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中图分类号:R 917 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0254-1793(2017)01-0037-06 doi:10.16155/j.0254-1793.2017.01.05
Simultaneous determination of 7 active constituents in Shenkang injection by UPLC-MS/MS*
* 2015 年政府资助省级临床医学优秀人才项目 ** 通信作者 Tel: (0311)85988604;E-mail:zhixuran@
第一作者 Tel:15613108850;E-mail:zhixuran@

Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis
mode.Results:Within 5 min,the seven compounds of Shenkang injection(danshensu,hydroxysafflor yellow A, calycosin-7-O-β-D-glucoside,astragaloside Ⅳ,rhein,tanshinone ⅡA,emodin)were completely separated. The regression equations showed linear relationships between the peak area and content of each compound.The correlation coefficient(r)was above 0.998 9.The precision,repeatability,and stability of the method were good for all the seven components.The average recovery ranged from 96.24% to 101.2%.The contents of danshensu, hydroxysafflor yellow A,calycosin-7-O-β-D-glucoside,astragaloside Ⅳ,rhein,tanshinone ⅡA,and emodin in 5 samples were 12.46-16.70,8.104-10.97,0.092 6-0.115 3,23.19-29.91,9.869-11.22,1.984-2.736 and 0.324 00.372 3 μg·mL-1,respectively.Conclusion:The established method can be used for the quantitative determination of 7 compounds in Shenkang injection.Among these constituents,danshensu,hydroxysafflor yellow A,calycosin-7-O-β-D-glucoside,astragaloside Ⅳ,tanshinone ⅡA are quantified in the Shenmai injection for the first time. Keywords:Shenkang injection;Rhei Radix et Rhizoma;Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma;Astragali Radix;Carthami Flos;danshensu;hydroxysafflor yellow A;calycosin-7-O-β-D-glucoside;astragaloside Ⅳ;rhein; tanshinone ⅡA;emodin;UPLC-MS/MS
药 物 分 析 杂 志 Chin J Pharm Anal 2017,37(1)
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UPLC-MS/MS 法同时测定肾康注射液中 7 个有效成分 *
支旭然,刘洪涛,吴茵,白万军,董占军 **
(河北省人民医院药学部,石家庄 050000)
摘要 目的:建立一种 UPLC-MS/MS 法同时测定肾康注射液中 7 种成分(丹参素、羟基红花黄色素 A、 毛蕊异黄酮、黄芪甲苷、大黄酸、丹参酮ⅡA、大黄素)的含量。方法:采用 Phenomenex Kinetex XB-C18 色 谱柱(2.1 mm×50 mm,2.6 μm),以甲醇(A)-0.05% 甲酸水(B)溶液为流动相进行梯度洗脱(0~3 min, 8%A → 65%A;3~5 min,65%A → 85%A),流速 0.3 mL·min-1,柱温为 30 ℃,进样量 20 μL;采用电喷雾离 子源进行负离子模式监测,多反应监测模式(MRM)用于定量分析。结果:在 5 min 内,肾康注射液的 7 种 成分(丹参素、羟基红花黄色素 A、毛蕊异黄酮、黄芪甲苷、大黄酸、丹参酮ⅡA、大黄素)被完全分离,峰面积 与浓度有良好的线性关系,相关系数(r)均不小于 0.998 9。实验精密度、重复性和稳定性良好;平均加样 回收率为 96.24%~101.2%。5 批样品中丹参素、羟基红花黄色素 A、毛蕊异黄酮、黄芪甲苷、大黄酸、丹参酮 ⅡA 和大黄素的含量测定结果分别为 12.46~16.70、8.104~10.97、0.092 6~0.115 3、23.19~29.91、9.869~11.22、 1.984~2.736 和 0.324 0~0.372 3 μg·mL-1 。结论:经方法学验证,本方法可用于肾康注射液中丹参素、羟基 红花黄色素 A、毛蕊异黄酮、黄芪甲苷、大黄酸、丹参酮ⅡA、大黄素的定量测定。除大黄酸和大黄素外,其他 5 种成分均为肾康注射液中首次测定。 关键词:肾康注射液;大黄;丹参;黄芪;红花;丹参素;羟基红花黄色素 A;毛蕊异黄酮;黄芪甲苷;大黄酸; 丹参酮ⅡA;大黄素;超高效液相色谱 - 质谱联用
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药 物 分 析 杂 志 Chin J Pharm Anal 2017,37(1)
the column temperature was maintained at 30 ℃,and the injection volume was 20 μL.Multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM)scanning was employed for quantification with switching electrospray ion source polarity in negative
ZHI Xu-ran,LIU Hong-tao,WU Yin,BAI Wan-jun,DONG Zhan-jun**
(Department of Pharmacy,Hebei General Hospital,Shijiazhuang 050000,China)
பைடு நூலகம்
Abstract Objective:To develop a method for the simultaneous determination of the danshensu,hydroxysafflor yellow A,calycosin-7-O-β-D-glucoside,astragaloside Ⅳ,rhein,tanshinone ⅡA,and emodin in Shenkang injection by UPLC-MS/MS.Methods:The samples were separated on a Phenomenex Kinetex XB-C18 column (2.1 mm×50 mm,2.6 μm).The mobile phase was composed of methanol(A)and 0.05% aqueous formic acid(B) with gradient elution(0-3 min,8%A → 65%A;3-5 min,65%A → 85%A).The flow rate was 0.3 mL·min-1,