全国计算机等级考试二级ACCESS真题题库2 2016年3月(总分100,考试时间120分钟)一、单选题1. 表达式4+5\6*7/8 Mod 9的值是()。
A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 72. 下列VBA变量名中,正确的是()。
A. 3aB. Print-2C. SelectMyNameD. Select-123. 设计数据表时,如果要求“成绩”字段的范围在0~100之间,则应该设置的字段属性是()。
A. 默认值B. 输入掩码C. 参照完整性D. 有效性规则4. 以下关于宏的叙述中,正确的是()。
A. 可以将VBA程序转换为宏对象B. 可以将宏对象转换为VBA程序C. 可以在运行宏时修改宏的操作参数D. 与窗体连接的宏属于窗体中的对象5. 耦合性和内聚性是对模块独立性度量的两个标准。
A. 内聚性是指模块间互相连接的紧密程度B. 提高耦合性降低内聚性有利于提高模块的独立性C. 耦合性是指一个模块内部各个元素阅彼此结合的紧密程度D. 降低耦合性提高内聚性有利于提高模块的独立性6. 图书表中有“出版日期”字段,若需查询出版日期在1990年到l999年出版物,正确的表达式是()。
A. Like”1997/*/*”B. Between#1997/l/1#and#1997/12/31#C. In(”1997/*/*”)D. Like#1999/*/*#7. 数据库系统的数据独立性是指()。
A. 不会因为系统数据存储结构与数据逻辑结构的变化而影响应用程序B. 不会因为数据的变化而影响应用程序C. 不会因为存储策略的变化而影响存储结构D. 不会因为某些存储结构的变化而影响其他的存储结构8. 设某二叉树的前序序列与中序序列均为ABCDEFGH,则该二叉树的后序序列为()。
A. HGFEDCBAB. EFGHABCDC. DCBAHGFED. ABCDEFGH9. 如果在c盘当前文件夹下已有顺序文件StuData.dat,执行语句:0pen”C:StuData.dat”ForAppendAs#1后,完成的操作是()。
力棒星云”芳容的“阿尔马”(望远镜)设在阿塔卡马沙漠中海拔 5000 米的高原上,那里几乎没有湿气或植被,能对天空________。依次填 入划横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
单项选择题 凝结,眺望,一目了然 固结,目睹,一览而尽 冻结,捕捉,一览无余 凝固,观测,一目千里 4:一家英国报纸为下述难题征求答案:三个名人搭乘一个气球, 一人在医药上有过重大贡献,第二人发明过青春液,第三个人是一位 出名的物理学家。气球遇到风暴,要把一个人推下去,气球才能安全, 问题是三人中究竟应该牺牲哪一个?该报收到许多长篇大论,说明每 一个人的丰功伟绩,然而评判员把头奖给了一个十二岁的孩子,他的 答案是:“把最胖的推下去。”这段文字传递了什么信息?() 单项选择题 个人成就在死亡威胁面前没有意义 评判员喜欢不受价值判断影响的答案 十二岁的孩子还没有形成价值判断 最能直接解决问题的方案是最佳答案 5:哲学基本问题的第一方面是划分()。 单项选择题 唯物主义和唯心主义的标准
8:行政组织与环境协调的机制主要有:行政参与、行政委托、行 政职能界定与转变和( )。
单项选择题 行政诉讼 行政反馈 行政分权 行政授权 9:中国新、旧民主主义革命的相同点是( ) 单项选择题 革命对象和革命前途相同 革命领导阶级和革命指导思想相同 革命动力和革命前途相同 革命对象和革命动力相同 10:拼图:纸板 单项选择题 窗户:玻璃 汽油:石油 集装箱:不锈钢 粉笔:石膏 11:下列文学常识的表述正确的一项是( ) 单项选择题 “风骚”一词起源于《诗经》和《楚辞》。“风”是《诗经》中传统
的表现手法,“骚”指楚辞开创者屈原的代表作《离骚》,“风骚”并 称,后来成了文学的泛称。
元曲包括散曲和杂剧,而散曲又包括小令和套数,两种形式。元代 著名杂剧作家马致远的《天净沙秋思》和明代散曲作家王磐的《朝天 子咏喇叭》都是小令,元代睢景臣的《[般涉调]哨遍 高祖还乡》 则属套曲。
17.下图是20元和50元人民币上的景观,判断两景观分别位于哪个省区及所在省区的主要少 数民族()
18、我国山区面积广大,下列关于如何实现山区社会、经济和生态可持续发展的叙述,错误的 是()
A. 山区风景秀丽,开发生态旅游。B. 砍伐与抚育更新相结合,大力发展林业。C. 大力发展木材加工业,以满足市场需要。D.山区急流水能丰富,积极建设小水电站。
点击查看2016重庆上半年公务员考试1.有关部门要连续审核 30 个科研课题方案,如果要求每天安排审核的课题个数互不相等且不为零,那么审核完这些课题最多需要( )。
A. 7 天B. 8 天C. 9 天D. 10 天2. 小明和姐姐用 2013 年的台历做游戏,他们将 12 个月每一天的日历一一揭下,背面朝上放在一个盒子里,姐姐让小明一次性帮她抽出一张任意月份的 30 号或者 31 号。
问小明一次至少应抽出多少张日历,才能保证满足姐姐的要求?A. 346B. 347C. 348D. 3493.箱子里有款式、大小、材质完全相同的红、蓝、黑五种颜色的运动鞋各 5 双,黄、白、那么至少拿出多少只鞋,才能保证有两双鞋的颜色相同?4. 某单位组织党员参加党史、党风廉政建设、科学发展观和业务能力四项培训,要求每名党员参加且只参加其中的两项。
无论如何安排,都有至少 5 名党员参加的培训完全相同。
问该单位至少有多少名党员?A. 17B. 21C. 25D. 295. 我是歌手”“某场比赛由六名首发歌手和一名踢馆歌手抽签决定出场顺序,且规定第一位出场和第七位出场歌手由踢馆歌手和上一场比赛第一名歌手抽取,剩余出场顺序由其他歌手抽取,则本场比赛出场顺序的排列共有多少种情况?A. 240B. 6000C. 10080D. 1206. 店庆期间,酒店门口有 7 名迎宾服务员,身着红色工装的有 4 名,身着蓝色工装的有 3 名。
为了整体美观,身着蓝色工装的迎宾服务员不能站在一起, 7 名服务员不同的站队顺序有多少种?则A. 60B. 240C. 720D. 14407. 8 人排成一排,其中甲、丙三人中, 2 人相邻,乙、有问这 3 人不同时排在一起的排法有多少种?A. 7400 种B. 21600 种C. 10900 种D. 20800 种8. 一道多项选择题有 A、 C、 E 五个备选项,B、 D、要求从中选出 2 个或 2 个以上的选项作为唯一正确的选项。
贵州省人口与计划生育条例(2016年3月31日贵州省第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一次会议通过)(1998年7月24日贵州省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第三次会议通过 1998年7月27日贵州省人民代表大会常务委员会公告公布施行根据2002年9月29日贵州省第九届人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议通过的《贵州省人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改〈贵州省计划生育条例〉的决定》第一次修正根据2009年9月25日贵州省第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第十次会议通过的《贵州省人口与计划生育条例修正案》第二次修正根据2014年5月17日贵州省第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第九次会议通过的《贵州省人口与计划生育条例修正案》第三次修正根据2015年9月25日贵州省第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第十七次会议通过的《贵州省人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改〈贵州省人口与计划生育条例〉等三件法规个别条款的决定》第四次修正根据2016年3月31日贵州省第十二届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一次会议通过的《贵州省人口与计划生育条例修正案》第五次修正)第一章总则第一条为了统筹解决人口问题,实现人口与经济、社会、资源、环境的协调和可持续发展,维护公民的合法权益,促进家庭幸福、民族繁荣与社会进步,根据《中华人民共和国人口与计划生育法》和有关法律、法规的规定,结合本省实际,制定本条例。
班级:默认班级成绩:100.0分一、单选题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)1女性穿职业装配什么规格的袜子?()1.0分∙A、1/4∙B、1/2∙C、3/4∙D、4/4我的答案:D2在文明礼貌用语中,对方来信叫做什么()。
单项选择题 “被边缘化”往往并非客观事实 抱怨和不满的情绪只会对工作产生消极影响 没有边缘的岗位,谨防自己把自己边缘化 摈弃“被边缘化”的消极思想,要以积极的行动掌控自己的命运 5:“泡沫论”的支持者并非杞人忧天。如果从某年 10 月 28 日的 最低点 1664 点算起,截至次年 8 月 6 日的收盘价 3365 点,A.股涨幅 已经超过了 100%。而从市盈率和市净率来分析,似乎也很容易得出 A.股泡沫严重的结论。根据 8 月 3 日汤森路透全球主要股市估值和表 现对比表,上证综指的静态市盈率和市净率已经分别达到 28.03 和 3.77,在全球股市中名列前茅。 根据这段文字,作者要表明的观 点是:( )。 单项选择题 A.股没有泡沫 A.股的泡沫达到历史最高点 A.股可能存在泡沫 A.股绝对存在泡沫 6:一座森林,物种越丰富越自然,其生态功能就越强大越持久。 人类也如森林,置身其中的每个人都是独特的个体,都有自己的活法。 父母素质、出生环境、教育环境、生活环境等,决定了人们的能力高 低、眼界宽窄,也就决定了人们在社会中定位的千差万别。最终的定 位是千百种微量因素不断变化,不断施加作用的结果。而人们拿来与
14:加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设,必须加快建立覆盖 ( )的社会保障体系,保障人民基本生活。
