傲慢与偏见英文读后感(合集四篇)that,Darcybegantoreflectontheself-examinationandtreatedpeoplewithmorepopulist.Astimewentby,theycameacrossagain.Darcyw asnotonlypolite,butwaspopularamongtheneighbors.Finally,regardlessofhisaunt’sstrong objectionandconceptoffamily,DarcyproposedtoElizabethagain.Elizabethwillinglyconsent ed.ShebegantoappearherlivelysidetoDarcy.Thecharactershavetheirownpersonalities.wasa womanwhowaseagertomarryoffherdaughters.wasafriendlyyoungman.Janewassimple,innocenta ndneverspokeevilofothers.Elizabethwasaclevergirlwhoalwayshadherownopinions.Marylike dreadingclassicbooks.Kittydidn’thaveherownopinionsbutlikedtofollowhersister.Lydiaw asagirlwhofollowedexoticthings,handsomemanandwassomehowalittleprofligate.AsfarasIam concerned,loveisthemostbeautifulandvaluablethingandthebasisofmarriage.Althoughmater ialisimportant,weshouldn’tgiveupseekingforthetruelove.BycontrastingElizabethwithLy dia,weknowthetrueloveisessential.Then,Ithinkthebehavioristhesymbolofpeople.IfDarcyw aspoliteandwarm-heartedinthebeginning,maybehewouldnothavebeenmisunderstoodbyElizabeth.Therefore,nev erbearrogant.Itistruethatthefirstimpressionisimportant,butweshouldalsorecognizesome oneinlongtimeandfromallaspects.Thatrequireswearestrong-minded,reasonedandsensible.Betoleranttoanyone,andyouwillbemorelikelygainhappiness.L astbutnotleast,thisnovelhasaneffectontoday’sChinesesociety,whichisfullofbullionism andhedonism.Manyyoungershavethequestion,especiallygirls,“Roseandbread,whichismorei mportant”.OnceinafamousdatingshowcalledIfyouaretheone,agirlsaid“Wouldrathersitint heBMWcarcrying,don’tsitonthebikelaughing”,whichmeansshewouldlivetogetherwitharich manratherthanapoorman.Mostgirlsthinkthathouses,carsandpropertyaremoreimportantthana ppearancesandcharacters.Idon’tagreewithit.Asnewcentury’sgirls,whoareexpectedtobei ndependent,self-reliance,self-love,wecouldearnmoneythroughourowneffectsinsteadofputtingthehopeonothers.Onlyinthis waycanwehavethesecuritysenseandbemoreattractivetolovers.Theloverisoneofthemostintim atepersonsandthefamilyisapartofourlives,therefore,let’sseekforthetrueloveandcreate apromisingfuture.omarryhimbutwasseriouslyrejected.AtlastheproposedtoCharllotewhowasEli’sfriend. Mr.CollinswasgoodatflatteringandhegotthepastoratewiththehelpofLadyCatherine.Oncehis familywasinvitedtoRosingsGardenbyLadyCatherine.ElizabethalsowenttherewithMr.Collina ndCharllote.ThereshemetMr.Darcywho’sLadyCatherine’terinagarden,SirWilli amtoldEliaboutMr.Darcy’slatestactofdissuadingMr.Bingley’smarringJaneBennetwhichca usedEli’sexceedinglyanger.ThenMr.DarcycametotheCollins’andconfessedhisloveforEliz abeth,ofcoursehewasrejectedimpolitely.AfterwardsMr.DarcywrotealettertoEliinordertor emovehermisunderstandingsofhim.Elizabeth’suncleandauntwerealsoimpressedbyMr.Darcy ’spoliteness.GraduallyEli’sprejudiceofMr.Darcydiappeared.Eventuallytheybecamecoup le.ThewriterJaneAustendisclosedmid-classyoungladies’differentideasofmarriageandlovethroughdescribingthedifferentwaysi nwhichtheBennetgirlsdoingwiththeirmarriageproblems,andthisundoubtedlyshowsthewriter ’sideaaboutloveandmarriage:it’swrongtogetmarriedjustforproperty,wealthandstatuswh ileneitherwoulditbewithoutcaringaboutthoseelements.JaneAustenjustattachedgreatsigni ficancetomarriagethroughhernovelbytellingpeoplethatmarriageshouldberegardedcarefull ycauseitisnotagameyoucouldjustenjoywithoutprudentconsideration.Shealsowantedtodeliv erinformationthatmarriageshouldbebasedonreallovebetweenthelovers.ThefemalesubjectEl izabethisamid-classgirl,andDarcyproposedtoherregardlessofthegapbetweenthem,butElizabethrefusedbec auseofhispridehadformedEli’sprejudice.CauseDarcy’spridewasasuggestofstatusgapbetw eenheandEli,hewouldn’thavethesamethoughtwithEliandconsequentlytheidealmarriage.But laterDarcy’sdoingsespeciallyhischangeofthepridefulmannereliminatedEli’smisunderst andingsandprejudiceabouthim,andEliacceptedhisproposal.Thosetwooppositeattitudesrefl ectfemale’spursueofindependentpersonalityandequality.IthinkElizabethhaspersonality ethicwhichcausedherindependentideaaboutloveandmarriageandinconsequencesheearnedahap pylife.There’realsoEli’ssisters’lovestoriesservedascontraststothefemalesubject’sidealmarria ge,suchasCharlotteandCollin’slife:theydohadaluxurylife,butthere’snoreallovebetwee nthemandthiskindofmarriageissurelyatragedyofsociety.《傲慢与偏见》中描写了五种婚姻关系,有班奈特夫妇的轻率之爱,简和宾利的世俗之爱,伊丽莎白和达西的内涵之爱,丽迪亚和韦翰的肉欲之爱,柯林斯与夏绿蒂的物质之爱。
傲慢与偏见读后感英文版篇1After a term’s reading, I finished ten more books, however, what impressed me most is Jane Austen and her two classical books.In China maybe we all know LiQingzhao, a great female poet whose poetry are full of the emotions from the bottom of her heart. However, in England the figure maybe is my most admirable authoress Miss Austen who can never have too many respects from the common people just like me. After read her two masterpieces of books Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, I feel so proud of being female to see a world-famous authoress using her independent thoughts, humor words to show us the relationship between the so-called superiors and the lower-class.At that time, neither in the east nor in the west, it is not so easy for a woman to become a great figure with literary reputation. In China Li made it, while in England Miss Austen with her unique characteristic also realized her dream after a long struggle with the temporal points. It seems that all in Jane’s life, she made a decision between sense and sensibility; once there was an o ld saying “Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable.” She resolutely chose her true love but not a splendid life or a comfortable home, what a pity she can not marry the one she did not really love even a beloved one, in hershort life, she finished six famous books with her heart and soul but never married and stayed single for ever.When reading Pride and Prejudice, I wondered why the oldest sister in the Bennet family also was named Jane, is there any possibility Jane Bennet is the soul of Miss Austen; and Miss Austen expected to realize all the pity which can not come true in her real life, so Jane Bennet was pictured as prefect as possible to be the best of the five sisters.It’s a classical book with abundant description of everyone’s inner heart, especially the changes in their hearts. It can never deserve too many analyses for it was so wonderfully worked. One can say anything but ordinary to show our respects and admiration.The man said“I do not have that talent of conversing easily with people I have never met before.” The woman said“We all don’t know him.” The book is full of the man’s pride and the woman’s prejudice in its lines and words.From his pride we can see his confidence and persistence; whereas from his pride we can’t se e his kindness and gentleness which he hid behind the surface.From her prejudice we can see her firmness and treason; whereas from her prejudice we can’t see her expectation and worries which she hid behind the surface.So it gave us a beginning of the story of pride and prejudice and led us to Miss Austen’s emotion world. So wonderful a book, so classical a story, so prefect a happy ending made it never a problem whether his pride or her prejudice counted, because of love, all can be neglected.In the book once the proud Mr Dracy talked about the traits an accomplished woman must have, it needed a thoroughknowledge of music, singing, dancing, drawing and modern languages, and besides this, a certain something in her manner of walking, in her voice and her behaviour. What’s more, something more solid, the improvement of her mind by wide reading. It could never be too strict for a common woman to follow.About the attitudes to the marriage, Charles Dickens in the Oliver Twist also showed us the opinions of that day, he said if a man has ambitions to enter politics, then he marries a woman with a stain on her name, over though it’s not her fault, it might spoil his chances of success in his life. The society is cruel, people might use the knowledge of his wife’s doubtful birth against him, and against his children, too. And one day, he might begin to regret his marriage.But love is so great that nothing can conquer it, and in the Pride and Prejudice we see the type of classical love, if we say in the realization we are so sorry to see the over more interest lead us to forget what love is, what a pity when love is not so pure as it should be, what a pity when love is used as a medium of exchange.To my happiness the books inflected Miss Austen’s marriage view, it is wrong to get married for property, money and states. She objects to getting married for money and regarding the marriage as a trifling matter. She also points that the man and the woman’s emotion is the foundation of an ideal marriage.After reading it, I feel that I just want to turn Elizabeth who is ordinary but with special beauty, brave but with a little stubborn, though she is not a prefect woman our eyes, she does be a woman with prefect disadvantages. To the hero Mr Dracy, I feel that I just want to marry a gentleman like Mr Dracy whoalways puts his love deep in his heart, till the day he made sure that Elizabeth was the one he wanted to spend the rest time of the live. Under the handsome and gentle; proud and serious face, there was a kind heart full of love.Pride is just like a piece of beautiful clothes which is luxurious and untouchable. However, the expense of pride is loneliness. Prejudice is just like the clouds floating in the sky with its freedom. However, the expense of prejudice is lost.What I learnt from the books and Jane Austen is deeply printed in my mind and I should never forget Elizabeth and Mr Dracy’s prefect love story, they usefully influenced each other. His mind might have been softened and his manners improved by her sociability, and she might have learnt from his greater judgment and knowledge of the world. Just like a fairy tale, the price and princess have a happy live together, which I am looking forward.傲慢与偏见读后感英文版篇2Smelling the faint ink fragrance in his nose, he turned the pages in his hand and read the lines in front of him quietly. Pride and Prejudice is a book that is often heard by others and feels good. I bought it home and realized it carefully. I didnt think it was good at the beginning. After reading it completely, I learned some philosophy and wisdom of life from it.Pride and prejudice, a novel by the British writer Austin, shows some of the daily life and rural scenery of the middle class in England, and opens a new page in the history of English novels.Elizabeth in the pursuit of love on the road, has been adhering to their original beliefs, not by the then door-to-door and wealth status of their own footsteps, adhere to the fate of their own destiny. She took control of her destiny and finally gota good marriage. Her character and spirit, all let me deeply admire. In addition, knowing that she misunderstood Darcy, she admitted her mistake and love to Darcy. She knew that the moral character that mistakes can change is what we should learn.Seeing the happy ending of this twists and turns fate, I am deeply gratified and look forward to it silently. I hope that all people can have the integration of rationality and sensibility, and truly manage their own happy life independently.