
• 1) n. 问题 • (反义词answer) • 我能问你个问题吗? • May I ask you a question? • 最后两个问题 我回答不上来。 • I can’t answer the last two questions.
• --1) v. 回答 • 他不想回答我。 • He doesn’t want to answer me. • 2)v. 应答,回应 • 请接电话。
16.top n. 上方,顶部
• 反义词bottom • 在山顶 • at the top of a mountain • 书页的上方。 • The top of the page . • from top to toe .= from top to bottom • 从头到脚,完全的 • On top of the world • 非常幸福的,欢天喜地的 • 他高兴得心情飘飘然。 • He felt on top of the world.
例如: John says, “I‘m tired.” (引号内是直接引语)
John says that he is tired. (宾语从句是间接引语)
• 13、He doesn't say very much, does he?
15.cheer v.
• 1) 振作,振奋 • 那个消息使那一家人振奋不己。 • The news cheered the family. • 提起精神,振作起来 • Cheer up! • 2)欢呼,喝彩,为(某人)加油 • 当他出现时群众发出欢呼声 • The crowd cheered when he appeared.

口试或实习考试,尢指为取得学历 必须参加的重要考试. examination:是很正式的词.
test:是指除正规考试外,对学生所 学知识的测验,有时也取代正规考 试. quiz:在美国英语中非正规的小测验 用 ,也指问答竞赛
The fruits are too stale to eat.
VS very VS enough 副词 too 太 very 非常
enough 足够
(1)too和very通常放在所修饰的形容词之前, 而enough要放在所修饰的形容词之后: The questions were too/very difficult. The questions were easy enough.
enough adv. 足够地
enough for sb to do 足够做…. This room is big enough for us to live in . 这个房间我们住足够大了。 You are not old enough ʌf to do it. 你还太小,不能做这件事情。
注意:enough adv.足够地,修饰形容词,用在形 容词之后 easy enough enough adj. 足够的,修饰名词,用在名词 之前 enough books/money
6、I could answer sixteen of the questions. could是can的过去式,后 加动词原形, 否定形式couldn’t sixteen of the questions 试题中的16道。 two of the students

• 2. Three hours
• 1.exam n. 考试(examination 较为正式一些)
• 他是个好学生,他任何考试通常都在80分以上。
• He is a good student. He usually gets over 80 points in any exam.
• 入学考试
• an entrance exam
7.easy adj. • 1) 简单的,容易的 反义词difficult • 这是个简单的问题。
• This is an easy question. • 这个工作很简单
• This is an easy job. • be easy to do 容易做… • 这个工作容易做。
• The task is easy to do. • It’s easy for sb to do… 对某人来说做某事很容 易 • 对他来说,学习英文很容易。
Dear Mum,
I have just arrived in Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel. I'll write a letter soon. I hope you are all well.
Love, Jimmy
祖母:请把吉米的明信片念给我听听,彭妮。 彭妮:“我刚到苏格兰,我现住在一家青年招待所。” 祖母:什么? 彭妮:他说他刚到苏格兰。
• 7、‘I'll write a letter soon. I hope (that) you are all well.’
soon 不久之后,是一般将来时的标志词。
• as soon as 一……就……
• As soon as he comes,I’ll tell you.
• 1.exam n. 考试(examination 较为正式一些)
• 他是个好学生,他任何考试通常都在80分以上。
• He is a good student. He usually gets over 80 points in any exam.
• 入学考试
• an entrance exam
7.easy adj. • 1) 简单的,容易的 反义词difficult • 这是个简单的问题。
• This is an easy question. • 这个工作很简单
• This is an easy job. • be easy to do 容易做… • 这个工作容易做。
• The task is easy to do. • It’s easy for sb to do… 对某人来说做某事很容 易 • 对他来说,学习英文很容易。
Dear Mum,
I have just arrived in Scotland and I'm staying at a Youth Hostel. I'll write a letter soon. I hope you are all well.
Love, Jimmy
祖母:请把吉米的明信片念给我听听,彭妮。 彭妮:“我刚到苏格兰,我现住在一家青年招待所。” 祖母:什么? 彭妮:他说他刚到苏格兰。
• 7、‘I'll write a letter soon. I hope (that) you are all well.’
soon 不久之后,是一般将来时的标志词。
• as soon as 一……就……
• As soon as he comes,I’ll tell you.

