ACI 117 Tolerances for Concrete
Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Structural 结构轻质混凝土配合比确定之标准操作
Lightweight Concrete
Guide for Selecting Proportions for No-Slump Concrete 无坍落度混凝土配合比选用指南
107 ACI 336.2R
2006.01.01 1990.01.01 1988.01.01 1998.01.01 2001.01.01 2000.01.01 2005.01.01 2005.01.01 2009.11.01 2009.12.01 1995.01.01 2001.01.01
Guide to Durable Concrete
Guide to Mass Concrete
Report on Thermal and Volume Change Effects on Cracking of Mass Concrete
Materials Guide for Submittal of Concrete Proportions
Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
Guide for the Use of High-Range Water-Reducing Admixtures (Superplasticizers) in Concrete
(建筑工程管理)ACIM美国混凝土结构建筑规范和注释ACI318M-05美国混凝土结构建筑规范和注释ACI 318M-05 BUILDING CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR STRUCTURAL CONCRETE AND COMMENTARY混凝土结构设计规范前言这份文件的规范部分包括使用在建筑上的混凝土结构的设计和施工以及在非建筑结构上的适用部位。
SECTION: 2 第2章混凝土PART 1 GENERAL 第1节总则1 DESCRIPTION 说明All concrete work is governed by this Section.所有混凝土工程受本章的管理。
Work Included: Provide all cast—in-place concrete,complete and in place,as required by the Work,specified hereinon the drawings and specifications. 包括的工作:按照图纸上规定的工作和相关标准要求,完整而到位地提供所有现浇混凝。
RELATED WORK:有关工作1 General Requirements一般要求2 Material 材料3 Concrete Mix 混凝土配合比4 Construction Requests 施工要求1.1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS:一般要求1.1.1. Concrete shall be batched only with approved materials, approved mix designs,and atapproved facilities。
只能使用批准的材料、批准的配合比设计和在批准的设施内对混凝土进行配料.1.1.2. The Contractor shall define the method of design of the mix,by reference to arecognised published design method. 承包商应通过参考认可的设计方法确定配合比设计.1.1.3. Plant trials shall be carried out for each grade and type of concrete in the contract, 你unless approved otherwise by the Engineer. 除非监理工程师另有批准,应对每种标号和种类的混凝土进行工厂试验。
ACI 116R-00 Cement and Concrete Terminology 水泥和混凝土术语
ACI 116R-00 supersedes ACI 116R-90 and became effective March 16, 2000.Copyright 2000, American Concrete Institute.All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduc-tion or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.This document has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense and for listing in the DoD Index of Specifications and Standards.116R-1ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and Commentaries are intend-ed for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the sig-nificance and limitations of its content and recommendations and who will accept re-sponsibility for the application of the material it contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.Reference to this document shall not be made in contract documents. If items found in this document are desired by the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents,they shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation by the Architect/Engineer.Cement and Concrete TerminologyACI 116R-00FOREWORDThis report is the authoritative glossary for cement and concrete technology. It is to be used generally and specifically in ACI tech-nical communications, correspondence, and publications. One mission of Committee 116 is to produce and maintain a list of terms with their meaning in the field of cement and concrete technology.Committee 116 has tried to produce a glossary that will be useful, comprehensive, and up-to-date. It recognizes, however, that the listing may not be complete and that some definitions may be at variance with some commonly accepted meanings.Users of the glossary are invited to submit suggestions for changes and additions to ACI Headquarters for consideration by Com-mittee 116 when preparing future editions. In the event that a user disagrees with any of the definitions, it is hoped that the reasons for such will be given to the committee.The committee is aware that some of the definitions included may seem entirely self-evident to an expert in the concrete field. This occurs because no term has been discarded if there was reason to believe it would appear to be technical in nature to a casual reader of the ACI literature.The committee voted to use the following procedural rules:1. Each definition shall be stated in one sentence;2. Each definition shall consist of the term printed in boldface, a dash, and the definition statement;3. The definition statement shall not repeat the term and should state the class or group and identify the features unique to the term;as “mathematics —the science of numbers and spaces”;4. Verbs should be stated in the infinitive rather than the participle; for example the term to be defined should be “abrade ” not “abrading”;5. Notes may be appended to definition statements;6. Cross references may take the place of a definition as “green concrete —see concrete, green .” They also may call attention to related items as “flint —a variety of chert. (See also chert ).” Where the committee has found two or more terms with the same meaning,the definition is given where the preferred term appears, the synonyms are cross referenced to the preferred term, and in many cases,the fact is stated;7. Generally, where there are a number of terms, the last word of which is the same, the definitions are given where the terms are listed in the inverted form, as “cement, low-heat ” rather than “low-heat cement ,” but under the latter entry, there will be a cross ref-erence “see cement, low-heat ;” and8. In selecting terms and definitions, there shall be coordination with the terminology subcommittees of ASTM Committees C-1on Cement, and C-9 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates.The invaluable contributions of the past chairmen of Committee 116, B. J. Erlin, R. C. Mielenz, D. L. Bloem, W. H. Price, R. E.Davis, Jr., J. R. Dise, K. F. Gibbe, Robert L. Henry, M. D. Luther, B. Mather, and E. Senbetta, those of the present members of the committee, as well as the diligent efforts of William Lorman and Lewis H. Tuthill, are gratefully acknowledged.For drafting this edition, all members, both associates and voting, participated.Reported by ACI Committee 116Glen Bollin Richard H. Howe Joaquin Marin Bernard J. Erlin Henri L. Isabelle Bryant Mather Fred K. Gibbe Lawrence J. Kaetzel Alvaro G. Meseguer Robert L. Henry Tarek S. Khan Richard C. Mielenz Mark B. Hogan James R. Libby Austin H. Morgan, Jr.Edward P. HolubMark D. LutherTodd RutenbeckHamid Farzam ChairmanAAbrams’ law—see law, Abrams’.abrasion damage—see damage, abrasion.abrasion resistance—see resistance, abrasion.absolute specific gravity—see specific gravity, absolute. absolute volume—see volume, absolute.absorbed moisture—see moisture, absorbed.absorbed water—see moisture, absorbed. absorption—the process by which a liquid is drawn into and tends to fill permeable voids in a porous solid body; also, the increase in mass of a porous solid body resulting from the penetration of a liquid into its permeable voids. abutment—in bridges, the end structure (usually of con-crete) that supports the beams, girders, and deck of the bridge, or combinations thereof, and sometimes retains the earthen bank or supports the end of the approach pave-ment slab; in prestressing, the structure against which the tendons are stressed in producing pretensioned precast members or post-tensioned pavement; and in dams, the side of the gorge or bank of the stream against which a dam abuts.accelerating admixture—see admixture, accelerating. acceleration—increase in velocity or in rate of change, espe-cially the quickening of the natural progress of a process such as setting or strength development (hardening) of concrete. (See also admixture, accelerating.) accelerator—see admixture, accelerating.accidental air—see air, entrapped.acrylic resin—see resin, acrylic.addition—a material that is interground or blended in limit-ed amounts into a hydraulic cement during manufacture either as a “processing addition” to aid in manufacturing and handling the cement or as a “functional addition” to modify the use properties of the finished product. advancing-slope grouting—see grouting, advancing-slope. additive—see agent.adhesion—the state in which two surfaces are held together by interfacial effects that may consist of molecular forces, interlocking action, or both.adhesives—the group of materials used to join or bond simi-lar or dissimilar materials; for example, in concrete work, the epoxy resins.adiabatic—a condition in which heat neither enters nor leaves a system.adiabatic curing—see curing, adiabatic.adjustment screw—see screw, adjustment. admixture—a material other than water, aggregates, hy-draulic cement, and fiber reinforcement, used as an ingre-dient of a cementitious mixture to modify its freshly mixed, setting, or hardened properties and that is added to the batch before or during its mixing.admixture, accelerating—an admixture that causes an increase in the rate of hydration of the hydraulic ce-ment and thus shortens the time of setting, increasesthe rate of strength development, or both.admixture, air-entraining—an admixture that causes the development of a system of microscopic air bub-bles in concrete, mortar, or cement paste during mix-ing, usually to increase its workability and resistanceto freezing and thawing. (See also air, entrained.) admixture, retarding—an admixture that causes a de-crease in the rate of hydration of the hydraulic cementand lengthens the time of setting.admixture, water-reducing—an admixture that either increases slump of freshly mixed mortar or concretewithout increasing water content or maintains slumpwith a reduced amount of water, the effect being due tofactors other than air entrainment.admixture, water-reducing (high-range)—a water-re-ducing admixture capable of producing large water re-duction or great flowability without causing undue setretardation or entrainment of air in mortar or concrete. adobe—unburnt brick dried in the sun.adsorbed water—see water, adsorbed. adsorption—development (at the surface of either a liquid or solid) of a higher concentration of a substance than ex-ists in the bulk of the medium; especially formation of one or more layers of molecules of gases, of dissolved sub-stances, or of liquids at the surface of a solid (such as ce-ment, cement paste, or aggregates), or of air-entraining agents at the air-water interfaces; also, the process by which a substance is adsorbed. (See also water, ad-sorbed.)advancing-slope grouting—see grouting, advancing-slope. advancing-slope method—see method, advancing-slope. aerated concrete—see concrete, cellular and concrete, foamed.A/F ratio—see ratio, A/F.afwillite—a mineral with composition 3CaO · 2SiO2· 3H2O occurring naturally in South Africa, Northern Ireland, and California, and artificially in some hydrated portland ce-ment mixtures.agent—a general term for a material that may be used either as an addition to cement or an admixture in concrete; for example, an air-entraining agent.agent, air-entraining—see admixture, air-entraining.agent, bonding—a substance applied to a suitable sub-strate to create a bond between it and a succeeding layer.agent, parting—see agent, release (preferred term).agent, release—material used to prevent bonding of con-crete to a surface. (See also bond breaker and oil,form.)agent, surface-active—a substance that markedly affects the interfacial or surface tension of solutions whenpresent even in low concentrations.agent, wetting—a substance capable of lowering the sur-face tension of liquids, facilitating the wetting of solidsurfaces, and permitting the penetration of liquid intothe capillaries.agglomeration—a gathering into a ball or mass. aggregate—granular material, such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, crushed hydraulic-cement concrete, or iron blast-Abram’s116R-2ACI COMMITTEE REPORTfurnace slag, used with a hydraulic cementing medium to produce either concrete or mortar. (See also aggregate, heavyweight and aggregate, lightweight.)aggregate, angular—aggregate particles that possess well-defined edges formed at the intersection of roughlyplanar faces.aggregate, coarse—aggregate predominantly retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve, or that portion retainedon the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve. (See also aggregate.) aggregate, crusher-run—aggregate that has been me-chanically broken and has not been subjected to sub-sequent screening.aggregate, dense-graded—aggregates graded to pro-duce low void content and maximum density whencompacted. (See also aggregate, well-graded.)µ!µ"aggregate, gap-graded—aggregate graded so that cer-tain intermediate sizes are substantially absent.aggregate, heavyweight—aggregate of high density, such as barite, magnetite, hematite, limonite, ilmenite,iron, or steel, used in heavyweight concrete.aggregate, lightweight—aggregate of low density, such as: a) expanded or sintered clay, shale, slate, diatoma-ceous shale, perlite, vermiculite, or slag; b) naturalpumice, scoria, volcanic cinders, tuff, and diatomite;and c) sintered fly ash or industrial cinders, used inlightweight concrete.aggregate, mineral—aggregate consisting essentially of inorganic nonmetallic rock materials, either natural orcrushed and graded.aggregate, normalweight—aggregate that is neither heavyweight nor lightweight.aggregate, open-graded—aggregate in which the voids are relatively large when the aggregate is compacted.aggregate, reactive—aggregate containing substances capable of reacting chemically with the products ofsolution or hydration of the portland cement in con-crete or mortar under ordinary conditions of exposure,resulting in some cases in harmful expansion, crack-ing, or staining.aggregate, refractory—aggregate having refractory properties that, when bound together into a conglom-erate mass by a matrix, forms a refractory body.aggregate, single-sized—aggregate in which a major portion of the particles is in a narrow size range.aggregate, well-graded—aggregate having a particle-size distribution that produces maximum density, thatis, minimum void space.aggregate blending—the process of intermixing two or more aggregates to produce a different set of properties, generally, but not exclusively, to improve grading. aggregate-cement ratio—see ratio, aggregate-cement. aggregate gradation—see grading (preferred term).aggregate interlock—the effect of portions of aggregate particles from one side of a joint or crack in concrete pro-truding into recesses in the other side of the joint or crack so as to transfer load in shear and maintain alignment. aggregate transparency—discoloration of a concrete sur-face consisting of darkened areas over coarse aggregate particles immediately below the concrete surface. agitating speed—see speed, agitating.agitating truck—see truck, agitating.agitation—1. the process of providing motion in mixed concrete justsufficient to prevent segregation or loss of plasticity;and2. the mixing and homogenization of slurries or finelyground powders by either mechanical means or injec-tion of air. (See also agitator.)agitator—a device for maintaining plasticity and prevent-ing segregation of mixed concrete by agitation. (See also agitation.)aids, grinding—materials used to expedite the process of grinding by eliminating ball coating, dispersing the finely ground product, or both.air—air, accidental—see air, entrapped (preferred term). # # # $%$$ &# # # % ' % % &$ % ( % ( # & # ! # $ )* * µ * #"air, entrapped—air voids in concrete that are not pur-posely entrained and that are larger, mainly irregular inshape, and less useful than those of entrained air; and1 mm or larger in size.air blow pipe—air jet used in shotcrete gunning to remove rebound or other loose material from the work area.air-blown mortar—see shotcrete (preferred term).air content—the volume of air voids in cement paste, mor-tar, or concrete, exclusive of pore space in aggregate par-ticles; usually expressed as a percentage of total volume of the paste, mortar, or concrete.air-cooled blast-furnace slag—see blast-furnace slag.air entraining—the capability of a material or process to de-velop a system of microscopic bubbles of air in cement paste, mortar, or concrete during mixing. (See also air en-trainment.)air-entraining agent—see admixture, air-entraining.air-entraining hydraulic cement—see cement, air-en-training hydraulic.air entrainment—the incorporation of air in the form of mi-croscopic bubbles (typically smaller than 1 mm) during the mixing of either concrete or mortar. (See also air en-training and air, entrained.)air lift—equipment whereby slurry or dry powder is lifted through pipes by means of compressed air.air meter—see meter, air.air-permeability test—see test, air-permeability and test, Blaine.air ring—see ring, air.air116R-3CEMENT AND CONCRETE TERMINOLOGYair separator—see separator, air.air void—see void, air.air-water jet—see jet, air-water.akermanite—a mineral of the melilite group, Ca2MgSi2O7.(See also gehlenite, melilite, and merwinite.) alabaster—a compact, crystalline, weakly textured form of practically pure gypsum.alignment wire—see wire, ground (preferred term). alite—a name used to identify tricalcium silicate, including small amounts of MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and other oxides;a principal constituent of portland-cement clinker. (Seealso belite, celite, and felite.)alkali—salts of alkali metals, principally sodium and potas-sium; specifically, sodium and potassium occurring in constituents of concrete and mortar, usually expressed in chemical analyses as the oxides Na2O and K2O. (See also cement, low-alkali.)alkali-aggregate reaction—see reaction, alkali-aggregate. alkali-carbonate rock reaction—see reaction, alkali-car-bonate rock.alkali reactivity (of aggregate)—see reactivity (of aggre-gate), alkali.alkali-silica reaction—see reaction, alkali-silicate.alkyl aryl sulfonate—synthetic detergent used to entrain air in hydraulic cement mixtures.allowable bearing capacity—the maximum pressure to which a soil or other material should be subjected to guard against shear failure or excessive settlement.allowable load—see load, service dead and load, service live.allowable stress—see stress, allowable.alternate-lane construction—see construction, alternate-lane.alumina—aluminum oxide (Al2O3).aluminate cement—see cement, calcium-aluminate. aluminate concrete—see concrete, aluminate. aluminous cement—see cement, calcium-aluminate. amount of mixing—the extent of mixer action employed in combining the ingredients for either concrete or mortar; in the case of stationary mixers, the mixing time; and in the case of truck mixers, the number of revolutions of the drum at mixing speed after the intermingling of the ce-ment with water and aggregates. (See also mixing time.) amplitude—the maximum displacement from the mean po-sition in connection with vibration.analysis, dynamic—analysis of stresses in framing as func-tions of displacement under transient loading. analysis, mechanical—the process of determining particle-size distribution of an aggregate. (See also analysis, sieve.)analysis, sieve—particle-size distribution; usually expressed as the mass percentage retained upon each of a series of standard sieves of decreasing size and the percentage passed by the sieve of finest size. (See also grading.) anchor—in prestressed concrete, to lock the stressed tendon in position so that it will retain its stressed condition; in precast-concrete construction, to attach the precast unitsto the building frame; and in slabs on grade or walls, to fasten to rock or adjacent structures to prevent movement of the slab or wall with respect to the foundation, adjacent structure, or rock. (See also anchor, form.)anchor, form—device used to secure formwork to previous-ly placed concrete of adequate strength; the device is nor-mally embedded in the concrete during placement. anchor bolt—see bolt, anchor.anchorage—in post-tensioning, a device used to anchor the tendon to the concrete member; in pretensioning, a device used to maintain the elongation of a tendon during the time interval between stressing and release; in precast-concrete construction, the devices for attaching precast units to the building frame; and in slab or wall construc-tion, the device used to anchor the slab or wall to the foun-dation, rock, or adjacent structure.anchorage, dead-end—the anchorage at that end of a tendon that is opposite the jacking end.anchorage, end—1. length of reinforcement, mechanical anchor, hook, orcombination thereof, beyond the point of nominalzero stress in the reinforcement of cast-in-place con-crete; and2. mechanical device for transmitting prestressingforce to the concrete in a post-tensioned member.