单项选择题 城市居民 城乡居民 农民群众 弱势群体 15:得主:失主() 单项选择题 白灾:黑灾 软武器:硬武器 数据:非数据 远程:近程 16:因果型预测方法,是指依据事物运动变化的因果关系,由已知 原因的“脉络”估测未来结果的一种预测方法。根据上述定义,下列 选项中运用了因果型预测方法的是()。 单项选择题 小明的成绩在班级成绩中一直名列前茅,一定是品学兼优的好学生 秋粮已连续三年丰收,根据前一阶段的农业气象条件、平均亩穗数、 病虫害发生面积等数据综合分析,本年度应该是一个丰收年 河流清澈见底,说明河水中没有暗涌 凡是本届奥运会没有获得奖牌的运动员都没有努力训练
九年级道德与法治月考试卷752考试试卷考试范围:全部知识点;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:辽宁的人也李学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______总分栏题号一二三四总分得分评卷人得分一、选择题(共7题,共14分)1、观察下面漫画《祖孙乘凉》,这一变迁表明我国()①生产力迅速发展②人民生活水平显著提高③现在的人贪图享受,艰苦奋斗过时了④综合国力显著增强A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ①③④D. ②③④2、晓哲因在校为班级出黑板报而晚归,受到妈妈的批评后很不服气,于是摔门而去。
这是因为()A. 个体经济是公有制经济的重要组成部分B. 国家鼓励、支持、引导非公有制经济的发展C. 公有制是社会主义市场经济的基础D. 个体、私营等非公有制经济已成为国民经济的主导力量4、为共同打造开放、包容、均衡、普惠的区域经济合作架构,推动更多国家和地区开展全方位合作,我国出台了重大战略举措。
据此回答2-3题:(1)国家发展改革委、外交部、商务部 2015 年 3 月 28 日联合发布了《推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪的愿景与行动》。
(2)“一带一路”重视与广大发展中国家携手合作谋发展的目标指向,传递的信息是要坚持A. 世贸合作B. 长江经济带C. 海上丝绸之路5、某校在新课改过程中,采用了分组学习的方法。
对此理解错误的有A. 竞争中需要合作B. 合作比竞争更重要C. 竞争与合作相互依存D. 竞争合作求双赢6、“感到中国2015年度人物”颁奖典礼于2016年2月14日在中央电视台综合频道播出,吴锦泉、屠呦呦、莫振高、官东、张宝艳夫妇、郎平、阎肃、徐立平、买买提•吾买尔、王宽被选为年度人物。
2016年3月福建省事业单位招录(行政职业能力测验)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 数量关系 2. 言语理解与表达 3. 判断推理 4. 资料分析数量关系数字推理1.0,1,7,20,44,( )A.76B.81C.86D.91正确答案:B解析:相邻两项之和分别为1、8、27、64、(125),分别为1、2、3、4、(5)的立方,应填入125—44=81,选B。
2.0,6,20,42,88,( )A.130B.132C.180D.182正确答案:A解析:各项依次改写为0×2、2×3、4×5、6×7、8×11、(10×13=130),第一个乘数0、2、4、6、8、(10)是连续偶数,第二个乘数2、3、5、7、11、(13)是连续质数,选A。
3.1.2,3,10,39,( )A.196B.135C.147D.182正确答案:A解析:(1+2)×1=3,(2+3)×2=10,(3+10)×3=39,(10+39)×4=(196),选A。
5.1,2,7,17,34,( ),109,191A.56B.62C.68D.74正确答案:B解析:等差数列变式。
资产评估师之资产评估基础通关模拟考试试卷和答案单选题(共20题)1. 关于供求均衡,表述错误的是()。
A.市场均衡是影响市场供求的力量达成平衡的状态,分为局部均衡和一般均衡B.局部均衡考虑市场之间的相互联系和影响C.均衡价格是需求曲线与供给曲线相交时对应的价格D.市场价格高于均衡价格,则供大于求【答案】 B2. 根据《资产评估法》规定,资产评估机构未按要求备案的,由有关评估行政管理部门责令改正;拒不改正的,责令停业,可以并处()罚款。
A.一倍以上五倍以下B.五万元以上十万元以下C.一倍以上十倍以下D.一万元以上五万元以下【答案】 D3. 评估人员进行具体资产评估时必须首先明确的基本事项是()。
A.委托人及其他资产评估报告使用人B.评估目的C.委托人和相关当事人的承诺函D.资产评估报告日【答案】 B4. 按报告的繁简程度划分,资产评估报告的种类不包括()。
A.完整型评估报告B.简明型评估报告C.限制型评估报告D.单项资产评估报告【答案】 D5. (2020年真题)下列关于供给曲线的说法中,正确的是()。
A.商品价格不变,随着生产成本的提高,供给曲线向左移动B.商品价格不变,随着商品数量的增加,供给曲线向左移动C.一般情况下,供给曲线向右下方倾斜D.供给曲线体现了边际效用递减规律【答案】 A6. 超额运营成本形成的功能性贬值,等于资产剩余使用年限内的()。
A.各年超额运营成本的折现值之和B.各年运营成本的折现值之和C.各年运营成本净值的折现值之和D.各年净超额运营成本的折现值之和【答案】 D7. 下列各项中,不属于编制资产评估计划应当考虑的因素的是()。
A.评估业务风险、评估项目的规模和复杂程度B.评估对象及其法律、经济、技术、物理等因素C.评估项目所涉及资产的结构、类别、数量及分布状况D.关联关系筛查【答案】 D8. 评估委托合同应当采用()。
A.书面形式B.口头形式C.自愿约定形式D.法律允许的形式【答案】 A9. 下列关于财务报吿评估目的评估说法不正确的是()。
14. 在一平直路段检测某品牌汽车的运动性能时,以路段的起点做为x轴的原点,通过传感器发现汽车刹车后的坐标x与时间t的关系满足x=60+30t-5t2(m),下列说法正确的是A.汽车刹车过程的初速度大小为30m/s,加速度大小为10m/s2B.汽车刹车过程的初速度大小为30m/s,加速度大小为5m/s2C.汽车刹车过程的初速度大小为60m/s,加速度大小为5m/s2D.汽车刹车过程的初速度大小为60m/s,加速度大小为2.5m/s2【答案】A考点:匀变速直线运动的规律15. 如图所示,在竖直面内固定一光滑的硬质杆ab,杆与水平面的夹角为θ,在杆的上端a处套一质量为m 的圆环,圆环上系一轻弹簧,弹簧的另一端固定在与a处在同一水平线上的O点,O、b两点处在同一竖直线上。
由静止释放圆环后,圆环沿杆从a运动到b,在圆环运动的整个过程中,弹簧一直处于伸长状态,则下列说法正确的是A.圆环的机械能保持不变B.弹簧对圆环一直做负功C.弹簧的弹性势能逐渐增大D.圆环和弹簧组成的系统机械能守恒【答案】D【解析】试题分析:由几何关系可知,当环与O点的连线与杆垂直时,弹簧的长度最短,弹簧的弹性势能最小.所以在环从a到C的过程中弹簧对环做正功,而从C到b的过程中弹簧对环做负功,所以环的机械能是变化的.故A 错误,B 错误;当环与O 点的连线与杆垂直时,弹簧的长度最短,弹簧的弹性势能最小,所以弹簧的弹性势能先减小后增大.故C 错误;在整个的过程中只有重力和弹簧的弹力做功,所以圆环和弹簧组成的系统机械能守恒.故D 正确;故选D.. 考点:机械能守恒定律16. 如图所示,理想变压器为降压变压器,原线圈通过灯泡L 1与正弦式交流电相连,副线圈通过导线与两个相同的灯泡L 2和L 3相连,开始时开关S 处于断开状态。
2016年学法考试试题及答案 党纪党规
一、单选题1、《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》坚持( D )相结合,紧扣廉洁自律主题。
【A】依纪治党与依法治党【B】依法治党与以德治党【C】依规治党与从严治党【D】依规治党与以德治党2、《中国共产党问责条例》自( D )起施行。
【A】印发之日【B】2016年1月1日【C】2016年3月31日【D】2016年7月8日3、《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》对党员和党员领导干部提出了“八条规范”,其中第五条是:廉洁从政,( B )。
【A】自觉维护人民根本利益【B】自觉保持人民公仆本色【C】自觉带头树立良好家风【D】自觉提升思想道德境界4、《中国共产党问责条例》规定,问责决定应当由( D )作出。
【A】党中央【B】党组织领导班子【C】有管理权限的党组织【D】党中央或者有管理权限的党组织5、《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》规定,中国共产党全体党员和各级党员领导干部必须坚定共产主义理想和( B )信念。
【A】马克思主义【B】中国特色社会主义【C】全心全意为人民服务【D】中国特色社会主义道路6、为严肃党的纪律,纯洁党的组织,保障党员民主权利,教育党员遵纪守法,维护党的团结统一,保证党的路线、方针、政策、决议和国家法律法规的贯彻执行,根据( B ),制定了《中国共产党纪律处分条例》。
【A】《刑法》【B】《中国共产党章程》【C】中央《八项规定》【D】《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》7、根据《中国共产党纪律处分条例》,对党组织和党员违反党纪的行为,应当以事实为依据,以( D )为准绳,准确认定违纪性质,区别不同情况,恰当予以处理。
2016年管理类联考综合能力真题一、问题求解:第1—15小题,每小题3分,共45分. 下列每题给出的A、B、C、D、E五个选项中, 只有一项是符合试题要求的。
请在答题卡上将所选项的字母涂黑.1. 某委员会由三个不同专业的人员组成,三个专业的人数分别是2,3,4,从中选派2位不同专业的委员外出调研,则不同的选派方式有()(A) 36种(B)26种(C)12种(D)8种(E)6种2。
有一批同规格的正方形瓷砖,用它们铺满整个正方形区域时剩余块,将此正方形区域的边长增加一块瓷砖的长度时,还需要增加块瓷砖才能铺满,该批瓷砖共有9981块(B)10000块(C)10180块(D)10201块(E)10222块3. 上午9时一辆货车从甲地出发前往乙地,同时一辆客车从乙地出发前往甲地,中午12时两车相遇,当客车到达甲地时货车距离乙地的距离是(A)30千米(B)43千米(C)45千米(D)50千米(E)57千米4。
在分别标记了数字1、2、3、4、5、6的6张卡片中随机选取3张,其上数字和等于10的概率()(A)0.05 (B)0.1 (C)0.15 (D)0.2 (E)0。
255. 某商场将每台进价为2000元的冰箱以2400元销售时,每天销售8台,调研表明这种冰箱的售价每降低50元,每天就能销售4台。
若要每天销售利润最大,则该冰箱的定价应为()(A)0.05 (B)0.1 (C)0.15 (D)0。
