北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《英汉 汉英翻译》网课测试题答案2
北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《英汉汉英翻译》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.综合考核(共15题)1.Cadres at all levels should improve their art of leadership. 各水平的领导干部都必须提高领导水平。
A、错误B、正确2.Any discourtesy shown to Chinese persons by any official of the Government will be cause for immediate dismissal. 如果有任何官方人员对中国人无礼,将会引来立即辞退。
()A.正确B.错误3.The most of the Panamanians who are after at this time is a chance to get more income from the Canal.A、最多的巴拿马人现在追求的是寻找机会从运河获得更多的收入B、当前巴拿马人所追求的是争取从运河得到更多的收入4.Don't lose time in posting this letter.A.赶快把这封信寄出去。
A.She is not honest,we can't trust her.B.Because she is not honest, we can't trust her.6.Please don't wake a sleeping dog. 不要无事生非。
()A.正确B.错误7.We should never warm snakes in our bosoms.A、我们不能内心温和B、我们决不能姑息坏人8.to undergo a change 处于变动中。
A.He's anywhere to be found but in his office.B.He isn't always in his office.10.A great elation overcame them.欣喜征服了他们。
15春《英汉/汉英翻译》作业2单选题判断题一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 75 分。
)1. As the war went on, there was increased demoralization among the soldiers.A. 因为战争开始了,士兵中低落的士气增加了B. 随着战争的继续,士兵的斗志越来越低落。
-----------------选择:B2. Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.A. 年轻并非人生中的一段时光,而是一种心态B. 年轻并非是人生中的时间,而是一种思想。
-----------------选择:A3. He was given a prize.A. 他得奖了B. 有人给了他一个奖。
-----------------选择:A4. In Europe, his name was well-known, if not household word.A. 在欧洲,他的名声即使不是家喻户晓,也是相当的知名度B. 在欧洲,他的名声很响亮,即使不是家喻户晓。
-----------------选择:A5. This chemical element is harmful to human beings, but that one is not.A. 这种化学元素对人体有害,但是那种是不会有害的B. 这种化学元素对人体有害,但是那种不是。
-----------------选择:A6. Visitors are requested to show their tickets.A. 参观者被要求出示门票B. 参观者请出示门票。
-----------------选择:B7. Many favor unswerving loyalty to NATO.A. 许多人喜欢忠诚于北约组织B. 许多人赞成毫不动摇地忠于北约组织。
北京语言大学15春《大学英语》(二)作业2满分答案一、单选题1.Can you help me to___this mathematic problem?A.do outB.work outC.find outD.deal out正确答案:B2.The___in this stamp makes it less valuable.A.errorC.faultD.flaw正确答案:D3.No one has yet succeeded in explaining the___of how life began.A.problemB.causeC.puzzleD.logic正确答案:C4.Jack’s mother has to(A)call him at least half a dozen(B)times until(C)he comes down(D)to his dinner.(选择有错误的一项)B.half a dozenC.untiles down正确答案:C5.Let’s hang up some paintings on these___walls.A.bareB.emptyC.blankD.vacant正确答案:A6.A___to this problem is expected to be found before long.B.responseC.settlementD.solution正确答案:D7.Their friendship___nothing to him.A.meansB.representsC.standsD.presents正确答案:A8.Many Westerners___Christianity.B.admireC.believeD.believe in正确答案:D9.Our chances of winning the game are___.A.slimB.lightC.slantD.slender正确答案:A10.As fuel prices rose,bus companies raised their fares and___.A.so did the airlinesB.nor did the airlinesC.so the airlines didD.nor the airlines did正确答案:A11.They decided