



Unit 1 Another Busy Day(1)Amy: Good morning, Talia.Talia: Oh, hi. Good morning.Amy: You know, you're working too hard.Talia: I know. I always work this hard. Maybe you could mention that to Tony? I don't think he knows it.Amy: Is that a new hairstyle? It's very ... unique.Talia: Very funny. I had to work late last night. I' m tired, I'm in a bad mood, and I don't care about my hair.Amy: That's probably why you're not a reporter yet.Talia: You think so?Amy: No, I'm just kidding...Talia: You may be right.Amy: Maybe Tony will take you more seriously after you finish the journalism class.Talia: Oh, no! Our journalism class! I forgot. It's tomorrow. What's the homework?Amy: Compare two news stories on the same topic.Talia: That's easy enough to do. Sounds interesting, too. I guess I'll do it after work.Amy: You work too hard.Unit 1 Another Busy Day(2)Amy: Why don't you take a break tonight? Yeah, why not come with me to a party?Talia: No thanks. Maybe some other time.Amy: Come on! Josh Taylor is having a party. A lot of available guys will be there... You might meet someone.Talia: No, listen! I'm too busy to go. Go without me...Tony: Good, you're here. I have something important to talk to you about.What are you working on?Talia: I'm researching the background information for that transportation story.Amy: She's always working. She told me to tell you that.Tony: I have a big project for you to work on. I know you've been hoping for a break. This may be it.Talia: Really? That's great!Tony: Come to my office in about 10 minutes. By the way, you look different. Have you done something with your hair?Unit 2 Breaking News(1)Tony: Someone sent us this tape. This is incredible. What a shame. Talia: What' s a shame?Tony: Have you ever heard of Nick Crawford, the soccer player? He's thestar forward on our national team.Talia: Of course. Everyone's heard of him, I think.Tony: Well, apparently this conversation took place a while ago: Nick Crawford talks about how he needs money.Amy: That's not big news. There's a rumor that he's fallen into debt lately.I've heard all sorts of gossip about that.Tony: Yes, but, it gets even more interesting. Also on the tape, a woman offers him $50,000.Talia: What for?Tony: To sit out the first round qualifying match. Remember? Nick Crawford had an injury and couldn't play in that game?Talia: Sure, I remember. We lost that match, and if we lose again, we might be eliminated.Tony: Exactly. The next qualifying round is coming up. If this tape is real, Nick Crawford will be history.Amy: You mean, he won't get to play in the next match?Tony: Exactly. And without him, we'll probably lose again.Amy: Wow! A real scandal! Is the tape for real?Tony: Talia, that's your job now. Find out if the tape is authentic. And you'd better find out fast.Unit 2 Breaking News(2)Talia: OK. I'll get this tape to an expert.Tony: If we can, we'll run the tape on tonight's broadcas—t before the competition hears about it. In fact, they may already have a copyof this tape.Talia: Speaking of copies, we ought to make a copy of this. We shouldn't give away our only one.Tony: Good thinking. Amy ... handle this with care.Amy: Absolutely!Talia: See you later. I'm going to call the audio department. They can give me the name of an expert.Tony: Tell them we need someone fast.Talia: OK. I'm on it.Tony: Is there a problem?Talia: Not exactly. I'll do it. It's just that ... I know Nick Crawford.Tony: You do?Talia: Yes. We went to college together. It's hard to believe he would do something like this.Tony: Well, wake up and smell the coffee, Talia! He's a big star. He's beena star on the national team for four years now.People do crazythings when they get famous.Talia: I just can't believe it. Nick Crawford taking a bribe?Tony: Listen, Talia. You're smart. You're a good researcher, and one day—I hope —you'll be a great reporter. But don't let youremotions get in the way of your work. If you do, I'll have to findsomeone else to work on this story.Unit 3 A Job For Talia(1)Woman’s voice on tape: We ’ll pay you fifty thousand dollars.Nick ’s voice on tape: And all I have to do is sit on the bench?Woman’s voice on tape: That ’s right. Do that, and fifty thousand dollars isyours.Nick ’s voice on tape: Well, I can really u tsh e money. You ’ve gotyourself a deal.Woman’s voice on tape: Great. It ’s a pleasure doing business with you. Tony: How ’s it going?Talia: I can ’t tell. I hope our expert will be able to figure it out.Tony: Me, too, when will we have the results?Talia: He’s going to call me back this afternoon.Tony: Good.Talia: You know, I ’ve been a researcher here for three years. I ’v investigated other scandals. But something here doesn ’t seem right.Tony: What do you mean?Talia: It just doesn ’t make s e n sa e w.f o N r i d c k l o Cv r e s soccer. Why wouldhe do something to hurt his career?Tony: That ’s a good question. How well do you know Nick Crawford? Ishe a friend of yours?Talia: No, not really. I just knew him in college. We had English togetherfor two semesters.Tony: Oh, that ’s it?Talia: Well, I got to know him a little. I know that he moved here fromEngland about 10 years ago. I know that he I’k nsoswmart.Andthat he ’s always dreamed of being a great soccer star.Tony: Mm-hmm.Talia: So, why would he risk ruining his career?Unit 3 A Job For Talia(2)Talia: Bad news. The audio expert needs another day to check the tape.Tony: Did you tell him it was urgent? Find someone else.Talia: Of course I told him. But I also told him we need to be sure,absolutely sure.Tony: That ’s true.Talia: Tony, listen. I have an idea. Let me go and talk to Nick.Tony: I don ’t know ?Talia: He may remember me. He may be willing to confide in me.Tony: Talia, look, you ’re not a reporter yet, you ’re still a researcher Remember?Talia: Please, Tony. Give me a chance. What do you have to lose?Tony: All right, I ’ll give you one more day. But only one more day.Talia: You won ’t be sorry. Just one more thing: if I find something big,the story is mine, right?Tony: What do you mean?Talia: I mean, you ’ll let me report it, won ’t you? If I can get Nick to tell me everything?Tony: You deserve a breakI. know that. I ’ll tell you what: come up with something big and the story is yours. But, Talia be careful.Talia: What do you mean?Tony: This Nick Crawford guy ?I hear he can be very charming. Don ’t let him charm you out of a story.Unit 4 A Matter Of Trust(1)Talia: Nick?Nick: I know you, don ’t I?Talia: Yes. I ’m Talia, Talia Santos.Nick: Yeah, Talia! Of course!Talia: After all these years, I ’m surprised you remember me.Nick: How could I forget you?? We were in an English literature classtogether, weren’t we?Talia: That’s right, the Shakespeare class.Nick: Right, Dr. Custer ’s class. She was a tough teacher. She really made us work hard.Talia: Oh, gosh, don ’t remind me.Nick: We studied together for the final, didn ’t we?Talia: Yes, that ’s ri g r ehct.aAl,syIou did really well on it.Nick: That ’s right! But only because I speak Shakespeare so fluently.Talia: Very cute.Nick: So, what are you doing here? Are you a big soccer fan now?Talia: Not exactly. I ’m a researcher now ?with Newsline.Nick: Oh, I see. Well, news people aren ’t my favourite people right now. I heard there ’s a nasty story coming out aboSutome.thing aboutme throwing a game?Talia: That ’s why I ’m here.Nick: Too bad. Well, maybe we can meet again sometime, under differentcircumstances.Unit 4 A Matter Of Trust(2)Talia: No listen. I ’d like to ?I want to hear your side of the story. You don’t trust me, do you?Nick: Nope. You ’re in the news business. You ’re all alike.Talia: Hey, don ’t judge me so quickly. I told you the truth about why I was here, didn ’taI l?y.R Y e o u can trust me.Nick: Look, the only goal I have right now is helping my team win thequalifying match next weekend. After that I will deal with this mess.Talia: Wait, Nick. The charges are serious. People say you threw a game.They think you have gambling debts.Nick: Yes. That ’s why I gave the Soccer Federation access to my bank accounts.Talia: They could stop you from playing. Forever.Nick: That ’s impossible.Talia: No, it ’s not. That ’s why I want you to talk to me. I want your story.Did you or didn ’t you take the money? Did y oud i o dr n’t youthrow the game?Nick: Oh, you want to hear my story? Do you want to hear the true story,or the story that will get your show more viewers? Which story doyou really want? Take your pick.Talia: The only story I want is the true story.Nick: Well, the truth is, I didn ’t do it. I ’m an innocent man.Unit 5 Nick ’s Explana(t i o1)nTalia: OK, let ’s get this straight. You ’re one of the country ’s players ?Nick: Well, I have to admit —that's true. Of course, some people thinkthat ’s not such a great achievement.Talia: Now, for some reason, you sat out one of the biggest games of theyear.Nick: Not just for some reason. I sat out because I had a spraine(d扭伤)ankle. I could hardly walk, I certainly couldn play. ’tTalia: But your coach can ’t verify this.Nick: Of course not. You can ’t see a s pr-ar ai n y.on an XTalia: You can’t?Nick: No.Talia: I see ?Nick: You don ’t have to believe me, but it ’s the truth. I sat out the first round qualifying match because I had a sprained ankle.Talia: And not because you took a bribe.Nick: A bride? How can anybody believe such a ridiculous thing?Talia: Then can you explain the tape?Nick: What tape?Talia: Listen to this.Woman’s voice on tape: We ’ll pay you fifty thousandNdicoklla’r s.svoice on tape: And all I have to do is sit on thebench?Woma’n s voice on tape: That ’s right. Dothat and fifty thousand dollars is yours.Nick ’svoice on tape: Well, I can really use the money.You’ve got yourself a deal.Woman’s voice on tape: Great. It ’s a pleasure doing business with you.Unit 5 Nick ’s Explana(t i o2)nNick: It sure sounds like my voice, but I don ’t know why. Why would I do something so stupid?Talia: That ’s what I want to know.Nick: Hey, Coach! Can I talk to you a minute? Some TV station is goingto report that I deliberately sat out a game!Coach: I know all about it. Who is this?Nick: This is an old friend of mine from college, Talia Santos. She worksfor Newsline. This is Coach Haskins, and you may recognize myteammate, Dean Bishop.Dean: Hey.Coach: Hi.Talia: Nice to meet you both.Coach: Would you excuse us for a moment, please?Talia: Sure.Coach: Look. I don ’t think it ’s such a good idea to talk to the media right now.Dean: Yeah, you ’ve got that right.Nick: Coach, I just don ’t get it. Why would anybody try to do this to me? Coach: Well, we ’re going to find that out. Now, I don ’t want to worrNick, but I ’ve been getting some p ressu rte he fr So moccerFederation.Nick: What do you mean?Coach: They want you to sit out the game next week.Dean: No!Nick: They can ’t do that!Coach: Yes, they can. Nick, I know how badly you want to play, and,frankly, I don ’t think we can win without you.Unit 6 Bad News(1)Talia: I don ’t think he did it.Tony: What do you mean?Talia: Nick. I don ’t think he did it. I have a feeling.Tony: And you have that feeling because ?Talia: Well, for one thing, he told me he ’s innocent.Tony: And you believe it.Talia: As a matter of fact, I do. This could all be amistake ?or something ?Something is funny here. He ’s a M s a o k c i n c g e r star.money is not a problem for him.Amy: But gambling may be a problem for him.Tony: Yes, have you ever thought about that?Amy: He might owe a lot of people money.Tony: And sometimes people do things just because they can. Take itfrom me. I ’ve seen a lot of people do stupid t h Ei n v g e s n.rich,famous people. It may not always make sense.Talia: But, except for that tape, we have no proof.Tony: We had no proof. We have it now. Amy, tell her.Amy: Sorry, Talia. The audit of Nick ’s bank account came in. He deposited fifty thousand dollars in his bank account a week beforethe qualifying match.Talia: Oh, my gosh. What? Let me see that ?I ’m not going to stop investigating. There might be a good explanation for this.Unit 6 Bad News(2)Tony: You can keep investigating, but after looking at this bank statement, we have no choice. We ’re going with t hi t s o s n t i o g r h y t. If wedon’t, the competition may beat us to it.Amy: You ’ve got to admit, Talia, it doesn ’t look good.Talia: I keep telling myself we are missing something. Things aren ’t always as they seem.Tony: And sometimes things are exactly the way they seem.Talia: I just don ’t think that ’s true in this case.Tony: You just may be too trusting to be a reporter. Reporters have to be skeptical. Are you sure you ’re all right w t h o i r s k i b n y g onyourself? Maybe you should work with John Donnelly.Talia: No. I can do this myself. I promised Nick I ’d be fair. I promise you I wouldn ’t let my emotions color my j udgm Aen ndt.Ipromised myself I ’d do a good job.Tony: OK. But if you let me down, I ’m giving the story to John.Talia: Thanks, Tony. I ’ll be fine. You won ’t be sorry.Unit 7 An Endorsement Dea(l1)Talia: There you are! Nick, are you gonna stop lying to me?Nick: Hello, Talia. And how are you? Would you like to have a seat?Talia: No. Actually I prefer1 to stand.Nick: OK, whatever2. So now what ’s going on? Talia: This! Fiftythousand dollars appeared in your bank account just before thequalifying match. Fifty thousand dollars!Nick: So?Talia: So? So that ’s exactly the amount of money they say you accepted for throwing that game3.Nick: It ’s also the exact amount of money I got for endorsing4 a newline5 of athletic shoes. Talia: Oh, really?Nick: Yes, really. They ’re going to be called Kicks. They ’re comin next year.“Kicks:They’re cooler7 than your old shoeMs.orecomfortable, too. And they ’re less expensive than they look.Come and get your Kicks8! ”Talia: Stop! I get it. Now, what was I saying? Oh, yes. Can I call youragent9? I wanna confirm10 this “endorsement deal ”.Nick: Except11, I didn ’t use an agent. Talia: No agent? What a surprise!Unit 7 An Endorsement Dea(l2)Nick: Talia, this is what happened.Talia: Ooh, here comes another story.Nick: It was about 10 o ’clock one morning. I was having something to ink at the juice bar here.Jackie: Excuse me, aren ’t you Nick Crawford?Nick: Yes, that ’s right. Do I k u n?o w yoJackie: No, not yet, that is. I ’m Jackie Baker. I ’m the VP13 of Mar for Kicks Shoes.Nick: Uh-huh.Jackie: And I have a very interesting proposition14 for you.Nick: Keep going. I was listening.Jackie: Why don ’t we meet at my office tomorrow? Let ’s say15, 12:30 We can have lunch nearby, and I ’ll tell yo u d e a a b l o.ut theNick: She offered16 me this deal. Fifty thousand dollars just to endorse anew line of athletic shoes, and I agreed to wear the shoes nextyear when I play.Talia: That ’s it?Nick: Basically17.Talia: Hmm.Nick: Well, that ’s what happened. I ’ve still got her business card. You can call her yourself if you like.Talia: Jackie Baker, Kicks Shoes. OK, I ’ll call her. You know, on second thought18, I ’d rather pay her a visit19.Unit 8 No One by That Name(1)Talia: Hello. I ’m here to see Jackie Baker.Receptionist: Hmmm. I don ’t think ?I know who you want. Jack Baxter.He’s on the third floor, 301.Talia: No. I ’m here to see Jackie Baker, Ms. Jackie Baker.Receptionist: No, definitely not. There's no one here by that name.Talia: This is the Gower Building? 119 Gower Street?Receptionist: Yes. But like I said, there ’s no Jackie Baker here. Talia: Well, maybe she ’s no longer here. Maybe she used to work here. Receptionist: I don ’t think so. I ’r t v e e nb y e e e a n r s h.e T r e e n f o y ears toolong, I might add. ?Someone nameBd a J n ak c eo r b u s e dto work here. Funny, he was an architect, not a banker.Anyway, he was on the 2nd floor. Areyou sure you ’re notlooking for Jacob Banker?Talia: No. No. The name is Jackie Baker. She ’s a VP at Kicks Shoes. Receptionist: Now I really don ’t know what you ’re talking about. Kicks Shoes? Hold on a second. I ’m sorry, but Iheard’ve neverof Kicks Shoes and they ’re not in our directory. Are yousure you ’re in the right place?Talia: No. I ’m not sure where I am. In fact, I ’m not sure about anything anymore.Unit 8 No One by That Name(2)Talia: Oh, no. My cell phone is dead. Can I use your phone for amoment?Receptionist: You seem really angry. Are you going to yell at someone?Talia: I don ’t know. Maybe. Probably ?Yes!Receptionist: In that case, be my guest. Just dial 9 first.Receptionist: Uh-oh. Someone ’s in big trouble.Nick: Hello.Talia: Hello, Nick. It ’s Talia. Remember me?Nick: Of course I remember you.Talia: I wasn ’t sure. You seem to have trouble with names. And faces.And facts.Nick: Really? I used to have a good memory.I remembered you, didn ’t I? Talia: There is no Jackie Baker here. There has never been a Jackie Bakerhere. And, to make matters worse, they eve’n v h e e a n r e d v o e frKicks Shoes.Nick: That ’s ridiculous! You ’ve got her business card. You ’re at t Gower Building?Talia: That ’s right.Nick: But I met Jackie there. I met her there. She took me to lunchHave you tried calling her?Talia: I called before I came, but I got voicemail. One of those messageslike, “The person you are calling is not availabtlheought it was ”. Iodd.Nick: Look, Talia, I don ’t know what I can say. I ’m telling the truth. Talia: Well, someone is lying. And if you think you ’re gonna see a go story on Newsline, you ’re wr on-g b!y Ge,o N oi d ck.Receptionist: Oh, that was good.Unit 9 No Help for Nick(1)Nick: Jackie Baker, pleaseReceptionist: Oh, I'm sorry. But there's no Jackie Baker here.Nick: Do you mind if I look at that?Receptionist: Not at all. Have a look. Let me guess. You're Nick.Nick: That's right, but ... how did you know?Receptionist: Oh, you' re famous!Nick: Oh. Do you follow soccer?Receptionist: Soccer? No, never watch it. I was listening when thatwoman called you. I overheard everything.Nick: Well, that's great.Receptionist: She was really angry. Wow!Nick: I know. I know. Say, do you know what time it is?Receptionist: Nearly five. I was just getting ready to leave when youarrived.Nick: It's probably too late anyway. The news is going to be on in an hour.Unit 9 No Help for Nick(1)Receptionist: So Nick, is there anything else I can do for you?Nick: Yeah, maybe. Could I speak to someone else at Kicks? Receptionist: Excuse me?Nick: Kicks shoes,,may i speak to someone else at Kicks shoes? Receptionist: Sorry, Nick, but there Kicks Sh’o essnhoere,either. In fact,I ’d never even heard of them before today.Nick: I don ’t understand.Receptionist: Cheer up. Things can ’t be as bad as they seem. Nick: No?Receptionist: Maybe you could describe this Jackie Baker to me.Nick: Great. Thanks. She ’s, uh, about as tall as you are. She ’s got long black hair. She wears glasses. Oh, she was wearing a nice businesssuit when I met her here. She looked like an executive.Receptionist: And she ’s got blue eyes?Nick: Yes! Do you know her?Receptionist: No, I was just trying to help. Sorry I don ’t know her at allUnit 10 In the News(1)Patty: Hey, Nick. It's good to see you again. What can I get for you?Nick: Could I get a large pineapple and strawberry smoothie? ?Patty: Coming right up. Is everything all right?Nick: My life is a mess! And just when I thought things were going great.Patty: What's the matter? Did you get hurt?Nick: Yeah, I got hurt. But not on the soccer field.Patty: Really?Nick: Yeah. It all started when I agreed to endorse some shoes. Party,would you mind making it louder? I need to catch up on the news.Patty: No problem.Reporter on TV: Let' s see if he' s got some comments about this scandal.Hey, Dean! What do you think about the Nick Crawfordscandal?Dean on TV: I' m not going to comment until we know more.Reporter on TV: Do you think the Soccer Federation is going to spendhim from playing,Dean on TV: Well, I really can't say. I' m sure they ’ll decide as soon they have more information.Reporter: What kind of information do you think they ’ll need to find?Dean: It's hard to say ...Nick: Hold on. Do you see that woman? The woman standing behindDean? That's her!Patty: That's who?Nick: I think that's Jackie Baker! The woman with Kicks Shoes.Unit 10 In the News(1)Patty: Jackie Baker? No. That's Jackie Bishop, Dean's sister. She was amember here last year, but I haven't seen her aroundlately. I'm surprised you never ran into her.Dean: I've always admired Nick Crawford, f m sure he wouldn't riskruining his career.Nick: Thai's her. That's Jackie Baker.Patty: No, I'm pretty sure that's Jackie Bishop.Nick: But there's something different. No glasses. And her hair ...Patty: Ah, it's blonde now, but she keeps changing the color. She's aactress.Nick: A wannabe actress?Patty: Oh yeah! She' s tried out for a lot of movie parts, but I doubt she' s actually ever acted in anything.Nick: Except for the day she took me to lunch. She' s a great actress. She should get an Oscar for her performance.Reporter: The Nick Crawford scandal is just beginning to unfold, but one thing is clear...Patty: Here you go Nick. . I think you're going to need it.Reporter: ??the evidence is not in his favor. The Soccer Federation is saying that he and may never play soccer professionally again.Unit 11 The Truth Revealed(1)Talia: I' m so glad I went to that class last night. It was really interesting. Amy: Well, Talia, you do look a little better today.Talia: Well, I don't feel much better.Amy: You know what? You missed a great party the other night. Josh' s friend Matt was there. I really want to introduce you to him.He's ...Talia: I completely believed him. He can be so persuasive. So convincing.I'm so disappointed. I feel like such a fool.Amy: Look, Talia, you' re no fool. Don' t be so hard on yourself.Talia: But I was convinced that Nick was being honest.Amy: It really is a shame, though. I was hoping you'd break this big story and become the top reporter at the station. Then I'd be yourassistant, and you'd give me a raise.Talia: I'm so glad to hear you really care about me. Oh, I'm so depressed. Amy: Don't look now, but the big storyteller is here.Nick: Talia. Talia.Amy: Hello. Nick Crawford? I' m Amy Lee.Nick: And I' m here to talk to Talia.Amy: Uh, I don't think you can speak to her now.Nick: But I've got to talk to her. I know who's responsible for this mess. Talia: I've heard that before.Nick: OK, forget it. I don't have to speak to you. I'll give my story to that other reporter, what's his name? John Donnelly.Unit 11 The Truth Revealed(2)Talia: I ’II give you two minutes.Nick: You won't be sorry. OK, I went to see her. I went to see Jackie Baker.Talia: There is no Jackie Baker.Nick: That' s right.Talia: So you admit that you lied?Nick: No, I didn't lie. No, listen, this is what happened.Jackie: There you are. Right on time. We' ve got reservations for lunch. Nick: Great. Where are we going?Jackie: It ’s a little place just around the corner. We can walk there. Nick: Sounds good.Jackie: Yes. I hate doing business in my office. It' s so much more pleasant to talk over a good meal.Nick: Then, over lunch, we talked about the deal.Jackie: So, just sign here. It basically says we' II pay you $50,000 to endorse the shoes.Nick: She tricked me. She and her brother Dean. They wanted me out of the way. Dean is the next in line to be the star player.Talia: Wow! This is amazing. So, what are you going to do now?Nick : I ’m going to the team office to talk to the coach. I' ve got to make sure he believes me.Unit 12 Dean’s Challeng(e1)Nick: Oh, good, you' re here. Coach, I' ve been trying to speak to you since last night. This whole scandal is because ...Coach: Nick, Nick, we' ve been working together for four years now.You' re my best player, and frankly, Nick, I feel like we're family. Nick: Thanks, Coach. Me too.Coach: I'm sorry. I didn't know you've been having money problems.Nick: No, I haven't! I hope you don't believe those lies about me. Trust me, Coach. I have not let you down.Coach: Well, why don't you clear this whole thing up for me, then? Nick: I would love to! The truth is, it's Dean. I know it's him.Coach: Dean? Who are you talking about? Dean Bishop?Nick: Yes. Dean Bishop. His sister is involved, too. They somehow madea phony tape. His sister gave me fifty thousand dollars for a fakeendorsement.Coach: And you' re saying they made it look like a bribe for sitting out the qualifying game?Nick: Exactly.Coach: But Dean? And his sister? This is hard to believe. Why would Dean do this to you?Nick: Just think about it. Dean is a great player, but he' s always in my shadow. He wants you to kick me off the team so that he can bethe star.Coach: Wow! I don't know what to say. This is incredible. I hate to have to ask, but ... do you have proof?Nick: Not yet. But I' ve been working with Talia Santos at Newsline for the past day or two. I'm hoping she can help.Coach: It may be too late. The Soccer Federation has been calling me for the past two days. They want to suspend you.Nick: But what about Dean Bishop?Coach: He's going to play in the qualifying match. Next to you, he's our strongest player.Unit 12 Dean ’s Challe(n g2)eNick: Dean.Dean: Nick, buddy. Tough rap you' re taking. Is there anything I can do to help?Nick: Yes, there is something you can do. You can tell Coach what really happened.Dean: Excuse me?Nick: You know. You can tell him about this scheme of yours.Dean: Uh, what are you talking about?Nick: How you and your- so talented sister have been plotting for how long now?Dean: I don't know what you're talking about.Nick: Yeah. The two of you dreamed up that fake endorsement deal. That must have taken a lot of planning. I'm impressed. I didn't knowyou were that smart.Dean: You're talking crazy now.Nick: It was you Dean. I know it was you. I guess you didn't expect me to figure it out.。

