串口控制线的制作和USB转串口线的选购方法 (组图)2008-09-25 09:41最近 , 需要对网络交换机进行调试,发现交换机没有串口控制线,交换机是 3Com 的 3300 和3900.于是决定自己制作。
开始制作串口控制线时首先上网搜索,找到的 3Com 交换机串口控制线是Modem 连接方式,有最简单的 3 线制(发送、接收、信号地 ) 和标准的7线制。
计算机出现之前 , 为连接串口设备, EIA 制定了 RS232 标准。
PC 机出现后,已有的串口设备成为 PC机外设,自然采用RS232 标准。
目前 PC 机的串行通信接口采用 EIA-RS-232C 标准, C 代表 1969年最新一次的修改。
EIA-RS-232( :标准对电器特性、逻辑电平和各种信号线功能作了规定。
EIA-RS-232C标准用正负电压来表示逻辑状态,在数据信号线上若电压在 -3V ~ -15V 之间表示逻辑 1 ,若电压在 +3V~ +15V之间表示逻辑 0 :在控制信号线上若电压在 -3V ~ -15V 之间表示断开状态,若电压在 +3V ~+15V之间表示接通状态。
介于 -3V ~ +3V 之间和低于-15V 、高于 +15V 的电压无意义。
而 (CPU 和终端则采用 TTL 电平及正逻辑, TTL 电平用 +5V 表示逻辑 1 ,0V 表示逻辑 0 ,它们与EIA采用的电平及负逻辑不兼容,需在接口电路中进行转换。
EIA-RS-232C 标准没有定义连接器的物理特征.因此出现了 DB-25、DB-15 和DB-9 各种类型的连接器, PC 机的 COM1 和 COM2 串行接口采用 DB-9连接器。
串口连接线的制作方法 com线制作 rs232
25 针串口功能一览 针脚 功能 2 发送数据(TXD) 3 接收数据 (RXD) 4 发送请求 (RTS) 5 发送清除 (CTS) 6 数据准备好 (DSR) 7 信号地 (GND) 8 载波检测 (DCD) 20 数据终端准备好 (DTR) 22 振铃指示 (RI)
9 针串口功能一览表 针脚 功能 1 载波检测 (DCD) 2 接收数据 (RXD) 3 发送数据(TXD) 4 数据终端准备好 (DTR) 5 信号地 (GND) 6 数据准备好 (DSR) 7 发送请求 (RTS) 8 发送清除 (CTS) 9 振铃指示 (RI) 串口联机线的连接方法 串口联机线主要用于直接把两台电脑的 com 口连接。 比较早一点的 AT 架构的电脑的串 口有为 9 针,和 25 针两种,现在的 ATX 架构的电脑两个串口全部是 9 针。于是联机线就分为 3 种(9 针对 9 针串口联机线,9 针对 25 针串口联机线,25 针对 25 针串口联机线)这些直接
25 针串口功能一览 针脚 功能 2 发送数据(TXD) 3 接收数据 (RXD) 4 发送请求 (RTS) 5 发送清除 (CTS) 6 数据准备好 (DSR) 7 信号地 (GND) 8 载波检测 (DCD) 20 数据终端准备好 (DTR) 22 振铃指示 (RI)
九针串口功能一览表 针脚 功能 1 载波检测 (DCD) 2 接收数据 (RXD) 3 发送数据(TXD) 4 数据终端准备好 (DTR) 5 信号地 (GND) 6 数据准备好 (DSR)
4 5 6 7 8 9
—— —— —— —— —— ——
20 7 6 4 5 22
