


the understanding and enforcement of the technology requirements in contract /order are at variance
6.3品保部职责:Responsibilities of QA dept.
contract /order correctly and analyze our company’s capacity to meet requirements in contract /order
and bring forward conclusion of feasibility of manufacturing new products and risk analysis
properly when customers are not satisfied with the price our company municate
and negotiate with customers when we still can not meet their requirements
6.2工程部职责:Responsibilities of engineering dept
Engineering dept isresponsible tounderstand requirements for parameters and technology in
and evaluation



E O M精编 Lele was written in 2021







日期:2003/6/29 日期:2003/6/27 日期:2003/6/20



合同审批表(中英文版)Approval Sheetfor Contract一、合同基本信息 Basic Information of the Contract1. 合同名称(中文):____________________Contract Name (English): __________________2. 合同编号:____________________Contract Number: __________________3. 合同双方:甲方(中文):____________________乙方(中文):____________________ Parties of the Contract: Party A (English):____________________Party B (English):__________________4. 合同签订日期:____________________Contract Signing Date: __________________5. 合同有效期:从__________________至__________________Contract Valid Period: From __________________ to__________________二、合同内容摘要 Abstract of the Contract Content1. 合同标的(中文):____________________Subject Matter of the Contract (English):__________________2. 合同金额(中文):人民币____________________元Contract Amount (English): ____________________ RMB3. 付款方式(中文):____________________Payment Method (English): __________________4. 履行地点(中文):____________________Performance Place (English): __________________5. 违约责任(中文):____________________Liability for Breach of Contract (English):__________________三、审批意见 Approval Comments1. 审批部门(中文):____________________Approval Department (English): __________________2. 审批人(中文):____________________Approver (English): __________________3. 审批日期:____________________Approval Date: __________________4. 审批意见(中文):____________________Approval Comments (English): __________________四、合同风险评估 Contract Risk Assessment1. 合同风险点(中文):____________________Contract Risk Points (English): __________________可能的风险描述(中文):____________________ Description of Potential Risks (English):__________________风险应对措施(中文):____________________ Risk Mitigation Measures (English):__________________2. 合同争议解决方式(中文):____________________Dispute Resolution Method (English):__________________预期解决时间(中文):____________________ Expected Resolution Time (English):__________________五、合同履行监督 Contract Performance Supervision1. 负责部门(中文):____________________Responsible Department (English): __________________2. 监督人(中文):____________________Supervisor (English): __________________3. 监督措施(中文):____________________Supervision Measures (English): __________________定期检查(中文):____________________Regular Inspection (English): __________________异常处理流程(中文):____________________ Exception Handling Process (English):__________________六、合同变更与终止 Contract Amendment and Termination1. 合同变更条件(中文):____________________Conditions for Contract Amendment (English):__________________变更程序(中文):____________________Amendment Procedure (English): __________________2. 合同终止条件(中文):____________________Conditions for Contract Termination (English):__________________终止程序(中文):____________________Termination Procedure (English): __________________七、附件 Appendices1. 合同(中文):____________________Contract Text (English): __________________2. 相关法律法规(中文):____________________Relevant Laws and Regulations (English):__________________3. 其他支持文件(中文):____________________Other Supporting Documents (English):__________________请各相关部门在审批表上签字确认,以确保合同审批流程的完整性和合法性。

Contract Review Procedure合同评审程序(中英文)

Contract Review Procedure合同评审程序(中英文)

1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 To completely know and understand all requirements from customers, and ensure that we cansupply good parts to customers per contracts, so a contract review process is required before the contract being signed, which is applied for all RFQs, Purchase Orders, or Frame Agreement etc.对公司产品的每一份销售合同在签订前都必须进行合同评审,以充分了解和理解顾客的所有要求,确保按合同规定的要求向顾客提供满意的产品。

2.0 SCOPE 范围2.1 For all RFQs that we attended.适用于公司参与的所有询价项目;2.2 For all contracts, PO for samples& batch production parts, PO changed or cancelled etc.适用于公司产品的销售合同、样品订单及量产订单,订单的修改/取消的评审。