2 (E)0。
256. 某家庭在一年总支出中,子女教育支出与生活资料支出的比为,文化娱乐支出与子女教育支出为。
已知文化娱乐支出占家庭总支出的,则生活资料支出占家庭总支出的(A)40%(B)42%(C)48% (D)56% (E)64%7。
从1到100的整数中任取一个数,则该数能被5或7整除的概率为() (A)0。
02 (B)0。
14 (C)0.2 (D)0.32 (E)0。
A.1% B.2% C.3% D.4%8.利用股指期货可以()。
4、已知本金为50 000元,复利现值系数为0.8081,则其按照复利计算的本利和为()元。
A、40 405B、49 030C、55 390D、61 875正确答案:D解析:由于复利现值系数为0.8081,所以,复利终值系数为1/0.8081=1.2375,故按照复利计算的本利和=50 000×1.2375=61 875(元)。
全国2016年自学考试劳动关系学试题一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1.影响劳动关系结果的能力叫做( C )A.合作 B.冲突 C.力量D.权力2.世界银行发展报告显示,自20世纪80年代以来,全球收入差距逐步拉大。
从冲突与合作原理来看,这一状况的背景根源是( A ) A.广泛的社会不平等B.劳动力市场状况C.工作场所不公平D.工作本身的属性3.持“雇员与企业利益基本一致,劳资之间冲突的原因,在于雇员认为自己始终处于被管理的从属地位,管理与服从的关系是雇员产生不满的根源”此种观点的是( B )A.新保守派 B.管理主义学派 C.正统多元论学派D.激进学派4.主张经理通过与下属共享信息、有意识地克服工作的表面性以及处理好对组织施加影响的各种力量的关系,来提高工作效率的是( B )A.经验主义学派 B.经理角色学派 C.权变理论学派 D.管理学派5.下列选项中,属于成熟劳动关系特点的是( A )A劳资矛盾趋于缓和B冲突和斗争分散C政府不干涉D集体谈判制度建立6.在雇主角色理论中,强调组织内部的职权结构的理论是( B )A.新古典经济理论B.权变管理理论C.劳动过程理论D.利益相关者理论7.下列选项中按管理理念划分的管理模式是( D )A.独裁型B.权威型 C.自主型 D.合作型8.20世纪70年代由工程师米切尔•法因提出的促进劳资合作的具体策略是( C ) A.斯坎隆计划B.拉克计划C.集体收益分享计划D.工作生活质量计划9.以劳动者完成一定劳动定额为标准的工作时间被称为( A )A.计件工作时间 B.弹性工作日C.不定时工作日D.综合计算工作日10.某摩配厂由于生产经营需要,要求工人在星期天照常工作。
依据《劳动法》的相关规定,该摩配厂如不安排补休,则支付给工人的工资报酬应不低于工资的( C ) A.100%B.150% C.200%D.300%11.属于劳动合同约定条款的是( B )①试用期②社会保险③劳动合同期限④补充保险和福利待遇A.①③ B.①④ C.②③D.②④12.在某企业工作两年的员工赵某,因不满用人单位强迫劳动,于是与企业解除劳动合同。
2016年3月公共英语三级真题及答案解析(1~5/共10题)Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part AYou will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer--[A]、[B]、[C] or [D], and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Play00:0002:17Volume第1题What is the woman doing at the moment?A.Having a break.B.Having a coffee.C.Writing a report.D.Visiting the man.第2题What does the woman ask the man to do?A.Repair her windows.B.Take care of her house.C.Take a rest for a few days.D.Go to the seaside with her.第3题What do we learn about the woman from the dialogue?A.She bought a suitable skirt.B.She wanted to purchase a skirt.C.She returned a skirt to the shop.D.She complained about the service.第4题What does the man say to the woman?A.He envies her a lot.B.He enjoys cooking.C.He usually eats out.D.He runs a restaurant.第5题What are the speakers talking about?A.Gardening.B.Air quality.C.Hot weather.ck of rain.下一题(6~10/共10题)Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part AYou will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer--[A]、[B]、[C] or [D], and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Play00:0002:20Volume第6题Why is the woman angry with her son?A.He ignored traffic signals.B.He failed to repair her car.C.He didn´t attend his class.D.He didn´t take her advice.第7题Why does the man feel sorry?A.He forgot his Dad´s birthday.B.He didn´t buy a birthday present.C.He didn´t put the cake in the fridge.D.He arrived late for his dad´s birthday.第8题Where is the man´s house located?A.Near a park.B.By a restaurant.C.Close to a highway.D.In a Chinese neighborhood.第9题What does the woman say about the data in the article?A.It is original.B.It is reliable.C.It is questionable.D.It is authoritative.第10题What does the man tell the woman?A.The best time for job interviews.B.The strategies for job interviews.C.His comments on her recent work.D.His congratulations on her good luck.上一题下一题(11~13/共15题)You are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing [A]、[B]、[C] or [D]. You will hear each passage or conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your test booklet.Play00:0001:32Volume第11题What is the man´s first tip on a productive workday?A.Arrive at the office earlier.B.Jump into paper work first.C.Start with less difficult tasks.D.Get ready within 15 minutes.第12题Why should personal phone calls be avoided?A.They may take a lot of time.B.They may reduce social time.C.They may spoil a great mood.D.They may cause errors in work.第13题Why should an alarm be set?A.To give a go-home signal.B.To remind people to relax.C.To make people work fast.D.To warn people of an emergency.上一题下一题(14~17/共15题)You are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing [A]、[B]、[C] or [D]. You will hear each passage or conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your test booklet.Play00:0001:29Volume第14题What news does Renee share with Tom?A.She met a high school classmate.B.She found an old friend´s address.C.She paid a visit to her high school.D.She got in touch with an old friend.第15题Why did Renee and her friend lose contact?A.Her friend´s family left for another city.B.Her friend transferred to another school.C.They had an argument and drifted apart.D.They were too busy to write to each other.