Silicon Laboratories Si4010 RF SoC 开发板快速启动指南说明书
Rev 0.1 6/12Copyright © 2012 by Silicon Laboratories AN690EVELOPMENT IT UICK TART UIDE 1. PurposeThank you for your interest in Silicon Laboratories Si4010 RF SoC transmitter development kit. This developmentkit contains everything you need to develop your software with the Si4010 embedded Si8051 MCU. The kit hasthree versions: one for the 434MHz band (P/N 4010-KFOBDEV-434), one for the 868MHz band (P/N 4010-KFOBDEV-868) and one for the 915MHz band (P/N 4010-KFOBDEV-915). The key features of the developmentplatform are as follows:⏹ The key fob development board has five push buttons and one LED.⏹ The key fob development board has a battery to enable disconnect from the programming interface boardand SMA antenna output to allow wired measurements.⏹ Uses Silicon Laboratories Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for software debugging and can alsouse Keil C compiler, assembler, and linker.⏹ Interfaces with Silicon Laboratories USB Debug Adapter or Toolstick.⏹ Contains a socketed key fob development board for burning the OTP NVM memory. Contains Si4355receiver board for link testing.⏹ Contains three blank NVM Si4010 chips and key fob demo boards without IC for burning and testing usercode on an actual key fob PCB.2. Kit ContentTable 1 lists the items contained in the kits.Table 1. Kit Content QtyPart Number Description 4010-KFOBDEV-434Si4010 Key Fob Development Kit 434MHz 24010-KFOB-434-NF Si4010 key fob demo board 434MHz w/o IC 1MSC-DKPE1SOIC/MSOP socketed development board 3Si4010-C2-GS Si4010-C2-GS transmitter IC, SOIC Package 14010-DKPB434-BM Si4010 MSOP key fob development board 434 MHz, SMA 14355-LED-434-SRX Si4355 RFStick 434MHz receiver board 1MSC-PLPB_1Key Fob Plastic Case (translucent grey)1MSC-BA5Programming interface board 1MSC-BA4Burning adapter board 1EC3USB Debug Adapter 1Toolstick_BA Toolstick Base Adapter 1MSC-DKCS5USB Cable 1USB extender cable (USBA-USBA)2AAA AAA battery 2CRD2032CR2032 3V coin batteryAN690Table 1. Kit Content (Continued)4010- KFOBDEV-868Si4010 Key Fob Development Kit 868MHz 24010-KFOB-868-NF Si4010 key fob demo board 868MHz w/o IC1MSC-DKPE1SOIC/MSOP socketed development board3Si4010-C2-GS Si4010-C2-GS transmitter IC, SOIC Package14010-DKPB868-BM Si4010 MSOP key fob development board 868 MHz, SMA14355-LED-868-SRX Si4355 RFStick 868MHz receiver board1MSC-PLPB_1Key Fob Plastic Case (translucent grey)1MSC-BA5Programming interface board1MSC-BA4Burning adapter board1EC3USB Debug Adapter1Toolstick_BA Toolstick Base Adapter1MSC-DKCS5USB Cable1USB extender cable (USBA-USBA)2AAA AAA battery2CRD2032CR2032 3V coin battery4010- KFOBDEV-915Si4010 Key Fob Development Kit 915MHz 24010-KFOB-915-NF Si4010 key fob demo board 915MHz w/o IC1MSC-DKPE1SOIC/MSOP socketed development board3Si4010-C2-GS Si4010-C2-GS transmitter IC, SOIC Package14010-DKPB915-BM Si4010 MSOP key fob development board 915MHz, SMA14355-LED-915-SRX Si4355 RFStick 915MHz receiver board1MSC-PLPB_1Key Fob Plastic Case (translucent grey)1MSC-BA5Programming interface board1MSC-BA4Burning adapter board1EC3USB Debug Adapter1Toolstick_BA Toolstick Base Adapter1MSC-DKCS5USB Cable1USB extender cable (USBA-USBA)2AAA AAA battery2CRD2032CR2032 3V coin batteryAN690Figure1.Burning Adapter Board (P/N MSC-BA4)Figure 2.Si4010 Socketed Key Fob Development Board (P/N MSC-DKPE1)Figure3.Si4010 MSOP Key Fob Development Board 434MHz, SMA (P/N 4010-DKPB434-BM)Note:Instead of this board, the 434MHz development kits may contain the pcb antenna version of this board called the Si4010 key fob development board 434MHz (P/N 4010-DKPB_434).Figure4.Si4355 RFStick 434MHz Receiver Board (P/N 4355-LED-434-SRX)AN690Figure 5.4010 Key Fob Demo Board 434MHz w/o IC (P/N 4010-KFOB-434-NF)Figure6.Key Fob Plastic Case (Translucent Grey) (P/N MSC-PLPB_1)Figure 7.EC3 Debug Adapter (P/N EC3)Figure 8.Toolstick Base Adapter (P/N Toolstick_BA)AN690 3. Software InstallationThe software and documentation pack for the development kit is available as a zip file on the Silicon Labs website at /products/wireless/EZRadio/Pages/Si4010.aspx on the Tools tab. The provided software pack contains all the documentation and files needed to develop a user application. It also contains example applications using API functions and the key fob demo application.The directory structure of the software examples is as follows:+--Si4010_projects| +--aes_demo| | +--bin .. Keil uVision and SiLabs IDE files| | +--out .. output directory for Keil toolchain| | +--src .. aes_demo source code| +--common| | +--lib .. Si4010 additional API functions library| | +--src .. Si4010 required files| +--fcast_demo.. frequency casting (tuning) demo| | +--bin| | +--out| | +--src| +--fstep_demo.. frequency two step tuning demo| | +--bin| | +--out| | +--src| +--tone_demo.. continuous wave (tone) demo| | +--bin| | +--out| | +--src| +--keyfob_demo.. simple keyfob demo| | +--bin| | +--out| | +--src| +--rke_demo.. advanced keyfob demo with AES| | +--bin| | +--out| | +--srcCopy the directory structure in a directory of your choice. It is recommended to keep the structure of the Si4010_projects folder to allow the compiler to find the Si4010 common files. Each project has a *.wsp project file in the bin folder that contains all the settings of the IDE for the project, including the relative path of the common files.AN6904. Silicon Labs IDE RunDownload the Silicon Labs IDE (Integrated Development Environment) from the following URL:/products/mcu/Pages/SiliconLaboratoriesIDE.aspx and install it on your computer. To run theSilicon Labs IDE, open an *.wsp project file.5. Hardware Setup using a USB Debug AdapterA detailed description about the IDE and debug adapters can be found in the Si4010 Development Kit User'sGuide.The target board is connected to a PC running the Silicon Laboratories IDE via the USB Debug Adapter as shownin Figure 9.Figure 9.Target Board and Debug AdapterPerform the following steps to set up the debug adapter:1. Connect the EC3 Debug Adapter to the J2 connector on the Burning Adapter board with the 10-pin ribboncable.2. Connect one end of the USB cable to the USB connector on the USB Debug Adapter.3. Connect the other end of the USB cable to a USB Port on the PC.4. Reset the firmware of the Debug adapter by running the following application:\Silabs_IDE\usb_debug_adapter_firmware_reset.exe(This operation needs to be done only once per USB Debug Adapter before a new version of the IDE canbe used.)5. Run Silabs_IDE\ide.exeThe first time the IDE program is run, it will automatically update the correct firmware for the adapter.Note:Remove power from the target board and the USB Debug Adapter before connecting or disconnecting the ribbon cablefrom the target board. Connecting or disconnecting the cable when the devices have power can damage the deviceand/or the USB Debug Adapter.AN690 6. Keil Toolchain IntegrationThe project files in examples assume that the Keil toolchain is installed to: C:\Keil directory. The location of the Keil toolchain can be easily changed in the Silabs IDE in the Project—Tool Chain Integration menu. An evaluation version of the Keil toolchain can be downloaded from the Keil web site, /. This free version has 2kB code limitation and starts the code at 0x0800 address. The Keil free evaluation version can be unlocked to become a 4k version with no code placement limitation by following the directions given in application note “AN104: Integrating Keil 8051 Tools into the Silicon Labs IDE”, which covers Keil toolchain integration and license management. The unlock code can be found in the documentation pack mentioned in "3. Software Installation" on page 5 of this document. You can find the unlock code in the root folder in the Keil_license_number.txt file. Contact your Silicon Laboratories sales representative or distributor for application assistance.7. Known IssuesThere is an issue related to the LED driver, which demonstrates itself only under the following circumstances when all three conditions are satisfied:1. The device programming level is Factory or User. For those levels, the C2 debugging interface is enabledafter the boot by a boot routine.2. The device has been disconnected from the Silicon Labs IDE. “Disconnected” is meant in the softwaresense (not physically) using the Connect/Disconnect buttons on IDE, or the device is running the Usercode automatically after the boot without ever being connected to the IDE.3. The device is running a code that turns the LED on and off.If all the conditions are satisfied, after the first LED blink when the LED is turned off, the GPIO4 stops working and is no longer visible to the application.If the device programming level is Run or the C2 debugging interface is internally disabled, there is no issue. The LED can be turned on and off without affecting the device GPIO4 functionality.The issue can be summarized as follows: Whenever the C2 debugging interface is enabled and the device is not connected to the IDE and the LED is turned on and off, then the GPIO4 will stop functioning. Since, in Run mode, the C2 is disabled after the boot process finishes, the GPIO4 is not affected.Therefore, this issue only affects the software development process and inconveniences the developer. After the application is finalized and the chip is programmed as Run, there is no issue.There are several possible software workarounds; see details in the Si4010 key fob development kit user guide.Disclaimer Silicon Laboratories intends to provide customers with the latest, accurate, and in-depth documentation of all peripherals and modules available for system and software implementers using or intending to use the Silicon Laboratories products. Characterization data, available modules and peripherals, memory sizes and memory addresses refer to each specific device, and "Typical" parameters provided can and do vary in different applications. Application examples described herein are for illustrative purposes only. Silicon Laboratories reserves the right to make changes without further notice and limitation to product information, specifications, and descriptions herein, and does not give warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of the included information. Silicon Laboratories shall have no liability for the consequences of use of the information supplied herein. This document does not imply or express copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits. The products must not be used within any Life Support System without the specific written consent of Silicon Laboratories. A "Life Support System" is any product or system intended to support or sustain life and/or health, which, if it fails, can be reasonably expected to result in significant personal injury or death. Silicon Laboratories products are generally not intended for military applications. Silicon Laboratories products shall under no circumstances be used in weapons of mass destruction including (but not limited to) nuclear, biological or chemical weapons, or missiles capable of delivering such weapons.Trademark Information Silicon Laboratories Inc., Silicon Laboratories, Silicon Labs, SiLabs and the Silicon Labs logo, CMEMS®, EFM, EFM32, EFR, Energy Micro, Energy Micro logo and combinations thereof, "the world’s most energy friendly microcontrollers", Ember®, EZLink®, EZMac®, EZRadio®, EZRadioPRO®, DSPLL®, ISOmodem ®, Precision32®, ProSLIC®, SiPHY®, USBXpress® and others are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc. ARM, CORTEX, Cortex-M3 and THUMB are trademarks or registered trademarks of ARM Holdings. Keil is a registered trademark of ARM Limited. All other products or brand names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective holders. Silicon Laboratories Inc.400 West Cesar Chavez Austin, TX 78701USASimp li city StudioOne-click access to MCU tools,documentation, software, sourcecode libraries & more. Availablefor Windows, Mac and Linux!/simplicityMCU Portfolio /mcu SW/HW /simplicity Quality /quality Support and Community。
0.145 (3.68) 0.135 (3.43)
0.350 (8.89) 0.330 (8.38) 1.148 (29.16) 1.118 (28.40)
0.057 (1.45) 0.045 (1.14)
0.105 (2.67) 0.095 (2.41) 0.104 (2.65) 0.096 (2.45)
Tape and reel Tube
Average Forward Current (A) Average Power Loss (W)
RATINGS AND CHARACTERISTICS CURVES (TA = 25 °C unless otherwise noted)
VB40100C 2.0
VI40100C 2.0
µA mA µA mA
50 75 100 125 150 175
Case Temperature (°C)
Figure 1. Forward Current Derating Curve
D = 0.8
User Manual 使用说明书
HPB4010 High Voltage Probe ..................................................................1
Operation ..................................................................................................................................2
Warning ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Connect the divider probe common lead(alligator clip) to a good earth ground or reliable ground. Connect the BNC connector to the BNC input of your oscilloscope. Select the desired range of your oscilloscope. Whenever possible, turn the high voltage source off before making any connections. When the measuring voltage are DC 8 KV up, or AC 5KVrms up or AC peak 20KV up, do not exceed 60 second and break off 5 minute at least.
