2014 巴西世界杯歌词
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The final is marked by Brazil world cup called "incentive", basically is to imitate the cup shape, by Effie and design creation. Brazil World Cup mascot is designed to emphasize mean the importance of the environmental and ecological protection, while also taking into account the image will be the children all over the world to accept. Brazil's official World Cup theme song (Official Song) is a singer Pitbull, Jennifer Lopes and Brazil singer Claudia Leitte singing the song "We Are One (Ole Ola)" (translated as "we are one")
2014FIFA世界杯官方主题曲We Are One
O ne ni ght w a t ch t he w or l d uni t e/只需一个夜晚全世界融为一体T w o s i des,one fi ght a nd a m i l l i on eyes/两支队伍一场比赛数百万双眼睛C om e on s i n g w i t h m e/来吧和我一起唱hey hey heya l l e z al l ez c o m e shout i t out w i t h m e/来和我一起呐喊hey hey heyC om e on now/来吧hey hey heyC om e O i l now/来吧hey hey hey,hey heyTUIJIAN/删口曩圜Put yo ur f l ags up i n t he s ky/向天空高举你的旗帜A nd w av e’em s i de t o si de/左右挥动Show t he w or l d w he r e you’re f r ol n/让世界看清楚你来自哪里Show t he w or l d w e a r e one/让世界看见我们就是一家人(one,l ove,l i f e/整体,友爱和生命)0l仑016.ol e016x4B r asi l/巴西2014足球世界杯6月开赛啦,今年世界杯主题曲由嘻哈说唱天王Pi t bul l联手性感天后Je nni f erLopcz、巴西本土歌手C l audi a Lei t t e激情献唱。
难忘激情时刻,那就唱起“0h l ala”。
来一场桑巴狂欢吧!中文名:皮普保罗外文名:Pi t bull国籍:美国民族:古巴裔出生地:美国佛罗里达卅l迈阿密出生日期:1981年1月15日职业:说唱歌手身高:178em星座:摩羯座语言:西班牙语、英语59。
xx年⾜球世界杯(全名为“xx FIFA World Cup South Africa”,FIFA是“世界⾜球联合会”法⽂名称Fédèration International de Football Associations的缩写,在美国“⾜球”称为soccer,football则是“橄榄球”)将于6⽉11⽇在南⾮约翰内斯堡拉开战幕,共有32 个球队争夺⼤⼒神杯。
⾸场⽐赛由东道主南⾮对阵墨西哥(the host team of South Africa competing with the Mexican team)。
第⼀届世界杯于1930年举⾏,以后每4年举⾏⼀次,世界也就每4年疯狂⼀次,⼈们就像着了魔⼀样(as if charmed)沉浸在⾜球的欢乐中(be immersed in the joy of football),暂时忘却了⽣活和⼯作中的烦恼(cast away ever worry)。
看球星踢球⼀点也不亚于欣赏艺术⼤师的表演(no less than watching performances by great masters of art)。
⼈们仍然津津乐道于(feel delighted in talking about)球王贝利(Pelé, king of football)在1958年世界杯上的精彩表现。
1986年马拉多纳(Maradona)连过六⼈(break the defense of six persons in a breath)的世纪进球(shot of the century)让全世界的球迷记忆犹新(still fresh in their memory),这次马拉多纳⾸次以教练的⾝份(in the capacity of a coach)参加世界杯,可是⼈们⾄今还在争论贝利和马拉多纳究竟谁更伟⼤。
世界杯主题曲及历届回顾xx世界杯主题曲及历届回顾世界杯是世界上最高水平的足球比赛,与 ___会、F1并称为全球三大顶级赛事。
让带你一起重温那些振奋人心的旋律吧!举办地:巴西主题歌:《我们是一家人》演唱者:皮普保罗和珍妮弗·洛佩兹巴西世界杯主题曲《我们是一家人》由皮普保罗(Pitbull)和珍妮弗-洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)两大嘻哈天王天后,联合巴西流行天后克劳迪娅-莱蒂(Claudia Leitte)共同演唱。
副歌中的和声反复唱着“举起你的旗帜将它挥舞起来,告诉世界你从哪儿来,告诉世界我们是一家人”,简单的旋律具有《生命之杯》般的 ___功能,《我们是一家人》也有望成为世界杯主题曲中的经典。
2014年世界杯主题曲2014年世界杯主题曲已经确认2010南非世界杯主题曲Wavin Flag:本届世界杯主题曲名为“Wavin Flag”,其中文译名“旗帜飘扬”。
