



大脑及发育的词汇中英对照小编为大家整理了大脑及发育的词汇中英对照,希望对你有帮助哦!大脑及发育的词汇中英对照:dorsal root 背根nerve 神经ventricle 脑室cerebellum 小脑cortex 皮质又称“皮层”。

cerebral cortex 大脑皮质neocortex 新皮质white matter 白质gray matter 灰质frontal lobe 额叶prefrontal cortex 前额皮质premotor area 运动前区motor area 运动区Broca's area 布罗卡区temporal lobe 颞叶auditory area 听觉区auditory center 听觉中枢parietal lobe 顶叶central sulcus 中央沟occipital lobe 枕叶visual area 视觉区visual cortex 视觉皮质association area of cerebral cortex 大脑皮质联合区association fiber 联合纤维limbic system 边缘系统hippocampal formation 海马结构hippocampus 海马olfactory area 嗅觉区cingulate gyrus 扣带回amygdala 杏仁核septal area 隔区medial forebrain bundle 内侧前脑束olfactory tract 嗅束commissural fiber 连合纤维corpus callosum 胼胝体basal ganglia 基底神经节diencephalon 间脑thalamus 丘脑hypothalamus 下丘脑suprachiasmatic nucleus 视交叉上核lateral hypothalamus area, LHA 外侧下丘脑区ventromedial hypothalamus, VMH 腹内侧下丘脑pineal body 松果体pituitary gland 脑垂体pyramidal system 锥体系统extrapyramidal system 锥体外系统specific thalamo-cortical projection system 丘脑-皮质特异投射系统nonspecific thalamo-cortical projection system 丘脑-皮质非特异投射系统brain stem 脑干corpora quadrigemina 四叠体lateral geniculate nucleus 外侧膝状体核medial geniculate nucleus 内侧膝状体核formatic reticularis 网状结构cochlear nucleus 耳蜗神经核nerve cell 神经细胞nerve fiber 神经纤维nerve degeneration 神经退变neural regeneration 神经再生autonomic nervous system, ANS 自主神经系统cranial nerve 脑神经myelin sheath 髓鞘nervi olfactory 嗅神经nervi statoacusticus 听神经又称“位听神经”。



如何睡个好觉英语作文英文回答:Getting a good night's sleep is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. Adequate sleep improves memory, cognition, and mood, while also strengthening the immune system and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.To achieve restful sleep, there are several key factors to consider:1. Establish a Regular Sleep Schedule:Go to bed and wake up around the same time each day, even on weekends.This helps regulate your body's natural sleep-wake cycle, known as the circadian rhythm.2. Create a Conducive Sleep Environment:Ensure your bedroom is dark, quiet, and cool.Use blackout curtains, a white noise machine, or earplugs to eliminate distractions.Keep the temperature around 60-67 degrees Fahrenheit (16-19 degrees Celsius).3. Relax Before Bed:Engage in calming activities such as reading, listening to soothing music, or taking a warm bath.Avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed as they can interfere with sleep.4. Avoid Blue Light Exposure:The blue light emitted by electronic devices (e.g., phones, laptops) can suppress melatonin production, whichis necessary for sleep.Reduce screen time and use blue light filters on your devices.5. Get Regular Exercise:Regular physical activity improves sleep quality, but avoid exercising too close to bedtime.Aim for 30-60 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.6. Avoid Large Meals Before Bed:Eating a heavy meal close to bedtime can lead to indigestion and discomfort.If you feel hungry, opt for a light snack.7. Rule Out Medical Conditions:Underlying medical conditions, such as sleep apnea or insomnia, can disrupt sleep.Consult a healthcare professional if you experience persistent sleep problems.8. Consider Sleep Supplements:Some over-the-counter sleep aids, such as melatonin or diphenhydramine, can assist with sleep initiation and maintenance.Always consult a doctor before using sleep supplements.9. Seek Professional Help When Needed:If self-help measures fail to improve sleep, don't hesitate to seek professional help.A sleep specialist can diagnose and treat underlying sleep disorders.中文回答:如何睡个好觉。



中英文对照互译练习笔译训练材料运动为大脑带来的益处What if I told you there was something thatyou can do right now that would have an immediate,positive benefit for yourbrain including your mood and your focus?And what if I told you that samething could actually last a long time and protect your brain from differentconditions like depression,Alzheimer's disease or dementia.Would you do it?Yes!如果我告诉各位,有件你们现在就可以做的事,对你的大脑会立即产生正面的好处,包括你的心情和专注都会受惠,你会如何呢?如果我告诉各位,这事能持续很久的时间,并保护你的大脑免于不同的病症,比如忧郁、阿兹海默症,或失智症的侵扰,你会如何?你们愿意做这件事吗?愿意!活动身体的强大效应I am talking about the powerful effects ofphysical activity.Simply moving your body,has immediate,long-lasting andprotective benefits for your brain.And that can last for the rest of yourlife.So what I want to do today is tell you a story about how I used my deepunderstanding of neuroscience,as a professor of neuroscience,to essentiallydo an experiment on myself in which I discovered the science underlyingwhyexercise is the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today.我谈的是活动身体的强大效应。



上册第一单元ASomething in American---about the neighbors.1.美国人的内心深处具有一种酷爱探索新领域的气质。



There is such a place--- provoke a crackdown.2.确实有这样一个空间,那就是信息空间。


问题是他们都能和睦相处吗?人们是否会因为害怕孩子们躲在卧室里看网上的淫秽图片而将它封杀?The first order…state and drugstore3.首先要解决的问题是,什么是信息空间。




In the same way…bêtter regulate it.4. 你可以用同样的方法把信息空间想像为一个巨大的、无边无际的虚拟房地产业。






But before using…in Washington.5.但是,在利用规章制度来反击下流之举之前,关键是从根本上理解信息空间的性质。














Jacky Waiss翻译的版本给我提供了一些值得借鉴和学习的地方。





:)Jude2008-3-5 All Rights Reserved All Rights Reserved目录目录 (3)引言 (6)关于睡眠的一些流言 (6)一些令人惊奇的发现 (6)人究竟需要多少睡眠? (7)高质量睡眠的秘诀 (7)第一章:睡眠机制(Sleep Mechanics) (9)关于脑电波的基础知识 (9)睡眠的五个步骤 (9)睡眠周期(Sleep Cycles) (11)深度睡眠的重要性 (12)REM的重要性 (12)究竟什么是高质量的睡眠? (13)第二章:睡眠生物钟(The Inner Sleep Clock) (14)昼夜节律(Circadian Rhythm) (14)褪黑激素和阳光 (15)运动量(Activity Level) (16)Prior Wakefulness (16)本节摘要 (17)第三章:优化睡眠生物钟 (18)晒晒太阳吧 (19)人需要多少阳光 (19)太阳镜的影响 (20)人造光源 (20)体育锻炼如何影响体温节律 (21)小睡片刻——短时间睡眠恢复精力的奥秘 (21) All Rights Reserved在睡眠周期末期醒来(Waking Up At the End of a Cycle) (22)睡眠系统的“噩梦”——周末 (23)养成规律的起床和睡觉时间 (23)尼古丁,咖啡因和酒精是如何影响睡眠的 (24)Prior Wakefulness (25)水合作用和睡眠——在睡眠中因缺水而死! (26)食物如何影响睡眠 (27)睡姿 (27)压力如何影响睡眠 (28)本节摘要 (28)第四章:睡不着? (31)失眠的种类 (31)自然睡眠反应(Natural Sleep Response) (32)不停歇的大脑(Racing Mind) (32)数羊法催眠的科学机理——根本没有 (35)让大脑运转慢下来 (35)黑板法 (36)与“辗转反侧”做斗争 (36)睡眠限制(Sleep Restriction) (36)让床的功能简单点 (37)洗个热水澡 (37)房间温度 (38)光照是如何引起失眠的 (38)安眠药——睡眠系统的敌人 (38)失眠只是个信号,而不是病 (39)本章小结 (39)第五章:个人睡眠计划 (41)个人睡眠评估 (41) All Rights Reserved基本生理节律评估 (41)光照强度评估 (42)弄明白什么才是接触阳光 (44)你是在增强睡眠系统还是在损害它 (44)缩短睡眠时间 (47)体温的一点其它知识 (48)人睡觉时间的目标定在多久 (48)如何减少睡眠 (49)有效睡眠计划 (49)结论——你如何使用这个计划 (53)附录: (55)1:体温周期试验 (55)2:放松的方法 (58) All Rights Reserved引言有没有可能只睡4,5个小时却比睡8,9个小时或更久更精力充沛,精神焕发呢?当然可能!尽管这本书很薄,不过却相当有用,千万不要小瞧它。