HCF40103BEY, 规格书,Datasheet 资料
1/14September 2002sSYNCHRONOUS OR ASYNCHRONOUS PRESETsMEDIUM -SPEED OPERATION : f CL =3.6MHz (Typ.) at V DD = 10V s CASCADABLEs QUIESCENT CURRENT SPECIF. UP TO 20V s 5V, 10V AND 15V PARAMETRIC RATINGS sINPUT LEAKAGE CURRENTI I = 100nA (MAX) AT V DD = 18V T A = 25°C s 100% TESTED FOR QUIESCENT CURRENT sMEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS OF JEDEC JESD13B "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR DESCRIPTION OF B SERIES CMOS DEVICES"DESCRIPTIONHCF40103B is a monolithic integrated circuit fabricated in Metal Oxide Semiconductor technology available in DIP and SOP packages. HCF40103B consists of an 8-stage synchronous down counter with a single output that is active when the internal count is zero. This device contains a single 8-bit binary counter. It has control inputs for enabling or disabling the clock,for clearing the counter to its maximum count, and for presetting the counter either synchronously or asynchronously. All control inputs and the CARRY-OUT/ZERO DETECT output are active-low logics. In normal operation, the counter is decremented by one count on each positive transition of the CLOCK. Counting is inhibited CE) input is high. The CARRY-OUT/ZERO DETECT (CO/ZD) output goes low when the count reaches zero if the CI/CE input is low, and remains low for one full clock period. When the SYNCHRONOUS PRESET ENABLE (SPE) input is low, data at the JAM input is clocked into the counter on the next positive clock transition regardless of the state of the CI/CE input. When the ASYNCHRONOUS PRESET ENABLE (APE)input is low, data at the JAM inputs is asynchronously forced into the counter regardless of the state of the SPE, CI/CE, or CLOCK inputs.JAM inputs J0-J7 represent a single 8 bit binary word. When the CLEAR (CLR) input is low, the counter is asynchronously cleared to its maximum count (25510) regardless of the state of any other input. The precedent relationship between control input is indicated in the truth table. If all controlHCF40103B8-STAGE PRESETTABLE SYNCHRONOUS8 BIT BINARY DOWN COUNTERSORDER CODESPACKAGE TUBE T & RDIP HCF40103BEY SOPHCF40103BM1HCF40103M013TRHCF40103B2/14inputs are high at the time of zero count, the counters will jump to the maximum count, giving a counting sequence of 256 clock pulses long.HCF40103B may be cascaded using the CI/CE input and the CO/ZD output, in either a synchronous or ripple mode.IINPUT EQUIVALENT CIRCUITPIN DESCRIPTIONFUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMTRUTH TABLESX : Don’t CareClock connected to Clock inputSynchronous Operation : changes occur on negative to positive clock transitions.PIN No SYMBOL NAME AND FUNCTION 1CLOCK Clock Input (LOW to HIGH edge triggered)2CLEAR Asynchronous Master Reset Input (Active Low)3CI/CE Terminal Enable Input 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13J0 to J7Jam Inputs9APE Asynchronous Preset Enable Inputs(Active Low)14CO/ZD Terminal Count Output (Active Low)15SPE Synchronous PresetEnable Input (Active Low)8V SS Negative Supply Voltage 16V DDPositive Supply VoltageCONTROL INPUTSPRESET MODEACTIONCLR APE SPE CI/CE H H H H SynchronousInhibit Counter H H H L Count DownH H L X Preset on Next Positive Clock Transition H L X X AsynchronousPreset Asynchronously LXXXClear to Maximum CountHCF40103B LOGIC DIAGRAMLOGIC DIAGRAM FOR FLIP-FLOPS, FF0-FF73/14HCF40103B4/14TIMING CHARTABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSAbsolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied.All voltage values are referred to V SS pin voltage.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DD Supply Voltage-0.5 to +22V V I DC Input Voltage -0.5 to V DD + 0.5V I I DC Input Current± 10mA P D Power Dissipation per Package200mW Power Dissipation per Output Transistor 100mW T op Operating Temperature -55 to +125°C T stgStorage Temperature-65 to +150°CSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DD Supply Voltage 3 to 20V V I Input Voltage0 to V DD V T opOperating Temperature-55 to 125°CHCF40103B5/14DC SPECIFICATIONSThe Noise Margin for both "1" and "0" level is: 1V min. with V DD =5V, 2V min. with V DD =10V, 2.5V min. with V DD =15VSymbolParameterTest ConditionValue UnitV I (V)V O (V)|I O |(µA)V DD (V)T A = 25°C -40 to 85°C -55 to 125°C Min.Typ.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.I LQuiescent Current0/550.045150150µA0/10100.0410*******/15150.04206006000/20200.0810030003000V OHHigh Level Output Voltage0/5<15 4.95 4.95 4.95V0/10<1109.959.959.950/15<11514.9514.9514.95V OLLow Level Output Voltage5/0<<1100.050.050.0515/0<1150.050.050.05V IHHigh Level Input Voltage 0.5/4.5<15 3.5 3.5 3.5V1/9<1107771.5/13.5<115111111V ILLow Level Input Voltage 4.5/0.5<15 1.5 1.5 1.5V9/1<11033313.5/1.5<115444I OHOutput Drive Current0/5 2.5<15-1.36-3.2-1.1-1.1mA0/5 4.6<15-0.44-1-0.36-0.360/109.5<110-1.1-2.6-0.9-0.90/1513.5<115-3.0-6.8-2.4-2.4I OLOutput Sink Current0/50.4<150.4410.360.36mA0/100.5<110 1.1 1.5<115 3.06.8 2.4 2.4I IInput Leakage Current0/18Any Input 18±10-5±0.1±1±1µA C IInput CapacitanceAny Input57.5pFHCF40103B6/14DYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25°C, C L = 50pF, R L = 200K Ω, t r = t f = 20 ns)(*) Typical temperature coefficient for all V DD value is 0.3 %/°C.SymbolParameterTest ConditionValue (*)UnitV DD (V)Min.Typ.Max.t PHL t PLH Propagation Delay TimeClock To Out 5300600ns 101302601595190t PHL t PLH Propagation Delay TimeCarry In/counter Enable To Output 5200400ns10901801565130t PHL t PLH Propagation Delay TimeAsynchronous Preset Enable To Output 56501300ns1030060015200400t PHL t PLH Propagation Delay TimeClear To Output 5375750ns1018036015100200t THL t TLH Transition Time5100200ns1050100154080t WClock Pulse Width5300150ns1018090158040t WClear Pulse Width5320160ns10160801510050t WAPE Pulse Width5360180ns10160801512060t setupSPE Setup Time5280140ns10140701510050t setupJAM Setup Time5200100ns108040156030f CLMaximum Clock Input Frequency50.7 1.4MHz10 1.8 3.6152.44.8HCF40103B7/14TYPICAL APPLICATIONS DIVIDE BY "N" COUNTERMICROPROCESSOR INTERRUPT TIMER MICROPROCESSOR INTERRUPT TIMERSYNCHRONOUS CASCADINGSYNCHRONOUS CASCADING* An Output spike (160ns at V DD = 5V) occurs whenever two or more devices are cascaded in the parallel clocked mode because the clock-to-carry out delay is greater than the carry-in-to-carry-out delay. This spike is eliminated by gating the output of the last devicewith the clock as shown.HCF40103B8/14TEST CIRCUITC L = 50pF or equivalent (includes jig and probe capacitance)R L = 200K ΩR T = Z OUT of pulse generator (typically 50Ω)WAVEFORM 1 : PROPAGATION DELAY TIME(f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)HCF40103BWAVEFORM 2 : PROPAGATION DELAY, MINIMUM PULSE WIDTH AND REMOVAL TIME (f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)WAVEFORM 3 : PROPAGATION DELAY, MINIMUM PULSE WIDTH AND REMOVAL TIME (f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)9/14HCF40103B10/14WAVEFORM 4 : PROPAGATION DELAY TIME (f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)WAVEFORM 5 : MINIMUM SETUP TIME(f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)WAVEFORM 6 : MINIMUM SETUP TIME(f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)11/14Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.© The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics© 2002 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - Canada - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States.© 14/14。
HCC/HCF40100B32-STAGE STATIC LEFT/RIGHT SHIFT REGISTERDESCRIPTION.FULLY STATIC OPERATION.SHIFT LEFT/SHIFT RIGHT CAPABILITY .MULTIPLE PACKAGE CASCADING .RECIRCULATE CAPABILITY .LIFO OR FIFO CAPABILITY.STANDARDIZED SYMMETRICAL OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS.QUIESCENT CURRENT SPECIFIED AT 20V FOR HCC DEVICE.5V,10V,AND 15V PARAMETRIC RATINGS .INPUT CURRENT OF 100nA AT 18V AND 25°C FOR HCC DEVICE.100%TESTED FOR QUIESCENT CURRENT .MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS OF JEDECTEN-TATIVE STANDARD N o.13A,”STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR DESCRIPTION OF ”B”SERIES CMOS DEVICES”June 1989The HCC40100B (extended temperature range)and HCF40100B (intermediate temperature range)are monolithic integrated circuits,available in 16-lead dual in-line plastic or ceramic package and plastic micro package.The HCC/HCF40100B is a 32-stage shift register containing 32D-type master-slave flip-flops.The data present at the SHIFT-RIGHT INPUT is transferred into the first register stage synchronously with the positive CLOCK edge,provided the LEFT/RIGHT CONTROL is at a low level,the RECIRCULATE CONTROL is at a high level,and the CLOCK INHIBIT is low.If the LEFT/RIGHT CONTROL is at a high level and the RECIRCULATE CONTROL is also high,data at the SHIFT-LEFT INPUT istransferred into the 32nd reg-ister stage synchronously with the positive CLOCK transition,provided the CLOCK INHIBIT is low.The state of the LEFT/RIGHT CONTROL,RECIRCU-LATE CONTROL,and CLOCK INHIBIT should not be changed when the CLOCK ishigh.Data is shifted one stage left or one stage right depend ing on the state of the LEFT/RIGHT CONTROL,synchron-ously with the positive CLOCK edge.Data clocked into the first or 32nd register states is available at the SHIFT-LEFT or SHIFT-RIGHT OUTPUT respec-tively,on the next negative CLOCK transition (see Data Transfer Table).No shifting occurs on the posi-tive CLOCK edge if the CLOCK INHIBIT line is at a high level.With the RECIRCULATE CONTROL low,EY(Plastic Package)C1(Plastic Chip Carrier)ORDER CODES :HCC40100BF HCF40100BM1HCF40100B EY HCF40100BC1PIN CONNECTIONSdata in the 32nd stage is shifted into the first stage when the LEFT/RIGHT CONTROL is low and from the 1st stage to the 32nd stage when the LEFT/RIGHT CONTROL is high.M1(Micro Package)F(Ceramic Frit Seal Package)1/13FUNCTIONAL DIAGRAMABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbol Parameter Value UnitV DD*Supply Voltage:HCC TypesHCF Types –0.5to+20–0.5to+18VVV i Input Voltage–0.5to V DD+0.5V I I DC Input Current(any one input)±10mAP t o t Total Power Dissipation(per package)Dissipation per Output Transistorfor T o p=Full Package-temperature Range 200100mWmWT o p Operating Temperature:HCC TypesHCF Types –55to+125–40to+85°C°CT s t g Storage Temperature–65to+150°CRECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSSymbol Parameter Value UnitV DD Supply Voltage:HCC TypesHCF Types 3to+183to+15VVV I Input Voltage0to V DD VT o p Operating Temperature:HCC TypesHCF Types –55to+125–40to+85°C°CStresses above those listed under”Absolute Maximum Ratings”may cause permanent damage to the device.This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sec-tions of this specification is not implied.Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for external periods may affect device reliability.HCC/HCF40100B2/13HCC/HCF40100B LOGIC DIAGRAM3/13CONTROLLeft/Right ControlClock Inhibit Recirculate ControlAction Input Bit Origin 101Shift Left Shift Left Input100Shift Left Stage 1001Shift Right Shift Right Input000Shift Right Stage 32X1XNo Shift–0=Low level 1=High level X=Don’t Care.NC =No change.*For Shift-Right ModeFor Shift-left ModeData Input =SHIFT-RIGHT INPUT (Pin 11)Data input =SHIFT LEFT INPUT (Pin 6)Internal Stage =Stage 1(Q1)Internal Stage =Stage 32(Q32)Output =SHIFT-LEFT OUTPUT (Pin 4).Output =SHIFT-RIGHT OUTPUT (Pin 12).TRUTH TABLES DATA TRANSFERInitial StateClock Resulting State Data InputClock InhibitInternal StageLevel ChangeInternal Stage QOutput 00X –/–0NC X 00–\–NC 010X –/–1NC X 01–\–NC 1X11XNCNCSTATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (over recommended operating conditions)Test ConditionsValueV I V O |I O |V D D T L o w *25°C T Hi g h *SymbolParameter (V)(V)(µA)(V)Min.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Max.UnitI LQuiescent CurrentHCC Types 0/5550.045150µA0/1010100.04103000/1515200.04206000/20201000.081003000HCFTypes0/55200.04201500/1010400.04403000/1515800.0480600V OHOutput High Voltage0/5<15 4.95 4.95 4.95V0/10<1109.959.959.950/15<11514.9514.9514.95V OLOutput Low Voltage5/0< 10/0<1100.050.050.0515/0<1150.050.050.05*T Low =–55°C for HCC device :–40°C for HCF device.*T High =+125°C for HCC device :+85°C for HCF device.The Noise Margin for both ”1”and ”0”level is :1V min.with V DD =5V,2V min.with V DD =10V,2.5V min.with V DD =15V.HCC/HCF40100B4/13*T Low =–55°C for HCC device :–40°C for HCF device.*T High =+125°C for HCC device :+85°C for HCF device.The Noise Margin for both ”1”and ”0”level is :1V min.with V DD =5V,2V min.with V DD =10V,2.5V min.with V DD =15V.STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued )Test ConditionsValueV I V O |I O |V D D T L o w *25°C T Hi g h *Symbol Parameter (V)(V)(µA)(V)Min.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Max.UnitV IHInput High Voltage0.5/4.5<15 3.5 3.5 3.5V1/9<1107771.5/13.5<115111111V ILInput Low Voltage4.5/0.5<15 1.5 1.5 1.5V 9/1<11033313.5/1.5<115444I OHOutput Drive CurrentHCC Types 0/52.55–2–1.6–3.2–1.15mA0/5 4.65–0.64–0.51–1–0.360/109.510–1.6–1.3–2.6–0.90/1513.515–4.2–3.4–6.8–2.4HCFTypes 0/52.55–1.53–1.36–3.2–1.10/54.65–0.52–0.44–1–0.360/109.510–1.3–1.1–2.6–0.90/1513.515–3.6–3.0–6.8–2.4I OLOutput Sink CurrentHCCTypes0/50.450.640.5110.36mA 0/100.510 1.6 1.3 2.60.90/15 1.515 4.2 3.4 6.8 2.4HCFTypes0/50.450.520.4410.360/100.510 1.3 1.1 2.60.90/151.515 2.4I IH ,I ILInput Leakage CurrentHCC Types 0/18Any Input18±0.1±10–5±0.1±1µA HCF Types0/1515±0.3±10–5±0.3±1C I Input CapacitanceAny Input57.5pFDYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb =25°C,C L =50pF,R L =200k Ω,typical temperature coefficient for all V DD values is 0.3%/°C,all input rise and fall time =20ns)Value Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsV D D (V)Min.Typ.Max.Unitt PL H ,t P HLPropagation Delay TimeClock to Shift Left/Right Output5360720ns 1016533015115230t T HL ,t T L HTransition Time5100200ns 1050100154080HCC/HCF40100B5/13WAVEFORMSDYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)Value Symbol ParameterTest ConditionsV DD (V)Min.Typ.Max.Unitt setupData Setup Time510050ns10201015105t holdData Hold Time5275170ns 1010075157550t WClock Input Pulse Width Low Level5450225ns 102301151519095t WClock Input Pulse Width High Level5280140ns 10150751514070f CLMaximum Clock Input Frequency512MHz 10 2.551536HCC/HCF40100B6/13HCC/HCF40100B Output Low(sink)Current Characteristics.Output High(source)Current Characteristics.Typical Transition Time vs.Load Capacitance. Typical Propagation Delay Time(clock to shift leftright)vs.Load Capacitance.Typical Dynamic Power Dissipation vs.Clock Fre-quency.7/13Input Leakage Current.Input Voltage.TEST CIRCUITS Quiescent Device Current. HCC/HCF40100B8/13HCC/HCF40100B Plastic DIP16(0.25)MECHANICAL DATAmm inchDIM.MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.a10.510.020B0.77 1.650.0300.065b0.50.020b10.250.010D200.787E8.50.335e 2.540.100e317.780.700F7.10.280I 5.10.201L 3.30.130Z 1.270.050P001C9/13HCC/HCF40100BCeramic DIP16/1MECHANICAL DATAmm inch DIM.MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.A200.787 B70.276D 3.30.130E0.380.015e317.780.700F 2.29 2.790.0900.110G0.40.550.0160.022H 1.17 1.520.0460.060L0.220.310.0090.012 M0.51 1.270.0200.050 N10.30.406 P7.88.050.3070.317 Q 5.080.200P053D 10/13HCC/HCF40100B SO16(Narrow)MECHANICAL DATAmm inchDIM.MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.A 1.750.068a10.10.20.0040.007a2 1.650.064b0.350.460.0130.018b10.190.250.0070.010C0.50.019c145°(typ.)D9.8100.3850.393E 5.8 6.20.2280.244e 1.270.050e38.890.350F 3.8 4.00.1490.157G 4.6 5.30.1810.208L0.5 1.270.0190.050M0.620.024S8°(max.)P013H11/13HCC/HCF40100BPLCC20MECHANICAL DATAmm inch DIM.MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.A9.7810.030.3850.395 B8.899.040.3500.356D 4.2 4.570.1650.180d1 2.540.100d20.560.022E7.378.380.2900.330e 1.270.050e3 5.080.200F0.380.015G0.1010.004 M 1.270.050M1 1.140.045P027A 12/13HCC/HCF40100B Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsability for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may results from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.Specificationsmentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use ascritical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectonics.©1994SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics-All Rights ReservedSGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia-Brazil-France-Germany-Hong Kong-Italy-Japan-Korea-Malaysia-Malta-Morocco-The Netherlands-Singapore-Spain-Sweden-Switzerland-Taiwan-Thailand-United Kingdom-U.S.A13/13。
© 2002 Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation DS005945October 1987Revised March 2002CD4010C Hex Buffers (Non-Inverting)CD4010CHex Buffers (Non-Inverting)General DescriptionThe CD4010C hex buffers are monolithic complementary MOS (CMOS) integrated circuits. The N- and P-channel enhancement mode transistors provide a symmetrical cir-cuit with output swings essentially equal to the supply volt-age. This results in high noise immunity over a wide supply voltage range. No DC power other than that caused by leakage current is consumed during static conditions. All inputs are protected against static discharge. These gates may be used as hex buffers, CMOS to DTL or TTL inter-face or as CMOS current drivers. Conversion ranges are from 3V to 15V providing V CC ≤ V DD . The devices also have buffered outputs which improve transfer characteris-tics by providing very high gain.Featuress Wide supply voltage range: 3.0V to 15V s Low power:100 nW (typ.)s High noise immunity:0.45 V DD (typ.)s High current sinking:8 mA (min.) at V O = 0.5Vcapability:and V DD = 10VApplications•Automotive •Data terminals •Instrumentation •Medical electronics •Alarm system •Industrial controls •Remote metering •ComputersOrdering Code:Devices also available in T ape and Reel. Specify by appending the suffix letter “X ” to the ordering code.Connection Diagram Top ViewSchematic DiagramHex COS/MOS to DTL or TTL converter (inverting).Connect V CC to DTL or TTL supply.Connect V DD to COS/MOS supply.Order Number Package NumberPackage DescriptionCD4010CM M16A 16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150" Narrow CD4010CNN16E16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300" Wide 2C D 4010CAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1)Note 1: “Absolute Maximum Ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. Operating Ratings indicate conditions for which the device is functional, but do not guarantee specific performance limits.”Note 2: This device should not be connected to circuits with the power on because high transient voltage may cause permanent damage.DC Electrical CharacteristicsNote 3: I D N and I D P are tested one output at a time.Voltage at Any Pin (Note 2)V SS − 0.3V to V SS +15.5VOperating Temperature Range −55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range (T S )−65°C to +150°CPower Dissipation (P D )Dual-In-Line 700 mW Small Outline 500 mWLead Temperature (T L )(Soldering, 10 seconds)260°COperating Range (V DD )V SS + 3V to V SS + 15VConditionsLimitsSymbol Characteristics −55°C+25°C +125°C UnitsMinMax MinTyp Max MinMax I CC Quiescent Device V DD = 5.0VµA CurrentV DD = 10V D Quiescent Device V DD = 5.0V 1.50.05 1.5100µW Dissipation/Package V DD = 10V 5.00.1 5.0300V OL Output Voltage V DD = 5.0V 0.0100.010.05V LOW Level V DD = 10V 0.0100.010.05V OH Output Voltage V DD = 5.0V 4.99 4.995 4.95V HIGH Level V DD = 10V9.999.99109.95V NL Noise Immunity V DD = 5.0V, V O ≥ 1.5 1.6 1.5 2.25 1.4V (All Inputs)V DD = 10V, V O ≥ 3.0 3.23 4.5 2.9V NH Noise Immunity V DD = 5.0V, V O ≥ 3.5 1.4 1.5 2.25 1.5V (All Inputs)V DD = 10V, V O ≥ 7.0 2.93 4.53I D N Output Drive Current V DD = 5.0V, 0.4 = V 0 3.7534 2.1mA N-Channel (Note 3)V DD = 10V, 0.5 = V 010810 5.6I D P Output Drive Current V DD = 5.0V, 2.5 = V 0−1.85−1.25−1.75−0.9mA P-Channel (Note 3)V DD = 10V, 9.5 = V 0−0.9−0.6−0.8−0.4I IInput Current10pACD4010CAC Electrical Characteristics (Note 4)T A = 25°c, C L = 15 pF, unless otherwise noted. Typical Temperature coefficient for all values of V DD = 0.3%/°CNote 4: AC Parameters are guaranteed by DC correlated testing.Typical ApplicationTest ConditionsLimitsSymbol CharacteristicsV DD Min Typ Max Units(Volts)t PHL Propagation Delay Time:V CC = V DD5—1570t PLHHIGH-to-LOW Level (t PHL )10—1040ns V DD = 10V —1035V CC = 5VLOW-to-HIGH Level (t PLH )V CC = V DD 5—5010010—2570V DD = 10V —1540ns V CC = 5Vt THL Transition Time:V CC = V DD5—2060ns t TLHHIGH-to-LOW Level (t THL )10—1650LOW-to-HIGH Level (t TLH )V CC = V DD 5—80160ns 10—50120Input Capacitance (C I )Any Input —5—pF 4C D 4010CPhysical Dimensionsinches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted16-Lead Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC), JEDEC MS-012, 0.150" NarrowPackage Number M16A5CD4010C Hex Buffers (Non-Inverting)Physical Dimensions inches (millimeters) unless otherwise noted (Continued)16-Lead Plastic Dual-In-Line Package (PDIP), JEDEC MS-001, 0.300" WidePackage Number N16EFairchild does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and Fairchild reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.LIFE SUPPORT POLICYFAIRCHILD ’S PRODUCTS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED FOR USE AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN APPROVAL OF THE PRESIDENT OF FAIRCHILD SEMICONDUCTOR CORPORATION. As used herein:1.Life support devices or systems are devices or systems which, (a) are intended for surgical implant into the body, or (b) support or sustain life, and (c) whose failure to perform when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be rea-sonably expected to result in a significant injury to the user.2. A critical component in any component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be rea-sonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or effectiveness.。