第16题What does Tom say about his old friends?A.He has lost touch with all of them.B.He maintains contact with most of them.C.He has regained contact with a few of them.D.He keeps in touch with one or two of them.第17题How did Renee´s friend get her email address?A.From an old address book.B.From one of their former teachers.C.From another high school classmate.D.From the website of Renee´s company.上一题下一题(18~21/共15题)You are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing [A]、[B]、[C] or [D]. You will hear each passage or conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your test booklet.Play00:0001:32Volume第18题Why did the woman decide to cancel her vacation?A.She had trouble with her health.B.She had trouble with her investment.C.She had to attend a financial course.D.She had to attend a conference in Paris.第19题What did the woman do after she graduated from college?A.She worked as a stock trader.B.She worked as a stock analyst.C.She worked as a finance teacher.D.She worked as a company manager.第20题Why did the woman want to start her own company?A.To make more money.B.To have more time for herself.C.To find more business opportunities.D.To know more about the stock market.第21题How does the woman feel about the present economic stimulating package?A.Relieved.B.Optimistic.C.Unconfident.D.Disappointed.上一题下一题(22~25/共15题)You are going to hear four conversations. Before listening to each conversation, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. After listening, you will have time to answer each question by choosing [A]、[B]、[C] or [D]. You will hear each passage or conversation ONLY ONCE. Mark your answers in your test booklet.Play00:0001:33Volume第22题Which industry is the man´s website concerned with?A.News.B.Music.cation.D.Television.第23题Whom is the man´s website mainly meant for?A.College students in Asia.B.English learners of all ages.C.Teenagers and young adults.D.Any visitors for entertainment.第24题What does the website want its visitors to get familiar with?A.Classic films.B.Western music.C.English accents.D.Public speeches.第25题What does the man hope his website will do in three years?A.Fulfill its short-term goal.B.Get a big market in Asia.C.Become self-financed.D.Get more investments.上一题下一题(26~30/共10题)ComprehensionDirections:Read the following two texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Isabel has turned down two job offers in the past year. In 2006, she started her own consulting practice, but by 2008, most of her larger clients had to drop her because of the economy. In 2011, she was undertaking irregular assignments and knew she needed a steady job. The first job she considered was Director of HR for a company in Utah. After the initial interviews, she felt the job fit her except for the location. Still, she flew west to meet the hiring manager. The hiring manager explained that Isabel was the top candidate for the job but that, before she continued with the process, she should better understand the firm´s culture. She directed Isabel to several videos of the company´s CEO, who regularly appeared in front of the company in costume as part of morale building exercises and expected his senior leaders to do the same. "Even though I was desperate for a job, I knew I couldn´t do that," Isabel says. She called the recruiter to turn down the job and explained that she didn´t feel there was a cultural fit.A few months later, she interviewed for another job: a director of employee relations at a local university. After several interviews, the hiring manager told her the job was hers if she wanted it. The job had many positives: it was a low-stress environment, it offered great benefits, and the university was an employee-friendly place. But the job was relatively junior despite the title and Isabel worried it wouldn´t be challenging enough. Finally, she turned it down. "It would be great to have a paycheck and great benefits but I would definitely have trouble sleeping at night," she says,In both cases, she was frank with the hiring managers about why she wasn´t taking the jobs. "In the past, it felt like dating, I was worried about hurting people´s feelings," she says. However, they appreciated her frankness and thanked her for her honesty. She says it was hard to turn down the jobs and it was a risk for her financially but she felt she had to.