International Logistics-Chapter 1 Introduction




❖ (三)进出口商品装卸与搬运子系统

❖ (四)进出口商品的流通加工与检验子系统
国际展品物流:指以展览、展示为目的,暂时将商品运如一国 境内,待展览结束后再复运出境的物流活动。(有去有回)
国际邮政物流:指通过国际邮政运送系统办理的包裹、函件等 递送活动(门到门或手到手)。
2020/动10/2,7 包括循环利用容器和包装材料、退货、调货等,是目前物流
❖ (二)全球化生产
❖ 企业在全球化范围内组织生产具有的优势:(1)可 以更好地接近目标市场,满足当地消费者的需求(2)可 以获取资源优势,降低生产成本;(3)可以避开东道国 的贸易壁垒限制,更顺利地进入国际市场;(4)降低物 流费用,降低成本,提升产品的国际竞争力
❖ (5)可以获取先进的技术和管理经验;(6)可以获得东 道国的优惠政策。
❖ 流通加工与检验的作用:使商品发生一定的物流和化 学以及形状变化的加工过程,促进销售,提高物流效率, 保证产品质量。
❖ (五)商品包装子系统
❖ 包装标志:便于识别货物和计数,主要有运输标志和 指示性、警告性标志两种。
❖ 1.运输标志:习惯称为唛头或唛。通常由三部分组成:收 货人及发货人名称的代用简字或代号和简单图形;目的港 (地)名称;件号。有的还列入合同号码、信用证号码或 进口许可证号码等。

chapter 1 introduction to International_Logistics

chapter 1 introduction to International_Logistics

Part 1
Logistics Management – Boundaries & Relationships

Logistics Management activities typically include transportation management, warehousing, materials handling, order fulfillment, logistics network design, inventory management, supply/demand planning, and management of third party logistics services providers. To varying degrees, the logistics function also includes sourcing and procurement, production planning and scheduling, packaging , and customer service. It is involved in all levels of planning and execution – strategic, tactical and operational. Logistics Management is an integrating function, which coordinates and optimizes all logistics activities, as well as integrates logistics activities with other functions including marketing, sales manufacturing, finance and information technology.


Source: International Business (1998). Fifth Edition. Zinkota, M., Ronkainen, I., and Moffett, M. Fort Worth: The Dryden Press
• Logistics costs comprise between 10% and 30% of the total landed costs of an international order. Thus, international logistics is a competitive tool.
B – International Transportation Issues
¤ Some countries may have excellent inbound and outbound transportation systems but weak internal transportation links. ¤ New routs of commerce have opened up ¤ Extreme variations also exist in the frequency of transportation services.
Close collaboration with suppliers is required to develop a just-in-time inventory system, which in turn may be crucial to maintaining manufacturing costs at globally competitive levels.



Routing & Dispatch
Proof Of Delivery Warehouse Management
14 Key Logistics Activities 关键物流活动
客户服务 Customer service 需求预测/ 需求预测/规划 Demand forecasting/planning 库存管理 Inventory management 物流通讯 Logistics communications 物料搬运 Material handling 订单处理 Order processing 包装 Packaging 零部件和服务支持 Parts & service support 工厂和仓库选址 Plant & warehouse site selection 采购 Procurement 退货处理 Return goods handling 逆向物流 Reverse logistics 运输 Traffic & transportation 仓储 Warehousing & storage
INCOTERMS chap2 降低物流费用 物流费用, 降低物流费用,提高顾客服务水平 二律背反
Components of 2003 Logistics Costs
SOURCE: “15th Annual State of Logistics Report,” National Council of Logistics Management 2004
Be careful… the text spreads these out over parts of 3 pages !
Components of Logistics Management 物流管理的组成



•第一节 第三方物流的概念和产生背景
v 第三方物流的发展状况: v 1、第三方物流在美国的发展 v 美国物流无论在规模力量,还是企业实力上都代
表了世界最高水平。 v 2004年,全球前十大第三方物流企业中美国占
有比例最高。这些企业一般运营规模庞大、地区 覆盖面广、有强大的指挥和控制中心,有丰富的 财务资源和经营策略。
•第一节 第三方物流的概念和产生背景
v 4、中国第三方物流的产生背景 v (1)我国国民经济的高速发展 v (2)改革开放的巨大成功 v (3)我国物流学发展的进步 v (4)信息技术的发展 v (5)市场竞争与社会分工的加强
•第一节 第三方物流的概念和产生背景
•第一节 第三方物流的概念和产生背景
v (3)行业集中度较低 v 2006年,中国第三方物流市场大约有18000多
个服务商和终端,排名前10位的服务商占市场 总额仅约13%,且没有一家物流企业市场份额 超过2%。 v 我国物流行业尚未实现充分的整合。
•第二节 第三方物流的服务内容与发展模式
•仓储/配送类业务包括:配送网络设计、订单处 理、库存管理、仓储管理、代管仓库及包装等
•信息服务类业务包括:信息平台服务、建立物 流业务处理系统、运输过程跟踪
•增值服务类业务包括:延后服务、零件成套、 供应商管理、货运付费、支持JIT制造、咨询服 务及售后服务。
•案 例
v 建立3PL关系后,中外运按照其供应链的布局实 施了个性化的物流资源配置,新建、改造专用的 物流仓库,提供个性化物流解决方案,按照生产 企业上下游配置做了安排。区域配送也从操作层 面、供应链层面、信息反馈层面上做了很多工作。