answer /a:nsə/ v. 回答 mark/ma:k/ n. 分数 rest /rest/ n.其他的东西 question/kwestſən/ n.问题
top/tOp/n.上方,顶部 hate/heit/v.讨厌 low/ləu/adj.低的 cheer/tſiə/v.振作,振奋 fail /feil/ v.未及格,失败
Listen and answer
How long did the exam last?
too 太… very 很, 非常… enough 足够
bad too small
(多形容不好的方面, 有否定或贬义的意思)
easy very good
(多形容好的方面, 有褒义的意思)
clever adj.聪明的 stupid adj. 笨的
a clever boy a stupid man
• cheap adj.便宜的 expensive adj.贵的
a pair of cheap an expensive diamond trousers
fresh adj.新鲜的 • stale adj.变馊的
Fill in the blanks
1.In the end of term,we usually have a final _e_x_a_m_. 2.--Who can _a_ns_w__e_r__my question?
-- I can. 3.Do you have any other q_u_e_s_t_io_n_? 4. I don’t like studying _m__a_th_e_m__a_t_ic_s_because it has so

too 太
very 非常 enough 足够
(1)too和very通常放在所修饰的形容词之前, 而enough要放在所修饰的形容词之后: The questions were too/very difficult.
The questions were easy enough.
(2)enough和too可以与不定式to搭配使用,但意义不同: The questions were easy enough (for me) to answer. The questions were too difficult (for me) to answer.
• 5. The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me. paper 纸张(不可数)
a piece of paper paper 试卷,论文(可数)
the English papers enough 足够地,副词,修饰形容词,用在 形容词之后
answer all the questions
clever stupid
Could he answer all the questions? Yes, he could. He was clever enough to answer them.
No. he couldn’t. He was too stupid to answer them.
New Words
an easy exam
I can easily finish it tonight.

• paper n. • 1) n. 考卷(可数名词) • 五十份考卷不够学生考试。
• Fifty papers are not enough for the students to take the exam.
• 2)报纸(可数名词)相当于newspaper • a daily paper 日报 • an evening paper 晚报 • 那一定会上报的。
• It is difficult for her to type a letter. • 2)难对付的 • 他是一个很难相处的人。
• He is a difficult man to get along with.
• hate v. 讨厌 • 我讨厌狗 • I hate dogs. • 他们互相厌恶。 • They hate each other. • hate doing…. 不喜欢做 • 她不喜欢做饭。 • She hates cooking. • hate to do 不愿意….,不想做… • 我很不想说这句话,但你的确错了。 • I hate to say it, but you are wrong.
• pass • 1) v. 及格,通过 • 只有十名学生通过了考试。
• Only ten students passed the examination. • pass in +具体学科 • 通过数学考试
• pass in mathematics • 通过语文考试
• pass in Chinese • 2) 通过,前进 • 这条路宽度只够小汽车通过。
• The rest of the money was put on the shelf. • 剩下的的学生回家了。
• The rest of the students went back home. • 2)n. 休息 • 休 息一下。