How to succeed? Get more sleep(阿里安娜·赫芬顿Arianna Huffington)My big idea is a very, very small idea that can unlock billions of big ideas that are at the moment dormant inside us. And my little idea that will do that is sleep.This is a room of type-A women. This is a room of sleep-deprived women. And I learned the hard way, the value of sleep. One-and-a-half years ago, my mom’s friend fainted from exhaustion. She hit her head on my desk. She broke her cheekbone, she got five stitches on her right eye. And I began the journey of rediscovering the value of sleep. And in the course of that, I studied, I search the web for that and I'm here to tell you that the way to a more productive, more inspired, more joyful life is getting enough sleep.And we women are going to lead the way in this new revolution, this new feminist issue. We are literally going to sleep our way to the top, literally.Because unfortunately for men, sleep deprivation has become a virility symbol. I was recently having a talk with a guy who bragged that he had only gotten four hours sleep the night before. And I felt like saying to him -- but I didn't say it -- I felt like saying, "You know what? If you had gotten five, this talk would have been a lot more interesting."There is now a kind of sleep deprivation one-upmanship. Especially here in Washington, if you try to make a breakfast date, and you say, "How about eight o'clock?" they're likely to tell you, "Eight o'clock is too late for me, but that's okay, I can get a game of tennis in and do a few conference calls and meet you at eight." And they think that means that they are so incredibly busy and productive, but the truth is they're not, because we, at the moment, have had brilliant leaders in business, in finance, in politics, making terrible decisions. So a high I.Q. does not mean that you're a good leader, because the essence of leadership is being able to see the iceberg before it hits the Titanic. And we've had far too many icebergs hitting our Titanics. In fact, I have a feeling that if Lehman Brothers was Lehman Brothers and Sisters, they might still be around.While all the brothers were busy just being hyper-connected 24/7, maybe a sister would have noticed the iceberg, because she would have woken up from a seven-and-a-half- or eight-hour sleep and have been able to see the big picture.So as we are facing all the multiple crises in our world at the moment, what is good for us on a personal level, what's going to bring more joy, gratitude, effectiveness in our lives and be the best for our own careers is also what is best for the world. So I urge you to shut your eyes and discover the great ideas that lie inside us, to shut your engines and discover the power of sleep. Thank you.如何成功?请多睡一会儿我的绝妙想法实际上看似微不足道但是却能够激发层出不穷的绝妙创意这些想法雪藏于酣睡时我们的大脑中。



如何健康睡觉英语作文Getting a good night's sleep is essential for overall health and well-being. 充足的睡眠对于整体健康和幸福感至关重要。

There are several key factors that can contribute to healthy sleep habits. 有几个关键因素可以促进健康的睡眠习惯。

First and foremost, it is important to establish a regular sleep schedule. 首要的是,建立规律的睡眠时间表是非常重要的。

Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. 尽量每天都在同样的时间去睡觉和起床,即使是在周末。

This helps regulate your body's internal clock and can improve the quality of your sleep. 这有助于调节身体的内在时钟,提高睡眠质量。

In addition to a consistent sleep schedule, creating a comfortable sleep environment is also crucial. 除了保持规律的睡眠时间表外,创造一个舒适的睡眠环境也是至关重要的。

Make sure your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet to promote restful sleep. 确保你的卧室在夜晚保持凉爽、黑暗和安静,有助于促进睡眠。

Investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows can also make a big difference in how well you sleep. 投资一款舒适的床垫和枕头也可以在睡眠质量方面起到很大的作用。



1.Don't try and be happy - it will only make you sad.1. 不要试图去快乐,因为努力快乐只会让你悲伤。

Desperately trying to keep a smile on your face will only make your depression worse, a new study suggests.一项新的研究表明,拼命保持微笑只会让你的抑郁更严重。

Feeling content has become the sole goal for many in recent years, but embracing your sadness may be more beneficial.近年来,感到满足已成为许多人的唯一目标,但拥抱悲伤可能更有益。

University of Melbourne researchers said that society's downright shunning of being sad could be harmful for sufferers of the blues.墨尔本大学的研究人员称,社会对悲伤的完全回避可能对忧郁患者有害。

Dr. Brock Bastian, a psychologist behind the study, said: 'Depression rates are higher in countries that place a premium on happiness.'参与这项研究的心理学家布鲁克·巴斯蒂安博士说:“在那些重视幸福的国家,抑郁症发病率更高。

”'Rather than being the by-product of a life well-lived, feeling happy has become a goal in itself. This reinforces the message that we should aim to maximize our positive emotions and avoid our negative ones.快乐不再是美好生活的副产品,它本身就是一个目标。



肖申克的救赎The Shawshank Redemption故事从1947年讲起,银行家安迪(蒂姆罗宾斯主演)发现妻子有婚外情,醉酒后曾企图枪杀她,最后善良的安迪还是放弃了。






















The Best Time to Sleep最佳睡眠时间和作息时间Is there a best time to sleep? There is a saying that sleeping early and waking up early is good for your health. How true is that? Is it alright to sleep late and wake up late? You actually has an amazing biological clock ticking inside your body. It is very precise. It helps to regulate your various body functions including your sleeping time.是否存在一个最佳的睡眠时间?有一种说法是早睡早起有益健康。



From 11pm to 3am, most of your blood circulation concentrates in your liver. Your liver gets larger when filled with more blood. This is an important time when your body undergoes detoxification process. Your liver neutralizes and breaks down body toxins accumulated throughout the day. However if you don’t sleep at this time, your liver cannot carry out this detoxification process smoothly.晚上11点到凌晨3点这段时间,肝脏集中了大部分的血液循环。