美国西海岸码头工人“五一”劳动节举行反战罢工 (国际物流风险
性) 2008年05月02日17:06 来源: 中国新闻网
美国西海岸29个港口的码头工人1日举行罢工,要求政府尽快结束 在伊拉克的战争。
罢工组织者称,大约有2.5万人参加了当天的活动。组织者之一、 国际码头与仓库工人工会主席鲍勃·麦克埃尔拉思在一份声明中说,西海 岸的码头工人决定在“五一”国际劳动节为了美国的利益暂时离开工作岗 位一天,“我们想以此告诉在华盛顿的政客们,现在是结束伊拉克战争 的时候了”。
贸易型国际物流:指由国际贸易活动引起的商 品在国际间的移动,除此之外的国际物流活 动都属于非贸易型国际物流
(1)国际展品物流:指以展览为目的,暂时将 商品运入一国境内,待展览结束后再复出境 的物流活动。
(2)国际邮政物流:是指通过各国邮政运输办理的包裹、函件等。 成为国际物流的重要组成部分。航空快递的发展已经开始分流 一部分函件和货物包裹。
三、国际物流信息的功能 1、反馈与控制作用 2、支持保障作用 3、资源性作用
第四节 物流全球化的形成及其发展
2001年我国颁布了由国家科委、国家技术监督局、中国物资流通协 会组织编写的《物流术语国家标准》,其中对物流的定义:物流是物 品从供应地向接收地的实体流动中,根据实际需要,将运输、储存、 装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等功能有机结合来实 现用户要求的过程。
国际物流:是指货物(包括原材料、半成品和制成 品等)及物品(包括邮品、展品、捐赠物资等)在 不同国家间流动或转移,即供应点与需求点处于不 同国家(地区)之间的物流,称为国际物流。
海运有通过能力大、运量大、运费低,对货物适应性强等长处。 国际贸易总运量的75%以上是利用海运来完成的,有的国家占



B:Int’l Logistics Features 国际物流的特点
1.国际物流的市场广阔性 Broad / Extensive (Market) 2.国际物流的国际性 Global / International 3.国际物流的复杂性 Complicated / Sophisticated 4.国际物流的高风险性 High-risk 5.国际物流以远洋运输为主,多种运输方式组合(多式联运) Ocean Shipping/ Freight (Multimodal Transportation)
(一)FOB (Free on Board…named port of shipment) 装运港船上交货(„指定装运港) 使用方式 (以出口为例) FOB Tianjin 天津新港船上交货。 适合运输方式 Ocean shipping 海运 Inland water Transport 内河运输 Price价格构成
LECTURER: CZ JULY 19th, 2017
Chapter I: Transport & Logistics Operations
Unit 1 Base Knowledge of International Logistics
Unit 2 Basic knowledge of International Trade Terms
Unit 2 Basic knowledge of International Trade Terms 第二单元:国际贸易术语基本知识 A-- International Trade Terms 国际贸易术语 贸易术语也称价格术语(Trade terms or Price terms),是指用一个简 短的概念或者三个英文字母的缩写来表示商品的价格构成,说明交货 地点,明确货物交接过程中有关的责任、风险、费用的划分问题。 Trade terms, also called price terms,refers to the concepts with a short or three letter abbreviation to represent the prices of the goods, delivery place, clear the goods in the process of transition on the division of responsibility, risk and cost.


(1)全球标准信息系统---是保证国际物流效率的基础。如:在物流信 息传递技术方面,欧洲各国不仅实现企业内部的标准,而且也实现了 企业之间及欧洲统一市场的标准化。
(2)基础设施设备标准化--减少物流作业量,缩短物流流程。如运输 和货物搬运设施设备、仓库和港口设施等。如:集装箱运输方式的发 展--美国和欧共体各国在许多基础设施和工具方面实施标准化建设, 如托盘采用1000mmxl200mm,集装箱实行统一规格及条码技术等。
(3) 单证:(种类)商务单证、结汇单证、船务单证、运输 单证、报检报关单证、港口单证及装卸货流转单证等。 (语言的单证),如西欧。 (运输方式、资金融通、订货项 目以及政府控制)等方面的差异导致单证增多。
各个国家和地区通过贸易协定就可以有效地克服这种人为 成本的增加。
国际物流管理的最终目标---要求整个流程的一体化协作----要求有 功能更强大,信息传输和信息处理更快的标准化信息系统技术支撑。
也就是通过计算机和网络进行信息收集、传递、发布,以及智能化处 理和物流过程的控制。
逐步发展的有:物流设施、物流技术、大型物流工具; 出现了提高国际物流服务水平的要求(通过国际集装 箱和国际集装箱船来体现);航空物流的发展到国际 联运。


或服务输入本国市场销售。 • (2) 出口贸易 ( Export Trade) : 将本国的商品
或服务输出到外国市场销售。 • (3) 过境贸易 ( Transit Trade) : 甲国的 商
品 经 过 丙 国 境 内 运 至 乙 国 市 场 销 售, 对 丙 国 而言就是过 境贸易。
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第二节 国际物流的发展
• 从促进国际物流发展的里程碑来看, 现代国际物流的发展过程大概 经历了四个阶段:
• 第一阶段———20 世纪 50 年代前, 也就是第二次世界大战以 前。
• 第二阶段———20 世纪 50 年代至 80 年代初。 • 第三阶段———20 世纪 80 年代初到 90 年代初。 • 第四阶段———20 世纪 90 年代初至今。
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第一节 国际物流概念
• 2 物流与物流管理概念 • 《 物流术语》 的国家标准 ( GB / T 18354—2006 )
将 “ 物流” 定义为: “ 物流从供应地向接收地的实体流动过程。 根据实际 需 要, 将 运 输、 储 存、 采 购、 装 卸 搬 运、 包 装 、 流 通 加工、 配送、 信息处理等基本功能实施的有机结合。” 并将物流管理定义为: “ 为了以最低的 物流成本达到用户所满意的 服务水平, 对物流活动进行的计划、 组织、 协调与控制。” • 物流管理实质上是对 物 流 系 统 的 管 理。 一个完整的物流系统是 从供应商提供原材料或零部件开始, 经由生产过程转变为成品后 再 配送到顾客手里。
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第三节 国际贸易与国际物流
• 二、 国际物流与国际贸易的关系
• 国际贸易使商品所有权发生了转换, 而国际物流则实现了商品在国 际的时空转移, 国际 贸易与国际物流之间存在相辅相成、 互相促 进的关系。

