



Date: File:
2020/4/28 SSP1_01C.13
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2020/4/28 SSP1_01C.14
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2020/4/28 SSP1_01C.15
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2020/4/28 SSP1_01C.16
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2020/4/28 SSP1_01C.10
控制器电压指示灯:绿色表示焊接 控制器已经接了24V控制电压
控制器准备好信号灯:红的直流母 线电压大于60v时亮,有故障时灯 不亮。断电时要等灯全灭后,方 可进行维修操作
故障指示灯:没有任何故障时, 灯为绿色,表示已经准备好可以
焊接指示灯,当焊接进行时黄灯亮, 焊接完成黄灯灭
1 2
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2020/4/28 SSP1_01C.38
3 焊接模式
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2020/4/28 SSP1_01C.39
4 监控模式
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2020/4/28 SSP1_01C.40
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2020/4/28 SSP1_01C.41
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2020/4/28 SSP1_01C.1
产品介绍 焊 接 控 制 器
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2020/4/28 SSP1_01C.2
中频逆变器 PSI6300
中频逆变器6 - 36kA, 输入电 压400 - 480 V -20% (类型1)或者 500 - 690 V -10% (类型2), 5 0/60 Hz, 空冷( L ) 或者水冷( W ),联接PSG6000变压器,形成完整 的控制功能,额定电流110A (热连 续电流), I/O板的选择项:



Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Vefügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.
Table of contents
Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Vefügungsbefugnis, wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns.
Harting 25-pole + PE
001 AB A3
This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.
WSC60HA-040.21-Basis en 1070091891
Welding transformer Gun 1



1- 30
二、项目规划 1、新建项目 2、程序备份 3、程序恢复
1- 31
1、焊接控制器名:控制器名称不能重复,不能包含符号。最长48个字符。 2、焊接控制器注释:解释文本,不能包含符号。最长65个字符。 3、通道:通讯端口使用依赖硬件系统,可能的选项可从列表框中选择。 4、IP地址:控制器的以太网地址。
1- 25
计算机IP地址设定方法一。 注意:计算机IP地址要和焊接控制器IP地址设为同一组段既前三个地址要一 样。
1- 26
当设备硬件IP地址和计算机IP地址设置完成后可以连接设备设置设备的 软IP地址。在IE地址栏里输入硬件设置的IP地址然后回车即可出现如图画面 。在IP ADDRESS栏设置IP然后点击STORE CONFIGURATION软IP设置完成。最 后将硬件拨码开关全部拨到0,此时软IP地址生效。
1- 43
12、预压时间:当焊接信号发出后即进入预压时间。预压时间开始时控制器 启动比例阀控制焊枪闭合。当重复焊接时,预压只在第一点时激活。预压时 间的目的在于有充分的时间让焊钳闭合。 13、压合时间:电极压力在这个时间建立。在压合时间结束时焊枪必须完全 闭合。控制器会需要压力检测信号。 14、焊接1时间:预焊接时间,当不需要此过程时可以将该参数设置为0. 15、斜坡模式:有开关两种模式。当斜坡模式开时,可以自动为WELD2建立 斜坡上升和下降。具体参数由“斜坡上升时间”“斜坡上升电流”“斜坡下 降时间”“斜坡下降电流”来定义。
一、BOSCH焊接控制器简介 1、产品介绍 2、硬件介绍 1) 、外观展示 2)、指示灯含义 3)、工作原理 3、网络连接 1)、监控编程网络 2)、运行网络
1- 1
1- 2
力士乐PSI 6000-焊接控制器家族的各种功能可以方便的焊接难度很大 的高强度钢、吕合金、异种材料和多层板料等。 PSI 6000-是标准的1000赫兹中频/直流焊接技术。具有节能、高效、焊 接质量比传统的焊接方法有本质的提高。 -焊接质量的改善通过更高频率的电流调整来实现,产品质量大大超过 只能对供电频率调整的老式控制器。 -焊接更多材料的能力来源于更强的输出能量。 -飞溅的减少通过减少焊接时间和焊接电流来实现。 -电极寿命大大延长归功于在电极帽上更低热量和更小机械压力。 -更小更轻的中频变压器可以和焊钳整合在一起,大大减少工作强度、 加快上产节奏和提高能量效率,因此节能效果更明显。

Bosch Rexroth 焊机介绍

Bosch Rexroth 焊机介绍

Electric Drives and Controls © All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications. We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Electric Drives and Controls © All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications. We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
K1 焊接电流接触器.
A1 Bosch Rexroth 焊接控制器 (timer) PSI6300.373L1.
Electric Drives and Controls © All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications. We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.



Date: File:
2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.10
控制器电压指示灯:绿色表示焊接 控制器已经接了24V控制电压
控制器准备好信号灯:红的直流母 线电压大于60v时亮,有故障时灯 不亮。断电时要等灯全灭后,方 可进行维修操作
故障指示灯:没有任何故障时, 灯为绿色,表示已经准备好可以
焊接指示灯,当焊接进行时黄灯亮, 焊接完成黄灯灭
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2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.22
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2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.23
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2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.24
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2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.25
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2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.26
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2020/6/2 SSP1_.27
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2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.28
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2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.29
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2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.30
2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.42
T:交流控制器 I:中频控制器
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2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.18
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2020/6/2 SSP1_01C.19
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中频逆变器 PSI6300
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2018/10/26 SSP1_01C.3
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2018/10/26 SSP1_01C.4
Date: File: 2018/10/26 SSP1_01C.5
状态指示灯 1
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2018/10/26 SSP1_01C.6
1 3
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2018/10/26 SSP1_01C.51
压力在压力步进1之后 压力在铣电极之后
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2018/10/26 SSP1_01C.52
4 6 7 8
时间监控 参考时间 时间公差
3 4 5
校准电流上限值 校准电流下限值 存储值
4 5
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2018/10/26 SSP1_01C.80
6 7
校准相关程序号 校准相关电极号
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2018/10/26 SSP1_01C.81
8 9 10
电流测量值1 电流测量值2 PU类型
2018/10/26 SSP1_01C.29
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2018/10/26 SSP1_01C.30



同时,配套的新一代B S O O O 6 O 焊接控制软件结合强大的
SL Q 数据库 ,方便 的把 以上焊接数据进行统计和保存。
2 、世界领先的中频变压器 ( 2) 图
博世 力士乐现在 已经 是欧洲最 大的中频焊 接变压 器的厂家
之一 ,它推 出的新一代 P G6 0 S 1 系列 变压 器 ,比其 他公司 同类 3