to chase the cow away___it did more damage.A.unlessB.untilC.beforeD.although正确答案:C12.Well,let’s put our heads together and find___to the problem.A.an answerB.a wayC.a solutionD.a method正确答案:C13.Don’t___to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.A.rejectB.preventC.hesitateD.refuse正确答案:C14.In Australia the Asians make their influnce___in business large and small.A.feelingB.feelC.feltD.to be felt正确答案:C15.There are some people who show great___about others’affairs.A.livesB.expectsC.interestsD.curiosity正确答案:D16.Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother___some money from their mother’s purse. A.to stealB.to stealingC.into stealD.into stealing正确答案:D17.Let us___to the next item on the agenda.A.continueB.proceedC.keepD.stop正确答案:B18.Man must stop___the earth’s atmosphere.A.pollutingB.fillingC.emittingD.wasting正确答案:A19.I was___to find his article on such an___topic so boring.A.surprised/excitedB.surprising/excitingC.surprised/excitingD.surprising/excited正确答案:C20.The chair can also___a bed.A.formsB.works inC.function asD.behaved as正确答案:C21.Meat,vegetables,milk and fruit___a balance diet.A.constituteB.consist ofC.are composed ofD.include正确答案:A22.Being___time and equipment,they are not able to finish their task in time.A.shorted ofB.shortingC.short ofD.short正确答案:C23.They discussed the problem three or four times,but could come to no___.A.endB.conclusionD.judgement正确答案:B24.Many tourists were___by the city’s complicated traffic system.A.degragedB.bewilderedC.evokedD.diverted正确答案:B25.When presented with the first price,she___with delight.A.beamedughedD.smiled正确答案:A。
(In case)3)省略作主语的词我们若能继续再供应时,⼀定与贵⽅联系。
(in)8) 省略意义上重复的词早先⼏年它并不总是佳的。
3. ⽤词类转换法翻译下列句⼦。
1) 英语名词转译成汉语动词他经常冒失地闯进别⼈的研究领域2)英语名词转译为汉语形容词河下游的情况是多种多样的。
一、单选题(共20 道试题,共80 分。
1. 下列辅音发音部位完全相同的一组是()。
A. b p m f
B. z c s l
C. zh ch sh r
D. j q x h
2. 普通话的单元音韵母共有()。
A. 6个
B. 7个
C. 8个
D. 10个
3. 跟“濒”的声母发音方法完全相同的是()。
A. 刽
B. 秋
C. 傀
D. 频
4. 下列论述正确的是()。
A. 元音属于乐音,发音时声带有的振动,有的不振动
B. 所有的单元音韵母都可以自成音节
C. 所有的单元音韵母都必须同声母相拼
D. 复韵母中的“前响、中响、后响”,实际上就是以韵腹(主要元音)的位置来定名的-----------------选择:D
5. ()中发生上声变阳平的变调。
A. 曲解
B. 屈辱
C. 启发
D. 矢口
6. 下列各项中,两个音节都属于零声母的是()。
A. 落叶
B. 温和
C. 如意
D. 安慰
7. 普通话测试总失分率在8%之内,可定为
A. A一级。
北语15秋《外国文学史》作业2满分答案一、单选题(共15 道试题,共75 分。
)1. 被恩格斯称为“天才的预言家”的英国浪漫主义诗人是()。
A. 拜伦B. 雪莱C. 济慈D. 华兹华斯正确答案:B2. 莫里哀的《可笑的女才子》所表现的是()。
A. 青年人冲破阻力,追求爱情自由的胜利B. 贵族沙龙咬文嚼字、故作风雅的丑态C. 贵族勾心斗角D. 资产阶级的种种丑恶正确答案:B3. 《新爱洛伊丝》的作者是()。
A. 狄德罗B. 卢梭C. 孟德斯鸠D. 伏尔泰正确答案:B4. 《少年维特的烦恼》的女主人公是()。
A. 尤丽B. 苏珊娜C. 绿蒂D. 玛加蕾特正确答案:C5. 《基督山伯爵》的作者是()。
A. 司各特B. 大仲马C. 小仲马D. 缪塞正确答案:B6. 标志着英国现实主义小说的奠基作是()。
A. 《格利佛游记》B. 《鲁滨逊漂流记》C. 《汤姆.琼斯》D. 《克拉丽莎》正确答案:B7. 名句“冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”出自《西风颂》,这首诗的作者是___。
A. 拜伦B. 雪莱C. 济慈D. 华兹华斯正确答案:B8. 《论文学》和《论德意志》这两部重要的理论著作的作者( )。
A. 海涅B. 斯达尔夫人C. 诺瓦利斯D. 蒂克正确答案:B9. 霍桑是19世纪影响最大的浪漫主义小说家,他的代表作是()。
A. 《重讲一遍的故事》B. 《古屋青苔》C. 《玉石雕像》D. 《红字》正确答案:D10. 1659年,莫里哀演出他到巴黎后的第一部作品是()。