3.0 DEFINITIONS定义3.1 RFQ program: means all RFQs that Cheersson.询价:所有公司参与的客户的询价项目。

3.2 Purchase Order/ frame agreement/Nomination Letter (including PO for samples & tooling etc.)采购订单/框架合同/项目定点授权书:客户通知并授权公司启动项目开发的正式合同文件,包括样品订单、模具订单等。

3.3 Rolling Release: once a part in batch production phase, customer usually issue their rollingrelease via web and also the forcast for future 2~4 weeks.滚动订单:产品进入批量生产阶段后,由客户直接在网络上每周更新并下达的需求指令以及未来2~4周的需求预测等。



1.0 PURPOSE 目的1.1 To completely know and understand all requirements from customers, and ensure that we cansupply good parts to customers per contracts, so a contract review process is required before the contract being signed, which is applied for all RFQs, Purchase Orders, or Frame Agreement etc.对公司产品的每一份销售合同在签订前都必须进行合同评审,以充分了解和理解顾客的所有要求,确保按合同规定的要求向顾客提供满意的产品。

2.0 SCOPE 范围2.1 For all RFQs that we attended.适用于公司参与的所有询价项目;2.2 For all contracts, PO for samples& batch production parts, PO changed or cancelled etc.适用于公司产品的销售合同、样品订单及量产订单,订单的修改/取消的评审。

3.0 DEFINITIONS定义3.1 RFQ program: means all RFQs that Cheersson.询价:所有公司参与的客户的询价项目。

3.2 Purchase Order/ frame agreement/Nomination Letter (including PO for samples & tooling etc.)采购订单/框架合同/项目定点授权书:客户通知并授权公司启动项目开发的正式合同文件,包括样品订单、模具订单等。

3.3 Rolling Release: once a part in batch production phase, customer usually issue their rollingrelease via web and also the forcast for future 2~4 weeks.滚动订单:产品进入批量生产阶段后,由客户直接在网络上每周更新并下达的需求指令以及未来2~4周的需求预测等。


If yes, what is the amount (% per day, week of delay ?)
What is the ceiling of LDs (%of total contract amount ?)
1-3- Payment Conditions:付款条款
1-6-Consulting and Contract Fees咨询及其它合同费用
Is there any consulting fee to be paid with this contract ? Yes/ No
If Yes, what is the amount? What is the percentage compared to selling price?
If by L/C , is this L/C irrevocable and confirmed by a first class bank ?
1-4 – Warranty Terms:保修期条款
How long is the period of warranty in Months ?
From which date ? (Delivery Date, Commissioning , …?)从何时开始(发运日期,调试,….)
Is a Performance Warranty required ?
How much ? (% of contract amount)

ISO9001 客户订单评审

ISO9001 客户订单评审

CUSTOMER PURCHASE ORDER REVIEW客户订单评审文件编号: QP-4.3-8版本: 03Date / 日期Rev No /版本Revision History /修订内容Originator /编写员01-Apr.-2011 00 Delete the revision history删除修订记录12-May-2014 01 Remove item4.3 and 4.4,update 7.1.8删除4.3项,更新7.1.8项09-Oct-2014 02 Add regular basis for item 7.1.8 as different customer buying pattern因为客户的购买模式不一样,7.1.8项增加一句“基本规则”)16-Apr-2015 03 Add Explanation in Chinese. And Item2.1, add “except Philips product ”增加:中文解释; 2.1项,增加“除了飞利浦产品”Correction from : “whether has any” to “ whether there is any”改正:英文从“whether has any” 改至 “ whether there is any”1目的1.1To define the customer purchase order reviewing process, ensure customer PO is meet the contractual terms and conditions and ensure the PO requirements will be able to meet.定义客户采购订单审查的流程,确保客户的采购订单与合同性条款及条件相吻合,并保证能够满足这些要求。

2 范围2.1 This procedure is applicable to sales of all products except Philips product此程序适用于所有产品销售除了飞利浦产品。


Contract Approval Form
甲方Party A:XXX有限公司
乙方Party B:XXX有限公司
合同名称Contract Name
合同类别Contract Type
Urgent & Important Urgent Important Normal
Admin & HR
Immediate Director
Legal AffairsDepartmentofXXX
□总公司财务总监Director ofFinance DepartmentofXX
1.合同会签部门必须认真签写“收/出合同时间”栏。The SigningDepartments must fill out the "Receiving/SendingTime" column.