傲慢与偏见读后感英文版篇3Pride and Prejudice was written by Jane author was born in 1775 in Hampshireand passed away in 1817 at the age of fourty-three. It was first published in1813 and has been one of the greatest novels ever since has been translated into numbers of languages and several movies have been made based on the original novel.wIt tells of a love stor between Elizabeth and Darcy as well as Elizabeth’s sister. It consists of 42 chapters in all. Mr. Darcy is the hero who is rich and proud. Elizabeth is the second daughter while Jane is the first daughterwEverything starts with Bingley’s arrival. When et hear Bingley has bought a house near her home mother of four daughters is so happy and conceived that one of her daughters will beome his wife. Fortunately, Bingley and Jane met at an evening dancing party and they soon fell in love with each other. However,Darcy, Bingley’s best friend , was also attracted byElizabeth’fascination but Darcy rudeness and pride toward Elizabethe greatly annoyed her and her impression for Darcy was even worsened by Wickham, a military officer she met who claimed to have grown up with Darcy. What was worse Bingley’s two sisters deliberately separated Bingley and Jane.wAnd Elizabether turned dowm the marriage proposal from her cousin, Collins, who will inherit all the properties when her father died. When Darcy sent Elizabeth a letter to tell the truth and reveal the wicked Wickham rumours about him.wElizabeth changed her thoughts and finally found herself deeply in love with him. When she visited her uncle and aunt in northern England, she encountered Darcy found him to be almost perfect, gentle and no longer proud any more,They eventually married and also brought Bingley and Jane altogher.wJust like Darcy propose marriage to Elizabeth in spite of her scarcity of property and social status, but is rejected by Elizabeth for his pride and long as either side’s pride existed , no love can be seeked. And eiter side should try to find the other’s virtues and variations towards a good the novel ,when Elizabeth found Darcy is no longer proud she finally engaged with him and lived a happy marriage.傲慢与偏见读后感英文版篇4One day, I read a book called pride and prejudice.The author of this book is Austin. She comes from a pastors family. She lives in the countryside of England most of her life, so she knows the local customs very well. Most of her works are from the lives she is familiar with.Pride and Prejudice is mainly about the love story between Darcy and Elizabeth. Elizabeth is the second daughter of Bennetts family, the heroine of the book. She is intelligent, beautiful, intelligent, and eager for true love. Because of the prejudice against Darcy, she easily refused Darcys proposal, which led to many twists and turns in their relationship. At last she got rid of prejudice.Darcy is a young man with rich family and noble title. He wasnoble in appearance, flexible in mind and kind in heart, and he was very kind even to his enemy, Weiken. However, he is considered arrogant because of his bad association with strangers. After accepting Elizabeths criticism modestly, he won Elizabeths love.This let me know that a person cant be arrogant because of his familys wealth, cant guess others at will, and has prejudice against others.傲慢与偏见读后感英文版篇5The impression of Pride and PrejudiceThe book《 Pride and Prejudice》 is written by Jane Austen , a famous English writer .I still remember the first sentence in thisbook .It reads :"It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must in need of a wife ." The undertone is very clear : the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession. Love seems to be a perpetual theme all the time .And the main story in the book Pride and Prejudice is not a exception .The writer tells us her views and attitudes about love and marriage in this book.The novel mainly tells us a love story between Elizabath and Mr. Darcy.It is at a ball that Elizabeth meets Mr. Darcy for the first time and his pride and supercilious behaviors has left Elizabeth a terrible impression . This is the reason why Elizabeths prejudice towards him begins .Besides thisreason ,there are two other incidents strengthens Elizabeths prejudice .The first is that Wickhamspeaks ill of Mr. Darcy, which makes Elizabeth thinks him is unworthy to making acquaince of.The second is that Elizabeth regards Darcy is the person whoseparates her sister Jane and Mr. Bingley.But with the plots developing ,Darcy has changed himself and become no longer pride ,he also helps Jane and Bingleys reunion .All these factor changeElizabeths attitude towards Darcy. Eventually , Elizabeth and Darcy become a couple and lead a happy life from then on.After reading this novel, I realize theauthor—Jane Austen’s attitudes an d views towards love and marriage: is unpractical to get married just for property, wealth and social status while would it be without caring about these elements. Marriage should be based on a real love and it is not a game! You can not just enjoy it without prudent considerations. There is a gap which is called pride and prejudice between Elizabeth and Darcy , for they possess different society status and amount of property. But the ending which the author arranges that Elizabeth and Darcy break all the obstacles andbecome a love couple suggests that true do exist no matter how different the background ,the status is .And I think this book will arouse people’s awareness of the importance of true love in a marriage.傲慢与偏见读后感英文版篇6Austin's "pride and prejudice", as she puts it, is thin on two inches of ivory carving, it is the masterpiece of Austin. Reflect the marriage problems of novel is a, the author works in the most is her favorite works.Works of vivid reflects the late 18th century to the early 19th century in a conservative and occlusion of the British town life and the world. Its social graffiti like novels not only attract the readers at that time, solid to today, still give the reader a uniqueartistic enjoyment. She was the first to realistically portray ordinary grace novelist in daily ordinary life, plays an essential role in English novel.The whole works, not least no winding ups and downs of the plot, but it is this simple, delicate and attracted us deeply. Austin, short life is spent in the country, almost all around may be simple, halcyon atmosphere nurtured her cool temperament. Not because there is no abundant experience, for the analysis of things for her ability to doubt.People read the book pride and prejudice "will be fine for her, keen emotion. When writing "pride and prejudice", she is just a teenage girl, isn't this a gift? She does very little contact with the outside world, but thought, imagination, the existence of all this is enough.奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》,正如她自我所说,是在两寸象牙上细细的雕刻,它是奥斯汀的代表作。
名著《傲慢与偏见》英语读后感优秀7篇名著《傲慢与偏见》英语读后感篇一I read the story of The frog prince. I like the story very. I think the witch is very ruthless. We should be kind-hearted. The princess promises the frog prince she will sleep in her bed and kiss him if he brings up her golden ball. But she breaks her words. If we promise somebody something, we should keep our promises.Yoyo and Doc encourage the frog prince not to lose his confidence. The frog prince is so persistent that he finally turns into the prince. The king is so upright. So we should learn from him.《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感篇二Pride and Prejudice is the work of Jane Austen, a British woman writer. The scope of this work is only three or four families in a village, with Elizabeth as the main character. The main plot is nothing more than the chat about marriage and property in the front of the fireplace and in the meeting of relatives and friends, the bee chase and butterfly chase in the market, church, dance, banquet and other occasions, and the love talk.The arrogance of Darcy and the prejudice of the *e all have obvious class attribute. Their frustrations in love are not due to their accidental misunderstanding, but because there is an inevitable gap between the two sides in different class status. Elizabeth, as a middle-class mon girl, only by virtue of the charm of her personality and her excellent quality, won the fame and fortune of the noble young master, and finally became a good couple with her. This is another copy of Cinderellas story.The same is true in life. Only by putting down the arrogant attitude, throwing away the prejudiced vision, treating with empathy, and understanding each other through munication, can we know each other. Like Mr. Darcy in the book, although the appearance gives the impression of arrogance, arrogance and superciliousness. But the heart is kind and sincere and willing to let go, its attitude of not stubborn is really appreciated.名著《傲慢与偏见》英语读后感篇三This is a story about an orphans growing path. At last the character had successfully achieve her dream.This book has encouraged me a lot. Whatever how many difficulties you are facing. just dont give up and keep on chasing your dreams. and we also have to learn the spirit of Jane which is persevering. It was because she had such a brave heart, would she get the real love. Sunshine es after the storm, if we try our best,our dreams will finally e to! trust ourselves!名著《傲慢与偏见》英语读后感篇四War Horse was such a wonderful movie. This movie exceeded my expectations. It was moving, emotional, beautiful, and so heartwarming. Its sure to bee a classic. You dont have to be a horse lover to love this movie.There isnt a lot of blood, but you can still see the horrors of war and how intense it was for the soldiers and horses, as well as civilians. The Battle of the Somme scene was especially intense.The acting was wonderful, the cinematography was beautiful, John Williams score was perfect, and the horses were so well trained! Spielberg has made a masterpiece!名著《傲慢与偏见》英语读后感篇五Keep On Chasing The Dreams---Reading response of Jane EyreThis is a story about an orphans growing path. At last the character had successfully achieve her dream.This book has encouraged me a lot. Whatever how many difficulties you are facing. just dont give up and keep on chasing your dreams. and we also have to learn the spirit of Jane which is persevering. It was because she had such a brave heart, would she get the real love. Sunshine es after the storm, if we try our best, our dreams will finally e to! trust ourselves!