• 1 . ['skɔtlənd] n.苏格兰(英国) • 2 . [kɑ:d] n.明信片 • 3 . [ju:θ] n.青年 • 4 . ['hɔstəl] n.招待所,旅馆 • 5 . [əˌsəusi'eiʃən] n.协会 • 6 . [su:n] ad.不久 • 7 . [rait] v.写
exam [ig`zæ m] n. 考试
pass an exam 通过考试 fail an exam 考试失败 a midterm exam 期中考试 a final exam期末考试
考试作弊 cheat in an exam
pass [pa:s] v. 及格,通过
GRANDMOTHER: What else does he say? PENNY: ‘I’ll write a letter soon .
I hope you all well .’ GRANDMOTHER: What? Speak up. Penny.
I’m afraid I can‘t hear you . PENNY: He says he'll write a letter soon .
主句一般现在时,从句据句意用各种时态。 Everyone thinks (that) Mike will win the game.
主句一般过去时,从句只能用相应的过去时态。 I thought (that )he watched the match.
如宾语从句所陈述的内容是客观真理,客观事实。 自然现象或定理等,则用一般现在时。 The teacher said (that) the earth goes around the sun.
新概念英语第一册(NCE-1)Lesson 103-104 The French test最新精品课件.pptx

a difficult question
a good question
Look, listen and repeat.
Listen and spell.
ou gh en
Look and read.
Listen and repeat.
The questions were easy enough
He is sure he has got a low ____.
The questions were too difficult for him to ____.
He is afraid he failed the English ____.
mark top exam mathematics question enough paper answer
The questions were very easy. How about you, Gary? The English and Math papers weren't easy enough for me. I hope I haven't failed.
Listen, repeat and read.
Listen and spell.
the ma ti ma cs
Look and read.
Listen and repeat.
He is teaching mathematics.
Look and say.
Look, listen and repeat.
New Concept English 1 Lesson 103-104

10.paper n.
• • • • • • • • 1) n. 考卷[C] 2)报纸[C]相当于newspaper a daily paper 日报 / an evening paper 晚报 3)论文,报告[C] 4)文件,资料(常用复数形式papers) 5) 纸[U] Eg: a piece of paper three pieces of paper
1.How was the exam? = How did the exam go? • How + be + sb. /sth. ? ……怎么样? • 用来问人的时候一般用来问人的身体或生 活情况。
2.Not too bad. [Just so so. / Pretty good.] • too……for sb. to do 对某人来说太…… 以致不能
• • • • • • • • • • •
1. Tom does his homework every day, doesn’t he ? isn’t he 2. He’s swimming now, ? 3. She doesn’t like maths, does she ? didn’t they 4. They went to the beach yesterday, ? 5. They weren’t in Hangzhou last week,were they ? 6. He can speak a little French, can’t he ? 7. He can speak little French, can he ? 8. She never went to Shanghai, did she ? 9. Close the door, will you ? 10. Don’t be late,will you/won’t you ? will you 11. Let us go out for a rest, ?
10.paper n.
• • • • • • • • 1) n. 考卷[C] 2)报纸[C]相当于newspaper a daily paper 日报 / an evening paper 晚报 3)论文,报告[C] 4)文件,资料(常用复数形式papers) 5) 纸[U] Eg: a piece of paper three pieces of paper
1.How was the exam? = How did the exam go? • How + be + sb. /sth. ? ……怎么样? • 用来问人的时候一般用来问人的身体或生 活情况。
2.Not too bad. [Just so so. / Pretty good.] • too……for sb. to do 对某人来说太…… 以致不能
• • • • • • • • • • •
1. Tom does his homework every day, doesn’t he ? isn’t he 2. He’s swimming now, ? 3. She doesn’t like maths, does she ? didn’t they 4. They went to the beach yesterday, ? 5. They weren’t in Hangzhou last week,were they ? 6. He can speak a little French, can’t he ? 7. He can speak little French, can he ? 8. She never went to Shanghai, did she ? 9. Close the door, will you ? 10. Don’t be late,will you/won’t you ? will you 11. Let us go out for a rest, ?
新概念英语第一册Lesson 103 &104精品课件!

buy the car
Could he buy the blue/the red car? Yes, he could, It was cheap enough for him to buy.
No. he couldn’t. It was too expensive for him to buy.
• How is the work going? • 生活如何? • How is life? • Not too bad. / Just so so. • 非常好
• Pretty good. • 太重了,我搬不动。 • It’s too heavy. I can’t lift it. • 房间太小了
• 他跑得足够快来追上妈妈。
• He runs fast enough to follow his mother.
paper: 1). (U)纸张apiece of paper, two pieces of paper
2). (C) 试卷,论文,
English and maths papers
• answer v.回答:...的答案:
about Gary? • Yes, it was. But it was difficult for Gary. • 3.Was Richard sure about his French test?Why? • No, he wasn't sure about it. Because he thought it was • too difficult for him. • 4.Does Gary hate Frech test or like it? • He hates it. • 5.Was French test easy enough for the guy next to Gary? Why?