完整 的故障代码系统 ,只要查手册就 可以维修和维护
・ ・
完整的联 网解决 方案

不仅可 以简单联网 ,还可 以在全球任何地 方都 管理 它
・ ・
C E安全产品质量体 系认 证

焊 接质 量比交流 的大大提高 ,并且属于节能降耗新一

铁道部青 岛四方车辆厂

南京华飞显示器公司 上海威 图电子机械公司
B CH OS 焊接系统在 电阻焊接市场的地位

世界财富5 0 0 强公司 的荣誉 产品


全球 ( 包括中国 ) 市场占有率第一
BSH O C  ̄频控制 系统在全球五大洲 7 多个 国家地 区长期使用 0

Байду номын сангаас
BSH O C 销售、服务、调试、维修部门遍布全球

沈 阳宝 马汽车 北京奔驰汽车


焊接控制器 内部没有需要连 接的东西 ,只 要会 编程就

可 以 了
・ ・
海南马 自达汽车 上海汇众汽车 东风汽车有 限公司 长安汽车有 限公司 扬卅『 亚星奔驰客车



PST 6000PST 6000.XXX Thyristor Power Unit with integrated control functionTechnical Information101EditionPST 6000PST 6000.XXX Thyristor Power Unitwith integrated control functionTechnical Information1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GBReg. no. 16149-03E2000-2001This manual is the exclusive property of Robert Bosch GmbH,also in the case of Intellectual Property Right applications.Without their consent it may not be reproduced or given to third parties.Discretionary charge 10.-1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GB ContentsPage 1Safety instructions 1-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1Safety instructions and symbols attached to the product 1-1. . . . . . 1.2Safety instructions and symbols used in this manual 1-2. . . . . . . . . 1.3Intended use 1-3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4No admittance for persons fitted with cardiac pacemakers 1-4. . . . 1.5Qualified personnel 1-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6Installation and assembly 1-6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7Electrical connection 1-9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.8Ensuring EMC of the completely assembled system 1-12. . . . . . . . . 1.9Operation of the thyristor power units 1-13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10Retrofits and modifications by the user 1-14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11Maintenance, repair 1-15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.12Working safely 1-16. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Setup 2-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1Features 2-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2Modules and components 2-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3Function 2-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.4Monitoring 2-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Notes on Rating 3-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Commissioning 4-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Maintenance 5-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Malfunction 6-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7Type overview 7-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.1Features 7-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8PST 6100.XXX L 8-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.1PST 6100.XXX L overview 8-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.2Explanation of drawings 8-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.3PST 6100.XXX L front panel 8-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.4Technical data, PST 6100.XXX L 8-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.5Dimensioned drawing, PST 6100.XXX L 8-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.6Electrical connection, PST 6100.XXX L 8-6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.7Load diagram, PST 6100.XXX L 8-7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.8Accessories, PST 6100.XXX L 8-8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.8.1Dimensioned drawing, accessories kit 8-8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.9Ordering accessories 8-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GBPage9PST 6250.XXX L 9-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.1PST 6250.XXX L overview 9-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2Explanation of drawings 9-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.3PST 6250.XXX L front panel 9-2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.4Technical data, PST 6250.XXX L 9-4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.5Dimensioned drawing, PST 6250.XXX L 9-5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.6Electrical connection, PST 6250.XXX L 9-6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.7Load diagram, PST 6250.XXX L 9-7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.8Accessories, PST 6250.XXX L 9-8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.8.1Dimensioned drawing, accessories kit 9-8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.9Ordering accessories 9-10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10CE declaration of conformity 10-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Annex A-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1Index A-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GB1Safety instructionsThe products described were developed, manufactured and tested in com-pliance with the fundamental safety requirements of the EU machine direc-tive. These products normally pose no danger to persons or property if used in accordance with the handling stipulations and safety notes prescribed for their configuration, mounting, and proper operation.Nevertheless, there is some residual risk!Therefore, you should read this manual before installing, connecting or com-missioning the products. Store this manual in a place to which all users have access at any time!This manual describes the:D PST 6000 thyristor power unitsThe functions of the integrated weld timer are described in a separate manual.1.1Safety instructions and symbols attached to the productWarning of dangerous electrical voltage!Lug for connecting PE conductor only!1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GB1.2Safety instructions and symbols used in this manualDANGEROUS ELECTRICAL VOLTAGE This symbol is used to warn of dangerous electrical voltage. Failure to observe the instructions in this manual in whole or in part may result in per-sonal injury.DANGER This symbol is used wherever insufficient or lacking compliance with in-structions may result in personal injury .CAUTION This symbol is used wherever insufficient or lacking compliance with in-structions may result in damage to equipment or data files ..Note: This symbol is used to draw the user’s attention to special cir-cumstances.L This symbol is used if user activities are required.Modifications in this manual as compared to a previous edition are marked by black vertical bars in the margin.1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GB1.3Intended usePST 6000 thyristor power units are designed for connection of welding trans-formers.These thyristor power units are designed for use in D resistance welding of metals andD are suitable for operation in industrial environments as per DIN EN 50082-2 and 50081-2 on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).They are not intended for any other use!DANGER Any use other than for the purpose indicated may result in personal injury of the user or third parties or in damage to equipment, the workpiece to be welded, or environmental damage.Therefore, our products must never be used for any other than their respective intended purpose!.Note: For operation in residential environments, in trade and commer-cial applications and small enterprises, an individual permit of the na-tional authority or test institution is required; in Germany, please contact the Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post (RegTP) or its local branch offices.The faultless, safe functioning of the product requires proper transport, stor-age, erection and installation as well as careful operation.1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GB1.4No admittance for persons fitted with cardiac pacemakersDANGERWARNING for persons fitted with cardiac pacemakers!T o protect persons fitted with cardiac pacemakers, noĆentry signsshould be posted because pacemaker malfunction (missedpulses,total failure), pacemaker program interference or even programdestruction is to be expected.Note: We recommend that warning sings like the one shown below are posted at every entrance to manufacturing shops housing resistance-welding equipment:No entry for persons with cardiac pacemakers!Danger!DIN 400231070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GB 1.5Qualified personnelThe requirements as to qualified personnel are based on the requirements profiles as defined by the ZVEI (Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und Elek-tronikindustrie - German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Associ-ation) and the VDMA (Verband deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau -German Engineering Federation) in:Weiterbildung in der Automatisierungstechnik edited by: ZVEI and VDMA Maschinenbau Verlag Postfach 71 08 64D-60498 Frankfurt .This manual is designed for technicians and engineers with special welding training and skills. They must have a sound knowledge of the hardware com-ponents of the weld control system, the PST 6000 thyristor power units and the welding transformers.Interventions in the hardware and software of our products, unless de-scribed otherwise in this manual, are reserved to specialized Bosch person-nel.Tampering with the hardware or software, ignoring warning signs attached to the components, or non-compliance with the warning notes given in this manual can result in serious bodily injury or property damage.Only skilled persons as defined in IEV 826-09-01 who are familiar with the contents of this manual may install and service the products described.Such personnel areD those who, being well trained and experienced in their field and familiar with the relevant standards, are able to analyze the work to be carried out and recognize any hazards.D those who have acquired the same amount of expert knowledge through years of experience that would normally be acquired through formal tech-nical training.DANGER!An exception are persons with cardiac pacemakers! The strong magnetic fields occurring in resistance welding may af-fect the proper functioning of pacemakers. This may be fatal or cause serious personal injury!Therefore, persons with pacemakers must stay clear of resistance welding systems.We recommend that warning sings as per DIN 40023 are posted at ev-ery entrance to manufacturing shops housing resistance-welding equipment.Please note our comprehensive range of training courses. More information is available from our training center (Phone: +49 / 6062 / 78-258).1.6Installation and assemblyDANGERNon-workmanlike installation or mounting may lead to personal in-jury or damage to property.Therefore, it is essential that you take the technical data (environ-mental conditions) into account for installation or mounting.Installation or mounting must be carried out by skilled personnelonly.DANGERInsufficient degree of protection may be life-threatening or causedamage to property!The degree of protection of thyristor power units is IP 20. They mustbe installed in switchgear cubicles providing a degree of protectionof no less than IP 54.DANGERDanger of injury and of damage to property through incorrect instal-lation!Devices and, in particular, operating means, must be installed so asto be properly safeguarded against unintentional operation or con-tact.DANGERRisk of injury from sharp-edged sheet metal!Wear protective gloves!DANGERDanger of personal injury and damage to property through inade-quate fastening!The place for installing the thyristor power units, and their methodof fastening, must be suitable for their weight!Injuries and bruises may be caused by lifting weights which are tooheavy or by sharp metal edges!Due to the heavy weight of individual modules several persons arerequired for installation and assembly.Wear safety shoes and safety gloves!DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL VOLTAGEBefore the modules are installed, the respective mounting station must be safely isolated from supply and properly safeguarded to pre-vent unintentional or unauthorized reclosing.CAUTIONShort circuits!When cut-outs are drilled or sawed in switchgear cubicles, metal burr may get into modules already installed there. Or, when cooling water lines are connected, water may leak into the thyristor power units installed.The possibility of short circuits occurring in the process or even the destruction of the devices cannot be entirely ruled out. Therefore, guard any existing modules well before you install a new module! Any and all warranty excluded in case of non-compliance.CAUTIONHeat accumulation!Thyristor power units must be mounted with a minimum clearance of 100 mm on top and at the bottom. Without this minimum clearance, heat may accumulate and cause power unit failure.CAUTIONIn the case of airĆcooled thyristor power units, the temperature inside the housing must stay within the specified range. Thyristor power units must always be operated under forcedĆair cooling conditions. Convection cooling will not be sufficient!CAUTIONLeaks in the cooling water circuit may cause consequential damage! Cooling water leaks may damage adjacent components. Therefore, when mounting water-cooled modules, always ensure that other de-vices in the switchgear cabinet are well protected against leaking cooling water.CAUTIONDamage to property through inappropriate or insufficient cooling of the thyristor power