Musical Features

音乐艺术单词(带音标)音乐艺术单词完整版(带音标)一、乐器(Musical Instruments)* 钢琴(piano)[pɪˈænoʊ]* 小提琴(violin)[ˌvaɪəˈlɪn]* 吉他(guitar)[ɡɪˈtɑr]* 鼓(drums)[drʌmz]* 大提琴(cello)[ˈtʃɛloʊ]* 萨克斯管(saxophone)[ˈsæksəfoʊn]* 口琴(harmonica)[hɑrˈmɑnɪkə]* 尺八(shakuhachi)[ˌʃɑkəˈhɑtʃi]二、音乐风格(Music Genres)* 古典音乐(classical music)[klæsɪkəl ˈmjuzɪk] * 摇滚音乐(rock music)[rɑk ˈmjuzɪk]* 流行音乐(pop music)[pɑp ˈmjuzɪk]* 嘻哈音乐(hip-hop music)[ˈhɪphɑp ˈmjuzɪk] * 爵士乐(jazz)[dʒæz]三、音符(Musical Notes)* 钢琴键(piano key)[ˈpɪænoʊ ki]* 三连音符(triplet)[ˈtrɪplət]* 十六分音符(sixteenth note)[ˌsɪksˈtinθ noʊt] * 八分音符(eighth note)[ˈeɪtθ noʊt]* 四分音符(quarter note)[ˈkwɔrθ noʊt]* 二分音符(half note)[hɑf noʊt]* 全音符(whole note)[hoʊl noʊt]四、音调(Pitch)* 高音(high pitch)[haɪ pɪtʃ]* 低音(low pitch)[loʊ pɪtʃ]* 中音(middle pitch)[ˈmɪdl pɪtʃ]* 升高半音(sharp)[ʃɑrp]* 降低半音(flat)[flæt]五、音乐术语(Music Terminology)* 节奏(rhythm)[ˈrɪðəm]* 表情(expression)[ɪkˈsprɛʃən]* 和弦(chord)[kɔrd]* 旋律(melody)[ˈmɛlədi]* 调式(key)[ki]以上是一份包含音标的完整版音乐艺术单词。