目前较为常用的串口有 9 针串口(DB9)和 25 针串口(DB25),通信距离较近时(<12m), 可以用电缆线直接连接标准 RS232 端口 (RS422,RS485 较远),若距离较远,需附加调制解 调器(MODEM)。最为简单且常用的是三线制接法,即地、接收数据和发送数据三脚相连。 同一个串口的接收脚和发送脚直接用线相连,对 9 针串口和 25 针串口,均是 2 与 3 直接相 连;两个不同串口(不论是同一台计算机的两个串口或分别是不同计算机的串口)接收数据 针脚(或线)与发送数据针脚(或线)相连,彼此交叉,信号地对应相接,就能百战百胜。 接头可以分为公头和母头:公头泛指针式的接头;母头泛指插槽式的接头。所有接头的针脚 有统一规定,在接头上有印好的序号,连接时要注意查看。在接线时没有提及的针脚都悬空 不管。 串口各针脚功能表
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• 串行通讯概述
串行通讯协议有很多种,像RS232,RS485, RS422,甚至现今流行的USB等都是串行通讯协议。 像多串口卡,各种种类的具有串口通讯接口的检测 与测量2015年4月
• RS-232的概念
RS-232-C接口(又称 EIA RS-232-C)是目前 最常用的一种串行通讯接口。它是在1970年由美国 电子工业协会(EIA)联合贝尔系统、 调制解调器 厂家及计算机终端生产厂家共同制定的用于串行通 讯的标 准。它的全名是“数据终端设备(DTE)和 数据通讯设备(DCE)之间串行二进制数据交换接 口技术标准”,该标准规定采用一个25个脚 的 DB25连接器,对连接器的每个引脚的信号内容 加以规定,还对各种信号的电平加以规定。
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• 问题的解决思路
为了解决这个问题,我们采用一个RS232口上连 接多个线序不同的RJ45口,来实现一根串口线可以 调测多个网络设备。
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• 各种串口线实测记录
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• 问题的提出
目前的运营商网络设备,如交换机、路由器、 PON设备等,在设备开通和维护、维修时都需要登 录到设备的CLI界面中,初始配置和更改配置时,都 有可能无法使用telnet远程登录到设备上,这时我们 就需要使用串口线通过设备的console口现场登录, 在使用console口连接配置设备时需要使用专用的配 置线,如下图所示。
7 4 请求发送 DTE->DCE RTS DTE请求切换到发送方式
8 5 清除发送 DTE<-DCE CTS DCE已切换到准备接受
6 6 数据设备就绪 DTE<-DCE DSR DCE准备就绪可以接受
5 7 UB连接)与交叉(用于两台计算机与计算机或HUB与HUB的结连)连接两种连接方法。直通为相同信号相接(1-1,2-2,3-3,6-6),交叉则为收发信号相连(1-3,2-6,3-1,6-2)。标准接头做法是:橙白,橙,绿白,蓝,蓝白,绿,棕白,棕。
1 8 载波检测 DTE<-DCE DCD DCE已接受到远程载波
4 20 数据终端就绪 DTE->DCE DTR DTE准备就绪可以接受
9 22 振铃指示 DTE<-DCE RI 通知DTE,通讯线路已接通
23 数据速率信号选择 DTE<->DCE DSRD 选择较高的速率,双向通知 RS232设备相连有两种方式, 一种是DTE与DCE相连, 使用直通线(延长线), 相同信号相连。这种电缆俗称Modem电缆。另一种方式为DTE与DTE相连,使用交叉线(握手信号相连, TxD桼xD, CTS桼TS, DSR桪TR)。计算机与Modem(或DTU), 路由器与Modem(或DTU)相连为DTE与DCE相连;而计算机与计算机相连为DTE与DTE相连。
线号 颜色 简称
1 橙白 TxD+
3COM console线的做法(实践成功)
