



































浙江省专升本试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是浙江省的省会城市?A. 杭州B. 宁波C. 温州D. 绍兴答案:A2. 浙江省位于中国的哪个方向?A. 东部B. 西部C. 北部D. 南部答案:A3. 浙江省的简称是什么?A. 浙B. 苏C. 闽D. 鲁答案:A4. 浙江省的总面积大约是多少?A. 10万平方公里B. 20万平方公里C. 30万平方公里D. 40万平方公里答案:B5. 浙江省的省花是什么?A. 桂花B. 牡丹C. 桃花D. 荷花答案:A6. 下列哪个是浙江省的著名景点?A. 黄山B. 西湖C. 峨眉山D. 泰山答案:B7. 浙江省的省树是什么?A. 桂花树B. 松树C. 柳树D. 樟树答案:D8. 浙江省的省鸟是什么?A. 燕子B. 鸽子C. 麻雀D. 喜鹊答案:A9. 浙江省的人口数量大约是多少?A. 5000万B. 6000万C. 7000万D. 8000万答案:B10. 浙江省的省会城市杭州的著名景点之一是什么?A. 雷峰塔B. 黄鹤楼C. 东方明珠D. 故宫答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 浙江省的著名景点包括以下哪些?A. 杭州西湖B. 乌镇C. 千岛湖D. 普陀山答案:ABCD2. 浙江省的特产包括以下哪些?A. 龙井茶B. 丝绸C. 绍兴黄酒D. 金华火腿答案:ABCD3. 浙江省的著名高校包括以下哪些?A. 浙江大学B. 浙江工业大学C. 浙江师范大学D. 宁波诺丁汉大学答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 浙江省是中国的经济大省之一。

(正确)答案:正确2. 浙江省的省会城市是上海。

(错误)答案:错误3. 浙江省位于中国的南部。

(错误)答案:错误4. 浙江省的省花是牡丹。

(错误)答案:错误5. 浙江省的省树是桂花树。

(错误)答案:错误四、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述浙江省的地理位置特点。





题号12345答案ACAAC1.A 解析:取整函数[]x 的图像可知,[]x x x ≤<-1,所以[]01≤-<-x x ,所以函数[]x x -是有界函数,所以选项A 正确。

2.C 解析:选项A :错,反例:3)(x x f =在0=x 处可导,且0)0(='f ,但却是非极值选项B 错,反例:⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠=0,00,1sin )(2x x x x x f ,⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧=≠-='0,00,1cos 1sin 2)(x x xx x x f ,明显)(x f '在0=x 处不连续选项C 对,因为针对于一元函数,可导必定可微,可微也必定可导选项D 错,反例:2)(x x f =,0)0(='f ,但却是非拐点3.A 解析:111011)]([)1()())(()]([)(x f f dx x f x f x x f d x dx x f x -'='-'='=''⎰⎰⎰2)01(3))0()1((3=--=--=f f ,可见选项A 正确。

4.A 解析:x ax b a b a x x n n n n n n n 1lim )(111=+⋅+=+++∞→ρ,令11)(<=x a x ρ,解得:()a a x ,-∈,因此收敛区间为:()a a ,-,收敛半径为:a R =。

故选A5.C 解析:特征方程为:012=++r r ,043)21(2=++r ,即:i r 2321±-=,因为i i +=+0ωλ不是012=++r r 的根,所以:0=k 。

所以sin '''++=y y y x x 的特解形式可设为:x d cx x b ax y cos )(sin )(*+++=,可见选项C 正确。



2016年专升本(高等数学二)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 选择题 2. 填空题 3. 解答题选择题1.= ( )A.0B.1C.2D.3正确答案:C2.设函数f(x)=在x=0处连续,则a= ( ) A.一1B.0C.1D.2正确答案:C3.设函数y=2+sinx,则y’= ( )A.cosxB.-cosxC.2+cosxD.2-cosx正确答案:A4.设函数y=ex-1+1,则dy= ( )A.exdxB.ex-1dxC.(ex+1)dxD.(ex-1+1)dx正确答案:B5.∫01(5x4+2)dx= ( )A.1B.3C.5D.7正确答案:B6.∫0(1+cosx)dx ( )A.+1B.C.一1D.1正确答案:A7.设函数y=x4+2x2+3,则= ( ) A.4x3+4xB.4x3+4C.12x2+4xD.12x2+4正确答案:D8.∫1+∞dx= ( )A.一1B.0C.1D.2正确答案:C9.设函数z=x2+y,则dz= ( )A.2xdx+dyB.x2dx+dyC.x2dx+ydyD.2xdx+ydy正确答案:A10.若=2,则a= ( )A.B.1C.D.2正确答案:D填空题11.=______.正确答案:12.设函数y=x2一ex,则y’=_______.正确答案:2x-ex13.设事件A发生的概率为0.7,则A的对立事件发生的概率为______.正确答案:0.314.曲线y=Inx在点(1,0)处的切线方程为______.正确答案:y=x-115.∫()dx=_______.正确答案:ln|x|+arctanx+C16.∫-11(sinx+x)dx=_______·正确答案:017.设函数F(x)=∫0xcostdt,则F’(x)=_______.正确答案:cosx18.设函数z=sin(x+2y),则=________.正确答案:cos(x+2y)19.已知点(1,1)是曲线y=x2+alnx的拐点,则a=______.正确答案:220.设y=y(x)是由方程y=x一ey所确定的隐函数,则=______.正确答案:解答题21.计算.正确答案:解:=3.22.设函数y=xe2x,求y’.正确答案:y’=x’e2x+x(e2x)’=(1+2x)e2x.23.设函数z=x3y+xy3,求.正确答案:解:=3x2y+y3,=6xy,=3x2+3y2.24.计算∫xcosx2dx.正确答案:解:∫xcosx2dx=∫cosx2dx2=sinx2+C.25.计算∫12xlnxdx.正确答案:解:26.求曲线y=,直线x=1和x轴所围成的有界平面图形的面积S,及该平面图形绕z轴旋转一周所得旋转体的体积V.正确答案:解:面积S=∫01dx=.旋转体的体积V=∫01π()2dx=∫01πxdx=x2|01=.27.设函数f(x,y)=x2+y2+xy+3,求f(x,y)的极值点与极值.正确答案:由已知,=2x+y,=2y+x,故=2.因为A >0且AC—B2>0,所以(0,0)为f(x,y)的极小值点,极小值为f(0,0)=3.已知离散型随机变量X的概率分布为28.求常数a;正确答案:解因为0.2+a+0.2+0.3=1,所以a=0.3.29.求X的数学期望EX及方差DX.正确答案:EX=0×0.2+10×0.3+20×0.2+30×0.3=16,DX=(0一16)2×0.2+(10一16)2×0.3+(20一16)2×0.2+(30一16)2×0.3=124.。
