There must be some fuckin' chemical∮肯定有些神奇的化学物质∮Chemical in your brain∮存在于你大脑里面∮That makes us different from animals∮它让我们和动物有所不同∮Makes us all the same∮让我们成为人∮Take it if it makes you numb∮它使你浑然不觉∮Take it if it makes you come∮它使你冷静∮Take it if it makes you make it perfect∮它使你努力变得完美∮Take it if it makes you talk∮它让你说话∮Take it if it makes you cough∮它让你咳嗽∮Take it if it makes you forget verses∮它也能让你遗忘∮Take it∮拥有它∮Take it!∮拥有它∮Hey. Aron here. Leave a message.嘿我是艾伦请留言Hey, Aron. Sonja here, again.你好艾伦我是索尼娅再次打扰了I know that you're probably gonna be away this weekend.我知道你这周末可能出去But listen, just think about what we're gonna play. Please.不过你得想想要表演的节目Cause we have to decide, and we really... We need to practice, okay? 因为咱们得决定表演什么还得排练好吗'Anyway, it will be fun. I promise.不管怎样会很有意思的我保证And, oh, please call Mom. Please.还有给老妈打电♥话♥Cause she worries, which you know already.她要唠叨什么你也知道 'Okay. Later, A. Bye.就这样回见艾伦Oh hi oh, oh hi oh∮Oh hi oh, ay oh, ay oh∮(261号♥出口)(下一个服务点:100英里远)When we gonna get enough ∮Just take it∮When we gonna take too much ∮Just take it ∮When we gonna say I told you so ∮Just take it ∮When we gonna sleep it off ∮Just take it∮When we gonna keep it soft ∮Just take it∮Never gonna get∮Just take it∮Just take it Whoa!∮Just take it∮Just take it∮Just take it∮(左行马蹄峡谷蓝约翰峡谷右行绿河)Hey! It's Friday night.这是星期五晚上April 25, 2003.2003年4月25号♥I'm just entering Canyonlands.我刚进入峡谷地带Just me, the music and the night.就我自己一个人听着音乐Just take it∮享受夜晚∮Love it! ∮Just take it心情不错∮享受夜晚(本片根据艾伦写的《生死两难》真实故事改编 )Take it∮Just take it∮Take it∮Just take it∮星期六Blue John Can yon.我到了蓝约翰峡谷了Guidebook says four and a half hours to the big drop rappel. 导游手册上说:距离大跳峡4.2小时车程I aim to take 45 minutes off that.我打算先骑上45分钟Your face.你的脸You looked like a dog. I wish I was hiking with anyone else. 你看起来像条狗我希望有人一起去徒步旅行I don't know. I think we go that way.我不清楚我觉得应该往那个方向But we went that way and had to come back.如果去那边咱们肯定要绕回来You're doing Blue John too, huh?你们也来蓝约翰峡谷玩Uh, no, actually. We're headed for the dome.其实不是我们要去圆顶山But I think we're lost. She's lost.不过我们迷路了她迷路了Hang on.稍等Oh, my God.天哪Let's see this.让我瞧瞧You are... here.你们在这儿We are?真的Oh, yeah. I knew that. I knew that.啊确实认得了And the dome is there.圆顶在那儿Um, I can take you that way if you like.要是你们愿意我能带你们过去I'm sorry. The, uh... Friday the 13th there.抱歉这打扮太像黑色星期五杀手了Child killer look.像孩子杀手I'm only a psychopath on weekdays.我只是工作日才比较疯狂And today's Saturday, so...不过今天是周六Can't take this off. It's my face.这个不是面具是我的脸啦Nice.有意思Aron. Kristi.我叫艾伦克里斯蒂Allow me to introduce you to my friend Megan. 介绍一下我的朋友梅根Nice to meet you. It's an honor.很高兴见到你我的荣幸What do you say?决定一下You're lost. I'm a guide.你们迷路了我能带路I'm good.专业人士哦Why not? Sure.为什么不呢是啊All right. This way.好的这边走You biked from Horseshoe, huh?你从马蹄峡谷骑车过来What is that... like, 20 miles?好像有20公里远Seventeen on the odometer.计程表上是27公里Oh. Oh. I thought it was 17.2.我还以为是17.2公里Uh, 17.3 actually.其实是17.3公里Ah, you're one of those.你是传说中的驴友了I'm not one of those.不算是Do you spend a lot of time out here?你经常花时间来玩吗It's my second home.这儿就像我第二个家Ah, see?看到了There's the fork right there.这是岔口了Aah. Okay, totally missed that.我们怎么就没看到Glad we bumped into you. Yeah.还好碰到你了是啊What are the odds, considering we're all the way out here?三个人能聚到这地方可不容易Exactly. You go to the one place in America...可不是么这地方在美洲you're pretty much guaranteed not to run into a weirdo...算是躲避怪人的风♥水♥宝♥地♥了and what happens?结果还碰到我了All right.好吧So the guidebook says that the route's through here.导游手册上说沿着这里走就好了But I know a better way the cool way.不过我知道个更好的路线很酷的路线Guaranteed best time you can have with your clothes on.我保证这是穿着衣服能享受的最好路线Although it's better with your clothes off.虽然最好把衣服脱掉It is a bit of a climb.需要先爬山We climb.我们能爬And a bit of a squeeze. We squeeze.路线有点窄我们能挤So you get us all the way back in here...能把我们带到这种地方and then you tell us that you are not a guide.还说不是专业人士Well, no. I'm an engineer. But this is what I really want to do.其实我是个工程师不过梦想是爬山Oh, that's wonderful.听起来那是真好啊I've always wanted to be a supermodel...我的梦想是当超级模特but I don't think that's actually really gonna work out, you know? 也想美梦成真啊Jesus, what if these things move?万一这些石头动了怎么办They've been here for millions of years. They're not gonna move. 它们都呆了上百万年了不会动的Oh, sure they will. What?很有可能的什么Yeah. Everything's moving all the time. Oh!不错一直有地质活动噢Let's just hope not today.你只能祈祷今天石头不动Oh. Great.这可真好All right.准备了Now all you gotta remember is that everything will be okay.你们只要记住一点一切都会没事的Oh, my God! Oh, my God!天哪天哪What... Where... Aron!哦天啊艾伦呢Are you okay? Aron!你没事吧艾伦Aron!艾伦Home on the train∮Why'd you put my monkey on the train∮As you arrived∮My sleeping monkey is revived∮Listen to the guy. He's fine. Yeah.他没事儿是啊He's batshit.这个疯子You're batshit!你真疯了Come on! You gotta come down here!来吧下来看看Trust me! Trust you?相信我相信你I'll kill you, Aron Ralston!我要杀了你艾伦·罗斯顿Oh, please. You love this.算了试试看吧Whoa!哇哦Nice job! Oh, my God!跳得不错天啊Megan! You're missing it! Come on!梅根这地方不错快来It's amazing!真不错Fuck. Fuck. Just jump!靠靠放手跳Oh, my God. Fuck. Just jump, Megan!天啊操放手跳吧梅根Fuck.靠Oh, shit!该死Are you okay?没事儿吧Nice jump. Oh, my God.跳得好我的天啊I can't believe I just did that.我真没想到我做到了That's why we have to do it again. Again? Again?那就必须再爽一次再来还来Camera! Camera! Camera? Camera!摄像机摄像机摄像机摄像机Camera!拍下来So, Blue John is actually named after this guy, Blue John...那个蓝约翰峡谷这名其实是以who was Butch Cassidy's cook...是以布屈·卡西迪的厨师命名的Ah. That's cool. from, you know, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.挺酷噢就是电影“虎豹小霸王”里的那个The Hole in the Wall Gang. Yeah.断墙帮派那帮人是啊And they would hide out in these canyons, I guess.估计他们就躲在这样的峡谷里But also what they'd do is they'd run horses wild horses into here...另外他们把野马赶到这儿and they'd trap 'em at the end of the canyons.从峡谷两头堵住That's how they'd catch the horses.就能捉住野马You wanna take one more picture before I go?我走之前再合张影Yeah. Okay, cool.好啊来吧Ready?准备One, two, three.一二三Blue John. Blue Cheese.蓝约翰蓝茄子Well, will I ever see you again?没准还能见面吗That depends. Do you party?看情况你参加派对吧Do I party? Uh, yeah, sometimes.这还用问常去Tomorrow night, we're actually, seriously, throwing a party, if you wanna come. 明天晚上有个派对真诚邀请你来玩Yeah. You should come by, have a beer, kick back.喝杯啤酒放松一下Okay. Where am I going?地点在哪It's about 20 miles away, near Green River.距离绿河有20英里远You know the old motel? It's behind that.知道那个旧旅馆吗就在它后面There's gonna be a huge inflatable Scooby Doo. 那有个巨大的充气史酷比狗You can't miss it. Really? Okay.你不会错过的是么好吧Yep. Cool. Okay.多谢好的It was good to meet you. See ya!见到你们很高兴再会Bye! Scooby Doo!再见记得史酷比狗Yeah!是的Rock on!记住了You think he's actually gonna show up?你觉得他真会来么I don't think we figured in his day at all.我觉得咱们猜不到他白天的安排You liked him.你喜欢他Shit!该死127 小时This is insane!真♥他♥妈♥搞笑Fuck.操Move this fucking rock!这石头给我动起来Please.求求你Fuck.见鬼了Fucking save it.得省着点喝Oh, God.天啊Kristi!克里斯蒂Megan!梅根Kristi!克里斯蒂It's Aron!我是艾伦Megan!梅根Kristi! Megan!克里斯蒂梅根Kristi!克里斯蒂Think.想想Just think.好好想想Fuck.糟糕Oh. Fuck.糟糕Shit.糟了Oh, God.天啊Shit!我靠Fucker.糟糕Come on. Please.来吧Sweet.好啊Nice and dull.刀太钝了星期日Look at the size of this one, man. 看看这大块Like, how the fuck did this get here?真不知道怎么跑这儿来的Yes.是啊Okay.