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摘要:以 CuSO4·5H2O 为铜源,在饲粮中分别添加 0、1、2、3、4、6、8、10 和 12 mg/kg 的铜,制得实测铜含量 分 别 为 0.29、1.31、2.28、3.43、4.57、6.61、8.77、10.73 和 12.89 mg/kg 的 9 种 饲 粮 ,选 取 810 尾 初 始 体 重 为
(6.22±0.11)g 的赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)幼鱼,置于 27 个 300 L 的圆柱形水族箱中饲喂 56 d,每
个水箱放 30 尾鱼,每个处理设置 3 个重复。结果表明,①饲粮中未添加铜(0.29 mg/kg 饲料铜组)时试验
鱼会出现典型的饲粮铜缺乏症状,如生长不良和骨骼畸形。②饲粮中添加 4 mg/kg 的铜时(4.57 mg/kg 饲
YANG Kai1,WANG Yue-song2,GAO Yin-ai1,YANG Hui-jun2,YUAN Yong-chao2, CHENG Wei-wei2,WEI Hui-jie1,WANG Qing-yun1
(1.Fisheries Research institute,Wuhan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Wuhan 430070,China;2.College of Fisheries,Key Lab of Agricultural Animal Genetics,Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education/Key Lab of Freshwater Animal Breeding,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China)
饲料铜水平对赤眼鳟幼鱼生长性能、体组成 和成活率的影响
杨 凯 1,王岳松 2,高银爱 1,杨慧君 2,袁勇超 2,成为为 1,魏辉杰 1,王青云 1
(1. 武汉市农业科学院,武汉 430070;2. 华中农业大学水产学院农业动物遗传育种与繁殖教育部重点实验室/农业农村部 淡水动物养殖重点实验室,武汉 430070)
料 铜 组),试 验 鱼 的 特 定 生 长 率 、蛋 白 质 效 率 、肝 体 比 、脏 体 比 和 存 活 率 均 达 到 最 大 lt;0.05)。 ③ 饲 粮 中 添 加 12 mg/kg 的 铜 时(12.89 mg/kg 饲 料 铜 组),试 验 鱼 肝 体 比 、脏 体 比 最 低(P<
量的二次曲线回归分析表明,赤眼鳟幼鱼饲料中铜的适宜量为 3.94~4.92 mg/kg。
关键词:赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus);铜需求量;生长性能
反应物(TBARS)先降低后升高(P<0.05),在 3.43 mg/kg 饲料铜组达到最低值。在饲料中添加适量铜可以
Effects of dietary copper on survival,growth and body composition of juvenile Squaliobarbus curriculus
第 60 卷第 12 期 20第21 1年2 期6 月
湖北农业科学 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
Vol. 60 No.12 Jun.,2021
杨 凯,王岳松,高银爱,等 . 饲料铜水平对赤眼鳟幼鱼生长性能、体组成和成活率的影响[J]. 湖北农业科学,2021,60(12): 107-112.
Abstract:Treatments consisted of nine semi-purified diets containing graded levels of dietary copper(CuSO4·5H2O was added to a basal diet at 0,1,2,3,4,6,8,10 and 12.0 mg/kg),providing actual dietary values of 0.29,1.31,2.28,3.43,4.57,6.61,8.77, 10.73 and 12.89 mg/kg diet,respectively. Each diet was fed to triplicate groups of juvenile Squaliobarbus curriculus with initial body weight of 6.22 g in 300 L cylindrical fiberglass tank. The results showed that the typical dietary Cu deficient signs such as poor growth and malformation of skeleton were observed in fish fed the diets with 0.29 mg/kg diet. Fish fed the diet containing 4.57 mg/kg had the highest specific growth rate(SGR). The lowest hepatosomatic index(HSI)and viscerosomatic index(VSI)were observed in fish fed the diet containing the highest Cu content diet(P<0.05). Condition factor showed no significant differences among the treatments(P> 0.05). Proximate composition of fish body was significantly affected by dietary copper level(P<0.05). Cu contents of whole body and hepatic increased with dietary Cu levels(P<0.05). Hepatic thiobarbituric acid reactive substances(TBARS)was found to decrease with increasing dietary concentrations of copper up to 3.43 mg/kg beyond which a reverse trend in this parameter was noted.(Conclu⁃ sion)Analysis by the linear regression of weight gain(WG)and feed conversion ratio(FCR)and second-order regression of wholebody Cu retention of the fish indicated that dietary Cu requirement of juvenile Squaliobarbus curriculus was 3.94~4.92 mg/kg diet. Key words:Squaliobarbus curriculus;copper requirement;growth performance