吉林大学 地质专业英语 第六课翻译




Catastrophic versus uniform views of change and the age of the earth// 地球的灾变论和均变论之争以及地球的年龄1.Ancient people quite understandably were impressed only by rapid and violent geologic processes. This led to a catastrophic view of the earth (commonly called catastrophism), which dominated European thought until 1850, Changes were thought to occur suddenly, rapidly, and devastatingly by a series of catastrophes. The most famous example of such a supposed catastrophe was, of course, the great Deluge of the old Testament, Others included volcanic eruptions at Pompeii and Thera as well as the Lisbon earthquake.// 古人往往对于快速的和猛烈的地质演化现象印象深刻,这导致了地球灾变性观点(通常称之为灾变论)在欧洲地质学界一直占主导地位,直到十九世纪五十年代,地质学家普遍认为地球演化是在一些列突发性、快速并具有灾难性的地质事件之后产生。


2.A parallel idea consistent with catastrophism was a universally accepted belief that the earth was but a few thousand years old, This conception is revealed in Shakespeare’s As You Like It, written around 1600, where reference is made to the age of the earth being about 6000years, In 1654 one of several more definite pronouncement came from Anglican Archbishop Ussher, who announced that, based upon his analysis of genealogies in the Scriptures and of astronomical cycles, the word had been created in the year4004B.C. on the 23d of October! Some years later, another authority fixed an equally precise date for the great Deluge, November 18,2349 B.C. At that time, Practically all leading European intellectuals believed implicitly in a literal interpretation of the Bible, and so it is not surprising to find that a 6000-year age for the erath was gospel for fully 200 years.//与灾变论相一致的观点,且被广泛接受相信的是地球的年龄只有几千年。



The South China Sea is a classic example of the marginal basins that typify the margin of Southeast Asia, and one with a relatively complicated tectonic history that has been linked both to the development of the active margins of the Western Pacific and to the tectonics of continental Asia following the India–Asia collision starting around 50 Ma.南海边缘盆地是一个典型的例子,代表的东南亚边缘,它有一个相对复杂的构造史,与西太平洋活动大陆边的发展以及从5000万年前开始的印度-亚洲大陆碰撞所形成的地质构造都密切相关。

The tectonics of continental break-up and seafloor spreading have been studied in this area for a significant period of time, yet our understanding of why the basin formed in the first places still remains controversial.大陆解体的构造和海底传播研究在这一区域已有相当一段时间,但是我们对于该盆地最初的形成的理解仍然是有争议的。

Two competing schools have suggested two opposing visions for what caused the basin to open.两个相互对立的学派对于该盆地的形成提出了两种对立的观点。



缺陷 缺陷晶格
defect lattice defile deflation 山谷
风蚀 铅垂线之偏斜
deflection of the plumbline deformation 应变 变形带
deformation band deformation ellipsoid deformation fabric deformation texture
day water 地面水 deactivation 减活 dead load 恒载 dead rock dead water 废石 停滞水
debacle 解冻 debouchment 河口 debris 岩屑 冲积锥
debris cone
debris soil 岩屑土 debye scherrer camera 德拜 谢乐照相机 debye scherrer's method 德拜 谢乐法 decalcify decantation decanter 脱钙 倾析 沉积池 脱碳酸盐化 脱碳酸盐化 衰变常数 衰变产物 衰变砾石层
decrepitation method
dedolomitization 脱白云酌 deed coal 非粘结煤 deep 海渊 deep circulating hot water deep drilling 深孔钻探 深源地震 深循环热水
deep focus earthquake deep fold 基底褶曲
地 质 学 专 业 词 汇(中英
A、B、C a horizon a 层位 a lineation a 线理 a twin a 双晶 aa lava 块熔岩 aalenian stage 阿林阶 abandon 废弃 abandoned mine 废弃 的矿山 abandoned well 废孔 abatis 通风隔墙 abdomen 腹部 abdominal appendage 腹肢 abdominal cavity 腹 腔 abdominal fin 腹 abductor 外展肌 abductor muscle 外展 肌 abernathyite 水砷钾 铀矿 aberration 象差 abichite 光线矿 abiogenesis 自然发生 abiogeny 自然发生 abiotic factor 非生物 因素 ablation 剥蚀 ablation breccia 剥蚀 角砾岩 ablation moraine 消融 碛 ablation skin D、E、F、G、H、I、J、K、L dacite 英安岩 dacitoid 似英安岩 dactylitic 指形的 dactylotype texture 指纹结构 daebo tectonic movement 大宝构造运动 dahamite 钠长钠闪微岗岩 dahllite 碳酸磷灰石 地磁日变化



阐述expound(explain), state 冲积平原alluvial plain引入introduce into 三角洲delta相应的corresponding 古河道fossil river course,fossil概念conception stream channel概论overview 冲积扇alluvial fan概率probability 洪积扇diluvial fan概念化conceptualize 分水岭divide宏观的macroscopic 盆地basin补充complement 岩溶地貌karst land feature,karst规划plan landform证明demonstrate, certify, 溶洞solution cave, karstcaveattest 2 地层岩性证实confirmation 地层geostrome (stratum,strata)补偿compensate, makeup, imburse 岩性lithologic character,rock组合式combined type property相互作用interactioni-J-[ |==rbed stratum稳定性评价 stability evaluation U-i |=r岩层layer, rock stratum均质性homogeneity 母岩matrix, parent rock 介质medium 相变facies change层layer, stratum 硬质岩strong rock, film软质岩weak rock1 地形地貌 geographic and geomorphic I r" .f.f.硬质的competent地形land form软质的incompetent地貌geomorphology, relief基岩bedrock地貌单landform unit, geomorphic覆盖层overburdenunit交错层理cross bedding坡度grade层面bedding plane地形图relief map片理schistosity河谷river valley层理bedding河道river course波痕ripple-mark河床river bed(channel)泥痕mud crack冲沟gully, gulley, erosion gully,雨痕raindrop imprints stream(brook)造岩矿物rock-forming河漫滩floodplain(valley flat) ,1,1粘土矿物clay mineral阶地terrace高岭土kaolinite蒙脱石montmorillonite 流纹岩rhyolite伊利石illite 闪长岩diorite云母mica 辉长岩gabbro白云母muscovite 玄武岩basalt黑云母biotite 橄榄岩dunite石英quartz 火山角砾岩 vulcanic breccia长石feldspar 火山集块岩 volcanic agglomerate 正长石orthoclase 凝灰岩tuff斜长石plagioclase 沉积岩sedimentary rock辉石pyroxene, picrite 碎屑岩clastic rock角闪石hornblende 粘土岩clay rock方解石calcite 粉砂质粘土岩 silty claystone 构造structure 化学岩chemical rock结构texture 生物岩biolith组构fabric(tissue) 砾岩conglomerate矿物组成mineral composition 角砾岩breccia产状attitude 砂岩sandstone火成岩igneous 石英砂岩quartz sandstone岩浆岩magmatic rock 粉砂岩siltstone火山岩(熔岩) lava 钙质粉砂岩 calcareous siltstone火山volcano 泥岩mudstone侵入岩intrusive(invade) rock 页岩shale喷出岩effusive rock 盐岩saline深成岩plutonic rock 石灰岩limestone浅成岩pypabysal rock 白云岩dolomite酸性岩acid rock 泥灰岩marl中性岩inter-mediate rock 泥钙岩argillo-calcareous 基性岩basic rock 泥砂岩argillo-arenaceous 超基性岩ultrabasic rock 砂质arenaceous岩基rock base (batholith) 泥质argillaceous岩脉(墙)dike 硅质的siliceous岩墙rock dike 有机质organic matter岩床rock sill 粗粒coarse grain岩脉vein dyke 中粒medium-grained花岗岩granite 沉积物sediment (deposit)漂石、顽石 boulder 升降运动 vertical movement 卵石 cobble 水平运动 horizontal movement 砾石 gravel完整性 perfection(integrity) 砂 sand 产状要素 elements of attitude粉土 silt 产状 attitude, orientation 粘土 clay走向 strike 粘粒 clay grain 倾向 dip砂质粘土 sandy clay 倾角 dip angle, angle of dip粘质砂土clayey sand 褶皱 fold 壤土、亚粘土 loam褶曲 fold 砂壤土、亚砂土轻亚粘土 sandy loam 单斜 monocline 浮土、表土 regolith (topsoil) 向斜 syncline 软泥 ooze背斜 anticline 淤泥mire, oozed mud, sludge,穹隆 dome warp clay挤压 squeeze 冲积物(层) alluvion 上盘 upper section冲积的alluvial下盘bottom wall, 洪积物 (层) proluvium, diluvium, diluvionlowerwall洪积的 diluvial 断距 separation 冰川沉积物(层) glacier (drift)deposits 相交 intersect 崩积物 ( 层 ) colluvial deposits, 断层 faultcolluviu m正断层 normal fault 残积粘土 residual clay逆断层reversed fault 变质岩 metamorphic rock 平移断层 parallel fault板岩 slate 层理 bedding, stratification 千枚岩phyllite地堑 grabenr t. i-JLi schist地垒horst, fault ridge片麻岩 gneiss 断层泥gouge, pug, selvage, fault石英岩 quartzite gouge大理岩marble擦痕 stria, striation3 地质构造 断裂fracture 地质构造 geologic structure 破碎带 fracture zone 大地构造 geotectonic 节理 joint构造运动 tectogenesis 节理组 joint set 造山运动orogeny裂隙fissure, crackfootwall,微裂隙fine fissure, microscopic岩屑 cuttings, debris fissure薄膜membrane, film原生裂隙 original joint 层理 stratificatio n次生裂隙 epigenetic joint 高角度 high dip angle 张裂隙 tension joint 缓倾角 low dip angle 剪裂隙 shear joint 反倾 anti-dip 卸荷裂隙 relief crack 互层interbed v. 碎裂结构 cataclastic texture Interbedding n.板状结构 platy structure 粒径 particle size 薄板状 lamellose 构造层 tectonospher e块状的 lumpy, massive 挤压 compression 层状的 laminated均一的 homogeneous 巨厚层 giant thick-laminated 致密 close, compact 薄层状的 finely laminated 构造岩 tectonite软弱夹层 weak intercalated layer糜棱岩mylonite夹层inter bedding,断层角砾岩 fault brecciaintercalated bed, interlayer, 方解石脉 calciteveinintermediate layer 碎块岩 clastic rock夹泥层 clayey intercalation 角砾 breccia 夹泥 inter-clay 岩粉 rock powder 连通性 connectivity 岩屑 debris, debry 切层 insequent 固结consolidation影响带affecting zone完整性 integrity n. 4 水文地质条件 hydrogeological conditionsIntegrate v. &a.大气圈 atmosphere 水圈 hydrosphere 破碎 crumble 胶结 cement泥化 argillization 尖灭 taper-out错动 diastrophism错动层面 faulted beddingplane 断续的 intermittent共轭节理 conjugated joint 透镜状的 lens-shaped a.degree of integrality 岩石圈 地表径流地下径流 流域 流域面积 area 汇水面积 地下水 watergeospheresurfacerunoffsubsurfacerunoffvalley, drainagebasindrainage area, riverbasincatchment areaground water, subsurfaceboring地表水 surface water重力水 gravitational water 大气水 atmospheric water凝结水 condensation water气态水 aqueous (vapour) water 地下水埋藏条件 condition of groundwater 液态水 liquid water occurrenc e固态水 solid water地 下 水 埋 藏 深 度 depth of groundwater 吸着水 hygroscopic (adsorptive) occurrenc ewater 压水试验 packer permeability test介质 medium 5 工程勘察 engineering investigation空隙 void孔隙水压力pore water pressure 勘测 survey静水压力 hydrostatic pressure勘察阶段investigational stage外静水压 external hydrostatic初步设计 primarydesignpressur e 初步规划 preliminaryscheme动水压力 hydrodynamic pressure初步勘探 preliminaryprospecting渗透力 初步踏勘 seepage pressure groundreconnaissance外水压力 external water pressure可行性研究阶段 feasibility stage 内水压力 internal water pressure 初步设计阶段 preliminary stage 水位 water level, stage level踏勘 reconnaissance,水头 water head inspectio n含水层 aquife r地质测绘 geologicalsurvey透水层 permeable layer, pervious工程地质测绘 engineerin g geologic al laye rmapping 不透水层 隔水层) aquifuge, impervious钻探borehol eoperatio n,aquiclude钎探rod sounding 地下分水岭groundwater ridge 坑探 exploring mining 孔隙水 pore water 槽探 trenching 裂隙水 fissure water 比例proportion岩溶水 karstic water地形图 geographic map结合水 bound water, combined water 地貌图 geomorphological map吸着水 hydroscopic water 地质图geological map薄膜水 pellicular water 实测地质剖面图毛细水capillary waterfield-acquired geological物探 geophysical exploration impermeablelayer ,洞探 exploratory aditslayer,profile(section) 灾害 hazard, calamity构造地质图geological structure map 确定性方法论 Deterministic methodology 第四纪地质图 quarternary geological 应急行动计划 EAP(emergency action plan) map 事故 accident地质详图detail map of geology 静力( Static Analysis )地质柱状图geologic columnar section, 动力( Dynamic Analysis )geologic log Evidently 明显的纵剖面图longitudinal section Correspondingly adv. 相应地 ; 相关地 ; 横剖面图cross section 同地展示图reveal detail map节理玫瑰图rose of joints基岩等高线bed rock contour层底等高线contour of stratum bottom岩层界线strata boundary岩面高程elevation of bed rock surface坐标coordinate分层bed separation地质点geological observation point 勘探点exploratory point (spot)勘探线exploratory line勘探孔exploration hole金刚石钻进diamond drilling6 安全监控可靠性检查reliability checking监控模型monitoring and predictionmodel监测monitoring资料datum, data可靠性reliability稳定性stability安全safety评估evaluation, appraise评定assessment, assess, rate评价准则criterion相。



第一课1.科学家认为地球由几层组成Scientists think the earth is composed of / consists of / is made up of several layers.2.地球的固态部分称为岩石圈。

The solid parts of the earth is called / referred to as lithosphere.3.地质学家发现大部分海洋下地壳厚4~10英里。

Geologists found that the crust under the ocean is 4-10 miles deep / to a depth of 4-10 miles / as thick as 4-10 miles / 4-10 mile-thick.4.水和空气在地球历史上是作用于地球表面的最重要的因素。

Water and air are exceedingly / significant imporant factors in acting on the surface of the earth in the earth history.5.大气圈是由环绕地球固体和液体部分的气体组成。

The atmosphere is composed of the air which surroounds the solid and liquid parts of the earth.第二课1.大约地壳重量的75%是由氧和硅这两种元素组成的。

Approximately / About 75% of the crust’s weight is composed of/ is made of / consists of the elements of oxygen and silicon.★compose , consist of , comprise , constitute 这组动词的一般含义为“组成”或“构成”。