(See also anchorage.)anchorage, mechanical—any mechanical device capa-ble of developing the strength of the reinforcementwithout damage to the concrete.anchorage, threaded—an anchorage device that is pro-vided with threads to facilitate attaching the jackingdevice and to effect the anchorage.anchorage, wedge—a device for anchoring a tendon by wedging.anchorage bond stress—see stress, anchorage bond. anchorage deformation—see deformation, anchorage or slip.anchorage device—see anchorage (preferred term). anchorage loss—see deformation, anchorage. anchorage slip—see deformation, anchorage or slip. anchorage zone—see zone, anchorage.angle float—see float, angle.angle of repose—the angle between the horizontal and the natural slope of loose material below which the material will not slide.angular aggregate—see aggregate, angular. anhydrite—a mineral, anhydrous calcium sulfate (CaSO4);gypsum from which the water of crystallization has been removed, usually by heating above 325 F (160 C); natural anhydrite is less reactive than that obtained by calcination of gypsum.anhydrous calcium chloride—see calcium chloride, anhy-drous.apparent specific gravity—see specific gravity, absolute. architect-engineer or engineer-architect—the architect, engineer, architectural firm, engineering firm, or archi-tectural and engineering firm issuing project drawingsair116R-4ACI COMMITTEE REPORTand specifications, or administering the work under con-tract specifications and drawings, or both. architectural concrete—see concrete, architectural.arc spectrography—spectrographic identification of ele-ments in a sample of material heated to volatilization in an electric arc or spark.area of steel—the cross-sectional area of the steel reinforce-ment. (See also effective area of reinforcement.) arenaceous—composed primarily of sand; sandy. argillaceous—composed primarily of clay or shale; clayey. arris—the ridge formed by the meeting of two surfaces. arrissing tool—see tool, arrissing.artificial pozzolan—see pozzolan, artificial.asbestos-cement products—products manufactured from rigid material composed essentially of asbestos fiber and portland cement.ashlar—see masonry, ashlar.ashlar, patterned—see masonry, ashlar.ashlar masonry—see masonry, ashlar.ashlar, random—see masonry, ashlar.asphalt—a dark brown to black cementitious material in which the predominating constituents are bitumens that occur in nature or are obtained in petroleum processing. asphalt cement—see cement, asphalt.asphaltic concrete—see concrete, asphaltic. atmospheric-pressure steam curing—see curing, atmo-spheric-pressure steam.Atterberg limits—see limits, Atterberg.Atterberg test—see test, Atterberg.autoclave—a pressure vessel in which an environment of steam at high pressure may be produced; used in the cur-ing of concrete products and in the testing of hydraulic cement.autoclave curing—see curing, autoclave.autoclave cycle—see cycle, autoclave. autoclaved—see curing, autoclave.autoclaving—see curing, autoclave.autogenous healing—see healing, autogenous. autogenous length change—see length change, autogenous. autogenous volume change—see volume change, autoge-nous.automatic batcher—see batcher.auxiliary reinforcement—see reinforcement, auxiliary. average bond stress—see bond stress, average. average compressive strength—see compressive strength, average.axis, neutral—a line in the plane of a structural member subject to bending where the longitudinal stress is zero. axle load—see load, axle.axle steel—see steel, axle.axle-steel reinforcement—see reinforcement, axle-steel.Bb/b o—see factor, coarse-aggregate (preferred term). bacillus, cement—see ettringite (preferred term). backfill concrete—see concrete, backfill.back form—see form, top (preferred term).back plastering—plaster applied to one face of a lath sys-tem following application and subsequent hardening of plaster applied to the opposite face. (See also parge.) back stay—see brace (preferred term). backshores—shores placed snugly under a concrete slab or structural member after the original formwork and shores have been removed from a small area without allowing the entire slab or member to deflect or support its own mass or existing construction loads.bacterial corrosion—see corrosion, bacterial.bag (of cement; also sack)—a quantity of portland cement:94 lb (43 kg) in the U.S.; for other kinds of cement, quan-tity indicated on the bag.balanced load—see load, balanced.balanced moment—moment capacity at simultaneous crushing of concrete and yielding of tension steel. balanced reinforcement—an amount and distribution of re-inforcement in a flexural member such that in working-stress design the allowable tensile stress in the steel and the allowable compressive stress in the concrete are at-tained simultaneously; or such that in strength design, the tensile reinforcement reaches its specified yield strength simultaneously with the concrete in compression reach-ing its assumed ultimate strain of 0.003.ball mill—see mill, ball.ball test—see test, iron—thin metal strap used as a form tie, hanger, etc. bar—an element, normally composed of steel, with a nominal-ly uniform cross-sectional area used to reinforce, coated—a bar on which a coating has been applied, usually to increase resistance to, deformed—a reinforcing bar with a manufactured pattern of surface ridges intended to reduce slip and in-crease pullout resistance of bars embedded in, epoxy-coated—a reinforcing bar coated by an epoxy-resin system, usually to increase resistance to, high-bond—see bar, deformed (preferred term).bar, plain—a reinforcing bar without surface deforma-tions, or one having deformations that do not conformto the applicable, reinforcement—see, standard hooked—a reinforcing bar with the end bent into a hook to provide, tie—bar at right angles to, and tied to reinforcement to keep it in bender—a tradesman who cuts and bends steel rein-forcement; or a machine for bending steel check—a check of the ends of reinforcing bars to determine whether they fit the devices intended for con-necting the bars. (See also mechanical connection.)bar mat—an assembly of steel reinforcement composed of two or more layers of bars placed at angles to each other and secured together either by welding or schedule—a list of the reinforcement, showing the shape, number, size, and dimensions of every different el-ement required for a structure or a portion of a structure.bar116R-5CEMENT AND CONCRETE TERMINOLOGYbar spacing—the distance between parallel reinforcing bars, measured center to center of the bars perpendicular to their longitudinal support—hardware used to support or hold reinforcing bars in proper position to prevent displacement before and during concreting. (See also bat; bolster, slab; chair.) barite—a mineral, barium sulfate (BaSO4), used in either pure or impure form as concrete aggregate primarily for the construction of high-density radiation shielding con-crete; designated “barytes” in the UK.barrage—a low dam erected to control the level of a stream. barrel (of cement)—a quantity of portland cement: 376 lb (4 bags) in the U.S. (obsolete); also wood or metal container formerly used for shipping cement.barrel-vault roof—see roof, barrel-vault.barrier, moisture—a vapor barrier.barrier, vapor—membranes located under concrete floor slabs that are placed on grade to retard transmission of water vapor from the subgrade.bars, bundled—a group of not more than four parallel rein-forcing bars in contact with each other, usually tied together. bars, stem—bars used in the wall section of a cantilevered retaining wall or in the webs of a box; when a cantilevered retaining wall and its footing are considered as an integral unit, the wall is often referred to as the stem of the unit. base—a subfloor slab or “working mat,” either previously placed and hardened or freshly placed, on which floor top-ping is placed in a later operation; also the underlying stratum on which a concrete slab, such as a pavement, is placed. (See also mud slab and subbase.)base bead—see base screed (preferred term).base coat—any plaster coat or coats applied before applica-tion of the finish coat.base course—a layer of specified select material of planned thickness constructed on the subgrade or subbase of a pavement to serve one or more functions, such as distrib-uting loads, providing drainage, or minimizing frost ac-tion; also the lowest course of masonry in a wall or pier. base plate—a plate of metal or other material formerly placed under pavement joints and the adjacent slab ends to prevent the infiltration of soil and moisture from the sides or bottom of the joint opening; also a steel plate used to distribute vertical loads, as for bridge beams, building columns, or machinery.base screed—a preformed metal screed with perforated or expanded flanges to provide a guide for thickness and planeness of plaster and to provide a separation between plaster and other materials.basic creep—see creep, basic.basket—see load-transfer assembly (preferred term).# # % % ( + ", ⋅- , "bat—a broken brick sometimes used to support reinforce-ment. (See also bar support.)batch—n. quantity of either concrete or mortar mixed at one time; v. to weigh or volumetrically measure and introduceinto the mixer the ingredients for a quantity of either con-crete or mortar.batch, trial—a batch of concrete prepared to establish or check proportions of the constituents.batch box—container of known volume used for measuring constituents of a batch of either concrete or mortar in proper proportions.batch mixer—see mixer, batch.batch plant—an installation for batching or for batching and mixing concrete materials.batch weights—the quantities of the various ingredients (cement, water, the several sizes of aggregate, and admix-tures if used) that compose a batch of concrete. batched water—the mixing water added by a batcher to a cementitious mixture either before or during the initial stages of mixing (also called batch water).batcher—a device for measuring ingredients for a batch of concrete.batcher, automatic—a batcher equipped with gates or valves that, when actuated by a single starter switch,will open automatically at the start of the weighing op-eration of each material, and will close automaticallywhen the designated quantity of each material has beenreached, interlocked in such a manner that: a) the charging mechanism cannot be opened until the scalehas returned to zero; b) the charging mechanism cannotbe opened if the discharge mechanism is open; c) thedischarge mechanism cannot be opened if the charging mechanism is open; d) the discharge mechanism cannot be opened until the designated quantity has beenreached within the allowable tolerance; and e) if differ-ent kinds of aggregates or different kinds of cementsare measured cumulatively in a single batcher, inter-locked sequential controls are provided.batcher, manual—a batcher equipped with gates or valves that are operated manually, with or without sup-plementary power (pneumatic, hydraulic, or electri-cal), the accuracy of the weighing operation beingdependent on the operator’s observation of the scale.batcher, semiautomatic—a batcher equipped with gates or valves that are separately opened manually to allowthe material to be weighed but that are closed automat-ically when the designated quantity of each materialhas been reached.batching, cumulative—measuring more than one ingredi-ent of a batch in the same container by bringing the batch-er scale into balance at successive total weights as each ingredient is accumulated in the container.batten (also batten strip)—a narrow strip of wood placed over the vertical joint of sheathing or paneling; also used to hold several boards together. (See also cleat.) batter—inclination from the vertical or horizontal.batter boards—pairs of horizontal boards nailed to wooden stakes adjoining an excavation; used as a guide to eleva-tions and to outline the building.batter pile—see pile, batter.bar116R-6ACI COMMITTEE REPORT。
ACI INTERNATIONAL (ACI). ACI 211.1.--美国混凝土配合比规范
************************************************************************** USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA UFGS-03330 (March 2005) ------------------------Preparing Activity: USACE SupersedingUFGS-03330 (August 2004) UNIFIED FACILITIES GUIDE SPECIFICATIONSReferences are in agreement with UMRL dated 22 December 2004Latest change indicated by CHG tags**************************************************************************SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTSDIVISION 03 - CONCRETESECTION 03330CAST-IN-PLACE ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE03/05PART 1 GENERAL1.1 REFERENCES1.2 SUBMITTALS1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS1.3.1 Design Requirements1.3.1.1 Concrete Mix1.3.1.2 Formwork Design1.3.2 Detail Drawings1.3.3 PanelsPART 2 PRODUCTS2.1 MATERIALS2.1.1 Aggregates2.1.2 Reinforcing Steel2.1.3 Tie Wire2.1.4 Plates, Angles, Anchors, and Embedments2.1.5 Formwork2.1.6 Form Release Agents2.1.7 Surface SealerPART 3 EXECUTION3.1 FORMWORK ERECTION3.2 CONCRETE FINISHES3.3 JOINT SEALING3.4 CLEANING3.5 SURFACE SEALING3.6 PROTECTION OF WORK3.7 DEFECTIVE WORK-- End of Section Table of Contents --************************************************************************** USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA UFGS-03330 (March 2005)------------------------Preparing Activity: USACE SupersedingUFGS-03330 (August 2004)UNIFIED FACILITIES GUIDE SPECIFICATIONSReferences are in agreement with UMRL dated 22 December 2004Latest change indicated by CHG tags**************************************************************************SECTION 03330CAST-IN-PLACE ARCHITECTURAL CONCRETE03/05************************************************************************** NOTE: This guide specification covers therequirements for cast-in-place architectural concrete.Comments and suggestions on this guide specificationare welcome and should be directed to the technicalproponent of the specification. A listing oftechnical proponents, including their organizationdesignation and telephone number, is on the Internet.Recommended changes to a UFGS should be submitted asa Criteria Change Request (CCR).Use of electronic communication is encouraged.Brackets are used in the text to indicate designerchoices or locations where text must be supplied bythe designer.************************************************************************** PART 1 GENERAL1.1 REFERENCES************************************************************************** NOTE: Issue (date) of references included inproject specifications need not be more current thanprovided by the latest guide specification. Use ofSpecsIntact automated reference checking isrecommended for projects based on older guidespecifications.************************************************************************** The publications listed below form a part of this specification to the extent referenced. The publications are referred to within the text by the basic designation only.ACI INTERNATIONAL (ACI)ACI 211.1(1991; R 2002) Standard Practice forSelecting Proportions for Normal,Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete ACI 211.2(1998) Standard Practice for SelectingProportions for Structural LightweightConcreteACI 301(1999) Specifications for StructuralConcrete for BuildingsACI 318/318R(2002) Building Code Requirements forStructural Concrete and Commentary ACI 318M/318RM(2002) Metric Building Code Requirementsfor Structural Concrete and Commentary ACI 347R(2003) Guide to Formwork for Concrete ACI SP-66(2004) ACI Detailing ManualASTM INTERNATIONAL (ASTM)ASTM A 36/A 36M(2004) Carbon Structural Steel1.2 SUBMITTALS************************************************************************** NOTE: Submittals must be limited to those necessaryfor adequate quality control. The importance of anitem in the project should be one of the primaryfactors in determining if a submittal for the itemshould be required.A “G” following a submittal item indicates that thesubmittal requires Government approval. Somesubmittals are already marked with a “G”. Onlydelete an existing “G” if the submittal item is notcomplex and can be reviewed through the Contractor’sQuality Control system. Only add a “G” if thesubmittal is sufficiently important or complex incontext of the project.For submittals requiring Government approval on Armyprojects, a code of up to three characters withinthe submittal tags may be used following the "G"designation to indicate the approving authority.Codes for Army projects using the ResidentManagement System (RMS) are: "AE" forArchitect-Engineer; "DO" for District Office(Engineering Division or other organization in theDistrict Office); "AO" for Area Office; "RO" forResident Office; and "PO" for Project Office. Codesfollowing the "G" typically are not used for Navyprojects.Submittal items not designated with a "G" areconsidered as being for information only for Armyprojects and for Contractor Quality Control approvalfor Navy projects.SD-04: The materials used in architectural concretevary from one project to another. For mostprojects, samples for all materials are notrequired. A list of suggested samples is givenbelow:Form TiesForm LinersCement ColorsCoarse AggregatesReinforcing ChairsSample panels should not be required for smallprojects.************************************************************************** Government approval is required for submittals with a "G" designation;submittals not having a "G" designation are for [Contractor Quality Control approval.] [information only. When used, a designation following the "G"designation identifies the office that will review the submittal for the Government.] The following shall be submitted in accordance with Section 01330 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES:SD-02 Shop DrawingsDetail Drawings.Detail drawings, as specified.SD-04 SamplesMaterialsPanelsMaterials listed below, which shall indicate sizes, shapes,finishes, color, and pertinent accessories: [_____].Sample panels, as specified.1.3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTSAll materials, procedures, and requirements specified in Section 03300A CAST-IN-PLACE STRUCTURAL CONCRETE shall fully apply to cast-in-placearchitectural concrete, except as otherwise specified.1.3.1 Design Requirements1.3.1.1 Concrete Mix************************************************************************** NOTE: If it is determined that the concrete mixrequires plasticizers, the requirements will beadded in this paragraph. Slumps for plasticizedconcrete may range as high as 250 mm (10 inches).**************************************************************************The concrete mix shall be designed in accordance with ACI 211.1 and ACI 211.2. The mix design shall include consideration of the finishes required. Formwork DesignFormwork design shall conform to ACI 301 and ACI 347R.1.3.2 Detail DrawingsThe Contractor shall submit detail drawings conforming to ACI SP-66 and ACI 318M/318RM ACI 318/318R. Detail drawings shall show location ofcast-in-place elements in the work, building elevations, formworkfabrication details, reinforcements, embedments, dimensions, concretestrength, interface with adjacent materials, and special placinginstructions, in sufficient detail to cover fabrication, placement,stripping, and finishing.1.3.3 PanelsSample panels shall be located as directed, shall be 1.8 m 6 feet long and1.2 m 4 feet high with the thickness to match building conditions for eachtype of architectural concrete and finish. Panel forms shall include a typical joint between form panels, form tie conditions and finishes.Panels shall be protected from weather, and other damage until acceptance of work. Sample panels shall be used as job standards throughoutconstruction.PART 2 PRODUCTS2.1 MATERIALS2.1.1 Aggregates************************************************************************** NOTE: If a specific type or size of aggregate isrequired for a desired finish, whether it be for afacing mix or the entire thickness, the additionalrequirements will be added in this paragraph.************************************************************************** Aggregates shall conform to [_____].2.1.2 Reinforcing SteelReinforcing steel shall be galvanized if clearance to an exterior face is25 mm 1 inch or less.2.1.3 Tie WireTie wire shall be soft monel or 18-8 stainless steel.2.1.4 Plates, Angles, Anchors, and EmbedmentsPlates, angles, anchors, and embedments shall conform to ASTM A 36/A 36M, and shall be prime painted with inorganic zinc primer.2.1.5 FormworkFormwork for special effects shall be as approved.2.1.6 Form Release AgentsForm release agents shall be manufacturer's standard, nonstaining,nonpetroleum based, compatible with surface sealer finish coating.2.1.7 Surface SealerSurface sealer shall be methyl methacrylate polymer acrylic emulsion, clear color.PART 3 EXECUTION3.1 FORMWORK ERECTIONFormwork shall be erected in accordance with the detail drawings to ensure that the finished concrete members conform accurately to the indicated dimensions, lines, elevations, and finishes. Deflection shall not exceed 1/360th of each component span or distance between adjacent supports.Deflections and tolerance shall not be cumulative. Form lines shall be installed as necessary to provide the required finish. Forms shall be coated with form release agents before reinforcement is placed. Formwork shall conform to ACI 301 and ACI 347R.3.2 CONCRETE FINISHES************************************************************************** NOTE: The types of possible finishes for concretefaces are virtually limitless. The requirements forthe project will be specified in this paragraph.**************************************************************************Concrete finishes shall conform to the approved finishes. Finishing shall be accomplished at the time of concrete placement or immediately after formwork removal, as follows:a. Smooth finish: (1) As cast using flat smooth nonporous forms. (2)As cast using fluted, sculptured, board finish or textured form liners.b. Textured finish: (1) Textured form liners applied to inside offorms. (2) Distress finish by breaking off portion of face of raisedportion of unit.c. Exposed aggregate finish: (1) Finish obtained by applying evencoat of retardant to face of form, removing forms after concretehardens, and exposing coarse aggregate to a depth of [_____] mm inches by washing and brushing or lightly sandblasting away surface mortar.(2) Finish obtained by treating surface of unit with brushes which havebeen immersed in acid solution.Cast-in-place concrete elements which are to have a finish other than the surface produced from standard formwork, shall be accomplished by using the following procedures: [_____].3.3 JOINT SEALINGJoint sealing shall be as specified in Section 07920 JOINT SEALANTS.3.4 CLEANINGNo sooner than 72 hours after joints are sealed, faces and other exposed surfaces of cast-in-place concrete shall be washed down, cleaned with soap and water applied with a soft bristle brush, then washed down again with clean water, or by other approved procedures. Discolorations which cannot be removed by these procedures, shall be considered defective work.Cleaning work shall be done when temperature and humidity conditions are such that surfaces dry rapidly. Care shall be taken during cleaningoperations to protect adjacent surfaces from damage.3.5 SURFACE SEALINGAfter cleaning, exterior exposed architectural concrete surfaces indicated shall be given one coat of surface sealer, spray applied unless otherwise approved. Adjacent surfaces shall be protected to prevent damage from the surface sealer.3.6 PROTECTION OF WORKWork shall be protected against damage from subsequent operations.3.7 DEFECTIVE WORKDefective work shall be repaired or replaced, as directed, using approved procedures.-- End of Section --。
ASCE的很多标准都是与其他学会共同制定的(如:EWRI -美国环境与水资源协会、SEI -美国科学工程学学会)。