《国际物流管理》第1章 概述

《国际物流管理》第1章 概述
高。 – 国际物流系统构成复杂,物流节点众多。 – 运输形式多样化,物流作业复杂 – 国际物流信息源多样,信息系统复杂 – 国际物流标准化要求严格,建设成本高
项目 物流节点 运输工具 信息传递
文件 风险
货物运输 财务
外包组织 政府组织
• 物流的概念
– 物流(logistics)是供应链活动的一部分,专 注于物品、服务及相关信息从起源点到消费 点的有效流动和储存的企划、执行与控制过 程,以达成顾客的要求。 ——美国供应链管理专业委员会
• 物流系统
– 物流活动构成了一个与其它生产活动有机结 合的物流系统。这个系统为顾客通过提供空 间价值和时间价值,来实现企业的价值创造
• 国际物流的概念
– 国际物流是指物品的供给地和接收地分别位 于不同国家或地区的实体流动过程。
– 国际物流的职能:
• 仓储、运输、包装、配送、装卸搬运、流通加工 • 报关、商检、国际货物保险和国际物流单证
• 国际物流的特点
– 国际物流的参与者众多,专业领域差异巨大 – 国际物流环境差异巨大,物流作业复杂程度
《国际物流管理》第1章 概述
第1章 国际物流概述
• 本章主要内容
– 经济全球化中的国际物流 – 国际物流的基本概念 – 国际物流的发展现状与未来趋势
第1章 国际物流概述
• 本章教学要点


International Logistics“国Biblioteka 物流”课程简介本课程的性质
本课程是国际贸易专业的核心技能课, 是一门理论知识和实践技能并重的理实一体 化课程。
通过本课程的学习,获得和掌握国际物 流运作的基本理论、方法和技能,为从事国 际物流运作及相关工作打下基础。
广义的国际物流包括贸易性国际物流 和 非贸易性 国际物流。
贸易性国际物流:组织国际贸易货物在国际间的 合理流动。
非贸易性国际物流:各种会展物品、邮政物品、 行李物品、办公用品、捐助、援外物资等非贸易 货物在国际间的流动。
狭 义 的国际物流是指贸易性的国际物流 , 指当生产和消费 分别在两个或两个以上的国家独立进行时,为了克服生产 和消费之间的空间隔离和时间距离,对商品进行物理性移 动的活动,从而完成国际商品交易的最终目的,即实现卖 方交付单证、货物和收取货款,而买方接受单证、支付货 款和收取货物的贸易对流活动。
70年代,船舶的大型化趋势进一步加强,国际物流向大数 量、高服务型物流发展。标志:国际集装箱及国际集装箱 船大规模发展。
物流设施得到极大发展。企业建立了配送中心,广泛运用 计算机进行管理,出现了立体无人仓库,一些国家还建立 了本国的物流标准化体系等。
国际物流的实质是按国际分工协作的 原则,依照国际惯例和法律,利用国际化 的物流网络、物流设施和物流技术,实现 货物在国际间的流动与交换,以促进区域 经济的发展和世界资源优化配置。