第26题In 2011, Isabel ______.A.did consulting now and thenB.found a job close to her homeC.refused several job interviewsD.ran a successful consulting firm第27题Isabel turned down the first job offer mainly because of its ______.A.CEOB.cultureC.locationD.recruiter第28题Isabel was dissatisfied with the second job due to its ______.A.junior titleB.low benefitsC.environmentck of challenge第29题Isabel believed that her rejection of the jobs was ______.A.harmfulB.surprisingC.justifiableD.troublesome第30题According to Isabel, it is important to ______.A.look for jobs with little stressB.look for jobs with great benefitsC.be truthful in declining job offersD.be cautious in declining job offers上一题下一题(31~35/共10题)ComprehensionDirections:Read the following two texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D.You do not usually get something for nothing. Now, a new study reveals that the evolution of an improved learning ability could come at a particularly high price: an earlier death.Past experiments have demonstrated that it is relatively easy through selective breeding to make rats, honey bees and—that great favourite of researchers—fruit flies a lot better at learning. Animals that are better learners should be competitive and, thus, over time, come to dominate a population by natural selection. But improved learning ability does not get selected amongst these animals in the wild. No one really understands why.Tadeusz Kawecki and his colleagues at the University of Fribourg in Switzerland have measured the effects of improved learning on the lives of fruit flies. The flies were given two different fruits as egg-laying sites. One of these was laced with a bitter additive that could be detected only on contact. The flies were then given the same fruit but without an additive. Flies that avoided the fruit which had been bitter were deemed to have learned from their experience. Their children were reared and the experiment was run again.After repeating the experiment for 30 generations, the children of the learned flies were compared with normal flies. The researchers report in a forthcoming edition of Evolution that although learning ability could be bred into a population of fruit flies, it shortened their lives by 15%. When the researchers compared their learned flies to colonies selectively bred to live long lives, they found even greater differences. Whereas learned flies had reduced their life spans, the long-lived flies learned less well than even average flies.The authors suggest that evolving an improved learning ability may require a greater investment in the nervous system which takes resources away from processes that delay ageing. However, Dr. Kawecki thinks the effect could also be a by-product of greater brain activity increasing the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which can increase oxidation in the body and damage health.No one knows whether the phenomenon holds true for other animals. So, biologists, at least, still have a lot to learn.第31题Past experiments prove selective breeding can make animals better ______.manderspetitorsC.survivorsD.learners第32题In this experiment, scientists observed that ______.A.some flies avoided the fruit without an addictiveB.some flies preferred the fruit with an addictiveC.the eggs of the flies were not damagedD.the impact on the flies did not last long第33题The forthcoming report says that ______.A.long-lived flies are better at laying eggsB.long-lived flies are poorer in learningC.learned flies have a relatively long lifeD.learned flies live as long as average onesAccording to Dr. Kawecki, greater brain activity ______.A.reduces oxygen consumptionB.regulates the nervous systemC.speeds up the ageing processD.stabilizes the ageing process第35题We learn from the text that ______.A.the research findings need to be tested furtherB.biologists are doing similar research on other animalsC.the animal world usually follows the same universal lawsD.biologists are applying their findings to other areas上一题下一题(36~40/共5题)ComprehensionDirections:Read the texts from a magazine article in which five people talk about tipping in a restaurant. For questions 36-40, match the name of each person to one of the statements (A-G) given below. Richard:I´ve always viewed tipping as a way of saying "thank you" to the one who serves me. I believe what is bad is when no tip is left at all. The better the service, the higher the tip. Unless the service is literally perfect, I never tip more than 10% of the bill. Much like the harder teachers in school, I never give an easy "A." My assessment is honest.Daniel:A tip is a "thank you," but in truth, a tip is payment for service. 