f test f 检验fabric 构造fabric analysis of rock 岩石组构解析fabric domain 组构域fabric element 组构要素face 面;工祖face centered lattice 面心点阵facet eye 复眼faceted pebble 棱石faceted spur 截切山嘴facetted peneplation 交切准平原facial sutures 面线facies 相facies analysis 相分析facies angle 相角facies change 相的变化facies fossil 指相化石facies index 指相化石facies map 相图facies series 相系factor analysis 因子分析fahlband 矿带fahlore 铜矿fahlunite 褐堇青石failure 破坏fairfieldite 磷钙锰石falcate 镰状的falciform 镰状的fall line 瀑布线falling ball viscosimeter 落球粘度计falling off of drill string 跑钻false bedding 假层理false cleavage 假劈理false roof 伪顶faluns 砂质泥灰岩famatinite 脆硫锑铜矿famennian stage 法门阶family 科family of curves 曲线族fan 扇状地fan cleavage 扇状劈理fan delta 扇形三角洲fan fold 扇状褶皱fan shaped 扇形的fan shooting 扇形排列法地震勘探fanglomerate 扇积砾faratsihite 黄高岭石farrisite 闪辉黄煌岩fasibitikite 负异钠花岗岩fasinite 辉霞岩fat cell 脂细胞fat coal 肥煤fathometer 测深仪fatigue 疲劳fatty acid 脂肪酸faujasite 八面沸石fault 断层fault amplitude 垂直断距fault associated with earthquake 地震断层fault basin 断层盆地fault bench 断层阶地fault block 断块fault block reservoirs 断块油气藏fault block tectonism 块断构造作用fault breccia 断层角砾岩fault coal 劣质煤fault creep 断层蠕动fault displacement 断层位移fault effect 断层效应fault escarpment 断层崖fault facet 断层三角面fault fissure 断层裂缝fault fold 断层褶皱fault gouge 断层泥fault graben 地堑fault ledge 断层崖fault line 断层线fault line scarp 断层线崖fault line valley 断层线谷fault mountain 断层山fault plane 断面fault screened reservoir 断层遮挡油气藏fault surface 断面fault terrace 断层阶地fault trap 断层圈闭fault trough 断层槽fault valley 断层谷fault warp 坳块fault zone 断裂带fauna 动物群faunal remains 动物残余faunule 小动物群fayalite 铁橄集feather 羽饰斑feather tension joints 羽状张节理featherlike drainage pattern 羽毛状水系feathery structure 羽状构造fedorovite 霓透辉石feeding device 加料装置feldspar 长石feldspathoid 似长石felsic magmatism 长英岩浆作用felsic rock 长英质岩felsite 霏细岩felsitic 硅长岩质的felsitic texture 霏细构造felsobanyite 斜方矾石felsophyre 霏细斑岩felty 针状的femic mineral 铁镁质矿物fen 沼泽fen peat 低位泥炭fenite 长霓岩fenster 格状的ferberite 钨铁矿ferghanite 磷矾铀矿fergusite 假白榴等色岩fergusonite 褐钇铌矿fermentation 发酵fermium 镄fermorite 锶磷灰石fernandinite 纤钒钙石ferns 蕨类ferri halloysite 多水铁高岭土ferric oxide 氧化铁ferric sulfide 硫化铁ferrierite 镁碱沸石ferrimolybdite 铁钼华ferrimontmorillonite 高铁蒙脱石ferrisymplesite 纤维砷铁矿ferrite 自然铁ferrite zone 自然铁带ferrithorite 高铁方钍石ferritungstite 高铁钨华ferrocalcite 铁方解石ferrocobaltine 铁辉钴矿ferrocyanide 亚铁氧化物ferrodolomite 铁白云石ferromagnesian component 铁镁组分ferromagnesian mineral 铁镁矿物ferromagnetic 强磁性的ferromagnetic element 铁磁性元素ferromagnetic material 铁磁性材料ferromagnetism 铁磁性ferromangandolomite 低铁锰白云石ferronatrite 针钠铁矾ferroplumbite 磁铅铁矿ferrosilite 斜铁辉石ferrouranothorite 铁铀钍石ferrous metal 黑色金属ferrous sulfide 硫化亚铁ferruginous 含铁的fersmanite 硅钠铌石fersmite 铌钙矿fertile 肥沃的fervanite 水钒铁矿festoon islands 花彩列岛fiber 纤维fibroblastic texture 纤维变晶构造fibroferrite 纤铁矾fibrous 纤维质的fibrous parallel 平行纤维状的;平行纡维状的fibrovascular bundle 维管束ficinite 柴苏辉石fidelity 保真性fiedlerite 水氯铝石field book 野外纪录簿field capacity 土壤毛细含水量field carrying capacity 土壤毛细含水量field check 野外检验field geology 野外地质学field of view 视场field survey 野外测量field work 野外工作现场工作fiery seam 瓦斯煤层filiform 丝状的filiform texture 丝状结构fill 淤积fill terrace 填充阶地filler 填充物fillowite 锰磷矿film 薄膜film water 薄膜水filter 过滤机filter cake 泥饼filter paper 滤纸filtrate 滤液filtration 过滤filtration spring 渗出泉filtration velocity 过滤速度fin ray 条finder 检影器fine coal 细粉煤fine earth 细土fine grain development 微粒显像fine grained sand 细粒砂fine grained texture 细粒结构fine gravel 细砾fine ore 细矿fine porosity 小气孔性fine sand 细砂fine soil 细粒土壤fine structure 精细结构fine texture 细密结构finely porous 细孔质的fines 细粉煤finger veined 掌状脉的finnemanite 砷氯铅矿fiord 峡湾fiorite 硅华fire clay 耐火粘土fire point 坩埚fire pot 坩埚fire refining 火法精炼fire resistance 耐火性firing 点火firn 万年雪fischerite 水磷铝石fishing reef 鱼礁fishtail bit 鱼尾钻头fissile material 可裂变物质fissility 可劈性fission 分裂fission product 核分裂产物fission track method 裂变轨迹年代测定法fissure 裂缝fissure eruption 裂缝喷发;裂缝喷溢fissure of retreat 收缩裂缝fissure spring 裂缝泉fissure volcano 裂隙式火山fissure water 裂隙水fissure zone 裂隙带fixation 固定fixed ash 固定灰分fixed bitumen 束缚沥fixed boundary 固定边界fixed carbon 固定碳fixed drilling platform 固定式钻探平台fixed load 定负载fixed point 固定点fjeld 冰蚀高原fjord 峡湾flabellate 扇形的flabelliform 扇形的flagellates 鞭毛虫类flagellum 鞭毛flake 鳞flaky graphite 鳞片状石墨flaky texture 鳞片状结构flamboyant structure 火焰构造flame assay 火焰试验flame coal 焰煤flame jet drilling 火焰喷出钻井flame like 焰状的flame photometry 火焰光谱法flame reaction 焰色反应flame safety lamp 火焰安全灯flame spectrophotometry 火焰分光光度测定flamy structure 火焰构造flank 翼flank eruption 山侧喷发flank moraine 侧碛石flaser 压扁状的flaser structure 压扁构造flash 闪光flash flood 暴洪flash roaster 悬浮焙烧炉flash spectrum 闪光光谱flat seam 平矿层flat topped fold 箱状褶皱flat wall 下盘flattening 压扁作用flattening plane 压扁面flaw 横推断层flexible hose 软管flexible joint 柔性接头flexural fold 弯曲褶皱flexure 单斜绕褶flexure fault 挠曲断层flexure scarp 弯曲悬崖flinkite 褐水砷锰矿flint 燧石float 转石float gage 浮标floating drilling barge 钻探浮船floating drilling rig 浮动式钻探装置floating island 浮岛floating pan 浮式蒸发仪flocculation 絮凝floe ice 漂冰floeberg 冰山floitite 帘片状岩flood and ebb 潮汐flood area 浸水地flood bassin 泛滥地flood bed 泛滥地flood crest 洪水最高顶flood current 涨潮流flood discharge 洪水量flood plain 泛滥平原flood plain deposit 泛滥平原沉积flood routing 洪水推测flood water 洪水flood zone 泛滥带floodcontrol 防洪flooding 泛滥flooding method 洪水法floodway 排水渠floor 底盘floor of coal seam 煤层底板flora 植物群florencite 磷铝铈石floristic region 植物区flotation 浮选flotation concentrate 浮选精矿flotation process 浮选法flotation tailings 浮选尾矿flow 流量;涨潮flow cleavage 咙理flow duration curve 量历时曲线flow fold 赁皱flow line 吝flow mass curve 量累积曲线flow of ground water 地下水流flow rate 临flow regime 连flow structure 流结构flow test 流试验flow till 运动冰碛flowage 流flowering plants 显花植物flowers of sulfur 硫华flowing artesian well 自喷井flowing pressure 动水压力flowing water 廉flowmeter 量计flowsheet 撂图flowsheet of mill 选矿撂图fluctuation 起伏fluid 铃fluid inclusion 液体包体fluid inclusion geothermometer 液包体地质温度计fluid phase 拎fluidal 疗状的fluidal structure 流结构fluidity 流动性;流度flume 沟底川fluoborite 氟硼镁石fluocerite 氟铈矿fluorescence 荧光fluorescence microscope 荧光显微镜fluorescent bitument 荧光沥青fluorescent screen 荧光屏fluorescent X ray analysis 荧光X射线分析fluoridation 加氟作用fluorimeter 荧光计fluorine 氟fluorine dating 氟年代测定法fluorine metasomatism 氟素交代作用fluorite 萤石fluorography 荧光照相术fluorometer 荧光计fluosolid roaster 沸腾焙烧炉flush drilling 环陵井flushed zone 冲洗带flushing 湿法充填flushing fluid 冲洗液fluvial deposit 河成沉积fluvial erosion 河蚀fluvial geomorphology 河霖貌学fluvial landform 河成地貌fluvial process of rivers 河霖质作用fluvial type 河拎型fluviatile facies 河相fluviatile gravel 河砾石fluviation 河水作用fluvioglacial deposit 冰水沉积fluvioglacial terrace 冰水阶地fluviolacustrine 河湖的flux 焙剂fluxion structure 流结构flysch 复理层flysh 复理层foam 泡沫foamy structure 多泡构造focal mechanism 震源机构fold 褶皱fold fault 褶皱断层fold fissures 褶皱裂隙fold nappe 褶皱推覆fold of sedimentary cover 盖层褶皱fold zone 褶皱带folded mountain 褶皱山folded zone 褶皱带folding 褶皱作用folding fissures 褶皱裂隙foliaceous 叶状的foliaceous structure 叶片状构造foliate 叶理状的foliated coal 层状煤foliated structure 叶片状构造foliation 剥理foot 山脚foot of hole 钻孔底部foot valve 底阀foot wall 下盘footeite 绿盐铜矿foraminifera 有孔虫类foraminiferal zonation 有孔虫成带现象forbesite 纤砷钴镍矿forced oscillation 强迫振荡fore deep 前渊fore wing 前翅forecast 预报foreign inclusion 外来包体foreland 前沿地forerunning phenomena 火山喷发前兆foreset bed 前积层foreshaft 井口foreshore 前滨forest peat 木质泥炭form factor 形态因子formal fabric 形态组构formanite 钽钇铌矿formation 建造;群系;形成formation factor 地层因素formation heat 形成热formation resistivity factor 地层电阻率系数formation temperature 地层温度formic acid 甲酸formless 无形状的forsterite 镁橄榄石fossil 化石fossil delta 古三角洲fossil erosion surface 化石侵蚀面fossil fernes 化石蕨fossil fuel 化石燃料fossil men 化石人类fossil peneplain 古准平原fossil plant 化石植物fossil pollen 古花粉fossil pteridophytes 化石蕨fossil resin 琥珀fossil water 化石水fossilbearing 含化石的fossiliferous 含化石的fossilification 化石化fossilizaiton 化石化fossilize 变成化石fossilogy 化石学foundational fault 基底断裂foundry sand 铸造用砂fountain 喷泉fouqueite 绿帘石four groove drill 十字钻头fourmarierite 红铀矿fowlerite 锌锰辉石foyaite 良正长岩fraction 分数fractional 分级的fractional crystallization 分离结晶fractional precipitation 分级沉淀fractionation 分级fractionation factor 分离系数fracture 断口;断裂fracture cleavage 破劈理fracture spring 裂缝泉fracture zone 断裂带fracturing 断裂作用fragility 脆性fragment 碎屑fragment cone 碎屑锥fragmental 碎屑状的fragmental texture 碎屑结构frame 框架framework 构架framework silicate 网硅酸盐francium 钫franckeite 辉锑锡铅矿francolite 细晶磷灰石franklinite 锌铁尖晶石free bitumen 游离沥青free energy 自由能free energy of activation 自由活化能free energy of formation 生成的自由能free gas 游离气free meander 自由曲流free oxide 游离氧化物free radical 自由基free state 游离状态free surface energy 自由表面能free valence 自由价free water 自由水freezing hole 冻结钻孔freezing nuclei 凝固核freezing point 凝固点freibergite 银铜矿fremontite 叶双晶石frenzelite 硒铋矿frequency 频率frequency curve 频率曲线frequency distribution 频率分布frequency of joints 节理频度frequency spectrum 频谱fresh water 淡水fresh water animals 淡水动物fresh water barrier 淡水障壁fresh water lake 淡湖fresh water lens 淡水透镜体freyalite 硬硅铈钍矿friable 易碎的friable rocks 易碎岩石friable state 适碎性friction 摩擦friction breccia 擦碎角砾岩friction coefficient 摩擦系数friction head 摩擦水头friction layer 摩擦层friedelite 红锰铁矿frieseite 富硫银铁矿fringing reef 裾礁fritting 烧结fritzscheite 磷锰铀矿frondelite 锰绿铁矿front 工祖front range 前山frontal apron 冰水沉积平原frontal arc 前驯;正面弧frontal bone 额骨frontier 境界frost in the soil 土壤结冰frost line 冻深线frost weathering 寒冻风化froth 泡沫frother 起泡剂frothering agent 起泡剂frozen soil 冻土fuchsite 铬云母fuel gas 气态燃料fugacity 逸散能fuggerite 弹性地腊full hole drilling 孔底全部钻井fuller's earth 漂白土fulloppite 柱硫锑铅矿fulvic acid 富里酸fumarole 气孔fumarolic gas 火山气fume 灰云functional fabric 函数组构fundamental inequality 基本不等式fungi 真菌fungiform 蘑菇状的funiform 绳状的funnel 漏斗funnel shaped 漏斗形的furrow 沟furrowed 有沟痕的fusain 丝炭fuse 导火线fusibility 可熔性fusiform 纺锤形fusing agent 焙剂fusinite 丝质体fusion crust 熔壳fusion piercing drill 熔化钻机fusite 丝炭future reserves 远景储量fuze 导火线gabbro 辉长岩gabbro norite 辉长苏长岩gabbroid 辉长岩状gabbronite 硅铍钇矿gacial stade 亚冰期gadding machine 平行钻孔钻架gadolinite 硅铍钇矿gadolinium 钇gagate 煤精gage 量规gage pressure 计示压力gage well 测定井gageite 水硅锰镁锌矿gaging station 水文观测站gahnite 锌尖晶石gain 放大gain control 增益蝶gain of antenna 天线增益gaining stream 潜水补给河gal 伽galaxite 铁尖晶石galena 方铅矿galenite 方铅矿galenobismuthite 辉铅铋矿galery 巷道gallium 镓galvanometer 电疗gamagarite 水钒钡石gamete 配子gamma 伽马gamma activity 放射性gamma background 本底gamma contour map 伽马等值线图gamma gamma logging 伽马伽马测井gamma log 伽马测井剖面gamma neutron log 伽马中子测井剖面gamma neutron logging 伽马中子测井gamma quantum 量子gamma radiator 辐射体gamma radiography 照相术gamma ray logging 伽马线测井gamma ray source 伽马源gamma ray spectroscopy 谱学gamma spectrometer 伽马能谱仪gamma spectrometry 伽马能谱测定法gang condensers 同轴电容器gang switch 联动开关ganged capacitors 同轴电容器gangue 脉石gangue mineral 脉石矿物gangue rock 脉石岩ganister 致密硅岩ganoid scale 硬鳞ganomalite 硅钙铅矿ganophyllite 辉叶石gap 峡谷;间隙;海谷gap in the succession of strata 地层间断gaping fault 张开断层garble 畸变garnet 石榴石garnierite 硅镍矿gas 瓦斯gas absorption 气体吸收gas amplification 气体电离放大gas bearing 含气的gas bearing petroleum 含气石油gas chromatograph 气体色谱仪gas coal 气煤gas constant 气体常数gas cushion 瓦斯垫层gas deposit 气体矿床gas exchange 气体交换gas explosion 瓦斯爆炸gas field 气田gas flame coal 长焰煤gas injection 注气法gas of mud volcano 泥火山气gas oil ratio 油气比gas pipe line 输气管道gas reservoir 气藏gas trap 气体收集器gaseous 气状的gaseous inclusion 气体包裹体gash vein 裂缝脉gasification 气化gasify 煤气化gasket 衬垫gastral cavity 胃腔gastropods 腹足类gate 门电路gate amplifier 选通放大器gate opener 开路gate pulse 门脉冲gate valve 制水阀gather 乐取gauss 高斯gaussian curve 高斯曲线gaussian distribution 正态分布gaylussite 单斜钠钙石geanticline 地背斜gear pump 齿轮泵gedinnian stage 吉丁尼阶gedrite 铝直闪石gehlenite 钙铝黄长石geiger muller counter 盖革弥勒计数管geikielite 镁钛矿gel 凝胶gel structure 凝胶构造gelatinate 使胶凝gelatination 胶凝gelatine 煤gelatinize 使胶凝gelatinous microcomponent 凝胶化组分gelation 软胶化gem 宝石gemmule 芽球gemology 宝石学gena 颊genal spine 颊刺genealogical tree 系统树genealogy 系统学general geology 普通地质学general stratigraphic column 综合地层柱状剖面图general term 普通项general trend 一般走向generating plant 发电设备generation 世代generation of mineralization 矿化世代generation of structure 构造世代genesis 发生genetic mineralogy 成因矿物学genetic relationship 亲缘关系genetic type of ore deposit 矿床成因类型genetic types of coal 煤成因类型geniculate 膝状的geniculated twin 膝状双晶genoholotype 属完模genotype 属型genthite 镍水蛇纹石genus 属geoanticline 地背斜geoarchaeology 地质考古学geoastronomy 宇宙地质学geobarometer 地质压力计geobasin 地盆geobiochemical circulation 地球生物化学的循环geobiochemistry 地球生物化学geobotanical prospecting 地植物勘探geobotany 地植物学geocentric 地心的geocentric latitude 地心纬度geochemical 地球化学的geochemical anomaly 地球化学异常geochemical balance 地球化学均衡geochemical behavior 地球化学性状geochemical behaviour of elements 元素的地球化学性状geochemical classification 地球化学分类geochemical cycle of elements 地球化学的元素循环geochemical differentiation 地球化学分异作用geochemical facies 地球化学相geochemical geothermometer 地球化学地热温标geochemical landscape 地球化学景观geochemical leading elements 地球化学标准元素geochemical map 地球化学图geochemical migration of elements 地球化学的元素迁移geochemical process 地球化学作用geochemical prospecting 地球化学勘探geochemical province 地球化学区geochemistry 地球化学geochemistry of the atmosphere 大气地球化学geochemistry of the biosphere 生物地球化学geochemistry of the hydrosphere 水圈地球化学geochemistry of the landscape 景观地球化学geochemistry of the lithosphere 岩石圈地球化学geochemistry of the soil 土壤地球化学geochron 地质时期间程geochronic geology 地史学geochronologic unit 地质年代单位geochronology 地质年代学geochronometry 地质年代测定法geocinetics 地壳运动学geocline 地形差型geocorona 地冕geocronite 斜方硫锑铅矿geocryology 地质低温学geode 异质晶旋geodepression theory 地洼学说geodesic 测地的geodesy 测量学geodetic surveying 大地测量geodome 地穹geodynamics 地质力学geogeny 地球成因学geognosy 地球构造学geogony 地球成因学geographic 地理的geographical 地理的geographical cycle 地理旋回geographical distribution 地理分布geographical isolation 地理隔离geographical landscape 地理景观geographical latitude 地理纬度geographical longitude 地理经度geographical map 地图geographical unconformity 地理不整合geographical variation 地理的变异geography 地理geography of landscape 景观学geohydrology 地质水文学geoid 地球体geoisotherm 等地温线geologic analogy method 地质学的类比法geologic barometer 地质压力计geologic body 地质体geologic control 地质学的控制geologic dynamic simulation 地质动态模拟geologic hazard 地质灾害geologic log 地质测井记录geologic setting 地质构造geologic thermometer 地质温度表geologic time 地质年代geological aerosurveying 地质航空勘测geological age 地质时代geological background 地质背景geological college 地质学院geological column 地质柱状剖面geological compass 地质罗盘geological conditions 地质条件geological correlation 地质学的对比geological cycle 地质旋回geological environment 地质环境geological formation 地质建造geological hammer 地质锤geological map 地质图geological map of the moon 月球地质图geological processes 地质作用geological profile 地质剖面图geological promising 地质前途geological province 地质区域geological record 地质编录geological remote sensing 地质遥感geological reserves 地质储量geological science 地球科学geological section 地质剖面geological static simulation 地质静态模拟geological survey 地质勘查geological surveying party 勘探隧geological suryey 地质甸所geologicl engineering 工程地质学geologist 地质学者geology 地质学geology of the moon 月球地质学geomagnetic axis 地磁轴geomagnetic field 地磁场geomagnetic latitude 地磁纬度geomagnetic polarity time scale 古地磁极性年代表geomagnetic pole 地磁极geomagnetic reversal 地磁逆转geomagnetis daily variation 地磁日变化geomagnetism 地磁geomathematics 地质数学geomechanics 地质力学geometric crystallography 几何结晶学geometric factor 几何因子geometric mean 几何平均geometric similarity 几何相似geometrical structure factor 几何构造因素geomicrobiology 地球微生物学geomorphic profile 地貌剖面图geomorphic survey 地貌甸geomorphic type 地貌类型geomorphic unit 地貌单元geomorphogeny 地貌成因学geomorphologic agent 地貌营力geomorphologic division 地貌区划geomorphologic landscape 地貌景观geomorphological map 地貌图geomorphological structure 地貌构造geomorphology 地貌学geonomy 地球学geopedology 地质土壤学geophone 地震检波器geophysical exploration 地球物理勘探geophysical prospecting 地球物理勘探geophysicist 地球物理学者geophysics 地球物理学geophyte 地下芽植物geoplanetology 行星地质学geopotential 重力势georceixite 钡磷铝石geoscience 地球科学geosphere 岩石圈geostatic pressure 地静压力geostatics 刚体动力学geostatistics 地质统计学geostrophic wind 地转风geosynclinal bicouple 地槽双对偶geosynclinal block 地槽块geosynclinal concave 地槽凹geosynclinal convex 地槽凸geosynclinal couple 地槽对偶geosynclinal subside 地槽陷geosynclinal uprise 地槽隆geosyncline 地槽geosyncline close 地槽封闭geotechnics 地质工学geotectocline 大地构造槽geotectology 大地构造学geotectonic geology 大地构造学geotectonic map 大地构造图geotectonics 大地构造学geothermal anomalous area 地热异常区geothermal borehole 地热钻孔geothermal brine 地热卤水geothermal electric power generation 地热发电geothermal field 地热田geothermal fluid 地热铃geothermal geochemistry 地热地球化学geothermal gradient 地温增加率geothermal metamorphism 地热变质geothermal power plant 地热电站geothermal power production 地热发电geothermal remote semsang 地热遥感geothermal reservoir 地热储集层geothermal resource 地热资源geothermal resource base 地热资源基数geothermal resource of hydrothermal type 水热型地热资源geothermal steam 地热蒸汽geothermal stress 地热应力geothermal survey 地温测量geothermal system 地热系geothermal water 地下热水geothermics 地热学geothermo geologic map 地热地质图geothermometer 地质温度计geothermy 地热geotumour 地瘤gerhardtite 铜硝石germ theory 微生物理论germanite 锗石germanium 锗germanotype orogeny 日耳曼型造山作用gersdorffite 辉砷镍矿gerstleyite 硫砷铊铅矿getter 收气剂gettering 收气geyser 间歇泉geyserite 硅华ghost 双重图像giant's kettle 瓯穴gibbs's distribution 吉布斯分布gibbsite 三水铝矿gibelite 歪长粗面岩gilbert 吉伯gilbert reversed epoch 吉伯逆期gill 鳃gill chamber 鳃室gillespite 硅铁钡矿gillingite 水硅铁矿gilpinite 硫铜铀矿gimlet 螺旋钻gingko 银杏ginkgo 银杏girder 横梁girdle 薄煤层gismondite 多水高岭土glabella 头鞍glacial 冰用的glacial cycle 冰川周期glacial deposit 冰川沉积glacial drift 冰碛glacial epoch 冰期glacial erosion 冰蚀glacial erosion cycle 冰蚀轮回glacial erosion lake 冰蚀湖glacial erratic boulder 冰川漂砾glacial flora 冰川植物群glacial geology 冰川地质学glacial lake 冰川湖glacial period 冰期glacial pot hole 冰川瓯穴glacial scratches 冰川擦痕glacial soil 冰积土glacial substage 亚冰期glacial table 冰台glacial till 冰碛物glacial trough 冰川槽glacial valley 冰蚀谷glacial valley lake 冰蚀谷湖glaciar stadial 亚冰期glaciation 冰川作用glacier 冰川glacier boulder method for prospecting 冰川漂砾法glacier milk 冰川乳浆glacier tongue 冰川舌glacierfall 冰瀑glacierization 冰川作用glaciogeology 冰川地质学glaciology 冰川学glaciometer 冰川临计glaciospeleology 冰川洞穴学gladite 柱硫铋铜铅矿glance coal 辉煤glare 闪光glaserite 钾芒硝glass 玻璃glassy 玻璃质的glassy lustre 玻璃光泽glauberite 钙芒硝glaucocerinite 锌铜矾glaucochroite 绿粒橄集glaucodote 钴硫砷铁矿glauconite 海绿石glauconite sandstone 海绿砂岩glaucophane 蓝闪石glaucophane schist 蓝闪片岩glaucophane schist facies 蓝闪片岩相glaucophanitic metamorphism 蓝闪石变质作用glaucopyrite 钴砷铁矿glaucous 淡灰绿色的glazed frost 雨冰膜glebe 含矿地带glei soil 潜育土gleization 潜育gley soil 潜育土gleying process 潜育gleyzation 潜育glide plane 滑动面glide twin 滑动双晶gliding 滑动作用gliding tectonics 滑动构造学glimmering lustre 微光泽global analysis 总分析global environment 全球环境global radiation 环球辐射global remote sensing 全球遥感global tectonics 全球构造学globe 地球仪globigerina ooze 抱球虫软泥globigerinae 抱球虫类globular 球状的globular jointing 球状节理globular projection 球状投影globular structure 球状构造globulite 球雏晶glomeroblast 聚合变晶glomeroblastic structure 聚合变晶状构造glomeroclastic 聚合碎屑状glomerocryst 聚晶glomerocrystalline 聚合晶簇的glomerogranular 聚合微粒状glomerolepidoblastic 聚合鳞片状变晶的glomerophitic 聚合辉玄岩状的glomeroplasmatic 聚束状的glomeroporphyric 聚合班状的glomerospheric 球粒状的glossy 光泽的glow 辉光glow discharge 辉光放电glower 白炽丝灯glowing avalanche 火山发光云glowing cloud 火山发光云gmelinite 钠菱沸石gnathopod 颚足gneiss 片麻岩gneissic 片麻状的gneissic structure 片麻状构造gneissoid 似片麻岩状gneissoid structure 片麻状构造gneissose 片麻状的gneissose granite 片麻状花岗岩gnomonic projection 球心投影goethite 针铁石goitre zone 甲状腺肿地带gold 金gold bearing 含金的gold ore 金矿gold vein 金脉gondwana 风瓦纳古陆goniometer 测角仪goniometry 测角gonnardite 纤沸石gooseneck 鹅颈谷gorceixite 钡磷铝石gordonite 基性磷铝石gorge 峡gorilla 大猩猩goslarite 皓矾gossan 铁帽gothlandian 哥特兰系gouge 断层泥goyazite 磷铝钙石graben 地堑gradation 均夷作用grade 品位grade of coal 煤级grade of ore 矿石品级grade scale 分级标尺graded bedding 粒级层理graded river 均夷河graded sediment 粒度递变沉积gradient 倾斜度gradient coupling 梯度耦合grading 粒级成层;水准测量;分级grading analysis 粒度分析grading curve 粒度曲线gradiometer 重力陡度计graduated circle 分度弧graduation 分度graftonite 磷铁锰矿grahamite 脆沥青grail 砂砾grain 颗粒grain boundary surface energy 晶粒界面能grain density 颗粒密度grain packing 颗粒充填grain shape 颗粒形状grain size 粒度grain size curve 粒度曲线gram atom 克原子gram equivalent 克当量gram mol 克分子gram molecular volume 克分子体积gram molecule 克分子grance coal 光亮型煤grandidierite 复合矿granite 花岗岩granite pegmatite 花岗伟晶岩granite porphyry 花岗斑岩granite tectonics 花岗岩构造学。

地质专业英语翻译段落 (学习版)

地质专业英语翻译段落 (学习版)

Petroleum occurs widely in the earth as gas,liquid,semisolid,or solid,or in more than one of these states at a single place.Chemically any petroleum is an extremely complex mixture of hydrocarbon compounds,with minor amounts of nitrogen ,oxygen,and sulfur as impurities.Liquid petroleum ,which is called crude oil to distinguish it from refined oil,is the most important commercially .It consists chiefly of the liquid hydrocarbons ,with varying amounts of dissolved gases,bitumens,and impurities.石油,以气态、液态、半固态或固态、或在某一个地方以一种以上形态广泛存在于地球中。




