HP rx8640和EVA8100配置参数

备份解决方案应支持业界领先的集群解决方案,例如HP MC/ServiceGuard,Microsoft Cluster Server,VERITAS Cluster Server,HP TruCluster和Linux RedHat AS与Oracle组成集群等。
支持2Gb/4Gb FC光纤磁盘
配置磁盘容量≥8TB,配置28块300G 10K光纤硬盘
实现RAID 0、1、5
EVA 安装指南

和EVA的第一次亲密接触EVA系列磁盘阵列,在HP的存储架构中,大致处在VA 与XP之间。
EVA 可以使用在HPUX环境下也已经有好一段时间了,苦于华南区一直没有这样的单,所以没有机会亲身体会一下。
这次福州移动终于order了一台EVA5000 (2C2D) 。
八月十八,晴,我和陈英杰(Jacky ) 怀着愉快的心情出发了。
外观 (2)准备工作 (2)EVA硬件安装 (2)EVA配置 (3)起始页面 (4)点击 Storage management appliance 的icon (5)点击 Devices的icon (5)点击HSV element manager (6)Navigation Pane (6)Content Pane (6)点Content Pane的Options,设storage system access和License (7)确认EVA的VCS版本 (8)初始化阵列 (9)初始化阵列续一 (9)添加Host (10)增加Host续一 (11)添加Virtual Disk (12)Present VD to Host (13)在主机上S ECURE P ATH的安装配置 (13)安装 (13)配置 (13)spmgr display (14)打开|关闭Secure Path的Load Balancing (15)更改Secure Path下的设备文件名 (15)Load Balancing (16)配置与优化 (17)Disk Group (17)RAID Level (17)SCSI Queue Depth & IO timeout (18)脚本与自动化操作 (18)外观EVA是单独的一个41U的机柜,颜色的基调是黑色。
’2C’ 是指两个控制器,上有LCD和按钮,’2D’ 是指有两个盘柜(Fiber Channel Drive Enclosure),每个盘柜最多可以安装14块硬盘。
UC-8100A-ME-T Series 硬件用户手册说明书