International Logistics

International Logistics

Unit 6 International LogisticsText 1 ContainerizationDialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortText 2 Main Logistics DocumentsDialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationText 1 Containerization【Para 1】Container Transportation(集装箱运输)With the expansion of international trade, the container service has become popular. The transportation of international trading is nowadays frequently carried out in containers. The usage of containers provides a highly efficient form of transport by road, rail and air though its fullest benefits are felt in shipping, where cost may be reduced by as much as one half.Text 1 Containerization【Para 2】Sizes of Containers(集装箱的尺寸)Containers are constructed of metal and are of standards lengths from ten to forty feet. 20-foot container and 40-foot container have become more common. The 20-foot container has become the standard unit ofmeasure quoted in terms of"TEUs" or twenty-foot equivalentunits. One 40-foot containerequates to two TEUs.Text 1 Containerization【Para 3】the Advantage of Containers(集装箱的优势)The advantage of containers from the shipper's point of view is that freight can be loaded and the box sealed before it leaves the warehouse. The goods themselves are not touched again until the customer receives the container and opens it.Text 1 ContainerizationThere is no risk of goods getting lost or mislaid in transit.Manpower in handling is greatly reduced, with lower costs and less risk of damage.Overall transportation cost can be reduced since container shipment offers the economy of mass transportation and minimizes the need for transshipment.Text 1 ContainerizationUsage of container reduces the time ships spend in port and greatly increase the number of sailings.Temperature-controlled containers are provided for the types of cargo that need them.Text 1 Containerization【Para 4】the Disadvantage of Containers(集装箱的劣势)Containers have a restricted application in inland transportation. Because containers on ships must be stacked, they must be sturdy in construction. In turn, this makes them heavy—too heavy for road transport since they unduly restrict payloads.Text 1 Containerization【Para 5】the FCL Service(整箱服务)If the exporter intends to fill a full container load (FCL), the forwarder of shipping line will be prepared to send an empty container to the exporter for loading. The container is sealed with thecarrier's seal, this is sometimes done by the shipper.Text 1 Containerization【Para 6】the LCL Service(拼箱服务)If the cargo is less than a full container load (LCL), the exporter sends it to the container freight stations (CFSs), where it will be consolidated with the goods of other exporters in a group container.Text 1 Containerization【Para 7】Inter-modal Transportation(多式联运)Inter-modal transportation refers to the movement of a shipment from origin to destination utilizing two or more different modes of transport. It involves a variety of shipment, transshipment and warehousing activities. The whole intent of inter-modal transport is to allow the shipper to take advantage of the best characteristics of all modes: the convenience of road, the long-distance movement efficiency of rail, and the capacity of ocean shipping.Text 1 ContainerizationTherefore, inter-modal transportation offers the opportunity to combine modes and find a less costly alternative than a single transport mode. Numerous technical improvements, such as river/sea shipping and better rail/road integration, have been established to reduce interchange cost, but containerization remains the most significant achievement so far.Text 1 ContainerizationNew Words and Phrasescontainer n. 容器,集装箱containerization n. 集装箱化expansion n. 扩充,开展construct v. 建造,建立quote v. 引用,提出,提供mass adj. 大规模的,集中的restrict v. 限制,约束Text 1 Containerizationapplication n. 应用,运用stack v. 堆放,堆叠sturdy adj. 坚固的,坚定的unduly adv. 过度地,不适当的fill v. 装满,充满,填充forwarder n. 货运公司,货运代理商seal n. 封铅,封条,印;v. 封,密封Text 1 Containerizationconsolidate v. 装货,配货origin n. 出发地,生产地destination n. 目的地utilize v. 利用characteristic n. 特性,特征convenience n. 便利,方便efficiency n. 效率,功效capacity n. 容量,装载量combine v. (使)结合Text 1 Containerizationalternative n. 二中择一,可供选择的办法integration n. 综合significant adj. 有意义的,重大的achievement n. 成绩,成就,完成,达到carry out 履行,执行standard unit 标箱TEUs=twenty-foot equivalent units20英尺的标箱Text 1 Containerizationequate to 相当于,相等于temperature-controlled 温控FCL= a full container load 整箱服务LCL= less than a full container load 拼箱服务CFSs= container freight stations 集装箱运输站inter-modal transportation 多式联运so far 迄今为止Text 1 ContainerizationNotes1.The usage of containers provides a highly efficient form of transport by road, rail and air though its fullest benefits are felt in shipping, where cost may be reduced by as much as one half.集装箱的使用为道路,铁路和航空提供了一种高效的运输方式,虽然它的全部益处在海运中体现得最淋漓尽致,在海运中集装箱的使用可以将成本降低一半.Text 1 Containerization2.Containers are constructed of metal and are of standards lengths from ten to forty feet.集装箱由金属制造,包括10英尺到40英尺各种标准尺寸.Text 1 Containerization3.Overall transportation cost can be reduced since container shipment offers the economy of mass transportation and minimizes the need for transshipment.由于使用了集装箱运输,提供了运输的规模经济并将转运需求降到最低,全面的运输成本得以降低.Text 1 Containerization4.Because containers on ships must be stacked, they must be sturdy in construction.因为在船上集装箱必须叠放,所以必须建造的足够坚固.Text 1 Containerization5.Therefore, inter-modal transportation offers the opportunity to combine modes and find a less costly alternative than a single transport mode.因此,与单一运输方式相比,多式联运为将适当的运输方式结合在一起为降低成本提供了机会. Text 1 Containerization6.Numerous technical improvements, such as river/sea shipping and better rail/road integration, have been established to reduce interchange cost, but containerization remains the most significant achievement so far.许多技术进步,如水运/海运和更完善的铁路/公路的结合,使得运输方式转换时成本降低,但是迄今为止,集装箱化运输仍是意义最重大的进步.Text 1 ContainerizationExercisesⅠPair work:talking face to face, and think it over, discuss the following questions.1.What is containerization2.What basic sizes containers have3.What are the advantages of container transportation4.What is the multi-modal transportationText 1 Containerization5.Why a shipper would choose multi-modal transportation6.What are the FCL7.What are the LCL8.Why container is suitable to inter-modal transportationText 1 ContainerizationⅡClose test.ContainerizationThe ___1___ cargo transport volume has been on the rise together with the world's economic growth since the third quarter of last decade. Also we are living in a rapidly ____2___ industry society. There have been a number of major changes in the shipping ____3___, but the one that has the most far-reaching ____4___ is the development of the container system.Text 1 ContainerizationThis is referred to as "containerization", by which various general cargoes are stuffed ____5___ big containers for the purpose of quick loading on ____6___ ships and unloading from ships both for inbound and ____7___ transport. By this measure, loading and unloading time at ___8___ is reduced to one tenth of the time length on the average compared with the conventional handling method where general cargoes were, being much diversified in ____9___ and size, handled on a two-ton sling unit basis.Text 1 ContainerizationContainerization has also implemented quick transit between ships and other modes