The origin and distribution of a reservoir rock are controlled primarily by the processes by which the sand was deposited. Scientists concerned with the origin of sedimentary rocks are fortunate because they can observe the conditions and processes by which sediments accumulate today and use their observations to interpret the origin of ancient sediment. By using the areas of modern environments of deposition as natural laboratories, scientists seek to improve the quality of their work. A massive effort has been underway for the past 30 years by industry, government and university scientists throughout the world to investigate modern environments of deposition and to interpret the results of the processes in Holocene sequences. Concepts have evolved from these studies that have revolutionized scientific thought about the sedimentary rocks.储集岩的成因和分布基本受砂沉积时的一些作用控制。



s type granite s 类型花岗岩s wave s 波sabugalite 铝铀云母sac shaped 囊状的saccharoidal 砂糖状的saddle 鞍saddle pebble 马鞍石safe yield 可靠产量safe yield of stream 河的安全给水量safety appliance 保险装置safety factor 安全系数safety joint 安全接头safety valve 安全阀safety zone 安全地带safflorite 斜方砷钴矿sag 凹陷sag pond 断陷湖sagenite 网金红石sagvandite 菱镁古铜岩sahlinite 黄砷氯铅矿sahlite 次透辉石sakmarian 萨克马林阶salammonite 卤砂salband 近围岩岩脉salcrete 煮盐的沉渣saleite 镁磷铀云母salesite 碘铜矿salic mineral 硅铝质矿物salicylaldoxime 水杨醛肟salicylic acid 水杨酸salient 扇形地背斜轴saliferous rock leaching 含盐岩淋滤salification 成盐作用salina 盐碱滩saline lake deposit 盐湖矿床saline meadow 盐化草原saline soil 盐土saline solution mud fluid 盐水泥浆saline spring 盐泉saline water 咸水salinity 盐度salinity of lake water 湖水盐度salinity stratification 盐水成层salinization 盐化作用salinometer 盐液密度计salite 次透辉石salmonsite 黄磷锰铁矿salse 泥火山salt 盐salt balance 盐分平衡salt content of lake water 湖水含盐量salt crust 盐结皮salt dome 盐丘salt dome reservoir 盐丘油藏salt lake 盐湖salt marsh 咸沼;盐沼salt resistance 抗盐性salt secretion 盐分泌salt steppe 盐土草原salt tectonic 盐构造salt water 盐水salt water lake 盐湖salt water plankton 咸水浮游生物saltation 跳跃搬运;突变saltation load 跳跃搬运物saltiness 含盐性samarium 钐samarium neodymium method 钐钕法samarskite 铌钇矿samiresite 铌钛铀铅矿sample 样品sample for reference 检查样品sample man 采样工sample mean and variance 样本平均值与方差sample preparation 样品加工sample splitting 样品缩分sampleite 氯磷钠铜矿sampler 取样器sampling 取样sampling area 取样区sampling method 采样法sampling point 取样点samsonite 硫锑锰银矿sanbornite 硅钡石sand 砂sand bank 沙滩sand bar 沙滩sand calcite 沙方解石sand dune plants 沙丘植物sand hill 砂丘sand line 钢丝绳sand model 砂模式sand pit 砂坑sand pump 抽砂泵sand separator 砂分离器sandbergerite 锌铜矿sandflow 沙流sandglass structure 沙钟构造sandr 冰碛平原sandstone 砂岩sandstone soil 砂岩土sandstorm 沙暴sandy 砂屑的sandy soil 砂土sanidine 透长石sanidinite 透长岩sanmartinite 钨锌矿sanpaltonite 上八洞石sanson flamsteed projection 散生投影sanson projection 散生投影;散生投映santonian stage 桑托阶santorinite 钠长苏安岩sanukite 赞岐岩saponite 皂石sapphire 蓝宝石sapphirine 假蓝宝石saprocol 硬腐泥saprocollite 灰质腐泥煤岩saprogenic 腐败的saprolite 腐泥土sapropel 腐殖泥sapropelic coal 腐泥煤sapropelic groundmass 腐泥基质sapropelite 腐泥岩sapropelites 腐泥岩sapropelitic group 腐泥化组saprophages 腐生物saprophytes 腐生物sapropsammite 砂质腐泥sarcolite 肉色柱石sarcoplasm 肌质sarcopsid 磷钙铁锰矿sarcopsite 磷钙铁锰矿sarcostyle 囊胞体sard 肉红玉髓sardonyx 缠丝玛瑙sarkinite 红砷锰矿sarmientite 砷铁矾sartorite 脆硫砷铅矿sassolite 天然硼酸satellite geodesy 卫星大地测量学satellite remote sensing 卫星遥感satellite spot 卫星斑点saturated adiabatic lapse rate 饱和绝热递减率saturated air 饱和空气saturated flow 饱和流saturated rock 饱和岩saturated solution 饱和溶液saturation 饱和saturation deficiency 饱和差saturation deficit 饱和差saturation distribution 饱和分布saturation magnetization 饱和磁化saturation point 饱和点saturation pressure 饱和压力saturation regime 饱和情况sauconite 锌蒙脱石sauropsida 蜥形类sausage structure 香肠构造saussurit 糟化石saussuritization 钠帘化作用saussuritize 钠帘石化savanna 稀噬草原savodinskite 铈银矿saxonian 萨克森阶scacchite 氯锰矿scaffold 脚手架scale 度盘scale factor 标度因数scale model 比例模型scalenohedron 偏三角面体scaler 定标器计数器scaling factor 换算系数scaling law 比例法则scaling ratio 换算系数scaly 有鳞的scaly structure 鳞片状结构scan 扫描scandium 钪scanner 扫描设备scanning 扫描scanning angle 扫描角scanning area 扫描面积scanning beam 扫描射束scanning electron microscope 扫描电子显微镜scanning speed 扫描速度scape 羽轴scaphopods 掘足类scapolite 方柱石scapular 肩羽scarp 悬崖scattered boulder 散布漂石scattered radiation 散射辐射scattering 散射scattering angle 散射角scattering coefficient 散射系数scattering cross section 散射截面scattering power 散射本领scavenging machine 再选浮选机scawtite 碳硅钙石schafarzikite 正方磷铁矿schairerite 硫酸齿钠石schalenblende 块闪锌矿schallerite 砷硅锰矿schank 褶皱翼scheelite 白钨矿schefferite 锰钙辉石schillerization 闪光现象schirmerite 块辉铅铋银矿schist 片岩schistosity 片理schizolite 斜锰针钠钙石schlieren 条纹schneebergite 铁锑钙石schoenite 软钾镁矾schoepite 柱铀矿schorenbergite 白霓霞斑岩schorl 黑电气石schorlite 黑电气石schorlomite 钛榴石schroeckingerite 硫铀钠钙石schrotterite 蛋白铝英石schuilingite 铜铅霰石schulzenite 铜钙矿schwartzembergite 氯碘铅矿schwatzite 黑铜矿scientific name 学名scintillating medium 闪烁体scintillation 闪烁scintillation counter 闪烁计数管scintillator 闪烁体scintillometer 闪烁计数管sciophyte 阴地植物sclerenchyma 厚壁组织sclerometer 硬度计sclerophyte 硬叶植物scleroscope 硬度计sclerotinite 菌核体scolecite 钙沸石scoria 火山渣scoria cone 火山渣锥scoria flow 火山渣流scoria tuff 火山渣凝灰岩scoriaceous 渣状的scorodite 臭葱石scorzalite 多铁天蓝石scour 淘刷scovillite 磷铈钇矿screen 筛子screen grid 帘栅极screen mesh 筛眼screen pipe 滤管screen size 筛号screen sizing 筛分screening 筛分screening plant 筛分装置screw axis 螺旋轴screw dislocation 螺旋变位scrub 灌木丛sculpture 纹饰scyelite 闪云橄家scyphomedusa 钵水母scythian 斯基甫阶scythic stage 斯基甫阶sea beach placer 海滨砂矿sea cave 海蚀洞sea cliff 海崖sea floor 海底sea floor deposit 海底矿床sea floor spreading theory 海底扩张说sea gravimeter 海重力仪sea level 海平面sea level fluctuation 海面升降sea lilies 海百合类sea mile 涅sea urehins 海胆类sea water 海水sea water intrusion 海水浸入sea water temperature 海水温度seabeach 海岸seaice 海冰sealing trap 密封圈闭seam 层seam floor 底盘seam roof 顶盖岩seam thickness 层厚seamless pipe 无缝管seamount 海山seapeak 海峰seaquake 海震searlesite 硅硼钠石seasonal migration 季节性迁移seasonal periodicity 季节周期性seasonal variation 季节变化seastars 海星类seaweeds 海藻sebastianite 黑云钙长岩seclusion 闭塞second boiling point 第二沸点secondaries 次波secondary cleavage 次生劈理secondary community 次生群落secondary concretion 次生结核secondary cycle 次旋回secondary deposit 次生矿床secondary depression 副低压secondary enrichment 次生富集secondary enrichment zone 次生富集带secondary fault 小断层secondary fold 小褶曲secondary fossil 次生化石secondary fumarole 次生喷气孔secondary hydrothermal deposit 次生热液矿床secondary interstice 次生裂隙secondary joint 小节理secondary mineral 次生矿物secondary ore 次生矿secondary oxidized ore 次生氧化矿secondary porosity 次生孔隙率secondary recovery 二次开采secondary recrystallization 次生重结晶secondary rocks 二次岩层secondary salt effect 副盐效应secondary structural elements 再次构造secondary structure 次生构造secondary succession 次生演替secondary wave 次波secondary xylem 次生木质部secretion 分泌secretion theory 分泌说secretion vein 分泌脉secretory 分泌的section 薄片secular equilibrium 久期平衡secular subsidence 缓慢沉陷secular upheaval 缓慢隆起secular variation 世纪变化sedentary soil 原地土壤sediment 沉积sediment tube 取粉管sedimentary complex 沉积杂层sedimentary cover 沉积盖层sedimentary cycle 沉积旋回sedimentary deposit 沉积矿床sedimentary formation 沉积建造sedimentary gneiss 沉积片麻岩sedimentary mantle 沉积盖层sedimentary model of coal 煤沉积模式sedimentary nappe 沉积推覆体sedimentary petrography 沉积岩石学sedimentary petrology 沉积岩石学sedimentary rock 沉积岩sedimentary structure 沉积构造sedimentary system 沉积体系sedimentation 沉积作用sedimentation basin 沉积盆地sedimentation rate 沉淀速度sedimentogenesis 沉积成因sedimentology 沉积学sedimentometer 沉积计sedimentometry 沉积测量法seebachite 碱菱沸石seed plants 种子植物seepage 渗透seepage spring 渗出泉seepage surface 渗出面seepage velocity 达钨度seet erosion 表面侵蚀seger cone 标准锥segregated vein 分凝脉segregation 分凝segregation banding 分结条带seiches 湖面波动seism 地震seismic detector 地震检波器seismic filtering 地震滤波seismic hazard 地震灾害seismic intensity 地震强度seismic interface 地震界面seismic intesity scale 地震强度计seismic marker horizon 地震标准层seismic moment 地震矩seismic oscillation 地震动seismic profile 地震剖面seismic prospecting 地震勘探seismic ray 震线seismic reflection 地震波反射seismic refraction 地震波折射seismic seawave 海震seismic stratigraphy 地震地层学seismic structural map 地震构造图seismic waves 震波seismic zone 地震带seismicity 地震活动seismogeology 地震地质学seismogram 震波图seismograph 地震仪seismology 地震学seismometer 地震计seismoscope 地震示波仪seismotectonics 地震构造学seladonite 绿鳞石seladonote 绿鳞石selagite 黑云粗面岩selbergite 白霓霞岩selection 选择selective absorption 选择吸收selective body 选择体selective erosion 选择侵蚀selective gamma gamma log 选择伽马伽马测井selective metamorphism 选择变质selective metasomatism 分别变代selective replacement 选择置换selective weathering 选择风化selectivity 选择性selenite 透石膏selenium 硒selenolite 透石膏岩selenology 月球学self elevating drilling platform 桩脚式钻探平台self potential 自然电位sellait 氟镁石selvage clay 断层泥selwynite 黄舣semeline 榍石semi diurnal wave 半日波semianthracite 半无烟煤semiautomatic 半自动的semibituminous coal 半沥青煤semibright coal 半亮煤semidesert 半荒漠semidull coal 半暗煤semifossil 半化石semifusinite 半丝质体semigelatinous maceral 半凝胶化组分semimetal 半金属semiopal 普通蛋白石semipolar bond 半极性键semiprecious stone 次等宝石semireservoir 半储热层semischist 半片岩semisubmersible drilling platform 半潜式钻探平台semseyite 单斜铅锑矿senaite 铅钛铁矿senarmontite 方锑矿sender 发射机sengierite 水钒铀铜矿senility 老年期senonian 巫阶sensibility 灵敏度sensible heat 可感热sensing device 传感器感受设备sensitivity 灵敏度sensitometry 感光度测定学separation 分选separation energy 分离能量separator 分选机sepiolite 海泡石septa 隔壁septaria 龟甲石septum 隔壁sequence 次序sequence of crystallization 结晶顺序sequential form 后成地形serendibite 蓝硅硼钙石sericite 绢云母sericite schist 绢云片岩sericitization 绢云母化series 统series connection 串联连接serpentine 蛇纹石serpentite 蛇纹石serpierite 锌铜矾serrate 锯齿状的serrate suture 锯状缝service shaft 辅助竖井sessile animals 固着动物sessile leaf 无柄叶seta 刚毛setting 浓缩setting accelerator 速凝剂setting of cement 胶结物凝固setting time 胆时间settlement 沉陷settling 沉陷settling basin 沉淀池settling pond 沉积池settling velocity 下沉速度sewage 阴沟水sewage treatment 污水处理sextant 六分仪sexual generation 有性世代shadow 影shadow effect 阴影效应shadow photometer 影像光度计shaft 轴;竖井shale 页岩shale line 泥岩基线shale soil 页岩土shallow focus earthquake 浅震shallow sea 浅海shallow sea deposit 浅海沉积shallow well 浅水井shaly sand 页岩状沙shank 钎尾shape function 形态函数sharp tuning 锐党sharpite 七水碳铀矿shastaite 中长英安岩shastalite 安山玻璃shattered fault zone 碎裂断层带shattered zone 碎裂带shattering 震动;破碎shattuckite 单斜硅铜矿shear breccia 扭性构造岩shear cleavage 剪劈理shear deep fracture 剪性深断裂shear failure 剪破裂shear folding 剪褶皱shear joint 剪节理shear modulus 抗剪弹性模量shear plane 剪切面shear strain 剪切变形shear stress 剪应力shear structural system 扭动构造体系shear sturctural plane 扭性结构面shear zone 剪碎带shearing 剪断shearing compressive plane 扭压面shearing force 剪应力shearing stress 切应力sheath 鞘sheave 绳爽轮sheet 岩席sheet erosion 片林蚀sheet flow 片流漫流;席状喷出sheeted deposit 席状矿床sheeted structure 重膜状构造sheeted vein 重膜矿脉sheeted zone 重膜矿带shell 贝壳;甲shell layer 壳质层shell mound 贝冢shell structure 贝壳构造shell zone 介壳带sheridanite 无色绿泥石shield 地盾shield volcano 循形火山shield volcano of the hawaiian type 夏威夷式盾形火山shielding 屏蔽shift 变位shift zone 移动带shinbone 胫骨shingle 扁砾石shingle structure 叠瓦构造shiver 页岩shoal 浅滩shock 冲击冲突shock metamorphism 冲讳质作用shock wave 冲花shoestring sandstone 鞋带沙堆shooting 放炮shore 岸shoreline 海岸线shoreline of emergence 上升滨线shoreline of submergence 下沉滨线short flame coal 短焰煤short range order 短程序shortite 碳酸钠钙石shoshonite 正边粗玄岩shot drilling 钻粒钻井shot effect 散粒效应shot noise 散粒效应shot point 爆炸点shothole 爆破井shrinkage limit 收缩限度shrinkage of clay 粘土的收缩作用shrinkage stoping 留矿回采shrinkage water 收缩水shunt ratio 分路系数sial 硅铝带siallitization 粘土矿物化sialma 硅铝镁带siberite 紫电气石sicklerite 磷锂锰矿side elevation 侧视图side pressure 侧压力side view 侧视图side wall 侧壁side wall coring gun 射入式取心器井壁取心枪side wall cutting sampler 切割式取心器siderazote 氮铁矿siderazotite 氮铁矿siderite 菱铁矿siderolite 陨铁石sideronatrite 纤钠铁矾sideronitic texture 海绵陨铁结构siderophile elements 亲铁元素siderophyllite 铁叶云母siderophyre 古铜鳞英铁镍陨石sideroplesite 镁菱铁矿siderosphere 铁圈siderotil 铁矾siegenite 碲硫镍钴矿sierozem 灰钙土sieve 筛子sieve analysis 筛分分析sieve opening 筛孔sieving 筛分signal level 信号电平significance level 显著性水平silaonite 多铋硒铅矿silexite 硅石岩silfbergite 锰磁铁矿silica 硅土silica alumina ratio 硅铝比silica brick 硅砖silica geothermometer 二氧化硅地热温标silica sand 硅砂silica sesquioxide ratio 硅三氧二某化合物比silicastone deposit 硅石矿床silicate 硅酸盐silicate melt 硅酸盐熔体silicate minerals 硅酸盐矿物silicate rock 硅酸盐岩石siliceous 硅质的siliceous sediments 硅质沉积siliceous sinter 硅华siliceous soil 硅质土壤siliceous sponges 六轴海绵类siliceous wood 硅化木silicic acid 硅酸silicic acid anhydride 无水硅酸silicification 硅化silicified wood 硅化木silicon 硅silky lustre 绢丝光泽sill 底盘sillenite 软铋矿sillimanite 硅线石silt 粉砂silting 淤积siltstone 粉砂岩silurian 志留纪silver 银silver ore 银矿sima 硅镁带similar fold 相似褶皱similigley 假潜育simple conic projection 筒单圆锥投影simple eye 单眼simple folding 筒单褶皱simple leaf 单叶simple pendulum 单摆simple shear 单剪simple tone 单音simple vein 单矿脉simple volcano 单火山simplex 单纯形simpsonite 六方钽铝石simulation 模拟simulator 模拟装置simultaneity 同时性sinemurian 矽缪尔阶singing 鸣震singing point 鸣震点single bond 单键single crystal 单晶体single crystal diffractometer 单晶衍射计single crystal growing 单结晶生长single grain structure 单粒结构sinhalite 硼铝镁石sinian system 震旦系sinian trend 震旦方向sink hole 灰岩坑sink lake 落水洞湖sinking 下沉sino korean massif 中朝地块sinter 泉华sinter cone 泉华丘sintering 烧结sintering coal 粘结性煤sintering temperature 烧结温度sinuosity 曲折度sinusoidal projection 正弦投影sinusoidal structure 正弦状构造siphon 水管siphonostele 管状中柱sismondinite 镁硬绿泥片岩sitaparite 方锰铁矿site 地点sizing 分级sizing analysis 粒度分析sjogrenite 水镁铁石skarn 夕卡岩skarn mineral 夕卡岩矿物skeletal soil 粗骨土skeleton 骨skeleton crystal 骸晶skeleton soil 粗骨土skeleton texture 骸晶构造skewness 非对称性skin 表皮skin effect 琼效应skip hoisting 箕斗提升skip winding 箕斗提升skip zone 跳越区sklodowskite 硅镁铀矿skomerite 橄辉钠长斑岩slag 炉渣slag brick 矿渣砖slaggy 渣状的slaking 消化slate 板岩slaty 板状的slaty clay 片状粘土slaty cleavage 板劈理slaty soil 板岩土壤slavikite 菱镁铁矾slicer 双向限制器slickenside 滑面slide 滑动slide fault 滑动断裂slide mark 滑痕sliding 滑动sliding structure 滑动构造sliding surface 滑面slime 淤泥slime layer 粘液层slime molds 粘菌类slime water 泥浆水slimy gley soil 淤泥潜育土slip 滑动slip band 滑动带slip block 滑块slip cleavage 滑劈理slip fault 滑断层slip folding 剪褶皱slip mass 滑体slip off slope 滑走坡slip plane 滑动面slip sheet 滑片slips 下瓦slope 坡度slotted pipe 割缝管子sludge pump 泥浆泵slump 滑移slump fold 滑动褶皱slump structure 滑移构造slumping 海底滑动slurry 粘土悬浮液slush 雪泥slush pit 泥浆坑small circle gridle 小圆环带small diameter hole drilling 小口径钻进small earthquake 微地震small leaved 小叶的small ore 细矿small plate 小板块smaltine 砷钴矿smaragd 祖母绿smaragdite 绿闪石smectite 蒙脱石smithite 单斜硫砷银矿smithsonite 菱锌矿smoke 灰云smoky quartz 烟晶smooth fracture 平坦断口snow 雪snow density 雪密度snow melt 融雪soaked 潜育土soaked soil 潜育土sobralite 铁锰辉石sod 草被sod formation 腐殖层形成作用soda rhyolite 钠疗岩sodalite 方钠石sodalitite 方钠石岩sodalumite 钠茂soddite 硅铀矿soddy podzolic soil 草生灰化土sodic metasomatism 钠质交代作用sodic soil 碱土sodium 钠sodium uranospinite 钠砷钙铀矿soft coal 软煤soft ground 弱土质soft rime 雾淞soft rocks 软岩石soft water 软水soggendalite 多辉粗玄岩soil 潜育土soil color 土色soil constituent 土壤成分soil covering 土壤被复soil creep 土壤蠕动soil density 土壤紧实度soil dressing 撒布肥土soil genesis 成土过程soil geochemistry 土壤地球化学soil geography 土壤地理学soil horizon 土层soil in situ 原地土壤soil layer 土层soil mechanics 土力学soil microbiology 土壤微生物学soil microorganism 土壤微生物soil mineral 土壤矿物soil science 土壤学soil stratification 土壤层序soil stratum 土层soil structure 土壤结构soil survey 土壤甸soil swamping 沼泽化soil swelling 土壤膨胀soil thermometer 土壤温度表soil type 土类soil water 土壤水soilcover 土壤覆盖层soilwater zone 土壤水带solar climate 天文气候solar halo 日晕solar radiation 太阳辐射solar salt 天然蒸馏盐solfatara 硫气孔solfataric alteration 硫气蚀变solid angle 立体角solid colloid 固体胶体solid combustible mineral 固体可燃矿产solid displacement 固态位移solid rainfall 固体降水solid solution 固溶体solidification 凝固solidification point 凝固点solidus 固液相曲线solifluction 泥流solod 脱碱土solonchak 盐土solonetz 碱土solonetzic soil 碱性土solubility 溶度solubility product 溶度积soluble 可溶的solum 土层solute 溶质solution chemistry 溶液化学solution heat 溶解热solution mining 溶液采矿solution principle 溶解原理solvent 溶媒solvent effect 溶剂效应solvolysis 溶剂分解solvsbergite 细碱辉正长岩solvus 固溶体分解曲线somma 外轮山sonar 声纳sonde 探头songrim tectonic disturbance 松林构造运动sordawalite 玄武玻璃sorosilicate 俦硅酸盐sorption 吸着sorus 孢子群sound 海峡sound logging 声波测井sound navigation and ranging 声纳sound velocity 音速sounding 测深sounding balloon 探测气球sounding machine 测深器sour humus 粗腐殖质source 泉source rock 源岩source rock of petroleum 生油岩souzalite 基性磷铝铁石space correction 空间校正space geology 天体地质学space group 空间群space groupoid 空间亚群space lattice 空间点阵space remote sensing 空间遥感space survey 宇宙甸space velocity 空间速度spacegeology 宇宙地质学spacing 间隔spadaite 红硅镁石spallation product 核散裂碎片spallation reaction 核裂反应spalling 脱落spandite 锰钙铁榴石spangolite 氯铜矾spar 晶石sparagmite 破片砂岩spare 备件spate 洪水spatter 火山喷出物speciation 种别形成species 种specific capacity 单位出水量specific charge 比电荷specific density 比密度specific discharge 达钨度specific drawdown 比液面下降specific electrical conductance 比电导率specific gravity 比重specific heat 比热specific ionization 比电离specific reaction 特殊反应specific retention 持水能specific surface 表面系数specific volume 比容specific yield 单位廉量specimen 标本spectral line 光谱线spectral line width 光谱线宽度spectral series 光谱系spectrochemical analysis 光谱化学分析spectrogram 光谱图spectrograph 摄谱仪spectrographic analysis 光谱分析spectrography 摄谱术spectrometry 光谱测定spectrophotometer 分光光度计spectrophotometry 分光光度测定spectropolarimeter 分光偏振计spectroscope 谱线分析器分光镜spectrum 光谱spectrum analyzer 谱线分析器spectrum of sparks 闪光光谱specularite 镜铁矿speed control 速度控制speed of propagation 传播速度speise 黄渣speiss 黄渣spelebiology 洞穴生物学speleochronology 洞穴年代学speleology 洞穴学spencerite 单斜磷锌矿spencite 硅硼钙钇矿spermatophytes 种子植物sperrylite 砷铂矿spessartine 锰铝榴石;闪斜煌斑岩spessartite 闪斜煌斑岩sphaerite 菱磷铝石sphagnum bog 水藓沼泽sphagnum peat 水藓泥炭sphalerite 闪锌矿sphene 榍石sphenoid 楔状sphenoidal class 轴双面晶类sphenolith 岩楔sphere ore 环状矿石spherical crystal 球状晶体spherical surface 球面spherical symmetry 球状对称spherocobaltite 菱钴矿spheroid 椭球体spheroidal 球状的spheroidal joint 球状节理spheroidal jointing 球状节理spheroidal structure 球状构造spheroidal weathering 球状风化spherolitic 球粒状的spherosiderite 球菱铁矿spherulite 球粒spherulitic 球粒状的spiauterite 纤维锌矿spicule 骨针spiculite 锤雏晶spike 示踪物spiking 添加同位素示踪剂spilite 细碧岩spilosite 绿点板岩spinal cord 脊髓spindle 纺锤体spindle shaped bomb 纺锤形火山弹spindle type drill 立轴式钻机spine 火山碑spinell 尖晶石spiny 具刺的spiral growth 螺旋生长spiral wall 螺旋壁spire 螺线spiroffite 碲锌锰矿spit 沙嘴splay structure 分支构造split 裂口splitting 裂距spodiophyllite 叶石spodiosite 氟磷钙石spodumene 锂辉石spoil 废石sponges 海绵动物spongin 海绵硬朊sponginess 孔隙度spongy parenchyma 海绵组织spongy spicule 海绵骨针spongy structure 海绵构造spontaneous combustion of coal 煤自燃发火spontaneous fission 自然分裂spontaneous generation 自然发生spontaneous magnetization 自动磁化spontaneous polarization 自发极化spontaneous polarization method 自然极化法spontaneous potential 自然电位spontaneous potential logging 自然电位测井sporangiophore 孢囊柄sporangium 孢子囊spore 孢子spore bearing plants 孢子植物spore coal 孢子煤spore coat 孢壁sporinite 孢子体sporinitic liptobiolith 孢子残殖煤sporocarp 孢子果sporogon 孢子体sporophyll 孢子叶sporophyte 孢子体sporozoa 孢子虫类spot 地点spot analysis 点滴分析spotted 有斑点的spotted ore 斑点矿spotted slate 斑点板岩spotted structure 斑点状构造spread 散布spreading 扩张spring 泉spring tide 大潮spring water 泉水spudder 铲凿spur 支脉spurrite 灰硅钙石squall 飑squall line 飑线square cylindrical projection 方格投影squeeze up 溶岩挤出部squeezing 挤出作用stability of magnets 磁稳定性stabilized grain structure 稳定粒状结构stable continental margin 大陆稳定边缘stable element 稳定元素stable humus 稳定腐植质stable isotope 稳定同位素stable stratification 稳定层结stadia surveying 视距测量staff gage 量杆staffelite 深绿磷灰石stage 阶stage discharge relation 阶排出量关系stage indicator 级指示剂stage of old age 老年期stage of youth 地形发层幼年期stagnant water 积水stagnation 停滞stagnation point 滞止点stainless steel 不锈钢staircase 阶状脉stalactite 钟乳石stalagmite 石笋stamen 雄蕊standard 标准standard boring tool 标准钻开工具standard cell 标准电池standard contour 首曲线standard deviation 标准偏差standard electric logging 标准电测井standard isobaric surfaces 标准等压面standard penetration test 标准穿插试验standard sample 标准样品standard solution 标准溶液standard thermometer 标准温度表standardization 标定standing water 静水standing wave 驻波stanniferous 含锡的stannine 黄锡矿stannolite 锡石stannopalladinite 锡钯矿stannous 含锡的stannum 锡star ruby 星彩红宝石star sapphire 星彩蓝宝石starfishes 海星类starolite 星石英static metamorphism 静力变质static stability 静力稳定statics correction 静校正station 测点stationary state 定态平衡状态statistical analysis 统计分析statistical method 统计法statistical seismology 统计地震学staurolite 十字石steady flow 稳定流steam coal 锅炉煤steam explosion 蒸汽爆发steam pressure 蒸汽压力。