units!Water-cooled thyristor power units may only be operated when the cooling water circuit is active! Condensation on water-carrying com-ponents must be prevented.Damage to property through insufficient water quality in the cooling water circuit!Deposits in the cooling system may reduce the water flow, thus im-pairing the performance of the cooling system with time.Therefore, you should ensure that your cooling water has the follow-ing properties:D pH value:7 to 8.5D Degree of hardness D max:10 German degrees(1 German degree = 1.25 British degrees = 1.05 US degrees =1.8 French degrees)D Chlorides:max. 20 mg/lD Nitrates: max. 10 mg/lD Sulfates:max. 100 mg/lD Insoluble substances:max. 250 mg/lTap water usually meets these requirements. However, an algicide should be added.L Make sure that all contact surfaces are bright, i.e. free of paint, plastic coat-ing or dirt/oxidation.L Mount the device in a vertical position.1.7Electrical connectionDANGEROUS ELECTRICAL VOLTAGEThe mains voltage is associated with many dangers!Possible consequences of improper handling include death or mostsevere injuries (personal injuries) and damage to property. For thisreason, the electrical connection must always be made by an electri-cal expert in compliance with the valid safety regulations, the mainsvoltage and the maximum current consumption of the individualunits of the equipment.The mains voltage must match the nominal voltage given on thenameplate of the product!The equipment must be appropriately fused on the supply side!Prior to connecting a thyristor power unit, the following must bestrictly observed:D Power OFF.D Provide a safeguard to prevent unintentional reclosing.D Verify that the system is safely isolated from supply andde-energized.D Connect to earth and short circuit.D Cover up or safeguard all live parts.DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL VOLTAGEHandling live parts at mains voltage may result in death, severebodily injury or considerable damage to property unless appropriateprecautions are taken.For this reason, the electrical connection must always be made byan electrical expert in compliance with the valid safety regulations,the mains voltage and the maximum current consumption of the indi-vidual units of the equipment.Incorrect mains voltage may render the system dangerous or causeelectrical component failure!Therefore, please ensure the following:D The mains voltage must match the nominal voltage given on thenameplate of the product!D Mains voltage fluctuation or variation from the nominal voltagemust be within the specified tolerance range (see Technical Data).D The equipment must be appropriately fused on the mains side!D Proper and well insulated tools must be used for handling electricconnections!DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL VOLTAGEDanger of life through insufficient protective conductor system!The thyristor power units must be connected to the protective earth-ing (PE) circuit of the system. Please ensure that the cross-sectional area of cables used for protective conductor wiring is sufficiently large. The electrical continuity of the protective earthing circuit must be verified in accordance with EN 60204 Part 1.DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL VOLTAGEThyristor power units may be operated in earth neutral systems only.Protective grounding is the only protective measure permitted as per EN 50 178 (DIN VDE 0160)!DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL VOLTAGEOperation in unbalanced networks (only one network phase grounded) is not permitted..Note: It is recommended that the whole welding system be operated within a separate welding power network.CAUTIONConnecting lines and signal lines must be laid so as to avoid nega-tive effects on the function of the units through capacitive or induc-tive interference!Interference is frequently coupled and de-coupled in long cables.Therefore, thyristor power unit cables and control cables must be routed separately. The influence of interfering cables on cables sus-ceptible to interference can be minimized by keeping the following distances:D> 100 mm if cables are run in parallel for < 10 m,D> 250 mm if cables are run in parallel for > 10 m.The thyristor power unit should be mounted close to the welding systems so as to avoid cable lengths of more than 25 m.CAUTIONConnection cables may come off and apply dangerous voltage to system components!It is crucial that cables are properly fixed.L PE connection: Connect to a central earth point. Make sure that cable cross-sectional areas are sufficiently large!L All conductor cross-sections must be large enough for the loads to be con-nected.L U1 connection:Connect to L1 system phase.L V1 connection: Connect to L2 system phase.L U2 and V2 welding transformer outputs: Connect to welding trans-former.1.8Ensuring EMC of the completely assembled system.Note: The completely assembled system with the welding transformercomplies with prEN 50240, the EMC product standard for resistancewelding systems, and EN 55011 (October 1997), EMC product familystandard class A, group 2, rated current > 100 A.D Only for industrial applications.D Safe clearance from residential areas y 30 m.D Safe clearance to communication systems (wireless, telephone) y 10 m.D Cable length of mains feeder y 10 m.D Interference suppression measures: When switchgear cabinet doors areopen, operation of radio devices or cell phones is permitted only beyonda safe clearance of y 2 m.1.9Operation of the thyristor power unitsDANGERDanger of personal injury and damage to property if devices are op-erated before they have been properly installed!The devices are designed to be installed in housings or switchgearcabinets and must not be operated unless properly installed andswitchgear cabinet doors are closed!DANGERDanger of personal injury and damage to property through missingor false interpretation of fault messages!Therefore, closing of the temperature contact (thermostatic switch,break contact) must inhibit the connected timer!As regards fault analysis, see also the section on ”Malfunction”.DANGERDanger of bruises through electrode movement!All users, line designers, welding machine manufacturers and weld-ing gun producers are obliged to connect the output signal of theBosch weld timer which initiates the electrode movement so that theapplicable safety regulations are complied with.The risk of bruises can be considerably reduced by means of, e.g.,two-handed start, guard rails, light barriers etc.CAUTIONDamage to property through insufficient cooling of the modules!Ensure that the modules are properly cooled during operation. Con-densation on water-carrying components must be prevented. In thecase of air-cooled thyristor power units, the temperature inside themounting station must remain in the specified range. In the case ofwater-cooled thyristor power units, the maximum permitted cooling-water temperature must not be exceeded.CAUTIONDamage to property through excessive welding current!The maximum welding current depends on the thyristor unit and thewelding transformer in use. It must not be exceeded.Therefore, the user must check the load in each case. See also thesection on ”Load diagrams”.Any and all warranty excluded in case of non-compliance.1.10Retrofits and modifications by the userDANGERRetrofits or modifications may have negative effects on the safety ofthe unit!Product modification may cause death, severe or light personalinjury, damage to property or environmental damage.Therefore, please contact us prior to making any modification. Thisis the only way to determine whether modified components aresuitable for use with our products.1.11Maintenance, repairDANGEROUS ELECTRICAL VOLTAGEPrior to any maintenance work - unless described otherwise - thesystem must always be switched off!In the event of necessary measurement or test procedures on the ac-tive system, these have to be performed by skilled electrical person-nel.In any case, suitable insulated tools must be used!DANGERDanger of life through inappropriate EMERGENCY-STOP facilities!EMERGENCY-STOP facilities must be operative in all modes of thesystem. Releasing the EMERGENCY-STOP facility must by no meansresult in an uncontrolled restart of the system! First check the EMER-GENCY-STOP circuit, then switch the unit on!DANGERDanger of explosion of batteries!Do not forcefully open batteries, do not attempt to charge, solder orincinerate the battery.Empty batteries should always be replaced by new ones!The applicable regulations on the disposal of empty batteries or ac-cumulators must be observed.DANGERThe right to perform repair/maintenance work on the components ofthe thyristor power units is reserved to the BOSCH service depart-ment or to repair/maintenance units authorized by BOSCH!CAUTIONOnly use spare parts approved by BOSCH!1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GB1.12Working safelyDANGERDuring operation of the welding equipment welding splashes are to be expected! They may cause eye injuries or burns.Therefore:D wear protective goggles D wear protective glovesDwear flame-retardant clothesDANGERDanger of injury from sheet metal edges and danger of burns from weld metal!Therefore: - wear protective glovesDANGERIn the environment of resistance welding systems, magnetic field strengths have to be expected which are above the limit values spe-cified in VDE 0848 Part 4. Especially if manual guns are used, the limit values for extremities may be exceeded.In cases of doubt, you should measure the field strength and take additional measures to ensure safety and health at work.CAUTIONThe strong magnetic fields occurring in the resistance welding pro-cess may cause permanent damage to wrist watches, pocket watches, or cards with magnetic stripes (e.g. EC cards).Therefore, you should not carry any such items on you when working in the immediate vicinity of the welding equipment.1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GB2Setup2.1FeaturesDIntegrated control functionality D Integrated weld timerD Flexible parallel and/or serial I/O interfaces D Fieldbus interfaces for communicationD Integrated control and monitoring functionsD Control functionality separate from monitoring functionality D Air or water cooledD Less cabling required due to system component integration D Functionality designed for welding quality optimization DEasily integrated into a portable welding box system (SCHWEISSKOFFER)D BOS-5000 operator interface provides for easy programming, operation and diagnosticsPST 6000.XXX thyristor power unit1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GB2.2Modules and componentsThe PST 6000 thyristor power units serve to control the welding trans-formers.Integrated features:D the weld timer (central processing unit, CPU)D one slot for the type-specific I/O interfaceD one slot for the field bus module for programming (optional)D one slot for retrofitting a quality module (optional)Setup for welding1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GBBlock diagram of a thyristor power unit1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GB2.3FunctionThe thyristor power unit is designed for alternating current resistance weld-ing. Key components of an AC welding system are the thyristor power unit,the weld timer and the welding transformer.The figure below shows the basic functional design.Basic functional design of the AC welding process2.4MonitoringIn order to ensure high operational reliability, various monitoring functions are incorporated in the PST 6000 thyristor power unit.There is a thermostatic switch to signal any overload on the thyristor power unit to the weld timer.The weld timer will then output a ”Thyristor unit fault” message.When the fault has been cleared, the error message is reset as follows:D with the reset button on the weld timer front panelD by an input signal for acknowledgement (type-specific)D by an input on the BOS-5000 operator interface D by an input on the Bosch operator terminal (BT)1070 080 058-101 (2001.04) GB3Notes on RatingThe load capability of a thyristor power unit is always predefined by the type designation indicating the specific maximum welding transformer rating.CAUTIONOverloading may cause damage to the thyristor power unit!Always check the actual load applied on the thyristor power unit! Any and all warranty excluded in case of damage caused by overload.To check the actual load, use the load diagram. It shows the D output currents (I PRIM in A) relative to D the duty cycle (ED in %) atD maximum ambient temperature (in °C)that can be switched by the PST 6000 thyristor power unit.The weld time t s and the overall weld cycle duration tsp must be known to determine the duty cycle.Weld time and overall weld cycle durationThe duty cycle is computed as follows:ED =t st sp* 100%Example:ED =2 per.4 per.In the graph shown above, the weld time is 2 periodsand the overall weld cycle duration is 4 periods.This results in a duty cycle ED = 50%.• 100% = 50%.Note: If different weld times or overall weld cycle times occur on a machine, the longest weld time and the shortest overall weld cycle time (to be determined, if required, by adding the longest weld time to the shortest cool time) must be used for calculating the duty cycle!When you have calculated the duty cycle, you can use load diagrams to verify the proper selection of the thyristor power unit.。

