RedHat7 zookeeper集群(含observer配置)安装

一、服务器版本查看cat /etc/redhat-release二、新建目录:mkdir -p /softwares三、解压下载3.4.9版本,解压到/softwares目录cd /softwarestar zxvf zookeeper-3.4.9.tar.gz四、配置将conf目录下的zoo_sample.cfg改为zoo.cfgcd /softwares/zookeeper-3.4.9/confmv zoo_sample.cfg zoo.cfgmkdir -p /softwares/zookeeper-3.4.9/data查看配置cd /softwares/zookeeper-3.4.9/conf【yum install vim】vim zoo.cfg注意其中tickTime=2000dataDir=/softwares/zookeeper-3.4.9/dataclientPort=2181五、启动单机测试cd /softwares/zookeeper-3.4.9/bin(没有的话使用chmod u+x *.sh使以sh为扩展名的脚本都有运行权限) ./ start./ status使用命令./ -server连接到zookeeper服务。
六、配置主机名和ip的映射vim /etc/hosts其中编辑增加如下内容192.168.18.202 logsrv01192.168.18.203 logsrv02192.168.18.208 logsrv03192.168.18.201 obsrv01七、配置Zookeeper的配置文件cd /softwares/zookeeper-3.4.9/bin./ stopcd /softwares/zookeeper-3.4.9/confvim zoo.cfg在clientPort=2181下增加如下内容server.1=logsrv01:2887:3887server.2=logsrv02:2888:3888server.3=logsrv03:2889:3889server.4=obsrv01:2886:3886:observerps: server.A=B:C:D:其中A 是一个数字,表示这个是第几号服务器;B 是这个服务器的ip 地址;C 表示的是这个服务器与集群中的Leader 服务器交换信息的端口;D 表示的是万一集群中的Leader 服务器挂了,需要一个端口来重新进行选举,选出一个新的Leader,而这个端口就是用来执行选举时服务器相互通信的端口。

DIF/DIX Sup p o rt
Sup p o rt o f Parallel NFS
.C.h.a.p.t.e.r.4. .. F. i.le. .S.y.s.t.e.m. s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 5. . . . . . . . . .
.C.h.a.p.t.e.r.1. .. A. r.c.h. i.t .e.c.t u. .re. s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. . . . . . . . . .
2.1. Ins taller
2.2. Bo o t Lo ad er
.C.h.a.p.t.e.r.3...S. t.o. r.a.g.e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. 3. . . . . . . . . .
.C.h.a.p.t.e.r.2. .. I.n.s.t.a.ll.a.t .io. n. .a.n.d. .B.o. o. t. i.n.g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. . . . . . . .arg et

15.设置 Kdump 16.进入登录界面 17.登录成功
1.从光盘启动,选择“install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0" 2.选择用那种语言进行安装
3.选择”DATE&支持 6.选择中文支持
7.对软件包进行选择 8.选择要安装的软件包
9.选择自动分区 10.选择开始安装
11.设置 root 用户密码 12.安装完成

Redhat7系统安装教程系统的安装部署过程第⼀个历程:进⼊系统引导界⾯进⾏配置引导项说明:1. 安装centos7系统(*)2. 测试光盘镜像并安装系统3. 排错模式(修复系统重置系统密码)===============================================补充:centos7系统⽹卡名称centos6默认系统的⽹卡名称为 eth0 eth1centos7默认系统的⽹卡名称为 ens33 ens34如何调整⽹卡名称:选择安装Install CenOS7--tab键 -- net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0===============================================从虚拟主机返回到windows系统⽅法:ctrl+alt第⼆个历程:对安装系统语⾔进⾏设置第三个历程:对系统安装过程进⾏配置1. 系统⽹络的配置2. 系统分区的配置Linux系统磁盘分区知识简介:在分区之前,需要先简单介绍⼀下磁盘分区相关知识,便于⼤家更好地理解学习。
RHEL 7.0系统安装配置图解教程

RHEL 7.0系统安装配置图解教程截止目前RHEL 7.x最新版本为RHEL 7.0,下面介绍RHEL 7.0的具体安装配置过程,需要的朋友可以参考下服务器相关设置如下:操作系统:RHEL 7.0 64位IP地址:网关:备注:生产服务器如果是大内存(4G以上内存),建议安装64位版本rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso一、安装RHEL 7.0成功引导系统后,会出现下面的界面界面说明:Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 安装RHEL 7.0Test this media & install Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.0 测试安装文件并安装RHEL 7.0 Troubleshooting 修复故障这里选择第一项,安装RHEL 7.0,回车,进入下面的界面选择语言:中文-简体中文(中国)#正式生产服务器建议安装英文版本继续选择-系统-安装位置,进入磁盘分区界面选择-其它存储选项-分区-我要配置分区,点左上角的“完成”,进入下面的界面分区前先规划好swap #交换分区,一般设置为内存的2倍/ #剩余所有空间备注:生产服务器建议单独再划分一个/data分区存放数据点左下角的“+”号挂载点:swap 期望容量:2048 添加挂载点继续点左下角的“+”号挂载点:/期望容量:13.31GB #剩余所有空间添加挂载点点左上角的“完成”,进入下面的界面接受更改,进入下面的界面开始安装,进入下面的界面选择-用户设置-ROOT密码,进入下面的界面设置Root密码如果密码长度少于8位,会提示要按“完成”两次来确认,安装继续安装完成之后,会进入下面的界面点重启系统重新启动进入登录界面账号输入root 回车再输入上面设置的root密码回车系统登录成功二、设置IP地址、网关DNS说明:RHEL 7.0默认安装好之后是没有自动开启网络连接的!cd /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ #进入网络配置文件目录vi ifcfg-eno16777736 #编辑配置文件,添加修改以下内容TYPE="Ethernet"BOOTPROTO="static" #启用静态IP地址DEFROUTE="yes"IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL="no"IPV6INIT="yes"IPV6_AUTOCONF="yes"IPV6_DEFROUTE="yes"IPV6_FAILURE_FATAL="no"NAME="eno16777736"UUID="8071cc7b-d407-4dea-a41e-16f7d2e75ee9" ONBOOT="yes" #开启自动启用网络连接IPADDR0="" #设置IP地址PREFIX0="24" #设置子网掩码GATEWAY0="" #设置网关DNS1="" #设置主DNSDNS2="" #设置备DNSHWADDR="00:0C:29:EB:F2:B3"IPV6_PEERDNS="yes"IPV6_PEERROUTES="yes":wq! #保存退出service network restart #重启网络ping #测试网络是否正常ip addr #查看IP地址三、使用系统镜像文件配置本地yum源1、使用WinSCP.exe工具上传系统镜像文件rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso到/usr/local/src目录2、使用Putty.exe工具远程连接到RHEL服务器3、挂载系统镜像文件mkdir /media/cdrom #新建镜像文件挂载目录cd /usr/local/src #进入系统镜像文件存放目录ls #列出目录文件,可以看到刚刚上传的系统镜像文件mount -t iso9660 -o loop /usr/local/src/rhel-server-7.0-x86_64-dvd.iso /media/cdrom #挂载系统镜像cd /media/cdrom #进入挂载目录,使用ls命令可以看到已经有文件存在了备注:umount /media/cdrom #卸载系统镜像4、设置开机自动挂载系统镜像文件vi /etc/fstab #添加以下代码。