阐述expound(explain),state引入introduce into相应的corresponding概念conception概论overview概率probability概念化conceptualize宏观的macroscopic补充complement规划plan证明demonstrate,certify,attest证实confirmation补偿compensate,make up,imburse组合式combined type相互作用interaction稳定性评价stability evaluation均质性homogeneity介质medium层layer,stratum1地形地貌geographic and geomorphic地形land form地貌geomorphology,relief地貌单元landform unit,geomorphic unit 坡度grade地形图relief map河谷river valley河道river course河床river bed(channel)冲沟gully,gulley,erosion gully, stream(brook)河漫滩floodplain(valley flat)阶地terrace冲积平原alluvial plain三角洲delta古河道fossil river course,fossil stream channel冲积扇alluvial fan洪积扇diluvial fan分水岭divide盆地basin岩溶地貌karst land feature,karst landform 溶洞solution cave,karst cave2地层岩性地层geostrome(stratum,strata)岩性lithologic character,rock property岩层bed stratum岩层layer,rock stratum母岩matrix,parent rock相变facies change 硬质岩strong rock,film软质岩weak rock硬质的competent软质的incompetent基岩bedrock覆盖层overburden交错层理cross bedding层面bedding plane片理schistosity层理bedding波痕ripple-mark泥痕mud crack雨痕raindrop imprints造岩矿物rock-forming minerals 粘土矿物clay mineral高岭土kaolinite蒙脱石montmorillonite伊利石illite云母mica白云母muscovite黑云母biotite石英quartz长石feldspar正长石orthoclase斜长石plagioclase辉石pyroxene,picrite角闪石hornblende方解石calcite构造structure结构texture组构fabric(tissue)矿物组成mineral composition 产状attitude火成岩igneous岩浆岩magmatic rock火山岩(熔岩)lava火山volcano侵入岩intrusive(invade)rock 喷出岩effusive rock深成岩plutonic rock浅成岩pypabysal rock酸性岩acid rock中性岩inter-mediate rock基性岩basic rock超基性岩ultrabasic rock岩基rock base(batholith)岩脉(墙)dike岩墙rock dike岩床rock sill岩脉vein dyke花岗岩granite流纹岩rhyolite闪长岩diorite辉长岩gabbro玄武岩basalt橄榄岩dunite火山角砾岩vulcanic breccia火山集块岩volcanic agglomerate凝灰岩tuff沉积岩sedimentary rock碎屑岩clastic rock粘土岩clay rock粉砂质粘土岩silty claystone化学岩chemical rock生物岩biolith砾岩conglomerate角砾岩breccia砂岩sandstone石英砂岩quartz sandstone粉砂岩siltstone钙质粉砂岩calcareous siltstone泥岩mudstone页岩shale盐岩saline石灰岩limestone白云岩dolomite泥灰岩marl泥钙岩argillo-calcareous泥砂岩argillo-arenaceous砂质arenaceous泥质argillaceous硅质的siliceous有机质organic matter粗粒coarse grain中粒medium-grained沉积物sediment(deposit)漂石、顽石boulder卵石cobble砾石gravel砂sand粉土silt粘土clay粘粒clay grain砂质粘土sandy clay粘质砂土clayey sand壤土、亚粘土loam砂壤土、亚砂土轻亚粘土sandy loam浮土、表土regolith(topsoil)软泥ooze淤泥mire,oozed mud,sludge,warp clay冲积物(层)alluvion冲积的alluvial洪积物(层)proluvium,diluvium,diluvion洪积的diluvial冰川沉积物(层)glacier(drift)deposits崩积物(层)colluvial deposits,colluvium残积粘土residual clay变质岩metamorphic rock板岩slate千枚岩phyllite片岩schist片麻岩gneiss石英岩quartzite大理岩marble3地质构造地质构造geologic structure大地构造geotectonic构造运动tectogenesis造山运动orogeny升降运动vertical movement水平运动horizontal movement完整性perfection(integrity)产状要素elements of attitude产状attitude,orientation走向strike倾向dip倾角dip angle,angle of dip褶皱fold褶曲fold单斜monocline向斜syncline背斜anticline穹隆dome挤压squeeze上盘upper section下盘bottom wall,footwall,lower wall断距separation相交intersect断层fault正断层normal fault逆断层reversed fault平移断层parallel fault层理bedding,stratification地堑graben地垒horst,fault ridge断层泥gouge,pug,selvage,fault gouge 擦痕stria,striation断裂fracture破碎带fracture zone节理joint节理组joint set裂隙fissure,crack微裂隙fine fissure,microscopic fissure 原生裂隙original joint次生裂隙epigenetic joint张裂隙tension joint剪裂隙shear joint卸荷裂隙relief crack碎裂结构cataclastic texture板状结构platy structure薄板状lamellose块状的lumpy,massive层状的laminated巨厚层giant thick-laminated薄层状的finely laminated软弱夹层weak intercalated layer夹层inter bedding,intercalated bed,interlayer,intermediate layer夹泥层clayey intercalation夹泥inter-clay连通性connectivity切层insequent影响带affecting zone完整性integrity n.Integrate v.&a.degree of integrality破碎crumble胶结cement泥化argillization尖灭taper-out错动diastrophism错动层面faulted bedding plane断续的intermittent共轭节理conjugated joint透镜状的lens-shaped a.岩屑cuttings,debris薄膜membrane,film层理stratification高角度high dip angle缓倾角low dip angle反倾anti-dip互层interbed v.Interbedding n.粒径particle size构造层tectonosphere挤压compression均一的homogeneous致密close,compact 构造岩tectonite糜棱岩mylonite断层角砾岩fault breccia方解石脉calcite vein碎块岩clastic rock角砾breccia岩粉rock powder岩屑debris,debry固结consolidation4水文地质条件hydrogeological conditions大气圈atmosphere水圈hydrosphere岩石圈geosphere地表径流surface runoff地下径流subsurface runoff流域valley,drainage basin流域面积drainage area,river basin area 汇水面积catchment area地下水ground water,subsurface water 地表水surface water大气水atmospheric water气态水aqueous(vapour)water液态水liquid water固态水solid water吸着水hygroscopic(adsorptive)water 介质medium空隙void孔隙水压力pore water pressure静水压力hydrostatic pressure外静水压力external hydrostatic pressure动水压力hydrodynamic pressure渗透力seepage pressure外水压力external water pressure内水压力internal water pressure水位water level,stage level水头water head含水层aquifer透水层permeable layer,pervious layer 不透水层(隔水层)aquifuge,impervious layer,impermeable layer, aquiclude地下分水岭groundwater ridge孔隙水pore water裂隙水fissure water岩溶水karstic water结合水bound water,combined water吸着水hydroscopic water薄膜水pellicular water毛细水capillary water重力水gravitational water凝结水condensation water地下水埋藏条件condition of groundwater occurrence地下水埋藏深度depth of groundwater occurrence压水试验packer permeability test5工程勘察engineering investigation勘测survey勘察阶段investigational stage初步设计primary design初步规划preliminary scheme初步勘探preliminary prospecting初步踏勘ground reconnaissance可行性研究阶段feasibility stage初步设计阶段preliminary stage踏勘reconnaissance,inspection地质测绘geological survey工程地质测绘engineering geological mapping钻探borehole operation,boring物探geophysical exploration洞探exploratory adits钎探rod sounding坑探exploring mining槽探trenching比例proportion地形图geographic map地貌图geomorphological map地质图geological map实测地质剖面图field-acquired geological profile(section)构造地质图geological structure map第四纪地质图quarternary geological map 地质详图detail map of geology地质柱状图geologic columnar section, geologic log纵剖面图longitudinal section横剖面图cross section展示图reveal detail map节理玫瑰图rose of joints基岩等高线bed rock contour层底等高线contour of stratum bottom岩层界线strata boundary岩面高程elevation of bed rock surface 坐标coordinate分层bed separation地质点geological observation point勘探点exploratory point(spot)勘探线exploratory line勘探孔exploration hole金刚石钻进diamond drilling6安全监控可靠性检查reliability checking监控模型monitoring and prediction model监测monitoring资料datum,data可靠性reliability稳定性stability安全safety评估evaluation,appraise评定assessment,assess,rate评价准则criterion灾害hazard,calamity确定性方法论Deterministic methodology应急行动计划EAP(emergency action plan)事故accident静力(Static Analysis)动力(Dynamic Analysis)Evidently明显的Correspondingly adv.相应地;相关地;相同地。



红土镍矿和硫化镍矿地质词汇集(Cabulary List of Geology)1地质勘查与评估(Recourse exploration and assessment)Geological Study 地质研究Reconnaissance 踏勘Prospecting 普查General exploration 一般勘探Detailed exploration 详细勘探Economic viability 经济可靠性Extractable 可采的Total mineral resources 资源总储量Reserve 储量Remaining mineral resources其余矿产资源Mineral Occurrence矿化点Uneconomic occurrence非经济矿化点Feasibility study可行性研究Prefeasibility study预可行性研究Measured resource确定级矿产资源Indicated resource推定级矿产资源Inferred resource推测级矿产资源Reconnaissance resource踏勘矿产Independent Consulting Geologist 独立咨询地质专家Independent Consulting Geologist’ Report独立咨询地质专家报告Sampling 采样Validation sampling 验证取样Duplicate sample 副样Assay 分析Composite assay 组合分析drilling 钻探Test pitting 井探Treach 探槽Drill hole 钻孔Test pit 探坑patial distribution 空间分布Profile 剖面cross-section 横剖面Geological penetrate rader地质雷达污染Grid spacing 勘探网度Geological mapping 地质填图Aerial survey航空测量Mineralication矿化,成矿Spatial distribution 空间分布Weathering 风化Lateritisation 红土矿化,红土矿成矿作用The V almin Code : Code and Guideline for Assessment and valuation of Mineral Securities for Independent Experts Report澳大利亚独立专家矿产资源评估报告编写规范JORC Code :Australasian Code for Reporting of identified Mineral Resources andOre Reserves released by the Joint ore Reserve Committee 澳大利亚资源委员会资源评估报告编写规范2岩石名schist 片岩ultramafic rocks 超基性岩,limestone石灰岩dunite 纯橄榄岩peridotite 橄榄岩hornblendite 角闪岩pyroxenite 辉石岩lherzolite 二辉橄榄岩diabase 辉绿岩gabro 辉长岩gabbrophyre 辉长煌斑岩diorite 闪长岩norite 苏长岩tholeiite 拉班玄武岩ferrobasic 铁质的magma 岩浆granite 花岗岩petroface 岩相phyllite 千枚岩mylonite糜棱岩3矿物名Laterite红土矿limonite 褐铁矿goethite 针铁矿magnetite 磁铁矿haematite 赤铁矿nickel sulphate 硫酸镍(iron,magnesium)hydroxide (铁,镁)氢氧化物nickel-bearing clay mineral 含镍粘土矿物nickel silicate 硅酸镍hdrosulphide 硫化氢serpentine 蛇纹石antigorite 叶蛇纹石chrysotile 纤蛇纹石garnierite 镍叶蛇纹石millerite 针镍矿talc 滑石chlorite 绿泥石montmorillonite 蒙脱石saprolite 腐泥土clay mineral 粘土矿物serpentinization 蛇纹石化kaoline 高岭石magnesite 菱镁矿calcite 方解石Sulphide硫化矿pyrite 黄铁矿pyrrhotite 磁黄铁矿ilmenite 钛铁矿chromite 铬铁矿chalcopyrite 黄铜矿cubanite 方黄铜矿valleriite 墨铜矿bornite 斑铜矿chalcocite 辉铜矿conellite 铜蓝pentlendite 镍黄铁矿violarite 紫硫镍铁矿mackinovite 马基诺矿millerite 针镍矿bravoite 方硫铁镍矿chrome spinal 铬尖晶石olivine 橄榄石pyroxene 辉石tremolite 透闪石hornblende 角闪石mica 云母biotite 黑云母muscovite 白云母phlogopite 金云母plagioclase 斜长石orthoclase 正长石gangue 脉石isotope 同位素major mineral 主要矿物minor mineral 次要矿物accessory mineral 副矿物trace mineral 痕量矿物4构造stock 岩株dike 岩墙basin 岩盆outcrop 露头tectonics构造学tectono-stratigraphics 构造地层学ore-bearing structure 含矿构造subfault二次断层synclinorium 复向斜volcanic 火山的colcano 火山imbricate thrust fault 叠瓦状逆掩断层detrital material 碎屑物质mantle 地表覆盖物,地慢concretion 胶结作用mottling 斑状构造flame structure 火焰状构造spongy structure 海绵状构造drop-like structure 乳滴状构造disemminated structure 浸染状构造strike 走向decline 倾向dip 倾角porosity孔隙度moistur content 含水量bulk density 块比重General tectonic setting 地质构造环境evolve 演化Gabbroid 辉长岩状Fauld displacement 断距fauld plane 断面6地貌与气候landscape and climatehillocky area 丘岭地区stony semi-desert area 碎石半沙漠地区气候sharply continental arid climate 大陆性干旱气候7其他普通地质词汇isochronous 等时的,同步的variscian 古生代8采矿词汇(Mining)Mining report开采报告Ore pass 溜井ramp 斜坡道hoist 卷杨机crosscut 川脉道stope 采场development works 采准工程tunnel 巷道filling 充填cement filling 胶结充填undercut and cement filling 胶结充填采矿main shaft 主井vice shaft 副井ventilation shaft 风井support支护steel set 钢架shotcrete 素喷pressure grouting 注浆bolt 锚杆cable bolts 长锚索bolts to hold mesh 喷锚网surface subsidence地表沉降ore to waste 采剥比open pit minning 露天开采excavater 铲运机5选矿词汇(Consentrate)Pilot scale testing 工业实验crusher 破碎机mill 磨矿机flotation 浮选Consentrate 选矿厂,精矿tailler dam尾矿坝6冶金词汇(Extract)Smelter 冶炼厂(火法)Refinery 精炼厂Hydrometallurgic湿法冶炼的Pyrometallurgic 火法冶炼的Liquation 溶液Heap leaching 堆浸Bioleaching 生物浸出high pressure acid leach 高压浸出Ion exchange 离子交换strip反萃Resin 树脂萃取Dissolve 溶解Roast 培烧roaster 培烧窑flash furnace 闪速炉convertor 转炉slag渣matte 锍pour into moulds 浇铸sulphate-chlorite solution 硫酸-盐酸电解液electrolyte 电解,电解池,电解质cathodyte 阴极电解质anode 阳极anode slab 阳极板Solution Neutralisation 溶液中和precipitation 沉淀Washing and filtering 洗矿与过滤solvent 溶剂Iron removal 除铁purification 提纯7一些矿物的分子结构serpentine 蛇纹石A3[Si2O5](OH)4, A=Mg,Fe2+,Ni等,A为镍时为镍蛇纹石,蛇纹石为层状硅酸盐,(OH)+在层间以分子间力连结上下两层。



地质专业课程中英文对照 中文课程名称中文课程名称英文课程名称英文课程名称 普通地质学General Geology 专业概论Outline of Speciality 大学生素质拓展指导Guide to College Students’ Quality Development 中国近现代史纲要Compendium of Chinese Neoteric & Modern History 思想道德修养与法律基础 Ideological and Moral Cultivation and Legal Basis 大学语文College Chinese 军事理论Military Theory 大学体育大学体育((1)Physical Education (1) 计算机计算机与与信息技术应用基础 Application Basis of Computer and Information Techniques 结晶学与矿物学Crystal Mineralogy 形势与政策Current Affairs 建筑制图Architectural Drawing 大学物理大学物理((上)College Physics (1) 大学物理实验大学物理实验((上)College Physics Experiment (1) 马克思主义基本原理Basic Principles of Marxism 大学体育大学体育((2)Physical Education (2) 岩石学岩石学((含结晶光学含结晶光学)) Petrology (Crystal Optics Included) 大学物理大学物理((下)College Physics (2) 大学物理实验大学物理实验((下)College Physics Experiment (2) 大学英语大学英语((3)College English (Ⅲ) 毛、邓、三Mao Zedong Though, Deng Xiaoping Theory, and Important Thought of Three Representatives 大学体育大学体育((3)Physical Education (3) 金工实习Production Practice of Metal Technology 工程力学Engineering Mechanics 构造地质及大地构造Tectonic Geology and Tectonics 工程测量Engineering Surveying 大学英大学英语语(4)College English (Ⅳ) 大学体育大学体育((4)Physical Education (4) 构造地质课程综合设计 Comprehensive Course Project of Tectonic Geology 矿物矿物、、岩石标本及薄片综合鉴定实习 Comprehensive Identification Practice of Mineral and Rock Specimens and Thin-sections 普通地质课程实习Course Practice of General Geology 地质测量课程实习Course Practice of General Surveying 专业英语专业英语((2)Speciality English (Ⅱ) 生产实习Production Practice 专题讲演Keynote Speech大学生就业指导 Employment Guidance for College Students 电工技术Electrotechnology 电工电子实训Electrotechnics & Electronics Practice 毕业实习Graduation Practice 毕业设计Graduation Project 古生物地史学Historical Geology and Paleontology 地质CADGeology CAD 地球物理勘探Geophysical Prospecting 水文地质学Hydrogeology 煤、油、气地质学 Coal & Petroleum Geology 工程地质学Engineering Geology 专业英语专业英语((1)Speciality English (Ⅰ) 矿产资源地质学 Mineral Resources Geology 矿产勘察理论方法 Theories and Methods of Mineral Exploration 矿产勘查课程设计Course Design of Mineral Exploration 地球物理勘探课程综合实习 Comprehensive Course Practice of Geophysical Prospecting 岩矿测试技术岩矿测试技术((专业实验专业实验)) Rock and Mineral Analysis Techniques (Professional Experiment ) 地理信息系统Geography Information System 岩相古地理Lithofacies Paleogeography 矿产经济与管理 Economics and Management of Mineral Resources 遥感基础Fundamentals of Remote Sensing。