of transportation, such as road and railway transport. Therefore, container transport is ___10___ efficient not only for the marine transportation but also for the inland transportation.Text 1 Containerization1.a. international b. bulkc. inventoryd. domestic2.a. changing b. changedc. changeabled. exchange3.a. enterprise b. companyc. terminald. industry4.a. aftermath b. influencec. suggestiond. impact5.a. from b. for c. into d. downText 1 Containerization6.a. board b. our c. bond d. behind7.a. side b. boundc. outboundd. bounding8.a. point b. berth c. port d. terminal9.a. color b. typec. materiald. shape10.a. high b. highly c. far d. quiteText 1 ContainerizationⅢTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1.Inter-modal transportation is seen as a solution that could work in certain situations.2.Temperature-controlled containers are provided for the types of cargo that need them.3.With the improvement of international trade, the container service has become popular.Text 1 Containerization4.Before containerization, economies of scale were difficult to achieve with break-bulk cargo.5.Maersk Sealand is one of the largest liner shipping companies in the world, serving customers all over the globe.Text 1 ContainerizationⅣTranslate the following sentences into English.1. 多式联运提供了降低物流成本的机会.2. 集装箱的使用极大地提高了运输效率.3. 迄今为止,集装箱化运输仍是意义最重大的进步.4. 整箱运输的费率低,你最好整箱运输货物.5. 集装箱的使用降低了货物损坏的风险.Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading Port(The following is a conversation between the Mr. Geng, the clerk in a logistics company and Mike, a customer of the company.)Geng:Mike, are you tired today after your visit to the Great Wall yesterdayMike:No, not at all. I am very interested in the visit.Geng:What are you impressions about the Great WallDialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortMike:It's just too great, and it has made an everlasting impression on me.Geng:Well, do you think now we should talk a bit about the port of dischargeMike:I'm all ready.Geng:Our offer is CIF European main ports. The time of shipment is August. What's your unloading port pleaseMike:Hamburg.Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortGeng:But as I know, sailings to Europe in August only call at London and Antwerp.Mike:Our customers are all located near Hamburg. It's not reasonable to have the goods unloaded at London.Geng:I see.Mike:We do hope you'll contact the shipping company once again to make sure that the shipmentwill arrive in Hamburg.Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortGeng:Sure and I will do that, there is a vessel sailing to Hamburg in July. But I'm afraid it's too late to book the shipping space.Mike:Please try your best, and I trust that you can make it.Geng:All right. But the question we have at the moment is whether the manufactures can get the goods ready in July.Mike:You can contact the factory again to hurry them up. It will be marvelous if the goods can be shipped in July.Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortGeng:I'll certainly try my best, but if we fail to do that, there will be another chance. The next early available chance will be the Hamburg ships in September. There will be two of them. What do you think if the shipment is effected in September, a month later than the scheduleMike:We'd like the shipment to be made in July, but if nothing can be done about it, the goods can be shipped in September. There should be no more changes in the schedule, anyway.Geng:I'm sure there will be no more changes.Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortNew Words and Phrasesimpression n. 印象,感想everlasting adj. 永恒的,持久地Hamburg n. 汉堡(欧洲主要港口)Antwerp n. 安特卫普(欧洲主要港口)reasonable adj. 合理的Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading Portmarvelous adj. 令人惊异的,不可思议的effect v. 实现,达到schedule n. 确定时间port of discharge 卸货港CIF 到岸价(成本,保险加运费)Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortNotes1.Our offer is CIF European main ports.我们的报价是欧洲主要港口的到岸价.2.It's not reasonable to have the goods unloaded at London.在伦敦港卸货不太合理.Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortExercisesⅠOral Practice: practice the above dialogue with your partner until you can learn the lines by heart.Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortⅡTeam work: make up a dialogue according to the following situation and practice it with your partner.Situation:Jerry is a clerk of a logistics company. Now he is talking with his customer about the loading and unloading port.Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortTips:1.We should talk about the port of loading and discharging.2.I think Dalian is suitable to us.3.What's your unloading port please4.We'd better have a brief talk about the loading port.5.We'd like to designate Shanghai as the loading port because it is near the producing area.6.As most of our clients are near London, we'd like to appoint London as the unloading port.7.An early reply from you will help us to speed up shipment.8.You may depend on what I promise you.Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortⅢWrite an e-mail to your customer, telling them about goods transportation.Contents:1.就货物装运推迟之事进行道歉2.由于恶劣天气造成装运推迟3.保证3日内再次发运Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortⅣRead the dialogue and translate into Chinese.A: Hello. Welcome to Bumbles.B: Can I speak to James Chen.A: Speaking.B: This is Zhaoyang Electronics Co. of Suzhou.A: Have you received the request from the Shanghai Hongqiao Customs House regarding the survey of your cargoDialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortB: Yes. But is it a condition to go through the custom clearance proceduresA: Why, of course. The Customs House must make sure that the goods you sent to be exported conform to what is stated on the airway bill.B: But the consignment is very small, only 100 kilograms of CDs.A: It is the rule that each and every consignment for export shall be inspected before leaving China.Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortB: Can you not put in a word for us You are our freight forwarder for so many years and...A: Sorry. But that is not the rules of the game. You had better send someone here as soon as possible. Otherwise, warehousing expense will incur.B: OK, if I must, I must. Xiao Wang from our export department will be with you this afternoon. Dialogue 1 Talking about the Unloading PortA: I will be in my office then. Bye-bye.B: Bye-bye.Text 2 Main Logistics Documents【Para 1】Introduction to Logistics Documents(物流单据介绍)Logistics documents refer to all documents involve in the course of logistics. Generally speaking, logistics documents contain two kinds of documents: cargo documents and transport documents. They are applied for various purposes in the whole process of transport of goods. The following paragraphs are introduction to bill of lading, air waybill, packing list, commercial invoice, insurance policy and certificate of origin.Text 2 Main Logistics Documents【Para 2】Bill of Lading(提单)One of the most important documents in maritime is the bill of lading (abbreviated to B/L). It is used primarily in international sales of goods where the carriage of goods is by sea. It must be presented at the port of final destination by the importer in order to claim goods. A B/L is nearly always prepared on a pre-printed form. Whatever its