吉西他滨联合高能聚焦超声治疗晚期胰腺癌效果的Meta分析 资力
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中图分类号:R735. 9 文献标志码:A 文章编号: ( ) 1001 - 5256 2020 01 - 0153 - 05
Clinical effect of gemcitabine combined with high - intensity focused ultrasound in treatment of advanced pancreatic
2 24)( P = 0. 002) ,疼痛控制效果 RR 为 3. 15(95% CI: 2. 45 ~ 4. 05) ( P < 0. 05) ;联合组与对照组在白细胞减少、胃肠道反应、肝损
伤方面的 RR 分别为 1. 05(95% CI: 0. 85 ~ 1. 30) 、0. 89(95% CI: 0. 56 ~ 1. 42) 、1. 29(95% CI: 0. 95 ~ 1. 75) ( P 值均 > 0. 05) 。 因具
lation or high intensity focused ultrasound or focused ultrasound
据重要地位,其能够明显增加患者的生存期[6 -9]。
) ( or hifu AND pancreatic adenocarcinoma or pancreatic cancer
我国胰腺癌发病率和病死率呈逐年增加的趋势,数 据显示2018 年胰腺癌位列我国城镇居民男性肿瘤发病 率第八位[1]。早期胰腺癌依靠常规的实验室和影像学 检查容易漏诊,多数患者发现时已属晚期,即便是手术治
临床肝胆病杂志第 卷第期 年月 , , 36 1 2020 1 J Clin Hepatol Vol.36 No.1 Jan.2020
中的一个挑战[10]。Gem 在缓解疼痛方面无明显作用,因 要初步排除不符合要求的文献,对有疑惑的文献,通过阅
此以Gem 为主的化疗方案对于晚期胰腺癌患者来说有 读全文进行二次筛选。根据预定义的数据抽取表单提取
: cancer A Meta - analysis
, , , ( , ’ , ZI Li CHEN Kai LIU Guanglin et al. Institute of Digestive Diseases Characteristic Medical Ceter of Chinese People s Armed Police , ) Tianjin 300309 China
ure involved in the highest number of studies. Results A total of 8 RCTs with 474 patients were included. The patients in the experimental
, group received gemcitabine - based chemotherapy and HIFU and those in the control group received gemcitabine - based chemotherapy , , , alone. Compared with the control group the experimental group had significantly better results in 3 - 6 - and 12 - month survival rates ( : , : , ; : , : , ; : 3 - month RR = 1. 07 95% CI 1. 00 - 1. 14 P < 0. 05 6 - month RR = 2. 19 95% CI 1. 75 - 2. 75 P < 0. 05 12 - month RR = , : , ), ( , : , ), ( , 2 35 95% CI 1. 07 - 5. 14 P < 0. 05 tumor control RR = 1. 64 95% CI 1. 21 - 2. 24 P = 0. 002 and pain control RR = 3. 15 : , ) ( 95% CI 2. 45 - 4. 05 P < 0. 05 . There were no significant differences between the two groups in the incidence rates of leukopenia RR = , : , ), ( , : , ), 1. 05 95% CI 0. 85 - 1. 30 P > 0. 05 gastrointestinal reactions RR = 0. 89 95% CI 0. 56 - 1. 42 P > 0. 05 and liver injury ( , : , ) , RR = 1. 29 95% CI 0. 95 - 1. 75 P > 0. 05 . Since the outcome measure of pain control was involved in the highest number of studies , funnel plots were generated and showed no significant risk of bias. Conclusion Compared with gemcitabine alone HIFU combined with ’ , gemcitabine can increase patients survival rate and improve their symptoms with a similar incidence rate of adverse effects. Further studies