HRMP-002 Contract Review Procedure合同评审程序

HRMP-002 Contract Review Procedure合同评审程序

Contract Review Procedure合同评审程序ID:HRMP-002Publish Date发布日期:Jan.1th,2019Version/ revision No.: 版本号/修改版次: A/01Objective 目的To ensure that Contracts are reviewed and established for all projects.确保所有项目的同评审与签订。

Applicability 适用范围Applies to all projects.适用于所有项目Process Description 过程介绍1 Review Contract 评审合同1.1 Is There A Customer Generated Contract? 是否存在由业主制定的合同?1.2 Is It Professional Services Only? 仅是专业服务合同吗?1.3 Is The Work To Be Done in China? 是在中国工作吗?1.4 Utilize Standard Terms and Conditions 使用标准条款和条件Standard Terms and Conditions MUST be used. 必须使用标准条款和条件1.5 Utilize International Standard Terms and Conditions 使用国际标准条款和条件Standard Terms and Conditions MUST be used.必须使用标准条款和条件1.6 Refer to VP 请提交副总经理决定1.7 At First Reading, Are Contract Terms And Conditions Likely To Be Accepted? 初读时检查合同条款和条件是否可以接受?Refer to: 请参考:Contract Requirements Prompt List《合同要求提示单》1.8 Terminate Proposal 终止投标Refer to: 请参考:Major Proposal Management Procedure《大型项目投标管理程序》Medium Proposal Management Procedure《中型项目投标管理程序》1.9 Is Contract value Greater Than CNY2.50M? 是否合同价超过250万人民币?1.10 Use Qualifying Statement (Every Time) 使用资质陈述(每次)Qualifying Statement: 资质陈述:We have reviewed the proposed sample Contract/Agreement and we are generally in agreement with its terms and conditions. However, there are a number of issues which we believe should be discussed and agreed so that we can finalise the contract.我们已评审提交的合同/协议样本,虽然基本认同其条款和条件规定,但还存在某些问题,须商榷后方能定稿。



1. 目的。


To make Contract Review Process more clear and to ensure customer ’s requirements have been understood and all problems have been harmonized before production. 2. 范围。

ScopeLastar 承接生产的所有审查及变更作业。

All Reviews and changing operation that Lastar carries on; 3. 参考文件。

ReferencesISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System – Requirements. 4. 定义:Definition:4.1. 合约:指客户之采购单。

Contract: Customer ’s purchasing order;4.2. 标准品:公司正式发行之工程图所规范之产品。

Standard Products: Norm products regulated by ENG drawing which issued by company formally; 4.3. 新产品:标准品以外之产品。

New products: products beyond standard ones. 5. 权责:Rights & Responsibilities参考作业流程。

Refer to Working Process. 6. 程序: Procedure6.1、作业流程Working Process流程图 Process Chart 权责单位 Responsible Dep. 记录表单 Records 客户服务课 CS 合约审察记录表 Contract Review Record 客户服务课 CS 工程部/品保部ENG/QC ERP 记录系统 ERP recording system 合约审察记录表 Contract Review Record6.1.1.”合约审察记录表”(附件一)表单流程:“Contract Review Record ” processPMC PMC 客户服务课 CS ERP 系统记录ERP system recordERP 系统记录ERP system record邮件或其它 E-mail or othersPMC/船务组 PMC/shipping 出库单/派车单Finished goods shipping form/Shipping list客户服务课 / 相关部门 CS/relevant Dept(s).合约变更审查记录表Contract Revised Review Record标准品standard products6.2.合约确认及受理:Contract confirmation and handling6.2.1. 客户正式下单后,由客户服务课负责将客户订单号码及要求出货日期等基本信息登入ERP系统以便追踪记录。