RedHat linux 7虚拟化环境集群安装精简手册1、前期准备挂载磁盘/* 通过制作iso,方便后续安装动作,在知识库中应形成iso镜像体系 */dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/app/rh71.isomount -o loop /app/rh71.iso /mnt挂载制作的isomount -loop /dev/sr0 /mnt查看少什么包/* 如果想要是用vgscan指令,系统至少需要安装lvm2包,这个从安装好的系统上查 */ [root@jttldb1 host5]# rpm -qf /sbin/vgscanlvm2-2.02.83-3.el6.x86_64常用包安装net-tools (ifconfig等用)yum -y install nautilus-open-terminal(右键添加terminal)配置yum/* 根据具体挂载的路径和版本调整 */建立文件/etc/yum.repos.d/mycdrom.repo[Base]name=RHELbaseurl=file:///mntenabled=1gpgcheck=0[Cluster]name=RHELbaseurl=file:///mnt/addons/HighAvailabilityenabled=1gpgcheck=0配置ipIPADDR=单网卡配置多ipifconfig team0:0 netmask (临时添加一个ip,重启后消失,如果想永久拥有,需要配置ifcfg-ens32:0 文件)临时文件取消:ifconfig ens32:0 down网卡绑定1)创建组接口(会生产一个ifcfg-team0)nmcli con add type team con-name team0 ifname team0 config '{"runner":{"name":"activebackup"}}'nmcli con del team0 (删除绑定team)2)查看组接口配置nmcli con show3)给组接口添加设备nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-port1 ifname enp11s0f0 master team0 nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-port2 ifname enp16s0f0 master team0 nmcli con mod type team-slave con-name team0-port2 ifname enp16s0f0 master team04)配置ip[root@jttldb2 network-scripts]# more ifcfg-team0DEVICE=team0DEVICETYPE=TeamTEAM_CONFIG="{\"runner\":{\"name\":\"activebackup\"}}"BOOTPROTO=noneIPADDR= ONBOOT=yes查看网卡状态teamdctl team0 state验证nmcli dev dis eno 断开nmcli dev con eno 连接OS版本查询lsb_release -a需要安装包(yum install redhat-lsb)起停服务systemctl stop firewalldsystemctl start firewalldsystemctl status firewalldsystemctl|grep是否开机启动systemctl enable XXX 开机启动systemctl disable xxx 开机不启动systemctl status XXX 查看状态关闭防火墙[root@localhost ~]# systemctl stop firewalld [root@localhost ~]# systemctl disable firewalld关闭selinux[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux把SELINUX=enforcing改为SELINUX=disabled[root@localhost ~]# reboot查看#getenforce临时关闭# setenforce 0LVM配置虚机上共享磁盘配置要求磁盘置备:厚置备置零磁盘模式:独立持久在ha1上,创建pv、vg、lv挂载文件系统,在ha2上重启系统即可识别vg信息修改主机名称:linu7通过hostname临时修改主机名,加hostnamectl static修改静态主机名的方式实现永久生效主机名(修改主机名后注意修改hosts)hostnamehostnamectl --static set-hostname linux7-ha2而在linux7之前是没有hostnamectl命令的,永久修改主机名的方式是通过hostname加修改/etc/sysconfig/network文件的方式配置vnc连接rehhat71)安装包yum install tigervnc-server创建一个登录密码:#vncserver2)配置vnccp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service替换文件#Type=forking改成 Type=simple3)重启systemdsystemctl daemon-reload4)启动vcnsystemctl start vncserver@:1.servicesystemctl status vncserver@:1.service永久启动systemctl enable vncserver@:1.service5)关闭vncsystemctl stop vncserver@:1.service开机不启动systemctl disable vncserver@:1.service客户端服务器段需要关闭防火墙,或修改过滤2、oracle静默安装安装必要的包yum -y install binutils compat-db compat-gcc-34 compat-gcc-34-c++ compat-libstdc++-33 elfutils-libelf-devel gcc gcc-c++ glibc-* libgcc* ksh libXp libaio-devel numactl numactl-devel sysstat unixODBC unixODBC-devel pdkshyum install静默安装oracle修改./database/response/db_install.rspdb_install.rsp如下内容oracle.install.option=INSTALL_DB_SWONLYUNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstallINVENTORY_LOCATION=/u01/app/oraInventoryORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracleoracle.install.db.InstallEdition=EEoracle.install.db.EEOptionsSelection=trueoracle.install.db.optionalComponents=oracle.rdbms.partitioning:,oracl e.oraolap:,,oracle.rdbms.lbac:,or acle.rdbms.rat:执行静默安装软件./runInstaller -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -ignorePrereq -showProgress -responseFile /oracle/database/response/db_install.rsp执行静默安装数据库(在dbca.rsp中添加实例名称)dbca -silent -responseFile /oracle/database/response/dbca.rsp对数据库做必要的调整3、linux7 vmware下ha安装调试----pacemaker取代rgmanager ssh 双机信任配置1)在两个节点上生产证书# ssh-keygen -t rsa注意:在程序提示输入passphrase时直接输入回车,表示无证书密码。

RedHatLINUX系统环境搭建手册版本历史目次1引言 (1)2操作系统安装 (1)2.1准备工作 (1)2.2安装R EDHAT7.2系统 (1)3操作系统设置 (16)3.1网络配置 ......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
3.2防火墙 (16)3.3S ELINUX (17)3.4FTP (17)3.5GDM (17)3.6附件安装SVN、服务端 ................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
创建仓库...................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
svn create 创建仓库 ........................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
修改配置文件.......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
增加用户passwd................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

3. 实验说明:1)在安装Linux7.0时,我们需要在虚拟机上面创建好一个空白虚拟机,虚拟机的C盘大小根据你自己的情况而定,给20G或者50G,都可以的,然后把ISO 指定好路径,虚拟机内存根据你自己电脑情况来给,如果你的电脑性能比较好的话,你可以给2G或者4G,等等,给的越高安装的速度就越快,但是要根据你电脑的情况而定的。
选择带GUI的服务器,这里是什么意思了,如果以前安装过Linux5.3,Linux6.3 的朋友都知道,这代表的是桌面的意思,如果你选择的是最小安装的话,你安装好了以后,就直接进入到命令行里面了,就没有桌面了,这个地方一定要注意。
Red Hat Linux 71完全使用手册

Red Hat Linux 7.1完全使用手册徐锋2001年 60期Linux是一套免费使用和自由传播的类Unix操作系统,以其高效性和灵活性著称。
它能够在PC计算机上实现全部Unix特性,具有多任务、多用户的能力,主要用于基于Intel x86系列CPU的计算机上。
而在众多的Linux版本中又以Red Hat公司的Red Hat Linux最为著名,用户最为广泛。
本文拟以它的最新版本Red Hat Linux 7.1为例,详细讲述它的使用方法。
#1 一、Red Hat Linux 7.1新特性简介(1)该版本采用最新的Linux 2.4.2版稳定内核,支持更多硬件设备,采用最新的图形系统Xfree86 4.0.3,提供强大的硬件支持;同时引入全图形安装界面,使得安装更为简单。
(2)该版本显著改进了对多处理器计算机的支持,单处理器计算机最高可支持4GB 的用户登陆进程。
(3)该版本对移动存储设备提供了出色的支持,包括可“热插拔”USB设备、ZIP 驱动器和各种光盘刻录机。
另外,还增强了对PCMCIA 设备的支持,这对使用PCMCIA 设备的笔记本电脑的用户来说是非常重要的。
(4)加入了最新系统配置工具,方便用户管理以及系统调用,例如apacheconf、bindconf 和printconf等,这些工具能方便用户通过GUI图形用户界面来配置Apache、Bind 和打印机。
#1 二、安装指南(一)安装硬件需求(^60090102a^)在Red Hat的官方网站上有一份详细的硬件兼容性列表,你可以通过它获得更详细的信息:/hcl/genpage2.cgi?pagename=7.1(二)安装Red Hat Linux1.从CD-ROM安装安装Red Hat Linux7.1,常用的方法就是使用光盘安装。
云架构操作系统基础(Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (1)[38页]
![云架构操作系统基础(Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (1)[38页]](
子任务2 初始化新安装的Linux
Linux系统安装完毕后,还需要对其进行基本的初始化以方便使用,主要 内容为同意许可协议、注册系统、配置网络和主机名等。
注册成为Red Hat用户,才能享受它的软件自动更新服务。这是一项收费的服 务,如果暂时不需要,可以选择以后注册。
关机的命令有“shutdown -h now”、“halt”、“poweroff”和“init 0”,重 启系统的命令有“shutdown -r now”、“reboot”和“init 6”。
子任务3 认识X Window System
子任务1 Linux的起源与发展
子任务2 了解Linux操作系统的体系结构
子任务3 了解红帽Linux与认证
子任务1 在VMware里面安装Linux
(Redhat Enterprise Linux 7)
主编:李贺华 李腾
第第1章 Linux系统的安装与初始化
任务一 任务二
认识Linux操作系统 部署虚拟环境安装Linux系统
➢ 了解Linux系统的起源与发展概况 ➢ 理解Linux系统的体系结构和各部分功能 ➢ 了解红帽Linux系统特点与红帽认证 ➢ 掌握Linux系统的安装与初始化 ➢ 掌握Linux系统登录、关机与注销
安装RedHat Linux 7