ASCE/COPRI 61-14 |桥台与码头的抗震设计ASCE/EWRI 60-12 |水资源共享协议制定指南ASCE/SEI 59-11 |建筑物防爆ASCE/T&DI/ICPI 58-10 |市政街道及道路混凝土路面的锁定结构设计ANSI/ASCE/EWRI 56-10和57-10 |公共供水工程物理安全指南和污水/雨水工程物理安全指南ASCE/SEI 55-10 |张拉膜结构ASCE/EWRI 54-10 |均质和各向同性饱和导水率地质统计学估算及块段平均指南ASCE/G-I 53-10 |压密注浆指南ASCE/SEI 52-10 I玻璃纤维增强塑料(FRP)管设计ASCE/EWRI 50-08和51-08 |利用拟合概率密度函数的饱和导水率指南及计算有效饱和导水率指南ASCE/SEI 49-12 |建筑物和其他结构的风洞试验ASCE/SEI 48-11 |钢传动杆结构设计ASCE/EWRI 45-05、46-05 和47-05 |城市雨水系统设计指南,城市雨水系统安装指南及城市雨水系统操作和维护指南ASCE/EWRI 44-13 |过冷雾消除项目设计和操作实践ASCE/SEI 43-05 |核设施内部结构、系统和部件的抗震设计标准ASCE/EWRI 42-04 |人工增雨项目设计和操作实践ASCE/SEI 41-13 |现有建筑物的抗震加固ASCE/EWRI 40-03 |河岸整治模型代码EWRI/ASCE 39-15 |防雹项目设计和操作实践CI/ASCE 38-02 |现有地下公共工程数据收集和说明指南SEI/ASCE 37-14 |施工过程中的结构设计荷载CI/ASCE 36-15 |微型隧道建设指南EWRI/ASCE 35-01 |安装微孔曝气设备的质量保证指南EWRI/ASCE 34-01 |地下水人工补给指南EWRI/ASCE 33-09 |跨国界河流水质管理综合协议SEI/ASCE 32-01 |浅地基防霜冻设计与施工ASCE/SEI 31-03 |现有建筑物的抗震评估SEI/ASCE 30-14 |建筑物围护结构评估指南ASCE/SEI/SFPE 29-05 |结构防火计算方法ASCE 28-00 |非开挖顶进施工中预制箱形混凝土截面设计惯例ASCE 27-00 |非开挖顶进施工中预制混凝土管设计惯例ASCE 26-97 |埋设预制箱形混凝土截面设计惯例ANSI/ASCE/SEI 25-06 |地震激发气体自动关闭装置ASCE/SEI 24-14 |防洪设计与施工SEI/ASCE 23-97 |腹板开洞结构钢梁技术要求ASCE/ANSI/T&DI 21.4-08 |旅客捷运系统标准,第4部分:安全;应急准备;系统验证和证明;操作、维护和培训;操作监控ASCE/ANSI/T&DI 21.3-08 |大众自动运输工具标准,第3部分:电气、车站、网关ASCE/ANSI/T&DI 21.2-08 |大众自动运输工具标准,第2部分:车辆、牵引和制动ANSI/ASCE/T&DI 21-13 |大众自动运输工具标准,第1部分ASCE 20-96 |桩基础设计和安装指南ASCE/SEI 19-10 |建筑物钢缆结构应用ASCE 18-96 |氧气传输过程中试验指南AF&PA/ASCE 16-95 I木工程施工荷载和阻力系数设计(LRFD)标准ASCE 15-98 |标准安装的埋设预制混凝土管道设计惯例ASCE/EWRI 12-05、13-05 和14-05 |城市地下排水系统设计指南,城市地下排水系统安装指南及城市地下排水系统操作和维护指南SEI/ASCE 11-99 |现有建筑物结构条件评估指南ASCE 10-97 |钢网架传输结构设计SEI/ASCE 08-02 |冷成型不锈钢结构构件设计规范ASCE/SEI 7-10 |建筑物及其他结构的最小设计荷载ASCE 5-11 and 6-11 |圬工结构物的规范要求ASCE 4-98 |与核结构安全相关的抗震分析和评论ANSI/ASCE 3-91和9-91 |复合板结构设计标准及复合板施工与检查实践ASCE/EWRI 2-06 |洁净水中氧气传输测量ANSI/ASCE 1-82 |与核安全相关的土工结构物的设计与分析指南美国混凝土协会(ACI)技术委员会文件目录美国混凝土协会(ACI)是世界领先的混凝土技术权威之一,致力于有关混凝土和钢筋混凝土结构设计、建造和保养技术的研究。
— A —absolute specific gravity — see specific gravity, absolute. absolute volume — see volume, absolute.absorbed moisture — see moisture, absorbed.absorbed water — see moisture, absorbed.absorption — the process by which a liquid is drawn into and tends to fill permeable voids in a porous solid body;also, the increase in mass of a porous solid bodyresulting from the penetration of a liquid into itspermeable voids.abutment — in bridges, the end structure (usually of concrete) that supports the beams, girders, and deck of thebridge, or combinations thereof, and sometimes retainsthe earthen bank or supports the end of the approachpavement slab; in prestressing, the structure againstwhich the tendons are stressed in producingpretensioned precast members or post-tensionedpavement; in dams, the side of the gorge or bank ofthe stream against which a dam abuts. accelerating admixture — see admixture, accelerating. acceleration — increase in velocity or in rate of change, especially the quickening of the natural progress of aprocess such as setting or strength development(hardening) of concrete. (See also admixture,accelerating.)accelerator — see admixture, accelerating.accidental air — see air, entrapped.acid etching — the removal of a cementitious surface through controlled dissolution to expose sand or aggregates,roughen a smooth cementitious surface in preparationfor cementitious coating material application, or createart, design, or an architectural finish.acrylic resin — see resin, acrylic.addition — a material that is interground or blended in limited amounts into a hydraulic cement during manufactureeither as a processing addition to aid in manufacturingand handling the cement or as a functional addition tomodify the use properties of the finished product. additive — a substance added to another in relatively small amounts to impart or improve desirable properties orsuppress undesirable properties.adhesion — the state in which two surfaces are held together by interfacial effects that may consist of molecularforces, interlocking action, or both.adhesives — the group of materials used to join or bond similar or dissimilar materials; for example, in concretework, the epoxy resins.adiabatic — a condition in which heat neither enters nor leavesa system.adiabatic curing — see curing, adiabatic.adjustment screw — see screw, adjustment.admixture — a material other than water, aggregates,cementitious materials, and fiber reinforcement, usedas an ingredient of a cementitious mixture to modify itsfreshly mixed, setting, or hardened properties and thatis added to the batch before or during its mixing.admixture, accelerating — an admixture that causesan increase in the rate of hydration of thehydraulic cement and thus shortens the timeof setting, increases the rate of strengthdevelopment, or both.admixture, air-entraining — an admixture thatcauses the development of a system ofmicroscopic air bubbles in concrete, mortar, orcement paste during mixing, usually toincrease its workability and resistance tofreezing and thawing. (See also air,entrained.)admixture, anti-washout — a concrete admixturethat reduces the loss of fine material fromconcrete when placed in water.admixture, retarding — an admixture that causes adecrease in the rate of hydration of thehydraulic cement and lengthens the time ofsetting.admixture, water-reducing — an admixture thateither increases slump of freshly mixed mortaror concrete without increasing water contentor maintains slump with a reduced amount ofwater, the effect being due to factors otherthan air entrainment.admixture, water-reducing (high-range) — awater-reducing admixture capable ofproducing large water reduction or greatflowability without causing undue setretardation or entrainment of air in mortar orconcrete.adsorbed water — see water, adsorbed.adsorption — development (at the surface of either a liquid or solid) of a higher concentration of a substance thanexists in the bulk of the medium; especially formationof one or more layers of molecules of gases, ofdissolved substances, or of liquids at the surface of asolid (such as cement, cement paste, or aggregates),or of air-entraining agents at the air-water interfaces;also the process by which a substance is adsorbed.(See also water, adsorbed.)advancing-slope grouting — see grouting, advancing-slope.advancing-slope method — see method, advancing-slope.aerated concrete — see concrete, cellular and concrete, foamed.A/F ratio — see ratio, A/F.afwillite — a mineral with composition 3CaO •2SiO2 •3H2O occurring naturally in South Africa, Northern Ireland,and California, and artificially in some hydratedportland cement mixtures.agent — a general term for a material that may be used either as an addition to cement or an admixture in concrete,for example, an air-entraining agent.agent, air-entraining — see admixture, air-entraining.agent, bonding — a substance applied to a suitablesubstrate to create a bond between it and asucceeding layer.agent, curing —a catalytic or reactive agent thatinduces cross-linking in a thermosetting resin(also hardener or initiator).agent, parting — see agent, release (preferredterm).agent, release — material used to prevent bonding ofconcrete to a surface. (See also bondbreaker and oil, form.)agent, surface-active — a substance that affectsmarkedly the interfacial or surface tension ofsolutions when present even in lowconcentrations.agent, wetting — a substance capable of loweringthe surface tension of liquids, facilitating thewetting of solid surfaces, and permitting thepenetration of liquid into the capillaries. agglomeration — a gathering into a ball or mass. aggregate — granular material, such as sand, gravel, crushed stone, crushed hydraulic-cement concrete, or ironblast-furnace slag, used with a hydraulic cementingmedium to produce either concrete or mortar. (Seealso aggregate, heavyweight and aggregate,lightweight.)aggregate, angular — aggregate particles thatpossess well-defined edges formed at theintersection of roughly planar faces.aggregate, coarse — aggregate predominantlyretained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve or thatportion retained on the 4.75 mm (No. 4)sieve. (See also aggregate.)aggregate, crusher-run — aggregate that has beenmechanically broken and has not beensubjected to subsequent screening.aggregate, dense-graded — aggregates graded toproduce low void content and maximumdensity when compacted. (See alsoaggregate, well-graded.)aggregate, fine — aggregate passing the 9.5 mm(3/8 in.) sieve almost entirely passing the 4.75mm (No. 4) sieve and predominantly retainedon the 75 mm (No. 200) sieve; or that portionpassing the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve andpredominantly retained on the 75 mm (No.200) sieve. (See also aggregate and sand.) aggregate, gap-graded — aggregate graded so thatcertain intermediate sizes are substantiallyabsent.aggregate, heavyweight — aggregate of highdensity, such as barite, magnetite, hematite,limonite, ilmenite, iron, or steel, used inheavyweight concrete.aggregate, lightweight — aggregate of low density,such as: (a) expanded or sintered clay, shale,slate, diatomaceous shale, perlite, vermiculite,or slag; (b) natural pumice, scoria, volcaniccinders, tuff, and diatomite; or (c) sintered flyash or industrial cinders used in lightweightconcrete.aggregate, mineral — aggregate consistingessentially of inorganic nonmetallic rockmaterials, either natural or crushed andgraded.aggregate, normalweight — aggregate that isneither heavyweight nor lightweight.aggregate, open-graded — aggregate in which thevoids are relatively large when the aggregateis compacted.aggregate, reactive — aggregate containingsubstances capable of reacting chemically withthe products of solution or hydration of theportland cement in concrete or mortar underordinary conditions of exposure, resulting insome cases in harmful expansion, cracking, orstaining.aggregate, refractory — aggregate having refractoryproperties that, when bound together into aconglomerate mass by a matrix, forms arefractory body.aggregate, single-sized — aggregate in which amajor portion of the particles is in a narrowsize range.aggregate, well-graded — aggregate having aparticle-size distribution that producesmaximum density, that is, minimum voidspace.aggregate blending — the process of intermixing two or more aggregates to produce a different set of properties;generally, but not exclusively, to improve grading. aggregate-cement ratio — see ratio, aggregate-cement. aggregate gradation — see grading (preferred term). aggregate interlock — the effect of portions of aggregate particles from one side of a joint or crack in concreteprotruding into recesses in the other side of the joint orcrack so as to transfer load in shear and maintainalignment.aggregate transparency — discoloration of a concretesurface consisting of darkened areas over coarseaggregate particles immediately below the concretesurface.agitating speed — see speed, agitating.agitating truck — see truck, agitating.agitation —(1) the process of providing motion in mixed concretejust sufficient to prevent segregation or loss ofplasticity; and(2) the mixing and homogenization of slurries or finelyground powders by either mechanical means orinjection of air. (See also agitator.)agitator — a device for maintaining plasticity and preventing segregation of mixed concrete by agitation. (See alsoagitation.)aids, grinding — materials used to expedite the process of grinding by eliminating ball coating, dispersing thefinely ground product, or both.air —air, accidental — see air, entrapped (preferredterm).air, entrained — microscopic air bubbles intentionallyincorporated in mortar or concrete duringmixing, usually by use of a surface-activeagent; typically between 10 and 1000 μm (1mm) in diameter and spherical or nearly so.(See also air entrainment.)air, entrapped — air voids in concrete that are notpurposely entrained and that are larger,mainly irregular in shape, and less useful thanthose of entrained air; and 1 mm or larger insize.air blow pipe — air jet used in shotcrete gunning to remove rebound or other loose material from the work area. air-blown mortar — see shotcrete (preferred term).air content — the volume of air voids in cement paste, mortar, or concrete, exclusive of pore space in aggregateparticles, usually expressed as a percentage of totalvolume of the paste, mortar, or concrete.air-cooled blast-furnace slag — see blast-furnace slag. air entraining — the capability of a material or process to develop a system of microscopic bubbles of air incement paste, mortar, or concrete during mixing. (Seealso air entrainment.)air-entraining agent — see admixture, air-entraining.air-entraining hydraulic cement — see cement, air-entraining hydraulic.air entrainment — the incorporation of air in the form of microscopic bubbles (typically smaller than 1 mm)during the mixing of either concrete or mortar. (Seealso air entraining and air, entrained.)air lift — equipment whereby slurry or dry powder is lifted through pipes by means of compressed air.air meter — see meter, air.air-permeability test — see test, air-permeability and test, Blaine.air ring — see ring, air.air separator — see separator, air.air void — see void, air.air-water jet — see jet, air-water.akermanite — a mineral of the melilite group, Ca2MgSi2O7 .(See also gehlenite, melilite, and merwinite.) alabaster — a compact crystalline, weakly textured form of practically pure gypsum.alignment wire — see wire, ground (preferred term). alite — a name used to identify tricalcium silicate, including small amounts of MgO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, and other oxides;a principal constituent of portland-cement clinker. (Seealso bel it e, celite, and felite.)alkali — salts of alkali metals, principally sodium andpotassium; specifically sodium and potassium occurringin constituents of concrete and mortar, usuallyexpressed in chemical analyses as the oxides Na2O andK2O. (See also cement, low-alkali.)alkali-aggregate reaction — see reaction, alkali-aggregate.alkali-carbonate rock reaction — see reaction, alkali-carbonate rock.alkali reactivity (of aggregate) — see reactivity (ofaggregate), alkali.alkali-silica reaction — see reaction, alkali-silica.alkyl aryl sulfonate — synthetic detergent used to entrain air in hydraulic-cement mixtures.allowable bearing capacity — the maximum pressure to which a soil or other material should be subjected toguard against shear failure or excessive settlement. allowable load — see load, service dead and load, service live.allowable stress — see stress, allowable.alternate-lane construction — see construction,alternate-lane.alumina — aluminum oxide (Al2O3).aluminate cement — see cement, calcium-aluminate. aluminate concrete — see concrete, aluminate. aluminous cement — see cement, calcium-aluminate. amount of mixing — the extent of mixer action employed in combining the ingredients for either concrete ormortar; in the case of stationary mixers, the mixingtime; in the case of truck mixers, the number ofrevolutions of the drum at mixing speed after theintermingling of the cement with water and aggregates.(See also mixing time.)amplitude — the maximum displacement from the mean position in connection with vibration.analysis, dynamic — analysis of stresses in framing asfunctions of displacement under transient loading. analysis, mechanical — the process of determining particle-size distribution of an aggregate. (See also analysis,sieve.)analysis, sieve — particle-size distribution; usually expressed as the mass percentage retained upon each of a seriesof standard sieves of decreasing size and thepercentage passed by the sieve of finest size. (See alsograding.)anchor — in prestressed concrete, to lock the stressed tendon in position so that it will retain its stressed condition; inprecast-concrete construction, to attach the precastunits to the building frame; in slabs on grade or walls,to fasten to rock or adjacent structures to preventmovement of the slab or wall with respect to thefoundation, adjacent structure, or rock. (See alsoanchor, form.)anchor, form — device used to secure formwork to previously placed concrete of adequate strength; the device isnormally embedded in the concrete during placement. anchor bolt — see bolt, anchor.anchorage — in post-tensioning, a device used to anchor the tendon to the concrete member; in pretensioning, adevice used to maintain the elongation of a tendonduring the time interval between stressing and release;in precast-concrete construction, the devices forattaching precast units to the building frame; in slab orwall construction, the device used to anchor the slab orwall to the foundation, rock, or adjacent structure. anchorage, dead-end — the anchorage at that end of a tendon that is opposite the jacking end. anchorage, end —(1) length of reinforcement, mechanical anchor, hook,or combination thereof, beyond the point of nominalzero stress in the reinforcement of cast-in-placeconcrete; and(2) mechanical device to transmit prestressing force tothe concrete in a post-tensioned member. (See alsoanchorage.)anchorage, mechanical — any mechanical device capable of developing the strength of the reinforcement withoutdamage to the concrete.anchorage, threaded — an anchorage device that is provided with threads to facilitate attaching the jacking deviceand to effect the anchorage.anchorage, wedge — a device for anchoring a tendon by wedging.anchorage bond stress — see stress, anchorage bond. anchorage deformation — see deformation, anchorage or slip.anchorage device — see anchorage (preferred term). anchorage loss — see deformation, anchorage. anchorage slip — see deformation, anchorage or slip. anchorage zone — see zone, anchorage.angle float — see float, angle.angle of repose — the angle between the horizontal and the natural slope of loose material below which thematerial will not slide.angular aggregate — see aggregate, angular.anhydrite — a mineral, anhydrous calcium sulfate (CaSO4);gypsum from which the water of crystallization hasbeen removed, usually by heating above 325 °F (160°C); natural anhydrite is less reactive than thatobtained by calcination of gypsum.anhydrous calcium chloride — see calcium chloride, anhydrous.anti-washout, admixture — see admixture, anti-washout. apparent specific gravity — see specific gravity, absolute. architect-engineer or engineer-architect — the architect, engineer, architectural firm, engineering firm, orarchitectural and engineering firm issuing projectdrawings and specifications, administering the workunder contract specifications and drawings, or both. architectural concrete — see concrete, architectural.arc spectrography — spectrographic identification of elements in a sample of material heated to volatilization in anelectric arc or spark.area of steel — the cross-sectional area of the steelreinforcement. (See also effective area ofreinforcement.)arenaceous — composed primarily of sand; sandy. argillaceous — composed primarily of clay or shale; clayey. arris — the sharp external corner edge that is formed at the junction of two planes or surfaces.arrissing tool — see tool, arrissing.artificial pozzolan — see pozzolan, artificial.asbestos-cement products — products manufactured from rigid material composed essentially of asbestos fiberand portland cement.ashlar — see masonry, ashlar.ashlar, patterned — see masonry, ashlar.ashlar masonry — see masonry, ashlar.ashlar, random — see masonry, ashlar.aspect ratio, fiber — the ratio of length to diameter of a fiber in which the diameter may be an equivalent diameter.(See also fiber, equivalent diameter.)asphalt — a dark brown to black cementitious material in which the predominating constituents are bitumens that occurin nature or are obtained in petroleum processing. asphalt cement — see cement, asphalt.asphaltic concrete — see concrete, asphaltic. atmospheric-pressure steam curing — see curing,atmospheric-pressure steam.autoclave — a pressure vessel in which an environment of steam at high pressure may be produced; used in thecuring of concrete products and in the testing ofhydraulic cement.autoclave curing — see curing, autoclave.autoclave cycle — see cycle, autoclave.autoclaved — see curing, autoclave.autoclaving — see curing, autoclave.autogenous healing — see healing, autogenous. autogenous length change — see length change,autogenous.autogenous shrinkage — see volume change,autogenous.autogenous volume change — see volume change,autogenous.automatic batcher — see batcher.auxiliary reinforcement — see reinforcement, auxiliary. average bond stress — see bond stress, average.average compressive strength — see compressivestrength, average.axis, neutral — a line in the plane of a structural member subject to bending where the longitudinal stress iszero.axle load — see load, axle.axle steel — see steel, axle.axle-steel reinforcement — see reinforcement, axle-steel.