ID, Drain-to-Source Current (A)
ID, Drain-to-Source Current (A)
0.1 0.1
≤60μs PULSE WIDTH Tj = 25°C
VDS, Drain-to-Source Voltage (V)
Fig 1. Typical Output Characteristics
mended footprint and soldering echniques refer to application note #AN-994. Rθ is measured at TJ approximately 90°C RθJC value shown is at time zero
D Drain
S Source
Absolute Maximum Ratings
ID @ TC = 25°C ID @ TC = 100°C IDM PD @TC = 25°C
Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V
c Continuous Drain Current, VGS @ 10V
à (Body Diode)
Diode Forward Voltage
Reverse Recovery Time
Reverse Recovery Charge
Reverse Recovery Current
Forward Turn-On Time
Min. Typ. Max. Units
Fully Integrated Proximity and Ambient Light Sensor with Infrared Emitter, I 2C Interface, and Interrupt FunctionDESCRIPTIONThe VCNL4010 is a fully integrated proximity and ambient light sensor. Fully integrated means that the infrared emitter is included in the package. It has 16 bit resolution. It includes a signal processing IC and features standard I 2C communication interface. It features an interrupt function.APPLICATIONS•Proximity sensor for mobile devices (e.g. smart phones,touch phones, PDA, GPS) for touch screen locking, power saving, etc.•Integrated ambient light function for display/keypad contrast control and dimming of mobile devices•Proximity/optical switch for consumer, computing and industrial devices and displays•Dimming control for consumer, computing and industrial displaysFEATURES•Package type: surface mount•Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 3.95 x 3.95 x 0.75•Integrated infrared emitter, ambient light sensor,proximity sensor, and signal conditioning IC •Interrupt function•Supply voltage range V DD : 2.5 V to 3.6 V •Supply voltage range IR anode: 2.5 V to 5 V •Communication via I 2C interface •I 2C Bus H-level range: 1.7 V to 5 V •Floor life: 168 h, MSL 3, acc. J-STD-020•Low stand by current consumption: 1.5 μA•ompliant to RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU and in accordance to WEEE 2002/96/ECNote**Please see document “Vishay Material Category Policy”:/doc?99902PROXIMITY FUNCTION•Built-in infrared emitter and photo-pin-diode for proximity function•16 bit effective resolution for proximity detection range ensures excellent cross talk immunity•Programmable LED drive current from 10 mA to 200 mA in 10 mA steps•Excellent ambient light suppression by modulating the infrared signal•Proximity distance up to 200 mmAMBIENT LIGHT FUNCTION•Built-in ambient light photo-pin-diode with close-to-human-eye sensitivity•16 bit dynamic range from 0.25 lx to 16 klx •100 Hz and 120 Hz flicker noise rejectionNote(1)Adjustable through I 2C interfacePRODUCT SUMMARYPART NUMBER OPERATING RANGE (mm)OPERATING VOLTAGE RANGE (V)I 2C BUS VOLTAGE RANGE (V)LED PULSE CURRENT (1)(mA)AMBIENT LIGHT RANGE (lx)AMBIENT LIGHT RESOLUTION(lx)OUTPUT CODE VCNL40101 to 2002.5 to3.61.7 to 510 to 2000.25 to 16 3830.2516 bit, I 2CNotes(1)MOQ: minimum order quantity(2)VCNL4000 Demokit provides USB dongle, basic software including Vishay licence. The VCNL4010 sensor board could be ordered free of charge by contacting sensorstechsupport@ . Software updates for VC NL4010 can be downloaded from our web site:/???/ORDERING INFORMATIONORDERING CODE PACKAGING VOLUME (1)REMARKSVCNL4010-GS08Tape and reelMOQ: 1800 pcs 3.95 mm x 3.95 mm x 0.75 mmVCNL4010-GS18MOQ: 7000 pcsVCNL4000Demokit (2)-MOQ: 1 pc-ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOL MIN.MAX.UNIT Supply voltageV DD - 0.3 5.5V Operation temperature range T amb - 25+ 85°C Storage temperature range T stg - 40+ 85°C Total power dissipation T amb ≤ 25 °C P tot 50mW Junction temperatureT j100°CBASIC CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONSYMBOLMIN.TYP.MAX.UNIT Supply voltage V DD 2.5 3.6V Supply voltage IR anode 2.55V I 2C Bus H-level range 1.75V INT H-level range 1.75V INT low voltage 3 mA sink current 0.4V Current consumptionStandby current,no IRED-operation 1.52μA Current consumptionproximity mode incl. IRED (averaged)2 measurements per second,IRED current 20 mA5μA 250 measurements per second,IRED current 20 mA 520μA 2 measurements per second,IRED current 200 mA 35μA 250 measurements per second,IRED current 200 mA 4.0mA Current consumption ambient light mode2 measurements per secondaveraging = 12.5μA 8 measurements per secondaveraging = 110μA 2 measurements per secondaveraging = 64160μA 8 measurements per secondaveraging = 64640μA Ambient light resolution Digital resolution (LSB count )0.25lx Ambient light output E V = 100 lx averaging = 64400counts I 2C clock rate rangef SCL3400kHzCIRCUIT BLOCK DIAGRAMNote•nc must not be electrically connectedPads 8 to 11 are only considered as solder padsTEST CIRCUIT BASIC CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25 °C, unless otherwise specified)Fig. 1 - Idle Current vs. Ambient Temperature Fig. 2 - Idle Current vs. V DDFig. 3 - Proximity Value vs. Distance Fig. 4 - Forward Current vs. TemperatureFig. 5 - Relative Radiant Intensity vs. WavelengthFig. 6 - Relative Radiant Intensity vs. Angular Displacement Fig. 7 - Relative Spectral Sensitivity vs. Wavelength(Proximity Sensor) Fig. 8 - Relative Radiant Sensitivity vs. Angular Displacement(Proximity Sensor)Fig. 9 - Ambient Light Value vs. Illuminance Fig. 10 - Relative Spectral Sensitivity vs. Wavelength(Ambient Light Sensor)Fig. 11 - Relative Radiant Sensitivity vs. Angular Displacement(Ambient Light Sensor)APPLICATION INFORMATIONVCNL4010 is a cost effective solution of proximity and ambient light sensor with I2C bus interface. The standard serial digital interface is easy to access “Proximity Signal” and “Light Intensity” without complex calculation and programming by external controller. Beside the digital output also a flexible programmable interrupt pin is available.1. Application CircuitFig. 12 - Application Circuit(x) = Pin NumberNote•The interrupt pin is an open drain output. The needed pull-up resistor may be connected to the same supply voltage as the application controller and the pull-up resistors at SDA/SCL. Proposed value R2 should be >1 kΩ , e.g. 10 kΩ to 100 kΩ.Proposed value for R3 and R4, e.g. 2.2 kΩ to 4.7 kΩ, depend also on the I2C bus speed.For detailed description about set-up and use of the interrupt as well as more application related information see AN: “Designing VCNL4010 into an Application”.2. I 2C InterfaceThe VCNL4010 contains seventeen 8 bit registers for operation control, parameter setup and result buffering. All registers are accessible via I 2C communication. Figure 13 shows the basic I 2C communication with VCNL4010.The built in I 2C interface is compatible with all I 2C modes (standard, fast and high speed).I 2C H-level range = 1.7 V to 5 V.Please refer to the I 2C specification from NXP for details.Device AddressThe VC NL4010 has a fix slave address for the host programming and accessing selection. The predefined 7 bit I 2C bus address is set to 0010 011 = 13h. The least significant bit (LSB) defines read or write mode. Accordingly the bus address is set to 0010 011x = 26h for write, 27h for read.Register AddressesVC NL4010 has seventeen user accessible 8 bit registers.The register addresses are 80h (register #0) to 90h (register #16).REGISTER FUNCTIONSRegister #0 Command RegisterRegister address = 80hThe register #0 is for starting ambient light or proximity measurements. This register contains 2 flag bits for data ready indication.Note•With setting bit 3 and bit 4 at the same write command, a simultaneously measurement of ambient light and proximity is done. Beside als_en and/or prox_en first selftimed_en needs to be set. On-demand measurement modes are disabled if selftimed_en bit is set. For the selftimed_en mode changes in reading rates (reg #4 and reg #2) can be made only when b0 (selftimed_en bit) = 0. For the als_od mode changes to the reg #4 can be made only when b4 (als_od bit) = 0; this is to avoid synchronization problems and undefined states between the clock domains. In effect this means that it is only reasonable to change rates while no selftimed conversion is ongoing.TABLE 1 - COMMAND REGISTER #0Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0config_lockals_data_rdyprox_data_rdyals_odprox_odals_enprox_enselftimed_enDescriptionconfig_lock Read only bit. Value = 1als_data_rdy Read only bit. Value = 1 when ambient light measurement data is available in the result registers. This bitwill be reset when one of the corresponding result registers (reg #5, reg #6) is read.prox_data_rdyRead only bit. Value = 1 when proximity measurement data is available in the result registers. This bit will be reset when one of the corresponding result registers (reg #7, reg #8) is read.als_od R/W bit. Starts a single on-demand measurement for ambient light. If averaging is enabled, starts a sequence of readings and stores the averaged result. Result is available at the end of conversion for reading in the registers #5(HB) and #6(LB).prox_od R/W bit. Starts a single on-demand measurement for proximity.Result is available at the end of conversion for reading in the registers #7(HB) and #8(LB).als_en R/W bit. Enables periodic als measurement prox_en R/W bit. Enables periodic proximity measurementselftimed_enR/W