2010南非世界杯主题曲Wavin Flag试听zQSDfVs2010南非世界杯主题曲Wavin Flag歌词when i get older i will bestronger they'll call me freedom justlike a wavin flagwhen i get older i will be stronger they'll call me freedom just like a waving flagand then it goes back (3x)ahhho ahhho ahhhoborn to a thronestronger than romebut violent pronepoor people zonebut its my homeall i have knownwhere i got grownstreets we would roamout of the darknessi came the farthestamong the hardest survivelearn form these streetsit can be bleakaccept no defeetsurrender retreat(so we struggling)fighting to eat(and we wondering)when we will be freeso we patiently waitfor that faithful dayits not far awaybut for now we saywhen i get older i will be stronger they'll call me freedom just like a waving flagand then it goes back (3x)ahhho ahhho ahhhoso many warssettling scoresbring us promisesleaving us poori heard them saylove is the waylove is the answerthats what they saybut look how they treat us make us believerswe fight there battlesthen they deceive ustry to control usthey couldn't hold uscause we just move forward like buffalo soldiers(but we strugglin)fighting to eat(and we wondering)when we will be freeso we patiently waitfor that faithfully dayits not far awaybut for now we saywhen i get older i will bestronger they'll call me freedom justlike a waving flagand then it goes back (3x)and then it goes when i get older i will be stronger they'll call me freedom justlike a wavin flagand then it goes back (3x)ahhhooo ahhhoooo ahhhoooand everybody will be singing itand you and i will be singing itand we all will be singing itwo wah wo ah wo ahwhen i get older i will bestronger they'll call me freedom justlike a wavin flagand then it goes back (3x)and then it goes when i get older i will bestronger they'll call me freedom justlike a wavin flagand then it goes back (3x)a oh a oh a ohwhen i get olderwhen i get olderi will be strongerjust like a wavin flag (3x)flag flagjust like a wavin flag中文歌词大意:给我自由,给我激情,给我激励,让我飞翔随冠军的心驰骋绿茵场凝聚一起,让我们感受荣耀辉煌摆脱心中的束缚,我们昂首走在大街上欢庆的气氛感染着你我,还有天下万邦永远保有年轻的心,在阳光下尽情歌唱让我们陶醉在激情奔放的赛场让我们聚集成暮色苍茫的海洋我们相信当我渐渐成长,我将更加强壮人们会称我自由之王,恰如旗帜风中飘扬就让你我旗帜飘扬让你我旗帜飘扬,旗帜飘扬……让我们去听听这个有没的声音吧。
We Are One
2014年巴西世界杯主题曲We Are One歌词Put your flags up in the sky (put them in the sky)And wave them side to side (side to side)Show the world where you're from(Show them where you're from)Show the world we are one (one love, life)Ole ole ole olaOle ole ole olaOle ole ole olaOle ole ole olaWhen the moment gets toughYou've got keep goingOne love, one life, one worldOne fight, whole world, one night, one placeBrazil, everybody put your flagsIn the sky and do what you feelIt's your world, my world, our world todayAnd we invite the whole world, whole world to playIt's your world, my world, our world todayAnd we invite the whole world, whole world to playEs mi mundo, tu mundo, el mundo de nosotrosInvitamos a todo el mundo a jugar con nosotrosPut your flags up in the sky(Put them in the sky)And wave them side to side (side to side)Show the world where you're from(Show them where you're from)Show the world we are one (one love, life)Ole ole ole olaOle ole ole olaOle ole ole olaOle ole ole olaOne night watch the world uniteTwo sides, one fight and a million eyesFull heart's gonna work so hardShoot, fall, the starsFists raised up towards the skyTonight watch the world unite, world unite, world unite For the fight, fight, fight, one nightWatch the world uniteTwo sides, one fight and a