喜福会 The Joy luck club 剧情和影评(英文)

这样就好了但是母亲说:It’s too late to change母亲甲(林多阿姨LinDo)1、她五岁那年,在母亲、媒婆和大户人家的共同协商下,订给了这大户人家作媳妇。

喜福会英文背景及人物赏析(总5页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--The Joy Luck Club (1989) is a best-selling novel written by Amy Tan. It focuses on four Chinese American immigrant families in San Francisco, California who start a club known as "the Joy Luck Club," playing the Chinese game of mahjong for money while feasting on a variety of foods. The book is structured somewhat like a mahjong game, with four parts divided into four sections to create sixteen chapters. The three mothers and four daughters (one mother, Suyuan Woo, dies before the novel opens) share stories about their lives in the form of vignettes. Each part is preceded by a parable relating to the game.In 1993, the novel was adapted into a feature film directed by Wayne Wang and starring Ming-Na, Lauren Tom, Tamlyn Tomita, France Nguyen, Rosalind Chao, Kieu Chinh, Tsai Chin, Lisa Lu, and Vivian Wu. The screenplay was written by the author Amy Tan along with Ronald Bass. The novel was also adapted into a play, by Susan Kim, which premiered at Pan Asian Repertory Theatre in New York. CharactersMothersSuyuan WooDuring the Second World War, Suyuan lives in China while her husband at the time served as an officer in Chungking (Chongqing). She starts the original Joy Luck Club with her three friends to cope with the war. There is little to eat, but they pretend it is a feast, and talk about their hopes for the future. On the day of the Japanese invasion, Suyuan leaves her house with nothing but a bag of clothes, a bag of food, and her twin baby daughters.During the long journey, Suyuan contracts such severe dysentery that she feels certain she will die. Fearing that a dead mother would doom her babies' chances of rescue, she reluctantly and emotionally leaves her daughters under a barren tree, together with all her belongings, along with a note asking anyone who might find the babies to care for them and contact the father. Suyuan then departs, expecting to die. However, she is rescued by a truck and finds out her husband has died. She later remarries, comes to America, forms a new Joy Luck Club with three other Chinese female immigrants she met at church, and gives birth to another daughter. But her abandonment of the twin girls haunts her for the rest of her life. After many years, Suyuan learns that the twins were adopted, but dies of a brain aneurysm before she can meet them. It is her American-born daughter Jing-mei who fulfills her long-cherished wish of reuniting with her elder twin half-sisters.As Suyuan dies before the novel begins, her history is told by Jing-mei, based on her knowledge of her mother's stories, anecdotes from her father, and what the other members of the Joy Luck Club tell her.An-Mei HsuAn-Mei is raised by her grandparents and other relatives during her early years in Ningbo after her widowed mother shocks the family by becoming a concubine to a middle-aged wealthy man after her first husband's death. This becomes a source of conflict for the young An-Mei, as her aunts and uncles deeply resent her mother for such a dishonorable act. They try to convince An-Mei that it is not fitting for her to live with her disgraced mother, who is now forbidden to enter the family home. An-Mei's mother, however, still wishes to be part of her daughter's life. After An-Mei's grandmother dies, An-mei moves out to live with her mother in the home of her mother's new husband, Wu-Tsing. An-Mei learns that her mother was coerced into being Wu-Tsing's concubine through the manipulations of his Second Wife, the favorite. This woman arranged for An-Mei's mother, still in mourning for her original husband, to be raped by Wu-Tsing. The stigma left An-Mei's mother with no choice but to marry Wu-Tsing and become his new but lowly Fourth Wife. She later lost her babyson to Second Wife, who claimed the boy as her own child to ensure her place in the household. Second Wife also tried to win over An-mei upon her arrival in Wu-Tsing's mansion, giving her a necklace made of "pearls" that her mother later revealed were actually glass beads by crushing one with her teacup. An-Mei's mother re-knots the necklace to hide the missing bead, but now An-Mei knows the truth about Second Wife's seeming generosity.Wu-Tsing is a highly superstitious man, and Second Wife takes advantage of this weakness by making false suicide attempts and threatening to haunt him as a ghost if he does not let her have her way. According to Chinese tradition, a person's soul comes back after three days to settle scores with the living. Wu-Tsing, therefore, is known to be afraid to face the ghost of an angry or scorned wife. After Second Wife fakes a suicide attempt to prevent An-Mei and her mother from getting their own small house, An-Mei's mother successfully commits suicide herself, eating tangyuan laced with lethal amounts of opium. She times her death so that her soul is due to return on the first day of the new year, a day when all debts must be settled lest the debtor suffer great misfortune. With this in mind, Wu-Tsing promises to treat his Fourth Wife's children, including An-Mei, as if they were his very own flesh and blood by an honored First Wife. When Second Wife attempts to disrupt this, An-Mei crushes the fake pearl necklace Second Wife gave her beneath her feet to show her awareness of all Second Wife's deception and to symbolize her new power over Second Wife, who now fears her and realizes the bad karma she has brought upon herself.An-Mei later immigrates to America, marries, and gives birth to seven children (four sons, three daughters). The youngest, a son named Bing, drowns at age four.Lindo JongLindo is a strong-willed woman, a trait that her daughter Waverly attributes to her having been born in the year of the Horse. When Lindo was only twelve, she was forced to move in with a neighbor's young son, Huang Tyan-yu, through the machinations of the village matchmaker. After some training for household duties through her in-laws, she and Tyan-yu married when she turned sixteen. She soon realized that her husband was just a little boy at heart and had no sexual interest in her. Lindo began to care for her husband as a brother, but her cruel mother-in-law expected Lindo to produce a grandson. She restricted most of Lindo's daily activities, eventually ordering her to remain on bed rest until she could conceive and deliver a child.Determined to escape this unfortunate situation, Lindo carefully observed the other people in the household and eventually formed a clever plan to escape her marriage without dishonoring herself or her family. She managed to trick her young husband's family into believing that he was actually fated to marry another girl who was already pregnant with his "spiritual child", and that her marriage to Huang Tyan Yu would only bring bad luck to the family. In reality, the girl in question was a mere servant in the household and indeed pregnant, but