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l.Some people believe that students work better if the teacher is strict; others think it is much better for students if the teacher has a friendly approach. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples you're your knowledge and experienee.
2.Conventional education VS. modern education
3.Find out some quotes or proverbs about education. Read them through and pick out your own favorite, and tell what it reveals about education.
1.Those in favor of a strict teacher believe that children should fear their teachers, this being the only way in which they would study hard and behave themselves, /only a strict educator can better help students distinguish what is right and what is wrong in a moral sense. /There is nothing wrong about the teacher being a disciplinarian, always keeping students on their toes and calling attention to mistakes or carelessness on the part of the immature minds. /Of course, this does not mean the poker-faced teacher would never smile until Christmas・
One argume nt is that a frie ndly teacher is a better one for being a combi nation of the guida nee of an educator and the understanding of a friend. /It is argued that an otherwise introverted students react positively in the companionship of a friendly teacher. / If the teacher develops warm relati on ships with stude nts, they will respect a teacher for the qualities he/she has ・
unit 乙music
1.the importance of music
2.Music is important, then, what are the functions/benefits of listening to music? Can listening to music can make people smart? How can it be proved?
3・ What are the similarities and differences between music and language?
1.Music can change the world because it can change people・ / Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everyth!ng. ~ Plato ~ / Music allows people to experienee the same emotions・ People everywhere are the same in heart and spirit. No matter what Ianguage we speak, what color we are, the form of our politics or the expression of our love and our faith, music proves: We are the same・
2.Mozart effect or not:
2.Music activates the whole brain and makes you feel more energetic and there is a well-documented link between music and learning・ In the workplace ,music raises performanee levels and productivity by reducing stress and tension, masking irritating sounds and contributing to a sense of privacy・
/These special music Mozart Effect pieces, recorded at just the right tempo, activate the left and right brain for the maximum learning/retention effect・
Eve n in the scie ntific comm unity there's a gen eral belief that music is importa nt for these extrinsic reasons, but there is very little evidence supporting the idea that music classes enhance children's cognitive development. /We don't teach kids Shakespeare because we think it will help them do better on the SATs, we do it because we believe Shakespeare is important・ /Although listening to Mozart might not make children any smarter; surely there is no harm.
1.Is it necessary to protect Chinese?
2.Preserving Purity or Fighting a Losing Battle?
3. dialects on air: Pro
1.To protect the purity of a Ianguage is a waste of time and energy, especially at a time when there is the "information explosion". / If a Ianguage can successfully function in communication, it is a "good" language. / The basic purpose of language is communication. If Chinglish can be understood well no matter by Chinese or any others in the world, then why not language develops as well as the society? Language is the identity of a culture or a nation. If the Ianguage is corrupted, the culture of the nation is corrupted too. / If Ianguages can be used freely, the world will become chaotic・ People will not be able to un d erst a nd each other, (confused) /La nguage is a tool, but people should be using the same tool when they speak the same language. /If we talk with foreigners in Chinglish, as long as it makes sense, it is ok. But when we put it in written English, standard English should be first priority・
1.Describe the best film you have ever seen.
2.Key to Disney's Success
2.1) know what you value and why /2) demonstrate the courage of leadership /3) don't compromise quality /4) money is always a means, never an end /5) exceed customer expectations /6) minds create value, so treat them with respect /7) let creativity work for you /8) think deeply and from all directions Many critics argue that Disney product!on have the ability to affect American children and families through their insensitive portrayal of certain aspects of society and culture. /For example, Disney emphasizes social vulnerability through the overwhelm!ng male dominance displayed in their animated films・
1.What convenience digital age has brought to people's lives?
2.What kind of privacy issues or security issues has the network created?
3.Describe an interesting website you have visited.
4.Celebrities' privacy should be publicized or protected on the internet?