3、上图screen shell用地线连接外壳。
RS232 DB9 计算机接口定义9针----25针----名称----意义Pin1----Pin8----CD ----载波侦测(Carrier Detect)Pin2----Pin3----RXD----数据接受(Receive)Pin3----Pin2----TXD----数据发送(Transmit)Pin4----Pin20----DTR----数据段备妥(Data Terminal Ready)Pin5----Pin7----GND----地线Pin6----Pin6----DSR----数据备妥Pin7----Pin4----RTS----要求传送Pin8----Pin5----CTS----清除以传送(Clear To Send)Pin9----Pin22----RI----响铃侦测(Ring Indicator)这是完整接口,如果没有硬件握手,只要把RXD,TXD,GND这三个接好就可以用了。
rj45转db9的转接头接法DB9 (female)线序含义2 Received data(RD)3 Transmited data(TD)4 Data terminal ready (DTR)6 Data set ready (DSR)7 Requiest to send(RTS)8 Clear to send (CTS)5 Ground (gnd)那个接头里都只有8根线,对应RJ45的4个线对。
那8根线分别用不同的8种颜色来表示:1 蓝 3 黑 5 绿 7 棕2 橙 4 红 6 黄 8 灰线的序号的确定,我是这样确定的。
在做双胶线的过程中,我们习惯将4对交叉线按这样的顺序来排列:白橙、橙、白绿、蓝、白蓝、绿、白棕、棕,然后将水晶头带塑料卡簧的那面朝下,然后从白橙的线开始编号1 2 3……在水晶头做好后,插到那个转接头上然后确定转接头的线的序号,从而得出转接头的接头编号、对应颜色和位置。
串口连接线的制作方法 com线制作 rs2322008年07月20日星期日 01:50在电脑的使用中往往会遇到各种各样的连接线。
25针串口功能一览针脚功能2 发送数据(TXD)3 接收数据(RXD)4 发送请求(RTS)5 发送清除(CTS)6 数据准备好(DSR)7 信号地(GND)8 载波检测(DCD)20 数据终端准备好(DTR)22 振铃指示(RI)9针串口功能一览表针脚功能1 载波检测(DCD)2 接收数据(RXD)3 发送数据(TXD)4 数据终端准备好(DTR)5 信号地(GND)6 数据准备好(DSR)7 发送请求(RTS)8 发送清除(CTS)9 振铃指示(RI)串口联机线的连接方法串口联机线主要用于直接把两台电脑的com口连接。
于是联机线就分为3种(9针对9针串口联机线,9针对25针串口联机线,25针对25针串口联机线)这些直接电缆连接线可以互换的连线方法如下表:串口连机线一览9针对9针串口连接9针母头 9针母头2 —— 33 —— 24 —— 66 —— 47 —— 88 —— 725针对25针串口连接25针母头 25针母头2 —— 33 —— 24 —— 55 —— 46 —— 207 —— 720 —— 69针对25针串口连接9针母头 25针母头2 —— 23 —— 34 —— 65 —— 76 —— 207 —— 5串口转接线这种转接线适用于9针串口和25针串口的转换。
III. 串口连接线内有9条线,起作用的只有其中 2 3 5 号三根线,延长这三根就可满足通讯要求。公头的 2 3 5 号,分别连接母头的 2 3 5 号(直通接法)。如果采用网线,连接时最好将网线的每一对双绞线当作一条线使用,焊接完成后需套好热缩管,并用标准串 口接头外壳组装完成。 IV. 串口连接线越短,通讯质量越好。不要盲目延长。
