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重复建设、缺乏理论指导等问题。本 文以三亚热带天堂森林公园为例,通过问卷调查方法,研究了游客的影视旅游 偏好及其满意度影响因素,并据此对热带天堂森林公园的影视旅游产品开发和 管理提出了建议。主要研究内容如下:
(1)采用交叉列表、因子分析、单因素方差分析等分析方法,对不同社会 人口特征的影视旅游偏好进行了比较。游客的影视旅游行为偏好在一些社会人 口特征上具有显著差异,具体表现为:游客的影视旅游偏好与性别和学历之 间无显著差异;但是与年龄和收入之间有显著差异。②对不同类型影视拍摄地 的偏好在不同年龄组之间具有显著差异;影视旅游地类型偏好在性别与学历上 无显著差异;游客对影视旅游地最感兴趣的资源是自然风光,其次是拍摄过 程与技术、明星与演员,最不感兴趣的是影视博物馆。
(3)游客满意度与偏好显著正相关。表现为影视旅游偏好较强的游客对影 视旅游景区的满意度较高。反之,对影视旅游偏好不强的游客对影视旅游景区 的满意度也较低。
(4)在前述研究结果的基础上,针对影视旅游产品开发和影视旅游地的管 理提出了管理对策和开发建议。
本研究有利于影视旅游地有效的开展市场营销,同时也有利于更好的提高 影视旅游地的竞争力。
Key words: movie induced tourism; preference; satisfaction; tourism product
第一章 绪论 ........................................................1 1.1 研究背景 ....................................................1 1.2 国内外研究现状与研究评述 ....................................3 1.2.1 研究现状 ...............................................3 1.2.2 研究评述 ...............................................9 1.3 研究目的 ....................................................9 1.4 研究意义 ...................................................10 1.4.1 理论意义 .............................................10 1.4.2 现实意义 .............................................10
学校代码: 11658 分 类 号: F590
学 号: 200907050108
密 级:

基于游客偏好与满意度的影视旅游地管理研究 ——以热带天堂森林公园为例
(2)采用因素分析将满意度指标分为两类因素,一类是对影视旅游产品中 的自然元素满意度,另一类是对景区影视文化衍生产品的满意度。运用单因素 方差分析等分析方法,对不同社会人口特征的影视旅游满意度进行了比较,研 究结果发现:游客对景区影视旅游产品中的自然元素基本满意,均值为 3.55; ②游客对景区影视文化衍生产品评价较低,均值仅为 3.01;游客对景区影视 旅游产品中自然元素的满意度显著高于对景区影视文化衍生产品的满意度。
研 究 方 向 热带海岛生态地理与生态旅游
指 导 教 师 罗 艳 菊 (副教授)
2012 年 03 月
Movie Induced Tourism Destination Management Based on Visitors’ Preferences and Satisfaction: A Case of Tropical Heaven Forest Park
第二章 研究区概况与研究方法 ......................................11 2.1 研究区概况 .................................................11 2.1.1 总体概况 ..............................................11 2.1.2 旅游资源概况 ..........................................11 2.1.3 《非 2》给热带天堂森林公园带来的旅游市场效应 ..........12 2.2 研究方法 ...................................................13 2.2.1 问卷设计 ..............................................13 2.2.2 抽样方法与抽样结果 ....................................13 2.3 数据分析与处理方法 .........................................14 2.4 抽样结果 ...................................................15
关键词: 影视旅游 偏好 满意度 旅游产品
In our country movie induced tourism development has blind problems and so on development, building redundant project, deficient theory instruction. Taking Sanya Tropical Heaven Forest Park as an example, this paper study tourist's preferences and satisfaction level by means of questionnaire survey. Based on it, some suggestions on development of movie induced tourism product of the park and the management of the park are put forward. The main findings and the research method used are as follows:
A Dissertation Submitted for the Degree of Master
Candidate:Liu zhichao Supervisor:Associate-Prof. Luo Yanju
Hainan Normal University Haikou, China
(1)Using cross-tab analysis methods, factor analysis, ANOVA, this paper compared the preference between tourist clusters of different social characteristics. Research results show that: (a)there is no significantly gender difference in the preference of movie induced tourism, while significantly differences existing in different age segment of visitors; (b) the movie induced tourism on traveling interest has no relationship with education level, but it is related to visitors’ income; the analysis demonstrates that tourists are interested in the movie of a love story photography, but gender, education level and the movie induced tourism have no significant relationship; (c) a ranking of the movie induced tourist resources attraction index shows that natural scenery is what the visitors most preferred, successively are the process and the technology of movie produced, stars and the actors humanities landscapes and movie museum is what the visitors least interested in. (2) Using ANOVA, the difference in movie induced tourism satisfaction between different social demographic clusters are compared. Research results show that: (a) visitors are satisfied with the natural elements of movie induced tourism products in the park with the mean value of 3.55; (b) visitors are not very satisfied with the culture derivative products with the mean value of 3.01; (c)satisfaction with the natural elements of movie is significantly higher than that with the culture derivative products of the movie. (3) Visitors’ satisfaction is significantly, positively related with their preference, i.e the more the visitors preferable to the movie-induced tourism, the more they are satisfied with the Heaven Forest Park, and vice averse. (4)Based on the foregoing findings,suggestions on tourism product development and movie induced tourism destinations management are advanced.This research is helpful for movie induced tourism to carry out effective marketing, but also conducive to improve the movie induced tourism destination competitiveness better.
第三章 热带天堂森林公园游客偏好与满意度调查结果分析 .............17 3.1 游客的社会人口特征 .........................................17 3.1.1 性别 .................................................17 3.1.2 年龄 .................................................17 3.1.3 学历 .................................................17 3.1.4 月收入水平 ...........................................17 3.1.5 一年中平均出游的次数 .................................18 3.1.6 小结 ..................................................19