《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感篇六Pride and Prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. It describes a love story mainly between Elisabeth, who I like the best, and a rich and proud man, Darcy.The story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a house near the Bennet. In a ball, Elisabeth gave such a bad impression on Darcys first pride that she refused Darcys first proposal. Darcy was so surprised by Elisabeths refusal that he loved Elisabeth more dee*. And Elisabeths antipathy( 厌恶,憎恨) made Darcy realize his shortings. He was not angry about Elisabeths censure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude. During Elisabeths travel in Darcys manor (庄园) . Darcy was very nice to her uncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude. When one of Elisabeths sisters ran away with Wickham, Darcy helped Elisabeth find her sister and prevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that it was he who helped the Bennet. So many changes in Darcy eliminated (消除) Elisabeths prejudice. At last it end with their marriage.Taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life and love in a conservative 你(保守派) and blocking England town. It reflected the authors view about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status and it is also foolish to take these elements into account. In fact Darcys pride manifested (证明) the gap (间隙,差距) between their statuses (地位) . Since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between Elisabeth and Darcy. From the different attitudes from Darcys two proposals, it reflected the feminine (女性) pursuit of personality independence and right equality, which is a progressive (先进的) character from the image of Elisabeth.《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感篇七pride and prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. it describes a love story mainly between elisabeth, who i like the best, and a rich and proud man, darcy.the story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a house near the bennet. in a ball, elisabeth gave such a bad impression on darcy’s first pride that she refused darcy’s first proposal. darcy was so surprised by elisabeth’s refusal that he loved elisabeth more dee*.and elisabeth’s antipathy made darcy realize his shortings. he was not angry about elisabeth’s censure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude. during elisabeth’s travel in darcy’s manor. darcy was very nice to her uncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude.when one of elisabeth’s sisters ran away with wickham, darcy helped elisabeth find her sister and prevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that it was he who helped the bennet. so many changes in darcy eliminated elisabeth’s prejudice. at last it end with their marriage.taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life and love in a conservative and blocking england town. it reflected the author’s view about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status and it is also foolish to take these elements into account.in fact darcy’s pride manifested the gap between their statuses. since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between elisabeth and darcy. from the different attitudes from darcy’s two proposals, it reflected the feminine pursuit of personality independence and right equality, which is a progressive character from the image of elisabeth.。
《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感一:The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession.People always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories. In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs. After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man.I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs. Bennet wants to marry off her daughters. If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century.In “Pride and Prejudice”, the sister of Mr. Bingley st rongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lowerthan them. From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband. The society, the relatives would not allow them to get married.In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind.A lot of parents try hard to inte rfere their children’s marriages. Education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence one’s marriage. Marry for money is still a big problem in our society. We can’t help thinking: can money determine everything?《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感二:One of the greatest love stories of all time, Pride & Prejudice, comes to the screen in a glorious new adaptation starring Keira Knightley. When Elizabeth Bennett (Knightley) meets the handsome Mr. Darcy (Matthew MacFadyen), she believes he is the last man on earth she could ever marry. But as their lives become intertwined in an unexpected adventure, she finds herself captivated by the very person she swore to loathe for all eternity. Based on the beloved masterpiece by Jane Austen, it is the classic tale of love and misunderstanding that sparkles with romance, wit and emotional force. Critics are calling it "Exhilarating. A joy from start to finish"《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感三:The novel opens with the famous line, "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.". and ends with two marriages: Jane and Bingley's, as well as Darcy and Elizabeth's. Both couples are assumed to live happily ever after.Elizabeth (Lizzy) Bennet is the core of the family. Elizabeth isthe second of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet's five daughters, and is an intelligent, bold, attractive twenty-year-old when the story begins. In addition to being her father's favourite, Elizabeth is characterized as a sensible, yet stubborn, woman. Misled by his cold outward behaviour, Elizabeth originally holds Mr. Darcy in contempt. However, she finds that Mr. Darcy improves on acquaintance, more so than she would expect.Fitzwilliam Darcy (commonly known as Mr. Darcy) is the central male character and Elizabeth's second love interest in the novel. He is an intelligent, wealthy, extremely handsome and reserved 28-year-old man, who often appears haughty or proud to strangers but possesses an honest and kind nature underneath. Initially, he considers Elizabeth his social inferior, unworthy of his attention, but he finds that, despite his inclinations, he cannot deny his feelings for Elizabeth. His initial proposal of marriage is rejected because of his pride and Elizabeth's prejudice against him; however, at the end of the novel, after their relationship has blossomed, he is happily engaged to a loving Elizabeth.。
傲慢与偏见英文读后感精彩7篇傲慢与偏见英文版读后感篇一傲慢与偏见英文版读后感It is universally acknowledged that the eternal theme of Jane Austen’s novels is the choice people make for marriage partners, so is in Pride and Prejudice. Mrs. Bonnet had no other wish if her five daughters could get married as soon as possible with someone wealthy. At a dancing ball, it is obvious that Mr. Bingley could not help falling in love at the first sight with Miss Jane because of her stunning beauty. Mrs. Benne was so excited that she could not hold her manner and declared publicly she would have a daughter married soon, which frightened Mr. Bingley away. Mr. Collins, a distance nephew of Mr. Bennet, came to ask a marriage to one of his cousins before Mrs. Bennet was able to get clear why Mr. Bingley left suddenly. After receiving the hint from Mrs. Bennet that Jane already had an admirer, Mr. Collins turned to Elizabeth without wasting a minute and to Miss Charlotte Lucas two days later after refused by Elizabeth. It was difficult for Mrs. Bennet to recover herself as a result of the“deadly stupid” decision made by Elizabeth until she got the news that Lydia finally married Mr. Wickham, though the marriage was built on the basis of ten thousand pounds. Mr. Darcy offered the money and did everything departing from his will just because he loved Elizabeth so much. ()He could not hide his feelings any more and showed his affection to Elizabeth at last, who, because of a series of misunderstandings towards him, rejected him without hesitation. This plot is the climax of the novel as the prejudice of Elizabeth to Mr. Darcy was exposed and removed since then. And the bination of the two young couples, Jane and Bingley, Elizabeth and Darcy came at last.傲慢与偏见英文读后感篇二the novel opens with the famous line, "it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."。
傲慢与偏见英文读后感(优秀8篇)《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感篇一Body:As we all know, if you know something about the authors background, you will appreciate the book on a profounder and better level. The book first published in 1813, as Jane Austen’s second novel, she started it 1796 as her first persevering effort for publication. She finished the original manuscript by 1797 in Steventon, Hampshire, where she lived with her parents and siblings in the town rectory. Austen originally called the story First Impressions, but it was never published under that title; instead, she made extensive revisions to the manuscript, then retitled and eventually published it as Pride and Prejudice. Austen in this novel was full of wit and humor reflected the late eighteenth Century, early nineteenth Century British country customs and living ways of the world, to give the art of imagination.(writing background) The book is mainly to tell the four couples’ marriages in eighteenth Century. One of the most important is naturally occurred between actress Elizabeth Bennet and actor Fitzwilliam Darcy about their hate and love. Elizabeth is a courageous, beautiful, smart, sturdy and lovable middle-class woman who pursues true love ignoring money and power. The story develops mainly relies on Elizabeth and Darcy, from the beginning of aversion to respect then love. Also, alternates in stories happen around Elizabeth’s happy or unhappy marriages to reveal the author’s hope living in true love at that era. The heroine Elizabeth first saw the male protagonist Darcy is not pleasing to her ey es, plus Darcy’s pride character causes Elizabeth to have prejudice against him. Darcy is unpopular arrogant man, even in the surrounding filled up cold relationship. For him,pride may be rational, however; prejudice may be heartless, both of which impact is unavoidable. Between two people there are often quarries and misunderstandingsconcerning Darcy’s pride and Elizabeth’s prejudice at the start. But after the events of clarification, they develop a little affection gradually. Darcy represents the “pride”,Elizabeth represents “prejudice”。