就这样Hey, buddy.嘿伙计Here we go.过来吧It's 3:05...现在是下午3点05on Sunday, April 27, 2003.2003年 4月27日星期日Uh, this marks 24 hours...这意味已经过了24小时of being stuck in Blue John Canyon...从我困到蓝约翰峡谷算起的话right where it slots up before the big drop.距离大跳峡不远My name's Aron Ralston.我叫艾伦·拉斯顿My parents are Donna and Larry Ralston of Englewood, Colorado. 我父母叫多纳和拉瑞住在科罗拉多州恩格尔伍德市Um.还有Whoever finds this can keep the... the recorder.如果有人看到了这录像摄像机送你了Just please try and get in touch with my parents...不过请联♥系♥一下我父母and and give them this tape.把录像带给他们I'd appreciate it.我会非常感激你Uh, I was descending Blue John yesterday...我昨天从蓝约翰峡谷向下走uh, when this, uh, chockstone came loose...那时候这大块石头松了掉下来and rolled onto my arm...滚到我胳膊上and now it's stuck.现在卡住了Um, the thumb is kind of this gray blue color. 大拇指已经变成蓝灰色了It's been without circulation for 24 hours.已经24小时没有血液循环了So, I think it's pretty well gone.然后估计是保不住了I'm low on food.现在食物短缺That's about 300, 400 mil...这儿大概有300~400毫升水and that's it for water.水就这么多I'm in pretty deep doo doo here.我碰到大♥麻♥烦了Hello!喂Please!拜托There's someone down here!下面有人Help!救命I'm in the canyon!我在峡谷里Help!救命Help! Help!救命救命Please!拜托Help!救命啊Help!救命啊Down here!我在下面Help!救救我Don't lose it.千万不能崩溃Aron.艾伦Do not lose it.千万不能崩溃(气温从36摄氏度持续下降)(6摄氏度)Not bad.这样还不错Oh, dinner.该晚饭了Tomorrow night, we're actually, seriously, throwing a party. 明天我们有个派对真诚邀请你来You should come by, have a beer, kick back.喝啤酒放松一下There's gonna be a huge inflatable Scooby Doo.有个巨大的充气史酷比狗Scooby Doo.史酷比狗Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you∮We've got some work to do now∮Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you ∮Where are you∮We need some help from you now∮Come on, Scooby Doo, I see you∮Pretending you got a sliver∮Hmm. Mountain Dew.山露啤酒Plastic cup.塑料纸杯Thank you.多谢了Might take a beer as well.我也能喝一瓶Don't mind if I do.那就不客气了Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you∮Hey. Aron here. Leave a message.我是艾伦请留言Aron, it's Mom. I was hoping to catch you.艾伦我是你妈妈希望你这时候在Are you there?你在吗Hello?喂Okay. Nothing urgent.好吧不是什么要紧事儿Dad's in New York, so it'll be a quiet weekend. 你♥爸♥爸去纽约了周末比较清静Call me, okay? Lots of love.给我回电♥话♥ 好吗爱你的妈妈Where you going? Don't know yet.你要去哪儿还没定呢Right there, Brion.我就在这儿布莱恩Maybe Utah. Maybe somewhere else.可能去犹他州或者其他地方Have a good one.玩得开心Always do.每次都很开心Always do.每次都很开心Let's go.开工了星期一When I wake up in the morning, love∮And the sunlight hurts my eyes∮And something without warning∮Love∮Bears heavy on my mind∮Then I look at you∮And the world's all right with me∮Just one look at you∮Oh, come on!加油And I know it's gonna be∮A lovely day∮Lovely day, lovely day∮Lovely day, lovely day ∮A lovely day∮Lovely day, lovely day Lovely day, lovely day ∮Lovely day, lovely day, lovely day∮Lovely day∮When the day that lies ahead of me∮Seems impossible to face∮When someone else instead of me∮Always seems to know the way∮Then I look at you∮And the world's all right with me∮And I know it's gonna be∮A lovely day∮Lovely day, lovely day∮Lovely day, lovely∮Crap.差点This is freaking me out, looking at myself. 这样看自己太吓人了Sorry. I hope that's okay.这样好点It's Monday. Um.今天星期一Bummer, all day.整天进展都不顺I tried to set up this pulley all morning...我上午一直试着弄这个滑轮but it didn't work.不过还是不行It was worth a try.值得一试But there's too much friction.不过摩擦力太大And it's a climbing rope, so there's too much stretch. 这是登山绳索所以弹性太大What I could really use...真正需要的is about 20 meters of static wrap rope, 9.8 mil.是20米长的静力绳直径9.8毫米Uh, three or four pulleys...3到4个嵌套滑轮a rack of carabiners, a sling...加上勾环吊具power drill... and bolt kit.强力钻头和螺钉Oh, and, uh, eight burly men to do all the hauling. 还需要8个壮男才能拉起来That should just about do it.那样的话刚刚好I have, uh...我还剩about 150 milliliters of water left...150毫升的水which should keep me alive till tomorrow night...估计能让我坚持到明天晚上if I'm lucky.如果我运气不错的话I peed twice.小便了两次Almost pissed my pants.有次差点尿裤子Uh, I don't know, my body's acting really weird.现在身体感觉有点奇怪The second time, I did it in the CamelBak.第二次尿在了水袋里Smells really bad.气味很糟But, uh, I'm sure it'll settle.不过总比没有强It's got to be chilled like sauvignon blanc.想像成喝白苏维翁葡萄酒就可以了No number twos.肥水不外流Which should disappoint my insect friends.我的昆虫朋友会不高兴了They'll just have to wait.你们多等等就好了Let's see, what else could I tell you?看看还能补充些什么情况There's this raven that comes every morning.有只乌鸦每天上午都飞过来I clocked it at 8:17.我每次计时是8点17分I'll... I'll film it for you tomorrow.明天你就能吃到我了Every morning at, uh, 9:30...每天上午时间为9:30I get 15 minutes of sunlight.太阳能有15分钟照到我It's really nice.感觉很好I have been chipping away.我一直在削石头More to... More to keep warm than anything.主要是主要是为了保持体温I'm beginning to think that my hand is supporting the rock. 不过我开始想到我的手被石头挤着So when I chip away a little bit...我稍微移♥动♥一点点it actually settles more.它就卡得更紧了So...所以呢I found this great tourniquet.我找了个很好的止血带Oh, yeah.是的It hasn't been very useful.刀太钝了不好用Lesson:教训Don't buy the cheap, made in China multi tool.不要买♥♥便宜的山寨多功能刀具I tried to find my Swiss Army knife, but...我找过我的瑞士军刀不过This thing came free with a flashlight.这刀随头灯免费赠送The flashlight was a piece of shit too.这灯也是伪劣产品I kept it in my truck for emergencies.本想留在车里应急用Not that I'm blaming you, Mom.妈妈我不是怪你It was a perfectly great stocking stuffer.这是份很好的圣诞礼物And there's no way you could have ever known...你肯定不会预料到that I'd get in this kind of trouble.我会碰到这麻烦When we watch this later, will the camera have to be on? 我们回头看录像的时候摄像机还用开着吗Yeah. So you have to leave the camera with us...你得拿着摄像头if we want to watch something that you've made, right? 我们才能看到你录的什么Yeah. Good job, honey.不错嘛弹得真好亲爱的Isn't that great? That is quite extraordinary.怎么样太有才了So he's filming her now. Sounds beautiful, sweetheart. 他这样拍她太好听了亲爱的Yes. We're seeing it now live...是的我们能在电视上看到but he's going to be able to show this again.但是他会再次播放的Go away.走开To be able to watch it. We can't just watch it with a... 为了能够观看我们不能只在那里看So good.不错哦Well done. Okay.弹得好很好Way to go, Sis.弹得不错妹妹Keep playing? Yes, honey. Keep going.继续弹是啊继续Fuck.我靠I love you.我爱你So...那么how do I get in?我该怎么来What's the, um...怎么You know? Combination.你明白的结合Combination.结合If I told you...如果要教给你I'd have to kill you.我就得先杀掉你But already you kill me.你已经让我丢了魂了Combination?结合I think I have it.我觉得我明白Fuck!糟了Ah, fuck.糟了Fuck. Fuck.糟了糟了(因为暴风雨道路可能无法通行)Who's there?谁啊You can set me any task∮Aron?艾伦I'll do anything you ask∮If you'll only∮Love me still∮If the sun should tumble∮From the sky∮If the sea should suddenly∮Run dry∮If you love me Please!求求你∮Please!求求你Really love me∮Let it happen∮I won't care∮If it seems that everything is lost Please!求求你∮星期二Good morning, everybody out there. Steve.大家早上好我是史蒂夫Good morning. It's The Morning Show with Brian Stephenson... 早上好这里是布莱恩·斯蒂芬森的早间报道Also coming up this half hour...半小时后准备好Good morning, everyone!大家早上好It is 7:00 here in Canyonland, U.S.A.现在是7点我在美国峡谷区发来报道And this morning on the boulder...今天早上在大石头这里we have a very special guest...我们有位特邀嘉宾self proclaimed American superhero...他自称是美国的超级大英雄Aron Ralston!有请艾伦·拉斯顿Let's hear it for Aron!大家为他鼓掌Hi. Oh, gosh. It's...大家好真热情It's a real pleasure to be here. Thank you. Thank you.