I. II.
串口连接线(如上图),标配3米,一般不建议用户自己延长,除非某些特殊场合,如无线中控主机无法置放在电脑附近,此时可 以通过延长串口连接线的方法来解决。 延长线建议不超过15米,超过15米有可能有时会通讯不稳定,尽量避开强电等干扰源走线。
自己制作串口线发表于: 2005-9-30 17:13 [引用] [投诉] [快速回复]在参照以前牛人们的贴子后,再经过一段时间的摸索,终于把通过串口安装solarisr的问题摆平了。
DB25转RJ45DB9转RJ45这两个接头买来以后,里面只有8根线,如何接线成了我的下一个问题,还好在CU里已经有了相关资料,/jh/6/229392.html里的交叉方法:CODE:[Copy to clipboard] DB25(male) DB9 (female)线序含义线序含义2 Transmitted data(A) 2 Received data(RD)3 Received data(A) 3 Transmited data(TD)6 DCE ready(A) 4 Data terminal ready (DTR)20 DTE ready(A) 6 Data set ready (DSR)5 Clear to send (A) 7 Requiest to send(RTS)4 Requiest to send (A) 8 Clear to send (CTS)7 Signal ground 5 Ground (gnd)为了让更多的像我一样的菜鸟也能快速接好接头,我觉得有必要先讲讲一些其他的东东……首先说那个转接头。
那8根线分别用不同的8种颜色来表示:CODE:[Copy to clipboard]1 蓝 3 黑 5 绿 7 棕2 橙 4 红 6 黄 8 灰线的序号的确定,我是这样确定的。
在做双胶线的过程中,我们习惯将4对交叉线按这样的顺序来排列:白橙、橙、白绿、蓝、白蓝、绿、白棕、棕,然后将水晶头带塑料卡簧的那面朝下,然后从白橙的线开始编号1 2 3……在水晶头做好后,插到那个转接头上然后确定转接头的线的序号,从而得出转接头的接头编号、对应颜色和位置。
25针串口功能一览针脚功能2 发送数据(TXD)3 接收数据(RXD)4 发送请求(RTS)5 发送清除(CTS)6 数据准备好(DSR)7 信号地(GND)8 载波检测(DCD)20 数据终端准备好(DTR)22 振铃指示(RI)9针串口功能一览表针脚功能1 载波检测(DCD)2 接收数据(RXD)3 发送数据(TXD)4 数据终端准备好(DTR)5 信号地(GND)6 数据准备好(DSR)7 发送请求(RTS)8 发送清除(CTS)9 振铃指示(RI)串口联机线的连接方法串口联机线主要用于直接把两台电脑的com口连接。
于是联机线就分为3种(9针对9针串口联机线,9针对25针串口联机线,25针对25针串口联机线)这些直接电缆连接线可以互换的连线方法如下表:串口连机线一览9针对9针串口连接9针母头9针母头2 —— 33 —— 24 —— 65 —— 56 —— 47 —— 88 —— 725针对25针串口连接25针母头25针母头2 —— 33 —— 24 —— 55 —— 46 —— 207 —— 720 —— 69针对25针串口连接9针母头25针母头2 —— 23 —— 34 —— 65 —— 76 —— 207 —— 58 —— 4串口转接线这种转接线适用于9针串口和25针串口的转换。
2.1 XR17D158模块介绍在很多通信系统中,对信号传输的带宽和速度有很很高的要求,而PCI总线非常适合将高速信号经接口芯片和主机桥接在一起。
串口连接线制作方法(Serial connection wire manufacturingmethod)Serial connection line production method, S7-200 common problem analysis, PLC programming cable wiring diagramUpdate time: 2008-11-30 11:40:12 browse times: 2932USB-CNV3 Fuji programming cable manualSummary:USB-CNV3 is through the USB interface to provide serial connection and cable programming RS422 signal conversion, running on the computer in the driver under the control of the USB interface simulation computer into the traditional serial (commonly known as COM), which use a variety of programming software, the existing communication software and monitoring software application software. The power supply of the cable is taken from the USB port and is no longer powered by the PLC programming port. The dual color LED on the conversion box indicates the data receiving and transmitting state.USB-CNV3 programming cable applies to the Fuji N series (NB, NJ, NS) PLC, supports maximum communication distance of 1.5 km.USB-CNV3 cable outline structure:Characteristics and technical indexes:Support the USB-CNV3 operating system: Windows2000/XP(WinNT4/95/98/Me/DOS does not support)Support USB-CNV3 programming software version: Flex, V1.0 and aboveFully compliant with USB, V1.1, and USB CDC V1.1 specificationsThe USB bus power supply consumes about 50mA of currentBaud rate: 300BPS to 1Mbps standard baud rate automatic adaptationSupport UART data format: data bits: 7, 8, stop bit: 1, 2, parity bit: odd/even/no, parityLong distance communication is supported with maximum communication distance of 1.5 km (19200bps)Each PC supports only one USB programming cableOperating temperature: -20 ~ +75 DEG CCable length: 3 meters, color: BlackUsage method:The USB-CNV3 programming cable need to install the USB driver to use, these drivers