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《傲慢与偏见》英文读后感《傲慢与偏见》读后感英文【一】Pride and Prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. It describes a love story mainly between Elisabeth, who I like the best, and a rich and proud man, Darcy. The story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a house near the Bennet. In a ball, Elisabeth gave such a bad impression on Darcys first pride that she refused Darcys first proposal. Darcy was so surprised by Elisabeths refusal that he loved Elisabeth more deeply.And Elisabeths antipathy made Darcy realize his shortcomings. He was not angry about Elisabeths censure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude. During Elisabeths travel in Darcys manor. Darcy was very nice to her uncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude.When one of Elisabeths sisters ran away with Wickham, Darcy helped Elisabeth find her sister and prevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that it was he who helped the Bennet. So many changes in Darcy eliminated Elisabeths prejudice. At last it end with their marriage.Taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life and love in a conservative你 and blockingEngland town. It reflected the authors view about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status and it is also foolish to take these elements into account.In fact Darcys pride manifested the gap between their statuses. Since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between Elisabeth and Darcy. From the different attitudes from Darcys two proposals, it reflected the feminine pursuit of personality independence and right equality, which is a progressive character from the image of Elisabeth.《傲慢与偏见》读后感英文【二】Pride and prejudice is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece, the works in daily life for material, the romantic and reality love story.Works of vivid reflects the late eighteenth to well into the nineteenth century in the conservative and block state of the British town life and ways of the world. Its social graffiti novel at that time if not only attracts the general reader, real to this day, still give the reader a unique art enjoyment. First of all, from story to see, Elizabeth resourcefulness, have courage, these have vision, have very strong self-respect, and be good at thinking. Just then a an unmarried ladies the lady of speaking, this is valuable. Andalso it is this quality, just make her in love have independent initiative,and led to her and happy family of darcy. In my opinion, Elizabeth is worthy of praise.In the way of the pursuit of love, be sure to a firm belief, not for money, fame, wealth, or any other cause carelessly decided to, want to hold to find true love.If the other party to some of the defect is himself cant stand, but also what cant change it, you should give up the resolute choice; Of course should also to cherish each other, not because of some of the others words, they change their decision, happiness to yourself to the business. This is the book want to communicate to the world is very precious words, is also to the heart of the pursuit of love chicken soup.Reading this book, I be a lifetime earnings, enjoy the spiritual baptism.。
傲慢与偏见阅读心得英文范文五篇傲慢与偏见阅读心得英文范文5Pride and prejudice is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece,the works in daily life for material, the romantic and reality love story。
Works of vivid reflects the late eighteenth to well into the nineteenthcentury in the conservative and block state of the British town life and ways ofthe world。
Its social graffiti novel at that time if not only attracts thegeneral reader, real to this day, still give the reader a unique artenjoyment。
First of all,from story to see,Elizabeth resourcefulness, have courage,these have vision, have very strong self-respect, and be good at thinking。
Justthen a an unmarried ladies the lady of speaking, this is valuable。
And also itis this quality, just make her in love have independent initiative,and led toher and happy family of darcy。
傲慢与偏见英文读后感(15篇) 傲慢与偏见英文读后感第1篇:There is no doubt that Pride and Prejudice is well-known, the book that is written by Jane Austen has an influence on the culture。
As far as I’m concerned ,the ending of the fiction is wonderful,Elizabeth and Darcy won their happiness, leading a colourful life 。
First of all, let’s learn about the author who is Jane Austen 。
She was unmarried all her life。
She was born in a mid-class family and was brought up in a fortable environment with harmonious surroundings,so there’s not too many conflicts in her sight neither in her novel。
In Pride and Prejudice she talked different ideas about love and marriage through different characters。
Jane Austen disclosed mid-class young ladies’different ideas of marriage and love through describing the different ways in which the Bennet girls doing with their marriage problems,and this undoubtedly shows the writer’s idea about love and marriage: it’s wrong to get married just for property, wealth and status while neither would it be without caring about those elements。
《傲慢与偏见英文读后感》傲慢与偏见英文读后感(一):Pride and prejudice, the feeling after readingPride and prejudice is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece, the works in daily life for material, the romantic and reality love story。
Works of vivid reflects the late eighteenth to well into the nineteenth century in the conservative and block state of the British town life and ways of the world。
Its social graffiti novel at that time if not only attracts the general reader, real to this day, still give the reader a unique art enjoyment。
First of all, from story to see, Elizabeth resourcefulness, have courage, these have vision, have very strong self-respect, and be good at thinking。
Just then a an unmarried ladies the lady of speaking, this is valuable。
And also it is this quality, just make her in love have independent initiative,and led to her and happy family of darcy。
傲慢与偏见英语读后感篇1Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters.The characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr. Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different. Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion. Mary likes reading classic books. (Actually she is a pedant.) Kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate. When I read the book, I can always find the same personalities in the society now. That is why I think this book is indeed the representative of the society in Britain in the 18th century.The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s favourite topic. But this little topic can reflect big problems. It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century. You can find these from the very beginningof this book.The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession.People always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories. In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs. After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man.I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs. Bennet wants to marry off her daughters. If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century.In “Pride and Prejudice”, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband. The society, the relatives would not allow them to get married.In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “moneydetermines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind.A lot of parents try hard to interfere their children’s marriages. Education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence one’s marriage. Marry for money is still a big problem in our society. We can’t he lp thinking: can money determine everything?Austen left this problem for us to think. The genius of Jane Austen lies in this perfect simplicity, the simplicity that reflects big problems. Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote “Pride and Prejudice”, h er sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively. The plots in her works are always very natural. The development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics. I think the depth of Pride and Prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic. Today, her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time.傲慢与偏见英语读后感篇2The man treat GRE at event in ones life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneself;s marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too . So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter . She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage , and regard men and women;s emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage .The woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes fromthe little landlord;s family, reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers. Reach the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused. Elizabeth;s misunderstanding and prejudice to him are a reason, but a main one is the arrogance that she dislikes him. Reach the thes of the west in fact status; the reflections of difference, exist this kind arrogant, Not having common thoughts and feelings between he and Elizabeth, the marriage that can not have lofty ideals . Elizabeth watches conducting oneself in society and a series of behavior of reaching the west personally afterwards, See he change the proud conceited expressions of passing by, dispel misunderstanding and prejudice to him, Thus concluded the happy marriage with him.傲慢与偏见英语读后感篇3Pride and Prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. It describes a love story mainly between Elisabeth, who I like the best, and a rich and proud man, Darcy.The story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a house near the Bennet. In a ball, Elisabeth gave such a bad impression on Darcy’s first pride that she refused Darcy’s first proposal. Darcy was so surprised by Elisabeth’s refusal that he loved Elisabeth more deeply. And Elisabeth’s antipathy(厌恶,憎恨) made Darcy realize his shortcomings. He was not angry about Elisabeth’s censure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude. During Elisabeth’s travel in Darcy’s manor(庄园). Darcy was very nice to her uncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude. When one of Elisabeth’s sisters ran away with Wickham, Darcy helped Elisabeth find her sister and prevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that itwas he who helped the Bennet. So many changes in Darcy eliminated(消除)Elisabeth’s prejudice. At last it end with their marriage.Taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life and love in a conservative你(保守派)and blocking England town. It reflected the author’s view about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status and it is also foolish to take these elements into account. In fact Darcy’s pride manifested(证明)the gap (间隙,差距)between their statuses(地位). Since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between Elisabeth and Darcy. From the different attitudes from Darcy’s two proposals, it refle cted the feminine (女性) pursuit of personality independence and right equality, which is a progressive(先进的)character from the image of Elizabeth.