很荣幸能来到这里谢谢你们Hey, can I say hi to my mom and dad?我能先和父母打声招呼吗Mom and Dad!老爸老妈Mustn't forget Mom and Dad. Right, Aron?老爸老妈可不能忘是吧艾伦Yeah. That's right.没错Hey, Mom.你好啊妈妈I'm really sorry I...我很抱歉I didn't answer the phone the other night.那天晚上没回你的电♥话♥If I had, I would have told you where I was going, and then... 如果回了我肯定会告诉你我去哪儿了Well, I probably wouldn't be here right now.估计也到不了这里That's for sure!可不是嘛But like I always say...不过我常说嘛your supreme selfishness...这么极端自私is our gain.也是活该受罪Thank you, Aron. Anyone else you'd like to say hi to?谢谢艾伦还想对谁说什么Well, Brion at work.工作单位的布莱恩Hi, Aron! Hey.艾伦你好你好Uh, I probably won't be making it into work today.估计今天我是不能上班了Get a load of this guy! Oh, wait. Hold on.听到了没稍等We've got a question coming in from another Aron...我们有一个问题是另一个艾伦in Loser Canyon, Utah.来自犹他州笨蛋峡谷Aron asks...他问Am I right in thinking...是不是that even if Brion from work...就算布莱恩notifies the police...通知了警方they'll put a 24 hour hold on it...他们也要等24小时before they file a Missing Persons report?才立案失踪调查Which means you won't become officially missing...也就是说你正式失踪until midday Wednesday, at the earliest!最早也早不过周三中午Ah, yeah. You're right on the money there, Aron.是啊艾伦你说的完全正确Which means I'll probably be dead by then.这么说我那时候可能早死了Aron from Loser Canyon, Utah. How do you know so much? 笨蛋峡谷的艾伦你怎么懂得这么多Well, I'll tell you how I know so much.让我告诉你为什么懂I volunteer for the rescue service.我志愿参加过救援队Hmm?什么You see, I'm something of a, uh...我其实是个well, a big fucking hard hero.雄心壮志的大英雄And I can do everything on my own, you see?我完全能自己救援自己明白吗I do see.我确实明白Now...不过is it true that despite...不管是对还是不对or maybe because you're a big fucking hard hero...就是因为你自己逞强you didn't tell anyone where you were going?所以才没有告诉任何人你去哪儿了Yeah, that's absolutely correct.是啊你说的完全没错Anyone? Anyone.任何人谁都没有Mom, Dad.妈妈爸爸I just want to take this time to tell you...我想用这时间对你们说that the times we've spent together have been awesome. 和你们在一起的时光很美好And I haven't appreciated you in my heart...我过去没有全心全意的as I know that I could.去爱你们Mom, I love you...妈妈我爱你and I wish that I'd returned all your calls, ever.我真希望能回你的所有电♥话♥ 到永远I love you guys...我爱你们and I'll always be with you.我会永远和你们同在Bone.骨头划不动星期三It's no Slurpee.尝起来可不好It's like a bag of piss.这可是一包尿Nice!漂亮Come on, Ralston!再跳一次拉斯顿Okay, I'm gonna go up again.好的我要再来一次Give me that.给我那个Quick, while he's gone.快点录上他要走了Listen. We could tell him.听着我们会告诉他I know that. Okay? Tell him.我知道好吗告诉他We're very worried about you.我们很担心你We're worried... About your music.我们担心关于你的音乐Your musical choices are really rough.你的音乐口味实在太糟If you keep singing Phish, you're never gonna get a girlfriend.你要是老哼这歌♥ 肯定找不到女朋友Never. You might have one, but I really doubt that you do.肯定不会你可能有了不过我很怀疑You may be sort of cute, occasionally. I'm nervous and scared for you. 你还算帅吧我还是跳水给你看吧Okay. This cannonball's for you. No one will care.好的这个抱膝跳水送给你没人在乎Okay.好的That was a 10.可以打10分All right.好吧I'm going to test your theory...我打算实验一下你的理论about whether or not it's better to do it... 看看是哪一个更好些Oh, God!天啊without your clothes on.是不是脱了衣服更好点I'm just gonna swim for a bit.我正要游一下Don't.停No, no. Don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. 不不停停停停停Oh, please.求你了Don't.停Don't.停Ralston, rock on.拉斯顿就来喽Oh, fuck.糟了You don't even want me here, do you? 你根本就不想让我来是吧I'm gonna go, Aron.那我就走给你看艾伦Is that what you want?这就是你的心愿吧It is, isn't it?没错是吧Okay.那好Come back.回来You're gonna be so lonely, Aron.你肯定会孤单一辈子艾伦Forty six, 47, 48, 49, 50!46 47 48 49 50You hear that, Aron? I'm coming!艾伦听到了吗我来找你了Um, I'm holding on.我还在坚持Time's moving really slowly.时间过得很慢My heart's beating really fast.我心跳得很快I swear to God, it feels like...我发誓这感觉是It feels like... It's beating, like, three times as fast as it should be. 这感觉是心跳是平时的三倍那么快So cold.好冷So cold.好冷Blue John.蓝约翰I... love... you.我爱你There you are.你是的Rana. I've been thinking about you, girl.瑞纳我一直想着你这女孩I've been thinking about you, girl.我一直想着你这女孩I admit it. I admit it.我承认我承认I know how I am. I tried to do everything.我知道我已经试尽了各种方法Where I was. I tried.最大程度的都努力了Aron? Where are you?艾伦你在哪儿Where are you?你在哪儿What are you guys doing here?你们怎么在这儿Eddie? Tom?爸爸汤姆Hey, you guys. What's going on?你们好啊Eric? Hey.艾瑞克你好You look like the Hole in the Wall Gang.你们可真像电影里的断墙帮派Dorks.一群傻相Found you, Aron.我找到你了艾伦Sis, I'm sorry that I won't be at your wedding.妹妹抱歉我不能参加你的婚礼了I know that I promised to play, that we'd play.我知道我保证过演奏节目和你一起演奏I'm sorry.抱歉了I know it'll be a good one.我知道本来会很出彩的There's no raven.现在是8:15 乌鸦还没来8:15.时间是8:208:20.My raven didn't come.8:30 乌鸦仍然没来8:30.I've been thinking.我已经想过了Everything is...这一切It just comes together. You're gonna be so lonely, Aron. 都是命中注定的你肯定会孤单一辈子艾伦Have a good one. Always do.开心点每次都很开心Laters!再见了It's me. Aron, it's Mom.是我自己艾伦我是你妈妈I was hoping to catch you. I chose this.希望你在那儿这么选择Dad's in New York, so it'll be a quiet weekend.你♥爸♥去纽约了周末会很清静I chose all of this.我的所有选择Call me, okay? Lots of love.回我电♥话♥好吗妈妈爱你This rock.这块石头This rock has been waiting for me my entire life. 一直在我的命里等着我I hate this rock!我恨这石头In its entire life... ever since it was...它这一辈子甚至自从它a bit of meteorite...是一块陨石开始a million billion years ago...从几亿年前开始How the fuck did this get here?这大家伙怎么跑这儿来的up there in space...穿过宇宙it's been waiting...它就等着to come here...到这儿来right right here.就在这儿I've been moving towards it my whole life.它是我这辈子的宿命The minute I was born, every breath I've taken... 从我出生开始我的每次呼吸every action...每个行动has been leading me to this crack...都把我引到这里来on the earth's surface.到这个地球的裂缝来愿灵魂安息 1975 2003 艾伦·拉斯顿(你生活着带着癫狂)(你行走着暗自神伤)(我看见你慢慢成长)(生命之火小心呵护)(不要熄灭从此倒下)(让生命之火继续发光)If I rise∮如果我能重生∮Have one more try∮再来一次选择∮If I believe∮如果我愿相信∮There's more than this∮不止为此而活∮Okay. Come on.加油Don't pass out.不能晕过去Don't fall asleep.不能睡过去Thank you.谢谢你Easy.稳住Easy. Come on.稳住来吧Help!救命啊Please!来人啊Help me!救救我I need help!请帮帮我My name is Aron Ral Aron Ralston.我叫艾伦·拉斯顿This Saturday I was trapped by a boulder. 自从周六我就被一块岩石卡住了I haven't had food or water for five days. 我连续五天没喝水了This morning I cut my arm...今早我砍断了胳膊This morning I cut my arm off.今早我砍断了胳膊Please. Some water?求求你给我点水Thank you.谢谢Do you have a phone? Yes, but no signal.你有电♥话♥吗有不过没信♥号♥♥ You should stop and rest.你应该停下来休息啊No. I've gotta keep going.不行不能停下Can one of you run?我要逃出去Can one of you run ahead?你们跑去前面找人(醒醒)(醒醒)艾伦的预感成真三年后遇到了杰西卡喜结良缘他们的儿子里奥 2010年2月出生(画面中是艾伦本人)艾伦继续着他的登山探险之旅以后他都会留下去哪里的字条由詹姆斯·弗兰克扮演艾伦·拉斯顿艾伦毕业于卡♥耐♥基♥梅隆大学机械工程系2002年从英特尔辞职后立志在冬季登遍科罗拉多州的高山2003年28岁的时候发生了影片中的遭遇2004年出版了同题材传记《生死两难》艾伦受困第一天就有了断肢的想法不过直到最后一天才想到利用石头折断骨头逃生影片中的三分钟断肢过程实际进行了一小时六小时后他被直升飞机所救抢救医生说再晚一小时抢救他就会因失血过多死亡地区管理局把断肢火化后回送给了艾伦装上假肢至今艾伦已经在冬季独自攀登了58座山峰艾伦说是未来家人指引着自己逃出山谷是自己家人的爱给了他力量导演也曾执导过奥斯卡最佳影片《贫民窟百万富翁》If I rise∮One more try∮If I believe∮There's more than this∮If I rise∮One more try∮All I give∮More than this∮If I rise∮One more try∮If I believe∮There's more than this∮There's more than this∮If I'm found∮I want it known∮That though I've wandered far from home ∮I've never lost the way∮Back again∮If I rise∮Have one more try∮If I believe∮There's more than this∮If I'm found∮I want it known∮If I believe∮There's more than this ∮In more than this∮。