— B —b/bo — see factor, coarse-aggregate (preferred term). bacillus, cement — see ettringite (preferred term).backfill concrete — see concrete, backfill.back form — see form, top (preferred term).back plastering — plaster applied to one face of a lath system following application and subsequent hardening ofplaster applied to the opposite face. (See also parge.) back stay — see brace (preferred term).backshores — shores placed snugly under a concrete slab or structural member after the original formwork andshores have been removed from a small area withoutallowing the entire slab or member to deflect orsupport its own mass or existing construction loads. bacterial corrosion — see corrosion, bacterial.bag (of cement; also sack) — a quantity of portland cement:94 lb (43 kg) in the United States; for other kinds ofcement, a quantity indicated on the bag.balanced load — see load, balanced.balanced moment — moment capacity at simultaneouscrushing of concrete and yielding of tension steel. balanced reinforcement — an amount and distribution of reinforcement in a flexural member such that inworking-stress design the allowable tensile stress in thesteel and the allowable compressive stress in theconcrete are attained simultaneously; or such that instrength design, the tensile reinforcement reaches itsspecified yield strength simultaneously with theconcrete in compression reaching its assumed ultimatestrain of 0.003.ball mill — see mill, ball.ball test — see test, iron — thin metal strap used as form tie, hanger, etc. bar — an element, normally composed of steel, with anominally uniform cross-sectional area used toreinforce, coated — a bar on which a coating has beenapplied, usually to increase resistance, deformed — a reinforcing bar with amanufactured pattern of surface ridgesintended to reduce slip and increase pulloutresistance of bars embedded in, epoxy-coated—a reinforcing bar coated by anepoxy-resin system, usually to increaseresistance to, high-bond — see bar, deformed (preferredterm).bar, hooked — a reinforcing bar with the end bentinto a hook to provide, standard hooked — a reinforcing bar with theend bent into a hook to provide, plain — a reinforcing bar without surfacedeformations, or one having deformations thatdo not conform to the, reinforcement — see, tie — bar at right angles to and tied toreinforcement to keep it in bender — a tradesman who cuts and bends steelreinforcement; or a machine for bending check — a check of the ends of reinforcing bars to determine whether they fit the devices intended forconnecting the bars. (See also mechanicalconnection.)bar mat — see mat (1).bar schedule — a list of the reinforcement, showing the shape, number, size, and dimensions of every differentelement required for a structure or a portion of spacing — the distance between parallel reinforcing bars, measured center to center of the bars perpendicular totheir longitudinal support — hardware used to support or hold reinforcing bars in proper position to prevent displacement beforeand during concreting. (See also bat; bolster, slab.) barite — a mineral, barium sulfate (BaSO4), used in either pure or impure form as concrete aggregate primarily for theconstruction of high-density radiation shieldingconcrete; designated “barytes” in United Kingdom. barrel (of cement) — a quantity of portland cement: 376 lb (4 bags) in the United States (obsolete); also wood ormetal container formerly used for shipping cement. barrel-vault roof — see roof, barrel-vault.barrier, moisture — a vapor barrier.barrier, vapor — membranes located under concrete floor slabs that are placed on grade to retard transmission ofwater vapor from the subgrade.bars, bundled — a group of not more than four parallelreinforcing bars in contact with each other, usually tiedtogether.bars, stem — bars used in the wall section of a cantilevered retaining wall or in the webs of a box; when acantilevered retaining wall and its footing areconsidered as an integral unit, the wall is often referredto as the stem of the unit.base — a subfloor slab or “working mat,” either previously placed and hardened or freshly placed, on which floortopping is placed in a later operation; also theunderlying stratum on which a concrete slab, such as apavement, is placed. (See also mud slab andsubbase.)base bead — see base screed (preferred term).base coat — any plaster coat or coats applied beforeapplication of the finish coat.base course — a layer of specified select material of planned thickness constructed on the subgrade or subbase of apavement to serve one or more functions, such asdistributing loads, providing drainage, or minimizingfrost action; also the lowest course of masonry in a wallor pier.base plate — a plate of metal or other material formerly placed under pavement joints and the adjacent slab ends toprevent the infiltration of soil and moisture from thesides or bottom of the joint opening; also a steel plateused to distribute vertical loads, as for bridge beams,building columns, or machinery.base screed — a preformed metal screed with perforated or expanded flanges to provide a guide for thickness andplaneness of plaster and to provide a separationbetween plaster and other materials.basic creep — see creep, basic.basket — see load-transfer assembly (preferred term). bassanite — calcium sulfate hemihydrate, 2CaSO4⋅H2O. (See also hemihydrate and plaster of paris.)bat — a broken brick sometimes used to support reinforcement.(See also bar support.)batch — 1. quantity of material mixed at one time or in one continuous process; or 2. to weigh or volumetricallymeasure and introduce into the mixer the ingredientsfor a quantity of material.batch, trial — a batch of concrete prepared to establish or check proportions of the constituents.batch box — container of known volume used for measuring constituents of a batch of either concrete or mortar inproper proportions.batch mixer — see mixer, batch.batch plant — an installation for batching or for batching and mixing concrete materials.batch weights — the quantities of the various ingredients (cement, water, the several sizes of aggregate, andadmixtures if used) that compose a batch of concrete. batched water — the mixing water added by a batcher to a cementitious mixture either before or during the initialstages of mixing (also called batch water).batcher — a device for measuring ingredients for a batch of concrete.(1) manual batcher — a batcher equipped with gates orvalves that are operated manually, with or withoutsupplementary power (pneumatic, hydraulic, orelectrical), the accuracy of the weighing operationbeing dependent on the operator’s observation of thescale.(2) semiautomatic batcher — a batcher equipped withgates or valves that are separately opened manually toallow the material to be weighed but that are closedautomatically when the designated quantity of eachmaterial has been reached.(3) automatic batcher — a batcher equipped with gatesor valves that, when actuated by a single starterswitch, will open automatically at the start of theweighing operation of each material and closeautomatically when the designated quantity of eachmaterial has been reached, interlocked in such amanner that: (a) the charging mechanism cannot beopened until the scale has returned to zero; (b) thecharging mechanism cannot be opened if the dischargemechanism is open; (c) the discharge mechanismcannot be opened if the charging mechanism is open;(d) the discharge mechanism cannot be opened untilthe designated quantity has been reached within theallowable tolerance; and (e) if different kinds ofaggregates or different kinds of cements are measuredcumulatively in a single batcher, interlocked sequentialcontrols are provided.batching, cumulative — measuring more than one ingredient of a batch in the same container by bringing thebatcher scale into balance at successive total weightsas each ingredient is accumulated in the container. batten (also batten strip) — a narrow strip of wood placed over the vertical joint of sheathing or paneling; alsoused to hold several boards together. (See also cleat.) batter boards — pairs of horizontal boards nailed to wooden stakes adjoining an excavation; used as a guide toelevations and to outline the building.batter pile — see pile, batter.bauxite — a rock composed principally of hydrous aluminum oxides; the principal ore of aluminum and a rawmaterial for manufacture of calcium-aluminate cement. bay — the space, in plan, between the centerlines of adjacent piers, mullions, or columns; a small, well-defined areaof concrete placed at one time in the course of placinglarge areas, such as floors, pavements, or runways. beam — a structural member subjected to axial load and flexure but primarily to flexure; also the graduatedhorizontal bar of a weighing scale on which thebalancing poises ride. (See also beam, spandrel;girder; girt; joist; ledger; purlin; and stringer.)beam, double-tee — a precast-concrete membercomposed of two stems and a combined topflange, commonly used as a beam but alsoused vertically in exterior walls.beam, drop-in — a precast element simply supportedon adjacent cantilevered elements.beam, edge — a stiffening beam at the edge of aslab.beam, grade — a reinforced-concrete beam, usuallyat ground level, that strengthens or stiffensthe foundation or supports overlyingconstruction.。
1)Please find attached the list of international codes and standards to be applied for the design and manufacturing of the whole supply (doc n. 0002-00-00-000-B-G-1-43-002)随函附上全部供应材料设计和制造中应用的国际规范和标准一览表(文件号0002-00-00-000-B-G-1-43-002)。
Please kindly confirm compliance; moreover, please confirm that it is already inc luded in your quotation or update accordingly.请确认符合情况,此外,请确认其已相应包含在贵方报价或更新文件中。
2)ASTM / ASME standard Materials with proper certifications (refer to attached material certificate EN 102043.1 samples) shall be provided for the whole supply materials; equivalent Chinese standard material are not accepted by our Client (except the ones listed in the attached doc n. 0002-00-00-000-B-G-1-43-002 section 3). 应为全部材料提供ASTM/ ASME标准材料和适当的认证(参考随附的材料证书EN 10204 3.1),我们的客户不接受同等的中国标准材料(随附文件号0002-00-00-000-B-G-1-43-002第3节列出的材料除外)。
序号 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 文件编号 ACI 104 ACI 117 ACI 121R ACI 122R ACI 201.1R ACI 201.2R ACI 207.1R ACI 207.2R ACI 207.3R ACI 207.5R ACI 209.1R 日期 1971.01.01 2006.01.01 2008.07.01 2002.01.01 2008.07.01 2008.06.01 2005.01.01 2007.09.01 1994.01.01 1999.01.01 2005.01.01 语言 标题 Preparation of Notation for Concrete Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials and Commentary Guide for Concrete Construction Quality Systems in Conformance with ISO 9001 Guide to Thermal Properties of Concrete and Masonry Systems Conducting a Visual Inspection of Concrete in Guide for Service Guide to Durable Concrete Guide to Mass Concrete Report on Thermal and Volume Change Effects on Cracking of Mass Concrete Practices for Evaluation of Concrete in Existing Massive Structures for Service Conditions Roller-Compacted Mass Concrete Report on Factors Affecting Shrinkage and Creep of Hardened Concrete Guide for Modeling and Calculating Shrinkage and Creep in Hardened Concrete Guide for Modeling and Calculating Shrinkage and Creep in Hardened Concrete Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects in Concrete Structures Erosion of Concrete in Hydraulic Structures Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete Guide for Selecting Proportions for No-Slump Concrete 标题 混凝土的符号表示 混凝土施工和材料的容差规程及评注 符合ISO9001的混凝土施工质量体系指南 混凝土和圬工系统的热性能指南 在役混凝土目力检测实施指南 耐用混凝土指南 大体积混凝土指南 关于热和体积变化对大体积混凝土开裂 影响的报告 现有大体积结构混凝土在使用条件下的 评估操作规程 碾压大体积混凝土 关于已硬化混凝土的收缩和徐变影响因 数的报告 已硬化混凝土收缩和徐变的建模和计算 指南 已硬化混凝土收缩和徐变的建模和计算 指南 混凝土结构徐变、收缩和温度效应预测 水利结构混凝土的腐蚀 普通、特重和大体积混凝土配合比确定 之标准操作规程 结构轻质混凝土配合比确定之标准操作 规程 无坍落度混凝土配合比选用指南
170 ACI 332.1R 171 ACI 546.3R 172 ACI SP-238
173 ACI ITG-4.2R 2006.10.01 174 ACI 234R 175 ACI 350M 176 ACI 350 177 ACI 349M 178 ACI 345.1R 179 ACI 305.1 180 ACI 350.3 181 ACI 302.2R 182 ACI 325.13R 183 ACI 523.1R 184 ACI 440.1R 185 ACI SP-231 186 ACI SP-225 187 ACI 207.1R
100 ACI ITG-7M 101 ACI 311.6 102 ACI ITG-7 103 ACI 439.4R 104 ACI 408.3R 105 ACI 506.5R 106 ACI ITG-5.2
107 ACI 346M 108 ACI 346
ACI 440.2R ERTA ACI 350.2R 110 ERTA
ACI 530/530.1 2011.01.01
53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
ACI 376 ACI 314R ACI 352.1R ACI 548.4 ACI 533R ACI 548.4M ACI 301 ACI 223R ACI ITG-8R ACI 212.3R ACI 423.8R ACI 503.5R ACI 503.3M ACI 306R ACI 305R ACI 503.3 ACI 548.10M ACI ITG-6R ACI 548.10 ACI 332M ACI 440.2R ERTA ACI 332 ACI 357.2R ACI 117M
-- End of Section Table of Contents -- 目录内容的结束部分
SECTION 03330 Page 1
2.1.6 Form Release Agents 模板隔离剂 2.1.7 Surface Sealer 表面密封剂
USACE / NAVFAC / AFCESA 美国陆军工兵部队/海军设施工程控制/空军土建工程师支持机构
Preparing Activity: USACE
ACI SP-66 美国混凝土学会 ACI SP-66规范
(2003) Guide to Formwork for Concrete
混凝土模板工程的指导2003 (2004) ACI Detailing Manual
美国混凝土学会 ACI的详细手册2004
ACI 301
(1999) Specifications for Structural
美国混凝土学会 ACI 301规范
1. ACI 318-14 "Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete"这是美国混凝土协会(American Concrete Institute)发行的一份重要标准,规定了混凝土结构的设计和施工要求。
2. “Concrete Technology” by A.M. Neville这本书是混凝土技术领域的经典之作,由著名学者A.M. Neville撰写。
3. "Concrete: Microstructure, Properties, and Materials" by P. Kumar Mehta and Paulo J.M. Monteiro这本书详细介绍了混凝土的微观结构、物性和材料特性。
4. "Durability of Concrete Structures: Investigation, Repair, Protection" by Carmen Andrade and Jorge M.Ferreira这本书重点介绍了混凝土结构的耐久性问题,涉及到检测、修复和保护混凝土结构的方法和技术。
Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete, Part 1
Guide for Obtaining Cores and Interpreting Compressive Strength Results, Part 1
Reapproved 2002 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal, Heavyweight, and
Mass Concrete, Part 1
Reapproved 2004 Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Structural Lightweight Concrete,
Design and Construction Practices to Mitigate Corrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete Structures,
Part 1
Standard Practice for the Use of Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete, Part 1
211.1-91 211.2-98 211.3R-02 211.4R-93 211.5R-01 212.3R-04 212.4R-04 213R-03 214R-02 214.4R-03 216.1-07 221R-96 221.1R-98 222R-01 222.2R-01 222.3R-03 223-98 224R-01 224.1R-07 224.2R-92 224.3R-95 225R-99 228.1R-03 228.2R-98 229R-99 230.1R-90 232.1R-00 232.2R-03 233R-03 234R-06 237R-07 238.1R-08
ACI 117 混凝土施工和材料误差-2006
Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials and CommentaryAn ACI StandardReported by ACI Committee 117ACI 117-06Specification synopsis: This specification provides standard tolerances for concrete construction. This document is intended to be used by specification writers and ACI committees writing standards as the reference document for establishing tolerances for concrete mentary synopsis: This report is a commentary on the Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials (ACI 117). It is intended to be used with ACI 117 for clarity of interpretation and insight into the intent of the committee regarding the application of the tolerances set forth therein.Keywords: construction; concrete; drilled piers; formwork; foundation; masonry; mass concrete; pier; precast concrete; prestressed concrete; reinforced concrete; reinforcement; specification; splice; tolerances.Note to Specifier: This Specification is incorporated by reference in the Project Specification using the wording in P3 of the Preface and including information from the Mandatory Requirements and Optional Requirements following the Specification.PREFACEP1. ACI Specification 117 is intended to be used by reference or incorporation in its entirety in the Project Specification. Do not copy individual Parts, Sections, Articles, or Paragraphs into the Project Specification because taking them out of context may change their meaning.P2. If Sections or Parts of ACI Specification 117 are copied into the Project Specification or any other document, do not refer to them as an ACI Specification because the specification has been altered.P3. A statement such as the following will serve to make ACI Specification 117 a part of the Project Specification: “Work on (Project Title) shall conform to all requirements of ACI 117-06 published by the American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, Michigan, except as modified by these Contract Documents.”P4. The language in each technical Section of ACI Specification 117 is imperative and terse.Karl J. Bakke *Donald M. Marks William S. Phelan Orrin Riley David CrawfordRoss S. MartinB. Duke Pointer *Bruce Suprenant*Editorial committee member.Thomas J. Downs *ChairEldon Tipping *SecretaryACI 117-06 superseds ACI 117-90 and became effective August 15, 2006.Copyright © 2006, American Concrete Institute.All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.ACI Committee Reports, Guides, and Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and inspecting construction. This Commentary is intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom. Reference to this commentary shall not be made in contract documents.If items found in this Commentary are desired by the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, they shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation by the Architect/Engineer.ACI 117 Specification and Commentary are presented in a side-by-side column format, with code text placed in the left column and the corresponding commentary text aligned in the right column. To distinguish the specification from the commentary, the specification has been printed in Helvetica, which is the typeface for this paragraph.The Commentary is printed in Times Roman, which is the typeface for this paragraph. Commentary section numbers are preceded by the letter “R” to distinguish them from specification section numbers. The commentary is not a part of ACI Specification 117-06.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---117-2ACI STANDARD/COMMENTARYCONTENTSPreface, p. 117-1Introduction, p. 117-3Section 1—General requirements, p. 117-71.1—Scope1.2—Requirements1.3—Definitions1.4—Referenced standardsSection 2—Materials, p. 117-152.1—Reinforcing steel fabrication2.2—Reinforcement location2.3—Placement of embedded items, excluding dowels inslabs-on-ground2.4—Concrete batching2.5—Concrete propertiesSection 3—Foundations, p. 117-253.1—Deviation from plumb3.2—Deviation from location3.3—Deviation from elevation3.4—Deviation from plane3.5—Deviation from cross-sectional dimensions offoundationsSection 4—Cast-in-place concrete for buildings, p. 117-314.1—Deviation from plumb4.2—Deviation from location4.3—Distance between adjacent elements sectioned by avertical plane4.4—Deviation from elevation4.5—Deviation from cross-sectional dimensions4.6—Deviation from sawcut depth or formed openingwidth or height4.7—Deviation from relative elevations or widths4.8—Deviation from slope or planeSection 5—Precast concrete, p. 117-47This section has been removed.Section 6—Masonry, p. 117-49This section has been removed.Section 7—Cast-in-place, vertically slipformed building elements, p. 117-517.1—Deviation from plumb for buildings and cores7.2—Horizontal deviation7.3—Cross-sectional dimensions7.4—Openings through elements7.5—Embedded plates7.6—Deviation from plumb for slipformed and jump-formed silos Section 8—Mass concrete structures other than building elements, p. 117-558.1—Deviation from plumb8.2—Horizontal deviation8.3—Vertical deviation8.4—Cross-sectional dimension8.5—Deviation from planeSection 9—Canal lining, p. 117-579.1—Horizontal deviation9.2—Vertical deviation9.3—Cross-sectional dimensionsSection 10—Monolithic water-conveying tunnels, siphons, conduits, and spillways, p. 117-5910.1—Horizontal deviation10.2—Vertical deviation10.3—Cross-sectional dimensions10.4—Deviation from planeSection 11—Cast-in-place bridges, p. 117-61 11.1—Deviation from plumb11.2—Horizontal deviation11.3—Vertical deviation11.4—Length, width, or depth of specified elements 11.5—Deviation from plane11.6—Deck reinforcement cover11.7—Bearing padsSection 12—Pavements and sidewalks, p. 117-63 12.1—Horizontal deviation12.2—Vertical deviation of surfaceSection 13—Chimneys and cooling towers,p. 117-6513.1—Deviation from plumb13.2—Outside shell diameter13.3—Wall thicknessSection 14—Cast-in-place nonreinforced pipe, p. 117-6714.1—Wall thickness14.2—Pipe diameter14.3—Offsets14.4—Surface indentations14.5—Grade and alignment14.6—Concrete slumpForeword to checklists, p. 117-69Mandatory requirements checklist, p. 117-69 Optional requirements checklist, p. 117-70--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---STANDARDCOMMENTARYTOLERANCES FOR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 117-3INTRODUCTIONThis commentary pertains to “Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials (ACI 117-06).” The purpose of the commentary is to provide an illustrative and narrative complement to the specification.No structure is exactly level, plumb, straight, and true.Fortunately, such perfection is not necessary. Tolerances are a means to establish permissible variation in dimension and location, giving both the designer and the contractor limits within which the work is to be performed. They are the means by which the designer conveys to the contractor the performance expectations upon which the design is based or that the project requires. Such specified tolerances should reflect design assumptions and project needs, being neither overly restrictive nor lenient. Necessity rather than desirability should be the basis of selecting tolerances.As the title “Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials (ACI 117)” implies, the tolerances given are standard or usual tolerances that apply to various types and uses of concrete construction. They are based on normal needs and common construction techniques and practices. Specified tolerances at variance with the standard values can cause both increases and decreases in the cost of construction.The required degree of accuracy of construction depends on the interrelationship of many factors:Structural strength and function requirements—It is imperative that structures satisfy the basic code requirement to protect life safety and are constructed in conformance with the contract documents.Aesthetics —The structure should satisfy the aesthetic requirements of the contract documents.Economic feasibility —The specified degree of accuracy has a direct impact on the cost of production and the construction method. In general, the higher degree of construction accuracy required, the higher the construction cost.R elationship of all components —The required degree of accuracy of individual parts can be influenced by adjacent units and materials, joint and connection details, and the possibility of the accumulation of tolerances in critical dimensions.Construction techniques —The feasibility of a tolerance depends on available craftsmanship, technology, and materials.