3.What website you're talking about and what kind of website it is. /How you found it. /What you can get from it. /And explain why it is so interest!ng to you. /Whenever I have a little time to kill, I log on to try them. It's updated every day, so there's always something new for every one to enjoy.
4.They can get more attention and views. /Some even purposely tell paparazzi where they will be going so that they can be photographed there. /The media represents the mass and hence, have the right to access the celebrities.
They do need their own privacy and they have the right to it, just like any other person. /Everyone has a right to privacy and the paparazzi should not be allowed to interfere in their lives. /Every individual's lifestyle should remain private so as not to interfere with their professional success.
1.Do you often use the dictionary? Are dictionaries important?
2.Modern Dictionary-making and Early Dictionary-making.
3・ It is reported that emerging Chinese buzzwords including H tuhao" and ,,dama t, may make their
way into the Oxford English Dictionary in 2014. What do you think of the including Chinese buzzwords in the major English dictionary?
3.The Chinese "Dama" and "Tuhao〃often go abroad for shopping so that they have more con tact with foreig ners ・ /With the developme nt of China, Chin ese culture has an in creasi ng impact on a global scale. /The Wall Street vs. Chinese "Dama" gold price fight made Chinese Dama famous・ /Its popularity helps the dictionary to script the Chinese buzzwords・/The lexicographer wants to get good readership with Chinese users・
cation and employment
1.elite education advantages and disadvantages
2.What are employers looking for? (job preparation)
1.You lear n to think and make the con tacts needed to launch yourself into a life rich in all of society's most cherished rewards. / Superior educational environment,better alumni connections, lucrative on-campus recruiting opportunities・ /A prestigious undergraduate degree does pay off. It's like the brass ring on a merry-go-round. If you go to a high-priced, highly selective school, you have a better shot at the brass ring.
Make you in capable of talki ng to people who aren't like you. / In culcate a false sense of sei仁worth ・/Temptation to mediocrity and security. /It is profoundly anti・intellectual. / To con sider that while some opportunities are being created, others are being can celled and that while some abilities are being developed, others are being crippled is, withi n this con text, not only outrageous, but inconceivable・
1.Do you prefer to travel by coach, train, ship or air? /Do you prefer travel DIY tour or package tour? Do you prefer to travel alone or with a group?/Where do you prefer when you travel, a modern city or a mountainous village? /Where have you been during your holidays? Where would you like to travel in the future?
2.Why do people travel?
2.Travel leaves you speechless, and then turns you into a storyteller. /"The real voyage consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes1'. /Travel is the best way to be lost and found at the same time・ /To travel is to take a journey into yourself. /A journey is best measured in friends rather than miles. /All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware・
Negative impacts:
A. Tourism development can put pressure on:
a.Water:shortag巳degradation, waste
b.Iocal resources: short supply
nd resources: pressure due to recreati onal facilities
d.pollution: the same forms of other industries B・ A lack of Iand-use planning and building regulations in many destinations has facilitated sprawling developments
a.In areas with high concentration” waste disposal is a serious problem and improper disposal
can be a major despoiler
b.In mountain areas” trekki ng tourists gen erate waste.
c・ Con structi on of hotels ofte n leads to in creased sewage ・
C. Often tourism fails to integrate its structures with natural features.
Positive impacts:
Converting extractive industries into tourism industry /Local employment t put revenue t
into architecture protection; /Cultural exchange to promote local culture to the outsiders,
3.Debate What would make you wiser, traveling 10,000 miles or reading 10,000 books?
traveli ng:
gain fresh experiences into a different culture such as local delicacies, ancient architecture and special customs, /immerse in natural wonders and take photos of the gorgeous view・ /talk with people with different perspectives and learn from them.
Readi ng:
second hand experiences from books are also trustworthy since time and manpower are limited,
/photographers may publish their photos to promote local culture and sceneries as well. /Busy traveling without thinking is useless while reading in quantities can facilitate thinking for a more sedentary life in quietness: modern people travel too often but read far less than previous gen erati on。