abandoned by her lover.Freed from her first marriage, Lindo decided to emigrate to America. She married a Chinese-American man named Tin Jong and has three children: sons Winston and Vincent, and daughter Waverly.Lindo experiences regret over losing some of her Chinese identity by living so long in America (she is treated like a tourist on a visit to China); however, she expresses concern that Waverly's American upbringing has formed a barrier between them.Ying-Ying "Betty" St. ClairFrom a young age, Ying-Ying is told by her wealthy and conservative family that Chinese girls should be meek and gentle. This is especially difficult for her, she feels, because she is a Tiger character. She begins to develop a passive personality and repress her feelings as she grows up in Wuxi. Ying-Ying marries a charismatic man named Lin Xiao, not out of love, but because she believed it was her fate. Her husband is revealed to be abusive and openly has extramarital relationships with other women.When Ying-Ying discovers she is pregnant, she gets an abortion and makes the decision to live with her relatives in a smaller city in China.After ten years, she moves to Shanghai and works in a clothing store, where she meets an American man named Clifford St. Clair. He falls in love with her, but Ying-Ying cannot express any strong emotion after her first marriage. He courts her for four years before she agrees to marry him after learning that Lin Xiao had died, which she takes as the proper sign to move on. She allows Clifford to control most aspects of her life, mistranslating her words and actions, and even changing her name to "Betty". Ying-Ying gives birth to her daughter, Lena, after moving to San Francisco with St. Clair. When Lena is around ten years old, Ying-Ying becomes pregnant a third time, but the baby boy is anencephalic and soon dies.Ying-Ying is horrified when she realizes that Lena, a Tiger like herself, has inherited or emulated her passive behaviors and trapped herself in a loveless marriage with a controlling husband. She finally resolves to call upon the more assertive qualities of her Tiger nature, to appeal to those qualities in Lena. She will tell Lena her story in the hope that she will be able to break free from the same passivity that ruined most of her young life back in China.DaughtersJing-Mei "June" WooJing-Mei has never fully understood her mother and seems directionless in life. During June's childhood, her mother used to tell her that she could be anything she wants; however, she particularly wanted her daughter to be gifted, a child star who amazes the world, like Ginny Tiu (seen briefly on television) or June's rival Waverly. At the beginning of the novel, June is chosen to replace her mother's seat in the Joy Luck Club after her mother's death. At the end of the novel, June is still trying to deal with her mother's death, and she visits China to see the twin half-sisters (Wang Chwun Yu and Wang Chwung Hwa) whom her mother had been forced to abandon when the Japanese attacked China.One critic[who] has suggested[1] that the reason for the communication gap between Jing-Mei and her mother, and between the other daughters and their mothers—a major theme of the novel—occurs because the mothers come from a high context culture and the Americanized daughters from a low context culture. The mothers believe that the daughters will intuitively understand their cryptic utterances, but the daughters don't understand them at all.Rose Hsu JordanRose is somewhat passive and is a bit of a perfectionist. She had an unsettling childhood experience when her youngest brother, Bing, drowned while she was supposed to be watching him, and his body was never recovered. Rose marries a doctor, Ted Jordan, who loves her but also wants to spite his snooty, racist mother. After a malpractice suit, Ted has a mid-life crisis and decides to leave Rose. Rose confides in her mother and An-mei tells her the story of her own childhood. When Ted comes for the divorce papers, Rose finds her voice and tells him that he can't just throw her out of his life, comparing herself to his garden, once so beloved, now unkempt and full of weeds. An-Mei tells her that Ted has been cheating on her, which Rose thinks is absurd, but she later discovers this to be true. She wants to hire a good lawyer and fight for possession of the house, which she eventually wins.Waverly JongWaverly is an independent-minded and intelligent woman, but is annoyed by her mother's constant criticism. Well into her adult life, she finds herself restrained by her subconscious fear of letting her mother down. During their childhood, June and Waverly become childhood rivals; their mothers constantly compared their daughter's development and accomplishments. Waverly was once agifted chess champion, but quit after feeling that her mother was using her daughter's talent to show off, taking credit for Waverly's wins. She has a daughter, Shoshana, from her first marriage with Marvin, and is currently engaged to her boyfriend Rich Shields.Lena St. ClairThroughout Lena's childhood, she gradually becomes her mother's voice and interprets her mother's Chinese words for others. Like her father Clifford, she translates Ying-ying's words to sound more pleasant than what Ying-ying actually says. Ying-ying has taught Lena to beware of consequences, to the extent that Lena visualizes disaster in the taking of any risk. Lena's husband, Harold, is also her boss. He takes the credit for Lena's business and design ideas. He demands financial "equality" in their marriage. Lena is an associate while Harold is a partner, so he has a larger salary than she does. However, he insists that all household expenses be divided equally between them. Harold believes that by making everything equal, they can make their love equal as well. Lena feels frustrated and powerless.Table of contentsFeathers from a Thousand Li Away"The Joy Luck Club," Jing-mei "June" Woo"Scar," An-Mei Hsu"The Red Candle," Lindo Jong"The Moon Lady," Ying-Ying St ClairThe Twenty-Six Malignant Gates"Rules of the Game," Waverly Jong"The Voice from the Wall," Lena St. Clair"Half and Half," Rose Hsu Jordan"Two Kinds," Jing-mei "June" WooAmerican Translation"Rice Husband," Lena St. Clair"Four Directions," Waverly Jong"Without Wood," Rose Hsu Jordan"Best Quality," Jing-mei "June" WooQueen Mother of the Western Skies"Magpies," An-mei Hsu"Waiting Between the Trees," Ying-Ying St. Clair"Double Face," Lindo Jong"A Pair of Tickets," Jing-mei "June" WooCriticismThough Amy Tan's book has been widely praised by critics, it has also been alleged by Chinese-American author Frank Chin that it perpetuates racist stereotypes.[2][3][4] Chinese-American director Wayne Wang was impressed with the story and created a film version of the novel.[5] References^ CUNY Brooklyn article^ Come All Ye Asian American Writers of the Real and the Fake^ The Joy Luck Club^ Review: The Joy Luck Club^ "Asian images in film spotlight - The Joy Luck Club". Turner Classic Movies. Retrieved 3 July 2008.。