新时代交互英语 视听说3第六单元 2minute speech

新时代交互英语 视听说3第六单元  2minute speech

2013212703 xxxSchool of mathematics and statisticsOct 14, 2014Listening and Speaking CourseThe Importance of TrustLadies and gentlemen, good afternoon! I’m very glad to make a two-minute speech today. And my topic is the Importance of Trust. With the development of the world, not only energy is a problem, but the problem of trust more and more is not optimistic. So when we solve the energy problem is also more to solve the trust problem. Because trust is the basis of society, and no one wants to live the lies and deceit in a world full of. And trust can keep things simple, can improve the working efficiency, improve the feelings between people, and give us a sense of security.However, trust is fragile, easy to be shaken. Therefore, to strengthen the trust between people is important. Honesty and trust are inseparable, only honest people can get trust, so we must be honest. We also need to trust others, because you trust others, you will gain the same trust.At last, I hope that the whole society will be full of trust, so the whole world will become more beautiful. That’s all. Thanks for your listening.。



Group Discussion Unit 2A:So,why do people like to spread rumors and gossips?C:I think, it’s quite common for some people to share something interesting when they get together. It seems like some kind of condiments in their life. Believe it or not, gossiping has been a good way for people to kill their time over dinner.(茶余饭后)B:Right,but sometimes people gossip about another person without any malicious intent.A:Yeah. Well,have you ever participated in gossip?B:He he, I hardly participated in gossiping , because I don’t like to speak ill of others , we have to learn to respect other. Spreading gossip doesn't give you as much happiness as you imagine. Once the target of the gossip knows it, you will feel uncomfortable, even embarrassed when you meet him again.C:Maybe I have, I don’t take it too seriously as long as the target of gossip is not the person I know. While it’s certain that the target of gossip will be uncomfortable and angry when he or she hears about it.A:What do you do when you hear some people gossiping about someone? Do you tell the story to someone else or do you ignore what you have heard? B:I think I don't want people to spread gossips about me, then I don't gossip about others, either. What's your opinion?C:Actually I don’t like paying attention to the gossips. So when I hear about the rumors about someone, I usually ignore what I hear.A:Then what negative effects will gossip have on the person being talked about?B:However fun it may seem in the moment, will only hurt someone who is gossiped about in the end. Also it may hurt the friendship and relationship between the people who are gossiping and who is gossiped. How about you?C:For the person being talked about, I’m sure the rumor must cause a lot of troubles in his or her life. After all, the rumor is not true. No one likes to be the target of gossip. As to the person spreading the gossip, I believe he or she won’t be pleasant when the rumor is clarified.A:Above all,What are the effective ways to deal with gossip and rumors? B:If someone is gossiping about you, be direct with the people, tell them what they are doing is harmful and that you are refuse to gossip in such discussions . After that , if they are still at it, move on and let it go. If someone is gossiping others and you feel uncomfortable, you may as well try to switch to another topic.C:As for me, I think we have to stop spreading the rumors ourselves first. Secondly, don’t join in the gossip when others are talking about it .Only when we stop the source of the gossip can we really stop it .。




Because they serve to distinguish members from all other groups,a single boundary marker seldom is sufficient.2.但在很多情况下,宗教信仰与种族或多或少有一些关联。


But in many case,religion and ethnic group more or less correspond.they Jews may be categorized as either a religious or an ethnic group.3.美国土著人妇女经常穿一种叫“huipil”的宽大套头衫式的连衣裙,这是区分种族的一种标识。

If a woman wear a huipil ,a loose-fitting blouse that slips over the head,she is a Native American. 二英译汉1.Overt factors used to demonstrate or denote group membership are called ethnic boundary markers.这些用来表明种族身份的外在因素被称为种族界限标识。

2.Differences in language,religion,physical appearance,or particular cultural traits serve as ethnic boundary markers.在语言,宗教,体貌特征或特殊的文化的特点充当种族界限标识。

3.The significant or lack of significance of physical characteristics in ethnic identity may also vary with the level of ethnic identity.体貌特征在区分种族时是否重要也会因为被区分种族的层次范围不同而不同。