Lesson 103 The French test Gary: How was the exam, Richard? Richard: Not too bad. I think I passed in English and Mathmatics.
The questions were very easy. How about you, Gary? Gary: The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me.
Lesson 103 The french test Lesson 104 Too,very,enough
New words
1. exam / ig´zæm/n. 考试 2. pass /pa:s/ v. 及格,通过 3. mathematics / mæθə´mætiks/
(maths / mæθ/ 是缩写) n. 数学 4. question /´kwestʃən/ n. 问题 5. easy /´i:si / adj. 容易的 6. enough /i´nʌf / adv. 足够地
It is _v_e_ry_ clean. It is clean_e_n_o_u_g_h___. We all like it.
It is _t_o_o_ dirty. We all don’t like it.
The pencil is __v_er_y__ long.
The pencil is long __en_o_u_g_h__. We can write.
The pencil is __to_o__ short . We can’t write.
新概念英语第一册精品课件PPT NCE1_Lesson103-104(共48页)

paper cups
mark n.记号, 分数
The highest mark was a A+. 最高分数为A+.
好成绩 好分数 good marks
高分数 high marks
低分数 low marks
low adj.低的, 少的
a low mark 分数(成绩)低 【反】high 高的
【反】 loud (声音)高的
top n. 顶;上部
at the top of 在…的顶端
Write your name at the top of the paper. 把你的名字写在纸的上端。
He stood at the top of the mountain.
New words and expressions:
fail v. /feil/ 失败; 不及格
我数学及格, 但英语不及格. I passed in math but failed in English.
/mæ өə`mætiks/ n.数学
缩写 [Uk] maths [Us] math
His mathematics is strong. 他的计算能力很 强。
enough /i`nΔf/ adv.足够地,充分地
good enough 足够好 big enough 足够大
adj. + enough 足够….
This room is big enough for us to live .
enough 足够地,副词,修饰形容词,用在形容词之后: easy enough
新概念英语第一册Lesson 103-104 课件

Interpret the text.
法语太可怕了,你说呢? 我讨厌法语。 我的法语成绩肯定很低。
Interpret the text.
啊,别灰心! 或许我们考得还不太糟。 坐在我旁边的那个人只在试卷顶端写了自 己的名字。
Interpret the text.
Listen, repeat and read.
Yes? Then he sat there and looked at it for three hours! He didn't write a word!
Watch again.
Interpret the text.
考试考得怎样,理查德? 不算太坏。 我想我的英语和数学及格了。
Interpret the text.
题目很容易。 加里,你怎么样? 英语和数学试题对我来说不很容易。 我希望别不及格。
Interpret the text.
我想我的法语及不了格。 我能回答其中的16道题。 这些题很容易。 但我回答不出其余的题。 那些题对我来说太难了。
是吗? 然后他就坐在那里, 对着考卷看了3个小时, 一个字也没写!
Retell the story.
Part 4
Gra Situational Grammar
Question 如何形容“太”和“够”?
Could he answer the questions? No, he couldn’t . They are too difficult to answer.

• mathematics n. 数学 • 缩写是maths • 你数学好吗? • Are you good at mathematics? • 她数学不太好。 • She is poor at mathematics. • 我通过了数学考试。 • I passed in mathematics .
考试不及格 fail an exam
•an entrance exam
• pass
• 1) v. 及格,通过
• 只有十名学生通过了考试。
• Only ten students passed the examination.
• pass in +具体学科
• 通过数学考试
• pass in mathematics
• 通过语文考试
• pass in Chinese
• 2) 通过,前进
• 这条路宽度只够小汽车通过。
• The road is only wide enough for cars to pass.
• 3)穿过,越过
• 4)把…递给… • pass sb sth= pass sth to sb • 请把这张纸传给他。 • Please pass him the paper. • = Please pass the paper to him. • 请把要是递给我好么? • Will you pass me the key? • 5)消失,结束 • 好了,你会没事的,悲伤会过去的。 • Come on! You’ll be fine. The sorrow will pass.