USC Scripter Award 1994 USC Scripter Award (提名) 罗纳德·巴斯 USC Scripter Award (提名) 覃恩美
Casting Society of America, USA(Artios) 1994
Best Casting for Feature Film, Drama Heidi Levitt
After these family tragedies, her mother moved Amy and her younger brother to Switzerland, where Amy finished high school. During this period, Amy learned about her mother's former marriage to an abusive man in China.
Wayne Wang Film导演作品
• 你怎么称呼老师? • 如果老师最后没有总结一节课的重点的难点,你是
否会认为老师的教学方法需要改进? • 你所经历的课堂,是讲座式还是讨论式? • 教师的教鞭 • “不怕太阳晒,也不怕那风雨狂,只怕先生骂我笨,
Obviously, the conflicts are caused by mothers’ and daughters’ generation gaps and growing backgrounds. The mothers grew up in China where there are many traditions and rules to follow. However, the daughters grew up in San Francisco and live in an American way. In another way, it is also conflicts between the two cultures. In China, parents are the symbol of power. In America, however, everyone is equal and parents encourage sense of independence

喜福会电影英语观后感英文回答:"The Joy Luck Club" is a poignant and heartwarming film that explores the complex relationships between mothers and daughters, as well as the challenges and triumphs of the immigrant experience. Through four interwoven stories, the film delves into the lives of four Chinese immigrant women and their American-born daughters, showcasing the cultural divide, generational differences, and the enduring bondsthat unite them.The film's strength lies in its authentic portrayal of the immigrant experience. Each character's journey is unique, yet they all share a common thread: the struggle to find their place in a new land while preserving their cultural heritage. The film sensitively explores the challenges of language barriers, cultural misunderstandings, and the clash between traditional values and modern aspirations.The performances by the cast are uniformly excellent, with each actress bringing a unique depth to her character. The mother-daughter relationships are particularly well-developed, showcasing the complexities and contradictions that exist within these bonds. The film also features a beautiful score by Tan Dun that perfectly captures thefilm's emotional journey.Ultimately, "The Joy Luck Club" is a film about the power of love and the resilience of the human spirit. It is a story about the sacrifices made by mothers for their children, the challenges faced by immigrants, and the enduring bonds that connect us all.中文回答:《喜福会》是一部感人至深的电影,探讨了母女之间复杂的关系,以及移民经历中的挑战和胜利。

As far as I’m concerned,there are various themes in the movie,the theme about the relationship between mothers and daughters,the theme about cultural identity ,the theme about feminism an d so on,which make The Joy Luck Club more outstanding and significant .But now,I want to talk about the theme of silence.In the field of literary criticism,the study to the theme of silence in literary works becomes an increasing focus of feminist attention.And the movi e is also full of the theme of silence.Firstly,the silence of mothers before daughters.Mothers are b orn in China and grow up in China,deeply influenced by the Chinese traditional culture;while dau ghters are born in America and grow up in America,receiving tne native American education and culture.They advocate freedom and individualism and speak the native English.So without doubt. what mothers think and say are repelled by daughters.Finally,there are misunderstanding,conflict and many more things appearing between mothers and daughters,which leads to silence. Secondly,the silence of female in a patriarchal society.In such an unfair society,the men are at an absolute central position.What’s more,women are men’s private property,attached to men,domin ated by men,at the lowest position of society and family.Under the command of the old culture a nd thinking,mothers all become silent. Meanwhile,the movie also analyzes the theme of silence f rom the point of view of culture.Western culture is more open and independent,advocating indivi dualism.But traditional Chinese culture is introvert and conservative.When the two totally differe nt kinds of culture collide with each other,there will be a large number of quarrel,misunderstandi ng among people.In Joy Luck Club,there are conflicts between Chinese mothers and their daught ers’husbands,even between the daughters and their husbands.For American mainstream culture, Chinese culture has been put at an absolute silent position.Although there are various forms of silence in the movie,the mothers and daughters also try to br eak the silence.Mothers can finally approve their daughters’marriages and the daughters can fina lly gain their relative happy life.So personally speaking, The Joy Luck Club is a masterpiece which brings us sentiment and spiritual wealth.<<喜福会>>是一部关于女人的电影,是一部关于女人对幸福的追求的电影,是一部关于女人灵魂的自由的电影。