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---117-4ACI STANDARD/COMMENTARYSTANDARD COMMENTARYCompatibility—Designers are cautioned to use finish andarchitectural details that are compatible with the type andanticipated method of construction. The finish and architec-tural details used should be compatible with achievableconcrete tolerances.Job conditions—Unique job situations and conditionsshould be considered. The designer should specify andclearly identify those items that require either closer ormore lenient tolerances as the needs of the project dictate.Measurement—Tolerances should be evaluated usingcontrol points and benchmarks that have been planned,established, and coordinated prior to execution of the work.Control points and benchmarks should be maintained in anundisturbed condition until final completion and acceptanceof the project.Project document referencesACI specification documents—The following AmericanConcrete Institute standards provide mandatory requirementsfor concrete construction and can be referenced in theProject Documents:117Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials and Commentary 301Specifications for Structural Concrete301M Specifications for Structural Concrete (metric) 303.1Standard Specification for Cast-in-Place Architectural Concrete306.1Standard Specification for Cold Weather Concreting308.1Standard Specification for Curing Concrete 330.1Specification for Unreinforced Concrete Parking Lots336.1Specification for the Construction of Drilled Piers346Specification for Cast-in-Place Concrete Pipe 423.6Specification for Unbonded Single-Strand Tendons and Commentary503.1Standard Specification for Bonding Hardened Concrete, Steel, Wood, Brick, and OtherMaterials to Hardened Concrete with a Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive503.2Standard Specification for Bonding Plastic Concrete to Hardened Concrete with a Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive503.3Standard Specification for Producing a Skid-Resistant Surface on Concrete by the Use of aMulti-Component Epoxy System503.4Standard Specification for Repairing Concrete with Epoxy Mortars506.2Specification for Shotcrete530.1Specification for Masonry Structures and Commentary --` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---TOLERANCES FOR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION117-5 STANDARD COMMENTARY548.4Standard Specification for Latex-ModifiedConcrete (LMC) OverlaysACI informative documents—The documents of thefollowing American Concrete Institute committees coverpractice, procedures, and state-of-the-art guidance for thecategories of construction as listed:General building...................ACI 302, 304, 305, 311, 315Special structures......ACI 307, 313, 325, 332, 334, 343, 358Materials.......................................................ACI 211, 223 --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---117-6ACI STANDARD/COMMENTARYNotes --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---STANDARDCOMMENTARYTOLERANCES FOR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 117-71.1—Scope1.1.1 This specification designates standard tolerances for concrete construction.1.1.2 The indicated tolerances govern unless other-wise specified. Tolerance values affect construction cost. Specific use of a tolerance item may warrant less or more stringent tolerances than contained in the specification. Such variances must be individually designated by the specifier in the contract documents.Tolerances in this specification are for standard concrete construction and standard construction procedures. Materials that interface with or connect to concrete elements may have tolerance requirements that are not compatible with those contained in this document.This standard is not intended to apply to special struc-tures not cited in the standard, such as nuclear reactors and containment vessels, bins, prestressed circular structures, and single-family residential construction. It is also not intended to apply to precast concrete or to the specialized construction procedure of shotcrete.Specialized concrete construction or construction procedures require the specifier to include specialized tolerances. AC I committee documents covering specialized construction may provide guidance on specialized tolerances.1.1.3 A preconstruction meeting shall be held. All parties shall be given the opportunity to identify any anticipated tolerance questions that are applicable to their work. These questions shall be resolved before the beginning of applicable construction.1.1.4 Hard conversions were used throughout the document. Use the tolerances specified in inch-pound units if the structure was designed using inch-pound units, and use the tolerances specified in SI units if the structure was designed using S I units. I t is not permitted to convert from one system of units to another to obtain larger tolerances.1.1.5 Values stated in either inch-pound or SI units shall be regarded separately as standard. Values stated in each system might not be exact equivalents;therefore, each system must be used independently from the other, without combining values in any way.SECTION 1—GENERAL REQUIREMENTS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---117-8 ACI STANDARD/COMMENTARYSTANDARD COMMENTARY1.2—Requirements R1.2—RequirementsAn example of a specific application that uses a multiple oftoleranced items that together yield a toleranced result is the location of the face of a concrete wall. The wall has a tolerance on location (Section 4.2.1), measured at the foundation of the wall, and is allowed to deviate from the specified plane (Sections 4.1 and 4.8.2). The application of the location tolerance (Section 4.2.1) cannot be used to increase the plumb tolerance contained in Section 4.1. Similarly, the tolerance on member thickness (Section 4.5) shall not be allowed to increase the tolerance envelope resulting from the application of Sections 4.1, 4.2.1, and 4.8.2. If the base of the wall is incorrectly located by the maximum amount allowed by Section 4.2.1, then the plumb tolerance (Section 4.1) dictates that the face of the wall move back toward the correct location, and at a rate that does not exceed the provisions of Section 4.8.2. Refer toFig. R1.2.3.Fig. R1.2.3—Use of multiple of toleranced items to yield toleranced result.1.2.1 Concrete construction shall comply with specified tolerances.1.2.2 T olerances shall not extend the structure beyond legal boundaries. T olerances are measured from the points, lines, and surfaces defined in the contract documents. I f application of tolerances causes the extension of the structure beyond legal boundaries, the tolerance must be reduced.R1.2.2 If the application of tolerances causes the extension of the structure beyond legal boundaries, consideration should be given to reduce the specified dimension to accommodate the tolerances.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---TOLERANCES FOR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION 117-9STANDARDCOMMENTARY1.2.3 Tolerances are not cumulative. The most restric-tive tolerance controls.R1.2.3 Accumulations of individual tolerances on a singleitem should not be used to increase an established tolerance.Individual tolerances are unique to their specific application and should not be combined with other tolerances to form a tolerance envelope. The separately specified tolerances must remain separate and not cumulative. Each tolerance stands alone when evaluating the acceptability of concrete construction. Refer to Fig. R1. Plus (+) tolerance increases the amount or dimen-sion to which it applies, or raises a deviation from level.Minus (–) tolerance decreases the amount or dimension to which it applies, or lowers a deviation from level.Where only one signed tolerance is specified (+ or –),there is no limit in the opposing direction.1.2.5 I f the tolerances for structural concrete in this document are exceeded, refer to ACI 301 for acceptance criteria. For other concrete, the engineer-architect may accept the element if it meets one of the following criteria:a. Exceeding the tolerances does not affect the structural integrity, legal boundaries, or archi-tectural requirements of the element.b. The element or total erected assembly can be modified to meet all structural and architec-tural requirements.1.3—Definitionsarris —the line formed by the intersection of two planar or curved surfaces.bowing —the deviation of the edge or surface of a planar element from a line passing through any two corners of the element.R1.2.5 For acceptance criteria for structural concrete, refer to ACI 301, Section 1.7.R1.3—Definitionsarris —refer to Fig. R1.3.1.Fig. R1.3.1—Arris.Fig. R1.3.2—Bowing.bowing —refer t o Fig. R1.3.2.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---117-10ACI STANDARD/COMMENTARYSTANDARDCOMMENTARYbundled bar equivalent area —single bar area derived from the equivalent total area of reinforcing bars contained in the bundle.clear distance —gap between prescribed elements.contract documents —the project contract(s), the project drawings, and the project specifications.cover —in reinforced concrete, the least distance between the surface of the reinforcement and the nearest surface of the concrete.deviation —departure from an established point, line,or plane. Measurements to reference lines, planes, or surfaces shall be made normal (perpendicular) to the reference line, plane, or surface:clear distance —refer to Fig. R1.3.3.cover —refer to Fig. R1.3.4.deviation —refer to Fig. R1.3.5.Fig. R1.3.3—Clear distance.Fig. R1.3.4—Cover.Fig. R1.3.5—Deviation.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---STANDARDCOMMENTARYdeviation from plane —the distance between a point on a reference plane and the corre-sponding point on the actual plane.deviation, horizontal —the location relative to specified vertical plane or a specified vertical line or from a line or plane reference to a vertical line or plane. When applied to battered walls abutments,or other nearly vertical surfaces, horizontal deviation is defined as the horizontal location of the surfaces relative to the specified profile.deviation from plane —refer to Fig. R1.3.6(a) and (b).deviation, horizontal —refer to Fig. R1.3.7(a), (b),and (c).Fig. R1.3.6—Deviation from plane.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---STANDARDCOMMENTARYdeviation, vertical —the location relative to speci-fied horizontal plane or a specified horizontal line.When applied to nearly horizontal surfaces,vertical deviation is defined as the vertical location of the surface relative to the specified profile.deviation, vertical —refer to Fig. R1.3.8(a) and (b).Vertical deviation, horizontal deviation, and deviation from plumb are used to establish a tolerance envelope within which permissible variations can occur. Deviation from plane, in addition to designating allowable relative displace-ments of elements, is used to determine the rate of change of adjacent points (slope tolerance) occurring within the tolerance envelope. In this fashion, the slope and smoothness of surfaces and lines within a tolerance envelope are controlled. Abrupt changes such as offsets, saw-toothing,and sloping of lines and surfaces properly located within a tolerance envelope may be objectionable when exposed to view. The acceptable relative alignment of points on a surface or line is determined by using a slope tolerance.Effective use of a slope tolerance requires that the specifier establish the specific distance over which the slope is to be measured, and that the surface between measurement points does not influence the measurement device.Fig. R1.3.8—Vertical deviation.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---STANDARDCOMMENTARYflatness —the degree to which a surface approximates a plane.levelness —the degree to which a line or surface is horizontal.flatness —refer to Fig. R1.3.9.levelness —refer to Fig. R1.3.9.Fig. R1.3.9—Flatness and levelness.project specifications —the specifications of a specific project that employ AC I 117 by reference.Project specifications are the instrument for making the mandatory and optional selections available under ACI 117 applicable and for specifying items not covered in ACI 117.specified point, line, plane, surface, or dimension —a point, line, plane, surface, or dimension specified by the contract documents. Specified lines and planes may slope and specified surfaces may have curvature.spiral —as used in circular stave silo construction, a spiral is defined as the distortion that results when the staves are misaligned so that their edges are inclined while their outer faces are vertical. The resulting assembly appears twisted, with the vertical joints becoming long-pitch spirals.tolerance —the permitted deviation from a specified dimension, location, or quantity.1.4—Referenced standardsASTM International C 94-04Standard Specification for Ready-MixedConcrete C 174-97Standard Test Method for MeasuringThickness of Concrete Elements Using Drilled Concrete CoresC 1383-98aStandard Test Method for Measuring the P-Wave Speed and the Thickness of Concrete Plates Using the I mpact-Echo MethodR1.4—Recommended referencesThe standards and reports listed below were the latest editions at the time this document was prepared. Because these documents are revised frequently, the reader is advised to contact the proper sponsoring group if it is desired to refer to the latest version.American Concrete Institute 301Specifications for Structural Concrete 318Building Code Requirements for StructuralConcrete and Commentary--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---STANDARD COMMENTARYE 1155-96Standard Test Method for DeterminingF F Floor Flatness and F L Floor Level-ness NumbersE 1486-98Standard Test Method for DeterminingFloor Tolerances Using Waviness,Wheel Path and Levelness Criteria ASTM InternationalD 1196-93Standard Test Method for Nonrepetitive Static(97)Plate Load Tests of Soils and Flexible PavementComponents, for Use in Evaluation and Designof Airport and Highway PavementsE 1155-96Standard Test Method for DeterminingF F Floor(01)Flatness and F L Floor Levelness NumbersE 1486-98Standard Test Method for Determining FloorTolerances Using Waviness, Wheel Path andLevelness CriteriaAmerican Society of Concrete ContractorsPosition Statement #14—Anchor Bolt Tolerances American Institute of Steel ConstructionSteel Design Guide Series, No. 1Concrete Reinforcing Steel InstituteMSP-l-01Manual of Standard Practice (27th Edition) Prestressed Concrete InstituteMNL-135-00Tolerance Manual for Precast and Prestressed Concrete ConstructionMNL 116Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Structural Precast ConcreteProductsThese publications may be obtained from:American Concrete InstituteP.O. Box 9094Farmington Hills, MI 48333-9094ASTM International100 Barr Harbor Dr.West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959American Society of Concrete Contractors2025 Brentwood Blvd.St. Louis, MO 63144American Institute of Steel ConstructionOne East Wacker Dr., Suite 3100Chicago, IL 60601Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute933 North Plum Grove Rd.Schaumburg, IL 60173-4758Prestressed Concrete Institute209 W. Jackson Blvd.Chicago, IL 60606-6938--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---STANDARD COMMENTARY 2.1—Reinforcing steel fabricationFor bars No. 3 through 11 (No. 10 through 36) in size,refer to Fig. 2.1(a).For bars No. 14 and 18 (No. 43 and 57) in size, refer toFig. 2.1(b).SECTION 2—MATERIALSFig. 2.1(a)—Standard fabricating tolerances for bar sizes No. 3 through 18 (No. 10 through 57).--` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---STANDARDCOMMENTARYFig. 2.1(a) (cont.)—Standard fabricating tolerances for bar sizes No. 3 through 11 (No. 10 through 36).--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---STANDARD COMMENTARYFig. 2.1(b)—Standard fabricating tolerances for bar sizes No. 14 and 18 (No. 43 and 57).--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---STANDARDCOMMENTARY2.2—Reinforcement location R2.2—Reinforcement locationIn the absence of specific design details shown or specifiedon the contract documents, CRSI MSP-l, Appendix C,should be followed by estimators, detailers, and placers. The tolerance for d as stated in ACI 318, is a design tolerance and should not be used as a placement tolerance for construction.R2.2.1, R2.2.2, and R2.2.3 Tolerances for fabrication,placement, and lap splices for welded wire reinforcement are not covered by ACI 117 and, if required, should be specified by the specifier. There is an inherent conflict in the measurement of tolerances relating to reinforcing steel.During placement of reinforcing steel, tolerances are measured from formwork or the intended future concrete finish. After a structure is complete, tolerances are measured against hardened concrete . Refer to Fig. R2.2.1(a),(b), and (c).An absolute limitation on one side of the reinforcement placement is established by the limit on the reduction in cover. Refer to Fig. R2.2.2(a) to (d) and Fig. R2. Placement of nonprestressed reinforcement,measured from form surfaceWhen member depth (or thickness) is 4 in. (101 mm)or less...................................................±1/4 in. (6 mm)When member depth (or thickness) is over 4 in. (101 mm)and not over 12 in. (305 mm)...............±3/8 in. (10 mm)When member depth (or thickness) is over 12 in.(305 mm)............................................±1/2 in. (13 mm)2.2.2 Concrete cover measured perpendicular to concrete surfaceWhen member depth (or thickness) is 12 in. (305 mm)or less.................................................–3/8 in. (10 mm)When member depth (or thickness) is over 12 in.(305 mm)............................................–1/2 in. (13 mm)Reduction in cover shall not exceed 1/3 the specified concrete cover.Reduction in cover to formed soffits shall not exceed .............................................................–1/4 in. (6 mm)2.2.3 Vertical deviation for slab-on-ground rein-forcement..........................................± 3/4 in. (19 mm)Fig. R2.2.1—Placement.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。
