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1.A.in the classroom B.in class C.in the class 2.A.the school notes B.the school things C.the school rules 3.A.in the hallway B.in the classroom C.in the cafeteria 4.A.wash our faces B.wash our clothes C.wash our hands 5.A.behind B.outside C.inside 6.A.English class B.gym class C.Chinese class 7.A.Saturday B.Sunday C.school night 8.A.make my bed B.make a class C.make a snowman 9.A.classroom B.cinema C.library 10.A.son B.sun C.sunny


1.Susan was the name of ________.

A.the careless mother B.the daughter C.the writer

2.Susan was good at ________.

A.growing trees B.keeping cats

C.growing flowers and keeping fish

3.Susan went to college when she was ________.

A.18 B.17 C.16

4.Susan was very sorry to learn that her ________.

A.mother was dead B.her father was dead

C.flowers and fish were dead

5.“What about my father?”means ________.

A.What is my father? B.How is my father?

C.Did my father help look after the flowers and the fish?


1.A.He doesn’t like football or basketball.

B.He likes football and basketball.

C.He is going to play basketball.

2.A.I am busy today.

B.I am free today.

C.I didn’t have anything to do yesterday.

3.A.His wife went to Japan by train.

B.He went to Japan by train.

C.He and his family went to Japan by plane.

4.A.Alice is having a white shirt today.

B.Alice is putting on a yellow skirt today.

C.Alice is in a yellow skirt today.

5.A.I got to my parents home yesterday.

B.My parents sent me a letter yesterday.

C.I heard my parents were well yesterday.


1.There is no light. He ________ at home.

A.can’t be B.must is C.may not 2.The meeting begins at ten.Don’t ________.

A.late B.be late C.comes late 3.My father is a driver. He ________ every day.

A.drives buses B.catches a car C.makes a car 4.Tom, remember to ________ your homework here tomorrow. A.take B.carry C.bring 5.What was the weather ________ yesterday?

A.like B.looked like C.likes

6.I hope you ________.

A.are good B.to be good C.are well 7.The best time ________ China is in spring or autumn.

A.to visit B.visit C.visiting 8.In winter it often snows ________.

A.hardly B.heavily C.harder

9.It rains in spring ________.

A.sometime B.sometimes C.some time

10.I am afraid we ________ go. It’s going to rain.

A.can’t B.aren’t C.don’t


One day a Frenchman went to New York. He didn’t know a word of English. When he got to New York, he took a bus to a hotel.

It was Sunday, and the Frenchman wanted to go out for a walk. When he walked along the street, he suddenly remembered that he didn’t know the name of the street. He looked at the wall near the comer of the street. Then he saw some English words and wrote them down in his notebook. “Now I know the name of the street,”he said to himself. “It will be easy for me to find the hotel.”

He walked for a long time in the city. Then he felt tired and wanted to go back to his hotel. He took the notebook out of his pocket and showed the words to a young woman. The young woman read the words in his notebook and looked at the Frenchman. She didn’t know what he wanted. Then the Frenchman stopped an old man and showed the words. The old man didn’t know what the Frenchman wanted.

At last the Frenchman saw a young man. He knew some French. When the Frenchman showed the words in his notebook and asked where the street was, the young man laughed, for these were the words in the Frenchman’s notebook: One-way street.

1.When the Frenchman got to New York, he ________.

A.drove to a hotel

B.walked to the hotel

C.went to the hotel by bus

2.The Frenchman had to write down the name of the street because ________.

A.he wanted to write a letter

B.he had to get back to his hotel

C.he found it interesting