bit. Enables state machine and LP oscillator for self timed measurements; no measurement is performed until the corresponding bit is setRegister #1 Product ID Revision RegisterRegister address = 81h. This register contains information about product ID and product revision.Register data value of current revision = 21h.Register #2 Rate of Proximity Measurement Register address = 82h.Note•If self_timed measurement is running, any new value written in this register will not be taken over until the mode is actualy cycled.Register #3 LED Current Setting for Proximity ModeRegister address = 83h. This register is to set the LED current value for proximity measurement.The value is adjustable in steps of 10 mA from 0 mA to 200 mA.This register also contains information about the used device fuse program ID.TABLE 2 - PRODUCT ID REVISION REGISTER #1Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0Product IDRevision IDDescriptionProduct ID Read only bits. Value = 2Revision IDRead only bits. Value = 1TABLE 3 - PROXIMITY RATE REGISTER #2Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0n/aRate of Proximity Measurement (no. ofmeasurements per second)DescriptionProximity rateR/W bits.000 - 1.95 measurements/s (DEFAULT)001 - 3.90625 measurements/s 010 - 7.8125 measurements/s 011 - 16.625 measurements/s 100 - 31.25 measurements/s 101 - 62.5 measurements/s 110 - 125 measurements/s 111 - 250 measurements/sTABLE 4 - IR LED CURRENT REGISTER #3Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0Fuse prog IDIR LED current valueDescriptionFuse prog ID Read only bits.Information about fuse program revision used for initial setup/calibration of the device.IR LED current valueR/W bits. IR LED current = Value (dec.) x 10 mA.Valid Range = 0 to 20d. e.g. 0 = 0 mA , 1 = 10 mA, …., 20 = 200 mA (2 = 20 mA = DEFAULT) LED Current is limited to 200 mA for values higher as 20d.Register #4 Ambient Light Parameter Register Register address = 84h.Note•If self_timed measurement is running, any new value written in this register will not be taken over until the mode is actualy cycled.Register #5 and #6 Ambient Light Result RegisterRegister address = 85h and 86h. These registers are the result registers for ambient light measurement readings.The result is a 16 bit value. The high byte is stored in register #5 and the low byte in register #6.TABLE 5 - AMBIENT LIGHT PARAMETER REGISTER #4Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0Cont. conv.modeals_rateAuto offset compensationAveraging function(number of measurements per run)DescriptionCont. conversion modeR/W bit. Continuous conversion mode.Enable = 1; Disable = 0 = DEFAULTThis function can be used for performing faster ambient light measurements. Please refer to the application information chapter 3.3 for details about this function. Ambient light measurement rateR/W bits. Ambient light measurement rate 000 - 1 samples/s001 - 2 samples/s = DEFAULT 010 - 3 samples/s 011 - 4 samples/s 100 - 5 samples/s 101 - 6 samples/s 110 - 8 samples/s 111 - 10 samples/sAuto offset compensationR/W bit. Automatic offset compensation.Enable = 1 = DEFAULT; Disable = 0In order to compensate a technology, package or temperature related drift of the ambient light values there is a built in automatic offset compensation function.With active auto offset compensation the offset value is measured before each ambient light measurement and subtracted automatically from actual reading.Averaging functionR/W bits. Averaging function.Bit values sets the number of single conversions done during one measurement cycle. Result is the average value of all conversions.Number of conversions = 2decimal_value e.g. 0 = 1 conv., 1 = 2 conv, 2 = 4 conv., ….7 = 128 conv.DEFAULT = 32 conv. (bit 2 to bit 0: 101)TABLE 6 - AMBIENT LIGHT RESULT REGISTER #5Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0DescriptionRead only bits. High byte (15:8) of ambient light measurement resultTABLE 7 - AMBIENT LIGHT RESULT REGISTER #6Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0DescriptionRead only bits. Low byte (7:0) of ambient light measurement resultRegister #7 and #8 Proximity Measurement Result RegisterRegister address = 87h and 88h. These registers are the result registers for proximity measurement readings.The result is a 16 bit value. The high byte is stored in register #7 and the low byte in register #8.Register #9 Interrupt Control Register Register address = 89h.TABLE 8 - PROXIMITY RESULT REGISTER #7Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0DescriptionRead only bits. High byte (15:8) of proximity measurement resultTABLE 9 - PROXIMITY RESULT REGISTER #8Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0DescriptionRead only bits. Low byte (7:0) of proximity measurement resultTABLE 10 - INTERRUPT CONTROL REGISTER #9Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0Int count exceedn/aINT_PROX_ready_ENINT_ALS_ready_ENINT_THRES_ENINT_THRES_SELDescriptionInt count exceedR/W bits. These bits contain the number of consecutive measurements needed above/below the threshold000 - 1 count = DEFAULT 001 - 2 count 010 - 4 count 011 - 8 count 100 -16 count 101 - 32 count 110 - 64 count 111 - 128 countINT_PROX_ready_EN R/W bit. Enables interrupt generation at proximity data ready INT_ALS_ ready_EN R/W bit. Enables interrupt generation at ambient data readyINT_THRES_EN R/W bit. Enables interrupt generation when high or low threshold is exceeded INT_THRES_SELR/W bit. If 0: thresholds are applied to proximity measurements If 1: thresholds are applied to als measurementsRegister #10 and #11 Low ThresholdRegister address = 8Ah and 8Bh. These registers contain the low threshold value. The value is a 16 bit word. The high byte is stored in register #10 and the low byte in register #11.TABLE 11 - LOW THRESHOLD REGISTER #10Bit7Bit6Bit5Bit4Bit3Bit2Bit1Bit0DescriptionR/W bits. High byte (15:8) of low threshold valueTABLE 12 - LOW THRESHOLD REGISTER #11Bit7Bit6Bit5Bit4Bit3Bit2Bit1Bit0DescriptionR/W bits. Low byte (7:0) of low threshold valueRegister #12 and #13 High ThresholdRegister address = 8Ch and 8Dh. These registers contain the high threshold value. The value is a 16 bit word. The high byte is stored in register #12 and the low byte in register #13.TABLE 13 - HIGH THRESHOLD REGISTER #12Bit7Bit6Bit5Bit4Bit3Bit2Bit1Bit0DescriptionR/W bits. High byte (15:8) of high threshold valueTABLE 14 - HIGH THRESHOLD REGISTER #13Bit7Bit6Bit5Bit4Bit3Bit2Bit1Bit0DescriptionR/W bits. Low byte (7:0) of high threshold valueRegister #14 Interrupt Status RegisterRegister address = 8Eh. This register contains information about the interrupt status for either proximity or ALS function and indicates if high or low going threshold exceeded.TABLE 15 - INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER #14Bit7Bit6Bit5Bit4Bit3Bit2Bit1Bit0n/a int_prox_ready int_als_ready int_th_low int_th_hiDescriptionint_prox_ready R/W bit. Indicates a generated interrupt for proximityint_als_ready R/W bit. Indicates a generated interrupt for alsint_th_low R/W bit. Indicates a low threshold exceedint_th_hi R/W bit. Indicates a high threshold exceedNote•Once an interrupt is generated the corresponding status bit goes to 1 and stays there unless it is cleared by writing a 1 in the corresponding bit. The int pad will be pulled down while at least one of the status bit is 1.分销商库存信息: VISHAYVCNL4010-GS08。
GCAN-401CAN总线数据存储器用户手册文档版本:V3.11 (2017/3/15)修订历史目录1. 功能简介 (4)1.1 功能概述 (4)1.2 性能特点 (4)1.3 典型应用 (4)2. 设备安装 (5)2.1 与电源连接 (5)2.2 与CAN总线连接 (5)3. 设备使用 (6)3.1 校正系统时间 (6)3.2 CAN总线配置 (7)3.3 与CAN总线连接 (8)3.4 CAN总线终端电阻 (9)3.5 系统状态指示灯 (9)4. 保存说明 (11)4.1 文本文档保存举例 (11)4.2 二进制文件保存举例 (12)5. 技术规格 (13)6. 常见问题 (14)附录A:CAN2.0B协议帧格式 (15)附录B:CAN总线帧信息定义 (17)1. 功能简介1.1 功能概述沈阳广成科技有限公司GCAN-401 CAN总线数据存储器模块是我公司推出的专门用于存储CAN总线数据的模块。
模块通过搭载TF存储卡(FAT32)的方式,将总线上的数据实时存储到TF 存储卡中,实现离线脱机实时存储。
1.2 性能特点●高速的32位工业级处理器;●使用外接电源供电(DC +9~30V);●供电电流:20mA,24V DC;●静电放电抗扰度等级:接触放电±2KV,空气放电±15KV;●电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度等级:±1KV;●浪涌抗扰度等级:±1KV;●集成1路标准CAN总线接口,使用OPEN3接线端子;●CAN总线支持CAN2.0A、CAN2.0B帧格式,符合ISO/DIS 11898标准;●CAN总线通讯波特率在10Kbps~1Mbps之间可通过拨码开关配置;●CAN总线接口采用电气隔离,隔离模块绝缘电压:DC 1500V;●最高接收数据流量:14000 fps/秒;●CAN数据带有时间戳,精度0.1ms;●工作温度范围:-40℃~+85℃;●工作湿度范围:5%~95% RH无凝露;●尺寸:(长) 102 mm * (宽) 63mm * (高)23mm。
Symbol VCC VI VO Top tr, tf Supply Voltage Input Voltage Output Voltage Operating Temperature: M54HC Series M74HC Series Input Rise and Fall Time Parameter Value 2 to 6 0 to VCC 0 to VCC -55 to +125 -40 to +85 0 to 1000 0 to 500 0 to 400 Unit V V V C C ns
relationship between control input is indicated in the truth table. If all control inputs are high at the time of zero count, the counters will jump to the maximum count, giving a counting sequence of 100 pr 256 clock pulses long. The HC40102 and HC40103 may be cascaded using the CI/CE input and the CO/ZD output, in either a synchronous or ripple mode. All inputs are equipped with protection circuits against static discharge and transient excess voltage.
ppm/°C 编码 80h
, RS 和 SHDN 引脚的工作方式请参见图 2-12 数字输入 / 输出 (CS、 SCK、 SI 和 SO)
VAB = VDD,抽头上无连接。 变阻器位置非线性度 R-INL 是指抽头在最大电阻和最小电阻范围内测量的实际位置偏离理想位置的程度。 R-DNL 测量连续抽头位置 间的步长相对理想值的变化。对于 10 kΩ 的电位器, VDD = 3V 时 IW = 50 µA, VDD = 5V 时 IW = 400 µA。测试电路请参见图 2-26。 在器件配置为分压器或电位器模式时,在 VW 上测量 INL 和 DNL。 VA = VDD 且 VB = 0V。 DNL 规范极限值 ±1 LSB (最大值)是在规 定的单调操作条件下的值。测试电路请参见图 2-25。 电阻端子 A、 B 和 W 相互间无极性限制。满量程误差和零刻度误差使用图 2-25 进行测量。 在 VW 引脚上测得,此时该引脚附近的另一个 VW 引脚上的电压满幅摆动。 供电电流与流经电位器的电流无关。
2006 Microchip Technology Inc.
DS11195C_CN 第 1 页
1.0 电气特性 直流特性:10 kΩ 器件
