( D )。
D.与违反《海关法》或者其他有关法律、行政法规的进出境运输工具、货物、物品有牵连的合同或发票等资料5.一般说来,海关权力行使应遵循合法原则、适当原则、( A )、依法受到保障原则。
A.依法独立行使原则6.目前我国的直属海关共有( C)个C. 417.从( C )起,海关对部分打私办案职能进行了内部调整,走私犯罪侦查机构增加了行政执法职能。
C. 2003年8.报关员自接到海关“现场交单”或者“放行交单”通知之日起10日内,没有正当理由,未按照规定持打印出的纸质报关单,备齐规定的随附单证,到货物所在地海关递交书面单证并办理相关海关手续,导致海关撤消报关单的,一次记分的分值为:( C )C. 10分9.在海关签印放行后,海关发现因为报关员填制报关单不规范,报关单币值或者价格填报与实际不符,且两者差额在100万元人民币以下:数量与实际不符,且有4位数以下差值,经海关确认不属伪报,但影响海关统计的,一次记分的分值为:( D )D. 5分二、多项选择题1.根据海关对报关单位的现行管理规定,指出下列哪些行为符合报关单位的报关行为规则( AD )。
Exercises 1Part II Vocabulary exercises1. B2. C3. D4.B5. D6. B7. A8. C9. C 10. BII Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.“Logistics” is a term, which originates from both the army and French. According tothe French, the Baron of Jomini, who of Swiss origin who had served in Napoleon’sarmy before joining the Russians and who later founded the Military Academy of St.Petersburg, first used the term in the early 19th century. So in a military sense, theterm ‘logistics’ encompasses transport organization, army replenishments andmaterial maintenance.2.Logistics deals with satisfying the customer. This implies that management must firstunderstand what those requirements are before a logistics strategy can be developedand implemented to meet them. As will be discussed in more detail later, customerservice is the most important output of an organization’s logistics system. This focuson customer satisfaction will be emphasized through the text just as it should be inthe firm.Part III Vocabulary exercises1. B2. D3. A4.C5. D6.D7.A8.A9.C 10. AII Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.Transportation refers to the physical movement of goods from a point of origin to apoint of consumption and can involve raw materials being brought into theproduction process and/or finished goods being shipped out to the customer.2.Since these inputs can have a direct impact on both the cost and quality of the finalproduct/service offered to the consumer, this activity is vital to the overall success ofthe logistics effort. In addition, the move away from local sourcing in favor of globalbuying has complicated this entire process dramatically in recent years.Part IIII Vocabulary exercises1. D2.C3.B4.D5. A6. C7. D8. D9. B 10. CII Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.Cost has a relation to service. They go hand in hand. As you define your serviceagainst your costs or costs against service, the give and take develops into youroperating costs and budgets. Then you have to make sure that the cost can bemanaged. Otherwise costs can go out of control, or seem to.2.Logistics is a process, which runs from the vendor's door through to the customer's. Itinteracts with almost every group within the company and with many companiesoutside the company, including its customers. Effective logistics revolves around fivekey issues--movement of product, movement of information, time/service, cost andintegration. Each of this is critical to the success of logistics and to creatingvalue-added to the company and improving competitiveness.Exercises 2Part II Vocabulary exercises1. A2. B3. B4.B5.A6. B7. B8.B9. A 10. A 11. B 12. B 13. B 14. B 15.DPart III Vocabulary exercises1. A2.C3.A4. D5.A6. D7.B8. B9. D 10. B II Structure1. C2. C3.C4.D5.CPart IIII Vocabulary exercises1.A2. B3. C4. A5. A6.C7.A8. CII Structure1.C2. C3. C4. A5. BExercisesPart II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:. The Public sector ______an important role in transport, through the construction, ownership and control of roads, railroads and in most countries.(A) do (B) get (C) play (D) plays2. This does not only relate to the handling techniques, _______to the equipment itself.(A) and (B) which (C) but also (D) too3. A ship may be moved from one trade or route to another, _______a port cannot be moved.(A) that (B) which (C) while (D) why4. The high cost of provision, longevity and scale economies associated _______the fixed componentscreate tendencies towards monopoly control, while the ease of entry, flexibility and lack of scale effetstend to stimulate competition in the mobile sector.(A) on (B) in (C) to (D) with5. Public authorities are most often responsible (1) planning, construction and maintenance of the fixed elements of transport, the infrastructure. It is assumed that their main (2) is to secure the international trade to and from a region or a country. But the investments they are willing to undertake must in most cases be demonstrated to have a viable economic basis through projections of cargo flows and (3) national gains. The careful planning and (4) of road and port projects are examples of this. The shipowners, as the suppliers of ships, will have similar interests in evaluating the cargo flow to and from a specific area. But as they operate internationally and their ships most likely serve other regions or countries, at least in liner operations, their considerations will have a wider scope within some profit motive. They may not be willing to add capacity to a service to cater for local needs.(1) (A) on (B) in (C) to (D) for(2) (A) objective (B) object (C) objectively (D) objecting(3) (A) result (B) resulting (C) results (D) resulted(4) (A) evaluation (B) improvement (C) development (D) increaseII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1. mobile, relate, infrastructure,influenced, link, consists,(1) The _____elements are also generally cheap.(2) This does not only ______to the cargo handling techniques, but also to the equipment itself.(3) It is the features of the fixed and mobile components of transport that have _______the present institutional arrangements in the industry.(4) A particularly important ________ between transport and development is in international interaction.(5) A transport system _______of inland transport, ports and ocean going vessels.(6) The importance of building up a transport that involves considerable cost has madethis a widely accepted public task.Part IIExercises:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. The capability to efficiently transport large tonnage over long distance is the main reason _____ continue to handle significant inter-city tonnage and revenue.(A) motor carrier (B) water transport (C) railroads (D) pipelines2. _______is the oldest mode of transportation(A) Motor carrier (B) Water transport (C) Railroads (D) Air transport3. _____ can not be transported by pipelines.(A) gas (B) general cargo (C) liquid (D) slurry4. One ______aspect of air transport is the high cost.(A) prohibitive (B) limited (C) obstacle (D) advantage5. There has been an increasing _ (1)__ on these vehicles both in developed and in developing country. The construction of motorway and trunk road network, the concentration of manufacture into bigger production units and the general trend towards containerization have supported and (2) to this trend. Road transport shares the road or highway (3) other user. The (4) of roads are normally financed either through direct taxes (toll roads), by petrol or other indirect taxes or by combination.(1) (A) to rely (B) rely (C) relied (D) reliance(2) (A) lead (B) led (C) leading (D) to lead(3) (A) with (B) on (C) and (D) in(4) (A) build (B) building (C) manufacture (D) constructII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:. unique, complementary, extremely, ranks, shifted, reduced,(1). The basic nature of a pipeline is ______in comparison to all other modes of transport.(2) Water transport _______ between rail and motor carrier in respect to fixed cost.(3) The replacement of steam by diesel power ______ the railroads’ variable cost per ton-mile.(4) In many situations road and rail transport may be seen as ______ rather than a competitor.(5) Port and freight station are places where goods are _____from one mode of transport to another.(6) The main advantage of water transportation is the capacity to move large shipments.Part IIIExercises:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. According to the passage, transport economics is influenced by _______factors.(A) five (B) six (C) seven (D) eight2. ______ is a major influence on transportation cost since it directly contribute to variable cost, such as labor, fuel and maintenance.(A) Product density (B) Stowability (C) Market (D) Distance3. Items with standard rectangular shapes are much easier to stow ______odd-shaped items(A) with (B) than (C) to (D) at4. The bill of lading serves as a receipt and documents commodities and quantities ______.(A) ship (B) shipped (C) shipping(D) to ship5. The multi-modal transport operator (MTO) acts (1) the principal for the performance of the multi-modal transport contract and, in (2) capacity undertakes to contract and provide for the different modes of transport and other services required for expeditious, efficient and safe transport of goods from the place where he takes the goods in charge to the place where he deliver the goods (3) the contract. In the execution of the contract he has necessarily to engage the services of several carriers such as shipowners, road operators, railways, airlines or inland water way operators in addition to non-carriers like terminal operators, warehouses, container freight stations, groupage or consolidation depots, container (4) organizations or freight forwarders.(1) (A) on (B) as (C) to (D) at(2) (A) which (B) what (C) that (D) where(3) (A) according to (B) due to (C) because (D) in addition to(4) (A) lending (B) borrowing (C) owning (D) leasingII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:Applied , decreases, arrange, delivery, lists, required(1) Special handling equipment may be for loading or unloading trucks, railcars, or ships.(2) Transportation cost per unit of weight ________as load volume increases.(3) The shipping manifest ______ individual stops or consignees when multiple shipments are placed on a single vehicle.(4) The primary task of forwarding is to ______ international transport of general cargo on behalf of others.(5) Export rates may reduce total cost if to domestic origin or destination line-haul transport.