• clever • cheap • fresh • low • low • hard • sweet 2019/4/26
• stupid • expensive • stale • loud • high • soft • sour
1.exam n. 考试 examination --test 他是一个勤奋的学生。从来没有在任何考试失败过。 He is a hard-working student. He never fails in any
• 3) n. 答案 Do you know the answer to this question?
7.easy adj. 1) 简单的,容易的 反义词difficult • This is not an easy question to answer.
• It’s easy for sb to do… 对某人来说做某事 很容 易
• Which subject is easy enough for you? • And which is too difficult for you? • Did you fail in English test? • Have you got a low mark or a high mark?
dentist. • He often fails to keep his word.
4. mathematics n. 数学 -- maths
Are you good at mathematics? She is poor at mathematics.
• I passed in mathematics .
The French test
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• My eyesight is failing. • The flowers failed for lack of sunshine. 花因缺少阳光而
凋谢。 • ③ v.(后接不定式)不,不能;忘记 • fail to do something 未能做什么事情
• I failed to save the boy from the river.
Lesson 103
The French test
What are they doing ? They are taking an exam.
Do you like taking exams? Why?
How was your exam ?
New words
exam n. 考试
pass v. 及格,通过
mark sth (with sth) 标记某物(用什么标记某物)
★fail v. 未及格,失败;n. 失败
• ① v. 失败;及格
• Doctors failed to save the old man’s life.
• He failed his French paper because it was too difficult. • ② v.(身体等)衰退;变弱;凋谢
How long did the exam last?
Language points:
1、How was the exam?
= How did the exam go? 2、Not too bad.
Just so so. / Pretty good. 3、I think I passed in English and Mathematics.
• The English and Maths papers weren’t easy enough for me.
• 对我来说,英语和数学试卷不是很容易。 • I could answer sixteen of the questions. • 我能回答出十六个问题。 • They were very easy. • 它们非常容易。 • But I couldn’t answer the rest. • 但是我不能回答出剩余的问题。
hate v. 讨厌
low adj. 低的
cheer v. 振作,振奋
guy n. 家伙,人
top n. 上方,顶部
Exam n. 考试(examination 的缩写)
take (sit) an exam 参加考试 (用sit较正式) pass an exam 通过考试;考试合格 fail an exam 未通过考试;考试不合格
I hate to go out this afternoon. hate doing sth. 不喜欢做……
I hate playing football with him. ② v. 憎恨;憎恶 He said that he hated hypocrisy. 他说他憎恶 虚伪。
Listen to the tape then answer this question:
7.You should write your name at the __ of the paper 8. I love going fishing ,but I __ eating fish. 9.this room is big ___. 10.___ up , you’ll be the best. 11. I have ___in English so should study hard in English.
8.I'm sure I've got a low mark. 宾语从句。 low mark 低分 high mark 高分 考试考得好/不好 I have done well/badly .
9. Cheer up! Come on!open up!
10.The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper. next to = beside 在…旁边。 at the top of... 在…顶端,在…上方 at the bottomer sixteen of the questions. could是can的过去式,后加动词原形,否定形式couldn’t s ixteen of the questions 试题中的16道。 two of the students
7、They were too difficult for me. difficult VS different too ① 也;② 太,过于。 I like English , he likes English, too. This pair of shoes are too small for me. too...to... 太…而不能… He is too young to go to school.
-- I can. 3.Do you have any other ____? 4. I don’t like studying ____because it has so many