傲慢与偏见英语读后感篇4I’m forced to read this novel at the beginning,but I can’t wait to finishit subsequently."It is a truth universally acknowledges that a single man in possession ofa good fortune must be in want of a wife." This is just as Leo Tolstoy’s famousstarting in 《Anna Karenina》: "All happy families resemble one another,eachunhappy family is unhappy in its own way". To begin with such a design,JaneAusten has her deep meaning. Marriage and money are inseparable. The undertoneis very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion butpossession. The author does not deny this. So she uses typical Bennets to provethis truth.The story takes place in the class-conscious England of the late 18thcentury. The five Bennet sisters--including strong-willed Elizabeth and youngLydia--have all been raised by their motherwith one purpose in life: finding awealthy husband. So when a wealthy bachelor shows up in their lives,the wholefamily is turned upside-down. But when Elizabeth meets up with the handsome butsnobbish Mr. Darcy,the battle of the sexes is joined.As we all know, Austen, in this novel, through the five Bennet daughters’attitude towards love and marriage, shows the relationship between mentalfeelings,such as love,and material possessions , which also reflects theauthors attitude: Marry for the sake of property, money or status is wrong;marry but do not take into account the above factors is foolish. As a result,she not only opposed to marry for the purpose of money,but also opposed totreat marriage as childs play. She stressed the importance of an idealmarriage. But in modern society,although the marriages of economic needs havedecreased rapidly,the concept of “money determines everything” is still rootedin some people’s mind.Then let’s e to talk about the meaningful topic of this love story: 《PrideAnd Prejudice》Pride and prejudice are our mon problems and weaknesses. In fact, everyoneis very easy to be driven by his own subjective impression and thus easy to makeincorrect ments on others,and then led to misunderstand between people. One’sfirst impression can affect a lot of things for sure,but it doesn’t mean itcouldn’t be changed. The deeper you get to understand someone, the moreobjective points you will have on him or her. The changing of Elizabeth’s pointof view towards Darcy just proved this perfectly: no pride,no prejudice,andthese two married just because they love each other, just because they need eachother instead of need each other’s possessions.Austen is smart, becauseElizabeth got beauty and intelligence while Darcy is handsome and rich. I evenwonder if such a perfect marriage could take place in modern society.傲慢与偏见英语读后感篇5Austins "pride and prejudice", as she puts it, is thin on two inches of ivory carving, it is the masterpiece of Austin. Reflect the marriage problems of novel is a, the author works in the most is her favorite works.Works of vivid reflects the late 18th century to the early 19th century in a conservative and occlusion of the British town life and the world. Its social graffiti like novels not only attract the readers at that time, solid to today, still give the reader a unique artistic enjoyment. She was the first to realistically portray ordinary grace novelist in daily ordinary life, plays an essential role in English novel.The whole works, not least no winding ups and downs of the plot, but it is this simple, delicate and attracted us deeply. Austin, short life is spent in the country, almost all around may be simple, halcyon atmosphere nurtured her cool temperament. Not because there is no abundant experience, for the analysis of things for her ability to doubt.People read the book pride and prejudice "will be fine for her, keen emotion. When writing "pride and prejudice", she is just a teenage girl, isnt this a gift? She does very little contact with the outside world, but thought, imagination, the existence of all this is enough.傲慢与偏见英语读后感篇6This is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece "Pride and Prejudice" in the opening section, leads some in the early nineteenth century England and on the value of the classiclove story.As we all know, in Austin, in the novel by Quebec five daughters getting different treatment, shown township middle-class families of marriage for girls who love the different attitudes, which reflected the author I love the idea of marriage: the sake of property, money and the - The marriage is wrong; The marriage did not take into account the above factors also stupid.Therefore, she opposes the money for the purpose of marriage, also opposes the marriage lightly. She stressed the importance of an ideal marriage, and the feelings of both men and women as the cornerstone of the conclusion of the marriage ideal.The story of Quebec heroine Elizabeth (Keira Terri)was born to a family of small landowners four sisters, Sister Jane Quebec, Quebec sister Mary, Katie Quebec and Laidiya Quebec. Five sisters and a little monotonous quiet life along with the two young guys coming up and it is undeniable-and eliminate the waves. Bin Heli healthy and progressive and rich Darcy (Matthew Mike Deng)is a good friend, became acquainted with the town lure of this home, "five", a beautiful and full of "Pride and Prejudice" love story.。
下面给大家整理的傲慢与偏见阅读心得英文范文五篇,希望大家喜欢!傲慢与偏见阅读心得英文范文1Austins pride and prejudice, as she puts it, is thin on two inches ofivory carving, it is the masterpiece of Austin。
Reflect the marriage problems ofnovel is a, the author works in the most is her favorite works。
Works of vivid reflects the late 18th century to the early 19th century ina conservative and occlusion of the British town life and the world。
Its socialgraffiti like novels not only attract the readers at that time, solid to today,still give the reader a unique artistic enjoyment。
She was the first torealistically portray ordinary grace novelist in daily ordinary life, plays anessential role in English novel。
The whole works, not least no winding ups and downs of the plot, but it isthis simple, delicate and attracted us deeply。
名著《傲慢与偏见》英语读后感(精选33篇)整理名著《高傲与偏见》英语读后感篇5名著《高傲与偏见》英语读后感篇19名著《高傲与偏见》英语读后感篇31名著《高傲与偏见》英语读后感篇33 Last week, I read a book about how the successful persons started their career and succeeded. They met a lot of difficulties and problems, such as lacking of money experience and arguing with their co-workers, but they did not afraid of restarting again. They are unbeatable, so they succeeded eventually. This book impresses me deeply. Besides, from their stories, I learn that I should never give up to achieve my dreams no matter what happens.上周,我看了一本关于胜利人士如何开头他们的职业生涯的书。
《傲慢与偏见英文读后感》傲慢与偏见英文读后感(一):Pride and prejudice, the feeling after readingPride and prejudice is the famous British writer Jane Austen masterpiece, the works in daily life for material, the romantic and reality love story。
Works of vivid reflects the late eighteenth to well into the nineteenth century in the conservative and block state of theBritish town life and ways of the world。
Its social graffiti novelat that time if not only attracts the general reader, real to this day, still give the reader a unique art enjoyment。
First of all, from story to see, Elizabeth resourcefulness,have courage, these have vision, have very strong self-respect,and be good at thinking。
Just then a an unmarried ladies the ladyof speaking, this is valuable。
And also it is this quality, just make her in love have independent initiative,and led to her andhappy family of darcy。
傲慢与偏见读后感英文1many people simply regard pride and prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. she perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters.the characters have their own personalities. mrs. bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. mr. bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, mr. darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. even the five daughters in bennet family are very different. jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion. mary likes reading classic books. (actually she is a pedant.) kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, lydia. lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and issomehow a little profligate. when i read the book, i can always find the same personalities in the society now. that is why i think this book is indeed the representative of the society in britain in the 18th century.the family of gentleman in the countryside is jane austen’s favourite topic. but this little topic can reflect big problems. it concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in britain in her century. you can find these from the very beginning of this book.the first sentence in this book is impressive. it reads: “it is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. the undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession.people always think that austen was an expert at telling love stories. in fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs. after reading this book, i know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man.i couldn’t forget how eager mrs. bennet wants to marry off her daughters. if you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, i must mention the situation in britain at that time. only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. jane austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century.in “pride and prejudice”, the sister of mr. bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying jane because the bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. from this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband. the society, the relatives would not allow them to get married.in modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money de termines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind.a lot of parents try hard to interfere their children’s marriages. education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence one’s marriage. marry for money is still a big problem in our society. we can’t help thinking: can money determine everything?austen left this problem for us to think. the genius of jane austen lies in this perfect simplicity, the simplicity that reflects big problems. although austen was only 21 whe n she wrote “pride and prejudice”, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively. the plots in her works are always very natural. the development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics. i think the depth of pride and prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic. today, her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time.傲慢与偏见读后感英文2The feeling of 《Pride And Prejudice》Then man treat great event in one’s life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneself’s marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too . So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter . She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage , and regard men and women’s emotion as thefoundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage .The woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes from the little landlord’s family, reaches the west to hav e deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers. Reach the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused. Elizabeth’s misunderstanding and prejudice to him are a reason, but a main one is the arrogance that she dislikes him. Reach the thes of the west in fact status’ the reflections of difference, exist this kind arrogant, Not having common thoughts and feelings between he and Elizabeth, the marriage that can not have lofty ideals . Elizabeth watches conducting oneself in society and a series of behavior of reaching the west personally afterwards, See he change the proud conceited expressions of passing by, dispel misunderstanding and prejudice to him, Thus concluded the happy marriage with him.