喜福会观后感英语版After watching the movie "喜福会" (Happiness and Fortune Society), I was deeply moved and inspired by the complex and captivating story that unfolded on the screen. "喜福会" is a Chinese film that explores the lives and struggles of a group of individuals, representing various social backgrounds and aspirations, who come together in pursuit of happiness and success.The movie starts with the introduction of the three main characters: Ping, a former gangster seeking redemption; Jia, a young migrant worker dreaming of a better life; and Hui, a talented but struggling musician. Each character faces their own personal challenges and setbacks, but is bound by the common desire for a better future.Throughout the movie, the theme of perseverance and resilience shines through. Despite the hardships they face, Ping, Jia, and Hui do not give up on their dreams. They form a unique bond and a "family" of their own, supporting and motivating each other to overcome obstacles and find happiness.One of the most remarkable aspects of "喜福会" is its portrayal of the stark realities of life in modern China. The movie depicts the stark contrast between rural and urban areas, highlighting the vast economic disparities that exist in society. Through the characters of Jia and Hui, we witness the struggles faced by migrant workers and aspiring artists, who are often marginalized and overlooked by society.The movie also delves into deeper social issues, such as corruption and the influence of money and power. Ping's journey from a former gangster to a reformed individual serves as a powerful metaphor for the redemption and transformation that can occur when one chooses the path of righteousness.Another aspect of "喜福会" that struck me was its portrayal of the value of human connection and the importance of community. The characters find solace and strength in their shared experiences and support each other through thick and thin. Their bond transcends social boundaries, reminding us of the innate desire for connection that exists within all individuals.The cinematography and visual storytelling in "喜福会" are also worthy of praise. The movie beautifully captures the essence of both rural and urban landscapes, emphasizing the contrast between the simplicity of village life and the hustle and bustle of the city. The use of light and color further enhances the emotional impact of the story, evoking a range of feelings from hope to despair.Furthermore, the performances of the actors in "喜福会" are superb. Each character is portrayed with depth and nuance, making them relatable and engaging. The chemistry between the actors is palpable, adding authenticity to their relationships on screen.In conclusion, "喜福会" is a stellar film that explores the universal themes of hope, resilience, and the pursuit of happiness. Through its compelling storyline, realistic portrayal of societal issues, and strong performances, it leaves a lasting impression on the audience. The movie serves as a reflection of the human experience, reminding us of the power of determination, the value of human connection, and the triumph of the humanspirit in the face of adversity. "喜福会" is truly a cinematic masterpiece that deserves recognition and appreciation.。

plot overview
a movie made specifically for women.
• One of the mothers • Famous Chinese American actress • The first Asian lady who the world's most beautiful 50 people
• The United States of America Independent Spirit Award winner(美国独立精神 奖获得者) • A member of the American Screen Actors Guild and Oscar lifelong judges(美国演 员工会会员及奥斯卡终身评 委) • Main works:Heaven & Earth, Joy Luck Club,The Soong Sisters(宋家王朝),Turtles in
One of the mothers Famous Chinese
American actress
The first Chinese
academicians in RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art)
The first Chinese 007
girl Main works:Memoirs of a Geisha (艺伎 回忆录),Joyቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱLuck Club,007 series The Story of the Stone (played a role of mother Jia)
After these family tragedies, her mother moved Amy and her younger brother to Switzerland, where Amy finished high school. During this period, Amy learned about her mother's former marriage to an abusive man in China.

喜福会电影英语观后感I recently watched the Chinese movie "喜福会" (Happiness) and it left a deep impression on me. The film tells the story of a family's struggles and triumphs in the face of adversity, and it explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the pursuit of happiness. The movie is a beautiful portrayal of the human experience, and it left me feeling both moved and inspired.One of the most striking aspects of the film is its portrayal of the complexities of family dynamics. The central focus of the story is the relationship between a mother and her three daughters, and the film does an excellent job of capturing the intricacies of their interactions. The mother, played by the talented actress Zhao Shuzhen, is a strong and loving matriarch who has devoted her life to her daughters. Her unwavering dedication to her family is both heartwarming and heartbreaking, and it serves as a powerful reminder of the sacrifices that parents make for their children.In addition to its exploration of family relationships, "喜福会" also delves into the theme of cultural identity. The film is set in the United States, and it follows the experiences of a Chinese immigrant family as they navigate the challenges of living in a foreign country. The cultural clash between the traditional values of the mother and the modern lifestyles of her daughters is a central conflict in the story, and it provides a thought-provoking commentary on the immigrant experience. As a viewer, I found myself reflecting on the complexities of cultural assimilation and the ways in which it can impact familial relationships.Furthermore, the film's exploration of the pursuit of happiness is both poignant and thought-provoking. Each of the characters in the movie is on their own personal journey to find fulfillment and joy, and their struggles and triumphs are deeply relatable. The film reminds us that happiness is not a destination, but rather a continuous pursuit that requires resilience, love, and the support of those around us. This message resonated with me on a profound level, and it left me feeling both introspectiveand hopeful.In addition to its powerful themes, "喜福会" also boasts impressive cinematography and a beautiful musical score. The visuals are stunning, and they serve to enhance the emotional impact of the story. The film's use of color, light, and composition creates a rich and immersive viewing experience, and it adds depth and nuance to the narrative. Similarly, the music in the film is evocative and moving, and it serves to underscore the emotional resonance of the story. The combination of these elements creates a truly unforgettable cinematic experience.Finally, I was deeply moved by the performances of the cast, particularly Zhao Shuzhen, who delivers a truly remarkable portrayal of the mother. Her performance is raw, authentic, and deeply moving, and it is a testament to her incredible talent as an actress. The entire cast brings a sense of authenticity and emotional depth to their roles, and their performances serve to elevate the film to a truly exceptional level. As a viewer, I found myself fully invested in the characters and their journeys, and I wasdeeply moved by the authenticity and emotional resonance of their performances.In conclusion, "喜福会" is a truly exceptional filmthat left a lasting impression on me. Its exploration of family dynamics, cultural identity, and the pursuit of happiness is both thought-provoking and deeply moving. The film's impressive cinematography, beautiful musical score, and exceptional performances serve to enhance the emotional impact of the story, and they create a truly unforgettable viewing experience. I would highly recommend "喜福会" to anyone who appreciates powerful storytelling and exceptional filmmaking. It is a film that will stay with me for a long time, and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to experience its beauty and emotional depth.。