Bosch Rexroth6000

Bosch Rexroth6000

© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications. We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Electric Drives and Controls
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications. We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.
Bosch Rexroth 焊接控制面板设备熟悉
漏电检测 仪
控制器PSI 6X00.1xx.L1
空开(欠压保 护功能) 交流接触器
外置24VDC电 源
Electric Drives and Controls
© All rights reserved by Bosch Rexroth AG, even and especially in cases of proprietary rights applications. We also retain sole power of disposal, including all rights relating to copying, transmission and dissemination.



故障代码 故障内容 处理方法 80 急停回路无24V 检查急停触点及急停回路 81 无焊接指令却通焊接电流 更换PST或电源模块,检查连接 83 控制器电源未准备好 检查控制器冷却及线缆插头 87 焊接程序无效 检查程序选择及参数范围 88 模块损坏 更换模块 89 I/O总线错误 更换I/O模块 91 主回路开关故障 检查焊接控制器 100 无24V电源 检查24V电源 102 无外部焊接 检查外部焊接控制信号 162 电源电压缺失/太低 检查主回路线电压 166 无24V或24V太低 检查24V电源回路 222 冷却温度测量错误 检查焊接控制器 164 变压器温度过高 检查电缆、变压器及负载功率 85 存储数据丢失 更换电池后导入数据 184 比例阀故障 检查比例阀 99-1 电流检测环开路 检查电缆及连接部分 99-2 电流检测环短路 检查电缆及连接部分 99-6 焊接过程中禁止监控 检查参数中的禁止监控功能 223 整流二极管报警 降低焊接输出或延长焊接时间 219 主空开跳闸(焊接变压器过载) 检查焊接回路 118 焊接电极冷却水缺失 检查接头、电缆及冷却水 120 焊接回路未闭合 检查接头、电及主空开 122 焊接回路没有打开 检查接头、电缆及主空开 99-310 电流超出范围 检查二次回路电流传感器及连接 99-311 电流偏差太大 检查次级回路,重新标定 115-1 PSQ硬件错误 断电重启,检查固化软件版本 115-11 PSQ存储丢失 重新设置参数 115-16 电极电压检测环错误 检查电压测量及测量电压参数设定值 99-2061 PSQ时间过短 检查信号、检查时间公差带设置下限 99-2062 PSQ时间过长 检查信号、检查时间公差带设置上限



1、 焊接控制器号和程序号
2、 所有程序的过程控制数据
3、 选定程序的调节运行模式数据
4、 选定程序的过程时间运行模式数据
5、 选定程序过程时间参数和功率参数数据
6、 选定程序的调节参数数据
7、 选定程序的电极参数
1、设置第 项,Heat 设置为TIP 修磨前一个焊点的电流参数(在第 项的基础上递增)。