d收基作通oi稿金者信:1日 项 简 作0.期 目 介 者39::::62天 资 许项90/1津 力 威目j9. i(,(市s-电1s课0n自97.子9题11然-0信)-01科(12箱)1;学-,5修:男Z5x基X2回u,5wL金主6日Ce.iS要8(2期Y310从4072:100J29事C0.04@0Y10胰19Bs).Ji-腺0nC30a2疾4.96c7-病o0m00方2。)。;面天的津研市究科。技计划
资力,等. 吉西他滨联合高能聚焦超声治疗晚期胰腺癌效果的Meta 分析
-: / JKL;
吉西他滨联合高能聚焦超声治疗晚期胰腺癌效果的 Meta 分析
资力 ,陈凯,刘广林 ,李仁礼 ,许威 1,2,3
1 武警特色医学中心消化疾病研究所,天津300162;2 武警后勤学院,天津300309;
: ( ) Abstract Objective To evaluate the clinical effect and safety of high - intensity focused ultrasound HIFU combined with gemcitabine
, , , , , , , in the treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer. Methods SCI Cochrane Library Embase PubMed Wanfang Data CNKI CBM and ( ) VIP were searched for randomized controlled trials RCTs of HIFU combined with gemcitabine in the treatment of advanced pancreatic , , cancer with the assistance of expanded search and these RCTs were screened according to the inclusion criteria. Review Manager 5. 3 was ; used to perform the Meta - analysis. A fixed effects model was used for non - heterogeneous data heterogeneity was explained by subgroup , , analysis based on intervention methods and if it could not be explained by subgroup analysis a random effects model was used. Relative ( ) ( ) , risk RR and 95% confidence interval CI were used as evaluation indices and funnel plots were generated based on the outcome meas
共纳入 8 篇随机对照试验(474 例患者) ,试验组
与对照组都接受 Gem 为基础的化疗,试验组加用 HIFU 治疗。 试验组与对照组 3、6、12 个月的生存率 RR 值分别为 1. 07(95% CI:
1 00 ~ 1 14) 、2. 19(95% CI: 1. 75 ~ 2. 75)和 2. 35(95% CI: 1. 07 ~ 5. 14) (P 值均 < 0. 05);肿瘤控制效果 RR 为 1. 64(95% CI:1 21 ~
腺癌的随机对照试验按照纳入标准筛选。 采用 Review Manager5. 3 进行 Meta 评价。 非异质性数据使用固定效应模型;异质性按照
干预方法进行亚组分析来解释异质性;如果仍然不能用亚组分析来解释,则采用随机效应模型。 使用相对危险度( RR) 及其 95% 可
结果 信区间(95% CI) 作为评估指标,选取纳入研究数目多的结果绘制漏斗图。
疗[2 -3],总体5 年生存率低于8% [4 -5]。因多数患者发 万方数据、中国知网、CSM、VIP 中进行系统检索,时间截止到
病时已丧失手术时机,故化疗和热疗是晚期胰腺癌的主 2019 年5 月,检索式为:(high intensity focused ultrasound ab
要治疗措施。目前,吉西他滨( )在胰腺癌化疗中占 Gem
结论与 单药相比,联合 有疼痛控制这一结局指标的研究数量最多,因此针对该指标绘制相关漏斗图,未见明显的偏倚风险。
HIFU 能够增加患者的生存率,改善患者症状,且不良反应的发生与单药治疗相比无明显差异,值得进一步研究。
关键词:胰腺肿瘤; 高强聚焦超声消融; 吉西他滨; Meta 分析(主题)
考虑到患者的总体预后很差,晚期胰腺癌治疗的主 or pancreatic tumor or pancreatic )。 neoplasms
要目标是减轻症状、提高生活质量并延长总的生存期,疼 1. 4 文献筛选与质量评估 将检出文献导入Note ex
痛管理是治疗胰腺癌中非常重要的环节,也是患者护理 press 软件,由两位评审员根据预定义的纳入标准,查看摘
are needed for this combined therapy.
: ; ; ; Key words pancreatic neoplasms high - intensity focused ultrasound ablation gemcitabine Meta - analysis as topic
3 天津市肝脏胰腺纤维化与分子诊疗重点实验室,天津300162
摘要:目的 方法 评价吉西他滨(Gem)联合高能SCI、Co
chrane 数据库、Embase、Pubmed、万方数据、中国知网、CBM、VIP 文献库,再辅助以扩展检索,将检索到的 HIFU 联合 Gem 治疗晚期胰