《喜福会》影评The joy luck of club is held by Suyuan, Jingmei’s mother, to gather 4 families immigrated to America in 1949. However, all of them have their own sorrows.Their daughters do not understand their mothers,It is caused by culture shock between the east and the west.firstly, in America, children have equal rights with their parents. They can choose their own life in the way of they like. Mothers would like a daughter to obey their wills while daughters would like to be free and independent.secendly,Chinese parents express their love to children through criticism. On the contrary, the American people show affection through encouragement.thirdly,The linguistic barrier exists between each mother and their children. It shows that there is lack of communication between 2 generations.But at the end of the book, this situation is changed and these two cultures are reconciling. daughters starts to understand their mothers and the west can understand the east.It is also the link between the east and the west.俱乐部的欢乐是由苏、美的母亲,采集4个家庭移居美国1949。
The Joy Luck Club 《喜福会》英文观后感

My Appreciation of the Joy Luck ClubThe first time I saw the title of the film, the Joy Luck Club, I thought that it would be a film filed with joy, luck and happiness. However, out of my expectation, in the film, I saw many unpleasant things—conflicts, hardship, disappointment, sorrow, hurt, torture etc. Of course there were some moving parts, and fortunately, it was a happy ending. Anyway, I enjoyed it very much. It made me have a penetrating thinking.The Joy Luck Club tells about the conflicts between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters and their struggling to understand each other.The film shows us these topics: the misunderstanding of love between the mothers and the daughters, the clash between the generations and cultures, and the struggle for the women to fight for equity. Now I am going to show you my understanding of them, emphasizing on the first topic.In many cases, we and those we love are easy to hurt each other because of the misunderstanding of love, the conflicts in generations and culture background, or unconsciousness.Take Jingmei and her mother Suyuan as an example. When Suyuan demands the little Jingmei to play piano, Jingmei shouts to her mother, “You can’t make me!” Even Jingmei cried that she wish she isn’t Suyuan’s daughter and Suyuan isn’t her mother, and that she wishes she were the dead like the babies Suyuan abandoned in China. The sad expression on Suyuan’s face indicates that she is hurt deeply by her daughter’s innocent words.This reminds me of my similar experience. Once I hurt my mother as Jingmei did. I did n’t mean to hurt her, but those wounding words just slip out of my mouth unconsciously. Often, we hate that why our parents don’t know my feelings, why they like to make us be something and totally unaware that what their children are. While the parents don’t know why all their sacrifices to the children can’t be paid off, even incite hatred. Actually, this is the generation gap that causes the misunderstanding. We don’t know the hardship our parents underwent before. They can’t understand what we are thinking. So misunderstandings appear.Maybe as a child, Jingmei cannot comprehend what her remarks mean to Suyuan, and just want to show her grudge. But another main reason is the different backgrounds of Suyuan and Jingmei bare. Chinese parents always like to put all their hopes on the next generation for they are the generation full with hardship and pain. All they do just want the children to be better, but they ignore that whether their children can accept or not, not along a child born in America, influenced by the American’s individual freedom and knowing little about Chinese culture. The generation gap and culture conflict cause the misunderstanding of the mother and the daughter.The other example is Waverly and her mother Lindo. Waverly tries her best to please Lindo in everything. Whether her mother approves or not becomes the master of all her choice. Even Waverly marries a Chinese man because Lindo likes Chinese, while she doesn’t love. Waverly doesn’t understand why Lindo disapprove or criticize whatever she has done. On the other side, Lindo thinks that her daughter is ashamed of her, which is her continual internal injury after Waverly’s winning that chess contest, when Waverly shouted to Lindo if Lindo wanted to show off, won the chest by herself. Every time, Lindo’s disagreement with or indifference to Waverly directly results from the thought that Waverly feels it shameful to be her daughter. Both of them deeply love each other, but in the meantime, they hostile and hurt one another. This is the way them get along with each other. Fortunately, they clear up their misunderstandings and discover themselves by communicating.I am deeply moved by this scene:Waverly Jong says to Lindo, sobbing,, “You don't know, you don't know the power you have over me. One word from you, one look, and I'm four years old again, crying myself to sleep, because nothing I do can ever, ever please you.”And after a short period of silence, Lindo smiles to Waverly with tears in her eyes, “Now, you make me happy.” Then they laugh heartily, teary-eyed with happiness.Seeing the old Lindo bursts out laughing, like a child, and Waverly laughs joyfully, I sincerely feel delighted for them. Love needs communicating, understanding, and tolerance, which is what I learn from them.Along with above mentioned, the struggle for the women to fight for equity is also brought to the surface. For instance, Ying-ying encourages her daughter Lena to escape an unhappy marriage, not repeating the same mistakes she made in her first marriage. And An-mei tells her daughter Rose to learn to shout at the unfair fate, and express her own will because Rose has lost herself in her marriage. These two cases reveal that the women begin to release themselves from the restrains of being oppressed by the men and the old-fashioned thoughts as well as some Chinese traditional characters. Eventually, the women find their true value and win their own happiness.View from the whole film, the title, the Joy Luck Club may just be the old generation’s hope of better life for the next generation. On the whole, this is a movie made specifically for women. It is worth our appreciation.。