are included in the sale of products with CD, please see the installation method of driver documentation on the CD, not repeat them here.The driver after the installation is complete, in the device manager in Windows USB-CNV3 programming cable corresponding to the COM port, just select the COM port can be in programming software or other application software and other communication parameters using the default settings, then use the conventional RS232 port programming cable at exactly the same.Telecommunication:USB-CNV3 programming cables and PLC maximum communication distance of up to 1.5 km (19200bps), users need to follow the diagram to extend homemade cable, communication lines using five kinds of 8 core twisted pair (cable). The distance is more than 1500 meters can be installed RS422 repeater to extend the communication distance in the line.Note: cables that cannot extend the USB interface.Because the terminals of USB-CNV3 and PLC are equipped with terminal resistors, there is no need to connect terminal resistors to the external wiringUSB TO RS232 data line manual (CS1W-CIF31)Summary:USB TO RS232 is a real USB to RS232 interface converter, running on the computer in the driver under the control of the USB interface into the computer simulation of the traditional RS232 serial (commonly known as COM), which use a variety of programming software, the existing communication software andmonitoring software application software. The power supply of the cable is taken from the USB port, and the external color power supply is not required to be externally supplied, and the dual color LED on the conversion box indicates the receiving and sending state of the data.DTE USB TO RS232 RS232 port interface standard (DB9M needle and computer RS232 serial port, the signal are the same) as shown in the following table:Characteristics and technical indexes:The operating system that supports USB TO RS232: Windows2000/XP (WinNT4/95/98/Me/DOS does not support PLC communication)Fully compliant with USB, V1.1, and USB CDC V1.1 specificationsusb 总线供电, 消耗电流约 50 ma波特率: 300bps ~ 1mbps 标准波特率自动适应支持 uart 数据格式: 数据位、 8: 7: 1, 停止位、 2, 校验位: odd / even / well parity每台只支持一根 usb to rs232 pc工作温度~+ 75 ℃: - 20电缆长度: 1 米, 颜色: 黑色使用方法:usb to rs232, usb 设备驱动程序才能使用编程电缆需要安装, 这些驱动程序均包含在随产品发售的光盘上, 安装方法请看驱动程序光盘上的说明文档资料, 此处不再赘述.驱动程序安装完成后, 在的设备管理器中将出现 usb to rs232 com on windows 对应的口, 只需在编程软件或其它应用软件中选择该com 口即可, 接下来的使用与传统的接口完全相同 rs232.附录:采用 usb to rs232 编程电缆与连接传统 plc plc 通信成功的测试数据 (win2000 / xp 操作系统)针脚号信号名说明1 载波信号 dcd2 rxd 接收数据3 txd 发送数据4 dtr 数据终端准备好5 gnd 信号地准备好 6 dsr modem7 the rst 请求发送清除发送 8 cts9 ri 振铃信号usb to rs232 rs232 做到了非常完善的仿真串口, 甚至能够直接进行硬件 i / o 操作, 对应用程序编程者来说, 就象访问物理的口一样 usb to rs232 rs232. 支持绝大多数的 plc 传统编程电缆, 这一点与市售的同类产品有着本质区别, 用 usb to rs232 rs232 通信的测试结果见附录连接各种传统的接口的编程电缆与 plc.usb to rs232 的外形结构:plc 传统编程电缆编程软件版本三菱 fx 系列 sc - 09 fxgp / win v1.0 、 gpp v4.0 、 gx - develope三菱 a 系列 sc - 09 gpp v4.0 developer 、 gx系列富士 n '- cnv3 flex v1.0松下fp0 / fp1 / fp3 afp8550 / afc8513 fpsoft v1.1欧姆龙全系列 plc fs - cif02 和 xw2z - 200s cx - programmer v1.2pc - cable 西门子 logo. the logo! soft v4.0西门子 s7 - 200 pc / ppi step7 micro / win v4.0西门子 s7 - 300 pc / mpi step7 v5.3ge 90 - 30 系列 plc ic690acc901 cimplicity we v5.0a dvpacab230 wplsoft v2.03 台达系列 plctsxpcu1030 dream - telway v1.6 施耐德 plcic690usb901 ge数据线使用手册概述:ic690usb901 是通过 usb 接口提供串行连接及 rs422 信号转换和snp 协议转换的编程电缆, 在电脑中运行的驱动程序控制下, 将电脑的 usb 接口仿真成传统串口 (俗称 com 口), 从而使用现有的各种编程软件、通信软件和监控软件等应用软件.