A. 《妇人学堂》B. 《可笑的女才子》C. 《冒失鬼》D. 《情敌》正确答案:B11. “要每天每日去开拓生活和自由,然后才能作自由生活的享受“出自一部诗剧,这部诗剧是()。
A. 《力士参孙》B. 《浮士德》C. 《普罗米修斯》D. 《阴谋与爱情》正确答案:B12. 《阿达拉》和《勒内》两部中篇小说的作者是___。
A. 拉马丁B. 维尼C. 夏多布里昂D. 大仲马正确答案:C13. 俄国文学史上第一个“多余的人”典型是()。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 单选题1(4分) : castles in the airA: 城堡存在空气中B: 空中楼阁2(4分) : 他两天就抽完一包烟。
A: He finishes a pack of cigarettes for two days.B: It takes him only two days to finish a pack of cigarettes.3(4分) : The whole country was armed in a few days.A: 几天以内全国武装起来了。
B: 再过几天全国就都武装起来了。
4(4分) : 走马观花A: to appreciate flowers on a running horseB: do something carelessly5(4分) : out of the questionA: 毫无问题B: 不可能6(4分) : love appleA: 爱的苹果B: 番茄7(4分) : You can never be too careful about English-Chinese translationA: 作英译汉时,不能太仔细B: 作英译汉时,越仔细越好。
8(4分) : 看树看果实,看人看作为。
A: A tree is known by its fruit , and a man is known by his actions.B: A tree is known by its fruit , and a man is known by his act.9(4分) : I must bare my heart to someone, or I shall go mad!A: 我必须跟谁说说这件事,否则我都要疯了。
北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《英汉 汉英翻译》网课测试题答案卷2
住在富人区的她全文为Word 可编辑,若为PDF 皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!北京语言大学智慧树知到“英语”《英汉 汉英翻译》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整) 第1卷一.综合考核(共10题)1.她不老实,我们不能信任她。
A.She is not honest,we can't trust her.B.Because she is not honest, we can't trust her.2.A great elation overcame them.欣喜征服了他们。
() A.正确 B.错误3.He was given a prize. A.有人给了他一个奖。
4.His accent couldn't fool a native speaker. A.本地人一听他的口音,就知道他是外地人。
5.In the family of Marx, Lincoln was much loved and respected. A.马克思的一家人对林肯是非常敬爱的。
6.Please don't wake a sleeping dog. 不要无事生非。
() A.正确 B.错误7.The burning questio of my chinldhood had been richly answered. A.我小时候梦寐以求想得到答案的问题,终于得到了圆满的回答。
8.The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated.年轻时留下的自卑感还没有完全消失。
() A.正确 B.错误9.事情终于私下解决了。
北语15秋《英汉/汉英翻译》作业3满分答案一、单选题(共10 道试题,共50 分。
)1. He took out his key and opened the door, and we all went to a stone hall, bare gloomy and little used.A. 他拿出钥匙开门,我们走进石头大厅,感觉很阴沉,没有什么人住B. 他取出钥匙开了门,大家跟着走进一间石头砌成的大厅,里面空无人物,阴森森的,看来平时绝少有人正确答案:B2. Life is far from being a bed of roses.A. 生活远非尽乐事B. 生活并不是不好。
正确答案:A3. His accent couldn't fool a native speaker.A. 本地人一听他的口音,就知道他是外地人B. 他的口音不能愚弄本地人。
正确答案:A4. We should never warm snakes in our bosoms.A. 我们不能内心温和B. 我们决不能姑息坏人。
正确答案:B5. Mr.Kirsch, having lost all his money by this time, followed his master out into the moonlight, where the illuminations were winking out.A. 基希先生这时输的两手空空,便跟着主人走出屋来,月光下彩灯闪闪烁烁,渐渐熄灭B. 基希先生这次输掉了所有的钱,跟着他的主人走到了月光下,彩灯忽闪变弱。
正确答案:A6. 他好不容易才挤到台前.A. He had a hard time squeezing through the crowd to get up to the platformB. He had a hard time being forced to get up the platform.正确答案:A7. We stand now where two roads diverge. But unlike the roads in Robert Frost's familiar poem, they are not equally fair.A. 我们站在两条路的岔路口,但是不像罗伯特熟悉的诗里那样,并不是同样的公平B. 我们正处在两条路的分岔口。