如图,焊枪焊接100次进行一次修磨,修磨5次需要进行更换TIP 操作。

焊接的第一个焊点电流为7KA 第100个焊点为7.7KA 。

第1个焊点到第100个焊点电流按照7-7.7KA 等比例递增。

1、 焊接控制器的程序号
2、 针对程序的功率、压力和监测调节的实际值
3、 针对程序的标准或混合式电流监测的实际值
4、 针对程序的时间监测的实际值
5、 电极功率更正和压力更正的实际值,如当前的损耗状态的已完成的铣削次数
6、 针对程序的功率更正和压力更正的实际值,针对电极的更正第5条起累加作用。

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BOSCH 6000中频焊接控制器简介

BOSCH 6000中频焊接控制器简介

BOSCH 6000系列中频逆变焊接控制系统博世力士乐(中国)有限公司BOSCH焊接系统在世界电阻焊接市场的地位z世界财富500强公司的荣誉产品世界中频焊接控制系统第一品牌全球(包括中国)市场占有率第一z BOSCH中频控制系统在全球五大洲70多个国家地区长期使用z BOSCH销售、服务、调试、维修部门遍布全球z目前中国市场已经有400套以上的中频控制系统在稳定的使用BOSCH全球首家提出数字化焊接概念的中频焊接系统z无故障时间大大增加焊接控制器内部没有需要连接的东西,只要会编程就可以了z故障的修理时间大大减少完整的故障代码系统,只要查查手册就可以维修和维护z完整的联网解决方案不仅可以简单联网,还可以在全球任何地方都管理它z CE 安全产品质量认证z ISO9000和QS9000质量体系认证z焊接质量比交流的大大提高,并且属于节能降耗新一代产品BOSCH控制器适用范围精密电阻焊接,PSI6025 点焊,PSI6100,PSI6300凸焊,PSI6200,PSI6500 缝焊,PSI6200,PSI6500对焊,PSI6200,PSI6500BOSCH控制器基本功能单机版可以管理256套程序多机版最大可以管理256*40套程序特殊缝焊控制器可以管理32套程序,每套程序含7套子程序可以用数据库管理焊点的焊接工艺包括每个焊点的焊接程序,焊接顺序,焊接电极,焊接出错记录等等电流任意编程包括预热、上坡、焊接、下坡、后热等五段加热过程压力任意编程包括平压力、阶梯压力和马鞍形压力,完全数字化编程自由的扩展编程输出附加了一个可编程扩展输出信号给电磁阀,PLC或机器人,实现焊接自动化电流控制模式: PHA, KSRPHA模式主要用于焊机的电流标定KSR模式用于焊接时恒流反馈控制,包括初级电流或次级电流(选项)恒流电流形式:MF/ DC标准的中频逆变1000HZ时间精度: 毫秒级毫秒级的控制精度,大大提高焊接质量电极焊接计数功能电极焊接计数自动报警,提示修磨电极或电极的更换。












该技术的主要特点是:¾采用先进的电子控制装置及配有高速电磁开关阀,使得喷油过程的控制十分方便,并且可控参数多,益于柴油机燃烧过程的全程优化¾采用共轨方式供油,喷油系统压力波动小,各喷油嘴间相互影响小,喷射压力控制精度较高,喷油量控制较准确¾高速电磁开关阀频响高,控制灵活,使得喷油系统的喷射压力可调范围大,并且能方便地实现预喷射、后喷等功能,为优化柴油机喷油规律、改善其性能和降低废气排放提供了有效手段¾系统结构移植方便,适应范围宽,不像其它的几种电控喷油系统,对柴油机的结构形式有专门要求;高压共轨系统,均能与目前的小型、中型及重型柴油机很好匹配电控高压共轨和电控单体泵优劣势对比电控高压共轨和电控单体泵优劣势对比三、BOSCH电控共轨系统介绍CPN2.2高压油泵,提供1600bar燃油压力CRIN2第二代喷油器,喷油压力达1600barLWRN2高压共轨管激光焊接、性能稳定EDC7电控单元整车控制中心1、BOSCH电控高压共轨系统构成BOSCH电控高压共轨结构示意图back CRIN2/3:0...1 bar rel喷油器回油背压: 0~1bar 相对压力bypass valve 旁通阀: high pressure: low pressureprefilter 粗滤injectors 喷油器rail 油轨DBV限压阀hand-primer手油泵ZDT 零油量孔ECU cooling plateECU 冷却盘over pressurevalve过压保护阀metering unit油量计量单元overflowvalve溢流阀CPN2.2main filter 精滤p suction:0.35...1.00 bar abs 齿轮泵进口压力:0.35~1.00bar 绝对压力p back: < 1.2 bar abs油泵回油背压: <1.2 bar 绝对压力p ZP outlet: < 9.0 bar abs齿轮泵出口背压: < 9.0 bar 绝对压力 BOSCH电控高压共轨安装示意图2、传感器传感器类型传感器磁电式曲轴转速传感器数字量凸轮相位传感器数字量变阻传感器热敏电阻水温、机油温、燃油温、进气温度等模拟量滑线变阻器加速踏板位置传感器模拟量应变片变阻器轨压、机油压力、进气压力传感器等模拟量ECU(电子控制单元)ECU是电控发动机的控制中心,通过接收各传感器传送来的发动机运行信息,加以运算处理后控制各执行器动作。


操控盒上可以显示出控制器准备信号,电极修磨请求,电极更换预警,以及电极达 到寿命的信号。焊接与调整的开关。
PSI6300.155L1 控制器的概况
主电源电缆 接入端口 CPU 主板
控制器输 出端口
I/O 通讯卡 以太网卡接口 电池
控制器是一款模块化的高度集成的产品,功率模块和时序单元已 经集成在此产品中。
控制器内部逻辑使用外部电源,I/O 模块接受内部生成的 24VDC。 适用场合:联网系统。 优点:在主电压断电以后编程与诊断这些功能仍然能够使 用。控制器与 I/O 模块的输入输出可能会出现潜在的分离。 缺点:主电源断电后,控制器和 PLC 或机器人之间没有 I/O 通讯
控制器内部逻辑和 I/O 模块都是接受外部共同的 24VDC。 适用场合:更加适合联网系统。 优点:控制器与 PLC 或机器人的的 I/O 通讯,以 及编程和诊断功能在主电源断电情况下仍然能使 用。 缺点:控制器和 I/O 模块的输入输出点不存在潜 在分离的可能。
如果反馈端口无任何输入,在焊钳闭合以后控制器将不会有电流 输出,控制器状态将会显示等待压力接触。
操控盒连接 操控盒通过 Harting 插头和控制柜本体连接。 焊接参数设置 焊接参数可以通过手持型编程器或者电脑进行设置。在电脑上安装 BOS6000 软件,通过 R232 端口,或者以太网卡接口对焊接控制器进行 参数设置。
CPU 主板
R232 编程端口
24VDC 接线端子 压力传感器的 24VDC 电子比例阀输出 压力反馈模拟输入 次级电流及温度传 感端口
绿灯亮说明 24VDC 进入控制器 红灯亮说明 3 相 380V 进入控制器并且直流 母线电压>60V 绿灯亮说明控制器准备完毕 黄灯亮说明功率模块触发 红灯亮说明电池电量低 错误复位按钮