年度订单合同范本英文**Annual Order Contract Template Analysis**In the global business environment, the annual order contract template serves as a crucial document thatoutlines the terms and conditions governing the purchase and sale of goods or services between two parties over a specified period of time, usually one year. This contract template is critical to ensuring mutual understanding and agreement on the expectations, rights, and responsibilities of each party involved in the transaction.**Structure of the Annual Order Contract Template**1. **Party Information*** This section identifies the buyer and seller, including their full legal names, contact information, and any relevant business registration details. 2. **Product or Service Description*** Details of the products or services to be sold, including specifications, quantities, and any relevant quality standards are listed here. 3. **Pricing and Payment Terms*** The contract specifies the price per unit, total value of the order, payment terms (such as upfront payment, partial payment, or payment upon delivery), and any applicable taxes or duties. 4. **Delivery and Shipment*** This section covers details related to the delivery of goods, including shipping methods, expected delivery dates, and any special instructions. 5. **Warranties and Returns*** The contract outlines the warranties provided by the seller on the products or services sold, as well as the terms and conditions for returns or replacements. 6.**Termination and Breach*** This section details the consequences of breaching the contract, including any penalties or fines that may be imposed, as well as the process for terminating the contract early. 7. **Dispute Resolution*** Methods for resolving disputes, such as arbitration or litigation, are outlined in this section. 8.**Signatures*** The final section of the contract includes spaces for the signatures of the buyer and seller, indicating their agreement to the terms and conditions stated in the contract.**Key Considerations for Negotiating an Annual Order Contract*** **Clarity and Precision**: It is crucial to ensure that all terms and conditions are clearly stated and precise, avoiding any ambiguity or confusion. * **Balance of Rights and Obligations**: The contract should strike a balance between the rights and obligations of both the buyer and the seller, ensuring fairness and equality. ***Flexibility and Adaptability**: The contract should allow for some flexibility and adaptability to changes in the market or business environment, such as price fluctuations or changes in delivery schedules. * **Compliance with Laws and Regulations**: The contract must comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including those related to trade, taxes, and consumer protection.**Conclusion**The annual order contract template is a crucial document in the global business landscape, facilitating efficient and effective transactions between buyers and sellers. By carefully negotiating and agreeing on the terms and conditions outlined in the contract, both parties can establish a solid foundation for a successful business relationship. By paying attention to key considerationssuch as clarity, precision, balance, flexibility, and compliance with laws and regulations, parties can minimize risks and maximize opportunities associated with the transaction.**年度订单合同范本英文解析**年度订单合同范本是全球商业环境中不可或缺的一份重要文件,它详细规定了买卖双方在一个特定时期(通常是一年)内购买和销售商品或服务的条款和条件。



外贸出口年度供货合同中英文模板English:This Export Annual Supply Contract is made and entered into by and between [Exporter Company Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Seller", and [Import Company Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", on [Date]. The Seller agrees to supply and deliver the goods specified in the Annex attached hereto to the Buyer in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. The Buyer agrees to purchase and accept the goods from the Seller in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth herein. The terms of this Contract shall be in force for a period of one year, commencing on [Start Date] and ending on [End Date]. The Seller and Buyer agree to enter into separate agreements for subsequent years. The prices of the goods are listed in the Annex and are based on [Currency]. Payment shall be made by the Buyer in the manner and within the time frame set forth in the Contract. Any disputes arising from this Contract shall be settled amicably through negotiation between the Seller and the Buyer.中文翻译:这份外贸出口年度供货合同由以下双方签署和订立:[出口公司名字],以下简称为“卖方”,和[进口公司名字],以下简称为“买方”,于[日期]签订。



外贸出口年度供货合同中英文模板As an exporter, it is crucial to have a well-established and comprehensive annual supply contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the export agreement. 作为一家出口商,拥有一份健全而全面的年度供货合同是至关重要的,该合同应明确列出出口协议的条款和条件。

The annual supply contract serves as a legal document that governs the relationship between the exporter and the importer, providing a framework for the export of goods over the course of a year. 年度供货合同作为一份法律文件,规范了出口商和进口商之间的关系,为一年内商品的出口提供了一个框架。