北语15秋《英汉 汉英翻译》作业4满分答案
一、单选题(共15 道试题,共75 分。
1. Don't lose time in posting this letter
A. 赶快把这封信寄出去
B. 不要浪费时间寄这封信。
2. 有些药效疗效缓慢。
A. The effects of some medicine are not immediate
B. The effects of some medicine are slow
3. His accent couldn't fool a native speaker.
A. 他的口音蒙不了本地人
B. 他的口音不能愚弄本地人。
4. You can never be too careful about English-Chinese translation
A. 作英译汉时,不能太仔细
B. 作英译汉时,越仔细越好。
5. It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.
A. 只有聪明的人才不会范错误
B. 再聪明的人也会范错误。
6. I don't know how far I didn't run.
A. 我不知道跑了多远
B. 我不知道还有多远我没有跑。
7. I couldn't agree with you more.
A. 我太赞成你的看法了
B. 我再也不会同意你的看法了。
(单选题)1: The burning questio of my chinldhood had been richly answered.A: 我小时候梦寐以求想得到答案的问题,终于得到了圆满的回答B: 我儿童时代在心中燃烧的问题,终于得到了充分的回答。
正确答案: A(单选题)2: She was with child.A: 她和孩子在一起B: 她怀着孕。
正确答案: B(单选题)3: sustainable developmentA: 可持续发展B: 可维持的发展正确答案: A(单选题)4: Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.A: 年轻并非人生中的一段时光,而是一种心态B: 年轻并非是人生中的时间,而是一种思想。
正确答案: A(单选题)5: Life is far from being a bed of roses.A: 生活远非尽乐事B: 生活并不是不好。
正确答案: A(单选题)6: Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a dacade. A: 十年来,失业人数一直顽固不降B: 十年来,失业人数总是居高不下。
正确答案: B(单选题)7: In Europe, his name was well-known, if not household word.A: 在欧洲,他的名声即使不是家喻户晓,也是相当的知名度B: 在欧洲,他的名声很响亮,即使不是家喻户晓。
正确答案: A(单选题)8: 中国政府决定,要用3年左右时间使大多数国有企业走出困境。
A: The Chinese government has decided to take about three years to extricate most state-owned enterprises from their difficultiesB: Chinese government decides to help most national enterprises going out obstacle with about 3 years.正确答案: A(单选题)9: Mr.Kirsch, having lost all his money by this time, followed his master out into the moonlight, where the illuminations were winking out.。
15秋《英语语法》作业2一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 100 分。
)1. Th prformn of th host, _____ to pls th uin n rw thir ttntion, ws grt with ol siln, howvr.. h intn. intn. ing intn. to intn正确答案:2. --- i you gt itionry? --- No, I _____, ut thr wr not ny _____.. tri/to lft. h tri to/ lving. tri to/ lft. h tri/hv lft正确答案:3. Towrs vning, th ptint opn his mouth s if _____ somthing to his son.. si. sy. to sy. to hv si正确答案:4. on’t worry. I’ll hv it _____ n gt somon _____ it to you tomorrow.. typ/sn. to typ/ to sn. typ/ sn. typ/ to sn正确答案:5. I rgrt _____ hr t shool, or I woul hv su in pssing th xm.. not to work. hving not work. to hv not work. not hving work正确答案:6. Hving pss ll th tsts, sh flt grt wight _____ off hr min.. tking. tkn. tk. to tkn正确答案:7. Th ol frmr, _____ th ly injur n urnt solir, m out of th urning frmhous, lling ontinuously for hlp.. supporting. hving support. ing support y. ing support正确答案:8. --- Woul you _____ ln m your iyl? --- Sur.. so kin s to. kin nough s to. vry kin to. so kin to正确答案:9. In Jnury , 2004, th Unit Stts sussfully lunh "Spirit", Mrs xplortion Rovr, _____ nw milston in th history of mnkin.. it mrk. mrking. mrk. to mrk正确答案:10. Th h is so utiful tht it is worthwhil, I think, _____ for short holiy.. of going. to going. your going. you to go正确答案:11. ll of th flowrs now _____ hr hv vlop from thos on _____ in th forst.. ris/grown.rising/ growing.ris/growing.rising/grown正确答案:12. _____, th sujt ws lwys in my min.. Wlking or slping. Wlking or slpt. Hving wlk or slpt. To wlk n slp正确答案:13. With lot of iffiult prolms ___, thy i to tk fw ys off.. sttling. to sttl. ing sttl. sttl正确答案:14. Sing th solirs wll _____ for th floo-fight, th gnrl no with stisftion.. prpr. prpring. prpr. hving prpr正确答案:15. Thy