大学英 语教 学情 况的研 究则 更是 寥寥 无几 。本 文 主要 讨论 的就是 多媒 体 网络 环境 下 的专升 本 函授大 学英 语
教学存 在 的问题及 对策 。
二、 专升本 函授英语教 学存在的 问题及面 的挑战 成 人教育 是传 统学 校教 育 向终身 教育 发展 的一 种 新 型教 育制度 , 我 国教 育体 系 的重要 组成 部分 , 不 是 对 断提高 全 民族 素质 , 进 经 济 和社 会 发 展 具 有 重要 作 促 用 。进 入 2 世 纪 , 我 国经 济社会 发展 向第 三 步战 略 1 在 目标迈 进 的关 键 时期 , 一步 改革 和发 展成 人教 育 , 进 全 面提高 劳动者 素质 , 以发 挥我 国 巨大 的人力 资源 优势 , 已成为 推动经 济增 长 和社 会 进 步 , 强 综 合 国力 的重 增
作用 , 这对提 高教学质量起 着至关重要的作用 。最后 , 要正 确处 理好 协调好语 言能力与交际能力 的关系。
关 键 词 : 络 环 境 ; 学 英 语 教 学 ; 战 ; 策 网 大 挑 对

引 言
研究 , 尤其 在少 儿及 成人 学 习外 语 方 面 的 研 究 已有 丰
硕 的 成 果 。 目前 , 国 对 于 大 学 英 语 四 级 、 级 我 六 (E 4C T ) C T , E 6 的研 究可谓 如 火 如荼 , 现有 的 国 内研 究 主要集 中在对成 年学 员 学 习 特 点 的研 究 , 如对 学 习动 机的研 究 , 习 策 略 的研 究 等 。这 些研 究 一般 是 单 方 学 面 的单 角度 的研 究 , 且 是 针对 所 有 成 人 学 员 。而 对 而 于成人 英语 教 学 、 测研 究 , 明显 少 得 多 , 对 “ 检 则 针 英 语 应用 能力 ” 的研 究 则 更 少 , 专 门 针对 专 升 本 函授 而