In the contract, it is important to outline the specifics of the products being exported, including details such as quantity, quality standards, packaging requirements, and delivery schedules. 在合同中,重要的是要明确列出出口产品的具体细节,包括数量、质量标准、包装要求和交货时间表。

The terms of payment should also be clearly stipulated in the annual supply contract, covering aspects such as the currency of payment, payment methods, and the timing of payments. 供货合同中还应明确规定付款条件,涵盖付款货币、付款方式和付款时间等方面。



合同评审英语English:During contract review, it is imperative to meticulously examine all clauses, terms, and conditions to ensure alignment with legal requirements, organizational policies, and agreed-upon objectives. The process entails a comprehensive analysis of each provision, including but not limited to pricing, deliverables, warranties, indemnities, termination clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Attention should be paid to potential ambiguities, loopholes, or discrepancies that may lead to future conflicts or misunderstandings. Moreover, it is essential to assess the feasibility and practicality of each obligation outlined in the contract, considering factors such as resource availability, technical capabilities, and market dynamics. Collaboration among legal experts, subject matter specialists, and relevant stakeholders is crucial to validate the accuracy and effectiveness of the contract language. Furthermore, incorporating feedback and revisions based on collective insights enhances the contract's clarity, enforceability, and risk mitigation strategies. Throughout the review process, maintaining clear communication channels and documentation of decisions and rationales ensurestransparency and accountability. Ultimately, a thorough and diligent contract review facilitates the establishment of robust agreements that protect the interests of all parties involved, foster trust, and promote successful outcomes.中文翻译:在合同评审过程中,必须细致审查所有条款、条件,确保符合法律要求、组织政策和协商的目标。