UC-8100A-ME-T Series Hardware User’sManualVersion 1.0, April 2019/product© 2019 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.UC-8100A-ME-T Series Hardware User’sManualThe software described in this manual is furnished under a license agreement and may be used only in accordance withthe terms of that agreement.Copyright Notice© 2019 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.TrademarksThe MOXA logo is a registered trademark of Moxa Inc.All other trademarks or registered marks in this manual belong to their respective manufacturers.DisclaimerInformation in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Moxa.Moxa provides this document as is, without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, its particular purpose. Moxa reserves the right to make improvements and/or changes to this manual, or to the products and/or the programs described in this manual, at any time.Information provided in this manual is intended to be accurate and reliable. However, Moxa assumes no responsibility for its use, or for any infringements on the rights of third parties that may result from its use.This product might include unintentional technical or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein to correct such errors, and these changes are incorporated into new editions of the publication.Technical Support Contact Information/supportMoxa AmericasToll-free: 1-888-669-2872 Tel: +1-714-528-6777 Fax: +1-714-528-6778Moxa China (Shanghai office) Toll-free: 800-820-5036Tel: +86-21-5258-9955 Fax: +86-21-5258-5505Moxa EuropeTel: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0 Fax: +49-89-3 70 03 99-99Moxa Asia-PacificTel: +886-2-8919-1230 Fax: +886-2-8919-1231Moxa IndiaTel: +91-80-4172-9088 Fax: +91-80-4132-1045Table of Contents1.Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 1-1Model Descriptions .............................................................................................................................. 1-2 Package Checklist ............................................................................................................................... 1-2 Product Features ................................................................................................................................ 1-2 Product Specifications ......................................................................................................................... 1-2 2.Hardware Introduction...................................................................................................................... 2-1Appearance ........................................................................................................................................ 2-2 Dimensions ........................................................................................................................................ 2-3 LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................... 2-4 Reboot .............................................................................................................................................. 2-4 Reset to Default ................................................................................................................................. 2-4 Real-time Clock .................................................................................................................................. 2-5 Installation Options ............................................................................................................................. 2-5 DIN-rail Mounting ........................................................................................................................ 2-5Optional Wall Mounting ................................................................................................................ 2-6 3.Hardware Connection Description ..................................................................................................... 3-1Wiring Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 3-2 Connecting the Power .................................................................................................................. 3-2Grounding the Unit ...................................................................................................................... 3-2 Connecting to the Network ................................................................................................................... 3-3 Connecting to a USB Device ................................................................................................................. 3-3 Connecting to Serial Ports .................................................................................................................... 3-3 Inserting the SD Card and SIM Card ..................................................................................................... 3-3 Connecting to the Console Port ............................................................................................................. 3-4 Connecting the Antennas ..................................................................................................................... 3-4 A.Regulatory Approval Statements ....................................................................................................... A-11Introduction The UC-8100A-ME-T computing platform is designed for embedded data-acquisition applications. TheUC-8100A-ME-T platform comes with two RS-232/422/485 serial ports and dual 10/100 Mbps Ethernet LAN ports, as well as a miniPCIe slot to support cellular modules. These versatile communication capabilities let users efficiently adapt the UC-8100A-ME-T to a variety of complex communications solutions.The following topics are covered in this chapter:❒Model Descriptions❒Package Checklist❒Product Features❒Product SpecificationsUC-8100A-ME-T Series HW UM IntroductionModel DescriptionsThe UC-8100A-ME-T Series includes the following models:•UC-8112A-ME-T-LX: Industrial computing platform with 2 serial ports, 2 Ethernet ports, SD socket, -40 to 85°C operating temperature range•UC-8112A-ME-T-LX-US: Industrial computing platform with 2 serial ports, 2 Ethernet ports, SD socket, US region LTE built-in,-40 to 70°C operating temperature range•UC-8112A-ME-T-LX-EU: Industrial computing platform with 2 serial ports, 2 Ethernet ports, SD socket, Europe region LTE built-in,-40 to 70°C operating temperature range•UC-8112A-ME-T-LX-AP: Industrial computing platform with 2 serial ports, 2 Ethernet ports, SD socket, APAC region LTE built-in,-40 to 70°C operating temperature rangePackage ChecklistBefore installing a UC-8100A-ME-T computer, verify that the package contains the following items:•UC-8100A-ME-T Series computer•Console cable•Power jack•Quick Installation Guide (printed)•Warranty cardNotify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.NOTE The console cable and power jack can be found beneath the molded pulp cushioning inside the product box.Product Features•Armv7 Cortex-A8 1 GHz processor• 2 auto-sensing 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports•SD socket for storage expansion•Programmable LEDs and a programmable button for easy installation and maintenance•Mini PCIe socket for cellular module•Debian 9 open platform•-40 to 70°C wide temperature range with LTE enabledProduct SpecificationsNOTE The latest specifications for Moxa's products can be found at https://.2Hardware Introduction The UC-8100A-ME-T embedded computers are compact and rugged, making them suitable for industrial applications. The LED indicators allow you to monitor device performance and quickly identify issues, and the multiple ports can be used to connect