2.每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。


Part1ReadingSection AFormat1The moment two humans lay eyes on each other has incredible.The first sight of you bums its way into your new acquaintance’s eyes and can stay printed in his or her memory forever.Artists are something able to capture this quicksilver,short emotional response.I have a friend,Robert Grossman,an accomplished artist who draws regularly for Forbes,Newsweek,Sports Illustrated,Rolling Stone and other popular publications.Robert has a unique gift for capturing not only the physical appearance of his subjects,but zeroing in on the essence of their personalities.The bodies and souls of hundreds of figures radiate from his sketch pad(素描).One glance at his pictures of famous people,you can see,for instance,the insecure of arrogance of Madonna,the boyishness of Clinton,the awkwardness of George Bush.Something at a party,Robert will do a quick sketch on a cocktail napkin of a guest.When he’s finished drawing,he puts his pen down and hands a napkin to the guest.Often a puzzled look comes over the subject’s face. He or she usually mumbles some politeness like,“well,er,that is great.But it really is not me.”The crowd’s convincing echo of“Oh yes it is!”drowns down the subject,who is left to stare back at the world’s view of himself of herself in the napkin.Once I asked Robert how he could capture people’s personalities so well.He said,”It is simple.I just look at them.”Almost every side of people’s personalities is evident from their appearance,their gesture,the way they move.First impressions are incredible.Because in our fast-paced information-overload world,multiple stimuli bombard us every second,people’s heads are spinning.They must form quick judgments to make sense of the world and get on with what they have to do.Whenever people meet you,they take an instant mental snapshot.That image of you becomes the data that they deal with for a long time.1.People usually get the first impression if a person through.A.reading an article about him or her in a famous magazineB.getting acquainted with his or her beat friendsC.taking a brief look at his or her appearanceD.studying his or her personality carefully2.Why does the author say that Robert has a unique gift?A.He can draw the subject carefullyB.He can memorize the names of people instantlyC.He can illustrate the subject’s characteristicD.He can communicate with famous people effectively3.What does the phrase“zeroing in on”most probably mean?A.relying onB.responding onC.acknowledging onD.grasping4.The puzzled look on the subject’s face suggests that.A.the artist’s drawing is out of subject’s expectationB.the crowed treated the subject rudelyC.the artist failed to show his respect for the subjectD.the image of the drawing was too real to believe5.We can conclude from the passage that.A.one should never trust a person by his or her appearanceB.the first impression usually has a long lasting influenceC.the judgment based on the first impression is always reliableD.we can no longer make any sense of the information an handPassages2My dad was a plumber for the public works department in our town,so from time to time he came into my school.Can you imagine sitting in the class and seeing your dad peek through the door of your classroom and wave at you?In junior high?One girl in our class always made fun of me because my dad was a plumber and hers was a lawyer,and she would always say things like,“that’s gross!”I must admit that I was sometimes embarrassed by what my dad did, especially in my early teens,when the only thing I really cared about was what the other girls thought.The girl lived a few streets away from us,and a winter day--the day her older sister got married--the toilet in their main upstairs bathroom cracked and there was water everywhere.Her father called every plumber in the yellow book but nobody would come out because of the major snowstorm.His daughter told her father that my father was a plumber,and he called.My father went over and took me with him.(maybe he was hoping that the lawyer’s daughter would be nicer to me.)My father fixed the toilet,help them clean up everything,and didn’t take a dime for the trouble.But as we were leaving,he told the girl,“If I ever need a lawyer,I’ll be happy to call your dad.”As we walked to our car,he said to me,“Do you believe he didn’t know where the main shut-off valve was? What a dumb ass!”From that point on,her dad was known in school as Attorney Dumb Ass.When my husband and I bought our house,the first thing my father showed him was shut-off valve.I have always been proud to say that I am a plumber’s daughter.6.When her father came to her school and peeked through the classroom door,the writer might feel________.A.pleasedB.embarrassedC.disappointedD.threatened7.The girl’s attitude towards the writer can be best described as________.A.unfriendlyB.doubtfulC.kindD.sympathetic8.In her early teens,the only thing the writer cared about was________.A.her studyB.her appearanceC.what her father didD.what the other girls thought9.Why couldn’t the lawyer find anybody to fix the toilet on that winter day?A.He had little moneyB.All the plumbers were too busy to comeC.There was a major snowstorm and nobody would come outD.One of his daughters was getting married and the house was in a mess10.What might the writer’s father think of the lawyer?A.GenerousB.IntelligentC.StupidD.RespectfulPassage3Imagine a guitar so tiny that you can't see it with the human eye,but you can hear sound when its strings are pulled.Some people say the future is big,but when it comes to technology,the world is getting smaller.Nanotechnology(纳米技术)is the science that deals with doing things in a very small way,and it is being studied and developed all over the world.Micro-machines too small to been seen by the eye are being designed to do many things.And these machines no larger than in diameter than a human hair,are extremely powerfully.Many scientists say nanotechnology will produce the next industrial revolution(工业革命).Nano comes from the Greek word dwarf.A nanometer is one-billion of a meter.The period of the end of this sentence can contain about100micrometers,which in equal to100,000nanometers.To understand this new technology,we have to get rid of the normal ideas of size and strength.Minute(微小的)robots,called“nanorobots”are being developed in the revolutionize manufacturing.Instead of cars being produced on assembling line,for example,scientist predict that cars can be built in a giant container onto which raw material and machines have been placed.Thousands of nanorobots will direct the process and tell the machine what to do.Micro-machines can also be used to make our environment safer.Today,poison chemicals are stored in containers or transported by trucks or trains.This sometimes result in dangerous spills.But with nanotechnology, manufacturers could have their own tiny chemical factories.The produce would be no bigger than a sugar cube and would manufacture exactly the amount of chemicals needed at the moment.No chemicals would need to be stored. The workplace would be safer,and the environment would be cleaner.11.The author mentions guitar at the beginning of the passage in order to.A.introduce the knowledge of guitarB.introduce the topic of nanotechnologyC.show his or her own interest in musicD.describe the craft of making musical instruments12.According to the passage,why does the nanotechnology lead to the next industrial revolution?A.Micro-machines are tiny but beautifulB.Micro-machines are strong but smartC.Micro-machines are small but powerfulD.Micro-machines are cute and varied13.The word dwarf in Pra.3is closest in meaning to.A.cleverB.slowC.quickD.minute14.With nanotechnology,where will cars probably be produced?A.On assemble lineB.In huge containersC.Inside the micro-machinesD.Inside the nanorobots15.Which of the following is NOT the causes leading to cleaner environment by adopting nanotechnology?A.There will be less dangerous spills.B.The amount of produced chemicals can be precisely controlled.C.Micro-factories need not store chemicals.D.The factories will be of large size.Passage4When Caroline heard the phone ring late in the evening,she knew it was something important.He listen as a park ranger explained the situation.Seven children were lost in the Pennsylvania wildness.Caroline pulled on the red jacket that said Rescue on it and called on her dog.Aly,a shepherd.She and Aly raced to their rescue truck and climbed in.Then Caroline put on the emergency light and stepped on the gas.She knew they had no time to late.In the dark Pennsylvania wood,Caroline and Aly walked for hours to looking for sigh of children.It was a fierce autumn night,and she became cold and exhausted.Suddenly,she saw footprint ahead.In the cold,it was difficult for Aly to pick up the children’s scent,but finally he found it and began to bark.Then two miles down the road,Aly began to yelp with joy,and Caroline began to run.There were shivering and crying,but they were safe.Caroline and Aly are a