Editor: Zhangmin
Secret level: Internal
Update: 2015.10.08
1、焊点名称:0-11 2、程序:11 3、备注:current Calibration 4、禁止启动:OFF 5、焊接/无内部焊接:ON 6、预压:200ms 主焊接:400ms、8KA 保持时间:200ms
1、调整功能必须打开 2、电流上公差:15% 3、电流下公差:7% 4、时间最大延长:100%
Editor: Zhangmin
Secret level: Internal
Update: 2015.10.08
Editor: Zhangmin
Secret level: Internal
Update: 2015.10.08
Editor: Zhangmin
Secret level: Internal
Update: 2015.10.08
1、调整功能必须打开 2、电流上公差:15% 3、电流下公差:7% 4、时间最大延长:150%
Secret level: Internal
Update: 2015.10.08
1、参考电阻:根据样本曲线 2、上公差带:10μΩ 3、下公差带:10μΩ
Editor: Zhangmin
Secret level: Internal



-SW2-SW3残余漏流电-P1焊钳1极修磨求电请焊钳2极修磨求电请焊钳2极寿命束电结焊钳1极寿命束电结-SWE7没电有电合闭极修磨电0焊钳1 焊钳2位时间复焊钳1 焊钳2位时间复0 1-P6-P2-P4-P5-SW4V24程口编-XS1A 控制器位错误复控制器正常-SL7/PL7修位置维-XS5BHartingEthernetconnector-P31 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BOS_IND_1 List of material Parts nomenclature A1-X1 von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Vefügungsbefugnis, Quantity Designation Type number Manufacturer Part number Materials number a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sub-D connector, 9–pole female Metal hood EMI/RFI 9-pole differential current evaluation unit M12-cable 3 pole Load monitoring Housing RAL 7035 HxWxD = 800x600x300 supporting frame Label set Warning sign Screw connection Counternut Screw connection Counternut Screw connection Counternut Screw connection Counternut Screw connection blind plug screw seal plug Relay module Extension spring clamp Miniature plug-in relay 24VDC LED + free-wheeling diode Base for plug-in relay Relay module M12-cable 5 pole Indicator light, yellow Label holder Nameplate Indicator light, yellow Label holder Nameplate Indicator light, yellow Label holder Nameplate Indicator light, yellow Label holder Nameplate Indicator light, yellow Label holder Nameplate Indicator light, green Label holder Nameplate Power circuit breaker Undervoltage release Screw connection point special switch actuator Contact element DE09SSBT 8655.MH0901 RCMA423-D-1KUW/LED A-M12 3x0,34 LOCC-Box-FB 7-6400 KALUGA/MF Gestell/Variab Schildersatz Audi T99 W1R-100 BSK-PA M50x1,5 KMK-PA-METER M50x1,5 BSK-PA M40x1,5 KMK-PA-METER M40x1,5 BSK-PA M16x105 KMK-PA-METERM16x1,5 BSK-PA M12x1,5 KMK-PA-METER M12x1,5 VS M20x1,5 MS M22-B VSK M 40X1.5 EMG 17-REL/KSR- 24/21-21-LC STTB 2,5-PV 94.84.3 EMG 17-REL/KSR- 24/21-21-LC KUW5-M12 5x0,34 3SB3244-6AA30-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3244-6AA30-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV3SB1904-2AA 3SB3244-6AA30-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3244-6AA30-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3244-6AA30-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV3SB1904-2AA 3SB3244-6AA40-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA NZMH1-A125 NZM1-XU24DC NZM1-XKS NZM1-XS-U M22-K10 Souriau Souriau Bender LützeLütze Häwa Häwa Rosenbaum Jäger Helu Helu Helu Helu Helu Helu Helu Helu Helu EATON (Moeller Helu Phoenix Phoenix Finder GmbH Finder GmbH Finder GmbH Phoenix Lütze Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens EATON (Moeller EATON (Moeller EATON (Moeller EATON (Moeller EATON (Moeller DE09SSBT 8655.MH0901 RCMA423-D-1 468020.0150 716400 KALUGA/MF Gestell/Variab Schildersatz T99 W1R-100 94816 97822 94815 97821 98018 97817 94814 97816 98130 216388 94775 2940391 3031539 94.84.3 2940391 456802.0150 3SB3244-6AA30-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3244-6AA30-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3244-6AA30-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3244-6AA30-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV3SB1904-2AA 3SB3244-6AA30-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3244-6AA40-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 284414 259452 260019 110106 216376R911171279 R911171280 R911171282 R911172056 R911171283 e d R911171331R911171332 R911171334 R911171355 R911171355 c b R911172479 A1-X1 A3 BV1 wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall F1 Gehaeuse Gehaeuse Gehaeuse Gehaeuse Gehaeuse Gehaeuse GehaeuseGehaeuse Gehaeuse Gehaeuse Gehaeuse Gehaeuse Gehaeuse Gehaeuse Gehaeuse K1 K2 K2 K2 K2 K3 KYP1 P1 P1 P1 P2 P2 P2 P3 P3 P3 P4 P4 P4 P5 P5 P5 P6 P6 P6 Q0 information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. Q0 Q0 Q0 Q0 This document, as well as the data, specifications and other f Bill of materials WSC60HA-040.21-Basis en 1070091891 Sheet/Bl. 21 Sheets/Bl. 281 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BOS_IND_1 List of material Parts nomenclature Q0 von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Vefügungsbefugnis, Quantity Designation Type number Manufacturer Part number Materials number a 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 3 1 9 2 6 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cover Extension axis Circuit-breaker, size S0 Control element, round Switching element Nameplate Label holder Illuminated pushbutton, yellow Label holder Nameplate Complete unit, round Label holder Nameplate Complete unit, round Label holder Nameplate Complete unit, round, knob Label holder Nameplate Control element, round Switching element Label holder Nameplate measuring converter Snap-on mounting Power supply connecting cable End support cover Jumper Jumper Extension spring clamp doublestick terminal doublestick terminal element-series terminal Extension spring clamp End support Universal clamp Plug element with screwed flange, tension spring connection Plug element with threaded flange, tension spring connection Female plug-in connectors Flat gasket Protective cap Hexagon bolt Wall penetration dustcap for wall penetration Wall penetration dustcap for wall penetration Patch cable Pin insert NZM1-XIPK Achse lang 3RV1421-0KA103SB3000-1CA11 3SB3403-0C 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3925-0AV 3SB3247-0AA31-0CCO 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3208-2DA11-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA3SB3208-2DA11-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3201-2KA11-0CC03SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3000-5AE51 3SB3403-0A 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA W35ABP B 98080501 CPSB2-120-24 LiYY CLIPFIX 35 D-STTB 2,5 FBS 2-5 FBS 3-5 STTB 2,5-PV STTB 2,5-PE STTB 2,5 STTB 2,5-2DIO/O-UL/UR-UL STTB 2,5-DIO/O-U E/AL-NS 35 UK35 FKC 2,5/ 4-ST-5,08-RF FKIC 2,5/ 4-ST-5,08-RNDA15SSBT F99-920-702 F1042-2SK F-GSCH1/5-K130 Han® PushPull RJ45 Han® PushPull Han® PushPull RJ45 Han® PushPull PATCHKABEL2GR HAN25D EATON (Moeller GMB Günther Müller Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Siemens Bender Bender Lütze Bender Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Phoenix Souriau EVG Schuricht Distrelec GmbH FCT Electronic GmbH Harting Harting Harting Harting Reichelt Harting 266744 Achse lang 3RV1421-0KA10 3SB3000-1CA11 3SB3403-0c 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3925-0AV 3SB3247-0AA31-0CCO 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3208-2DA11-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3208-2DA11-0CC0 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3201-2KA11-0CC03SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA 3SB3000-5AE51 3SB3403-0A 3SB3925-0AV 3SB1904-2AA B980800051 B 98080501 722983 WX-250 3022218 3030459 3030161 3030174 3031539 3036026 3031270 3031584 3031555 1201662 3008012 1925715 1925883DA15SSBT F99-920-702 126496 F-GSCH1/5-K130 09 35 221 0311 09 35 002 5402 09 35 221 0311 09 35 002 5402 PATCHKABEL2GR 09 21 025 3001 R911172000R911172480 Q0 QT1 S1 wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall S1 S1 S1 SL7/-PL7 SL7/-PL7 SL7/-PL7 SW2 SW2 SW2 SW3 SW3 SW3 SW4 SW4 SW4 SWE7 SWE7 SWE7 SWE7 T1 T1 T10 WT1 XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL XL10 XL10 XQ0 XQ0 XS1A XS1A XS1A XS1A XS5A XS5A b R911172016 c R911172478 d e