million eyesHey, hey, hey, força força come and sing with meHey, hey, hey, ole ola come shout it out with meHey, hey, hey, come on nowHey, hey, hey, come on nowHey, hey, hey, hey, heyPut your flags up in the sky(Put them in the sky)And wave them side to side (side to side)Show the world where you're from(Show them where you're from)Show the world we are one (one love, life)Ole ole ole olaOle ole ole olaOle ole ole olaOle ole ole olaClaudia Leitte, obrigadoÉ meu, é seuHoje é tudo nossoQuando chega o mundo inteiro pra jogar é pra mostrar que eu posso Torcer, chorar, sorrir, gritarNão importar o resultado, vamos extravasarPut your flags up in the sky(Put them in the sky)And wave them side to side (side to side) Show the world where you're from(Show them where you're from)Show the world we are one (one love, life) Ole ole ole olaOle ole ole olaOle ole ole olaOle ole ole ola。
巴西世界杯强口号(中英文对照版)中文:巴西世界杯强口号1. 热情巴西,胜利至上 - Passionate Brazil, Victory above all2. 战胜一切,夺冠为王 - Conquer all, Crown to be won3. 巴西荣耀,球王复出 - Brazilian glory, the return of the Soccer King4. 蓝血传承,冠军由我 - Legacy of blue blood, the champion is ours5. 天使降临,巴西开枪 - Angels descend, Brazil fires up6. 绿茵征战,巴西再崛起 - Green battleground, Brazil rises agn7. 灼热巴西,火焰般的胜利 - Fiery Brazil, victory like flames8. 强者之路,巴西无敌 - The path of the strong, Brazil invincible9. 神奇巴西,盛世归来 - Magical Brazil, the return of an era10. 激情世界,巴西一统 - Passionate world, Brazil dominatesEnglish: Strong Slogans for the Brazil World Cup1. Passionate Brazil, Victory above all2. Conquer all, Crown to be won3. Brazilian glory, the return of the Soccer King4. Legacy of blue blood, the champion is ours5. Angels descend, Brazil fires up6. Green battleground, Brazil rises agn7. Fiery Brazil, victory like flames8. The path of the strong, Brazil invincible9. Magical Brazil, the return of an era10. Passionate world, Brazil dominates。
世界杯歌曲那首最出名?以下是店铺分享给大家的关于最经典的世界杯歌曲,一起来听听很火的世界杯主题曲有哪些吧!世界杯歌曲那首最出名1 El Rock del Mundial (1962)1962年智利世界杯诞生了历史上第一首世界杯主题曲——《El Rock Del Mundial》(全世界都摇摆),而演唱者为智利摇滚乐队Los Ramblers。
2 Back Home (1970)1970年世界杯上,为鼓励英格兰队继1966年夺取世界杯冠军后再创佳绩,《Back Home》(回家)这首寓意希望英格兰队能够第二次捧得冠军奖杯的歌曲诞生了。
3 World In Motion (1990)《World in Motion》(动感世界)是1990年世界杯的英格兰队队歌,这首充满活力的歌曲由英格兰联合新秩序乐队一起制作,此后成为了流行经典。
4 Un'Estate Italiana (1990)《Un'Estate Italiana》(意大利之夏)可以说是世界杯历史上的最佳主题曲,即使20多年过去,每当这首歌曲的旋律响起,依旧能够把人们的思绪带到那个充满激情的意大利之夏。
5 Far Away in America (1994)《Far Away in America》(远在美国)由美国著名组合Village People与德国队联合创作完成。
6 The Cup of Life (1998)1998年由瑞奇-马丁演唱的《The cup of life》(生命之杯)大概是传唱度最广的一首世界杯主题曲,这首动感十足的乐曲成功征服了世界各地。
7 Waka Waka (2010)《Waka Waka》 (非洲时刻)与南非世界杯的基调十分契合,足球的盛会首次到达非洲大陆,庆祝的欢乐以及非洲的风情被这首歌曲体现的淋漓尽致。