specialized team with many amazing,life-saving rescues to their credit.She had always loved dogs and used to raise them as hobby.One day a friend suggested canine search and rescue team.Caroline and Aly makes an excellent team.Dogs have a great sensitivity to smell.She trained Aly to find the scent of humans underground and in open spaces.Caroline is a natural athletes who skis and mountain climbs,and she is highly skilled in wilderness survival.She and Aly can find people faster than a dozen human searchers can. Caroline can also speak seven languages,so she often translates for other rescue works when she works in different countries.16.Which of the following can best describe the situation in Pra.1?A.RelaxingB.UrgentC.IndifferentD.Ordinary17.Which of the following is NOT a factor leading to the different situation in Pra.2?A.Caroline got lost.B.The weather was cold.C.Caroline was very tired.D.It was difficult for Aly to find the scent.18.When the children were found,they were.A.excited and happyB.shivering and cryingC.disappointed and angryD.shouting and smiling19.It can be learned from the last paragraph that.A.Aly rescued many earthquake victimsB.Caroline climbed many famous mountainsC.Caroline knows how to survive in wildernessD.Caroline and Aly are best team in the world20.Which of the following can be best title of the passage?A.Seven childrenB.Aly the rescue dogC.Search and rescue skillsD.A search and rescue teamThe young man replied,"$3.00for you and$3.00__28__any kid who is ol __29they are six or younger.How old are they?"Bobby replied,"The lawyer’s three and the doctor is seven,so I guess I hav The man at the ticket counter__31__,"Hey,Mister,did you just win the lo saved yourself three bucks.You could have told me that the older one was six;I_."Bobby replied,"Yes,that may be true,but the kids would have known the difference."__33__Ralph Waldo Emerson said,“Who you are speaks so loudly I can’t hear what you’re saying.”In challenging times when ethics are more important__34__ever before,make sure you set a good__35__for everyone you work and live with.A.handle F.to K.exampleB.though G.than L.whichC.difference H.play M.Due toD.for I.said N.ifE.As J.spreads O.muchPart2Integrated TestingSection AI collected my two-year-old grandson Max from kindergarten to take him to hospital to visit his mother and new baby brother.__36__buckling him into his car seat,I shut the rear door and went round to the driver’s door to collect the__37__,only to find that it was locked.__38__I realized the central locking meant there was no way I could__39__the car.The temperature was40℃and my mobile phone was locked in the car__40__I couldn’t call for help. Panicked,I looked around for some help and saw a young man standing by his large truck.Seeing my agitation,he came over and_41__to try to open the door.He was_42__in his attempts but failed.My hero went back to his truck and used his phone to call for help._43_my growing anxiety,I forced myself to talk_44__to Max,explaining the situation.He was so good,45__ with his toy,but he was getting distressed.Sweat rolled down his face.Arms and legs,but he was calm and_46_.I told him that someone was coming_47__him.Eventually automobile association officers_48__and began to work on the two front doors._49__was having any success.Anxiety levels_50__.The officers then worked together on the driver’s door,pushing it open, _51__then released the other doors.I lift Max_52__the car.It was only when the officers poured bottles of water of the two of us to cool him down that he began to_53__.I thanked the young man for his kindness but he refused_54__to tell his name.I hoped he knew how much his kindness and_55__meant to me that day.36. A.When B.After C.Since D.Because37. A.keys B.gifts C.materials D.bags38. A.Gradually B.Consequently C.Immediately D.Probably39. A.hold onto B.get into C.peek into D.turn on40. A.but B.for C.so D.or41. A.asked B.demanded C.decided D.offered42. A.tireless B.painful C.rude D.violent43. A.For B.To C.Despite D.On44. A.formally B.calmly C.desperately D.nervously45. A.playing B.dealing C.fighting D.helping46. A.thinking B.trusting C.angry D.flexible47. A.scold B.answer C.observe D.rescue48. A.broke in B.moved in C.stood up D.turned up49. A.Neither B.It C.Either D.Both50. A.improved B.dropped C.rose D.declined51. A.when B.which C.when D.who52. A.except for B.regardless of C.back from D.thanks to53. A.cry B.run C.doubt D.shake54. A.thus B.yet C.even D.still55. A.support B.problem C.promise D.abilitySection BImagine going to your doctor with a complaint of frequent headaches.Your doctor takes a prescription and writes a word on it.The word is not“aspirin”.It's“Mozart”.The idea is not so farfetched.In China,instead of pills,doctors often recommend musical albums with names like Insomnia or Heart,Liver and Lungs,and Chinese people take these musical pieces as prescriptions.In fact,in China music is prescribed as often as herbal medicine to help people with common,everyday problems or to strengthen organs like the liver or the kidneys.Other countries use music for healing as well.In Japan, Mendelssohn’s“Spring Song”is often used to treat headaches.And hospital in India use different kinds of music to treat mental illness.Using music as therapy is not new.It dates back to the beginning of civilization,when people got together to play music ob primitive drums and rattles.Music plays a part in every ritual and important life event,from weddings and funerals to crop planting and harvesting to marching people into battle.There is even evidence that music was our first language.Scientists found that2/3of the tiny hairs insides human ears respond only to the higher frequency of music,which shows that people probably sang before that talked.Many kinds of music can stir the imagination and produce strong feelings.For some people,romantic composers such as Chopin and Tchaikovsky enhance feelings of love and compassion.Religious and spiritual music can help some people feel peace or lessen their pain.But one musician seems to have a unique ability to heal the human body—Mozart.Scientists have found Mozart's music to be remarkable in its ability to calm its listeners. It can also increase their perception,and help them express themselves more clearly.56.In China,doctors often give patients music and to help people deal with their problems.57.What is the probable profession of Mendelssohn,Chopin and Tchaikovsky?58.Many kinds of music can produce.59.Why is Mozart’s music especially effective to heal the human body?.60.The main idea of this passage is to discuss.Part3TranslationSection A61.Only when I started working in an international trade,did I realize.(掌握一门外语有多么重要)62.(就利润而言),this corporation ranks the first in2012.63.The activist say nobody can(剥夺孩子们受教育的权利).64.The fact that he changed the idea(使教授很生气).65.Mary was born and brought up in America,but she speaks Chinese very fluently(好像就是个土生土长的中国人似得).Section B66)There is nothing new about people cutting down trees.In ancient times,Greece,Italy and England were covered with forests.But now almost nothing were left.Today,trees are being cut down more rapidly.A major cause of present destruction is the worldwide demand for wood.67)In industrial countries,people are using more and more wood for paper,furniture and houses.There is not enough wood in these countries,therefore they have begun taking wood from the forest of Asia,Africa and other countries.Wood is also in great demand in developing countries.68)In many area,people depend on wood to cook their food.As the population grows,the need for wood grows.But when too many trees are cut down,forests are destroyed.In reality,there is usually no chance to grow back.In this way,many million of acres of forests are destroyed every year.69)The destruction of forests affects first the people who used to lived there.It also has other effects far way. For example,trees help to absorb heavy rains.When the trees are cut down,the rain pours all at once into the river.70)But finally,the loss of forests may have an effect on the climate of our planet.Together with increasing pollution,it could cause temperature to raise,and the climate will change around the world.No one would know exactly what effects the world would have on our life.For many people the effects would probably be destructive.66)There is nothing new about people cutting down trees.67)In industrial countries,people are using more and more wood for paper,furniture and houses.68)In many area,people depend on wood to cook their food.forests affects first the people who used to lived there.70)But finally,the loss of forests may have an effect on the climate of our planet.Part4Writing71.Directions:For this part,you are allowed30minutes to write a composition Why did I stop Driving the Car? You should write about120words following the Chinese outline given below.Please write your answers on Answer Sheet.1.城市里越来越多的人以车代步;2.而我决定不再开车,其原因是……3.结论或者建议2016年英语真题试卷答案及评分标准Part I Reading comprehension.(60分)Section AFormat I(每小题2分,总分40分)Passage11.C【解析】第一印象是通过外表来实现的。