information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. XS5B XS5B XS5B XS6.1 This document, as well as the data, specifications and other f Bill of materials WSC60HA-040.21-Basis en 1070091891 Sheet/Bl. 22 Sheets/Bl. 281 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BOS_IND_1 List of material Parts nomenclature XS6.1 von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Vefügungsbefugnis, Quantity Designation Type number Manufacturer Part number Materials number a 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 10 1 2 1 Add-on enclosurewith folding cover Socket insert Female contacts Coding socket Pin insert Add-on enclosure with folding cover Socket insert Female contacts Sleeve housing Pin contacts Coding pin HAN25D HAN25D BUCHSEN 0,5MM² 09 33 000 9909 HAN25DHAN25D HAN25D BUCHSEN 0,5MM² HAN25D STIFTE 0,5MM² 09 33 000 9908 Harting Harting Harting Harting Harting Harting Harting Harting Harting Harting Harting 09 20 016 0321 09 21 025 3101 09 15 000 6203 09 33 000 9909 09 21 025 3001 09 20 016 0321 09 21 025 3101 09 15 000 6203 19 20 016 1440 09 15 000 6103 09 33 000 9908 R911171301 R911171291 b R911171291 XS6.1 XS6.1 XS6.1 wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall XS6.2 XS6.2 XS6.2 XS6.2 XS6.2 XS6.2 XS6.2 c d e information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. This document, as well as the data, specifications and other f Bill of materials WSC60HA-040.21-Basis en 1070091891 Sheet/Bl. 23 Sheets/Bl. 28This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Vefügungsbefugnis, Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall 1 Structure of hall installation plate 1070091891 Sheet/Bl. Sheets/Bl. 2 3 4 5 6 WSC60HA-040.21-Basis en 28 24 a c d b e f BOS_IND_1 7 8This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Vefügungsbefugnis, Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall frame G1 G1 1 Optional supporting HA-040.22 1070091892 2 3 X 4 5 1070091891 Sheet/Bl. Sheets/Bl. 6 G1 WSC60HA-040.21-Basis en 28 25 e f X 7 8 BOS_IND_1 a c d bThis document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Vefügungsbefugnis, Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall 1 supporting frame primed for hanging up flame retracted (standard 2 3 4 5 1070091891 Sheet/Bl. Sheets/Bl. 6 WSC60HA-040.21-Basis en flame retracted (standard top of the cabinet flagband yellow / black bonded both-sided 28 26 a c d b e f primed for hanging up BOS_IND_1 7 81 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BOS_IND_1 Parts list - hall installation plate Item designation BV1 von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Vefügungsbefugnis, page/ path /13.4 /25.1 /25.1/25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1/25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1/25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1/25.1 /25.1 Bosch Rexroth Amount 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 3 6 3 1 2 8 3 1 2 0,4 m 2 2 2 5 2 3 3 1 2 1 1 0,85 m 0,3 m 1 1 1 1 0,25 m 0,4 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Designation Flow monitor waterplate Audi X77 Stainless steel tube Stainless steel tube Stainless steel tube Stainless steel tube Water distributor Closing cone Closing cone Label set dirt trap cable clamp cablestar Ermeto pipe clamp mounting rail positiv reducing coupling Ermeto pipe clamp Ermeto pipe clamp Ermeto pipe clamp Pipe protection caps Screw-type covering cap Screw-type covering cap Cable duct Hose nozzle Hose nozzle Screw-in gland Screw-in gland Screw-in gland Screw-in gland Hose nozzle Ball valve Ball valve Sealing head Sealing head Parker plug-in hose Parker plug-in hose Maintenance unit Pressure gauge Pressure gauge Silencer Compressed-air hose Compressed-air hose Elbow coupling Angular plug-in connection Straight cable gland Elbow coupling Straight cable gland Double nipple Reducing nozzle Double nipple Type number 300112C7CH Wasserplatte/X77 JAE-VA-ROHR-370mm beideseitig Aussengewinde 1/2 zoll JAE-VA-ROHR-710mm beideseitig Aussengewinde 1/2 zoll JAE-VA-ROHR-650mm beideseitig Aussengewinde 1/2 zoll JAE-VA-ROHR-730mm beideseitig Aussengewinde 1/2 zollWasserverteiler für HA Audi T99 China STOPFEN 1/2 STOPFEN 3/8 AUDI T99/HIP SF00. X6.080.001 X6.081.003 RAP533.7X TMA/TMB1VERZX M6 1"x1/2"V4A VK38MSV VK12MSV RAP321.3X GPN250/15 3/8 Zoll 800M 1/2 Zoll 800M 01341152 39-V-16631 1/2 39-V-16631 3/8 39-D-1402/3 3/8"-1/2" 39-D-1403/3 1/2"-1/2" 39-D-1403/2 3/8"-3/8" 39-D-1403/5 1"-1" 39-V-16631 1" SKG0110130blauSKG0110131rot 36C82-10-6BK 37C82-10-6BK 831-6RED-RL 831-8RED-RL AS2-FRE-G038-GAN-100-PBP-H0-05.00 G1/4 ANZEIGE 0-10 BAR PG1-ROB-G014-SAS-D63-0-10 BAR SI1 G1/4 1820712086 1820712087 G1/2 G12 G1/2 G1/4 QR2-S-RVTG3/8 QR2-S-RPN R3/8a-R1/2a G1/4A-G3/8i G3/8A-G3/8A manufacturer Günther GmbH Jäger Jäger Jäger Jäger Jäger Papp Zerspanungstechnik Jäger Jäger Rosenbaum PKP Prozessmesstechnik Nimak Nimak Kistenpfennig AG Kistenpfennig AG Stapf Kistenpfennig AG Kistenpfennig AG Kistenpfennig AG Pöppelmann PöppelmannPöppelmann Uni-Elektro Reinhold Quiter GmbH Reinhold Quiter GmbH Reinhold Quiter GmbH Reinhold Quiter GmbH Reinhold Quiter GmbH Reinhold Quiter GmbH Reinhold Quiter GmbH PKP Prozessmesstechnik PKP Prozessmesstechnik Parker Parker Parker Parker Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Article number300112C7CH Wasserplatte/X77 JAE-VA-ROHR-370mm JAE-VA-ROHR-710mm JAE-VA-ROHR-650mm JAE-VA-ROHR-730mm Wasserverteiler für HA Audi T99 China STOPFEN 1/2 STOPFEN 3/8 AUDI T99/HIP SF00. X6.080.001 X6.081.003 RAP533.7X TMA/TMB1VERZX 328279 VK38MSV VK12MSV RAP321.3XGPN250/15 3/8 Zoll 800M 1/2 Zoll 800M 01341152 39-V-16631 1/2 39-V-16631 3/8 39-D-1402/3 3/8"-1/2" 39-D-1403/3 1/2"-1/2" 39-D-1403/2 3/8"-3/8" 39-D-1403/5 1"-1" 39-V-16631 1" SKG0110130blau SKG0110131rot 36C82-10-6BK 37C82-10-6BK 831-6RED-RL 831-8RED-RL R412006203 R412004417 R412004423 R412004817 1820712086 1820712087 1823391840 1823391944 1823373054 1823391718 1823373051 1823391020 8931843804 1823391019 Materials number R911172481 aHIP HIP HIP wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP HIP b c d e information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. HIP HIP HIP HIP This document, as well as the data, specifications and other f Parts list - hall installation plate WSC60HA-040.21-Basis en 1070091891 Sheet/Bl. 27 Sheets/Bl. 281 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BOS_IND_1 Parts list - hall installation plate Item designation HIP von Schutzrechtsanmeldungen. Jede Vefügungsbefugnis, page/ path /25.1 /25.1 /25.1/25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /25.1 /8.6 Bosch Rexroth Amount 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 Designation Sleeve Elbow coupling Elbow coupling Cross connector Reducing screw fitting Elbow coupling T-connector screw seal plug Elbow coupling Elbow coupling screw seal plug Double nipple Prop. valve Type number FPT-S-RSK-G012 FPT-SRVK-R012 FPT-S-RVT-R038-G038 G3/8 - Kreuzanschluss FPT-S-RDZ-G038-G014 FPT-S-RVT-R014-G014 FPT-S-RTK-G012 FPT-S-RBI-G012 R1/2 FPT-S-RVT-R012-G012 G1/2 FPT-S-RVK-G012 G1/2 G1/4 R1/2a-R1/2a ED05-000-100-010-1M12S manufacturer Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Bosch Rexroth Article number 1823300008 1823391736 1823391729 1823390043 1823391013 1823391728 1823391742 1823462031 1823391730 1823391724 1823462003 1823391029 R414002297 Materials number a HIP_ HIP_ HIP_ wie Kopier- und Weitergaberecht, bei uns. Alle Rechte bei Bosch Rexroth AG, auch für den Fall HIP_ HIP_ HIP_ HIP_ HIP_ HIP_ HIP_ HIP_ KYP1 b c d e information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth AG. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent. This document, as well as the data, specifications and other f Parts list - hall installation plate WSC60HA-040.21-Basis en 1070091891 Sheet/Bl. 28 Sheets/Bl. 28。