look forwr with hop _____ hn to riv furthr ution.. for gtting. of gtting. to gt. to gtting正确答案:16. I’m xmining th rtil h hs just finish _____ th possil mistks in it.. ing orrt. to orrt. orrt. hving orrt正确答案:17. How oul h gt th pln _____ without ny on to support him?. to rry out. rry out. rrying out. rri out正确答案:18. To nswr orrtly is mor importnt thn _____.. tht you finish quikly. finishing quikly. to finish quikly. finish quikly正确答案:19. Som of th shools in Shnghi hv mov on stp losr to _____ with th glol ution ommunity. . ing onnt. onnt. hving onnt. onnt正确答案:20. H look roun n ught mn _____ his hn into th pokt of pssngr.. put. to putting . to put. putting正确答案:。
英语翻译二级考试答案1. 将下列中文句子翻译成英文:- 中文:我们公司致力于提供高质量的服务。
- 英文:Our company is committed to providing high-quality services.2. 将下列英文句子翻译成中文:- 英文:The rapid development of technology has changed our way of life.- 中文:技术的快速发展改变了我们的生活方式。
3. 翻译下列段落:- 中文:随着全球化的不断推进,跨文化交流变得越来越重要。
- 英文:With the continuous advancement of globalization, cross-cultural communication has become increasingly important. To adapt to this trend, many companies have begun to value their employees' language skills and cultural sensitivity.4. 将下列英文段落翻译成中文:- 英文:In recent years, there has been a surge in the popularity of eco-friendly products. This trend is driven by growing consumer awareness of environmental issues and the desire to make more sustainable choices.- 中文:近年来,环保产品的受欢迎程度急剧上升。
一、单选题(共18 道试题,共90 分。
1. “唱”是。
A. 形声字
B. 会意字
C. 假借字
D. 象形字
2. 《说文解字·叙》中“画成其物,随体诘诎”指的是()。
A. 会意
B. 指事
C. 象形
D. 假借
3. 《说文解字》所举的例子中,被认为属于会意字的是()。
A. “上”、“下”
B. “老”、“考”
C. “江”、“河”
D. “信”、“武”
4. “咏”是。
A. 形声字
B. 会意字
C. 假借字
D. 象形字
5. 汉字自上而下、自右而左的排列方式,沿用了(),一直到解放后的五十年代中期,才基本上为自左而右、自上而下的横行排列法所取代。
A. 一千年
B. 两千年
C. 三千年
D. 四千年
6. 在东汉晚期出现了一种新的字体,就是()。
A. 隶书
B. 草书
C. 行书。
《翻译(二)》作业参考答案Ⅰ.1.global economy2.to seek truth from fact3.to sweat all over4.absence of mind /absent-minded5.corrupt officials6.to be complete in range7. science and technology 8.to be reduced to ruins9.No parking 10.no lack of successors11.humanitarianism 12.to be complete in range13.political groups 14.eonomic construction15.keep one’s families alive 16.cultural exchange17.unite as one 18.fine workmanship19.objectire truth 20.a guide to action21.democratic method 22.supreme power23.social unrest 24.a comprehensive analysisⅡ.1.present, included2.between, town3.have received4.adhere to5.way. possible6.be examined7.everthing necessary 8.go forward9.responded to 10.something rare11.been accepted 12.being studied13.be completed 14.appeared, warmly15.denied, developing 16.diappointment, take17.far from 18.short of19.be clarified 20.are requested21.live up 22.few, in23.far from 24.earn, keepⅢ.1.must be guaranteed2.or something3.so excited4.old enough5.for joy6.the letter where you7.too old to learn 8.to the naked eye9.raised such a 10.to be set right11.had his house painted 12.moved to tears13.properly handled 14.capable of anything15.so rotten a condition 16.was arranged17.have him locked up 18.eyes on the screen19. He who makes 20.so fast that21.strong enough 22.clear explanation23.against the wall 24.Arriving at theⅣ.1.He dedicated (or: devoted) his whole life to serving the people.2.His acting was very natural though it was the first time he appeared on the stage.3.After being good neighbors for years, they can’t bear to part from each other.4.you had better ask those better informed5.passengers are requested to fill in the customs declaration