专升本浙江试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列关于计算机病毒的说法,不正确的是()。

A. 计算机病毒是一段程序代码B. 计算机病毒可以自我复制C. 计算机病毒不能破坏计算机系统D. 计算机病毒可以通过网络传播2. 在Word文档中,若要将文档中的某段文字设置为斜体,应使用()。

A. 格式刷B. 斜体按钮C. 剪切功能D. 粘贴功能3. 以下哪个选项不是操作系统的功能?()A. 管理计算机硬件资源B. 管理计算机软件资源C. 执行程序D. 打印文档4. 在Excel中,若要对数据进行排序,可以使用()。

A. 数据筛选功能B. 数据排序功能C. 公式计算D. 数据透视表5. 下列关于计算机网络的描述,错误的是()。

A. 网络可以连接不同的计算机B. 网络可以共享资源C. 网络只能用于数据传输D. 网络可以进行远程通信6. 在PowerPoint中,若要插入一张图片,应使用()。

A. 插入菜单中的图片选项B. 复制粘贴C. 插入菜单中的文本框选项D. 插入菜单中的图表选项7. 以下哪个选项不是数据库管理系统的功能?()A. 数据存储B. 数据查询C. 数据加密D. 数据备份8. 在Java编程中,用于定义类属性的关键字是()。

A. staticB. privateC. publicD. final9. 下列关于HTML语言的描述,正确的是()。

A. HTML是一种编程语言B. HTML是一种标记语言C. HTML用于创建动态网页D. HTML用于创建桌面应用程序10. 在C语言中,用于声明变量的关键字是()。

A. intB. ifC. forD. while答案:1. C2. B3. D4. B5. C6. A7. C8. B9. B 10. A二、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述操作系统的主要功能。
