(6). In many situations the place of ______ of a cargo may not be known at the time of loading. A typical example is oil.Answers:Part I I.1.D 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.CBDC II. (1)mobile (2)relate (3)influenced (4)link (5)consists(6) infrastructurePart II I.1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.DBAB II. (1)unique (2)ranks (3)reduced (4)complementary(5)shifted (6) extremelyPart III I.1.C 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.BAAC II.(1)required (2)decreases (3)lists (4)arrange (5)applied(6)deliveryChapter IV ExercisesPart II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.Contract warehousing, which is ______ from the public warehouse segment, provides benefitsof both the private and public alternative.(A)to evolve (B)evolving (C)develop(D)development2. A private warehouse is operated by the firm _______ the product.(A)owning (B)own (C) have (D) has3. Public warehouses frequently offer operating and management expertise ______ warehousing istheir core business.(A)because of (B)since (C)that(D) which4. There are contract warehouses capable of _______ total logistics responsibility for enterprises that desire only to manufacture and market.(A) assume (B) assuming (C) respond(D) responding5. The major benefits of private warehousing (1) control, flexibility, cost, and other (2) benefits. Private warehouses provide more control since the enterprise has absolute decision-making authority over all activities and priorities in the facility. This control (3) the ability to integrate warehouse operations with the (4) of the firm’s logistics.(1) (A) include (B) includes (C) include to (D) is to include to(2) (A) perception (B) intangible (C) tangible (D) advantage(3) (A) facilitates (B) available (C) have (D) provide(4) (A) other (B) that (C) rest (D) allII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:standardized, specialized, combines, substantial, results, application,(1) Public warehouse operators generally offer relatively _______ service to all clients(2) A warehouse requires _______ material-handling activities.(3) Firms with very _______ customers or products are often motivated to develop their own warehouse facilities.(4) Contract warehousing _______ the best characteristics of both private and public operations.(5) This ______ in high-volume operations that can spread fixed costs and justify more efficient handling equipment.(6) ABC analysis is an inventory _______ of what is known as the Pareto Principle.Part 2Practice:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1 _____are utilized in the combination with four-wheel trailers on a continuous power basis.(A) Forklift truck (B) Towlines (C) Conveyors(D) Carousels2. A pallet or slip sheet forms a platform upon _____ master cartons are stacked.(A) that (B) which (C) where (D) why3. It is not as economical _______ the towline because it requires greater labor participation and is often idle.(A) on (B) at (C) such (D) as4. Typical application _____ selection of individual packages in pack-and repack and service parts operation.(A) involve (B) involving (C) involves (D) to involve5. The holding of the inventory is risk with because of the capital's investment and the potential for _(1)__. First, investment for inventory cannot be used _(2)__ other goods or assets that could improve the enterprise performance. Alternatively, funds supporting inventory investment must be borrowed, (3) the firm' s interest expense. A second form of risk is the possibility that the product will be pilfered or become obsolete. These factors and the relative magnitude of assets that are inventory-related contribute substantially to the risk of most enterprises. It is important to understand that the nature and extent of risk vary (4) on an enterprise' s position in the distribution cha nnel.(1) (A) lack (B) over time (C) obsolescence (D) broken(2) (A) to obtain (B) get (C) have (D) obtain(3) (A) rising (B) raising (C) increasing (D) developing(4) (A) depend (B) to depend (C) depends (D) dependingII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:advancements, indicates, merchandise, automated, installation, development(1) Forklift trucks are most effectively utilized in shipping and receiving, and to place _______ in high cube storage.(2) Considerable ________ have been made in automated-guided vehicle system.(3) A series of lights or a “light tree” in front of each pick location _______ the number if items to pick from each location.(4) A number of _______ decoupling devices have been perfected that route trailers from the main line to selected shipping docks.(5) In-floor _______ is costly to modify and difficult to maintain from a housekeeping viewpoint.(6) An exciting and revolutionary technological ______ for managing a firm’s operation is the Internet.Part IIIExercises:I. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. _____ we may think of service as not having inventory , that is not the case.(A) since (B) but (C) although (D) so2. Finished goods inventory is completed awaiting shipment.(A) cargo (B) goods (C) product (D) things3. _____ inventory is the minimum inventory necessary to keep a perfect system running.(A) WIP (B) MROs (C) ABC analysis (D) JIT4. It is not realistic to monitor inexpensive items with the same intensity _______ very expensive items.(A) with (B) so (C) as (D) to5. E-commerce is revolutionizing the way operations managers achieve (1) efficiencies. Economical collaboration can (2) decision-making and reduce costs. Cost reduction can occur in transaction (3) , purchasing efficiencies, inventory reduction, scheduling, and logistics. Stragglers won’t just be left behind---they will be eliminated. Operations personnel (4) use e-commence to their advantage will overpower their rival.(1) (A) bigger (B) greater (C) less (D) smaller(2) (A) improve (B) rise (C) lift (D) increase(3) (A) working (B) making (C) processing (D) doing(4) (A) that (B) who (C) which (D) whereII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:common, technologies, lack, consideration, benefits, generated,(1) Scale economies refer to the ability to reduce material-handling and storage cost through application of advanced _______.(2) The most ______ value-added service relate to packaging.(3) Operation of early warehouse illustrated the ______ of concern with material-handling principles.(4) Service ________ gained through warehouses in a logistical system may or may not reduce costs.(5) Supply requests are ______ as a pick list at the inventory center.(6) Management of service inventory deserves some special ________Answers:Part I: I.1.B 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.ABAC II. (1)standardized (2)substantial (3)specialized(4)combines(5)results (6)applicationPart II: I.1.B 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.CABD II.(1)merchandise (2)advancement (3)indicates(4)automated(5)installation (6)developmentPart III: I.1.C 2.C 3.D 4.C 5.BACA II.(1)technologies (2)common (3)lack (4)consideration(5)generated (6)benefitsExercisesPart II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.Prior (1) the 1980s, a significant portion of the information flows between functional areas (2) an organization and between logistics organization were paper-based.(1) (A) in (B) at (C) to√( D) on(2) (A) within√(B) with (C) in (D) to2.However, firms that are embarking logistics management initiatives now recognize the vital importance of information and the technologies that make this information available.(A)on (B)upon√(C)in (D)at3.Through a of agreements with giant retail customer ,P&G has made a major commitment to the development of dedicated customer teams to handle these major accounts.(A)lot (B)number (C)serious (D)series√4.Continuing through the supply chain, P&G orders to its supplier, 3M, indicated the mostof all.(A)Alternation (B)variability√(C)change (D)difference5.Several interorganizatonal come into play when addressing information sharing across the logistics.(A)Dynamics√(B)initiative (C)purpose (D)determinantII. Put the words or phrases in the box under the correct headings.III.. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.phenomenon, impacts, access, objective, distorted,facilitate(1) Four causes of this .phenomenon,were identified.(2) In fact, distorted information from one end of logistics to the other can lead to tremendous inefficiencies.(3) A primary objective of these teams is to facilitate the sharing of information between the firms.(4) This consolidation impacts the entire supply chain.(5) Fewer and fewer firms control access to customer trading areas.2. capabilities, demonstrate, impeded, deliberate, approach, technique(1) Just-in-time, or JIT, is a philosophy as much as it is a technique.(2) The conventional approach to meeting customer requirements is based upon some form of statistical inventory control.(3) This approach also impeded efforts to develop and capitalize on successful interorganizational ventures.(4) The Wal-Mart and P&G experience demonstrate how information sharing can be utilized for mutual advantage.(5) However , only as the variety of available information technologies and capabilities began to emerge.3.transactions, unreliable, accurate, crucial, resources, bullwhip, executives(1) Timely and accurate information is more critical now than at any time in the history of American business.(2) Information is a crucial factor in the manager’s abilities to reduce inventory and human resources requirements to a competitive level..(3) Distorted information throughout the logistics is a common result from what logistics executives at P&G and other organizations have termed the bullwhip effect.(4) These paper-based transactions and communications were slow, unreliable and error prone.Part III. Match the meanings to their actual explanation1.order cycle time ( )2.order status information( )3.background information( )4.IOIS ( )5.documentation quality ( )6.business systems planning ( )A . Interorganizational Information SystemB. Time from customer order to delivery. Standards should be defined against customer’s stated requirements.C. Procedures or hot line for informing customers of potential problems on stock availability or delivery.D. Identification of problems and decisions associated with an organizational process and determines what information is needed to address them.E. The error rate on invoices, delivery notes and other customer communications, and also the documentation “user friendly” is necessary.F. Information required by decision makers in the member organizations to effectively andefficiently perform their roles within the logistics.II. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.The participants indicated that current approaches used to share information internally, and with suppliers and customers, are in themselves to improving cycle-time performance..A. detestB. detachC. detersiveD. deterrents√2.Clearly, the main point of for improving cycle-time performance across the supply chain was “informating”.A. leverage √B. letupC. liableD. legal3.A (1) theme in the cycle-time problems discussed by the participating organizations was a critical (2) of information.(1)A. recurrence B. recurring √ C. repeated D. recycle(2)A. lacking B. wanting C. lack √ D. shortage4.To the information process, the research team decided to explore the development of an IOIS.A. facilitate √B. pushC. implementD. enhance5.This is not valid.A. assuranceB. supposeC. assumption √D. assuringIII. Read this articles about the logistics information system. Are this statements true(T) or false(F)?Increasingly, it seems that successful companies have one thing in common—their use of information and information technology (IT) to achieve quick response. Information systems are re-shaping the organization and also the nature of the linkages between organizations. Information has always been central to the efficient management of logistics but now, enabled by technology, it is providing the driving force for competitive logistics strategy.We are now starting to see the emergence of integrated logistics system that link the operations of the business, such as production and distribution, with the supplier’s operations on the one hand and the customer on the other. These systems are often referred to generically as Enterprise Planning Systems or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Already it is the case that companies can literally link the replenishment of product in the marketplace with their upstream operations and those of their suppliers through the use of shared information. The use of these systems has the potential to convert supply chains into demand chains in the sense that the system can now respond to known demand rather than having to anticipate that demand through a forecast.1. Because of the good linkages between organizations, a logistics enterprise can response quickly.( )2.The efficient management of logistics mainly depends on the IT system.( )3.Production scheduling is the driving force of the competitive logistics strategy. ( )4. Production and distribution are the emergence of integrated logistics system. ( )5. The use of shared information enable the logistics company to convert supply chains intodemand chains. ( )6.Responding to known demand will be more efficient than having to anticipate that demand through a forecast. ( )Part IIII. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1. Today , a laptop computer weighing 5 pounds exceeds all of the power of an old mainframe by several order s of .A. capacityB. magnitude √C. volumeD. content3. The of new telecommunications and computer technology has also made real-time, on-line communications throughout the entire logistics a reality.A. increaseB. inflationC. raiseD. proliferation√4.One of the major of traditional logistics is the lack ofplanning between logistics partners.A. weakness √B. defectC. faultD. fallingA. collaborationB. collaborative √C. collaborationismD. corporation5.Many organizations are some form of IOIS.A. accomplishB.implementing √C. enforceD. complete6.What makes these systems so important is the caused by inaccurate forecasts.A. instability √B. wavyC. volatilityD. unsteadinessII. Match the meanings to their actual explanation1.Global inventory management2.Intercompany information access3.Total logistics management4.Global sourcing5.Data capture6.Data interchangeA. consolidation of the purchasing function across organizational lines, facilitating leverage and component standardization across business units.B. integrating all transportation ordering and manufacturing system.C. ability to locate and track the movement of every item.D. between affiliates and nonaffiliated through standard telecommunications channels.E. ability to acquire data about an order at the point of origin, and to track products during movement and as their characteristics change.F. clarity of production and demand information residing in organizations both upstream and downstream throughout the value chain.III. Complete the missing information of the following form of the “Functions of a logistics informati on system” with the given phrases.D. system performanceE. internal dataF. customer order statusG. production schedulingH. inventory availabilityI. carrier performancePart IVI. Click on the word or phrase that fits the sentence:1.How to best value from information technology resources is a major challenge facing both business and IT manager.A. wringB. distortionsC. extractD. extort√2.The development of software applications to logistics management is currently a hotbed of activity, promising continued growth into the future.A. relevantB. applicableC. significantD. pertinent√3. This software provides an end-to-end enterprise resource planning solution .incorporating the most advanced supply chain planning available.A. capabilities √B. abilitiesC. fitnessD. competency4. EDI improves productivity through faster information transmission as well as reduced information entry .A. reduplicateB. redundantC. redundancy √D. redundantly5.The great advantage of this approach was that it made the internet virtually .A. undeservedB. indestructible √C. indistinctD. indestructiveII. Fill in the blanks with words or phrases from the list below:1.profitable, potential , maintenance, utilized, tremendouslyA.EDI is also tremendously beneficial in counteracting the bullwhip effect described earlier in this chapter.B. The Internet offers tremendous potential for logistics members to share information in a timely and cost-effective manner.C.GE is now the most profitable U.S. company from the electronic commerce.D. Electronic commerce i s the term used to describe the wide range of tools and techniques utilized to conduct business in paperless environment.E. In the development and maintenance of the logistics’ information systems, both hardware and software must be addressed.2. significant, meld, numerous, exaggerations, replenishment1.GE will also release software to meld traditional EDI with the Internet,2.Electronic commerce is having a significant effect on how organizations conduct business.3.The benefit of EDI are numerous .4.They have implemented EDI to support their continuous replenishment program with many of their customers.5.Through the use of EDI, logistics partners can overcome the distortions and exaggerations in supply and demand information.3.scanning, legacy, maintained, coupon, sponsoredanizations adopt distributed computing architectures while they leverage their isolated legacy systems.2.In most cases, a data warehouse is a consolidated database maintained separately from an organization’s produc tion system database.3.Separate production systems may track sales and coupon mailings.4.The Internet was an initiative sponsored by the U.S> Department of Defense.5.Bar coding and electronic scanning are identification technologies that facilitate information collection and exchange.。
国际货运代理专业英语考试选择题及答案1单项选择题1.Which of the following risk is not the political risk in international trade?A. war riskB. cancellation of import licenseC. transfer riskD. risk of non-acceptance答案:D2. According UCP600, the terms “the end of July, 2008” in the L/C shall be construed as ( )A. from July 21st to July 31stB. from July 1st to July 15thC. from July 11th to July 20thD. from July 1st to July 10th答案:A3. Which of the following documents can be used to exchange for the bill of lading ( )A. mate’s receiptB. sea waybillC. shipping notesD. manifest答案:A4. Both in voyage and time chartering, the shipowner isresponsible for ( ).A. dischargingB. fuelC. demurrageD. wages of crew答案:D5. Which of the following risks are not covered in FPA ( )A. lightningB. partial lossC. general averageD. discharging at a port of distress following a sea peril答案:B6. The B/L can be issued by ( )A. consignorB. notify partyC. carrierD. consignee答案:C7. Which of the following marine bills of lading cannot be transferred to third parties? ( )A. Order Bills of LadingB. Straight Bills of LadingC. Shipped Bills of LadingD. Clean Bills of Lading答案:B8. Usually, the AWB is non-negotiable, the goods must be sent to the ( ) titled in the air waybill.A. consignorB. consigneeC. carrierD. notify party答案:B9. ( ) are rates that are applicable to named types of freight.A. Specific Commodity RatesB. Class RatesC. General Cargo RatesD. Contract FAK Rates答案:A10. ( ) is one standard form of bareboat charter party used to any great extent designed by BIMCO.A. BARECOM formB. GENCON formC. NYPE formD. BALTIME form答案:A11. To the individual consignors, the consolidator is the ( ) while to the actual carrier, he is the ( )A. consignor/carrierB. carrier/consignorC. actual carrier/carrierD. consignor/actual consignor答案:B12. Which of the following documents is a document of title to the goods and can be sold merely by endorsement? ( )A. Bills of LadingB. Air WaybillC. InvoiceD. Packing List答案:A13. Usually the freight must be opened and inspected, if theconsignee is not on-site, the ( ) can represent him.A. reservations agentB. customs brokerC. shipping clerkD. carrier答案:B14. Under UCP600, The regulations regarding multi-modal transport documents may be described in Articles ( )A. 4~8B. 17~28C. 29~37D. 1~3答案:B15. ( ) is a system of unitized multimodal land transportation of transport