a variety of devices. The UC-8100A-ME-T Series comes with a reliable and stable hardware platform that lets you devote the bulk of your time to application development. In this chapter, we provide basic information about the embedded computer’s hardware and its various components. The following topics are covered in this chapter:❒Appearance❒Dimensions❒LED Indicators❒Reboot❒Reset to Default❒Real-time Clock❒Installation OptionsD IN-rail MountingO ptional Wall MountingAppearanceTop ViewFront ViewBottom ViewDimensionsUnit: mm (in)LED IndicatorsThe function of each LED is described in the table below:LED Name Color FunctionUSB GreenSteady OnUSB device is connected and working normally.Off USB device is not connected.SD GreenSteady On SD Card inserted and working normally.Off SD card is not detected.PowerGreen Power is on and the computer is working normally.OffPower is off.LAN1/LAN 2(RJ45connector)GreenSteady On 100 Mbps Ethernet linkBlinking Data transmission in progressYellowSteady On 10 Mbps Ethernet linkBlinking Data transmission in progressOffEthernet is not connected.Wireless SignalStrengthGreenYellowRedThe number of glowing LEDs indicates the signal strength.3 (Green + Yellow + Red): Excellent2 (Yellow + Red): Good1 (Red): PoorOff Wireless module is not detected.USR User-defined GreenThis LED can be defined by users. For details, refer to HardwareUser’s Manual.Programmablediagnostic LEDsGreenYellowRedThese three LEDs are programmable. For details, refer to the“Default Programmable Button Operation" section in the HardwareUser’s Manual.RebootTo reboot the computer, press the programmable button for 1 second.Reset to DefaultThe UC-8100A-ME-T is also provided with a Reset to Default function which can reset the operating systemback to the factory default status. Press and hold the programmable button between 7 to 9 seconds to resetthe computer to the factory default settings. When the reset button is held down, the Ready LED will blink onceevery second. The Ready LED will become steady when you hold the button continuously for 7 to 9 seconds.Release the button within this period to load the factory default settings.Real-time ClockThe UC-8100A-ME-T’s real time clock is powered by a non-chargeable battery. We strongly recommend that you do not replace the lithium battery without help from a qualified Moxa support engineer. If you need to change the battery, contact the Moxa RMA service team.Installation OptionsDIN-rail MountingThe aluminum DIN-rail attachment plate is already attached to the product’s casing. To mount theUC-8100A-ME-T on to a DIN rail, make sure that the stiff metal spring is facing upwards and follow these steps.1.Pull down the bottom slider of the DIN-railbracket located at the back of the unit 2. Insert the top of the DIN rail into the slot justbelow the upper hook of the DIN-rail bracket. 3. Latch the unit firmly on to the DIN rail as shown inthe illustrations below.4. Push the slider back into place.UC-8100A-ME-T Series HW UM Hardware IntroductionOptional Wall MountingThe UC-8100A-ME-T can be mounted on to a wall using a wall-mounting kit as shown in the following illustrations. Step 1Use four screws to fasten the wall-mounting brackets on the left panel of the computer.Step 2Use another four screws to mount the computer on a wall or a cabinet.The optional wall-mounting kit is not included in the product box and should be purchased separately.3 Hardware Connection DescriptionIn this chapter, we describe how to connect the UC-8100A-ME-T to a network and various devices.The following topics are covered in this chapter:❒Wiring RequirementsC onnecting the PowerG rounding the Unit❒Connecting to the Network❒Connecting to a USB Device❒Connecting to Serial Ports❒Inserting the SD Card and SIM Card❒Connecting to the Console Port❒Connecting the AntennasWiring RequirementsIn this section, we describe how to connect various devices to the embedded computer. Be sure to read and follow these common safety precautions before proceeding with the installation of any electronic device: • Use separate paths to route wiring for power and devices. If power wiring and device wiring paths mustcross, make sure the wires are perpendicular at the intersection point.NOTEDo not run signal or communication wiring and power wiring in the same wire conduit. To avoid interference, wires with different signal characteristics should be routed separately.• You can use the type of signal transmitted through a wire to determine which wires should be kept separate.The rule of thumb is that wiring that shares similar electrical characteristics can be bundled together. • Keep input wiring and output wiring separate.• When necessary, it is strongly advised that you label wiring to all devices in the system.Connecting the PowerTerminal BlockConnect the 12 to 36 VDC power line to the terminal block, which is connector to the UC-8100A-ME-T Series computer. If the power is supplied properly, the “Power” LED will glow a solid green light. The power input location and pin definition are shown in the adjacent diagram.SG: The Shielded Ground (sometimes called Protected Ground) contact is the bottomcontact of the 3-pin power terminal block connector when viewed from the angle shown here. Connect the SG wire to an appropriate grounded metal surface.Grounding the UnitThere is another grounding connector on the top panel of the computer. Use this connector to connect a well-grounded mounting surface, such as a metal panel.Connecting to the NetworkThe Ethernet ports are located on the front panel of the UC-8100A-ME-T computers. The pin assignments for the Ethernet port are shown in the following figure. If you are using your own cable, make sure that the pin assignments on the Ethernet cable connector match the pin assignments on the Ethernet port.Pin Signal 1 Tx+ 2 Tx- 3 Rx+ 4– 5 – 6 Rx- 7 – 8–Connecting to a USB DeviceThe UC-8100A-ME-T Series computers come with a USB port located at the lower part of the front panel, allowing users to connect to a device with an USB interface. The USB port uses a type A connector. By default, the USB storage is mounted at /mnt/usbstorage.Connecting to Serial PortsThe two serial ports (P1 and P2) use terminal connectors. Each port can be configured by software for RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485. The pin assignments for the ports are shown in the following table:Pin RS-232 RS-422RS-485 1 TXD TXD+ – 2 RXD TXD- – 3 RTS RXD+ D+ 4 CTS RXD- D- 5GNDGNDGNDInserting the SD Card and SIM CardThe UC-8100A-ME-T comes with an SD socket for storage expansion, and a SIM card socket for cellular communication. The SD card/SIM card sockets are located at the lower part on the front panel. To install the cards, remove the screw and the protection cover to access the sockets, and then insert the SD card or the SIM card into the sockets directly. You will hear a click when the cards are in place. To remove the cards, push the cards in before releasing them.Connecting to the Console PortThe console port is an RS-232 port that can be connected to with a 4-pin pin header cable. You can use this port for debugging or firmware upgrade.PinSignal1 TxD2 RxD3 NC4 GNDConnecting the AntennasThere are three antenna connectors on the front panel of theUC-8100A-ME-T. W1 and W3 are for cellular modules, and W2 isfor GPS module; all are SMA type. Connect the antennas on theseconnectors.ARegulatory Approval StatementsThis device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Class A: FCC Warning! This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the users will be required to correct the interference at their own expense.European Community。
Microsoft Azure StorSimple 8100 存储设备硬件安装指南说明书

