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An organization is a collection of people who work together to achieve individual and organizational goals.
Organizational behavior (OB) is the study of factors that affect how individuals and groups act in organizations and how organizations manage their environments.
Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling an organization’s human, financial, material, and other resources to increase its effectiveness.
Manager:Any person who supervises one or more subordinates.
管理者角色(Mintzberg): Managerial roles identified by Mintzberg :
领袖代表 领导 Figurehead Leader 联络人 监察者 Liaison Monitor 传播人 发言人 Disseminator Spokesperson 企业家 平息动荡者 Entrepreneur Disturbance handler 资源分配者 谈判者 Resource allocator Negotiator 概念技能:对境况进行分析判断,以确立其中的因果关系。
Conceptual Skills:The ability to analyze and diagnose a situation and distinguish between cause and effect.
Human Skills:The ability to understand, work with, lead, and control the behavior of other people and groups.
Technical Skills:Job-specific knowledge and techniques.
Discussion:Person and Organization 人的心理行为与组织运行发展
At the root of all human differences are three main factors —personality 、intelligence and decision
Personality:The pattern of relatively enduring ways in which a person feels, thinks, and behaves.
—Generally stable in the context of work —在相应的工作情景中有稳定一致的表现
—Can influence career choice, job satisfaction, stress, leadership, and even performance —对职业选择、工作满意度、工作压力、领导关系和工作表现存在影响
Trait:A specific component of personality that describes particular tendencies a person has to feel, think, and act in certain ways.
Big Five questions:
1.Is she outgoing?
2.Is she crazy?
3.Is she friendly?
4.Is she reliable?
5.Is she interesting?
The Big Five Model of Personality大五人格模型
1、Extroversion: The tendency to experience positive emotional states and feel good about oneself and the world around.
2、Neuroticism: A parameter of emotional stability. The tendency to experience negative emotional states and view oneself and the world around negatively, such as anxiety, anger, envy,guilt. 神经质:情绪稳定指标。
3、Agreeableness: The tendency to get along well with others.
4、Conscientiousness: The extent to which a person is careful, scrupulous, and persevering.
5、Openness to Experience: The extent to which a person is original, has broad interests, and is willing to take risks.
Advice to Managers管理者建议
Acknowledge and appreciate that workers’ feelings, thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors are partly determined by their personalities, which are difficult to change. Realize that you might need to adjust your own feelings and actions to work effectively with others.
When you are trying to understand why workers have certain attitudes and behave in certain ways, remember that attitudes and behaviors are determined by the interaction of an individual’s personality and the situation in which the individual works.
When feasible, structure an individual’s work situation to fit his or her personality. A good match is likely to result in positive attitudes and behaviors.
Encourage an acceptance and appreciation of the diverse personalities in your organization.
Locus of Control(心理控制源)
External Locus of Control: Describes people who believe that fate, luck, or outside forces are responsible for what happens to them.
Internal Locus of Control: Describes people who believe that ability, effort, or their own actions determine what happens to them.
The extent to which people try to control the way they present themselves to others.——Can be high or low
The extent to which people have pride in themselves and their capabilities.
——Can be high or low ——Not situation specific
Type A vs. Type B PersonalityA型与B型人格
Type A: A person who has an intense desire to achieve, is extremely competitive, and has a strong sense of urgency.
Type B: A person who tends to be easygoing and relaxed.
McClelland’s Needs麦克利兰需求理论
Need for Achievement: The desire to perform challenging tasks well and to meet one’s own high standards.
Need for Affiliation: The desire to establish and maintain good relations with others.
Need for Power: The desire to exert emotional and behavioral control or influence over others.
Advice to Managers(管理者建议)
1、Realize and accept that some workers are more likely than others to be positive and enthusiastic because of their personalities. Similarly, realize and accept that some workers are more likely than others to complain and experience stress because of their personalities. 由于具有不同的人格特点,一些工作人员比其他人更积极热情,一些工作人员有更多的抱怨和感到更多的压力。
2、Provide an extra measure of d irect supervision to workers who don’t take the initiative to solve problems on their own and always seem to blame someone or something else when things go wrong.
4、Provide additional encouragement and support to workers with low self-esteem who tend to belittle themselves and question their abilities.
5、Realize and accept that Type A individuals can be difficult to get along with and sometimes have a hard time working in teams.