by road and rail.A. Land bridgeB. Rail/roadC. PiggybackD. Sea/air答案:C国际货运代理专业英语考试选择题及答案21. The Customs General Administration2.Customs establishment3.Import and Export tariff4. Appointment and removal5. Tariff reduction and exemption6. enact statute7. inward and outward luggage8. over-landed cargo9. short-landed cargo10. shut-out cargo11. damaged cargo12. examine and release13. shipping order14. transshipment goods15. through goods16. transit goods17. supervision and control18. collection of duty19. compile statistics20. legal commodity inspection21. inspection certificate22. animal and plant quarantine23. Import and Export licence24. the State Council25. Customs valuation26. duty memorandum27. short-levied duty28. over-levied duty29. administrative consideration30. regulations on Import and Export Tariff31. general rate32. preferential rate33. The State Tariff Commission34. obligatory duty payer35. file a suit36. Duty Exemption and Entitlement Certificate37. temporary duty exemption38. Customs and excise office39. financing cost40. home consumption41. bonded warehouse42. scheme of initial levy and subsequent refund43. port authority44. economic quantity45. criminal gangs46. Anti-Drugs Alliance47. sniffer dog48. Classification of Goods in Customs tariff49. the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System50. document title参考答案1. The Customs General Administration 海关总署2.Customs establishment 海关关点3.Import and Export tariff 进出口税则4. Appointment and removal 任命和免职5. Tariff reduction and exemption 关税减免6. enact statute 颁布法令7. inward and outward luggage 进出境行李8. over-landed cargo 溢卸货物9. short-landed cargo 短卸货物10. shut-out cargo 退关货物11. damaged cargo 破损货物12. examine and release 查验与放行13. shipping order 装货通知14. transshipment goods 转运货物15. through goods 通运货物16. transit goods 过境货物17. supervision and control 监管18. collection of duty 征税19. compile statistics 编制海关统计20. legal commodity inspection 法定商品检验21. inspection certificate 检验证书22. animal and plant quarantine 动植物检疫23. Import and Export licence 进出口许可证24. the State Council 国务院25. Customs valuation 完税价格26. duty memorandum 税款缴款书27. short-levied duty 短征的关税28. over-levied duty 溢征的关税29. administrative consideration行政审议30. regulations on Import and Export Tariff 进出口关税条例31. general rate 普通税率32. preferential rate 优惠税率33. The State Tariff Commission 国家关税委员会34. obligatory duty payer 义务纳税人35. file a suit 提起诉讼36. Duty Exemption and Entitlement Certificate 享受关税减免资格证书37. temporary duty exemption 暂时关税减免38. Customs and excise office 海关与货物税务署39. financing cost 融资成本40. home consumption 国内销售41. bonded warehouse 保税仓库42. scheme of initial levy and subsequent refund 先征后退制度43. port authority 港务局44. economic quantity 经济批量45. criminal gangs 犯罪团伙46. Anti-Drugs Alliance 反毒品联盟47. sniffer dog 缉毒犬48. Classification of Goods in Customs tariff 海关税则商品分类目录49. the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System 商品名称及编码协调制度50. document title 物权凭证。
新职业英语第三版物流英语答案1、The weather forecast says that we’ll have occasional rain tomorrow. [单选题] *A. 偶尔的B. 不停的C. 少量的(正确答案)D. 不可预测的2、We moved to the front row_____we could hear and see better. [单选题] *A. so asB. so that(正确答案)C. becauseD. such that3、Almost every one of us could see her anxiety from the()on her face. [单选题] *A. appearanceB. feelingC. movementD. expression(正确答案)4、The man called his professor for help because he couldn’t solve the problem by _______. [单选题] *A. herselfB. himself(正确答案)C. yourselfD. themselves5、_______ your help, I can’t finish my job. [单选题] *A. withB. without(正确答案)C. inD. into6、_____you may do, you must do it well. [单选题] *A.WhichB.WheneverC.Whatever(正确答案)D.When7、The()majority of the members were against the idea. [单选题] *A. substantialB. enormousC. considerable(正确答案)D. overwhelming8、—Where did you get the book?—From my friend. I ______ it three days ago. ()[单选题] *A. lentB. borrowed(正确答案)C. keptD. returned9、( ) ----Would you like___ tea? ----No, thanks. I have drunk two____. [单选题] *A. any, bottles of orangeB. some, bottles of orange(正确答案)C. many, bottles of orangesD. few, bottle of oranges10、—What’s the matter with that boy?—______.()[单选题] *A. He is watching TV in his roomB. He takes his temperatureC. He was playing a toy carD. He hurt his right leg(正确答案)11、I didn't hear _____ because there was too much noise where I was sitting. [单选题] *A. what did he sayB. what he had said(正确答案)C. what he was sayingD. what to say12、92.China is a big country ________ a long history. [单选题] *A.hasB.haveC.with(正确答案)D.there is13、The manager was quite satisfied with his job. [单选题] *A. 担心的B. 满意的(正确答案)C. 高兴的D. 放心的14、You might not like the way Sam behaves, but please be kind to him. _____, he is your grandfather. [单选题] *A. After all(正确答案)B. Above allC. In allD. At all15、9.There will be a lot of activities at English Festival nest month. Which one would you like to ________? [单选题] *A.take part in (正确答案)B.joinC.attendD.go16、30.I want to find ______ and make much money. [单选题] *A.worksB.jobC.a job(正确答案)D.a work17、I couldn’t find Peter,_____did I know where he had gone. [单选题] *A.nor(正确答案)B.eitherC.neverD.as18、I had _______ egg and some milk for breakfast this morning. [单选题] *A. aB. an(正确答案)C. theD. /19、E-mail is _______ than express mail, so I usually email my friends. [单选题] *A. fastB. faster(正确答案)C. the fastestD. more faster20、I have seldom seen my father()pleased with my progress as he is now. [单选题] *A. so(正确答案)B. veryC. tooD. rather21、The rain is very heavy _______ we have to stay at home. [单选题] *A. butB. becauseC. so(正确答案)D. and22、—Mum, could you buy a schoolbag ______ me when you go shopping?—No problem.()[单选题] *A. ofB. toC. inD. for(正确答案)23、John is fond of playing _____ basketball and Jack is keen on playing _____ piano. [单选题] *A./…the(正确答案)B.the…/C./…/D.the…the24、—Where ______ you ______ for your last winter holiday?—Paris. We had a great time. ()[单选题] *A. did; go(正确答案)B. do; goC. are; goingD. can; go25、She was seen _____ that theatre just now. [单选题] *A. enteredB. enterC. to enter(正确答案)D. to be entering26、The travelers arrived _______ Xi’an _______ a rainy day. [单选题] *A. at; inB. at; onC. in; inD. in; on(正确答案)27、Tony wants _______ a job as a language teacher in China. [单选题] *A. findB. findingC. to find(正确答案)D. to be found28、Taking the subway is quite fast and cheap. It can _______ both time and money. [单选题] *A. savesB. save(正确答案)C. earnD. use29、Actually, we don't know whether this news comes from a reliable()or not. [单选题] *A. source(正确答案)B. originC. basisD. base30、If you want to _______, you’d better eat more healthy food and do more exercise. [单选题] *A. keep fatB. keep calmC. keep healthy(正确答案)D. keep on。
2009年4月22日,97台二手挖掘机在外高桥市进行公开拍卖,拍卖所得价款共计4 277.7万元。
新职业英语物流英语第三版课后答案1、The plane arrived at London airport _______ Wednesday morning. [单选题] *A. on(正确答案)B. atC. inD. for2、There is not much news in today's paper,_____? [单选题] *A. is itB. isn't itC.isn't thereD. is there(正确答案)3、—What’s the matter with that boy?—______.()[单选题] *A. He is watching TV in his roomB. He takes his temperatureC. He was playing a toy carD. He hurt his right leg(正确答案)4、There is a bank ______ the street. [单选题] *A. on the end ofB. in the end ofC. at the end of(正确答案)D. by the end of5、17.Joe is a good student and he is busy ______ his studies every day. [单选题] *A.inB.with(正确答案)C.byD.for6、99.—Would you please show me the way _________ the bank?—Yes, go straight ahead. It’s opposite a school. [单选题] *A.inB.forC.withD.to(正确答案)7、Let us put the matter to the vote,()? [单选题] *A. will youB. can weC. may ID. shall we(正确答案)8、Study hard, ______ you won’t pass the exam. [单选题] *A. or(正确答案)B. andC. butD. if9、Experts are making an investigation on the spot. They want to find a way to()the tower. [单选题] *A. Restore(正确答案)B. resumeC. recoverD. reunite10、Many children have to _______ their parents. [单选题] *A. divide intoB. put onC. depend on(正确答案)D. take on11、We ______ to set up a food bank to help hungry people next week.()[单选题] *A. hadB. are going(正确答案)C. were goingD. went12、—______ is it from your home to the bookstore?—About 15 kilometers.()[单选题] *A. How far(正确答案)B. How muchC. How longD. How many13、It’s reported that there are more than 300?_______ smokers in China. [单选题] *A. million(正确答案)B. millionsC. million ofD. millions of14、A healthy life is generally thought to be()with fresh air, clean water, and homegrown food. [单选题] *A. joinedB. boundC. lackingD. associated(正确答案)15、—Could you please make the bed?—______.()[单选题] *A. Yes, I wasB. No, I don’tC. Sure, I’ll do it(正确答案)D. No, that’s no problem16、Miss Smith is a friend of _____. [单选题] *A. Jack’s sister’s(正确答案)B. Jack’s sisterC. Jack sister’sD. Jack sister17、If you want to be successful one day, you have to seize every _______ to realize your dream. [单选题] *A. changeB. chance(正确答案)C. chairD. check18、7.—________ is the Shanghai Wild Animal Park?—It’s 15km east of the Bund. [单选题] *A.WhoB.WhatC.WhenD.Where (正确答案)19、The street was named _____ George Washington who led the American war for independence. [单选题] *A. fromB. withC. asD. after(正确答案)20、As for the quality of this model of color TV sets, the ones made in Chine are by no means _____ those imported. [单选题] *A inferior thanB less inferior toC less inferior thanD. inferior to(正确答案)21、You could hardly imagine _______ amazing the Great Wall was. [单选题] *A. how(正确答案)B. whatC. whyD. where22、29.______ my free time, I like listening to music. [单选题] *A.AtB.OnC.In(正确答案)D.About23、He runs so fast that no one can _______ him. [单选题] *A. keep upB. keep awayC. keep up with(正确答案)D. keep on24、25.A watch is important in our life. It is used for ______ the time. [单选题] *A.telling (正确答案)B.sayingC.speakingD.holding25、Fresh _______ is good for our health. [单选题] *A. climateB. skyC. weatherD. air(正确答案)26、—______ do you play basketball?—Twice a week.()[单选题] *A. How often(正确答案)B. How muchC. How manyD. How long27、45.—Let's make a cake ________ our mother ________ Mother's Day.—Good idea. [单选题] *A.with; forB.for; on(正确答案)C.to; onD.for; in28、—Is there ______ else I can do for you? —No, thanks. I can manage it myself.()[单选题] *A. everythingB. anything(正确答案)C. nothingD. some things29、I’m sorry there are ______ apples in the fridge. You must go and buy some right now.()[单选题] *A. a littleB. littleC. a fewD. few(正确答案)30、______ visitors came to take photos of Hongyandong during the holiday. [单选题] *A. ThousandB. Thousand ofC. ThousandsD. Thousands of(正确答案)。