傲慢与偏见读后感英文3Pride and Prejudice was written by Jane Austen.The author was born in 1775 in Hampshireand passed away in 1817 at the age of fourty-three. It was first published in1813 and has been one of the greatest novels ever since then.It has been translated into numbers of languages and several movies have been made based on the original novel.wIt tells of a love stor between Elizabeth and Darcy as well as Elizabeth’s sister. It consists of 42 chapters in all. Mr. Darcy is the hero who is rich and proud. Elizabeth is the second daughter while Jane is the first daughterwEverything starts with Bingley’s arrival. When Mrs.Bennethear Bingley has bought a house near her home .The mother of four daughters is so happy and conceived that one of her daughters will beome his wife. Fortunately, Bingley and Jane met at an evening dancing party and they soon fell in love with each other. However,Darcy, Bingley’s best friend , was also attracted byElizabeth’fascination but Darcy rudeness and pride toward Elizabethe greatly annoyed her and her impression for Darcy was even worsened by Wickham, a military officer she met who claimed to have grown up with Darcy. What was worse Bingley’s two sisters deliberately separated Bingley and Jane.wAnd Elizabether turned dowm the marriage proposal from her cousin, Collins, who will inherit all the properties when her father died. When Darcy sent Elizabeth a letter to tell the truth and reveal the wicked Wickham rumours about him.wElizabeth changed her thoughts and finally found herself deeply in love with him. When she visited her uncle and aunt in northern England, she encountered Darcy found him to be almost perfect, gentle and no longer proud any more,They eventually married and also brought Bingley and Jane altogher.wJust like Darcy propose marriage to Elizabeth in spite of her scarcity of property and social status, but is rejected by Elizabeth for his pride and weaknesses.As long as either side’s pride existed , no love can be seeked. And eiter side should try to find the other’s virtues and variations towards a good will.In the novel ,when Elizabeth found Darcy is no longer proud she finally engaged with him and lived a happy marriage.傲慢与偏见读后感英文4MISS AUSTEN never attempts to describe a scene or a classof society with which she was not herself thoroughly acquainted. The conversations of ladies with ladies, or of ladies and gentlemen together, are given, but no instance occurs of a scene in which men only are present. The uniform quality of her work is one most remarkable point to be observed in it. Let a volume be opened at any place: there is the same good English, the same refined style, the same simplicity and truth. There is never any deviation into the unnatural or exaggerated; and how worthy of all love and respect is the finely disciplined genius which rejects the forcible but transient modes of stimulating interest which can so easily be employed when desired, and which knows how to trust to the never-failing principles of human nature! This very trust has sometimes been made an objection to Miss Austen, and she has been accused of writing dull stories about ordinary people. But her supposed ordinary people are really not such very ordinary people. Let anyone who is inclined to criticise on this score endeavor to construct one character from among the ordinary people of his own acquaintance that shall be capable of interesting any reader for ten minutes. It will then be found how great has been the discrimination of Miss Austen in the selection of her characters, and how skillful is her treatment in the management of them. It is true that the events are for the most part those of daily life, and the feelings are those connected with the usual joys and griefs of familiar existence; but these are the very events and feelings upon which the happiness or misery of most of us depends; and the field which embraces them, to the exclusion of the wonderful, the sentimental, and the historical, is surely large enough, as it certainly admits of the most profitable cultivation.In the end, too, the novel of daily real life is that of which weare least apt to weary: a round of fancy balls would tire the most vigorous admirers of variety in costume, and the return to plain clothes would be hailed with greater delight than their occasional relinquishment ever gives. Miss Austen's personages are always in plain clothes, but no two suits are alike: all are worn with their appropriate differen AS we should expect from such a life, Jane Austen's view of the world is genial, kindly, and, we repeat, free from anything like cynicism. It is that of a clear-sighted and somewhat satirical onlooker, loving what deserves love, and amusing herself with the foibles, the self-deceptions, the affectations of humanity. Refined almost to fastidiousness, she is hard upon vulgarity; not, however, on good-natured vulgarity, such as that of Mrs. Jennings in "Sense and Sensibility," but on vulgarity like that of Miss Steele, in the same novel, combined at once with effrontery and with meanness of soul.傲慢与偏见读后感英文5Then man treat great event in one's life with punishing, Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneself's marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too . So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter . She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage , and regard men and women's emotion as thefoundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage .The woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth comes from the little landlord's family, reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers. Reach the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused. Elizabeth's misunderstanding and prejudice to him are a reason, but a main one is the arrogance that she dislikes him. Reach the thes of the west in fact status' the reflections of difference, exist this kind arrogant, Not having common thoughts and feelings between he and Elizabeth, the marriage that can not have lofty ideals . Elizabeth watches conducting oneself in society and a series of behavior of reaching the west personally afterwards, See he change the proud conceited expressions of passing by, dispel misunderstanding and prejudice to him, Thus concluded the happy marriage with him.。
傲慢与偏见英文读后感范文(精选6篇)傲慢与偏见英文读后感1The view of Pride and PrejudicePride and Prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. It describes a love story mainly between Elisabeth, who I like the best, and a rich and proud man, Darcy.The story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a house near the Bennet. In a ball, Elisabeth gave such a bad impression on Darcys first pride that she refused Darcys first proposal. Darcy was so surprised by Elisabeths refusal that he loved Elisabeth more deeply. And Elisabeths antipathy made Darcy realize his shortcomings. He was not angry about Elisabeths censure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude. During Elisabeths travel in Darcys manor. Darcy was very nice to her uncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude. When one of Elisabeths sisters ran away with Wickham, Darcy helped Elisabeth find her sister and prevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that it was he who helped the Bennet. So many changes in Darcy eliminated Elisabeths prejudice. At last it end with their marriage.Taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life and love in a conservative and blocking England town. It reflected the authors view about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status and it is also foolish to take these elements into account. In fact Darcys pride manifested the gap between their statuses(地位). Since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between Elisabeth andDarcy. From the different attitudes from Darcys two proposals, it reflected the feminine pursuit of personality independence and right equality, which is a progressive character from the image of Elisabeth.傲慢与偏见英文读后感2The man treat GRE at event in ones life with punishing,Demonstrate different attitudes to the love question of the marriage of young girl of the family origin of middle class of villages and towns, Thus reflected authors oneself;s marriage view: It is wrong to get married for the property, money and position; Get married and does not consider that above-mentioned factors are unwise too. So, she objects to getting married for money , objecting to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter. She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage , and regard men and women;s emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage.The woman protagonist in the book Elizabeth es from the little landlord;s family, reaches the west to have deep love for for the rich and powerful people sons and younger brothers. Reach the disparity of ignoring family status and wealth of the west, propose to her, but is refused. Elizabeth;s misunderstanding and prejudice to him are a reason,but a main one is the arrogance that she dislikes him. Reach the thes of the west in fact status; the reflections of difference, exist this kind arrogant, Not having mon thoughts and feelings between he and Elizabeth,the marriage that can not have lofty ideals. Elizabeth watches conducting oneself in society and a series of behavior of reaching the west personally afterwards, See he change the proud conceited expressions of passing by,dispel misunderstanding and prejudice to him, Thus concluded the happy marriage with him.傲慢与偏见英文读后感3Film Review of Pride and PrejudicePride and Prejudice is a famous classic written by Jane Austen. I was attracted by the characters and plots of the film adapted from the novel.Elizabeth is the heroine of the story. When she meets Darcy, a handsome, rich but arrogant man, on the party for the first time, she is dissatisfied with the proud manner of Darcy. Darcy looks down on those who are in a lower social class,including Elizabeth. However, after getting to know the courage, independence and confidence of Elizabeth, he almost falls in love with her. But Elizabeth believes the lies of Wickham which causes her great prejudice to Darcy. She rejects Darcy’s propose marriage to protect her self-respect. Finally, Darcy goes away because he couldn’t tolerate Elizabeth’s sisters’ vulgar manners. He writes a long letter to explain his thoughts and love to Elizabeth. After reading it, Elizabeth feels guilty about misjudging Darcy and regrets turning him down. As time goes away, Darcy gradually improves his pride and keeps helping Elizabeth’s family out from troubles. At last, Elizabeth removes the prejudice to Darcy and accepts his propose marriage.From the film I learn that we can’t judge a man immediately by the first impression. If we are controlled by our subjective senses, it will easy cause prejudice andmisunderstanding and probably influent the developments of many events. To avoid this situation, we need more communication to understand others deeply by ourselves.