EV ALUATION OF MUSICAL FEATURES FOR EMOTIONCLASSIFICATIONYading Song,Simon Dixon,Marcus PearceCentre for Digital Music,Queen Mary University of London{,simon.dixon,marcus.pearce}@ABSTRACTBecause music conveys and evokes feelings,a wealth of research has been performed on music emotion recogni-tion.Previous research has shown that musical mood is linked to features based on rhythm,timbre,spectrum and lyrics.For example,sad music correlates with slow tempo, while happy music is generally faster.However,only lim-ited success has been obtained in learning automatic classi-fiers of emotion in music.In this paper,we collect a ground truth data set of2904songs that have been tagged with one of the four words“happy”,“sad”,“angry”and“relaxed”, on the Last.FM web site.An excerpt of the audio is then retrieved ,and various sets of audio fea-tures are extracted using standard algorithms.Two clas-sifiers are trained using support vector machines with the polynomial and radial basis function kernels,and these are tested with10-fold cross validation.Our results show that spectral features outperform those based on rhythm,dy-namics,and,to a lesser extent,harmony.We alsofind that the polynomial kernel gives better results than the radial basis function,and that the fusion of different feature sets does not always lead to improved classification.1.INTRODUCTIONIn the past ten years,music emotion recognition has at-tracted increasing attention in thefield of music informa-tion retrieval(MIR)[16].Music not only conveys emotion, but can also modulate a listener’s mood[8].People report that their primary motivation for listening to music is its emotional effect[19]and the emotional component of mu-sic has been recognised as most strongly associated with music expressivity[15].Recommender systems for managing a large personal music collections typically use collaborativefiltering[28] (historical ratings)and metadata-and content-basedfilter-ing[3](artist,genre,acoustic features similarity).Emo-tion can be easily incorporated into such systems to sub-jectively organise and search for music.Musicovery1, 1/Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.c 2012International Society for Music Information Retrieval.for example,has successfully used a dimensional model of emotion within its recommendation system.Although music emotion has been widely studied in psy-chology,signal processing,neuroscience,musicology and machine learning,our understanding is still at an early stage. There are three common issues:1.collection of ground truth data;2.choice of emotion model;3.relationships between emotion and individual acoustic features[13].Since2007,the annual Music Information Retrieval Eval-uation eXchange(MIREX)2has organised an evaluation campaign for MIR algorithms to facilitatefinding solu-tions to the problems of audio music classification.In previous studies,significant research has been carried out on emotion recognition including regressor training:us-ing multiple linear regression[6]and Support Vector Ma-chines(SVM)[23,37],feature selection[35,36],the use of lyrics[13]and advanced research including mood classifi-cation on television theme tunes[30],analysis with elec-troencephalogram(EEG)[18],music expression[32]and the relationship with genre and artist[12].Other relevant work on classification suggests that feature generation can outperform approaches based on standard features in some contexts[33].In this paper,we aim to better explain and explore the relationship between musical features and emotion.We examine the following parameters:first,we compare four perceptual dimensions of musical features:dynamics,spec-trum,rhythm,and harmony;second,we evaluate an SVM associated with two kernels:polynomial and radial basis functions;third,for each feature we compare the mean and standard deviation feature value.The results are trained and tested using semantic data retrieved from last.fm3and audio data from7digital4.This paper is structured as follows.In section2,three psychological models are discussed.Section3explains the dataset collection we use in training and testing.The pro-cedure is described in section4,which includes data pre-processing(see section4.1),feature extraction(see section 4.2)and classification(see section4.3).Section5explains four experiments.Finally,section6concludes the paper and presents directions for future work.2/mirex/wiki/MIREX EMOTION MODELS One of the difficulties in representing emotion is to distin-guish music-induced emotion from perceived emotion be-cause the two are not always aligned[5].Different psycho-logical models of emotion have been compared in a study of perceived emotion[7].Most music related studies are based on two popular approaches:categorical[10]and dimensional[34]mod-els of emotion.The categorical approach describes emo-tions with a limited number of innate and universal cate-gories such as happiness,sadness,anger and fear.The di-mensional model considers all affective terms arising from independent neurophysiological systems:valence(nega-tive to positive)and arousal(calm to exciting).Recently a more sophisticated model of music-induced emotion-the Geneva Emotion Music Scale(GEMS)model-consisting of9dimensions,has been proposed[42].Our results and analysis are based on the categorical model since we make our data collection through human-annotated social tags which are categorical in nature.3.GROUND-TRUTH DATA COLLECTIONAs discussed above,due to the lack of ground truth data, most researchers compile their own databases[41].Man-ual annotation is one of the most common ways to do this. However,it is expensive in terms offinancial cost and hu-man labour.Moreover,terms used may differ between in-dividuals.Different emotions may be described using the same term by different people which would result in poor prediction[38].However,with the emergence of music discovery and recommendation websites such as which support social tags for music,we can access rich human-annotated pared with the tradi-tional approach of web mining which gives noisy results, social tagging provides highly relevant information for mu-sic information retrieval(MIR)and has become an im-portant source of human-generated contextual knowledge [11].Levy[24]has also shown that social tags give a high quality source of ground truth data and can be effective in capturing music similarity[40].Thefive mood clusters proposed by MIREX[14](such as rollicking,literate,and poignant)are not popular in so-cial tags.Therefore,we use four basic emotion classes: happy,angry,sad and relaxed,considering these four emo-tions are widely accepted across different cultures and cover the four quadrants of the2-dimensional model of emo-tion[22].These four basic emotions are used as seeds to retrieve the top30tags from then obtain a list of songs labelled with the retrieved tags.Table1and table 2show an example of the retrieved results.Given the retrieved titles and the names of the singers, we use a public API to get previewfiles.The results cover different types of pop music,meaning that we avoid partic-ular artist and genre effects[17].Since the purpose of this step is tofind ground truth data,issues such as cold start, noise,hacking,and bias are not relevant[4,20].Most datasets on music emotion recognition are quiteHappy Angry Sad Relaxhappy angry sad relax happy hardcore angry music sad songs relax trance makes me happy angry metal happysad relax music happy music angry pop music sad song jazz relax happysad angry rock sad&beautiful only relax Table1.Top5tags returned by last.fmSinger TitleNoah And The Whale5Years TimeJason Mraz I’m YoursRusted Root Send Me On My WayRoyksopp Happy Up HereKaren O and the Kids All Is LoveTable2.Top songs returned with tags from the“happy”category.small(less than1000items),which indicates that2904 songs(see table3)for four emotions retrieved by social tags is a good size for the current experiments.The dataset will be made available5,to encourage other researchers to reproduce the results for research and evaluation.Emotion Number of SongsHappy753Angry639Sad763Relaxed749Overall2904Table3.Summary of ground truth data collection4.PROCEDURESThe experimental procedure consists of four stages:data collection,data preprocessing,feature extraction,and clas-sification,as shown infigure1.4.1Data PreprocessingAs shown in Table1,there is some noise in the data such as confusing tags and repeated songs.We manually remove data with the tag happysad which existed in both the happy and sad classes and delete the repeated songs,to make sure every song will only exist once in a single class.Moreover, we convert our dataset to standard wav format(22,050Hz sampling rate,16bit precision and mono channel).The song excerpts are either30seconds or60seconds,rep-resenting the most salient part of the song[27],therefore there is no need to truncate.At the end,we normalise the excerpts by dividing by the highest amplitude to mitigate the production effect of different recording levels.4.2Feature ExtractionAs suggested in the work of Saari and Eerola[35],two dif-ferent types of feature(mean and standard deviation)with 5The dataset can be found at https:///projects-/emotion-recognitionFigure1.Procedurea total of55features were extracted using the MIR tool-box6[21](shown in table4).The features are categorized into the following four perceptual dimensions of music lis-tening:dynamics,rhythm,spectral,and harmony.4.3ClassificationThe majority of music classification tasks[9](genre clas-sification[25,39],artist identification[29],and instrument recognition[31])have used k-nearest neighbour(K-NN) [26]and support vector machines(SVM)[2].In the case of audio input features,the SVM has been shown to per-form best[1].In this paper,therefore,we choose support vector ma-chines as our classifier,using the implementation of the se-quential minimal optimisation algorithm in the Weka data mining toolkit7.SVMs are trained using polynomial and radial basis function(RBF)kernels.We set the cost factor C=1.0,and leave other parameters unchanged.An in-ternal10-fold cross validation is applied.To better under-stand and compare features in four perceptual dimensions, our experiments are divided into four tasks.Experiment1:we compare the performance of the two kernels(polynomial and RBF)using various features.Experiment2:four classes(perceptual dimensions)of features are tested separately,and we compare the results tofind a dominant class.Experiment3:two types of feature descriptor,mean and standard deviation,are calculated.The purpose is to com-pare values for further feature selection and dimensionality reduction.6Version1.3.3: 7/ml/weka/Dimen.No.Features Acronyms Dynamics1-2RMS energy RMSm,RMSstd 3-4Slope Ss,Sstd5-6Attack As,Astd7Low energy LEm Rhythm1-2Tempo Ts,Tstd3-4Fluctuation peak(pos,mag)FPm,FMm5Fluctuation centroid FCm Spec.1-2Spectrum centroid SCm,SCstd3-4Brightness BRm,BRstd5-6Spread SPm,SPstd7-8Skewness SKm,SKstd9-10Kurtosis Km,Kstd11-12Rolloff95R95s,R95std13-14Rolloff85R85s,R85std15-16Spectral Entrophy SEm,SEstd17-18Flatness Fm,Fstd19-20Roughness Rm,Rstd21-22Irregularity IRm.IRstd23-24Zero crossing rate ZCRm,ZCRstd25-26Spectralflux SPm,SPstd27-28MFCC MFm,MFstd29-30DMFCC DMFm,DMFstd31-32DDMFCC DDm,DDstd Harmony1-2Chromagram peak CPm,CPstd3-4Chromagram centroid CCm,CCstd5-6Key clarity KCm,KCstd7-8Key mode KMm,KMstd9-10HCDF Hm,Hstd Table4.The feature set used in this work;m=mean,std =standard deviation.Experiment4:different combinations of feature classes (e.g.,spectral with dynamics)are evaluated in order to de-termine the best-performing model.5.RESULTS5.1Experiment1In experiment1,SVMs trained with two different kernels are compared.Previous studies[23]have found in the case of audio input that the SVM performs better than other classifiers(Logistic Regression,Random Forest,GMM, K-NN and Decision Trees).To our knowledge,no work has been reported explicitly comparing different kernels for SVMs.In emotion recognition,the radial basis func-tion kernel is a common choice because of its robustness and accuracy in other similar recognition tasks[1].Polynomial RBFFeature Class Accuracy Time Accuracy Time No.Dynamics37.20.4426.332.57Rhythm37.50.4434.523.25Harmony47.50.4136.627.410Spectral51.90.4048.114.332 Table5.Experiment1results:time=model building time, No.=number of features in each classThe results in table5show however that regardless of the features used,the polynomial kernel always achieved the higher accuracy.Moreover,the model construction times for each kernel are dramatically different.The av-erage construction time for the polynomial kernel is0.4 seconds,while the average time for the RBF kernel is24.2seconds,around60times more than the polynomial ker-nel.The following experiments also show similar results. This shows that polynomial kernel outperforms RBF in the task of emotion recognition at least for the parameter val-ues used here.5.2Experiment2In experiment2,we compare the emotion prediction re-sults for the following perceptual dimensions:dynamics, rhythm,harmony,and spectral.Results are shown infig-ure2).Dynamics and rhythm features yield similar re-sults,with harmony features providing better results,but the spectral class with32features achieves the highest ac-curacy of51.9%.This experiment provides a baseline model, and further exploration of multiple dimensions is performed in experiment4.parison of classification results for the four classes of features.5.3Experiment3In this experiment,we evaluate different types of feature descriptors,mean value and standard deviation for each feature across all feature classes,for predicting the emotion in music.The results in table6show that the use of both mean and standard deviation values gives the best results in each case.However,the processing time increased,so choosing the optimal descriptor for each feature is highly desirable.For example,choosing only the mean value in the harmony class,we lose2%of accuracy but increase the speed while the choice of standard deviation results in around10%accuracy loss.As the number of features in-creases,the difference between using mean and standard deviation will be reduced.However,more experiments are needed to explain why the mean in harmony and spectral features,and standard deviation values of dynamics and rhythm features have higher accuracy scores.5.4Experiment4In order to choose the best model,thefinal experiment fuses different perceptual features.As presented in table7, optimal accuracy is not produced by the combination of all features.Instead,the use of spectral,rhythm and harmony (but not dynamic)features produces the highest accuracy.Features Class Polynomial No.featuresDynamics all37.27Dynamics mean29.73Dynamics std33.83Rhythm all37.55Rhythm mean28.71Rhythm std34.21Harmony all47.510Harmony mean45.35Harmony std38.35Spectral all51.932Spectral mean49.616Spectral std47.516Spec+Dyn all52.339Spec+Dyn mean50.519Spec+Dyn std48.719Spec+Rhy all52.337Spec+Rhy mean49.817Spec+Rhy std47.817Spec+Har all53.342Spec+Har mean51.321Spec+Har std50.321Har+Rhy all49.115Har+Rhy mean45.66Har+Rhy std41.26Har+Dyn all48.817Har+Dyn mean46.98Har+Dyn std42.48Rhy+Dyn all41.712Rhy+Dyn mean32.04Rhy+Dyn std38.84parison of mean and standard deviation(std) features.Features Accuracy No.featuresSpec+Dyn52.339Spec+Rhy52.337Spec+Har53.342Har+Rhy49.115Har+Dyn48.817Rhy+Dyn41.712Spec+Dyn+Rhy52.444Spec+Dyn+Har53.849Spec+Rhy+Har54.047Dyn+Rhy+Har49.722All Features53.654Table7.Classification results for combinations of feature sets.6.CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKIn this paper,we collected ground truth data on the emo-tion associated with2904pop songs from tags.Au-dio features were extracted and grouped into four percep-tual dimensions for training and validation.Four experi-ments were conducted to predict emotion labels.The re-sults suggest that,instead of the conventional approach us-ing SVMs trained with a RBF kernel,a polynomial ker-nel yields higher accuracy.Since no single dominant fea-tures have been found in emotion recognition,we explored the performance of different perceptual classes of feature for predicting emotion in music.Experiment3found that dimensionality reduction can be achieved through remov-ing either mean or standard deviation values,halving the number of features used,with,in some cases,only2%ac-curacy loss.The last experiment found that inclusion of dynamics features with the other classes actually impairedthe performance of the classifier while the combination of spectral,rhythmic and harmonic features yielded optimal performance.In future work,we will expand this research both in depth and breadth,tofind features and classes of features which best represent emotion in music.We will examine higher-level dimensions such as temporal evolution fea-tures,as well as investigating the use of auditory ing the datasets retrieved from,we will compare the practicability of social tags with other human-annotated datasets in emotion recognition.Through these studies of subjective emotion,we will develop methods for incorporating other empirical psychological data in a sub-jective music recommender system.7.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe acknowledge the support of the Queen Mary University of London Postgraduate Research Fund(QMPGRF)and the China Scholarship Council.We would like to thank the reviewers and Emmanouil Benetos for their advice and comments.8.REFERENCES[1]K.Bischoff,C.S.Firan,R.Paiu,W.Nejdl,urier,and M.Sordo.Music Mood and Theme Classification -A Hybrid Approach.In10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference,number Is-mir,pages657–662,2009.[2]E.Boser,N.Vapnik,and I.M.Guyon.Training Algo-rithm Margin for Optimal Classifiers.In ACM Confer-ence on Computational Learning 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2020版高考英语新设计一轮复习人教全国版讲义:必修2 Unit 5 Music 含答案