新时代交互英语读写译 Level3 1、3、5单元 retelling 课文复述

新时代交互英语读写译 Level3  1、3、5单元 retelling 课文复述

新时代交互英语读写译Level3 1、3、5单元retelling 课文复述Unit 1Whatever your skills, there are techniques to improve your reading abilities.So that you can better handle subjects at the level of high education.There are two kinds of reading .Reading for pleasure and reading for learning.Reading for pleasure means you don't have to reading it carefully.Because it's just for fun.Reading for learning means you should pay more attention on it.Because you have to understand and memories so much of what you road ,and we should to do the second kind of reading that will feed our long-term memory and we shouldn't choose cramming to pass the find exam.Our textbooks is the most important books for us we should take it seriously .important books for us we should take it seriously .Look the text book over before you take the course and buy the book early .finally we should have a look before the first class.Unit 3Stephen is a plumber, he lost his job and also had a stomach operation. So he and his family need to take a break. They chose Maldives.One morning in their holiday after eating breakfast, Ray feel a tremor.But they don't pay more attention on it. Then they went to the beach ,but Stephen and their children didn't jump into the sea. and this sense saved his family all.Then the tsunami was coming. Stephen used all his strength to strap his wife and his children into the branches of the trees.After the water receded, they come back the hotel to help other people.When people look Stephen as a hero ,he said "I did what every father would do," "NO dad would let go of his kids."Unit 5Since the earliest time man and women have had the same set roles in society. Then the world toward patriarchal society, man are deferred to the principal decision makers in both family and in society, but there were also exceptions in history. Men are under the domination of women in middle east. Mostly, women in modern countries are also confined by men in early 20th century.Traditionally women's role has been set by child brith, but in the last 100 years that there has been a shift in the perception of women's roles because the improve of contraception.Many businesses and other organizations has pay more attention to the women and their young children. So the man and the women have more equal status.。



第三册第1单元种族界限标识1 每个种族都有确定或表达其成员身份的方法。







2 语言经常充当种族区分标识。









3 跟语言一样,宗教信仰也可以充当种族区分标识。











































Unit 1Script 1Talia: It's all so incredible, Mom. I’m working on a story about one of the national soccer players, Nick Crawford… No, that's the thing. He knows that one of his teammates has framed him. And I believe he's innocent.Talia: Look, Mom, I ha ve to go. I’II call you tomorrow, OK? Bye. Yes, yes, me, too. Bye.Nick:Hi.I came as soon as I could.What’s up?Talia:I’ve been thinking about this all day…. Now tell me, again:When and how did you meet this Jackie Baker woman?Nick:I’ve already told you.She came up to me at the juice bar.We set up a meeting.Talia:Right.At her office.Except you never went up to her office.Nick:Right, so she meets me in the lobby, we shake hands , and she takes me to lunch.Talia:Yes, to a little place around the corner, as I recaII.Nick:Right. And then she asks me to endorse a new pair of shoes.Talia:Yeah. You told me they’re called Kicks.Nick:Right. And she explains that I’ll have to wear the shoes when I play. And the company will use my name in the ads.Talia:OK. Can you think of anything else?Nick:Well, we did talk about an idea for a Kicks commercial.Talia:A commercial? What commercial?Nick:I told you about that, didn’t l? They wanted me to be in a commercial.Script 2Talia:Hang on a second. You never said anything about a commercial. I wanna hear more about this. Don’t leave out any details. This could be important.Nick:OK. So, over lunch she describes the deal…Jackie:So,you’ll wear our shoes when you play. And we’ll use your name in ads. Do that and fifty thousand dollars is yours.Nick:Sounds good. And this will be sometime next year?Jackie:Uh, yeah, that’s right. We can work out the details later for this, but we’ll probably want you to appear in a commercial.iNick:Cool!Jackie:In fact. I'm working on an idea for a commercial right now. Do you wanna hear about it?Nick:Sure.Jackie:OK. Picture this. You’re sitting in a park. On a bench. It’s a beautiful spring day.Nick:So far, So good.Jackie:OK. A young kid comes up to you and says, “Hey! Aren’t you Ni ck Crawford, the soccer star?”Nick:Uh—huh.Jackie:And you say, “That’s me. ”Or something like that.Nick:Right.Jackie:And then the kid says, “Wow! Cool shoes! What are they?” And you say, “Kicks. What else?”Nick:That’s it?Jackie:That’s it.Nick:So, all I have to do is sit on the bench…and talk to a kid?Jackie:That’s all you have to do.Talia:That’s what I thought! This Jackie person recorded your conversation over lunch. Then she edited the tape. So it sounds like you’re accepting a bribe. Nick:Oh. wow!Unit 2Script 1Talia: Tony, I need to see you. I have to bring you up to date on the Nick Crawford story.Tony: Come in. What's going on?Talia: I just spoke to Nick. He was tricked. The tape was edited. He didn't take a bribe. It just sounds that way.Tony: Well, what does your audio expert say?Talia: I forgot to tell you. It's definitely Nick's voice. And he said the tape was definitely edited.Tony: But I don't get it. Who's behind this?Talia: One of Nick's teammates, Dean Bishop. He resents being in Nick's shadow. He wants to be the only star on the team.Tony: Of course! The bottom line is ... being the star is worth a lot of money in endorsements.Talia: Still. I can't imagine...Tony: OK. So, now, what's your plan?Talia: I have an idea. I need some help from Amy.Tony: Fine. You can have another day on this and we won't run the story yet. But one more thing, Talia, I hope you're not emotionally involved in this story. Talia: Me? Emotionally involved?Tony: I know you want to clear Nick's name. But if you want to have a career in journalism, you have to remember to stay objective.Script 2Patty: Hi there. What can I get for you?Amy: How about a large iced tea?Patty: Coming right up.Amy: ... and a little information.Patty: What kind of information?Amy: I'm trying to get hold of someone named Jackie Bishop. I was told that she's a member of this club.Patty: Hmm. She used to be, but not anymore. She stopped coming here a while ago. Maybe a year ago, even.Amy: Oh. Too bad.Patty: Her brother Dean, the soccer player, works out here, though. I rememberseeing him yesterday, around lunchtime. Maybe you could speak to him.Amy: Actually, I'd rather avoid seeing him. It's a little complicated between him and me, if you know what I mean.Patty: Oh, I see. Well, here's an idea. I think Jackie's taking acting classes over at the university. Maybe you could catch up with her there.Amy: She's taking acting classes at the university?Patty: Mmm-hmm.Amy: Ah.... Yes, .... That's a great idea. Thanks for the tip.Patty : Oh, likewise! Thanks!Unit 3Script 1Amy: Talia, are you almost here?Talia: I’m about ten minutes away. Can you see her?Amy: Yes. She’s sitting on a sofa. Hurry up. Classes start in about 20 minutes. Talia: Well, just go over to her and start a conversation. You’ve done your homework, haven’t you?Amy: My homework?Talia: I mean, have you found out What courses she’s taking, and everything? Amy: Oh, yeah. I can do a little acting myself, if that’s what you mean.Talia: So go act like a d rama student, and go and talk to her. I’ll be right there. Amy: Excuse me. You’re in the drama program, right?Jackie: Yes! Oh, hi!Amy: Do you know if Professor Roberts is teaching this semester?Jackie: Yes, he is. He’s fabulous I’m in his improvisation class. In fact, it’s tonight.Amy: Oh, great.Jackie: I’ve been taking classes here for about a year and I think he’s been my best teacher.Amy: I know what you mean. He’s very …inspiring.Jackie: Yes, absolutely. I’ve become a much better actor since I st arted taking his classes…Amy: Yes, I’m sure you have.Script 2Amy: Oh, I’m Amy Lee, by the way.Jackie: Hi. Jackie Bishop. Well, that’s my real name. My stage name is Jackie Baker.Amy: So, do you have an agent?Jackie: As a matter of fact, I spoke to an agent last week. I just sent him a tape, and he thought it was incredible.Amy: I’m not surprised. You do seem… incredible.Jackie: And my brother knows this film director. He’s going to introduce me to him.Amy: Oh, that’s great! Oh, wait, is your brother that soccer player…?Jackie: Dean Bishop! That’s right! He’s my elder brother. We just adore eachother! He’s a soccer star, and I’m going to be a movie star! Tonight he’s taking me out for a celebration.Amy: Tonight? Really? What are you celebrating?J ackie: Oh, just … this thing. Nothing really. Anyway, he’s taking me to this restaurant near here. Valentino’s. Have you ever eaten there?Amy: Um, no … I can’t aff…Jackie: I ate there once, and I saw Madonna.Amy: Wow!Jackie: Yes, can you believe it? It was so exciting!Amy: I guess you have to go to the right places.Jackie: Absolutely! I even booked the perfect table for people watching.Amy: I’m impressed. You really plan ahead. You’re amazing.Unit 4Script 1Talia: Amy! Great to see you again.Amy: You too. Uh, Jackie, this is Talia. Talia, this is Jackie.Jackie: Charmed. Charmed.Talia: Nice to meet you, too.Amy: Talia is a researcher at Newsline.Jackie: How exciting.Talia: Gee, you look so familiar.Jackie: Really? We might have seen each other around campus.Talia: I guess so. Or we may have been in a class together. I'm taking journalism classes.Jackie: No, it couldn't have been a class. I'm taking acting classes, like Amy. Talia: Oh, well. I'll probably think of it later.Jackie: Speaking of classes, I'd better run. I don't want to be late for Professor Roberts.Talia: Hold it. I think I remember where I've seen you.Jackie: Really?Talia: Yes. The Gower Building.Script 2Talia : Don't you work for a shoe company? Kicks Shoes?Jackie : I'm sorry, but you can't be serious.Talia : Oh, I can be quite serious.Jackie : Listen. I've got to go. It must be time for my class. See you, Amy. Amy: Yes. Bye, Jackie. It was great talking to you.Talia : So what did you find out?Amy: Listen to this. Jackie and Dean are going to Valentino's after her class tonight to celebrate. She's booked a special table.Talia : This is perfect. Great work. You should be proud of yourself.Amy : Thanks, but it was nothing. Piece of cake, in fact.Talia : OK, then. You call Valentino's and make a reservation for two.Amy: Oh, wow. Are we going to Valentino's?Talia : Oops ... no. I was planning on calling Nick.Amy: I see.Talia : Thanks for being understanding.Amy : After I call Valentino's, is there anything else you want me to do?Talia : Yes. I'm going to need your help. We have a lot to do in the next two hours. Unit 5Unit5Script 1Talia: Oh, thank goodness you got my message!Nick: Yeah. What’s going on?Talia: Don’t worry. I’m not trying to get you to take me out on a date. I’m trying to help you save your career.Nick: Oh, that. Yeah, right, I almost forgot.Talia: Be serious. I care about… I care about your future.Nick: So do I!Talia: Good—you wore a tie.Nick: Yeah, your message said, wear a tie and a jacket. You look nice, by the way. Talia: Thanks. So do you.Nick: What’s that?Talia: Here. You have to put these on.Nick: I’m sorry. Did I miss something here? Is it… is it Halloween? Are you really going to make me put these on?Talia: Yes. And that’s how you’re going to hear their conversation. There’s anearphone in the wig.Nick: Whose conversation?Talia: Jackie and Dean’s. They’re having dinner here. Let’s go inside. Script 2Talia: So, as I was saying, I have a feeling Dean and Jackie are going to talk about you as soon as they get here.Nick: Really?Talia: Yup. And all we have to do is record their conversation. We just need to plant this at their table.Nick: Brilliant! But wait… how will you know which table is theirs?Talia: You forget—I’m a researcher… I asked the maitred’. That’s their table over there. I’ll be right back.Nick: OK. I’ll watch for Jackie and Dean while you plant the mike.Talia: Good. Just cough or something to warn me if you see them.Nick: OK. Hurry up. [Nick coughs!]Talia: Whew! That was close... Here. Look at the menu. We should order. Nick: Right, though I’m not really hungry.Talia: Neither am I.Dean: One more.Nick: Don’t look now, but here comes Jackie.Unit 6Jackie: You are not going to believe what happened.Dean: I've been leaving messages for you all afternoon! Why haven't you called me back?Jackie: Sorry. I left my cell phone at home.Dean: All right, listen, we need to talk...Jackie: Dean, don't interrupt! This is serious. I was sitting in the Student Lounge at school when a woman came up to me and started a conversation. So...Dean: Wait. I have to tell you something important. We may have a slight problem here...Jackie: Dean! I told you not to interrupt!Dean: OK. I give up. What?Jackie: So this woman Amy Ask someone not to interrupt you and I were talking when a friend of hers showed up. Then, when Amy introduced us, her friend said I looked familiar.Dean: So?Jackie: So, then she asked me if I worked for Kicks Shoes!Dean: There is no Kicks Shoes.Jackie: I know that and you know that, but she doesn't know...Dean: How does she know about...Jackie: I'm scared, Dean. She works for Newsline.Dean: Newsline ?Jackie: Yes! What if she knows about what we did to Nick Crawford?Dean: Shh! Keep your voice down. What I've been trying to tell you is that Nick knows everything! He knows that I'm the one who's behind all this. And he even knows about you.Jackie: He knows about me? Oh, no! Look, this whole thing was your idea! Dean: Shh. I told you to keep it down. People are starting to look at us!Script 2Jackie: OK. I'll calm down. But, Dean, I'm worried. I could get into real trouble. Dean: You? Why, I'm the one who sent the phony tape to Newsline.Jackie: Yes, but I was the one who posed as the Kicks executive.Dean: Big deal.Jackie: What do you mean, big deal? I did a superb job. I helped you get Nick suspended!Dean: Yeah. Yeah. You're a great actress. I know.Jackie: Speaking of which, when are you going to introduce me to Byron Walters? Dean: Byron Walters?Jackie: Yes, that film director friend of yours? Remember? The director who's going to make me a star!!Dean: Oh, him...Jackie: You said to be patient, but this is getting ridiculous.Dean: Uh, I forgot to tell you. There is no Byron Walters. He quit the business. Jackie: But he was going to give me my big break, the break that's going to make me a star.Dean: Sorry, Jackie.Jackie: No, you're not. I don't think you're sorry at all now. But you will be! You tricked me, just like you tricked Nick Crawford. I don't have to stand for this. Unit 7Script 1Nick: I can’t believe it! They admitted everything.Talia: And we got it all on tape.Nick: How did you know they were going to talk about me?Talia: I saw Jack’s face when I mentioned Kicks shoes. I knew she would tell Dean about it as soon as she could.Nick: This is fantastic. I am so relieved. I was beginning to think it was all over for me.Talia: Are you ready to go? If we leave now, we’ll still be able to catch Tony.Nick: Look, Talia. The news has been on. There’s nothing we can do to change it…Talia: I guess you’re right.Nick: Why don’t you finish dinner?Talia; … But if we leave now, Tony will still be in the office.Nick: Look, Talia. This whole thing is about to be clear up. Why d on’t we just take a little time now to enjoy ourselves?Talia: Of course. You’re right. Sorry, Nick. And besides, this is Valentino’s. And I am with a star!Script 2Nick: I have a confession to make.Talia: What? You have a confession to make? I thought this whole thing was over. Nick: No, no. It’s not about that. It’s about… .Talia: Us? Us, as in you and me.Nick: Yes. Do you remember that class we took together in college?Talia: Of course, I remember it. I remember it well.Nick: And do you reme mber when we were studying together in the library… Talia: You mean when we were studying for that Shakespeare exam?Nick: Well, I… uh… I wanted to ask you out.Talia: You did? Wow!... So why didn’t you?Nick: I’d heard you had a boyfriend.Talia: Oh, no! Well, I had a boyfriend, but we split up during that summer. In fact, we had split up by mid-semester.Nick: You are kidding. I didn’t know. Well, I guess I should’ve…Talia: I’m not seeing anyone now, though, you know.Nick: Well, then…Waiter: Tuttobene? Is everything all right? May I get you uh, un café? Te?Cappuccino?Talia: I’ll have a cappuccino.Nick: Two.Unit 8Script 1Talia: I’m too late, right? You already aired the story about Nick on the evening news?Tony: No, I decided not to. When I hadn’t heard from you, I decided to wait.Talia: Oh, gosh, what a relief. Tony: As a matter of fact, I was just going to call you. Talia: Well, I am so glad you waited, Tony.... Tah-dah!Tony: So that’s the tape?Talia: Yup. This is the tape that will get Nick’s name cleared.Tony: OK. Let’s hear it. I have a tape player here somewhere.Amy: So, tell me. Tell me.Talia: It was perfect. I got it all on tape. Jackie said that she had posed as a Kicks executive...Amy: No!Talia: Yes! And they both admitted that there was no Kicks!Amy: Get out of here!Talia: And Dean actually said that he had sent the tape to us.Amy: Unbelievable!Talia: Wait till you hear them. Hearing is believing!Tony: Talia, let me have the tape.Talia: Oh, sure. Here. Oh, this is so exciting.Script 2Talia: Here it is, the tape that will get Nick reinstated on the team. Just a minute. Imust not have rewound it... OK, now listen.... What’s going on? Is this tape player working?Tony: It’s been working just fine. In fact, I just had it cleane d last week. Amy: Try another tape and see if that works.Tony: Thanks, Amy. I was just about to try that.Amy: Did you check that the recording light was on?Talia: I was going to check it after I sat down but too much was going on. Tony: Did you press "play" and "record" together?Talia: I don’t know! I thought I did! The tape was moving.Tony: You probably just pressed "play".Talia: This is a disaster.Tony: Sorry, Talia. I’m afraid you’ve just learned a lesson the hard way. Amy: Poor Talia.Talia: Poor Nick! How am I going to tell him?Unit 9Script 1Nick: Here I am! Ready to celebrate.Talia: Didn’t you get my message?Nick: No! What’s wrong? Are you OK?Talia: Yeah ... No... Nick, I don’t know how to tell you...Nick: What are you talking about?Tal ia: The tape. I mean, there is no tape. I never recorded Jackie and Dean’sconversation.Nick: Yes, there is. I was there.Talia: No. I messed it up. I didn’t press the right buttons.Nick: Oh, no!Talia: I feel awful. If I had been more careful, we would have had the evidence! Nick: Wow! And we were supposed to be celebrating tonight.Talia: How stupid! I can’t believe I didn’t press the right buttons! I just wish I had been more careful.Nick: And I wish you would stop kicking yourselfTalia: Well, I’m sup posed to be a professional! And I want to be a reporter! Script 2Talia: I wish I could go back and do it over.Nick: Well, you can’t. Take it from me. I’m an athlete. I know. You just have to forget what’s done and go on.Talia: You’re right. What’s done is done. Orin this case, what’s not done is done. Nick: Look, Talia, if you hadn’t done such a good job of covering the story, we never would have known the truth.Talia: How can you stay so positive?Nick: I don’t know. It’s just my nature.Talia: Well, I wish it were mine. I wish I were that optimistic. So, guess I’ll quit my job. Amy can take my place. She’ll be a good researcher.Nick: Talia, take it easy. You’re overreacting. Things really aren’t so bad.Talia: Yes, they are, Nick. They’re terrible. A nd the most terrible part of all of this is that I let you down.Nick: Have I ever told you about my grandmother?Talia: No, I don’t think so.Nick: Well, my grandmother is a very wise woman. She always told me to tell the truth. She always said the truth would win out.Unit 10Script 1Talia: So, what are you going to do now?Nick: I don’t know. Until you told me about the tape, I was expecting to rejoin the team tomorrow.Talia: I have an idea. How about this? What if I call your coach? Would he believe me if I told him about Dean and Jackie?Nick: It wouldn't matter if he believed you, Talia. I'm sorry, your word wouldn't be enough Talia: Who is that?Jackie: Surprise!Talia: You?Jackie: I got your phone number from your friend, Amy. I was thinking about calling, but then I decided to just surprise you with a visit.Talia: Well, yes, this is a surprise.Jackie: It'samazing.How easily you can get people's addresses these days. Oh, hello,Nick! Remember me?Nick: I certainly do.Talia: What are you doing here?Jackie: Do you have a video camera?Talia: Yes.Jackie: Do you want a great story? One that will make us all really famous? Talia: What's the catch?Jackie: No catch. Just one small condition. If Nick agrees not to press charges against me, I'll tell the whole truth.Script 2Jackie: I am so excited. You're sure I look OK? Do you think I should have worn a different outfit?Talia: You look fine. Really.Jackie: I can't wait to see this when it's broadcast. I'm going to get national exposure!Talia: OK. I'm ready. I'm here with Jackie Bishop, sister of soccer player Dean Bishop. Jackie has decided to come forward. She is now going to tell us how she and her brother schemed to frame Nick Crawford, the soccer star. Jackie?Jackie: You have to understand. Dean and I had been planning this for a long time. I posed as the VP of marketing from this phony shoe company...Talia: Kicks.Jackie: Right. Kicks Shoes. Cute name, don't you think? Anyway, I knew Nickusually went to the juice bar at the health club, and I met him there.Talia: And then?Jackie: Then, posing as this woman from Kicks, I invited Nick to come to my office to discuss an endorsementTalia: And did he?Jackie: Well, I didn't really have an office, you know. So I met him in the Cower Building lobby and took him to lunch. I recorded the whole conversation. Dean took over from there. He doctored the tape to make it sound like Nick had accepted a bribe.Talia: Why did you decide to tell the truth now?Jackie: Dean promised to introduce me to some big shot movie director, and I believed him. Well, I just found out that Dean had been lying the whole time. Talia: I see.Jackie: Unbelievable! My own brother had been using me. If I had known, I would never have gone along with him. I should have known better. I should never have trusted him.Unit 11Script 1Nick: Dean! And Coach! You’re just the two people I wanted to see.Dean: Nick! Sorry, man, tough break. But you know what they say, “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time.”Nick: Dean, that’s the smartest thing I’ve ever heard you say.Coach: Nick, are you going to be OK?Nick: You bet! I’ve got something I want to show you both.Jackie: My brother heard that Nick had gotten rid of his agent. So I went and offered fifty thousand dollars to endorse a pair of shoes. I was very convincing, if I must say so myself. Anyway, Nick agreed and I got it all on tape. Of course, The tape had to be edited to make it sound like Nick was accepting a bribe, but Dean took care of that.Dean: That lying…Nick: Dean, I’d keep quiet if I were you. Jackie gave us hard evidence. It turns out my conversation with her was not the only one she recorded.Dean: This is crazy!Coach: I don’t know what to say. I’m so sorry You had to go through all of this. Nick: Thanks, Coach.Coach: Well, I think this is all over now. We’ll be starting practice in an hour –you’ll be there, right?Nick: Oh, sure! But I might be late. There’s someone I have to go talk to. Script 2Amy: You must be very happy.Nick: I really am. My name has bee n cleared. I’m really relieved. This has been a nightmare!Tony: Now that the truth has come out, how about giving Newsline an exclusive interview?Nick: That depends.Tony: Depends on what?Nick: I will talk to Newsline as long as my favorite reporter gets to do the interview.Tony: Oh, you must mean Talia.Amy: Of course he does.Tony: Go ahead. Just remember… Don’tlet your emotions get in the way of your job.Nick: Just one more thing. Can we schedule the interview for later? I’ve got to go to soccer practice now.Tony: No problem. Talia will be waiting for you.Unit 12Script 1Announcer on TV: Glitter… the perfect toothpaste for the perfect smile. Jackie on TV: Remember, all that glitters is not gold.Nick: Patty, could you turn the volume down a little?Patty: Oh, sure, Nick. It seems like yesterday when you were asking me to turn up the volume.Nick: Huh?Patty: You member! The day when you recognizedJackie Bishop on TV.Nick: Oh, yeah, that! In a way it does seem like just yesterday. But a lot has happened since then.Patty: Oh, I know. Like, now you can see Jackie Bishop on TV all the time!Nick: Yup, in that ridiculous toothpaste commercial. Well, I guess things have worked out for her.Patty: Seems so. And they’ve worked out OK for you, too, right? I mean, you did score the winning goal in the qualifying match.Nick: Yes, but unfortunately, we DIDN’T make itPatty: No, but there’s always next time.Nick: That’s right, there’s always next time…Patty: Oh, you know who else I see on TV a lot now? That reporter who broke the story. What’s her name again? Talia something?Nick: Talia Santos. Yeah, I heard she’s been working really hard. I haven’t had a chance to see her much lately. And now she’s going to be moving.Patty: It sounds like you need to speak with her.Nick: You’re right, Patty. I’ll see you later.Patty: Bye, Nick. Hey! Let me know how things turn out.Script 2Talia: Nick! Hi! I’ve been meaning to call you.Nick: Oh, hi. Well, Amy called me. She told me the news. She said she’s got your jo b as a researcher.Talia: That’s right. Isn’t it great?Nick: Yeah, yeah... she told me the news about you. When are you moving? Talia: Not until next week. to the finals.Nick: Oh. Is there somewhere we can go for a few minutes?Talia: Sure. Here, come in here.Nick: So Amy told me you got an offer from Newsbeat. Where are they? Atlanta? Talia: No, Chicago.Nick: Right, Chicago. Anyway, she said they want you to start right away. Talia: True. But Nick, I…Nick: Wait, Talia. I have to tell you how I feel.T alia: OK. Go ahead. I’m listening.Nick: I know I haven’t been in touch, but it’s only because I didn’t want to get in the way. I know how important your career is to you.Talia: What are you talking about, Nick?Nick: What I’m trying to say is, I want to spend more time with you. I don’t want you to move.Talia: Good. Because this is where I’m moving.Nick: Huh?Talia: THIS, this is my new office. I turned Newsbeat down. Tony said he’d match their offer.Nick: So in other words... I just made a fool of myself.Talia: No. As usual, you were just being honest. It’s one of the qualities I like most about you.。