numbers. 5.I have got high ___in the examination. 6.English is too ___for me ,I couldn’t learn it well.
answer /a:nsə/
v. 回答 相关短语:
answer a question 回答问题
answer the phone 接打电话 ask←反义词→answer
mark/ma:k/ n. 分数 v.做标记 相关短语:
high marks 高分数 low marks 低分数 good marks 好成绩 好分数
• I fail to see why you find it so extraordinary. • 我不明白为什么你们认为它如此与众不同。 • He failed to persuade me. 他没能说服我。
Hate v.讨厌
① v. 讨厌;不喜欢;有反感
I hate beef. hate to do sth. 一次性的行为
a piece of paper paper 试卷,论文(可数)
the English papers enough 足够地,副词,修饰形容词,用在形容词之后
easy enough enough 足够的,形容词,修饰名词,用在名词之前
enough books/money for 对…来说。
The house is big enough for us.
• 重点词汇比较: ①too/ very + adj
eg: The questions were too/very difficult.
②adj+ enough
eg: The questions were difficult enough.
___in English so should study hard in English.
• too与enough的用法 • 1、enough的用法 • 一般的程度副词都应放在形容词或副词的前面,但是
enough必须放在形容词或副词的后面。 • ① 在形容词之后使用 • He failed the exam because it wasn’t easy enough. • 他考试不及格,因为题不够容易。 • She is beautiful enough to be a hostess. • I can drive quickly enough. • ② 在名词之前使用 • He didn’t buy the car because he didn’t have enough
mathematics n. (maths是缩写)数学
n. (具体的某一个)问题
easy adj. 容易的
adv. 足够的
paper n. 考卷
fail v. 未及格,失败
answer v. 问答
mark n. 分数
rest n. 其他的东西
difficult adj. 困难的
pass 及格 不及格 fail
pass the mid-term exam 通过某一考试用pass, 而通过某一科目考试用pass in 4、How about you?
= What about you? 用于提建议:How about having a rest ?
5. The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me. paper 纸张(不可数)
词义辨析: question/ problem
question:通常指一般性的问题, 通常与 动词ask/answer连用,构成短语ask/answer a question回答问题. problem: 通常指难题,需通过时间和精力解 决的问题,通常与solve构成短语 solve a problem解决问题.
• The wall is low enough for them to climb over. • 这堵墙矮到如此之程度,以至于他们可以攀越过去。 • 2、too的用法 • ① 表示“过于”
• She couldn’t answer the questions because they were too difficult for her.
Question /kwestſən/ n.问题 v.询问,审问,怀疑
ask question(s) 问问题 answer question 回答问题 out of the question 根本不可能 beyond question毋庸置疑 毫无疑问 beside the question 离题,跑题
凋谢。 • ③ v.(后接不定式)不,不能;忘记 • fail to do something 未能做什么事情
• I failed to save the boy from the river.
Lesson 103
The French test
What are they doing ? They are taking an exam.
Do you like taking exams? Why?
How was your exam ?
New words
exam n. 考试
pass v. 及格,通过
mark sth (with sth) 标记某物(用什么标记某物)
★fail v. 未及格,失败;n. 失败
• ① v. 失败;及格
• Doctors failed to save the old man’s life.
• He failed his French paper because it was too difficult. • ② v.(身体等)衰退;变弱;凋谢
How long did the exam last?
Language points:
1、How was the exam?
= How did the exam go? 2、Not too bad.
Just so so. / Pretty good. 3、I think I passed in English and Mathematics.
• The English and Maths papers weren’t easy enough for me.
• 对我来说,英语和数学试卷不是很容易。 • I could answer sixteen of the questions. • 我能回答出十六个问题。 • They were very easy. • 它们非常容易。 • But I couldn’t answer the rest. • 但是我不能回答出剩余的问题。
hate v. 讨厌
low adj. 低的
cheer v. 振作,振奋
guy n. 家伙,人
top n. 上方,顶部
Exam n. 考试(examination 的缩写)
take (sit) an exam 参加考试 (用sit较正式) pass an exam 通过考试;考试合格 fail an exam 未通过考试;考试不合格
I hate to go out this afternoon. hate doing sth. 不喜欢做……