f. 1 tamper-proof T10 screwdriver.
g. 1 serial-USB converter for serial access.
i. Getting Started Documentation.
If you did not receive any of the items listed above, contact technical support. The next step is to rack-mount your device. See the Rack-mount your device section for details.
Before you unpack your device, perform the following steps. WARNING!
1. Before you begin, ensure that you have two people available to handle the weight in case you DUHKDQGOLQJLWPDQXDOO\$IXOO\FRQÀJXUHGGHYLFHFDQZHLJKXSWRNJ OEV
Site preparation
The device must be installed in a standard 19-inch rack that has both front and rear posts. To prepare for rack installation, ensure that: 7KHGHYLFHLVUHVWLQJVDIHO\RQDÁDWVWDEOHDQGOHYHOZRUNVXUIDFH RUVLPLODU 7KHVLWHZKHUH\RXLQWHQGWRVHWXSKDVVWDQGDUG$&SRZHUIURPDQLQGHSHQGHQWVRXUFHRUD

产品厚度:在 产品厚度 在0.10-1.00毫米之 毫米之 可按用户要求。 间,可按用户要求。常规产品厚度为 可按用户要求 0.50毫米 其厚度公差为 ±0.04毫米。 毫米,其厚度公差为 毫米。 毫米 其厚度公差为:± 毫米 本公司可按用户要求提供不同外型的产品,如A 本公司可按用户要求提供不同外型的产品, 型等, 型为平面型 型为平面型, 型为菱形花 型、B型、C型等,A型为平面型,B型为菱形花 型 型等 型为细花纹。 型的厚度0.50MM相当 纹,C型为细花纹。如A型的厚度 型为细花纹 型的厚度 相当 型是0.66MM,相当于 型是 型是0.55MM。 于B型是 型是 ,相当于C型是 。
板面 胶膜
F303型产品:层压机设定温度 型产品: 型产品 150℃,抽气 分钟,加压 秒, 分钟, ℃ 抽气6分钟 加压30秒 层压保持30分钟。(见操作工艺图) 层压保持 分钟。(见操作工艺图) 分钟。(见操作工艺图
F303型 固 化 操 作 工 艺 图 180 160 140 120 温度(度) 100 80 60 40 20 0 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 时 间 ( 分 ) 40 1 4 7 板 面 胶 膜
在140度下固化的时间与交联度关系曲线 100 交联度(% %) 80 60 40 20 0 0分 4分 8分 12分 16分 时间(分) 20分 24分
在150度下固化的时间与交联度关系曲线 100 交联度( (%) 80 60 40 20 0 0分 2分 4分 6分 8分 时间(分) 10分 12分
F406型产品:层压机设定温度 型产品: 型产品 138℃,抽气 分钟,加压 秒, 分钟, ℃ 抽气6分钟 加压30秒 层压保持15分钟。(见层压工艺图 分钟。(见层压工艺图) 层压保持 分钟。(见层压工艺图)
HP rx8640和EVA8100配置参数

当前至少配置2块Fiber Channel存储接口卡,接口速率=4Gb/s或更高
备份解决方案应可用于不同的操作系统上(例如Windows和UNIX平台),并支持基于SAN备份/恢复多种操作系统的数据,这些操作系统包括Windows、HP-UX、Linux、Open VMS、NetWare和TRU64 UNIX。本次配置2个UNIX数据库服务器在线备份License
采用该型号最高主频,主频>= 1.6GHz
L2Cache >=1.25M
L3Cache >=18MB

4.21 输出 1 – 线性直流 .....................................................17
4.22 输出 2 - 继电器 ........................................................17
4.23 输出 2 – 双继电器 .....................................................18
7 操作模式 .................................................................................................................... 23
7.1 选择模式 .............................................................24
5.4 LED 指示灯功能.......................................................22
6 故障显示 .................................................................................................................... 23
4.27 输出 3 - 继电器........................................................19
4.28 输出 3 - SSR 驱动 .....................................................19

◎严禁私自改造变频器,否则可能引致人员伤亡。擅自更改后的变频器将不再享受保修 服务。
- 05 -
第一章 操作面板说明
1.1 操作面板示意图
8100 系列
(1) 菜单:从固定模式转到参数模式时使用。 (2) 压力 / 设定:设定水压快捷键以及设定参数时的确定键。 (3) 移位:切换显示内容以及修改参数时移动光标用。 运行状态下按“移位” 键可在运行频率、输出电流、设定压力以及反馈压 力之间来回切,修改参数时,按“移位”键,闪烁位为当前可修改位。 (4) ▲▼键:用于设定参数值和设定压力值的修改。 (5) 运行:启动方式为键盘时的启动按钮。 (6) 停止 / 复位:启动方式为键盘时的停止按钮和故障复位按钮。 (7) 停机时参数监控状态下按“移位”键 5 秒以上,F0、F1 组参数可恢复出 厂设置,当屏幕显示的提示字母“End”结束后,表示恢复出厂设置完成。
8100 系列
(2) 接线图
本控制器可接远传压力表和压力变送器两类反馈器件,请根据反馈器件配合 下列各图接线。
① 远传压力表:工作电压 10VDC,输出 0 ~ 10VDC,接线方式如下图所示
② 24V 压力变送器:工作电压范围 10 ~ 30V,输出 4 ~ 20mA,特别注意 2.2KW 及以下功率段无 24V 端子。
第二章 型号、外观及接线 ....................09
2.1 型号说明 ................................09 2.2 外形尺寸和安装尺寸 ......................09 2.3 主电路与控制端子接线图 ..................15 2.4 传感器接线图 ............................16 2.5 端子标识及说明 ..........................17

调零 弹簧
IN 电流 转矩 电机
固定 节流
喷嘴 挡板
反馈 弹簧
补偿 弹簧
量程节 调杆
排气 阀芯
供气 阀芯
回转角 摆动 OUT 执行器
反馈 轴
图3 IP8100型框图
停止用螺钉 (不可动)
①先导阀 供气阀芯B
自动/手动切换螺钉 (内置固定节流)
输入电流 输入电阻 供给空气压 标准行程 灵敏度 直线性 迟滞 重复性 温度系数
防爆构造 空气连接口/压力表连接口 电气配线连接口 配线方法 材质 质量 外皮保护构造
动作 输入电流增大时,执行器主轴按顺时针回转。
定位器 凸轮DA面
定位器 凸轮DA面
输入电流增大时,执行器主轴按逆时针回转。 (让反向动作驱动部作反向动作)
输入电流增大时,执行器主轴按逆时针回转。 输入电流增大时,执行器主轴按逆时针回转。
动作 输入电流增大时,气缸活塞杆沿箭头方向动作。
量程调节杠杆反向位置 OUT1为堵塞
ARTISAN技术集团预先所有设备的定性源和NI PXIe-8100控制器安装指南说明书