专业英语翻译文章题目:《Facies Associations,Paleoenvironment, and Base-Level Changes in the Upper上 Cretaceous Wahweap Formation, Utah, U.S.A.》文章出处:《Geosphere》文章作者:Zubair A. Jinnah1 and Eric M. Roberts2Facies Associations, Paleoenvironment, and Base-Level Changes in the Upper上 CretaceousWahweap Formation, Utah, U.S.A.The Wahweap Formation is an ~ 400-m-thick succession of fluvial and estuarine channel sandstones and floodbasin mudstones divided into lower, middle, upper, and capping sandstone members. Facies analysis of the Wahweap Formation on the Kaiparowits Plateau reveals the presence of ten facies associations grouped into channel and floodbasin deposits. Facies associations (FAs) from channels include: (1) single-story and (2) multistory lenticular sandstone bodies, (3) major tabular sandstone bodies, (4) gravel bedforms, (5) low-angle heterolithic cross-strata, and (10)lenticular mudrock, whereas floodbasin facies associations include: (6) minor tabular sandstone bodies, (7) lenticular interlaminated sandstone and mudrock, (8) inclined interbedded sandstone and mudrock, and (9) laterally extensive mudrock.The lower and middle members are dominated by floodbasin facies associations. The lower member consists dominantly of FA 8,interpreted as proximal floodbasin deposits including levees and pond margins, and is capped by a persistent horizon of FA3, interpreted as amalgamated channel deposits. FAs 4 and 6are also present in the lower member. The middle member consists dominantly of FA 9, interpreted as distal floodbasin deposits including swamp, oxbow-lake, and waterlogged-soil horizons.FAs 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 are present in the middle member as well, which together are interpreted as evidence of suspended-load channels. The upper member is sandstone-dominated and consists of FAs 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8. FAs 5 and 7, which occur at the base of the upper member, are interpreted as tidally influenced channels and suggest a marine incursion during deposition of the upper member. The capping sandstone is characterized by FAs 3, 4, and 6, and is interpreted to represent a major change in depositional environment, from meandering river systems in the lower three members to a low-accommodation, braided river system.Improved age constraints on the Wahweap Formation indicate that the middle and upper members were deposited during the eustatic Claggett transgression (T8 of Kauffman 1977) in the adjacent Western Interior Seaway. Additionally, facies analysis of the Wahweap Formation has revealed an increase in both the sand:mud ratio and the degree of sandstone amalgamation from the upper part of the middle member to the base of the capping sandstone,suggesting a gradual reduction in generation of accommodation in the basin. Following recent alluvial sequence stratigraphic models, the middle member is interpreted as the isolated fluvial facies tract, while the upper member represents the tidally influenced and highstand facies tracts. Maximum transgression occurred during deposition of the lowest part of the upper member,synchronous withthe putatively eustatic Claggett highstand in other parts of the Western Interior Basin. The sequence boundary is placed at the base of the overlying capping sandstone member,diagnosed by a major shift in petrography and paleocurrent direction,as well as up to 4 m of fluvial incision into the underlying upper member. The capping sandstone member is interpreted as the amalgamated fluvial facies tract, and the sequence boundary at the base of the capping sandstone is regarded as tectonically induced. Improved geochronology in the formation now permitshigh-resolution correlation with marine units to the east andalong-strike correlation with contemporaneous alluvial units up and down the western margin of the Western Interior Basin.Facies Associations相关联, Paleoenvironment海, and Base-Level基准面Changes in the Upper上 Cretaceous白垩纪Wahweap Formation形成, Utah犹他州, U.S.A.Wahweap的形成是一个~ 400米-thick连续的河流河口通道的砂岩及floodbasin分为下部砂岩、中、上层和盖砂岩的成员。



a horizon a 层位a lineation a 线理a twin a 双晶aa lava 块熔岩aalenian stage 阿林阶abandon 废弃abandoned mine 废弃的矿山abandoned well 废孔abatis 通风隔墙abdomen 腹部abdominal appendage 腹肢abdominal cavity 腹腔abdominal fin 腹abductor 外展肌abductor muscle 外展肌abernathyite 水砷钾铀矿aberration 象差abichite 光线矿abiogenesis 自然发生abiogeny 自然发生abiotic factor 非生物因素ablation 剥蚀ablation breccia 剥蚀角砾岩ablation moraine 消融碛ablation skin 熔蚀皮ablation till 消融碛ablykite 阿布石abnormal 异常的abnormal interference color异常干涉色abnormal metamorphism 异常变质作用abolition 废除abrade 剥蚀abrasion 海蚀abrasion platform 磨蚀台地abrasion surface 浪蚀面abrasion terrace 磨蚀阶地abrasionn test 磨耗试验abrasive 磨料;海蚀的abrazite 多水高岭土absarokite 正边玄武岩absite 钍钛铀矿absolute age 绝对年龄absolute black body 绝对黑体absolute chronology 绝对年代学absolute dating 绝对年代测定absolute geopotential 绝对重力势absolute porosity 绝对孔隙率absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute structure 绝对构造absorbed water 吸附水absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收器absorbing well 吸水井absorption 吸收absorption axis 吸收轴absorption border 融蚀缘absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption edge 吸收端absorption factor 吸收率absorption spectrum 吸收光谱absorptive capacity 吸收率absorptivity 吸收性abukumalite 铋磷灰石abundance 丰度abundance of elements 元素丰度abundance of isotopes 同位素丰度abundance ratio of isotopes 同位素相对丰度abysmal deposits 深海沉积物abyss 深海abyssal 深海的abyssal benthic zone 深渊底栖带abyssal deposits 深海沉积物abyssal facies 深海相abyssal hills province 深海丘陵区abyssal injection 深成贯入abyssal rock 深成岩abyssal sediments 深海沉积物acadialite 红菱沸石acadian stage 阿卡德阶acalycine 无花萼的acalycinous 无花萼的acanthite 螺状硫银矿acanthoid 刺状的acaulescent 无茎的acaulous 无茎的acaustobiolite 非燃性生物岩accelerated development 上升发育acceleration 促进accelerometer 加速度计accessory 副的accessory ejecta 早成同源抛出物accessory minerals 副矿物accidental ejecta 异源抛出物accidental inclusion 外源包体accidental species 偶见种accidental xenolith 外源包体acclivity 上坡accompanying mineral 伴生矿物accordance of summit levels 山峰高度一致accordant junction 交合汇流accordion fold 棱角褶皱accretion 附加体accretion gley 结核潜育层accretion theory 吸积理论accretionary lapilli 团积火山砾accumulate 堆积accumulated temperature 积温accumulation 堆积accumulation horizon 聚积层accumulation moraine 堆积冰碛accumulation terrace 堆积阶地accumulation theory of volcano 火山堆积说accumulation till 堆积冰碛accumulative phase 堆积相accuracy 准确度acephalous 无头的acephalous larva 无头幼虫acerous 针状的acetate 醋酸盐acetic acid 醋酸acf diagram acf 图解achavalite 硒铁矿achiardite 坏晶石achirite 透视石achlamydeous 无花被的achlusite 钠滑石achondrite 无球粒陨石achroite 无色电气石achromaite 浅闪石achromatic body 消色物体achromatic lens 消色差透镜achromatism 消色差achromatize 消色acicular 针状的aciculiform 针状的acid base equilibrium 酸碱平衡acid earth 酸性白土acid humus 酸性腐殖质acid mine drainage 酸性矿水排水acid plagioclase 酸性斜长石acid rock 酸性岩acid soil 酸性土acid solution 酸性溶液acid spring 酸性泉acid treatment of oil payzone 油层酸处理acid treatment of well 井的酸处理acidic lava 酸性熔岩acidification 酸化acidimetry 酸量滴定法acidite 酸性岩acidity 酸度acidizing of well 井的酸处理acidophilous plants 适酸植物acidotrophic lake 酸性营养湖acidulation 酸化acline twin 翻底双晶acmite 锥辉石acotyledon 无子叶植物acotyledonous 无子叶的acoustic basement 声波基底acoustic foundation 声波基底acoustic logging 声波测井acquired character 获得形质acre foot 英亩英尺acrobatholithic 露岩基的acrochordite 球砷锰矿acrospore 顶生孢子actinides 锕系元素actinium 锕actinolite 阳起石actinolite asbestos 阳起石石棉actinolite schist 阳起片岩actinolitic greenschist facies 阳起绿色片岩相actinometer 日射表actinometry 光化测定actinomorphic 辐射对称的actinomorphous 辐射对称的actinomyces 放线菌类actinostele 星状中柱actinouranium 锕铀actinula 辐射幼虫activated adsorption 活化吸附activated carbon 活性炭activated clay 活化粘土activated complex 活化络合物activated water 活化水activation 活化activation analysis 活化分析activation cross section 活化截面activation energy 活化能activation logging 活化测井activation method 活化法activation of platform 地台活化activator 活化剂active fault 活断层active folding 活褶曲作用active glacier 活动冰川active humus 活性腐殖质active hydrogen 活性氢active plate 移动板块active remote sensing 织式遥感active tectonic pattern 活动构造型式active volcano 活火山active water 侵蚀性水activity 活度activity coefficient 活度系数activization 活化作用activization platform block 活化台块actual reserves 实在储藏量actual volume 实际容积actualily 真实actualism 现实论actuopalaeontology 现实古生物学acute 急尖的acute bisectrix 锐角等分线acutifoliate 尖叶的adamant 硬石adamantine 坚硬的adamantine lustre 金刚光泽adamantine spar 刚玉adamellite 石英二长岩adamine 水砷锌矿adamite 水砷锌矿adamsite 暗绿云母adaptability 适应性adaptation 适应adaptive radiation 适应辐射adcumulate 累积岩addition 添加additional phase 加成相adductor 收肌adductor muscle scar 收肌筋痕adelite 砷钙镁石adelogenic 显衡隐晶质的adelpholite 铌铁锰矿adenoid 腺样的adergneiss 脉状片麻岩adhering 粘附性的;附着adhesion 粘附adhesive disk 吸盘adhesiveness 胶糟性adiabat 绝热线adiabatic cooling 绝热冷却adiabatic curve 绝热线adiabatic equilibrium 绝热平衡adiabatic heating 绝热增温adiabatic lapse rate 绝热温度梯度adiabatic process 绝热过程adiabatic state 绝热状态adiabatic temperature gradient 绝热温度梯度adiagnostic 隐微晶质的adigeite 镁蛇纹石adinole 钠长英板岩adipocerite 伟晶腊石adipocire 伟晶腊石adipose cell 脂细胞adit 平峒adjacent rock 围岩adjacent sea 边缘海adjoining rock 围岩adjustment 蝶admimistration 管理admission 收气adobe 灰质粘土adoral 口侧的adsorbent 吸附剂adsorbing material 吸附剂adsorption 吸附adsorption indicator 吸附指示剂adsorptive capacity 吸附能力adular 冰长石adularia 冰长石adult 成体advance 前进adventitious plants 外来植物adventive crater 寄生火口adventive volcano 寄生火山aecidiospore 锈孢子aeciospore 锈孢子aegirine 霓石aegirine augite 霓辉石aegirite 霓石aenigmatite 三斜闪石aeolian clastics 风成碎屑岩aeolian deposit 风积aeolian landform 风成地形aeolian soil 风积土aeration 充气aeration tissue 通气组织aeration zone 饱气带aerenchyma 通气组织aerial method of geology 航空地质甸方法aerial photography 航空摄影学aerial ropeway 架空死aerial survey 航空测量aerial triangulation 航空三角测量aerify 使呈气态aerobe 需气生物aerocartograph 航空测图仪aerogenous rock 风成岩aerogeography 航空地理学aerogeology 航空地质学aerolite 石陨石aerolith 石陨石aeromagnetic survey 航空磁测aerophotogeological map 航空摄影地质图aerophotogrammetry 航空摄影测量学aerophotography 航空摄影学aerophotography of geology 地质专业航空摄影aeroplankton 大气浮游生物aeroradioactive survey 航空放射性测量aerosiderite 铁陨石aerosiderolite 铁石陨石aerosite 深红银矿aerugite 块砷镍矿aeschynite 易解石affiliation 亲缘关系affine deformation 均匀变形affinity 亲和力afflux 汇入after deep 后渊aftereffect 后效aftershock 余震afwillite 桂硅钙石agalite 纤滑石agalmatolite 寿山石agamogony 无配子生殖agate 玛瑙age 龄期age determination 时代鉴定age of cycads 苏铁植物时代age spectra 年龄谱ageing of colloids 胶体熟化agent of erosion 侵蚀力agents of metamorphism 变质营力ageostrophic wind 非地转风agglomerate 集块岩agglomerate lava 集块熔岩agglomeratic 集块岩状的agglomeration 烧结agglutinate 粘合集块岩agglutination 胶着agglutinin 凝集素aggradation 加积aggradation terrace 堆积阶地aggradational plain 堆积平原aggregate 集合体aggregation 聚集aggressive water 侵进水agitation 搅拌agmatite 角砾混合岩agnatha 无颌类agnolite 红硅钙锰矿agnotozoic era 元古代agpaite 钠质火成岩agreement 协议agricolite 闪铋矿agricultural geology 农业地质学agricultural geomorphology 农业地貌学agroforestrial geology 农林地质学agrogeology 农业地质学agrohydrologg 农业水文学aguilarite 辉硒银矿aidyrlite 杂硅铝镍矿aikinite 针硫铋铅矿air borne radioactivity 大气放射性air chamber 气室air compressor 空气压缩机air damping 空气制动air drilling 空气钻进air drying 风干air elutriation 空气淘析air flush drilling 空气冲洗钻井air gun 空气枪air hammer 气锤air lift 气动提升机air permeability 透气性air pressure 空气压力air release valve 放气阀air sac 气囊air separating tank 空气分离罐air separator 气力分离器air shrinkage 空气收缩air vent 排气孔air volcano 气火山airborne electromagnetic method 航空电磁法airborne electromagnetics 航空电磁法airborne magnetic prospecting 航空磁法勘探airborne magnetometer 航空地磁仪airborne remote sensing 航空遥感airborne survey 航空甸airial camera 航空摄影机airview 空瞰图airy phase 艾氏相airy's spiral 艾氏螺旋akaustobiolite 非燃性生物岩akaustobiolith 非燃性生物岩akerite 英辉正长岩akermanite 镁黄长石akf diagram akf图解akinete 厚壁孢子akrochordite 球砷锰矿aksaite 阿氏硼镁石ala twin 轴双晶alabandine 硫锰矿alabandite 硫锰矿alabaster 雪花石膏alabastrite 雪花石膏alamosite 铅灰石alar 翼状的alary 翼状的alaskaite 铅泡铋矿alaskite 白岗岩alate 有翼的albedo 反照率albers' equal area projection 亚尔勃斯等积投影albertite 黑沥青albian 阿尔布阶albian stage 阿尔布阶albite 钠长石albite twin 钠长石双晶albitite 钠长石玢岩albitization 钠长石化albitophyre 钠长斑岩alboranite 紫苏变玄岩aleurolite 粉砂岩aleuropelitic 粉砂泥的aleutite 易辉安山岩alexandrite 翠绿宝石algae 藻类algae control 藻类控制algal ball 海藻饼algal biscuit 海藻饼algal coal 藻煤algal fungi 藻菌类algal limestone 藻灰岩algal reef 藻礁algal structure 藻结构alginite 藻类体algodonite 微晶砷铜矿algology 藻类学algonkian 阿尔冈纪algonkian system 阿尔冈系algovite 辉斜岩aliphatic compound 脂族化合物alizarin 二羟蒽醌alkali 碱alkali alumina metasomatism 碱氧化铝交代alkali basaet 碱性玄武岩alkali earth metal 碱土金属alkali feldspar 碱性长石alkali flat 碱覆盖坪alkali gabbro 碱性辉长岩alkali granti 碱性花岗岩alkali lime index 碱灰质指数alkali metal 碱金属alkali olivine basalt 碱性橄榄玄武岩alkali pyroxene 碱性辉石alkali rock series 碱性岩系alkali salt 碱盐alkali soil 碱土alkali syenit 碱性正长岩alkalic rock 硷性岩alkalic ultrabasic rock 碱超基性岩alkalify 碱化alkalimetry 碱量滴定法alkaline amphibolization 碱性角闪石化alkaline earth 碱土族alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkaline metasomatism 碱性交代作用alkaline pyroxenization 碱性辉石化alkaline rock 硷性岩alkaline rocks 碱性岩类alkaline soil 碱性土alkaline solution 碱性溶液alkaline spring 碱泉alkalinity 碱度alkalipicrite 碱性苦橄岩alkalitrophic lake 碱液营养湖alkalization 碱化作用alkalize 碱化alkaloid 生物碱alkanes 链烷烃allactite 砷水锰矿allagite 绿蔷薇辉石allalinite 浊变辉长岩allanite 褐帘石alleghanyite 粒硅锰矿allemontite 砷锑矿allite 铝铁土allivalite 橄榄钙长岩allobar 变压区allocation 分配allochemical metamorphism 异化变质allochetite 霞辉二长斑岩allochroite 粒榴石allochromatic colour 假色allochromatism 假色allochthone 移置岩体allochthonous 外来的allochthonous coal 异地生成煤allochthonous deposit 移积allochthonous fold 移置性褶曲allochthonous limestone 移置灰岩alloclastic breccia 火山碎屑角砾岩allogenic 他生的allogenic element 他生元素allogenic mineral 他生矿物allogenic succession 他生演替allomerism 异质同晶现象allometamorphism 他变作用allometry 异速生长allomigmatite 他混合岩allomorph 同质异形的allomorphism 同质异晶allomorphous 同质异形的allopalladium 硒钯矿allopatric polymorphism 同质多形allophane 水铝英石allophase metamorphism 他相变质alloskarn 外成夕卡岩allothigenic 他生的allothigenous 他生的allotriomorphic 他形的allotriomorphic granular texture 他形晶粒状结构allotriomorphic structure 他形构造allotriomorphic texture 他形结构allotrope 同素异形体allotropic modification 同素异形体allotropic transformation 同素异晶变化allotropism 同素异形allotropy 同素异形allotype 异模式标本alloy 合金alluvial 冲积的alluvial apron 山麓冲积扇alluvial channel 冲积河道alluvial cone 冲积锥alluvial deposit 冲积层alluvial fan 冲积扇alluvial fan deposit 冲积扇层alluvial ore deposit 冲积矿床alluvial placer 冲积砂矿床alluvial plain 冲积平原alluvial sand ripples 河成砂纹alluvial sand wave 河成沙波alluvial soil 冲积土alluvial terrace 冲积阶地alluvial veneer 冲积表层alluviation 冲积alluvion 冲积层alluvium 冲积层almandine 铁铝榴石almandite 铁铝榴石alnico 铝镍钴合金alnoite 黄长煌斑岩alp 高山alpha quartz 石英alpha ray spectrometer 能谱仪alphitite 岩粉土alpides 阿尔卑斯造山带alpine animals 高山动物alpine belt 高山带alpine orogeny 阿尔卑斯造山运动alpine type peridotite 阿尔卑斯式橄榄岩alpine type vein 阿尔卑斯型矿脉alpinotype orogeny 阿尔卑斯型造山作用alpinotype tectonics 阿尔卑斯型构造alsbachite 榴云细斑岩alstonite 碳碱钙钡矿altaite 碲铅矿altar 腋生的altazimuth 经纬仪alteration 蚀变alteration halo 蚀变晕alteration zone 蚀变晕altered aureole 蚀变晕altered mineral 蚀变矿物alternant 交替的alternate phyllotaxis 互生叶序alternately pinnate 互生羽状的alternating 交替alternating layers 互层alternation 互层alternation of beds 互层alternation of generations 世代交替alternative 可选择的altimeter 高度计altitude 高度altitudinal zonality 垂直分布带alum 茂alum shale 茂页岩alum slate 茂板岩alumian 无水矾石alumina 矾土aluminate 铝酸盐aluminite 矾石aluminum 铝alumochromite 铝铬铁矿alunite 茂石alunitization 茂石化alunogen 毛矾石alurgite 锰云母alveolar 蜂窝状alvite 铪锆石amagmatic 非岩浆活动的amalgam 汞齐amalgamation 混汞作用amarantite 红铁矾amazonite 天河石amazonitization 天河石化ambatoarinite 碳酸锶铈矿amber 钙铝榴石amberite 灰黄琥珀ambient 外界的ambiguity 多义性amblygonite 磷铝石ambrite 灰黄琥珀ambulacral foot 管足ambulacral system 步带系ambularcral zone 步带ameba 变形虫amendment 修正;校正americium 镅amesite 镁绿泥石ametaboly 无变态amethyst 紫水晶amherstite 反条正长闪长岩amianthus 石棉amino acid metabolism 氨基酸代谢aminobenzoic acid 氨基苯酸ammonioborite 水铵硼石ammonites 菊石类amorphous 非晶质的amorphous graphite 无定型石墨amorphous silica 无定形硅氧amosite 铁石棉amount 总计amount of evaporation 蒸发量amount of precipitation 降水量amount of throw 纵距ampangabeit 铌链铁铀矿ampelite 黄铁炭质页岩amphibia 两栖类amphibious plants 两栖植物amphibole 闪石amphibolite 闪岩amphibolite facies 角闪岩相amphibolization 闪石化作用amphigene 白榴石amphigenite 白榴熔岩amphiprotic 两性的ampholyte 两性电解质amphoteric 两性的amphoteric electrolyte 两性电解质amphoteric element 两性元素amphoteric ion 两性离子amphoteric oxide 两性氧化物amphoterite 无粒古橄陨石amplexicaul 抱茎的amplifier for photocurrents 光电僚大器amplitude 振幅amplitude correction 振幅校正amplitude spectrum 振幅谱amygdale 杏仁孔amygdaloid 杏仁岩amygdaloidal 杏仁状的amygdaloidal structure 杏仁状构造amygdule 杏仁孔anabatic wind 谷风anabolism 合成代谢anaboly 后加演化anaclinal 逆向的anadiagenesis 前进成岩作用anaerobe 厌气微生物anaerobic bacteria 嫌气细菌anaerobiosis 嫌气生活anagenesis 前进演化anal fin 臀鳍anal gland 肛腺analbite 单斜钠长石analcime 方沸石analcimite 方沸岩analcimolith 方沸岩analcite 方沸石analog 相似体analogous organ 同功瀑analogue 相似体analogy 类似analysis by sedimentation 沉积分析analytic standard 分析标准analytical balance 分析天平anamesite 中粒玄武岩anamigmatism 深溶混合岩化anamorphic zone 合成变质带anamorphism 合成变质anapaite 三斜磷钙铁矿anaseism 背震中anastomose 网结anastrophen 倒装法anatase 锐钛矿anatectic magma 深熔岩浆anatectite 深熔混合岩anatexis 深熔作用anauxite 富硅高岭石anchieutectic 近底共融的anchimetamorphism 近变质作用anchimonomineralic 近单矿物的anchor ice 底冰ancient channel 古河道ancient elephant 古大象ancient landform 古地形ancylite 菱锶铬矿andalusite 红柱石andersonite 水碳钠钙铀矿andesine 中长石andesite 安山岩andesite line 安山岩线andorite 锑铅银矿andradite 钙铁榴石anemoclastics 风成碎屑岩anemophilous plant 风媒植物anemophily 风媒anemousite 三斜霞石angara flora 安加拉植物群angara shield 安加拉古陆angaraland 安加拉古陆angarides 安加拉古陆angiospermous 被子的angiosperms 被子植物angle of contact 接触角angle of draw 陷落角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾斜角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角angle of repose 休止角angle of strike 走向角度angle of subsidence 陷落角anglesite 硫酸铅矿angrite 钛辉无球粒陨石angular 有角的angular discordance 斜交不整合angular unconformity 钭文不整合angularity 有角angustifoliate 狭叶的anhedral 他形的anhydration 脱水anhydride 无水物anhydrite 硬石膏anhydrite formation 硬石膏层anhysteretic remanent magnetiazation 非滞后剩余磁化animal charcoal 动物煤animal debris 动物残余animal theory 动物成因论animikie system 安尼迷基系animikite 铅银砷镍矿anisian 安尼阶anisodesmic structure 蛤稳变异构造anisometric 非等轴的anisophyllous 不等叶的anisotrophism 蛤异性anisotropic 非均质的anisotropic fabric 蛤异性组构anisotropy 蛤异性anisotropy of crystals 晶体蛤异性ankaramite 钭长辉石岩ankaratrite 橄霞玄武岩ankerite 铁白云石anna aannabergite 镍华annealing recrystallization 退火重结晶作用annelids 环节动物annerodite 铌钇铀矿annite 羟铁云母annivite 铋铜矿annual 年刊annual amount of precipitation 年降水量annual plant 一年生植物annual ring 年轮annular 环状的annulation 环annulus 体环anomalous electric field 异常电场anomalous extinction 异常消光anomalous interference color 异常干涉色anomalous lead 异常铅anomalous upheaval 异常隆起anomaly 异常anomite 褐云母anonymous 不具名的anorogenic period 非造山期anorogenic time 非造山期anorthite 钙长石anorthitite 钙长岩anorthoclase 歪长石anorthosite 斜长岩antagonism 对抗作用antarctic 南极antarctica 南极大陆antecedent 先行的antecedent precipitation index 前期降雨指标antecedent river 先成河antecedent valley 先成谷anteclise 台背斜antegenetic river 原生河antenna 触角antennule 第一触角anther 药antheridium 精子囊antholite 直闪石anthophyllite 直闪石anthozoa 珊烘类anthracite 无烟煤anthracite coal 无烟煤anthraconite 沥青灰岩anthraxolite 碳沥青anthraxylon 纯木煤anthropogenic factor 人为因素anthropogeography 人类地理学anthropoid 类人猿anthropoid apes ape 类人猿anthropology 人类学anthropophyte 人为植物anthropostratigraphy 人类地层学antibonding electron 反键电子anticathode 对阴极anticlinal 背钭的anticlinal axis 背斜轴anticlinal bend 背斜弯曲anticlinal dome 背斜隆起anticlinal fault 背斜断层anticlinal fold 背斜anticlinal limb 背斜翼anticlinal mountain 背斜脊anticlinal ridge 背斜脊anticlinal theory 背斜理论anticlinal trap 背斜圈闭anticlinal valley 背斜谷anticlinal zone 背斜带anticline 背斜anticlinorium 复背斜anticlise 台背斜anticlockwise 反时针方向的anticoincidence 反符合antidune 反沙丘antiferromagnetism 反铁磁性antifluorite structure 反萤石结构antiform 背斜型构造antiformal syncline 背斜型向斜antigorite 叶蛇纹石antimonite 辉锑矿antimony 锑antimony bloom 锑华antipathy 不相容antipertite 反纹长石antiseismic 抗震的antiseptic 防腐剂antistress mineral 反应力矿物antisymmetrization 反对称化antithetic fault 反向断层antlerite 块铜矾antofagastite 水氯铜矿anulus 体环apachite 闪辉响岩apatite 磷灰石aperiodicity 非周期性aperture 孔apex 背斜顶apex of shell 壳顶aphanic 显衡隐晶质的aphaniphyric 隐晶斑状aphanite 隐晶岩aphanitic texture 隐晶结构aphanitic variolitic texture 隐晶球颗结构aphotic zone 无光带aphrosiderite 铁华绿泥石aphthalose 钾芒硝aphthitalite 钾芒硝aphthonite 银铜矿aphyric 无斑隐晶质的apical disk 顶系apical system 顶系apjohnite 锰茂aplite 细晶岩aplitic 细晶状的aplitic facies 细晶岩相aplitic texture 细晶岩构造aplogranite 淡色花岗岩apoandesite 脱玻安山岩apobasalt 脱玻玄武岩apogee 远地点apogranite 变花岗岩apolar adsorption 非极性吸附apomagmatic 外岩浆的apomagmatic deposit 外岩浆矿床apophyllite 鱼眼石apophyse 岩枝apophysis 岩枝apospory 无孢生殖apparent 外观上的apparent density 视密度apparent dip 视倾斜apparent heave 视横断距apparent resistivity 视电阻率apparent resistivity curve 视电阻率曲线apparent resistivity map 视电阻率图apparent specific gravity 表观比重apparent velocity 视速度apperance of crystal 结晶外貌apple coal 软煤applied geochemistry 应用地球化学applied geology 应用地质学applied geomorphology 应用地形学applied geothermics 应用地热学applied geothermy 应用地热学applied palaeontology 应用古生物学applied seismology 应用地震学appraisement 评价apron reef 石中住裙礁aptian 阿普第阶aptian stage 阿普第阶aqua regia 王水aquamarine 海蓝宝石aquatic 水生的aquatic animals 水栖动物aqueduct 沟渠aqueous deposit 水成沉积aqueous rock 水成岩aqueous soil 水成土aqueous solution 水溶液aquiclude 隔水层aquifer 含水层aquifer loss 含水层损失aquifer storage 合水层储水aquifer test 含水层试验aquiferous 含水的aquifuge 不透水层aquitanian stage 阿启坦阶aquitard 弱含水层arachnidea 蛛形类araeoxene 钒铅锌矿aragonite 文石arakawaite 磷锌铜矿aramayoite 硫铋锑银矿arandisite 硅锡矿arborescent 被状arc of compression 褶皱弧arc of folding 压缩弧arch 背斜archaean era 太古代archaeocyte 原始细胞archaeogeology 考古地质学archaeopteris flora 古蔽属植物群archaeopteryx 始祖鸟属archaeozoic 太古代的archaian 太古代的archbend 褶皱头部archean 太古代archean greenstone belt 太古代绿岩带arched structure 隆起构造archegone 颈卵器archegonium 颈卵器archeomagnetism 太古磁性archeophytic era 太古植物代archeozoic era 太古代archetype 原始型archipelagic apron 群岛沿边漫坡海底archipelago 群岛arcogenesis 地穹运动arcogeny 地穹运动arctic 北极圈arctic air mass 北极气团arctic front 北极锋arctic plants 北极植物arctic subregion 北极亚区arctoalpine 北极高山的arcuate 弓形的arcuate delta 弓形三角洲ardealite 磷石膏ardennite 锰硅铝矿area 分布区area of artesian flow 自廉区area of influence 影响区域areal eruption 区域喷溢arenaceous 砂屑的arenaceous rock 砂质岩arenaceous texture 砂质结构arenes 粗砂arenopelitic 砂泥质的arenose 粗砂质的arfvedsonite 钠钙闪石argentiferous 含银的argentite 辉银矿argentobismutite 硫银铋矿argentojarosite 辉银黄钾铁矾argentopyrite 含银黄铁矿argil 白粘土argillaceous 泥质的argillaceous limestone 泥质灰岩argillite 泥岩argillization 泥化argon 氩argyrodite 硫银锗矿arid basin 干燥盆地arid landform 干旱地形arid peneplain 干旱准平原arid zone 干旱带aridity coefficient 干燥系数aridity index 干燥指数ariegite 尖榴辉岩arithmetical averaging grade 算术平均品位arithmetical averaging thickness 算术平均厚度arizonite 红钛铁矿arkite 白榴霞斑岩arkose 长石石英岩arkosic sandstone 长石石英岩armangite 砷锰矿armored cone 熔壳火山锥armored fishes 甲胄鱼纲aromatic base crude oil 芳香基原油arrangement 配置arroyo 干谷arsenate 砷酸盐arsenic 砷arseniopleite 红砷铁矿arseniosiderite 钙砷铁矿arsenite 砷华arsenoclasite 水砷锰石arsenolite 砷华arsenomiargyrite 砷辉锑银矿arsenopyrite 毒砂arterite 层混合岩artesian aquifer 自廉层artesian basin 自廉盆地artesian ground water 自霖下水artesian pressure head 承压水位artesian spring 自联artesian water 自廉artesian well 自廉arthropoda 节肢动物artic front 北极峰articulation 关节artificial 人为的artificial classification 人为分类artificial crystal 人造晶体artificial diamond 人造金刚石artificial discharge 人工排泄artificial earth's satellite 人造地球卫星artificial earthquake 人为地震artificial ground water 人工地下水artificial hypocenter 人工震源artificial mineral 人造矿物artificial radio element 人工放射元素artificial radioactivity 人工放射性artificial recharge 人工补给artificial satellite 人造卫星artificial seismic source 人工震源artificial selection 人工淘汰artinite 纡维菱镁矿artinsk stage 阿丁斯克阶artinskian 阿丁斯克阶asbestos 石棉asbestus 石棉asbolane 钴土矿asbolite 钴土矿ascending development 上升发育ascension theory 上升说ascent curve 上升曲线aschaffite 云英钭煌岩ascharite 硼镁石aschistic 岩浆同质的aschistic dike 未分异岩脉aschistic dyke 未分异岩脉aschistite 未分异岩ascon type 单沟型ascospore 子囊孢子ascus 子囊aseismic 无震的asexual generation 无性世代asexual reproduction 无性生殖ash bed 火山灰层ash cloud 灰云ash cone 火山灰丘ash content of coal 煤灰分ash fall 降落灰ash flow 火山灰流ash free 无灰分的ash shower 降落灰ash structure 火山灰构造ashgillian stage 阿石极阶ashing 灰化asmanite 陨鳞石英asparagolite 黄绿磷灰石asparagus stone 黄绿磷灰石asperite 玻质英安岩asphalt 地沥青asphalt sealing trap 沥青塞圈闭asphaltenes 沥青质。