20% is a standard tip. Servers deserve it for their hard work. Restaurants will never pay more for labor unless they are forced to do so by new laws. Tips make up about 97% of a server´s total income. Those tips are needed for survival. So, before servers are paid a living wage, tip 20%.Kate:Why should I pay the difference between what the restaurant is willing to pay the employee and what an acceptable wage is? I do pay 20%, but I hate it. A friend of mine left Europe for New York City, found a job in a restaurant there and ended up making $5,500 a month. Enough above minimum wage? How about miners, construction workers, resident doctors, etc? Do they get tipped?Patricia:18-20% for good service is today´s standard. The restaurant and its employees are too polite to tell you this or to put it on their menus, but that is their expectation and you need to understand that. I believe it is good manners to respect this. To do otherwise is to be openly rude. If you disagree, you are wise to eat elsewhere, as you are hurting a hardworking professional.Michael:Tipping has gotten out of control. I always had thought it was 15%, and now suddenly servers have made it 20%. I tip 15%, and that´s it. If the service is really superior, then I work higher from there. Interesting to be told, "If you can´t afford to tip 20%, then you should eat at home." If all those people stayed away, the restaurant would not even be in business, Now match the name of each person (36-40) to the appropriate statement.Note: there are two extra statements.A. It´s rude not to tip.B. I do tip, though I don´t like it.C. Tipping shouldn´t be compulsory.D. Tips are essential to servers´ survival.E. If you don´t tip, you are punishing the server.F. I think the current tipping standard is too high.G. My tip faithfully reflects how good the service is.第36题Richard___________第37题Daniel___________第38题Kate___________第39题Patricia___________第40题Michael___________上一题下一题(41~45/共5题)ComprehensionDirections:Read the following text from which five sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences A-G the most suitable one to fill each numbered gap in the text (41-45). There are TWO extra sentences that you do not need to use.In 2009, the number of hungry people in the world reached one billion for the first time. It´s difficult not to be shocked by the fact that more than one in seven people in the world do not have enough to eat.__41__Hunger kills more people per year than diseases such as AIDS, malaria and TB combined.The UN estimates that almost two thirds of the world´s hungry people are in Asia, which is of course the world´s most populous continent.__42__Although this region has a much lower population than Asia, it has the highest percentage of hungry people. Almost all of the rest are in Latin America, North Africa and the Caribbean. In the richest regions of the word there are only a tiny number of people who don´t have enough to eat.There are many reasons for world hunger. They include wars, droughts, floods, and the overuse of farming land.__43__Many people also blame greedy businessmen for pushing up the prices of basic foods in the global market. But the most important reason, quite simply, is poverty, which has increased recently due to the financial crisis of 2008.Although many people make the obvious point that there would be less hunger if the global population were smaller, few people would argue that there is not enough food to go around.__44__In the last 50 years, global food production has risen even more quickly than the global population. There are many areas of the world in which people generally have more than enough food.__45__The answer to world hunger, therefore, may be a balanced food distribution around the whole world. Everyone will have enough to eat, but not overeat.A. The basic problem seems to be not a lack of food, but its distribution.B. More than a quarter are in sub-Saharan Africa.C. All these factors affect food production.D. It takes the effort of every country to fight against world hunger.E. In those places, obesity is a far bigger problem than hunger.F. Those places need far more food than they actually get.G. By the end of this year, more than 35 million people will have died as a result of not having enough to eat.