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2、3、下列各组字属于异体字的一组是(A ) A 遁——遯 B 脩——修 C 辟——避 D 罢——疲
3、4、下列句子,有疑问代词做介词宾语而前置的一句是( C ) A A 姜氏何厌之有? B B 敢问何谓也? C C 谁为为之?孰令听之? D D 四体不勤,五谷不分,孰为夫子?
4、5、下列句子,具有动词用作使动用法的一句是(D) A A 诸侯之币重,郑人病之。 B B 上帝临女,无贰尔心。 C C 若阙地及泉,隧而相见,其谁曰不然? D D 故远人不服,则修文德以来之。
To cons cienti ously sum up the Olympic se curity controls, promoting integrated management to a higher level, higher standards, a higher level of development. Em ployee s, today is l unar calendar on D ecember 24, t he ox Bell i s about to ri ng, at t his time of yea r, we clearly feel the pulse of the XX power ge neration company t o flouris h, to more clearly hear XX pow er generation compa nies mature and symmetry breathi ng. Recalli ng pa st one
We will conti nue to im prove the company's i nternal contr ol system, and steady impr ovement i n ability to ma nage and control, optimize busine ss pr oce sses, t o ensure sm ooth processe s, res ponsi bilities i n pla ce; to furt her strengt hen i nternal controls, play a control post i nde pende nt oversight r ole of evaluation com plying wit h third -party res ponsi bility; to a ctively make us e of internal audit tool s dete ct pote ntial manageme nt, streamline, standardize relate d transa ctions, stre ngthe ning operations i n accord ance with law. D eepe ning t he information manageme nt to ensure full communicati on "zero resistance".
5、6、下列句子,具有名词活用为一般动词的一句是(A ) A A 老者安之,朋友信之,少者怀之。 B B 从左右,皆肘之。 C C 乃幽武,置大窖,绝不饮食。 D D 使民重死而不远徙。
6、7、下列句子,属于双宾语句的一句是( B)
of back bone ba ckbone role ; to full stre ngthe ning mem bers youth w ork, full play youth empl oyees i n compa ny devel opme nt in the of force r ole; t o improve i ndepe nde nt Commission agai nst corrupti on work level , strengtheni ng on enter prise busine ss key link of effectivenes s monitored. , And m aintain sta bility. To further stre ngthe n publi city and educati on, improve t he overall l egal system. We must stre ngthe n safety management, establi sh a nd im prove the educati on, supervisi on, a nd evaluation as one of the traffic safety manageme nt mechani sm.
and system handover; t o strengtheni ng BFS++, a nd ER P, and SCM, te chnol ogy applicati on of traini ng, impr ove empl oyees a ppli cation i nformation system of capacity and level. Humani stic care to ensure "zer o."
To further standardize tradi ng, a nd strive to a chi eve "accordi ng to law, standardize a nd fair." I nnovation of performance manageme nt, to ensure t hat pote ntial em pl oyees "zero fly". To strengt hen performance manageme nt, pr oces s control, enhance empl oyee evaluati on a nd level s of effective comm unication t o improve performance manageme nt. To f urther quantify and refine em ployee sta ndar ds .. . Work, full play part y, an d branch, and members in "five type E nterpris e" construction i n the of core rol e, and fighting fortress r ole and pi oneer mode l role; t o continues to stre ngthe ning "four
another across a raili ng, we are e nthusiastic a nd full of confidence. F uture development opportunitie s, we more exciting fight more s pirited.
Employees, let us toget her across 20 13 full of challe nges and opportuniti es, to create a green, l ow-cost operati on, full of humane care of a w orld -cla s s power ge neration company a nd w ork hard! T he occasi on of the Spri ng Festival, my sincere wish t hat you a nd the families of the staff in the new year, g ood healt h, ha ppy, ha ppy
To constantly perfect ERP, and BFS++, and PI, a nd MIS, and SCM , information system bas ed constructi on, full integration information system, achieved i nformation re sources share d; to expa nd Portal system a ppli cation of breadt h and de pth, play information system on enterprise of As sistant rol e; to perfect daily r un mainte nance operation of records , prom ote problem reas ons a nalysi s
and coal ele ctric li nkage, and e nergy-savi ng scheduling, nati onal poli cy trends, strengt heni ng track, a ctive shoul d; to im plementation State-owne d ass ets method, further spe cificati on busi ness fi nancial manageme nt; to perfect risk tube control sy stem, achieved risk re cog nition, and measur e, and assessme nt, a nd report, and control fee dba ck of cl osed ri ng manageme nt, improve ri sk preventi on capa city.
To strengthe ning H umanities care, conti nue s to foster compa ny wind clea r, and gas are, and heart Shun of cult ure atmos phere ; strengtheni ng love helpe d trapped, care difficult employee s; carri ed out style a ctivities, rich empl oyees life; stre ngthe ning health a nd la bour prote ction, orga nization care er healt h medical, control career against; conti nues t o implementati on psychol ogical war ning prevention system, traini ng empl oyees health of chara cter, a nd sta ble of mood a nd e nterprisi ng of attitude , created frie ndly fraternity of H umanities environment. To stre ngthe n risk manageme nt, en sure t hat the busi ness of "zero risk". To strengthene d business plans management, will busine ss busi ness plans cover to all l evel, ens ure the busines s ca n control i n control ; to cl ose concer n financial,
一、 选择题(共 20 分)
(以下每小题所列四个选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的。请将正确选项的序号填入题后的 括号里)
1、下列各组字,都是形声字的一组是(A ) A、條倍脩休 B、特牧福祈 C、盆簋益孟 D、颖颍顿颈
1、2、下列各组字属于通假字的一组是( 阿 ) A 说——悦 B 矜——鳏 C 歌——謌 D 昏——婚
good" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levels cadres i n enter prise development in t he
考试形式:闭卷 站点:_________ 姓名:
考试时间:120 分钟
成绩: Байду номын сангаас__