阐述expound(explain), state 硬质岩strong rock, film软质岩introduce into weak rock 引入硬质的相应的corresponding competent软质的incompetent 概念conception基岩overview bedrock 概论覆盖层概率probability overburden交错层理cross bedding 概念化conceptualize层面macroscopic bedding plane 宏观的片理补充complement schistosity层理planbedding 规划波痕证明demonstrate, certify, attest ripple-mark泥痕confirmationmud crack证实雨痕compensate, make up, imburse 补偿raindrop imprints 造岩矿物组合式combined type rock-forming minerals粘土矿物interactionclay mineral 相互作用高岭土稳定性评价stability evaluation kaolinite蒙脱石均质性homogeneity montmorillonite伊利石介质mediumillite云母层layer, stratum mica白云母muscovitegeographic and geomorphic 1地形地貌黑云母biotiteland form地形石英quartzgeomorphology, relief地貌长石feldsparlandform unit, geomorphic unit 地貌单元正长石orthoclasegrade 坡度斜长石plagioclaserelief map 地形图辉石pyroxene, picriteriver valley 河谷角闪石hornblenderiver course河道方解石calciteriver bed(channel)河床构造structuregully, erosion gully, gulley, 沟冲结构texturestream(brook)组构fabric(tissue)floodplain(valley flat) 河漫滩矿物组成mineral composition terrace 阶地产状attitudealluvial plain 冲积平原火成岩igneousdelta三角洲岩浆岩magmatic rockstream river fossil course, fossil 古河道火山岩(熔岩)lava channel火山volcanoalluvial fan 冲积扇侵入岩intrusive(invade) rock diluvial fan 洪积扇喷出岩effusive rock divide 分水岭深成岩plutonic rock basin 盆地浅成岩pypabysal rock karst land feature, karst landform 岩溶地貌酸性岩acid rocksolution cave, karst cave 溶洞中性岩inter-mediate rock 地层岩性2基性岩basic rock geostrome (stratum, strata)地层超基性岩ultrabasic rockrock lithologic character, 性岩岩基rock base (batholith) property岩脉(墙)dikebed stratum岩层岩墙rock dike layer, rock stratum 岩层岩床rock sill matrix, parent rock 母岩岩脉vein dyke facies change相变granite花岗岩.流纹岩rhyolite 冲积的alluvial洪积物(层)diorite proluvium, diluvium, diluvion 闪长岩洪积的gabbro diluvial辉长岩冰川沉积物(层)basalt glacier (drift)deposits玄武岩崩积物(层)colluvial deposits, colluvium 橄榄岩dunite残积粘土vulcanic brecciaresidual clay火山角砾岩变质岩火山集块岩volcanic agglomerate metamorphic rock板岩凝灰岩tuffslate千枚岩沉积岩sedimentary rock phyllite片岩碎屑岩clastic rock schist片麻岩粘土岩clay rockgneiss石英岩silty claystone quartzite 粉砂质粘土岩大理岩化学岩chemical rock marble生物岩biolith3地质构造地质构造geologic structure 砾岩conglomerategeotectonic 大地构造breccia 角砾岩tectogenesis 砂岩sandstone构造运动造山运动石英砂岩quartz sandstonevertical movement 升降运动粉砂岩siltstone水平运动horizontal movement calcareous siltstone 钙质粉砂岩perfection(integrity) 完整性泥岩mudstone产状要素shale elements of attitude 页岩attitude, orientation 产状盐岩salinestrike 走向limestone 石灰岩白云岩dolomite dip倾向dip angle, angle of dip 倾角泥灰岩marlfold argillo-calcareous 褶皱泥钙岩fold泥砂岩argillo-arenaceous 褶曲monocline 单斜砂质arenaceoussyncline argillaceous 泥质向斜背斜硅质的siliceousanticlineorganic matter dome 穹隆有机质coarse grain squeeze挤压粗粒中粒上盘upper section medium-grainedlower wall, bottom footwall, sediment (deposit) 沉积物下盘wallboulder 漂石、顽石断距separation cobble 卵石intersect 相交gravel 砾石断层faultsand 砂normal fault 正断层silt 粉土逆断层reversed fault clay 粘土parallel fault平移断层clay grain 粘粒层理bedding, stratification sandy clay 砂质粘土graben地堑clayey sand 粘质砂土horst, fault ridge地垒loam壤土、亚粘土断层泥gouge, pug, selvage, fault gouge sandy loam 砂壤土、亚砂土轻亚粘土stria, striation 擦痕regolith (topsoil) 浮土、表土断裂fractureooze破碎带fracture zone warp mire, 淤泥sludge, mud, oozed节理joint clayjoint set节理组alluvion 冲积物(层).裂隙fissure, crack方解石脉calcite vein碎块岩微裂隙fine fissure, microscopic fissure clastic rock角砾original joint breccia原生裂隙岩粉次生裂隙epigenetic joint rock powder岩屑tension joint debris, debry 张裂隙固结shear joint 剪裂隙consolidationrelief crack卸荷裂隙4水文地质条件 hydrogeological conditions cataclastic texture 碎裂结构大气圈atmosphere platy structure 板状结构水圈hydrosphere lamellose 薄板状岩石圈geosphere lumpy, massive 块状的地表径流surface runoff laminated层状的地下径流subsurface runoff giant thick-laminated 巨厚层流域valley, drainage basinfinely laminated薄层状的流域面积drainage area, river basin area weak intercalated layer 软弱夹层汇水面积catchment areainter bedding,夹层地下水ground water, subsurface water intermediate intercalated bed, interlayer,layer地表水surface waterclayey intercalation 夹泥层大气水atmospheric waterinter-clay 夹泥气态水aqueous (vapour) waterconnectivity 连通性液态水liquid waterinsequent 切层固态水solid wateraffecting zone 影响带吸着水hygroscopic (adsorptive) watern.integrity 完整性介质mediumv. & a. Integrate 空隙voiddegree of integrality 孔隙水压力pore water pressure crumble 破碎静水压力hydrostatic pressurecement 胶结外静水压力external hydrostatic pressure argillization 泥化动水压力hydrodynamic pressure taper-out 尖灭渗透力seepage pressure diastrophism错动外水压力external water pressure faulted bedding plane 错动层面内水压力internal water pressure intermittent断续的水位water level, stage level conjugated joint 共轭节理水头water head a. 透镜状的lens-shaped 含水层aquifercuttings, debris 岩屑透水层permeable layer, pervious layer membrane, film薄膜不透水层(隔水层)aquifuge, impervious layer, stratification 层理layer, impermeable high dip angle 高角度aquiclude low dip angle 缓倾角groundwater ridge anti-dip反倾地下分水岭pore water v. interbed 互层孔隙水n. Interbedding fissure water 裂隙水particle size 粒径karstic water岩溶水tectonosphere 构造层bound water, combined water 结合水compression 挤压hydroscopic water 吸着水homogeneous 均一的pellicular water 薄膜水close, compact 致密capillary water 毛细水tectonite 构造岩gravitational water 重力水mylonite 糜棱岩condensation water凝结水fault breccia断层角砾岩groundwaterof condition 件条藏埋水下地.occurrence可靠性检查reliability checkinggroundwater of 藏水埋深度depth 地下监控模型monitoring and predictionoccurrencemodelpacker permeability test 压水试验监测monitoringengineering investigation 5工程勘察资料datum, data可靠性reliability survey 勘测稳定性stabilityinvestigational stage 勘察阶段安全safetyprimary design 初步设计评估evaluation, appraisepreliminary scheme 初步规划评定assessment, assess, rate preliminary prospecting 初步勘探评价准则criterionground reconnaissance 初步踏勘灾害hazard, calamity feasibility stage可行性研究阶段确定性方法论Deterministic methodologypreliminary stage 初步设计阶段应急行动计划EAP(emergency action plan) reconnaissance, inspection 踏勘事故accidentgeological survey 地质测绘静力(Static Analysis)geological engineering 工程地质测绘)Dynamic Analysis动力(mapping Evidently 明显的borehole operation, boring 钻探Correspondingly adv.相应地; 相关地; 相同geophysical exploration 物探地exploratory adits 洞探rod sounding 钎探exploring mining 坑探trenching 槽探proportion 比例geographic map 地形图geomorphological map 地貌图geological map 地质图实测地质剖面图geological field-acquiredprofile(section)geological structure map构造地质图quarternary geological map 第四纪地质图detail map of geology 地质详图section, columnar 地质柱状图geologicgeologic log纵剖面图longitudinal sectioncross section 横剖面图reveal detail map 展示图rose of joints 节理玫瑰图bed rock contour基岩等高线contour of stratum bottom 层底等高线strata boundary 岩层界线elevation of bed rock surface 岩面高程coordinate 坐标bed separation 分层geological observation point 地质点exploratory point (spot) 勘探点exploratory line 勘探线exploration hole 勘探孔diamond drilling 金刚石钻进安全监控6.。