form, a B/L may contain some main elements, such as quantity of goods, accurate cargo description and condition, date of the bill of lading, names of shipper and consignee, party to be notified, name of vessel, ports of loading and discharge, terms and conditions of carriage and payment of freight.Text 2 Main Logistics DocumentsThe functions of the maritime B/L can be classified into three categories:a receipt for the goods shippedevidence of the contract of carriagedocument of title for the goodsText 2 Main Logistics Documents【Para 3】Air Waybill(空运运单)An air waybill is a form of B/L used for the air transport of goods. It is an evidence of a transportation contract. The air waybill is approximately equivalent to the sea B/L, but it is not a document of title to goods or a negotiable document.Text 2 Main Logistics DocumentsEach air waybill has three originals and at least 6 copies. The air waybill must be accurately completed, clear forwarding instruction must be given to the airline or agent. The air waybill is used as a receipt of the goods for dispatch and evidence of the contract of carriage between the carrier and the consignor.Text 2 Main Logistics Documents【Para 4】Packing List(装箱单)A packing list is a document prepared by the shipper at the time the goods are shipped, giving details of the invoice, buyer, consignee, country of origin, vessel or flight details, port or airport of loading and discharge, place of delivery, shipping marks, container number, weight and cubic of goods, etc. Its prime purpose is to give an inventory of the shipped goods and is required by the customs clearance.Text 2 Main Logistics Documents【Para 5】Commercial Invoice(商业发票)The commercial invoice is a document offered by the seller to the buyer regarding the sold goods. The commercial invoice is issued by the exporter. It provides details of a transaction between the importer and the exporter. Its main function is a check for the importer against charges and delivery. Besides, it used as determination of value of goods for the assessment of customs duties,preparation for consular documentation, insurance claims and packing purposes.Text 2 Main Logistics Documents【Para 6】Insurance Policy(保险单)An insurance policy is a document confirming insurance of cargo and indicating the type and amount of insurance coverage. This document is usually issued to the party buying the insurance. Text 2 Main Logistics Documents【Para 7】Certificate of Origin(原产地证书)A certificate of origin is a document issued by a certifying authority such as a chamber of commerce in the exporter's country stating the country of origin of the goods. It is usually required by countries to set the appropriate duties for the imports.Text 2 Main Logistics DocumentsNew Words and Phrasescargo n. 货物invoice n. 发票carriage n. 运输,运费destination n. 目的地element n. 要素,成份,元素description n. 描述,形容consignee n. 收货人,收件人Text 2 Main Logistics Documentscategory n. 种类,分类approximately adv. 近似的,大约equivalent adj. 相当于,相等于negotiable adj. 可流通的,可转让的dispatch n. 派遣,发送consignor n. 委托者,发货人,交付人cubic n. 体积transaction n. 处理,交易Text 2 Main Logistics Documentsassessment n. 评估,估价insurance n. 保险,保险业authority n. 权威,权力机关appropriate adj. 适当的,恰当的duty n. 义务,责任,关税bill of lading(B/L) 提单air waybill 空运运单packing list 装箱单insurance policy 保险单Text 2 Main Logistics Documentscertificate of origin 原产地port of loading 装货港port of destination 目的港document of title 物权凭证customs clearance 通关,清关chamber of commerce 商会Text 2 Main Logistics DocumentsNotes1.Generally speaking, logistics documents contain two kinds of documents: cargo documents and transport documents.通常来讲,物流单据包括两类单据:货物单据和运输单据.Text 2 Main Logistics Documents2.It must be presented at the port of final destination by the importer in order to claim goods.(提单)是进口商为在目的地港领取货物时提交的单据.Text 2 Main Logistics Documents3.Whatever its form, a bill of lading may contain some main elements, such as quantity of goods, accurate cargo description and condition, date of the bill of lading, names of shipper and consignee, party to be notified, name of vessel, ports of loading and discharge, terms and conditions of carriage and payment of freight.不论形式如何,提单可能包括一些主要的要素,例如:货物的数量,商品准确的名称和状况,提单的日期,托运人和收货人的名称,通知方,船名,装/卸货港,运输合同的条款和运费的支付方式. Text 2 Main Logistics Documents4.document of title for the goods货物的物权凭证5.The air waybill is approximately equivalent to the sea B/L, but it is not a document of title to goods or a negotiable document.空运运单的内容与海运提单大概相似,但是空运运单不是物权凭证,也不能转让和流通.Text 2 Main Logistics Documents6.Each air waybill has three originals and at least 6 copies.每份空运运单有三份正本以及至少六份副本.Text 2 Main Logistics Documents7.Besides, it used as determination of value of goods for the assessment of customs duties, preparation for consular documentation, insurance claims and packing purposes.除此之外,商业发票还用作货物价值评估,关税估价,准备领事文件,保险索赔以及包装目的. Text 2 Main Logistics DocumentsExercisesⅠTeam work:talking face to face, and think it over, discuss the following questions.1.How many kinds of shipping documents do you know2.What is B/L3.What are the functions of B/L4.What is air waybillText 2 Main Logistics Documents5.What is the purpose of packing list6.How many types of invoices do you knowText 2 Main Logistics DocumentsⅡFill in the blanks with the following words.1.A certificate of origin is a ________ issued by a certifying authority.2.The shipping company will tell you when your _______ is loaded on board the ship.3.Logistics documents contain two kinds of documents: cargo documents and _______ documents. insurance receipt cargo destination functionamount document transport negotiable exporterText 2 Main Logistics Documents4.B/L must be presented at the port of final _______ by the importer.5.B/L is a ______ for the goods shipped.6.Air waybill is not a _______ document.7.The bill of lading performs a number of _______.8.The commercial invoice is issued by the _______.9.An insurance policy is a document confirming _______ of cargo.Text 2 Main Logistics Documents10.An insurance policy is a document indicating the type and ____ of insurance coverage.Text 2 Main Logistics DocumentsⅢTranslate the following sentences into Chinese.1.One of the most important documents in maritime trade is the bill of lading..2.A cargo manifest provides information regarding cargoes on board.3.The shipping note is a commitment on the shipper to ship the goods and serves as the basis for the preparation of the bill of lading..Text 2 Main Logistics Documents4.The main parties on a bill of lading are shipper, consignee, notify party and carrier.5.A mate's receipt is the receipt issued by the carrier in the acknowledgement of the goods received on board.Text 2 Main Logistics DocumentsⅣTranslate the following sentences into English.1.所有的正本提单都是可流通的.2.提单是运输合同的证明.3.在国际物流中需要大量单据.4.大幅收据随后被换发为提单.5.提货单是由承运人或其代理人签发.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of Destination(Jane is talking to the customer, Wang Jian, who came into the office in a hurry.)Jane:Hey, Mr. Wang, what's the matter Why are you wet throughWang:I have something urgent to ask you. But as it is raining so hard, I couldn't find any taxi. Jane:Then tell quickly so that you can go home and change into dry clothes.