电气特性:除非另外声明,否则 VDD = +2.7V 至 5.5V 且 TA = -40°C 至 +85°C (TSSOP 器件只能在 +25°C 和 +85°C 条件下工作) 。 典型规范值:VDD = 5V、 VSS = 0V、 VB = 0V 且 TA = +25°C。 参数 变阻器模式 标称电阻 变阻器差分非线性度 变阻器积分非线性度 变阻器温度系数 抽头电阻 抽头电流 标称电阻匹配 电位器分压器 分辨率 单调性 差分非线性度 积分非线性度 分压器温度系数 满量程误差 零刻度误差 电阻端子 电压范围 电容 (CA 或 CB) 电容 带宽 -3dB 稳定时间 电阻噪声电压 串扰 施密特触发器高电平输入电压 施密特触发器低电平输入电压 施密特触发器输入迟滞 低输出电压 高输出电压 输入泄漏电流 引脚电容 (所有输入 / 输出) 电源要求 工作电压范围 输入电流,有源 输入电流,静态 电源灵敏度 注 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: VDD IDDA IDDS PSS PSS 2.7 - - - - - 340 0.01 0.0015 0.0015 5.5 500 1 0.0035 0.0035 V µA µA %/% %/% VDD = 5.5V, CS = VSS, fSCK = 10 MHz, SO = 开路,编码 FFh (注 6) CS, SHDN, RS = VDD = 5.5V, SO = 开路 (注 6) VDD = 4.5V - 5.5V, VA = 4.5V,编码 80h VDD = 2.7V -3.3V, VA = 2.7V,编码 80h CW BW tS eNWB CT VIH VIL VHYS VOL VOH ILI CIN 和 COUT 动态特性 (测试所有动态特性时 VDD = 5V) - - - - 0.7VDD - - - VDD - 0.5 -1 - 1 2 9 -95 - - .05VDD - - - 10 - - - - - .3VDD - 0.40 - +1 - V V µA pF IOL = 2.1 mA, VDD = 5V IOH = -400 µA, VDD = 5V CS = VDD, VIN = VSS 或 VDD,包括 VA SHDN=0 VDD = 5.0V, TA = +25°C, fc = 1 MHz MHz µS nV/√Hz dB V V VB = 0V,在编码为 80h,输出负载 = 30 PF 时测得 VA = VDD, VB = 0V,误差范围为 ±1%,编码从 00h 过 渡到 80h,输出负载 = 30 pF VA = 开路,编码 80h, f = 1 kHz VA = VDD, VB = 0V (注 5) VA,B,W 0 - - - 15 5.6 VDD - - pF pF 注4 f = 1 MHz,编码 80h,请参见图 2-30 f = 1 MHz,编码 80h,请参见图 2-30 N N DNL INL ∆VW/∆T VWFSE VWFSE VWZSE VWZSE 8 8 -1 -1 - -2 -2 0 0 - - ±1/4 ±1/4 1 -0.7 -0.7 +0.7 +0.7 - - +1 +1 - 0 0 +2 +2 位 位 LSB LSB LSB LSB LSB LSB 注3 注3 编码 FFh, VDD = 5V,请参见图 2-25 编码 FFh, VDD = 3V,请参见图 2-25 编码 00h, VDD = 5V,请参见图 2-25 编码 00h, VDD = 3V,请参见图 2-25 R R-DNL R-INL ∆RAB/∆T RW RW IW ∆R/R 8 -1 -1 - - - -1 - 10 ±1/4 ±1/4 800 52 73 - 0.2 12 +1 +1 - 100 125 +1 1 kΩ LSB LSB ppm/°C Ω Ω mA % 仅 MCP42010, P0 到 P1 ; TA = +25°C VDD = 5.5V、 IW = 1 mA、编码 00h VDD = 2.7V、 IW = 1 mA、编码 00h TA = +25°C (注 1) 注2 注2 符号 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位 条件
HCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010BSeptembe r 1988HEX BUFFER/CONVERTERSEY(Plastic Package)DESCRIPTIONORDER CODES :HCCXXXXBF HCFXXXXBM1HCFXXXXBEY HCFXXXXBC1F(Ceramic Package)M1(Micro Package)C1(Chip Carrier)PIN CONNECTIONSThe HCC4009UB/4010B (extended temperature range)and the HCF4009UB/4010B (intermediate temperature range)are monolithic integrated cir-cuits available in 16-lead dual in line plastic or ce-ramic packages and plastic micropackage.The HCC/HCF4009UB/4010B are inverting and .CMOS TO DTL/TTL HEX CONVERTER.HIGH-TO-LOW LEVEL LOGIC CONVERSION .MULTIPLEXER:1-TO-6OR 6-TO-1.HIGH”SINK”AND ”SOURCE”CURRENT CA-PABILITY.5V,10V AND 15V PARAMETRIC RATINGS .MAXIMUM INPUT CURRENT OF 100µA AT 18V OVER FULL.PACKAGE AND TEMPERATURE RANGE;100nA AT 18V AND 25oC.100%TESTED FOR QUIESCENT CURRENT AT 20V.MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS OF JEDECTEN-TATIVE STANDARD N.13A,”STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR DESCRIPTION OF B SERIES CMOS DEVICES ”4009UB–INVERTING TYPE 4010B–NON INVERTING TYPEnon-inverting Hex Buffer/Converters,respectively.Both devices can be used as CMOS to TTL or DTL logic-level converters,as current ”sink”or ”source”drivers or as multiplexer (1to 6).4049UB and 4050B are prefered replacements for 4009UB and 4010B ,respectively,in buffer applica-tions.4009UB4010B1/13SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM:COS/MOS TO DTL OR TTL CONVERTER (1of 6identical units)ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DD *Supply Voltage:HCC TypesHCF Types-0.5to +20-0.5to +18V V V i Input Voltage-0.5to V DD +0.5V I I DC Input Current (any one input)±10mA P totTotal Power Dissipation (per package)Dissipation per Output Transistorfor Top =Full Package Temperature Range 200100mW mWT op Operating Temperature:HCC TypesHCF Types-55to +125-40to +85o C oC T stg Storage Temperature-65to +150o CStresses abov e those listedunder ”Absolute Maximum Ratings”may cau se permanen t damage to thedevice.This is a stress ratingonly and functional opera tion of the device at thes e or any other cond itions above those indicated in the ope rational sections of this specification is not implied.Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for external periods may affect device reliability.*All voltage values are referred to V SS pin voltage.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DDSupply Voltage:HCC TypesHCF Types 3to 183to 15V V V I Input Voltage0to V DD VT opOperating Temperature:HCC TypesHCF Types-55to +125-40to +85o C oCConn ect V CC to DTL or TTL supply and V DD to COS/MOS supply4009UB 4010BHCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010B2/13STATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (over recommended operating conditions)Symbol Parameter Test Conditios Value UnitV I (V)V O (V)|I O |(µA)V DD (V)T LOW *25o CT HIGH *Min.Max.Min.Typ.Max.Min.Max.I LQuiescent CurrentHCC Types 0/5510.02130µA0/101020.022600/151540.0241200/2020200.0420600HCFTypes 0/5540.024300/101080.028600/1515160.0216120V OHOutput High Voltage 0/55 4.95 4.95 4.95V0/10109.959.959.950/151514.9514.9514.95V OLOutput Low Voltage 5/ IHInput HighVoltage (4009UB)0.55444V1108881.51512.512.512.5V IHInput HighVoltage (4010B) 4.55 3.5 3.5 3.5V91077713.515111111V ILInput LowVoltage (4009UB) 4.55111V91022213.515 2.5 2.5 2.5V ILInput LowVoltage (4010B)0.55 1.5 1.5 1.5V1103331.515444I OHOutput Drive CurrentHCC Types0/5 2.55-1-0.8-1.6-0.58mA0/5 4.65-0.25-0.2-0.4-0.150/109.510-0.55-0.45-0.9-0.330/1513.515-1.65-1.5-3-1.1HCF Types0/5 2.55-0.9-0.8-1.6-0.650/5 4.65-0.23-0.2-0.4-0.180/109.510-0.5-0.45-0.9-0.380/1513.515-1.6-1.5-3-1.25I OLOutput Sink CurrentHCC Types 0/50.45 3.7534 2.1mA0/100.51010810 5.60/15 1.51530243616HCF Types0/50.45 3.634 2.40/100.5100.96810 6.40/151.5154024361.9I IH ,I IL Input LeakageCurrent 0/1818±0.1±10-5±0.1±1µA C IInput Capacitance 4009UB Any Input1522.64010B57.5pF*T LOW =-55oC for HCC device:-40oC for HCF device.*T HIGH =+125o C for HCC device:+85o C for HCF device.The Noise Margin for both ”1”and ”0”level is:1V min.with V DD =5V,2V min.with V DD =10V,2.5V min.withV DD =15VHCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010B3/13DYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb =25o C,C L =50pF,R L =200K Ω,typical temperature coefficent for all V DD values is 03%/oC,all input rise and fall times=20ns)Symbol ParameterTest Conditions ValueUnitV DD (V)V I (V)V CC (V)Min.Typ.Max.t PLHPropagation Delay Time (4009UB)55570140ns10101040801010535701515153060151553060t PLHPropagation Delay Time (4010B)555100200ns1010105010010105501001515153570151553570t PHLPropagation Delay Time (4009UB)5553060ns10101020401010515301515151530151551020t PHLPropagation Delay Time (4010B)55565130ns10101035701010530701515152550151552040t TLH Transition Time555150350ns1010107515015151555110t THL Transition Time5553570ns10101020401515151530Minimum and Maximum Voltage Transfer Char-acteristics for 4009UB Typical Voltage Transfer Characteristics As a Function of Temperature for 4009UBHCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010B4/13Minimum and Maximum Voltage Transfer Char-acteristics for4010BMinimum and Maximum Voltage Transfer Char-acteristics for4010BTypical Output Los(sink)Current Characteristics Minimum and Maximum Voltage Transfer Char-acteristics for4010BTypical Voltage Transfer Characteristics As a Function ot Temperature for4010BMinimum output Low(sink)Current Charac-teristicsHCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010B5/13Typical Output High(source)Current Charac-teristicsTypical Low to High Propagation Delay Time vs Load Capacitance for4009UBTypical Low to High Propagation Delay Time vs Load Capacitance for4010B Minimum output High(source)Current Charac-teristicsTypical High to Low Propagation Delay Time vs Load Capacitance for4009UBtypical High to Low Propagation Delay Time vs Load Capacitance for4010BHCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010B 6/13Typical Low to High Transition Time vs Load Ca-pacitance Typical High to Low Transition Time vs Load Ca-pacitanceTypical Dissipation CharacteristicsHCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010B7/13HCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010BTEST CIRCUITSQuiescent Device Current.Noise Immunity. Input Leakage Current.8/13HCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010B Plastic DIP16(0.25)MECHANICAL DATAmm inchDIM.MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.a10.510.020B0.77 1.650.0300.065b0.50.020b10.250.010D200.787E8.50.335e 2.540.100e317.780.700F7.10.280I 5.10.201L 3.30.130Z 1.270.050P001C9/13HCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010BCeramic DIP16/1MECHANICAL DATAmm inch DIM.MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.A200.787 B70.276D 3.30.130E0.380.015e317.780.700F 2.29 2.790.0900.110G0.40.550.0160.022H 1.17 1.520.0460.060L0.220.310.0090.012 M0.51 1.270.0200.050 N10.30.406 P7.88.050.3070.317 Q 5.080.200P053D 10/13HCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010B SO16(Narrow)MECHANICAL DATAmm inchDIM.MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.A 1.750.068a10.10.20.0040.007a2 1.650.064b0.350.460.0130.018b10.190.250.0070.010C0.50.019c145°(typ.)D9.8100.3850.393E 5.8 6.20.2280.244e 1.270.050e38.890.350F 3.8 4.00.1490.157G 4.6 5.30.1810.208L0.5 1.270.0190.050M0.620.024S8°(max.)P013H11/13HCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010BPLCC20MECHANICAL DATAmm inch DIM.MIN.TYP.MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.A9.7810.030.3850.395 B8.899.040.3500.356D 4.2 4.570.1650.180d1 2.540.100d20.560.022E7.378.380.2900.330e 1.270.050e3 5.080.200F0.380.015G0.1010.004 M 1.270.050M1 1.140.045P027A 12/13HCC/HCF4009UB HCC/HCF4010B Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics assumes no responsability for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may results from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.Specificationsmentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics products are not authorized for use ascritical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of SGS-THOMSON Microelectonics.©1994SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics-All Rights ReservedSGS-THOMSON Microelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia-Brazil-France-Germany-Hong Kong-Italy-Japan-Korea-Malaysia-Malta-Morocco-The Netherlands-Singapore-Spain-Sweden-Switzerland-Taiwan-Thailand-United Kingdom-U.S.A13/13。