喜福会英文观后感ReviewsonTheJoyLuckClub——电影《喜福会》英文影评、观后感Reviews on The Joy Luck Club——"This feather may look worthless... but it comes from afar and carries with it... all my good intentions."At the very beginning of the movie, it tells a story about an old woman who bought a swan for a foolish sum and brought it to America. This story was mentioned three times in total in this movie, which is connected to June and her mother. This story also reflected "the best quality hope " that June's mother gave to her.SUMMARY OF THE MOVIEMother No.1: SuyuanDaughter No.1: JuneDuring wartime, Suyuan was forced to migrate to Chongqing, carrying her loved twin babies. Take her miserable fate into consideration, Suyuan abandoned both of her babies and keep on escaping. Surprisingly she was survived, and her heart was broken. Her babies were also rescued by someone else.June hasn't started a family yet. After knowing her two uterine sisters were still alive, she decided to go to China to meet them.Mother No.2: LinduoDaughter No.2: WaverlyWhen Linduo was 4, she was engaged with a younger fat boy in a rich family. She couldn't bear the insults so she designed a lie to escape from the house. After that, she got a ticket to Shanghai. Waverly is genius in plying chess and she thought whatever she did, she couldn't get her mother's pleasure. Yet, her marriage to a foreigner is an exception, and misunderstanding between them was also dissolved.Mother No.3: YingyingDaughter No.3: LenaWhen Yingying was 16, she fall in love with a very handsome man and became pregnant before they got married. Their marriage was a failure, and she had no choice but kill her baby in order to "take away the only thing that she shears with her polygamous husband.Lena also had an unsuccessful marriage, she and her husband count every bill in completely detail, they take "fifty-fifty" policy. After being enlightened by her mother, she knew what to do.Mother No.4: AnmeiDaughter No.4: RoseAnmei's mother was raped by a man of wealth and was forced to be the man's fourth wife. Although her family members didn't trust her explains and evicted her from the house, she still loves her old ill mother and cut her own flesh to cure her dying mother.Rose got married with a boss owing a big wine chateau, however, all things she had done to her husband didn't pay off ---her husband's dishonesty drove their marriage to breakdown even had had a lovely daughter.Suyuan, Linduo, Yingying and Anmei, those four Chinese woman's story is the highlight of the movie. They were all insulted and maltreated by Chinese old feudalism in the old society. In order to lead a happy life, they moved to America to build up a new family. Thankfully, their daughters' life are not too bad as theirs and they speak fluent American English.The movie presents the four daughters' personal life, and then lead us to the four ladies' gloomy experience skillfully. Playing mahjong, reading the letter and gathering at the banquet are also the dispensable parts.There are a few points that impressed me:Firstly—the story behind the swan feather. The feather is an embodiment of the hope that Suyan delivered to June, and the hope also represented June' two twin sister. Secondly—fluent American English spoken by those several old Chinese woman and their yellow skin daughters. Fluent American English represented that the four ladies has live in America for many years and they have been accustomed to the American lifestyle. Thirdly—layouts in the four ladies' house and the garments they four wear. There are many antique stuffs with Chinese style scattering in the house. The clothes were also typical in Chinese style.At the end of the movie, June met her two twin sisters, she told them that their mother had already dead, and they burst into tears, simultaneously, so do I.The four ladies migrated from China to America, and brought their cultural background to there anddelivered it to their daughters. It was their mothers' tough experience that taught the girls to learn to be strong and excellent in their own life.(All the contents are written by myself, not derive from the Internet)四川农业大学英语系周记民2016.6.26。

喜福会影评读后感英文版The movie "the Joy Luck Club" is adapted from a Chinese American writer Amy Tan's Theeponymous novel.It is about four for the Chinese the rivalries between mother and daughter, is a moving film.These women moved to the United States for decades, but they still think constantly of raised by traditional education, abide by the Chinese for thousands of years the penetration in the blood, women have become almost feudal patriarchal ideology nature. Their common ideal is to strict education, over his daughter, so they can escape their this generation of women's destiny, they become the eyes of a happy woman. However, the mother of the bundle, the girls in their different ways a revolt, in this race, class, gender inequality in American society, two generations of women staged a fight each other to reach the same goal by different routes, by mutual recognition of tragicomedy. In the tragedy and comedy, the deepest impression is not character mouth lay things, but they cannot speak, those unable to touch, carefully conceal mentioning things, is the silence behind something. Here, silence has become a symbol, its huge destructive power to destroy the existence of female self-esteem, self-confidence and courage, so that they are suppressed in the heavy loss of the ability to survive. However once the silence is broken, the destructive power will immediately disappear, have been suppressed for a long time will be the recovery of human nature, the relationship between balance and harmony will be restored. " The Joy Luck Club" in they and most of the tales are silent and breaking the silence on the main line of weaving togetherThe Joy Luck Club,"" to give our inspiration: in the United States, is one of the so-called multicultural, namely sub-culture and mainstream culture to maintain a consistent pattern, essentially just a trick to cover other's eyes and ears, and cultural assimilation and psychological aggression cover. Then, with the other minority women, Chinese women only to regain the original self, breaking the silence and gender culture of silence, in their own way to self-esteem, self-confidence, independent life, to enter the " joy and happiness".For example, mother of June and Waverly to force his daughter to learn they are not interested in things, and make a comparison in the dark and each other, about her daughter's achievements.And now the Chinese parents expectations at female chengfeng's abnormal psychology is completely consistent, they always hope that through their own daughter to achieve their own failure to achieve long-cherished wish, they don't care about her feelings and real needs, more cannot be in a calm mood to accept thedaughter's real original appearance.Also because of this,June and Waverly resulted in a strong reverse psychology, to the mother:“This is not China, you can’t make me!”“Why do you always have to use me to show off!?”The Joy Luck Club,"" to give our inspiration: in the United States, is one of the so-calledmulticultural, namely sub-culture and mainstream culture to maintain a consistent pattern, essentially just a trick to cover other's eyes and ears, and cultural assimilation and psychological aggression cover. Then, with the other minority women, Chinese women only to regain the original self, breaking the silence and gender culture of silence, in their own way to self-esteem, self-confidence, independent life, to enter the " joy and happiness".。