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationWang:I have just received a fax from our customer in Germany, who wants us to change destination of our cargo.Jane:What cargoWang:The dresses to Toulouse. I remember the consignment consists of twenty TEU.Jane:Where do you wish the cargo to go nowWang:Our customer now wishes to land it at Marseilles. Can you do itDialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationJane:Let me see. (After checking his computer) The ship that carries your containers is still at Suez, waiting for the transit of the Suez Canal. It will not pass the canal in 48 hours. We can senda cable to the ship and the port of Marseilles and tell them.Wang:Thank you very much.Jane:But I must have the three original Bills of Lading.Wang:Oh, they are now on their way to the consignee. Why do you want themDialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationJane:We want to make sure that no third party will claim the cargo with any of the original B/L. Wang:Do you accept Letter of IndemnityJane:As a rule. We have to make a commercial decision and take the risk ourselves of we do so. But considering you are our long time customer, we accept it.Wang:Thank you. I will go back to the company and ask the bank to provide you with a Letter of Indemnity.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationJane:Wait a moment. Who will pay for the extra expense that may incur when the containers are movedWang:Of course we will contact the customer and ask them to pay.Jane:Well, that is not our business. You'll have to advance the expenses, I'm afraid.Wang:Of course. All the expense incurred for this purpose will be for our account. Now, see you later.Jane:See you later.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationNew Words and Phrasesdestination n. 目的地Toulouse n. 图卢兹(法国南部港口)consignment n. 委托之货物Marseilles n. 马赛(法国东南部港口)transit n. 通过,通行Dialogue 2 Change of Port of Destinationoriginal n. 最初的,正本的consignee n. 收货人,收件人incur v. 引起,导致TEU 20英尺的标箱Suez Canal 苏伊士运河Letter of Indemnity 补偿信Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationNotes1.I remember the consignment consists of twenty TEU.这批货物货物包括20个标箱.2.I must have the three original Bills of Lading.我必须有三份正本提单Dialogue 2 Change of Port of Destination3.Who will pay for the extra expense that may incur when the containers are moved谁来支付货物转运引起的额外费用4.All the expense incurred for this purpose will be for our account.所有由此引起的费用从我们账户中支付.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationExercisesⅠOral Practice: practice the above dialogue with your partner until you can learn the lines by heart.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationⅡTeam work: make up a dialogue according to the following situation and practice it with your partner.Situation:Jenny is planning to import the goods. She need the help of the XinXing International Logistics Co.,Ltd on the customs clearance.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationTips:1.Nice to meet you.2.We need to talk about …3.We can provide all types of services on the international logistics4.Our core business is the customs clearance.5.You can depend on us.6.We specialize in …7.You need provide all relative documents.8.All expenses will be on our account.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationⅢWrite an e-mail to your customer, telling them politely and patiently like that:Contents:1.此批出口货物必须检验,这是海关的规定2.我们可以找检验师检验货物3.在2天内做完4.所有的费用由你们支付Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationⅥRead the dialogue and translate into Chinese.Xiaoyang, business representative of A company, negotiates with Mr. Jackson, business representative of B company, concerning shipment of wrong goods.Xiaoyang: Upon the examination of your delivery, we find it does not contain the goods we ordered. No doubt, you have made an error.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationJackson: Would you please tell us in detailXiaoyang: We ordered tablecloths, whereas the contents are towels. Evidently, the goods are wrong. We're holding the goods for your disposal in our warehouse.Jackson: The mistake is entirely on our side. We'll try to bring the case to a speedy close and arrange to send you replacement immediately, but it is preferable if you can dispose of them at your end.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationXiaoyang: Let me think.Jackson: We are prepared to allow 15% off the invoice price if you would accept the wrong delivery.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationSupplementary ReadingTypes of Marine B/LB/L are of many kinds, and can be classified into the following categories:1. In terms of whether or not the goods are on board: On Board B/L and Received for Shipment B/LDialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationOn Board B/L is issued by the carrier or its agent when all the goods are loaded on board of the ship, and must bear the name of the ship and the date of shipment. Received for Shipment B/L is issued by the carrier or its agent when the goods are under his control before loaded on boarded the shipment. The buyer does not favor it, and usually the L/C will require the seller to present shipped B/L for negotiation at the bank. However, with development of containers, received for Shipment B/L are being increasingly applied.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of Destination2. On the basis of the apparent condition of goods noted: Clean B/L and Unclean (or Foul) B/L When the shipping company writes on the B/L "The goods loaded are in apparent good order", this B/L is a clean one. When the shipping line gives such an indication as "The goods loaded are not in apparent good order" or "The packing is broken or … is polluted, etc.", this B/L is a foul one and non-negotiable at the bank.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of Destination3. In the light of different characteristics of consignees: Straight B/L, Order B/L and Open (or Bearer) B/LStraight B/L has a specified name in the column of consignee, which means that the goods can only be received by the specified person and the B/L cannot be transferred to a third person. So it is not negotiable. Order B/L does not have a specified name but the phraseology of "To order", or "To the order of …" in the column of consignee.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationThis kind of B/L can be transferred to others by endorsement. Open B/L has neither the consignee's name nor the phraseology of "To order" fill in the column of consignee. This type of B/L is negotiable without endorsement, and ownership of the goods passes when the B/L is handed over to anyone.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of Destination4. In terms of modes of transport: Direct B/L, Transshipment B/L, Through B/L and Combined Transport (or Container) B/LUnder Direct B/L, the goods will be directly carried to the port of destination without transshipment, while with transshipment under Transshipment B/L. Through B/L is a development of these two B/L. Under Through B/L, the goods will at least be carried by two different modes of transport before arriving at the port of destination.Dialogue 2 Change of Port of DestinationA multi-modal operator responsible for the whole voyage issues combined Transport B/L, involving two or more different kinds of transport. This kind of B/L is usually used in container transport and may be a Received for Shipment B/L, but a Through B/L must be a Clean Shipped。