(一)课前自主学习Ⅰ.阅读单词——————知其意1.classical adj.古典的;古典文艺的2.roll v t.&v i. 滚动;(使)摇摆n. 摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈3.fame n. 名声;名望4.instrument n. 工具;器械;乐器 n. 酒馆;酒吧 n. 工作室;演播室7.millionaire n. 百万富翁;富豪8.reunite v t. 再统一;再联合;重聚9.folk adj. 民间的10.jazz n. 爵士音乐Ⅱ.重点单词——————写其形1.musician n.[纵联1]音乐家2.pretend v t. 假装;假扮3.attach v t.&v i. 系上;缚上;附加;连接4.form v t. (使)组成;形成;构成5.passer-by n.[纵联2]过路人;行人6.earn v t. 赚;挣得;获得7.extra adj. 额外的;外加的 n. 男演员;行动者9.rely v i. 依赖;依靠10.broadcast n.& v i.&v t. 广播;播放11.familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的12.addition n. 加;增加;加法13.afterwards ad v. 然后;后来14.sensitive adj. 敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的 n.[纵联3]现金16.dip v t. 浸;蘸Ⅲ.拓展单词——————通其变1.invitation n.邀请;招待→invite v t.邀请2.perform v t.&v i.表演;履行;执行→performance n.表演;演奏→performer n.表演者;执行者[纵联4] 3.humorous adj.幽默的;诙谐的→humor n.幽默4.attractive adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的→attract v t.吸引;引起→attraction n.吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物5.confident adj.自信的;确信的→confidence n.自信;信任;信心6.brief adj.简短的;简要的n.摘要;大纲→briefly ad v.简要地;短暂地7.devotion n.投入;热爱;奉献→devote v t.致力于;奉献→devoted adj.献身的;忠诚的8.painful adj.痛苦的;疼痛的→pain n.疼痛纵联1.“后缀-ian家人”大聚会①musician音乐家②physician内科医生③electrician电工④comedian喜剧演员⑤magician魔术师⑥technician技术员⑦politician政治家纵联2.“结伴”而行①passer-by过路人;行人②steamboat汽船③armchair扶手椅④sandstorm沙尘暴⑤teamwork协作⑥airport飞机场纵联3.多种“付款”方式任你选①cash现金②check/cheque支票③bill钞票④change零钱⑤balance余额⑥budget预算纵联4.“音乐”演唱会①perform v t.& v i. 演出;表演②performance n. 演出;表演③classical adj. 古典的④compose v t.&v i. 作曲;创作⑤composer n. 创作者⑥conduct v t. 指挥⑦album n. 专辑单元话题——音乐子话题1乐器与音乐类型①drum n.鼓②guitar n.吉他;六弦琴③hip-hop嘻哈音乐④symphony n.交响乐⑤musical adj. 音乐的;爱好音乐的⑥classic/popular/folk music 经典/流行/民间音乐子话题2人员与创作演出①band n. 乐队②conductor n. (乐队等的)指挥③pianist n. 钢琴家④choir n. 合唱团,教堂的唱诗班⑤chorus n. 合唱曲;歌咏队⑥violinist n. 小提琴家;小提琴手⑦album n. 音乐专辑;歌曲专辑⑧concert n. 音乐会;演奏会⑨live adj. 实况的;现场(直播)的⑩compose a song/music 创作歌曲/音乐[学考对接·活学活用]高考采撷(一)阅读中的词汇应用1.(2013·全国卷Ⅱ阅读B) In 1947 a group of famous people from the art world headed by an Austrian conductor decided to hold an international festival of music❶,dance and theatre in Edinburgh.The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War.It quickly ❷famous names such as Alec Guinness,Richard Burton, Dame Margot Fonteyn and Marlene Dietrich as well as the big symphony orchestras (交响乐团).It became a fixed event every August and now attracts 400,000 people yearly.①写出加黑词在本单元的同根名词:_musician;此处教你一招,face the music意为“接受惩罚/批评”②选词填空:__B__A.attacked B.attracted C.attached2.(2018·全国卷Ⅲ阅读C)While famous foreign architects are invited❶to lead the designs of landmark buildings in China such as the new CCTV tower and the National Center for the❷(perform) Arts, many excellent Chinese architects are making great efforts to take the center stage.①写出invite在本单元中的同根名词形式:invitation;帮你拓展一下,inviting作为形容词时意为“诱人的”②用perform的适当形式填空:Performing高考采撷(二)写作中的词汇应用(根据汉语及提示词翻译句子)1.(2017·北京高考书面表达)泰山位于山东省,长期以来一直是旅游胜地,许多中国传奇(legendary)故事都与之有关。

1. 音乐类词汇1.1 乐器(Musical Instruments)乐器是音乐创作和演奏的重要工具,常见的乐器包括:- Guitar(吉他)- Piano(钢琴)- Violin(小提琴)- Trumpet(小号)- Flute(长笛)- Drum(鼓)1.2 音乐风格(Music Styles)不同的音乐风格代表了不同的音乐文化和风格特点,常见的音乐风格包括:- Classical Music(古典音乐)- Pop Music(流行音乐)- Rock Music(摇滚音乐)- Jazz(爵士乐)- Hip-hop(嘻哈音乐)- R&B(节奏布鲁斯音乐)1.3 音乐术语(Musical Terms)音乐术语用于描述音乐的结构、节奏等特点,常见的音乐术语有:- Melody(旋律)- Harmony(和声)- Rhythm(节奏)- Tempo(速度)- Chord(和弦)- Key(调式)2. 艺术类词汇2.1 绘画(Painting)绘画是一种通过使用颜料、墨水等在纸上或其他媒介上表现形象的艺术形式。
以下是一些与绘画相关的词汇:- Canvas(画布)- Brush(画笔)- Palette(调色板)- Portrait(肖像画)- Landscape(风景画)- Still Life(静物画)2.2 雕塑(Sculpture)雕塑是一种通过刻削、砍凿等手法塑造材料而创作出的艺术形式。
以下是一些与雕塑相关的词汇:- Statue(雕像)- Sculptor(雕塑家)- Clay(黏土)- Marble(大理石)- Bronze(青铜)- Carving(雕刻)2.3 设计(Design)设计是一门创造和组织美的艺术,涉及多个领域,包括服装设计、室内设计、平面设计等。