from here.6.I am glad to see you safe and sound7. He was arrested (or: apprehended) on a charge of forgery.8.The first and most important task for us is to push forward the modernization of china’s economy.9.It is quite necessary for us to exchange ideas.10.Su shi was one of ancient Chinese writers.11.The boy who had been seriously injured was immediately admitted into the hospital.12.The thought of returning to his motherland never deserted him.13.The peace talks were being held in paris then.14.She felt too dizzy to remember the way.15.What language is spoken there?16.He had been waiting so long as to be impatient in the drawing room.17.That means the task has been entrusted to him.18.We can not compel people to accept one particular school of thought.19.Our unity has been further strengthened.20.His hint escaped me.21.Deal with a man as he deals with you.22.She was too excited to speak.23.The mother called her child back to prepare for his lessons.24.More than fifty countries decided to send their delegations to the conference.Ⅴ.ANo one’s road is absolutely straight, without any forks in it. At some of these forks——whether they require a choice on a question of politics, or private affairs——a step in the wrong direction may affect you only temporarily, or it may influence your entire life. Before liberation, because the social environment was rotten, many young people didn’t realize this and wasted their energy. Some were always busy over trivialities without making the slightest contribution to society. After liberation, youth Leaguer Xu Gaixia, although she was only a country girl, came to understand quite early what kind of attitude a person ought to have towards life.BBackwardness must be perceived before it can be changed.A person must learn from the advanced before he can catch up and surpass them. Of course, to raise China’s scientific and technological level we must rely on our own efforts, develop our own inventions, and adhere to the policy of independenceand self-reliance. But independence does not mean shutting the door on the world, nor does self-reliance mean blind opposition to everything foreign. Science and technology are a kind of wealth created in common by all mankind. Any nation or country must learn from the strong points of other nations and countries, from their advanced science and technology.CScience deals with things in a practical way. Science means honest, solid knowledge, allowing not a bit of falsehood and it involves great efforts and grueling toil. At the same time, science also for creativeness and imagination; only with imagination is it possible to break away from the confines of conventionalities and to make headway in science. Scientists are supposed not to let poets have the exclusive use of imagination. Our people have always been courageous enough to probe into things, to make inventions and make revolution. We must break through conventions, blaze new trails and open up our new road of scientific development. Lend wings to the imaginations while doing things in a down-to earth manner. This is the style typical of scientific workers. So let us explore the boundless universe in guest of never ending truth.DThe tea house was noisy and crowded. Customers dressed in western suits, in military uniforms, or in long gowns and silken jackets came and went in an endless stream. There was never an empty table in this high-class establishment, and on Sundays it was always filled to overflowing. Among its clientele were celebrities, social lights, and fashionably dressed men and women, all connoisseurs of good tea. It was also frequented by brokers and rich businessmen, politicians and bankers who regularly came here to find out about the state of the market and arrange deals. Some came to while away their time in this bustling atmosphere, while others met to gossip and discuss politics.。
