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As the income increases, there is a tendency among people that traveling is a way that has the potential to improve and guarantee a life with quality. Nevertheless, the same time we enjoy the greatness the journey brings to us, the issue of tourism safety should also be cast in our careful consideration.
For one thing, the first priority of tourism safety shall be attached with personal health. As you know, wherever you go for traveling, there are so many tourists just like you, which means the risk of getting sick will be on the rise. Apart from that, the failure to adjust to local weather is likely to make one ill.
For another thing, while traveling, you should also be concerned about the safety of your property. Although there is a tiny odd for a robbery to happen, that doesn’t mean there stands no chance for a stealing incident.
All in all, traveling is a pleasant thing. At the same time, we should attach more importance to traveling safety.
In daily life, production safety is an aspect that we cannot ignore. In other words, production safety is closely related to the lives of each of us. From the perspective of enterprises, every enterprise should pay more attention to production safety. In the first place, it involves the rights of every employee, including physical safety and property safety. At the same time, attaching
importance to production safety is also the protection and respect for employees' rights and interests. In the third place, it affects the development and progress of the entire enterprise. If a company is eager for sustainable development, it must ensure production safety in the process of development.
1.The government should formulate relevant laws, including some professional standards on production safety.
2. Enterprises must strictly follow production safety standards to ensure the safety of employees and products.
第三场:Robots in the job market
With the development of economy and technology, people are witnessing changes in job market right now. In many factories, especially those in advanced countries, robots are taking over tasks from human beings. Robots show their presence almost in every procedure of a production process, making factories running at high efficiency. This change happen for a reason.
As the minimum wage is being raised in many cities and governments around the globe are promoting welfare system for the working class, labor is becoming more and more expensive. Entrepreneurs are at their wits end dealing with the increasing labor cost. Amidst this background, business bosses are casting the ir eyes on robots. With several years’ investment and research on robots technology, the manufacture of robots has been through several updates with robots’ functions being more diverse and precised. Comparing with human labor, robots can work around the c lock and don’t need extra care such as overtime pay.
With their advantages, robots are taking up repetitive work in factories and repel humans from their jobs. To cope with this
change, and to avoid being unemployment one day in the future, people should become lifelong learners and improve capabilities to be competent for intelligence-intensive jobs.
Balance requires one to make rational and reasonable choices; at the same time, it is also one part of our everyday life. The balance between weekdays and weekends is one vivid example. For everyone, it is of great importance and significance to strike such a balance.
Firstly, the balance between work and leisure is a guarantee of life quality. On one hand, only when you work hard can you have the opportunity and resource to enjoy the leisure time. Only when you have a pleasant leisure life that can refresh you body psychologically and physically can you be expected to work harder in the coming weekdays.Nevertheless, that doesn’t mean a longer period for rest will definitely lead to a higher working efficiency. Resting to long, one may be hard to concentrate back on his/her work soon. That is another question of balance.
In addition, the balance between work and leisure is a good way to develop on e’s interests. Just the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Working is one way that strengthen one’s professional capacities while playing is one way to make one develop his or her interests that are significant to the goal of development in an all-round way.
All in all, work and leisure are two aspects of life and it is important to strike a balance in between.
第五场:changing job markets & AI
Candidate A: Do you know anything about AI?
Candidate B: Yes, of course! Examples of AI are everywhere
in our life. We use GPS for locations and directions, robots to clean our houses, and Siri for communication.
Candidate A: Yeah, they are so common in our life. Actually a lot of our work has been replaced by AI.
Candidate B: Yeah, you are right. On the one hand, AI has changed our lives; on the other hand, many jobs are being stolen by AI. Could anything good come of mass unemployment?
Candidate A: In fact, I think the unemployment brought by AI is beneficial to social development. Because with AI, social productivity increases, and people's living standards eventually rise accordingly.
Candidate B: You have a point there. But I still think AI should be developed step by step, the government should not let a large number of people lose their jobs.
Candidate B: I agree with you. Mass unemployment may lead to social unrest.We need to make rational use of the development of science and technology to benefit mankind.
第六场:the importance of living within one’s means
Nowadays, a large number of people choose to borrow money online or from credit cards in order to buy what they can’t afford at present. Obviously, it’s not a correct way to cover one’s expense because it will cause a serials of problems. It is of great importance that we live within our means. On the one hand, consuming in advance will make us spend more and more, because people subconsciously think that they will save some money in next month which is impossible. There is no doubt that this will increase people's financial burden. And if one can’t return the debt in time, he has to pay a large amount of interest. On the other hand, living beyond our means also puts a lot of stress on our lives because we can't plan our lives well.
What's worse, some people choose to commit suicide under the pressure. So it's important to live within your means, which is not only good for planning your life, but also good for your mental health.

酒精饮品:alcoholic drink
苏打水:soda water
纯净水:purified water
喝太多酒肯定对身体不好,那么我们就可以说Excessive drinking can seriously affect our health.

When it comes to the soda water, I don’t think it’s strange to most of us. However, do you know its concrete advantages and disadvantages. Let me tell you about it.For one thing, soda water has a large content of trace elements which are beneficial for our health. There is no denying that soda water can protect our skin to some extent. For another thing, drinking too much soda water will produce a negative influence on our heath. What’s more, it is likely to cause obesity that many people are not willing to face.

Water is the source of life. It means there is no life without water. Firstly, drinking water is an excellent natural remedy for colds and coughs. Secondly, drinking water is a great way to strengthen immunity.
Along with the deepening of reform and opening up, our exchanges with foreigners increase rapidly. We make oversea travels to enjoy magnificent views in different countries and we throw grand cultural parties to enhance the mutual
understanding. Our daily life is being changed owing to these international exchanges and maybe one of the most noticeable changes is that the variety of imported goods in market has b e e n l a r g e l y i n c r e a s e d . F r o m e x p e n s i v e i t e m s s u c h a s p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r s t o r e l a t i v e l y c h e a p e r n e c e s s i t i e s s u c h a s a s h a m p o o o r a t o w e l ; f r o m c o m m o d i t i e s a s b i g a s a p r i v a t e c a r t o a s t i n y a s a m a c h i n e p a r t , y o u c a n a l w a y s f i n d c o u n t e r p a r t s m a d e i n f o r e i g n c o u n t r i e s i n d o m e s t i c m a r k e t . I m p o r t e d g o o d s c a n b o a s t a b e t t e r q u a l i t y , a n d s o m e t i m e s c o n v e y f u l l o f c r e a t i v i t y w h i c h g i v e s c o n s u m e r s a w o n d e r f u l u s i n g e x p e r i e n c e . I m p o r t e d g o o d s c a n b e e x p e n s i v e t o o b e c a u s e o f t h e i m p o r t t a r i f f , s o w h e t h e r t o c h o o s e a n i m p o r t e d e l e c t r i c a p p l i a n c e , f o r e x a m p l e , o v e r a h o m e - m a d e o n e , i s u p t o o n e s o w n d e c i s i o n . / p > h r b d s f i d = " 1 2 3 " >。