地质专业英文翻译精选1a horizon a 层位a lineation a 线理a twin a 双晶aa lava 块熔岩aalenian stage 阿林阶abandon 废弃abandoned mine 废弃的矿山abandoned well 废孔abatis 通风隔墙abdomen 腹部abdominal appendage 腹肢abdominal cavity 腹腔abdominal fin 腹abductor 外展肌abductor muscle 外展肌abernathyite 水砷钾铀矿aberration 象差abichite 光线矿abiogenesis 自然发生abiogeny 自然发生abiotic factor 非生物因素ablation 剥蚀ablation breccia 剥蚀角砾岩ablation moraine 消融碛ablation skin 熔蚀皮ablation till 消融碛ablykite 阿布石abnormal 异常的abnormal interference color异常干涉色abnormal metamorphism 异常变质作用abolition 废除abrade 剥蚀abrasion 海蚀abrasion platform 磨蚀台地abrasion surface 浪蚀面abrasion terrace 磨蚀阶地abrasionn test 磨耗试验abrasive 磨料;海蚀的abrazite 多水高岭土absarokite 正边玄武岩absite 钍钛铀矿absolute age 绝对年龄absolute black body 绝对黑体absolute chronology 绝对年代学absolute dating 绝对年代测定absolute geopotential 绝对重力势absolute porosity 绝对孔隙率absolute pressure 绝对压力absolute structure 绝对构造absorbed water 吸附水absorbent 吸收剂absorber 吸收器absorbing well 吸水井absorption 吸收absorption axis 吸收轴absorption border 融蚀缘absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption edge 吸收端absorption factor 吸收率absorption spectrum 吸收光谱absorptive capacity 吸收率absorptivity 吸收性abukumalite 铋磷灰石abundance 丰度abundance of elements 元素丰度abundance of isotopes 同位素丰度abundance ratio of isotopes 同位素相对丰度abysmal deposits 深海沉积物abyss 深海abyssal 深海的abyssal benthic zone 深渊底栖带abyssal deposits 深海沉积物abyssal facies 深海相abyssal hills province 深海丘陵区abyssal injection 深成贯入abyssal rock 深成岩abyssal sediments 深海沉积物acadialite 红菱沸石acadian stage 阿卡德阶acalycine 无花萼的acalycinous 无花萼的acanthite 螺状硫银矿acanthoid 刺状的acaulescent 无茎的acaulous 无茎的acaustobiolite 非燃性生物岩accelerated development 上升发育acceleration 促进accelerometer 加速度计accessory 副的accessory ejecta 早成同源抛出物accessory minerals 副矿物accidental ejecta 异源抛出物accidental inclusion 外源包体accidental species 偶见种accidental xenolith 外源包体acclivity 上坡accompanying mineral 伴生矿物accordance of summit levels 山峰高度一致accordant junction 交合汇流accordion fold 棱角褶皱accretion 附加体accretion gley 结核潜育层accretion theory 吸积理论accretionary lapilli 团积火山砾accumulate 堆积accumulated temperature 积温accumulation 堆积accumulation horizon 聚积层accumulation moraine 堆积冰碛accumulation terrace 堆积阶地accumulation theory of volcano 火山堆积说accumulation till 堆积冰碛accumulative phase 堆积相accuracy 准确度acephalous 无头的acephalous larva 无头幼虫acerous 针状的acetate 醋酸盐acetic acid 醋酸acf diagram acf 图解achavalite 硒铁矿achiardite 坏晶石achirite 透视石achlamydeous 无花被的achlusite 钠滑石achondrite 无球粒陨石achroite 无色电气石achromaite 浅闪石achromatic body 消色物体achromatic lens 消色差透镜achromatism 消色差achromatize 消色acicular 针状的aciculiform 针状的acid base equilibrium 酸碱平衡acid earth 酸性白土acid humus 酸性腐殖质acid mine drainage 酸性矿水排水acid plagioclase 酸性斜长石acid rock 酸性岩acid soil 酸性土acid solution 酸性溶液acid spring 酸性泉acid treatment of oil payzone 油层酸处理acid treatment of well 井的酸处理acidic lava 酸性熔岩acidification 酸化acidimetry 酸量滴定法acidite 酸性岩acidity 酸度acidizing of well 井的酸处理acidophilous plants 适酸植物acidotrophic lake 酸性营养湖acidulation 酸化acline twin 翻底双晶acmite 锥辉石acotyledon 无子叶植物acotyledonous 无子叶的acoustic basement 声波基底acoustic foundation 声波基底acoustic logging 声波测井acquired character 获得形质acre foot 英亩英尺acrobatholithic 露岩基的acrochordite 球砷锰矿acrospore 顶生孢子actinides 锕系元素actinium 锕actinolite 阳起石actinolite asbestos 阳起石石棉actinolite schist 阳起片岩actinolitic greenschist facies 阳起绿色片岩相actinometer 日射表actinometry 光化测定actinomorphic 辐射对称的actinomorphous 辐射对称的actinomyces 放线菌类actinostele 星状中柱actinouranium 锕铀actinula 辐射幼虫activated adsorption 活化吸附activated carbon 活性炭activated clay 活化粘土activated complex 活化络合物activated water 活化水activation 活化activation analysis 活化分析activation cross section 活化截面activation energy 活化能activation logging 活化测井activation method 活化法activation of platform 地台活化activator 活化剂active fault 活断层active folding 活褶曲作用active glacier 活动冰川active humus 活性腐殖质active hydrogen 活性氢active plate 移动板块active remote sensing 织式遥感active tectonic pattern 活动构造型式active volcano 活火山active water 侵蚀性水activity 活度activity coefficient 活度系数activization 活化作用activization platform block 活化台块actual reserves 实在储藏量actual volume 实际容积actualily 真实actualism 现实论actuopalaeontology 现实古生物学acute 急尖的acute bisectrix 锐角等分线acutifoliate 尖叶的adamant 硬石adamantine 坚硬的adamantine lustre 金刚光泽adamantine spar 刚玉adamellite 石英二长岩adamine 水砷锌矿adamite 水砷锌矿adamsite 暗绿云母adaptability 适应性adaptation 适应adaptive radiation 适应辐射adcumulate 累积岩addition 添加additional phase 加成相adductor 收肌adductor muscle scar 收肌筋痕adelite 砷钙镁石adelogenic 显衡隐晶质的adelpholite 铌铁锰矿adenoid 腺样的adergneiss 脉状片麻岩adhering 粘附性的;附着adhesion 粘附adhesive disk 吸盘adhesiveness 胶糟性adiabat 绝热线adiabatic cooling 绝热冷却adiabatic curve 绝热线adiabatic equilibrium 绝热平衡adiabatic heating 绝热增温adiabatic lapse rate 绝热温度梯度adiabatic process 绝热过程adiabatic state 绝热状态adiabatic temperature gradient 绝热温度梯度adiagnostic 隐微晶质的adigeite 镁蛇纹石adinole 钠长英板岩adipocerite 伟晶腊石adipocire 伟晶腊石adipose cell 脂细胞adit 平峒adjacent rock 围岩adjacent sea 边缘海adjoining rock 围岩adjustment 蝶admimistration 管理admission 收气adobe 灰质粘土adoral 口侧的adsorbent 吸附剂adsorbing material 吸附剂adsorption 吸附adsorption indicator 吸附指示剂adsorptive capacity 吸附能力adular 冰长石adularia 冰长石adult 成体advance 前进adventitious plants 外来植物adventive crater 寄生火口adventive volcano 寄生火山aecidiospore 锈孢子aeciospore 锈孢子aegirine 霓石aegirine augite 霓辉石aegirite 霓石aenigmatite 三斜闪石aeolian clastics 风成碎屑岩aeolian deposit 风积aeolian landform 风成地形aeolian soil 风积土aeration 充气aeration tissue 通气组织aeration zone 饱气带aerenchyma 通气组织aerial method of geology 航空地质甸方法aerial photography 航空摄影学aerial ropeway 架空死aerial survey 航空测量aerial triangulation 航空三角测量aerify 使呈气态aerobe 需气生物aerocartograph 航空测图仪aerogenous rock 风成岩aerogeography 航空地理学aerogeology 航空地质学aerolite 石陨石aerolith 石陨石aeromagnetic survey 航空磁测aerophotogeological map 航空摄影地质图aerophotogrammetry 航空摄影测量学aerophotography 航空摄影学aerophotography of geology 地质专业航空摄影aeroplankton 大气浮游生物aeroradioactive survey 航空放射性测量aerosiderite 铁陨石aerosiderolite 铁石陨石aerosite 深红银矿aerugite 块砷镍矿aeschynite 易解石affiliation 亲缘关系affine deformation 均匀变形affinity 亲和力afflux 汇入after deep 后渊aftereffect 后效aftershock 余震afwillite 桂硅钙石agalite 纤滑石agalmatolite 寿山石agamogony 无配子生殖agate 玛瑙age 龄期age determination 时代鉴定age of cycads 苏铁植物时代age spectra 年龄谱ageing of colloids 胶体熟化agent of erosion 侵蚀力agents of metamorphism 变质营力ageostrophic wind 非地转风agglomerate 集块岩agglomerate lava 集块熔岩agglomeratic 集块岩状的agglomeration 烧结agglutinate 粘合集块岩agglutination 胶着agglutinin 凝集素aggradation 加积aggradation terrace 堆积阶地aggradational plain 堆积平原aggregate 集合体aggregation 聚集aggressive water 侵进水agitation 搅拌agmatite 角砾混合岩agnatha 无颌类agnolite 红硅钙锰矿agnotozoic era 元古代agpaite 钠质火成岩agreement 协议agricolite 闪铋矿agricultural geology 农业地质学agricultural geomorphology 农业地貌学agroforestrial geology 农林地质学agrogeology 农业地质学agrohydrologg 农业水文学aguilarite 辉硒银矿aidyrlite 杂硅铝镍矿aikinite 针硫铋铅矿air borne radioactivity 大气放射性air chamber 气室air compressor 空气压缩机air damping 空气制动air drilling 空气钻进air drying 风干air elutriation 空气淘析air flush drilling 空气冲洗钻井air gun 空气枪air hammer 气锤air lift 气动提升机air permeability 透气性air pressure 空气压力air release valve 放气阀air sac 气囊air separating tank 空气分离罐air separator 气力分离器air shrinkage 空气收缩air vent 排气孔air volcano 气火山airborne electromagnetic method 航空电磁法airborne electromagnetics 航空电磁法airborne magnetic prospecting 航空磁法勘探airborne magnetometer 航空地磁仪airborne remote sensing 航空遥感airborne survey 航空甸airial camera 航空摄影机airview 空瞰图airy phase 艾氏相airy's spiral 艾氏螺旋akaustobiolite 非燃性生物岩akaustobiolith 非燃性生物岩akerite 英辉正长岩akermanite 镁黄长石akf diagram akf图解akinete 厚壁孢子akrochordite 球砷锰矿aksaite 阿氏硼镁石ala twin 轴双晶alabandine 硫锰矿alabandite 硫锰矿alabaster 雪花石膏alabastrite 雪花石膏alamosite 铅灰石alar 翼状的alary 翼状的alaskaite 铅泡铋矿alaskite 白岗岩alate 有翼的albedo 反照率albers' equal area projection 亚尔勃斯等积投影albertite 黑沥青albian 阿尔布阶albian stage 阿尔布阶albite 钠长石albite twin 钠长石双晶albitite 钠长石玢岩albitization 钠长石化albitophyre 钠长斑岩alboranite 紫苏变玄岩aleurolite 粉砂岩aleuropelitic 粉砂泥的aleutite 易辉安山岩alexandrite 翠绿宝石algae 藻类algae control 藻类控制algal ball 海藻饼algal biscuit 海藻饼algal coal 藻煤algal fungi 藻菌类algal limestone 藻灰岩algal reef 藻礁algal structure 藻结构alginite 藻类体algodonite 微晶砷铜矿algology 藻类学algonkian 阿尔冈纪algonkian system 阿尔冈系algovite 辉斜岩aliphatic compound 脂族化合物alizarin 二羟蒽醌alkali 碱alkali alumina metasomatism 碱氧化铝交代alkali basaet 碱性玄武岩alkali earth metal 碱土金属alkali feldspar 碱性长石alkali flat 碱覆盖坪alkali gabbro 碱性辉长岩alkali granti 碱性花岗岩alkali lime index 碱灰质指数alkali metal 碱金属alkali olivine basalt 碱性橄榄玄武岩alkali pyroxene 碱性辉石alkali rock series 碱性岩系alkali soil 碱土alkali syenit 碱性正长岩alkalic rock 硷性岩alkalic ultrabasic rock 碱超基性岩alkalify 碱化alkalimetry 碱量滴定法alkaline amphibolization 碱性角闪石化alkaline earth 碱土族alkaline earth metal 碱土金属alkaline metasomatism 碱性交代作用alkaline pyroxenization 碱性辉石化alkaline rock 硷性岩alkaline rocks 碱性岩类alkaline soil 碱性土alkaline solution 碱性溶液alkaline spring 碱泉alkalipicrite 碱性苦橄岩alkalitrophic lake 碱液营养湖alkalization 碱化作用alkalize 碱化alkaloid 生物碱alkanes 链烷烃allactite 砷水锰矿allagite 绿蔷薇辉石allalinite 浊变辉长岩allanite 褐帘石alleghanyite 粒硅锰矿allemontite 砷锑矿allite 铝铁土allivalite 橄榄钙长岩allobar 变压区allocation 分配allochemical metamorphism 异化变质allochetite 霞辉二长斑岩allochroite 粒榴石allochromatic colour 假色allochromatism 假色allochthone 移置岩体allochthonous 外来的allochthonous coal 异地生成煤allochthonous deposit 移积allochthonous fold 移置性褶曲allochthonous limestone 移置灰岩alloclastic breccia 火山碎屑角砾岩allogenic 他生的allogenic element 他生元素allogenic mineral 他生矿物allogenic succession 他生演替allomerism 异质同晶现象allometamorphism 他变作用allometry 异速生长allomigmatite 他混合岩allomorph 同质异形的allomorphism 同质异晶allomorphous 同质异形的allopalladium 硒钯矿allopatric polymorphism 同质多形allophane 水铝英石allophase metamorphism 他相变质alloskarn 外成夕卡岩allothigenic 他生的allothigenous 他生的allotriomorphic 他形的allotriomorphic granular texture 他形晶粒状结构allotriomorphic structure 他形构造allotriomorphic texture 他形结构allotrope 同素异形体allotropic modification 同素异形体allotropic transformation 同素异晶变化allotropism 同素异形allotropy 同素异形allotype 异模式标本alloy 合金alluvial 冲积的alluvial apron 山麓冲积扇alluvial channel 冲积河道alluvial cone 冲积锥alluvial deposit 冲积层alluvial fan 冲积扇alluvial fan deposit 冲积扇层alluvial ore deposit 冲积矿床alluvial placer 冲积砂矿床alluvial plain 冲积平原alluvial sand ripples 河成砂纹alluvial sand wave 河成沙波alluvial soil 冲积土alluvial terrace 冲积阶地alluvial veneer 冲积表层alluviation 冲积alluvion 冲积层alluvium 冲积层almandine 铁铝榴石almandite 铁铝榴石alnico 铝镍钴合金alnoite 黄长煌斑岩alp 高山alpha quartz 石英alpha ray spectrometer 能谱仪alphitite 岩粉土alpides 阿尔卑斯造山带alpine animals 高山动物alpine belt 高山带alpine orogeny 阿尔卑斯造山运动alpine type peridotite 阿尔卑斯式橄榄岩alpine type vein 阿尔卑斯型矿脉alpinotype orogeny 阿尔卑斯型造山作用alpinotype tectonics 阿尔卑斯型构造alsbachite 榴云细斑岩alstonite 碳碱钙钡矿altaite 碲铅矿altar 腋生的altazimuth 经纬仪alteration 蚀变alteration halo 蚀变晕alteration zone 蚀变晕altered aureole 蚀变晕altered mineral 蚀变矿物alternant 交替的alternate phyllotaxis 互生叶序alternately pinnate 互生羽状的alternating 交替alternating layers 互层alternation 互层alternation of beds 互层alternation of generations 世代交替alternative 可选择的altimeter 高度计altitude 高度altitudinal zonality 垂直分布带alum 茂alum shale 茂页岩alum slate 茂板岩alumian 无水矾石alumina 矾土aluminate 铝酸盐aluminite 矾石aluminum 铝alumochromite 铝铬铁矿alunite 茂石alunitization 茂石化alunogen 毛矾石alurgite 锰云母alveolar 蜂窝状alvite 铪锆石amagmatic 非岩浆活动的amalgam 汞齐amalgamation 混汞作用amarantite 红铁矾amazonite 天河石amazonitization 天河石化ambatoarinite 碳酸锶铈矿amber 钙铝榴石amberite 灰黄琥珀ambient 外界的ambiguity 多义性amblygonite 磷铝石ambrite 灰黄琥珀ambulacral foot 管足ambulacral system 步带系ambularcral zone 步带ameba 变形虫amendment 修正;校正americium 镅amesite 镁绿泥石ametaboly 无变态amethyst 紫水晶amherstite 反条正长闪长岩amianthus 石棉amino acid metabolism 氨基酸代谢aminobenzoic acid 氨基苯酸ammonioborite 水铵硼石ammonites 菊石类amorphous 非晶质的amorphous graphite 无定型石墨amorphous silica 无定形硅氧amosite 铁石棉amount 总计amount of evaporation 蒸发量amount of precipitation 降水量amount of throw 纵距ampangabeit 铌链铁铀矿ampelite 黄铁炭质页岩amphibia 两栖类amphibious plants 两栖植物amphibole 闪石amphibolite 闪岩amphibolite facies 角闪岩相amphibolization 闪石化作用amphigene 白榴石amphigenite 白榴熔岩amphiprotic 两性的ampholyte 两性电解质amphoteric 两性的amphoteric electrolyte 两性电解质amphoteric element 两性元素amphoteric ion 两性离子amphoteric oxide 两性氧化物amphoterite 无粒古橄陨石amplexicaul 抱茎的amplifier for photocurrents 光电僚大器amplitude 振幅amplitude correction 振幅校正amplitude spectrum 振幅谱amygdale 杏仁孔amygdaloid 杏仁岩amygdaloidal 杏仁状的amygdaloidal structure 杏仁状构造amygdule 杏仁孔anabatic wind 谷风anabolism 合成代谢anaboly 后加演化anaclinal 逆向的anadiagenesis 前进成岩作用anaerobe 厌气微生物anaerobic bacteria 嫌气细菌anaerobiosis 嫌气生活anagenesis 前进演化anal fin 臀鳍anal gland 肛腺analbite 单斜钠长石analcime 方沸石analcimite 方沸岩analcimolith 方沸岩analcite 方沸石analog 相似体analogous organ 同功瀑analogue 相似体analogy 类似analysis by sedimentation 沉积分析analytic standard 分析标准analytical balance 分析天平anamesite 中粒玄武岩anamigmatism 深溶混合岩化anamorphic zone 合成变质带anamorphism 合成变质anapaite 三斜磷钙铁矿anaseism 背震中anastomose 网结anastrophen 倒装法anatase 锐钛矿anatectic magma 深熔岩浆anatectite 深熔混合岩anatexis 深熔作用anauxite 富硅高岭石anchieutectic 近底共融的anchimetamorphism 近变质作用anchimonomineralic 近单矿物的anchor ice 底冰ancient channel 古河道ancient elephant 古大象ancient landform 古地形ancylite 菱锶铬矿andalusite 红柱石andersonite 水碳钠钙铀矿andesine 中长石andesite 安山岩andesite line 安山岩线andorite 锑铅银矿andradite 钙铁榴石anemoclastics 风成碎屑岩anemophilous plant 风媒植物anemophily 风媒anemousite 三斜霞石angara flora 安加拉植物群angara shield 安加拉古陆angaraland 安加拉古陆angarides 安加拉古陆angiospermous 被子的angiosperms 被子植物angle of contact 接触角angle of draw 陷落角angle of incidence 入射角angle of inclination 倾斜角angle of internal friction 内摩擦角angle of reflection 反射角angle of refraction 折射角angle of repose 休止角angle of strike 走向角度angle of subsidence 陷落角anglesite 硫酸铅矿angrite 钛辉无球粒陨石angular 有角的angular discordance 斜交不整合angular unconformity 钭文不整合angularity 有角angustifoliate 狭叶的anhedral 他形的anhydration 脱水anhydride 无水物anhydrite 硬石膏anhydrite formation 硬石膏层anhysteretic remanent magnetiazation 非滞后剩余磁化animal charcoal 动物煤animal debris 动物残余animal theory 动物成因论animikie system 安尼迷基系animikite 铅银砷镍矿anisian 安尼阶anisodesmic structure 蛤稳变异构造anisometric 非等轴的anisophyllous 不等叶的anisotrophism 蛤异性anisotropic 非均质的anisotropic fabric 蛤异性组构anisotropy 蛤异性anisotropy of crystals 晶体蛤异性ankaramite 钭长辉石岩ankaratrite 橄霞玄武岩ankerite 铁白云石anna aannabergite 镍华annealing recrystallization 退火重结晶作用annelids 环节动物annerodite 铌钇铀矿annite 羟铁云母annivite 铋铜矿annual 年刊annual amount of precipitation 年降水量annual plant 一年生植物annual ring 年轮annular 环状的annulation 环annulus 体环anomalous electric field 异常电场anomalous extinction 异常消光anomalous interference color 异常干涉色anomalous lead 异常铅anomalous upheaval 异常隆起anomaly 异常anomite 褐云母anonymous 不具名的anorogenic period 非造山期anorogenic time 非造山期anorthite 钙长石anorthitite 钙长岩anorthoclase 歪长石anorthosite 斜长岩antagonism 对抗作用antarctic 南极antarctica 南极大陆antecedent 先行的antecedent precipitation index 前期降雨指标antecedent river 先成河antecedent valley 先成谷anteclise 台背斜antegenetic river 原生河antenna 触角antennule 第一触角anther 药antheridium 精子囊antholite 直闪石anthophyllite 直闪石anthozoa 珊烘类anthracite 无烟煤anthracite coal 无烟煤anthraconite 沥青灰岩anthraxolite 碳沥青anthraxylon 纯木煤anthropogenic factor 人为因素anthropogeography 人类地理学anthropoid 类人猿anthropoid apes ape 类人猿anthropology 人类学anthropophyte 人为植物anthropostratigraphy 人类地层学antibonding electron 反键电子anticathode 对阴极anticlinal 背钭的anticlinal axis 背斜轴anticlinal bend 背斜弯曲anticlinal dome 背斜隆起anticlinal fault 背斜断层。

吉林大学 地质专业英语 第六课翻译

吉林大学  地质专业英语 第六课翻译

LESSON 6 INTRODUCTION TO IGNEOUS ENVIRONMENTS第六课火成环境的介绍1.Before discussing the methods petrologists use to study and understand igneous rocks, it is useful first to establish some basic definitions.在开始讨论岩石学家用来研究和理解火成岩的方法之前,首先建立一些基本的概念是有用的。

An igneous rock is defined as any crystalline or glassy rock that formed directly from a magma.火成岩被定义为直接从岩浆中形成的所有的结晶质或玻璃质岩石。

Magma is a high-temperature molten substance that is chemically complex and contains the molecular building blocks for minerals (the nature and properties of magma are discussed in detail in Chapter 3).岩浆是一个高温的化学性质很复杂熔融物质包含矿物的分子骨架。

(岩浆的性质将在第三章详细讨论)As it cools and crystallizes, a magma reorganizes itself into igneous minerals that individually have simpler chemistry than the parent magma. In any given igneous rock, these individual minerals (for example, quartz, feldspars, olivine) occur as either small or large crystals, both with variable perfection of crystal form.当岩浆冷凝和结晶时,岩浆重组自己形成独立的比母岩浆化学性质简单的火成矿物。