6、Let subordinates who seem overly concerned about other people liking them know that sometimes it is necessary to give honest feedback and be constructively critical (such as when supervising others).
•The mental or physical capacity to do something.
•Types of ability(能力类型)
–Cognitive ability(认知能力)
–Physical ability(身体能力)
•Motor skill(动能)
•Physical skill(身体技巧)
–Emotional intelligence(情绪能力)
Managing Ability in Organizations(组织中对能力的管理)
–Identify tasks to be accomplished
–Identify abilities needed to accomplish tasks
–Develop accurate measures of abilities
–Match workers to jobs to capitalize on their abilities
Work Experience(工作体验)
Work Values(工作价值)
A worker’s personal convictions about what outcomes one should expect from work and how one should behave at work.
•The most general and long-lasting feelings and beliefs people have that contribute to how they experience work.
•Values can be intrinsic(i.e., related to the nature of work itself) or extrinsic(i.e., related to the consequences of work).
Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Work Values内在工作价值与外在工作价值
Work Attitudes (工作态度)
• Collections of feelings, beliefs, and thoughts about how to behave that people currently
hold about their jobs and organizations.
• 针对其工作和组织,工作人员目前所持的关于如何行动的感受、观念和想法。
• Compared to values, attitudes are
– More specific
Not as long lasting
• 与工作价值相比,态度~
– 更具特异性 – 没有那么持久
• Specific work attitudes:(两种工作态度:)
– Job satisfaction is the collection of feelings and beliefs that people have
about their current jobs.
– 工作满意度:工作人员针对目前工作所持的感受和观念。
– Organizational commitment is the collection of feelings and beliefs that
people have about their organizations as a whole.
– 组织承诺:工作人员针对所在组织所持的感受和观念。
Work Moods (工作心境)
• How people feel at the time they actually perform their jobs. • 工作中工作人员眼下的感受。
• More transitory than values and attitudes. • 较价值和态度更短暂。
• Can generally be categorized as positive or negative. • 可以大体上分为积极的和消极的两大类。
Determining factors:(决定因素:)
• Personality (人格)
• Work situation (工作状况)
• Circumstances outside of work (工作外的环境因素)
Advice to Managers (管理者建议)
• Do not assume that most workers have strong intrinsic work values just because you
• 不要因为你自己有高的内在工作价值,就认为大多数工作人员也这样。
• Realize that any attempt you make to improve attitudes, motivation, or performance
will be most eff ective when the change you implement is consistent with workers’ values.
• 当你试图提高工作人员的工作态度、工作动机或者工作业绩时,最有效的做法是你
• Make the work environment pleasant and attractive to help promote positive moods. • 使工作环境更加愉悦、有吸引力,从而使工作人员心境更积极。
Job Satisfaction (工作满意度)
The factors affecting job satisfaction (影响工作满意度的因素)
Theories of Job Satisfaction (有关工作满意度的理论)
Each theory of job satisfaction takes into account one or more of the four main determinants of job satisfaction and specifies, in more detail, what causes one worker to be satisfied with a job and another to be dissatisfied. 就工作满意度的以上四类决定因素,每个理论针对其中的一类或几类因素进行探讨,具体来说,就是什么原因导致某一工作人员对工作满意另一个则不满意。
Influential theories of job satisfaction include 关于工作满意度,有影响的理论包括:
• The Facet Model 要素模型
• Herzberg’s Motivator -Hygiene TheoryHerzberg 的激励-保健理论
•The Discrepancy Model差异模型
•The Steady-State Theory稳态理论
These different theoretical approaches should be viewed as complementary.
The Facet Model(要素模型)
•Focuses primarily on work situation factors by breaking a job into its component elements, or job facets, and looking at how satisfied workers are with each.
• A worker’s overall job satisfaction is determined by summing his or her satisfaction with each facet of the job.
•Sample job facets(要素示例)
•Ability utilization: the extent to which the job allows one to use one’s abilities.
•Activity: being able to keep busy on the job.
•Human relations supervision: the interpersonal skills of one’s boss.
Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory(Herzberg 激励-保健理论)
Every worker has two sets of needs or requirements: motivator needs and hygiene needs. 工作人员具有两类需要:激励需要和保健需要。
•Motivator needs are associated with the actual work itself and how challenging it is.