【篇一】怎样地道用英语口语来表达睡眠(1)nap n/v这个单词经常以名词形式出现在take a nap这个词组中,表示“打盹儿,小睡”,是一个中性的表达。

其实nap也可以作一个动词使用,表示“打瞌睡”,例如:An elderly person may nap during the day and then sleep only five hours a night.老年人白天会小睡一会儿,然后晚上只睡5个小时。

(2)doze n/v作名词时它表示“瞌睡”,做动词时常与介词off搭配,doze off也表示“打瞌睡,打盹儿”,不过doze带有一点贬义,常指走神而引发的困倦,如上课打瞌睡,无聊的讲座使听众发困等等:The lecture was so boring that the audience began to doze off.讲座太乏味,听众开始打盹了。

表达睡觉这个含义的词组还有go to sleep/ go to bed,但是我们发现这里有一个to do不定式的结构,该结构可以表目的和表将来,因此在中文里我们就可以理解成,“去做……”。

回到词组上,去睡觉/去床上可不就是到床上准备睡觉,却不一定已经入睡了吗?我们平常问的“你昨晚几点睡?”其实也就是在问“你昨晚几点*?”还有一组很相似的表达是get to sleep/ get asleep/ fall asleep,这一组词就基本等同于sleep,只有这细微的差别。




其实平常喜欢追美剧的同学应该都对上面列举的单词和词组应该都不陌生,因为那些都是口语中常见的说法,那如果要用在书面上呢?slumber这个高大上的词可就排上用场了!如果要进行文学创作,写篇小说、作首诗歌,这个词都是你的不二之选哦!让我们看看例句:And you think you can use it to summon the Dragon Lords from a thousand years of slumber?你认为你能用它来召唤沉睡了一千年的龙神?And so they thoughts, when thou art gone, Love itself shall slumber on.当你飘然远去,爱情,将在我对你的思念中安眠。