Classic Music
Mid 18th century to early 19th century
Clear musical form, simple harmony, moderate emotional
Introduction to Music Types
目 录
• Classic Music • Jazz • Rock • Pop
01 Classic Music
Baroque Music
Period: 17th to mid-18th century
Features: Using Baroque instruments such as the harpsichord and organ, with rigorous musical forms, developed counterpoint techniques, and restrained emotional expression.
Bebop is a style of jazz music that emerged in the 1940s, known for its fast tempo, complex harmony, and virtual playing
Bebop musicians often played at a multiple fast tempo than traditional jazz, with more enriched memories and harmonies
Swing is a style of jazz music that originated in the 1930s, characterized by a strong rhythmic feel and a prospective swing feel

试述民间音乐的特征(The characteristics of the folk music)The characteristics of the folk musicAbstract: folk music has a long history, broad and profound, distinctive style, popular. In this paper, the creation and heritage of folk music, regionality, simplicity, improvisation, artistic style, heritage aspects of ancient culture are discussed, in order to put forward the problem from a new angle, and expound the personal point of view.Key words: broad and profound folk music featuresFolk music is part of folk culture, is an important aspect of traditional culture. Throughout history, human beings have created working tools but also create art. With the development of the class society, the development of human art parallel to the Department of two. One is the creation of the working people of folk art, this is the continuation of the development of human origin of art; the other is occupation artists and music colleges of art, which is derived from the former. The former is to start from the history and culture of the art of group which is the occupation of artistic creation of individual art. Folk music throughout the lives of the people of basic necessities, and the people's production and life in all areas of spirit. It can be said that folk music is a combination of practical value and aesthetic value, and not just to create a festive atmosphere contrast, weddings and funerals "luxury furnishings". It can beautify the environment, but also the sustenance of the people yearning and pursuit of a better life.Folk music has a broad social base. The history of our country,many women can casually sing a few words "embroider pouch" "flower baskets" "Lullaby"; handling and handling of the people and giving a labor chant; whether the citizen or traders, students have a few minor fashion etc.. So far, China has many nationalities also spread this custom: "when the children grow up to a certain age, we must learn to sing sing to the elderly, it is considered to be a very shameful thing. In some areas, some national past even if good at singing as one of the conditions to choose a spouse. Many people usually have the habit of not only in singing, but also his singing festival. Such as the Zhuang 'Song Hui, Miao, Dong' tour '' sister sat ',' Mongolian Oboo ',' flowers', Hui Yao "," exile 'Molao off slope. ". During the session, the young men and women from all sides together, singing crooning, indulge in expression of the love between them and the yearning for happiness." This, we believe that the folk songs are the crystallization of the collective wisdom of the working people, is the most intimate companion and spiritual sustenance of people's working lives.Chinese folk music, as the the Yellow River River, although through thousands of years, although along and into many streams, but always keep the national spirit and personality. As the German scholar Ernst Cahill said in the "theory": "folk culture has its own life, has some kind of immortality, because they are still in existence after the end of a short life." This paper put forward the following characteristics of folk music are discussed.A collective creation process and the transmission process of oralAs has been said before the development of human art parallel to the Department of two. However, in the process of creation and they are not all the same."In the literary history of modern professional composers creation or creation, in general, the creative process is the composer alone. But the folk music is different, its creation is individual and collective together, and even individual creation is completely overwhelmed by the collective. Some of them are improvised many people in collective occasions. So many people together to carry wood, in order to unify the pace of coordinated action, which has a leading singing voice of labor, and the rest should be followed, so a call by forming a circular shoulder wood chant, it embodies in all the labor carrying wooden music creation." The work songs, folk songs, minor too, no matter what kind of categories in the folk music in the masses contains the crystallization of collective wisdom.It should be said that the creative process of folk music and its spread process is very close. The creative process is the process of the spread, spread process is the process of creation. In the past because of working people really can not receive the education, therefore, it is difficult to pass the written form of inheritance. Even after having written records, still maintained the characteristics of oral. On the other hand, folk music has attached importance to harmony, promote both spirit and form of artistic conception, outstanding aesthetic features, inheriting the written way, it is difficult to express the deep connotation of folk music, Bo, big, and oral form is flexible and convenient, vivid becomes one of the mostimportant methods since the common folk transmission of music.Two, regional art stylePeople always live in certain geographic environment in the one side of the water, one family has one party culture. The physical and social life style, there are significant regional differences, people's cultural activities and other activities, are bound to their natural and humanistic environment are inextricably related. China has a vast territory, the largest in the geographical division of the South and the north. The topography of different climate, different products, different customs, many people's way of life and spiritual temperament is different, so people in daily life have been accustomed to the China culture divided into North and south two class. Although this division may not be completely consistent with the geographical boundaries, but from ancient scholars discussed and people generally feel the phenomenon, this division is in line with the objective reality.From ancient to modern times, Chinese indeed there are many cultural differences between the north and south. In the simplest terms, clothing, food, North Nansi cotton; North Nanmi; live, South North line, Kang bed; North South boat car. As for the ", then we talking in different dialects" from the music category closer. Through these lists, to show the geographical and cultural differences, not only can the concept of interpretation, it is actually infiltration in concrete and delicate life, will not only affect the time of our life, more bit by bit to create a different temperament and interest. The temperament and interest, is the source of folk music, whereregional folk music art style. So, we can see at all times and in all countries in the works of art, or feel some differences because of the different culture and the south.The ancients had music, the so-called "eight party" wind, Kyushu customs; departure points back, nothing can be communicated; don't sound different gas, music festival is not Qi "(see Ruan Ji" on music "), and" Qin sound, Chu Wu Xi, Cai Ou ":" the main North Jin Qiexiongli, South Main Qingqiao far north and soft words, tone to promote, promote meet at the bar; less and moderate South words, see eye gently. The word of the situation less sound and emotion, the South Sound and feeling less and love more than words. North South gas gas should be thick, easy to weak." (see Ming Wang Jide with "music law" volume) to the northwest folk "red elder brother came back" and the Jiangsu folk song "Jasmine" to make a comparison, "the elder brother came back" the melody of high pitched, with four intervals for the northwest and jumped into the characteristics of people's lives in special geographical environment they call for more, "the hills across the plateau singing or, so accustomed to using straightforward language and high pitched tones. Picturesque scenery and charming scenery of Jiangnan, language and music to a much softer, such as Jiangsu dialect is also known as the "whisper". Has the charm of the Jiangnan soft cavity "Jasmine", fully embodies the "Wu Yin" euphemism. In addition to folk songs, in folk music, rap music, almost all opera operas are dubbed the name of the region, such as talking and singing music in Suzhou Tanci, Sichuan voiceless, Shandong Qinshu; Shanxi Bangzi opera, Hebei opera, opera and so on. In these highly local characteristics of folk music, pay attention to pronunciation, authentic. It not only by the love of thelocal people, but also for other areas of the masses accepted. What is popular is that the rich local characteristics of things.Three, the simplicity of folk music and improvisationFolk music is the art of working people, it reflects the aspirations of the masses, desire and aesthetic taste. The country folk music although there are great differences in the art form and style, but this point is simple in common. It is not vanity of learning, no airs. Because the life of the poor, the political status is low, they can only use cheap materials used for the manufacture of daily necessities, including music, art. In the hard and heavy work, rely on their own wisdom and to beautify their environment and life, with their own music form to express the passions, longing for happiness and longing for the future. Folk music is simple and pure.In Chinese folk music singing and playing and even the process of inheritance, there is such a prominent phenomenon is improvisation. Improvisation is refers to the hereditary inheritance, different time and different places, singing and music, made folk music as the blueprint of runqiang run word, later the abortive disease inspired style adjusted according to individual needs. As in the ensemble of Jiangnan Sizhu in fixed music is only the basic framework, and between the performer familiar line of mutual understanding, so that they do not rigidly adhere to the music score notes, but the moment xinyousuogan, which has made wonderful play a spectrum. So that students did the audience applaud and praise. Such folk music and singing and music are still widely used form of inheritance.Four, the accumulation of ancient cultureThe ancient cultural heritage in folk music is extremely broad academic field. In recent years, people gradually recognized, the research work is also being expanded gradually.1. ancient musical instruments. In the records and unearthed cultural relics in the existing literature, about the ancient musical instruments, is more influential, and stone drum soil pottery Xun etc.. Such as the pre Qin classics "Shang Shu Yi Ji" in the mind of "stone to stone, is in peaceful times", said the ancients a stone, disguised as the beast and the song and Dance Festival scene. In recent years, Shanxi has been unearthed in Xia County the earliest "stone", by hanging to percussion, tinkling sound, sound measurement results show that the pitch is up C. Also known as the "ancient mingqiu". In addition, such percussion in "the book of rites of Ming Tang" also recorded: "drum soil, Kui Fu, Wei Yue, Yi Qi's music" and so on. The ancient wind instruments, especially in Xun as the representative. The general number of pottery, it is also called the Tao xun. From the late Neolithic Age to the Shang Dynasty pottery Xun sound measurement results, absolute pitch pottery Xun although each are not identical, but can be blown out of the mistress interval, this is the oldest known form. From a large number of unearthed musical instruments and literature, ancient musical instruments of every hue is a precious treasure of our ancient cultural heritage, is a symbol of the wisdom of the Chinese nation.Model 2. Huaxia dance. About 7000 years ago, the ancestors ofthe Yellow River and the Yangtze River Basin in animal husbandry and agricultural civilization. The original dance will have new content. In the spring and autumn, "Lu Ji -" midsummer music recorded collective dance appeared in three people with oxtail, dancing and singing scene. After the development of eight kinds of dance, the "" "wood" Fen grain by "heaven" "Yidide" often these dances are the performance of our ancestors, pray for a strong desire to produce good harvests. The art of music is still in its infancy at the time, song, dance and music in three still exist between the dependence, are not enough to become an independent branch of art. Therefore, our ancestors used "dance" to indicate to the emperor merit praise, tribal totem worship etc.. In the long history of the years, formed a lot of Huaxia music and dance is the most representative, "the six generation" dance. The so-called "six generation" dance, also known as the "six generation" of the music, referred to as the "six music". They are: Huang Di's "Cloud Gate", the "big" Xian Yao, shun the "Dashao", Yu's "big summer", taking the "big", "Da Wu" of the Zhou dynasty. The dance has strict requirements on the lyrics, melody, rhythm, movement, clothing etc.. Archaeological discoveries, when people have paid attention to the singer and the band are arranged on a sound effect. The performance, the volume singing actor and band in the smallest musical Joseph placed away from the nearest audience, the larger the volume in the wind a little far, the maximum volume of percussion instruments like drums, chime and so on farther. According to this hierarchy, embodies the people thousands of years ago have learned according to the acoustics to order the actor and the band position. In about 516 BC, Confucius according to the "Da Wu" concert scene in Qi, made his famous remark: "Shao", "the United States,And do good "; the" Wu "," perfectly beautiful, not good also". This triggered a history of aesthetics about the earliest perfect unity of content and form the review standard, it may also be the influence of Chinese ancestors established the most profound literary criticism standard.3. shocked the bells. In 1978, China with the county of Hubei,a large number of ancient musical instruments unearthed in the tomb of Ceng Houyi, shocked the Chinese Archaeology and the music industry, but also shocked the world counterparts. The number of Ceng Houyi tomb unearthed musical instruments, design, manufacture craft is exquisite, is very rare. In all the musical instruments unearthed, bells, chime is the most beautiful of the maximum value. Especially in the clock shelf for more than 2400 years of hanging bells, a full set of a total of 65 pieces, the total weight of 2567 kg, is divided into three layers, eight groups of suspension. Each chime can send the dual tone, the pure sound is clear, the total range of up to five octaves, including almost the entire range of a piano. In about three to eight degrees in the middle zone, with three sets of tone structure roughly the same bells, formed a superposition of three voices, only 12 semitones available, can be modulated for playing complex modern polyphonic music. In addition, the bell is also engraved with inscriptions, recorded in the Warring States period. And various order Chu, Qi and other countries, the changes between the pitch control. These excavations unearthed, proved the great achievements and temperament discipline in China reached the height of bronze casting process, it is of great significance for the study of traditional music history. Once discover Hou treasure of music,a large number of ancient musical instruments unearthed, Chinese culture is the witness of history, is the pride of the Chinese nation, but also the pride of human civilization.In summary, folk music due to its deep rooted in Chinese traditional culture, but also has thousands of years of continuous improvement of the development of civilization history accumulation, the formation of its occupation and artists and professional music institutions of different art. Today we study folk music, the first of its characteristics to understand, learn and master. It has a long history, broad and profound, it can be said that folk music not only to know the Chinese nation is a mirror of the window of Chinese culture.Notes:The study of music of "folk music" Introduction to Art Research Institute compiled by people's Music Publishing House ninthThe "Introduction" of traditional music China Wang Yaohua editor of the Fujian Education Publishing House fifty-firstReference:[1] "China national music Overview" Xiao Southwestern Normal University press often weft[2] "Introduction" in Lin Qing folk music with people's Music Publishing House[3] "Chinese folk song" Zhou Qingqing people's Music PublishingHouse[4] "Chinese music appreciation" Fanzhou hole with the Shanxi people's Publishing House。
牛津译林版英语7A Unit7 Music 知识归纳与拓展