–Facets: interesting work, autonomy, responsibility
•Hygiene needs are associated with the physical and psychological context in which the work is performed.
–Facets: physical working conditions, pay, security
Hypothesized relationships between motivator needs, hygiene needs, and job satisfaction:
When motivator needs are met, workers will be satisfied; when these needs are not met, workers will not be satisfied.
*When hygiene needs are met, workers will not be dissatisfied; when these needs are not met, workers will be dissatisfied.
The Discrepancy Model(差异模型)
•To determine how satisfied they are with their jobs, workers compare their job to some “ideal job.”
This “ideal job” could be
–What one thinks the job should be like.
–What one expected the job to be like
–What one wants from a job
–What one’s former job was like
•Can be used in combination with the Facet Model.
The Steady-State Theory(稳态理论)
•Each worker has a typical or characteristic level of job satisfaction, called the steady state or equilibrium level.
•Different situational factors or events at work may move a worker temporarily from this steady state, but the worker will eventually return to his or her equilibrium level.
Advice to Managers(管理者建议)
•Realize that some workers are going to be more satisfied than others with the same job simply because they have different personalities and work values. Also realize that you can take steps to increase levels of job satisfaction because it is determined not only by personality but also by the work situation.
•Try to place newcomers in work groups whose members are satisfied with their jobs.
•Ask workers what facets of their jobs are important to them, and do what you can to ensure that they are satisfied with these facets.
•Because job satisfaction has the potential to impact workers’ behaviors in organizations and their well-being, use existing measurement scales to periodically survey your subordinates’ levels of job satisfaction. When levels of job sat isfaction are low, follow the advice in the preceding step.
•Recognize that workers’ evaluations of job facets, not what you think about them, determine how satisfied workers are and that changing some facets may have longer-lasting effects on job satisfaction than changing others.
Potential Consequences of Job Satisfaction(工作满意度的潜在影响)
①Performance: Satisfied workers are only slightly more likely to perform at
a higher level than dissatisfied workers.
•Satisfaction is most likely to affect work behaviors when workers are free to vary their behaviors and when a worker’s attitude is re levant to the behavior
in question.
②Absenteeism: Satisfied workers are only slightly less likely to be absent
than dissatisfied workers.
Determinants of Absence from Work(缺席的决定因素)
③Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB): Satisfied workers are more
likely to engage in this behavior than dissatisfied workers.
–OCB: Behavior that is above and beyond the call of duty but is nonetheless necessary for organizational survival and effectiveness
•Helping coworkers, spreading goodwill
④Worker well-being: Satisfied workers are more likely to have strong
well-being than dissatisfied workers.
–Worker well-being: How happy, healthy, and prosperous workers are
⑤Turnover: Satisfied workers are less likely to leave the organization than
dissatisfied workers.
Advice to Managers(管理者建议)
•Do not assume that poor performers are dissatisfied with their jobs or that good performers are satisfied with their jobs.
•Do not assume that workers who are absent are dissatisfied or that they were not motivated to come to work. Absence is also a function of ability to attend.
•Manage absenteeism. Don’t try to eliminate it, and keep in mind that a certain level of absence is often functional for workers and organizations.
•Realize that turnover has both costs and benefits for an organization and that you need to evaluate both. In particular, before becoming concerned about worker turnover, examine the performance levels of those who quit.
•If workers do only what they are told and rarely, if ever, exhibit organizational citizenship behavior, measure their levels of job satisfaction, identify the job facets they are dissatisfied with, and make changes where possible.
•Even if job satisfaction does not seem to have an effect on important behaviors in your organization, keep in mind that it is an important factor in worker well-being.
Organizational Commitment(组织承诺)
•Affective commitment exists when workers are happy to be members of an organization, believe in and feel good about the organization and what it stands for, are attached to the organization, and intend to do what is good for the organization.
•Continuance commitment exists when workers are committed not so much because they want to be but because they have to be; the costs of leaving the organization are too great.
Advice to Managers(管理者建议)
•Adopt socially responsible policies and programs such as supporting protection of the environment and helping out the community in which your organization is located.
•Be committed to your employees by, for example, showing concern for their well-being, helping them when they have hard times, and soliciting their input on decisions that will affect them.