第41题第42题第43题第44题第45题上一题下一题I can´t believe the kind of rubbish that some people call art. Yesterday, my girlfriend dragged me to a modern art__46__to see an exhibition she had read about in the paper. It was five or six so-called installations made of bits of plastic, wood and paper that__47__just to have been thrown on the floor. It was a mess, basically—just like the floor in my sister´s house when my two-year-old nephew´s left all his toys out, but less__48__. Come to think of it,__49__you had given those bits of plastic, wood and paper to ray nephew, he could probably have__50__something just as good. I guess, sometimes, the cleaners end up throwing art like that in the bins at the end of the day,__51__they must find it hard to work out what´s an exhibit and what´s just__52__I think that if a painting or an installation looks like something I could have done myself in fifteen minutes, it doesn´t__53__to be called art. But when I say that, people like my girlfriend say I´m "uncultured." I think a lot of the people who say they__54__the kind of stuff we saw yesterday are just pretending—deep down they know it´s rubbish but they don´t want to be the first one to admit it because, unlike me, they´re__55__of being looked down on.A.afraidB.appreciateC.becauseD.colorfulE.createdF.deserveG.dislikeH.galleryI.ifJ.litterK.objectL.provedM.seemedN.seriousO.when第46题:请选择 A.afraidB.appreciateC.because D.colorfulE.createdF.deserve G.dislikeH.galleryI.if J.litterK.objectL.proved M.seemedN.seriousO.when第48题:请选择 A.afraidB.appreciateC.because D.colorfulE.createdF.deserve G.dislikeH.galleryI.if J.litterK.objectL.proved M.seemedN.seriousO.when第50题:请选择 A.afraidB.appreciateC.because D.colorfulE.createdF.deserve G.dislikeH.galleryI.if J.litterK.objectL.proved M.seemedN.seriousO.when第52题:请选择 A.afraidB.appreciateC.because D.colorfulE.createdF.deserve G.dislikeH.galleryI.if J.litterK.objectL.proved M.seemedN.seriousO.when第54题:请选择 A.afraidB.appreciateC.because D.colorfulE.createdF.deserve G.dislikeH.galleryI.if J.litterK.objectL.proved M.seemedN.seriousO.when上一题下一题(1/1)WritingDirections:You should write your responses to both Part A and Part B of this section on your ANSWER SHEET.Part A第56题You have just had a terrible trip to a foreign country. Post a message to an English online forum:1) telling other travelers some of your bad experiences;2) giving them some suggestions about taking a trip.You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of your message. Use "Wang Lin" instead.___________上一题下一题(1/1)WritingDirections:Read the text below. Write an essay in about 120 words, in which you should summarize the key points of the text and make comments on them. Try to use your own words.第57题Dear Sally,It was amazing to see your dance performance last weekend. I felt so proud of you when your teacher and schoolmates congratulated you upon your completion of the performance.While you continue to enjoy the moment, I´d like to share with you a small quote from Abraham Lincoln, "This, too, shall pass away." I want these words to be your guide at every turning point in your life.When you´re feeling very proud of yourself at an achievement, knowing no bounds at that moment, remember that "This, too, shall pass away."When you´re at a difficult moment in your life and don´t know what to do, find comfort in the same words—"This, too, shall pass away."I´m not saying that the ache of some losses and setbacks will completely go away from your life. In fact, often the memories of painful events will hit you unexpectedly like tons of bricks and take your breath away years after they happen.But, like all humans, you have an almost infinite capacity to adapt to life´s changes and a great ability to bounce back from trying times. This understanding should give you a spark of hope when you´re in a season of despair; it should also build up your confidence for taking risks in the future.Sally, our lives are made up of several peaks and several valleys. That´s the nature of life. Live each moment as it comes. And always remember "This, too, shall pass away."Love,Papa___________上一题交卷交卷答题卡答案及解析(1~5/共10题)Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part AYou will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer--[A]、[B]、[C] or [D], and markit in your test booklet. You will have 15seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Play00:0002:17Volume第1题What is the woman doing at the moment?A.Having a break.B.Having a coffee.C.Writing a report.D.Visiting the man.参考答案: C 您的答案:未作答答案解析:[听力原文]M: Got a time have a coffee with me now?W: You call me at a bad time. I´m writing a report and is due in an hour.M: You really like leaving things to the last minute.W: I know. It´s a terrible habit.第2题What does the woman ask the man to do?A.Repair her windows.B.Take care of her house.C.Take a rest for a few days.D.Go to the seaside with her.参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:[听力原文]W: Oh, we are going away to the seaside for a few days. Can you keep an eye on my home while I´m away?M: Certainly, Jackie. Make sure you lock the doors and shut all the windows.W: Thanks. It´s very kind of you.