INSTALLATION GUIDENI PXIe-8100This document contains information about installing your NI PXIe-8100controller in a PXI Express chassis. For complete configuration andtroubleshooting information (including information about BIOS setup,adding RAM, and so on), see the NI PXIe-8100 User Manual. The manualis in PDF format on the documentation CD included with your controllerand on the National Instruments Web site, /manuals. Installing the NI PXIe-8100This section contains general installation instructions for theNI PXIe-8100. Consult your PXI Express chassis user manual for specificinstructions and warnings.1.Plug in your chassis before installing the NI PXIe-8100. The powercord grounds the chassis and protects it from electrical damage whileyou install the module.Caution To protect both yourself and the chassis from electrical hazards, leave the chassispowered off until you finish installing the NI PXIe-8100 module.2.Remove any filler panels blocking access to the system controller slot(Slot 1) in the chassis.3.Touch the metal part of the case to discharge any static electricity thatmight be on your clothes or body.NI PXIe-8100 Installation Guide 4.Remove the protective plastic covers from the four bracket-retainingscrews as shown in Figure 1.Figure 1. Removing Protective Screw Caps5.Make sure the injector/ejector handle is in its downward position.Align the NI PXIe-8100 with the card guides on the top and bottomof the system controller slot.CautionDo not raise the injector/ejector handle as you insert the NI PXIe-8100. Themodule will not insert properly unless the handle is in its downward position so thatit does not interfere with the injector rail on the chassis.6.Hold the handle as you slowly slide the module into the chassis until the handle catches on the injector/ejector rail.7.Raise the injector/ejector handle until the module firmly seatsinto the backplane receptacle connectors. The front panel of theNI PXIe-8100 should be even with the front panel of the chassis.8.Tighten the four bracket-retaining screws on the top and bottom of thefront panel to secure the NI PXIe-8100 to the chassis.9.Check the installation.1Protective Screw Cap (4X)© National Instruments Corporation 3NI PXIe-8100 Installation Guide 10.Connect the keyboard and mouse to the appropriate connectors. If youare using a PS/2 keyboard and a PS/2 mouse, a Y-splitter adapter isavailable to connect both to a single USB connector. NationalInstruments offers a Y-splitter adapter cable, part number 778713-02,available through the online catalog at /products .11.Connect the VGA monitor video cable to the VGA connector.12.Connect devices to ports as required by your system configuration.13.Power on the chassis.14.Verify that the controller boots. If the controller does not boot, referto the What if the NI PXIe-8100 Does Not Boot? section of this guide.Figure 2 shows an NI PXIe-8100 installed in the system controller slot of aNational Instruments NI PXIe-1062Q chassis.Figure 2. NI PXIe-8100 Controller Installed in a PXI Express ChassisHow to Remove the Controller from the PXI Express ChassisThe NI PXIe-8100 controller is designed for easy handling. To remove theunit from the PXI Express chassis, complete the following steps.1.Power off the chassis.2.Unscrew the four bracket-retaining screws in the front panel.3.Press the injector/ejector handle down.4.Slide the unit out of the chassis.1NI PXIe-1062Q Chassis 2NI PXIe-8100 Controller 3Injector/Ejector RailWhat if the NI PXIe-8100 Does Not Boot?Several problems can cause a controller not to boot. Here are some thingsto look for and possible solutions.Things to Notice•Which LEDs come on? The PWROK/FAULT LED should stay litgreen. The Drive LED should blink during boot as the disk isaccessed.•What appears on the display? Does it hang at some particular point(BIOS, Operating System, and so on)? If nothing appears on thescreen, try a different monitor. Does your monitor work with adifferent PC? If it hangs, note the last screen output that you saw forreference when consulting National Instruments technical support.•What has changed about the system? Did you recently move thesystem? Was there electrical storm activity? Did you recently adda new module, memory chip, or piece of software?•Refer to your chassis user manual for additional troubleshooting steps.Things to Try•Make sure the chassis is plugged in to a working power source.•Check any fuses or circuit breakers in the chassis or other powersupply (possibly a UPS).•Make sure the controller module is firmly seated in the chassis.•Remove all other modules from the chassis.•Remove any nonessential cables or devices.•Try the controller in a different chassis.•Try a similar controller in this same chassis.•Clear the CMOS. (Refer to the System CMOS section of NI PXIe-8100User Manual.)•Make sure the RAM is properly seated.For more troubleshooting information, refer to the NI PXIe-8100 UserManual. The manual is in PDF format on the recovery CD includedwith your controller and on the National Instruments Web site,/manuals.LabVIEW, National Instruments, NI, , the National Instruments corporate logo, and the Eaglelogo are trademarks of National Instruments Corporation. Refer to the Trademark Information at/trademarks for other National Instruments trademarks. Other product and companynames mentioned herein are trademarks or trade names of their respective companies. For patentscovering National Instruments products/technology, refer to the appropriate location: Help»Patentsin your software, the patents.txt file on your media, or the National Instruments Patent Noticeat /patents. Refer to the Export Compliance Information at /legal/export-compliance for the National Instruments global trade compliance policy and how toobtain relevant HTS codes, ECCNs, and other import/export data.© 2011 National Instruments Corporation. All rights reserved.373391A-01Jun11。