2016年浙江专升本英语考试真题全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Big English Exam AdventureHi there! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. I just had the craziest experience taking a really important English exam called the 2016 Zhejiang Associate's Degree Admission English Exam. It was super tough but I tried my best!The exam was last Saturday morning. My mom woke me up at 6am which is sooo early for a kid like me on a weekend. But she said I had to get up because the exam started at 8:30am and we didn't want to be late. I groggily got out of bed, put on my school uniform, and had a quick breakfast of congeebaba (that's what I call congee and Chinese doughnuts).Then my dad drove me to the exam site which was at a big university downtown. There were so many other students there, mostly older teenagers. I felt really small compared to them! We had to go through security checks to get inside the exam room. The rules were very strict - no cheating at all was allowed. I was really nervous!Finally, it was time to begin the exam. The proctor passed out the test booklets and I heard the rustling of papers all around me as we opened them up. The first section was listening comprehension. Some English dialogues and passages were played over the speakers and we had to answer multiple choice questions about what we heard. This part was pretty okay for me since my English listening isn't too bad.Next up was the reading section and this was super hard! The passages were sooo long and had all these big vocabulary words I didn't know. There were questions about the main ideas, details, inferences, and even askingwhat certain phrases meant. I'm usually a good reader but I struggled a lot with this part. I just tried my best to understand as much as I could.We then had a break for lunch. I scurried out of the exam room and my mom had a boxed lunch waiting for me with some fried rice, veggies, and my favorite - beef meatballs! I inhaled it pretty quick since we only had 30 minutes for lunch. Some students looked super stressed out but I tried not to let it bother me too much.After lunch was the writing section and I was pretty confident for this part. The first writing task was just a short paragraph about my favorite hobby. Easy peasy! I wrote all abouthow I love playing basketball and shooting hoops with my friends. For the second task, we had to write a longer essay agreeing or disagreeing with an opinion. I chose to disagree with the opinion that "success is more important than effort." I wrote all about how I think it's the effort that really counts and used examples from how I study hard for tests like this one.The very last part was speaking, which I was a little nervous about. We had to go one-by-one into a separate room and have a conversation with a test grader about different topics. The grader asked me some warm-up questions about my family and hobbies. Then they showed me a picture of some kids doing experiments and asked me to describe what I saw, which was pretty straightforward. Finally, they asked my opinion on whether grades or hands-on learning was more important. I gave a balanced response saying both ways have their merits.Phew, that was it! I walked out of therewith my brain feeling like a balloon thathadjust been deflated.Buthad a big smile on my face knowing I had given it my all. My parents greeted me so proudly when I emerged.On the way home, we stopped for ice cream to celebrate me making it through the exam. I got anice big scoop of strawberryand one of chocolate sauce too! The cold, sweet treat really hit the spot after such a mentally exhausting day.A few weeks later, my results came in the mail and I was overjoyed to see that I passed!All that hard work and perseverance paid off. The exam was one of the toughest things I've ever done, but I proved to myself that I could overcome a big challenge through determination and effort.So there you have it, that's my big exam adventure! It was hard but I made it through. I'm really proud of myself but also glad it's over haha. If you ever have to take a huge test like that, just do your best and don't give up. Let me know if you have any other questions! Thanks for reading!篇2The Big Test DayToday was the big English test! Mama woke me up really early and made me a big breakfast with eggs, rice and veggies to get me ready. She said I needed lots of energy for my brain today.I got dressed in my nicest school uniform with the blue shorts and white shirt.When we got to the school, there were sooo many students there. Hundreds! All the desks were set up in the biggest room I've ever seen. It looked like a giant's dining room. I saw some of my friends from class and we got to sit together which made me feel better. The teachers were very serious though and kept shushing everyone.Finally, the head teacher came out and told us to get our pencils ready. She had a loud voice that could probably be heard all the way across the field during PE class. She said this was a very important test and we all needed to try our best. Then she handed out the test papers. They were at least twenty pages thick! My heart started beating really fast.The first section was listening. A voice came on over the speakers telling us to listen carefully and mark our answers on the sheet. It was talking about shopping at the grocery store and asking questions like "How many apples did John buy?" and "What did the cashier say?" It was hard to catch everything, but I did my best. Mama always takes me grocery shopping with her so at least I knew some of the words.Next was the reading section and that was really tough. There were so many long passages about science and history. I'm good at reading comics and kid novels, but textbook language isway harder. I read slowly and tried to understand as much as I could. For the ones I didn't understand, I had to guess if the answer was A, B, C or D based on the words I did know.Writing was after that and we had to write an essay about our favorite activities. That was fun because I love drawing and riding my bike with my friends. I got to write all about the cool pictures I like to make and how I've gotten better at bunny hops and wheelies lately. Essays are my favorite part of English because I get to share my stories.Grammmar was probably my worst section though. The questions asked us to pick the right verb tenses or fix the pronoun errors in sentences. I find that stuff super confusing with all the rules. I just had to go with my gut feeling on a lot of them. Mama is always correcting me when I say "Her go to park yesterday" so I tried my best.Finally, we got to the speaking part at the end. One by one, we had to go to the front and pick a topic for the teacher to ask us questions about. I picked sports because I know a lot about basketball, soccer and badminton from PE class. The teacher asked stuff like "What are some popular sports?" and "Why do you like playing sports?" I think I did pretty well because I could use simple words I know really well.Phew! After what felt like daaays, we finally got to turn in our test papers. My hand was so sore from all that writing and bubbling in the answers. As I walked out with my classmates, I felt both tired and relieved. That was soooo much work, but I did my very best. Mama said she was proud of me no matter what my score was. Now I just have to wait for the results. Hopefully I did well enough to go to the good university!篇3My Exciting Adventure at the 2016 Zhejiang College Entrance ExamHi everyone! Today I want to tell you about my incredible experience at the 2016 Zhejiang College Entrance Exam. It was such a big event, and I was so excited to be a part of it!First, let me tell you a little bit about the exam. It was an English test for adults who wanted to go to college. Can you believe that? Grown-ups taking a test just like us! It was held in Zhejiang province, and people from all over the place came to take it.Now, let's talk about the exam itself. It had different parts, and the first part was all about reading. We had to read a passage and answer questions about it. The funny thing is, someof the questions were about cats and dogs. I love animals, so I thought that was pretty cool!Then came the listening part. They played some recordings, and we had to listen carefully and answer questions. I had to concentrate really hard because some of the recordings were a bit tricky. But I did my best, just like I do in my English classes at school.After that, we had to write an essay. The topic was "My Dream Vacation." I wrote about going to the beach with my family. I talked about building sandcastles, swimming in the ocean, and eating ice cream. It made me want to go on vacation right away!The last part of the exam was speaking. We had to talk to an examiner about different topics. I was a little nervous at first, but the examiner was really nice. We talked about my hobbies, my favorite food, and even my future plans. I told them I want to be a doctor when I grow up. They seemed impressed!Overall, the exam was a lot of fun. I got to meet new people and show off my English skills. It made me feel proud of all the hard work I've put into learning English. And guess what? I even got a certificate at the end to show that I took the exam. I can't wait to show it to my friends!So, that's the story of my exciting adventure at the 2016 Zhejiang College Entrance Exam. It was a day full of reading, listening, writing, and speaking. I learned a lot and had a great time. Maybe one day, when I'm all grown up, I'll take a test like that and go to college too!I hope you enjoyed hearing about my experience. Remember, studying and working hard can lead to amazing opportunities. Keep learning and dreaming big!