We Are One (Ole Ola) 天下一家(The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Song Pitbull)(2014年巴西世界杯主题曲嘻哈斗牛犬) Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共Olê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê olá When the goin gets tough (goin gets tough) 遇上险阻之时The tough get goin (tough get goin) 困难重重在前One love (love), one life (life) 同一份热爱同一体生命one world (world), one fight (fight) 同一个世界同一场战役Whole world (world), one night (night), 整个世界聚焦一夜one place (place), Brazil (Brasil) 仅在一地正是巴西Everybody put your flags in the sky 就让所有人高擎旗帜And do what you feel 尽情挥洒此刻感受It's your world, my world, our world today 今天就是你的世界我的世界我们的世界And we invite the whole world, 我们诚邀全世界whole world to play 整个世界加入游戏It's your world, my world, our world today 今天就是你的世界我的世界我们的世界And we invite the whole world, 我们诚邀全世界whole world to play 整个世界加入游戏Es mí mundo, tú mundo, él mundo, de nosotros 这是你的世界我的世界我们的世界Invitamos al todo el mundo, a hogar con nosotros 我们诚邀全世界欢聚一堂Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天(p ut'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共Olê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê olá(Jenny, darling 亲爱的詹尼,该你出场!)[Jennifer Lopez / 詹妮弗?洛佩兹]One night watch the world unite, 就在这一夜看到世界同聚Two sides, one fight, and a million eyes 两支队伍一场比赛万众聚焦Full hearts gonna work so hard, shoot for the stars 满溢的心情直冲星汉Fists raised towards the sky tonight 今夜振臂高呼拳指向天Watch the world unite, 看世界融为一体World unite, world unite for the fight fight fight 世界共融只为这场比赛One night watch the world unite, 就在这一夜看到世界同聚Two sides, one fight, and a million eyes 两支队伍一场比赛万众聚焦Hey hey hey Forza forza 加油加油Come on sing with me 与我一同歌唱Hey hey hey Allez allez come shout it out with me 快来与我放声呐喊Hey hey hey Come on now 来吧Hey hey hey Come on now 一起来吧Hey hey hey, hey hey[Pitbull]Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共Olê olê, olê olá Olê olê, olê olá Olê olê, olê olá Olê olê, olê olá[Cláudia Leitte] (葡萄牙语)é meu é seu, 属于你也属于我Hoje é tudo nosso, 今天我们属于彼此Quando eu chamo o mundo inteiro pra jogar 当我向全世界发出邀请é pra mostrar que eu posso, 我要让你们看到我能行Torcer, chorar, sorrir, gritar 欢呼痛苦微笑尖叫NO importa o resultado vamos extravasar 无论结果怎样[Pitbull]Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共Olê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê olá。
Give me freedom; give me fire; give me reason; take me higherSee the champions take the field now.Unify us; make us feel proudIn the streets our heads are lifting , as we lose our inhibition.Celebration, it surrounds us, every nation all around usStaying forever young, singing songs underneath the sunLet's rejoice in the beautiful game. Let's gather at the end of the day.We all sayWhen I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flagWhen I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flagSo wave your flag. Now wave your flag......Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh.....Give you freedom; give you fire; give you reason; take you higherSee the champions take the field now.Unify us; make us feel proudIn the streets our heads are lifting , as we lose our inhibition.Celebration, it surrounds us, every nation all around usStaying forever young, singing songs underneath the sunLet's rejoice in the beautiful game. Let's gather at the end of the day.We all sayWhen I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flagWhen I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom, just like a waving flagSo wave your flag. Now wave your flag......Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh......We all sayWhen I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom just like a waving flagWhen I get older, I will be stronger. They'll call me freedom just like a waving flagSo wave your flag. Now wave your flag......Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh......And everybody will be singing it.Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh...And we all will be singing it.中文歌词大意:给我自由,给我激情,给我激励,让我飞翔随冠军的心驰骋绿茵场凝聚一起,让我们感受荣耀辉煌摆脱心中的束缚,我们昂首走在大街上欢庆的气氛感染着你我,还有天下万邦永远保有年轻的心,在阳光下尽情歌唱让我们陶醉在激情奔放的赛场让我们聚集成暮色苍茫的海洋我们相信当我渐渐成长,我将更加强壮人们会称我自由之王,恰如旗帜风中飘扬就让你我旗帜飘扬让你我旗帜飘扬,旗帜飘扬……。
2014巴西世界杯广告语 2014巴西世界杯广告语
2010年南非——Waka Waka
《非洲时刻》(Waka Waka)
一句话点评:算得上“神曲”,堪比《生命之杯》,皮 嫂跟足球缘分真是不浅。
夏奇拉将与南非本土组合Freshlyground(鲜磨乐团) 一同在世界杯闭幕式上表演这首歌曲。非洲音乐具有鼓 舞人心的力量,并在全球流行文化舞台上占有不可忽视 的地位。此曲运用了充满非洲特色的节奏,来呈现这项 重大的赛事。
《生命之巅》由著名作曲家约尔根·埃洛弗松作曲,史 蒂夫·麦克制作,迄今为止感觉最抒情的一首,曲子最 初透彻清凉的钢琴前奏飘逸而唯美,配上一代灵魂歌 后低沉浑厚的嗓音以及“美声男伶”浪漫温情的演绎, 让作品在幽深宁静的基调下更显大气、温柔和悲壮。 虽然没有《意大利之夏》经典,但却不失为一首好歌!
When You Do Your Best, Failure Is Great, So Don'T Give Up, Stick To The End
Please Criticize And Guide The Shortcomings
演讲人:XXXXXX 时 间:XX年XX月XX日
【关于足球】 本届杯赛上最大的悲剧是哥伦比亚球员埃斯 科巴因将球打入自家球门,回国后惨遭杀害。 另一个悲剧是巴乔罚失点球,意大利不敌巴 西,错失冠军。扎着小辫的巴乔,留给绿茵 场的是一个落寞的背影,让人陷入无限悲情。
《生命之杯》(The cup of life)
皇后乐队——We will rock you
据悉饶舌歌手嘻哈斗牛梗、本土明星克劳迪娅-莱蒂和桑巴鼓团Olodum将共同唱响本届世界杯的主题曲:We Are One。
2014巴西世界杯,全场开幕式的最高潮还是三位歌手的亮相,珍妮弗洛佩斯、Pitbull和巴西音乐人克劳迪娅唱响巴西世界杯主题曲《we are one》(《我们是一家人》)。
FIFA(国际足联)与索尼音乐娱乐公司共同宣布,由著名拉丁歌手夏奇拉(Shakira)创作并参与制作的歌曲“Waka Waka (This Time For Africa)”哇咔哇咔(非洲时刻),被选为2010年南非世界杯官方主题曲。
图为2010年南非世界杯,夏奇拉演唱Waka-Waka 忘情表演。
2010年南非世界杯,柯南(K'naan)演唱了以世界杯为主题的歌曲“飘扬的旗帜”(Wavin' Flag) 。
Ooooooh woooooohhGive me freedom, give me fire, give me reason, take me higherSee the champions, take the field now, you define us, make us feel proud In the streets are , heads are liftin, as we lose our inhabition, Celebration its around us, every nation, all around usSingin forever young, singin songs underneath that sunLets rejoice in the beautiful game.And together at the end of the day.WE ALL SAYWhen I get older I will be strongerThey’ll call me freedom Just like a wavin’ flagAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes backWhen I get older I will be strongerThey’ll call me freedomJust like a wavin’ flagAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes backAnd then it goes backAnd then it goesOooooooooooooh woooooooooooohh hohohoOoooooh woooooohh给我希望,给我力量,给我目标,飞向更高。
作者: 魏志强
作者机构: 不详
出版物刊名: 中国新时代
页码: 2-2页
年卷期: 2014年 第6期
主题词: 世界杯足球赛 美洲国家 主题曲 巴西 开幕式 圣保罗 官方 城市
摘要:今年初,巴西世界杯的官方主题曲被确定下来,名字叫《我们是一家》(We Are One)。
2019巴西世界杯主题曲巴西世界杯主题曲歌词巴西世界杯主题曲《we are one (ole ola)》《全世界/todo mundo》是XX年的首支官方主题曲,由巴西mtv年度最佳艺人gaby amarantos联手桑巴乐团monobloc共同呈现。
这首《todo mundo》,官方称法可口可乐世界杯主题曲,是官方主题曲中的一支。
XX年巴西世界杯主题曲《we are one (ole ola)》火爆出炉,光头叔 pitbull 联手 claudia leitte 和性感天后 jennifer lopez 共同激情献唱,节奏瞬间将人带到夏天,啤酒,足球的全民沸腾时节,熬夜看球赛的时光又要来啦。