⏹Perception (知觉)
●Definition: Perception (概念:知觉)
●The accuracy of perception(知觉的准确性)
Motivational state and mood (动机与心境)
②Target (知觉对象)
Social status(社会地位)
Use of impression management(采用印象管理手段)
③Biases and problems in perception(知觉偏差)
●Attribution theory(归因理论)
●Attribution biases(归因偏差)
•The process by which individuals select, organize, and interpret the input from their senses to give meaning and order to the world around them.
•Social perception(or person perception) is the study of how people form impressions of and make inferences about other people.
Components of Perception(知觉的构成要素)
•The perceiver is the person trying to interpret some observation that he or she has just made, or the input from his or her senses.
•The target of perception is whatever the perceiver is trying to make sense of.
—In OB terms, the target of perception is often another person.
•The situation is the context in which perception takes place.
The Accuracy of Perceptions(知觉的准确性)
•The accuracy of perceptions is critical, however, for a number of managerial functions.
–Motivating subordinates
–Treating subordinates fairly and equitably
•The perceptual process does not always yield accurate perceptions.
•Managers who understand what perceptions are, how they are formed, and what influences them are in a good position to ensure that their perceptions are as accurate as possible.
•Definition:Abstract knowledge structures that are stored in memory and make possible the organization and interpretation of information about targets of perception.
•Schemas are the product of past experiences and knowledge gathered from a variety of sources.
•Schemas determine:(图式决定了…)
•What information is attended to and what information is ignored
•How information is interpreted
•Once schemas are formed, they are resistant to change.
The Functionality of Schemas(图式的作用)
•Schemas can be functional because they help us make sense of a confusing array of sensory input, help us choose what information to pay attention to and what to ignore, and guide our perceptions of often ambiguous information.
•Schemas can be dysfunctional, however, if they result in inaccurate perceptions.
•Stereotypes are examples of dysfunctional schemas.
•Definition: A set of overly simplified and often inaccurate beliefs about the typical characteristics of a particular group.
•Stereotyped individuals are often assigned to schemas only because they possess a single distinguishing characteristic (e.g., race, gender)
Motivational State and Mood(动机状态和心境)
•Motivational State: The needs, values, and desires of a perceiver at the time of perception.
•Mood:How a perceiver feels at the time of perception.
Characteristics of the Target(知觉对象的特点)
•Ambiguity refers to a lack of clearness or definiteness.
•As the ambiguity of a target increases, it becomes increasingly difficult for a perceiver to form an accurate perception.
•When a target is ambiguous, the perceiver needs to engage in a lot more interpretation and active construction of reality to form a perception of the target.
•The more ambiguous a target is, the more potential there is for errors in perception.
Social Status(社会地位)
•Social status is a person’s real or perceived position in society or in an organization.
•Targets with relatively high status are perceived to be smarter, more credible, more knowledgeable, and more responsible for their actions than lower-status targets.
Impression Management(印象管理)
•Impression management is an attempt to control the perceptions or impressions of others.
•Targets are especially likely to use impression management tactics when interacting with perceivers who have power over them and on whom they are dependent for evaluations, raises, and promotions.
•Individuals who are high in self-monitoring are more likely than individuals who are low in self-monitoring to engage in impression management tactics.
Impression Management Tactics(印象管理策略)
•Salience is the extent to which a target of perception stands out in a group of people or things.
•Causes of salience (导致突出的原因)
–Being novel: Anything that makes a target unique in a situation (e.g., being
the only young person).
–Being figural: Standing out from the background (e.g., by wearing bright clothes).
–Being inconsistent with other people’s expectations: Behaving or looking in a way that is out of the ordinary.
•Consequences of salience(突出的结果)
–Extreme evaluations (positive or negative)
Advice to Managers(管理者建议)
•Be careful not to jump to conclusions about coworkers, superiors, and subordinates simply because they appear to fit one of your preexisting schemas. Wait to form your opinions until you have gathered enough information to make a fair judgment.
•Make sure your perceptions of workers are based on their skills, capabilities, accomplishments, on-the-job behaviors, and levels of job performance.
•Do not allow your perceptions to be influenced by characteristics of a target (such as race, age, and gender) that are unrelated to job behaviors and performance.
•Try to treat organizational members who stand out from others the same as you treat those who do not stand out.
Biases and Problems in Perception(知觉偏见与问题)。