Analysis of the causes of the conflict between mother and daughter from the Cultural Perspective In "the Joy Luck Club"电影《喜福会》向我们讲述了中国母亲与美国女儿人之间沟通障碍以及她们在东方信仰与西方价值观及传统文化与现代文明之间的争执。
The movie "the Joy Luck Club" tells us communication obstacles between Chinese mother and American daughter and their belief in eastern and Western values and the dispute of traditional culture and modern civilization. Communication barriers between the mother and the daughter reflects not only the gap between two generations, but also reflects a cultural difference. The mother on behalf of the gradual disappearance ofthe traditional culture, the daughter is the representative of the newculture growing; mothers hold special national culture, they want to teachsome Chinese culture to the girls, but because the girls do not meet their expectations and disappointed. However, the daughters between the mothers about expectationsand American reality, finally accepted the mainstream culture, and ridiculed andrejected the non mainstream culture to their mother as the representative. In this seriesof conflicts, they continue to seek self and social status, and work hardto inherit their cultural value. Mothers try to mediate their "the past of China type" and "America contemporary", while the daughters try looking for autonomy and loyal to the balance between cultural heritage.2.1个人主义与集体主义对比2.1 the contrast of individualism and collectivism个人、集体主义是衡量文化变化的重要标尺,为人与人交流之间的文化异同提供了一个强有力的解说性框架。
喜福会 英文影评

Film Review on The Joy Luck ClubAfter watching the film The Joy Luck Club, I can see as long as we wish, our girls destiny can never be a tragedy. Many people may ask why I would say so, that is because the time which a woman’s destiny and honor is decid ed by his husband has passed.The mother and the daughter in the film came across different love stories, their characters might be genetic, and their destiny had coincidental similarities. The mothers trying to escape from the Feudal China and the daughters growing up in America since birth, different stories have the same theme,that is:to make efforts to gain love and dignity.Due to my natural optimism, I believe the consequences of making efforts is to get love and dignity. It’s like one of the moth ers told her daughter, ”unless he givesyou the love and the dignity you want, you should leave him! Not until your leftwill you find that you should be cherished,” The upset daughter was beaten byheavy life burden, her mean husband fussing over money satirized,” you want a change? Then you should consider carefully the prize you need to pay.” After a few years, on a party, the daughter face is noticeably more radiant, as if a totallydifferent person, and her new husband by her is handsome, considerate and also sweet.Being in a relationship needs love and respect with each other, and neither ofthem can be dismissed. There is no need to put up with just because you are a woman. Love is not the reason of being mean, love should be given to someone who deserves.The film is not encouraging the girls to give up a relationship on small dissatisfaction. You can not abandon your family for your thirst for wealth. If you did so, you would deserve some pain,For contemporary girls, we don’t have sad life b ecause we all have beyond standard education opportunity, so we have condition to be economically independent. What’s more, we all have the ability to think and choose. The right to chase happiness is inalienable and self-evident.The modern and the tradition both exists in the society now, somewomen walk farther and farther in the way of career, some other women are strongly eagerly for family life. There is no judgment for which wayis better, as long as it suits for yourself. Business gives people thefeeling of success and achievement while family gives us warmth and, people who get both is tired but happy.Meanwhile, the film indicates a reduction of the bound between the cultural identifications, it appeals to us that we need to eliminate the cultural oppositions and achieve the peace and combination of various civilization of different nations and races all over the world.。

The Joy Luck ClubMost films these days are easy to describe because they fit into types such as love stories or thrilliers. But The Joy Luck Club is different. It is a story about love and conflicts between four daughters and their mothers.The joy club club is a film based on the best selling novel by Amy Tan of the same name.It shows us the lives of four Chinese women who were new immigrants to Sanfrancisco during the 1950s. The four women acquaint themselves with each other by playing mahjong. They became closed friends because they had similar experiences and they called themselves the Joy Luck Club. As a mother, each of them has a lot of problems with their daughter.The film describes the relationship between the Joy Luck Club mothers and their daughters,and their cultural conflicts.It represents the process from misunderstandings, conflicts to understandings and harmony between mothers and their daughters.In this movie, the tender and complicated love betweenmothers and daughters certainly impressed and moved me a lot. Mother does not go to argue strongly on just grounds, argue with the daughter endlessly in the relation that the mother and daughter confront with each other, but adopt China's traditional forbearing and conciliatory method retreating in order to advance.It is one of the best movies I have ever seen in my life. It combines the stories of mothers and daughters to tell one sincere story of friendship. It is one of the finest pieces of acting collaberations among an ensemble cast. It also combines foreign film with American film in a way giving it a new style. I like the set up of the movie or the sequence rather, better than the book. It seemed to make more sense. Many of the performances were powerful. Even those who only spoke the Chinese language in the film should have gotten awards for performances that made me laugh and cry.Frankly speaking ,the film is worth watching. I believe , you will think a lot and feel a lot after watching it.。