《we are one》歌词put your flags up in the sky(put them in the sky)and wave them side to side(side to side)show the world where you're from(show them where you're from)show the world we are one(one, love, life)when the goin gets tough(goin gets tough)the tough get goin(tough get goin)one love, one life, one worldone fight, whole world, one night, one placebrazil, everybody put your flagsin the sky and do what you feelit's your world, my world, our world todayand we invite the whole worldwhole world to playit's your world, my world, our world todayand we invite the whole worldwhole world to playes mi mundo, tu mundo, el mundo de nosotrosinvitamos a todo el mundo a jugar con nosotrosput your flags up in the sky(put them in the sky)and wave them side to side(side to side)show the world where you're from(show them where you're from)show the world we are one(one, love, life)one night watch the world unitetwo sides, one fight and a million eyesfull heart's gonna work so hardshoot, fall, the starsfists raised up towards the skytonight watch the world unite, world unite, world unitefor the fight, fight, fight, one nightwatch the world unitetwo sides, one fight and a million eyeshey, hey, hey, força força come and sing with mehey, hey, hey, ole ola come shout it out with mehey, hey, hey, come on nowput your flags up in the sky(put them in the sky)and wave them side to side (side to side)show the world where you're from(show them where you're from)show the world we are one (one, love, life)ole ole ole olaole ole ole olaole ole ole olaole ole ole olaé meu, é seuhoje é tudo nossoquando chega o mundo inteiro pra jogar é pra mostrar queeu possotorcer, chorar, sorrir, gritarnão importar o resultado, vamos extravasarput your flags up in the sky(put them in the sky)and wave them side to side(side to side)show the world where you're from(show them where you're from)show the world we are one(one, love, life)-06-30 XX年巴西世界杯足球赛的首支官方主题曲发布!巴西mtv 年度最佳艺人gaby amarantos联手桑巴乐团monobloco,欢快呈现《全世界/todo mundo》。
最拉风的10首世界杯正能量励志歌曲1.之杯(the cup of life)《生命之杯》是一首由波多黎各裔歌手瑞奇•马丁录制演唱的歌曲,是法国举办的1998年世界杯足球赛的官方主题曲,在法国和世界各地的许多国家高居音乐排行榜的首位。
“生命之杯” 在世界杯之后也传播甚广,成为很多足球节目用来烘托气氛的第一选用曲目。
2.我们是冠军(we are the champions)这首单曲出自皇后乐队1977年10月7日推出的著名专辑“news of the world”,紧接在另一首名曲“we will rock you”之后。
freddie mercury本人在1985年评论说:“我必须抓住所有人的心,否则这首歌就不是好歌。
鼓手罗杰•泰勒(roger taylor)评价道:“在世界杯的决赛场上我听到大家在唱这首歌,那真的是太伟大了。
”低音吉他手约翰•迪肯(john deacon)评价:“这是我们最好的作品之一。
”3.we will rock you这首歌由皇后乐队吉他手布赖恩•梅作词作曲,收录于皇后乐队1977年发行的专辑《news of the world》中。
滚石于XX年将其评为“the 500 greatest songs of all time”(历史上500首最伟大的歌')榜中的第330名,[2]同时美国唱片业协会将其排在“songs of the century”(世纪之歌)榜单中的第146位。
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We Are One (Ole Ola) 天下一家
(The Official 2014 FIFA World Cup Song Pitbull)(2014年巴西世界杯主题曲嘻哈斗牛犬)Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天
(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高
And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动
(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞
Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方
(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方
Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家