傲慢与偏见英文读后感4After a term’s reading, I finished ten more books, however, what impressed me most is Jane Austen and her two classical books.In China maybe we all know LiQingzhao, a great female poet whose poetry are full of the emotions from the bottom of her heart. However, in England the figure maybe is my most admirable authoress Miss Austen who can never have too many respects from the common people just like me. After read her two masterpieces of books Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, I feel so proud of being female to see a world-famous authoress using her independent thoughts, humor words to show us the relationship between the so-called superiors and the lower-class.At that time, neither in the east nor in the west, it is not so easy for a woman to become a great figure with literary reputation. In China Li made it, while in England Miss Austen with her unique characteristic also realized her dream after a long struggle with the temporal points. It seems that all in Jane’s life, she made a decision between sense and sensibility; once there was an old saying “Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable.” She resolutely chose her true love but not a splendid life or a comfortable home, what a pity she can not marry the one she did not really love even a beloved one, in her short life, she finished six famous books with her heart and soul but never married and stayed single for ever.When reading Pride and Prejudice, I wondered why the oldest sister in the Bennet family also was named Jane, is there any possibility Jane Bennet is the soul of Miss Austen; and Miss Austen expected to realize all the pity which can not come true in her real life, so Jane Bennet was pictured as prefect as possible to be the best of the five sisters.It’s a classical book with abundant description of everyone’s inner heart, especially the changes in their hearts. It can never deserve too many analyses for it was so wonderfully worked. One can say anything but ordinary to show our respects and admiration.The man said“I do not have that talent of conversing easily with people I have never met before.” The woman said“We all don’t know him.” The book is full of the man’s pride and the woman’s prejudice in its lines and words.From his pride we can see his confidence and persistence; whereas from his pride we can’t see his kindness and gentleness which he hid behind the surface.From her prejudice we can see her firmness and treason; whereas from her prejudice we can’t see her expectation and worries which she hid behind the surface.So it gave us a beginning of the story of pride and prejudice and led us to Miss Austen’s emotion world. So wonderful a book, so classical a story, so prefect a happy ending made it never a problem whether his pride or her prejudice counted, because of love, all can be neglected.In the book once the proud Mr Dracy talked about the traits an accomplished woman must have, it needed a thorough knowledge of music,singing, dancing, drawing and modern languages, and besides this, a certain something in her manner of walking, in her voice and her behaviour. What’s more, something more solid, the improvement of her mind by wide reading. It could never be too strict for a common woman to follow.About the attitudes to the marriage, Charles Dickens in the Oliver Twist also showed us the opinions of that day, he said if a man has ambitions to enter politics, then he marries a woman with a stain on her name, over though it’s not her fault, it might spoil his chances of success in his life. ()The society is cruel, people might use the knowledge of his wife’s doubtful birth against him, and against his children, too. And one day, he might begin to regret his marriage.But love is so great that nothing can conquer it, and in the Pride and Prejudice we see the type of classical love, if we say in the realization we are so sorry to see the over more interest lead us to forget what love is, what a pity when love is not so pure as it should be, what a pity when love is used as a medium of exchange.To my happiness the books inflected Miss Austen’s marriage view, it is wrong to get married for property, money and states. She objects to getting married for money and regarding the marriage as a trifling matter. She also points that the man and the woman’s emotion is the foundation of an ideal marriage.After reading it, I feel that I just want to turn Elizabeth who is ordinary but with special beauty, brave but with a little stubborn, though she is not a prefect woman our eyes, she does be a woman with prefect disadvantages. To the hero Mr Dracy, I feel that I just want to marry a gentleman like Mr Dracy who always puts his love deep in his heart, tillthe day he made sure that Elizabeth was the one he wanted to spend the rest time of the live. Under the handsome and gentle; proud and serious face, there was a kind heart full of love.Pride is just like a piece of beautiful clothes which is luxurious and untouchable. However, the expense of pride is loneliness. Prejudice is just like the clouds floating in the sky with its freedom. However, the expense of prejudice is lost.What I learnt from the books and Jane Austen is deeply printed in my mind and I should never forget Elizabeth and Mr Dracy’s prefect love story, they usefully influenced each other. His mind might have been softened and his manners improved by her sociability, and she might have learnt from his greater judgment and knowledge of the world. Just like a fairy tale, the price and princess have a happy live together, which I am looking forward.傲慢与偏见英文读后感5Pride and Prejudice was written by Jane Austen.The author was born in 1775 in Hampshireand passed away in 1817 at the age of fourty-three. It was first published in1813 and has been one of the greatest novels ever since then.It has been translated into numbers of languages and several movies have been made based on the original novel.It tells of a love stor between Elizabeth and Darcy as well as Elizabeth’s sister. It consists of 42 chapters in all. Mr. Darcy is the hero who is rich and proud. Elizabeth is the second daughter while Jane is the first daughter.Everything starts with Bingley’s arrival. When Mrs.Bennet hear Bingley has bought a house near her home .The mother of four daughters is so happy and conceived that one of her daughters will beome his wife. Fortunately, Bingley and Jane met at an evening dancing party and they soon fell in love with each other. However,Darcy, Bingley’s best friend , was also attracted byElizabeth’fascination but Darcy rudeness and pride toward Elizabethe greatly annoyed her and her impression for Darcy was even worsened by Wickham, a military officer she met who claimed to have grown up with Darcy. What was worse Bingley’s two sisters deliberately separated Bingley and Jane.And Elizabether turned dowm the marriage proposal from her cousin, Collins, who will inherit all the properties when her father died. When Darcy sent Elizabeth a letter to tell the truth and reveal the wicked Wickham rumours about him.Elizabeth changed her thoughts and finally found herself deeply in love with him. When she visited her uncle and aunt in northern England, she encountered Darcy found him to be almost perfect, gentle and no longer proud any more,They eventually married and also brought Bingley and Jane altogher.Just like Darcy propose marriage to Elizabeth in spite of her scarcity of property and social status, but is rejected by Elizabeth for his pride and weaknesses.As long as either side’s pride existed , no love can be seeked. And eiter side should try to find the other’s virtues and variations towards a good will.In the novel ,when Elizabeth found Darcy is no longer proud she finally engaged with him and lived a happy marriage.傲慢与偏见英文读后感6Many people simply regard Pride and Prejudice as a love story, but in my opinion, this book is an illustration of the society at that time. She perfectly reflected the relation between money and marriage at her time and gave the people in her works vivid characters.The characters have their own personalities. Mrs. Bennet is a woman who makes great efforts to marry off her daughters. Mr. Bingley is a friendly young man, but his friend, Mr. Darcy, is a very proud man who seems to always feel superior. Even the five daughters in Bennet family are very different. Jane is simple, innocent and never speaks evil of others. Elizabeth is a clever girl who always has her own opinion. Mary likes reading classic books. (Actually she is a pedant.) Kitty doesn’t have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister, Lydia. Lydia is a girl who follows exotic things, handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate. When I read the book, I can always find the same personalities in the society now. That is why I think this book is indeed the representative of the society in Britain in the 18th century.The family of gentleman in the countryside is Jane Austen’s favourite topic. But this little topic can reflect big problems. It concludes the stratum situation and economic relationships in Britain in her century. You can find these from the very beginning of this book.The first sentence in this book is impressive. It reads: “It is a truth well known to all the world that an unmarried man in possession of a large fortune must be in need of a wife”. The undertone is very clear: the foundation of the marriage at that time is not emotion but possession.People always think that Austen was an expert at telling love stories. In fact, the marriage in her book is not the result of love, but the result of economic needs. After reading this book, I know the truth is that a poor woman must be in need of a husband, a wealthy man.I couldn’t forget how eager Mrs. Bennet wants to marry off her daughters. If you want to know why she is so crazy about these things, I must mention the situation in Britain at that time. Only the eldest son had the privilege of inheriting his father’s possessions. Younger sons and daughters who are used to luxurious lives have no choice but marry a man or woman in possession of a large fortune to continue their comfortable lives. Thus, we can see that getting married is a way to become wealthier, particularly for women without many possessions. Jane Austen told us that money and possession determined everything, including marriage and love in her century.In “Pride and Prejudice”, the sister of Mr. Bingley strongly opposed his plan of marrying Jane because the Bennets don’t have many possessions and their social positions are much lower than them. From this, we can see there are a lot of obstacles for a not very rich woman to marry a wealthy husband. The society, the relatives would not allow them to get married.In modern society, although the marriages of economic needs have decreased rapidly, the concept of “money determines everything” is still rooted in some people’s mind. A lot of parents try hard to interfere their children’s marriages. Education background, possessions, jobs remains the main reason that may influence one’s marriage. Marry for money is still a big problem in our society. We can’t help thinking: can money determine everything?Austen left this problem for us to think. The genius of Jane Austen lies in this perfect simplicity, the simplicity that reflects big problems. Although Austen was only 21 when she wrote “Pride and Prejudice”, her sharp observation of social lives makes the style of this book surprisingly mature and lively. The plots in her works are always very natural. The development of the plot is as inevitable as a problem in mathematics. I think the depth of Pride and Prejudice is the reason that makes this book prominent and classic. Today, her book still can be the guide telling us the economic relationships both at her time and in modern time.。