英汉汉英翻译作业及答案第一篇:英汉汉英翻译作业及答案一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。
)1.His accent couldn't fool a native speaker.A.本地人一听他的口音,就知道他是外地人B.他的口音不能愚弄本地人。
-----------------选择:A2.One could not be too careful in a new neighbourhood.A.在新邻居的旁边,一个人不能太小心B.在一个陌生的地方,越小心越好。
-----------------选择:B3.We should never warm snakes in our bosoms.A.我们不能内心温和B.我们决不能姑息坏人。
A.His sister always tells liesB.His sister is a great liar.-----------------选择:B5.But for your help, I would not have made such good progress in my studies.A.没有你的帮助,我不会在学习上取得这么大的进步B.没有你的帮助,我将没有这么大的帮助。
-----------------选择:A6.他好不容易才挤到台前.A.He had a hard time squeezing through the crowd to get up to the platformB.He had a hard time being forced to get up the platform.-----------------选择:A7.Mr.Kirsch, having lost all his money by this time, followed his master out into the moonlight, where the illuminations werewinking out.A.基希先生这时输的两手空空,便跟着主人走出屋来,月光下彩灯闪闪烁烁,渐渐熄灭B.基希先生这次输掉了所有的钱,跟着他的主人走到了月光下,彩灯忽闪变弱。
北语15秋《汉语写作》作业2 100分答案
一、单选题(共12 道试题,共60 分。
1. 中国古代写作理论中最早最全面深入地进行文体写作学研究的是
A. 《文心雕龙》
B. 《文章做法全集》
C. 《文体论纂要》
D. 《文体论ABC》
2. 构成剧本外在要素是
A. 戏剧冲突
B. 戏剧语言
C. 戏剧结构
D. 戏剧动作
3. 以下不属于人类七大艺术的是
A. 音乐
B. 舞蹈
C. 电影
D. 电视
4. 诗歌的基本元件是
A. 意象
B. 情节
C. 人物
D. 象征
5. ()是整个电影艺术创作生产的基础和依据,是一种运用电影思维创造银幕形象的文学样式。
A. 电影文学
B. 电影剧作
C. 电影评论
D. 电影艺术
6. 写作电影剧作必须运用()思维进行构思创作,在想象中形成连续不断、结构独特、合乎逻辑、节奏准确的声画组合形象,俗称“过电影”。
A. 结构技巧
B. 蒙太奇。
12. 下列不属于香港本土小说家侣伦作品的是( )
A. 《无尽的爱》 B. 《残渣》 C. 《漂亮的男客》 D. 《换票》
正确答案 :D
13. 高阳历史小说所体现出来的文化精神中,占主导的是? A. 儒家文化 B. 道家文化 C. 佛家文化
正确答案 :A
14. பைடு நூலகம்湾最具代表性的历史小说家是? A. 高阳 B. 三毛 C. 席慕容
正确答案 :B
3. 标志着台湾科幻小说正式诞生的作品是 A. 《潘度娜》 B. 《一0一0一年》 C. 《新世纪之旅》
正确答案 :A
4. 旅美时期,丛甦主要从事留学生文学的创作作,她反复表现的主题是? A. 反映现代人的孤绝感 B. 流浪的中国人 C. 对美国社会的观察和反思
正确答案 :B
5. 下列不属于香港本土小说家西西作品的是( ) A. 《东城故事》 B. 《春望》
正确答案 :A
9. 张系国的作品《棋王》,而在80年代的大陆,也有一部同名的作品引起了很大的反 响,它的作者是 A. 梁晓声 B. 路遥 C. 阿城
正确答案 :C
10. 被誉为“两脚踏中西文化”的“幽默大师”的是? A. 林语堂 B. 白先勇 C. 王鼎钧
正确答案 :A
11. 葛日新形象的塑造成为台湾“觉醒一代”的命运见证,他是张系国哪部作品的主 人公 A. 《棋王》 B. 《黄河之水》 C. 《昨日之怒》
C. 《胡子有脸》 D. 《穷巷》
正确答案 :D
6. 李寻欢这个人物出自古龙的哪部作品? A. 《多情剑客无情剑》 B. 《欢乐英雄》 C. 《流星 蝴蝶 剑》
正确答案 :A
7. 以睿智的思想和锋利的笔墨在台湾刮起了一股“龙旋风”的是? A. 王鼎钧 B. 赵淑侠 C. 龙应台
北语15秋《英汉 汉英翻译》作业2
15秋《英汉/汉英翻译》作业2一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 75 分。
)1. Mn is iffrnt from othr nimls.. 人和其他动物不同. 人和动物不同。
正确答案:2. 中国政府决定,要用3年左右时间使大多数国有企业走出困境。
. Th hins govrnmnt hs i to tk out thr yrs to xtrit most stt-own ntrpriss from thir iffiultis. hins govrnmnt is to hlp most ntionl ntrpriss going out ostl with out 3 yrs.正确答案:3. H hs long n us to lst-minut isions.. 他长期以来习惯于在最后一分钟作出决定. 他有很长的时间用最后一分钟作决定。
正确答案:4. 当今世界正处在历史性的大变动之中,国际竞争日趋激烈。
. Th worl toy is unrgoing historil hng n intrntionl omptition is gtting inrsingly tnsr. toy's worl is unrtking historil hng, intrntionl omptition oms srious y y y.正确答案:5. Visitors r rqust to show thir tikts.. 参观者被要求出示门票. 参观者请出示门票。
正确答案:6. 在这个紧要关头,我们尤其不该为了已经无法挽回的事情相互埋怨。
. t ritil tim w spilly shoul not lm on for wht hs lry hppn. Th lst thing w shoul o t this ruil momnt is lming on nothr for wht n not unon. 正确答案:7. H ws givn priz.. 他得奖了. 有人给了他一个奖。