3 不管你具有什么样的能力,提高阅读能力需要有技巧,这些技巧可以帮助你更好地应对高等教育所涉及的内容。



两种类型的阅读4 阅读主要分两种:一种是为乐趣而读,一种是为学习而读。

5 为乐趣而读:你可以读一些诸如历险、罗曼史、体育运动等方面的文章,只读一遍,就可以从中得到娱乐。



6 为学习而读:大多数阅读是为了学到某些方面的知识而进行的。



7 为学习而读,这是一生中都必须坚持的事。



8 但是,他们的这种为学习而读,与读教科书是有区别的:在高等教育中,你通常需要不止一遍地阅读同一篇文章,其原因当然是因为在高等教育中,你必须理解和记忆大量阅读内容。

阅读以提高长期记忆9 “哦,伙计,”你或许会想,“你是说我不可能做到把一篇文章只读一遍就立刻理解吗?”10 如果你是那种只需扫一眼就能记住自行车牌号或存物柜密码的人,或许你能够做到。


11 这就是短期记忆与长期记忆的问题。


12 有些学生或许会以此作为考前突击的理由——把一切都拖到考试前的最后一天来硬记。



Unit 1 Another Busy dayVideo Listening 1Amy: Good morning, Talia.Talia: Oh, hi. Good morning.Amy: You know, y o u'r e working too hard.Talia: I know. I always work this hard. Maybe you could mention that to Tony? I don't think he knows it. Amy: Is that a new hairstyle? I t's very ... unique.Talia: Very funny. I had to work late last night. I'm tired, I'm in a bad mood, and I d o n't care about my hair.Amy: That's probably why you' re not a reporter yet.Talia: You think so?Amy: No, I'm just kidding ...Talia: You may be right.Amy: Maybe Tony will take you more seriously after you finish the journalism class.Talia: Oh, no! Our journalism class! I forgot. It's tomorrow. What's the homework?Amy: Compare two news stories on the same topic.Talia: T h a i's easy enough to do. Sounds interesting, too. I guess I II do it after work.Amy: You work too hard.Video Listening 2Amy: Why d o n't you take a break tonight? Yeah, why not come with me to a party?Talia: No thanks. Maybe some other time.Amy: Come on! Josh Taylor is having a party. A lot of available guys will be there.... You might meet someone.Talia: No, listen! I'm too busy to go. Go without me ...Tony: Good, yo u'r e here. I have something important to talk to you about. What are you working on?Talia: I'm researching the background information for that transportation story.Amy: She' s always working. She told me to tell you that.Tony: I have a big project for you to work on. I know you've been hoping for a break. This may be it.Talia: Really? That's great!Tony: Come to my office in about 10 minutes. By the way, you look different. Have you clone somethingwith your hair?Unit 2 Breaking NewsVideo Listening 1Tony : Someone sent us th is tape. This is incredible. What a shame.Talia : What's a shame?Tony : Have you ever heard of Nick Crawford, the soccer player? H e's the star forward on our national team.Talia : Of course. Everyone's heard of him, I think.Tony : Well, apparently this conversation took place a while ago: Nick Cr awford talks about how he needs money.Amy:That's not big news. There's a rumor that he's fallen into debt lately. I've heard all sorts of gossip about that.Tony : Yes, but, it gets even more interesting. Also on the tape, a woman offers him $50,000.Talia : What for?Tony: To sit out the f irs t round qualifying match. Remember? Nick Crawford had an in jur y andc o u ld n't play in that game?Talia : Sure, I remember. We lost that match, and if we lose again, we might be eliminated,Tony : Exactly. The next qualifying round is coming up. If this tape is real, Nick Crawford will be history.Amy : You mean, he won' t get to play in the next match?Tony : Exactly. And without him, we' II probably lose again.Amy : Wow! A real scandal! Is the tape for real?Tony : Talia, that' s your job now. Find out if the tape is authentic. And you' d better find out fast.Video Listening 2Talia : OK. I' II get this tape to an expert.Tony: If we can, w e'l l run the tape on t o n i g h t's broadcast before the competition hears about it. In fact, they may already have a copy of this tape.Talia: Speaking of copies, we ought to make a copy of this. We s h o u l d n't give away our only one. Tony : Good thinking. Amy ... handle this with care.Amy : Absolutely!Talia: See you later. I'm going to call the audio department. They can give me the name of an expert. Tony: Tell them we need someone fast.Talia : OK. I' m on it.Tony : Is there a problem?Talia : Not exactly. I'l l do it. It’s just that ... I know Nick Crawford.Tony : You do?Talia : Yes. We went to college together. I t's hard to believe he would do something like this.Tony : Well, wake up and smell the coffee, Talia! He's a big star. He's been a star on the national team for four years now. People do crazy things when they get famous.Talia : I just c a n't believe it. Nick Crawford taking a bribe?Tony: Listen, Talia. You're smart. Yo u'r e a good researcher, and one day I hope y o u'l l be a great reporter. But d o n't let your emotions get in the way of your work. If you do, I' II have to find someone else to work on this story.Unit 3 A Job for TaliaVideo Listening 1Woman's voice on tape: We'll pay you fifty thousand dollars.Nick's voice on tape: And all I have to do is sit on the bench?Woman's voice on tape: That' s right. Do that, and fifty thousand dollars is yours.Nick's voice on tape: Well, I can really use the money. You've got yourself a deal.Woman's voice on tape: Great. It's a pleasure doing business with you.Tony: How's it going?Talia: I can' t tell. I hope our expert will be able to figure it out.Tony: Me, too. When will we have the results?Talia: He's going to call me back this afternoon.Tony: Good.Talia: Y ou know, I've been a researcher here for three years. I've investigated other scandals. But something here doesn't seem right.Tony: What do you mean?Talia: It just doesn't make sense. Nick Crawford loves soccer. Why would he do something to hurt his career? Tony: T h a t's a good question. How well do you know Nick Crawford? Is he a friend of yours?Talia: No, not really. I just knew him in college. We had English together for two semesters.Tony: Oh, t h a t's it?Talia: Well, I got to know him a little. I know that he moved here from England about 10 years ago. I know that h e's smart. And I know that h e's always dreamed of being a great soccer star. Tony: Mm hmm.Talia: So, why would he risk ruining his career?Video Listening 2Talia: Bad news. The audio expert needs another day to check the tape.Tony: Did you tell him it was urgent? Find someone else!Talia: Of course I told him. But I also told him we need to be sure, absolutely sure.Tony: That' s true.Talia: Tony, listen. I have an idea. Let me go and talk to Nick.Tony: I d o n't know ...Talia: He may remember me. He may be willing to confide in me.Tony: Talia, look, y o u'r e not a reporter yet, you're still a researcher. Remember?Talia: Please, Tony. Give me a chance. What do you have to lose?Tony: All right, I'l l give you one more day. But only one more day.Talia: You won't be sorry. Just one more thing: if I find something big, the story is mine, right? Tony: What do you mean?Talia: I mean, you’ll let me report it, won" t you? If I can get Nick to tell me everything?Tony: You deserve a break. I know that. I'l l tell you what: come up with something big and th e story isyours. But, Talia, be careful.Talia: What do you mean?Tony: This Nick Crawford guy ... I hear he can be very charming. D o n't let him charm you out of a story.Unit 4 A Matter Of TrustVideo 1Talia: Nick?Nick: I know you, don’t I?Talia:Yes. I’m Talia, Talia Santos.Nick: Yeah, Talia! Of course!Talia:After all these years, I’m surprised you remember me.Nick:How could I forget you?? We were in an English literature class together, weren’t we?Talia: Tha’s righ t, the Shakespeare class.Nick:Right, Dr. Custer’s class. She was a tough teacher. She really made us work hard.Talia:Oh, gosh, don’t remind me.Nick:We studied together for the final, didn’t we?Talia:Yes, that’s right. As I recall, you did really we ll on it.Nick:That’s right! But only because I speak Shakespeare so fluently.Talia: Very cute.Nick: So, what are you doing here? Are you a big soccer fan now?Talia:Not exactly. I’m a researcher now… with Newsline.Nick: Oh, I see. Well, news people a ren’t my favourite people right now. I heard there’s a nasty story coming out about me. Something about me throwing a game?Talia: That’s why I’m here.Nick: Too bad. Well, maybe we can meet again sometime, under different circumstances.Video Listening 2Talia: No listen. I’d like to … I want to hear your side of the story. You don’t trust me, do you?Nick:Nope. You’re in the news business. You’re all alike.Talia:Hey, don’t judge me so quickly. I told you the truth about why I was here, didn’t I? Rea lly.You can trust me.Nick: Look, the only goal I have right now is helping my team win the qualifying match next weekend. After that I will deal with this mess.Talia: Wait, Nick. The charges are serious. People say you threw a game. They think you have gambling debts. Nick: Yes. That’s why I gave the Soccer Federation access to my bank accounts.Talia: They could stop you from playing. Forever.Nick:That’s impossible.Talia:No, it’s not. That’s why I want you to talk to me. I want your story. Did you or didn’t you take the money? Did you or didn’t you throw the game?Nick: Oh, you want to hear my story? Do you want to hear the true story, or the story that will get your show more viewers? Which story do you really want? Take your pick.Talia: The only story I want is the true story.Nick:Well, the truth is, I didn’t do it. I’m an innocent man.Unit 5 Nick’s ExplanationTalia : OK, let's get this straight. You’re one of the country's best soccer players.Nick : Well, I have to admit—that' s true. Of course, some people think that' s not such a great achievement. Talia : Now, for some reason, you sat out one of the biggest games of the year.Nick :Not just for some reason. I had a sprained ankle. I could hardly walk, so I certainly couldn't play.Talia : But your coach can't verify this.Nick : Of course he can't. You can't see a sprain on an X-ray.Talia : You can't?Nick : No.Talia :I see ...Nick : You don't have to believe me, but it's the truth. I sat out the first round qualifying match because I had a sprained ankle.Talia : And not because you took a bribe?Nick : A bribe? How can anyone believe such a ridiculous thing?Talia : Then can you explain the tape?Nick : What tape?Talia : Listen to this.(Voice on tape)Woman: We' II pay you fifty thousand pounds.Nick: And all I have to do is sit on the bench?Woman : That's right. Do that and fifty thousand pounds is yours.Nick: Well, I could really use the money. You've got yourself a deal.Woman: Great. It’s a pleasure doing business with you.Video 2Nick: It sure sounds like my voice, but I don't know why. Why would I do something so stupid?Talia:That's what I want to know.Nick:Hey, Coach! Can I talk to you a minute? Some TV station is going to report that I deliberately sat out a game!Coach:I know all about it. Who is this?Nick:This is an old friend of mine from college, Talia Santos. She works for Newsline. This is Coach Haskins, and you may recognize my teammate, Dean Bishop.Dean: Hey.Coach:Hi.Talia:Nice to meet you both.Coach:Would you excuse us for a moment, please?Talia:Sure.Coach:Look. I don't think it's such a good idea to talk to the media right now.Dean:Yeah, you've got that right.Nick: Coach, I just don't get it. Why would anybody try to do this to me?Coach:Well, we' re going to find that out. Now, I don't want to worry you, Nick, but I've been getting some pressure from the Soccer Federation.Nick:What do you mean?Coach:They want you to sit out the game next week.Dean:No!Nick: They can't do that!Coach:Yes, they can. Nick, I know how badly you want to play, and, frankly, I don't think we can win without you.Unit 6 Bad NewsVideo 1Talia:I don't think he did it.Tony:What do you mean?Talia:Nick. I don’t think he did it. I have a feeling.Tony: And you have that feeling because…Talia:No for one thing, he told me he was innocent.Tony: And you believe it.Talia:As a matter of fact, I do. This could all be a mistake …or something… Something is funny here. He’s a soccer star. Making money is not a problem for him.Amy:But gambling may be a problem for him.Tony:Yes, have you ever thought about that?Amy:He might owe a lot of people money.Tony:And sometimes people do things just because they can. Take it from me. I’ve seen a lot of people do stupid things. Even rich, famous people. It may not always make sense.Talia:But, except for that tape, we have no proof.Tony:We had no proof. We have it n ow. Amy, tell her.Amy:Sorry, Talia. The audit of Nick’s bank account came in. He deposited fifty thousand dollars in his bank account a week before the qualifying match.Talia:Oh, my gosh. What? Let me see that…I’m not going to stop i nvestigating. There might be a good explanation for this.Video 2Tony:You can keep investigating, but after looking at this bank statement, we have no choice. W’re going with this story tonight. If we don’t, the competition may beat us to it.Amy:You’ve got to admit, Talia, it doesn’t look good.Talia:I keep telling myself we are missing something. Things aren’t always as they seem.Tony:And sometimes things are exactly the way they seem.Talia:I just don’t think that’s true in this case.Tony:You just may be too trusting to be a reporter. Reporters have to be skeptical. Are you sure you’re all right working on this by yourself? Maybe you should work with John Donnelly.Talia:No. I can do this myself. I promised Nick I’d be fair. I promised you I wouldn’t let my emotions color my judgment. And I promised myself I’d do a good job.Tony:OK. But if you