物流专业英语课后答案Chapter1Ⅰ.1、物流管理2、谈及,提及,说到3、以最大成本效益的方式4、物理协会5、信息管理6、另外,除此之外7、物流装置 8、也,同样Ⅱ.1、the transfer of goods;the most cost-effective2、hardware;information control3、materials;information4、it is about the flow and storage of goods5、goods, service, the point of consumption6、logistics strategies and activitiesⅢ.1、提到物流或物流管理,说法并不统一,不同的组织对此有不同的定义。
Ⅳ.1.D2.C3.A4.B5.DⅤ.1.quick response2.a new commercial arearmation technology4.containerization technique5.modern logistics6.major function7.location value8.distribution processing valueⅥ.现代物流采用了集装技术。
国际货代专业英语练习题库及答案一、单选题(共13题,共26分)1._____ published by the ICC contains detailed provisions dealing with the operation of documentary credit.A. Hague RpesB.UCP600C.Incoterms2000D.CMR convention2.In the practice of L/C transaction, the buyer is not required to pay for the goods until the arrival of the relevant____.A.B/LB.invoiceC.documents stippated by L/CD.L/C3.According to documentary credit, the____, on receipt of letter of credit, will have to prepareshipment of the contract goods within the delivery date.A.agentB.customerC.buyer4.Under the FOB term, the risk of loss or damage to the goods is transferred from the seller to the buyer when goods pass the ship’s rail in the ____.A.port of shipmentB.place of shipmentC.port of destinationD.place of destination5.According to INCOTERMS 2000, which group of the following trade terms mean that the seller must contract for the carriage of the goods to the named port (or place ) of destination?____A.FOB/CFR/CIFB.FCA/CPT/CFRC.FOB/FCA/CIPD.CFR/CPT/CIF6.A shipment of fresh egg is transported to the docks by an exporter on an FOB contract. The eggs are broken by a crane falling them as they are awaiting to be loaded on board. The ___ shopd be liable for the damage.B.buyerC.ship ownerD.freight forwarder7.The freight forwarder, on behalf of the____, has the right to deliver the cleared goods to theconsignee.A.exporterB.importerC.carrierD.consignor8.It is usually the ____ who issues relevant documents such as Forwarder’s Certificate of Receipt, Forwarder’s Certificate of Transport, etc.A.consignorB.consigneeC. freight forwarderD.carrier9.The freight forwarder assists the consignee in pursuing claims against the ____ for loss of the goods or damage to themif necessary.A.shipperB.carrierC.eceiverD.charterer10.The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of exporter includes_____.A.book space with selected consignorB.pay the freight to the consigneeC.arrange export customs clearanceD.arrange import customs clearance11.The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of shipper includes_____.A.always arrange warehousing of the goodsB.issue relevant documents to the carrier, such as FCR or FCTC.pursue claims against the carrier when the goods arriveD.book space with selected carrier12.A ____ is able to attend to any of the procedural anddocumentary procedure on behalf of the consignor or consignee.A.shipperB.carrierC.ship’s owne rD.freight forwarder13.The scope of freight forwarder’s service on behalf of consignees includes _____.A.pack the goods for exportB.attend to foreign exchange transactionsC.weigh and measure the goodsD.take delivery of the goods from the carrier二、多选题(共12题,共24分)14.Which of the following statements are true about documentary credit_____?A.documentary credit means payment against document instead of against goodsB.all the documentary credits are operated through banksC.the buyers is not required to pay for the goods until the arrival of the relevant shipping documentsD.the documents transfer title to the goods15.The banks on the buyer’s side on L/C arrangement are____.A.issuing bankB.advising bankC.negotiating bankD.paying bank16.Which of the following descriptions are true about NVOCC_____?A.he operates a regpar schedped serviceB.he owns or operates the vesselC.he provides a usefp service by providing groupage or consolidation servicesD.he assumes double roles relationship with carrier and shipper17.Which of the following trade terms can be adopted supposing the shipment will be from Chengdu (Sichuan Province) to Hamburg?A.CIFB.CFRC.FCAD.CPT18.A freight forwarder shall take into account the route, the mode of transport and applicable regpations, if any, in the ______.A.country of exportB.country of importC.country of transshipmentD.transit countries19.Which of the following risks belong to special additional risks_____?A.riots and civil disturbanceB.war and strikeC.rejection and on deckD.delay of goods20.Partial losses incurred as a respt of specific casualties such as _____ are covered in FPA.A.burning of the vesselB.earthquakeC.strandingD.sinking21.The Free from Particpar Average of marine cargo transportation insurance covers risks of ____.A.riots and civil disturbanceB.total loss caused natural calamitiesC.general averageD.delay of goods22.Which of the following coverage cover general average and salvage charges? ____A.WAB.FPAC.All RisksD.Institute Cargo Clause (A)23.The marine cargo insurance premium rates may vary depending on factors such as ____.A.type of the goodsB.value of the goodsC.mode of transportD.type of risks covered24.Which of the following coverage does not cover partial loss or damage respting from natural calamities? ____A.WAB.FPAC.Institute Cargo Clause (B)D. Institute Cargo Clause (C)25.Which of the following expressions are not suitable for stippating the time for shipment?A.quickB.immediatelyC.promptD.as soon as possible1、正确答案: B2、正确答案: C3、正确答案: D4、正确答案: A5、正确答案: D6、正确答案: A7、正确答案: B8、正确答案: C9、正确答案: B10、正确答案: C11、正确答案: D12、正确答案: D13、正确答案: D14、正确答案: ABCD15、正确答案: AD16、正确答案: ACD17、正确答案: CD18、正确答案: ABD19、正确答案: ABCD20、正确答案: ACD21、正确答案: BC22、正确答案: ABCD23、正确答案: ABCD24、正确答案: BC25、正确答案: ABCD。
航海英语听力与会话简答题答案(第三版)第一章口述题1 please say something about your hometown.My hometown is Dalian City. it is a beautiful city. There is about 5 millions people living in the city. There many factories in the city Such as locomotive plant, shipyard, chemical, plant, etc. Dalian situated in the Liaodong peninsula, facing the Bohai sea. Its environment is very beautiful. Urban traffic system is very efficient and convenient. There are many grass fields everywhere. And there is little bare ground. The sky is blue and the sea is clear. Dalian is a famous tourist city. There are many famous tourist spots attracting many tourists every year.2 please say something about yourself.My name is +++ . I am ++ years old. I am a third officer. I have five years experience on board ship. I have been a third officer for three years.I am interested in playing football. I am not good at it. But I like to play it. I also enjoy watching football game. It makes me exciting.My daily work includes watching keeping from 0800 to 1200 hours and 2000 to 0000 hours. The management of deck department. Daily safety and sanitary inspection. Store and spare parts management. Stowage plan making and supervision of the loading and unloading process. In spare time I usually read books and listen to music.3 please say something about your family.My family is happy family. There are three people in my family. My wife, a love son and I. my wife is a teacher in a middleschool. My son is a pupil in a primary. School. He is in grade tow class three. He is a clever boy.My wife like her work very much. In her spare time she reading books or listen to music. My son enjoy playing piano after finishing his home works4 your favorite port you have called at.There are many port in china. I have called at many of them. Dalian port is my favorite port I have called at. Dalian port is situated in the Liaodong peninsula. Facing to the Bohai sea. It is a modernized port there are many modernized port facilities. Including deep water berths andcargo loading equipments, it can accept various large and ultra large vessels. It is sure that Dalian port will become the most important port will become the important port in the northeast of china. Dalian pot can accept large container vessels. It also becomes an important container port.5 please say something about your responsibilities on board.I work on the deck department large. I am a third officer. My daily work is watch keeping. Fixing vessel?s position. Keeping the vessel on the intended track. Avoiding collision maneuvering. Monitoring cargo handing, etc.I am responsible for maintaining the fir-fighting and life-saving appliance in good condition and readily for imminent use.I am also responsible for signaling apparatus in good order.问答题1 what is your date of your birth?My date of birth is the 7th of April 1967.2 what is your seamen?s book number?It?s A396625.3 where are you from?I am from Dalian china.4 what is your captain?s nationality ?My captain?s nationality is ch ina.5 what do you think is the most Important thing on board?I think the most Important thing on board is safety.6 what ports do you often call at?I often call at Dalian , shanghai, and Honkong port.7 what is your favorite TV program?My favorite TV program is sports program.8 what is your favorite web site?My favorite web site is www. /doc/db9880274.html,.9 what is your favorite day of the week? Why?My favorite day of the week is Friday. Because it is the weekend day.10 what is your favorite kind of movie?My favorite movie is action movie.11 what is your favorite kind of music?My favorite music is light music.12 what is your favorite magazine?My favorite magazine is TIMES.13 what is the population of your hometown?The population of my hometown is five million.14 what is the population of your country?The population of my country is one billion and three hundred million.15 what is the best thing about your hometown?The best thing about my hometown is the weather. It is not hotter in summer and not colder in winter.16 what is the worst thing about your hometown?The worst thing is the living price is too high, especially house price.17 what is your hometown like?My hometown is a middle size city but suitable for living.18 Do you have many disasters in your country which are caused by weather?Yes. There are many disasters, such as earthquakes, flooding, typhoon etc.19 what sport do you like to watch on TV?I like to watch football games on TV.20 what do you think is the most popular sport in the world?I think the most popular sport in the world is football.