EVA口内数字影像系统使用说明一.配置EVA 口内数字影像系统EVA配件--牙齿定位器、护套和定位架及注册与保修卡ProImage 软件传感器、传感器基座和数据处理盒二.软件与硬件的安装USB 驱动安装:此安装适用于Windows XP 系统。
在驱动安装 完成之前,请不要插上EVA 设备。
1. 在光驱中插入标有“USB Hardware &Twain Drivers Installation CD ”的驱动光盘。
2. “Question ”对话框自动打开。
3. 点击“是”(YES )4. 安装程序就会检查您计算机中旧的EVA 驱动文件。
5. 点击“确定”(OK )6. EVA 驱动程序发现的每一个旧驱动文件,在另一个窗口中就会显示其已被重新命名。
点击“确定”(OK )7. 问题对话框出现。
8. 如果您已经安装了与EVA 传感器系统能相互兼容的第三方软件,请选择“是”。
EVA 驱动程序就会为EVA.dll 的其它文件搜索并驱动,并将其重命名。
9.如果Proimage 是安装在计算机上唯一的数字化影像软件,请选择“否” 10. 可通过下列对话框继续安装。
11. 点击“Next ”(下一步)。
12. 选择“I accept the terms of the license agreement ”。
13. 点击"Next"(下一步)。
15. 就会出现载入条。
16. 点击 "Finish" (完成)17. EVA CD 就会询问用户是否愿意继续安装双驱动。
19.将EVA数字化传感器的USB接口端插入电脑的USB2.0 接口。
将 USB 线缆另一头连接到传感器接头上将接头与传感器处理盒连接(插上):注意: 请切勿拉扯电线。
20. 计算机就会显示" Found New Hardware Wizard"。
MyPower VC8100普通用户手册V3.0

MyPower VC8100普通用户手册本手册著作权属迈普通信技术股份有限公司所有,未经著作权人书面许可,任何单位或个人不得以任何方式摘录、复制或翻译。
策划:研究院资料服务处* * *策划:研究院资料服务处* * *迈普通信技术股份有限公司地址:成都市高新区九兴大道16号技术支持热线:400-886-8669传真:(028)85148483E-mail:support@网址:邮编:610041* * *版次:2010年2月第3.0版编号:MP/DC-RD-CPSJ-110-V2010-0018目录MYPOWER VC8100普通用户手册 (1)目录 (1)第1章手册使用说明 (1)目的 (1)读者对象 (1)手册结构 (1)本书约定 (1)适用范围 (2)声明 (2)第2章手册内容介绍 (3)第3章系统介绍 (4)3.1 系统简介 (4)3.2 外观说明 (4)3.2.1 配置登录 (5)3.2.2 语音邮箱 (7)3.3 系统主要功能简介 (8)3.3.1 基于RFC3261基本SIP信令转发,注册,重定向,认证功能 (8)3.3.2 自动总机功能 (8)3.3.3 语音邮件功能 (8)3.3.4 呼叫停泊功能 (9)3.3.5 呼叫群组功能 (9)3.3.6 呼叫代答功能 (9)3.3.7 呼叫转移功能 (9)3.3.8 用户密码修改 (9)3.3.9 其它业务功能 (9)第4章普通用户配置 (10)4.1 呼叫转移配置 (10)4.1.1 转移类型 (10)4.1.2 转移规则 (10)4.1.3 转移号码 (11)4.1.4 振铃时间 (11)4.2 用户PIN码配置 (11)4.3 用户呼叫转移规则 (12)4.3.1 通用时间规则 (13)4.3.2 特定日期时间规则 (13)第5章自动语音服务 (14)5.1 功能介绍 (14)5.2 拨入自动语音服务 (14)5.3 拨打分机号 (14)5.4 名字拨号 (14)5.5 进入语音邮件系统 (15)5.6 重听菜单 (15)5.7 进入某个用户的语音邮箱 (15)第6章语音邮件服务 (16)6.1 基本概念 (16)6.1.1 什么是语音邮件 (16)6.1.2 语音邮件提示语 (16)6.1.3 接收语音邮件 (17)6.2 语音邮件系统使用方法 (18)6.2.1 功能介绍 (18)6.2.2 使用流程图 (18)6.3 WEB使用方法 (20)6.3.1 登录 (20)6.3.2 邮箱文件夹 (21)6.3.3 用户自定义文件夹管理 (21)6.3.4 收件箱管理 (22)6.3.5 提示语管理 (23)听提示语或名字246.3.5.2删除录制的提示语或名字246.3.5.3选择提示语246.3.6 邮件通知管理 (24)第7章呼叫停泊服务 (27)7.1 呼叫停泊功能介绍 (27)7.2 使用说明 (27)7.2.1 单路呼叫停泊和多路呼叫停泊 (27)7.2.2 停泊呼叫的取回 (27)7.2.3 多路呼叫停泊号码的排队原则 (27)7.2.4 停泊超时和转接 (28)7.2.5 停泊提示音 (28)第8章常见问题解答(FAQ) (29)第1章手册使用说明目的为帮助普通用户更好地了解、使用MyPower VC8100,特制定本手册。

1. 连接投影机与展示台之间的 RGB 线。
2. 连接电脑串口与展示台 RS232 接口之间的连接线(9pin-9pin 的 RS232 连接线)。 3. 打开展示台,将安装光盘放入电脑光驱后,运行 X:\展台写码软件\ setup.exe(X 指计算机的光驱盘符),按照提示安装好软件。安装完成后,
使用前准备 .......................................................... 8
注意事项 ............................................ 8 打开展示台 .......................................... 9 展示台与其它设备连接 ............................... 10 收藏展示台 ......................................... 11
:画面移动键(选用)。按“ ”键,画面向下移动,向上显示图像;
- 14 -
按 键,画面向上移动,向下显示图像。当用户没有选用电动镜头功能 时为音量上下调功能。 遥控器操作指南
1 旋转
4 负片
7 文本 删除
投 影 切换 机
2 冻结
5 镜像
8 黑白
设置 聚远 自动
电脑 展台
投影机开关:按一次“投影机开关” 键, 打开投影机,使投影机进入工 作状态;按住“投影机开关”键两秒钟以上,投影机进入待机状态。