let me down, I’m giving the story to John.Talia:Thanks, Tony. I’ll be fine. You won’t be sorry.Unit 7 Endorsement DealVideo 1Talia: There you are! Nick, are you going to stop lying to me?Nick:Hello, Talia. And how are you? Would you like to have a seat?Talia:No, actually, I prefer to stand.Nick:Ok. Whatever. So now what’s going on?Talia:This! Fifty thousand dollars appeared in you bank account just before the qualifying match. Fifty thousand dollars!Nick: So?Talia: So? So, that’s exactly the amount of money they say you accepted for throwing that game.Nick: It is also the exact amount of money I got for endorsing a new line of athletic shoes.Talia:Oh, really?Nick:Yes, really. They’re going to be called Kicks. They are coming out next year. “Kicks: they are cooler than your old shoes. More comfortable, too. And they are less expensive than they look. Come and get your kicks!”Talia:Stop! I get it. Now, what was I saying? Oh, yes. Can I call your agent? I want to confirm this endorsement deal.Nick:Except, I didn’t use an agent.Talia:No agent? What a surprise!Video 2Nick:Talia, this is what happened.Talia: Ooh, here it comes. Another story.Nick:It was about 10 o’clock one morning. I was having something to drink at the juice bar here.Jackie: E xcuse me. Aren’t you Nick Crawford?Nick:Yes, that’s right. Do I know you?Jackie: No. not yet, that is. I’m Jackie Baker. I am the VP of marketing for Kicks Shoes.Nick: Uh-huh.Jackie: And I have a very interesting proposition for you.Nick:Keep going, I am listening.Jackie: Why don’t we meet at my office tomorrow? Let’s say, 12:30. we can have lunch nearby, and I’ll tell you all about the deal.Nick:She offered me this deal. Fifty thousand dollars just to endorse a new line of athletic shoes, and I agreed to wear the shoes next year when I play.Talia:That’s it?Nick: Basically.Talia:Hmm.Nick:Well, that’s what happened. I’ve still got her business card. You can call her yourself if you like.Talia:Jackie Baker, Kicks Shoes, OK. I’ll call her. You know on second thought, I’d rather pay her a visit.Unit 8 No One by That NameVideo 1Talia:Hello. I’m here to see Jackie Baker.Receptionist: hmmm. I don’t think…I know who you want. Jack Baxter. He’s on the third floor, 301. Talia:No, I’m here to see Jackie Baker, Ms. Jackie Baker.Receptionist: …no, definitely not. There’s no one by that name.Talia:This is the Gower Building? 119 Gower Street?Receptionist: yes. But like I said, there’s no Jackie Baker here.Talia:Well, maybe she’s no longer here. Maybe she used to work here.Receptionist: I didn’t think so. I’ve been here for ten years. Ten years too long, I might add. Someone named Jacob Banker used to work here. Funny, he was an architect, not a banker. Anyway, he was on the 2nd floor. Are you sure you are not looking for Jacob Banker?Talia: No, no. the name is Jackie Baker. She is a VP at kicks shoes.Receptionist: Now I really don’t know what you are talking about. Kicks shoes? Hold on a second, I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of kicks shoes and they are not in our directory. Are you sure you are in the right place?Talia:No. I’m nor sure where I am. In fact, I’m not sure about anything anymore.Video 2Talia: Oh, no. my cell phone is dead. Can I use your phone for a moment?Receptionist: you seem really angry. Are you going to yell at someone?Talia:I don’t know. Maybe. Probably…yes.Receptionist: I n that case, be my guest. Just dial 9 first.Receptionist: Uh-oh. Someone’s in big trouble.Nick:Hello.Talia: Hello, nick. It’s Talia. Remember me?Nick: Of course I remember you.Talia: I wasn’t sure. You seem to have trouble with names. And faces. And facts.Nick: Really? I used to have a good memory. I remembered you, did n’t I?Talia:There is no Jackie Baker here. There has never been a Jackie Baker here. And, to make matters worse, they’ve never even heard of kicks shoes.Nick:That’s ridiculous! You’ve got her business card. You’re at the Gower Building.Talia: That’s right.Nick:But I met Jackie there. I met her there. She took me to lunch…Have you tried calling her? Talia: I called before I came, but I got voicemail. One of those messages like, “the person you arecalling is not available.” I thought it was odd.Nick:Look, Talia, I don’t know what I can say. I’m telling the truth.Talia: Well, someone is lying. And if you think you are going to see a good story on news line, you’re wrong. Good-bye, Nick.Receptionist: Oh, that was good.Unit 9 No help for NickVideo 1Nick : Jackie Baker, pleaseReceptionist: Oh, I'm sorry. But there's no Jackie Baker here.Nick : Do you mind if I look at that?Receptionist: Not at all. Have a look. Let me guess. You're Nick.Nick: That's right, but ... how did you know?Receptionist: Oh, you' re famous!Nick : Oh. Do you follow soccer?Receptionist: Soccer? No, never watch it. I was listening when that woman called you. Iover heard everything.Nick : Well, that's great.Receptionist: She was really angry. Wow!Nick : I know. I know. Say, do you know what time it is?Receptionist : Nearly five. I was just getting ready to leave when you arrived.Nick : It's probably too late anyway. The news is going to be on in an hour.Video Listening 2Receptionist: So Nick, is there anything else I can do for you?Nick: Yeah, maybe. Could I speak to someone else at Kicks?Receptionist:Excuse me?Nick:Kicks shoes. May I speak to someone else at Kicks shoes?Receptionist: Sorry, Nick, but there’s no Kicks Shoes here, either. In fact, I’d never even heard of them before today.Nick:I don’t understand.Receptionist:Cheer up. Things can’t be as bad as they seem.Nick:No?Receptionist:Maybe you could describe this Jackie Baker to me.Nick: Great. Thanks. She’s, uh, about as tall as you are. She’s got long black hair. She wears glasses. Oh, she was wearing a nice business suit when I met her here. She looked like anexecutive.Receptionist:And she’s got blue eyes?Nick:Yes! Do you know her?Receptionist:No, I was just trying to help. Sorry I don’t know her at all.Unit 10 AT A GLANCEVideo 1Patty: Hey, Nick. It's good to see you again. What can I gel for you?Nick : Could I get a large pineapple and strawberry smoothie?Patty:Coming right up. Is everything all right?Nick : My life is a mess! And just when I thought things were going great.Patty : What's the matter? Did you get hurt?Nick : Yeah, I got hurt. But not on the soccer field.Patty: Really?Nick: Yeah. It all started when I agreed to endorse some shoes. Party, would you mindmaking it louder? I need to catch up on the news.Patty : No problem.Reporter on TV: Let' s see if he' s got some comments about this scandal. Hey, Dean!What do you think about the Nick Crawford scandal?Dean on TV: I' m not going to comment until we know more.Reporter on TV: Do you think the Soccer Federation is going to suspend him from playing;Dean on TV: Well, I really can't say. /' m sure they' II decide as soon as they have moreinformation.Reporter: What kind of information do you think they' II need to find?Dean : It's hard to say ...Nick : Hold on. Do you see that woman? The woman standing behind Dean? That's her!Patty: That's who?Nick : I think that's Jackie Baker! The woman with Kicks Shoes.Video 2Patty : Jackie Baker? No. That's Jackie Bishop, Dean's sister. She was a member here last year, but I haven't seen her around lately. I'm surprised you never ran into her.Dean : I've always admired Nick Crawford, f m sure he wouldn't risk ruining his career.Nick ; Thai's her. That's Jackie Baker.Patty: No, I'm pretty sure that's Jackie Bishop.Nick: But there's something different. No glasses. And her hair ...Patty: Ah, it's blonde now, but she keeps changing the color. She's a wannabe actress.Nick : A wannabe actress?Patty: Oh yeah! She' s tried out for a lot of movie parts, but I doubt she' s actually ever acted in anything.Nick: Except for the day she took me to lunch. She's a great actress. She should get an Oscar for herperformance.Reporter: The Nick Crawford scandal is just beginning to unfold, but one thing is clear...Patty: Here you go Nick. On the house. I think you're going to need it.Reporter: ... the evidence is not in his favor. The Soccer Federation is saying that he may be suspended and may never play soccer professionally again.Unit 11 The Truth RevealedVideo 1 ScriptTalia:I’m so glad I went to that class last night. It was really interesting.Amy:Well, Talia, you do look a little better today.Talia:Well, I don’t feel much better.Amy:You know what? You missed a great party the other night. Josh’s friend Matt was there. I really want to introduce you to him. He’s ...Talia: I completely believed him. He can be so persuasive. So convincing. I’m so disappointed. I feel like such a fool.Amy:Look, Talia, you’re no fool. Don’t be so hard on yourself.Talia:But I was convinced that Nick was being honest.Amy: It really is a shame, though. I was hoping you’d break this big story and become the top reporter at the station.Then I’d be your assistant, and you’d give me a raise.Talia:I’m so glad to hear you really care about me. Oh, I’m so depressed.Amy:Don’t look now, but the big storyteller is here.Nick:Talia. Talia.Amy:Hello. Nick Crawford? I’m Amy Lee.Nick:And I’m here to talk to Talia.Amy:Uh, I don’t think you can speak to her now.Nick:But I’ve got to talk to her. I know who’s responsible for this mess.Talia:I’ve heard that before.Nick: OK, forget it. I don’t have to speak to you. I’ll give my story to that other reporter, what’s-his-name? John Donnelly.Video 2 ScriptTalia: I’ll give you two minutes.Nick: You won’t be sorry. OK, I went to see her. I went to see Jackie Baker.Talia: There is no Jackie Baker.Nick: That’s right.Talia: So you admit that you lied?Nick: No, I didn’t lie. No, listen, this is what happened.Jackie: There you are. Right on time. We’ve got reservations for lunch.Nick: Great. Where are we going?Jackie: It’s a little place just around the corner. We can walk there.Nick: Sounds good.Jackie: Yes. I hate doing business in my office. It’s so much more pleasant to talk over a good meal.Nick: Then, over lunch, we talked about the deal.Jackie: So, just sign here. It basically says we’ll pay you $50,000 to endorse the shoes.Nick: She tricked me. She and her brother Dean. They wanted me out of the way. Dean is the next in line to be the star player.Talia: Wow! This is amazing. So, what are you going to do now?Nick: I’m going to the team office to talk to the coach. I’ve got to make sure he believes me.Unit 12 Dean’s ChallengeVideo 1 ScriptNick: Oh, good, you’re here. Coach, I‘ve been trying to speak to you since last night.This whole scandal is because ...Coach: Nick, Nick, we’ve been working together for four years now. You’re my best player, and frankly, Nick, I feel like we're family.Nick: Thanks, Coach. Me, too.Coach: I'm sorry. I didn't know you've been having money problems.Nick: No, I haven't! I hope you don't believe those lies about me. Trust me, Coach. I have not let you down. Coach: Well, why don't you clear this whole thing up for me, then?Nick: I would love to! The truth is, it's Dean. I know it's him.Coach: Dean? Who are you talking about? Dean Bishop?Nick: Yes. Dean Bishop. His sister is involved, too. They somehow made a phony tape. His sister gave me fifty thousand dollars for a fake endorsement.Coach: And you’re saying they made it look like a bribe for sitting out the qualifying game?Nick: Exactly.Coach: But Dean? And his sister? This is hard to believe. Why would Dean do this to you?Nick: Just think about it. Dean i s a great player, but he’s always in my shadow. He wants you to kick me off the team so that he can be the star.Coach: Wow! I don't know what to say. This is incredible. I hate to have to ask, but ... do you have proof?Nick: Not yet. But I‘ve been wor king with Talia Santos at Newsline for the past day or two. I'm hoping she can help.Coach: It may be too late. The Soccer Federation has been calling me for the past two days. They want to suspend you.Nick: But what about Dean Bishop?Coach: He's going to play in the qualifying match. Next to you, he's our strongest player.Video 2 ScriptNick: Dean.Dean: Nick, buddy. Tough rap you’re taking. Is there anything I can do to help?Nick: Yes, there is something you can do. You can tell Coach what really happened.Dean: Excuse me?Nick: You know. You can tell him about this scheme of yours.Dean: Uh, what are you talking about?Nick: How you and your-so talented sister have been plotting for how long now?Dean: I don't know what you're talking about.Nick: Yeah. The two of you dreamed up that fake endorsement deal. That must have taken a lot of planning.I'm impressed. I didn't know you were that smart.Dean: You're talking crazy now.Nick: It was you Dean. I know it was you. I guess you didn't expect me to figure it out.Dean: Wow, Nick. You've, uh, you've made up quite a story there. In fact, it's one of the craziest stories I've ever heard.Nick: I don't know how you pulled it off. How you made the tape. But I know it was you and your sister. Dean: Yeah? Oh, this is so typical of you. Always so sure of yourself. Always the most popular guy on the team. Well, you're not so popular now, Nicky boy.Nick: I know what you did.Dean: You think you know. But let's see you prove it.。