牛津译林版英语7A Unit7 Music 知识归纳与拓展本文档旨在对牛津译林版英语7A Unit7 Music的知识进行归纳和拓展。
以下是对该单元内容的总结:一、词汇研究1. Musical Instruments(乐器):钢琴(piano)、吉他(guitar)、小提琴(violin)、长笛(flute)等。
2. Music Genres(音乐流派):古典音乐(classical music)、摇滚音乐(rock music)、流行音乐(pop music)等。
二、语法研究1. The Present Simple Tense(一般现在时):用于描述惯动作或常态。
例如:I play the piano every day.2. Adjectives(形容词):用于描述乐器或音乐的特征。
例如:She is a talented violinist.三、常见表达1. Talking about likes and dislikes(谈论喜欢和不喜欢):例如:I love classical music. I don't like rap music.2. Making suggestions(提出建议):例如:You should listen to some jazz music. It's really relaxing.3. Describing personal experiences(描述个人经历):例如:I have been to a live concert before. It was amazing!四、拓展知识1. Famous Musicians(知名音乐家):例如:Ludwig van Beethoven(贝多芬)、Freddie Mercury(弗雷迪·默丘里)等。
2. Music History(音乐历史):例如:Baroque(巴洛克时期)、Romantic(浪漫主义时期)等。