我们需要好的睡眠英语作文80词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: We Need Good SleepHey guys, do you know how important sleep is for our health? Let me tell you all about it!First of all, did you know that when we sleep, our body gets a chance to rest and repair itself? It's like when we turn off our computers and let them cool down after using them for a long time. Sleep helps us recharge our batteries and get ready for the next day.Not only that, but sleep also helps our brains function better. When we sleep, our brains process all the information we learned during the day and store it in our memory. That's why we feel more alert and focused after a good night's sleep.But here's the thing – we need to make sure we get enough sleep every night. Kids our age should aim for at least 9-11 hours of sleep each night. That might sound like a lot, but it's super important for our growth and development.So, how can we make sure we get good sleep? Well, here are a few tips: try to go to bed at the same time every night, create a relaxing bedtime routine, and make sure your bedroom is a comfortable and quiet place to sleep.Remember, good sleep is super important for our health and well-being. So let's all make sure we get enough rest each night, okay? Sweet dreams, everyone!篇2Why We Need Good SleepHey guys, do you know why we need good sleep? Let me tell you all about it!First of all, when we have good sleep, we feel more energized and ready to start our day. We can concentrate better in school and learn new things easily. Our brains need rest to work properly, so getting enough sleep is super important.Also, when we sleep well, our bodies can grow and develop properly. It helps our muscles to repair and our immune system to stay strong. And let's not forget about the importance of beauty sleep! When we sleep well, our skin looks better and our eyes sparkle.But sometimes it can be hard to get a good night's sleep. Maybe we stay up too late watching TV or playing video games. Or maybe we eat sugary snacks before bed, which makes it hard for us to fall asleep. We need to create a bedtime routine that helps us relax and unwind before going to bed.So, let's make sure we all get enough sleep every night. It's good for our bodies, our brains, and our well-being. And remember, a well-rested kid is a happy kid!Sweet dreams, everyone!篇3Title: Why We Need Good SleepHi everyone! Today I want to talk about why we need good sleep. Sleep is super important for our bodies and minds to work properly. Without enough sleep, we can feel grumpy, tired, and have trouble concentrating in school. So, let's learn more about why good sleep is so important!First of all, did you know that kids like us need more sleep than adults? Yup, that's because our bodies and brains are still growing and developing. When we sleep, our bodies can rest and repair themselves, and our brains can process and store allthe new things we learned during the day. So, if we don't get enough good sleep, we can't grow properly and we might have trouble remembering things.Secondly, good sleep helps us stay healthy. When we sleep, our bodies produce hormones that help us grow, fight off germs, and stay healthy. If we don't get enough sleep, our immune system might not work as well, and we could get sick more easily. So, by getting good sleep, we can stay strong and healthy.Lastly, good sleep is important for our moods and emotions. Have you ever noticed how grumpy you feel when you don't get enough sleep? That's because lack of sleep can affect our mood and make us feel sad, angry, or anxious. But when we get enough good sleep, we feel happier, more relaxed, and ready to take on the day.In conclusion, good sleep is super important for us kids. It helps our bodies and brains grow and develop, keeps us healthy, and makes us feel happy and energized. So, let's make sure to get at least 8-10 hours of good sleep every night. Remember, a good night's sleep is the key to a happy and healthy life! Thank you for listening!篇4Title: Why We Need Good SleepHey guys, have you ever thought about why we need good sleep? Well, I'm here to tell you all about it!First of all, did you know that when we sleep, our bodies are actually busy working to repair and grow? Yup, it's true! That's why when we don't get enough sleep, we might feel tired and cranky the next day. So if you want to grow up big and strong, you better make sure to get enough snooze time!Not only does sleep help our bodies grow, but it also helps our brains too. When we sleep, our brains are busy sorting and storing all the new things we learned that day. So if you want to be super smart, make sure to get a good night's sleep each and every night.And here's another cool fact – did you know that sleep can also help keep us healthy? That's right! When we sleep, our bodies are busy fighting off germs and keeping us from getting sick. So if you want to stay healthy and strong, make sure to get those Zzz's in!So, all in all, it's super important to make sure we're getting enough good sleep each night. So remember to go to bed early,turn off those screens, and snuggle up tight under the covers. Your body and brain will thank you for it!Well, that's all for now, guys. Remember, sleep is super important, so make sure to get enough of it every night. Sweet dreams!篇5Title: We Need Good Sleep!Hey guys, do you know how important sleep is for us? It's super important for our bodies and our brains to get enough sleep every night. Let me tell you why we need good sleep.First of all, sleep helps our bodies grow big and strong. When we sleep, our bodies repair muscles and tissues that have been working hard all day. This is why it's so important for us kids to get lots of sleep, so we can keep growing and being healthy.Secondly, sleep is like a cleaning crew for our brains. When we sleep, our brains get rid of all the junk and waste that has built up during the day. This helps us think better and learn new things. So if we want to do well in school and have lots of fun, we need to make sure we get enough sleep.Lastly, sleep is super important for our moods. Have you ever noticed that when you don't get enough sleep, you feel grumpy and tired? That's because sleep helps balance our hormones and keep us feeling happy and energized. So if you want to be a happy and fun kid, make sure you get lots of sleep!In conclusion, good sleep is super important for our bodies and our brains. We need it to grow, learn, and be happy. So let's make sure we all get a good night's sleep every night. Sweet dreams, everyone!篇6Why We Need Good Sleep!Hey guys, have you ever wondered why we need to have a good night's sleep? Let me tell you why!First of all, when we sleep, our bodies get a chance to rest and recover from all the activities we did during the day. It’s like giving our bodies a break so they can be ready for another day of fun and play!Not only that, but when we sleep, our brains also get a chance to recharge. This helps us to concentrate better, remember things easier, and even learn new stuff faster! So ifyou want to be super smart and do well in school, make sure to get enough sleep every night.And guess what, having a good night's sleep can also help us stay healthy! When we sleep, our bodies release hormones that help us fight off illnesses and keep us strong. So if you want to avoid getting sick and stay happy and energized, make sure to sleep well.Lastly, sleeping is just super fun! I mean, who doesn’t love snuggling up in their cozy bed, dreaming of magical adventures, and waking up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day?So remember, boys and girls, good sleep is super important for our bodies and minds. So make sure to turn off those screens, snuggle up in bed early, and get those Zzzs for a happy and healthy you! Good night!。



提高大脑效率的10个方法(英汉对照)1. Take a nap.1.小睡一会Refreshing your body can also help you improve brain function, increase memory, and improve your mood. Even just 15 minutes can make a huge difference in your day-to-day life. So take a nap, feel refreshed, and help your brain all in one.为你的身体补充能量还可以帮助你改善大脑功能,提高记忆力,改善你的情绪。



2. Do something creative just before going to bed.2.睡前做一些有创意的事When youre tired, your brain can be more creative. Take advantage! Whether youre writing the next great American Novel or dusting off the old paint brush and canvas, finding your creative outlet just before going to bed can yield great results. So tap your inner Picasso and create something beautiful. Just dont fall asleep with the brush in your hand.当你疲劳时,你的大脑会更有创造力。




【健康英语】十个有助于睡眠的方法分享(英文版)I wish sleep was unnecessary. If I could forgo my shuteye and work through the night, I would be unstoppable: imagine all the stuff that would get done! But this workaholic desire will never become a reality, because when I don't get enough sleep, nasty consequences follow. I nodded off during a drive home from a musical festival last year (fortunately I snapped awake mere seconds before a semi truck would have plowed straight through my car)。

And I'm too embarrassed to admit the number of movies, plays, and college classes I have dozed off during because I found myself in a dark room while being burdened by a substantial sleep debt (let's just call it “expensive nap-time?”)。

As nice it would be to have an extra 6-8 hours per night, the benefits of sleep cannot be denied. If you're looking for a good reason to improve your quality of sleep (or an excuse to take a nap after you finish this article), keep on reading.1. Improve your brain power.Just because you're asleep doesn't mean your brain isn't busy behind the scenes. Have you ever felt panicked the night before an exam because you couldn't recall any of the material you were cramming in, but then the next morning you woke up to discover a staggering difference in your ability to remember? If so, this happened because your brain strengthens your memories while you sleep. Whether you're learning a new language, studying for a test, or exploring a new hobby, expect to perform better after a good night's sleep.2. Enjoy more (and better) sex.A study by the National Sleep Foundation discovered an alarming trend among Americans: one out of every four adults married to or living with a partner say they are often “so sleep-deprived that they are too tired to have sex.” The excuse “too tired to have se x” shouldn't even exist, so please improve your sleep (for the sake of your sex life!)。



如何拥有好的睡眠英语作文Sleep is a vital part of our daily routine, essential for both physical and mental well-being. Good sleep can be achieved by establishing a consistent sleep schedule, ensuring that the body knows when it's time to rest and rejuvenate.Creating a relaxing bedtime routine is another key component to quality sleep. Engaging in calming activities such as reading a book or taking a warm bath can signal to the mind that it's time to unwind and prepare for sleep.The environment in which we sleep plays a crucial role in the quality of our rest. A cool, dark, and quiet room can help the body to naturally produce melatonin, the hormonethat regulates sleep.Avoiding caffeine and electronic devices before bedtimeis also beneficial. The blue light emitted from screens can disrupt the body's internal clock, making it harder to fall asleep.Exercise during the day can help to tire the body out, making it easier to fall asleep at night. However, it's best to avoid vigorous workouts close to bedtime, as they can have the opposite effect.Lastly, managing stress and practicing mindfulness cancontribute to a restful night's sleep. Techniques such as deep breathing or meditation can help to clear the mind and ease into a peaceful slumber.In summary, good sleep is not just about the number of hours we spend in bed, but also about the quality of those hours. By paying attention to our sleep hygiene, we can ensure a more restful and rejuvenating night's sleep.。