P/N: 1802081000012UC-8100 Series Quick Installation GuideVersion 3.0, January 2019OverviewThe UC-8100 computing platform is designed for embedded data acquisition applications. The computer comes with one or two RS-232/422/485 serial ports and dual 10/100 Mbps Ethernet LAN ports, as well as a Mini PCIe socket to support cellular modules. These versatile communication capabilities let users efficiently adapt the UC-8100 to a variety of complex communication solutions.Package ChecklistBefore installing the UC-8100, verify that the package contains the following items: • UC-8100 embedded computer • Console cable • Power jack• 3-pin terminal block for power (preinstalled on UC-8100) •5-pin terminal block for UART x 2 (preinstalled on UC-8100)NOTE: Notify your sales representative if any of the above items are missing or damaged.UC-8100 Panel LayoutThe following figures show the panel layouts of the UC-8100. Top and Bottom ViewTopBottomFront ViewLED Indicators LED NameColor FunctionUSB Green Steady On USB device is connectedand working normallyOff USB device is notconnected.SD Green Steady On SD Card inserted andworking normallyOff SD card is not detectedPower GreenPower is on and the computer isworking normally.Off Power is off.LAN1/2 (On RJ45 connector )Green Steady On 100 Mbps Ethernet linkBlinking Data transmittingYellow Steady On 10 Mbps Ethernet linkBlinking Data transmittingOff Ethernet is not connectedWireless Signal Strength GreenYellow Red Number of glowing LEDs indicates signal strength 3 (Green + Yellow + Red): Excellent2 (Yellow + Red): Good 1 (Red): PoorOff Wireless module is not detectedDiagnosis Program-mable Green Yellow Red Refer Chapter 3 in the Hardware Manual for details. These 3 LEDs are programmable; referto Chapter 5 in the Hardware Manual for details.Installing the UC-8100There are two sliders on the back of the unit for DIN rail and wall mounting.Mounting on a DIN RailPull out the bottom slider, latch the unit onto the DIN rail, and push the slider back in.Mounting on a Wallsliders and align the screws accordingly.optional wall mounting kit. Attach two mounting brackets on the side panel of the computer, and fasten with screws. Install the computer on a wall or cabinet by fastening two screws for each bracket.Connector DescriptionPower ConnectorConnect the “terminal block to power jack converter” (in thepackage) to the UC-8100’s DC terminal block (located on the top panel), and then connect the power adapter. It takes about 30 seconds for the system to boot up. Once the system is ready, the Ready LED will light up./supportThe Americas: +1-714-528-6777 (toll-free: 1-888-669-2872)Europe: +49-89-3 70 03 99-0 Asia-Pacific: +886-2-8919-1230China: +86-21-5258-9955 (toll-free: 800-820-5036)India: +91-80-4172-90882019 Moxa Inc. All rights reserved.Grounding the UC-8100Grounding and wire routing help limit the effects of noise due to electromagnetic interference (EMI).SG: The Shielded Ground (sometimescalled Protected Ground) contact is the top contact of the 3-pin power terminal block connector whenviewed from the angle shown here. Connect the SG wire to anappropriate grounded metal surface.Ethernet PortsThe two 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports (LAN 1 and LAN 2) use RJ45 connectors.Pin Signal 1 ETx+ 2 ETx- 3 ERx+ 6ERx-Serial PortsThe two serial ports (P1 and P2) use terminal connectors. Each port can be configured by software for RS-232, RS-422, or RS-485. The pin assignments for the ports are shown in the following table: Pin RS-232 RS-422 RS-485 1 TXD TXD+ --- 2 RXD TXD- --- 3 RTS RXD+ D+ 4 CTS RXD- D- 5GNDGNDGNDSD/SIM Card SocketsThe UC-8100 comes with an SD socket for storage expansion, and a SIM card socket for cellular communication. The SD card/SIM card sockets are located at the lower part on the front panel. To install them, remove the screw and the protection cover to access the sockets, and then plug the SD card or the SIM card into the sockets directly. You will hear “click” when finished. Remember to push in on the SD card or SIM card first if you want to remove them.Console PortThe console port is an RS-232 port that can be connected with a 4-pin pin header cable. You may use this port for debugging or firmware upgrade.Pin Signal 1 TxD 2 RxD 3 NC4GNDUSBThe USB 2.0 port is located at the lower part of the front panel, and supports a USB storage device driver. Real Time ClockThe UC-8100’s real time clock is powered by a non-chargeable battery. We strongly recommend that you do not replace thebattery without help from a qualified Moxa support engineer. If you need to change the battery, contact the Moxa RMA service team.Cellular ModuleThe UC-8100 comes with a PCIe socket inside for wireless communication. Follow these steps:1. Remove the screws on the side panel, and take off the cover.2.Find the location of the PCIe socket. Insert the cellular moduleinto the socket. Fasten the socket with screws.3.Next you need to install the antenna cable. There are twoantenna connectors on the cellular module. Connect the cableonto either connector.4. Install the other end of the cable onto the connector on thefront panel of the UC-8100. Remove the black plastic cover first.5. Install the connector, place the locker washer first, and theninsert the nut. Connect the antenna onto the connector.Connecting the UC-8100 to a PCA.Through the serial console port with the following settings: Baudrate=115200 bps , Parity=None , Data bits=8, Stop bits =1, Flow Control=Noneand login information.Default IP Address NetmaskLAN 1 LAN 2 moxaPassword: moxa。
8100 8000说明书