Advice to Youth 《给青年人的忠告》新时代交互英语节选版

Advice to Youth 《给青年人的忠告》新时代交互英语节选版

中国大学MOOC网中南大学《综合英语》课程李瑶教授《新时代交互英语读写译》第三单元Unit 2Advice to Youth (Excerpted)《给青年人的忠告》(摘录;节选)—by Mark Twain 马克•吐温马克•吐温的《给青年人的忠告》是他应邀写给美国青年的一篇小短文。



I have a few things in my mind which I have often longed(渴望)to say for the instruction of the young; for it is in one’s tender(未成熟的)early years that such things will best take root(扎根)and be most enduring(持久的)and most valuable. First, then, I will say to you, my young friends — and I say it beseechingly(恳求地), urgently(迫切地)—我头脑中确实有一些事情,常常渴望对年轻人讲讲,作为对于他们的指导因为在一个人稚嫩的少年时期,这样的事情会深深扎根,会成为最持久的最有价值的事。

那么首先,我要迫不及待地对你们,我的年轻朋友们恳切地讲述——Always obey your parents, when they are present. This is the best policy in the long run, because if you don’t, they will make you. Most parents think they know better than you do, and you can generally make more by humoring(迎合;迁就;顺应)that superstition(迷信;目跟从)than you can by acting on your own better judgment.当你们的父母在的时候,要顺从他们。

新时代交互英语视听说3 Unit_2

新时代交互英语视听说3 Unit_2

Use figurative language
of speech (修辞): when we use words in other than their ordinary or literal sense to lend force to an idea, to heighten effect, or to create suggestive imagery, we are said to be speaking or writing figuratively. Observing how figurative language is used will help you identify the writer‟s meaning.
Language Points
over : 细细思考,细细欣赏;停留在,慢吞 吞地做. Questions linger over the cancellation of the negotiation. Linger over one‟s work 磨洋工 You‟ve lingered long enough over breakfast. Eat it up.

What is the Internet ?
The Internet is a worldwide, publicly accessible series of interconnected computer networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It is a “network of networks” that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business, and government networks , which together carry various information and services,such as electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked web pages and other resources of the World Wide Web (WWW).



A: First of all, I just wanted to talk a little bit about your work here in college. And to get an idea how you spend your weeks. So the first question I have is: how many classes are you taking?B: I am taking four classes this semester.A: Four classes.B: Twelve credits.A: Twelve credits. Four classes, OK.B: En ...A: How much time with that many classes do you spend studying?B: Oh, probably about ...maybe four to five hours a week. And then on the weekends I spend more time.A: Well I see. So, and do you think that amount of studying is going to stay about the same through the semester or do you ...?B: No. I think it will get more as this semester progresses because I will be more involved in the classes.A: I can understand that. So, with all that, what is it ... so your typical week. What is, how does your time work out in a typical week?B: I spend time in class, and then I come to work. And then I'll go home from work, and do some reading and do some like assignments. And then hang out for a little bit, and then go to bed. I try to do so much studying at one time. I like to space it out some.A: I understand that now. So do you have time for the extra curricular activities?B: Oh, not really. I just hang out with my friends, and going to football games and stuff like that, is what I do.A: OK.B: I don't participate with any like sports or anything like that so ...A: I see. Pretty focused on your studies.B: Yes.A: Then ...B: Friends.A: A little bit of friend and hanging out. Ah, So, with all that do you feel you work all hard or ...? B: This semester I think it's gonna be hard. My studying is gonna be a little lot more difficult, because I am a senior now. So, classes get more focused and more assignments. So ...A: I see.B: First a couple of weeks it has already shown it's gonna be a lot of work.A: I see. Now, roughly comparing what you and your classmates are doing, do you think you work as hard as your classmates? Or do they work harder? What do you think about that?B: Ah, I think I am pretty equal. There are some people that go above and beyond, and highlight, are all organized, always prepared. I don't, I don't go that far. I make sure I'm prepared with the basics. I don't ... I don't do extra work. I try to stay what I have to do.A: I see, I see. Now, in general, do you think college students work hard enough? Why or why not?B: I don't think so. I think it depends on the college student. But I think a lot of time we get away with not having to do a lot. Sometimes like with the test you'll study the night before you'll still be able to do OK.A: I see.B: Or you scan the reading you still be able to ... I mean it's hard work, but I think you can get away a lot of the time.A: I see.A: I see. Not necessarily working as hard as you might.B: Yeah, not as you might need to.A: OK, and so, and my last question is do you think the money and time spent in college is worth it?B: En ... I think it is for the experience.A: En ... En.B: The experience is being on your own, and being responsible for what you do. And if you're doing ... If you get a bad grade, it's not your parents' fault or your friends' fault. It's your fault. You're the one who has to do work.A: I see.B: So I think it's a good experience. You learn a lot. Maybe not. You learn a lot school wise as you learn a lot more social wise and becoming your own person. So ...A: I see. Well, thank you for talking with me about this.B: No problem.。



