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3. The final conquest of the British Isles was in the

A. 1st century BC by the Scandinavian people
B. 5th century A. D. by the Normans
C. 11 th century A. D. by the Normans
B. different in structure and vocabulary , and unrelated
c. different in structure and vocabulary , but related
D. similar in structure but quite different in vocabulary
Decide the following statements to be True (T) or False (F) according to what you have learned
from the course. (20%)
11. Creoles and New Englishes are quite different. Creoles are well respected , while the
D. World War II by Germans
4. An American teacher who made an especially important contribution to the American
way of spelling English words was A. Mark Twin C. Webster Merriam
D. different languages spoken in one place
6. The most important factor that reinforces the international role of English is

A. television
B. traveland transport
English stands in the Outer circle. 、飞 18. Pidgin is a makeshift language , the result of human inventiveness and creativeness
and creativity in doing business.
witty juxtapositions of words or images. Slang can be contrasted with jargon (technical language of occupational or other groups) and with argot or cant (secret vocabulary of
originators of both jargon and slang. Other groups creating slang include the armed forces ,
teenagers , racial minorities , ghetto residents , labor unions , citizen-band radiobroadcasters , sports groups , drug addicts , criminals , and even religious denominations (Episcopalians , for example , produced the term ‘ spike ', meaning a High Church Anglican). Slang expressions
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三、仔细读懂题目的说明,并按题目要求答题 o答案一定支写在答 题纸的指定位置卜,写在试卷卡的答案无效。
Information for the examinees ~ This examination consists of 3~ parts. 'fhey are:

A. Latin-speaking Romans
c. Germanic peoples
B. French-speaking Normans D. Native British peoples
2. The languages of Anglos , Saxons , and Jutes were

A. the same in structure and vocabulary
14. ELT started to be a profession and a b,usiness in Britain as early as the 19th century.
15. When the Indian government gave equal right and status to Hindi and English , there
19. Although they don't speak a RP , English dialect speakers always understand it.
20. Television programs were a major reason why English became popular globally after
the Second World War.
Part II Reading Test ( 40 points)
Passage 1 (Questions 21一25)
Read the following passage, and decide whether the statements are T (True) or F (False). Write
There will be no extra time to transfer answers to the --Answer
Sheet; therefore , you should write ALL your answers on the Answer
Sheet as you do each task. +
were de出onstrations against the use of English.
16. At, the height of the British Empire , there were British colonies on every continent.
17. In the worldwide community of users of English , a Chinese student majoring in
to include all the foregoing meanings. Slang trends originate in subcultures within a society. Occupational groups (for
example , loggers , police , medical professionals , and computer specialists) are prominent
Part I Knowledge Test( 40 points)
Section 1 Choose the best answer according to what you have learned in this course. (20 %)
1. Angles and Saxons were
throughout Britain?
A. It was taught in schools.
B. More people learned to read.
C. Printed books appeared in English.
D. The Romans left Britain.
Section 2 True or False
. But their meanings are quite different.
A. regional varieties of English
B. emerging English
C. local standard Englishes
D. all of the above
10. Which of the following is NOT a reason why the English language started to spread
C. entertainments
D. developments inIT
7. The abbreviation BEV means

A. Black Ebonic Variety
B. Black English Vernacular
C. Black English Variety
D. Black Ebonic Vernacular
term ‘ New Englishes' is a sign of disrespect.
12. Chinese belongs to the Sino-Japanese language family.
13. Spanish , French and Portuguese are descendents of Latin.
underworld groups) , but the borderlines separating these categories from slang are
extremely blurred , and some writers use the terms cant , argot , and jargon in a general way
B • DNoa Th hO wmL伽讪 臼 川怆川
咀毛~ ra
vd C
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5. Dialects refer to

A. Q.iffer ent ways of speaking the same language
B. 叫ferent written systems
C. different grammatical structures
your answers against the numbers on your Answer Sheet.
Slang , informal , nonstandard words and phrases , generally have shorter lives than the
expressions of ordinary colloquial speech. The former are typically formed by creative , often
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中央广播电视大学 2 0 1 1 2012 学 年 度 第 二 学 期 " 开 放 本 科 " 期 末 考 试
2012 年7 月
一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内 o 考试结束后 , 把试卷和 答题纸放在 桌 上 。 试 卷和 答题纸 均 不 得 带
8. Standard English began as a variety belonging to

A. the North of England
B. the North East of England
C. South of England
D. South East England
9. The New Englishes can be called
P'~rt I : Knowledge Test (40 points) Pa~ IT : Reading Test (40 points)
Part ill: Writing Test (20 points)
The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.