篇4The Big Kids' Super Hard Test DayOh boy, that was a crazy day! My big sister Lily had to take this massive test called the "Zhejiang Academic Examination for Upgrading from Junior College to Undergraduate Education." That's a really long name, so let's just call it the "Big Kid Test."Lily is super smart and studies really hard at her junior college. She wants to go to a great university next year. But first, she had to pass this Big Kid Test. It's supposed to be super duper difficult!The day started off pretty normal. Lily got up really early, like before the sun was even awake! She put on her lucky purple shirtand her favorite jeans. For breakfast, she had veggie scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast. Yuck! I'd rather have chocolate chip pancakes.Then Lily double and triple checked that she had everything - pencils, erasers, calculator, admission ticket, identity card. She made sure her backpack was all packed up and ready to go. I helped carry it to the door because it looked super heavy with all her books and stuff.My parents kept telling Lily not to worry and just to do her best. But I could see she looked a little nervous. Her hands were shaking a tiny bit as she drank her orange juice. I gave her a big hug and told her she was gonna ace that test!Finally, it was time to leave. Mom, Dad, and I all walked Lily to the exam center at her junior college. There were so many Big Kids there, all looking nervous too. Some of their parents gave them last minute pep talks. Others had these focused, determined looks on their faces. Lily joined the long line to get inside.The test was split into two parts - the morning session and the afternoon session. The morning had listening, reading, and writing sections. Lily said those were challenging but okay. She got a little break for lunch, but not too long.Then it was time for the afternoon session - translation and composition writing. Yikes! That sounds crazy hard. But Lily had been preparing by practicing translation passages and essay writing for months. I'm sure she nailed it.When Lily finally emerged from the exam room, she looked beat. Her hair was a mess and her shirt was untucked. But she had this big smile on her face. Mom and Dad hugged her and I jumped up to give her a high five. She did it!We went out for Lily's favorite dumplings that night to celebrate. She deserved it after that monster of a test day. I don't know if I'll ever be able to handle an exam like that. Lily is my hero!A couple months later, the results came out. Lily did amazing and got a super high score! She can apply to all the best universities now. I'm so proud of her for working so hard.The 2016 Big Kid Test was no joke. But my brilliant sister tackled it like a champion. I look up to her so much. Maybe in a few years when I'm a Big Kid too, I can follow in Lily's footsteps and knock that test out of the park!篇5The Big English Exam for Grown-UpsHi there! My name is Amy, and I'm a 10-year-old student in the fifth grade. I love learning new things, especially when it comes to English. It's such a fun language to learn, with lots of cool words and interesting stories.Today, I want to share with you something really exciting that happened last year. It's all about a super-duper important exam that my older cousin, Lily, had to take. She was trying to get into a really good college, but she had to pass this big English test first. It's called the 2016 Zhejiang College Entrance Examination for English Language Learners.Let me tell you all about it!Lily is 18 years old and has been studying English since she was a little kid, just like me. She's really good at it, but this exam was no joke. It was like the ultimate challenge for all the grown-ups who wanted to go to college.The exam had four parts: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Lily had to show that she could understand spoken English, read and comprehend difficult texts, writewell-organized essays, and even have conversations in English. Whew, that's a lot of stuff to remember!But you know what? Lily was totally prepared. She had been studying like crazy for months, reading English books, watching movies and shows in English, and practicing her speaking skills with her English teacher. She even made flashcards to help her learn new vocabulary words.When the big day finally arrived, Lily was a little nervous, but she was also really excited. She woke up super early, had a healthy breakfast, and headed to the exam center with her lucky pencil case.The listening part was first. Lily had to listen to recordings of people talking and answer questions about what they said. It was tough, but she stayed focused and tried her best.Next up篇6The Big English TestHi there! My name is Lily and I'm in 5th grade. I just took a really important English test last weekend. It was the 2016 Zhejiang exam for vocational college students trying to upgrade to a bachelor's degree program. I'm still just a kid, but my older brother Xiao Ming is one of those vocational college students.He asked me to take the test for him since my English is better than his. I figured why not, it could be fun!The test had four sections - listening, reading, writing, and translation. We had to answer multiple choice questions and also write some essays and translate passages between English and Chinese. Here's how it all went down:ListeningThe listening part was pretty tough! We had to listen to recordings of conversations and lectures, then answer comprehension questions about the main ideas and details. Some of the topics were really advanced, like bioengineering and economic policies. How am I supposed to know anything about that stuff? I'm still learning my multiplication tables!There were a couple conversation transcripts that seemed more my speed. One was about two friends deciding what movie to see. Another was coworkers discussing their weekend plans. Those helped me get a few questions right at least. Phew!For the lectures, I just had to take careful notes and look for keywords I recognized like "significant impact" or "fundamental principle." Whenever I heard transition words like "for example" or "in contrast," I knew an important point was coming up. I triedmy best, but I'll be honest - I probably got a lot of those listening questions wrong. Don't be too hard on me, I'm only 10 years old!ReadingNext up was the reading section, and I felt a little more confident here since reading is one of my strengths. We had to read a few passages and answer comprehension questions, just like the listening part. The topics were pretty varied - one was about the history of artificial intelligence, another discussed environmental policies, stuff like that.My strategy was to skim through quickly first to get the main gist. Then I'd go back and read carefully, circling keywords and making notes in the margins. I looked for transition words and examples to identify key points. Whenever I came across words I didn't know, I tried using context clues to figure out the meaning.There were some pretty long vocabulary words like "environmental ramifications" that I've never heard of before. For those, I just had to take my best guess based on the roots I recognize. Overall though, I understood most of the readings since my English reading level is pretty high for my age. The questions were still challenging of course, but I felt good about this section.WritingThen it was time for the writing section - my favorite part! We had to write a few different essays, including an opinion piece about whether social media is good or bad for society. That one was easy for me since my parents are always going on about how social media rots kids' brains these days. I just mimicked some of their main arguments about internet addiction and lack of face-to-face interaction. Hopefully that was convincing enough!We also had to write a proposal for some kind of environmental initiative. That one was harder since I'm honestly not super familiar with environmental policies and regulations. I just tried to use lots of fancy vocabulary words I've learned like "sustainability" and "carbon footprint" and throw in some basic tips about recycling and reducing emissions. Finger's crossed that was sufficient!The last writing task was to summarize the key points from a lecture transcript we had listened to earlier in the test. I did my best to pick out the main arguments and crucialexamples/evidence. My teacher is always reminding me not to go overboard with little details when summarizing, so I tried tojust hit the highlights. Writing has always been my strong suit, so hopefully I aced this part!TranslationLast but not least came the translation section. Oof, this part was brutal! We had to translate passages back and forth between English and Chinese. I'm honestly not sure how I did here. There were so many idiomatic expressions and cultural references that got lost in translation one way or the other.Like for the English to Chinese part, one of the passages was about American football traditions and terminology. Good luck explaining what a "touchdown" or "field goal" is in natural Chinese! I've never even watched a football game before. I just did a very literal, word-for-word type of translation on that one. Fingers crossed it made some kind of sense.The Chinese to English prompts were no easier. We had to translate things like old Chinese proverbs and traditional medicine philosophies. How do you say "yin and yang" or "qi energy" in proper English? Your guess is as good as mine! I just tried to capture the general gist as best I could.Overall, the translation part was by far the most challenging for me. I'm quite fluent in both English and Chinese for my age.But the idiomatic and cultural stuff was really tricky to get right in either language. I have a feeling I dropped the ball a bit on those translation prompts.Phew! Well, that's my play-by-play recap of this crazy important English test I took. I'm honestly not sure how I did overall. The writing was probably my strong point, and I felt pretty good about most of the reading comprehension too. Listening and translation, not so much! But hey, I gave it my best shot.Hopefully my honest efforts were enough for my brother to get a decent score. He'd better do me a favor too if he ends up getting into that bachelor's program! An English test designed for vocational college students was no walk in the park, even for a little kid like me who's totally fluent. If you ever have to take a test like this, good luck! You're gonna need it.。