古典音乐时期以海顿、莫扎特和贝多芬等作曲家为代表,其作品结构严谨、逻辑清晰,追求平衡与和 谐。古典音乐时期的作品如莫扎特的《安魂曲》和贝多芬的《命运交响曲》等,都展现了其高度的艺 术价值。
浪漫音乐时期是欧洲音乐的另一高峰期 ,其特点为情感丰富、个性化强烈和民 族特色鲜明。
浪漫音乐时期的作品多以个人情感和社会 问题为主题,如肖邦的《圆舞曲》和柴可 夫斯基的《胡桃夹子》等。浪漫音乐时期 也注重民族特色,如德沃夏克的《斯拉夫 舞曲》和格里格的《皮尔金特》等作品, 展现了各国的民族风情。
音乐作为教育的一部分,能够培养学生的审美观念 、创造力和团队协作能力。
和声是指两个或多个音符同时 发出的声音,通过不同音符的 组合,创造出丰富的音响效果 。
在音乐作品中,和声可以起到 建立背景、塑造情感、引导旋 律走向等作用,是构成音乐作 品的重要元素之一。
根据不同的分类标准,和声可 以分为许多类型,如按照声部 可以分为高音和低音,按照音 程关系可以分为密集和开放等 。
在作曲中,调性的运用非常重 要,通过精心设计,可以创造 出富有表现力的音乐作品。
中世纪音乐是欧洲历史上最早的音乐时期,其特点为宗教性 、单声部和即兴性。
中世纪音乐以宗教为主要内容,多为合唱形式,以圣咏为主 要表现形式,强调声音的和谐与纯净。同时,中世纪音乐也 具有即兴性,乐师们会根据旋律即兴演奏或演唱。

Hale Waihona Puke 申请号:EP20852304 申请日:20200601 公开号:EP 394 2513A4 公开日:20220518
摘要:A method includes receiving a non-linguistic input associated with an input musical content. The method also includes, using a model that embeds multiple musical features describing different musical content and relationships between the different musical content in a latent space, identifying one or more embeddings based on the input musical content. The method further includes at least one of: (i) identifying stored musical content based on the one or more identified embeddings or (ii) generating derived musical content based on the one or more identified embeddings. In addition, the method includes presenting at least one of: the stored musical content or the derived musical content. The model is generated by training a machine learning system having one or more first neural network components and one or more second neural network components such that embeddings of the musical features in the latent space have a predefined distribution.

音乐表演的必备元素Music performance is an art form that requires a combination of different elements to create a memorable and engaging experience for the audience. These crucial elements can help to captivate the audience, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression on the listeners. In this article, we will explore the essential components that every music performance should have to ensure a successful show.1. Talent and Skill of PerformersThe most critical element of any music performance is the talent and skill level of the performers. An excellent performance requires a high level of musical proficiency, which can only be achieved through years of practice and dedication. Without talent and skill, a performance will be lackluster, unimpressive, and uninspiring.2. Music Selection and ArrangementThe selection and arrangement of music also play an essential role in the success of a performance. A good performer should have a strong sense of music knowledge and the ability to choose songs that complement their style and showcase their talent. The arrangement of music should bewell-thought-out, with attention given to transitions between songs and the flow of the performance.3. Stage PresenceStage presence is another essential element that can make or break a performance. A musician's ability to engage with the audience, move around the stage confidently, and interact with other performers can help create a vibrant and engaging atmosphere. Good stage presence requires a combination of confidence, charisma, and an understanding of the audience's preferences.4. Lighting and VisualsThe use of lighting and visuals can enhance the overall ambiance of a performance. From conventional lighting to projection screens and visual effects, a good performance should be visually stimulating while complementing the music. The use of lighting can also help to create a mood, evoke emotions, and highlight the performers' movements on stage.5. Sound QualityThe sound quality of a performance is crucial in capturing the audience's attention and creating an immersive experience. The sound system, equipment, and acoustics of the performance area should all be taken into consideration. Without adequate sound quality, even the best performers will struggle to captivate the audience.6. Set DesignThe set design is another crucial element of a music performance that should not be overlooked. The stage backdrop, props, and costumes can add an extra layer of appeal to the performance, enhance the theme, and showcase the performers' style.7. Audience InteractionMusic is a social and communal experience, and performers who can interact with their audience can create anenvironment that is both entertaining and engaging. The useof audience participation, call-and-response, and other interactive techniques can help to create an energetic and memorable performance.8. AuthenticityFinally, authenticity is an essential element of music performances. Performers who are genuine, authentic, and true to themselves can capture the audience's emotions and holdtheir attention. Authenticity is critical in creating a connection between the performer and the audience, creatingan emotional response and establishing a long-lasting impression.In conclusion, music performance is an art form that requires a combination of different elements to create a memorable and engaging experience for the audience. These crucial elements include the talent and skill level of theperformers, music selection and arrangement, stage presence, lighting and visuals, sound quality, set design, audience interaction, and authenticity. By paying attention to these essential elements, performers can create a captivating and unforgettable live music experience.。

复数: musicals
musical mode调式 ; 音乐模式 ; 中古调式
The Musical音乐剧 ; 更新中 ; 日韩剧 ; 该音乐剧
musical imagination音乐想象 ; 音乐想象力
If you have a musical ability, you should use it.
We said before that in Western music we have musical notation.
There will also be some of you who will be able to move on with my musical progression and rhythm .

民族音乐的特点英语作文Title: The Unique Characteristics of Folk MusicFolk music, an enduring and vibrant form of artistic expression, encapsulates the essence of a culture's heritage, traditions, and daily life. It is the spontaneous musical language that evolves over centuries, passed down through generations by word of mouth and heartfelt performances. The richness and diversity of folk music worldwide are unparalleled, each region and community imbuing it with its own distinct flavors. Below are some of the salient characteristics that define the beauty and significance of folk music.1. Cultural Identity and AuthenticityFolk music is deeply rooted in the cultural identity of a people. It reflects their beliefs, values, histories, and social structures. Through melodies, rhythms, and lyrics, it tells stories of love, loss, work, nature, and spiritual beliefs. This authenticity ensures that each piece of folk music is a living testament to the unique characteristics of a community, offering a window into its past and present.2. Oral Tradition and Collective CreativityUnlike many forms of contemporary music, folk music has traditionally been transmitted orally, with minimal written notation. This mode of transmission fosters collective creativity, as each performer adds their own interpretation and embellishments to the music, ensuring its continuous evolution and adaptation. This process keeps the music alive and relevant, reflecting the changing times and the creativity of its practitioners.3. Simplicity and DirectnessFolk music often eschews complex arrangements and elaborate instrumentation, favoring simplicity and directness in its communication. This allows the music to connect deeply with listeners, evoking emotions and resonating on a primal level. The use of basic melodies, repetitive structures, and accessible lyrics make it universally appealing, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers.4. Connection to Nature and the EnvironmentMany folk songs are inspired by the natural world, reflecting humanity's deep connection to the land, seasons, and elements. From songs about farming and fishing to those celebrating the beauty of mountains and rivers, folk music embodies a reverence for nature and the cycles of life. These tunes often evoke a sense of peace, harmony, and belonging to the earth.5. Social Function and Community BondingFolk music serves as a vital social tool, facilitating community bonding and enhancing social cohesion. It is often performed during celebrations, rituals, and gatherings, where it acts as a catalyst for dance, conversation, and the sharing of stories. Through these collective experiences, folk music reinforces social norms, values, and a sense of belonging among its listeners.6. Diversity and AdaptabilityThe vastness of the world's cultures translates into an incredible diversity in folk music. From the haunting melodies of Irish ballads to the lively rhythms of African drumming, each styleembodies the unique character of its origin. Moreover, folk music has demonstrated remarkable adaptability, blending with other genres and incorporating modern elements while preserving its core essence.In conclusion, folk music is a vibrant and invaluable part of human cultural heritage. Its authenticity, simplicity, connection to nature, social function, diversity, and adaptability make it a timeless art form that continues to captivate hearts and minds across generations. As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, preserving and celebrating the rich tapestry of folk music becomes all the more important, ensuring that these precious cultural treasures endure for future generations to cherish.。