(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共
Olê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê olá
When the goin gets tough (goin gets tough) 遇上险阻之时
The tough get goin (tough get goin) 困难重重在前
One love (love), one life (life) 同一份热爱同一体生命
one world (world), one fight (fight) 同一个世界同一场战役
Whole world (world), one night (night), 整个世界聚焦一夜
one place (place), Brazil (Brasil) 仅在一地正是巴西
Everybody put your flags in the sky 就让所有人高擎旗帜
And do what you feel 尽情挥洒此刻感受
It's your world, my world, our world today 今天就是你的世界我的世界我们的世界
And we invite the whole world, 我们诚邀全世界
whole world to play 整个世界加入游戏
It's your world, my world, our world today 今天就是你的世界我的世界我们的世界And we invite the whole world, 我们诚邀全世界
whole world to play 整个世界加入游戏
Es mí mundo, tú mundo, él mundo, de nosotros 这是你的世界我的世界我们的世界Invitamos al todo el mundo, a hogar con nosotros 我们诚邀全世界欢聚一堂
Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天
(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高
And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动
(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞
Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方
(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方
Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家
(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共
Olê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê olá
(Jenny, darling 亲爱的詹尼,该你出场!)
[Jennifer Lopez / 詹妮弗•洛佩兹]
One night watch the world unite, 就在这一夜看到世界同聚
Two sides, one fight, and a million eyes 两支队伍一场比赛万众聚焦Full hearts gonna work so hard, shoot for the stars 满溢的心情直冲星汉
Fists raised towards the sky tonight 今夜振臂高呼拳指向天Watch the world unite, 看世界融为一体
World unite, world unite for the fight fight fight 世界共融只为这场比赛
One night watch the world unite, 就在这一夜看到世界同聚Two sides, one fight, and a million eyes 两支队伍一场比赛万众聚焦Hey hey hey Forza forza 加油加油
Come on sing with me 与我一同歌唱
Hey hey hey Allez allez come shout it out with me 快来与我放声呐喊
Hey hey hey Come on now 来吧
Hey hey hey Come on now 一起来吧
Hey hey hey, hey hey
Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天
(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高
And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动
(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞
Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方
Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共
Olê olê, olê olá Olê olê, olê olá Olê olê, olê olá Olê olê, olê olá
[Cláudia Leitte] (葡萄牙语)
É meu é seu, 属于你也属于我
Hoje é tudo nosso, 今天我们属于彼此
Quando eu chamo o mundo inteiro pra jogar 当我向全世界发出邀请
É pra mostrar que eu posso, 我要让你们看到我能行Torcer, chorar, sorrir, gritar 欢呼痛苦微笑尖叫
NO importa o resultado vamos extravasar 无论结果怎样
Put your flags up in the sky 高擎旗帜直破云天
(put'em in the sky, Jogue lá no Alto) 直指天空举向更高
And wave'em side to side 左右挥舞旗帜翻动
(side to side, Lado a Lado) 左右挥动排排共舞
Show the world where you're from 向世界展示你来自何方(show'em where you're from) 展示你来自何方
Show the world we are one 让世界知道天下一家(one, love, life) 一体真爱生命与共
Olê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê oláOlê olê, olê olá。