安装RedHat Linux 7.4 1.创建新的虚拟机
在选择“Server With GUI”,一定把“Development Tools”安装上。
Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.7 驱动用户手册说明书

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.7 DriverUser ManualRHEL 7.7NOTE:THIS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE OR TEST SUITE PRODUCT (“PRODUCT(S)”) AND ITS RELATED DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED BY MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES “AS-IS” WITH ALL FAULTS OF ANY KIND AND SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF AIDING THE CUSTOMER IN TESTING APPLICATIONS THAT USE THE PRODUCTS IN DESIGNATED SOLUTIONS. THE CUSTOMER'S MANUFACTURING TEST ENVIRONMENT HAS NOT MET THE STANDARDS SET BY MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES TO FULLY QUALIFY THE PRODUCT(S) AND/OR THE SYSTEM USING IT. THEREFORE, MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES CANNOT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR WARRANT THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL OPERATE WITH THE HIGHEST QUALITY. ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MELLANOX BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER OR ANY THIRD PARTIES FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PAYMENT FOR PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY FROM THE USE OF THE PRODUCT(S) AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Mellanox Technologies350 Oakmead Parkway Suite 100Sunnyvale, CA 94085U.S.A.Tel: (408) 970-3400Fax: (408) 970-3403© Copyright 2019. Mellanox Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved.Mellanox®, Mellanox logo, Mellanox Open Ethernet®, LinkX®, Mellanox Spectrum®, Mellanox Virtual Modular Switch®, MetroDX®, MetroX®, MLNX-OS®, ONE SWITCH. A WORLD OF OPTIONS®, Open Ethernet logo, Spectrum logo, Switch-IB®, SwitchX®, UFM®, and Virtual Protocol Interconnect® are registered trademarks of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd.For the complete and most updated list of Mellanox trademarks, visit /page/trademarks.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Table of ContentsDocument Revision History (5)1Firmware Burning (6)2Port Type Management (7)3Modules Loading and Unloading (8)4Important Packages and Their Installation (9)5SR-IOV Configuration (10)5.1Setting up SR-IOV (10)6Default RoCE Mode Setting (12)7PXE over InfiniBand Installation (13)List of TablesTable 1: Document Revision History (5)Document Revision HistoryTable 1: Document Revision HistoryRevision Date DescriptionRHEL 7.7 October 22, 2019 Initial version of this document.1 Firmware Burning1.Check the device’s PCI address.lspci | grep MellanoxExample:00:06.0 Infiniband controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3 Pro]2.Identify the adapter card's PSID.# mstflint -d 81:00.0 qImage type: FS2FW Version: 2.42.5000FW Release Date: 26.7.2017Rom Info: type=PXE version=3.4.752 devid=4103Device ID: 4103Description: Node Port1 Port2Sys imageGUIDs: e41d2d0300b3f590 e41d2d0300b3f591 e41d2d0300b3f592e41d2d0300b3f593MACs: e41d2db3f591 e41d2db3f592VSD:PSID: MT_10901110193.Download the firmware BIN file from the Mellanox website that matches your card'sPSID.4.Burn the firmware.# mstflint -d <lspci-device-id> -i <image-file> b5.Reboot your machine after the firmware burning is completed.2 Port Type ManagementConnectX®-3 onwards adapter cards’ ports can be individually configured to work asInfiniBand or Ethernet ports. By default, ConnectX® family adapter cards VPI ports areinitialized as InfiniBand ports. If you wish to change the port type use the mstconfig afterthe driver is loaded.1.Install mstflint tools.yum install mstflint2.Check the device’s PCI address.lspci | grep MellanoxExample:00:06.0 Infiniband controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3 Pro]e mstconfig to change the link type as desired IB – for InfiniBand, ETH – for Ethernet.mstconfig –d <device pci> s LINK_TYPE_P1/2=<ETH|IB|VPI>Example:# mstconfig -d 00:06.0 s LINK_TYPE_P1=ETHDevice #1:----------Device type: ConnectX3ProPCI device: 00:06.0Configurations: Current NewLINK_TYPE_P1 IB(1) ETH(2)Apply new Configuration? ? (y/n) [n] : yApplying... Done!-I- Please reboot machine to load new configurations.4.Reboot your machine.3 Modules Loading and UnloadingMellanox modules for ConnectX®-2/ConnectX®-3/ConnectX®-3 Pro are:•mlx4_en, mlx4_core, mlx4_ibMellanox modules for ConnectX®-4/ConnectX®-4 Lx/ ConnectX®-5/ ConnectX®-5Ex/ConnectX-6 are:•mlx5_core, mlx5_ibIn order to unload the driver, you need to first unload mlx*_en/ mlx*_ib and then themlx*_core module.To load and unload the modules, use the commands below:•Loading the driver: modprobe <module name># modprobe mlx5_ib•Unloading the driver: modprobe –r <module name># modprobe –r mlx5_ib4 Important Packages and Their Installationrdma-corerdma-core RDMA core userspace libraries and daemonslibibmad: Low layer InfiniBand diagnostic and management programslibibmad OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand MAD libraryopensm: InfiniBand Subnet Manageropensm-libs Libraries used by OpenSM and included utilitiesopensm OpenIB InfiniBand Subnet Manager and management utilitiesIbutils: OpenIB Mellanox InfiniBand Diagnostic Toolsibutils-libs Shared libraries used by ibutils binariesibutils OpenIB Mellanox InfiniBand Diagnostic Toolsinfiniband-diags: OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand Diagnostic Toolsinfiniband-diags OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand Diagnostic Toolsperftest: IB Performance testsperftest IB Performance Testsmstflint: Mellanox Firmware Burning and Diagnostics Toolsmstflint Mellanox firmware burning toolTo install the packages above run:# yum install libibverbs librdmacm libibcm libibmad libibumad libmlx4libmlx5 opensm ibutils infiniband-diags srptools perftest mstflint rdmacm-utils ibverbs-utils librdmacm-utils -y5 SR-IOV Configuration5.1 Setting up SR-IOV1.Install the mstflint tools.# yum install mstflint2.Check the device’s PCI.# lspci | grep MellanoxExample:00:06.0 Infiniband controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3 Pro]3.Check if SR-IOV is enabled in the firmware.mstconfig -d <device pci> qExample:# mstconfig -d 00:06.0 qDevice #1:----------Device type: ConnectX3ProPCI device: 00:06.0Configurations: CurrentSRIOV_EN True(1)NUM_OF_VFS 8LINK_TYPE_P1 ETH(2)LINK_TYPE_P2 IB(1)LOG_BAR_SIZE 3BOOT_PKEY_P1 0BOOT_PKEY_P2 0BOOT_OPTION_ROM_EN_P1 True(1)BOOT_VLAN_EN_P1 False(0)BOOT_RETRY_CNT_P1 0LEGACY_BOOT_PROTOCOL_P1 PXE(1)BOOT_VLAN_P1 1BOOT_OPTION_ROM_EN_P2 True(1)BOOT_VLAN_EN_P2 False(0)BOOT_RETRY_CNT_P2 0LEGACY_BOOT_PROTOCOL_P2 PXE(1)BOOT_VLAN_P2 1IP_VER_P1 IPv4(0)IP_VER_P2 IPv4(04.Enable SR-IOV:mstconfig –d <device pci> s SRIOV_EN=<False|True>5.Configure the needed number of VFsmstconfig –d <device pci> s NUM_OF_VFS=<NUM>NOTE: This file will be generated only if IOMMU is set in the grub.conf file (byadding “intel_iommu=on” to /boot/grub/grub.conf file).6.[mlx4 devices only] Create/Edit the file /etc/modprobe.d/mlx4.conf:options mlx4_core num_vfs=[needed num of VFs] port_type_array=[1/2 for IB/ETH],[ 1/2 for IB/ETH]Example:options mlx4_core num_vfs=8 port_type_array=1,17.[mlx5 devices only] Write to the sysfs file the number of needed VFs.echo [num_vfs] > sys/class/net/ib2/device/sriov_numvfsExample:# echo 8 > /sys/class/net/ib2/device/sriov_numvfs8.Reboot the driver.9.Load the driver and verify that the VFs were created.# lspci | grep mellanoxExample:00:06.0 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3 Pro]00:06.1 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.2 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.3 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.4 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.5 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.6 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.7 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.0 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family [ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]For further information, refer to section Setting Up SR-IOV MLNX_OFED User Manual.6 Default RoCE Mode Setting1.Mount the configfs file.# mount -t configfs none /sys/kernel/config2.Create a directory for the mlx4/mlx5 device.# mkdir -p /sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/3.Validate what is the used RoCE mode in the default_roce_mode configfs file.# cat /sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/ports/1/default_roce_modeIB/RoCE v14.Change the default RoCE mode,•For RoCE v1: IB/RoCE v1•For RoCE v2: RoCE v2# echo "RoCE v2" >/sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/ports/1/default_roce_mode# cat /sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/ports/1/default_roce_modeRoCE v2# echo "IB/RoCE v1" >/sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/ports/1/default_roce_mode# cat /sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/ports/1/default_roce_modeIB/RoCE v17 PXE over InfiniBand InstallationPXE over InfiniBand infrastructure has additional parameter in the Boot Loader file forloading the necessary modules and interfaces and for allowing sufficient time to get the link.To install RHEL from PXE using the IPoIB interfaces, add the following parameters to theBoot Loader file, located in the var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg directory, at thePXE server:bootdev=ib0 ksdevice=ib0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rd.neednet=1rd.bootif=0 rd.driver.pre=mlx5_ib,mlx4_ib,ib_ipoib ip=ib0:dhcp.dhcp.retry=10 .timeout.iflink=60 .timeout.ifup=80.timeout.carrier=80Example:default RH7.5prompt 1timeout 600label RH7.5kernelappend bootdev=ib0 ksdevice=ib0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rd.neednet=1rd.bootif=0 rd.driver.pre=mlx5_ib,mlx4_ib,ib_ipoib ip=ib0:dhcp.dhcp.retry=10 .timeout.iflink=60 .timeout.ifup=80.timeout.carrier=80。