本电缆的工作电源取自 usb 端口, 不再由 plc 的编程口供电, 转换盒上的双色发光二极管指示数据的收发状态.ic690usb901 编程电缆适用于 ge 90 系列 plc, 支持最大通信距离1.5 公里.ic690usb901 电缆外形结构:特性及技术指标:支持 ic690usb901 的操作系统: windows2000 / xp (winnt4 / 95 / 98 / me / dos 不支持)we 支持 ic690usb901 的编程软件版本: cimplicity 及以上v5.0完全兼容 usb v1.1 and USB CDC V1.1 specificationsThe USB bus power supply consumes about 50mA of currentBaud rate: 300BPS to 1Mbps standard baud rate automatic adaptationSupport UART data format: data bits: 7, 8, stop bit: 1, 2, parity bit: odd/even/no, parityLong distance communication is supported with maximum communication distance of 1.5 km (19200bps)Each PC supports only one USB programming cableOperating temperature: -20 ~ +75 DEG CCable length: 3 meters, color: BlackUsage method:The IC690USB901 programming cable need to install the USB driver to use, these drivers are included in the sale of products with CD, please see the installation method of driver documentation on the CD, not repeat them here.The driver after the installation is complete, in the device manager in Windows IC690USB901 programming cable corresponding to the COM port, just select the COM port can be in programming software or other application software and other communication parameters using the default settings, then use the conventional RS232 port programming cable at exactly the same.Telecommunication:IC690USB901 programming cable and PLC maximum communication distance of up to 1.5 km (19200bps), users need to follow the diagram to extend the cable, the communication line uses more than 0.22mm2 of the shielded twisted pair. The distance is more than 1500 meters can be installed in the RS422 repeater circuit (model: E485GA, uni-data technology produced) to extend the communication distance.Note: cables that cannot extend the USB interface.Because the terminals of IC690USB901 and PLC are equipped with terminal resistors, there is no need to connect terminal resistors to the external wiringNN-CNV3 wiring diagramCS1W-CN226 wiring diagramXW2Z-200S-V wiring diagramPC-TTY wiring diagramLOGO! SIEMENS wiring diagram1747-PIC AB wiring diagramSerial connection wire manufacturing methodIn the use of computers, often encounter a variety of connections. The wires appear to be similar in appearance, but the internal structures are quite different and not mix. If the wires are broken in use, many users don't know what to do. Here are some common wiring methods that can be used to fix or find faults. Before you introduce, explain some common terms in the market. Now all joints can be divided into two categories: male head and female head.Male head: refers to all needle type joint.Female head: refers to all slot type joints.All joints have a uniform pin, printed on the joint, the connection should pay attention to see.None of the pins mentioned in the connection are left empty.The following serial ports and parallel port pins are provided for advanced users to maintain cables or connectors.25 pin serial function listStitch function2 send data (TXD)3 receive data (RXD)4 send request (RTS)5 send clear (CTS)6 data ready (DSR)7 signal ground (GND)8 carrier detection (DCD)20 data terminal ready (DTR) 22 ringing indicator (RI)9 pin serial function list Stitch function1 carrier detection (DCD)2 receive data (RXD)3 send data (TXD)4 data terminal ready (DTR)5 signal ground (GND)6 data ready (DSR)7 send request (RTS)8 send clear (CTS)9 ringing indicator (RI)Method for connecting serial lineSerial line is mainly used to directly connect two computers com port. A relatively early AT architecture of the computer serial port for 9 pins, and 25 needles two, and now the ATX architecture of the computer, two serial ports are all 9 needles. Thus, the online line is divided into 3 kinds (9 for 9 pin serial port line, 9 for 25 pin serial port line, 25 for 25 pin serial port line), these direct cable connecting lines can be interchanged as follows:Serial port connecting line list9 for 9 pin serial connection9 pin head, 9 pin head2 - 33 - 24 - 65 - 56 - 47 - 88 - 725 for 25 pin serial connection 25 pin head, 25 pin head2 - 33 - 24 - 55 - 46 - 207 - 720 - 69 for 25 pin serial connection 9 pin head, 25 pin head2 - 23 - 34 - 65 - 76 - 207 - 58 - 4Serial lineThe adapter line is suitable for the conversion between the 9 pin serial port and the 25 pin serial port.First, select two adapters as required (9 turn 25 or 25 turn 9). The selection method is as follows:9 needles, 25 needles (9 pins, 25 pins). 25 needles, 9 needles (25 pins, 9 pins). Then use a short, shielded multicore connection. The connection method is as followsSerial connection line list9 pin joint, 25 pin joint1 - 82 - 33 - 24 - 205 - 76 - 67 - 48 - 59 - 22Analysis of frequently used problems in S7-200S7-200 CN inherited S7-200 excellent quality and excellent performance, the scope covers the replacement of simple control relay to complex automatic control applications is extremely broad, covering all the automatic monitoring, automatic control of industrial and civil fields, including various types of textile machinery, central air conditioning, printing machinery, packaging machinery, small machine tools, engineering machinery, building automation, civilian facilities, environmental protection equipment and so on.S7-200 CN CPU programming communication prerequisitesTo communicate with SIEMENS's latest S7-200 CN CPU normal programming, the following conditions must be met:Use programming software STEP, 7-Micro/WIN, V4.0, SP3, or moreThe working environment of programming software is set toChinese statusIf the above conditions are not met, a 82 compile error is encountered when downloading the communication (see Figure 1).Figure 1 compilation error (number 82)If you still have an error to meet the above conditions, please check for other reasons.More S7-200 CN related information (including methods for setting up the Chinese environment). Please refer to the latest Micro'n Power. Or links:/service/e-training/micro/micro .asp- S7-200 Chinese edition manual download link address:- "S7-200 system manual" Chinese Version (2005 08)How do you set the working environment of your programming software into a Chinese state?In the STEP 7-Micro/WIN V4.0 programming software, SP3, select Chinese options - > General tab - > language (see Figure 2), STEP 7-Micro/WIN shut down and restart, programming software work environment for Chinese state.Figure 2 select the language of the programming language for ChineseS7-200 CN CPU card compatibility issuesThe memory card of S7-200 CPU has two versions at the moment:32K memory card: used only for storing and passing programs, data blocks, and mandatory values64K/256K memory card: can be used in the new version of CPU (23 Edition) save procedures, data blocks and mandatory values, recipes, data records and other documents (such as items, documents, pictures, etc.)