2) Supporting process / Management processes for CRP顾客相关的主要过程和支持性程3) Input (I) 输入 /Output (O) 输出4) Perform-ance indica-tors绩效指标5) References toQM documenta-tion相关质量文件6) ISO/TS16949:2002 – refer-ence相关的ISO/ TS16949: 2002条款Item审核内容Related record相关记录/表单7) Audit observations, objec-tive evidences and findings8) Rat-ing(NR,OFI,nc,NC)合同评审过程(I):订单、顾客要求、顾客未明示的要求、法规要求、特殊特性要求、产能/技术、品质、设备能力、开发协议;(O):满足顾客要求的定单、销售计划合同评审及时率、评审准确率CP-72-01客户要求和特殊特性控制程序CP-72-02合同评审程序7.2组织是否编制形成文件的程序,以规定以下方面所需的控制:∙文件发布前得到批准,以确保文件是充分与适宜的?∙必要时对文件进行评审与更新,并再次批准?∙确保文件的更改和现行修订状态得到识别?∙确保在使用处可获得适用文件的有关版本?∙确保文件保持清晰、易于识别?∙确保外来文件得到识别,并控制其分发?防止作废文件的非预期使用,若因任何原因而保留作废文件时,对这些文件进行适当的标识?∙文件控制清单或类似的文件∙文件批准权限∙文件批准记录∙不同场所文件的易于获得性∙文件场所知识∙文件的可获得性∙废弃文件的储存和处理∙内部和外部文件的通知/分发过程已修订文件的评审和批准processes for CRP顾客相关的主要过程和支持性程绩效指标相关质量文件ence相关的ISO/ TS16949: 2002条款OFI,nc,NC)品质记录管理(I)记录要求、数据分析(O)质量记录清单、完整的质量记录记录填写符合率CP-42-02品质记录程序4.2.4组织是否建立并保持记录,以提供符合要求和质量管理体系有效运行的证据?记录是否保持清晰、易于识别和检索?组织是否编制形成文件的程序,以规定记录的标识、贮存、保护、检索、保存期限和处置所需的控制?组织是否把记录看成是一种特殊类型的文件,并必须依据4.2.7和4.2.8中提出的要求进行控制?∙质量管理体系记录∙记录维护体系,包括记录的处理∙质量管理体系记录的易读性∙质量管理体系记录的识别∙根据顾客/法规要求规定的记录保存期限∙保存期满后,对记录的处理∙包括对废旧文件的标识∙每一个质量手册中维护和控制的质量记录的证据文件和资料控制(I)ISO/TS16949的要求;文件新建或修订、顾客图面的更改、文件记录的要求及数据分析(O)指导书/指示书的批准、配布、应用;文件发放登记记录;文件更改记录;记录保存文件的不符合项数;外来文件评估的及时率CP-42-01文件控制程序CP-42-02品质记录程序4.2.3组织是否编制形成文件的程序,以规定以下方面所需的控制:∙文件发布前得到批准,以确保文件是充分与适宜的?∙必要时对文件进行评审与更新,并再次批准?∙确保文件的更改和现行修订状态得到识别?∙确保在使用处可获得适用文件的有关版本?∙确保文件保持清晰、易于识别?∙确保外来文件得到识别,并控制其分发?∙防止作废文件的非预期使用,若因任何原因而保留作废文件时,对这些文件进行适当的标识?∙文件控制清单或类似的文件∙文件批准权限∙文件批准记录∙不同场所文件的易于获得性∙文件场所知识∙文件的可获得性∙废弃文件的储存和处理∙内部和外部文件的通知/分发过程∙已修订文件的评审和批准processes for CRP顾客相关的主要过程和支持性程绩效指标相关质量文件ence相关的ISO/ TS16949: 2002条款OFI,nc,NC)培训管理(I)岗位空缺需求、组织机构调整、业务流程调整、法律法规要求(O)劳动合同、组织机构与职责、工作责任书、培训计划、培训考核及记录人员流动率CP-62-01培训管理程序6.2.2组织是否:∙确定从事影响产质量工作的人员所必要的能力?∙提供培训或采取其他措施以满足这些需求?∙评价所采取措施的有效性?∙确保员工认识到所从事活动的相关性和重要性,以及如何为实现质量目标做出贡献?保持教育、培训、技能和经验的适当记录?组织是否建立并保持形成文件的程序,识别培训需求并对所有从事对产质量有影响的工作的人员都进行培训?对从事特殊工作的人员是否根据所受教育,培训,技能或经历进行资格考核?a)组织是否关注满足顾客特定的要求和培训?∙作业描述∙每一个职位的资格∙培训计划∙培训记录依据ISO/TSl6949:2002编制的质量手册∙用培训记录补充分配给员工的任务的类别∙员工记录∙与员工交谈-员工的培训满足顾客规定要求的证据processes for CRP顾客相关的主要过程和支持性程绩效指标相关质量文件ence相关的ISO/ TS16949: 2002条款OFI,nc,NC)采购管理(I):生产计划、物料需求采购计划(O):合格的供应商、满足ISO/TS16949要求、保证产品或材料的纳期、质量、成本、数量的交付顾客投诉及时处理率、顾客投诉及时反馈率CP-74-01采购管理控制程序7.4组织是否确保采购的产品符合规定的采购要求?组织对供方及采购的产品控制的类型和程度是否取决于采购的产品对随后的产品实现或最终产品的影响?组织是否根据供方按组织的要求提供产品的能力评价和选择供方?组织是否制定选择、评价和重新评价的准则?组织是否保持评价结果及评价所引起的任何必要措施的记录?(7.4.1)组织中用于零件制造的所有采购的产品或材料均是否满足适用的法规的要求? (∙组织进货检验∙供方检验∙在供方现场的审核∙由采购的产品对随后的产品文职或最终产品的影响决定的控制方法∙选择系统∙性能等级系统∙组织的供方手册∙选择系统∙性能等级系统∙由组织执行的供方的第二方审核结果∙批准的供方记录∙政府和环境组织的审核结果∙供方内部审核∙符合的凭证或证书∙供方的审核7.4.1.2组织的供方是否通过经认可的第三方认证机构的ISO 9001:2000认证?组织是否以供方符合ISO/TS 16949:2002技术规范为目的进行供方质量体系开发?∙供方ISO9001:2000证书的复印件∙供方开发过程∙分承包方开发的证据。