新时代交互英语视听说3对话文本Unit 1 Another Busy DayVideo 1Amy: Good morning, Talia.Talia: Oh, hi. Good morning.Amy: You know, you're working too hard.Talia: I know. I always work this hard. Maybe you could mention that to Tony? I don't think he knows it.Amy : I s that a new hairstyle? It's very ... unique.Talia : Very funny. I had to work late last night. I' m tired, I'm in a bad mood, and I don't care about my hair.Amy: That's probably why you're not a reporter yet.Talia : Y ou think so?Amy: No, I'm just kidding...Talia : You may be right.Amy : Maybe Tony will take you more seriously after you finish the journalism class.Talia : Oh, no! Our journalism class! I forgot. It's tomorrow. What's the homework?Amy : C ompare two news stories on the same topic.Talia : That's easy enough to do. Sounds interesting,too. I guess I'll do it after work. Amy : Y ou work too hardUnit 2 Breaking NewsVideo 2Talia : OK. I'll get this tape to an expert.Tony: If we can, we'll run the tape on tonight's broadcast—before the competition hears about it. In fact, they may already have a copy of this tape.Talia : Speaking of copies, we ought to make a copy of this. We shouldn't give away our only one.Tony: Good thinking. Amy ... handle this with care.Amy: A bsolutely!Talia : See you later. I'm going to call the audio department. They can give me the name of an expert.Tony: Tell them we need someone fast.Talia : OK. I'm on it.Tony : Is there a problem?Talia : Not exactly. I'll do it. It's just that ... I know Nick Crawford.Tony: You do?Talia: Yes. We went to college together. It's hard to believe he would do something like this.Tony: Well, wake up and smell the coffee, Talia! He's a big star. He's been a star on the national team for four years now. People do crazy things when they get famous. Talia: I just can't believe it. Nick Crawford taking a bribe?Tony: Listen, Talia. You're smart. You're a good researcher, and one day— I hope — you'll be a great reporter. But don't let your emotions get in the way of your work. If you do, I'll have to find someone else to work on this story.Unit 3 A Job For TaliaVideo 2Talia: Bad news. The audio expert needs another day to check the tape.Tony: Did you tell him it was urgent? Find someone else.Talia: Of course I told him. But I also told him we need to be sure, absolutely sure.Tony: That’s true.Talia: Tony, listen. I have an idea. Let me go and talk to Nick.Tony: I don’t know…Talia: He may remember me. He may be willing to confide in me.Tony: Talia, look, you’re not a reporter yet, you’re still a researcher. Remember?Talia: Please, Tony. Give me a chance. What do you have to lose?Tony: All right, I’ll give you one more day. But only one more day.Talia: You won’t be sorry. Just one more thing: if I find something big, the story is mine, right? Tony: What do you mean?Talia: I mean, you’ll let me report it, won’t you? If I can get Nick to tell me everything? Tony: You deserve a break. I know that. I’ll tell you wh at: come up with something big and the story is yours. But,Talia be careful.Talia: What do you mean?Tony: This Nick Crawford guy… I hear he can be very charming. Don’t let him charm you out of a story.Unit 4 A Matter Of TrustVideo 1Talia: Nick?Nick: I know you, don’t I?Talia: Yes. I’m Talia, Talia Santos.Nick: Yeah, Talia! Of course!Talia: After all these years, I’m surprised you remember me.Nick: How could I forget you?? We were in an English literature class together, weren’t we? Talia: T ha’s right, the Shakespeare class.Nick: Right, Dr. Custer’s class. She was a tough teacher. She really made us work hard. Talia: Oh, gosh, don’t remind me.Nick: We studied together for the final, didn’t we?Talia: Yes, that’s right. As I recall, you did really well on it.Nick: That’s right! But only because I speak Shakespeare so fluently.Talia: Very cute.Nick: So, what are you doing here? Are you a big soccer fan now?Talia: Not exactly. I’m a researcher now… with Newsline.Nick: Oh, I see. Well, news people aren’t my favourite people right now. I heard there’s a nasty story coming out about me. Something about me throwing a game?Talia: That’s why I’m here.Nick: Too bad. Well, maybe we can meet again sometime, under different circumstances.Unit 6 Bad NewsVideo 2Tony: You can keep investigating, but after looking at this bank statement, we have no choice.We’re going with this story tonight. If we don’t, the competition may beat us to it. Amy: You’ve got to admit, Talia, it doesn’t look good.Talia: I keep telling myself we are missing something. Things aren’t always as they seem. Tony: And sometimes things are exactly the way they seem.Talia: I just don’t think that’s true in this case.Tony: You just may be too trusting to be a reporter. Reporters have to be skeptical. Are you sure you’re all right working on this by yourself? Maybe you should work with John Donnelly.Talia: No. I can do this myself. I promised Nick I’d be fair. I promised you I wouldn’t let my emotions color my judgment. And I promised myself I’ d do a good job.Tony: OK. But if you let me down, I’m giving the story to John.Talia: Thanks, Tony. I’ll be fine. You won’t be sorry.Unit 7 An Endorsement DealVideo 2Nick:Talia, this is what happened.Talia:Ooh, here comes another story.Nick:It was about 10 o’clock one morning. I was having something to drink at the juice bar here.Jackie:Excuse me, aren’t you Nick Crawford?Nick:Yes, that’s right. Do I know you?Jackie:No, not yet, that is. I’m Jackie Baker. I’m the VP13 of Marketing for Kicks Shoes. Nick:Uh-huh.Jackie: And I have a very interesting proposition14 for you.Nick:Keep going. I was listening.Jackie:Why don’t we meet at my office tomorrow? Let’s say15, 12:30. We can have lunch nearby, and I’ll tell you about the deal.Nick:She offered16 me this deal. Fifty thousand dollars just to endorse a new line of athletic shoes, and I agreed to wear the shoes next year when I play.Talia:That’s it?Nick:Basically17.Talia:Hmm.Nick:Well, that’s what happened. I’ve still got her business card. You can call her yourself if you like.Talia:Jackie Baker, Kicks Shoes. OK, I’ll call her. You know, on second thought18, I’d rather pay her a visit19.Unit 8 No One by That NameVideo 1Talia: Hello. I’m here to see Jackie Baker.Receptionist: Hmmm. I don’t think… I know who you want. Jack Baxter. He’s on the third floor, 301.Talia: No. I’m here to see Jackie Baker, Ms. Jackie Baker.Receptionist No, definitely not. There's no one here by that name.Talia: This is the Gower Building? 119 Gower Street?Receptionist: Yes. But like I said, there’s no Jackie Baker here.Talia: Well, maybe she’s no longer here. Maybe she used to work here. Receptionist: I don’t think so. I’ve been here for ten y ears. Ten years too long, I might add.… Someone named Jacob Banker used to work here. Funny, he wasan architect, not a banker. Anyway, he was on the 2nd floor. Are you sureyou’re not looking for Jacob Banker?Talia: No. No. The name is Jackie Bake r. She’s a VP at Kicks Shoes.Receptionist: Now I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Kicks Shoes? Hold on a second. I’m sorry, but I’ve never heard of Kicks Shoes and they’re not in our directory. Are you sure you’re in the right place?Talia: No. I’m not sure where I am. In fact, I’m not sure about anything anymore.Unit 9 No Help for NickVideo1Nick : Jackie Baker, pleaseReceptionist: Oh, I'm sorry. But there's no Jackie Baker here.Nick : Do you mind if I look at that?Receptionist: Not at all. Have a look. Let me guess. You're Nick.Nick: That's right, but ... how did you know?Receptionist: Oh, you' re famous!Nick : Oh. Do you follow soccer?Receptionist: Soccer? No, never watch it. I was listening when that woman called you. I overheard everything.Nick : Well, that's great.Receptionist: She was really angry. Wow!Nick : I know. I know. Say, do you know what time it is?Receptionist :Nearly five. I was just getting ready to leave when you arrived.Nick : It's probably too late anyway. The news is going to be on in an hour。