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绍兴文理学院数据库原理及应用专升本测试卷一、单项选择题(共20题,每小题2 分,共 40分)1、数据模型用来表示实体间的联系,但不同的数据库管理系统支持不同的数据模型。

在常用的数据模型中,不包括( )。

A、网状模型B、链状模型C、层次模型D、关系模型2、对一个上级记录有若干个下级记录相对应,而对一个下级记录只有一个上级记录相对应的数据库是( )数据库。




A、GRANTB、SETC、REVOKED、FROM7、解析后的SQL语句在SGA中的哪一个组件中进行缓存?()A、DATABASE BUFFERB、DATA DICTIONARY BUFFERC、LIBRARY BUFFERD、LARGE POOL8、定位记录后,操作键盘上的按键,不能移动到下一字段的是( )A、tab键B、回车键C、方向右键D、pgdn键9、要求满足连接条件的记录,以及连接条件左侧表中的记录都包含在结果中,应使用______。


A、初始值B、当前值C、输出D、输人12、在一个单位的人事数据库,字段"简历"的数据类型应当为( )。



2016年浙江“专升本”考试英语真题详细解析Part I Reading comprehension(60marks,60minutes)Section A(每小题2分)Format IPassage One1.【答案】C。


文中第一句阐述道,“The moment two humans lay eyes on each other has incredible”。

倾斜词组的含义即两眼相望,与C选项的a brief look意思是相近的。




第二段第三句与第四句,有一描述,“the essence of their personality”。




定位到原文第二段第三句Robert has a unique gift for...but zeroing in on the essence of their personalities可知罗伯特有独特的天赋,他不仅能捕捉人物的外表,而且能集中注意力于他们个性的本质。









B选项的中文含义是“第一印象通常有持久的影响力”,在原文第一段第二句“stay printed in his or her memory forever”以及全文最后一句“That image of you becomes the data that they deal with for a long time.”可以推断出B选项的正确性。










浙江省专升本真题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是浙江省的省会城市?A. 杭州B. 宁波C. 温州D. 绍兴2. 浙江省位于中国的哪个地理区域?A. 东北B. 华北C. 华东D. 西南3. 浙江省的简称是什么?A. 浙B. 苏C. 闽D. 赣4. 浙江省的海岸线总长度是多少?A. 1000公里B. 2000公里C. 3000公里D. 4000公里5. 以下哪个不是浙江省的著名旅游景点?A. 西湖B. 普陀山C. 黄山D. 雁荡山6. 浙江省的省花是什么?A. 牡丹B. 桂花C. 玫瑰D. 茉莉7. 浙江省的省树是什么?A. 松树B. 柏树C. 柳树D. 樟树8. 浙江省的省鸟是什么?A. 燕子B. 鸽子C. 麻雀D. 鹰9. 浙江省的省歌是什么?A. 《浙江之歌》B. 《浙江的春天》C. 《浙江的秋天》D. 《浙江的冬天》10. 浙江省的省会城市杭州,被誉为什么?A. 中国的硅谷B. 中国的天堂C. 中国的首都D. 中国的金融中心二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)11. 浙江省的省会城市是_________。

12. 浙江省位于中国的_________地区。

13. 浙江省的简称是_________。

14. 浙江省的海岸线总长度约为_________公里。

15. 浙江省的省花是_________。

16. 浙江省的省树是_________。

17. 浙江省的省鸟是_________。

18. 浙江省的省歌是_________。

19. 浙江省的省会城市杭州被誉为_________。

20. 浙江省的著名旅游景点包括西湖、普陀山、雁荡山等,其中_________不在浙江省。

三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)21. 简述浙江省的地理位置和主要特点。

22. 简述浙江省的文化特色和经济发展情况。

四、论述题(每题15分,共30分)23. 论述浙江省在国家发展战略中的地位和作用。

24. 论述浙江省如何利用其地理优势和资源,推动经济和社会的可持续发展。



浙江专升本试题题目及答案试题题目:浙江专升本考试一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 浙江专升本考试的主要目的是什么?A. 提高学生的学术水平B. 选拔优秀专科生升入本科学习C. 增加学生的就业机会D. 促进教育公平2. 浙江专升本考试通常在每年的什么时间进行?A. 3月B. 6月C. 9月D. 12月3. 以下哪项不是浙江专升本考试的科目?A. 数学B. 英语C. 物理D. 历史4. 浙江专升本考试的报名资格是什么?A. 具有全日制专科学历B. 具有非全日制专科学历C. 具有高中学历D. 具有本科学历5. 浙江专升本考试的录取率通常是多少?A. 10%B. 30%C. 50%D. 70%6. 浙江专升本考试的总分是多少?A. 100分B. 200分C. 300分D. 400分7. 浙江专升本考试的录取方式是什么?A. 择优录取B. 抽签录取C. 推荐录取D. 面试录取8. 浙江专升本考试的报名费用是多少?A. 100元B. 200元C. 300元D. 400元9. 浙江专升本考试的考试时间通常是多少?A. 1小时B. 2小时C. 3小时D. 4小时10. 浙江专升本考试的考试形式是什么?A. 笔试B. 口试C. 实验D. 面试答案:1. B2. B3. C4. A5. B6. C7. A8. B9. C10. A二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)11. 浙江专升本考试的报考对象是_全日制专科生_。

12. 浙江专升本考试的报名时间通常在考试前的_一个月_。

13. 浙江专升本考试的考试科目包括_数学、英语、专业课_等。

14. 浙江专升本考试的录取结果一般在考试后的_一个月内_公布。

15. 浙江专升本考试的考试地点通常设在_各高校或指定考点_。

三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)16. 请简述浙江专升本考试的报名流程。


























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