没有Fencing设备时,禁用STONITH组建功能,在stonith-enabled=false情况下,分布式锁管理器哦(DLM)等资源以及依赖DLM的所有服务(例如 cLVM2, GFS2 ,和OCFS2)都将无法启动。
#pcs property set stonith-enabled=false系统环境描述本文档基于Vmware虚拟机环境测试系统环境创建,描述如下:序号Hostname固定IP Ha-hostname心跳IP1ceph-node2192.168.200.37ceph-node2192.168.200.372ceph-node3192.168.200.38ceph-node3192.168.200.383浮动IP:注:实际生产环境如使用物理服务器,则需要单独配置心跳网卡的IP及对应的主机名。
Red Hat HA部署安装HA相关软件包关闭selinux,关闭防火墙,关闭NetworkManager,配置服务器时间;vim /etc/selinux/config systemctl stop firewalld systemctl disabled firewalld systemctl stop NetworkManager systemctl disable NetworkManager date -s "2019-02-27 10:25:00" hwclock --systohc修改主机名:echo node1 > /etc/hostname hostname node1 sudo -i echo node2 >/etc/hostname hostname node2 sudo -i修改hosts文件并配置集群间认证修改/etc/hosts文件,分别加入hostname解析和主机节点状态监测网络解析:# vi /etc/hosts…… node2修改/etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7.repo文件,加入HA的repo资源:# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7.repo[HA]name=HighAvailabilitybaseurl=file:///mnt/addons\HighAvailabilityenabled=1gpgcheck=0 //将配置好的文件同步到另外一台机器: :wq rsync /etc/hosts rsync /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel7.repo安装Red Hat HA相关软件包:(需要在2个节点服务器上面都操作)#yum install pcs fence-agents-all systemctl start pcsd systemctl enable pcsd //给默认集群管理用户设置密码 echo 123456 | passwd --stdin hacluster //2台机器都需要设置密码执行以下命令,配置集群节点之间的hacluster用户认证。

第 . . .6. 章 ... LVM . . . .故障排除 ................................................................................. 84 ........... 6.1. 故障排除诊断 84 6.2. 在失败的设备中显示信息。 84 6.3. 恢复 LVM 镜像错误 6.4. 恢复物理卷元数据 6.5. 替换丢失的物理卷 6.6. 从卷组中删除丢失的物理卷。 6.7. 逻辑卷没有足够的可用扩展 85 88 89 89 90
第 . . .2. 章 ... LVM . . . .组 . .件 ................................................................................ 7. . . . . . . . . . 2.1. 物理卷 7 2.2. 卷组 2.3. LVM 逻辑卷 8 8
逻 逻辑 辑卷管理器管理 B.1. LVM 配置文件 B.2. lvm dumpconfig 命令 B.3. LVM 配置文件 B.4. lvm.conf 文件示例 108 108 109 109
附 . .录 ... C. . .LVM . . . .对 . .象 . .标签 ............................................................................ 131 ............ C.1. 添加和删除对象标签 131 C.2. 主机标签 131 C.3. 使用标签控制激活 132 附 . .录 ... D. . .LVM . . . .卷 . .组 . .元数据 ............................................................................ 133 ............ D.1. 物理卷标签 133 D.2. 元数据内容 D.3. 元数据示例 133 134
RedHat Server7安装与配置

RedHat Server7.1安装与配置从RHEL7开始,使用systemctl工具来管理服务程序,包括了service和chkconfig [root@rhel7 ~]# systemctl list-unit-files|grep enabled启动一个服务:systemctl start firewalld.service关闭一个服务:systemctl stop firewalld.service重启一个服务:systemctl restart firewalld.service显示一个服务的状态:systemctl status firewalld.service在开机时启用一个服务:systemctl enable firewalld.service在开机时禁用一个服务:systemctl disable firewalld.service查看服务是否开机启动:systemctl is-enabled firewalld.service;echo $?查看已启动的服务列表:systemctl list-unit-files|grep enabled一、安装通过iso文件进行安装,最小安装时,ifconfig等命令是不可使用的。
可以通过“ip link show”、“ip address”等命令查看IP地址。
(一)网卡的配置RedHat7对网卡的命名有了很大不同,可以参考如下命名规则:本人在虚拟机上安装RedHat Server7.1后,网卡被命名为enp0s3,网卡的配置文件为/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3。
下图展示了一个配置文件:当前是static(静态IP地址),如果要使用dhcp,则修改:BOOTPROTO=dhcpONBOOT=yes #开启自动启用网络连接,如果设置为no,则启动系统后网卡不能链接IPADDR= #设置IP地址PREFIX=27 #设置子网掩码GATEWAY= #设置网关DNS1= #设置主 #设置备DNS完成后service network restart #重启网络(二)ssh启动#/bin/systemctl start sshd.service(三)添加用户#groupadd webmanager ‘添加管理网站的组‘添加用户名为:webmanager,属组:webmanage,密码:nts20080808,主目录:/home/website/#useradd webmanger -g webmanage –p nts20080808 -d /home/website/修改用户登录名:#usermod -l webmanager webmanger ‘将用户名webmanger修改为webmanager修改用户webmanger登录密码:#passwd webmanger(四)设置iso文件为本地安装源1.上传iso文件将radHat Server7的iso文件rhel-server-7.1-x86_64-dvd.iso上传到服务器的/home/website/download/iso目录下。
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 虚拟化调整和优化指南说明书