如何拥有良好的睡眠的英语作文Here is an English essay on the topic of "How to Have Good Sleep" with more than 1000 words, as requested:Sleeping is one of the most fundamental physiological needs of the human body. It is a vital process that allows our minds and bodies to rest, recharge, and rejuvenate. However, in today's fast-paced world, many people struggle to get the quality sleep they need. Whetherit's due to work stress, technology overuse, or unhealthy lifestyle habits, poor sleep has become a widespread problem that can have serious consequences for our overall health and well-being.Fortunately, there are several strategies and techniques that can help us achieve better, more restful sleep. By understanding the importance of sleep and implementing some simple lifestyle changes, we can improve the quality of our sleep and enjoy the numerous benefits that come with it.First and foremost, it's essential to recognize the importance of sleep and its impact on our physical and mental health. Adequate sleep is crucial for cognitive function, emotional regulation, and physical recovery. When we don't get enough sleep, we can experience arange of negative effects, including impaired concentration, mood swings, weakened immune system, and increased risk of chronic health problems such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.To ensure we're getting the quality sleep we need, it's important to establish a consistent sleep schedule. This means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. By maintaining a regular sleep-wake cycle, we can help our body's internal clock, or circadian rhythm, to function more effectively. This, in turn, can lead to improved sleep quality and feelings of alertness throughout the day.Another crucial factor in achieving good sleep is creating a sleep-friendly environment. Our bedrooms should be cool, dark, and quiet, as these conditions are optimal for promoting restful sleep. Exposure to blue light from electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, can disrupt our natural sleep-wake cycle by suppressing the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep-wake patterns. To avoid this, it's important to avoid using these devices for at least an hour before bedtime.In addition to creating a sleep-conducive environment, it's also important to establish a relaxing pre-bed routine. This can include activities like reading a book, taking a warm bath, practicingrelaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation, or engaging in light stretching or yoga. By consistently engaging in these soothing activities, we can signal to our brain that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.Furthermore, our diet and exercise habits can have a significant impact on our sleep quality. Consuming a balanced, nutrient-rich diet and engaging in regular physical activity can help improve the overall quality of our sleep. Certain foods, such as tart cherry juice, chamomile tea, and foods rich in tryptophan (a precursor to the sleep-promoting neurotransmitter serotonin), can also be beneficial for promoting better sleep.It's also important to be mindful of our caffeine and alcohol consumption, as both can disrupt our sleep patterns. Caffeine is a stimulant that can keep us awake and alert, so it's best to avoid consuming it in the afternoon and evening. Alcohol, while it may initially help us fall asleep, can actually interfere with the quality of our sleep and lead to frequent waking during the night.If you're still struggling with poor sleep despite implementing these strategies, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional. They can help identify any underlying medical conditions or sleep disorders that may be contributing to your sleep problems and provide personalized treatment recommendations.In conclusion, achieving good sleep is essential for our overall health and well-being. By understanding the importance of sleep, creating a sleep-friendly environment, establishing a relaxing pre-bed routine, and maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, we can improve the quality of our sleep and enjoy the numerous benefits it provides. Remember, good sleep is not a luxury, but a fundamental necessity for a healthy and fulfilling life.。



How to Achieve Good Sleep: A Guide to aBetter Night's RestGood sleep is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. It plays a crucial role in our daily lives, affecting our mood, concentration, and overall well-being. Despite its importance, however, many people struggle to achieve good sleep. In this article, we will explore some practical tips to help you achieve better sleep.**1. Establish a Regular Sleep Schedule**Setting a regular sleep schedule is one of the most effective ways to improve sleep quality. Going to bed and waking up at the same time every day helps regulate your body clock and promotes better sleep. Avoid varying your sleep schedule on weekends as much as possible to maintain consistency.**2. Create a Relaxing Sleep Environment**Your sleep environment should be cozy, dark, and quiet. Use curtains or shades to block out external light, and consider using a white noise machine or fan to mask anynoisy disturbances. Adjusting the temperature to a comfortable level can also help promote better sleep.**3. Limit Caffeine and Alcohol Intake**Caffeine and alcohol can significantly affect yoursleep quality. Avoid drinking coffee, tea, or other caffeinated beverages late in the day. Similarly, excessive alcohol consumption can disrupt sleep cycles, leading to poor-quality sleep.**4. Exercise Regularly**Regular exercise can help improve sleep quality. However, it's important to avoid exercising too close to bedtime as this can stimulate your body and make itdifficult to fall asleep. Try to schedule your exercise sessions earlier in the day or several hours before bedtime. **5. Manage Stress and Anxiety**Stress and anxiety can significantly impact sleep quality. Finding healthy ways to manage stress, such as through relaxation techniques, meditation, or counseling, can help improve sleep. Additionally, creating a nightlyroutine that includes calming activities can promote better sleep.**6. Limit Screen Time Before Bed**The blue light emitted from electronic screens can suppress the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Avoid using devices like phones, computers, or tablets before bedtime. If necessary, consider usingblue light filters or setting your devices to a night mode. **7. Maintain a Healthy Diet**Eating a balanced diet can help promote better sleep. Incorporate foods that are rich in melatonin, such as cherries, walnuts, and bananas. Avoid eating large meals close to bedtime as this can lead to indigestion anddisrupt sleep.In conclusion, achieving good sleep requires a combination of healthy habits and a conscious effort to create a supportive sleep environment. By following thetips outlined in this article, you can improve your sleep quality and enjoy the numerous benefits of a good night's rest.**如何拥有好的睡眠:实现优质睡眠的指南**良好的睡眠对于维持身心健康至关重要。



我睡觉的方法英文作文英文:When it comes to my sleeping habits, I have a few methods that work well for me. First and foremost, I make sure to stick to a consistent sleep schedule. This means going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate my body's internal clock and makes it easier for me to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.Another method I use is creating a relaxing bedtime routine. This could include taking a warm bath, reading a book, or listening to calming music. Doing these activities signals to my brain that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.I also make sure my sleeping environment is conducive to a good night's rest. This means keeping my bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. I use blackout curtains to block out anylight and earplugs to block out any noise.Finally, I try to avoid using electronic devices before bed. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere withthe production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Instead, I opt for reading a physical book or practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing.中文:说到我的睡眠习惯,我有一些方法可以帮助我入睡。

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Yourbrainneverstopsworking.Butitdoesceasetalkingtoitselfwhenyouloseco nsciousness,anewstudyshows.
econstantlyacrosstheentirenetwork,similartotheperpetualflowofdatabetw eenallthedifferentcomputers,routersandserversthatmakeuptheInternet.
Inthedeepestpartofsleep,however,thevariousnodesofyourcranialInterneta lllosetheirconnections.
steamusedanon-invasiveproceduretoactivateselectpartsofthebrain.Subjec tshadelectrodesattachedtotheirheadstomonitorhoweachstimulationtrigger edreactionselsewhere.
Intheearlymorning,whensubjectsweredreaming,signalscareenedaroundtheno gginsimilarlytowhentheywereawake.Butatnight,duringdeepersleep,thepict urewasmuchdifferent.
Consciousnesshaslongmystifiedscientists.Thenewfindingsuggeststhatitde pendsonthebrain’sabilitytointegrateinformation,Tononisays.
ssynapses,whichmakealltheconnectionsthatgiveusthought,totakeabreak,ac cordingtoTononi’scolleague,MarcelloMassimini.
“Thisprocesswouldallowcorticalcircuitstoeliminatenoisysynapsesandren ormalizeinordertobereadyforthenextday,”
MassiminitoldLiveScience.Thereducedactivitymightalsohelpexplainwhyper formanceinvarioustasksimprovesaftersleep,hesaid.
oprovidestimulation,andTononi’steamexpectsthistobethefirstofmanysimilarstudiesthatwillhelpresearche rsbetterunderstandthemindandspecificdisordersofthebrain.