JP5 断开/JP3 1-2:-10V~+10V JP5 断开/JP3 2-3:0~10V JP5 短接 0~20mA 内范围可调 o00/o01 设定输入电压/电流范围 o06/o07 设定输入信号对应设定值
第一章 检查与安全注意事项
第一章 检查与安全注意事项
第 一
普传变频器在出厂之前均已经过测试和品质检验。购买后,请先检查产品的 章 包装是否因运输不慎而造成损伤;产品的规格、型号是否与订购之机种相符。如 有问题,请联络普传各地经销商或直接与本公司联系。
1-1 拆箱之后检查 ※ 箱内含本机一台、使用说明书一本、保修卡一张。 ※ 请查看变频调速器侧面的铭牌型号,以确定在您手上的产品就是所订购之产
第一章 检查与安全注意事项
1-3 使用范围
※ 本变频器仅适用于一般的工业三相交流异步电动机。
※ 本变频器只能用在本公司认可的场合,未经认可的使用环境可能导致火灾、 一
※ 如果用于因变频器失灵而可能造成人身伤亡的设备时(例如:运输人员的升
2-3 配线 变频调速器配线,分为主回路及控制回路两部分。用户必须依照下图所示的
2-3-1 PI8000 配线图 1. 11kW~15kW 配线图(8N3)

目录一、安全注意事项二、操作界面说明 (3)三、机器测试 (4)1、选针器测试 (5)2、气阀测试 (7)3、步进电机测试 (8)4、输入信号测试 (10)四、机器设置 (11)1、选针器设置 (12)2、气阀设置 (12)3、电机设置 (13)4、系统设置 (14)5、系统维护 (14)5-1、查看程序版本 (15)5-2、程序升级 (16)5-3、恢复缺省参数 (16)5-4、输入图形文件 (17)5-5、输出配置文件 (18)5-6、输入配置文件 (18)五、文件管理 (18)1、输入花型文件 (19)2、输出花型文件 (19)3、选择花型文件 (19)4-预览花型文件 (20)六、进入编织 (20)七、联机帮助 (20)一、安全注意事项使用本产品时,为了减少火灾、触电或人员伤亡的危险,应始终遵守下列基本的安全预防措施。

安装/程序设定说明书KS-EVM2045 KS-EVM81002018-07-16语音系统目录1. 动作流程图---------------------------- 12. 安装说明接线图------------------------------------ 3安装步骤--------------------------------- 5 3. 语音引导程序设定系统程序---------------------------------7管理者程序------------------------------ 9语音信箱使用者程序-------------------- 11 4. 程序说明及范例录制语音---------------------------------13 分机号码群------------------------------15 总机号码---------------------------------17 识别码------------------------------------19 留言通知--------------------------------- 21 查询系统---------------------------------23 其它功能---------------------------------25 5. 附录问题排除---------------------------------27 PABX资料-------------------------------29 用户资料表---------------------------------- 30动作流程图接线图-- EVM8100 EVM81002接线图-- EVM2020 EVM2045安装步骤1. 规划依PABX系统的号码计划及单机使用说明,填写第30~31页「用户资料表」。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
地要求,以使HPEV A8100系统的安装和配置工作能够顺利进行。
三.EV A控制器面板需要自己安装。
四. 打开机柜后门,找到PDU 的电源插头(32A),用尖嘴钳可以把电源插头取下来。
2个,一个PDU 一个。
1)松掉Storage Server的前面板固定螺丝。
建立光纤交换机到EV A控制器的连接:
下图是EV A基本的连接方式,大家可以参考下。
九.使用远程桌面连接Storage Server(管理小家电)。
默认用户名:administrator,默认密码:hpinvent(较早的EV A采用Admin加上颠倒的序列号末6位字母,比如SGHxxxx123,则密码为Admin321xxx)
3)放入Command View EV A 6.0的安装光盘,并启动安装。
4)安装完毕后,双机桌面的图标即可启动Command View,默认端口是2372。
5)Command View EV A有3个组件:
Command View EV A–使用图形界面来简单配置和初始化EV A磁盘阵列。
HP StorageWorks Storage System Scripting Utility –使用命令行模式来执行一些复杂的
HP StorageWorks Command View EV APerf –监视磁盘阵列的性能。
添加Command View用户,选择“Hp Storage Admin group”者“Hp Stroage User group”。
十.按“Discover”,找到EV A的控制器:
2)Near online和online 2种磁盘类型的区别:
Near Online : 指比较便宜但性能偏低的硬盘,比如FATA硬盘。
Online: 价格比较高但性能也高的硬盘,比如光纤硬盘。
NONE: 没有任何保护,磁盘损坏数据也就丢失了。
SINGLE(单个热备盘): 提供一块磁盘容量以支持磁盘组中的一块硬盘损坏。