密级状态:绝密()秘密()内部()公开(√)CIF_ISP10_Driver_User_Manual(技术部,图形显示中心)文件状态:[√]正在修改[]正式发布当前版本:V1.0作者:邓达龙完成日期:2017-11-23审核:完成日期:2017-11-24福州瑞芯微电子股份有限公司Fuzhou Rockchips Electronics Co.,Ltd(版本所有,翻版必究)版本历史版本号作者修改日期修改说明审核备注V1.0邓达龙2017-11-23发布初版目录1.文档适用平台 (1)2.CAMERA文件目录说明 (1)3.CAMERA设备注册(DTS) (1)3.1MIPI S ENSOR注册 (1)3.2DVP S ENSOR注册 (4)4.CAMERA设备驱动 (5)4.1数据类型简要说明 (6)STRUCT I2C_DRIVER (6)struct v4l2_subdev_core_ops (7)struct v4l2_subdev_video_ops (9)struct v4l2_subdev_pad_ops (10)struct ov_camera_module_custom_config (11)struct ov_camera_module_config (14)PLTFRM_CAM_ITF_MIPI_CFG (16)PLTFRM_CAM_ITF_DVP_CFG (17)4.2API简要说明 (18)sensorxxx_g_VTS (18)sensorxxx_auto_adjust_fps (18)sensorxxx_write_aec (19)sensorxxx_filltimings (19)sensorxxx_g_timings (20)sensorxxx_set_flip (21)sensorxxx_start_streaming (21)sensorxxx_stop_streaming (22)sensorxxx_check_camera_id (22)5.驱动移植简单步骤说明 (23)1.文档适用平台芯片平台软件系统支持情况RK3399Linux(Kernel-4.4)YRK3288Linux(Kernel-4.4)Y此类平台的isp driver按照isp硬件版本来区分,具体命名如下:RK3288/RK3399平台ISP Driver名称:cif_isp102.Camera文件目录说明RK3288/RK3399Linux kernel:||arch/arm/boot/dts DTS配置文件|drivers/media||platform/rk-isp10ISP Host驱动|i2c/soc_camera/rockchip/Camera Sensor驱动3.Camera设备注册(DTS)3.1MIPI Sensor注册camera0:camera-module@36{status="okay";//是否加载模块,默认开启compatible="omnivision,ov2710-v4l2-i2c-subdev";//omnivision sensor类型//ov2710-v4l2-i2c-subdev中ov2710为sensor型号//需要与驱动名字一致reg=<0x36>;//Sensor I2C设备地址device_type="v4l2-i2c-subdev";//设备类型clocks=<&clk_cif_out>;//sensor clickin配置clock-names="clk_cif_out";pinctrl-names="rockchip,camera_default","rockchip,camera_sleep";pinctrl-0=<&cif_dvp_clk_out>;pinctrl-1=<&cif_dvp_clk_out_sleep>;rockchip,pd-gpio=<&gpio3GPIO_B0GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;//powerdown管脚分配及有效电平rockchip,pwr-gpio=<&gpio3GPIO_B5GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;//power管脚分配及有效电平rockchip,rst-gpio=<&gpio3GPIO_D1GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;//reset管脚分配及有效电平rockchip,camera-module-mclk-name="clk_cif_out";//mclk时钟源配置rockchip,camera-module-facing="back";//前后置配置rockchip,camera-module-name="LA6110PA";//Camera模组名称rockchip,camera-module-len-name="YM6011P";//Camera模组镜头rockchip,camera-module-fov-h="128";//模组水平可视角度配置rockchip,camera-module-fov-v="55.7";//模组垂直可视角度配置rockchip,camera-module-orientation=<0>;//模组角度设置rockchip,camera-module-flip=<0>;rockchip,camera-module-mirror=<0>;//以上2个属性控制摄像头驱动中的镜像配置,如果图像旋转180度,可以将这2个属性修改成相反的值即可旋转180;/*resolution.w,resolution.h,defrect.left,defrect.top,defrect.w,defrect.h*/ rockchip,camera-module-defrect0=<192010800019201080>;//resolution.w:sensor输出列数,//resolution.h:sensor输出行数,//defrect.left:输出偏移列数,//defrect.top:输出偏移行数,//defrect.w:输出列数,defrect.left+defrect.w<=resolution.w,//defrect.h:输出行数,defrect.h+defrect.top<=resolution.h,//具体如下图所示:resolution.wdefrect.topdefrect.w resolution.h defrect.h defrect.leftrockchip,camera-module-flash-support=<0>;//flash控制开关rockchip,camera-module-mipi-dphy-index=<0>;//sensor实际使用的phy,要与硬件实际连接对应};&i2c1{//配置Camera设备连接到哪个I2C模块上,一般为I2C1status="okay";//是否加载i2c模块,默认开启#include"rv1108-camb-xx.dtsi"};&cif_isp0{rockchip,camera-modules-attached=<&camera0&camera1&camera2>;//配置需要使用的camera列表,连接到ISP设备节点status="okay";};3.2DVP Sensor注册camera2:camera-module@1a{status="okay";compatible="sony,imx323-v4l2-i2c-subdev";reg=<0x1a>;device_type="v4l2-i2c-subdev";clocks=<&clk_cif_out>;clock-names="clk_cif_out";pinctrl-names="rockchip,camera_default","rockchip,camera_sleep";pinctrl-0=<&cif_dvp_d0d1&cif_dvp_d2d9&cif_dvp_d10d11&cif_dvp_clk_in&cif_dvp_clk_out&cif_dvp_sync>;pinctrl-1=<&cif_dvp_d0d1_sleep&cif_dvp_d2d9_sleep&cif_dvp_d10d11_sleep&cif_dvp_clk_in_sleep&cif_dvp_clk_out_sleep&cif_dvp_sync_sleep>;//DVP pin引脚配置,具体定义在文件rv1108.dtsi中其它配置和MIPI Sensor相同rockchip,pd-gpio=<&gpio3GPIO_D1GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;rockchip,pwr-gpio=<&gpio3GPIO_B5GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;rockchip,rst-gpio=<&gpio3GPIO_B0GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;rockchip,camera-module-mclk-name="clk_cif_out";rockchip,camera-module-facing="back";rockchip,camera-module-name="LA6114PA";rockchip,camera-module-len-name="YM6011P";rockchip,camera-module-fov-h="122";rockchip,camera-module-fov-v="63";rockchip,camera-module-orientation=<0>;rockchip,camera-module-iq-flip=<0>;rockchip,camera-module-iq-mirror=<0>;rockchip,camera-module-flip=<0>;rockchip,camera-module-mirror=<0>;/*resolution.w,resolution.h,defrect.left,defrect.top,defrect.w,defrect.h*/ rockchip,camera-module-defrect0=<22001125481319201080>;rockchip,camera-module-flash-support=<0>;};4.Camera设备驱动Camera Sensor采用I2C与主控进行交互,目前Sensor driver按照I2C设备驱动方式实现,sensor driver同时采用v4l2subdev的方式实现与host driver之间的交互。
HCF40106B_04中文资料1/10March 2004sSCHMITT TRIGGER ACTION WITH NO EXTERNAL COMPONENTS sHYSTERESIS VOLTAGE (Typ.):0.9V at V DD =5V 2.3V at V DD =10V 3.5V at V DD =15Vs NOISE IMMUNITY GREATER THAN 50%s NO LIMIT ON INPUT RISE AND FALL TIME sLOW V DD TO V SS CURRENT DURING SLOW INPUT RAMP sSTANDARDIZED SYMMETRICAL OUTPUT CHARACTERISTICS sQUIESCENT CURRENT SPECIFIED UP TO 20Vs 5V,10V AND 15V PARAMETRIC RATINGS sINPUT LEAKAGE CURRENTI I =100nA (MAX)AT V DD =18V T A =25°C s100%TESTED FOR QUIESCENT CURRENTDESCRIPTIONThe HCF40106B is a monolithic integrated circuit fabricated in Metal Oxide Semiconductor technology available in DIP and SOP packages.The HCF40106B consist of six Schmitt trigger circuits.Each circuit functions as an inverter with Schmitt trigger action on the input.The trigger switches at different points for positive and negative going signals.The difference between the positive going voltage (V P )and the negative going voltage (V N )is defined as hysteresis voltage (V H ).HCF40106BHEX SCHMITTTRIGGERPIN CONNECTION ORDER CODES PACKAGE TUBE T &RDIP HCF40106BEY SOP HCF40106BM1HCF40106M013TRHCF40106B2/10INPUT EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PIN DESCRIPTION TRUTH TABLE FUNCTIONALDIAGRAMPIN N°SYMBOLNAME AND FUNCTION1,3,5,9,11,13A,B,C,D,E,FData Inputs2,4,6,8,10,12G,H,I,J,K,LData Outputs7V SS Negative Supply Voltage 14V DDPositive Supply VoltageINPUTS OUTPUTS A to F G to L L H HLHCF40106B3/10LOGIC DIAGRAMABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSAbsolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.Functional operation under these conditions is not implied.All voltage values are referred to V SS pin voltage.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DD Supply Voltage -0.5to +22V V I DC Input Voltage -0.5to V DD +0.5V I I DC Input Current±10mA P D Power Dissipation per Package200mW Power Dissipation per Output Transistor 100mW T op Operating Temperature -55to +125°C T stgStorage Temperature-65to +150°CSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DD Supply Voltage 3to 20V V I Input Voltage0to V DD V T opOperating Temperature-55to 125°CHCF40106B4/10DC SPECIFICATIONSThe Noise Margin for both "1"and "0"level is:1V min.with V DD =5V,2V min.with V DD =10V,2.5V min.with V DD =15V DYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb =25°C,C L =50pF,R L =200K ?,t r =t f =20ns)(*)Typical temperature coefficient for all V DD value is 0.3%/°C.SymbolParameterTest ConditionValue UnitV I (V)V O (V)|I O |(μA)V DD (V)T A =25°C -40to 85°C -55to 125°C Min.Typ.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.I LQuiescent Current0/550.0213030μA0/10100.02260600/15150.024*******/20200.0420600600V OHHigh Level Output Voltage0/5<15 4.95 4.95 4.95V0/10<1109.959.959.950/15<11514.9514.9514.95V OLLow Level Output Voltage5/0<<1100.050.050.0515/0<1150.050.050.05V PPositive Trigger Threshold Voltage 5 2.2 2.9 3.6 2.2 3.6 2.2 3.6V10 4.6 5.97.1 4.67.1 4.67.115 6.88.810.8 6.810.8 6.810.8V NNegative Trigger Threshold Voltage 50.9 1.9 2.80.9 2.80.9 2.8V10 2.5 3.9 5.2 2.5 5.2 2.5 5.2154 5.87.447.447.4V HHysteresis Voltage50.30.9 1.60.3 1.60.3 1.6V10 1.2 2.3 3.4 1.2 3.4 1.2 3.415 1.6 3.551.651.65I OHOutput Drive Current0/5 2.55-1.36-3.2-1.15-1.1mA0/5 4.65-0.44-1-0.36-0.360/109.510-1.1-2.6-0.9-0.90/1513.515-3.0-6.8-2.4-2.4I OLOutput Sink Current0/50.450.4410.360.36mA0/100.510 1.1 1.515 3.06.8 2.4 2.4I I Input Leakage Current0/18Any Input 18±10-5±0.1±1±1μA C IInput CapacitanceAny Input57.5pFSymbolParameterTest ConditionValue (*)UnitV DD (V)Min.Typ.Max.t PLH t PHL Propagation Delay Time5140280ns 10701401560120t TLH t THL Output Transition Time5100200ns1050100154080HCF40106B5/10TYPICAL APPLICATIONS ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATORMONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATORWAVESHAPERHCF40106B6/10TEST CIRCUITL R L =200K ?R T =Z OUT of pulse generator (typically 50?)WAVEFORM:PROPAGATION DELAY TIMES (f=1MHz;50%duty cycle)HCF40106BInformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics All other names are the property of their respective owners 2004 STMicroelectronics - All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Belgium - Brazil - Canada - China - Czech Republic - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco - Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States./doc/33341b223169a4517723a371.ht ml10/10。
关键词:航油泄漏;无线单片机;高聚物电缆;低功耗中图分类号:TP368 文献标识码:A文章编号:2096-4706(2022)04-0196-03Design of Wireless Aviation Oil Leakage SensorCHEN Jihui, QIU Ling(Chengdu College of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China)Abstract: The detection of fuel leakage in the oil pipeline of the airport oil depot is an important part of the safety guarantee of the airport oil depot. If there is leakage or other unsafe conditions, it will seriously affect the operation safety. This paper uses the wireless single chip microcomputer as the main control MCU, the distributed high polymer sensing cable as the sensing unit, uses the batteries to supply power, combines with Lora wireless technology, high-precision AD sampling and very low-power dissipation software and hardware technology, then it designs the wirelessaviation oil leakage sensor, which can not only detect and report the leakage, but also detect and identify the location of aviation oil leakage.Keywords: aviation oil leakage; wireless single chip microcomputer; high polymer cable; low power consumption0 引言航空油料具有易燃、易爆、易揮发和流动性等特点,具有较高的危险性,机场油库油料泄漏会严重影响运营安全,如2009年8月重庆江北机场的供油管道泄漏事故、2012年5月深圳机场一个核载2 000吨的汽油油罐的漏油事故,均给机场营运带来重大损失。