第3题What do we learn about the woman from the dialogue?A.She bought a suitable skirt.B.She wanted to purchase a skirt.C.She returned a skirt to the shop.D.She complained about the service.参考答案: B 您的答案:未作答答案解析:[听力原文]W: These skirts are just what I have been looking for. Have you got the medium sizes of them?M: I´m afraid not, Madam. They appeared to be temporarily out of stock.W: Oh, how disappointing. When will you have some mediums in?M: We should be getting in some until next Monday.第4题What does the man say to the woman?A.He envies her a lot.B.He enjoys cooking.C.He usually eats out.D.He runs a restaurant.参考答案: C 您的答案:未作答答案解析:[听力原文]W: How often do you eat out, Jame?M: Well, very often, almost five times a week.W: Wow. I really envy you.M: Don´t envy me. It´s for business. In fact, I´m tired of restaurant food. Sometimes I really miss our home-cooked meal.第5题What are the speakers talking about?A.Gardening.B.Air quality.C.Hot weather.ck of rain.参考答案: D 您的答案:未作答答案解析:[听力原文]W: Well, the dry conditions are really severe.M: But it´s not surprising actually. Because we have had much rain this year.W: Well, if it could rain even a drop, my flowers in the garden will come back in a heartbeat. 下一题(6~10/共10题)Listening ComprehensionDirections: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and Part B.Remember, while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET 1.If you have any questions, you may raise your hand NOW as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.Now look at Part A in your test booklet.Part AYou will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer--[A]、[B]、[C] or [D], and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue ONLY ONCE.Play00:0002:20Volume第6题Why is the woman angry with her son?A.He ignored traffic signals.B.He failed to repair her car.C.He didn´t attend his class.D.He didn´t take her advice.参考答案: D 您的答案:未作答答案解析:[听力原文]M: You look furious, Mary. How come?W: My son had an accident. He wasn´t hurt, but my ear was damaged.。
12016年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试理科数学【全国卷3】适应地区:(云南、广西、贵州);考试时间:120分钟;重新编辑:路玮第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题(本大题共12小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是最符合题目要求的。
)1.设集合{}0)3)(2(≥--=x x x S ,{}0>=x x T ,则=T S ( )。
A .[]32, B .)3[]2,(∞+-∞, C .)3[∞+, D .),3[]20(+∞ , 2.若i z 21+=,则=-∙14z z i( )A .1B .1-C .iD .i -3.已知向量,,,,)2123()2321(==→→BC BA 则=∠ABC ( )A ︒30B ︒45C ︒60D ︒1204.某旅游城市为向游客介绍本地的气温情况,绘制了一年中各月平均最高气温和平均最低气温的雷达图。
图中A 点表示十月的平均最高气温约为C ︒15,B 点表示四月的平均最低气温约为C ︒5。
下面叙述不正确的是( )A.各月的平均最低气温都在C︒0以上B.七月的平均温差比一月的平均温差大C.平均最高气温高于C ︒20的月份有5个D.三月和十一月的平均最高气温基本相同5.若43tan =α,则=+αα2sin 2cos 2( ) A .2564 B .2548 C .1 D .25166.已知31523425,3,2===c b a ( )。
A .c a b <<B .c b a <<C .a cb << D .b ac << 7.执行右面的程序框图,如果输入的6,4==b a ,那么输出的=n ( A .3 B .4 C .5 D .62(第7题图)8.在ABC ∆中,4π=B ,BC 边上的高等于BC 31,则=A c os ( ) A.10103 B.1010 C.1010- D.10103- 9.如图,网格纸上小正方形的边长为1,粗实线画出的是某多面体的三视图,则该多面体的表面积为( )A.53618+B.51854+C.90D.81(第9题图)10.在封闭的直三棱柱111C B A ABC -内有一个体积为V 的球。
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1.已知集合2{|30},{1,}A x x x B a =-<=,且A B 有4个子集,则实数a 的取值范围是
A .(0,3)
B .(0,1)(1,3)
C .(0,1)
D .(,1)(3,)-∞+∞
2.已知i 为虚数单位,a R ∈,若2i a i
-+为纯虚数,则复数2z a =的模等于
3.若110a b
<<,则下列结论不正确的是 A .22a b < B .2ab b < C .0a b +< D .a b a b +>+
4.向量,a b 均为非零向量,(2),(2)a b a b a b -⊥-⊥ ,则,a b 的夹角为
A .
6π B .3π C .23π D .56π
5.正项数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若{}n a 和都是等差数列,且公差相等,则6a 为
A .
114 B .32 C .72
D .1
6.实数,x y 满足01
xy x y ≥⎧⎪⎨
+≤⎪⎩,使z a x y =+取得最大值的最优解有两个,则1z ax y =++的最小值为 A .0 B .-2 C .1 D .-1
C .
8.运行如图所示的程序,若结束时输出的结果不小于3,则t 的取值范围为
A .14t ≥
B .18t ≥
C .14t ≤
D .18
t ≤
9.已知点12,F F 分布是双曲线22
22:1(0,0)x y C a b a b
-=>>的左右焦点,过1F 的 直线l 与双曲线C 的左右两支分别交于,A B 两点,若
22::3:4:5AB BF AF =,则双曲线的离心率为
A .2
B .4 C
10.三棱锥P ABC -中,6,AB BC AC PC ===⊥平面,2ABC PC =,
A .
253π B .252π C .833π D .832π
11.一矩形的一边在x 轴上,另两个顶点在函数
2(0)1x y x x =>+的图象上,如图,则此矩形绕x 旋转成的几何体的体积的最大值是
A .π
B .
3π C .4π D .2π
12.已知函数()ln(2)x f x x =
,关于x 的不等式()()20f x af x +>只有两个整数解,则实数a 的取值范围是
A .1(,ln 2]3
B .1(ln 2,ln 6)3--
C .1(ln 2,ln 6]3--
D .1(ln 6,ln 2)3-
13.欧阳修《卖油翁》中写道:(翁)乃取一葫芦置于地,以钱覆其扣,徐以杓酌油沥之,自钱孔入,而钱不湿,可见“行行出状元”,卖油翁的技艺让人叹为观止,若铜钱是直径为2cm 的圆,中间有边长为0.5cm 的正方形孔,若你随机向铜钱上滴一滴油,则油(油滴的大小忽略不计)正好落入孔中的概率为 14.221(2)n x x
-展开式中的常数项是70,则n =
15.已知点(0,2)A ,抛物线按21:(0)C y ax a =>的焦点为F ,射线FA 与抛物线C 相交于点M ,与其准线相交于点N
,若:1:FM MN =a 的值等于
16.已知函数()1(1)sin 2,[2,21)2(1)sin 22,[21,22)2
n n x n x n n f x x n x n n ππ+⎧-+∈+⎪⎪=⎨⎪-++∈++⎪⎩()n N *∈,若数列{}n a 满足()()m a f m m N *=∈,数列{}m a 的前m 项和为m S ,则10596S S -=。