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一、单选题(共 15 道试题,共 75 分。
1. Man is different from other animals.
A. 人和其他动物不同
B. 人和动物不同。
2. 中国政府决定,要用3年左右时间使大多数国有企业走出困境。
A. The Chinese government has decided to take about three years to extricate most state-owned enterprises from their difficulties
B. Chinese government decides to help most national enterprises going out obstacle with about 3 years.
3. He has long been used to last-minute decisions.
A. 他长期以来习惯于在最后一分钟作出决定
B. 他有很长的时间用最后一分钟作决定。
4. 当今世界正处在历史性的大变动之中,国际竞争日趋激烈。
A. The world today is undergoing a historical change and international competition is getting increasingly tenser
B. today's world is undertaking historical change, international competition becomes serious day by day.
5. Visitors are requested to show their tickets.
A. 参观者被要求出示门票
B. 参观者请出示门票。
6. 在这个紧要关头,我们尤其不该为了已经无法挽回的事情相互埋怨。
A. At a critical time we especially should not blame one for what has already happened
B. The last thing we should do at this crucial moment is blaming one another for what can not be undone.
7. He was given a prize.
A. 他得奖了
B. 有人给了他一个奖。
8. This chemical element is harmful to human beings, but that one is not.
A. 这种化学元素对人体有害,但是那种是不会有害的
B. 这种化学元素对人体有害,但是那种不是。
9. I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain.
A. 我惊异于无情而坚定的雨
B. 雨无情地下个不停,我惊异不已
10. Many favor unswerving loyalty to NATO.
A. 许多人喜欢忠诚于北约组织
B. 许多人赞成毫不动摇地忠于北约组织。
11. 截止日期延长三天。
A. The deadline was extended for three days
B. The deadline extends for three days.
12. As the war went on, there was increased demoralization among the soldiers.
A. 因为战争开始了,士兵中低落的士气增加了
B. 随着战争的继续,士兵的斗志越来越低落。
13. The most the Panamanians are after at this time is a chance to get more income form the Canal.
A. 最多的巴拿马人现在追求的是寻找机会从运河获得更多的收入
B. 当前巴拿马人所追求的是争取从运河得到更多的收。
14. They called for immediate measures to crack down the rising smuggling activity.
A. 他们要求立即采取措施以打击(日渐)增多的走私活动
B. 他们要求立刻实行措施,减少上升的走私活动。
15. Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.
A. 年轻并非人生中的一段时光,而是一种心态
B. 年轻并非是人生中的时间,而是一种思想。
二、判断题(共 5 道试题,共 25 分。
1. A second term would give the president more power than was safe for republican institutions.第二任大选获胜使得总统获得更大的权力,而不是共和制度的安全。
A. 错误
B. 正确
2. Nightfall found him many minels short of his appointed preaching place.黄昏时,发现他离预定地方还有很多英里。
A. 错误
B. 正确
3. The little chap’s good-natured honest face won his way for him.小伙子长相和蔼诚恳,为自己赢得了自己的方式。
A. 错误
B. 正确
4. The sense of inferiority that he acquired in his youth has never been totally eradicated.年轻时留下的自卑感还没有完全消失。
A. 错误
B. 正确
5. An idea suddenly struck me. 我突然想到一个主意。
A. 错误
B. 正确