s PROPAGATION DELAY TIME:t PD=50ns(Typ.)at V DD=10V C L=50pFs HIGH TO LOW LEVEL LOGIC CONVERSION s MULTIPLEXER:1TO6OR6TO1s HIGH”SINK”AND”SOURCE”CURRENT CAPABILITYs QUIESCENT CURRENT SPECIFIED UP TO 20Vs5V,10V AND15V PARAMETRIC RATINGSs INPUT LEAKAGE CURRENTI I=100nA(MAX)AT V DD=18V T A=25°Cs100%TESTED FOR QUIESCENT CURRENT s MEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS OF JEDEC JESD13B”STANDARD SPECIFICATIONSFOR DESCRIPTION OF B SERIES CMOSDEVICES”DESCRIPTIONThe HCF4010B is a monolithic integrated circuit fabricated in Metal Oxide Semiconductor technology available in DIP and SOP packages.It is an non inverting Hex Buffer/Converter and can be used as CMOS to TTL logic level converter as current”sink”or”source”driver or as multiplexer(1to6).It is a preferred replacement of HCF4050B in buffer applications.HCF4010BHEX BUFFER/CONVERTER(NON INVERTING)PIN CONNECTION ORDER CODESPACKAGE TUBE T&R DIP HCF4010BEYSOP HCF4010BM1HCF4010M013TRDIP SOP1/8September2001HCF4010B2/8INPUT EQUIVALENT CIRCUITPIN DESCRIPTIONTRUTH TABLEABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSAbsolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur.Functional operation under these conditions is not implied.All voltage values are referred to V SS pin voltage.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSPIN NoSYMBOLNAME AND FUNCTION 3,5,7,9,11,14A,B,C,D,E,FData Inputs 2,4,6,10,12,15G,H,I,J,K,L Data Outputs 13NCNot Connected 1V CC Positive Supply Voltage 8V SS Negative Supply Voltage 16V DDPositive Supply VoltageINPUTS OUTPUTS A,B,C,D,E,FG,H,I,J,K,LL L HHSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DD Supply Voltage -0.5to +22V V I DC Input Voltage -0.5to V DD +0.5V I I DC Input Current±10mA P D Power Dissipation per Package200mW Power Dissipation per Output Transistor 100mW T op Operating Temperature -55to +125°C T stgStorage Temperature-65to +150°CSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DD Supply Voltage 3to 20V V I Input Voltage0to V DD V T opOperating Temperature-55to 125°CHCF4010B3/8DC SPECIFICATIONSThe Noise Margin for both ”1”and ”0”level is:1V min.with V DD =5V,2V min.with V DD =10V,2.5V min.with V DD =15VSymbolParameterTest ConditionValue UnitV I (V)V O (V)|I O |(µA)V DD=V CC(V)T A =25°C -40to 85°C -55to 125°C Min.Typ.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.I LQuiescent Current0/550.0213030µA0/10100.02260600/15150.024*******/20200.0420600600V OHHigh Level Output Voltage0/5<15 4.95 4.95 4.95V0/10<1109.959.959.950/15<11514.9514.9514.95V OLLow Level Output Voltage 5/0<<1100.050.050.0515/0<1150.050.050.05V IHHigh Level Input Voltage 0.5/4.5<15 3.5 3.5 3.5V1/9<1107771.5/13.5<115111111V ILLow Level Input Voltage 4.5/0.5<15 1.5 1.5 1.5V9/1<11033313.5/1.5<115444I OHOutput Drive Current0/5 2.5<15-0.8-1.6-0.65-0.65mA0/5 4.6<15-0.2-0.4-0.18-0.180/109.5<110-0.45-0.9-0.38-0.380/1513.5<115-1.5-3-1.25-1.25I OLOutput Sink Current0/50.4<1534 2.4 2.4mA 0/100.5<110810 6.4 6.40/15 1.5<11524361919I I Input Leakage Current0/18Any Input 18±10-5±0.1±1±1µA C IInput CapacitanceAny Input57.5pFHCF4010B4/8DYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb =25°C,C L =50pF,R L =200K Ω,t r =t f =20ns)(*)Typical temperature coefficient for all V DD value is 0.3%/°C.TEST CIRCUITC L =50pF or equivalent (includes jig and probe capacitance)R L =200K ΩR T =Z OUT of pulse generator (typically 50Ω)Symbol ParameterTest ConditionValue (*)UnitV DD (V)V I (V)V CC (V)Min.Typ.Max.t TLHOutput Transition Time555150350ns 101010751515151555110t THLOutput Transition Time5553570ns10101020401515151530t PLHPropagation Delay Time555100200ns1010105010010105501001515153570151553570t PHLPropagation Delay Time55565130ns10101035701010530701515152550151552040HCF4010B WAVEFORM:PROPAGATION DELAY TIMES(f=1MHz;50%duty cycle)5/8HCF4010B6/8DIM.mm.inchMIN.TYP MAX.MIN.TYP.MAX. a10.510.020B0.77 1.650.0300.065 b0.50.020b10.250.010D200.787 E8.50.335e 2.540.100e317.780.700F7.10.280 I 5.10.201 L 3.30.130Z 1.270.050Plastic DIP-16(0.25)MECHANICAL DATAP001CHCF4010B7/8DIM.mm.inch MIN.TYPMAX.MIN.TYP.MAX.A 1.750.068a10.10.20.0030.007a2 1.650.064b 0.350.460.0130.018b10.190.250.0070.010C 0.50.019c145°(typ.)D 9.8100.3850.393E 1.270.050e38.890.350F 3.8 4.00.1490.157G 4.6 5.30.1810.208L 0.5 1.270.0190.050M 0.620.024S8°(max.)SO-16MECHANICAL DATAPO13HHCF4010BInformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable.However,STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringe ment of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics.Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice.This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied.STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.©The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics©2001STMicroelectronics-Printed in Italy-All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia-Brazil-China-Finland-France-Germany-Hong Kong-India-Italy-Japan-Malaysia-Malta-MoroccoSingapore-Spain-Sweden-Switzerland-United Kingdom©http://w 8/8。
INZOTEK超低EMI、无需滤波器、3W 单声道 D 类音频功放 功能说明IT4010IT4010 是一款超低 EMI、无需滤波器 3W 单声道 D 类音频功率放大器。
IT4010 采用先进的技术, 在全带宽范围内极大地降低了 EMI 干扰,最大限度地减少对其他部件的影响。
IT4010 内置过流保护、过热保护及欠压保护功能,有效地保护芯片在异常工作状况下不被损坏。
并 且利用扩频技术充分优化全新电路设计,高达 90%的效率更加适合于手机及其他便携式音频产品。
IT4010 无需滤波器的 PWM 调制结构及增益内置方式减少了外部元件、PCB 面积和系统成本。
IT4010 提供 MSOP8封装,额定的工作温度范围为-40℃至 85℃。
1 主要特性优异的全带宽 EMI 抑制能力 优异的“上电,掉电”噪声抑制 3W 输出功率(10% THD、5V 电源、4Ω 负载) 0.05%THD+N(1W 输出功率、5V 电源) 无需滤波器 Class-D 结构 高达 90%的效率 高 PSRR:-80dB(217Hz) 低静态电流(3.5mA) 工作电压范围:2.2V~5.25V 过流保护、过热保护、欠压保护 MSOP8封装2 应用领域移动电话(手机等) MP3/PMP Mini 音箱 数码相框3典型应用电路图1IT4010-04 May 2011IT4010 典型应用图 1IT40104INZOTEK参数 表1 芯片最大物理极限值 最小值 最大值 -0.3 -0.3 -65 6.0 VDD+0.3 150 150 260 190 -40 85 +/-8000 150 -150 单位 V V ℃ ℃ ℃ ℃/W ℃ V mA mA极限参数电源电压 VDD INP,INN,CTRL 引脚电压 最大结温 存储温度范围 引脚温度 (焊接 10 秒) 封装热阻JA(MSOP8) 工作温度范围 ESD 防护电压 Latch-up +IT -IT注 1:在极限值之外或任何其他条件下,芯片的工作性能不予保证。
请勿设置在化学药品的保管场所或会产 生腐蚀性气体、电磁干扰的物品附近。
请勿自行修理或改造装置 , 以免损坏装 置或导致人员受伤。
不使用装置时请将 AC 适配器从电源插 座上拔下。
请勿放置在磁铁、扩音器等磁力装置附 近。
请尽量避免装置进水 , 以免产生故障。
目 录
声 明 ŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋ 1 前 言 ŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋ 2 有关标志ŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋ 3 设置时的注意 ŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋ 4 目 录 ŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋ 6
测定时的注意事项ŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋ 16 有关取用样本时的注意事项 ŋŋŋŋŋŋŋ 16 有关取用试纸条时的注意事项 ŋŋŋŋŋ 17
测定操作的流程 ŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋ 18
装置的启动ŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋ 19 打开电源 ŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋ 19 切断电源 ŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋŋ 19
ᶃ ᶄ
ᶆ ᶇ
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ᶄ 显示画面
显示测定结果和错误信息等。参照第 10 页「显示画面」
ᶅ 测定部盖
测定时打开。室内光线过强 , 提示错误信息时 , 请放置试纸条后关 闭此盖进行测定。
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1/8July 2002sPROPAGATION DELAY TIME t PD = 40ns (TYP .) at V DD = 10V C L = 50pFs HIGH TO LOW LEVEL LOGIC CONVERSION s MULTIPLEXER: 1 TO 6 OR 6 TO 1sHIGH "SINK" AND "SOURCE" CURRENT CAPABILITYsQUIESCENT CURRENT SPECIFIED UP TO 20Vs 5V, 10V AND 15V PARAMETRIC RATINGS sINPUT LEAKAGE CURRENTI I = 100nA (MAX) AT V DD = 18V T A = 25°C s 100% TESTED FOR QUIESCENT CURRENT sMEETS ALL REQUIREMENTS OF JEDEC JESD13B " STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR DESCRIPTION OF B SERIES CMOS DEVICES"DESCRIPTIONThe HCF4009UB is a monolithic integrated circuit fabricated in Metal Oxide Semiconductor technology available in DIP and SOP packages.It is an inverting Hex Buffer/Converter and can be used as CMOS to TTL or DTL logic level converters as current "sink" ot "source" drivers or as multiplexer (1 to 6).It is a preferred replacement of HCF4049UB in buffer applications.HCF4009UBHEX BUFFER/CONVERTER (INVERTING)PIN CONNECTIONORDER CODESPACKAGE TUBE T & RDIP HCF4009UBEY SOPHCF4009UBM1HCF4009UM013TRHCF4009UB2/8INPUT EQUIVALENT CIRCUITPIN DESCRIPTIONTRUTH TABLEABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSAbsolute Maximum Ratings are those values beyond which damage to the device may occur. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied.All voltage values are referred to V SS pin voltage.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSThis device has High to Low level voltage conversion capability onlyPIN NoSYMBOLNAME AND FUNCTION 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14A, B, C, D, E,FData Inputs 2, 4, 6, 10, 12, 15 G, H, I, J, K, L Data Outputs 13 NCNot Connected 1V CC Positive Supply Voltage 8V SS Negative Supply Voltage 16V DDPositive Supply VoltageINPUTS OUTPUTS A, B, C, D,E, FG, H, I, J, K, LL H HLSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DD Supply Voltage -0.5 to +22V V CC Supply Voltage 0.5 to V DD + 0.5V V I DC Input Voltage -0.5 to V DD + 0.5V I I DC Input Current± 10mA P D Power Dissipation per Package200mW Power Dissipation per Output Transistor 100mW T op Operating T emperature -55 to +125°C T stgStorage T emperature-65 to +150°CSymbol ParameterValue Unit V DD Supply Voltage 3 to 20V V CC Supply Voltage 0 to V DD V V I Input Voltage0 to V DD V T opOperating T emperature-55 to 125°CHCF4009UB3/8DC SPECIFICATIONThe Noise Margin for both "1" and "0" level is: 1V min. with V DD =5V, 2V min. with V DD =10V, 2.5V min. with V DD =15VSymbolParameterTest ConditionValue UnitV I (V)V O (V)|I O |(µA)V DD (V)T A = 25°C -40 to 85°C -55 to 125°C Min.Typ.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.I LQuiescent Current0/550.0213030µA0/10100.02260600/15150.024*******/20200.0420600600V OHHigh Level Output Voltage0/5<15 4.95 4.95 4.95V0/10<1109.959.959.950/15<11514.9514.9514.95V OLLow Level Output Voltage5/0<<1100.050.050.0515/0<1150.050.050.05V IHHigh Level Input Voltage 0.5/4.5<15444V1/9<1108881.5/13.5<11512.512.512.5V ILLow Level Input Voltage 4.5/0.5<15111V9/1<11022213.5/1.5<115 OHOutput Drive Current0/5 2.5<15-0.8-1.6-0.65-0.65mA0/5 4.6<15-0.2-0.4-0.18-0.180/109.5<110-0.45-0.9-0.38-0.380/1513.5<115-1.5-3-1.25-1.25I OLOutput Sink Current0/50.4<15340.360.36mA0/100.5<110810 6.4 6.40/15 1.5<1152436 1.9 1.9I IInput Leakage Current0/18Any Input 18±10-5±0.1±1±1µA C IInput CapacitanceAny Input1522.6pFHCF4009UB4/8DYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T amb = 25°C, C L = 50pF, R L = 200K Ω, t r = t f = 20 ns)(*) Typical temperature coefficent for all V DD value is 0.3 %/°C.TEST CIRCUITC L = 50pF or equivalent (includes jig and probe capacitance)R L = 200K ΩR T = Z OUT of pulse generator (typically 50Ω)Symbol Parameter Test ConditionValue (*)UnitV DD (V)V I (V)V CC (V)Min.Typ.Max.t TLHOutput Transition Time555150350ns 101010751515151555110t THLOutput Transition Time5553570ns10101020401515151530t PLHPropagation Delay Time55570140ns101010408010105357015151530601515530600t PHLPropagation Delay Time5553060ns10101020401010515301515151530151551020HCF4009UB5/8WAVEFORM 1: PROPAGATION DELAY TIMES(f=1MHz; 50% duty cycle)HCF4009UBInformation furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specifications mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics.© The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics© 2002 STMicroelectronics - Printed in Italy - All Rights ReservedSTMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIESAustralia - Brazil - Canada - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Israel - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - United States.© 8/8。