销售合同评审经典模板英文SALES CONTRACTThis Contract is made and entered into on [Date], by and between [Seller's Name], a [Seller's Legal Entity], with its principal place of business at [Seller's Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Seller"), and [Buyer's Name], a [Buyer's Legal Entity], with its principal place of business at [Buyer's Address] (hereinafter referred to as "Buyer").1. PURCHASE AGREEMENTSeller agrees to sell, and Buyer agrees to purchase, the following products ("Products") as detailed in the attached Purchase Order ("PO"), which is incorporated herein by this reference:- Product Description:- Quantity:- Unit Price:- Total Price:2. TERMS OF DELIVERYThe Products shall be delivered to the address specified by Buyer ("Delivery Address") within [Delivery Time Frame] from the date of this Contract. Seller shall bear the responsibility for the transportation and delivery of theProducts to the Delivery Address.3. PAYMENT TERMSPayment shall be made by Buyer as follows:- A deposit of [Deposit Percentage]% of the Total Price shall be paid upon the signing of this Contract.- The balance shall be paid upon delivery and acceptance of the Products at the Delivery Address.4. ACCEPTANCE OF PRODUCTSBuyer shall inspect the Products within [Inspection Period] days after delivery. Acceptance is deemed to occur upon the expiration of the Inspection Period unless Buyer notifies Seller in writing of any non-conformities.5. WARRANTYSeller warrants that the Products shall be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of [Warranty Period] from the date of delivery. Seller shall, at its expense, repair or replace any Product which is found to be defective within the Warranty Period.6. LIABILITY AND INDEMNIFICATIONSeller shall be liable for any damages caused by the Products due to defects in design, materials, or workmanship. Seller shall indemnify and hold Buyer harmless from any claims, damages, or expenses arising out of the use of the Products.7. CONFIDENTIALITYBoth parties agree to keep confidential any information obtained from the other party during the course of this Contract. This obligation shall survive the termination of this Contract.8. TERMINATIONThis Contract may be terminated by either party upon [Notice Period] days written notice if the other party breaches any material term of this Contract and fails to remedy such breach within [Cure Period] days after receiving written notice.9. GOVERNING LAWThis Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Applicable Jurisdiction].10. ENTIRE AGREEMENTThis Contract, along with the attached PO, represents the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, or agreements, whether written or oral.11. AMENDMENTSAny amendments to this Contract must be in writing and signedby both parties.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Contract on the date first above written.SELLER:[Seller's Name]By: [Authorized Signature]BUYER:[Buyer's Name]By: [Authorized Signature]Title: [Authorized Signatory's Title]。



ISO程序文件中英文版03合同确认与评审程序Version :B/0 Revised Version : Revision Effective Date :File Name :合同确认与评审程Contract Verification and Review Procedure Edited by :ISO Office1. 目的:准确理解客户要求,确保合同规定及其执行的要求,满足客户要求。

Purpose :To learn about the customers’ needs well, to ensure that the provisions and implementation of contract will meet customers’ requirements.2. 适用范围:适用于所有销售合同的确认及评审。

Applicable Scope :Apply to all the verification and review of sales contracts.3. 职责 Responsibility3.1 生产技术部负责编制《标准产品清单》及对非常规产品的技术标准及客户要求进行评审。

The Production & Technique Dept. shall prepare the “Standard Product List” and shall review the technical standards and the customers’ requirements of unc onvention al products.3.2市场部负责对常规产品的评审,对非常规产品的价格、付款方式、交货方式的评审及顾客特别技术要求评审的组织工作。

The Marketing Dept. shall review conventional products, organize to review the price, the type of payment and delivery way of unconventional products, also shall review the cus tomers’ special technical requirements.3.3董事/总经理或市场总监负责非常规合同评审的审批。