international logistics英文教材

international logistics英文教材

international logistics英文教材International Logistics TextbookIntroductionInternational logistics is a critical component of global trade and supply chain management. It involves the transportation, storage, and distribution of goods across international borders. To understand the complexities of international logistics, students and professionals need to have a solid foundation in the principles and practices of the field. This textbook provides a comprehensive overview of international logistics, covering key concepts, processes, and challenges.Chapter 1: Introduction to International LogisticsThis chapter introduces the concept of international logistics and its importance in the global economy. It discusses the key players in the international logistics industry, including shippers, carriers, freight forwarders, and customs brokers. The chapter also covers the impact of globalization on international logistics, emphasizing the need for efficient supply chain management in today's interconnected world.Chapter 2: International Trade RegulationsIn this chapter, students learn about the regulations governing international trade, including tariffs, quotas, and trade agreements. The chapter also covers customs procedures, import/export documentation, and compliance requirements. Students gain an understanding of the legal framework that governs international trade and the role of government agencies in enforcing regulations.Chapter 3: Modes of TransportationThis chapter explores the various modes of transportation used in international logistics, including air, sea, road, and rail. Students learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each mode, as well as the factors that influence mode selection. The chapter also covers intermodal transportation and the importance of efficient multimodal transportation networks.Chapter 4: International Warehousing and Inventory ManagementThis chapter focuses on the role of warehousing and inventory management in international logistics. Students learn about the functions of warehouses, including storage, order picking, and packing. The chapter also covers inventory control techniques, such as just-in-time inventory management and cycle counting. Students gain an understanding of theimportance of efficient warehousing and inventory management in optimizing supply chain performance.Chapter 5: Global Supply Chain ManagementThis chapter discusses the principles of supply chain management in the context of international logistics. Students learn about the key components of a global supply chain, including sourcing, production, distribution, and customer service. The chapter also covers supply chain design and optimization, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and coordination among supply chain partners.Chapter 6: Global Logistics OperationsThis chapter covers the day-to-day operations of international logistics, including order processing, transportation management, and freight forwarding. Students learn about the technologies and systems used in global logistics operations, such as transportation management systems and warehouse management systems. The chapter also discusses the challenges of managing global logistics operations, including language barriers, cultural differences, and political instability.Chapter 7: Risk Management in International LogisticsThis chapter explores the various risks associated with international logistics, including supply chain disruptions, natural disasters, and geopolitical conflicts. Students learn about risk management strategies, such as supply chain resilience, contingency planning, and insurance. The chapter also covers the impact of risk management on supply chain performance and the importance of proactive risk mitigation strategies.Chapter 8: Sustainability in International LogisticsThis chapter discusses the role of sustainability in international logistics, including environmental, social, and economic considerations. Students learn about sustainable practices in transportation, warehousing, and supply chain management. The chapter also covers the benefits of sustainability in international logistics, such as cost savings, brand reputation, and stakeholder engagement. Students gain an understanding of the increasing importance of sustainability in today's global economy.ConclusionInternational logistics is a dynamic and evolving field that plays a critical role in the global economy. This textbook provides students and professionals with a comprehensive overview of international logistics, covering key concepts,processes, and challenges. By developing a solid foundation in the principles and practices of international logistics, students can enhance their knowledge and skills in this important field.。

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