传统音乐的特点英语作文初中Preserving the Essence: The Enduring Appeal of Traditional MusicMusic has been an integral part of human civilization since time immemorial, serving as a means of expression, cultural identity, and emotional connection. Among the diverse musical traditions that have stood the test of time, traditional music stands out as a testament to the enduring power of cultural heritage. In this essay, we will explore the unique characteristics that make traditional music a timeless and captivating art form.One of the most striking features of traditional music is its deep-rooted connection to the cultural and historical context in which it was born. Unlike modern popular music, which often reflects the trends and influences of a particular era, traditional music is a reflection of the collective experiences, beliefs, and values of a specific community or region. This connection to the past is what gives traditional music its authenticity and richness, as it serves as a living link to the traditions and customs that have been passed down through generations.Another defining characteristic of traditional music is its emphasis onoral transmission. In many traditional music cultures, the knowledge and skills required to perform these musical forms are not acquired through formal education or written notation, but rather through a process of apprenticeship and direct instruction from master musicians. This oral tradition allows for the preservation of nuanced techniques, subtle inflections, and intricate rhythmic patterns that are often difficult to capture in written form. As a result, traditional music often has a unique and captivating sound that is difficult to replicate in a standardized or mass-produced manner.Furthermore, traditional music is often closely tied to the natural environment and the rhythms of daily life. Many traditional music forms incorporate the sounds and rhythms of the natural world, such as the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, or the pounding of waves. This connection to the natural world not only adds to the authenticity and uniqueness of the music but also serves as a powerful reminder of the interconnectedness of human culture and the natural environment.Another key aspect of traditional music is its emphasis on community and shared experience. Unlike modern popular music, which is often consumed in a solitary or individualized manner, traditional music is often a communal experience, where musicians and audience members come together to collectively engage in the performance. This sense of shared experience and collectiveparticipation is what gives traditional music its power to bring people together, fostering a sense of belonging and cultural identity.Despite the many challenges posed by the rapid pace of globalization and the dominance of modern popular music, traditional music continues to thrive and evolve, adapting to the changing needs and preferences of contemporary audiences. In many parts of the world, efforts are being made to preserve and revitalize traditional music forms, ensuring that they continue to be passed down to future generations.One such example is the work of organizations and initiatives that are dedicated to the documentation, preservation, and promotion of traditional music. These efforts range from the establishment of music archives and libraries to the organization of festivals and workshops that showcase the diversity and richness of traditional music from around the world.Additionally, many traditional musicians and artists are actively working to incorporate modern elements and technologies into their performances, while still maintaining the core essence of their musical traditions. This process of adaptation and innovation has allowed traditional music to remain relevant and engaging to contemporary audiences, while still preserving the unique qualities that make it so captivating.In conclusion, the enduring appeal of traditional music lies in its ability to connect us to our cultural heritage, to the natural world, and to the shared experiences that bind us together as human beings. By preserving and celebrating the unique characteristics of traditional music, we not only honor the rich tapestry of human culture but also ensure that these timeless art forms continue to inspire and enrich the lives of generations to come.。

中国民乐的特点英文作文(中英文实用版)The unique characteristics of Chinese folk music can be attributed to its rich cultural heritage and diverse musical styles. With a history spanning thousands of years, this genre has captivated audiences both domestically and internationally. One distinctive feature is the use of traditional instruments, such as the erhu, pipa, and guzheng, which produce melodies that are both captivating and evocative.中国民乐的独特之处在于其丰富的文化底蕴和多样的音乐风格。
The rhythms and melodies in Chinese folk music often reflect the region's geography and social atmosphere. For instance, the music from the southern part of China tends to be more lyrical and gentle, while the northern music is known for its bold and robust sound.民乐中的节奏和旋律往往反映了当地的地理环境和社会氛围。

下面是一些用法和中英文对照例句:1. Broadway musicals are famous for their extravagant sets and stunning performances. (百老汇音乐剧以其奢华的布景和惊人的表演而闻名。
)2. My favorite musical is "The Phantom of the Opera". (我最喜欢的音乐剧是《歌剧魅影》。
)3. The cast of the musical rehearsed tirelessly to perfect their performance. (音乐剧的演员们不知疲倦地排练,以完善他们的表演。
)4. "Les Misérables" is a classic musical that has been performed worldwide. (《悲惨世界》是一部在全世界上演的经典音乐剧。
)5. The musical numbers in "Hamilton" are known for their clever wordplay and catchy melodies. (《汉密尔顿》中的音乐曲目以巧妙的文字游戏和动听的旋律而闻名。
)6. She has a beautiful singing voice and has always dreamed of performing in a musical. (她有一副美丽的歌唱声音,一直梦想着在音乐剧中表演。
)7. The musical tells the story of a young girl who followsher dreams of becoming a famous singer. (这部音乐剧讲述了一个年轻女孩追随自己成为著名歌手的梦想的故事。