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New Era Interactive English 3Scripts for videoUnit 1 Another Busy DayVideo 1Amy: Good morning, Talia.Talia: Oh, hi. Good morning.Amy: You know, you're working too hard.Talia: I know. I always work this hard. Maybe you could mention that to Tony? I don't think he knows it.Amy : Is that a new hairstyle? It's very ... unique.Talia : Very funny. I had to work late last night. I' m tired, I'm in a bad mood, and I don't care about my hair. Amy: That's probably why you're not a reporter yet.Talia : You think so?Amy: No, I'm just kidding...Talia : You may be right.Amy : Maybe Tony will take you more seriously after you finish the journalism class.Talia : Oh, no! Our journalism class! I forgot. It's tomorrow. What's the homework?Amy : Compare two news stories on the same topic.Talia : That's easy enough to do. Sounds interesting,too. I guess I'll do it after work.Amy : You work too hard.Video 2Amy : Why don't you take a break tonight? Yeah, why not come with me to a party?Talia : No thanks. Maybe some other time.Amy : Come on! Josh Taylor is having a party. A lot of available guys will be there... You might meet someone.Talia : No, listen! I'm too busy to go. Go without me...Tony : Good, you're here. I have something important to talk to you about. What are you working on?Talia : I'm researching the background information for that transportation story.Amy : She's always working. She told me to tell you that.Tony : I have a big project for you to work on. I know you've been hoping for a break. This may be it.Talia : Really? That's great!Tony : Come to my office in about 10 minutes. By the way, you look different. Have you done something with your hair?Unit 2 Breaking NewsVideo 1Tony : Someone sent us this tape. This is incredible. What a shame.Talia : What' s a shame?Tony: Have you ever heard of Nick Crawford, the soccer player? He's the star forward on our national team.Talia : Of course. Everyone's heard of him, I think.Tony : Well, apparently this conversation took place a while ago: Nick Crawford talks about how he needs money.Amy: That's not big news. There's a rumor that he's fallen into debt lately. I've heard all sorts of gossip about that. Tony: Yes, but, it gets even more interesting. Also on the tape, a woman offers him $50,000.Talia : What for?Tony: To sit out the first round qualifying match. Remember? Nick Crawford had an injury and couldn't play in that game?Talia : Sure, I remember. We lost that match, and if we lose again, we might be eliminated.Tony : Exactly. The next qualifying round is coming up. If this tape is real, Nick Crawford will be history.Amy : You mean, he won't get to play in the next match?Tony: Exactly. And without him, we'll probably lose again.Amy: Wow! A real scandal! Is the tape for real?Tony :Talia, that's your job now. Find out if the tape is authentic. And you'd better find out fast.Video 2Talia : OK. I'll get this tape to an expert.Tony: If we can, we'll run the tape on tonight's broadcast—before the competition hears about it. In fact, they may already have a copy of this tape.Talia : Speaking of copies, we ought to make a copy of this. We shouldn't give away our only one.Tony: Good thinking. Amy ... handle this with care.Amy: Absolutely!Talia : See you later. I'm going to call the audio department. They can give me the name of an expert.Tony: Tell them we need someone fast.Talia : OK. I'm on it.Tony : Is there a problem?Talia : Not exactly. I'll do it. It's just that ... I know Nick Crawford.Tony: You do?Talia: Yes. We went to college together. It's hard to believe he would do something like this.Tony: Well, wake up and smell the coffee, Talia! He's a big star. He's been a star on the national team for four years now.People do crazy things when they get famous.Talia: I just can't believe it. Nick Crawford taking a bribe?Tony: Listen, Talia. You're smart. You're a good researcher, and one day— I hope — you'll be a great reporter. But don't let your emotions get in the way of your work. If you do, I'll have to find someone else to work on this story.Unit 3 A Job For TaliaVideo 1Woman’s voice on tape: We’ll pay you fifty thousand dollars.Nick’s voice on tape:And all I have to do is sit on the bench?Woman’s voice on tape: That’s right. Do that, and fifty thousand dollars is yours.Nick’s voice on tape: Well, I can really use the money. You’ve got yourself a deal.Woman’s voice on tape: Great. It’s a pleasure doing business with you.Tony: How’s it going?Talia: I can’t tell. I hope our expert will be able to figure it out.Tony: Me, too, when will we have the results?Talia: He’s going to call me back this afternoon.Tony: Good.Talia: You know, I’ve been a researcher here for three years. I’ve investigated other scandals.But something here doesn’t seem right.Tony: What do you mean?Talia: It just doesn’t make sense. Nick Crawford loves soccer. Why would he do something to hurt his career?Tony: That’s a good question. How well do you know Nick Crawford? Is he a friend of yours?Talia: No, not really. I just knew him in college. We had English together for two semesters.Tony: Oh, that’s it?Talia: Well, I got to know him a little. I know that he moved here from England about 10 ye ars ago. I know that he’s smart. AndI know that he’s always dreamed of being a great soccer star.Tony: Mm-hmm.Talia: So, why would he risk ruining his career?Video 2Talia: Bad news. The audio expert needs another day to check the tape.Tony: Did you tell him it was urgent? Find someone else.Talia: Of course I told him. But I also told him we need to be sure, absolutely sure.Tony: That’s true.Talia: Tony, listen. I have an idea. Let me go and talk to Nick.Tony: I don’t know…Talia: He may remember me. He may be willing to confide in me.Tony: Talia, look, you’re not a reporter yet, you’re still a researcher. Remember?Talia: Please, Tony. Give me a chance. What do you have to lose?Tony: All right, I’ll give you one more day. But only one more day.Talia: You won’t be sorry. Just one more thing: if I find something big, the story is mine, right?Tony: What do you mean?Talia: I mean, you’ll let me report it, won’t you? If I can get Nick to tell me everything?Tony: You deserve a break. I know that. I’ll tell you what: come up with something big and the story is yours. But,Talia be careful.Talia: What do you mean?Tony: This Nick Crawford guy… I hear he can be very charming. Don’t let him charm you out of a story.Unit 4 A Matter Of TrustVideo 1Talia: Nick?Nick: I know you, don’t I?Talia: Yes. I’m Talia, Talia Santos.Nick: Yeah, Talia! Of course!Talia: After all these years, I’m surprised you remember me.Nick: How could I forget you?? We were in an English literature class together, weren’t we?Talia: Tha’s right, the Shakespeare class.Nick: Right, Dr. Custer’s class. She was a tough teacher. She really made us work hard.Talia: Oh, gosh, don’t remind me.Nick: We studied together for the final, didn’t we?Talia: Yes, that’s right. As I recall, you did really well on it.Nick: That’s right! But only because I speak Shakespeare so fluently.Talia: Very cute.Nick: So, what are you doing here? Are you a big soccer fan now?Talia: Not exactly. I’m a researcher now… with Newsline.Nick: Oh, I see. Well, news people aren’t my favourite people right now. I heard there’s a nasty story coming out about me.Something about me throwing a game?Talia: That’s why I’m here.Nick: Too bad. Well, maybe we can meet again sometime, under different circumstances.Video 2Talia: No listen. I’d like to … I want to hear your side of the story. You don’t trust me, do you?Nick: Nope. You’re in the news business. You’re all alike.Talia: Hey, don’t judge me so quickly. I told you the truth about why I was here, didn’t I? Really. You can trust me.Nick: Look, the only goal I have right now is helping my team win the qualifying match next weekend. After that I will deal with this mess.Talia: Wait, Nick. The charges are serious. People say you threw a game. They think you have gambling debts.Nick: Yes. That’s why I gave the Soccer Federation access to my bank accounts.Talia: They could stop you from playing. Forever.Nick: That’s impossible.Talia: No, it’s not. That’s why I want you to talk to me. I want your story.Did you or didn’t you take the money? Did you or didn’t you throw the game?Nick: Oh, you want to hear my story? Do you want to hear the true story, or the story that will get your show more viewers?Which story do you really want? Take your pick.Talia: The only story I want is the true story.Nick: Well, the truth is, I didn’t do it. I’m an innocent man.Unit 5 Nick’s ExplanationVideo 1Talia: OK, let’s get this straight. You’re one of the country’s best soccer players…Nick:Well, I have to admit —that's true. Of course, some people think that’s not such a great achievement.Talia: Now, for some reason, you sat out one of the biggest games of the year.Nick: Not just for some reason. I sat out because I had a sprained(扭伤)ankle. I could hardly walk, I certainly couldn’t play.Talia: But your coach can’t verify this.Nick: Of course not. You can’t see a sprain on an X-ray.Talia: You can’t?Nick: No.Talia:I see…Nick:You don’t have to believe me, but it’s the truth. I sat out the first round qualifying match because I had a sprained ankle.Talia:And not because you took a bribe.Nick: A bride? How can anybody believe such a ridiculous thing?Talia:Then can you explain the tape?Nick:What tape?Talia:Listen to this.Woman’s voice on tape: We’ll pay you fifty thousand dollars.Nick’s voice on tape: And all I have to do is sit on the bench?Woman’s voice on tape: That’s right. Do that and fifty thousand dollars is yours.Nick’s voice on tape: Well, I can really use the money. You’ve got yourself a deal.Woman’s voice on tape: Great. It’s a pleasure doing business with you.Video 2Nick:It sure sounds like my voice, but I don’t know why. Why would I do something so stupid?Talia:That’s what I want to know.Nick:Hey, Coach! Can I talk to you a minute? Some TV station is going to report that I deliberately sat out a game! Coach:I know all about it. Who is this?Nick:This is an old friend of mine from college, Talia Santos. She works for Newsline. This is Coach Haskins, and you may recognize my teammate, Dean Bishop.Dean:Hey.Coach:Hi.Talia:Nice to meet you both.Coach:Would you excuse us for a moment, please?Talia:Sure.Coach:Look. I don’t think it’s such a good idea to talk to the media right now.Dean:Yeah, you’ve got that right.Nick:Coach, I just don’t get it. Why would anybody try to do this to me?Coach:Well, we’re going to find that out. Now, I don’t want to worry you, Nick, but I’ve been getting some pressure from the Soccer Federation.Nick:What do you mean?Coach:They want you to sit out the game next week.Dean:No!Nick:They can’t do that!Coach:Yes, they can. Nick, I know how badly you want to play, and, frankly, I don’t think we can win without you.Unit 6 Bad NewsVideo 1Talia: I don’t think he did it.Tony: What do you mean?Talia: Nick. I don’t think he did it. I have a feeling.Tony: And you have that feeling because…Talia: Well, for one thing, he told me he’s innocent.Tony: And you believe it.Talia: As a matter of fact, I do. This could all be a mistake … or something… Something is funny here. He’s a soccer star.Making money is not a problem for him.Amy: But gambling may be a problem for him.Tony: Yes, have you ever thought about that?Amy: He might owe a lot of people money.Tony: And sometimes people do things just because they can. Take it from me. I’ve seen a lot of people do stupid things.Even rich, famous people. It may not always make sense.Talia: But, except for that tape, we have no proof.Tony: We had no proof. We have it now. Amy, tell her.Amy: Sorry, Talia. The audit of Nick’s bank account came in. He deposited fifty thousand dollars in his bank account a week before the qualifying match.Talia: Oh, my gosh. What? Let me see that… I’m not going to stop investigating. There might be a good explanation for this.Video 2Tony: You can keep investigating, but after looking at this bank statement, we have no choice. We’re going with this story tonight. If we don’t, the competition may beat us to it.Amy: You’ve got to admit, Talia, it doesn’t look good.Talia: I keep telling myself we are missing something. Things aren’t always as they seem.Tony: And sometimes things are exactly the way they seem.Talia: I just don’t think that’s true in this case.Tony: You just may be too trusting to be a reporter. Reporters have to be skeptical. Are you sure you’re all right working on this by yourself? Maybe you should work with John Donnelly.Talia: No. I can do this myself. I promised Nick I’d be fair. I promised you I wouldn’t let my emotions color my judgment.And I promised myself I’ d do a good job.Tony: OK. But if you let me down, I’m giving the story to John.Talia: Thanks, Tony. I’ll be fine. You won’t be sorry.Unit 7 An Endorsement DealVideo 1Talia: There you are! Nick, are you gonna stop lying to me?Nick:Hello, Talia. And how are you? Would you like to have a seat?Talia:No. Actually I prefer1 to stand.Nick:OK, whatever2. So now what’s going on?Talia:This! Fifty thousand dollars appeared in your bank account just before the qualifying match. Fifty thousand dollars! Nick:So?Talia:So? So that’s exactly the amount of money they say you accepted for throwing that game3.Nick:It’s also the exact amount of money I got for endorsing4 a new line5 of athletic shoes.Video 2Nick:Talia, this is what happened.Talia:Ooh, here comes another story.Nick:It was about 10 o’clock one morning. I was having something to drink at the juice bar here.Jackie:Excuse me, aren’t you Nick Crawford?Nick:Yes, that’s right. Do I know you?Jackie:No, not yet, that is. I’m Jackie Ba ker. I’m the VP13 of Marketing for Kicks Shoes.Nick:Uh-huh.Jackie:And I have a very interesting proposition14 for you.Nick:Keep going. I was listening.Jackie:Why don’t we meet at my office tomorrow? Let’s say15, 12:30. We can have lunch nearby, and I’ll tell you about the deal.Nick:She offered16 me this deal. Fifty thousand dollars just to endorse a new line of athletic shoes, and I agreed to wear the shoes next year when I play.Talia:That’s it?Nick:Basically17.Talia:Hmm.Nick:Well, that’s what happened. I’ve still got her business card. You can call her yourself if you like.Talia:Jackie Baker, Kicks Shoes. OK, I’ll call her. You know, on second thought18, I’d rather pay her a visit19.Unit 8 No One by That NameVideo 1Talia: Hello. I’m here to see Jackie Baker.Receptionist: Hmmm. I don’t think… I know who you want. Jack Baxter. He’s on the third floor, 301.Talia: No. I’m here to see Jackie Baker, Ms. Jackie Baker.Receptionist No, definitely not. There's no one here by that name.Talia: This is the Gower Building? 119 Gower Street?Receptionist: Yes. But like I said, there’s no Jackie Baker here.Talia: Well, maybe she’s no longer here. Maybe she used to work here.Receptionist: I don’t think so. I’ve been here for ten years. Ten years too long, I might add.… Someone named Jacob Banker used to work here. Funny, he was an architect, not a banker. Anyway, he was on the 2nd floor. Areyou sure you’re not looking for Jacob Banker?Talia: No. No. The name is Jackie Bak er. She’s a VP at Kicks Shoes.Receptionist: Now I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Kicks Shoes? Hold on a second. I’m sorry, but I’ve neverheard of Kicks Shoes and they’re not in our directory. Are you sure you’re in the right place?Talia: No. I’m not sure where I am. In fact, I’m not sure about anything anymore.Video 2Talia: Oh, no. My cell phone is dead. Can I use your phone for a moment?Receptionist: You seem really angry. Are you going to yell at someone?Talia: I don’t know. Maybe. Probably… Yes!Receptionist: In that case ,be my guest. Just dial 9 first.Receptionist: Uh-oh. Someone’s in big trouble.Nick: Hello.Talia: Hello, Nick. It’s Talia. Remember me?Nick: Of course I remember you.Talia: I wasn’t sure. You seem to have trouble with names. And faces. And facts.Nick: Really? I used to have a good memory. I remembered you, didn’t I?Talia: There is no Jackie Baker here. There has never been a Jackie Baker here. And, to make matters worse, they’ve never even heard of Kicks Shoes.Nick: That’s ridiculous! You’ve got her business card. You’re at the Gower Building?Talia: That’s right.Nick: But I met Jackie there. I met her there. She took me to lunch… Have you tried calling her?Talia: I called before I c ame, but I got voicemail. One of those messages like, “The person you are calling is not available”. I thought it was odd.Nick: Look, Talia, I don’t know what I can say. I’m telling the truth.Talia: Well, someone is lying. And if you think you’re gonna see a good story on Newsline, you’re wrong! Good-bye, Nick. Receptionist: Oh, that was good.Unit 9 No Help for NickVideo1Nick : Jackie Baker, pleaseReceptionist: Oh, I'm sorry. But there's no Jackie Baker here.Nick : Do you mind if I look at that?Receptionist: Not at all. Have a look. Let me guess. You're Nick.Nick: That's right, but ... how did you know?Receptionist: Oh, you' re famous!Nick : Oh. Do you follow soccer?Receptionist: Soccer? No, never watch it. I was listening when that woman called you. I overheard everything.Nick : Well, that's great.Receptionist: She was really angry. Wow!Nick : I know. I know. Say, do you know what time it is?Receptionist :Nearly five. I was just getting ready to leave when you arrived.Nick : It's probably too late anyway. The news is going to be on in an hourVideo2Receptionist: So Nick, is there anything else I can do for you?Nick: Yeah, maybe. Could I speak to someone else at Kicks?Receptionist: Excuse me?Nick: Kicks shoes,,may i speak to someone else at Kicks shoes?Receptionist: Sorry, Nick, but there’s no Kicks Shoes here, either. In fact, I’d never even heard of them before today.Nick: I don’t understand.Receptionist: Cheer up. Things can’t be as bad as they seem.Nick: No?Receptionist: Maybe you could describe this Jackie Baker to me.Nick: Great. Thanks. She’s, uh, about as tall as you are. She’s got long black hair. She wears glasses. Oh, she was wearing a nice business suit when I met her here. She looked like an executive.Receptionist: And she’s got blue eyes?Nick: Yes! Do you know her?Receptionist: No, I was just trying to help. Sorry I don’t know her at all.Unit 10 In the NewsVideo1Patty: Hey, Nick. It's good to see you again. What can I get for you?Nick : Could I get a large pineapple and strawberry smoothie? ?Patty: Coming right up. Is everything all right?Nick : My life is a mess! And just when I thought things were going great.Patty : What's the matter? Did you get hurt?Nick : Yeah, I got hurt. But not on the soccer field.Patty: Really?Nick: Yeah. It all started when I agreed to endorse some shoes. Party, would you mind making it louder? I need to catch up on the news.Patty : No problem.Reporter on TV:: Let' s see if he' s got some comments about this scandal. Hey, Dean! What do you think about the Nick Crawford scandal?Dean on TV: I' m not going to comment until we know more.Reporter on TV:: Do you think the Soccer Federation is going to suspend him from playing,Dean on TV: Well, I really can't say. I' m sure they’ll decide as soon as they have more information.Reporter:What kind of information do you think they’ll need to find?Dean : It's hard to say ...Nick : Hold on. Do you see that woman? The woman standing behind Dean? That's her!Patty: That's who?Nick : I think that's Jackie Baker! The woman with Kicks Shoes.Video2Patty : Jackie Baker? No. That's Jackie Bishop, Dean's sister. She was a member here last year, but I haven't seen her around lately. I'm surprised you never ran into her.Dean : I've always admired Nick Crawford, f m sure he wouldn't risk ruining his career.Nick ; Thai's her. That's Jackie Baker.Patty: No, I'm pretty sure that's Jackie Bishop.Nick: But there's something different. No glasses. And her hair ...Patty: Ah, it's blonde now, but she keeps changing the color. She's a actress.Nick : A wannabe actress?Patty: Oh yeah! She' s tried out for a lot of movie parts, but I doubt she' s actually ever acted in anything.Nick: Except for the day she took me to lunch. She' s a great actress. She should get an Oscar for her performance. Reporter: The Nick Crawford scandal is just beginning to unfold, but one thing is clear...Patty: Here you go Nick. On the house. I think you're going to need it.Reporter: ……the evidence is not in his favor. The Soccer Federation is saying that he and may never play soccer professionally again.Unit 11 The Truth RevealedVideo1Talia : I' m so glad I went to that class last night. It was really interesting.Amy : Well, Talia, you do look a little better today.Talia : Well, I don't feel much better.Amy : You know what? You missed a great party the other night. Josh' s friend Matt was there. I really want to introduce you to him. He's ...Talia: I completely believed him. He can be so persuasive. So convincing. I'm so disappointed. I feel like such a fool.Amy : Look, Talia, you' re no fool. Don' t be so hard on yourself.Talia : But I was convinced that Nick was being honest.Amy : It really is a shame, though. I was hoping you'd break this big story and become the top reporter at the station. Then I'd be your assistant, and you'd give me a raise.Talia : I'm so glad to hear you really care about me. Oh, I'm so depressed.Amy : Don't look now, but the big storyteller is here.Nick : Talia. Talia.Amy : Hello. Nick Crawford? I' m Amy Lee.Nick : And I' m here to talk to Talia.Amy : Uh, I don't think you can speak to her now.Nick : But I've got to talk to her. I know who's responsible for this mess.Talia : I've heard that before.Nick: OK, forget it. I don't have to speak to you. I'll give my story to that other reporter, what's his name? John Donnelly. Video2Talia : I’ II give you two minutes.Nick : You won't be sorry. OK, I went to see her. I went to see Jackie Baker.Talia : There is no Jackie Baker.Nick : That' s right.Talia : So you admit that you lied?Nick : No, I didn't lie. No, listen, this is what happened.Jackie: There you are. Right on time. We' ve got reservations for lunch.Nick: Great. Where are we going?Jackie : It’s a little place just around the corner. We can walk there.Nick: Sounds good.Jackie : Yes. I hate doing business in my office. It' s so much more pleasant to talk over a good meal.Nick : Then, over lunch, we talked about the deal.Jackie : So, just sign here. It basically says we' II pay you $50,000 to endorse the shoes.Nick : She tricked me. She and her brother Dean. They wanted me out of the way. Dean is the next in line to be the star player.Talia : Wow! This is amazing. So, what are you going to do now?Nick : I’m going to the team office to talk to the coach. I' ve got to make sure he believes me.Unit 12 Dean’s ChallengeVideo1Nick : Oh, good, you' re here. Coach, I' ve been trying to speak to you since last night. This whole scandal is because ... Coach : Nick, Nick, we' ve been working together for four years now. You' re my best player, and frankly, Nick, I feel like we're family.Nick : Thanks, Coach. Me too.Coach: I'm sorry. I didn't know you've been having money problems.Nick : No, I haven't! I hope you don't believe those lies about me. Trust me, Coach. I have not let you down.Coach : Well, why don't you clear this whole thing up for me, then?Nick : I would love to! The truth is, it's Dean. I know it's him.Coach : Dean? Who are you talking about? Dean Bishop?Nick : Yes. Dean Bishop. His sister is involved, too. They somehow made a phony tape. His sister gave me fifty thousand dollars for a fake endorsement.Coach : And you' re saying they made it look like a bribe for sitting out the qualifying game?Nick : Exactly.Coach : But Dean? And his sister? This is hard to believe. Why would Dean do this to you?Nick : Just think about it. Dean is a great player, but he' s always in my shadow. He wants you to kick me off the team so that he can be the star.Coach : Wow! I don't know what to say. This is incredible. I hate to have to ask, but ... do you have proof?Nick : Not yet. But I' ve been working with Talia Santos at Newsline for the past day or two. I'm hoping she can help. Coach: It may be too late. The Soccer Federation has been calling me for the past two days. They want to suspend you.Nick : But what about Dean Bishop?Coach : He's going to play in the qualifying match. Next to you, he's our strongest player.Video2Nick : Dean.Dean : Nick, buddy. Tough rap you' re taking. Is there anything I can do to help?Nick : Yes, there is something you can do. You can tell Coach what really happened.Dean : Excuse me?Nick : You know. You can tell him about this scheme of yours.Dean : Uh, what are you talking about?Nick : How you and your- so talented sister have been plotting for how long now?Dean : I don't know what you're talking about.Nick : Yeah. The two of you dreamed up that fake endorsement deal. That must have taken a lot of planning. I'm impressed. I didn't know you were that smart.Dean : You're talking crazy now.Nick : It was you Dean. I know it was you. I guess you didn't expect me to figure it out.Dean : Wow, Nick. You've, uh, you've made up quite a story there. In fact, it's one of the craziest stories I've ever heard. Nick: I don't know how you pulled it off. How you made the tape. But I know it was you and your sister.Dean : Yeah? Oh, this is so typical of you. Always so sure of yourself. Always the most popular guy on the team. Well, you're not so popular now, Nick y boy.Nick : I know what you did.Dean : You think you know. But let's see you prove it.。