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7虚拟化调整和优化指南在 RHEL 中为主机系统和虚拟客户机使用 KVM 性能功能Last Updated: 2023-03-25Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 虚拟化调整和优化指南在 RHEL 中为主机系统和虚拟客户机使用 KVM 性能功能Enter your first name here. Enter your surname here.Enter your organisation's name here. Enter your organisational division here. Enter your email address here.法律通告Copyright © 2022 | You need to change the HOLDER entity in the en-US/Virtualization_Tuning_and_Optimization_Guide.ent file |.The text of and illustrations in this document are licensed by Red Hat under a Creative Commons Attribution–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license ("CC-BY-SA"). An explanation of CC-BY-SA is available at/licenses/by-sa/3.0/. In accordance with CC-BY-SA, if you distribute this document or an adaptation of it, you must provide the URL for the original version.Red Hat, as the licensor of this document, waives the right to enforce, and agrees not to assert, Section 4d of CC-BY-SA to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law.Red Hat, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the Shadowman logo, the Red Hat logo, JBoss, OpenShift, Fedora, the Infinity logo, and RHCE are trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., registered in the United States and other countries.Linux ® is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries. Java ® is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.XFS ® is a trademark of Silicon Graphics International Corp. or its subsidiaries in the United States and/or other countries.MySQL ® is a registered trademark of MySQL AB in the United States, the European Union and other countries.Node.js ® is an official trademark of Joyent. Red Hat is not formally related to or endorsed by the official Joyent Node.js open source or commercial project.The OpenStack ® Word Mark and OpenStack logo are either registered trademarks/service marks or trademarks/service marks of the OpenStack Foundation, in the United States and other countries and are used with the OpenStack Foundation's permission. We are not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by the OpenStack Foundation, or the OpenStack community.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.摘要Red Hat Enterprise Linux 虚拟化调整和优化指南涵盖 KVM 和虚拟化性能。

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.X LE ALT 安装指南说明书

Installing Red Hat Enterprise Linux on IBM Power System IC922 (9183-22X) servers with virtual mediaQuick Start Guide for installing Linux® on IBM® Power® System IC922 (9183-22X) server.Version 1.0.0This guide helps you install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on IBM Power System IC922 (9183-22X) server.Note:© Copyright IBM Corp. 2020. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosurerestricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.IBM, the IBM logo, and ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of International BusinessMachines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at"Copyright and trademark information" (/legal/copytrade.shtml).About this taskOverviewUse this information to install Red Hat® Enterprise Linux 7.X LE ALT on a non-virtualized or bare metal IBM Power System IC922 (9183-22X) server.To install Red Hat Enterprise Linux on IBM Power System IC922 (9183-22X) servers by using virtualmedia, use a PC and access the BMC web page by using a browser. You can connect your PC to theOpenBMC port of the server over a configured network so that the service processor can read the .iso file from the PC during the installation of the operating system.For a list of supported distributions, see Supported Linux distributions for POWER8® and POWER9™ Linux on Power systems.Procedurepleting the prerequisites and booting your firmwareBefore you power on the system, ensure that you have the following items:•Ethernet cable.•USB Keyboard.–Power cords and outlet for your system.•SSH client.•PC or Notebook with Linux installed on it.•Notes:–You do not need an ssh client and a PC with Linux installed on it, if you are using a VGA screen andkeyboard.–You do not need a USB keyboard if you are using a serial connection.Complete these steps:•Download the ISO image of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.X LE ALT from the https:///products/red-hat-enterprise-linux/#addl-arch website to your computer that you use to access theOpenBMC by using a web browser. Take the link for Downloads for Red Hat Enterprise Linux forPower, little endian. Log into your Red Hat account (if you have not already done so). Select RedHat Enterprise Linux for Power 9 from the Product Variant list. Look for the Red Hat EnterpriseLinux for Power 9 (v. 7.x for ppc64le) ISO file. The downloaded ISO file will include rhel-alt......isorather than rhel....iso in the path name.•If your system belongs in a rack, install your system into that rack. For instructions, see IBM Power Systems information at https:///support/knowledgecenter/POWER9/p9hdx/POWER9welcome.htm.•Make one of the following connections:–Connect an Ethernet cable to the dedicated BMC Ethernet port that is located close to the USB 3.0 port and it is labeled M. Connect the other end to your PC or Notebook which you use to configure the IP address.–You can also connect to the serial port of the server by using a serial connection.•Attach the USB to serial (RS232) adapter cable to the IPMI serial 9-pin D-shell connector on the Power system.•Attach USB connection to USB port on either PC or Notebook.•Open a terminal emulator program such as PuTTY or minicom.•Set the communications to use the following options:–115200 baud rate–Data bits of 8–Parity of None–Stop bits of 1•Connect the power cords to the system and plug them into the outlets.At this point, your firmware is booting. Wait for the green LED on the power button to start flashing, indicating that it is ready to use. If your system does not have a green LED indicator light, then wait 1 -2 minutes.2.Configuring the IP addressNote: You can use either a serial connection or a keyboard and monitor to connect to the BMC. After the IP details are configured, you can use SSH connection. For more information, see Managing BMC-based systems.To set up or enable your network connection to the BMC firmware, use the Petitboot bootloader interface. Follow these steps:a.Your system will power on to the Petitboot bootloader menu. This process usually takes about 1 - 2minutes to complete, but might take 5 - 10 minutes on the first boot or after a firmware update. Do not walk away from your system! When Petitboot loads, your monitor becomes active and you will need to push any key to interrupt the boot process.b.At the Petitboot bootloader main menu, select Exit to Shell.c.Program your BMC IP address by running the following commands:Note: The shared BMC port is located near to the USB 3.0 port and it is labeled 1 and the dedicated BMC port is located next to the shared BMC port and it is labeled M.1)Set the mode to static by running this command: ipmitool lan set 2 ipsrc static2)Set your IP address by running this command: ipmitool lan set 2 ipaddr ip_addresswhere ip_address is the static IP address that you are assigning to this system.3)Set your netmask by running this command: ipmitool lan set 2 netmasknetmask_address where netmask_address is the netmask for the system.4)Set your gateway server by running this command: ipmitool lan set 2 defgw ipaddrgateway_server where gateway_server is the gateway for this system.5)For the shared BMC port run the following command: Run ipmitool lan print 16)For the dedicated BMC port run the following command: Run ipmitool lan print 2d.To reset your firmware, run the following command: ipmitool mc reset cold.e.You should be able to ping the BMC now. If your ping does not return successfully within areasonable amount of time (2 - 3 minutes), try these additional steps:1)Power your system off with this command from the petitboot shell: poweroff2)Unplug the power cords from the back of the system. Wait 30 seconds and then apply power toboot BMC.3.Creating a bootable virtual mediaa.Open a supported web browser. In the address bar, enter the IP address of the BMC that you wantto connect to. For example, you can use the format https://<BMC IP> in the address bar of the web browser.b.From the OpenBMC logon window, enter the Host address of the BMC and the username andpassword that is assigned to you.c.Then select Server control → Virtual Media to network-attach the ISO image to the IBM PowerSystem IC922 (9183-22X) server. After clicking Start, the ISO is available to the server to start the operating system installation process.4.Powering on your server by using a PC or NotebookNote: After your system powers on, the Petitboot interface loads. If you do not interrupt the boot process by pressing any key within 10 seconds, Petitboot automatically boots the first option.To power on your server from a PC or Notebook that is running Linux, follow these steps:a.Connect an Ethernet cable from the BMC port to a PC or Notebook. Or you can also make sure yourPC or Notebook is on the same network as the BMC firmware.b.Open a terminal program on your PC or Notebook.c.Log in to the BMC by running the following commands.ssh root@<BMC server_ip_address>root@<BMC server password>where BMC server_ip_address is the IP address of the BMC and BMC server password is thepassword to authenticate.Note: The default username is root and the default password is 0penBmc (where, 0penBmc is using a zero and not a capital O).d.To power on your server, run the following command:$ root@<BMC server_ip_address>:~# obmcutil powerone.Connect to OS console and use the default password 0penBmc.ssh -p 2200 root@<BMC server_ip_address>root@where BMC server_ip_address is the IP address of the BMC and BMC server password is thepassword to authenticate.5.Configuring PetitbootAfter the system powers on, the Petitboot bootloader scans local boot devices and network interfaces to find boot options that are available to the system.a.After you start the system, Petitboot displays the virtual media boot device, and you can select theboot entry, but do not start the installation. If you start the installation, you might not be able to finish the installation and the system might show errors similar to the following string:dracut-initqueue[3537]: Warning: dracut-initqueue timeout - starting timeoutscriptsNote: Select Rescan devices if the virtual media boot device does not appear.b.Record the UUID of the virtual media boot device. The UUID of the virtual media boot device in thefollowing example is 2018-10-10-22-13-55-00.Petitboot (v1.11) 9183-22X 78002BA____________________________________________________________________________________[USB: sdc / 2018-10-10-22-13-55-00]Rescue Red Hat Enterprise Linux Alternate Architectures system (64 bit keTest this media & Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Alternate Architectures* Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Alternate Architectures 7.6 (64 bit kernelSystem informationSystem configurationSystem status logLanguageRescan devicesRetrieve config from URLPluginsExit to shell___________________________________________________________________________________Enter = accept, e=edit, n=new, x=exit, l=language, g=log, h=helpc.Select Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Alternate Architectures 7.6 (64 bit kernel) and press e(Edit) to open the Petitboot Option Editor window.d.Move the cursor to the Boot arguments section and add the following information: inst.textinst.stage2=hd:UUID=your_UUID where your_UUID is the UUID that you recorded.Petitboot Option Editor_______________________________________________________________________Device: ( ) sda2 [3cb1868c-7fd4-466a-a7b0-70942ca452cd](*) sdb1 [2018-10-10-22-13-55-00]( ) Specify paths/URLs manuallyKernel: /ppc/ppc64/vmlinuzInitrd: /ppc/ppc64/initrd.imgDevice tree:Boot arguments: ro inst.text inst.stage2=hd:UUID=2018-10-10-22-13-55-00[ OK ] [ Help ] [ Cancel ]________________________________________________________________________tab=next, shift+tab=previous, x=exit, h=helpe.Select OK to save your options and return to the Main menu.f.Verify that Install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Alternate Architectures 7.6 (64 bit kernel) isselected and then press Enter to begin your installation.pleting your installationAfter you select to boot the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.X LE ALT installer, the installer wizard walks you through the steps.a.Follow the installation wizard for Red Hat Enterprise Linux to set up disk options, your usernameand password, time zones, and so on. The last step is to restart your system.b.After the system restarts, Petitboot displays the option to boot the Red Hat Enterprise Linux releasenumber. Select this option and press Enter.Note: Be sure to check for firmware updates. See https:///support/knowledgecenter/ POWER9/p9ei8/p9ei8_fixes_kickoff.htmWhat to do nextMore informationFor more information, see the following resources:•IBM Knowledge Center at https:///support/knowledgecenter/.•IBM Power System IC922 (9183-22X) server Redbook at /redpapers/ pdfs/redp5584.pdf.•The Linux on Power developer portal at Linux on Power developer portal.。
Mellanox Technologies Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RH

Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.x DriverUser ManualRHEL 7.xDoc #: MLNX-15-52996 Mellanox Technologies 2Mellanox Technologies350 Oakmead Parkway Suite 100Sunnyvale, CA 94085U.S.A.Tel: (408) 970-3400Fax: (408) 970-3403© Copyright 2020. Mellanox Technologies Ltd. All Rights Reserved.Mellanox®, Mellanox logo, ASAP2 - Accelerated Switch and Packet Processing®, BlueField®, BlueOS®, CloudX logo, Connect-IB®, ConnectX®, CORE-Direct®, GPUDirect®, HPC-X®, LinkX®, Mellanox CloudX®, Mellanox HostDirect®, Mellanox Multi-Host®, Mellanox NEO®, Mellanox NVMEDirect®, Mellanox OpenCloud®, Mellanox OpenHPC®, Mellanox PeerDirect®,Mellanox ScalableHPC®, Mellanox Socket Direct®, PeerDirect ASYNC®, SocketXtreme®, StoreX®, UCX®, UCX UnifiedCommunication X®, UFM®, Unbreakable-Link®, and Virtual Protocol Interconnect® are registered trademarks of MellanoxTechnologies, Ltd.For the complete and most updated list of Mellanox trademarks, visit /page/trademarks.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.NOTE:THIS HARDWARE, SOFTWARE OR TEST SUITE PRODUCT PRODUCT(S) AND ITS RELATEDDOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED BY MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES AS-IS WITH ALL FAULTS OF ANYKIND AND SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSE OF AIDING THE CUSTOMER IN TESTING APPLICATIONS THATUSE THE PRODUCTS IN DESIGNATED SOLUTIONS. THE CUSTOMER'S MANUFACTURING TESTENVIRONMENT HAS NOT MET THE STANDARDS SET BY MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIES TO FULLYQUALIFY THE PRODUCT(S) AND/OR THE SYSTEM USING IT. THEREFORE, MELLANOX TECHNOLOGIESCANNOT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE OR WARRANT THAT THE PRODUCTS WILL OPERATE WITH THEHIGHEST QUALITY. ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THEIMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ANDNONINFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL MELLANOX BE LIABLE TO CUSTOMER ORANY THIRD PARTIES FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES OF ANY KIND (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PAYMENT FOR PROCUREMENT OFSUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION)HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY,OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY FROM THE USE OFTHEPRODUCT(S) AND RELATED DOCUMENTATION EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGE.Table of Contents1Firmware Burning (4)2Port Type Management (5)3Modules Loading and Unloading (6)4Important Packages and Their Installation (7)5SR-IOV Configuration (8)5.1Setting up SR-IOV (8)6Default RoCE Mode Setting (10)7PXE over InfiniBand Installation (11)3 Mellanox Technologies RHEL 7.x1 Firmware Burning1.Check the device’s PCI address.lspci | grep MellanoxExample:00:06.0 Infiniband controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3 Pro]2.Identify the adapter card's PSID.# mstflint -d 81:00.0 qImage type: FS2FW Version: 2.42.5000FW Release Date: 26.7.2017Rom Info: type=PXE version=3.4.752 devid=4103Device ID: 4103Description: Node Port1 Port2Sys imageGUIDs: e41d2d0300b3f590 e41d2d0300b3f591 e41d2d0300b3f592e41d2d0300b3f593MACs: e41d2db3f591 e41d2db3f592VSD:PSID: MT_10901110193.Download the firmware BIN file from the Mellanox website that matches your card'sPSID.4.Burn the firmware.# mstflint -d <lspci-device-id> -i <image-file> b5.Reboot your machine after the firmware burning is completed.RHEL 7.x Mellanox Technologies 42 Port Type ManagementConnectX®-3 onwards adapter cards’ ports can be individually configured to work asInfiniBand or Ethernet ports. By default, ConnectX® family adapter cards VPI ports areinitialized as InfiniBand ports. If you wish to change the port type use the mstconfig afterthe driver is loaded.1.Install mstflint tools.yum install mstflint2.Check the device’s PCI address.lspci | grep MellanoxExample:00:06.0 Infiniband controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3 Pro]e mstconfig to change the link type as desired IB – for InfiniBand, ETH – for Ethernet.mstconfig –d <device pci> s LINK_TYPE_P1/2=<ETH|IB|VPI>Example:# mstconfig -d 00:06.0 s LINK_TYPE_P1=ETHDevice #1:----------Device type: ConnectX3ProPCI device: 00:06.0Configurations: Current NewLINK_TYPE_P1 IB(1) ETH(2)Apply new Configuration? ? (y/n) [n] : yApplying... Done!-I- Please reboot machine to load new configurations.4.Reboot your machine.5 Mellanox Technologies RHEL 7.x3 Modules Loading and UnloadingMellanox modules for ConnectX®-2/ConnectX®-3/ConnectX®-3 Pro are:•mlx4_en, mlx4_core, mlx4_ibMellanox modules for ConnectX®-4/ConnectX®-4 Lx/ ConnectX®-5/ ConnectX®-5Ex/ConnectX-6 are:•mlx5_core, mlx5_ibIn order to unload the driver, you need to first unload mlx*_en/ mlx*_ib and then themlx*_core module.➢To load and unload the modules, use the commands below:•Loading the driver: modprobe <module name># modprobe mlx5_ib•Unloading the driver: modprobe –r <module name># modprobe –r mlx5_ibRHEL 7.x Mellanox Technologies 64 Important Packages and Their Installationrdma-corerdma-core RDMA core userspace libraries and daemonslibibmad: Low layer InfiniBand diagnostic and management programslibibmad OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand MAD libraryopensm: InfiniBand Subnet Manageropensm-libs Libraries used by OpenSM and included utilitiesopensm OpenIB InfiniBand Subnet Manager and management utilitiesIbutils: OpenIB Mellanox InfiniBand Diagnostic Toolsibutils-libs Shared libraries used by ibutils binariesibutils OpenIB Mellanox InfiniBand Diagnostic Toolsinfiniband-diags: OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand Diagnostic Toolsinfiniband-diags OpenFabrics Alliance InfiniBand Diagnostic Toolsperftest: IB Performance testsperftest IB Performance Testsmstflint: Mellanox Firmware Burning and Diagnostics Toolsmstflint Mellanox firmware burning tool➢To install the packages above run:# yum install libibverbs librdmacm libibcm libibmad libibumad libmlx4libmlx5 opensm ibutils infiniband-diags srptools perftest mstflint rdmacm-utils ibverbs-utils librdmacm-utils -y7 Mellanox Technologies RHEL 7.xRHEL 7.x Mellanox Technologies 85 SR-IOV Configuration 5.1 Setting up SR-IOV1. Install the mstflint tools.