BOS 6000焊接控制系统 接线速成

BOS 6000焊接控制系统 接线速成

BOS 6000焊接控制系统速成接线博世力士乐(中国)有限公司注意事项注意:本速成接线仅供参考使用,所有资料和安全注意事项请以英文原版资料为准!!更多内容请参考英文原版资料!!1.电源系统接线原理1.三相电源线和控制器的接线,另外,PE一定要接电源地线,请注意选用高等级的电缆!!! 2.控制器与变压器的接线3.温度传感器的接线原理注意:在初级电源连接中,从控制器到变压器的高压连接电缆一定要使用高等级的绝缘耐磨可拉伸产品,并一定在三芯电缆外层要加耐磨阻燃套管,并且在电器箱设计中要有漏电保护开关和必要的漏电保护装置,请重视安全,否则发生一切问题与博世力士乐无关!!!高压危险,珍惜生命,注意:接地的电阻不得大于4 欧姆电气系统的中线N和保护接地P(E)1. 中线N不可以作为保护接地P(E)使用,同样保护地线P(E)不可以作为中线N使用,二者不得混淆。


2. 作为保护地线P(E)引入电气系统后,必须作为永久保护接地进入电气系统(电气箱),必须直接与电气系统(电气箱)中的总接地排连接。

3. 在整个电气控制系统中,保护接地连接必须是独立连接的,不允许任何借用其他安装目的的螺栓作为保护接地连接。

4. 整个电气系统的保护接地必须采用是树叉状连接。






博世焊机UIR自适应系统摘要:博世中频自适应焊机具有UIR(Voltage/Current regulator)自适应系统,能有效提高焊点质量、减少飞溅,在汽车厂得到越来越广泛的运用。















BOSCH REXROTH焊机的UIR自适应系统就是这样一种监测技术:通过监测焊接过程中的动态电阻,从而判定焊点是否合格。


2.UIR自适应系统原理2.1 动态电阻的变化规律UIR在控制过程中需要采集两个重要的信号,即次级电流信号和次级电压信号。



2014.5.21日18:16:56秒的 一条曲线
2012-04-01 | Department | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2010. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
在PSQ-UIR Monitoring 中设定监控值及合适的公差带值
2012-04-01 | Department | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2010. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
CP6现场UIR使用中的一些问题 一、251号程序因修磨电阻不稳定,监控功能被关闭。 解决办法:需要查修磨器修磨参数、刀片状态、堵屑情况,重新开启监控设置公差带
2012-04-01 | Department | © Bosch Rexroth AG 2010. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.
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T:交流控制器 I:中频控制器
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.18
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.19
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.20
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.29
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.30
2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.5
状态指示灯 1 2
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.6
焊 接 控 制 器
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.7
伺服阀 电磁阀 气动三连件
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.8
二、 项 目 规 划
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.31
1 焊接控制器名
2 焊接控制器注释 1
3 通道
2 3
4 IP地址
Date: File:
2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.32
5 测试网络
6 模式选择
7 数据方向
8 软件版本
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3 焊接模式
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.39
4 监控模式
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.40
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.41
5 校准模式 6 焊钳号 7 重复焊接
5 6 7
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.42
2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.35
三、程 序
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.36
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.37
1 程序禁止 2 有无焊接
1 2
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.38
并联式 Profibus Interbus 金属线 Interbus 光缆线 Interbus 光缆线 OPC DeviceNet V24
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.3
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.4
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.13
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2020/5/2 S020/5/2 SSP1_01C.15
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.16
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.17
2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.33
9 程序备份 10 选择文件列表
11 选择备份路径
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.34
12 程序恢复按钮 13 恢复文件列表
13 14
14 选择备份 文件路径
15 软件中项目列表
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1:400-480VAC 2:480-690VAC
L:空冷 W:水冷
第一个号码:输入/输出连接类型 1:24V 2:PROFIBUS 3:INTERBUS 4:Device Net 5:Ethernet 第二、第三号码:版本号
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.22
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.23
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.24
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.25
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.1
焊 接 控 制 器
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.2
中频逆变器 PSI6300
中频逆变器6 - 36kA, 输入电 压400 - 480 V -20% (类型1)或者 500 - 690 V -10% (类型2), 5 0/60 Hz, 空冷( L ) 或者水冷( W ),联接PSG6000变压器,形成完整 的控制功能,额定电流110A (热连 续电流), I/O板的选择项:
电池电量指示灯,当电池需要更换 时,红灯亮
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.11
软件连接是通过一个通 讯卡,Ethernet连接或 者通过串行端口X1连接 到控制器
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.12
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水压检测 提供给焊钳 (两把焊钳)
进水管 绿色水管 出水管 红色水管
G1变压器 Q1过流 保护装置
A3 电压互感器
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.9
空开Q0 总电源
脱扣器 欠压 保护装置
1、控制电压指示灯 2、控制器准备好信号灯 3、故障指示灯 4、焊接指示灯 5、电池电量指示灯 6、故障复位按钮
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2020/5/2 SSP1_01C.10
控制器电压指示灯:绿色表示焊接 控制器已经接了24V控制电压
控制器准备好信号灯:红的直流母 线电压大于60v时亮,有故障时灯 不亮。断电时要等灯全灭后,方 可进行维修操作
故障指示灯:没有任何故障时, 灯为绿色,表示已经准备好可以
焊接指示灯,当焊接进行时黄灯亮, 焊接完成黄灯灭