英文合同审查模板1. Parties Involved:- Company Name (Buyer):Address:Tax ID:- Company Name (Seller):Address:Tax ID:2. Purpose of Agreement:This Agreement is entered into between [Buyer] and [Seller], hereinafter referred to as "Parties," for the purpose of [describe the general purpose of the contract,e.g., the sale of goods, provision of services, etc.].3. Scope of Work:- The Seller agrees to provide the followinggoods/services: [list the goods or services to be provided]. - The Buyer agrees to purchase the said goods/services on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.4. Delivery and Performance:- The Seller shall deliver the goods/services to the Buyer at [describe the location or method of delivery].- The delivery is expected to be completed by [date].5. Payment Terms:- The Buyer shall pay the Seller the total amount of[amount] for the goods/services.- Payment shall be made [describe the payment terms, e.g., net 30 days from the date of invoice].6. Warranty and Representations:- The Seller warrants that the goods/services will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of [duration] from the date of delivery.- The Seller represents and warrants that it has the right to sell the goods/services and that the sale does notinfringe upon any third-party rights.7. Termination:- Either Party may terminate this Agreement upon [number of days] written notice to the other Party if the other Party breaches any material term of this Agreement.8. Confidentiality:- Both Parties agree to keep confidential any information obtained from the other Party in the course of this Agreement and not to disclose such information to any third party without the prior written consent of the disclosing Party.9. Force Majeure:- Neither Party shall be liable for any failure or delayin performing its obligations under this Agreement to the extent that such failure or delay is caused by circumstances beyond the reasonable control of that Party.10. Dispute Resolution:- Any dispute arising out of or in connection with thisAgreement shall be resolved by [describe the dispute resolution method, e.g., arbitration, mediation, litigation].11. Amendments:- This Agreement may be amended only by written agreement signed by both Parties.12. Entire Agreement:- This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties concerning the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations, understandings, and agreements.13. Governing Law:- This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [specify the jurisdiction].14. Signatures:- The Parties have executed this Agreement on the date first above written.[Buyer's Signature][Buyer's Authorized Representative][Date][Seller's Signature][Seller's Authorized Representative][Date]。



订单评审程序Purchase order Review Procedure1、目的Purpose为保证公司能满足客户的要求,并能及时合理安排生产,故对客户所下之订单进行有效评审,特制定本程序。

This procedure is stipulated in order to meet customers’requirements, assort production reasonable and timely and ensure to review customers’order and requirements effectively.2、适用范围Scope适用于公司所有客户订单的评审。

Be applicable to all customers’ order review.3、定义Definition无No4、订单评审过程图Purchase order review flow chart输入部门:外部客户 Input: External customer 过程客户:外部客户 Process clients: customer 支持部门:工厂技术 部、生产部Support dept.: Factory tech. dept.; production dept.使用资源 Resources1、 计算机网络Computer & internet 2、 电话Telephone 3、 传真机Fax machine过程责任者: Related principle:市场部经理。

其能力和资格见《岗位职务说明书》 Market manager, Specified requirements see job specification过程输出:Procedure output: 1、 订单签定回传PO confirmation & transfer back 2、 订单评审表PO review sheet 3、 生产通知单Production order 4、 订单更改通知单Revised PO notification支持过程:无 Support: No5、作业内容6、附加说明Additional notes市场部应每月按时将本月的客户订单和已交货订单汇总后交财务部,以便财务部做财务报表和成本分析。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Purchase order Review Procedure

This procedure is stipulated in order to meet customers’requirements, assort production reasonable and timely and ensure to review customers’order and requirements effectively.

Be applicable to all customers’ order review.

Purchase order review flow chart
输入部门:外部客户 Input: External customer 过程客户:外部客户 Process clients: customer 支持部门:工厂技术 部、生产部
Support dept.: Factory tech. dept.; production dept.
使用资源 Resources
1、 计算机网络
Computer & internet 2、 电话
Telephone 3、 传真机
Fax machine
过程责任者: Related principle:

其能力和资格见《岗位职务说明书》 Market manager, Specified requirements see job specification
Procedure output: 1、 订单签定回传
PO confirmation & transfer back 2、 订单评审表
PO review sheet 3、 生产通知单
Production order 4、 订单更改通知单
Revised PO notification
支持过程:无 Support: No
Additional notes

Market dept. supervisor should collect customer order information like delivered or not delivered to financial dept. every month, and then financial dept. can make financial reports and perform cost analysis accordingly.
7.1 《报价管理程序》
Quotation management procedure
Related sheet
8.1 《订单评审表》
PO review sheet
8.2 《生产任务通知单》
Production order
8.3 《订单更改通知单》
PO revision notification。