第二章口述题1 say something about how to apply for radio pratique.When applying for pratique. The vessel should supply the ship?s particular and voyage briefs. Such as the name of the vessel and expected date and hour of her arrival; number of crew on board; crewmembers? health condition and ship?s sanitary condition at present. State that there are no quarantinable disease has been found on the vessel. And all the crew are in good health.Some certificate relating to quarantine inspection are:(1) maritime health declaration ; crew list;(2) declaration certificate;(3) clearance from the last port;(4) international certificate of vaccination2 describ e the requirement on ship?s certificates and papers which need to be carried on board.Major certificate;(1) cargo ship safety construction certificate(2) cargo ship safety equipment certificate(3) cargo ship safety radiotelegraphy certificate(4) cargo ship safety radiotelephony certificate(5) the international convention on load line, 1966These certificates should be valid and kept on board.3 describe the shipboard customs formalities.(1) ask the captain to fill out the customs declaration form(2) check the crew list and personal effects list(3) to check the customs allowances of cigarettes and spirits(4) check the cargo documents.(5) seal ship?s boned store4 describe the shipboard immigration formalities.(1) check the c rew list . the crew?s passport and the seaman?s book(2) to issue shore passes(3) check the passenger?s list and passports(4) check is there any stowaway on board5 describe the shipboard quarantine formalities(1) check the bill of health and inoculation papers(2) check the vaccination list and the yellow book(3) check the sanitary condition(4) inquire is there any epidemic in the last port of call(5) check the de-ratting certificate and rat guard mounted问答题1 what?s the valid ity of Gargo Ship Safety Equipment Certifcate?5 years.2 what flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires quarantine inspection?Q flag3 can a ship enter a foreign port before quarantine inspection?No , she can?t.4 why must the customs officer seal the Bonded Store?In order to prevent the crew from smuggling.5 please list 5 ship?s certificates.Classification CertificateCargo Ship Safety Construction CertificateCargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.International Tonnage Certificate.International Load Line Certificate.6 are cigarettes and liquor exempted from customs duties?No.7 how can the captain do with the shore passes before leaving a port?Collect and return them to the immigration officer.8 which certificate prescribes general requirements for the functions of radiotelegraphy installation for lifeboat onboard?Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate.9 which certificate specifies the freeboard assignment of a ship?International Load Line Certificate.10 which document demonstrates a ship being in a fit and efficientcondition and classed?Classification Certificate.11 if your ship needs provisions and /or replenishments ,how do you getthem?We can get them from ship chandler.12 what documents should you show when you go through the customsformalities?Import Cargo Manifest, Last port clearance, Declaration of Personal Effects, Bonded store list, crew list.13 who issues the shore passes to the crewmembers wishing to go ashore?Immigration officer.14 what documents should generally be shown to quarantine officer?the vaccination list and the yellow book; the de-ratting certificate.15 what documents should generally be shown to customs officer? personal effects list; ship?s boned store list; Import Cargo Manifest.16 what documents should generally be shown to immigration officer? the crew list ;the crew?s passport and the seaman?s book第三章口述题1 Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship is at anchor.(1) check anchor position frequently(2) pay attention to the vessel?s surrounding and other vessel?scondition in the vicinity(3) pay attention to the weather condition(4) in case of dragging, inform the master and engine room(5) carry out emergency measures2 describe the proper way of using VHF.(1) switch on the power, select channel and turn up the volume. Then you want to transmit, press the transmitting button and speak(2) keep listening watch in channel 16 at all times(3) avoid non-essential transmissions(4) distress calls or messages have absolute priority over all othercommunication(5) VHF channel 16 is only to be used for calling in cases of distress,safety and urgency3 describe the procedure before arrived at a port.Bridge:(1) ETA sent to pilot station at appropriate time with all relevantinformation(2) available port information, sailing directions and other navigationinformation including restrictions on draft, speed, entry time, etc(3) all appropriate flag/light signals displayed(4) large scale charts for port?s pilotage water prepared(5) latest weather report available(6) radio check for pil ot?s/tug/berthing instruction(7) VHF channels for various services notedEngine room:(1) engines tested for satisfactory operation ahead and astern(2) steering gear tested in primary and secondary systems(3) check power availableDeck:(1) ship?s crew at station for entering port(2) mooring machinery tested mooring line(3) anchor ready for use4 describe the procedure before leaving a port.Bridge:(1) gyro and repeaters switch on and synchronize(2) magnetic compass and repeaters available and heading checked(3) echo sounder available(4) speed and distance recorder available(5) electronic navigation aids available(6) radar set up , turned and ready for operationEngine:(1) main engine ready and telegraphs tested(2) deck power availableDeck:(1) crew at station for leaving port(2) anchor cleared away and ready for use5 describe the procedure of pilotage.(1) apply for a pilot ,tell the pilot station ship?s particulars(2) preparations:get the pilot ladder ready. Have a heaving line readyat the pilot ladder and put lights(3) after the pilot arrives on board :the master have to supply the pilotwith relevant ship-handing informationThe pilotage is mandatory for some ports, but some are not.问答题1.can you list at least three mooring lines?Head line; stern line; breast line.2.what should be prepared before the pilot comes on board?The pilot ladder, a heaving line and a life buoy.3.what is the maximum speed through the water that your ship can anchor without risking breaking the cable?General speaking less than 2 knots.4.what flag should be hoisted when a vessel requires a pilot?G flag.5.how can a ship get in touch with a port before her arrival?By VHF.6.what ship?s particulars wil l pilot station usually ask for?LOA ; ETA ; draft fore and aft; GT and NT etc.7.what should be reported to the pilot station?The ship?s present position; ETA at pilot station.8.what should be confirmed from the pilot station?Time and place for picking up the pilot; the ship?s side on which pilot ladder will be rigged.9.when the vessel enters the VTS area ,what is requested to report?Ship?s name ,call sign , present course and speed; draft; ETA at pilot station.10.what does “foul anchor” mean?Means that anchor has its own cable twisted around it.11.if you are ordered : “Stand by both engines !”how should you reply and report?Reply:Stand by both engines and report: Both engines stand by.12.can you list three famous canals in the world?Panama canal; Suez canal ;Kiel canal13.whenyou request the receiver to remain on channel 16in VHF communication ,what do you say?Stand by on channel 16.14.how do you rectify the mistake in marine VHF communication?Say “mistake”,then followed by the word “correction”and the corrected part of the message.15.how do you emphasize the important part of a message in maritime VHF communication?Say“repeat”,then followed by the important part of the message. 16.what does “abandon vessel” mean?Evacuate the crew and passengers from a distress vessel.17.what does the abbreviation ETD stand for?Estimated time of departure.18.what does “dredging of an anchor” mean ?Means moving an anchor over the sea bottom to control the movement of the vessel.19.what does “underway” mean?“underway” mean s the ship which is not at anchor, or aground ,or fast to the shore.20.what does “dragging of an anchor” mean?It means that the anchor is moving over the sea bottom involuntarily because it is no longer preventing the movement of the vessel.21.What is the difference between a “radar beacon”and a “radar reflector”?Radar beacon can transmit signals and used for locating on the shore, but radar reflector can only reflect signals used for SAR on the liferaft. 22.How many objects do you need to get a position using …horizontal sextant angles”?3 objects.23.Why is a magnetic compass kept on board when a gyro compass is more accurate?Because the magnetic compass can be used for emergency.24.What do you report when the anchor has been heaved out of the ground and is clear of it?Anchor is aweigh.25.When preparing for anchoring what must you do before releasing the bow stoppers?Supply the power, Standby the anchor ball or light, Test the windlass, Put into the gear, Release the brake.26.Would you let go an anchor from the hawse pipe if the depth was 75 meters?No, we should not let go anchor from hawse pipe directly.27.Why must you consider ship?s speed and sea depth when yo u release the bow stoppers?Because when the depth is different, we should take different measures for anchoring. And for ship?s safety, during the different phase, the speed should be different, too.28.What must always be brought and placed close to the pilot ladder well before the pilot?s embarkation?The lifebuoy with the lifeline, and at night, there should be a light. 29.Why is it dangerous to anchor in ice?It is dangerous to anchor in ice, because the whole ship hull will be trapped in the ice and the floating ice may kick the cable and the hull.. 30.What flag is hoisted when the pilot has arrived on board?Flag “H”.