- once the contents of the memory card are written, they are not lost.64K/256K - the new memory card can only be used for the new version of CPU (version 23) and S7-200CN CPU; the 32K memory card can only be used to the new version (23 Edition) CPU transfer procedures, but can not transfer to the S7-200CN CPU, and 32K memory card does not support the new features of64K/256K memory card; any data written to the new version of CPU and S7-200CN CPU to the 32K memory card.Refer to more recent S7-200 memory card related information (including memory card and CPU write and read restrictions), please refer to the latest Micro'n Power.Using the new version of the new memory card (64K/256K) to copy to the S7-200 CN, why does the program cause SF (system failure) error?The 23 edition of the new memory card (64K/256K) is fully compatible with the S7-200 CN CPU, which can be used either on SIMATIC S7-200 over version 23 or on S7-200 CN.- in order to restrict users from outside China to use S7-200 CN CPU, the program transfer from memory SIMATIC to CN CPU is limited by memory card, that is, they can not transfer program through memory card between CPU and PC.To store the card to the CN CPU through the memory card, the memory card must be programmed on the CN CPU.To clear SF errors, you can use the menu command PLC > memory card erase, and then perform PLC > power on reset".SP3 software in English under the editor of the program, can you download in Chinese environment?Yes, you can.STEP7-Micro/WIN V4.0 SP3 download link address- /download/down_file.asp ClassM=2&B3ID=00319 or STEP 7-Micro/WIN V4.0 SP3 download linkThis package is in WinRAR format and needs to be completely decompressed into a temporary directory, and then run the Setup file.Are there any special Chinese manuals in S7-200 CN series? How to get?The S7-200 CN series is fully compatible with the SIMATIC S7-200 product, so there is no special CN product manual, and you can refer to the S7-200 Chinese version of the manual.。
各⾃的引脚说明:1.RS-232端⼝(DB9母头/孔型)引脚定义:(因为计算机后⾯的串⼝多为公头,所以此母头可以直接插⼊计算机的COM⼝进⾏连接)引脚序号:2 3 5信号定义:TXD RXD 地2.RS-232端⼝(DB9公头/针型)引脚定义:引脚序号:2 3 5信号定义:RXD TXD 地了解了RS-232端⼝公头和母头的引脚标准,制作数据线就变的相当简单,从上图可以注意到公头和母头的收发数据端的引脚刚好相反。
)计算机COM1公头 2——数据线母头2——数据线公头2——开发板COM2母头23——数据线母头3——数据线公头3——开发板COM2母头35——数据线母头5——数据线公头5——开发板COM2母头5从数据线接法可以可以看出,数据线内部引脚没有进⾏交叉,这是因为母头和公头的本⾝的引脚功能是相对的,所以不需要进⾏交叉。
1)、9针连9针:2)、9针连25针:3)、25针连25针:3.我们系统常用串口线的线序:1)、NCM、SVICM 、SVM、CHM15的串口线2)、CCM、CPM、5KCHM的串口线3)、BDM的专用串口线二、网线我们常用的网线为RJ-45的双绞线,形状见下图所示:双绞线的做法有两种国际标准:EIA/TIA568A和EIA/TIA568B,而双绞线的连接方法也主要有两种:直通线缆和交叉线缆。
visca标准 线序 -回复
Visca是Video System Control Architecture的缩写,意为视频系统控制架构。
线序则是指在实际应用中连接Visca 设备时所使用的线缆连接顺序和规范。
在直连线缆中,9针D型连接器的引脚连接顺序如下:- DB9针脚2连接到Visca设备的TxD(发送数据)引脚;- DB9针脚3连接到Visca设备的RxD(接收数据)引脚;- DB9针脚5连接到Visca设备的GND(地线)引脚。
具体来说,扩展线缆在直连线缆的基础上,需要额外连接以下引脚:- DB9针脚7连接到Visca设备的daisy-chain(串联)引脚;- DB9针脚8连接到Visca设备的mod-in/out(模块输入/输出)引脚。
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5、将细线(发送(TxD )-发送(TxD )、地(GND )-地(GND )、接收(RxD ) -接收(RxD ))连接起来,并用电工胶布把铜线分别缠绕起来,以防发生短路,
RxD RxD 金屜屏藏
发送 GND