100-General1ACI 1172010.06.01Specification for Tolerances for Concrete Construction andMaterials (ACI 117-10) and Commentary 混凝土施工和材料(ACI 117-10)的容差规程及评注2ACI 117.1R-142014.08.01Guide for Tolerance Compatibility in Concrete Construction混凝土施工偏差兼容指南3ACI 121R-082008.07.01Guide for Concrete Construction Quality Systems inConformance with ISO 9001符合ISO9001的混凝土施工质量体系指南4ACI 122R-142014.01.01Guide to Thermal Properties of Concrete and Masonry Systems混凝土和圬工系统的热性能指南200-Materials and Properties of Concrete5ACI 201.1R-082008.07.01Guide for Conducting a Visual Inspection of Concrete inService在役混凝土目力检测实施指南6ACI 201.2R-082008.06.01Guide to Durable Concrete耐用混凝土指南7ACI 207.1R-052005.01.01(R 2012)Guide to Mass Concrete大体积混凝土指南8ACI 207.2R-072007.09.01Report on Thermal and Volume Change Effects on Cracking ofMass Concrete 关于热和体积变化对大体积混凝土开裂影响的报告9ACI 207.3R-941994.01.01(R 2008)Practices for Evaluation of Concrete in Existing MassiveStructures for Service Conditions 现有大体积结构混凝土在使用条件下的评估操作规程10ACI 207.4R-052005.01.01(R 2012)Cooling and Insulating Systems for Mass Concrete无钢筋混凝土冷却和绝缘系统11ACI 207.5R-112011.07.01Report on Roller-Compacted Mass Concrete碾压大体积混凝土12ACI 209R-921992.01.01(R 2008)Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects inConcrete Structures混凝土结构徐变、收缩和温度效应预测13ACI 209.1R-052005.01.01Report on Factors Affecting Shrinkage and Creep of HardenedConcrete 关于已硬化混凝土的收缩和徐变影响因数的报告14ACI 209.2R-082008.05.01Guide for Modeling and Calculating Shrinkage and Creep inHardened Concrete 已硬化混凝土收缩和徐变的建模和计算指南15ACI 210R-31993.01.01(R 2008)Erosion of Concrete in Hydraulic Structures水利结构混凝土的腐蚀16ACI 211.1-911991.01.01(R 2009)Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal,Heavyweight, and Mass Concrete 普通、特重和大体积混凝土配合比确定之标准操作规程17ACI 211.2-981998.01.01(R 2004)Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for StructuralLightweight Concrete 结构轻质混凝土配合比确定之标准操作规程18ACI 211.3R-022002.01.01(R 2009)Guide for Selecting Proportions for No-Slump Concrete无坍落度混凝土配合比选用指南19ACI 211.4R-082008.12.01Guide for Selecting Proportions for High-Strength ConcreteUsing Portland Cement and Other Cementitious Materials 硅酸盐水泥或其他粘结料高强混凝土的配合比选用指南20ACI 211.5R-142014.04.01Guide for Submittal of Concrete Proportions混凝土配合比提交指南21ACI 212.3R-102010.11.01Report on Chemical Admixtures for Concrete混凝土化学添加剂22ACI 213R-142014.01.01Guide for Structural Lightweight-Aggregate Concrete结构轻骨料混凝土指南23ACI 214.4R-102010.06.01Guide for Obtaining Cores and Interpreting CompressiveStrength Results取芯及抗压强度结果解释指南24ACI 214R-112011.04.01Guide to Evaluation of Strength Test Results of Concrete混凝土强度试验结果的评估25ACI 216.1-142014.06.01Code Requirements for Determining Fire Resistance ofConcrete and Masonry Construction Assemblies 测定混凝土和砖石结构总成耐火性的法规要求26ACI 221.1R-981998.01.01(R 2008)Report on Alkali-Aggregate Reactivity关于骨料碱化反应的报告27ACI 221R-961996.01.01(R 2001)Guide for Use of Normal Weight and Heavyweight Aggregatesin Concrete混凝土中普通重和特重骨料应用指南28ACI 222.2R-142014.08.01Report on Corrosion Prestress Steels预应力钢腐蚀报告29ACI 222.3R-112011.04.01Guide to Design and Construction Practices to MitigateCorrosion of Reinforcement in Concrete Structures 设计及施工实践指南,用以减轻混凝土结构钢筋腐蚀30ACI 222R-012001.01.01(R 2010)Protection of Metals in Concrete Against Corrosion混凝土中的金属防腐保护31ACI 223R-102010.12.01Guide for the Use of Shrinkage-Compensating Concrete收缩补偿混凝土的使用指南32ACI 224.1R-072007.03.01Causes, Evaluation, and Repair of Cracks in Concrete Structures混凝土结构开裂的原因、评估和修补33ACI 224.2R-921992.01.01(R 2004)Cracking of Concrete Members in Direct Tension直接拉力下的混凝土构件裂化34ACI 224.3R-951995.01.01(R 2013)Joints in Concrete Construction混凝土构造物内的接头35ACI 224.4R-132013.01.31Guide to Design Detailing to Mitigate Cracking减轻开裂的详细设计指南36ACI 224R-012001.01.01Control of Cracking in Concrete Structures混凝土结构开裂控制37ACI 225R-991999.01.01(R 2009)Guide to the Selection and Use of Hydraulic Cements水硬性水泥的选择和使用指南38ACI 228.1R-032003.11.01In-Place Methods to Estimate Concrete Strength混凝土强度的现场测定方法39ACI 228.2R-132013.06.01Report on Nondestructive Test Methods for Evaluation ofConcrete in Structures结构物中混凝土的无损检测方法40ACI 229R-132013.06.01Report on Controlled Low-Strength Materials受控低强度材料41ACI 230.1R-092009.07.01Report on Soil Cement关于水泥稳定土的报告42ACI 231R-102010.01.01Report on Early-Age Cracking: Causes, Measurement, andMitigation早期开裂报告:成因、测量与缓解方法43ACI 232.1R-122012.07.01Report on the Use of Raw or Processed Natural Pozzolans inConcrete 混凝土中使用加工或未加工的天然火山灰44ACI 232.2R-032003.01.01Use of Fly Ash in Concrete混凝土中使用粉煤灰45ACI 233R-032003.01.01(R 2011)Slag Cement in Concrete and Mortar混凝土和砂浆中的矿渣水泥46ACI 234R-062006.01.01Guide for the Use of Silica Fume in Concrete混凝土中添加硅粉使用指南47ACI 237R-072007.04.01Self-Consolidating Concrete自固结混凝土48ACI 238.1R-082008.02.01Report on Measurements of Workability and Rheology of FreshConcrete 新拌混凝土可加工性和流变学的测量报告300-Design and Construction49ACI 301-102010.12.01Specifications for Structural Concrete结构混凝土规范50SP-15(10)2012.03.15Field Reference Manual(Synopsis only)现场参考手册(仅概要)51ACI 302.1R-042004.03.23Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction - IncorporatesErrata: 3/18/2006 and Errata: 2/23/2007混凝土底板和平板结构指南-包含正误表:2006年3月18日和正误表:2007年2月23日52ACI 302.2R-062006.01.01Guide for Concrete Slabs that Receive Moisture-SensitiveFlooring Materials 接触水分的混凝土厚板指南-敏感地板材料53ACI 303.1-971997.01.01Standard Specification for Cast-In-Place Architectural Concrete现浇建筑混凝土标准规程54ACI 303R-122012.06.01Guide to Cast-in-Place Architectural Concrete Practice现浇装饰用混凝土实践指南55ACI 304.2R-961996.01.01(R 2008)Placing Concrete by Pumping Methods泵送方法浇筑混凝土56ACI 304.3R-961996.01.01(R 2004)Heavyweight Concrete: Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, andPlacing特重混凝土:配料、拌合、运输和浇筑57ACI 304.4R-951995.01.01(R 2008)Placing Concrete with Belt Conveyors采用带式输送机的浇灌混凝土58ACI 304.6R-092009.03.01Guide for Use of Volumetric-Measuring and Continuous-Mixing Concrete Equipment 体积测量和连续混合混凝土设备使用指南59ACI 304R-002000.01.01(R 2009)Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and PlacingConcrete混凝土配料、拌合、运输和浇筑指南60ACI 305.1-142014.01.01Specification for Hot Weather Concreting炎热气候混凝土施工规程61ACI 305R-102010.10.01Guide to Hot Weather Concreting夏季浇注混凝土指南62ACI 306.1-901990.01.01(R 2002)Standard Specification for Cold Weather Concreting寒冷气候混凝土施工标准规程63ACI 306R-102010.10.01Guide to Cold Weather Concreting寒冷气候混凝土施工64ACI 307-082008.11.01Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete Chimneys (ACI307-08) and Commentary 钢筋混凝土烟囱法规要求(ACI 307-08)及评注65ACI 308.1-112011.07.01Specification for Curing Concrete混凝土养护标准规程66ACI 308-213R-132013.06.01Report on Internally Cured Concrete Using PrewettedAbsorptive Lightweight Aggregate 使用预湿吸收性轻骨料的内部固化混凝土报告67ACI 308R-012001.01.01(R 2008)Guide to Curing Concrete混凝土养护标准规程68ACI 309.1R-082008.08.01Report on Behavior of Fresh Concrete During Vibration新拌混凝土振动过程中的性能报告69ACI 309.2R-981998.01.01(R 2005)Identification and Control of Visible Effects of Consolidationon Formed Concrete Surfaces 成形混凝土表面硬化的可见影响的确认和控制70ACI 309.5R-002000.01.01(R 2006)Compaction of Roller-Compacted Concrete碾压混凝土的压实71ACI 309R-052005.01.01Guide for Consolidation of Concrete混凝土固结指南72ACI 310R-132013.12.01Guide to Decorative Concrete装饰混凝土指南73ACI 311.1R-072007.12.01 Manual of Concrete Inspection-SP-2(07)(Synopsis only)混凝土检验手册-SP-2(07)(仅概要)74ACI 311.4R-052005.01.01Guide for Concrete Inspection混凝土检验指南75ACI 311.5-042004.01.01Guide for Concrete Plant Inspection and Testing of Ready-Mixed Concrete 预拌混凝土的混凝土车间检查与测试指南76ACI 311.6-092009.11.01Specification for Ready Mixed Concrete Testing Services预拌混凝土试验服务规程77ACI 311.7-142014.12.01Inspection Services Specification for Castin-Place ConcreteConstruction现浇混凝土施工检验服务规范78ACI 313-971997.01.07Standard Practice for Design and Construction of Concrete Silosand Stacking Tubes for Storing Granular Materials 存储粒状材料的混凝土筒仓和堆垛管的设计及施工标准做法79ACI 314R-112011.01.01Guide to Simplified Design for Reinforced Concrete Buildings钢筋混凝土建筑物简化设计指南80SP-66(04)ACI Detailing Manual(Synopsis only)ACI详细手册(仅概要)81ACI 318-142014.08.01Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-14) and Commentary 结构混凝土建筑物法规要求(ACI 318-14)及评注82ACI 318.2-142014.09.01Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ThinShells(ACI 318.2-14) and Commentary(ACI 318.2R-14)混凝土薄壳建筑规范要求和注释83ACI 325.10R-951995.01.01(R 2001)Report on Roller-Compacted Concrete Pavements关于碾压混凝土路面的报告84ACI 325.11R-012001.01.01Accelerated Techniques for Concrete Paving混凝土铺筑的快速技术85ACI 325.12R-022002.01.01Guide for Design of Jointed Concrete Pavements for Streets andLocal Roads 街道和区内道路有节混凝土铺面设计指南86ACI 325.13R-062006.01.01Concrete Overlays for Pavement Rehabilitation铺面翻新的混凝土覆盖层87ACI 330.1-142014.05.01Specification for Unreinforced Concrete Parking Lots无钢筋混凝土停车场规范88ACI 330R-082008.06.01Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots混凝土停车场设计及施工指南89ACI 332-142014.07.01Residential Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI332-10) and Commentary 结构混凝土住宅法规要求(ACI 332-10)及评注90ACI 332.1R-062006.12.01Guide to Residential Concrete Construction住宅混凝土构造物指南91ACI 334.1R-921992.01.01(R 2002)Concrete Shell Structures Practice and Commentary混凝土壳结构实践及评注92ACI 334.3R-052005.01.01Construction of Concrete Shells Using Inflated Forms使用膨胀模壳进行混凝土壳施工93ACI 336.1-012001.01.01Specification for the Construction of Drilled Piers钻孔墩施工规范94ACI 336.2R-881988.01.01(R 2002)Suggested Analysis and Design Procedures for CombinedFootings and Mats 复式基础和底板基础的建议分析和设计步骤95ACI 336.3R-142014.01.01Report on Design and Construction of Drilled Piers钻孔桥墩设计与施工报告96ACI 341.2R-142014.01.01Report on Analysis and Design of SeismicResistant ConcreteBridge Systems抗震混凝土桥梁体系分析与设计报告97ACI 341.3R-072007.03.01Seismic Evaluation and Retrofit Techniques for ConcreteBridges混凝土桥抗震评估和改造技术98ACI 343.1R-122012.11.01Guide for the Analysis and Design of Reinforced andPrestressed Concrete Guideway Structures 钢筋与预应力混凝土导板结构的分析和设计指南99ACI 343R-951995.01.01(R 2004)Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Structures钢筋混凝土桥结构分析和设计100ACI 345.1R-062006.01.01Guide for Maintenance of Concrete Bridge Members混凝土桥成员的维护指南101ACI 345.2R-132013.07.01Guide for Widening Highway Bridges拓宽公路桥指南102ACI 345R-112011.09.01Guide for Concrete Highway Bridge Deck Construction混凝土公路桥桥面构造指南103ACI 346-092009.08.01Specification for Cast-in-Place Concrete Pipe现浇混凝土管规范104ACI 346M-092009.08.01Specification for Cast-in-Place Concrete Pipe现浇混凝土管规范105ACI 347R-142014.01.01Guide to Formwork for Concrete混凝土模板指南106ACI 347.2R-052005.01.01Guide for Shoring/Reshoring of Concrete Multisory Buildings 混凝土多层建筑物的临时支撑/重新支撑指南107ACI 347.3R-132013.01.01Guide to Formed Concrete Surfaces成型混凝土表面指南108SP-4 Formwork for Concrete(Synopsis only)混凝土模板(仅摘要)109ACI 349-132013.09.01Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related ConcreteStructures (ACI 349-13) and Commentary 核安全相关混凝土结构的法规要求(ACI 349-13)及评注110ACI 349.1R-072007.06.01Reinforced Concrete Design for Thermal Effects on NuclearPower Plant Structures 钢筋混凝土设计对原子能发电厂结构物的热影响111ACI 349.2R-072007.11.01Guide to the Concrete Capacity Design (CCD) Method—Embedment Design Examples 混凝土承载力设计(CCD)方法指南—预埋件设计举例112ACI 349.3R-022002.01.01(R 2010)Evaluation of Existing Nuclear Safety-Related ConcreteStructures现有核安全相关混凝土结构的评估113ACI 349M2006.01.01Code Requirements for Nuclear Safety-Related ConcreteStructures (ACI 349M-06) and Commentary 核安全相关混凝土结构的法规要求(ACI 349M-06)及评注114ACI 350-062006.01.01Code Requirements For Environmental Engineering ConcreteStructures And Commentary环境工程混凝土结构法规要求及评注115ACI 350.1-102010.01.01Specification for Tightness Testing of EnvironmentalEngineering Concrete Containment Structures (ACI 350.1-10)and Commentary环境工程混凝土安全壳结构的气密性测试规范(ACI 350.1-10)及评注116ACI 350.2R-042004.01.01Concrete Structures for Containment of Hazardous Materials安全壳危险材料的混凝土结构117ACI 350.3-062006.01.01Seismic Design of Liquid-Containing Concrete Structures andCommentary流体抗震设计-包含混凝土结构及评注118ACI 350.4R-042004.01.01Design Considerations for Environmental Engineering ConcreteStructures环境工程混凝土结构设计注意事项119ACI 350.5-122012.01.01Specifications for Environmental Concrete Structures环境混凝土结构规范120ACI 351.1R-122012.03.01Report on Grouting between Foundations and Bases for Supportof Equipment and Machinery 地基与基座之间的灌浆报告,为设备和机械提供支持121ACI 351.2R-102010.04.01Report on Foundations for Static Equipment静态设备地基报告122ACI 351.3R-042004.01.01(R 2011)Foundations for Dynamic Equipment动态设备地基123ACI 352.1R-112011.01.01Guide for Design of Slab-Column Connections in MonolithicConcrete Structures 整体浇灌混凝土结构的板柱连接件的设计指南124ACI 352R-012002.01.01(R 2010)Recommendations for Design of Beam-Column Connections inMonolithic Reinforced Concrete Structures 整体浇灌钢筋混凝土结构的梁柱连接件的设计建议125ACI 355.2-072007.06.01Qualification of Post-Installed Mechanical Anchors in Concreteand Commentary 混凝土中安装后的机械锚栓资格评定及评注126ACI 355.3R-112011.05.01Guide for Design of Anchorage to Concrete: Examples UsingACI 318 Appendix D 混凝土锚件设计指南:使用ACI 318附录D的示例127ACI 355.4-112011.08.01Qualification of Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors in Concrete(ACI 355.4) and Commentary 混凝土中安装后的胶粘锚栓资格评定(ACI 355.4)及评注128ACI 357.2R-102010.07.01Report on Barge-Like Concrete Structures平底船样混凝土结构报告129ACI 357R-841984.01.01(R 1997)Guide for the Design and Construction of Fixed OffshoreConcrete Structures 固定式海上混凝土建筑的设计和施工指南130ACI 359-132013.10.01Code for Concrete Containments混凝土密封规范131ACI 360R-102010.04.01Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground地面上厚板的设计指南132ACI 362.1R-122012.09.01Guide for the Design and Construction of Durable ConcreteParking Structures耐用混凝土停车场结构设计及施工指南133ACI 362.2R-002000.07.01(R 2005)Guide for Structural Maintenance of Parking Structures停车场结构的结构维护指南134ACI 363.2R-112011.07.01Guide to Quality Control and Assurance of High-StrengthConcrete高强度混凝土质量控制和保险指南135ACI 363R-102010.03.01Report on High-Strength Concrete高强度混凝土报告136ACI 364.1R-072007.05.01Guide for Evaluation of Concrete Structures Prior toRehabilitation改建前的混凝土结构评估指南137ACI 364.2T-082008.01.01Increasing Shear Capacity Within Existing Reinforced ConcreteStructures 在现有钢筋混凝土结构内的抗剪能力增加138ACI 364.3R-092009.04.01Guide for Cementitious Repair Material Data Sheet水泥基修补材料数据表指南139ACI 364.3T-102010.01.01Treatment of Exposed Epoxy-Coated Reinforcement in Repair维修中暴露式环氧树脂密封钢筋的处理140ACI 364.4T-102010.01.01Determining the Load Capacity of a Structure When As-BuiltDrawings are Unavailable 当竣工图不可用时确定结构件的负载能力141ACI 364.5T-102010.01.01Importance of Modulus of Elasticity in Surface Repair Materials弹性模量在表面检修材料中的重要性142ACI 364.6T-022002.07.01(R 2011)Concrete Removal in Repairs Involving Corroded ReinforcingSteel受侵蚀钢筋维修时的混凝土清除143ACI 364.7T-022002.04.01(R 2011)Evaluation and Minimization of Bruising (Microcracking) inConcrete Repair 在混凝土维修中硬伤的评估和最小化(显微裂纹)144ACI 364.8T-022002.05.01(R 2011)Use of Hydrodemolition for Concrete Removal in UnbondedPost-Tensioned Systems 在无粘结后张预应力系统中,使用液压破坏拆除混凝土145ACI 364.9T-032003.07.01(R 2011)Cracks in a Repair在维修过程中出现的裂缝146ACI 364.10T-142014.06.01Rehabilitation of Structure with Reinforcement Section Loss少筋结构的修复147ACI 365.1R-002000.01.01Service-Life Prediction - State-of-the-Art Report使用寿命预测-技术现况报告148ACI 369R-112011.02.01Guide for Seismic Rehabilitation of Existing Concrete FrameBuildings and Commentary 现有混凝土构架建筑物抗震加固指南及评注149ACI 370R-142014.07.01Report for the Design of Concrete Structures for Blast Effects针对爆炸效应的混凝土结构设计报告150ACI 371R-082008.08.01Guide for the Analysis, Design, and Construction of ElevatedConcrete and Composite Steel-Concrete Water Storage Tanks 高架混凝土和复合钢-混凝土储水罐分析、设计和施工指南151ACI 372R-132013.09.01Guide to Design and Construction of Circular Wire- and Strand-Wrapped Prestressed Concrete Structures 圆形钢丝和钢绞线缠绕预应力混凝土结构的设计及施工指南152ACI 374.1-052005.01.01Acceptance Criteria for Moment Frames Based on StructuralTesting and Commentary 基于结构测试的力矩框架验收标准及评注153ACI 374.2R-132013.08.01Guide for Testing Reinforced Concrete Structural Elementsunder Slowly Applied Simulated Seismic Loads 在缓慢施加的模拟地震载荷下钢筋混凝土结构要素的测试指南154ACI 376-112011.01.01Code Requirements for Design and Construction of ConcreteStructures for the Containment of Refrigerated Liquefied Gasesand Commentary冷冻液化气的混凝土结构设计及施工法规要求及评注400-Concrete Reinforcement and Structural Analysis155ACI 408.2R-122012.09.01Report on Bond of Steel Reinforcing Bars Under Cyclic Loads在循环负荷下钢筋粘结的报告156ACI 408.3R-092009.10.01Guide for Lap Splice and Development Length of High RelativeRib Area Reinforcing Bars in Tension and Commentary 高相关度肋区受拉钢筋的搭接和延伸长度指南157ACI 408R-032003.11.01Bond and Development of Straight Reinforcing Bars in Tension直受拉钢筋的粘结与延伸158ACI 421.1R-082008.06.01Guide to Shear Reinforcement for Slabs厚板抗剪钢筋指南159ACI 421.2R-102010.04.01Guide to Seismic Design of Punching Shear Reinforcement inFlat Plates平板内冲孔抗剪钢筋抗震设计指南160ACI 423.3R-052005.01.01Recommendations for Concrete Members Prestressed withUnbonded Tendons 混凝土构件使用无粘结钢筋束加预应力建议161ACI 423.4R-142014.01.01Report on Corrosion and Repair of Unbonded Single StrandTendons无粘结单股钢筋束的腐蚀和维修报告162ACI 423.7-142014.01.01Specification for Unbonded Single-Strand Tendon Materials andCommentary无粘结单股钢筋束材料规范及评注163ACI 423.8R-102010.10.01Report on Corrosion and Repair of Grouted Multistrand and BarTendon Systems灌浆多股和钢筋系统的腐蚀与维修报告164ACI 423.9M-102010.06.01Test Method for Bleed Stability of Cementitious Post-Tensioning Tendon Grout 水泥基后张钢筋束灌浆泌浆稳定性试验方法165ACI 435.8R-851985.01.01(R 1997)Observed Deflections of Reinforced Concrete Slab Systems, andCauses of Large Deflections 钢筋混凝土板结构的可见偏差和大的偏差的产生166ACI 435R-951995.01.01(R 2000)Control of Deflection in Concrete Structures - incorporatesAppendix B: 2003混凝土结构中的偏斜控制-包含附录B:2003167ACI 437.1R-072007.03.01Load Tests of Concrete Structures: Methods, Magnitude,Protocols, and Acceptance Criteria 混凝土结构负载测试:方法、大小、方案和验收标准168ACI 437R-032003.01.01Strength Evaluation of Existing Concrete Buildings现有混凝土建筑物强度评估169ACI 439.3R-072007.03.01Types of Mechanical Splices for Reinforcing Bars钢筋机械接头类型170ACI 439.4R-092009.10.01Report on Steel Reinforcement—Material Properties and U.S.Availability钢筋报告—材料属性和美国可用性171ACI 440.1R-062006.01.01Guide for the Design and Construction of Structural ConcreteReinforced with FRP Bars FRP钢筋补强结构混凝土设计及施工指南172ACI 440.2R-082008.07.01Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally BondedFRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures 外部粘结FRP系统加强混凝土结构设计及施工指南173ACI 440.3R-122012.08.01Guide Test Methods for Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP)Composites for Reinforcing or Strengthening Concrete andMasonry Structures钢筋或加固混凝土与砌体结构的纤维增强聚合物(FRP)复合材料的测试方法指南174ACI 440.4R-042004.12.01(R 2011)Prestressing Concrete Structures with FRP Tendons FRP钢筋束预应力混凝土结构175ACI 440.5-082008.07.01Specification for Construction with Fiber-Reinforced PolymerReinforcing Bars纤维增强聚合物钢筋施工规范176ACI 440.6-082008.07.01Specification for Carbon and Glass Fiber-Reinforced PolymerBar Materials for Concrete Reinforcement 碳和玻璃纤维规范-混凝土钢筋增强聚合物棒材177ACI 440.7R-102010.04.01Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally BondedFiber-Reinforced Polymer Systems for StrengtheningUnreinforced Masonry Structures外部粘结纤维增强聚合物系统加强无筋砌体结构设计及施工指南178ACI 440R-072007.09.01Report on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement forConcrete Structures 混凝土结构用纤维增强聚合物(FRP)钢筋报告179ACI 441R-961996.01.01High-Strength Concrete Columns: State of the Art高强度混凝土支柱:技术发展水平180ACI 445.1R-122012.01.01Report on Torsion in Structural Concrete结构混凝土扭矩报告181ACI 445R-991999.01.01(R 2009)Recent Approaches to Shear Design of Structural Concrete结构混凝土剪力设计最新途径182ACI 446.1R-911991.01.01(R 1999)Fracture Mechanics of Concrete: Concepts, Models andDetermination of Material Properties 混凝土断裂力学:材料属性的概念、模型和测定183ACI 446.3R-971997.01.01Finite Element Analysis of Fracture in Concrete Structures:State-of-the-Art 混凝土结构内断面的有限元分析:技术发展水平184ACI 446.4R-042004.01.01Report on Dynamic Fracture of Concrete混凝土动态断面报告500-Specialized Applications and Repair185ACI 503.2-921992.01.01(R 2003)Standard Specification for Bonding Plastic Concrete toHardened Concrete with a Multi-Component. Epoxy Adhesive 使用多组分环氧粘合剂将塑性混凝土粘结到硬化混凝土的标准规范186ACI 503.3-102010.10.01Specification for Producing a Skid-Resistant Surface onConcrete by the Use of Epoxy and Aggregate 使用环氧树脂和骨料在混凝土上生产防滑表面的规范187ACI 503.4-921992.01.01(R 2003)Standard Specifications for Repairing Concrete with EpoxyMortars使用环氧灰浆修补混凝土标准规范188ACI 503.5R-921992.01.01(R 2003)Guide for the Selection of Polymer Adhesives with Concrete混凝土聚合物粘合剂选型指南189ACI 503.7-072007.09.01Specification for Crack Repair by Epoxy Injection注入环氧树脂维修裂缝规范190ACI 506.1R-082008.11.01Guide to Fiber-Reinforced Shotcrete纤维增强喷射混凝土指南191ACI 506.2-132013.11.01Specification for Shotcrete喷射混凝土规范192ACI 506.4R-941994.01.01(R 2004)Guide for the Evaluation of Shotcrete喷射混凝土评估指南193ACI 506.5R-092009.08.01Guide for Specifying Underground Shotcrete选用地下喷射混凝土指南194ACI 506R-052005.01.01Guide to Shotcrete喷射混凝土指南195ACI 515.2R-132013.07.01Guide to Selecting Protective Treatments for Concrete混凝土防护处置选型指南196ACI 522.1-132013.06.01Specification for Pervious Concrete Pavement透水混凝土护面规范197ACI 522R-102010.03.01Report on Pervious Concrete透水混凝土报告198ACI 523.1R-062006.01.01Guide for Cast-in-Place Low-Density Cellular Concrete技术发展水平现浇低密度多孔混凝土指南199ACI 523.2R-961996.01.01Guide for Precast Cellular Concrete Floor, Roof, and Wall Units预制多孔混凝土底板、顶板和墙壁单位指南200ACI 523.3R-142014.01.01Guide for Cellular Concretes Above 50 pcf, and for AggregateConcretes Above 50 pcf with Compressive Strengths Less Than2500 psi压缩强度低于2500psi的50pcf以上多孔混凝土以及50pcf以上骨料混凝土指南201ACI 523.4R-092009.06.01Guide for Design and Construction with Autoclaved AeratedConcrete Panels 高压蒸气养护的加气混凝土面板的设计及施工指南202ACI 524R-082008.08.01Guide to Portland Cement-Based Plaster硅酸盐水泥基灰泥指南203ACI 530-132013.01.21Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures砌体结构建筑物法规要求和规范204ACI 530.1-132013.01.21Specification for Masonry Structures砌体结构建筑物法规要求和规范205ACI 533.1R-022002.09.01Design Responsibility for Architectural Precast-ConcreteProjects建筑预制混凝土工程设计责任206ACI 533R-112011.01.01Guide for Precast Concrete Wall Panels预制混凝土墙板指南207ACI 543R-122012.03.01Guide to Design, Manufacture, and Installation of ConcretePiles混凝土桩设计、制造和安装指南208ACI 544.1R-961996.01.01(R 2009)Report on Fiber Reinforced Concrete纤维性混凝土报告209ACI 544.2R-891989.01.01(R 2009)Measurement of Properties of Fiber Reinforced Concrete纤维性混凝土属性测量210ACI 544.3R-082008.11.01Guide for Specifying, Proportioning, and Production of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete纤维钢筋混凝土指定、配量和生产指南211ACI 544.4R-881988.01.01(R 2009)Design Considerations for Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete钢纤维混凝土设计思考212ACI 544.5R-102010.03.01Report on the Physical Properties and Durability of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete纤维钢筋混凝土物理性质和耐用性报告213ACI 546.2R-102010.06.01Guide to Underwater Repair of Concrete混凝土水下维修指南214ACI 546.3R-142014.12.01Guide to Materials Selection for Concrete Repair混凝土维修资料选型指南215ACI 546R-142014.01.01Concrete Repair Guide混凝土维修指南216ACI 548.10-102010.08.01Specification for Type MMS (Methyl Methacrylate Slurry)Polymer Overlays for Bridge and Parking Garage Decks 桥梁和停车车库平台MMS(甲基丙烯酸脂料浆)类型聚合物覆盖层的规范217ACI 548.11R-122012.09.01Guide for the Application of Epoxy and Latex Adhesives forBonding Freshly Mixed and Hardened Concretes 胶粘新混与硬化混凝土的环氧树脂和胶乳粘合剂涂敷指南218ACI 548.12-122012.01.01Specification for Bonding Hardened Concrete and Steel toHardened Concrete with an Epoxy Adhesive 环氧树脂粘结剂粘结硬化混凝土和加筋硬化混凝土规范219ACI 548.13-142014.08.01Specification for Bonding Fresh Concrete to Hardened Concretewith a Multi-Component Epoxy Adhesive 多组分环氧粘合剂粘结新浇混凝土到硬化混凝土规范220ACI 548.1R-092009.03.01Guide for the Use of Polymers in Concrete聚合物在混凝土内的使用指南221ACI 548.3R-092009.04.01Report on Polymer-Modified Concrete聚合物改性混凝土报告222ACI 548.4-112011.01.01Specification for Latex-Modified Concrete Overlays胶乳改性混凝土覆盖层规范223ACI 548.5R-941994.01.01(R 1998)Guide for Polymer Concrete Overlays聚合物混凝土覆盖层指南224ACI 548.8-072007.10.01Specification for Type EM (Epoxy Multi-Layer) PolymerOverlay for Bridge and Parking Garage Decks 桥梁和停车车库平台EM(多层环氧树脂)类型聚合物覆盖层的规范225ACI 548.9-082008.08.01Specification for Type ES (Epoxy Slurry) Polymer Overlay forBridge and Parking Garage Decks 桥梁和停车车库平台ES(环氧树脂料浆)类型聚合物覆盖层的规范226ACI 549.1R-931993.01.01(R 2009)Guide for the Design, Construction, and Repair of Ferrocement钢丝网水泥设计、施工和维修指南227ACI 549.2R-042004.01.01Report on Thin Reinforced Cementitious Products薄型增强水泥基产品报告228ACI 549.3R-092009.12.01Report on Glass Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Premix玻璃纤维性混凝土预混合料报告229ACI 549.4R-132013.12.01Guide to Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fabric-Reinforced Cementitious Matrix (FRCM) Systems for Repairand Strengthening Concrete修补和加固混凝土用外粘合织物增强水泥基(FRCM)系统的设计和施工指南230ACI 549R-971997.01.24(R 2009)Report on Ferrocement钢丝网水泥报告231ACI 550.1R-092009.02.01Guide to Emulating Cast-in-Place Detailing for Seismic Designof Precast Concrete Structures 预制混凝土结构抗震设计的模拟现浇细部结构指南232ACI 550.2R-132013.04.01Design Guide for Connections in Precast Jointed Systems预制有节系统连接设计指南233ACI 551.1R-142014.01.01Tilt-Up Concrete Construction Guide倾钭式混凝土构造物指南234ACI 551.2R-102010.03.01Design Guide for Tilt-Up Concrete Panels倾斜式混凝土板设计指南235ACI 555R-012001.01.01Removal and Reuse of Hardened Concrete硬化混凝土的拆除和重新使用236ACI 562-132013.03.01Code Requirements for Evaluation, Repair, and Rehabilitationof Concrete Buildings (ACI 562-13) and Commentary 混凝土建筑物评估、维修和改建法规要求(ACI 562-13)及评注237ACI ITG-4.1-072007.03.01Specification for High-Strength Concrete in Moderate to HighSeismic Applications中等至高抗震应用高强度混凝土规范238ACI ITG-4.2R-062006.10.01Materials and Quality Considerations for High-StrengthConcrete in Moderate to High Seismic Applications 中等至高抗震应用高强度混凝土材料和质量注意事项239ACI ITG-4.3R-072007.09.01Report on Structural Design and Detailing for High-StrengthConcrete in Moderate to High Seismic Applications 中等至高抗震应用高强度混凝土结构设计和细部结构报告240ACI ITG-5.1-072007.01.01Acceptance Criteria for Special Unbonded Post-TensionedPrecast Structural Walls Based on Validation Testing andCommentary基于确认测试的特殊无粘结后张预应力预制结构墙体的验收标准及评注241ACI ITG-5.2-092009.08.01Requirements for Design of a Special Unbonded Post-Tensioned Precast Shear Wall Satisfying ACI ITG-5.1 (ACIITG-5.2-09) and Commentary满足ACI ITG-5.1(ACI ITG-5.2-09)要求的特殊无粘结后张预应力预制剪力墙设计要求及评注242ACI ITG-6R-102010.08.01Design Guide for the Use of ASTM A1035/A1035M Grade 100(690) Steel Bars for Structural Concrete 结构混凝土用ASTM A1035/A1035M第100(690)号钢筋设计使用指南243ACI ITG-7-092009.11.01Specification for Tolerances for Precast Concrete预制混凝土公差规范244ACI SP-17(14)2015.09.01The Reinforced Concrete Design HandbookA Companion toACI 318-14(Synopsis only)钢筋混凝土设计手册(ACI 318-14)(仅摘要)。