第四章口述题1 describe the procedures of carrying dangerous cargo on board.The information of the dangerous cargo should be provide by the shipper. The information includes the followings:(1)packing, classes and UN No(2) tons to be loaded(3) country of production and country of destination(4) notice on loading, care on board and dischargingWhen loading and discharging ,precaution should be taken.2 describe the precautions before entering an enclosed space.There maybe filled with dangerous gas in an enclosed space. The gas is liable to cause explosion or harmful to the persons entering it if he de not take safety measures. The normal procedures for entering an enclosedspace is first to ventilate the space and put on protective clothing and breathing apparatus.3 describe the procedure of cargo stowage .First the cargo list should be available and complete. Secondly, the cargo should be properly distributed the weight of cargo on board. The chief officer should prepare a proper loading plan to insure cargo are evenly loaded on board and a proper discharging plan to insure cargo are evenly loaded on board after parts of cargo discharged.The cargo stowage plan should be modified if necessary.4 describe the action to be taken in case of an oil spill on board.In case of an oil spill on board, actions should be taken according to the SOPEP. Sent out oil spill signals to muster the oil clearance team to fight against the spillage. Report the spillageto the local pollution control 5 describe how to ensure a proper stowage for general cargo.(1) distribute the weight of cargo holds in proportion with their capacities(2) select goods for each hold according to their separation requirements and the hold?s configuration(3) check the ship?s stability and strength(4) ensure the position of G below the position M for any state of loading问答题1.How many classes of dangerous goods are there according to the IMDG Code? Can you list some ?9 classes . Such as explosives, gasses, flammable liquids, corrosives. 2.what kind of cargo is classified as flammable cargo?Cargo with its flashing point at 61℃or below..3.please describe the general nature of general cargo.General cargo is made up of all kinds of goods. It can be divided into containerized, non- containerized and refrigerated cargo.4.please describe the general nature of bulk cargo .Bulk cargo is the cargo without packing when under transport such as grain, coal etc.5.what kind of cargo is canvas sling suitable for lifting?bagged cargo etc.6.what kind of cargo is chain sling suitable for lifting?General cargo like steel, timbers.7.what kind of cargo is net sling suitable for lifting?General cargo in bags.8.what does the abbreviation COW stand for?Cow stands for crude oil washing.9.what does “jettison of cargo “mean?It means to deliberately throw cargo over board for ship?s safety sake. 10.what d oes “compatibility of goods” mean?It means different cargoes can be stowed in the same hold without affecting each other .11.what does the abbreviation SWL stand for ?SWL stands for safe working load.12.w hat does “shifting cargo “ mean?It refers to move the cargo transversely.13.what does “Union purchase “ mean?It means a rig in which a pair of derricks is combined, also known as “coupled derricks “ or “married falls”.14.what preparations shall be done before loading cargo?Before loading cargo hold should be cleaned and cargo gears should be prepared.15.what is the loading capacity of your vessel?My vessel‘s loading capacity is 15000 tons .16.what cargo handling gear and equipment does your vessel have ?My vessel has deck cranes and derricks.17.what can be used to remove spillage?Oil spillage can be removed by oil absorbent chemical agent.18.what shall be ensured before entering the enclosed space?ventilation shall be ensured .19.please list some cargo papersStowage plan ;hatch list ;bill of loading ;cargo manifest.20.what must you wear when you enter an enclosed space?We must wear breathing apparatus.第五章口述题1.Describe the duties of watch-keeping when underway.General rules:(1) OOW should always be on the bridge and keep a proper looking at all times.(2) Regulate ship?s course , speed and supervise the safe navigation of the vessel . Fix the vessel?s position and plot CPA , course and speed of all closing vessel. Take actions to avoid collision.(3) Obey all written and spoken orders of the master and standing orders.(4) OOW must immediately call the master at any time the vessel appears to be standing into danger and in various other situations.The following items should be checked and monitored:Steaming pl an; required course, speed and way points; ship?s present position; course to steered; track to be made good; potential hazards to navigation.Special attention should be paid to the low visibility procedure, safety of the vessel and pollution prevention.2.Describe the bridge shift change.1.Before taking over a bridge watch, the relieving office should become familiar with the navigational situation. It includes:(1)The operational condition of all navigational and safetyequipment;(2)Errors of gyro and magnetic compasses;(3)The movement of vessels in the vicinity;(4)Conditions and hazards likely to be encountered during thewatch ;(5)The possible effects of heel, trim, water density and squat onunder-keel clearance.The relieving officer had personally satisfied himself regarding:(1)Standing orders and other special instructions relating to thenavigation of the vessel;(2)The position, course, speed and draft of the vessel;(3)Prevailing and predicted tides, currents, weather, visibility andthe effect of these factors upon course and speed.2.The watch officer must relieve the watch on time, reporting to the bridge early enough. The relieving officer must confirm the ship?s present position and review pertinent charts and publication; discuss the navigational situation with the officer on watch.3.If at the time the officer of the watch is to be relieved, a maneuver of other action to avoid any hazard is taking place, the relief of the officer should be deferred until such action is completed.The officer of the watch should not hand over the watch to the relieving officer if he has any reason to believe that the latter is under any disability which would preclude him from carrying out his duties effectively.3.Describe the differences between navigating in a narrow channel and in a traffic separation scheme.The rules navigating in a narrow channel:(1) Keeping as near to the outer limit of the channel which lies onher starboard side as safe and practicable.(2) Overtaking can take place only if the vessel to be overtaken hasto take action to permit safe passing.(3) Vessel nearing a bend or an area of a narrow channel shallnavigate with particular alertness and caution and soundappropriate signal.(4) Any vessel should, if the circumstances of the case admit, avoidanchoring in a narrow channel.The rules navigating in a traffic separation scheme:(1) Vessel using a TSS shall proceed in the appropriate traffic lanein the general direction of traffic flow for that lane.(2) So far as practicable keep clear of a traffic separation line orseparation zone.(3) Normally join or leave a traffic lane at the termination of thelane, but when joining or leaving from either side shall do so atas small an angle to the general direction of traffic flow as practicable.(4) A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid crossing traffic lanebut if obliged to do so shall cross on a heading as nearly as practicable at right angles to general direction of traffic flow.(5) A vessel shall so far as practicable avoid anchoring in a TSS orin areas near its terminations.The rules of TSS is adopted by IMO and recommended to all vessels and does not relieve any vessel of her obligation under any other rules. 4.Describe advantages of various tools or technologies for proper lookout.Radar is an aid to navigation. It presents only an instantaneous status with limit ability to record historically past status. It cannot predict anything, especially the maneuvering intent of targets being displayed. There are some limitations of radar since its accuracy is depended on many factors.Visual lookout has the advantages of real and accuracy. Under good visibility conditions, visual lookout can get the maneuvering intent of other vessel.Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight, hearing, radar as well as by all available means.5.Describe the preparations to be done by the deck department prior to arrival.Prior to arrival, the responsibilities of the deck department is to get ready all preparations for entering the port, preparation for port entry, customs, quarantine, immigration inspection formality, preparations for loading or unloading.Preparation to be done:(1) ETA sent to pilot station at appropriate time with all relevantinformation.(2) Available port information, sailing directions and othernavigation information, including restrictions on draft, speed, entry time, etc.(3) prepare large-scale charts for port?s water.(4) get all appropriate flag/light signals ready.(5) anchors cleared away and ready for use.