“joy”or “join”---- culture shock between the east and the westThe joy luck of club is the title of this novel. It is also held by Suyuan, Jingmei’s mother, to gather 4 families immigrated to America in 1949. What is the purpose of holding such a party each week? The answer is to be joyful as the name of party------ the joy luck club. 4 old ladies always play maijiang and tell funny stories in the party. Everyone here tries his or her best to pretend to be happy. However, deeply inside their hearts, all of them have their own sorrows.What makes them unhappy? Those pains are caused not only by their lives in old China but also by the misunderstanding of their own America-born daughters. So I think the name of the book is ironic.How come daughters do not understand their mothers? It is caused by culture shock between the east and the west.“3 obedience and 4 virtues”vs. Individual freedomIn Chinese tradition, wives must follow her own parents, husbands and parents-in-low. They are not allowed to have their own idea and have no right to choose their own life. If they do not obey the rules, they will be considered to be a bad woman. This point is shown in the first part of the book------- 4 mothers’sad lives in old China. Although they have escaped from China, they also have Chinese traditional characters.However, in America, children have equal rights with their parents. They can choose their own life in the way of they like. It is not difficult to understand why American-born daughters cannot like the way of their mothers educate them.Take Waverly for example. Lindo asks her daughter to play chess and take part in a contest. After winning the game, Lindo boasts her daughter’s prize to others. Waverly can not understand this way and even hate this. She wrangles with her mother. In her view, it is her own honor. And it is none business of her mother. She asks her mother that if she wants to show off, wins the game by herself.Mothers would like a daughter to obey their wills while daughters would like to be free and independent.Criticism Vs. EncouragementChinese parents express their love to children through criticism. On the contrary, the American people show affection through encouragement.For example, Suyuan always compares her daughter Jingmei with Waverly. She always puts out Jingmei’s bad points. These things make jingmei unhappy. She believes that her mother wants to control her and likes Waverly more than her. In order to show resistance to her mother, she decides not to play the piano that her mother tries her best to let her learn.Suyuan wants her daughter to became a swan, which represents her hope. She left fromChina for seeking a better way to live and finding a new lifestyle for women. She intent to let her daughter have been respected by others instead of being a Chinese traditional woman. However she fails. The failure is indicated at the beginning of the book. When su yuan arrived in America the immigration officials pulls her swan away from her, leaving the women fluttering her arms and with only one swan feather for a memory.It is a tragedy to Jingmei as she really has a talent for playing the piano. She does not realize it until her mother died. The treason for this tragedy is misunderstanding between 2 generations in different cultures.Chinese vs. EnglishThe linguistic barrier exists between each mother and their children. The children alsys complains their mothers’bad English mixed with Chinese words. They think their mothers are stupid while mothers think children know nothing. It shows that there is lack of communication between 2 generations.All of these show culture shock between the east and the west.At the end of the book, this situation is changed. Jingmei can understand her mother’s love; Lindo accepts Waverly’s husband who is a foreigner that she dislikes; Lena approves her value to her American husband after her mother’s advice…daughters starts to understand their mothers and the west can understand the east.Now I realize another meaning of the joy luck club. “Joy”stands for “join”It is a link between the 2 generations. In the party daughters and mothers have meals and communicate together. It is also the link between the east and the west. Mothers show Chinese dishes here and play Chinese traditional game---- maijiang. And all different colors friends gather here. It signs conciliatory of these 2 cultures.用一桌“三缺一”的麻将,牵出数个女子人生的悲欢离合,小说《喜福会》起首就不凡。

喜福会英文佳句1. 求《喜福会》的英文介绍The film The Joy Luck Club is adapted from a best-seller written by Amy T an. The film name, “The Joy Luck Club” actually is a party's name in this story. This party was started by four Chinese female immigrations when they came to San Francisco in 1949. They often get together at this club to share their happiness and sadness with each other. In this film, the four mothers and their daughters tell the stories about their past experience. These interwoven stories present the cultural misunderstandings between the Chinese immigrant mothers and their American-raised daughters. The mothers can not accept the daughters' completely westernized life style. And the daughters are not satisfied with their Chinese born mothers when their life was interfered. Though they love each other very much, they could not remove the emotional barriers easily. The mothers are eager to dispel the misunderstandings and help their daughters when they get into trouble. Gradually they find a useful way to communicate with the daughters. That is to tell their Chinese stories to the daughters. With the mothers' helps and encouragements, the daughters are courageous to face the difficulties and accept the Chinese culture. Eventually, the Chinese immigrant mothers and the American-raised daughters understand each other.。
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Amy received her bachelor's and master's degrees in English and linguistics from San José State University, and later did doctoral linguistics studies at UC Santa Cruz and UC Berkeley.ous works
Amy Tan is a Chinese American writer whose works explore mother-daughter relationships. She was born in Oakland, California in 1952. She is the middle child in the family. In the late 1960s her sixteen-year-old brother Peter died of a brain tumor. Within a year of Peter's death, Amy's father died of the same disease.
Wayne Wang Film导演作品
英国电影学院奖(BAFTA Film Award) 1995 最佳改编剧本 (提名) 罗纳德·巴斯 最佳改编剧本 (提名)覃恩美 青年艺术家奖(Young Artist Award) 1994 Best Actress Under Ten in a Motion Picture Melanie Chang Best Actress Under Ten in a Motion Picture (提名) Mai Vu 青年艺术家奖 1994 Best Youth Actress Co-Starring in a Motion Picture Drama (提名) Irene Ng 美国编剧工会(WGA Award (Screen)) 1994 Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published (提名) 覃恩美 Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published (提名) 罗纳 德·巴斯 USC Scripter Award 1994 USC Scripter Award (提名) 罗纳德·巴斯 USC Scripter Award (提名) 覃恩美 Casting Society of America, USA(Artios) 1994 Best Casting for Feature Film, Drama Heidi Levitt Best Casting for Feature Film, Drama Risa Bramon Garcia
The Joy Luck Club (1989) is a bestselling novel written by Amy Tan.
In 1987, after her mother returned to health, they traveled to China where Tan's mother was reunited with her daughters and Tan met her half-sisters. The trip provided Tom with a fresh perspective on her mother and it served as the key inspiration for her first book, The Joy Luck Club.
Main novels
The Joy Luck Club (1989) 喜福会
The Kitchen God‘s Wife(1991) 灶神之妻
The Hundred Secret Senses (1995) 百种神秘感觉
Saving Fish from Drowning (2005) 拯救溺水鱼
Obviously, the conflicts are caused by mothers ' and daughters' generation gaps and growing backgrounds. The mothers grew up in China where there are many traditions and rules to follow. However, the daughters grew up in San Francisco and live in an American way. In another way, it is also conflicts between the two cultures. In China, parents are the symbol of power. In America, however, everyone is equal and parents encourage sense of independence
After these family tragedies, her mother moved Amy and her younger brother to Switzerland, where Amy finished high school. During this period, Amy learned about her mother's former marriage to an abusive man in China.
Saving Fish From Drowning is a 2005 novel written by Amy Tan. It is Tan's sixth and most recent work.