# yum install mstflint2. Check the device ’s PCI.# lspci | grep MellanoxExample:00:06.0 Infiniband controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3 Pro]3. Check if SR-IOV is enabled in the firmware.mstconfig -d <device pci> qExample: # mstconfig -d 00:06.0 qDevice #1: ----------Device type: ConnectX3ProPCI device: 00:06.0Configurations: CurrentSRIOV_EN True(1)NUM_OF_VFS 8LINK_TYPE_P1 ETH(2) LINK_TYPE_P2 IB(1)LOG_BAR_SIZE 3BOOT_PKEY_P1 0BOOT_PKEY_P2 0 BOOT_OPTION_ROM_EN_P1 True(1)BOOT_VLAN_EN_P1 False(0)BOOT_RETRY_CNT_P1 0LEGACY_BOOT_PROTOCOL_P1 PXE(1)BOOT_VLAN_P1 1BOOT_OPTION_ROM_EN_P2 True(1)BOOT_VLAN_EN_P2 False(0)BOOT_RETRY_CNT_P2 0LEGACY_BOOT_PROTOCOL_P2 PXE(1)BOOT_VLAN_P2 1IP_VER_P1 IPv4(0)IP_VER_P2 IPv4(04. Enable SR-IOV:mstconfig –d <device pci> s SRIOV_EN=<False|True>5. Configure the needed number of VFsmstconfig –d <device pci> s NUM_OF_VFS=<NUM>NOTE: This file will be generated only if IOMMU is set in the grub.conf file (byadding “intel_iommu=on” to /boot/grub/grub.conf file).6. [mlx4 devices only] Create/Edit the file /etc/modprobe.d/mlx4.conf:options mlx4_core num_vfs=[needed num of VFs] port_type_array=[1/2 forIB/ETH],[ 1/2 for IB/ETH]Example:options mlx4_core num_vfs=8 port_type_array=1,17.[mlx5 devices only] Write to the sysfs file the number of needed VFs.echo [num_vfs] > sys/class/net/ib2/device/sriov_numvfsExample:# echo 8 > /sys/class/net/ib2/device/sriov_numvfs8.Reboot the driver.9.Load the driver and verify that the VFs were created.# lspci | grep mellanoxExample:00:06.0 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3 Pro]00:06.1 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.2 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.3 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.4 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.5 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.6 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.7 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]00:06.0 Network controller: Mellanox Technologies MT27500/MT27520 Family[ConnectX-3/ConnectX-3 Pro Virtual Function]For further information, refer to section Setting Up SR-IOV MLNX_OFED User Manual.9 Mellanox Technologies RHEL 7.x6 Default RoCE Mode Setting1.Mount the configfs file.# mount -t configfs none /sys/kernel/config2.Create a directory for the mlx4/mlx5 device.# mkdir -p /sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/3.Validate what is the used RoCE mode in the default_roce_mode configfs file.# cat /sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/ports/1/default_roce_modeIB/RoCE v14.Change the default RoCE mode,•For RoCE v1: IB/RoCE v1•For RoCE v2: RoCE v2# echo "RoCE v2" >/sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/ports/1/default_roce_mode# cat /sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/ports/1/default_roce_modeRoCE v2# echo "IB/RoCE v1" >/sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/ports/1/default_roce_mode# cat /sys/kernel/config/rdma_cm/mlx4_0/ports/1/default_roce_modeIB/RoCE v1RHEL 7.x Mellanox Technologies 107 PXE over InfiniBand InstallationPXE over InfiniBand infrastructure has additional parameter in the Boot Loader file forloading the necessary modules and interfaces and for allowing sufficient time to get the link.To install RHEL from PXE using the IPoIB interfaces, add the following parameters to theBoot Loader file, located in the var/lib/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg directory, at thePXE server:bootdev=ib0 ksdevice=ib0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rd.neednet=1rd.bootif=0 rd.driver.pre=mlx5_ib,mlx4_ib,ib_ipoib ip=ib0:dhcp.dhcp.retry=10 .timeout.iflink=60 .timeout.ifup=80.timeout.carrier=80Example:default RH7.5prompt 1timeout 600label RH7.5kernelappend bootdev=ib0 ksdevice=ib0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0 rd.neednet=1rd.bootif=0 rd.driver.pre=mlx5_ib,mlx4_ib,ib_ipoib ip=ib0:dhcp.dhcp.retry=10 .timeout.iflink=60 .timeout.ifup=80.timeout.carrier=8011 Mellanox Technologies RHEL 7.x。
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RedHat linux 7虚拟化环境集群安装精简手册1、前期准备挂载磁盘/* 通过制作iso,方便后续安装动作,在知识库中应形成iso镜像体系*/dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/app/rh71.isomount -o loop /app/rh71.iso /mnt挂载制作的isomount -loop /dev/sr0 /mnt查看少什么包/* 如果想要是用vgscan指令,系统至少需要安装lvm2包,这个从安装好的系统上查*/ [root@jttldb1 host5]# rpm -qf /sbin/vgscanlvm2-2.02.83-3.el6.x86_64常用包安装net-tools (ifconfig等用)yum -y install nautilus-open-terminal(右键添加terminal)配置yum/* 根据具体挂载的路径和版本调整*/建立文件/etc/yum.repos.d/mycdrom.repo[Base]name=RHELbaseurl=file:///mntenabled=1gpgcheck=0[Cluster]name=RHELbaseurl=file:///mnt/addons/HighAvailabilityenabled=1gpgcheck=0配置ipIPADDR=单网卡配置多ipifconfig team0:0 netmask (临时添加一个ip,重启后消失,如果想永久拥有,需要配置ifcfg-ens32:0 文件)临时文件取消:ifconfig ens32:0 down网卡绑定1)创建组接口(会生产一个ifcfg-team0)nmcli con add type team con-name team0 ifname team0 config '{"runner":{"name":"activebackup"}}'nmcli con del team0 (删除绑定team)2)查看组接口配置nmcli con show3)给组接口添加设备nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-port1 ifname enp11s0f0 master team0nmcli con add type team-slave con-name team0-port2 ifname enp16s0f0 master team0nmcli con mod type team-slave con-name team0-port2 ifname enp16s0f0 master