2003 年第 3 期
总第 131 期
上混凝土 A 的强度显著高于混凝土 B, 但在工程尺度 上 则可能出现混凝土 B 的强度高于 混凝土 A 的情 况, 如图中 ( b) 所示, 这显然是大家非常担心的情况, 甚至 ( c) 的情况也不是人们所希望的。因此, 混凝土高强化 不能仅仅是在实验室尺度上的强度提高 2 211 混凝土强度尺寸效应的试验研究 抗压强度尺寸效应 Neville
[40] [9] [ 7]
21 3
抗拉强度尺寸效应 Malhotra
采用 ª 10cm @ 20cm 和 ª 15cm @ 30cm 两
种圆柱体试件测定 抗拉强度, 试验结果表明 ª10cm @ 20cm 圆柱 体试件 的抗拉 强度 约比 ª15cm @ 30cm 试 件 的抗拉强度高 7% 。 水科院 的试验结果表 明 [6 ], ª 15cm 圆断 面试件 的 抗 拉 强度 约 比 断 面 15cm @ 15cm 试 件 的 抗 拉 强 度 高 5% , 断面 10cm @ 10cm 试件的抗拉强度约比断面 15 @ 15cm 试件的抗拉强度高 15% 。 Carpinteri [11~ 13] 通过自行研制的试 验仪器, 成功 地 解决了直接拉伸试验中可能存在的弯曲应力问题 , 获 得了稳定完整的拉伸曲线。试验结果表明拉伸强度 具 有显著的尺寸效应, 截面宽度 5cm 的试件强度为 4. 33 MPa, 而当尺寸增大到 40cm 时强度仅为 3. 17MPa 。 对于劈裂抗拉强度, 试验结果表明不论是圆柱 体 试件还是立方体试件它都随试件尺寸增大而减小。 奥 西泽 的研 究显 示, 圆柱 体试 件混 凝土 受拉 断面 大 于 800cm 2~ 900cm2( 直径 d \30cm) 时, 尺寸效应已消失 , 劈裂抗拉强度 趋于稳定而不受试件尺寸 的影响 。 姜 福田则在统计众多试验结果的基础上得出不同尺寸 立 方体试件与 15cm 立方体试件的换算系数, 10cm、20cm 立方体试件换算系数分别为 0. 85、 1. 15 [6]。 3 混凝土强度尺寸效应的理论研究 通过试验获得混凝土强度尺寸效应的结果非常 直 接, 但受到很多限制, 因此很多研究者在如何准确给出 强度尺寸效应公式方面进行了大量的研究工作。 31 1 Weibull 统计理论 自从 1939 年 Weibull 采 用最弱键概 念分析和描 述 强度尺寸效应现象, 并提出著名 Weibull 分布以来, 统 计强度理论已发展为一门引人注目的学科。根 据 Weibull 理论, 对于加载形式相同, 体积为 V 1、 V 2 试件的 平均强度比值可由下式给出。
ACI 规范总目录S/NTitleACI 104-71Preparation of Notation for ConcreteACI 116R-00Cement and Concrete TerminologyACI 117-90Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and MaterialsACI 117R-90Commentary on Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and MaterialsACI 121R-98Quality Management System for Concrete ConstructionACI 122R-02Guide to thermal properties of concrete and masonry systemACI 209R-92Prediction of creep, shrinkage and temperature effects in concrete structuresACI 210R-93Erosion of concrete in hydraulic structuresACI 213R-87Guide for structural lightweight aggregate concreteACI 214R-02Evaluation of strength test results of concreteACI 251R-74Considerations for design of concrete structures subjected to fatigue loadingACI 216R-89Guide for determining fire endurance of concrete elementsGuide for use of normal weight and heavyweight aggregates in concreteACI 222R-01Protection of metals in concrete against corrosionACI 223-98Standard practice for the use of shrinkage -compensating concreteACI 224R-01Control of cracking in concrete structuresACI 225R-99Guide to selection and use of hydraulic elementsACI 229R-99Controlled low-strength materialACI 233R-95Ground granulated blast-furnace slag as cementitious constituent in concreteACI 234R-96Guide for the use of silica fume in concreteACI 301-99Specifications for structural concreteACI 301M-99Specifications for structural concreteACI 304R-00Guide for measuring, mixing, transporting and placing concreteACI 305R-99Hot weather concretingACI 306R-88Cold weather concretingACI 307-98Design and construction of reinforced concrete chimneysCommentary on design and construction of reinforced concrete chimneysACI 308R-01Guide to curing concreteACI 309R-96Guide for consolidation of concreteACI 313-97Standard practice for design and construction of concrete silos and stacking tubes for storing granular materialsACI 313R-97Commentary on standard practice for design and construction of concrete silos and stacking tubes for storing granular materialsACI 315-99Details and detailing of concrete reinforcementACI 318-02Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-02) and commentary (ACI 318R-02)ACI 318M-02Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318M-02) and commentary (ACI 318RM-02)ACI 330R-01Guide for design and construction of concrete parking lotsACI 332R-84Guide to residential cast-in-place concrete constructionACI 343R-95Analysis and design of reinforced concrete bridge structuresACI 345R-91Guide for concrete highway bridge deck constructionACI 346-01Specification for cast-in-place concrete pipeGuide to formwork for concreteACI 349-01Code requirements for nuclear safety related concrete structuresACI 350-01Code requirements for environmental engineering concrete structures (ACI 350-01) and commentary (ACI 350R-01)ACI 352R-02Recommendations for design of beam-column connections in monolithic reinforced concrete structuresACI 357R-84Guide for the design and construction of fixed offshore concrete structuresACI 359-01Code for concrete containmentsACI 360R-92Design of slabs on gradeACI 363R-92State-of-the-art report on high strength concreteACI 371R-98Guide for the analysis, design and construction of concrete-pedestal water towersACI 372R-00Design and construction of circular wire- and strand- wrapped prestressed- concrete structuresACI 373R-97Design and construction of circular prestressed concrete structures with circumferential tendonACI 435R-95Control of deflection in concrete structuresACI 437R-91Strength evaluation of existing concrete buildingsState-of-the-art report on fiber reinforced plastic reinforcement for concrete structuresACI 441R-96High strength concrete-columns- state of the artACI 445R-99Recent approaches to shear design of structural concreteACI 503R-93Use of epoxy compounds with concreteACI 504R-90Guide to sealing joints in concrete structuresACI 506R-90Guide to shotcreteACI 524R-93Guide to Portland cement plasteringACI 530-02Building code requirements for masonry structuresACI 530R-02Commentary on building code requirements for masonry structuresACI 533R-93Guide for precast concrete wall panelsACI 543R-00Design, manufacture and installation of concrete pilesACI 546R-96Concrete repair guideACI 549R-97State-of-the-art report on ferrocementACI 550R-96Design recommendations for precast concrete structuresTilt-up concrete structuresACI 555R-01Removal and reuse of hardened concreteACI 124.2R-94The mercer mile buildingsACI 126.3R-99Guide to recommended format for concrete in material property databaseACI 201.1R-92Guide for making a condition survey of concrete in serviceACI 201.2R-01Guide to durable concreteACI 207.1R-96Mass concreteACI 207.2R-95Effect of restraint, volume change, and reinforcement on cracking of mass concreteACI 207.3R-94Practices for evaluation of concrete in existing massive structures for service conditionsACI 207.4R-93Cooling and insulating system for mass concreteACI 207.5R-99Roller-compacted mass concreteACI 210.1R-94Compendium of case histories on repair of erosion-damaged concrete in hydraulic structuresACI 211.1-91Standard practice for selecting proportions for normal, heavyweight and mass concreteStandard practice for selecting proportions for structural lightweight concreteACI 211.3R-02Guide for selecting proportions for no-slump concreteACI 211.4R-93Guide for selecting proportions for high-strength concrete with Portland cement and fly ashACI 211.5R-01Guide for submittal of concrete portionsACI 212.3R-91Chemical admixtures for concreteACI 212.4R-93Guide for the use of high-range water-reducing admixtures (superplasticizers) in concreteACI 216.1-97Standard method for determining fire resistance of concrete and masonry construction assembliesACI 221.1R-98State-of-the-art report on alkali-aggregate reactivityACI 222.1-96Provisional standard test method for water-soluable chloride available for corrosion of embedded steel in mortar and concrete using the soxhlet extractorACI 222.2R-01Corrosion of prestressing steelsACI 224.1R-93Causes, evaluation and repair of cracks in concrete structuresACI 224.2R-92Cracking of concrete members in direct tensionACI 224.3R-95Joints in concrete constructionIn-place methods to estimate concrete strengthACI 228.2R-98Nondestructive test methods for evaluation of concrete in structuresACI 230.1R-90State-of-the-art report on soil cementACI 232.1R-00Use of raw or processed natural pozzlans in concreteACI 232.2R-96Use of fly ash in concreteACI 302.1R-96Guide for concrete floor and slab constructionACI 303.1-97Standard specifications for cast-in-place architectural concreteACI 304.1R-92Guide for the use of replaced aggregate concrete for structural and mass concrete applicationsACI 304.2R-96Placing concrete by pumping methodsACI 304.3R-96Heavyweight concrete: measuring, mixing, transporting and placingACI 304.5R-91Batching, mixing and job control of lightweight concreteACI 304.6R-91Guide for the use of volumetric-measuring and continuous-mixing concrete equipmentACI 306.1-90Standard specifications for cold weather concretingStandard specification for curing concreteACI 309,1R-93Behavior of flesh concrete during vibrationACI 309.2R-98Identification and control of visible effects of consolidation on formed concrete surfacesACI 309.3R-92Guide to consolidation of concrete in congested areasACI 309.5R-00Compaction of roller-compacted concreteACI 311.1R-99ACI manual of concrete inspectionACI 311.4R-00Guide for concrete inspectionACI 311.5R-02Guide for concrete plant inspection and testing of ready-mixed concreteACI 325.3R-85Guide for foundations and shoulders for concrete pavementsACI 325.6R-88Texturing concrete pavementsACI 325.9R-91Guide for construction of concrete pavements and concrete basesACI 330.1-94Standard specification for plain concrete parking lotsACI 334.1R-92Concrete shell structures practice and commentaryACI 336.1-01Specifications for the construction of drilled piersSuggested analysis and design procedures for combined footings and matsACI 336.3R-93Design and construction of drilled piersACI 341.2R-97Seismic analysis and design of concrete bridge systemACI 345.1R-92Routine maintenance of concrete bridgesACI 345.2R-98Guide for widening highway bridgesACI 349.1R-91Reinforced concrete design for thermal effects on nuclear power plant structuresACI 349.2R-97Embedment design examplesACI 349.3R-02Evaluation of existing nuclear safety-related concrete structuresACI 350.1R-01Tightness testing of environmental engineering concrete structures (ACI 350,1-01) and commentary (350.1R-01)ACI 350.2R-97Concrete structures for containment of hazardous materialsACI 350.3-01Seismic design of liquid-containing concrete structures (ACI 350.3-01) and commentary (350.3R-01)ACI 351.1R-99Grouting between foundations and bases for support of equipment and machineryACI 351.2R-94Foundations for static equipmentRecommendations for design of slab-column connections in monolithic reinforced concrete structuresACI 355.1R-91State-of-the-art report on anchorage to concreteACI 355.2-01Evaluating the performance of post-installed mechanical anchors in concreteACI 357.1R-91State-of-the-art report on offshore concrete structures for the ArcticACI 357.2R-88State-of-the-art report on barge-like concrete structuresACI 358.1R-92Analysis and design of reinforced and prestressed-concrete guideway structuresACI 362.1R-97Guide for the design of durable parking structuresACI 362.2R-00Guide for structural maintenance of parking structuresACI 363.2R-98Guide to quality control and testing of high-strength concreteACI 364.1R-94Guide for evaluation of concrete structures prior to rehabilitationACI 365.1R-00Service-lift prediction – state-of-the-art reportACI 408.2R-92State-of-the-art report on bond under cyclic loadsACI 408.3-01/408.3R-01Splice and development length of high relative rib area reinforcing bars in tension (408.3-01) and commentary (408.3R-01)ACI 421.1R-99Shear reinforcement for slabsRecommendations for concrete members prestressed with unbonded tendonsACI 423.4R-98Corrosion and repair of unbonded single strand tendonsACI 423.5R-99State-of-the-art report on partially stressed tendonsACI 423.6-01/423.6R-01Specification for unbonded single-strand tendons and commentaryACI 435.7R-85State-of-the-art report on temperature-induced deflections of reinforced concrete membersACI 435.8R-85Observed deflections of reinforced concrete slab system, and causes of large deflectionsACI 439.3R-91Mechanical connections of reinforcing barsACI 440.1R-01Guide for design and construction of concrete reinforced with FRP barsACI 440.2R-02Guide for design and construction of externally bonded FRP systems for strengthening concrete structuresACI 446.1R-91Fracture mechanics of concrete: concepts, models and determination of material propertiesACI 446.3R-97Finite element analysis of fracture in concrete structures: state -of -the -artACI 503.1-92Standard specification for bonding hardened concrete, steel, wood, brick and other materials to hardened concrete with a multi-component epoxy adhesiveStandard specification for bonding plastic concrete to hardened concrete with a multi-component epoxy adhesiveACI 503.3-92Standard specification for producing a skid-resistant surface on concrete by the use of a multi-component epoxy systemACI 503.4-92Standard specification for repairing concrete with epoxy mortarsACI 503.5R-92Guide for selection of polymer adhesives with concreteACI 503.6R-97Guide for the application of epoxy and latex adhesives for bonding freshly mixed and hardened concretesACI 506.1R-98Committee report on fiber reinforced shotcreteACI 506.2-95Specification for shotcreteACI 506.3R-91Guide to certification of shotcrete nozzlemenACI 506.4R-94Guide for evaluation of shotcreteACI 532.2R-96Guide for precast cellular concrete floor, roof and wall unitsACI 530.1-02Specifications for masonry structuresACI 530.1R-02Commentary on specifications for masonry structuresACI 533.1R-02Design responsibility for architectural precast concrete projectsState-of-the-art report on fiber reinforced concreteACI 544.2R-89Measurement of properties of fiber reinforced concreteACI 544.3R-93Guide for specifying, proportioning, mixng, placing and finishing steel fiber reinforced concreteACI 544.4R-88Design considerations for steel fiber reinforced concreteACI 546.2R-98Guide to underwater repair of concreteACI 548.1R-97Guide for the use of polymers in concreteACI 548.2R-93Guide for mixing and placing sulfur concrete in constructionACI 548.4-93Standard specification for latex-modified concrete (LMC) overlaysACI 548.5R-94Guide for polymer concrete overlaysACI 549.1R-93Guide for design, construction and repair of ferrocementACI 550.1R-01Emulating cast-in-place detailing in precast concrete structuresACI 325.10R-95Report on roller-compacted concrete pavementsACI 325.11R-01Accelerated techniques for concrete pavingACI 325.12R-02Guide for design of jointed concrete pavements for streets and local roadsSP-4Formwork for concreteSP-15(99)Field reference manualACI 340R-97ACI design handbook – design of structural reinforced concrete elements in accordance with the strength design method of ACI 318-95SP-66(94)ACI detailing manualSP-71(02)ASTM standards in ACI 318ACI T1.1-01Acceptance criteria for moment frames based on structural testing。
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Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Materials (ACI 117-90) Reported by ACI Committee 117S. Allen Face, III Thomas C. Heist Richard A. Kaden Ross Martin Peter Meza W. Robert LittleChairmanRussell S. FlingChairman, Editorial SubcommitteeAndrawos Morcos B. J. PointerClark B. Morgan, Jr.Dean E. Stephan, Jr.*Harry M. Palmbaum Eldon TippingWilliam S. Phelan Carl S. TogniJoe V. Williams, Jr.This specification provides standard tolerances for concrete con-struction. This document is intended to be used as the reference doc-ument for establishing tolerances for concrete construction by speci-fication writers and ACI committees writing Standards.Keywords: bending (reinforcing steels); building codes; concrete construction; concrete piles; concretes; floors; formwork (construction); masonry; mass con-crete; piers; precast concrete; prestressed concrete; reinforcing steels; specifi-cations; splicing; standards; tolerances (mechanics).FOREWORDF1. This foreword is included for explanatory pur-poses only; it is not a part of Standard Specification 117.F2. Standard Specification 117 is a Reference Stan-dard which the Architect/Engineer may cite in the Project Specifications for any construction project, to-gether with supplementary requirements for the spe-cific project.This standard is not intended to apply to special structures not cited in the standard such as nuclear re-actors and containment vessels, bins and silos, and pre-stressed circular structures. It is also not intended to apply to the specialized construction procedure of shotcrete.F3. Standard Specification 117 addresses each of the Three-Part Section Format of the Construction Speci-fications Institute, organized by structural elements, structural components and types of structures; the numbering system reflects this organization. The lan-guage is imperative and terse to preclude an alterna-tive.F4. A Specification Checklist is included as a preface to, but not forming a part of, Standard Specification 117. The purpose of this Specification Checklist is to assist the Architect/Engineer in properly choosing and specifying the necessary mandatory and optional re-quirements for the Project Specification.PREFACE TO SPECIFICATION CHECKLISTP1. Standard Specification 117 is intended to be used in its entirety by reference in the Project Specification.Individual sections, articles, or paragraphs should not be copied into the Project Specifications since taking them out of context may change their meaning.P2. Building codes establish minimum requirementsnecessary to protect the public. Some of the require-ments in this Standard Specification may be morestringent than the minimum in order to insure the level of quality and performance that the Owner expects the structure to provide. Adjustments to the needs of a particular project should be made by the Architect/En-gineer by reviewing each of the items in the Specifica-tion Checklist and then including the Architect/Engi-neer’s decision on each item as a mandatory require-ment in the Project Specifications.P3. These mandatory requirements should designate the specific qualities, procedures, materials, and per-formance criteria for which alternatives are permitted or for which provisions were not made in the Standard Specification. Exceptions to the Standard Specification should be made in the Project Specifications, if re-quired.P4. A statement such as the following will serve to make Standard Specification ACI 117 an official part of the Project Specifications:Tolerances for Concrete Construction and Mate-rials shall conform to all requirements of ACI 117,Standard Specifications for Tolerances for Con-crete Construction and Materials, published by theAmerican Concrete Institute, Detroit, Michigan,except as modified by the requirements of theseContract Documents.Adopted as a Standard of the American Concrete Institute in November 1989 in accordance with the Institute’s standardization procedures.Copyright © 1990, American Concrete Institute. All rights reserved, includ-ing the making of copies unless permission is obtained from the copyright pro-prietors.