I hate playing football with him. ② v. 憎恨;憎恶 He said that he hated hypocrisy. 他说他憎恶 虚伪。
Listen to the tape then answer this question:
7.You should write your name at the __ of the paper 8. I love going fishing ,but I __ eating fish. 9.this room is big ___. 10.___ up , you’ll be the best. 11. I have ___in English so should study hard in English.
8.I'm sure I've got a low mark. 宾语从句。 low mark 低分 high mark 高分 考试考得好/不好 I have done well/badly .
9. Cheer up! Come on!open up!
10.The guy next to me wrote his name at the top of the paper. next to = beside 在…旁边。 at the top of... 在…顶端,在…上方 at the bottomer sixteen of the questions. could是can的过去式,后加动词原形,否定形式couldn’t s ixteen of the questions 试题中的16道。 two of the students
7、They were too difficult for me. difficult VS different too ① 也;② 太,过于。 I like English , he likes English, too. This pair of shoes are too small for me. too...to... 太…而不能… He is too young to go to school.
-- I can. 3.Do you have any other ____? 4. I don’t like studying ____because it has so many
numbers. 5.I have got high ___in the examination. 6.English is too ___for me ,I couldn’t learn it well.
answer /a:nsə/
v. 回答 相关短语:
answer a question 回答问题
answer the phone 接打电话 ask←反义词→answer
mark/ma:k/ n. 分数 v.做标记 相关短语:
high marks 高分数 low marks 低分数 good marks 好成绩 好分数
• I fail to see why you find it so extraordinary. • 我不明白为什么你们认为它如此与众不同。 • He failed to persuade me. 他没能说服我。
Hate v.讨厌
① v. 讨厌;不喜欢;有反感
I hate beef. hate to do sth. 一次性的行为
a piece of paper paper 试卷,论文(可数)
the English papers enough 足够地,副词,修饰形容词,用在形容词之后
easy enough enough 足够的,形容词,修饰名词,用在名词之前
enough books/money for 对…来说。
The house is big enough for us.
• 重点词汇比较: ①too/ very + adj
eg: The questions were too/very difficult.
②adj+ enough
eg: The questions were difficult enough.
___in English so should study hard in English.
• too与enough的用法 • 1、enough的用法 • 一般的程度副词都应放在形容词或副词的前面,但是
enough必须放在形容词或副词的后面。 • ① 在形容词之后使用 • He failed the exam because it wasn’t easy enough. • 他考试不及格,因为题不够容易。 • She is beautiful enough to be a hostess. • I can drive quickly enough. • ② 在名词之前使用 • He didn’t buy the car because he didn’t have enough
mathematics n. (maths是缩写)数学
n. (具体的某一个)问题
easy adj. 容易的
adv. 足够的
paper n. 考卷
fail v. 未及格,失败
answer v. 问答
mark n. 分数
rest n. 其他的东西
difficult adj. 困难的
pass 及格 不及格 fail
pass the mid-term exam 通过某一考试用pass, 而通过某一科目考试用pass in 4、How about you?
= What about you? 用于提建议:How about having a rest ?
5. The English and Maths papers weren't easy enough for me. paper 纸张(不可数)
词义辨析: question/ problem
question:通常指一般性的问题, 通常与 动词ask/answer连用,构成短语ask/answer a question回答问题. problem: 通常指难题,需通过时间和精力解 决的问题,通常与solve构成短语 solve a problem解决问题.
• The wall is low enough for them to climb over. • 这堵墙矮到如此之程度,以至于他们可以攀越过去。 • 2、too的用法 • ① 表示“过于”
• She couldn’t answer the questions because they were too difficult for her.
Question /kwestſən/ n.问题 v.询问,审问,怀疑
ask question(s) 问问题 answer question 回答问题 out of the question 根本不可能 beyond question毋庸置疑 毫无疑问 beside the question 离题,跑题