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Pride and PrejudiceI. IntroductionPart One: About the Book.Name: Pride and PrejudiceAuthor: Jane AustenMain characters: Mr. and Mrs. BennetElizabeth BennetMr. DarcyMr. BingleyJane BennetMary BennetCatherine BennetLydia BennetMr. WickhamMr. CollinsNarrations: First and third person narrationTime: Pride and Prejudice was first written in 1796 as First Impressions. It was rewritten (and retitled) in 1812 and published in 1813.Part Two: About the Author.Jane Austen (1775-1817) was born at Steventon rectory in Hampshire, England. Austen was the youngest daughter of the large family, with six brothers and one sister. Her father is a clergyman.When Austen was eight years old, she was sent to Oxford to be educated. Because of some accident, she returned home to continue her education. From 1785 to 1786, Austen and her sister attended the Reading Ladies Boarding School, where they studied French, spelling, needlework, music, and dancing. Forced to return home for economic reasons, Austen continued to develop her literary mind under the guidance of her father.Beginning in her teen years, Austen wrote poems, stories, and comic pieces for the amusement of her family. She compiled several of the pieces written between 1787 and 1793 into three bound n otebooks, which are now referred as Austen’s Juvenilia. Austen was also exposed to drama and comedy. Austen also became to sketch out ideas for the novel that would later become Sense and Sensibility.In 1795, Austen met Tom Lefroy, the nephew of their neighbors at Steventon. Austen spent a great deal of time with Tom Lefroy and had romantic feelings with him. Unfortunately, a marriage between the two was impractical, and Lefroy’s family soon sent him away. After her brief romance with Lefroy, Austen began work on a second novel called First Impressions, which would later become Pride and Prejudice.While living at Chawton, Austen saw the anonymous publication of four of her novels: Sense and Sensibility in 1811, Pride and Prejudice in 1813, Mansfield Park in 1814, and Emma in 1815. In July 1816, Austen completed the first draft of her next novel, titled The Elliots, which would later be published as Persuasion.In early 1816, Austen suffered an illness (Most biographers believe that she suffered from Addis on’s disease) that led her to death the following year. Despite her illness, Austen continued to work on her writing. She revised the ending to The Elliots and started work on Sandition. She died on July 8, 1817, leaving Sandition unfinished, and was burie d at the city’s famous cathedral. The two novels Northanger Abbey and Persuasion were published posthumously as a set in 1817.Jane Austen never married in her whole life. She lived most of her life in a community much like the one we find in Pride and Prejudice. Austen’s novel, focusing on courtship and marriage, remain well-known for their satiric depictions of English society and the manners of the time.Her insights of the lives of women during the late eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century –in addition to her ability to handle form, satire, and irony – have made her one of the most studied and influential novelists of her time.II. Summary of the BookThe narrative opens with Mr. Bingley, a wealthy, charming and social young bachelor, moving into Netherfield house in the neighborhood of the Bennet family. Mr. Bingley is soonwell received, while his friend Mr. Darcy makes a less favorable first impression by appearing proud at a ball that they attend. Mr. Bingley singles out Elizabeth’s elder sister, Jane, for particular attention. And it soon becomes apparent that they have formed an attachment to each other. By contrast, Darcy and Elizabeth do not develop a good relationship with each other.On paying a visit to Mr. Bingley’s sister, Jane catches a cold and is forced to stay at Netherfield for several days. Elizabeth arrives to take care of her sister. Mr. Darcy begins to perceive his attachment to Elizabeth.Mr. Collins pays a visit to the Bennets. It soon becomes apparent that Mr. Collins has to choose a wife from the Bennet sisters and Elizabeth has been singled out. At the same time, Elizabeth forms an acquaintance with Mr. Wickham, a military officer. From Mr. Wickham, Elizabeth knows something bad about Mr. Darcy, which makes Elizabeth have more prejudice against Mr. Darcy.At a ball given by Mr. Bingley at Netherfield, Mr. Darcy becomes aware of a general expectation that Mr. Bingley and Jane will marry. But the Bennet family, with the exception of Jane and Elizabeth, behave in poor manners at the ball. The following morning, Mr. Collins asks Elizabeth to marry him, but is refused. Mr. Collins recovers and becomes engaged to Elizabeth’s close friend Charlotte. Mr. Bingley returns to London suddenly, and Elizabeth is convinced that Mr. Darcy separates him from her sister Jane.In the spring, Elizabeth visits Charlotte and Mr. Collins. They visit Rosings Park, home of Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Darcy’s aunt. Coincidentally, Darcy also arrives to visit. Darcy again finds himself attracted to Elizabeth and proposes to her. Elizabeth, however, has just learned of Darcy’s role in separating Mr. Bingley from Jane. So she gets angry with him and quarrels with him. Mr. Darcy responds with a letter, explaining his actions. Elizabeth later came to acknowledge the truth of Darcy’s words.Some months later, Elizabeth and her Aunt and Uncle Gardiner visit Pemberley, Darcy’s estate, believing that he will be absent for the day. But Mr. Darcy returns unexpectedly. Though surprised, Mr. Darcy shows welcome to their visitation. He treats the Gardiners friendly and introduces Elizabeth to his sister. And Elizabeth begins to pay attention to Mr. Darcy. At this time, Elizabeth knows that her sister Lydia has run away with Mr. Wickham.Lydia and Wickham are soon found, and then married. They visit home, and Lydia speaks carelessly that it is Mr. Darcy who finds the couple and negotiates their marriage at great expense. Elizabeth is shocked at it. Mr. Bingley returns suddenly and asks Jane to marry him and she immediately accepts.Lady Catherine de Bourgh later shows up in Longbourn. She warns Elizabeth not to marry Mr. Darcy. Elizabeth refuses her demands. Angrily, Lady Catherine leaves and tells her nephew on Elizabeth’s bad behavior, hoping that Mr. Darcy will not marry her. However, this brings hope to Darcy that Elizabeth’s opinion of him may have changed. He visits Longbourn and proposes again and now Elizabeth accepts.III. My Comments on the BookPride and Prejudice was the representative work of Jane Austen. It gives a vivid expression of the reactionary and traditional country life and people’s minds during the 18th centuries and the 19th centuries in Britain to us. This great novel not only attracted thousands of readers in Austen’s time, but also gave a special feeling to today’s people. I like this book very much.I always think why the title is Pride and Prejudice. I have been confused for a long time, but now I understand. Pride and Prejudice are the things that help determine the actions of the two main characters and the development of the plot. In this sense, the story is about pride and prejudice, about the effects of these vices on people and events. Pride refers to Darcy’s behavior, and prejudice links with Elizabeth’s view on Darcy. Pride pr oduces prejudice.“It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.” Everybody knows the first sentence of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The famous opening sentence, which is humorous and famous, represents the perfect marriage between the content and style. I can find the same echo from this opening sentence in many parts of the novel. In the whole book, various combinations, comparison and contrasts of different characters and situations are presented by the author.Some people hold the view that the author failed to narrate several of the characters, such as Lydia and Mr. Wickham. It is no doubt true that the novel would be richer if we know Lydia’s and Mr. Wickham’s experience. And so on. As to my own conclusion, I do not agreewith this point of view. I think there should be main characters and other characters in a novel. If the author writes too much about other characters, then main characters will fade. At the same time, leaving some room for readers to imagine is also of great importance.In this novel, Mrs. Bennet is a representative of the generality of people who consider the gaining of a son-in-low in terms of the acquisition of property. It is this attitude that makes her not only comic but also shocking and at times disgusting. As to my opinion, marriage should mainly base on sentiment rather than economic conditions. True love is much important than money.Elizabeth Bennet is the protagonist of the novel and Mr. Darcy is the male protagonist of the novel. The course of Elizabeth and Darcy’s relationship is decided when Darcy overcomes his pride, and Elizabeth overcomes her prejudice, leading to their coming together at last.Love is really a wonderful thing. If one pursues a true love he should never give up or submit to anything. Stick to the principle and do not be afraid of misunderstanding. I believe one day happiness will come true.。