geology [dʒi'ɔlədʒi] n. 地质学i,地质情况volcano [vɔl'keinəu] volcanic n.火山lava ['lɑ:və] n. 熔岩, 火山岩erupt [i'rʌpt] eruption v.爆发, 喷发earthquake ['ə:θkweik] n. 地震crust [krʌst] n.地壳mineralogy [minə'rælədʒi] n.矿物学petrology [pi:'trɔlədʒi] n.岩石学Physical geology n. 动力地质学Historical geology n.历史地质学explore [iks'plɔ:] v.勘探Mineral resource n. 矿产资源coal [kəul] n.煤ore [ɔ:] n.矿石fossil ['fɔsl] n.化石/adj.化石的reservoir ['rezəvwɑ:] n.水库/储层quarry ['kwɔri] n.采石场/v.挖出sequence ['si:kwəns] n.层序lithosphere['liθəsfiə] n.岩石圈hydrosphere ['haidrəsfiə] n. 水圈economic geology经济地质学seismology [saiz'mɔlədʒi] n. 地震学volcanology [vɔlkən'ɔlədʒi] n. 火山学meteoritics [mi:tiə'ritiks]n. 陨石学mantle ['mæntl] n.地幔core [kɔ:] n.地核granitic [græ'nɪtɪk] granite adj. 花岗岩的/花岗岩Roche moutonnée n. 羊背石Lofty mountains n.高山Orogenic belt [ɔ:rə'dʒenik]n.造山带morass [mə'ræs]n.沼泽structural geology ['strʌktʃərəl]构造地质学geochemistry[dʒi:əu'kemistri] n.地球化学geophysics[dʒi:əu'fiziks] n.地球物理学paleontology[pæliɔn'tɔlədʒi] n.古生物学stratigraphy[strə'tigrəfi] n.地层学paleogeography [peiliəudʒi'ɔgrəfi]n. 古地理学geological time地质时代continent['kɔntinənt] n.大陆ocean basin n.洋盆,大洋盆地ocean floor n.洋底solar['səulə] adj.太阳的lunar['lu:nə] adj.月亮的radioactive decay放射性衰变seismic ['saizmik] adj. 地震的thermal gradient温度梯度geothermal gradient 地温梯度Mohorovicic discontinuity莫霍面Alpine chain n.山链karst[kɑ:st] n.喀斯特magma ['mægmə]n. 岩浆luster ['lʌstə(r)]n. 光泽hardness ['hɑ:dnis] n.硬度specific gravity n.比重odor ['əudə] n.气味magnetism ['mægnitizəm] n.磁性transparent [træns'perənt] adj.透明的diagnostic [daiəg'nɔstik] adj.诊断的, 特征的impurity [im'pjuəriti] n. 杂质,不纯streak [stri:k] n. 条痕rub [rʌb] rubbingn. 摩擦/相摩擦hand specimen 手标本unglazed['ʌn'gleizd]adj. 没有上釉的porcelain ['pɔ:slin] n.瓷器metallic [mi'tælik] adj.金属的vitreous ['vitriəs] adj.玻璃的resinous ['rezinəs] adj. 树脂的/松脂的pearly luster n.珍珠光泽silky luster n.丝绢光泽dull luster n.暗淡光泽,无光泽earthy luster n.土状光泽mohs scale of hardness 莫氏硬度表diaphaneity [diæfə'ni:iti]n. 透明度thin slice 薄片thin section translucent [træns'lu:sənt] adj. 半透明的opaque [əu'peik] adj.不透明的brittle ['britl] n.脆性shatter ['ʃætə] vt.粉碎crystal form n.晶形symmetry ['simitri] n.对称geometric [dʒiə'metrik] adj.几何学的cleavage ['kli:vidʒ] n. 解理plane of weakness 软弱面orientation [ɔ:rien'teiʃən] n.定向fracture ['fræktʃə] n.断口conchoidal [kɔŋ'kɔidl] adj. 贝壳状的uneven ['ʌn'i:vən] adj.参差状的kaolinite ['keiəlinait] n. 高岭石heft [heft] n.重量apatite ['æpətait]n. 磷灰石olivine [ɔli'vi:n] n. 橄榄石fluorite ['fluərait] n.荧石magnetite ['mægnitait]n. 磁铁矿garnet ['gɑ:nit] n. 石榴石nepheline['nefəlin] n. 霞石biotite ['baiətait]n. 黑云母pyrite ['pairait] n.黄铁矿chlorite ['klɔ:rait] n. 绿泥石opal ['əupəl] n. 蛋白石nonhomogeneous ['nɔnhɔmə'dʒi:njəs]adj. 非均质的scapolite ['skæpəlait] n. 方柱石spinel [spi'nel] n. 尖晶石leucite ['lu:sait] n. 白榴石hematite ['hemətait] n.赤铁矿gypsum ['dʒipsəm] n.石膏Chalcopyrite [kælkə'pairait] n. 黄铜矿chromite ['krəumait] n. 铬铁矿allomorph ['æləmɔ:f] n. 同质多像chalcedony [kæl'sedəni] n.玉髓orthoclase ['ɔ:θəkleis] n. 正长石microcline ['maikrəklain] n. 微斜长石barite ['bɛərait] n. 重晶石graphite ['græfait] n. 石墨analcite [ə'nælsait] n. 方沸石cristobalite [kris'təubəlait]n. 方英石corundum [kə'rʌndəm] n. 刚玉scheelite ['ʃi:lait] n. 白钨矿cassiterite [kə'sitərait] n. 锡石borax ['bɔ:ræks] n.硼砂mica ['maikə] n. 云母feldspar ['feldspɑ:] n. 长石hornblende ['hɔ:nblend] n. 角闪石albite ['ælbait]n. 钠长石triclinic [trai'klinik] adj. 三斜晶系的phenocryst ['fi:nəkrist] n. 斑晶relief [ri'li:f] n.突起balsam ['bɔ:lsəm] n. 树胶birefringence [bairi'frindʒəns] n. 双折射Polysynthetic [pɔlisin'θetik] n. 聚片双晶作用albite law n.钠长石律Carlsbad law 卡尔斯巴德律pericline law ['perəklain] 肖纳长石律rhombic section n. 菱切面interference figure 干涉图biaxial positive n.二轴正光性axial anglen. 光轴角2V dispersion [dis'pə:ʃən] n. 色散plagioclase ['pleidʒiəkleis] n. 斜长石index of refraction [ri'frækʃən] n. 折射率extinction angle n.消光角furnish ['fə:niʃ] vt. 提供occurrence [ə'kʌrəns] n.产状tectonite ['tektənait]n. 构造岩nesosilicate [ni:səu‘siləkeit]岛状硅酸盐octahedron [ɔktə‘hi:drən] n.八面体prism ['prizəm] n. 棱柱sill [sil] n. 岩床mutual ['mju:tʃuəl] adj.共同的, 相互的consecutive [kən'sekjutiv] adj.连续的, 连贯的quartzite ['kwɔ:tsait] n.石英岩granularity [grænju'læriti] n. 粒度texture ['tekstʃə] n. 结构sorting ['sɔ:tiŋ] n. 分选induration [indju'reiʃən] n. 固结作用cementation [si:men'teiʃən] n.胶结作用weathered surfacen. 风化面rock unit n. 岩石单元cross bedding n.交错层理peculiarity [pikju:li'æriti] n. 特性lithology [li'θɔlədʒi] n.岩性学hydrothermal [haidrə'θə:məl] adj.热液的, 热水的alteration [ɔ:ltə'reiʃən] n. 蚀变mineralization [minərəlɑi'zeiʃən]n. 矿化作用, 成矿作用strike [straik] n. 走向group [gru:p] n.群jointing ['dʒɔintiŋ]n. 节理flow banding n. 流动条带molten ['məultən] adj. 熔化的sedimentary [sedi'mentəri] adj.沉积的metamorphic [metə'mɔ:fik] adj. 变质的igneous ['igniəs] adj. 火成的gneiss [nais] n.片麻岩marble ['mɑ:bl] n.大理石basalt [bə'sɔ:lt] n.玄武岩fragment ['frægmənt] n.碎片peridotite [peri'dəutait] n.橄榄岩glassy ['glæsi]adj. 玻璃质的pebble ['pebl] n. 鹅卵石diabasic [daiə'beisik]adj. 辉绿岩的andesitic ['ændizitik] adj. 安山岩的intersertal [intə'sə:tl]斑状晶间的/间片biogenetic n. 生物成因的bedding plane n.层面palimpsest structure ['pælimpsest]n. 变余构造fluidal structure n.流纹构造clastic [klæstik] adj. 碎屑的cataclastic texture [kætə'klæstik] n.碎裂结构metasomatic [metəsəu'mætik]adj. 交代的crystalloblastic n.变晶质的basic rock n.基性岩kimberlite ['kimbəlait] n. 金伯利岩diorite ['daiərait] n. 闪长岩conglomerate [kən'glɔmərit] n. 砾岩dolomite ['dɔləmait] n.白云石/白云岩evaporite [i'væpərait] n. 蒸发岩, 蒸发盐diabase ['daiəbeis] n. 辉绿岩breccia ['bretʃə] n.角砾岩loess ['ləuis] n. 黄土leptynite n.长英麻粒岩eclogite ['eklədʒait]n. 榴辉岩petrogenesis [petrə'dʒenisis] n. 岩石成因学cartography [kɑ:'tɔgrəfi] n. 制图学, petrography [pi:'trɔgrəfi] n.岩相学petrofabrics [petrə'fæbrik]n.岩组学chalk [tʃɔːk]n. 白垩marlstone ['mɑ:l,stəun] n. 泥灰岩turbidite ['tə:bidait]n. 浊流岩detrital [di'traitl]adj. 碎屑distal ['distəl]adj. 末梢的benthic organism ['benθik]n. 底栖生物aeolian [i:'əuliən] adj. 风成的vertebrate ['və:tibreit]n. 脊椎动物limestone ['laimstəun] n. 灰岩carbonate ['kɑ:bəneit] n.碳酸盐aragonite [ə'rægənait] n. 文石phosphate ['fɔsfeit] n. 磷酸盐taranakite [tærə'nɑ:kait]磷钾铝石silicon dioxide ['silikən dai'ɔksaid] n. 二氧化硅cristobalite [kris'təubəlait]n. 方英石estuarine ['estjuə'rain] adj.入海的/河口的brackish ['brækiʃ]adj. 有盐味的, 咸的ferruginous [fe'ru:dʒinəs] adj. 铁的, 含铁的phosphorite ['fɔsfərait] n. 磷灰石, 磷矿Graded beddingn.递变层理/粒序层理turbidity current [tə:'biditi] ['kʌrənt] n. 浊流estuarine ['estjuə'rain] adj.入海的/河口的brackish ['brækiʃ]adj. 有盐味的, 咸的ferruginous [fe'ru:dʒinəs] adj. 铁的, 含铁的lime-bearingn. 含钙potash feldspar ['pɔtæʃ] n.钾长石alkali granite ['ælkəlai] n.碱性花岗岩peralkaline granite n.过碱性花岗岩rhyolite ['raiəlait] n.流纹岩granodiorite [grænəu'daiərait]n. 花岗闪长岩rhyodacite n.流纹英安岩tonalite ['təunəlait]n. 英云闪长岩dacite ['dæsait]n. 英安岩syenite ['saiənait] n. 正长岩trachyte ['treikait] n. 粗面岩monzonite ['mɔnzənait] n. 二长岩latite ['leitait]n. 安粗岩tristanite n.碱长粗安岩monzodiorite [mɔnzə'daiərait]二长闪长岩monzogabbro 二长辉长岩andesite ['ændizait] n.安山岩hawaiite 橄榄中长玄武岩trachy basaltn. 粗面玄武岩diorite ['daiərait] n. 闪长岩gabbro ['gæbrəu] n. 辉长岩basalt [bə'sɔ:lt] n.玄武岩ultramafic [ʌltrə'mæfik] adj. 超碱的, 超基性的nepheline ['nefəlin] n. 霞石phonolite ['fəunəlait] n. 响岩essexite ['esiksait]n.碱性辉长岩teschenite 沸绿岩theralite ['θiərəlait]霞斜岩tephrite ['tefrait]n. 碱玄岩plutonic [plu:'tɔnik] adj. 深成的nephelinite ['nefəlinait] n. 霞岩hypabyssal [hipə‘bisl] adj. 浅成的peridotite [peri'dəutait] n.橄榄岩protista [prəu'tistə] n. 原生生物界naturalist ['nætʃərəlist] n. 博物学家planta n.植物界animalia [æni'meiliə]n. 动物界autotrophic [ɔ:təu'trɔfik]adj. 自养的heterotrophic [hetərə'trɔfik]adj. 异养的sedentary ['sednteri] adj. 固定不动的microorganism [maikrəu'ɔ:gənizəm] n.微生物chloroplast ['klɔ:rəplæst] n. 叶绿体organelle [ɔ:gə'nel] n.细胞器cytoplasm ['saitəplæzəm] n.细胞质chlorophyll ['klɔrəfil] n.叶绿素cilia ['siliə] n. 纤毛flagella [flə'dʒelə] n. 鞭毛flagellum的复数locomotion [ləukə‘məuʃən] n.运动fungi ['fʌŋgai] (fungus的复数)n. 真菌amoeba [ə'mi:bə] n. 变形虫clam [klæm] n.蛤morphological [mɔ:fə'lɔdʒikəl] adj. 形态学的membrane ['membrein] n.薄膜nuclear membrane 核膜chromosome ['krəuməsəum] n. 染色体eucaryote [ju:'kæriəut] n. 真核细eucaryotic adj. 真核的procaryotic [prəukæri'ɔtik]adj. 原核的procaryote [prəu'kæriɔt] n. 原核生物monera [mə‘niərə]n. 原核生物nutrition [nju:'triʃən] n.营养ingest [in'dʒest] v. 摄取、吸收obligate heterotrophy专性异养obligate autotrophy专性自养seaweed ['si:wi:d] n. 海草, 海藻ingest [in'dʒest] v. 摄取、吸收obligate heterotrophy专性异养obligate autotrophy专性自养seaweed ['si:wi:d] n. 海草, 海藻ingest [in'dʒest] v. 摄取、吸收obligate heterotrophy专性异养obligate autotrophy专性自养seaweed ['si:wi:d] n. 海草, 海藻symbiosis [simbai'əusis] n.共生, 共栖symbiont ['simbaiɔnt] n. 共生体paleontologist [pæliɔn'tɔlədʒist]n. 古生物学家Precambrian [pri:'kæmbriən] n. 前寒武纪paleobiology [pæliəubai'ɔlədʒi]n. 古生物学paleobotany [peiliə'bɔtəni] n. 古植物学paleozoology [peiliəuzəu'ɔlədʒi] n. 古动物paleoecology [pæliəui:'kɔlədʒi] n. 古生态学arthropoda [ɑ:'θrɔpədə] n. 节肢动物门trilobite ['trailəbait] n.三叶虫chordata ['kɔr'detə]n. 脊索动物类fusulina n.纺锤蜓属crustacea [krʌs'teiʃiə]n. 甲壳纲动物Protozoa [prəutə'zəuə] n. 原生动物, 单细胞动物schwagerina n.希瓦格蜓属bryophyta 苔癣植物门coelenterata [si'lentəreit] n. 腔肠动物tetracoralla n.四射珊瑚目porifera [pɔ:'rifərə]n. 海绵动物anthozoa [ænθə'zəuə] n. 珊瑚虫类brachiopoda n. 腕足动物门mollusca [mɔ'lʌskə] n. 软体动物门lamellibranchia 双壳类(瓣鳃类)pentameracea五房贝parrot ['pærət] n.鹦鹉螺ammonoidea 菊石亚纲ammonoid n. 菊石graptozoa 笔石纲sporozoa [spɔ:rə'zəuə]孢子虫类reptilia [rep'tiliə]n. 爬行动物dinosaur ['dainəsɔ:] n.恐龙conodont ['kəunədɔnt] n. 牙形刺, 牙形石spongia 海绵paleobotanic 古植物学的annelida [ə'nelidə]n. 环节动物门spongia 海绵paleomagnetism [peiliəu'mægnitizəm]n. 古地磁学fumarole ['fju:mərəul] n. (火山的)喷气孔Martian ['mɑ:ʃiən] n. 火星人adj. 火星的amino acid [ə'mi:nə 'æsid] n. 氨基酸Baltic ['bɔ:ltik] adj. 波罗的海的angiosperm [ændʒiəspə:m] n. 被子植物withdrawal [wið'drɔ:əl] n.撤退ontogeny [ɔn‘tɔdʒini] n.个体发生, 个体发生学embryologic [embri'ɔlədʒik] (=bryological)胚胎学的amphibian [æm'fibiən]adj.两栖的ancestor ['ænsistə] n.祖宗, 祖先的terrestrial [ti'restriəl] adj.陆地的, 陆相的withdrawal [wið'drɔ:əl] n.撤退ontogeny [ɔn‘tɔdʒini] n.个体发生, 个体发生学embryologic [embri'ɔlədʒik](=bryological)胚胎学的areal geologic investigation n.区域地质调查terminology [tə:mi'nɔlədʒi] n.术语stratigrapher [strə'tigrəfə]n. 地层学家sedimentation [sedimən'teiʃən] n.沉积作用sedimentary column 沉积柱stratal unit n. 地层单元fold [fəʊld]n. 褶皱fault [fɔ:lt] n. 断层strata ['streitə] n. 地层名词stratum的复数形式anticline ['æntiklain] n.背斜syncline ['siŋklain] n. 向斜deformation [di:fɔ:'meiʃən] n. 变形plastically 可塑性overturn [əuvə'tə:n] v.倒转overthrust ['əuvəθrʌst]n. 逆掩uplift [‘ʌplift] n. 隆起dome [dəum] n.穹窿block [blɒk]n. 断块, 岩块normal fault 正断层reverse fault逆断层displacement [dis'pleismənt] n. 移动, 位移downdropped block n.下落断块,下降盘fault plane n. 断层面fault breccia n. 断层角砾岩slicken-side n. 擦痕面nappe [næp] n. 推覆体paleostructure n. 古构造orogenesis [ɔ:rəu'dʒenəsis]n. 造山(运动) terrain ['terein] n.地带, 地形crest plane 脊面limb of fold 褶皱翼apex of fold 褶皱顶点axial surface n.轴面vertex ['və:teks] n. 顶点, 最高点plunge crown倾伏端rising end of syncline向斜仰起端hinge zone枢纽带trough of fold褶曲槽synform ['sinfɔ:m]n.向形,向斜式构造fault effect 断层作用thrust fault 逆冲断层strike-slip fault 走滑断层foliation [fəuli'eiʃən] n. 面理cleavage ['kli:vidʒ]劈理schistosity [ʃis'tɔsiti]n. 片理gneissic schistosity 片麻理flow cleavage 流劈理fracture cleavage破劈理crenulation cleavage折劈理joint [dʒɔɪnt]n. 节理tension joint 张节理shear joint 剪节理compression joint n.挤压节理diagonal joint 斜节理cross joint n. 横节理,交错节理longitudinal joint 纵节理geosyncline [dʒi:əu'sinklain] n. 地槽geotectonic element 大地构造单元plate tectonic板块构造transform fault 转换断层suture line n.缝合带consume zone 消失带collision zone 碰撞带mid-oceanic ridge 大洋中脊faultblock断块polycycle 多旋回Tethys [‘ti:θis] 古地中海, 特提斯海nonconformity n. 不整合disconformity [diskən'fə:miti] n.平行不整合、假整合angular unconformity 角度不整合oxidation [ɔksi'deiʃən] n.氧化lateritization [lætəritai'zeiʃən]n. 红土化作用granulometric [grænjulə'metrik]adj. 颗粒的uniformitarianism [ju:nifɔ:mi'tɛəriənizəm] n.均变说stretched pebble 伸长卵石drag fold 拖曳/牵引褶皱crustal shortening地壳缩短meteoric shower 流星雨solar tide 太阳潮laterite ['lætərait] n. 红土inclination [inkli'neiʃən] n.倾向, 斜坡, 倾斜度rock slab n.光面boudinage 香肠构造hercynian [hə:'siniən]adj. 海西的n.海西fold belt 褶皱带Ouachita ['wɔʃitɔ:]沃希托山脉[美国中南部] Alleghenian orogeny 阿莱干尼造山运动Appalachian n. 阿帕拉契山脉Mauritanides 西非活动带Caledonian [kæli'dəuniən]adj. /n. 古苏格兰人Caledonian [kæli'dəuniən]adj. /n. 加里东Caledonian cycle加里东旋回Caledonian fold加里东褶皱Uralides 乌拉尔(山脉)deposit [di'pɔzit] vt.沉淀, 堆积vt.沉积n. deposition geochemistry [dʒi:əu'kemistri] n.地球化学epigenesis [epi'dʒenəsis] n.表生作用、后生作用supergene ['sju:pədʒi:n] adj. 浅成的hypogene ['hipədʒi:n] adj. 深成的diagenesis [daiə'dʒenisis] n. 成岩作用magmatism n. 岩浆作用secondary dispersion halos次生分散晕geochemical investigationn.地球化学调查/化探exogene n.外生impregnation [impreg'neiʃən] n.浸染deposit [di'pɔzit] n.矿床sulfur ['sʌlfə] n.硫化物uranium [juə'reiniəm] n. 铀ground water n. 地下水alteration [ɔ:ltə'reiʃən] n. 蚀变aqueous ['eikwiəs] adj. 水的, 水成的aeolian [i:'əuliən] adj. 风成的gravitational ['grævə'teiʃənəl] adj.重力的isotope ['aisətəup] n.同位素gemology [dʒe'mɔlədʒi] n. 宝石学crystallography [kristə'lɔgrəfi] n.结晶学, 晶体学isotope geology 同位素地质学shell rule 壳层规则polymorphism [pɔli'mɔ:fizəm] n.多形性isomorphism [aisəu'mɔ:fizəm] n. 类质同像atmophile element亲气元素siderophile element亲铁元素lithophile ['liθəʊfail]n. 亲石元素biophile elements亲生元素uraninite ['jurəninait] n. 沥青铀矿(天然氧化铀) galena [gə'li:nə] n.方铅矿bornite n. 斑铜矿sphalerite ['sfælərait] n. 闪锌矿carbonado [kɑ:bə'neidəu] n.黑金刚石iron ['aiən] n. 铁magnesium ['mæg'ni: ziəm] n. 镁nickel ['nikl] n.镍cobalt [kəu'bɔ:lt] n.钴chromium ['krəumiəm] n.铬molybdenum [mə'libdinəm] n. 钼lognormal ['lɔg'nɔ:məl] adj. 对数正态的trace element n. 痕量元素, 微量元素bedrock ['bed'rɔk] n.岩床/基岩polar ['pəulə] adj.两极的/极地lithify ['liθifai]v. 石化/岩化silicify [si'lisifai] v. 硅酸化/硅化fossil soil paleosol ['pæliəsɔl]n.古土壤outweigh v. 比...更重要clay [klei] n.黏土silt [silt] n.粉砂salt bed 盐层emanation [emə'neiʃən] n.散发物, 发出物potassium [pə'tæsiəm] n. 钾phosphorus ['fɔsfərəs] n. 磷sodium ['səudiəm] n.钠chlorine ['klɔ:ri:n] n. 氯transport [træns'pɔ:t] n.运输、搬运tin [tin] n.锡platinum ['plætinəm] n.白金, 铂swamp [swɔmp] n.沼泽tundra n. 苔原, 冻土地带taiga ['taigə] n.针叶树林地带emanation [emə'neiʃən] n.散发物, 发出物sodium ['səudiəm] n.钠chlorine ['klɔ:ri:n] n. 氯tin [tin] n.锡platinum ['plætinəm] n.白金, 铂iii。

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LESSON 6 INTRODUCTION TO IGNEOUS ENVIRONMENTS第六课火成环境的介绍1.Before discussing the methods petrologists use to study and understand igneous rocks, it is useful first to establish some basic definitions.在开始讨论岩石学家用来研究和理解火成岩的方法之前,首先建立一些基本的概念是有用的。

An igneous rock is defined as any crystalline or glassy rock that formed directly from a magma.火成岩被定义为直接从岩浆中形成的所有的结晶质或玻璃质岩石。

Magma is a high-temperature molten substance that is chemically complex and contains the molecular building blocks for minerals (the nature and properties of magma are discussed in detail in Chapter 3).岩浆是一个高温的化学性质很复杂熔融物质包含矿物的分子骨架。

(岩浆的性质将在第三章详细讨论)As it cools and crystallizes, a magma reorganizes itself into igneous minerals that individually have simpler chemistry than the parent magma. In any given igneous rock, these individual minerals (for example, quartz, feldspars, olivine) occur as either small or large crystals, both with variable perfection of crystal form.当岩浆冷凝和结晶时,岩浆重组自己形成独立的比母岩浆化学性质简单的火成矿物。


The minerals found in any igneous rock and the characteristics of these minerals depend almost entirely on three things: composition of the original magma, the rate at which it cooled; and the depth in the earth at which it solidified.这些矿物在任何火成岩中都能被发现,这些矿物的特点完全取决于三个因素:原岩的成分,冷凝的速率,固结成岩的地下深度。

The range of products is enormous, from glassy obsidians, which are volcanic rocks that cooled so rapidly that no crystals could form, to pegmatites, which can contain individual crystals a meter or more in size.火成岩的种类是很多的,从结晶太快而没有矿物形成的玻璃质黑曜岩到含有大颗粒晶体矿物的结晶花岗岩。

What is igneous petrology?什么是火成岩石学2.Igneous petrology is the field of geology in which the object of study is any igneous rock or any process involved in formation of igneous rocks.火成岩石学是一个地质学领域,它的研究对象是火成岩或者包含火成岩信息的任何过程。

The purpose of studying igneous petrology is to gain an appreciation for how the final appearance and characteristics of igneous rocks are controlled by chemical and physical properties of magmas and their surroundings.学习火成岩石学的目的在于鉴别火成岩的最终形态和特征是怎样受控于岩浆和周围物质的物理化学条件。

Much of the fascination of petrology lies in its "detective story" aspect.很多岩石学的魅力在于“寻找故事”这些方面。

Through geologic mapping and simple observations of igneous rocks collected with a hammer and viewed through a hand lens, a geologist can amass a wealth of clues to the origin of the rocks.通过地质填图和由锤子收集到的的火成岩的简单的观察和放大镜看到的,地质学家能够积累大量关于原岩的线索。

By learning how to interpret these clues, we can create a sophisticated recon-struction of geologic history.通过学习如何解释这些线索,我们可以建造一个关于地质历史的复杂再现(重建)。

Once some of the basic techniques of petrology, such as hand specimen identifi-cation and field examination of igneous rocks, have been mastered, the student moves on to petrography.一旦基础的岩石学技能例如火成岩的手标本鉴定和野外踏勘被掌握后,学生们就可以转向学习岩相学。

In fact, petrography is commonly a major component of laboratory work in a petrology course.事实上,岩相学在火成岩的课程里通常是实验课的主要组成部分。

In this subfield of petrology, the techniques of optical mineralogy are used in the microscopic examination of ultrathin,transparent slices of rocks mounted on glass slides.在这个岩石学的分支学科,光性矿物学的技能被用在盖在玻片上的超薄的薄片的显微鉴定上。

Microscopic observation of rocks opens up a truly fascinating new world of detailed information.岩石的显微观察开创了一个详细信息的真实的迷人新世界。

3.The study of igneous rocks is an important component of a geology curriculum because these rocks not only are important throughout the crust of the earth but even dominate some crustal and upper mantle environments.火成岩的学习是地质学课程中很重要的一部分,因为这些岩石不仅对地壳是重要的而且对于一些地壳和上地幔环境是占优势的。

For example, under the oceans, the thin crust is made up almost exclusively of basalt that originated in submarine volcanic and intrusive activity at mid-ocean ridges.例如,海洋下面,薄的地壳几乎仅仅是由起源于海底火山或洋中脊侵入活动的玄武质组成的。

Thick continental crust in many mountain belts is composed largely of huge intrusive bodies of granite.在许多造山带的厚大陆地壳是由巨大的花岗岩侵入体组成的。

Igneous activity has continued since the earliest days of the earth; the oldest igneous rocks known have been dated at about 4 billion years.火成活动从地球诞生第一天开始就一直持续着;我们知道的最老的火成岩定年为40亿年。

Planetary and meteoritic studies indicate that primitive basaltic rocks probably were the first rocks to form on Earth after it solidified from the solar nebula and remained the dominant rock type at the surface through the first several hundred million years of Earth history (before 4 billion years ago).行星和陨石的研究表明原始的玄武质岩石可能是地球从太阳星云中固结后形成的最早的岩石,并且开始的几亿年一直在地表保持这种岩石类型的优势。

Radiometric dating of the oldest granitic rocks suggests that these less primitive igneous rocks, as well as sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, appeared by about 4 billion years ago.古老花岗岩的放射性测年表示这些较早的火成岩还有沉积岩和变质岩在40亿年前才开始出现。