必修二第五单元单词短语派生词1.classical[ˈklæ sɪ kəl]adj. 古典的; 经典的classic adj.经典的, 有代表性的[hɪphɒp]n. 嘻哈音乐; 嘻哈文化3.techno[ˈtek nəʊ]n. 泰克诺音乐(一种节奏快、通常无歌声相伴的音乐)[ˈe nə ʤi]n. 能源; 能量; 精力energetic →adj.精力充沛的,充满活力的full of energy 精力充沛的5.soul[səʊl]n. 灵魂; 心灵6.bagpipes[ˈbæg paɪps]n. [pl. ]风笛7.stringed[ˈstrɪŋ d]adj. 有弦的8.stringed instrument[ˈɪn strʊ mənt]弦乐器9.virtual[ˈvɜː tjʊəl]adj. 很接近的; 事实上的; 虚拟的10.virtual choir[ˈkwaɪə]虚拟合唱团chore/tʃɔː(r)/n. 家务活11.position[ˌkɒm pəˈzɪ ʃən]n. 成分; (音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品pose v. 组成;作曲→poser n. 作曲者;作曲家→position n. 成分;作品12.opportunity[ˌɒ pəˈtjuː nɪ ti]n. 机会; 时机13.perform[pəˈfɔːm]vt.&vi. 表演; 履行; 执行14.performance[pəˈfɔː məns]n. 表演; 演技; 表现perform well/badly 表现好/不好perform an operation 做手术perform an experiment 做试验perform one's duty/promise 尽责任/履行承诺put on performances/a performance表演;演出15.performer[pəˈfɔː mə]n. 表演者; 演员16.onto[ˈɒn tʊ]prep.(朝)向[ˈstjuː dɪəʊ]n.演播室; 录音棚; 工作室18.ordinary[ˈɔː dn ri]adj. 普通的; 平凡的19.enable[ɪˈneɪ bl]vt. 使能够; 使可能enable sb. to do 让某人能做某事able adj. 能够;有才能的→enable v.使能够→ability n.能力→unable adj. 不能的→disable v.使残疾;使失去能力20.prove[pruːv]vt. 证明; 展现It is proved that...据证实21.award[əˈwɔːd]vt. 授予n. 奖品the first award/prize/place一等奖;第一名win/get/receive an award for ... 因……而获奖award sb.sth.=award sb. 授予某人某物22.poser[kəmˈpəʊ zə]n. 作曲者; 作曲家23.conductor[kənˈdʌk tə]n. (乐队、合唱团等的)指挥; (公共汽车的)售票员24.fall in love with爱上25.original[əˈrɪ ʤə nl]adj. 原来的; 独创的; 原作的n. 原件; 原作original adj. 原来的;独创的;原作的n. 原件;原作→originally adv. 原来;起初→origin n. 起源;来源26.phenomenon[fɪˈnɒmɪnən](pl. phenomena)n.现象27.stage[steɪʤ]n.(发展或进展的)时期; 阶段(多指剧场中的)舞台reach the stage where.... 进入...的阶段28.altogether[ˌɔːl təˈge ðə]adv. 全部; 总共29.thus[ðʌs]adv. 如此; 因此[bænd]n. 乐队; 带子31.rap[ræp]n. 快速敲击; 说唱音乐vi.&vt. 敲击; (说唱歌中的)念白32.nowadays[ˈnaʊə deɪz]adv. 现在; 目前33.gradual[ˈgræ djʊəl]adj. 逐新的; 渐进的34.capable[ˈkeɪ pə bl]adj. 有能力的; 有才能的be capable of doing=be able to do 有...的能力capability=ability n. 能力35.relief[rɪˈliːf]n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱relieve vt. 解脱;使脱离relieve sb. of ... 解除某人的……relieve/ease one's pain/pressure 减轻某人的痛苦/压力in relief如释重负with relief 宽慰地to one's relief 令某人感到欣慰的是It is a relief to do sth. 做某事是一种解脱36.cure[kjʊə]vt. 治愈; 治好(疾病); 解決(问题)n. 药物; 治疗; (解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施a cure for ...……(疾病)的治疗方法;…(问题)的解决方法cure sb. of ... 治愈某人的病;改掉某人的坏习惯 absorbed in sth/sb被……吸引住; 专心致志absorb sth. from A into B把某物从A中吸入Babsorb oneself in=be absorbed in被…吸引住;专心致志absorb/attract/draw one's attention 吸引某人的注意力38.previous/former[ˈpriː viəs]adj.先前的; 以往的precious adj.珍贵的Previous to doing sth., ... 在做某事之前39.unemployed[ˌʌn ɪmˈplɔɪd]adj. 失业的; 待业的40.romantic[rəʊˈmæn tɪk]adj. 浪漫的n. 浪漫的人41.album[ˈæl bəm]n. 相册; 集邮簿; 音乐专辑42.impact[ˈɪm pækt]n. 巨大影响; 强大作用; 冲击力have an impact/effect/influence on ...=affect/influence 对......有影响43.aim[eɪm]n. 目的; 目标vi.&vt. 力求达到; 力争做到; 瞄准vt. 目的是; 旨在aimless adj. 漫无目的的without aim 漫无目的地=aimlesslywith the aim of 以……为目标;意在/旨在……aim at针对;瞄准;目的在于aim for sth. 力争得到……aim sth. at sb./sth. 使某物朝向/瞄准某人或某物aim to do sth. =aim at doing sth 意欲/企图/旨在做某事be aimed at sb. 针对某人;对象是某人(主语一般是物)44.set sth up=install sth.安装好(设备或机器)[ɪˈkwɪp mənt]n. 设备; 装备a piece of equipment 一件设备equip v. 装备;使有能力equip ... with ... 用……装备……be equipped with 配备着……equip sb. to do sth.让某人具备做某事的能力46.try out参加……选拔(或试演)47.talent[ˈtæ lənt]n. 天才; 天资; 天赋talented adj. 有才能的;聪颖的have a talent/gift for= be talented/gifted in在方面有天赋48.piano[pɪˈæ nəʊ]n. 钢琴49.assume[əˈsjuːm]vt. 以为; 假设assumption n. 假定;假设assume sb./sth. to be假定/假设某人/某物是It is assumed that ... 一般认为……make an assumption 作出假设;假定50.addition[əˈdɪ ʃ(ə)n]n. 添加; 加法; 増加物add v.增加,补充说 addition (to sb/sth)除……以外(还)in addition,= besides, =additionally, =what’smore,=moreover,=furthermore,=plus, 另外;而且52.disease[dɪˈziːz]n.(疾)病53.ache[eɪk]v i.&n. 疼痛54.treatment[ˈtriːt mənt]n. 治疗; 对待; 处理treat v. 治疗;对待;处理把……看作……;把……视为……treat sth.用某物招待某人treat sb.with...以……方式对待某人55.from (then) on从(那)时起56.lean[liːn]vt.(leant/leaned,leant/leaned)依靠; 倾斜57.get through设法)处理; 完成58.moreover[mɔːˈrəʊvə]adv. 而且; 此外59.satisfaction[ˌsæ tɪsˈfæk ʃən]n. 满足; 满意; 欣慰satisfy v. (使)满足;(使)欣慰→satisfied adj. 满意的;满足的→satisfying/satisfactory adj. 令人满意的to sb.'s satisfaction=to the satisfaction of sb.令某人满意的是with satisfaction 满意地be/feel satisfied/content/happy/pleased with ...对感到满意60.being[ˈbiːɪŋ]n. 身心; 存在; 生物61.various[ˈveə rɪəs]adj. 各种不同的; 各种各样的vary v. 变化;不同→variety n. 种类;变化→varied adj. 各种各样的;形形色色的vary from ... to ...从…到..不等;在…到…之间变化vary with 随着……而变化a variety of=varieties of 各种各样的;不同种类的62.somehow[ˈsʌm haʊ]adv. 以某种方式(或方法); 不知怎么地somewhat adv. 稍微;有些anyhow=anyway adv.不管怎样;无论如何;即使如此63.rhetorical[rɪˈtɒ rɪ kəl]adj. 修辞的64.metaphor[ˈme tə fə]n. 暗喻; 隐喻65.personification[pɜːˌsɒ nɪ fɪˈkeɪ ʃən]n. 拟人; 人格化; 化身66.repetition[ˌre pɪˈtɪ ʃən]n. 重复; 重做repeat v.重复→ repeated adj.重复的,反复发生的67.simile[ˈsɪ mɪ li]n. 明喻68.outline[ˈaʊt laɪn]n.&vt. 概述; 橛要69.reaction[ri(ː)ˈæk ʃən]n. 反应; 回应reaction n. 反应;回应→react vi. (做出)反应;(做出)回应→reactive adj. 反应的;回应的the reaction to... 对...的反应react to ...对...做出反应70.UNICEF/ˈjuːnɪsef/ abbr. United Nations Children's Fund 联合国儿童基金会重点句型1. as if引导状语从句或表语从句1.When he got absorbed in his world of music, he felt as if he could “see” the beauty of the world around him, like he had in his previous life.当他全神贯注于自己的音乐世界时,他觉得自己仿佛能“看到”周围世界的美丽,就像他以前看到的那样。
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∙Loud/soft dynamic
∙Sudden/surprising f at …
∙Gradual dynamic changes; Dynamic contrast; -Articulation
∙Detached/smooth notes
∙Fast/slow tempo
∙Tempo changes at …
∙Moderate tempo
∙Flexible tempo
∙Dotted/jumpy rhythms
∙Repeated rhythmic pattern
∙Strong rhythmic feel
∙Triple metre
-Key range
∙Mainly in the low/high note range
∙Wide key range
∙High register
∙Falling melodic phrases
∙Fast-running notes
∙Rapid rising notes
∙Scalic runs
∙Flowing melody lines
∙Dissonant / clashing notes
∙Variety of accompaniment ideas;
∙Use of the below accompany patterns:
o Alberti bass
o Broken chord
o Arpeggios
o Chord
∙Gentle / calm
∙Happy / sad / sombre(阴暗)
∙Playful / lively / cheeky / serious / brisk(轻快的,活跃的) / energetic / bold / noble / ∙Song-like / dance-like
2. Style and Period
20th Century
To answer this question, you may begin with: The texture of this piece is “(Any one of below)”
Dense texture with several notes sounding together at most points.
A musical texture that contains two or more parts (or voices/lines) that are independent in contour and
rhythm and each have melodic importance.
c.Melody with accompaniment
Most commonly associated with classical and romantic music. A single melodic line that stands out from
he rest of texture, which is often chordal or arpeggiated. The melody line need not necessarily lie at the
top of this kind of texture. In romantic music particularly, the melody can sometimes be in a lower part,
perhaps underneath the accompaniment or possibly in an inner part within the texture.
A texture in which only one note is heard at a timeor it can be doubled in parallel octaves, so that the sound is thicker than a single line.。