*Chairman during initial development of this document.117-1117-2MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICEP5. The Specification Checklist that follows is ad-Checklist consists of two columns; the first identifies dressed to each item of the Standard Specification the sections, parts, and articles of the Standard Speci-where the Architect/Engineer must or may make a fication and the second column contains notes to the choice of alternatives; may add provisions if not indi-Architect/Engineer to indicate the type of action re-cated; or may take exceptions. The Specification quired by the Architect/Engineer.MANDATORY SPECIFICATION CHECKLISTSection/Part/Article Section 2 - Materials2.2-Reinforcement Section 3 - Foundations3.1.1 Drilled piers Section 4 - Cast-in-place concrete for buildings4.5.4 Form offsets4.5.5 Floor finish4.5.5.1 For Section For Section 4.5.7Notes to the Architect/EngineerTolerances for fabrication, placement, and lap splices for welded wire fabric must be specified by the specifier.Specify category of caisson. The designer should be aware that the recom-mended vertical alignment tolerance of 1.5 percent of the shaft length indicated in Category B caissons is based on experience in a wide variety of soil situations combined with a limited amount of theoretical analysis using the beam on elas-tic foundation theory and minimum assumed horizontal soil restraint. Designate class of surface (A, B, C, D):Class A -For surfaces prominently exposed to public view where appearance is of special importance.Class B - Coarse-textured concrete-formed surfaces intended to receive plas-ter, stucco, or wainscoting.Class C - General standard for permanently exposed surfaces where other fin-ishes are not specified.Class D -Minimum quality surface where roughness is not objectionable, usu-ally applied where surfaces will be concealed.Specify floor finish tolerance measurement method (either Section 4.5.6 or Sec-tion 4.5.7).Designate floor classification (15/13; 20/15; 30/20; or, 50/30).Designate maximum gap under a freestanding straightedge (1/2 in., 5/16 in., 3/16 in., or 1/8 in.).OPTIONAL SPECIFICATION CHECKLISTSection 1 - General1.1.2 Scope1.1.2 Scope 1.2.3 Requirements Tolerance values affect construction cost. Specific use of a toleranced item may warrant less or more stringent tolerances than contained in the specification. Such variances must be individually designated by the specifier in the contract docu-ments.Tolerances in this specification are for standard concrete construction and con-struction procedures. Specialized concrete construction or construction procedures require specifier to include specialized tolerances. AC1 committee documents cov-ering specialized construction may provide guidance on specialized tolerances. The tolerances in this Specification do not apply to special structures or procedures not cited in the document such as nuclear reactors and containment vessels, bins and silos, circular prestressed concrete tank structures and shotcrete.Where a specific application uses multiply toleranced items that together yield a toleranced result, the specifier must analyze the tolerance envelope with respect to practical limits and design assumptions and specify its value where the standard tolerances values in this specification are inadequate or inappropriate.TOLERANCESOPTIONAL SPECIFICATION CHECKLIST, continuedSection 2 - Materials2.2.3 Concrete cover2.3.2 Embedded itemsSection 3 - Cast-in-placeconcrete for foundations3.4.1.2 FootingsSection 4 - Cast-in-placeconcrete for buildings4.5.5 Floor finishSection 5 - Precastconcrete5.1.4 Camber5.3 PlanerelementsCONTENTS Section 1 - General, p. 117-4 1.1 - Scope1.2 - Requirements1.3 - DefinitionsSection 2 - Materials, p. 117-6 2.1 - Reinforcing steel fabrication2.2 - Reinforcement placement2.3 - Placement of embedded items 2.4 - Concrete batching2.5 - Concrete properties The tolerance for reduction in cover in reinforcing steel may require a reduction in magnitude where the reinforced concrete is exposed to chlorides or the environ-ment. Where possible excess cover or other protection of the reinforcing steel should be specified in lieu of reduced tolerance because of the accuracy of locating reinforcing steel utilizing standard fabrication accessories and installed procedures. Tolerance given is for general application. Specific design use of embedded items nay require the specifier to designate tolerances of reduced magnitude for various embedded items.Plus tolerance for the vertical dimensions is not specified because no limit is im-posed. Specifier must designate plus tolerance if desired.The procedures for specifying and measuring floor finish tolerances set forth herein are not appropriate for narrow aisle warehouse floors with defined traffic lanes de-signed for use by specialized wheeled equipment. Consult specific equipment man-ufacturers for their recommendations.The tolerances for precast concrete are intended to apply to all types of precast concrete construction cast onsite (including tilt-up) and offsite except as set forth below. Variations to these tolerances may be advisable after consideration of panel size and construction techniques required.Tolerances set forth herein are not intended to apply to plant production of pa-tented or copyrighted structural systems and/or elements. Designers, specifiers and contractors should contact the Licensors of such systems and/or products for ap-plicable tolerances.For members with a span-to-depth ratio equal to or exceeding 30, the stated cam-ber tolerance may require special production measures and result in cost premi-ums. Where feasible, a greater tolerance magnitude should be utilized where the span-to-depth ratio is equal to or greater than 30.Industrial precast products may not conform to the planar tolerances. Manufac-turers should be consulted for appropriate tolerances for their products.Section 3 - Foundations, p. 117-8 3.1 - Vertical alignment3.2 - Lateral alignment3.3 - Level alignment3.4 - Cross-sectional dimensions3.5 - Relative alignment117-3 Section 4 - Cast-in-place concrete for buildings, p. 117-94.1 - Vertical alignment4.2 - Lateral alignment4.3 - Level alignment4.4 - Cross-sectional dimensions4.5 - Relative alignment4.6 - Openings through membersSection 5 - Precast concrete, p. 117-105.1 - Fabrication tolerances in linear elements except piles5.2 - Fabrication tolerances for piles5.3 - Fabrication tolerances in planar elements5.4 - Erection tolerancesSection 6 - Masonry, p. 117-116.1 - Vertical alignment6.2 - Lateral alignment6.3 - Level alignment117-4 MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE6.4 - Cross-sectional dimensions6.5 - Relative alignmentSection 7 - Cast-in-place, vertically slipformed structures, p. 117-117.1 - Vertical alignment7.2 - Lateral alignment7.3 - Cross-sectional dimensions7.4 - Relative alignmentSection 8 - Mass concrete structures other than buildings, p. 117-118.1 - Vertical alignment8.2 - Lateral alignment8.3 - Level alignment8.4 - Relative alignmentSection 9 - Canal lining, p. 117-119.1 - Lateral alignment9.2 - Level alignment9.3 - Cross-sectional dimensionsSection 10 - Monolithic siphons and culverts, p. 117-1110.1 - Lateral alignment10.2 - Level alignment10.3 - Cross-sectional dimensionsSection 11 - Cast-in-place bridges, p. 117-12 11.1 - Vertical alignment11.2 - Lateral alignment11.3 - Level alignment11.4 - Cross-sectional dimensions11.5 - Relative alignmentSection 12 - Pavement and sidewalks, p. 117-12 12.1 - Lateral alignment12.2 - Level alignmentSection 13 - Chimneys and cooling towers, p. 117-1213.1 - Vertical alignment13.2 - Diameter13.3 - Wall thicknessSection 14 - Cast-in-place nonreinforced pipe, p. 117-1214.1 - Wall thickness14.2 - Pipe diameter14.3 - Offsets14.4 - Surface IndentationsSECTION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.1 - Scope1.1.1 This specification designates standard toler-ances for concrete construction.1.1.2 The indicated tolerances govern unless other-wise specified.1.2 - Requirements1.2.1 Concrete construction shall meet the specified tolerances.1.2.2 Tolerances shall not extend the structure be-yond legal boundaries.1.2.3 Tolerances are not cumulative. The most re-strictive tolerance controls.1.2.4 Plus ( + ) tolerance increases the amount or di-mension to which it applies, or raises a level alignment. Minus ( - ) tolerance decreases the amount or dimen-sion to which it applies, or lowers a level alignment. A nonsigned tolerance means + or - . Where only one signed tolerance is specified (+ or - ), there is no limit in the other direction.1.3 - DefinitionsArris - The line, edge, or hip in which two straight or curved surfaces of a body, forming an exterior an-gle, meet; a sharp ridge, as between adjoining channels of a Doric column.Bowing - The displacement of the surface of a planar element from a plane passing through any three corners of the element.Clear distance - In reinforced concrete, the least distance between the surface of the reinforcement and the referenced surface, i.e., the form, adjacent rein-forcement, embedment, concrete, or other surface. Concealed surface - Surface not subject to visual observation during normal use of the element. Contract documents - The project contract, the project drawings, and the project specifications. Cover - In reinforced concrete, the least distance between the surface of the reinforcement and the outer surface of the concrete.Flatness - The degree to which a surface approxi-mates a plane.Lateral alignment - The location relative to a spec-ified horizontal line or point in a horizontal plane. Level alignment - The location relative to a speci-fied horizontal plane. When applied to roadways, bridge decks, slabs, ramps, or other nominally hori-zontal surfaces established by elevations, level align-ment is defined as the vertical location of the surface relative to the specified profile grade and specified cross slope.Levelness - The degree to which a line or surface parallels horizontal.Precast linear element - Beam, column, or similar unit.Precast planar element - Wall panel, floor panel, or similar unit.Project Specifications - The building specifications which employ ACI 117 by reference, and which serve as the instrument for making the mandatory and optional selections available under these and for specifying items not covered herein.Relative alignment - The distance between two or more elements in any plane, or the distance between adjacent elements, or the distance between an element and a defined point or plane.Spiral - As used in circular stave silo construction, is defined as the distortion that results when the staves are misaligned so that their edges are inclined while their outer faces are vertical. The resulting assembly117-6MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICE NOTES:Entire shearing and bending tolerances are customarily ab-sorbed in the extension past the last bend in a bent bar.All tolerances single plane and as shown. Tolerances for TypesS1 through S6, S11, and T1 through T9 apply only the Bar Sizes#3 through #8.*Dimensions on this line are to be within tolerance shown, butare not to differ from opposite parallel dimension more than 1/2 in.Angular deviation-Maximum plus or minus 2-1/2 deg or plus orminus 1/2 in. per ft, but not less than 1/2 in., on all 90-deg hooks andbends.TOLERANCE SYMBOLS:1. Bar Sizes #3, #4, #5:= plus or minus 1/2 in. when gross bar length < 12 ft = plus or minus 1 in. when gross bar length _> 12 ft 2. Plus or minus 1 in.3. Plus 0, minus 1/2 in.4. Plus or minus 1/2 in.5. Plus or minus 1/2 in. for diameter _< 30 in.Plus or minus 1 in. for diameter > 30 in.6. Plus or minus 1.5 percent of o dimension _> plus or minus 2 in.minimum. If application of positive tolerance to Type 9 resultsin a chord length equal to or greater than the arc or bar length,the bar may be shipped straight.Fig. 2.1(a) - Standard fabricating tolerances for bar sizes #3 through #11horizontal location of the surface relative to the speci-fied profile.SECTION 2 - MATERIALS Warping - The displacement of the surface, por- 2.1 - Reinforcing steel fabrication tion, or edge of a planar element from a plane passing For bars #3 and #11 in size, see Fig. 2.1(a).through any three corners of the element.For bars #14 and #18 in size, see Fig. 2.1(b).TOLERANCES 117-7NOTES:Entire shearing and bending tolerances are customarily ab-sorbed in the extension past the last bend in a bent bar.All tolerances single plane and as shown.Angular deviation - Maximum plus or minus 2-1/2 deg or plus orminus 1/2 in. per ft on all 90-deg hooks and bends.TOLERANCE SYMBOLS:#14#187. Plus or minus 2-1/2 in.3-1/2 in.8. Plus or minus 2 in. 2 in.9. Plus or minus1-1/2 in. 2 in.10. Plus or minus2 percent x o dimension _>±2-1/2 in.† ±3-1/2 in.†min.min.Fig. 2.1(b) - Standard fabricating tolerances for bar sizes #14 and #182.2 - Reinforcement placement2.2.1 Tolerances shall not permit a reduction in coverexcept as set forth in Section 2.2.3 hereof.2.2.2 Clear distance to side forms and resulting con-crete surfaces and clear distance to formed and result-ing concrete soffits in direction of toleranceWhen member size is 4 in. or less . . . . . . . + 1/4 in.. . . . . . . - 3/8 in.When member size is over 4 in. but not over 12in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/8 in.When member size is over 12 in. but not over 2ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 in.When member size is over 2 ft. . . . . . . . . . . 1 in . 2.2.3 Concrete cover measured perpendicular to con-crete surface in direction of tolerance When member size is 12 in. or less . . . . . . - 3/8 in.When member size is over 12 in. . . . . . . . - 1/2 in.Reduction in cover shall not exceed one-third specified concrete cover.Reduction in cover to formed soffits shall not exceed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4 in.2.2.4 Distance between reinforcement:One-quarter specified distance not to exceed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 in.Providing that distance between reinforcement shall not be less than the greater of the bar di-117-8MANUAL OF CONCRETE PRACTICEameter or 1 in. for unbundled bars.For bundled bars, the distance between bun-dles shall not be less than the greater of 1 in. or1.4 times the individual bar diameter for 2 barbundles, 1.7 times the individual bar diameterfor 3 bar bundles and 2 times the individual bardiameter for 4 bar bundles.2.2.5 Spacing of nonprestressed reinforcement, de-viation from specified locationIn slabs and walls other than stirrups and ties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 in.Stirrups . . . . depth of beam in inches/12 x 1 in.Ties. . . . . . least width of column in inches/12 x 1 in.However, total number of bars shall not be lessthan that specified.2.2.6 Placement of prestressing reinforcement orprestressing steel ducts2.2.6.1 Lateral placementMember depth (or thickness) 24 in. or less. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/2 in.Member depth (or thickness) over 24 in. . . . . 1 in. Vertical placementMember depth (or thickness) 8 in. or less. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/4 in.Member depth (or thickness) over 8 in. but notover 24 in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3/8 in.Member depth (or thickness) more than 24i n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1/2 in.2.2.7 Longitudinal location of bends and ends ofbars:At discontinuous ends of members . . . . . . . . . . . 1 in.At other locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 in.Table Embedded length of bars and length of barlaps:#3 through #11 bar sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1 in.#14 and #18 bar sizes (embedment only) - 2 in.2.2.9 Bearing plate for prestressng tendons, devia-tion from specified plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 degree 2.3 - Placement of embedded items 2.3.1 Clearance to reinforcement the greater of the bar diameter or . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 in. 2.3.2 Vertical alignment, lateral alignment, and level alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 in.2.4 - Concrete batching See Table - Concrete properties 2.5.1 Slump, where specified as “maximum” or “not to exceed," for all values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 0 in.Specified slump 3 in. or less . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1-1/2 in.Specified slump more than 3 in . . . . . . . . - 2-1/2 in.Slump, when specified as a single value Specified slump 4 in. or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 in.Specified slump more than 4 in . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1/2 in.Where range is specified there is no tolerance.2.5.2 Air content, where no range is specified and specified air content by volume is 4 percent or greater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-1/2 percent Where range is specified, there is no tolerance.SECTION 3 - FOUNDATIONS 3.1 - Vertical alignment 3.1.1 Drilled piers Category A -For unreinforced shafts ex-tending through materials offering no or minimal lateral restraint (i.e., water, nor-mally consolidated organic soils, and soils that might liquefy during an earthquake)- 12.5 percent of shaft diameter. Category B -For unreinforced shafts ex-tending through materials offering lateral restraint (soils other than those indicated in Category A) -not more than 1.5 per-cent of the shaft length. Category C - For reinforced concrete shafts - not more than 2.0 percent of the shaft length.3.2 - Lateral alignment 3.2.1 Footings As cast to the center of gravity as specified; 0.02times width of footing in direction of misplace-ment but not more than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 in.Supporting masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 in.3.2.2 Drilled piers 1/24 of shaft diameter but not more than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 in.3.3 - Level alignment 3.3.1 Footings Top of footings supporting masonry 1/2 in. Top of other footings . . . . . . . . . . + 1/2 in.. . . . . . . . . . . . . .- 2 in.3.3.2 Drilled piers Cut-off elevation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 1 in.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 3 in.TOLERANCES 117-93.4 - Cross-sectional dimensions4.5 - Relative alignment 3.4.1 Footings 4.5.1 Stairs Horizontal dimension of formed membersDifference in height between adjacent risers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 2 in.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1/2 in . Horizontal dimension of unformed mem-bers cast against soil2 ft. or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . +3 in.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/8 in .Difference in width between adjacent trends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4 in.4.5.2 Grooves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1/2 in .Greater than 2 ft. but less than 6 ft . . . . . . . . + 6 in.. . . . . . . . . - 1/2 in .Over 6 ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 12 in.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1/2 in. Vertical dimension (thickness) - 5 percentSpecified width 2 in. or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/8 in.Specified width more than 2 in. but not more than 12 in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4 in..4.5.3 Formed surfaces may slope with respect to the specified plane at a rate not to exceed the following amounts in 10 ft 3.5 - Relative alignment3.5.1 Footing side and top surfaces may slope withrespect to the specified plane at a rate not to exceed thefollowing amounts in 10 ft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 in. Vertical alignment of outside corner of ex-posed corner columns and control joint grooves in concrete exposed to view SECTION 4 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE FORBUILDINGS4.1 - Vertical alignment4.1.1 For heights 100 ft or lessLines, surfaces, and arrises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 in.Outside corner of exposed corner columns andcontrol joint grooves in concrete exposed to view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 in.4.1.2 For heights greater than 100 ftLines, surfaces, and arrises, 1/1000 times the heightbut not more than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 in.Outside corner of exposed corner columns andcontrol joint grooves in concrete, 1/2000 times theheight but not more than . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 in.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4 in. All other conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/8 in.4.5.4. The offset between adjacent pieces of form-work facing material shall not exceed:Class of surface:Class A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/8 in.Class B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/4 in.Class C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 in.Class D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 in.4.5.5 Floor finish tolerances shall meet the require-ments of either Section 4.5.6 or 4.5.7, as set forth by the specifier.4.5.6 Floor finish tolerances as measured in accord-ance with ASTM E 1155-87 Standard Test Method for Determining Floor Flatness and Levelness Using the F-Number System (Inch-Pound Units)4.2 - Lateral alignment4.2.1 Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 in.4.2.2 In slabs, centerline location of openings 12 in.or smaller and edge location of larger openings . . 1/2 in.4.2.3 Sawcuts, joints, and weakened plane embed- 15ments in slabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 in.4.3 - Level alignment4.3.1 Top of slabs: Elevation of slabs-on-grade . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 in. Elevation of top surfaces of formed slabsbefore removal of supporting shoresMinimum F F F L number required Floor profile quality Test area Minimum local F number classification Flatness F F Level F L Flatness F F Level F L Conventional Bullfloated 131310Straightedged 20151510Flat 30201510Very flat 50302515. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 in.4.3.2 Elevation of formed surfaces before removal ofshores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 in.4.3.3 Lintels, sills, parapets, horizontal grooves, andother lines exposed to view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 in.4.4 - Cross-sectional dimensions4.4.1 Members, such as columns, beams, piers, walls(thickness only), and slabs (thickness only)12 in. dimension or less.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 3/8 in.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 1/4 in.More than 12 in. dimension but not over 3 ft di-mension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 1/2 in.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 3/8 in .Over 3 ft dimension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + 1 in.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 3/4 in. The F L levelness tolerance shall not apply to slabs placed on unshored form surfaces and/or shored form surfaces after the removal of shores. F L levelness tolerances shall not apply to cambered or inclined sur-faces and shall be measured within 72 hr after slab concrete placement.4.5.7 Floor finish tolerances as measured by placing a freestanding (unleveled) 10 ft. straightedge anywhere on the slab and allowing it to rest upon two high spots within 72 hr after slab concrete placement. The gap at any point between the straightedge and the floor (and between the highspots) shall not exceed:Classification:Conventional Bullfloated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/2 in.Straightedged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5/16 in.。