team04)配置ip[root@jttldb2 network-scripts]# more ifcfg-team0DEVICE=team0DEVICETYPE=TeamTEAM_CONFIG="{\"runner\":{\"name\":\"activebackup\"}}"BOOTPROTO=noneIPADDR= ONBOOT=yes查看网卡状态teamdctl team0 state验证nmcli dev dis eno 断开nmcli dev con eno 连接OS版本查询lsb_release -a需要安装包(yum install redhat-lsb)起停服务systemctl stop firewalldsystemctl start firewalldsystemctl status firewalldsystemctl|grep是否开机启动systemctl enable XXX 开机启动systemctl disable xxx 开机不启动systemctl status XXX 查看状态关闭防火墙[root@localhost ~]# systemctl stop firewalld [root@localhost ~]# systemctl disable firewalld关闭selinux[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux把SELINUX=enforcing改为SELINUX=disabled[root@localhost ~]# reboot查看#getenforce临时关闭# setenforce 0LVM配置虚机上共享磁盘配置要求磁盘置备:厚置备置零磁盘模式:独立持久在ha1上,创建pv、vg、lv挂载文件系统,在ha2上重启系统即可识别vg信息修改主机名称:linu7通过hostname临时修改主机名,加hostnamectl static修改静态主机名的方式实现永久生效主机名(修改主机名后注意修改hosts)hostnamehostnamectl --static set-hostname linux7-ha2而在linux7之前是没有hostnamectl命令的,永久修改主机名的方式是通过hostname加修改/etc/sysconfig/network文件的方式配置vnc连接rehhat71)安装包yum install tigervnc-server创建一个登录密码:#vncserver2)配置vnccp /lib/systemd/system/vncserver@.service /etc/systemd/system/vncserver@:1.service替换文件#Type=forking改成Type=simple3)重启systemdsystemctl daemon-reload4)启动vcnsystemctl start vncserver@:1.servicesystemctl status vncserver@:1.service永久启动systemctl enable vncserver@:1.service5)关闭vncsystemctl stop vncserver@:1.service开机不启动systemctl disable vncserver@:1.service客户端服务器段需要关闭防火墙,或修改过滤2、oracle静默安装安装必要的包yum -y install binutils compat-db compat-gcc-34 compat-gcc-34-c++ compat-libstdc++-33 elfutils-libelf-devel gcc gcc-c++ glibc-* libgcc* ksh libXp libaio-devel numactl numactl-devel sysstat unixODBC unixODBC-devel pdkshyum install静默安装oracle修改./database/response/db_install.rspdb_install.rsp如下内容oracle.install.option=INSTALL_DB_SWONLYUNIX_GROUP_NAME=oinstallINVENTORY_LOCATION=/u01/app/oraInventoryORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracleoracle.install.db.InstallEdition=EEoracle.install.db.EEOptionsSelection=trueoracle.install.db.optionalComponents=oracle.rdbms.partitioning:,oracle.oraolap:,,oracle.rdbms.lbac:,oracle.rdbms.rat: oracle.install.db.DBA_GROUP=dbaoracle.install.db.OPER_GROUP=operoracle.install.db.isRACOneInstall=falseDECLINE_SECURITY_UPDATES=true执行静默安装软件./runInstaller -silent -ignoreSysPrereqs -ignorePrereq -showProgress -responseFile /oracle/database/response/db_install.rsp执行静默安装数据库(在dbca.rsp中添加实例名称)dbca -silent -responseFile /oracle/database/response/dbca.rsp对数据库做必要的调整3、linux7 vmware下ha安装调试----pacemaker取代rgmanager ssh 双机信任配置1)在两个节点上生产证书# ssh-keygen -t rsa注意:在程序提示输入passphrase时直接输入回车,表示无证书密码。
上述命令将生成私钥证书id_rsa和公钥证书,存放在用户家目录的.ssh 子目录中。
2)查看~/.ssh生成密钥的文件# cd ~/.ssh3)建立两个节点的信任关系(两个节点互相传一下证书文件,并改名称)# scp -r 主机1:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys#scp -r 主机2:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys安装HA必要安装包yum install pacemaker*yum install pcs*corosync*/* 系统常用的一些编译环境等包,系统安装时可能都已经安装了*/ yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel flex kernel-devel启动PCSD服务systemctl start pcsd.servicesystemctl status pcsd.servicesystemctl enable pcsd.service设置集群认证用户haclusterfor i in 1 2; do ssh ha$i 'echo admin | passwd --stdin hacluster'; done或在两个节点运行:passwd haclusteradmin添加授权#pcs cluster auth ha1 ha2 (在一个节点上执行就可以了)创建集群#pcs cluster setup --name lion ha1 ha2开启集群并随机启动[root@linux7-ha1 /]# pcs cluster start --all[root@linux7-ha1 /]# pcs cluster enable --all查看集群状态[root@linux7-ha1 /]# pcs status仲裁设置linux7模式下,双节点仲裁自动添加,不需要设置,需要改默认配置[root@ha1 ~]# pcs property set no-quorum-policy=ignore (说明)fence设置/* 不设置fence设备可以完成集群的配置,但是会导致异常场景下双节点同时使用资源,对于如数据库资源来说,会造成数据库损坏,无法打开*/模式一:不使用fence[root@ha1 ~]# pcs property set stonith-enabled=false模式二:使用fencepcs property set stonith-enabled=true /* 开启stonith */pcs stonith list /* 查看系统支持的fence类型*/1)对于虚拟机fence(使用fence_vmware_soap 类型)检测fence设备状态/*是esxi1是exsi2主机用户名和密码也是esxi主机的status 改成reboot 测试是否重启 */fence_vmware_soap -a esxi1 -z -n ha1 -o status --ssl-insecure -l root -p 1234qwerasdfence_vmware_soap -a esxi2 -z -n ha2 -o status --ssl-insecure -l root -p 1234qwerasd添加fence资源pcs stonith create fence_vmware_ha1 fence_vmware_soap \ipaddr= ssl_insecure=1 inet4_only=1 \login="root" passwd="1qaz2wsx" action=reboot \pcmk_host_map="ha1:423cbe32-5e0d-fded-fde5-6c4d2cac47c2;ha2:423c98c4-23c5-dd 46-67e2-9ce2f03c243f" \pcmk_host_list=ha1 pcmk_host_check=static-list power_wait=3 op monitorpcs stonith create fence_vmware_ha2 fence_vmware_soap \ipaddr= ssl_insecure=1 inet4_only=1 \login="root" passwd="1qaz2wsx" action=reboot \pcmk_host_map="ha1:423cbe32-5e0d-fded-fde5-6c4d2cac47c2;ha2:423c98c4-23c5-dd 46-67e2-9ce2f03c243f" \pcmk_host_list=ha2 pcmk_host_check=static-list power_wait=3 op monitorinterval=60s虚拟机ha1和ha2的uuid的查找方法:fence_vmware_soap -a --ssl-insecure --action list -l root -p 1234qwerasd添加资源添加浮动ip,并加入资源组pcs resource create VIP ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 op monitor interval=30s --group orasrv添加lvm信息并加入组:修改/etc/lvm/lvm.confuse_lvmetad = 0volume_list = [ "rhel" ] (把非集群的vg添加进去)#dracut -H -f /boot/initramfs-$(uname -r).img $(uname -r) (必须重启操作系统,使其生效)添加vg#pcs resource create my_lvm LVM volgrpname=datavg exclusive=true --group orasrv 添加文件系统:(排他锁模式)[root@z1 ~]# pcs resource create my_fs Filesystem \device=/dev/datavg/datalv directory=/oracle \fstype=ext3 --group orasrvoracle添加下载脚本,并拷贝至路径/usr/lib/ocf/resource.d/heartbeat/添加实例pcs resource create oracledb ocf:heartbeat:oracle sid=lionhome=/oracle/oracle11g/product/11.2.0/db_1 clear_backupmode=1shutdown_method=immediate --group orasrv添加监听资源pcs resource create oralsn ocf:heartbeat:oralsnr sid=lionhome=/oracle/oracle11g/product/11.2.0/db_1 --group orasrv集群粘性/*防止节点恢复后自动回迁,经验证,如不设置,当主节点恢复后集群会自动回迁,资源粘性表示资源是否倾向于留在当前节点,如果为正整数,表示倾向,负数则会离开,-inf表示负无穷,inf表示正无穷。