问答题1.Why is it important to sound fog signals?When the visibility is poor, fog signals may indicate the present position of own vessel and warn the other vessels.2. when would you sound the general alarm?Drill; in emergency conditions.3.when should an OOW notify the master immediately for emergency ship-handling or complicated navigation ? please list some .The officer on watch will notify the master such conditions as failure to sight land or navigation mark, heavy traffic, low visibility or at other critical moment.4.how does OOW assess risk of collision generally?By applying radar to plot DCPA and TCPA of the approaching vessels..5.how should the relieving officer behave in case a bridge manoeuver already took place but has not been over?The hand over must be deferred until the action is completed.6.list the main items to be updated on the pilot card?It includes the particulars of the ship( draft, speed, course), conditions of the facilities shipboard which might affect safe navigation(radar, gyro,VHF).7.besides the collision risks ,what else should you monitor on watch in reduced visibility?Generally navigation lights, the compasses and the equipments on the bridge.8.how do you know the VHF channels to be monitored when leaving port? If the VHF is monitored, the indication light will light up.9.what should the Master expect from the OOW on arrivingat the bridge?A brief description about position, course, speed and the intended track.10.who should be in attendance when a pilot is on the ladder ?OOW.11.when would you instruct a lookout to assist you on the bridge?when the visibility becomes poor or in case of other difficult oremergent situations.12.what effect will the general alarm have on all the crew?On hearing the general alarm all crewmembers should go immediately to emergency stations.13.why is record keeping a necessary part of watch keeping?It may provide evidence for the any accident.14.apart from those for navigation safety ,what else should you do on an anchor watch?Check the anchor position; pay attention to the vessels nearby and the weather condition.15.how would you conveniently ,check the compass error in pilotage waters?Compare the leading mark with the compass bearings.16.If a sailing ship is overtaking a power-driven vessel,who has the right of way?Power-driven vessel has the right of way.17.A power-driven vessel is on a collision course with a fishing trawler. Who has the right of way?The fishing trawler has the right of way.18.How many meters are there in a nautical mile?1852m.19. If you travel from Panama to New York.Will your latitude increase or decrease?The latitude will increase.20.How many “position 1ines”are needed to make a position?At least two position lines.21. Can you define the very importa nt term “underway”?The ship is not at anchor, or made fast to the shore, or aground.22. You observe a ship during daytime,exhibiting three balls on the same halyard. What has happened?The vessel agound.23. What does the abbreviation IALA stand for?International association of lighthouse authorities.24. Is it safe to pass north of a North Mark?Yes, it is safe.25. Is it safe to pass north of a South Mark?No, it isn?t safe.26. Does “variation”change due to ship?s position?Yes, it is.27.Does deviation change due to ship?s position?No, it doesn?t.28. When correcting charts why must you use symbols and abbreviations from chart 5011?To ensure the uniformity of correcting.29. You have purchased a new chart.Is it right ready for use?No, it must be updated to the latest corrections.30. What publication do you need to correct charts properly?Notices to mariners.31. What course in degrees corresponds to south-east?。
因为埋头上写着MADE INH.K.违反中国海关关于原产地的规定2.如果我是外贸跟单员,要求开证申请人通过开证银行修改信用证,把唛头上的MADE IN H.K.删除,或修改为MADE IN CHINA。
.2. 计算练习(1)海运费计算根据题意按照M计算运费,即按照体积计算,运费=总货运量×基本运费率×(1+附加费率)=300×(1+15%+30%+5%)×(0.4×0.4×0.25)×200=3600港元(2)空运费计算:解:A.体积重量=6.7(立方米)/0.006(立方米/千克)=1117(千克)﹤毛重2300千克B.计费重量=2300(千克)C.航空运费=2300(千克) ×13.58(元/千克)=31231(元)3.自测练习项目参考答案一、单项选择题1一5 A C B A D6一8 A A A二、判断题1-4:√X√√三、简答题1、一海运出口货物的跟单流程:视贸易条件的不同而不同,FOB成交,出口方不要租船订仓。
CNF=CFR 出口方不要办保险。
(1)报验:收到LC 或货款,审核无误后,货也备好,向商检机构申报。
一、报关(Customs Clearance)在国际贸易中,报关是指货物进出口时需要经过海关审批、查验和放行的一系列程序。
二、国际货运(International Freight)国际货运是指货物在不同国家之间的运输过程。
在国际货运过程中,一些专业的英语词汇必须熟记于心,如:还需要掌握一些常用的国际货运术语,如B/L(Bill of Lading,提单)、AWB(Air Waybill,空运提单)、COO(Certificate of Origin,原产地证明)等。
国际货运代理《新编国际货运代理专业英语》过关必做习题集FreightForwardingInduUnit1Freight Forwarding Industry一、单项选择题(以下各小题所给出的4个选项中,只有1项最符合题目要求,请将正确选项的代码填入括号内)1.If the consignor and the consignee themselves do not want to attend to any procedural anddocumentary formalities on the international cargo transport,the ()will on behalf ofthem undertake to process the movement of goods through the various stages involved.[2015年真题]A.importerB.notify partyC.freight forwarderD.exporter【答案】C【解析】货运代理人的职责之一就是代表发货人(出口商)或收货人,完成货物从出口国到进口国的运输。
2.It is usually the freight forwarder who undertakes on behalf of the consignor or the consignee,to process the movement of goods through the various stages involved.The consignor here normally refers to the().[2014年真题] A.exporterB.importerC.forwarderD.charterer【答案】A【解析】发货人通常是出口商。
( )A、正确B、错误正确答案:B2.四固定指的是固定航线,固定港口,固定船期,相对固定。
( )A、正确B、错误正确答案:A3.建设和优化国际物流物理网络,有利于扩大国际物流量,提高企业的物流竞争能力和价格优势。
A、正确B、错误正确答案:B4.申报海关的主要单证是指报关单 ( )A、正确B、错误正确答案:A5.国际物流计划管理是指对物的国际化生产,分配,交换,流通的计划管理。
A、正确B、错误正确答案:A13.国际物流过程中离不开贸易中间人( )A、正确B、错误正确答案:A14.非法定检验与法定检验的一个主要区别是凭申请或委托办理,是强制性的。
( )A、正确B、错误正确答案:B15.( )简称“菲亚塔”,是国际货运代理协会的简称。
( )A、正确B、错误正确答案:A18.进境货物报检时,应填写入境货物报检单,并提供外贸合同、发票、提运单、装箱单等有关单证,一些情况下还需提供相应的单据和文件,例如:安全质量许可、卫生注册、强制性产品认证、民用商品验证或其他须审批审核的货物。
报关与国际货运专业英语Module Three第二单元
企业在申请报关企业注册登记许可时,需满足以下条件:具备境内企业法人资格条件;企业注册资本不 低于人民币150万元;健全的组织机构和财务管理制度;报关员人数不少于5名;投资者、报关业务负责 人、报关员无走私记录;报关业务负责人具有5年以上从事对外贸易工作经验或者报关工作经验;无因走 私违法行为被海关撤销注册登记许可的记录;有符合从事报送服务所必需的固定经营场所和设施;海关 监管所需要的其他条件等。
(1)Consignees and Consignors of Import & Export Goods
Consignees and consignors of import & export goods refer to legal persons, individuals and other organizations within the territory of P.R. China engaged legally in direct import or/and export of goods. Consignees or consignors who have the import & export operation rights and registered at the Customs according to the law may declare Customs by themselves. This act is called self-service declaration.
②The Registration of Customs Declaration Enterprises
The Customs stipulates certain requirements for the establishment of Customs declaration enterprises. Those that are qualified shall be approved for registration and do so.
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Lesson 1China CustomsEXERCISESI. Oral work1. What are the major functions of the Customs General Administration?1. To draft and enact the policies and principles on Customs work; to participate in drawing up and amending the Customs Import and Export Tariff;to enact other statutes on Customs operation;and to 1nspect,supervise and direct the enforcement of them by the Customs offices throughout the country;2. To participate in drafting international treaties and agreements on Customs affairs;3. To conduct the unified handling of tariff reductions and exemptions;4. To organize and guide the preventive work of the Customs offices throughout the country;5. To examine applications for reviewing disputes on duty payments and applications for reviewing Customs decisions on penalties:6. To compile Customs statistics;7. To administer organizations,staffing,vocational training and appointments and removals of directors of Customs Offices throughout the country;and to exercise leadership in Customs schools and colleges;8. To organize the work of research and development, introduction and management of Customs technological facilities;9. To administer,audit and supervise all Customs financial affairs,equipments,fixed assets and capital construction;10.To strengthen ties and co-operation and external exchanges with overseas Customs Services,international Customs organization and other international organizations concerned.2. Why does Customs General Administration set up its sub-office in Guangzhou?Considering there are so many Customs offices and its heavy workload in Guangdong Province,the Customs General Administration has set up its sub-office in Guangzhou to assist it in administering the Customs Offices in that province.This sub-office is named Guangdong Regional Customs Office.3. Where are the Customs establishments set up?Besides the Customs General Administration in Beijing,the State sets up Customs establishments at ports opening to foreign countries and at places which call for concentrated Customs operation.4.Do the Customs establishments exercise their functions independently?The customs establishments exercise their functions and powers independently in accordance with the law,and are responsible to the Customs General Administration.5.State the four main tasks of China’s Customs.China Customs is responsible for the supervision and control over means of transport,goods, luggage,postal items and other articles entering or leaving China's territory,the collection of Customs duties,taxes and fees,the prevention of smuggling, the compilation of the Customs statistics and dealing withother Customs matters.II. Substitute the underlined words by choosing a suitable one1.One of the main tasks of China's Customs is to exercise supervision and control over inward and outward goods and means of transport.a.import and export b.inside and outsidec.home made and foreign made2.China's Customs is a state organ responsible for the supervision and control work.a.official newspaper b.organizationc.monthly magazine3.Its major task is to lead local Customs offices in the correct enforcement of Customs laws.a.1eadership b. administeringc.carrying out4.Another one of its main functions is to participate in drafting international treaties and agreements on Customs matters.a.drawing up b.administeringc.compiling5.Customs establishments are set up at ports opening to foreign countriesa.Customs Houses b.Government officec.Customs departments6.China's Customs General Administration has the right to enact policies and principles on Customs work.a.make and pass b.choosec.take out7.The Customs decision on penalty will be reviewed by higher authority.a.completed b. considered and judgedc. stipulated8.One of its tasks is to prevent and counter smuggling.a.disagree with b.strike backc. deal with9.China's Customs often extends exchanges with foreign Customs administrations and organizations.a.continues b.expressesc.offers10.The Administration has set up two branches to assist it in handling general matters.a.asset b.helpc.forceIIl.Put the following Chinese sentences into English1.中华人民共和国海关是国家的进出关境监督管理机关。
The P. R.C. Customs is a state organ responsible for supervision over entering or leaving the Customs territory.2. 海关依法独立行使职权,向海关总署负责。
The Customs establishments exercise their functions and powers independently in accordance with the laws and are responsible to the Customs General Administration.3. 国家在对外开放口岸和海关监管业务集中的地点设三海关。